What is the point-rating system of assessment in universities. Point-rating system for evaluating learning outcomes

Reminder to the student

Distribution of students by profiles (within the direction of bachelor's training at the faculty),

Placement for practice with the possibility of subsequent employment,

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Providing a hostel for non-resident students,

Advantages when participating in the competitive selection for a master's program in a similar educational program.

  1. Educational rating - max 100 points (by discipline)

    Attending training sessions (max 20 points)

    The results of mastering each module of the academic discipline (current and intermediate control) (max 20 points)

    Intermediate certification (exam, credit with assessment, credit) (max 40 points)

    Attendance at classes is cumulatively assessed as follows: the maximum number of points allocated for attendance records (20 points) is divided by the number of classes in the discipline. The resulting value determines the number of points scored by the student for attending one class.

    Intermediate certification is carried out either at the last practical lesson (credit with an assessment or credit), or in accordance with the schedule in the examination session (exam). To be admitted to the intermediate certification, you must score a total of at least 30 points, successfully pass the midterm control in each discipline (have no debts for current academic performance).

    ¤ a student may be exempted from passing an intermediate attestation (test, credit with grade or exam) if, based on the results of attendance, the results of the current and midterm control and the creative rating, he scored at least 50 points. In this case, he is given a mark "passed" (with a pass) or a mark corresponding to the number of points scored (with a pass with a mark or an exam) with the consent of the student.

    ¤ the teacher of the department, who directly conducts classes with a student group, is obliged to inform the group about the distribution of rating points for all types of work in the first lesson of the educational module (semester), the number of modules in the academic discipline, the timing and forms of control over their development, the opportunity to receive incentive points, the form intermediate certification.

    ¤ students have the right to receive information about the current number of points scored in the discipline during the training module (semester). The teacher is obliged to provide the head of the group with this information for students to familiarize themselves with.

    In the traditional four-point

Participation in competitions of student scientific works;

Speaking at conferences;

Participation in olympiads and competitions;

Participation in scientific work on the subject of the department and work in scientific circles;

is determined by the dean's office together with the student council of the faculty and the curator of the group 2 times a year at the end of the semester (cannot exceed 200 points). It characterizes the active participation of the student in the public life of the university and the faculty.

The total educational rating is calculated as the sum of the products of the points obtained for each discipline (on a 100-point system) and the labor intensity of the corresponding discipline (i.e. the volume of hours for the discipline in credit units), with the exception of the discipline "physical culture".

The introduction of the point-rating system is part of the "Bolognaization" of Russian education - the artificial imposition of Western standards under the auspices of the Bologna process, the manifestation of bureaucratization and commercialization of higher education, a clear example of the destruction of the Soviet model of education, which has proven its high efficiency

This very conventional judgment is vulnerable for at least three reasons.

First, a rigid opposition between the traditions of Soviet pedagogy and the educational model that has been taking shape in recent years is completely incorrect. The essence of the competency-based approach is to give the learning process a pronounced activity character with a personality-oriented and practice-oriented orientation. In this capacity, the competency-based model is the most consistent embodiment of the idea of ​​developmental education, which was also significant for Soviet pedagogy (suffice it to recall the famous school of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, which began to take shape precisely at the time when in the United States in studies by N. Chomsky and the concept of competence-based learning was first introduced). Another thing is that within the framework of the Soviet school, such developments remained at the level of "experimental work", and in modern conditions the transition to developmental education requires the breaking of professional stereotypes of many teachers.

Secondly, one should take into account the fact that the Soviet model of education experienced the peak of its development in the 1960s-1970s. and was absolutely adequate to the social, intellectual and psychological state of the then society, technological conditions and tasks of the economic development of that time. Is it correct to compare it with the problems of the education system that took shape half a century later in a society that is undergoing complex social metamorphoses and the deepest psychological stress, has a vague idea of ​​the ways and prospects of its development, but at the same time is faced with the need for a new breakthrough in “catching up modernization” under the slogan of innovation? Nostalgia for the conceptual harmony, methodological orderliness, content systemicity, psychological comfort of Soviet education is easily explained from the point of view of the mood of the teaching community, but it is unproductive in a dialogue with a generation born under the conditions of the information revolution and globalization. It is important to understand that modern pedagogical innovations, including the transition to a point-rating system, do not destroy the Soviet model of education - it has become a thing of the past along with Soviet society, although it has retained many external attributes so far. Russian higher education will have to create a new educational model that is open to the demands of not even today, but tomorrow, capable of mobilizing the creative potential of students and teachers to the maximum extent, ensuring their successful integration into a rapidly changing social reality.

The third aspect of this problem is related to the fact that despite Russia's participation in the Bologna process, the introduction of a point-rating system in Russian and European universities has completely different priorities. In Europe, the Bologna process is aimed primarily at ensuring the openness of the educational space and academic mobility of all its participants. It does not change the foundations of the European educational model and is therefore carried out mainly by administrative measures. Of key importance is the introduction of ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) and ECVET (The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) - systems for the transfer and accumulation of credits (credit units), thanks to which the student's learning outcomes are formalized and can be taken into account when moving from one university to another, when changing educational programs. The progress of students is determined by the national grading scale, but in addition to it, the ECTS grading scale is recommended: students studying a particular discipline are statistically divided into seven rating categories (categories from A to E in the proportion of 10%, 25%, 30 %, 25%, 10% are received by students who passed the exam, and the FX and F categories are received by students who failed it), so that in the end the student accumulates not only credits, but also rating categories. In Russian universities, such a model is meaningless already due to their completely insignificant integration into the European educational space, as well as the absence of any noticeable academic mobility within the country. Therefore, the introduction of a point-rating system in Russia can be expedient and effective only if it is associated not with purely administrative reforms, but with a change in the very model of education, the introduction of competency-based pedagogy technologies.

