Table of squares in good quality. Integer search order

Select a rubric Books Mathematics Physics Control and access control Fire safety Useful Equipment suppliers Measuring instruments (KIP) Humidity measurement - suppliers in the Russian Federation. Pressure measurement. Cost measurement. Flowmeters. Temperature measurement Level measurement. Level gauges. Trenchless technologies Sewer systems. Suppliers of pumps in the Russian Federation. Pump repair. Pipeline accessories. Butterfly valves (disk valves). Check valves. Control armature. Mesh filters, mud collectors, magneto-mechanical filters. Ball Valves. Pipes and elements of pipelines. Seals for threads, flanges, etc. Electric motors, electric drives… Manual Alphabets, denominations, units, codes… Alphabets, incl. Greek and Latin. Symbols. Codes. Alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon… Denominations of electrical networks. Unit conversion Decibel. Dream. Background. Units of what? Units of measurement for pressure and vacuum. Converting pressure and vacuum units. Length units. Translation of length units (linear size, distances). Volume units. Conversion of volume units. Density units. Conversion of density units. Area units. Conversion of area units. Units of measurement of hardness. Conversion of hardness units. Temperature units. Conversion of temperature units in Kelvin / Celsius / Fahrenheit / Rankine / Delisle / Newton / Reamure units of measurement of angles ("angular dimensions"). Convert units of angular velocity and angular acceleration. Standard measurement errors Gases are different as working media. Nitrogen N2 (refrigerant R728) Ammonia (refrigerant R717). Antifreeze. Hydrogen H^2 (refrigerant R702) Water vapor. Air (Atmosphere) Natural gas - natural gas. Biogas is sewer gas. Liquefied gas. NGL. LNG. Propane-butane. Oxygen O2 (refrigerant R732) Oils and lubricants Methane CH4 (refrigerant R50) Water properties. Carbon monoxide CO. carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide CO2. (Refrigerant R744). Chlorine Cl2 Hydrogen chloride HCl, aka hydrochloric acid. Refrigerants (refrigerants). Refrigerant (Refrigerant) R11 - Fluorotrichloromethane (CFCI3) Refrigerant (Refrigerant) R12 - Difluorodichloromethane (CF2CCl2) Refrigerant (Refrigerant) R125 - Pentafluoroethane (CF2HCF3). Refrigerant (Refrigerant) R134a - 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (CF3CFH2). Refrigerant (Refrigerant) R22 - Difluorochloromethane (CF2ClH) Refrigerant (Refrigerant) R32 - Difluoromethane (CH2F2). Refrigerant (Refrigerant) R407C - R-32 (23%) / R-125 (25%) / R-134a (52%) / Percent by mass. other Materials - thermal properties Abrasives - grit, fineness, grinding equipment. Soil, earth, sand and other rocks. Indicators of loosening, shrinkage and density of soils and rocks. Shrinkage and loosening, loads. Slope angles. Heights of ledges, dumps. Wood. Lumber. Timber. Logs. Firewood… Ceramics. Adhesives and glue joints Ice and snow (water ice) Metals Aluminum and aluminum alloys Copper, bronze and brass Bronze Brass Copper (and classification of copper alloys) Nickel and alloys Compliance with alloy grades Steels and alloys Reference tables of weights of rolled metal products and pipes. +/-5% Pipe weight. metal weight. Mechanical properties of steels. Cast Iron Minerals. Asbestos. Food products and food raw materials. Properties, etc. Link to another section of the project. Rubbers, plastics, elastomers, polymers. Detailed description of Elastomers PU, TPU, X-PU, H-PU, XH-PU, S-PU, XS-PU, T-PU, G-PU (CPU), NBR, H-NBR, FPM, EPDM, MVQ, TFE/P, POM, PA-6, TPFE-1, TPFE-2, TPFE-3, TPFE-4, TPFE-5 (PTFE modified), Strength of materials. Sopromat. Construction Materials. Physical, mechanical and thermal properties. Concrete. Concrete solution. Solution. Construction fittings. Steel and others. Tables of applicability of materials. Chemical resistance. Temperature applicability. Corrosion resistance. Sealing materials - joint sealants. PTFE (fluoroplast-4) and derivative materials. FUM tape. Anaerobic adhesives Non-drying (non-hardening) sealants. Silicone sealants (organosilicon). Graphite, asbestos, paronites and derived materials Paronite. Thermally expanded graphite (TRG, TMG), compositions. Properties. Application. Production. Flax sanitary Seals