The goal of the education system of the Russian Federation is. The main goal of Russian education

Education is traditionally defined as the creation of man in the image and likeness of God. This definition contains both a religious meaning and a secular cultural and historical interpretation. The origins of the very concept of "education" are in the early Middle Ages and correlate with the concept of "image", "image of God". In the religious model of the world, man is regarded as created in the image and likeness of God, and the process of his assimilation to the Divine image is regarded as the process of man's formation. Starting from the Renaissance, when a person himself becomes a value, education is considered as a way of his self-development, familiarization with culture, the formation of worldview values ​​and attitudes. Education becomes a way of creating one's image, personality. At the same time, the image of culture is projected onto the content, organization and methods used in education.

The purpose of education is both external and internal.. External target education as a state institution consists in the life support of society in specific historical conditions, in the development of its productive forces, general culture and civilization, in strengthening the civil status of relations and the moral and legal foundations of members of society. Internal targeting education is to develop personal potential, to acquire solid knowledge, skills and abilities with the possibility of their application in practice.

Disclosure of personal potential in the process of the historical development of society is not done automatically. It requires purposeful efforts on the part of the social environment, and these efforts should be aimed both at creating material opportunities, objective social conditions, and at realizing new opportunities for the spiritual and moral improvement of a person that open up at each historical stage. In this process, the real possibility of personal development can be provided only by the totality of the material and spiritual resources of society.

However, the presence of objective conditions in itself does not solve the problem. effective formation of a fully developed personality. It is necessary to organize a systematic process of education and upbringing, built on knowledge of the objective age-related features of personality development and the general patterns of the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.

Today, a person can be called educated if he owns the ideas, principles and methods that determine the general approach to considering the diverse facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, and has a high level of developed abilities, the ability to apply what he has learned to the largest possible number of special cases.

Education in modern society is a socially organized and standardized process (and its result) of the constant transfer of knowledge and socially significant experience, during which the formation of a personality takes place.

In the process of cultural and historical development of society, ideas about the social functions of a person change. This, in turn, mediates the social demands placed on the individual. Under the influence of these factors, two most important components of the educational process are formed - the structure and content of education.

Education is a process, the structure of which is characterized by such components as the assimilation by an individual of the experience accumulated in the process of the cultural and historical development of society, the upbringing of socially acceptable and approved forms of behavior, intellectual and physical development. Thus, education is determined by certain ideas about the social functions of a person, accepted in society at a given moment in time. These structural elements determine the content of education, i.e. it is on them that the complex of socially significant experience depends, the assimilation of which is necessary for the younger generation for effective inclusion in the life of society.

Education is carried out in the course of the pedagogical process, which is a complex of targeted pedagogical influences. Their goal is to transfer to the younger generation knowledge about the surrounding world, social experience accumulated in the process of cultural and historical development of society, as well as the development of socially acceptable and socially approved forms of behavior. I.e within the framework of the pedagogical process, through the purposeful development of intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical potential, the most important task of society in the formation of personality is solved.

Pedagogical science, which allows not only to analyze and systematize the achievements of pedagogical practice, but also to theoretically predict and model the further development of the pedagogical process.

Pedagogical practice, which reveals the effectiveness of the application of certain pedagogical theories and models.

Social order, the needs of the state and society in the field of education. The influence of this source on the development of the pedagogical process is extremely great. The history of pedagogy shows that the state, through the education system, is capable of initiating, facilitating or discrediting certain trends in the pedagogical process. Society, developing, dictates an urgent need for the training of specialists who can be in demand in the new political and socio-economic conditions. This affects both the formulation of the tasks of training and education, and the definition of the content of the pedagogical process, and the choice of adequate methods and means.

Non-state educational institution

additional professional education

"Center for Social and Humanitarian Education"


The modern education system in the Russian Federation

Tyunina Elena Vladimirovna

Professional retraining program

"Education and Pedagogy"

Head: Larionova I.E.

Teacher of the highest category

The work was approved for defense "__" ____ 2015.

Grade: ____________________________

Kazan, 2016



The abstract examines the modern education system in the Russian Federation, as well as existing problems and methods for solving them, and touches upon an innovative approach to learning. This makes this work interesting and relevant.

Object of study: the education system in the Russian Federation

Purpose of the study: based on legislative acts, to analyze the education system of the Russian Federation.

Research objectives:

    To identify the main features of the education system of the Russian Federation;

    Determine the main problems of education in Russia and possible ways to overcome them;

    Consider innovations in the education system of the Russian Federation;

    Formulate, on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the principles of educational policy, as well as priority goals and directions for the development of the education system;

In the process of developing this work, the following methods were used: document analysis, statistical analysis, system analysis, comparison.

1.1 The education system in the Russian Federation:

The Federal Law "On Education" offers the following definition: "Education is a single purposeful process of upbringing and training, which is a socially significant good and is carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience activities and competences of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, meeting his educational needs and interests. According to the Constitution of our country, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to free education, regardless of his race and religion.

In accordance with the above Federal Law withThe education system includes the following elements:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and (or) directions;

2) organizations engaged in educational activities, teachers, students and parents (legal representatives) of underage students;

3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state management in the field of education, and local government bodies exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;

4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

In the Russian Federation, education is divided into general, vocational, and additional education. It also highlights vocational training, which ensures the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (continuing education).

General education and vocational education are implemented by levels. The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education.

5. The following levels of vocational education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - specialty, magistracy;

4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

1.2 Principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education

Education today is one of the means of solving the most important problems not only of society as a whole, but also of individuals. As in any state, in Russia the nature of the education system is determined by the socio-economic and political system, as well as cultural, historical and national characteristics. Society's requirements for education are formulated by a system of principles of state educational policy. Its goal is to create favorable conditions for citizens to exercise their rights to education that meets the needs of the economy and civil society.

Public policyand legal regulation of relations in the field of education are based on the followingprinciples :

1) recognition of the priority of education;

2) ensuring the right of every person to education, inadmissibility of discrimination in the field of education;

3) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of human life and health, the rights and freedoms of the individual, the free development of the individual, the education of mutual respect, diligence, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, respect for nature and the environment, rational use of natural resources;

4) the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, the protection and development of ethnic and cultural characteristics and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation in a multinational state;

5) creation of favorable conditions for the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation with the education systems of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis;

6) the secular nature of education in state, municipal organizations engaged in educational activities;

7) the freedom to choose education according to the inclinations and needs of a person, the creation of conditions for the self-realization of each person, the free development of his abilities, including the provision of the right to choose the forms of education, forms of education, the organization that carries out educational activities, the direction of education within the limits provided by the education system, as well as providing teaching staff with freedom in choosing forms of education, methods of education and upbringing;

8) ensuring the right to education throughout life in accordance with the needs of the individual, the adaptability of the education system to the level of training, developmental characteristics, abilities and interests of a person;

9) autonomy of educational organizations, academic rights and freedoms of teachers and students, provided for by this Federal Law, information openness and public reporting of educational organizations;

10) the democratic nature of education management, ensuring the rights of teachers, students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students to participate in the management of educational organizations;

11) the inadmissibility of restricting or eliminating competition in the field of education;

12) a combination of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

Every year, as part of ensuring the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education, the Government of the Russian Federation submits to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a report on the implementation of state policy in the field of education and publishes it on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

The fundamental point is the principle of the humanistic nature of education. Accordingly, each child must be recognized as a person, regardless of his social status, level of development, and so on. These general methodological principles should be concretized through organizational-pedagogical and activity-functional principles.

In general, in the modern world, the trends of changing value priorities are becoming more and more obvious. Among the main criteria for assessing the development of society, education occupies a central place. And the refrain highlights the fundamental recognition of the main criterion of educational reforms: the emerging model of education must have mechanisms for dynamic self-development.