The use of a point-rating system violates the integrity and consistency of the educational process, absurdly changes the ratio of the significance of lectures and practical classes (in terms of a set of rating points, lectures turn out to be the most "useless" form of educational work), piles up the procedures of "current" and "boundary" control, although at the same time it destroys the classical model of the examination session - a high rating can allow a student not to appear at the exam at all, and his preparation is devoid of system control.

Such fears have a certain basis, but only if we are talking about incorrectly designed rating models, or the inability of a teacher to work in a point-rating system. So, for example, if a university sets a mandatory minimum threshold for a satisfactory grade of 30 points out of 100 for reasons of "preserving the contingent" and the same insignificant point level for "test", then losses in the quality of education will be inevitable. But the same negative role can be played by the overestimation of rating requirements, when, for example, an “excellent” grade requires at least 90-95 points (which means a disproportionate gap with the “good” grade level) or a mandatory confirmation of the “excellent” grade in the exam, regardless of the number of accumulated points (which is generally absurd from the point of view of the very logic of rating control). Such problems arise, first of all, in cases where the teacher does not see the connection between the design of the rating system and the actual organization of students' educational activities, or at the level of the faculty or university, attempts are made to overly formalize the score-rating system, to impose its certain model, regardless of the specifics. discipline and author's teaching methods. If the teacher gets the opportunity to creatively design a rating system within the framework of a general university model, but taking into account the peculiarities of his discipline, then it is in his power to maintain the "integrity and consistency" of the educational process, and ensure the significance of lectures, and achieve a reasonable balance between all forms of control. Moreover, as will be shown below, within the framework of the point-rating system, it is possible to retain the main parameters of the classical learning model, if it does not conflict with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The point-rating system formalizes the work of the teacher, including his relationship with students, displaces live communication with essays and tests, forces not only to record every step of the student, but to abandon the current improvement of the teaching system during the semester, involves filling out a huge amount of reporting documentation and constant mathematical calculations.

Indeed, a significant formalization of the educational process and the control system is an integral feature of the point-rating system. However, two things must be taken into account. First, formalization should not be an end in itself, but only a tool for ensuring the quality of education. Therefore, both the volume of written work and the intensity of control must be correlated with the didactic and content specifics of the discipline. In addition, the teacher has a very wide choice of forms of control, and a correctly used technology for designing a point-rating system may well ensure the priority of oral forms over written ones, creative over routine ones, complex over local ones. For example, many teachers express dissatisfaction with the use of written tests, abstracts, tests, which do not allow the student to “hear”. However, this position only indicates that the teacher's professional tools are very poor or overly traditional - that, for example, students are offered assignments for writing essays, rather than creative essays or complex problem-analytical assignments, that the teacher uses simplified forms of testing "in the old fashioned way". instead of multi-level tests with "open" questions and tasks aimed at various forms of intellectual actions, the teacher is not ready to use interactive educational technologies (case studies, project presentations, debates, role-playing and business games). In the same way, the situation when some students do not have time to accumulate a sufficient number of points during the semester during seminars does not indicate the “risks” of the rating system, but that the teacher himself does not use enough technologies of group educational and research work in the classroom (allowing control the entire group of students present).

The second circumstance that must be taken into account when discussing the “formalism of the point-rating system” is related to modern requirements for educational and methodological support. The format of the Work Programs of Academic Disciplines (RPUD), in contrast to the former Educational and Methodological Complexes (EMC), is not limited to setting the general objectives of the course and a detailed description of the content of the discipline with an attached list of references. The development of the Federal State Educational Standard is a comprehensive design of the educational process, as close as possible to the practice of teaching. Within the framework of the RPAP, the tasks of the discipline should be linked to the competencies being formed, the competencies are disclosed in the requirements for the level of training of students "at the entrance" and "at the exit" of studying the discipline, knowledge, skills and methods of activity that are part of the requirements for the level of training should be checked through the proposed educational technologies and forms of control, and the evaluation funds attached to the program must provide all these planned forms of control. If such a system of educational and methodological support is developed with high quality, then it will not be difficult to integrate a rating plan into it.
As for the impossibility to quickly make changes to the curriculum of the discipline in the conditions of the point-rating system, this requirement, of course, creates obvious inconveniences for teachers. But it is significant in terms of guaranteeing the quality of education. The work program of the academic discipline, the fund of evaluation funds and the rating plan must be approved by the department for each academic year before the start of the academic year or at least the semester. All necessary changes should be made following the implementation of this educational model in the previous year. And during the current academic year, neither the work program nor the rating plan can be changed - students must receive information about all academic requirements at the beginning of the semester and the teacher has no right to change the "rules of the game" before the end of the course. However, within the framework of an already approved rating plan, a teacher can provide himself with a certain “freedom of maneuver” - by introducing such options as a “rating bonus” and “rating penalty”, as well as securing duplicate forms of control (when the rating plan provides for the possibility of transferring certain topics of seminars into the format of assignments for independent work, or a certain control event from those planned for the semester is duplicated by a compensating control task from the additional part of the rating plan - this approach is useful when planning forms of educational work that end the semester and may remain in case of force majeure not implemented in the classroom).