of rubber elastomers Insulators and heat-insulating materials. (link to the project section) Engineering techniques and concepts Explosion protection. Environmental protection. Corrosion. Climatic modifications (Material Compatibility Tables) Classes of pressure, temperature, tightness Drop (loss) of pressure. — Engineering concept. Fire protection. Fires. Theory of automatic control (regulation). TAU Mathematical Handbook Arithmetic, Geometric progressions and sums of some numerical series. Geometric figures. Properties, formulas: perimeters, areas, volumes, lengths. Triangles, Rectangles, etc. Degrees to radians. flat figures. Properties, sides, angles, signs, perimeters, equalities, similarities, chords, sectors, areas, etc. Areas of irregular figures, volumes of irregular bodies. The average value of the signal. Formulas and methods for calculating the area. Graphs. Construction of graphs. Reading charts. Integral and differential calculus. Tabular derivatives and integrals. Derivative table. Table of integrals. Table of primitives. Find derivative. Find the integral. Diffury. Complex numbers. imaginary unit. Linear algebra. (Vectors, matrices) Mathematics for the little ones. Kindergarten - 7th grade. Mathematical logic. Solution of equations. Quadratic and biquadratic equations. Formulas. Methods. Solution of differential equations Examples of solutions to ordinary differential equations of order higher than the first. Examples of solutions to the simplest = analytically solvable ordinary differential equations of the first order. Coordinate systems. Rectangular Cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional. Number systems. Numbers and digits (real, complex, ....). Tables of number systems. Power series of Taylor, Maclaurin (=McLaren) and periodic Fourier series. Decomposition of functions into series. Tables of logarithms and basic formulas Tables of numerical values ​​Tables of Bradys. Probability theory and statistics Trigonometric functions, formulas and graphs. sin, cos, tg, ctg….Values ​​of trigonometric functions. Formulas for reducing trigonometric functions. Trigonometric identities. Numerical methods Equipment - standards, dimensions Household appliances, home equipment. Drainage and drainage systems. Capacities, tanks, reservoirs, tanks. Instrumentation and control Instrumentation and automation. Temperature measurement. Conveyors, belt conveyors. Containers (link) Laboratory equipment. Pumps and pumping stations Pumps for liquids and pulps. Engineering jargon. Dictionary. Screening. Filtration. Separation of particles through grids and sieves. Approximate strength of ropes, cables, cords, ropes made of various plastics. Rubber products. Joints and attachments. Diameters conditional, nominal, Du, DN, NPS and NB. Metric and inch diameters. SDR. Keys and keyways. Communication standards. Signals in automation systems (I&C) Analog input and output signals of instruments, sensors, flow meters and automation devices. connection interfaces. Communication protocols (communications) Telephony. Pipeline accessories. Cranes, valves, gate valves…. Building lengths. Flanges and threads. Standards. Connecting dimensions. threads. Designations, sizes, use, types… (reference link) Connections ("hygienic", "aseptic") of pipelines in the food, dairy and pharmaceutical industries. Pipes, pipelines. Pipe diameters and other characteristics. Choice of pipeline diameter. Flow rates. Expenses. Strength. Selection tables, Pressure drop. Copper pipes. Pipe diameters and other characteristics. Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC). Pipe diameters and other characteristics. Pipes are polyethylene. Pipe diameters and other characteristics. Pipes polyethylene PND. Pipe diameters and other characteristics. Steel pipes (including stainless steel). Pipe diameters and other characteristics. The pipe is steel. The pipe is stainless. Stainless steel pipes. Pipe diameters and other characteristics. The pipe is stainless. Carbon steel pipes. Pipe diameters and other characteristics. The pipe is steel. Fitting. Flanges according to GOST, DIN (EN 1092-1) and ANSI (ASME). Flange connection. Flange connections. Flange connection. Elements of pipelines. Electric lamps Electrical connectors and wires (cables) Electric motors. Electric motors. Electrical switching devices. (Link to section) Standards for the personal life of engineers Geography for engineers. Distances, routes, maps….. Engineers in everyday life. 