Presentations for the lessons of fgos harmony. Presentation of EMC Harmony for a four-year elementary school

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EMC "Harmony" for a four-year elementary school Knyazeva Nadezhda Alexandrovna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 2 in Gryazovets" of the Vologda Region EMC "Harmony" -cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren, develops methods of mental activity, promotes spiritual, moral and patriotic education. The methodological basis of the kit is the principle of pedagogical cooperation between the teacher and students. M.A. Sholokhova Authors of the set: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Natalia Borisovna Istomina (mathematics); Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Marina Sergeevna Soloveichik; candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Nadezhda Sergeevna Kuzmenko (Russian language); candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Olga Vladimirovna Kubasova (literary reading); Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Olga Tikhonovna Poglazova (the world around her); Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Natalya Mikhailovna Konysheva (labor training). One of the main tasks of the authors of the Harmony kit was to develop ways to organize the educational activities of younger schoolchildren, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities that correspond to the curricula and the requirements of the primary educational standard. The educational-methodical set "Harmony" implements: ways of organizing the educational activities of students related to the formulation of a learning task, its solution, self-control and self-assessment; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities; ways of forming concepts that provide awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age. Features of EMC "Harmony" Focus on overcoming the objectively established division of traditional and developing training systems on the basis of an organic combination of the provisions of the traditional methodology that have confirmed their vitality and new approaches to solving methodological problems. Methodical implementation of the main directions of modernization of school education (humanization, humanitarization, differentiation, activity-based and student-oriented approach to the learning process). Lots of developing problem tasks and bright visualization! Conditions for comfortable relations are created: teacher student student student Activity approach in organizing learning: a) first, a learning task is set, then new knowledge is introduced. b) information is not provided in finished form, it is “extracted” together with students. Techniques are actively used: observation, choice, transformation, construction ... The same object or subject is considered from different angles when studying them. Significant reliance on the experience of the child. Tasks are practical, i.e. close to real life situations. Included in U.M.K. "Harmony" textbooks have auxiliary techniques. The set offers tasks with different levels of preparedness of students. A situation of success is being formed. Literacy education. Reading PRIMER The approach to presenting the material allows the child to move smoothly from playing to learning activities, quickly adapt to school, and contributes to the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the Russian language. LITERATURE. WRITING Phonetic skills based on the syllable. Separate-parallel teaching of literacy and writing. Three block introduction of letters. Culture of speech behavior. Recipes form the skills of correct calligraphic writing and Russian spelling. The main features of the kit: 1. Communicative orientation of teaching the Russian language. 2. Raising children's interest in their native language. 3. Development of linguistic thinking of the child. 4. A new approach to the organization of spelling and graphic work. 5. Formation in younger students of methods of independent learning activities, the ability to work with a textbook and use various dictionaries. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE A child's awareness of himself as a linguistic personality. A communicative approach to language learning. Development of a natural sense of the word. Creation of a basis for ensuring literacy. Formation of the worldview of children. Development of creative abilities. Enrichment of mental potential. The development of the emotional sphere. The development of speech. The ability to be a reader. Literary reading (Author: O.V. Kubasova) Mathematics The main features of teaching materials: Formation of methods of educational activity: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy and generalization in the process of assimilation of mathematical concepts. A system of tasks that helps organize active cognitive activity of students in learning to solve problems and form computational skills and abilities. Accounting for the mental development of the child and his experience, creating conditions for understanding the connections between new and previously studied concepts and methods of action. The main value of control works is to help organize differentiated control. Each test is presented at three levels. Notebooks "Learning to solve combinatorial problems" contain additional material for textbooks. Test tasks can be used both at the stage of self-control, and at the stage of the current and final checks of students' minds. The course "The World Around" is an integrated course that combines information about nature, man and society. Main features: The purpose of the course is to give an initial idea of ​​a holistic scientific picture of the world, to show the connection between human activity and the surrounding world, to acquaint you with the historical events of your country. aimed at developing the personality of students Pedagogical cooperation between students and teachers in the classroom creates conditions for the movement of students from the reproductive level to the productive and creative Technology (N.M. Konysheva The main features of the EMC: The purpose of the course is to develop the personality of the student, his design and artistic abilities, creativity The content of the course allows schoolchildren to form the basics of design knowledge.The tasks of the textbook are based on the inclusion of younger students in design art and design activities associated with the independent development of the design of objects, with the search and implementation of an artistic image that meets the set conditions. UMK: The textbook introduces schoolchildren to the figurative language of fine arts as the basis for the emotional and aesthetic development of the surrounding world.It forms the methods of cognitive activity and develops interest in the region. asti artistic development of the world, enriches the practical and creative experience of the child.