The point-rating system can provoke conflict situations, create an unhealthy atmosphere in the student group, not stimulate the individualization of education, but encourage individualism, the desire to “put spokes in the wheels” of their colleagues.

Similar pedagogical situations are possible, but they usually arise due to erroneous actions on the part of the teacher. The competitiveness of the educational process itself is a powerful stimulating factor, especially if it is reinforced with the help of game forms, implemented openly and stimulated not only by the rating, but also by the emotional background, moral encouragement. Excesses of "individualism" can be easily prevented by making personal rating achievements dependent on the results of team actions. The main condition for students' adaptation to the point-rating system is its consistency, balance and informational openness. All information about the structure of the rating system, the number and timing of control events should be brought to the attention of students during the first academic week of the semester. In the future, the rating plan of the discipline and the methodological and control materials necessary for its implementation should be available to students in a convenient form, and information about the current rating should be communicated to students at least once a month or at their request. In addition, it is important that students know the procedure for resolving disputes that arise during the rating assessment: if a student does not agree with the grade given in the discipline, he can apply to the dean for a review of the results, followed by consideration of this issue by the appeal commission. If the implementation of the score-rating system is organized in this way, then the possibility of conflict situations will be minimal.

The point-rating system improves the quality of education through the integrated use of all forms of classroom and independent work of students and, as a result, provides a noticeable increase in the level of academic performance, strengthens the reputation of the faculty and the status of specific teachers.

A full-scale and correct implementation of the point-rating system, combined with the use of modern educational technologies and forms of control, can indeed significantly improve the quality of the educational process. However, as it is introduced, a paradoxical trend is observed: with an increase in the quality of education, there is a decrease in the level of student achievement.

There are many reasons for this. The cumulative assessment reflects not only the level of student's learning, but also the total volume of the work done. Therefore, many students, faced with the need to complete additional tasks to improve their rating, tend to choose a lower final grade. The psychological unpreparedness of many students for the introduction of a point-rating system also has an effect. First of all, this concerns the categories of "excellent students" and "triple students". Students who are accustomed to receiving "automatic machines" with the help of regular attendance and active behavior at seminars, in the conditions of a point-rating system, are faced with the need to confirm the high level of their preparation at each midterm control procedure, and often perform additional rating tasks to obtain a final grade " Great". “C” students, on the other hand, are deprived of the opportunity to receive an examination grade, convincing the teacher of the “complexity of life circumstances” and promising “to learn everything later”. Students with academic debts are in a particularly difficult position. Having an “unclosed session”, they are forced to spend a lot of time preparing additional rating assignments (in contrast to the previous practice of “retaking” the exam), which means that they initially find themselves as outsiders in the ranking of disciplines of the new semester that has already begun. Another reason for the decrease in the level of academic performance when introducing a point-rating system may be teacher errors in its design. Typical examples are the overestimation of scores for "excellent" and "good" grades, excessive saturation of control forms (when the labor intensity of independent work of students established by the curriculum is not taken into account), the lack of methodological explanations about the rating tasks performed and the requirements for their quality. The inconsistency of the rating plans of various disciplines can also have a negative effect. For example, if during the session classical exams were planned with a distance of at least three days, then this rule does not apply to midterm rating control events, and the end of each month may turn out to be the time of peak workloads for students. All such risks are virtually unavoidable during the transitional phase. Their minimization depends on the systematic nature of actions aimed at introducing a new assessment model, conducting regular monitoring of the educational process, and improving the qualifications of the teaching staff.

The point-rating system provides an increase in students' motivation to master fundamental and professional knowledge, stimulates everyday systematic educational work, improves academic discipline, including class attendance, and allows students to move on to building individual educational trajectories.