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Symbolic graphic representations in projects of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and heat and cold supply, according to ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 134-2005. Sterilization of equipment and materials Heat supply Electronic industry Power supply Physical reference Alphabets. Accepted designations. Basic physical constants. Humidity is absolute, relative and specific. Air humidity. Psychrometric tables. Ramzin diagrams. Time Viscosity, Reynolds number (Re). Viscosity units. Gases. Properties of gases. Individual gas constants. Pressure and Vacuum Vacuum Length, distance, linear dimension Sound. Ultrasound. Sound absorption coefficients (link to another section) Climate. climate data. natural data. SNiP 23-01-99. Building climatology. (Statistics of climatic data) SNIP 23-01-99. Table 3 - Average monthly and annual air temperature, ° С. Former USSR. SNIP 23-01-99 Table 1. Climatic parameters of the cold period of the year. RF. SNIP 23-01-99 Table 2. Climatic parameters of the warm season. Former USSR. SNIP 23-01-99 Table 2. Climatic parameters of the warm season. RF. SNIP 23-01-99 Table 3. Average monthly and annual air temperature, °C. RF. SNiP 23-01-99. Table 5a* - Average monthly and annual partial pressure of water vapor, hPa = 10^2 Pa. RF. SNiP 23-01-99. Table 1. Climatic parameters of the cold season. Former USSR. Density. Weight. Specific gravity. Bulk density. Surface tension. Solubility. Solubility of gases and solids. Light and color. Reflection, absorption and refraction coefficients Color alphabet:) - Designations (codings) of color (colors). Properties of cryogenic materials and media. Tables. Friction coefficients for various materials. Thermal quantities, including temperatures of boiling, melting, flame, etc…… for more information, see: Adiabatic coefficients (indicators). Convection and full heat exchange. Coefficients of thermal linear expansion, thermal volumetric expansion. Temperatures, boiling, melting, other… Conversion of temperature units. Flammability. softening temperature. Boiling points Melting points Thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity coefficients. Thermodynamics. Specific heat of vaporization (condensation). Enthalpy of vaporization. Specific heat of combustion (calorific value). The need for oxygen. Electric and magnetic quantities Electric dipole moments. The dielectric constant. Electrical constant. Lengths of electromagnetic waves (a reference book of another section) Magnetic field strengths Concepts and formulas for electricity and magnetism. Electrostatics. Piezoelectric modules. Electrical strength of materials Electrical current Electrical resistance and conductivity. Electronic potentials Chemical reference book "Chemical alphabet (dictionary)" - names, abbreviations, prefixes, designations of substances and compounds. Aqueous solutions and mixtures for metal processing. Aqueous solutions for the application and removal of metal coatings Aqueous solutions for cleaning from carbon deposits (tar deposits, carbon deposits from internal combustion engines ...) Aqueous solutions for passivation. Aqueous solutions for etching - removing oxides from the surface Aqueous solutions for phosphating Aqueous solutions and mixtures for chemical oxidation and coloring of metals. Aqueous solutions and mixtures for chemical polishing Degreasing aqueous solutions and organic solvents pH. pH tables. Burning and explosions. Oxidation and reduction. Classes, categories, designations of danger (toxicity) of chemical substances Periodic system of chemical elements of DI Mendeleev. Periodic table. Density of organic solvents (g/cm3) depending on temperature. 0-100 °С. Properties of solutions. Dissociation constants, acidity, basicity. Solubility. Mixes. Thermal constants of substances. Enthalpy. entropy. Gibbs energy… (link to the chemical reference book of the project) Electrical engineering Regulators Uninterrupted power supply systems. Dispatch and control systems Structured cabling systems Data centers