The set was created on the basis of a personality-oriented approach to learning, aimed at the harmonious development of students, purposefully forms the educational and cognitive activity of younger students, develops methods of mental activity, and contributes to spiritual, moral and patriotic education. The methodological basis of the set is the principle of pedagogical cooperation between the teacher and students.

Istomina Natalia Borisovna Author of the educational and methodological set in mathematics for a four-year elementary school, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhova, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education, author of textbooks and teaching aids in mathematics.

Briefly about the author In 1964 Istomina Natalia Borisovna graduated from the Pskov Pedagogical Institute as a teacher of mathematics and physics. She worked as a mathematics teacher in grades 5-9. In 1970 she entered graduate school, in 1973 she defended her dissertation under the guidance of Academician L.V. Zankov on the topic "Evolution of educational tasks in connection with a change in the content of education." Since that time, the circle of her scientific interests has been connected with the professional training of a primary school teacher at a university and with the improvement of the methodology for teaching mathematics in grades 1-6. In 1995 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Methodological system of developmental teaching of mathematics in elementary school", which was the result of a generalization of the work on the educational and methodological set in mathematics for grades 1 - 3.

Mathematics The main features of teaching materials: Formation of methods of educational activity: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy and generalization in the process of mastering mathematics. of concepts A system of tasks that helps organize active cognitive activity of students in teaching problem solving and the formation of computational skills and abilities Taking into account the mental development of the child and his experience, creating conditions for understanding the connections between new and previously studied concepts and methods of action The set for mathematics was created by a doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor Natalya Borisovna Istomina.

Notebooks "Learning to solve combinatorial problems" contain additional material for textbooks. Application of new methodological approaches to the study of mathematical concepts, properties and methods of action, which are based on the study of changes in the signs of subject, graphic and symbolic models, establishing relationships between them and identifying patterns Including dialogues between Misha and Masha in the textbook, with the help of which children are offered discussion of answer options, different points of view are expressed, mistakes are analyzed. Inclusion of the teacher in the discussion of a particular issue not as an explanatory and controlling subject, but as an assistant cooperating with children. The main significance of control work is to help organize differentiated control. Each test is presented at three levels. Test tasks can be used both at the stage of self-control, and at the stage of the current and final checks of students' minds.

The educational and methodical set "Harmony" was created at the Department of Methods of Primary Education of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University. M.A. Sholokhova Authors of the set: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Natalia Borisovna Istomina (mathematics);

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Marina Sergeevna Soloveichik; candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.S. Kuzmenko (Russian language) Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Vladimirovna Kubasova (literary reading); Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer O.T. Poglazova (the world around); Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Natalya Mikhailovna Konysheva (labor training).

One of the main tasks of the authors of the Harmony kit was to develop ways to organize the educational activities of younger schoolchildren, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities that correspond to the curricula and the requirements of the primary educational standard. of the "Harmony" set In the "Harmony" educational and methodological set, the following are implemented: in the "Harmony" educational and methodological set, ways of organizing the educational activities of students related to the formulation of a learning task, its solution, self-control and self-assessment; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities; ways of forming concepts that provide awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.

Features of EMC "Harmony" Focus on overcoming the objectively established division of traditional and developing training systems on the basis of an organic combination of the provisions of the traditional methodology that have confirmed their vitality and new approaches to solving methodological problems. Methodical implementation of the main directions of modernization of school education (humanization, humanitarization, differentiation, activity-based and student-oriented approach to the learning process).

Ensuring the relationship between teacher training at the university and his professional practice. Careful study of conceptual ideas in all textbooks of the set and equipping them with methodological recommendations explaining these ideas to the teacher allows us to consider the Harmony set as a means of raising the level of the teacher's professional competence and forming a new pedagogical consciousness in him, adequate to modern trends in the development of primary education

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The authors of the "Harmony" set implemented in the system of training tasks: the "Harmony" set purposeful formation of mental activity techniques (analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization); the priority of independent activity of students in mastering the content; active inclusion in cognitive activity of methods of observation, choice, transformation and design;

Maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge; diverse consideration of the same object; based on the experience of the child; unity of intellectual and special skills; creation of conditions for maximum emotional well-being for each child in the process of mastering the knowledge provided for by the program.