Such theses are quite fair in their essence and can often be seen as part of university regulations on the point-rating system. However, practical results, as a rule, turn out to be much more modest than expected. And this is not only the specifics of the transitional stage. The rating system has a deep contradiction. On the one hand, it is one of the elements of the competency-based learning model, the introduction of which is associated not only with the conditions of innovative social development and the requirements of the modern labor market, but also with the sociocultural consequences of the information revolution - the formation of a generation with developed lateral ("clip") thinking. Lateral thinking is based on a positive attitude towards fragmentation, inconsistency of the surrounding reality, situational decision-making logic, flexible perception of new information with unwillingness and inability to build it into “big texts” and a “hierarchy of meanings”, an increased level of infantilism combined with a readiness for spontaneous creative activity . A good example of a "clip" symbolic culture is the interface of any Internet portal with its "segmentary", multiplicity, incompleteness, openness to manifestations of spontaneous interest, followed by non-linear movement along a system of hyperlinks. Such a virtual "architecture" reflects the features of behavioral reactions, the system of thinking, the communicative culture of the generation that grew up in the conditions of the information revolution. It is no coincidence that school textbooks have long lost the aesthetics of "long texts", and the requirement of a "high level of interactivity" has become a key requirement for any educational publications. Meanwhile, the pedagogical concept of rating is based on the idea of ​​a student who, thanks to the accumulative assessment system, is focused on long-term planning of his actions, rational construction of an “individual educational trajectory”, timely and conscientious completion of educational tasks. A small category of students (“excellent students” of the classical model) can quite comfortably adapt to such requirements. But from the point of view of the interests of a “typical” modern student, the opportunity to “get involved” in the educational process at “different speeds”, to intensify one’s efforts at one moment or another, to relatively painlessly experience periods of decline in educational activity, to choose for oneself the most interesting and comfortable learning situations. Therefore, the most important qualities of the point-rating system are its flexibility and variability, modular structure, rather than academic integrity, maximization of student learning activity and increasing the formal level of academic performance. The teacher should build the information support system of the discipline in such a way that each student has the opportunity to start work with a detailed study of the rating plan, familiarization with the full volume of accompanying methodological recommendations, advanced planning of their actions and building "individual educational trajectories". But the teacher must understand that the majority of students will not actually build any “individual educational trajectories” and will become seriously interested in the rating system only towards the end of the semester. Therefore, when designing a rating plan, focusing on the algorithm of actions of the “ideal student” (namely, this is how the maximum 100-point scale is built), the teacher must initially include in the rating model “non-ideal” models of learning behavior, including isolating those few units of content and learning situations that, with the help of an increase in their rating score, will become pivotal and strictly mandatory for mastering by all students, duplicate them with the help of compensating rating tasks. The complex of compensating rating tasks itself should be excessively wide - it is intended not only for successful students to “acquire” a small number of points before the start of the session, but also for organizing the individual work of students who have completely “dropped out” of the rhythm of the educational process.

The point-rating system will help to ensure a more comfortable state of students in the learning process, relieve stress from formalized control procedures, build a more flexible and convenient schedule for the educational process.

Removing "examination stress" and providing comfortable conditions for students' educational work are important tasks of the score-rating system. However, in an effort to ensure the flexibility and variability of the educational process, one should not neglect the requirements of the academic discipline. The rating model of assessment should not be positioned as a system of "automatic machines", when "even a three can be obtained without an exam." And the fact that the teacher is obliged to provide lagging students with the opportunity to compensate for the lack of points with additional tasks cannot be taken as a reason not to attend classes for two or three months, and then “quickly” catch up during the session. An effective balance between the variability and flexibility of rating requirements, on the one hand, and academic discipline, on the other, can be ensured by several tools: firstly, it is important to apply a stimulating distribution of points between different types of academic load (those that the teacher considers the most important - whether it be lectures or control procedures, creative tasks or seminars, must be attractive in terms of the number of points; additional rating tasks must either be inferior in terms of the number of points to the tasks of the basic part, or exceed them in labor intensity); secondly, in the base part of the rating plan, the teacher can fix those forms of educational work and control that are mandatory regardless of the number of points scored; thirdly, when checking rating assignments, the teacher must show consistency, including avoiding situations, when during the semester the tasks are checked with a high degree of exactingness, and during the session and especially after its completion - in a "simplified manner"; fourthly, students must be fully informed about the structure of the rating plan and the requirements, and it must be taken into account that it is not enough to transfer the relevant information during the first week of the semester - many students are included in the educational process very imposingly and late, and some at this time are still busy with their academic debts for the previous semester, so it is important for the teacher to control the awareness of students and “stimulate” potential outsiders in advance, without waiting for the end of the semester; fifthly, the midterm control procedures and the regular calculation of the accumulated number of points have a disciplinary effect - it is advisable to structure the work in such a way that the end of each month is perceived by students as a “mini-session” (this is also facilitated by the format of intra-semester statements with four “cuts” of accumulated points) .

The point-rating system significantly increases the objectivity of assessment, ensures impartiality on the part of the teacher; the rating score does not depend on the nature of interpersonal relations between the teacher and the student, which reduces the "corruption risks" of the educational process.

Such attitudes play an important role in the normal functioning of the points-rating system, however, in practice, a completely different development of events is possible. The most obvious example is the comparison of the classic exam and the test of rating tasks. The exam has a strong reputation for being a very subjective control procedure. Student folklore is full of examples of how a teacher is able to subtly "blame" the exam, and recommendations on how to overcome the vigilance of the examiner, with the help of what tricks to bypass the severity of examination control. But, in fact, the exam format includes a number of mechanisms that increase its objectivity - from a direct relationship between the content of the course and the exam (the exam comprehensively checks knowledge of the main content of the program) to the public nature of the examination procedure (the dialogue between the examiner and the student, as a rule, becomes " public domain"). The rating system, on the contrary, increases the number of situations where the evaluation process is "closed" and highly subjective. By itself, the definition of an assessment in a wide range of rating points is more subjective than the usual "triples", "fours" and "fives". During the classical exam, the student may well find out the criteria for the grade received, but when assigning rating points for a specific task or participation in a specific seminar, teachers in most cases do not explain the reasons for their decision. Thus, the subjectivity of the point-rating system is initially very high. The main way to minimize it is to increase the requirements for educational and methodological support. The teacher must prepare a fund of assessment tools, including a complete set of training and control tasks that exactly correspond to the rating plan, indicating their score. It is necessary that the approval of these materials at a meeting of the department should not be of a formal nature, but be preceded by an examination - this procedure will help ensure the proper level of requirements. In addition, it is very important that rating tasks are accompanied by methodological comments for students, and in the case of creative and training tasks, examples of their successful implementation. Another effective tool for increasing the objectivity of rating assessment is the development of level criteria for scoring for each of the tasks. The most effective and comfortable for the teacher is the three-level detailing of the requirements for each task (a kind of analogue of the "three", "four" and "five" with "pluses" and "minuses"). For example, if a task is evaluated in the range from 1 to 8 points, then as part of the methodological recommendations for students, three sets of evaluation criteria can be given, according to which the student can receive either from 1 to 2 or from 3 to 5 for this task, or from 6 to 8 points. This approach formalizes the evaluation procedure, but at the same time retains its flexibility to a sufficient extent.

