Baskakov body-oriented psychotherapy. Baskakov v.yu

The body is an extension of our psyche. And by influencing it, we can achieve the return of peace of mind and satisfaction. This anthology, compiled by one of the world's leading body psychotherapists Vladimir Baskakov, can open the door to the world of harmony and happiness for you.
The range of content is very wide - from the already classic monograph by D. Boadell on biosynthesis to the consideration of the topic of corporality in the works of Rene Magritte and Nikolai Gogol, from thanatotherapy, acting techniques and folklore analysis to the influence of the Russian body on our history.
Many of the latest bodywork techniques are being reviewed for the first time.

loose body
The idea of ​​the name of the Reader "Free Body" was taken by us from the main credo of the alchemist: "To liberate the spirit through matter and liberate matter through the spirit" (Schwartz F-, Poisson A., Blavatsky E.P. Theories and symbols of alchemists. - M .: New Acropolis , 1995. - s.I) and reflects the general direction of action in the field of body-oriented psychotherapy - assistance in establishing the most complete and trusting contact of a person with his body. The contact needed so that we can help the body get rid of its problems, and the body that is grateful to us for this can help us get rid of our problems. The question “do you own your body?” is still commonplace, which fixes in the mind and is itself a reflection of completely different (non-partner!) relationships: relationships of dependence, power and use. One has only to be surprised at the degree of patience and resignation with which our body then treats us.
We are as friendly as possible with our body - in childhood. Despite the fact that it is the most disobedient to us. How many bumps and bruises we received, mastering, it seems, very simple actions - walking, cycling. But mastering it and mastering the world through it, we were always grateful to him. And it, this obedient body, was grateful to us.
6_________________________________ Free body
In the adult state, our body is no longer controlled by the joy of discovery and development, but, alas, by expediency. To catch up with a departing bus with hands full of bags - what kind of joy can we talk about? And ahead - old age. And there is no strength to raise your already weak, and, most importantly, abandoned body. "Do you own your body?"
For the first time, this Reader includes systems that in our country are represented by long-term training programs - biosynthesis and the Rosen method. A certain difficulty for the compiler was the task of determining the framework for systems that work with the human body. Why they, and not, for example, yoga or classic massage. The human body is also used there. With regard to this task, we (as a working model and an invitation to discussion) have developed and offer the following five features of the difference between body-oriented psychotherapy systems and others that have methods of working with the human body in their arsenal.
Firstly, systems of body-oriented psychotherapy are a Western product, based in their methodology on late psychoanalysis or criticism of the latter*.
To do this, it is enough to take such basic constructs of this area as the idea of ​​"muscular shell", "character structure", and the mechanisms of their formation.
Secondly, we can talk about a fairly limited number of techniques for working with the body of this
*I remember how in the 1980s, at the time when psychoanalysis was "forbidden", the book Marxist Critique of Psychoanalysis played a large positive role in introducing the concept of psychoanalysis.
Reader on Body Oriented Therapy 7
last. Of course, you can come up with any "new" method of working with the human body, but as it is applied, it will either disappear as unnecessary, or, surprisingly, will be found in the unique "Golden Book of Techniques" that does not yet exist.
Thirdly, this area is characterized by a special table of correspondences of human problems and / or (which is the same) diseases to one or another part of the body and internal organs. Let's call it a kind of" "problem anatomy." Separate pages of this anatomy are presented in this Reader in the "Character Structure" section.
Fourthly, during the existence of body-oriented psychotherapy, its peculiar language has developed. Try to find the Russian equivalent of the concept of "facing" (from the English face - face). "Pyaling"? "Mording"? And what about the concepts of "grounding" (from the English ground - earth), "centring", "sounding"?
Finally, fifthly, as strange as it may seem, there is a certain fidelity to the original name - body-oriented psychotherapy. What kind of distortions you will not find in the Russian language! From derogatory and insulting "teleska" (try to imagine "Erickson" instead of Erickson's hypnosis), to unintelligible "bodily therapy" (surgery?, physiotherapy?) and "bodily orientation" (running around the area for a while with your tongue hanging out).
V. Baskakov, coordinator of the International program "Kuchtura Tepa"
Systems of body-oriented psychotherapy and psychotechnics
1.1. Biosynthesis*
Biosynthesis is a direction of body-oriented (or somatic) psychotherapy, which since the beginning of the seventies of our century has been developed by D. Boadella and his followers in England, Germany, Greece and other European countries, North and South America, Japan and Australia.
The approach is based on experience:
About embryology - in this regard, they say about biosynthesis, that thanks to it, psychoanalysis received its organic basis;
2) Reichian therapy;
3) the theory of object relations.
The term "biosynthesis" was first used by the English analyst Francis Mott. In his work, he was based on in-depth studies of intrauterine life.
After the death of F. Mott, David Boadella decided to use this term to describe his own therapeutic approach. He also
*The article was written by V. Berezkina-Orlova and G. Chentsova based on D. Boadella's monograph "Lifestreams - An Introduction to Biosynthesis" (London, 1987), articles from the journal "Energy and Character" and practical training seminars within the framework of the International long-term training biosynthesis programs (1994-1999)
Reader on Body-Oriented Therapy 9
I wanted to emphasize the difference between my method and bioenergy, developed by A. Lowen and J. Pierre-rakos, and biodynamics - the school of G. Boysen and her followers, who were engaged in various forms of massage to release blocked energy.*
The term "biosynthesis" means - "integration of life". We are talking about the integration of three vital energy flows that differentiate in the first week of the life of the embryo, the integrative existence of which is essential for somatic and mental health, and which stick together in neurotics.
These energy flows are associated with three germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm.
From the endoderm, the digestive and respiratory organs subsequently develop, which are responsible for the metabolism and energy. The energy flow associated with the endoderm is the flow of emotions. Endoderm is an organic substrate of "IT" (as a vegetative source of energy).
The mesoderm develops bones, muscles, and the circulatory system. A motor energy flow is associated with this germ layer, which is responsible for posture, movements, and actions. Mesoderm is an organic substrate of that part of the "I", which is the coordinator of movements.
The skin, brain, nerves, and sense organs develop from the ectoderm. Associated with it is the flow of perception of thoughts and images. Ectoderm - organic sub-
* All three areas: bioenergetics, biodynamics and biosynthesis have common roots (Reichian analysis), but they have fundamental differences.

The text is taken from the psychological site

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edited by V.Y.Baskakov

101 Publishing House Moscow 2006


editor-compiler V.Yu. Baskakov Institute for Humanitarian Studies Moscow 2006

UDC 615.8 BBK 53.57 R42

Editor-compiler V.Yu. Baskakov

Russian body-oriented psychotherapy in persons. - M, 2004.- 208s.

This collection includes articles by members and candidate members of the Association for Body-Oriented Psychotherapy, a professional organization known both in Russia and in the West. Currently, body-oriented psychotherapy in our country has received wide recognition and distribution. You can talk about it as a number of schools, directions, with their own methodology, experience in providing professional assistance, and a supervisory institution.

This publication is an attempt to look inside at the process of development of body-oriented psychotherapy in our country.