Unfortunately, the traditional mass school still retains an uncreative approach to the assimilation of knowledge. Previously, the goal of the secondary school was only to give the student the minimum set of knowledge necessary for a person in everyday life.

However, modern scientists have proven that any student is capable of creative activity. Consequently, the teacher needs to instill in the child the desire and ability to learn, to organize such activities in the classroom that would encourage each student to reveal his creative abilities.

Today, the state in the field of education has a priority goal: to ensure the high quality of Russian education in accordance with the changing demands of the population and the long-term tasks of the development of Russian society and the economy.

At the same time, the main tasks of the state are:

Formation of a flexible, socially accountable system of continuing professional education that develops human potential and meets the current and future needs of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

Development of infrastructure and organizational and economic mechanisms that ensure the most equal accessibility of services for preschool, general, additional education for children;

Modernization of educational programs in the systems of preschool, general and additional education of children, aimed at achieving the modern quality of educational results and the results of socialization;

Creation of a modern system for assessing the quality of education based on the principles of openness, objectivity, transparency, social and professional participation.

The new education system is oriented towards entering the global educational space. The dominant trend of our time is the integration of national education systems. Today Russia actively participates in many international projects, is involved in the exchange of students, professors and teachers.

The system of relations between the institute of education and religious institutions is being transformed. Theological faculties, Sunday schools are being opened, additional programs are being implemented in secondary schools with the consent of parents and the teaching staff.

Radical changes in the Russian education system affect all its elements and links. So, at the beginning of the new millennium, a project was launched for the state final certification (general state exam) for graduates of grade 9 and a unified state exam for graduates of grade 11. Despite all the disputes and disagreements around the Unified State Examination, it should be noted that this form of the exam brings the Russian education system closer to the European one. In addition, in the case of gaining the required number of points, the USE allows you to enter any university, in some cases without additional entrance exams.

Another key change in the education system of the Russian Federation is the testing of alternatives to state educational institutions (for example, private ones), variable forms of education (gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, specialized classes, etc.). In all links - from kindergartens to universities - in parallel with the system of free education, there is a paid one. The state makes sure that the budgetary financing of educational institutions and projects is transparent, controllable, and that each student's tuition from the budget is paid individually. Attracting investment in education acquires the status of state policy.

In a word, there is a direct connection between education and the political sphere. The activity of educational institutions directly depends on it. The principles of state policy in the field of education are based on constitutional norms, being basic not only for the preparation of legal acts, but also for direct implementation in individual educational institutions.

1.3 Actual problems in the field of education and ways to overcome them

The fate of any state directly depends on the state of the education system. If the state strives for development, the leadership of any country should set the development of literacy and education of the population as a priority goal and task.

The modern education system is going through quite difficult times. The Soviet school is collapsing, European trends are coming to replace it. Sometimes the introduction of innovations occurs on unprepared ground, or innovations are not adapted to the Russian mentality. This often leads to the formation of various kinds of difficulties. Currently, the following problems can be identified in the Russian education system:

    The crisis of the old education system.

    Excessive theoretical orientation of education.

    Lack of proper funding;

    Low level of communication between the stages of education;


Let's consider each of these problems and possible or practical ways to solve them in more detail.

So, when studying the problem of the crisis of the former education system, in higher education, a way out was found in the transition to the bachelor's and master's programs. But secondary schools and vocational schools remained uncovered. The recently passed law on education is designed to solve this problem. Modern society is at a level of development when it is time to move away from learning as memorization of facts. It is necessary to teach children to extract information, understand it and apply it in practice. And this requires colossal work to prepare not only new textbooks for students and manuals for teachers, but also the teachers themselves.

The second problem of education in Russia is its excessive theoretical orientation. By educating a theoretical scientist, we create a huge shortage of narrow specialists. Having received a good theoretical background, few people can apply knowledge in practice. Therefore, having got a job, new employees experience a serious adaptation associated with the inability to compare their knowledge with practical activities.

The third problem is characteristic not only for education - it is insufficient funding. The lack of funds is the reason for the shortage of personnel in the education system as a whole in the country. In addition, in order to keep up with the times, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and upgrade obsolete equipment. The educational institution does not always have the funds for this. Here, the solution is to attract additional sources of funding, including private ones.

The problem that school graduates begin to feel particularly acute is the low level of communication between the stages of education. So, now, in order to enter a university, parents often hire a tutor to pass the exam, since the level of requirements that were presented at school differ greatly from the level required for studying at a university.

Of course, one cannot ignore such a problem as corruption. You can find many advertisements for the sale of diplomas of higher education on the Internet. Corruption can also include monetary extortion at school, bribes for exams (tests), embezzlement of funds from the budget. However, at present, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has a practice of a "hot line" where parents can apply in case of unlawful extortions and bribes, and the new laws adopted are designed to toughen the punishment for such phenomena. In addition, classrooms in schools where state examinations are held are equipped with a video surveillance system, which also helps to eliminate the element of corruption during the examination.

In conclusion of this section, one can note such a problem as the decline in the prestige of vocational schools and technical schools. This leads to a shortage of workers in enterprises and in the service sector. To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation is promoting "working" professions, providing certain benefits, social guarantees, as well as increasing the level of wages at factories and other enterprises among such specialists.

1.4 Experimental and innovative activities in education

In the light of the ongoing modernization of education in Russia, the topic of conducting experimental and innovative activities in the field of education is relevant.

Innovations mean the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. Innovations do not arise by themselves, but are the result of scientific research, the practical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. In such conditions, the teacher often faces the problem of pedagogical risk. Risk implies the experimental application of some technology that is not widely used in practice, but, nevertheless, in theory, which is promising in terms of learning.

In understanding the essence of these two concepts, there are two main problems of modern pedagogy: the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of implementing the achievements of innovative teachers. Thus, innovation and pedagogical risk should lie in the plane of combining two interconnected phenomena, usually considered separately, i.e. the result of their synthesis should be new knowledge, allowing the teacher to use innovations in everyday practice, calculating the possible consequences.

In order to determine the main goals and objectives of introducing innovative technologies in the field of education, one should refer to Article 20 of the Federal Law "On Education". This article reads: “Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the implementation of priority areas of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Experimental activities are aimed at the development, testing and implementation of new educational technologies<...>. Innovative activity is focused on improving the scientific and pedagogical, educational and methodological, organizational, legal, financial and economic, personnel, logistics support of the education system and is carried out in the form of the implementation of innovative projects and programs by organizations engaged in educational activities and others operating in the field of education. organizations and their associations. When implementing an innovative project, the program must ensure the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations, the provision and receipt of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements, educational standard.

Today, there are a huge number of methods, programs and methods that allow you to work with all categories of children, using the latest developments in the technology sector, original exercises, authentic, modern and interesting audio and video materials, as well as interactive learning tools. But the main reason for the invariability of the monotony of the life of an ordinary student is the unwillingness to introduce them.


The supreme laws of the Russian Federation guarantee every citizen of the Russian Federation the right to education. The system of Russian education creates conditions for continuous education through the implementation of basic educational programs and various additional educational programs.

In the modern international world, in order to be successful, one has to adapt to international trends, which naturally leads to all sorts of changes, including in the field of education. Such changes are often the cause of a number of large and small problems. The Law "On Education" is an attempt to solve a number of urgent problems in the modern education system. But for the full development of the nation, it is necessary to take a number of measures in the field of education.

The main goal of education today is to create conditions for the development of the natural qualities of a person. Possession exclusively of a stock of academic knowledge is becoming less and less important indicator of the quality of education. The state is faced with the task of not only bringing the level and system of education closer to international standards, but also making sure that it fully meets the country's needs for qualified specialists and highly educated citizens.