The point-rating system simplifies the work of the teacher, since he gets the opportunity not to conduct “full-fledged exams and tests”, and rating tasks can be used from year to year.

Such a judgment cannot be heard from teachers who have at least minimal experience in implementing a point-rating system. It is quite obvious that with the introduction of such a model of organization of the educational process, the load on the teacher increases dramatically. And it is not only about the intensity of control procedures. First of all, it is required to perform a huge amount of educational and methodological work related to the design of a rating system, the development of appropriate didactic materials and evaluation tools. And this work is not of a one-time nature – a full-fledged and effective rating system is developed for at least three or four years, and adjustments to it have to be made annually. When implementing the point-rating system, the teacher is also assigned additional functions for its organizational and information support. Moreover, the need for regular scoring, which is especially embarrassing for "newcomers", is actually perhaps the simplest element of this work. As for the lack of "full-fledged exams and tests", the complexity of these forms of control is clearly inferior to the verification of rating tasks. So, for example, if, within the framework of the classical model of the educational process, the teacher met the student at the exam a maximum of three times (including the examination committee), then when implementing the point-rating system, he is forced to check additional compensatory tasks until the student accumulates points for the final grades "satisfactory". Thus, the myth about a decrease in the volume of teaching work when introducing a point-rating system does not have the slightest foundation. However, unfortunately, it often manifests itself in the formation of requirements for the labor standards of the teaching staff, when, for example, it is believed that the previous total workload of a teacher associated with monitoring students' independent work and conducting an exam is comparable to providing a point-rating system. The illogicality of this approach is confirmed even by the simplest mathematical calculations: if, for example, taking an exam in a discipline is estimated at 0.25 hours per student, and checking the control tasks provided for by the curriculum (essays, tests, abstracts, projects) - at 0.2 –0.3 hours per task, then the rating system with three to four midterm control procedures during the semester and additional rating tasks that students can complete on their own initiative in any quantity (including passing the same exam), more than covers the complexity of the classical model evaluation.

It is also worth noting that after the introduction of the point-rating system of assessment, the practice of “attendance days” or “contact hours” (when a teacher, in addition to classroom activities, is required to be “at the workplace” according to a certain schedule, looks completely illogical). The submission of rating assignments by students does not occur according to the teacher's work schedule, but as they are prepared by the students themselves, as well as the need for consultations on rating assignments arises for students clearly not on schedule. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective format for advising students and checking their assignments on a remote basis. Unfortunately, the implementation of such a remote form of control is not yet taken into account when calculating the teaching load.

Taking into account all the difficulties that arise in the preparation and implementation of a score-rating system, it is advisable to develop universal models of rating plans and standard forms for describing rating tasks. The use of unified rating schemes will not only ensure the required quality of the educational process, but will also solve the problem of adapting students and faculty to the new assessment system.

At first glance, the development of a "universal" rating plan model can indeed solve a number of problems associated with the introduction of this new rating system. In particular, this will allow avoiding obvious mistakes in the design of rating plans, simplify the information and organizational support of the score-rating system, unify the requirements for the main forms of control, and provide a higher level of manageability of the educational process during the transition period. However, there are obvious drawbacks to this approach. First of all, we are talking about the loss of the main advantages of the point-rating system - its flexibility and variability, the ability to take into account the specifics of specific academic disciplines and the peculiarities of the author's teaching methods. There is no doubt that those teachers who, due to difficulties in designing rating plans, actively advocate for their universalization, will quickly change their position when faced with a “hard” rating system designed for a completely different didactic model. Yes, and the current criticism of the point-rating system of assessment is for the most part due to the fact that teachers do not see the possibility of adapting it to the usual schemes of the educational process. The main reason why the unification of rating plans is inappropriate is that the introduction of this rating system is not an end in itself. The rating model is designed to consolidate the transition to competence-based learning, expand the scope of interactive educational technologies, consolidate the activity nature of the educational process, and activate its personal perception by students and teachers. From this point of view, the independent participation of each teacher in the design of rating plans and the development of their educational and methodological support is the most important form of advanced training.

The article describes the experience of using a point-rating system for evaluating students' educational achievements. The objectives of the BRS, its advantages and disadvantages are determined. A presentation is attached to the article.