ISBN 5-88230-184-X

© Baskakov V.Yu., edition, compilation, 2006

© Institute for Humanitarian Studies, design, 2006


Baskakov V.Yu. Foreword ................................................................ ......................

Baskakov V.Yu. Therapy of Thanatos .............................................. ...............

Berezkina Orlova V. When the client finally leaves...............................

Vorobieva E., Gatina S. Motor correction of children

with deviant behavior ..........................................................

Voronkina S. Reflections on emotional and somatic

Competence and how to acquire it ..............................................

Grigorovskaya I. Features of the perception of time..................................

Ivanova G. Application of the principles of biosynthesis

working with people suffering

oncological diseases ..................................................

Korneev A., Morgun A. Step Height .................................................................. .

Kiseleva L. Biosynthesis as a way of personal growth

and holistic human development ..............................................

Koloshina T. Possibilities of using chakra

approach in the paradigm of biosynthesis ..............................................

Sakharova N. Motor fields in biosynthesis

and living motion in biomechanics ..............................................

Timoshenko G. Research as a way of short-term

group psychotherapy .............................................................. .

Timoshenko G., Leonenko E. Metaphor and body metaphor in psychotherapy: the experience of understanding and

systematization ................................................................ ............

Khandogin V. Mythological space of the new

of Russian hatha yoga: male version ..............................


The appearance of such a collection ten years ago could not even be imagined. At that time, it was impossible to talk about the existence of body psychotherapy in our country, as about a number of schools, directions, with its harmonious methodology, experience in providing professional assistance, and an institution of supervision. Single copies of Western books on body psychotherapy (let me remind you that the main texts of the same Alexander Lowen were written in the 70-80s) at that time could only be obtained by taking them out under the floor from the International Book Fairs. What we did, with the active support of foreign employees of such fairs. The Iron Curtain was not a metaphor for us at all and was felt in everything.

With the beginning of perestroika, remarkable specialists came to our country, for example, the English bioenergetician Rosslyn Langdon, or the German professor of the University of Oldenburg Eric Westphal (later co-founders of the International Body Culture Program). It is interesting that not only did we discover outlandish systems for working with the body, tested the regimes of these systems on our precious bodies, but the presenters themselves discovered (sometimes with tremendous surprise for themselves!) The specifics of the “Russian body”! I remember how at one of the first seminars on bioenergetics, which took place in the unforgettable psychiatric hospital No. 12, the presenter Rosslyn Langdon approached me with wide eyes and, pointing to the participants of the seminar lying with their legs up for ten minutes, whispered in my ear: “ Vladimir, everyone has been dying in this place for a long time!!” I had no choice but to explain to her about one of our Soviet patterns “tolerate everything!”. A colossal impetus in understanding the basics of body psychotherapy was given to us by the German Heinrich Werner. Until now, his ideas of “ideal parent-child and needle contacts”, his practices and exercises (“parent-child swaying”, “backstand”, “washing”) are used and included in many seminars and trainings (often, unfortunately, no credits to the author).

In addition to wonderful coaches, frank charlatans also rushed to our country. The reverence for everything imported at that time, based on the Soviet pattern “everything imported is the best,” led many of us to visit

There were such “specialists” and got acquainted with their brilliant ideas. So, at one of the seminars with a very attractive title "Man and Woman", we were offered to master the concept "Life is a bus, where a man is a driver and a woman is a passenger." For the remaining two days, we, united in pairs, “crawled” around the hall on chairs, making “stops”, “dropping off” and “picking up” passengers, etc. Now, without laughing, it’s impossible not to remember this, but then we were “seriously” did all this, and even for decent money for us.

A significant milestone in the development of Russian body psychotherapy can be considered the First Conference on Body Psychotherapy "Russia: Soul and Body", held in Moscow on July 22-24, 1999. The absence of clear boundaries in the field of body psychotherapy during the preparation of this conference led to the fact that it presented all approaches, to one degree or another, affecting work with the body (massage, yoga

and etc.), but often having nothing to do with body psychotherapy. Subsequently, we proposed criteria that distinguish this type of psychotherapy from other types of work with the body (see, "Free Body" / Reader on body-oriented psychotherapy, M., 2001, pp. 6-7).

Finally, thanks to the participation of Rosslyn Langdon, in Moscow, together with the author of the biosynthesis method, David Boadella, a long-term training program on biosynthesis was established in 1994, which immediately set the bar for professional body psychotherapy in Moscow, and throughout the country. It is happened

and due to the strong coaching staff, including such world "stars" as the Germans Andreas Wiechowski and Gerlinda Buchholz, the Dane Stefan Weise, the Greek Lili Anagnostopulo and others, and due to the deep long-term study of the participants of this long-term program in the group, individual and supervision work. Now we can talk about the LEVEL of professional body psychotherapy in our country, about its FACE.

This collection includes already published articles by members and candidate members of the Association for Body Oriented Psychotherapy, professional organizations known in the West, articles by specialists who themselves teach foreigners and are famous. The circle is closed: the inhalation is followed by the exhalation. Life goes on!

Vladimir Baskakov

Baskakov Vladimir Yurievich (1954) - a Russian psychologist (a graduate from Moscow State University, psychology, 1981), body oriented psychotherapist; developed the body oriented method in psychotherapy - thanatotherapy (certificate of authorship No. 5467 dd. 20.03.2003) which comprises a special "inj" approach to the treatment of a human body, a special mode of psychotherapeutic techniques: bodily homeopathy, the concept of biological and social body, four basic bodily problems; co-ordinator of International (Russia, Germany, the U.K.) program "Kultura Tela"(Body Culture), founder and the first president of Association of body-oriented psychotherapists of Russia. The existing member of the European Association of Body-oriented psychotherapists (EABP). Assistant Director of international long-run program in biosynthesis and tai-chi, trainer in long-term courses in thanatotherapy and body-oriented psychotherapy in Russia, the UIC and abroad (the UK, Germany, Italy, Israel, Check Republic); co-editor of the "Energy and Character", the Russian edition; former chief of psychological team of the Ministry of Navy of the USSR, ex-member of the Committee on new trends in physical culture of State Committee of Sports of the USSR. Since 2001, Director of the Institute of Thanatotherapy. V.Yu.Baskakov ANO "Institute of thanatotherapy", Moscow

Baskakov Vladimir Yuryevich (born 1954) - Russian psychologist (graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 1981), body psychotherapist; the author of the method of body-oriented psychotherapy - thanatotherapy, which combines a special Yin approach to the human body, a special mode of performing psychotherapeutic techniques, - bodily homeopathy, the concept of the biological and social body, four basic problems human body. Coordinator of the International (Russia, Germany, Great Britain) program "Body Culture", founder and first president of the Association of Body-Oriented Psychotherapists of Russia. Full member of the European Association of Body Psychotherapists (EABP). For a number of years - co-leader of the international long-term training program on biosynthesis and taijiquan, trainer of long-term training programs on thanatotherapy and body-oriented psychotherapy in Russia, CIS countries and abroad (Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Israel, Czech Republic, Scotland ), co-editor of the Russian edition of the Energy and Character magazine. From the moment of formation, for a number of years he headed the psychological service of the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR, was a member of the commission on new types of physical culture of the USSR State Sports Committee. Since 2001, director of the Institute of thanatotherapy.