The new education system is oriented towards entering the global educational space. The dominant trend of our time is the free movement of resources, people, ideas across national borders. Today Russia actively participates in many international projects, is involved in the exchange of students, professors and teachers. Traditions and norms of world education freely penetrate our country. The cultural transformation of society is expressed both in globalization, the internationalization of culture, and in the desire to preserve its originality. Television, the Internet as a means of audiovisual communication, the popularization of the English language blur the boundaries in the cultural space. At the same time, ways of preserving cultural identity are being worked out. The harmonization of these multidirectional trends is a condition for the sustainable development of the education sector.

At the conclusion of the study

The main goal of Russian education Social contract New educational needs of the family, society and the state Strategy 2020 Our new school Innovative economy Knowledge economy New technologies Wide introduction of new technologies in all spheres of life New goal of education Education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of highly moral, responsible, creative , initiative, competent citizen of Russia

Fundamentals of the school standard Social contract (request of the family, society and state) Ideological and methodological basis Scientific basis Fundamental core of the content of general education and system-activity approach The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, The concept of socio-cultural modernization

The fundamental core of the content of basic general education The methodological basis is the principles of fundamentality and consistency; The main forms of activity and the classes of tasks corresponding to them are determined. Basic national values ​​passed down from generation to generation; Basic elements of scientific knowledge: key theories, concepts, facts, methods; Universal educational activities, the formation of which is aimed at the educational process;

patriotism (love for Russia, for one's people, for one's small homeland; service to the Fatherland); social solidarity (personal and national freedom; trust in people, institutions of the state and civil society; justice, mercy, honor, dignity) citizenship (rule of law, civil society, duty to the Fatherland, the older generation and family, law and order, interethnic peace, freedom of conscience and religion) family (love and fidelity, health, prosperity, honoring parents, caring for the elders and the younger, caring for procreation); labor and creativity (creativity and creation, purposefulness and perseverance, diligence, thrift) humanity (world peace, diversity of cultures and peoples, human progress, international cooperation).

science (knowledge, truth, scientific picture of the world, ecological consciousness); traditional Russian religions (in the form of cultural ideas about religious ideals) art and literature (beauty, harmony, human spiritual world, moral choice, meaning of life, aesthetic development); nature (life, native land, protected nature, planet Earth);

AT THE BASIS OF NEW EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS Change of the "knowledge" paradigm of education to the system-activity one. The task of the school is not to give a volume of knowledge, but to learn. The standard fixes not the content of education itself, but the results of education, the results of activities and the requirements for these results.

A SYSTEM-ACTIVITY APPROACH is the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and causes a change in the general paradigm of education, which is reflected in the transition to defining the goal of schooling as the formation of the ability to learn, the formation of students' readiness for self-development and lifelong education. from subject disunity to the integration of school disciplines from the isolated study by students of a system of scientific concepts to the inclusion of the content of education in the context of solving life problems from the spontaneity of the student's educational activity to the strategy of its purposeful organization and systematic formation, to the development of active educational and cognitive activity of students from an individual form of learning to recognition the decisive role of educational cooperation in achieving the goal

System-activity approach The main result is the development of the child's personality on the basis of universal educational activities The main pedagogical task is the creation and organization of conditions that initiate children's action Vector of shifting emphasis of the new standard What to teach? content update Why teach? values ​​of education How to teach? updating of teaching aids formation of universal methods of action

Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program PERSONAL META-SUBJECT Self-determination: Regulatory: Fundamentals of the system of scientific knowledge Communicative: Experience of “subjective” activity in obtaining, transforming and applying new knowledge internal position of the student; self-identification; self-respect and self-assessment Meaning formation: motivation (educational, social); the boundaries of one's own knowledge and "ignorance" Value and moral and ethical orientation: orientation towards the fulfillment of moral and ethical standards; ability to solve moral problems; assessment of their actions; management of their activities; control and correction; initiative and independence speech activity; cooperation skills Cognitive: work with information; work with training models; the use of sign-symbolic means, general schemes; performing logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification, establishing analogies, subsuming under the concept Subject and meta-subject actions with educational material

Changing the role of participants in the educational process The student Receives ready-made information Carries out: search choice analysis systematization and presentation of information In the traditional system of the educational process New quality of education Teacher Transmits information Organizes the student's activities in an innovative educational environment New educational result "Competencies to update competencies" and motivation to learn at different stages of personality development of students

The concept of UUD is the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. a set of student actions that provide social competence, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process, cultural identity and tolerance.

General educational universal actions Identification of a cognitive goal Semantic reading Search for information Reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities Structuring knowledge Modeling Choosing ways to solve problems Building a conscious or arbitrary speech statement in written and oral

Logical UUD Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential). Synthesis is the making of a whole from parts. The choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification. Submission under the concept, derivation of consequences. Establishment of causal relationships. Construction of a logical chain of reasoning. Proof. Hypotheses and their justification.

Communicative UUD 5 planning of educational cooperation with a teacher and peers the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy 1 asking questions 4 UUD 2 managing partner’s behavior 3 conflict resolution

Personal: Awareness of one's identity as a citizen of the country, family member, ethnic group, regional community; Development of humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society, respect for human rights and freedoms; Understanding the social and moral experience of previous generations, the ability to determine one's position and responsible behavior in modern society; Understanding the cultural diversity of the world, tolerance. Metasubject: The ability to consciously organize and regulate one's activities; Possession of skills to work with educational and extracurricular information (analyze and summarize facts, draw up a simple and detailed plan, theses, abstract, formulate and justify conclusions, etc.), use modern sources of information; The ability to solve creative problems, present the results of their activities in various forms (message, essay, presentation, abstract, etc.); Readiness for cooperation, teamwork, mastering the basics of intercultural interaction, etc.

Subject: Mastering holistic ideas about the historical path of the peoples of their country and humanity as a necessary basis for world understanding and knowledge of modern society; The ability to apply the conceptual apparatus of historical knowledge and methods of historical analysis to reveal the essence and significance of events and phenomena of the past and present; The ability to study and systematize information from various historical and modern sources, revealing its social affiliation and cognitive value; Expansion of the experience of evaluation activities on the basis of understanding the life and deeds of individuals and peoples in the history of their country and humanity as a whole; Willingness to apply historical knowledge to identify and preserve the historical and cultural monuments of their country and the world.

KNOWLEDGE, REPRESENTATIONS, SKILLS 5. Analysis, explanation: o. Distinguish between a fact and its description; o. Correlate individual facts and general phenomena; 1. Knowledge of chronology, work with chronology. o. Name characteristic, essential 2. Knowledge of historical facts, work with signs of events and phenomena; facts: o. Reveal the meaning, significance of the most important to characterize the place, circumstances, historical concepts; participants, historical results o. Compare historical phenomena and events; events; group (classify facts according to o. Express judgments about the causes and consequences of various signs of historical events. 3. Work with historical sources: 6. Work with versions, estimates: read a historical map; o. Give assessments of events and personalities; search for information in one or o Define and argue one's opinion from several sources, attitude to the most significant events and compare data from different sources, personalities 4. Description (reconstruction): 7. Application of knowledge and skills in communication, o talk about historical events, social environment: participants; o Apply historical knowledge to characterize the conditions and way of life, reveal the causes and assess the essence of people's occupations, contemporary events, based on text, illustrations, o Use historical knowledge in additional literature, communication layouts as the basis for dialogue in a multicultural environment to compose a description of the historical environment; objects, monuments o. Contribute to the preservation of monuments oriya and culture.

METHODOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF PRESENTATION OF MATERIAL IN THE WMD IN THE TEXTBOOK: - Headings: terms, IN THE WORKBOOK: - various tasks (work from the date, questions and tasks, documents; - Illustrations (drawings, photos, posters); - maps; maps, text, illustrations etc.); - heading "Preparation for the exam" - schemes. IN THE METHODOLOGICAL AID: -materials that supplement the text of the textbook; - didactic materials; - formulated goals, plan, recommendations for the study of the topic; - 2 planning options are offered for each lesson.

The main types of educational activities: Listening to music Singing Instrumental music-making Musical and plastic movement Dramatization of musical movements Functions of the visual series: Illustrative Informative Analytical

Formation of UUD 1. Personal. - Formation of aesthetic needs, values, feelings, respect for material and spiritual values. 2. Subject. - Formation of initial ideas about the role of music in human life. - The ability to perceive music and express their attitude to it. 3. Metasubject. - The use of musical education in the creation of theatrical performances, the performance of vocal and choral works, improvisation.

The composition of the system "Vertical" SUBJECT AREA ART Academic subject "Music" Subject line: Naumenko T. I., Aleev V. V. Art. Music. 5 - 9 cells.

"Scripts for children's musical performances" and diaries of musical reflections T. I. Naumenko, V. V. Aleev

A special place is given to the description of life and customs, values ​​of the Russian people, the story of the most important achievements of Russian culture.

The structure of the educational material "Types of artistic activity" Perception of works of art Drawing Painting Sculpture Artistic design and design Decorative and applied arts "Significant themes of art" Earth is our common home My homeland - Russia Man and human relationships Art gives beauty "The ABC of Art" Composition Color Line Form Volume Rhythm "Experience in artistic activity" Various types of fine, decorative and applied, art and design activities

The composition of the system "Vertical" SUBJECT AREA ART Subject line "Fine Arts" Subject line: Lomov S. P., Ignatiev S. E. Art. Art. 5 - 9 cells.

Features: The achievements of modern sciences are taken into account and used; The problematic nature of the presentation of the material; Availability of alternative points of view on various issues; Careful selection of material (the most important facts in the educational and cognitive sense were selected); Clarity of presentation, argumentation, scientific character;

Project activity Personal UUD: sense of justice. Cognitive UUD: comparison, search and selection of the necessary information. Communicative UUD: the formulation of one's own position and the ability to justify it. Personal UUD: the ability to correlate actions with accepted moral standards. Cognitive UUD: understanding the text, establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Communicative UUD: the formulation of one's own opinion and its justification.

Productive, multi-level tasks The courses implement the most important requirement for the modernization of school education - the transition from a knowledge-based to a developing model of education, to activity forms of the educational process. The ability to organize independent cognitive activity of students by working with maps, illustrations Alternative points of view on controversial issues will allow students to learn to formulate their own position, evaluate events Intra-subject and inter-subject communications are implemented (geography, literature, social science, history,

Development of project activity skills Formation of regulatory UUD Planning ways to achieve the goal Ability to present information in a visually symbolic form

Search and selection of the necessary information The ability to express one's point of view and justify it The ability to search for information in educational and additional literature The ability to determine the eventfulness

Prepare a presentation about sculpture Information search skills The ability to systematize highlighting the main and redundant information The development of ITC technologies Make a portrait of Leonardo da Vinci using additional literature Organization of your educational activities (regulatory UDD) What characterized the development of architecture - justify your answer Systematization and presentation of information in the form of abstracts and messages Analysis and identification of cause-and-effect relationships (cognitive UDD) Forming one’s own opinion and substantiating it (communicative UDD)

Uniform artistic design and internal structure of the organization of the main and additional material Civilizational approach to the study A variety of questions and tasks, author's maps, documentary materials, vivid and imaginative illustrations, unique photographs A large amount of information about the life, life of people, their achievements.

Dividing and highlighting the sharpness of the UD: p nye Urmation, pymennoy elvat is fo Poznadimoy in vain in the necessary statement of the rma. a description of the ph o s of the verbal noun: o e UUD navastna of the posterior L li. but d e t o r t e r e r e n t is to reduce D: s UU whether. Actively own mysnik u Comm to express the real D: Personal and governance: the search for goals de UD ie. Data Writer of information, o nning, o Know the info field mod D: tse trol. odi U necessary U, exactly walking D: skill thoughts to uniquely reap your own Comm. Using the text of the paragraph, illustrations and additional literature, compose stories: “At the conservatory”, “The composer's story about the secrets of his occupation”.

Personal UUD: the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior, knowledge of moral standards. Cognitive UUD: information search, comparison, analysis. Communication: the ability to accurately express one's thoughts. Cognitive UUD: comparison, analysis, reveal the characteristic essential features of events and phenomena. Communicative UUD: express your opinion and justify it. Personal UUD: the implementation of purposeful cognitive activity.

Cognitive UUD: problem solving, information search, analysis. Personal UUD: the implementation of purposeful cognitive activity, the formation of Russian identity. Cognitive UUD: search, structuring, transformation of information, establishment of causal relationships. Personal UUD: the implementation of purposeful cognitive activity.

Methodical apparatus Headings: “Kaleidoscope of opinions” (here you can find controversial, ambiguous judgments. You must select those thoughts that are most dear to the student, and those with which he does not agree, and then explain his position), “It is useful to know”, assignments for independent work (different in terms of complexity), lesson vocabulary, topics for essays, messages, discussions. There are a lot of diagrams in the text of the paragraphs, which will undoubtedly help students understand the relevant topics.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Allow for a differentiated approach; The content of the textbook is built taking into account a reasonable balance between theory and knowledge that can be in demand in the daily life of a teenager. They include a set of necessary and sufficient knowledge, designed for the active creative inclusion of students in the educational process. Headings: "Opinions, judgments, facts", Tests and assignments, topics for essays, messages, discussions. Glossary of terms, list of recommended literature, questions and assignments for final seminars on the course.

Compiled by: Platonova V.P., head. office of pedagogical diagnostics and certification, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, IPK and PKK.
Scientific editor and responsible for the issue - Professor: I.D. Lushnikov.

The brochure "Strategy for the Development of Education in Russia" highlights the principles and main directions for the development of the educational system in the country, strategic approaches to changing the content of education in various parts of the school and in various educational fields (humanitarian, historical and social, natural, mathematical, etc.). The alternative and variable subsystems of education are considered. Separately, promising directions for the development of institutions of additional education are presented.
In preparing the brochure, an extensive list of sources was used: the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, materials and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, scientific publications in periodicals.
The material is intended for heads of educational institutions, employees of educational authorities, teachers-listeners of educational courses in the system of continuous pedagogical education.
The compiler of the text, presenting a generalized factual material, tries not to give analytical interpretations, assessments of the developing areas of education in Russia. Thus, readers are given the opportunity, by studying these areas and to some extent implementing them in practice, to develop a personal position on the ongoing changes.
The present material is the first part of the generalized problem. The second part will present a strategy for the development of preschool, vocational education in Russia and material on the main aspects of education in the Vologda Oblast.
Professor I.D. Lushnikov.