The federal state educational standard (FSES) of the new generation in the specialties of secondary vocational education (SVE) is built on the student's mastery of professional (PC) and general competencies (OK).

Competencies are a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities of a student. In the implementation of the task of mastering competencies, a point-rating system for assessing students' knowledge can play a positive role. Teachers and psychologists believe that the assessment should reflect not only the level of mastery of competencies, but also the student's personal qualities, namely: the ability to plan one's work, work in a team and in a team, rationally use one's own and others' time, work with reference and additional literature, write summaries, abstracts, abstracts, independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

In the 2011-2012 academic year, our technical school introduced a point-rating system for assessing and recording progress, which somewhat changed the usual ideas of students about learning. Surely everyone knows the saying: “Students live happily from session to session ...”, then in 2-3 days they learn the subject (with varying degrees of success), pass it and safely forget it.

Not everyone, of course, learns this way, but no one will deny that such a practice exists. And one more thing: everyone knows very well that a traditional sessional exam or test is in many ways a lottery: you can prepare from time to time during the semester, get a “good” ticket at the exam and get “excellent”. Or, on the contrary, you can work all the semester, prepare, go to lectures, read textbooks, but you won’t be lucky on the exam. And if the teacher is in a bad mood on the day of the exam, then complaints about bias, bias, etc. are inevitable. And all because the usual traditional system almost does not take into account what is called the student's current academic work.

In addition, students, especially first-year students, often show a lack of self-organization and independence, lack of experience in search activities and skills in working with literature.

In the point-rating system, these shortcomings are compensated. For certain types of work performed by students throughout the semester, points are given, a certain number of points are awarded for credit, then all these points are summed up, and the final rating score for the subject is obtained. This score translates into the traditional grading system.

  1. the formation of students' motivation for systematic work, both classroom and independent;
  2. reducing the role of accidents in passing exams, tests;
  3. streamlining, transparency and expansion of opportunities for the use of various types and forms of current and intermediate control;
  4. implementation of an individual approach in the educational process;
  5. increasing competitiveness in studies to activate the personal factor;
  6. obtaining, accumulating and presenting to all interested parties, including parents of students, information about the educational achievements of a student, group for any period of time;
  7. improving the quality of training through a phased assessment of various types of work.

The point-rating system for assessing student progress is not new in itself - it is a system for organizing the educational process for students to master the main educational program of secondary vocational education (SVE), in which all knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the course of mastering the discipline are systematically evaluated at 100 -point scale (mastering the material by 100%), in addition, this system should reflect the final control of knowledge and student attendance. In the system of secondary vocational education, attendance by students of classroom classes is problematic, due to the fact that students of a technical school are students who have not reached the age of majority, and teachers are responsible for the absence of a student in class. This condition should also be reflected in the control of knowledge on the point-rating system. After analyzing all the components of the learning process, we proposed the following system for assessing knowledge, skills, and abilities (KAS).

To assess the personal qualities of students (discipline, responsibility, initiative, etc.), a certain number of points is provided (up to 10% of the total number).Attendance is estimated at 5.5 points, taking into account 57 hours of classroom workload - 0.1 points for each pair visited; taking notes - 3.5 points

Laboratory and practical work is evaluated at 52 points - 5 and 2 points for each laboratory and practical work. Laboratory work does not allow the absence of a student, even for a good reason. If the student was absent from the class due to illness, he must pass the laboratory workshop within two weeks after starting to study. It is no coincidence that a large number of points: out of 57 hours - 26 hours of laboratory and practical classes

Control, test works are estimated at 21 points - 2.5 points for each work. Includes several sections of chemistry and biology

Homework is worth 8 points - 1 point for each work.

The differentiated offset is estimated at 10 points.

Students who have not scored the established minimum amount of points during the current control can gain points to the intermediate control. Students who have scored 85% or more of the total points for the current control are exempted from the test and "automatically" receive a grade of "5".

Those who scored 72% or more - a score of "4", they, if desired, can

refuse the "automatic" assessment and take the test during the session.

Students who score 51% or more of the maximum amount receive a grade of "3"

Students who score less than 50 points according to the results of the current control are considered not certified and have academic debts on them. To receive a higher grade, students must pass an intermediate assessment.

The introduced point-rating system involves the development of a technological map of the discipline, which indicates the types of compulsory work and the number of points that students can receive for completing each task.

The final grade is recorded in the student's transcript and record book.

The point-rating system for assessing the progress of students in our technical school does not cancel the traditional system used for intermediate and final certification (excellent, good, satisfactory, credited, not credited), and along with the latter, it is one of the components of the education quality management system.

  1. Increasing the discipline of students. If a student fails to complete a task on time, a certain number of points will be forfeited.
  2. Increasing the organization of students. The student knows the “rules of the game” from the very beginning and can plan his own work during the semester.
  3. Increasing the feeling of psychological comfort in the learning process. The accumulative points system of a conscientious student reduces the excitement associated with the expectation of the upcoming final assessment.
  4. Improving the objectivity of the assessment. The teacher evaluates all the achievements of the student according to certain criteria, without reducing them to an average score. The grading system is open to every student.
  5. Strengthening the element of competition among students. The rating system provides an opportunity to express themselves, to stand out.
  6. Activation of the work of the teaching staff. For each discipline, the entire package of tasks must be drawn up with an indication of points and cases of additional encouragement are listed.