Thanatos Therapy

The article deals with one of the basic problems of Man and Mankind - the problem of the impossibility of a full-fledged contact of a person with the reality of death and dying. At the heart of this problem is the difficulty of a person’s contact with his strong feelings, which are directly related to the peculiarities of the human bodily processes, the existing opposition at the level of the “biological / animal” and “social” bodies and which manifest themselves in an imbalance of breathing, low “grounding”, etc. Thanatotherapy as a method of “total relaxation and grounding” allows, in the safest possible way, to help a person establish contact with that part of our life that is usually considered as the opposition to life, i.e. with death. The results of the use of thanatotherapy in the treatment of a number of diseases and in helping to solve a number of psychological problems are presented.

The article deals with the basic problem of Man and Mankind, the problem of impossibility of full-fledged contact of man with the reality of death and dying. In the corn of that problem we find the difficulties of a human-being in dealing with their strong feelings directly related to particular qualities of bodily processes, the complexities of the existing opposition of "biological/ animal" and "social" bodies which manifests in breathing disorders, low level of "grounding" e.t.c

Phanatotherapy as a method of "total relaxation and grounding", rendering assistance in the most safe way, let us help a person to establish a contact with the part of our life which is regarded as an opposition to life i.e. death. The results of the application of the method of phanatotherapy are listed in the article.

The main goal of thanatotherapy is to provide specific assistance (from therapia - care, care, treatment) in establishing (or restoring the lost) contact of a person with the processes of death and dying (Baskakov V., 1995). The relevance of such assistance, especially at the present time, is based on the impossibility of a full-fledged contact of the modern, and, therefore, in the apt expression of the domestic director and actor Rollan Bykov, - schizophrenic a person with his strong feelings that he experiences at the moment of his contact with the reality of death (the problem of the so-called "grounding of feelings"). As a result: real death is expelled from the life of a modern person, tabooed, and, therefore, due to the initial balance / duality of all life, cosmic processes (inhale-exhale, day-night, summer-winter), it penetrates into our life in the form of ersatz death , simulacrum (Baudrillard J., 2000). Hence its abundance in contemporary cinematography and fiction - the quantity of ersatz-death compensates for the quality of forbidden real death. Due to the noted schizophrenia of a modern person, the initial balance of the three spheres of his existence is disturbed - “mind” - “feelings” - “bodily sensations and impulses” (Boadella D., 1987, Uspensky P., 1994) with a powerful emphasis / dominance of “mind” ( mind, consciousness, control). The forecast for the future of the noted imbalance of the three spheres is easy to trace on the example of aliens from the future - humanoids - their appearance - a huge, as it were, "bloated" head and dystrophic limbs. Since the dominance of the “mind” with the parallel “freezing” of feelings and blocking of bodily impulses is going on and rapidly developing in modern man, Shakespeare’s “I call death!” sounds more and more relevant. Death acts in its specific function and positive role as an activator of strong (albeit through fear!) feelings of modern man, a re-integrator of his three spheres.

Thanatotherapy - models (does not imitate!) real death through its symbolic representation. Such types-symbols of death are in thanatotherapy: total relaxation, sleep, any ending/completion, orgasm, insanity, object/subject characteristics of the body (Baskakov V., 2000).

Total relaxation like death

Only in the first minutes of death, the human body relaxes as much as possible (cf. "dead" - from peace), the overcontrol of consciousness leaves the body, and the latter becomes an object / object (cf. "dead drunk", which means it falls like a sack). For this reason, many relaxation techniques are considered ideal, i.e. of the most relaxed object, they use the image of the body of a deceased person (compare the “dead person’s pose” from yoga). The dead body occupies a number of positions important for total relaxation: the arms and legs are fully opened, the lower jaw falls off, the eyes open slightly. Interestingly, after death, certain actions are often performed with the body of the deceased, aimed at bringing these fully opened parts of the body “back to normal”: the eyes are closed, the lower jaw is tied with a handkerchief, hands and feet are tied. And this is instead of maintaining the characteristics of a fully open body during life, for example, a parted mouth, which our parents close to us in childhood (“shut your mouth, otherwise a fly will fly in!”), And as adults we open it only from excessive surprise.

It is important to note that a totally relaxed body becomes colder, and coldness, for example, of the limbs is a reliable indicator of movement towards total relaxation. This contradicts, for example, the path of autogenic training, where after the autosuggestion “my hand is heavy” (quite rightly; see below “objectivity and objectivity of parts of the body”) follows - “my hand is warm”. Relaxation and warmth are incompatible things.

Sleep is like death

This type of death is best traced in the fairy tale tradition (the revived characters pronounce the traditional “how long I slept”). The old Russian “to close one’s eyes” means at the same time “to fall asleep, to fall asleep” and “to die” (Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language, 2001).

Many of the prayers "for the coming sleep" and "morning" prayers, in fact, describe the act of leaving the body of the soul (death) and its return (resurrection).

In mythology, the god of sleep, Hypnos, is the brother of the god of death, Thanatos. So the mechanisms of dreams and thanatotherapy are similar: at the moment of relaxation in a dream, healing (“morning is wiser than evening”) unconscious structures are activated, energy is activated, which does not lead to its usual suppression and retention (for example, retention of feelings in the “Russian body”, Baskakov V., 1998) or, conversely, reacting, but allows


3.1. Baskakov V. Thanatotherapy - the art of life and death

Thanatotherapy is, first of all, a psychotherapeutic method of influencing the whole range of human problems and affects all types of corporeality: the individual body, the family, the organization and the state as a body (2) It is based on healing biological reactions that organize and correct - tiruyuschie energy balance in the human body. Thanatotherapy (from the Greek thanatos death and therapia - care, care, treatment) - the area of ​​​​establishment by a person of the most complete contact with the processes of dying and death (1) and therapy in this case consists in providing appropriate assistance in establishing such contact. Loss of the culture of the so-called. correct, natural dying and death (6), expressed in preparation for death during life, a clear understanding of the presence of the processes of dying and death in everyday life acts, the lack of examples of such death at the moment - formed the image of death monster, excruciating agony Even the word death has become a taboo.

In ordinary life, a person daily encounters various analogues of the process of dying and death.

^ Relaxation is like death. Only in the first minutes of death, the human body relaxes as much as possible, the overcontrol of consciousness leaves the body and the latter becomes an object object (compare, “dead”, “eternal peace”). For this reason, many relaxation techniques as an ideal, i.e. of the most relaxed object, they use the image of the body of a deceased person (compare the “dead person’s pose” from yoga).

^ Sleep as death. This is best traced in the fairy tale tradition (animated characters pronounce the traditional “how long I slept”). Most prayers "for the coming sleep" and "morning" in fact describe the act of leaving the body of the soul (death) and its return (resurrection). The mechanism of the healing of dreams is similar to the mechanism of the healing of thanatotherapy: at the moment of relaxation in a dream, the healing (“morning of the evening is wiser”) activation of unconscious structures occurs, the activation of energy, which does not lead to its usual suppression and retention (to for example, holding feelings in the “Russian body” (2) or, conversely, reacting, but allows you to fully accept it (“ground”), which contributes to its unblocking and harmonization.