* squares up to hundreds

In order not to mindlessly square all numbers according to the formula, you need to simplify your task as much as possible with the following rules.

Rule 1 (cuts off 10 numbers)

For numbers ending in 0.
If a number ends in 0, multiplying it is no more difficult than a single-digit number. All you have to do is add a couple of zeros.
70 * 70 = 4900.
The table is marked in red.

Rule 2 (cuts off 10 numbers)

For numbers ending in 5.
To square a two-digit number ending in 5, multiply the first digit (x) by (x+1) and add “25” to the result.
75 * 75 = 7 * 8 = 56 … 25 = 5625.
The table is marked in green.

Rule 3 (cuts off 8 numbers)

For numbers from 40 to 50.
XX * XX = 1500 + 100 * second digit + (10 - second digit)^2
Hard enough, right? Let's take an example:
43 * 43 = 1500 + 100 * 3 + (10 - 3)^2 = 1500 + 300 + 49 = 1849.
The table is marked in light orange.

Rule 4 (cuts off 8 numbers)

For numbers from 50 to 60.
XX * XX = 2500 + 100 * second digit + (second digit)^2
It's also quite difficult to understand. Let's take an example:
53 * 53 = 2500 + 100 * 3 + 3^2 = 2500 + 300 + 9 = 2809.
The table is marked in dark orange.

Rule 5 (cuts off 8 numbers)

For numbers from 90 to 100.
XX * XX = 8000+ 200 * second digit + (10 - second digit)^2
Similar to rule 3, but with different coefficients. Let's take an example:
93 * 93 = 8000 + 200 * 3 + (10 - 3)^2 = 8000 + 600 + 49 = 8649.
The table is marked in dark dark orange.

Rule #6 (cuts off 32 numbers)

It is necessary to memorize the squares of numbers up to 40. It sounds crazy and difficult, but in fact, up to 20, most people know the squares. 25, 30, 35 and 40 lend themselves to formulas. And only 16 pairs of numbers remain. They can already be memorized using mnemonics (which I also want to talk about later) or by any other means. Like a multiplication table :)
The table is marked in blue.

You can remember all the rules, or you can remember selectively, in any case, all numbers from 1 to 100 obey two formulas. The rules will help, without using these formulas, to quickly calculate more than 70% of the options. Here are the two formulas:

Formulas (24 digits left)

For numbers from 25 to 50
XX * XX = 100(XX - 25) + (50 - XX)^2
For example:
37 * 37 = 100(37 - 25) + (50 - 37)^2 = 1200 + 169 = 1369

For numbers from 50 to 100

XX * XX = 200(XX - 25) + (100 - XX)^2

For example:
67 * 67 = 200(67 - 50) + (100 - 67)^2 = 3400 + 1089 = 4489

Of course, do not forget about the usual formula for expanding the square of the sum (a special case of Newton's binomial):
(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2.
56^2 = 50^2 + 2*50*6 + 6*2 = 2500 + 600 + 36 = 3136.

Squaring may not be the most useful thing in the household. You will not immediately remember the case when you may need the square of a number. But the ability to quickly operate with numbers, apply the appropriate rules for each of the numbers, perfectly develops the memory and "computing abilities" of your brain.

By the way, I think all Habra readers know that 64^2 = 4096, and 32^2 = 1024.
Many squares of numbers are remembered at the associative level. For example, I easily memorized 88^2 = 7744 because of the same numbers. Everyone will surely have their own characteristics.

Two unique formulas I first found in the book "13 steps to mentalism", which has little to do with mathematics. The fact is that earlier (perhaps even now) unique computing abilities were one of the numbers in stage magic: a magician told a bike about how he got superpowers and, as proof of this, instantly squares numbers up to a hundred. The book also shows how to cube, how to subtract roots and cube roots.

If the topic of quick counting is interesting, I will write more.
Please write comments about errors and corrections in PM, thanks in advance.

Table of squares of integers from 1 to 100

1 2 = 1
2 2 = 4
3 2 = 9
4 2 = 16
5 2 = 25
6 2 = 36
7 2 = 49
8 2 = 64
9 2 = 81
10 2 = 100
11 2 = 121
12 2 = 144
13 2 = 169
14 2 = 196
15 2 = 225
16 2 = 256
17 2 = 289
18 2 = 324
19 2 = 361
20 2 = 400

21 2 = 441
22 2 = 484
23 2 = 529
24 2 = 576
25 2 = 625
26 2 = 676
27 2 = 729
28 2 = 784
29 2 = 841
30 2 = 900
31 2 = 961
32 2 = 1024
33 2 = 1089
34 2 = 1156
35 2 = 1225
36 2 = 1296
37 2 = 1369
38 2 = 1444
39 2 = 1521
40 2 = 1600