Students note the following advantages of the point-rating system:

  1. Inclusion of 60% of current scores in the final grade.
  2. Stimulation of students' activity in the classroom.
  3. Improving class attendance.
  4. Ability to keep track of your points.
  1. This system creates a lot of additional work for the teacher. He must calculate the parameters of this system - how many points are given for each task and assessment criteria, bring this to the attention of students, develop alternative forms of scoring, tasks of different levels of complexity depending on how many points the student claims, and also conduct more individual work with students who want to get the missing points.
  2. Inadequate assessment of capable students. Students forced to miss classes for various reasons (participation in activities, illness) cannot fully use the accumulative points system.
  3. The system is designed to measure the progress of students based on their regular work during the semester. The resulting data will not represent the true balance of power unless a significant proportion of students work regularly. There will always be some students who will not work during the semester, and the rating system is effective only when students are willing to work regularly.
  4. Inadequate mastery of educational material by students. Students can accumulate points by skipping some sections of the discipline. Accordingly, this affects the quality of assimilation of the material.

In any case, the use of a point-rating system in organizing the educational process contributes to the activation of students' educational activities, the development of a sense of responsibility and independence in them, increases the objectivity of the assessment and has a positive effect on the rhythm of work when they master professional and general competencies.

The introduction of a point system is the first step towards a full-scale transition to teaching a credit system. In addition, a mandatory condition for attestation and accreditation of absolutely all universities will be the provision of results for this experiment.

The transition to a new system of education will not qualitatively change the content of academic disciplines: the number of hours, lectures and seminars remains the same.

This system should be used in the educational process in all disciplines of the curriculum, including disciplines of the federal and university components, as well as disciplines of students' choice. Apanasenko G.A. Point - rating system: does it have the right to independent existence? // Modern school, 2008. - No. 2. - p. 9

1. The point-rating technology for assessing knowledge is used for the purpose of student-oriented learning, stimulating the systematic work of students, revealing their creative abilities, and differentiating the assessment of knowledge.

2. The point-rating technology for assessing knowledge is designed to increase the objectivity and reliability of assessing the level of students' preparation and is used as one of the elements of managing the educational process at a university.

Understand the system for generating grades for disciplines and other types of employment in order to obtain final grades;

Recognize the need for systematic work on the implementation of the curriculum based on knowledge of their current rating score for each discipline and its change due to untimely mastering of the material;

Timely assess the state of their work on the study of the discipline, the implementation of all types of academic workload before the start of the examination session;

During the semester, make adjustments to the organization of current independent work.

Plan (in detail) the educational process in a particular discipline and stimulate the work of students for systematic work;

Timely make adjustments to the organization of the educational process based on the results of the current rating control;

Objectively determine the final grade in the discipline, taking into account systematic work;

Provide a gradation of assessment of the level of knowledge in comparison with the traditional system.

6. The point-rating technology makes it possible to ensure the continuity of monitoring and assessing the quality of knowledge, both in a separate discipline and throughout the semester, at the current stage of education (all past semesters) and the period of study at this stage of higher professional education (HPE).

When developing a scoring system for assessing the progress of the department and individual teachers, take into account the following points:

Departments, depending on the specifics of the disciplines taught, establish the types of current control and their cost in points;

The cost of attending each lesson is calculated as the quotient of dividing the amount of points established for attending classes by the number of planned training sessions;

For each type of educational work, the maximum number of points is set on condition that it is performed as "excellent";

In case of unsatisfactory assessment for the performance of any type of current control, points are not awarded;

The department has the right to declare the performance of any tasks mandatory. In case of failure to complete or receive an unsatisfactory grade for the implementation of such mandatory tasks, the final grade will be unsatisfactory, regardless of the amount of points scored in other types of current control.

The accumulated points are used to determine the final grade. As a final assessment scale, it is proposed to use the five-point scale adopted in Russia and a slightly modified ECTS system, adopted in most European countries.

Theoretical material - attending lectures;

Practical skills - performance and defense of laboratory work, seminars;

Performance of independent works (abstracts, creative assignments, settlement and graphic works, term papers and projects) and their defense;

Educational, industrial and other practices.

2. The point-rating technology should be clearly described for each discipline and brought to the attention of each student at the beginning of classes, as a component of the discipline study program, which is included in the educational and methodological complex (TMC).

3. When studying one discipline, a student can receive no more than 100 points. At the same time, the student receives most of the points during the semester, about 1/3 - the final certification.

Classes missed for a good reason are worked out at the initiative of the student in the direction of the dean's office; Points received during training go to the rating.

5. By decision of the department, students with a high rating in the discipline (from 90%) can be (with their consent) exempted from taking the exam. Passing an exam is required to obtain an "excellent" grade.

7. The complexity of studying the discipline (the number of hours or credit units according to the curriculum) is taken into account by the coefficient in the assessment according to the average performance indicator (OSPU):

Where O1, O 2, On are the numerical equivalents of grades in the discipline;

K1, K2, Kn - accounting credit units of the corresponding discipline.