Any ending, ending is like death. This is the deadline for accepting applications for conferences and symposiums, and the words of the song "parting is a small death." In archaic and a number of modern cultures, any age transition (growing up of boys, marriage of girls), ups and downs in the status of adults are usually initiated through death, which softens and eliminates the time gap (9,11).

Orgasm, considered in the East as a "little death" At the moment of orgasm, a colossal energy explosion (the same as at the moment of the formation of a zygote at conception and the same as at the moment of death - at the separation of soul and body) is accompanied by the fear of losing one's own Self / Self / Ego, which leads to maximization of contact with a sexual partner (the mechanism of “grounding” the energy of feelings has already been described)

The foregoing allows us to positively assess the role of death in a person’s life and take a positive attitude to the existing experience in working with the processes of dying and death (Father P Florensky, R Moody, S Grof, E Kübler-Ross, etc.)

Thanatotherapy, in contrast to imitation practices, models the process of proper natural dying. It is based on the characteristics of the body of a person who died with this type of death (total relaxation, stopping consciousness control, objectivity of the body, the so-called biological breathing, etc.) covers a whole area of ​​work with the human body and is formalized through a peculiar principle. We will give only some of the methods of thanatotherapy
^ Preparatory exercise

The seminar participants sit in a circle. The host invites anyone who wants to help him in demonstrating the first method of thanatotherapy. To do this, he asks the group member to come out and lie on the floor on his back in the center of the circle. As the experience of conducting numerous seminars on thanatotherapy shows, almost all participants who have expressed a desire lie down so that their legs are located side by side, and their arms are along the body, and with palms down, you propose to take the position of a "star" ("Vitruvius figure" by Leonardo da Vin- chi) with palms facing out

^ Figure of Vitruvius
Why is the "star" position avoided in almost all cases? Everyone notes the openness and the associated insecurity of a person lying in such a position. For most, the ego is associated with "the danger of losing, losing" But the other side of the star's position is not taken into account - this is at the same time the position of the maximum receiving. In this ambivalence of this position lies a typical mistake and, in some way, - the tragedy of a person, "being afraid to lose, you lose to get." Living (and we really do, but basically we live like this) in a position of closeness - how much we lose: information, experiences, energy, colors of the world.. Hence - and the main goal of bodily practitioner in any systems of psychotherapy and esoteric systems" to help a person take the position of a "star" in life, to make this position as safe as possible

The marked position ("star" or "figure of Vitruvius") is included in the category of the so-called. real positions and are characterized by maximum ambivalence (maximum return and receipt, moreover, at the same time). It is precisely because of this ambivalence, and, therefore, increased energy (the greater the "potential difference" - the stronger the current), energy intensity - both the star and the person in the position of the "star", and the circle (the circle of participants in the seminar , where inside the circle all those sitting are maximally open to each other, but anyone entering from the outside meets backs) are the most commonly used magical symbols.
^ 1. "Theater of touch"
Group members are divided into pairs, in which one becomes an "actor", actively acting (from the English act - action), the other - a "spectator", passively perceiving. The passive-perceiver assumes the position of the "star" (see preparatory exercise). The active one sits next to him. The stage of such a theater is the body of the passive perceiver. On this stage, the "actor" makes different types of contacts - needle-shaped, pointwise touching with his fingertips different parts of the partner's body; rather rigid, pressing with the entire surface of the palm or fist; spaced in different parts of the body (simultaneously several touches in different places of the partner’s body); various kinds of "overlapping-bridges", for example, to block both legs of the partner with your own hand (See photo).

Photo from the magazine "Capital"

The main condition for the correct implementation of this technique is formulated as "do not rush!" (That's right, and not, for example, "do it slower"). Another important condition: you suggest that the active-acting wait some time after the beginning of the reception, and not "pounce" on the passive-perceiving. In this case, the body of the "viewer" seems to increase in volume - it is looking for the first touch. Only in this case, the contacts on the part of the "actors" become relevant, accepted by the "spectators".

The goal of the "actors" in this impromptu theater of the body ("bodily jazz", but to the apt expression of P. Gorobets) is to surprise their partners, moreover, to surprise with the production of the "performance", its plot, stage moves. The task of passively perceiving is one of the most difficult: not to set and not solve any problems (“what do they concern me with?”, “Where will they touch me next time?”, etc.).

The time allotted for this exercise is 5-7 minutes, after which the partners change roles. It is good to accompany this exercise with music of a meditative-relaxation nature.

A special remark concerns the end of this and all subsequent exercises-methods. When you ask your partner to finish the exercise (and immediately offer him not to rush, to stay in this state), your partner, most often, and with rare exceptions, ends it in a standard and completely wrong way. He strains his abdominal muscles and tries to rise and sit straight from a lying position (I remember that Gogol's witch from Viy rose and sat in a coffin in this way). The correct ending is at first a rotation - turning the body on its side and, only then, lifting. We recall that this is exactly what children of the first years of life do, mastering the body that is not yet obedient to their will (and, therefore, more objective, passive, relaxed - that body, to achieve the characteristics of which this technique is aimed at).
^ 2. "Bodily Homeopathy"
In this technique, we discover the area of ​​Mr. "bodily homeopathy" and get acquainted with one of its key principles - the principle of small doses and quantities. The founder of homeopathy, doctor Hahnemann, in the works "Organon" Y "Fragmenta de Viribus" (1805) and "Reine Arzneimittellehrc" (181t) formulated a principle that, in relation to thanatotherapy, can be represented as follows: minimal in terms of strength and amplitude of influence lead to feelings and experiences that are maximal in strength.

In the demonstration, the partner on whom you show this technique takes the position of the "star". You sit down on any of his limbs. First, make contact. Then, after a sufficiently long time, having touched with your hand, for example, his foot, you begin to smoothly and very slowly (the principle of "do not hurry" of the previous technique is preserved) to press and, thus, take it aside

Note that in Russian it seems difficult to find a verb denoting the described action and not containing the context of injury (compare: twist-twirl-fold - medically twist the leg, displace - medically displace bones, etc.).

To external observers, this action is completely imperceptible, while the passively perceiving one immediately reacts to this technique - first of all, with breathing (it changes), a tremor of the "curtain" of the eyelashes, the latter are responsible in the body for control by consciousness (the intensity of the tremor increases due to the growth of control).

The time allotted for this technique is not limited, and the partners change roles after they have completed the cycle (the joke that the cycle consists of one leg, one arm and one head is well received).

When working with the hand, it is important to draw the attention of the group members that it is you who raise the brush and bring your palm under it, and not the partner allows you to raise his brush. The difference is colossal and is measured in kilograms of hand weight. This difference is associated with the participation of the control role and the activity of the partner lying in the “star” position. Let us recall that the body takes on true inactivity, passivity, objectivity only after death (hence the shocking effect of A. Sokurov's film "The Second Circle", especially those shots where the body of the hero's deceased father is used in this unusual capacity - as an object, object - one that is next to other objects, manifestations, etc.).