Purpose of studying the course:

Purposeful and systematic work on the formation of mental activity techniques in younger students: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy and generalization in the process of mastering mathematical content.

Conceptual foundations:

  • The logic of building the course content;
  • Methodical approach;
  • System of educational tasks;
  • Methods of teaching the solution of text problems;
  • Formation of ideas about geometric shapes;
  • Using a calculator;
  • Organization of differentiated education;
  • Construction of mathematics lessons.

Program principles:

  • Thematic
  • Construction of the number system.

A comprehensive solution to the problems of training, development and education is provided activity approach to the organization of educational work, in which the child in the learning process should not be an object (those who are taught), but subject educational activities (those who study)

Educational program "HARMONY"

in accordance with

GEF requirements contains the following sections:

  • explanatory note;
  • the planned results of the development of OOP by students on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard

and taking into account UMK "HARMONY";

  • exemplary curriculum of UMK "HARMONY";
  • program for the formation of universal educational activities in

students at the stage of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and

taking into account UMK "HARMONY";

  • programs of individual subjects, courses included in


  • requirements for the level of preparation of students by the end of grade 4
  • program of spiritual and moral development, education

students at the stage of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the EMC "HARMONY";

  • a program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the EMC "HARMONY";
  • remedial work program based on principles

activities in UMC "HARMONY";

  • system for assessing the achievement of planned development results

the main educational program of primary general education

1 class

  • Signs of objects. Comparison and classification according to various characteristics (properties).
  • Check. Quantitative characteristics of groups of objects. Numbers. The relationship of quantitative and ordinal numbers.
  • Comparison of the lengths of objects (visually and overlay).
  • Dot. Line. Ray. A ruler is a tool for drawing straight lines.
  • Natural series of numbers from 1 to 9.
  • Comparison of lengths using various measurements. Line segment. number beam. Comparison of natural numbers. Inequalities.

1 class

  • The meaning of addition and subtraction. Expression. Equality. Commutative property of addition. The composition of numbers from 2 to 9. The relationship of the components and results of addition and subtraction. Number and digit zero.
  • broken line.
  • Two-digit numbers and their digit composition. Units of length. Number 10, its composition.
  • Addition and subtraction of place tens.
  • Mass units. symmetrical figures.

Grade 2

  • Complementing a two-digit number to "round" tens. Subtraction from "round" tens of single-digit numbers. The structure of the text task.
  • Injection. Rectangle, square. Polygon.
  • Addition and subtraction of single-digit numbers with the transition through the discharge.
  • Associative property of addition. Parentheses.
  • Oral addition and subtraction of numbers within 100 with the transition through the discharge. Three-digit numbers and their digit composition.
  • Meaning of multiplication.

Grade 2

  • Multiplication by 0 and 1. The concept of "increase in".
  • Multiplication table.
  • Time units.
  • Circle and circle.

3rd grade

  • Figure area.
  • Multiplication table. Multiply by 10.
  • The meaning of division.
  • Tabular multiplication cases and corresponding division cases.
  • area units. Palette. Measuring the area of ​​figures. Area and perimeter of a rectangle.
  • Rules for performing actions in expressions.
  • Distributive property of multiplication.
  • Dividing the amount by a number.

3rd grade

  • Four-digit, five-digit, six-digit numbers.
  • Multiplication and division by 10, 100, 100.
  • Algorithm for written addition and subtraction.
  • Mass units. Units of length. Time units.
  • Text tasks.
  • Selection of figures in the drawing.
  • cube. his image. Faces, vertices, edges of a cube. Cube unwrapping.

4th grade

  • Written multiplication algorithm.
  • Division with remainder.
  • Actions with values.
  • Text problems on the relationship between quantities.
  • Equations.
  • Literal expressions.

  • Geometric;
  • Algebraic;
  • functional;
  • Combinatorial;
  • Logical;
  • Algorithmic;
  • Numeric.


  • N.B. Istomin "Programs for the course of mathematics", "Association XXI century", 2006
  • V.P. Ruchkina, L.V. Voronin "method of mathematics in primary school" textbook, Yekaterinburg, 2008
  • Program - methodical materials. Mathematics. Primary school, Moscow, "Drofa" 1998.
  • Educational and methodical set "Harmony".