The scoring system for assessing progress control provides not only a differentiated assessment of various types of educational work, but also compliance with the deadlines for their implementation. The following deadlines for the submission by departments (teachers) of reports on the current progress of students are established:

By these terms, each teacher submits to the dean's offices reports on the current progress of students in the groups where he conducts training sessions. Kolbanov V.V. Pedagogy: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: DEAM, 2008. - 32 p.

If a student who has not scored or scored few points by the time the report is submitted has a documented valid reason (illness, departure for training camps, competitions), the dean's office extends the deadline for submitting control orders for the dean's office with the obligatory notification of the student and the corresponding teacher (department ).

A student who, without a valid reason, did not complete the control tasks and did not score the minimum number of points required to receive a credit or an examination mark at the end of the study of the discipline, can only be allowed to re-study it on a compensatory basis. If he refuses to do so or if he repeatedly receives an unsatisfactory grade, he is expelled from the university. Vasilyeva O.S. Point - rating system // Psychological Bulletin of the Russian State University, 2008. - No. 3. - p. 45

Thus, the use of rating control and evaluation can increase the level of motivation to study the subject. The results can be counted as a final grade for the semester test and, as a result, as a final examination grade. And when using the point-rating system, you can monitor the dynamics of progress and the group as a whole and each student, voicing the results of the rating will increase the activity of students and introduce a moment of competition into the learning process, identifying the best and lagging behind students.

Are you ready to switch to a new format? After all, this is a system in which there is no traditional assessment of students on a five-point scale. Instead, in the process of studying, the student receives points for working at seminars, for attending, for taking notes, etc.

Let's continue to get acquainted with the concepts that you will have to deal with when you become students.

Today I want to talk about BRS- point-rating system.
What's this? What is its essence? Which universities apply? What are the pros and cons of this system? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

What is a point-rating system?

In other words, this is a system in which there is no traditional assessment of students on a five-point scale.

Instead, in the process of studying, the student receives points for working at seminars, for attending, for taking notes, etc. (in the amount of no more than 40 points *). At the end of each semester, all points are added together and added to the points obtained by the student in the exam (maximum 60 points can be obtained) and after that they are converted into an assessment according to the following scheme*:
86 - 100 points - "5"
70 - 85 points - "4"
51 - 69 points - "3"
If, as a result, a student scores less than 51 points, then it is considered that he has not mastered the discipline.

*- this scheme, as well as dividing 100 points by “40 for a semester, 60 for an exam” may differ slightly depending on the university.

Which universities apply?

The point-rating system is used in such universities as the Higher School of Economics, RUDN University, Russian Economic University, Financial University, Moscow Federal Law Academy, Moscow State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Ural Federal University, KFU, SFU, etc. Accurate information on whether the point-rating system is applied in the educational institution of your choice, you can always find it on the website of the university itself.

What are the pros and cons of a point-rating system?


  • The objectivity of the assessment of student achievements in studies is increasing.
    Objectivity, the main requirement for evaluation, is not implemented very well in the traditional system. In the point-rating system, the exam ceases to be the “last sentence”, because it will only add points to those scored in a semester. If, on the contrary, the student is nervous on the exam and does not write it so well, the grade will not be reduced so much due to the points scored during the semester.
  • Motivation for constant active work increases throughout the semester (although for some, this is probably a minus).
    As you know, many students used to be guided by the rule “from session to session, students live happily”, that is, they did almost nothing at all during the semester, and in a couple of days they crammed all the material and successfully (or not very) passed the exam. With BRS, it will be more difficult to do so.
  • At the end of each semester, an overall course rating is formed, which makes various university opportunities more accessible, for example, a trip for a semester or a year to study at a foreign university. It's simple, if you want to get cool opportunities - study well.
  • "Race" for points.
    With a point-rating system of education, some students (especially in not very close-knit groups) experience a feeling of constant competition. Most often, this manifests itself when a teacher, for example, gives 2-3 topics for presentations or a report, and students themselves must distribute among themselves who will do them and who, accordingly, will receive points. And it happens that students who already have enough points do not allow such work to be done by those who need these points more, who have very few of them. It is in such situations that humanity and the ability to yield are manifested.
  • Sometimes not entirely clear distribution of points between different types of work.
    Agree, it is strange to hear from a teacher that, for example, he puts the same number of points for answering a seminar and for writing an essay or abstract. After all, these two types of work spend completely different amounts of time. However, sometimes teachers come across who distribute points in a way that is not entirely clear and logical.
  • Subjectivity in the absence of clear criteria.


Although one of the goals of the BRS is to eliminate subjectivity in the assessment of students, all the same, if there are no clear criteria for how this or that type of work should be evaluated, the teacher sets them as he sees fit. Moreover, teachers often take into account students' scores only formally, putting an assessment at the end of the semester "by eye".

I, as a person who recently left the usual school system and began to study according to the point-rating system, I can say that it was much more difficult for me to write about the minuses of BRS than about the pros.

And this means that it’s a little easier to study, getting points, not grades. After all, you always know: it all depends on you, you can “freebie” a little during the semester, but then it will become more difficult on the exam, because you will know that you don’t have enough points to get the desired grade, and this adds excitement (I personally witnessed an unfortunate scene when classmates did not have 3-5 points to the four and they "flew" from the scholarship"). So in this system, everything is definitely in your hands!

Now, when you see on the website of the university you like the information that it uses a point-rating system, you will know a little more about it and will assume what awaits you!