In working with the head, special importance is attached to the landing of the active-acting. She must be

Reader on Body-Oriented Therapy 119

Most stable and comfortable. It is recommended that you sit at the head of a passive-perceiving person lying with legs wide apart so that his head is between your legs. The arms of the lying person are wide open (the position of the "star") and lie on the floor. You touch the palm of one of the cheeks. You maintain a significant pause in time (the face is one of the most taboo places of the “Russian body”). Only after that smoothly and accurately proceed to pressure. With your pressure, you take the lying head away for a small distance (the nose of the lying partner is taken away no more than a few centimeters), then you remove your load in the same homeopathic mode and the partner’s head returns to its place. 4-5 minutes for each limb.

The impressions from this technique are mainly related to the sensations of polarization inside the body. Sometimes there is a feeling of the absence of one or another limb (a way of working with pain), or, conversely, a feeling of the presence of an active hand (despite the fact that the latter has already begun to work with another limb).

The use of basic techniques of thanatotherapy is possible both individually and by a group of trained thanatotherapists and also includes work with breathing (inhalation is life, exhalation is death), individual parts of the body (lower jaw, eyes, neck, soles legs), which is key in providing assistance in the terminal phase of dying, etc.

Tanagotherapy as a type of body-oriented psychotherapy covers four basic psycho-therapeutic problems of a person associated with supercontrol of consciousness (head), contact with feelings (chest, arms, neck), sexual relationships (groin area), supports (legs).

From the above elements of Thanatotherapy (“theatre of touches”, “bodily homeopathy”), a group of 3-5 people can carry out a kind of “assembly” / initiation (the word “initiation” is borrowed from the Latin language and means “go inside”) , when each of the "actors" himself chooses which of the above methods he is going to work with. Passive-perceiving takes the position of a "star", a group of "actors" sits around and, at the command of the leader, they start working using the methods chosen by the "actors" ( Drawing from the Italian magazine "Re Nudo").

The effect is greatly enhanced with the addition of the following techniques and principles of Thanatotherapy, "body magic", "sequence of presented supports", etc.

During the session, the body of a person lying on his back for the first time truly relaxes as much as possible, the limbs become cold, the lower jaw falls off, arms and legs open. As a result, the body is maximally "grounded", which automatically starts the mechanism of energy activation from the "problem" / diseased areas of the human body. Such an energy balance (“grounding/activation”) is maximally biological and healing for a person.

Of particular interest are the descriptions of "journeys" by persons who have undergone sessions of thanatoterapy. In most details, they correspond to the descriptions of persons who have undergone clinical death (exit from the body, "channel", "luminous being", delight, etc.) (.5,7,8,12,14,15,16) Below are the most characteristic protocols of the impressions and experiences of the participants in the sessions. The style of the language has been preserved.
^ Tatyana S, 32 years old.

I realized that death is not an emotional state... because emotions do not participate in it. For the first time, I felt the unscrewing of my arms and legs. I lifted my head above the body and watched... The head, something else and this "something" does not like this stupid head. I wanted it not to end... I wanted to jump out of my body like a snake out of skin, it's like anesthesia: a dark, black space with geometric shapes... Just a little more and then something happened ... When lifted - bliss and bright light ...
^ Elena K., aged 37.

I had a near-death experience. I started comparing. It was very pleasant, my father ran, but I didn't care. And the feeling of wild pain when life returns ...

In the "theater of touch" one part of the body appeared and then disappeared. Then everything rushed upwards, but at the same time there was a feeling of trust that I was in the right place. When pressed, I realized that it allows the whole body to relax. I disintegrated and soaked into the ground. "Glitches" began when they left me alone ... I seemed to be with my soul, but returned to my body, as if visiting - having come to a house where you don't live, or how to fit into a glove ...
^ Natasha L., aged 28.

From the very beginning, I wanted to moan incredibly ... What surprised me the most was that I watched from the side ... It's hard to remember ...

I looked from the side: I was lying in my pajamas. The most complete immersion is when left alone. I've had several times in my life - a tunnel with light. This time - he wriggled like a train, in cells. I struggled for a long time over the question - if the pipe is bent, there should be no light ... At the end - a gray door. It seemed that the body does not have a specific shape, but takes on a form that is associated with movements.

Currently, work is underway on the cognitive mapping of this space in order to create a kind of "pilot directions" and manage these travels (a kind of "thanatotherapeutic Internet").

Thanatotherapy has a powerful relaxation effect, affecting and correcting almost all psychological problems of a person.

The use of thanatotherapy by trained specialists allows to obtain significant results in the field of medicine, in the treatment of: patients suffering from infertility and recurrent miscarriage (V. Baskakov, Moscow), osteochondrosis of the spine (A. Gaivanenko, Odessa), depression , asthenia (K.Barannikov, Yekaterinburg), drug addiction (A.Ponomarev, Yekaterinburg; K.Kishinevskaya, Saratov), ​​schizophrenia (K.Barannikov, Yekaterinburg); when working with pain (E. Kosyreva, Minsk), when preparing for childbirth (Yu. Postnova, Moscow), when working with fears and fear of death (S. Voronkina, Krasnodar: I. Voskresenskaya, Petrozavodsk; E. Belaya , Vladivostok; K. Kishinevskaya, Saratov; K. Barannikov, Yekaterinburg).


1 Baskakov V. Tanatotherapy. Psychological encyclopedic dictionary. Infra-M (in press)

2. Baskakov V. Russian body (to the formulation of the problem of body-oriented analysis of the national character). "Psychological consultation", No. 1, 1998 pp 13-20.

3. Baskakov V. Body-oriented psychotherapy and psychotechnics: generalization and comparative analysis of existing approaches. Sat Human corporeality: interdisciplinary research. M.1991. Pages 54-61.

4. Baskakov V. Minimal impacts in terms of strength and amplitude. Body-oriented psychotherapy. Reader. SPb., 2000, pp. 264-276.

5 Grof S, Halifax J. Man in the face of death. M.1996.-246s.

6. About Pavel Florensky A person dies only once in his life "" Not by the admiration of the Nepshchev" (Philipp. 2, 6-8) (On the judgment of mysticism), Sergiev Posad, 1915.

7. Psychology of death and dying: Reader / Comp. K.V. Selchenok, - Minsk: Harvest, 1998.- 656s

8. Steven Levine Who is dying? - K.: "Sofia", Ltd. 1996.-352p.

9 Talalazh I, Talalazh S. The most incredible in the world - sex, rituals, customs. M.: KRON-PRESS, 1998.- 262p.

11. Fraser JJ The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. M.: Politizdat, 1980.-831s.

12. A New Age Handbook on Death and Dying DeVorss & Company, 1982

13. Baskakov V. Body Magic/ Energy and Character. The Journal of Biosynthesis. Vol.25 #1, April 1994, p.15-17

14. Easy Death: Spiritual Discourses and Essays on the Inherent and Ultimate Transcendence of Death and Everything Else The Dawn Horse Press, 1991

15. Kubler-Ross, E On Death and Dying. London: Collier-Macmillan Ltd, 1969

16. Moody, R.A Life After Life, Atlanta, Ga-Mockingbird Books, 1975
^ 3.2. V. Berezkin-Orlova. Actor's Body-Oriented Psychic Techniques
The presented psychological training is a further development of the "Bodily-Oriented Psychotechnics of the Actor" described in the Reader on Body-Oriented Psychotherapy and Psychotechnics (Moscow, 1993). When developing the training, special attention was paid to bodily sensations and non-verbal components of communication.

