Online Gia Geography Tests. Demonstration options for oge in geography Real kimy gia geography 9

Explanatory note. The program is designed for 9th grade students who have chosen geography for the exam in a new form. The purpose of the course is to increase the level of subject and psychological preparation of students for the state final certification of 9th grade graduates in a new form in geography (acquaintance of students with the features of this form of certification, developing their skills in filling out certification documents and answer forms). In accordance with the curriculum and the approved annual calendar schedule of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1", the program is designed for 34 hours a year, 1 hour a week. Classes are held according to the approved schedule on Saturday, due to the fact that part of the classes falls on holidays (31.12.16, 25.02.2017, 06.05.2017) the work program is reduced by 3 hours, hours on the topic "Reserve classes" are reduced . The course program is built in the logic of gradual mastering of the main content of geographical knowledge by students and consists of two sections: introduction and development of the main sections of the course. Each section consists of overview lectures, training tasks of the test form with a choice of answers, tasks of the test form with a short answer, analysis of difficult tasks. The course implements a competence-based, activity-based and individual approach to learning. The activity approach is implemented in the process of conducting independent and practical work with students and forms the basis of the course. The activity of the teacher is reduced mainly to advising students, analyzing and analyzing the most problematic issues and topics. Individualization of learning is achieved through the use of electronic and Internet resources in the learning process. The program assumes that the main task of a teacher implementing this course is not just transferring, broadcasting experience, accumulated knowledge, but also developing the creative potential of the personality of their students, developing their skills and abilities to overcome the boundaries of the known, traditional. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to go beyond the educational standard, for the successful realization of the creative potential of students, increasing their cognitive interest in geography and forming a more stable motivation to study the subject. In the process of mastering the program, students will be able to check the level of their knowledge in various sections of the school geography course, as well as pass the necessary stage of preparation for the unified state exam. The results of the development of the course. Know/understand: basic geographical concepts and terms; differences between the plan, globe and geographical maps in terms of content, scale, methods of cartographic representation; results of outstanding geographical discoveries and travels; geographical consequences of the Earth's movements, geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres, the relationship between them, their change as a result of human activity; geographic zonality and zonation; geographical features of the nature of the continents and oceans, as well as the geography of the peoples of the Earth; differences in the economic development of different territories and water areas; the relationship between the geographical location, natural conditions, resources and economy of individual regions and countries; the specifics of the geographical location and administrative territorial structure of the Russian Federation; features of its nature, population, main sectors of the economy, natural economic zones and regions; natural and anthropogenic causes of geoecological problems at the local, regional and global levels; measures to preserve nature and protect people from natural and man-made phenomena Be able to: determine distances, directions, heights of points on the ground, plan and map; geographical coordinates and location of geographical objects; identify (recognize) the essential features of geographical objects and phenomena; describe the essential features of geographical objects and phenomena; explain the essential features of geographical objects and phenomena; make a brief geographical description of different territories; give examples: natural resources, their use and protection, the formation of cultural and everyday characteristics of peoples under the influence of their habitat; the largest raw materials and fuel and energy bases, regions and centers for the production of the most important types of products, main communications and their nodes, domestic and foreign economic relations of Russia, as well as the largest regions and countries of the world; find in different sources the information necessary for the study of geographical objects and phenomena, different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources, economic potential, environmental problems; to analyze the information necessary for the study of geographical objects and phenomena, different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources, economic potential, environmental problems; present measurement results in different forms, identify empirical dependencies on this basis.

  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2020 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2019 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the completion of the examination paper in 2018 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2017 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2016 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2015 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2014 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2013 into a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in the demonstration versions of the OGE in geography

In 2013 there were reduced the total number of tasks from 31 to 30 and ratio changed the number of tasks with a choice of answers, with short and detailed answers: 18, 9 and 3, respectively.

In 2014 in demo version of the OGE in geography It was ratio changed the number of items with multiple choice, short and long answers: 17, 10 and 3, respectively, and included task to check the understanding of the basic geographical concepts and terms and the ability to use the acquired knowledge to solve practical problems.

In 2015 in demo version of the OGE in geography has changed only response record form in tasks with a choice of answers: the answer has become necessary to write down digit with the number of the correct answer(not circled).

AT demo version of the OGE 2016 in geography compared to 2015 demo there are no substantive changes. Changed only sequence order several tasks of part 1.

AT demo versions of the OGE 2017 - 2019 in geography compared to 2016 demo there were no changes.