Today, profound changes are taking place in Russia in all spheres of society. Literally before our eyes, the public consciousness is being transformed, the system of values ​​is being revised.
Under these conditions, the problems of education are at the forefront of events. Since a third of the population of Russia studies, teaches, improves qualifications, undergoes retraining, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of education, the importance of reforming it, because the goals, content of education, the degree of its influence on all participants in the educational process determine the present and future of society.
The current development of education is determined not only by what actions will be taken and are being taken within the education sector, but also by how the socio-economic situation will change outside it.
The key idea of ​​modern education policy in Russia is the idea of ​​development. This idea has the following goals:
1. creating the necessary conditions for the development of the individual;
2. launching mechanisms for the development and self-development of the education system itself;
3. the transformation of education into an effective factor in the development of society.
4. continuity of education.
The determining condition for the implementation of these goals is the awakening of subjectivity in each participant in the educational process - in a child, in a teacher, in a manager, in a school, in parents, in a regional, in a national community, in society as a whole.
The modern policy of education development is based on 10 principles. These principles are addressed both to society and to the education system itself. The first five of them provide "external" institutional socio-pedagogical conditions for the normal development of the education system.
The remaining five are “internal”, actually pedagogical conditions for its full-fledged life. All these principles are interconnected, complement each other, reveal the main facets of changes in education.

1. Democratization of education:
The democratization of education involves:
1) decentralization of education management - a clear delineation of powers between central and local governments, with the maximum transfer of education management functions to the localities;
2) municipalization of education, i.e. participation of local authorities and the local community both in the management of education through the relevant municipal bodies, current and directly in the activities of educational institutions, attracting additional local resources for their development;
3) the independence of educational institutions in choosing their development strategy, goals, content, organization and methods of work, their legal, financial and economic independence;
4) the right of teachers to creativity, to their own pedagogical style, to freedom of choice of pedagogical technologies, textbooks, teaching aids, methods for assessing students' activities, etc., to participate in the management of an educational institution;
5) the right of students to choose a school and profile of education, to "home" education and to study in non-state educational institutions, to accelerated education and study according to individual curricula, to participate in the management of an educational institution.

2. The pluralism of education, its diversity, variability and alternativeness fundamentally change the quality of the educational system, transform it from a unitary and unified into a diverse and multifaceted - in terms of the goals and content of education, in the organization of the educational process, pedagogical approaches and technologies, in terms of ownership of education and educational institutions.
The variability and alternativeness of education make it possible to move away from the traditional uniform educational system to the diversity and multiplicity of types of educational institutions, forms and channels of education. But unlike variability, which provides educational diversity within the state education system, alternativeness does the same, but outside this system, competing with it and filling in the missing educational components in it.

3. Nationality and nationality?! the nature of education is one of the main conditions for his spiritual health and national development.
School and education are increasingly revealing their national character, national identity, developing in a three-dimensional space - national, all-Russian and world culture.

4. The openness of education is also a multidimensional, voluminous institutional, backbone principle, one of the decisive conditions for the creation of a truly free school.
The openness of education is the removal in it and around it of long time diligently erected barriers. This is his internal emancipation, liberation from dogma, holistic filling of education. This is the appeal of education to a single and indivisible world, to its global problems and at the same time distinguishing on the map of humanity the faces of other peoples, other cultures, the ability to participate in dialogue with them, in interaction, mutual enrichment.

5. The regionalization of education is the rejection of a unitary educational space, held together by a chain of unified curricula, textbooks and teaching aids, instructions and circulars.
This is giving the regions the right and duty to choose their own educational strategy, create their own educational development program in accordance with regional socio-economic, geographical, cultural-demographic and other conditions.

6. The humanization of education is the overcoming of the main vice of the old school - its impersonality, turning the school to the child, respect for his personality, dignity, trust in him, acceptance of his personal goals, requests and interests. Ego-creation of the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of the abilities and talents of the child, for his self-determination.
Humanization is a radical revision by society and pedagogy of its attitude towards children with developmental disabilities.
Humanization is the key point of the new pedagogical thinking.
It requires revision, reassessment of all components of the pedagogical process in the light of their human-forming function.
The main meaning of the pedagogical process is the development of the student. The measure of this development acts as a measure of the quality of the work of the teacher, the school, and the entire education system.

7. Humanitarianization of education.
Humanitarianization of education implies not only and not so much an increase in the proportion of humanitarian disciplines in the educational process, but a radical change in the very type of these disciplines.
This is a rejection of their former orientation to description, to half-explanation, half-suggestion and their focus primarily on the development of creative, critical, humanitarian thinking of the individual. The same goal is pursued by the humanitarization of subjects of the natural science cycle.
A necessary condition for the humanization of education is the creation of a new generation of textbooks and the humanization of the consciousness of the teachers themselves.

8. Differentiation of education.
This principle implements two fundamental tasks:
- ensuring the polyphony of the school and the child's right to choose;
- the orientation of the differentiation of education towards its individualization, towards the re-creation of its natural and personality-oriented character.

9. Developing, activity-based nature of education. It is aimed primarily at awakening the individual's ability to work independently - in all its forms and spheres.

10. Continuity of education ensures, on the one hand, the continuity of various levels of education, and on the other hand,
- multidimensional movement of personality in the educational process.

Complex and contradictory processes are going on in the system of Russian education.
On the one hand, this is a deep reform and development of the content of education, and on the other hand, a lag in such important areas as material, technical, financial, economic and staffing.
The most important areas for the development of education are:
1. Preservation and strengthening of the unity of the educational space of Russia, taking into account the national-regional, economic and other interests of its peoples and regions;
2. reforming the content of education;
3. training and retraining of personnel;
4. education management reform;
5. legal support for the functioning and development of the education system;
6. mass professionalization of youth, problems of youth employment.
To solve them in terms of content, the following main ways are indicated:
a) Implementation of a unified program-target system for planning, functioning and development of the education sector.
For example, on the basis of the didactic program for the development of education - the development of regional programs for the development of education, interregional programs began to be developed. Regional basic plans are being developed on the basis of the federal basic curriculum. The same can be said about regional standards.
b) Structural restructuring of the content of education along the entire vertical from kindergarten to postgraduate education.
For example, a kindergarten becomes an educational institution, and not just an educational institution. A transition is being made to non-traditional educational institutions - complexes "kindergarten - primary school", the transition to multi-level education in various types of general educational institutions - a basic school, a gymnasium, a lyceum, an innovative school), the ties between the secondary school and universities are being strengthened, new areas of higher pedagogical education are being defined such , as economics in education, management, jurisprudence in education, social pedagogy, etc.)
in). Centralized development of federal educational-program and educational-methodical complexes, parallel textbooks and teaching aids, including at the choice of students) for the Russian school.
For a number of subjects, the number of textbooks in the country exceeds dozens of titles.
d) The problem of mass professionalization of youth is being developed, which implies career guidance, professional diagnostics, and flexible initial professional training. This is a colossal problem, especially in the context of non-compulsory secondary full education and emerging unemployment.
At the same time, vocational education is only one link in the chain of continuous educational space in Russia.
The system of vocational education is the basis for the retraining of unemployed youth,
e) A special direction is a special education.
Today in Russia the number of sick children already significantly exceeds the number of healthy ones. Therefore, you are working with children with disabilities in development and health status, developing new legislation to better take into account the interests and needs of such children, to carry out their constant integration into the general education system, e) In recent years, there has been a sharp surge in antisocial behavior of young people. In this regard, not only a special content of work with such youth is being developed, but also a broad system of preventive interdepartmental measures.
g). The problem of teaching in two languages ​​is becoming one of the most important for the preservation of Russian statehood in a multi-ethnic society.
There are 120 ethnic groups in Russia. However, the diploma of higher education is issued only in Russian.
3) The system of organization of scientific research is being reorganized.
It is aimed at the most important sectoral tasks of national importance.
For example, the development of developmental learning problems, the psychology of personality development, the problems of a small rural school.
i) interdepartmental programs such as "Children of Russia" with their subprograms "Children of Chernobyl", "Orphans", "Children with Disabilities", "Children of the North" are gaining more and more development; "Gifted Children", etc.
j) The importance of Russia's integration into the European Educational Community is growing.
In this regard, the priorities of cooperation are as follows: joint work on the development of a mechanism for managing the decentralized education system;
- joint development and expert evaluation of legislation in the field of education, ensuring the development of democratic reforms;
- creation of a new generation of textbooks in the field of humanitarian education, including the type "History of Europe", the Encyclopedia of Europe, etc.;
- joint retraining programs for Russian teachers, especially in the humanities and managers;
- joint development of directions of national-regional problems;
- joint teacher training programs "The Future of Europe";
- joint activities with European countries, focused on working with children at risk, children with special problems.
The experience of European countries in the implementation of primary vocational education, which meets the needs of the modern economy, is important.