Often, when communicating, only its verbal component is taken into account, while a person always, whether he wants it or not, also speaks with his body, facial expressions, movements (it has been established that a person conveys from 40 to 70% of information with his body and intonations). Moreover, body language is less conscious, less controllable, and therefore more truthful. It is good to use non-verbal techniques when working with people who experience difficulties in self-expression, are clamped, constrained by social role stereotypes, who tend to rationalize, "talk" problems, with psychosomatic diseases.

Throughout life, a person learns to suppress such feelings as shame, resentment, fear, anger. But it is known that that part of us that we reject in ourselves becomes our persecutor. The body "knows" and "remembers" all the suffering of our soul, it can tell us a lot about ourselves, it can teach us a lot, it can help us restore lost connections and show the way to healing. It gives us signals that we do not understand and ignore, since contact with our own body is often broken, sometimes completely lost. Alienation from one's own body also leads to interpersonal alienation. The restoration of such contact is the main goal of the proposed training. The objectives of the training, subordinate to its main goal, are:

Removal of bodily tension;

Awareness of their problems in the form of their bodily counterparts;

Establishing non-verbal contacts with other people;

Improving psychological well-being when interacting with other people.

It should be noted that the possibility of using the training does not depend on the theoretical positions of the psychotherapist and on his preferred direction of psychotherapy. Techniques similar to those used in training are used in psychodrama, gestalt therapy, and psychosynthesis. Most of the techniques offered by us are described by M.A. Chekhov, stage teachers working in the framework of the school of K.S. Stanislavsky, as well as the theater director E.V. Kolesnikova. Some of them have inevitably undergone some changes and additions, since we do not set ourselves purely stage tasks. The tasks of increasing sensitivity to oneself, to one's own body, to one's own emotions and feelings, to another person, solved with the help of these techniques, are important and "eternal" psychological and psychotherapeutic tasks in almost all areas of psychotherapy.
During the training, participants get acquainted with three large semantic pieces:

1 Work with muscle tension;

2. Work with the "atmosphere" (context of communication).

3. Work with "psychological gesture".
The last two concepts were described by M. Chekhov and, in our opinion, are of exceptional importance for expanding the circle of awareness of non-verbal aspects of human interaction.
^ Muscle tension

According to the provisions of body-oriented therapy, bodily clamps (tensions of various muscle groups and shortness of breath) are generated by internal psychological conflicts and a person’s desire to isolate himself from unpleasant emotions. Clamps, often remaining unconscious, "devour" a huge amount of a person's energy, interfering with his normal functioning, leading to fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in certain parts of the body, interruptions in breathing, not weakening, but, on the contrary, increasing the psychological and physiological discomfort.

Various ways of working with muscle tension are described: direct massage, self-hypnosis, strengthening of clamps, transferring tension to other parts of the body that are easier to relax, etc.

The techniques proposed below will give the opportunity to choose the most "consonant" method for the participant, with which he can continue to work independently.

1. Contrast voltage

"Tighten your right hand. Feel how it becomes heavy, as if the center of gravity of your body is moving into it. Strengthen the tension, exaggerate it, bringing it to the limit. Relieve the tension. Do the same with the left hand. Tighten shoulders If you feel that you are not succeeding, press your fingers a little on your shoulders, feel the tension. -niyam)... Back... Lower back... Both legs... Right leg... Left leg... Lower abdomen Tighten upper abdomen What is happening to your breathing? Not filling up. Release tension. Tighten your chest. Pay attention to your breathing. Release tension. Tighten the whole body. Relax. Tighten, relax."

When performing this and the next exercise, the participants must be warned that if one of them had physical injuries, fractures, the affected parts of the body should work in a gentle mode, exaggeration of stress should occur in the imagination.
^ 2. Voltage rollover.

"Tighten your right arm to the limit. Gradually relaxing it, transfer the tension higher into the shoulder (as if the center of gravity of your body is moving from the arm to the right shoulder) ... into both shoulders.

Bring the tension in your shoulders to the limit. Gradually releasing the shoulders, transfer the tension to the left hand (move the center of gravity of the body into it). Gradually relaxing your left arm, move the tension up over your left shoulder to the back of your neck. Having brought tension in the neck to the limit, transfer it to the upper back to the shoulder blades ... lower ... to the lower back ... to the pelvic region ... to the right leg ... from the right leg through the waist to left leg... from the left leg up to the lower abdomen... to the upper abdomen... to the chest... to the right arm. Relieve stress."

3. Mercury.

"Imagine that your body is an old, stagnant mechanism. It is broken, it just needs lubrication. Now you have the opportunity to work out well all parts of your body, all its joints. In the index finger of your right hand you will be introduced magic lubricant, one drop of which is enough to set the mechanism of your body to work.Delivering this substance from one part of the body to another, do not miss a single section.Close your eyes.Start working.Take your time.After smearing one part (for example, hands), check how it works (whole hand as a whole, fingers separately)". Work can be considered finished when the whole body is lubricated, warmed up.
4. Puppets.
5. Growing up.

(Exercises are described in the "Reader on body-oriented psychotherapy").
6. Relaxation lying down.

"Close your eyes. Listen to the sounds outside the window. The rustle of the wind, the singing of birds, voices. What else? Listen to the sounds that fill this building (but are outside this room). Listen to the sounds that fill this room "Listen to what's going on in your body. Listen to your breathing. What is it like? Don't hold it up or speed it up. Don't change anything, just listen. Hear your heartbeat. Hear the heartbeat in other parts of your body."

Your body may be in a state of tiredness or alertness, tension or relaxation, sickness or health. Be that as it may, it can tell you a lot about itself and about you. Thank him for the first contact with you and, when you are ready, feel yourself lying on the floor in this room. Open your eyes."
^ 7. Dialogue with a tense part of the body.

"Close your eyes. With your mind's eye, go through your entire body, see its tense and relaxed areas. Focus on the most tense part of your body (maybe you always feel this clamp; maybe in difficult situations for you; maybe be aware of it while doing one of the previous exercises. Feel this part of your body, be attentive to any sensations. Do not invent anything, surrender to the free flow of images (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). images arise when you focus on your clamp? If it's a visual image, take a closer look at it. What is it (or who is it)? What color"? Is it something warm or cold? Approach him. Ask what he wants from you.

Turn to your memory, try to remember the moments of your life when you felt absolutely happy. What happens to the image?

Run a feeling of absolute well-being throughout your body, especially directing it to those parts of the body with which you have problems. What's happening?