AT demo version of the OGE 2020 in geography Compared to the 2018 demo, the following changes:

  • was quest sequence changed;
  • was response form changed in tasks (2, 3, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 26);
  • was included a mini-test of three tasks (27–29) to test the ability to work with the text of geographical content;
  • maximum score for all the work reduced from 32 to 31.

The OGE in geography is one of the exams that graduates of the 9th grade take of their choice. This item does not belong to the category of popular, has its own characteristics. Usually, this discipline is chosen by those who plan to study in the 10th grade of the corresponding profile. Is the geography exam difficult for schoolchildren? Geography requires specific skills, so it cannot be classified as a simple discipline. Every year, schoolchildren who have chosen this subject note a number of difficulties: working with tasks, completing assignments to establish correspondences, and to know the map. How not to repeat their mistakes.

  • Working with the map
    Poor knowledge of the map is a typical problem for most schoolchildren. Given the knowledge of the location of geographical objects, many tasks can be completed. Be sure to take the time to study the map.
  • How to solve problems?
    Geographical tasks have their own specifics, but basic knowledge of mathematics will be useful for their solution - first of all, proportions. Learn formulas that will help you cope with different tasks according to the algorithm.
  • Incomplete answers to questions
    Be sure to read the questions to the end! Due to inattention, examinees often miss the essence of the question, respectively, answer incorrectly or incompletely.
  • Low level of terminological literacy
    Geography is one of the disciplines that operates with a huge number of concepts, terms, definitions, they can be purely geographical or borrowed from other sciences. It is necessary to study the terms because an incomprehensible word in a task can cross out the possibility of its successful solution.

The structure of the exam includes tasks of different levels of complexity: basic, advanced and high. The first part is the usual tests, when you need to choose the right option, discarding the inappropriate ones. In order to successfully pass this part, it is necessary to carefully repeat the theory for all the years of study. High-level tasks require solving problems, detailed answers

objectivity in dividing tasks into "easy" and "difficult" - the basic level for many is less "pleasant" than the high one.

What topics should you pay special attention to when preparing?

Every year, the most difficult topics for schoolchildren are the following topics: the economic zoning of Russia, the features of the development of industry and the economic development of regions. It is recommended to devote more time and effort to the country's economy and the physical, political geography of Russia, since these topics also dominate in test tasks.

In preparing for the subject, the main thing is systematic and regular study according to a given plan. You will have to repeat all the materials, starting with the topic “Earth as a planet”. Pay attention to the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, nature management, work with the map, features of continents and oceans.

“I will solve the OGE in geography” is an online test in the discipline that will help you consolidate your knowledge and practice completing tasks of various levels of complexity, and use knowledge in practice.

The proposed teaching aid is designed to prepare for the main state exam in the 9th grade in geography. The book contains 10 training options for test tasks in geography, compiled according to the current OGE-2016 specification, answers to all options, a demo version with comments and a detailed analysis of all types of examination tasks, as well as guidelines for schoolchildren and teachers. The development of assignments is based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.
The book is addressed to ninth-graders preparing to take the exam in geography in 2016, teachers and methodologists.
To organize systematic preparation for the exam, it is recommended to use the manual “Geography. Thematic tests for preparing for the Unified State Examination and State Examination in the form of the OGE ", in which multi-level test tasks are grouped into sections according to the structure of the state standard for geography, as well as a training book" Geography. 8-9 grades. Working with various sources of information.

Such adverse climatic events as tornadoes, tropical tornadoes and hurricanes are natural disasters that often affect people. Timely notification of the population by special services can prevent catastrophic consequences. In which of the following countries do such special services exist?
1) Norway
2) Mongolia
3) Mexico
4) Switzerland

In which of the following regions of Russia is the coal mining industry one of the main sectors of the economy?
1) Stavropol Territory
2) Kemerovo region
3) Volgograd region
4) Vologda region

Which region of Russia should tourists from Brazil go to in order to get acquainted with the beauty and grandeur of the architectural and park ensembles of Russia?
1) Murmansk region
2) Leningrad region
3) Vologda region
4) Smolensk region

Guidelines for preparing for the OGE in geography
Demo version for conducting the OGE in geography with comments and recommendations for its implementation
Training tests
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
General information about the continents
Basic information about the oceans
Political and administrative structure of the Russian Federation
Religious affiliation of the peoples of Russia

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Publication date: 08/06/2016 08:39 UTC

  • OGE 2020, Geography, Grade 9, Demo, Codifier, Specification, Project
  • Specification of control measuring materials for the main state exam in GEOGRAPHY in 2020
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