Updating the content of education allows the transition to a system of choice of education. 30% of schools have switched to the basic curriculum today; 0.5% of the total number of 368 institutions) are non-state, i.e. provide alternative education. There is a trend: preference in the creation of non-state schools for primary school age and for students in grades 10-11. This is in line with global trends in the functioning of honest schools.
If we talk about the changing content of education and new forms of organization of the educational process, then it would be more correct to talk about variable education.

The main strategic guidelines for variable education:
one). From individual alternative "author's schools" to a system of variable innovative technologies in the context of cultural and historical pedagogy of development.
"Author's Schools" play an important role in the development of variative education. In essence, the author's schools act as search mechanisms that test different ways of education in culture.
With all their diversity, innovative author's schools are divided into two types: instrumental and culturological. The focus of instrumental schools is, as a rule, one or another specific pedagogical method found in practice thanks to the talent of an innovative teacher. This method, as an instrument of pedagogical work, can be mastered and included in the traditional education system and development pedagogy.
Cultural schools in the broadest sense of the word have a different origin. They are born, as a rule, at the intersection of worldview concepts with innovative technologies. For example, Waldorf pedagogy comes from the philosophy of R. Steiner.
2). From the monopoly of public education to the coexistence and cooperation of state, non-state and family education.
In the evolution of education in the socio-historical process, the combination of state, non-state and family education provides the most optimal range of opportunities for individual development of the individual (see the projects: Model regulation on family education, Model regulation on a general educational institution in the Russian Federation, Model regulation on external studies).
3). From the “non-national” unitary school to the ethnic differentiation of education in the system of the common educational space of Russia.
The national school acts as one of the important elements of the preservation and development of the ethnic community of its unique "I", its spiritual core. In this regard, it is extremely important for representatives of ethnic communities to master their native languages, which are not only a means of communication, but also familiarization with the culture of their people.
The basic curriculum, in which the federal component of education is combined with the regional-national and school component, opens up real opportunities for familiarization with the national culture.
The system of additional education also has large reserves for the development of the individual through familiarization with the customs and traditions of one's people.
4) From subject-centrism - to educational areas in the construction of curricula of educational institutions.
Behind the transition from the construction of curricula from a set of individual specific subjects - to educational areas, such as "social disciplines", "natural disciplines", etc. First of all, there is an opportunity to create variants of curricula depending on regional and national characteristics, to increase the variability of the content of education as a whole. However, this is an important, but not the only reserve of variability that has arisen as a result of the transition from educational subject-centrism to educational areas. A still insufficiently realized reserve of variability arising from this strategy is the opening up possibility of interdisciplinary transitions between different previously fenced off academic subjects.
Previously, in traditional education, the “cuckoo principle” was behind the scenes: each new subject (computer science, law, economics) tried to throw its fellows out of the nest of school knowledge. In the transition from educational subject-centrism to educational areas, the increase in variability becomes an important condition for the birth of new integrated courses that provide a holistic, rather than a mosaic picture of the world.
An example is the trial textbook by M.B. Koltun "Earth", appearing textbooks on humanitarian physics, etc., destroying artificially created barriers between the natural and human sciences. Thus, the transition from educational subject-centrism to educational areas stimulates the emergence of integrative training courses that provide the student with a holistic picture of the world.
5) From "pure" lines of development of types of educational institutions - to "mixed" lines of development of types of educational institutions.
Until recently, it seemed unshakable that in society there is exclusively evolution along the “clean” lines of different types of educational institutions. In a preschool institution there is one world, in a school there is another world, in institutions of additional education there is a third world, in a vocational school there is another world, and finally, in a higher educational institution there is a very special world. In other words, rigid boundaries existed not only between states, but also between independent types of educational institutions. Meanwhile, as the entire experience of evolution in nature and in culture shows, evolution along “pure” lines inevitably leads to regression and prevents the growth of various forms of life. Biological and social organisms die out especially quickly, the programs of their functioning are rigidly adjusted to the standard unchanged conditions of existence.
At the dynamic phase of the life of society, evolution along "mixed" lines inevitably begins to predominate. That is why, challenging the petrified model provisions that regulate the life of the school, there is a rapid process of crossing the school with a kindergarten (a “school-kindergarten” complex); schools with universities (complex school-university”); colleges, technical lyceums, etc. appear.
In 1993, hybrids of a school with research institutes appeared in Moscow - "school-laboratories". Of particular interest is the emergence of various types of schools in the system of additional education, i. in the very unique system where the child comes on his own, guided by his own interests, his own motives for learning and creativity.
The evolution of educational institutions along "mixed lines" makes the educational system of Russia more flexible and resistant to rapid changes. It allows the developing personality of the child to realize itself more conflict-free in the world of continuous, varied education, and not to be an eternal migrant, running from one alien territory to another. The formula “a task gives birth to an organ” is the law of any evolution, and therefore it is normal when the tasks of the development of society at the dynamic phase of its history lead to such a differentiation of education that ensures the integration of the educational process in Russia.

B) From a monopoly textbook to variable textbooks.
Dynamics of growth in the choice of textbooks in 1990-1994 an eloquent fact illustrating Russia's transition from traditional to variable education. Along with the growth in the choice of textbooks, despite the economic crisis, the number of alternative publishers, newspapers and magazines is growing (see, for example, Didakt, Troya, Magistr).
At the same time, it is obvious that the number of new titles of textbooks is not directly related to the renewal of the content of education. Particularly slow is the renewal of the content of education in higher pedagogical institutions. A breakthrough in updating the content of textbooks can be predicted in at least two ways.
The first direction is the so-called "motivating textbooks" in the system of additional education. Among them, the textbooks of the children's writer E.N. Uspensky, who organized a series of funny textbooks on the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which is published by the Samovar publishing house.
At the same time, it is obvious that the number of new titles of textbooks is not directly related to updating the content of education.
The main task of this entire cycle of textbooks is to arouse the child's interest, motivation for knowledge, to instill in him a desire to learn.
The second direction of a breakthrough is textbooks on metadisciplines, cross-cutting disciplines. The new meta-disciplines, which include ecology, law and economics, paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, are more open to the ideas of cultural-historical pedagogy of development. In these disciplines, the author and teachers, who have not been trained in traditional information pedagogy in pedagogical universities, come from scientific institutes and universities and more boldly introduce, for example, a cultural-functional approach to economics in high school.
It is quite symbolic that in many positions this new generation of teachers agrees with the ardent supporter of the struggle for the teaching of school antiquity, the classic in ancient philosophy F.F. Zelinsky. F.F. Zelinsky defended the idea that gymnasium education is contrary in spirit to the specialized training of a specialist and is a deepening not in special knowledge, but in culture. The task of gymnasium education is the development of a Man of Culture, who, through the study of school antiquity, acquires a “Big I”, becomes a Citizen of Europe. Economic and environmental education helps a growing person become a citizen of such a Common Home as the Earth.
The same task is served by Andrey Usachev's first fairy tale about human rights in Russia, "The Adventures of a Little Man" (1994).
7). From monofunctional technical teaching aids to full-functional means and information technologies.
There is a gradual change in technical teaching aids in terms of their function and place in the educational process: from visual demonstration to teaching aids, from individual manuals and devices to microlaboratories. A special place is more and more clearly occupied by information technologies, which become not just a means of education, but teach the student to live in an information environment, introduce students to the information culture. Thus, in terms of its cultural and psychological function, information technologies solve such a problem of variable education as the inclusion of a student in the global educational and cultural space of our changing world.