Imagine and feel how all diseases and ailments disappear under the influence of forces coming from the experience of complete bodily well-being.
^ Motor improvisations

The purpose of the motor improvisations offered by us is to give a person the opportunity to be in different roles, in different emotional states, to interact with each other in non-traditional ways, to listen to their feelings in motion. At the beginning of the training, participants are offered simple game improvisations, some samples are offered for their implementation (for example, images of animals). As we progress through the training, we discard samples, and the improvisations are guided by the inner impulses of the participants.

The techniques we offer are designed both for individual work ("Closing", "Growth"), and for pair work (the so-called techniques for joining the state of another person: "Mirror",

"Shadow", "Equilibrium", "Fight", "Siamese twins", "Suppression", "Conversation through glass") and for the work of the whole group (various group sculptures).

1. Walking with clamps.

"Continuing to walk, strain your right arm to the limit ... your left arm ... your entire upper half of your body ... your left leg ... your right leg - both legs ... your entire lower half of your body ... your lower back ... Imagine that you are small children... robots... old people... Imagine that your body mass has doubled... Imagine that your body is practically weightless... Imagine that you need to hurry, but you really don’t want to do this ... Imagine that everything inside you is running, and you are holding yourself back ... "

The exercise ends with walking at a free pace.
^ 2. Animals, birds, fish.

Participants follow each other in a circle.

"Imagine you are a bird of prey... a little chicken... a cat (domestic or wild, whichever you prefer)... an elephant... a bird again... a fish... a butterfly... Imagine yourself any animal "The one that is closest to you, the one you look like, stay with him. How does he move, what sounds does he make? What does it feel like to be in the form of this beast ... And now you are people again. The pace of movement is calm. Take a few deep breaths." The exercise is over."
3. Zoo.

"Find yourself a place in this room where you would be comfortable. We are in the zoo Imagine yourself as an animal - your antipode (the animal that you least resemble, whose habits are opposite to yours). Become this animal. Give your body a polo -zhenie, characteristic of him.

The cages have opened, the animals have got out and are walking around the zoo. They look, sniff, interact if they want. Possible manifestations of curiosity, aggression, self-defense (without direct contact). Any vocalization is possible, except for words ...

Look for a couple - an animal or a bird with whom you could be close, interact or simply coexist without mutual tension. Interact...

You have expressed trust in each other. Discuss with your partner what happened, your feelings, experiences, something that may be unexpected for you.
^ 4. Movement with accession.

The exercise is carried out in pairs to the music.

"Let one of you (or both together) begin to make any movements, listening to the music and to yourself. Let the second one try to make movements in harmony (not synchronous, but harmonious movements) with the first. Stay in harmony with the music, with oneself, with each other."
5. Gifts.

"We love it when people give us gifts. Now you have the opportunity to exchange imaginary gifts with your partner. You can give him whatever you want. You are not allowed to talk, but try to present your gift in such a way that your partner understood that he was given and was able to respond. Exchange two gifts with a partner in turn.
^ 6. A blind man is a guide.

The exercise is done in pairs.

"One of you is blind, the other is a guide. The task of the guide is to acquaint the blind with the surrounding space (world), allow him to get maximum information, while protecting him from possible dangers. You need to take into account the character of the blind, his temperament."

After the exchange of roles, a discussion of the acquired experience in pairs is held.
7. Mirror.

8. Shadow.

9. Conversation through glass.

10. Siamese twins.

11. Pump and inflatable doll. *
* The last five techniques need not be described as they are fairly well known; in addition, they were described in the Reader on Body-Oriented Psychotherapy (Moscow, 1993). It should only be noted that we use them as exercises for attaching to the state of another person, and this is what we are talking about when discussing the experience gained in the course of their implementation.
12. Balance.

Participants are divided into pairs, stand opposite each other at a distance of 70-100 cm, stretch their arms forward and touch their palms. The task of each of them is to make the partner lose balance (get off the spot), while maintaining it himself.

It is good to do this exercise several times with different partners, since each person chooses his own strategy for performing this exercise, depending not only on the characteristics of his character, but also on the characteristics of the established contact with a partner.
13. Fight.

The exercise is done in pairs.

"You are opponents. The task is to defeat the opponent. Tune in to fight. Be careful, you have to not only strike, but also repel the enemy's attack. The exercise is carried out at a slow pace and without direct contact."

The exercise can be used as a stand-alone technique for responding to aggression. The slow pace allows you to "see" the strength and energy of aggression.
^ 14. Suppression (another name is "The Struggle of Views").

Participants are divided into pairs and sit opposite each other.

"Look into each other's eyes. Now you are in equal positions. Let gradually one of you (agree in advance who) begins to suppress the other with a look. When your partner is completely "suppressed", freeze for 2-3 seconds (one - at the height of the position, the other - "thrown" down). After that, let the look of the "suppressed" partner begin to gain strength, the look of the "suppressing" - to lose it. Your positions are equal again. Now the one who was "suppressed" before, begins to suppress his opponent with his own gaze. And again, when the partner is completely "suppressed", freeze for 2-3 seconds. "

Each partner during the exercise should visit the “top” position 2-3 times and the same number in the “bottom” position. The exercise ends in a position "on an equal footing".
^ 15. Unscrewed head.

“How difficult it is sometimes to “turn off” your head, so often it interferes “in its own business.” Now you will have the opportunity to exist a little without it. Break into pairs. no, shakes, etc.) At the moment when the first one relaxes, the second one starts to “unscrew” his head (carefully so that the first one “does not catch on”). When the head is finally unscrewed, the second participant carries an imaginary head in the corner of the room and hides it, then wakes up his comrade...

How are you without a head? You don't see or hear anything... What's going on?... Look for your head!

Having allowed his partner to exist in a new capacity for him for some time, the second participant

Reader on Body-Oriented Therapy 137

Nick returns his head. He carefully studies it and, after identification, together they "screw" it into place.

After doing the exercise, the partners exchange impressions (or write them down) and change roles.

1. The appearance of the subject and field of "thanatotherapy" is directly related to one of the basic problems of Man and Mankind - the impossibility of establishing a full (maximally complete) contact with the processes of death and dying. At the heart of this problem lies the complexity of the so-called. “grounding” of feelings: the reality of death, perceived by a person as his personal finiteness, completeness, lethality (“ashes”, “decay”), activates too strong his feelings. The activation of a person's feelings is the activation of his energy. In order to agree with this statement, remember how the body begins to behave at the moment when a person experiences strong feelings. The body is trying to bring this energy out through a kind of “work” of the body: a person begins to nervously walk around the room, clasping his hands, loudly indignant (at this moment, according to the satirist’s apt remark, “steam comes out through the whistle”), etc. Human, cultivated and civilized ( "social") the body is not able to "ground" such an amount of energy that is associated with the experience of death (Baskakov V., 1998). The way out of this situation is logical. On the one hand, death is removed from the life of a person and Humanity, a person gets out of contact with death. Death turns from reality into a force (Yampolsky M., 1991, Baudrillard J., 2000). On the other hand, death turns into a monster, a taboo.