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The educational and methodical set "Harmony" was created at the Department of Methods of Primary Education of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University. M.A. Sholokhova Authors of the set: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Natalia Borisovna Istomina (mathematics);

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Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Marina Sergeevna Soloveichik; candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.S. Kuzmenko (Russian language) Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Vladimirovna Kubasova (literary reading); Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer O.T. Poglazova (the world around); Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Natalya Mikhailovna Konysheva (labor training).

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The set was created on the basis of a student-centered approach to learning, aimed at the harmonious development of students, purposefully forms the educational and cognitive activity of younger students, develops methods of mental activity, and contributes to spiritual, moral and patriotic education. The methodological basis of the set is the principle of pedagogical cooperation between the teacher and students of the EMC "Harmony

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All textbooks of UMK "Harmony" in 2005 - 2006 passed an examination in the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the Russian Academy of Education in accordance with the new procedure. Textbooks grades 1 - 4 have the stamp "Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" and are included in the Federal List of Textbooks.

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One of the main tasks of the authors of the Harmony kit was to develop ways to organize the educational activities of younger schoolchildren, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities that correspond to the curricula and the requirements of the primary educational standard. The educational-methodical set "Harmony" implements: ways of organizing the educational activities of students related to the formulation of a learning task, its solution, self-control and self-assessment; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities; ways of forming concepts that provide awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.

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Features of EMC "Harmony" Focus on overcoming the objectively established division of traditional and developing training systems on the basis of an organic combination of the provisions of the traditional methodology that have confirmed their vitality and new approaches to solving methodological problems. Methodical implementation of the main directions of modernization of school education (humanization, humanitarization, differentiation, activity-based and student-oriented approach to the learning process).

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Ensuring the relationship between teacher training at the university and his professional practice. Careful study of the conceptual ideas in all the textbooks of the set and equipping them with methodological recommendations explaining these ideas to the teacher allows us to consider the Harmony set as a means of increasing the level of the teacher's professional competence and forming a new pedagogical consciousness in him, adequate to modern trends in the development of primary education.

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LITERATURE. WRITING Phonetic skills based on a syllable. Separate-parallel teaching of literacy and writing. Three block introduction of letters. Culture of speech behavior. Recipes form the skills of correct calligraphic writing and Russian spelling.

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RUSSIAN LANGUAGE A child's awareness of himself as a linguistic personality. Communicative approach to language learning. Development of a natural sense of the word. Building a base for literacy. The main features of the kit: Communicative orientation of teaching the Russian language. Raising children's interest in their native language. The development of the child's linguistic thinking. A new approach to the organization of spelling work. Formation in junior schoolchildren of methods of independent educational activity, the ability to work with a textbook and use various dictionaries. The textbook is addressed directly to the student: the authors communicate with each of them, suggest something, advise, report.

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Literacy education. Reading PRIMER The approach to the presentation of the material allows the child to smoothly move from play to learning activities, quickly adapt to school, and contributes to the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the Russian language.

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The main features of the educational and methodological kit: Textbooks contain texts that are interesting and accessible to children of this age Students get acquainted with works of different genres of literature: fairy tale, epic, fable, short story, myth, biblical legend, play, poem, educational article, story, etc. Formation worldview of children, improving reading skills, learning to work with a book, primary literary education, developing creative abilities Teaching children the basics of literary analysis of a literary text Raising an attitude towards a book as a means of spiritual and moral improvement of people This course is aimed primarily at shaping the worldview of children, developing their creative abilities and enrichment of their mental potential. Tasks in the workbook improve reading skills, develop skills in working with literary works, and allow you to show your creative abilities.

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Mathematics The main features of teaching materials: Formation of methods of educational activity: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy and generalization in the process of assimilation of mathematical concepts. A system of tasks that helps organize active cognitive activity of students in teaching problem solving and the formation of computational skills and abilities Accounting for the mental development of the child and his experience, creating conditions for understanding the connections between new and previously studied concepts and methods of action Application of new methodological approaches to the study of mathematical concepts, properties and methods of action, which are based on the study of changes in the features of subject, graphic and symbolic models, establishing links between them and identifying patterns Including dialogues between Misha and Masha in the textbook, with the help of which children are offered answers for discussion, different points of view are expressed, mistakes are analyzed Including the teacher in the discussion of a particular issue not as a explaining and controlling subject, but as a helper cooperating with children

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The main value of control works is to help organize differentiated control. Each test is presented at three levels. Notebooks "Learning to solve combinatorial problems" contain additional material for textbooks. Test tasks can be used both at the stage of self-control, and at the stage of the current and final checks of students' minds.