V. Strategy for the development of state and municipal institutions of additional education for children.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", out-of-school institutions are transformed into institutions of additional education. The need to modify the system of out-of-school education, its transition to a new qualitative state is determined by a number of circumstances.
First, there are fundamental changes in the public consciousness. The view of a person, primarily as a specialist, gives way to a view of the individual from the standpoint of cultural and historical pedagogy of development.
Secondly, the trend of transition of developed countries from technogenic to anthropogenic civilization is increasing.
Thirdly, cultural, educational, informational, and leisure services are in increasing demand among children and parents.
As a result, the importance of various types of non-formal education for the individual and society is increasing. One of these types can be recognized as additional education organized by institutions whose main purpose is to satisfy the constantly changing individual socio-cultural and educational needs of children.
These educational institutions are designed to create conditions for the creative self-realization of all children. At the same time, focus on the individuality of each of them, focus their activities on freely arising and growing in the process of cognition interests in various spheres of life. The absence of coercion, the freedom to choose activities makes additional education institutions attractive for any child at any age - both at 5 and at 18 years old.
The transition of out-of-school institutions to a new qualitative state coincides in time with the process of comprehending additional education not only as a new phenomenon for domestic pedagogy, but also as one of the components of development pedagogy.
The methodology of out-of-school education that arose in Russia at the end of the 19th century in the last third of the 20th century was transformed abroad into an independent sphere of social policy - the sphere of out-of-school, non-formal, additional, continued education. In Russia, this methodology has not received due development.
The last fundamental research of a theoretical and methodological nature is the "Encyclopedia of out-of-school education" by Professor E.N. Medynsky, published in 1923. Since then, research into out-of-school education, which in the 1931s was replaced by out-of-school education, has been fragmented and unsystematic. As a result, there was a separation of theory from practice, which became the most serious obstacle to the reorganization of educational out-of-school institutions into institutions that should have new characteristics.
The most typical of them are: equipping the educational process with programs that help children acquire functional literacy; providing each child with a free choice of educational area, profile of programs, time for their development; a variety of activities that satisfy a variety of interests; personal-activity nature of the educational process; career guidance, the possibility of obtaining pre-professional and primary vocational education; socio-cultural orientation of all events.
Additional education is a continuous process. It has no fixed deadlines for completion and moves sequentially from one stage to another. First, a favorable soil is created for the creative activity of the child, then cooperation in the creative process of beginners with those who have already mastered to some extent is ensured; co-creative activity is followed by independent creativity, which accompanies a person all his life, forming the need for a creative perception of the world and understanding oneself in this world.
These stages predetermine the specifics of the content of additional education. If at the first level, a little is given to many, then at the third level, much is given to a few. This logic of the educational process allows institutions of additional education to offer their services to all children, to improve all aspects of the human "I".
Additional education cannot be considered as an appendage to the school. This type of education - independent and valuable in itself - will never be replaced by any school, because. the higher the quality level of school education, the wider the range of educational interests of the individual, which the school itself cannot fully satisfy.
The school and institutions of additional education are not competitors to each other. Their mutual enrichment requires a special study.
But it can definitely be argued that institutions of additional education compensate for the shortcomings and contradictions not of individual schools, but of school education as a whole. At the same time, it should be noted that on the basis of the largest institutions of additional education for children, general educational structures of an elite nature, lyceums, gymnasiums, and others, are increasingly appearing.
The individual-personal basis of the activities of additional education institutions allows them to meet the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.
The content of this work is dictated by the tasks of spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical development, i.e. the tasks of forming everything that is united by the concept of "human world".
Therefore, the pedagogical process in institutions of additional education takes place in the form of a search for solutions to both individual (concrete) and eternal universal problems. The result of this is life creativity, which allows each child to accumulate creative energy and realize the possibilities of spending it on achieving vital goals.
In modern Russia, the entire education system is being reformed in a short time period. The ongoing changes, primarily the development of variable education, give additional education a special relevance.
Together with secondary schools, institutions of additional education for children in the region constitute a multi-level and integral educational system that individualizes the educational path of the child within the framework of a single socio-cultural and educational space of the country. Hence the focus of additional education on:
- the dynamism of the educational process as a social phenomenon, which is a natural component of a person's life, gaining the opportunity to develop and realize his life path;
- stimulation of the child's creative activity, development of his ability to independently solve emerging problems and constant self-education;
- active and active assimilation of the content of education, forecasting the possibilities of its application in various situations;
- generalization of the child's life experience, its correlation with the historically established system of values, self-assessment
them certain actions, events, situations and the corresponding construction of their behavior;
- a new perception of scientific knowledge with its pronounced tendency towards diversity and mastery of specialized languages ​​of sciences in small groups of young researchers",
- the continuity of the content of various types of education, taking into account the evolution of the personal consciousness of children and the development of the whole variety of forms of their life.
Achieving these priorities is complicated by the underdevelopment of software equipment. In a number of educational areas, there are no multi-level programs that can help the child to realize their capabilities, to professionally self-determine.
A significant part of the programs is designed for reproductive activities and does not provide for an independent search for optimal solutions.
The programs are not interconnected, not differentiated depending on the gender, physical, intellectual inclinations of the child, his living conditions.
Hence the need to stimulate the creation of a new generation of programs - additional education programs that are fundamentally different from those that were drawn up for circles of schools and out-of-school institutions. For these purposes, two all-Russian competitions of author's programs were held. At the same time, the formation of the structure, matrices, principles of additional education programs, selection of content has begun.
State requirements for additional education aim to design educational programs as a means of developing cognitive motivation, the child's abilities, introducing him in the process: joint activities with peers and adults to universal values, building the basis of personal culture.
The normative base of the created system is being developed. A draft Model Regulation on the establishment of additional education for children in the Russian Federation has been prepared, an examination of the current regulations governing the activities of these institutions has been carried out. Preparations for the publication of a collection of regulatory documents have been completed.
There was a need to model institutions of innovative types. Already today, throughout Russia, there are real prerequisites for the formation of such institutions. There are arts and crafts centers, production workshops, creative studios and other associations that promote early professional orientation. This work is organically combined with the restoration of ties between generations, the activation of the position of the family in the education of children.
The number of unique collections of family art is growing. It has become common to include children's work in professional exhibitions and museums.
Innovative institutions of additional education are formed on the basis of author's projects, among them the school of folk crafts of V.N. Buchevsky in Arkhangelsk; studio of folk wooden and clay toys N.I. Lastina in Mordovia; led by O.K. Pechnikov center of art crafts for children and youth in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Each of them solves the problems of social protection of the child, ensuring his rights to free development in accordance with the UN Convention, gaining competitiveness in the labor markets and vocational education.
Particular attention is paid to individual work with gifted and socially deprived children.
The transformation of out-of-school institutions into institutions of additional education for children includes the development of conceptual frameworks; streamlining and strengthening the program-methodological, regulatory, legal, personnel, financial and economic base; adoption at the federal and regional levels of management decisions that ensure the activities of the created educational structures in interconnection and interdependence with existing educational institutions of other types.
The efforts made since 1992 by the educational authorities have made it possible not only to maintain the network of institutions of additional education for children, but also to increase it. As of November 1, 1994, there were 8,300 institutions of additional education operating in the education system with a contingent of students of about 6 million people. This means that over 30 percent of students are systematically engaged in technical and artistic creativity, ecology, sports, tourism, etc.
The number of students in institutions of additional education is significantly ahead of their capabilities. Funds allocated to institutions of additional education for children have been significantly reduced in recent years, which has affected primarily such material-intensive, costly activities as technical creativity, where the number of associations has decreased compared to 1930 by 12.Ls thousand, and the number of students - by 155 thousand people, tourism, respectively) by 5.7 thousand. and 81.9 thousand sports for 95.5 thousand and 78 thousand
Based on the real socio-economic situation, today the following tasks are put forward:
- expansion and reconstruction of the network of institutions of additional education in volumes that make it possible to satisfy the educational needs of children that are not realized in other educational institutions and the family;
- updating the content of additional education on the principles of diversity and variability, the creation of programs and teaching aids of a new generation;
- creation of conditions in the system of additional education for the education and upbringing of children with advanced development;
- development and implementation of regional programs for the development of additional education;
- Bringing the regulatory framework of institutions in line with the new socio-economic conditions;
- establishment of socially guaranteed standards that determine the conditions for the normal functioning of institutions;
- creation of a system of training, retraining and advanced training of managerial and teaching staff;
- formation of the scientific potential of the system of additional education for children.