Hence the name of the field - "thanatotherapy" - very clearly indicates the main goal of such therapy - the provision of specific (!) Assistance ( therapy - care, care, treatment) in establishing and restoring the lost maximum contact with the processes of death and dying (Baskakov V., 2001), and thus distinguishes it, on the one hand, from thanatology - the science of death (rather philosophy) , on the other hand, from palliative care, simply caring for the dying.

2. Thanatotherapy integrates knowledge about different types of death (total relaxation, sleep, orgasm, ending / stopping, insanity, object characteristics of the body, etc.), specific methods (techniques) of working to establish contact with the listed types of death are proposed (see. the content of the seminars of the basic and meta-levels, as well as (Baskakov V., 2001).

3. The emphasis in thanatotherapy is on working with the body and through the body of the client. In this we see a special "mission" of thanatotherapy in restoring a kind of justice in relation to the human body. Usually the human body is viewed using the language of Gestalt therapy, a kind of “background”, is used for. The phrase “show how you own, with your body." In this case, it is difficult to call the relationship of "owner" with "owned" as a partnership. Most systems of personal growth, using the body in the early stages, then consider it as a kind of burden (triangle of ascent in classical yoga). Justice in this case is restored only towards the end of life, in old age, before death. The body from the "background" clearly turns into a "figure" declaring at the top of its voice about its rights - pain, insomnia, shortness of breath, etc. The person returns to the awareness and feeling of the value of the simplest physical and physiological acts. In this regard, it is appropriate to compare the children's and senile bodies - a kind of ring-shaped structure, where the ends of this broken ring are close to each other (lack of consciousness in children - insanity in the elderly, lack of feelings - primary emotions in young children and in very old people, separation / overcoming own body of both).

4. In thanatotherapy, the emphasis is on the so-called. The "yin" component is total relaxation, in contrast to the "yang" component, which is mainly used in psychotherapy (compare, for example, the difference between K. Rogers' psychotherapy). The Yang approach means that the stake in psychotherapy or therapy is mainly on the impact with the aim of changing in some direction. With a Yin approach conditions are created in which the client's body goes towards the special characteristics of the contact established between the thanatotherapist and the client. In this, the law of contact makes itself ideally manifested: you can give another person no more than he can take, and vice versa - another can take no more than they can give him. In this sense, the impact carried out in thanatotherapy is the result of the interaction between the client and the thanatotherapist. This theoretical, rather difficult to understand and largely debatable position is well assimilated, again, in the course of performing bodily techniques of thanatotherapy.

The presence of activity, the "Yang" beginning is well traced in traditional (especially domestic) health care. This can be judged, at least, by the stable militaristic language expressions that Oma abounds (“attack of the disease”, “fight against the disease”, “struggle for life”, “stop the development of the tumor”, etc.). By the way, the term “health care” itself appeared in our country only after the October Revolution. Before the revolution, the current Ministry of Health was called the Department of Public Health. Until now, The World Health Organization is often mistranslated as the World Health Organization.

5. An excess of the Yin component is traditionally regarded as a kind of collapse, coma (cf. the title of D. Boadella's article "Between catharsis and coma"). Compliance, passivity in most cases (in politics, economics, medicine, etc.) also has a negative connotation. In thanatotherapy, the main strategy of therapy is aimed at moving towards the center of the Yin component, towards the source of Yang activity located in it, which ultimately leads to the balancing of the Yin-Yang component, balancing carried out by the body itself.

This powerful and concentrated source of Yang activity is surrounded by an "ocean" - Yin serenity and peace. In this peculiar "golden section" the combination of the processes of "activation" and "grounding" is the guarantee of the safety of the manifestation of this activity. Activity does not lead to the so-called. "reacting".

It's more like what happens in a dream. A "asleep", relaxed and thus "grounded" body creates the conditions for the appearance of dreams. Sleep, dreams are the activity of the unconscious, a manifestation of the repressed, a kind of "reaction"; but in combination with a “grounded” body, surrounded by the Yin silence of the body, such activity is as safe as possible for the body itself and for the person. Hence the healing of dreams. Hence: "the morning is wiser than the evening." A well-known painting by the primitive artist Henry Rousseau can serve as a good illustration of such a peculiar “logic” of the safety of combining Yang activity in the center of the Yin component.

Similar processes (following from logic, first recorded in Chinese thinking - "the maximization of one of the polarities leads to the emergence of a polarity of the opposite quality") also take place in the center of the yang component. This is well described by John Lilly; this is served by the image itself and the title of his books - “Cyclone Center”, “Pair Cyclone” Actually, the reaction mechanism (“catharsis”) is based on the process of maximizing the Yang component, which (maximization - see the diagram in Fig. 1) necessarily leads to the appearance of the Yin component (liberation, release, This is a cultural and social way of “fighting” insomnia when the TV is turned on and all attention is directed to the screen, or when an uninteresting book is picked up and read until it falls out of the hands. (especially Western) went along the Yang path - that is, along the path of a high pace of life, the power of impressions, etc. A strong feeling in Western culture is always transmitted through intensity (in the cinema - torn clothes and a bitten ear). The usual pause (an unexpected stop of transport, an early arrival somewhere, etc.) is often perceived by them as a waste of time, its loss. In the East, this is the same full-fledged act of life, filled to the maximum with this life. However, gradually (but very slowly) in the Western culture, the attitude towards the Yin component is still changing: meditation, relaxation techniques, Chinese motor systems have become popular, “balancing the high pace of the surrounding life” (Eliseev V., Baskakov V., 1990).

The body is an extension of our psyche. And by influencing it, we can achieve the return of peace of mind and satisfaction. This anthology, compiled by one of the world's leading body psychotherapists Vladimir Baskakov, can open the door to the world of harmony and happiness for you.

Many of the latest bodywork techniques are being reviewed for the first time.


The idea of ​​the name of the Reader "Free Body" was taken by us from the main credo of the alchemist: "To liberate the spirit through matter and liberate matter through the spirit" (Schwartz F-, Poisson A., Blavatsky E.P. Theories and symbols of alchemists. - M .: New Acropolis , 1995. - s.I) and reflects the general direction of action in the field of body-oriented psychotherapy - assistance in establishing the most complete and trusting contact of a person with his body. The contact needed so that we can help the body get rid of its problems, and the body that is grateful to us for this can help us get rid of our problems. The question “do you own your body?” is still commonplace, which fixes in the mind and is itself a reflection of completely different (non-partner!) relationships: relationships of dependence, power and use. One has only to be surprised at the degree of patience and resignation with which our body then treats us.

We are as friendly as possible with our body - in childhood. Despite the fact that it is the most disobedient to us. How many bumps and bruises we received, mastering, it seems, very simple actions - walking, cycling. But mastering it and mastering the world through it, we were always grateful to him. And it, this obedient body, was grateful to us.

In the adult state, our body is no longer controlled by the joy of discovery and development, but, alas, by expediency. To catch up with a departing bus with hands full of bags - what kind of joy can we talk about? And ahead - old age. And there is no strength to raise your already weak, and, most importantly, abandoned body. "Do you own your body?"