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The course "The World Around" is an integrated course that combines information about nature, man and society. Main features: The purpose of the course is to give an initial idea of ​​a holistic scientific picture of the world, to show the connection between human activity and the surrounding world, to acquaint you with the historical events of your country. aimed at developing the personality of students Pedagogical cooperation between students and teachers in the classroom creates conditions for the movement of students from the reproductive level to productive and creative

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The task system is designed taking into account the different levels of children's ability to acquire knowledge, which makes it possible to vary the individual load, ensuring the development of all students. Various types of tasks allow the use of different teaching methods and enhance the cognitive activity and development of thinking of younger students

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The authors of the "Harmony" set implemented in the system of training tasks: purposeful formation of mental activity techniques (analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization); the priority of independent activity of students in mastering the content; active inclusion in cognitive activity of methods of observation, choice, transformation and design;

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maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge; diverse consideration of the same object; based on the experience of the child; unity of intellectual and special skills; creation of conditions for maximum emotional well-being for each child in the process of mastering the knowledge provided for by the program.

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Educational and methodical set "Harmony". ADVANTAGES The material of the kit is well adapted for schoolchildren; the textbooks included in the kit contain a methodological part, with the help of which parents can study and explain the missed topic to the child; there is advanced training; the program uses new learning technologies that allow you to develop the child's ability to think logically. For example, in a word where the student does not know what letter to write, he puts a “window” (author Soloveychik M.S.). Further, the child, together with the teacher, analyzes the questions that have arisen, remembers the rules and fills in the “window”; the set offers tasks designed for children of different levels of preparedness FAULTS in mathematics (author Istomina N.B.) problem solving begins only in the second grade; tests are offered the same for all classes.

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PROGRAM CONTINUITY DURING THE TRANSITION FROM PRESCHOOL TO PRIMARY GENERAL EDUCATION PROBLEM OF CONTINUITY: insufficiently smooth, even spasmodic change in the methods and content of education, which, when moving to the level of basic general education, leads to a drop in academic performance and an increase in psychological difficulties among students; training at the previous level often does not provide students with sufficient readiness for successful inclusion in the educational activities of a new, more complex level.

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READINESS OF CHILDREN Physical readiness is determined by the state of health, the level of morphological and functional maturity of the child's body, including the development of motor skills and qualities (fine motor coordination), physical and mental performance. Psychological readiness includes emotional-personal, intellectual and communicative readiness. In emotional and personal readiness, the main role is played by the arbitrariness of behavior, educational and cognitive motivation and the formation of self-esteem. The presence of a child's motives for learning is one of the most important conditions for the success of his education in elementary school. The prerequisites for the emergence of these motives are, on the one hand, the desire of children to go to school, which is formed by the end of preschool age, and, on the other hand, the development of curiosity and mental activity.

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SCHOOL Preparation courses for school. Diagnostics according to the method of N.V. Afanasyeva (this diagnostics is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the state of development of a child of preschool age in preparation for schooling). Diagnosis of students' adaptation to school according to the Wenger method. KINDERGARTEN Program "Steps of Childhood" (compiled by N.M. Konysheva. - Smolensk: Association of the XXI century / 2010). The program "Steps of Childhood" is complex and includes provisions along such important lines: - psychophysiological development, health protection, social, personal, emotional, aesthetic, spiritual, moral and intellectual development. The purpose of this program is to prepare a preschooler for educational activities, the formation of regulatory, cognitive, communicative skills, as well as the development of personal qualities.

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OWN OPINION Children unobtrusively form the habit of systematic reading; the intellect develops, the general outlook expands, the ability to listen to the interlocutor is brought up. Being engaged in this program, the child learns to work with dictionaries, reference books, learns to acquire knowledge on his own. I believe that parents should not be afraid of new programs. I am sure that in the future our children will successfully study at the main school. Children love to do entertaining tasks in the literary reading workbook. I like to express my own opinion about the work and its characters. Attract creative tasks for the development of speech; it is interesting to compose texts of different genres, come up with crossword puzzles, prepare questions for contests and quizzes. Practice shows that "Harmony" gives good results. Conducted the same dictation in parallel. "Accordion players" have the most competent works - 90% on 4 and 5. In second place is "Traditional", and in third is "2100". Conclusion, not only mine, but also of other colleagues. The quality of knowledge depends: 1) on the selection of children; 2) the skill of the teacher; 3) curriculum. That's right, in classes with weak students, no program and the skill of the teacher will not give high results. The best programs won't make a difference..