1, Asmolov A. Strategy for the development of variant education in Russia / / Teacher's newspaper, 1994. - No. 25-26. – C. 2.
2. Brudnov A. Strategy for the development of state and municipal institutions of additional education for children: Publicistic and analytical note reviewed by the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on May 25, 1994. // Education of a schoolchild, 1994.- No. 5.-C.2-4.
3. Gromyko Yu. et al. The concept of education until 2015. //People's education, -1993.-№ 2 - p.3-7.
4. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" / Bulletin of the Committee on Higher Education - 1993.-No. 2.-C.1 - 43.
5. Leontyeva M. Strategy for the development of the content of education in Russia / / Pedagogical Bulletin, 1994. - No. 6. p. 3.
5. General secondary education in Russia: Collection of normative documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 1992-199Z, 1994-1995. – M.: Enlightenment.
7. Strategy for the Development of Education in Russia: Materials of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the August Meetings in 1994. - Moscow, 1994.
8. Tkachenko E. Education reforms in the Russian Federation // Pedagogical Bulletin, 1994, - 1995. - P.1-2.
9. Tkachenko E. Russian education today // Pedagogical Bulletin, 1994. - No. 10. - P.1-2.

Socio-economic changes in all spheres of society have led to a change in value orientations in education. The leading goal of education is not the amount of acquired knowledge and skills, but the harmonious versatile development of the personality, which makes it possible to realize the unique capabilities of a person, prepare the child for life, his psychological and social adaptation.

The concept of education is very complex and multifaceted. In the Law of the Russian Federation on education, it is defined as "a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society and the state" and is interpreted as education in a broad pedagogical sense. In the most general definition, education is a purposeful process and the result of a person's assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of the mind and feelings, the formation of a worldview and cognitive processes. An educated person can be called one who owns general ideas, principles and methods that determine the general approach to the consideration of diverse facts and phenomena, has a high level of developed abilities, the ability to apply what has been learned to the largest possible number of special cases; who has acquired a lot of knowledge and, in addition, is accustomed to quickly and correctly think, from whom concepts and feelings have received a noble and sublime direction. As noted by N.G. Chernyshevsky, three qualities - extensive knowledge, the habit of thinking and the nobility of feelings are necessary for a person to be educated in the full sense of the word.

Domestic didacticist V. S. Lednev believes that the global goal of education is the all-round harmonious development of the individual. He singles out the following functions of general secondary education: mass enrollment of young people; transmission of a common culture to subsequent generations; all-round harmonious development of personality. In accordance with these functions, the goals of general secondary education can also be formulated.

Education is a progressive line of human movement from birth to death, that is, a change in its parameters, properties and qualities over time.

The solution and setting of education goals are associated with the search for alternatives in various social institutions. Sociologists, politicians, psychologists, teachers, and economists are engaged in this search.

The purpose of modern education is to develop the qualities of the individual, necessary for her and society to be included in socially significant activities.

In the concept of the structure and content of general secondary education, the main goal of general education is formulated as follows: the formation of a diversified personality capable of realizing creative potential in dynamic socio-economic conditions both in their own vital interests and in the interests of society (continuation of traditions, development of science, culture , technology, strengthening the historical continuity of generations, etc.).

In the national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation, adopted at the same meeting, the strategic goals of education were also formulated, closely related to the problems of the development of Russian society, namely:

Overcoming the socio-economic and spiritual crisis, ensuring a high quality of life for the people and national security;

Restoration of Russia's status in the world community as a great power in education, culture, science, high technology and economy;

Creation of the basis for sustainable socio-economic and spiritual development of Russia.

The education system is designed to provide:

The historical continuity of generations, the preservation, dissemination and development of national culture;

Education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic social state, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual and possessing high morality;

Versatile and timely development of children and youth, the formation of skills of self-education and self-realization of the individual;

Formation in children and youth of a holistic worldview and a modern scientific worldview, development of a culture of interethnic relations;

Systematic updating of all aspects of education, reflecting changes in the field of culture, economy, science, engineering and technology;

Continuity of education throughout a person's life;

The variety of types and types of educational institutions and the variability of educational programs that ensure the individualization of education;

Continuity of levels and stages of education;

Development of distance learning, creation of programs that implement information technologies in education;

Academic mobility of students;

Development of domestic traditions in working with gifted children and youth, the participation of teachers in scientific activities;

Training of highly educated people and highly qualified specialists capable of professional growth and professional mobility in the context of informatization of society and the development of new science-intensive technologies;

Ecological education, forming a careful attitude of the population to nature. The system of education is called upon to provide a solution to the problems of education. At the same time, there is a problem of correlation between the very concepts of "education" and "training".

From the point of view of a systematic approach, education, according to M.I. Makhmutov, is a metasystem in relation to the education system. Accordingly, the content of education is a broader concept than the content of education. It follows that the goals and content of education and training do not coincide. So, if, for example, the goal of education is the comprehensive and harmonious development of a person and the preparation of the younger generation for an active social life, then the goal of education is already more specific: the assimilation of general educational knowledge by students, the formation of methods of activity, a scientific worldview.

The exceptional importance of general education is determined by the fact that it should contribute to the establishment of social ties between people, social classes and peoples, be the main factor opening the way to the world of human culture. The author identifies two harmoniously interconnected aspects of general education: the subject (objective), which is associated with the knowledge of the objective world and the acquisition of the skills necessary for its transformation, and the personal (subjective), associated with the knowledge of oneself, the formation of motivations, interests, and the acquisition of skills facilitating self-formation. In accordance with these aspects, the learning objectives are also considered.

Education, considered from the subject (objective) side, has the following three main goals:

1) mastering by students the basics of scientific knowledge about nature, society, technology and art (the formation of a worldview, skills and abilities that ensure the possibility of independent use of this knowledge; ways of scientific thinking and research methods within individual subjects);

2) general preparation of students for practical activities that allow a person to learn and transform nature, society and culture and is carried out primarily through cognitive activity;

3) the formation of scientific convictions among students and a holistic perception of the world based on them.

Education, considered from the personal (subjective) side, also includes three main goals that are inextricably linked with the implementation of the subject goals discussed above:

1) general development of thinking and cognitive abilities;

2) formation of needs, motivation, interests and hobbies of students;

3) instilling in students skills for self-education, the necessary conditions for which are the mastery of the "technique" of self-education and the habit of working on their own education.