41 2 = 1681
42 2 = 1764
43 2 = 1849
44 2 = 1936
45 2 = 2025
46 2 = 2116
47 2 = 2209
48 2 = 2304
49 2 = 2401
50 2 = 2500
51 2 = 2601
52 2 = 2704
53 2 = 2809
54 2 = 2916
55 2 = 3025
56 2 = 3136
57 2 = 3249
58 2 = 3364
59 2 = 3481
60 2 = 3600

61 2 = 3721
62 2 = 3844
63 2 = 3969
64 2 = 4096
65 2 = 4225
66 2 = 4356
67 2 = 4489
68 2 = 4624
69 2 = 4761
70 2 = 4900
71 2 = 5041
72 2 = 5184
73 2 = 5329
74 2 = 5476
75 2 = 5625
76 2 = 5776
77 2 = 5929
78 2 = 6084
79 2 = 6241
80 2 = 6400

81 2 = 6561
82 2 = 6724
83 2 = 6889
84 2 = 7056
85 2 = 7225
86 2 = 7396
87 2 = 7569
88 2 = 7744
89 2 = 7921
90 2 = 8100
91 2 = 8281
92 2 = 8464
93 2 = 8649
94 2 = 8836
95 2 = 9025
96 2 = 9216
97 2 = 9409
98 2 = 9604
99 2 = 9801
100 2 = 10000

Table of squares of integers from 1 to 999 and fractional numbers from 1.1 to 9.99.

The order of searching for fractional numbers:

For example, you want to find the square of the number 1.26.
Find the number 1.2 in the left vertical column, and find 6 in the upper horizontal row.
The intersection of the numbers 1,2 and 6 is the desired result: 1 ,2 6 2 = 1,5876

Integer search order:

Just remove the comma and get the square of the desired integer.

Example 1 (for two-digit numbers): We need to find the square of the number 36.
Find the square of the number 3.6. This number is 12.96. So 36 2 = 1296 (removed all commas).
Example 2 (for three-digit numbers): We need to find the square of the number 592.
We find the intersection of the numbers 5.9 and 2. This number is 35.0464. So 592 2 = 350464.


1) the results of multiplication of single-digit and double-digit numbers are in the first column (under 0).
2) to find the square of a three-digit number with a zero at the end, you just need to add two zeros to the square of a two-digit number. For example, 560 2 = 3136 00 (add 00 to 3136 and remove commas). The results of these actions are also in the first column (under 0).




Table of squares of integers from 0 to 99.

x 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
1 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361
2 400 441 484 529 576 625 676 729 784 841
3 900 961 1024 1089 1156 1225 1296 1369 1444 1521
4 1600 1681 1764 1849 1936 2025 2116 2209 2304 2401
5 2500 2601 2704 2809 2916 3025 3136 3249 3364 3481
6 3600 3721 3844 3969 4096 4225 4356 4489 4624 4761
7 4900 5041 5184 5329 5476 5625 5776 5929 6084 6241
8 6400 6561 6724 6889 7056 7225 7396 7569 7744 7921
9 8100 8281 8464 8649 8836 9025 9216 9409 9604 9801

To use the table, select the number of tens vertically, the number of units horizontally and you will see the result at the intersection. For example, 3 8 2 = 1444 .


Table of cubes of integers from 0 to 99.

x 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729
1 1000 1331 1728 2197 2744 3375 4096 4913 5832 6859
2 8000 9261 10648 12167 13824 15625 17576 19683 21952 24389
3 27000 29791 32768 35937 39304 42875 46656 50653 54872 59319
4 64000 68921 74088 79507 85184 91125 97336 103823 110592 117649
5 125000 132651 140608 148877 157464 166375 175616 185193 195112 205379
6 216000 226981 238328 250047 262144 274625 287496 300763 314432 328509
7 343000 357911 373248 389017 405224 421875 438976 456533 474552 493039
8 512000 531441 551368 571787 592704 614125 636056 658503 681472 704969
9 729000 753571 778688 804357 830584 857375 884736 912673 941192 970299

To use the table, select the number of tens vertically, the number of units horizontally and you will see the result at the intersection. For example, 1 2 3 = 1728 .

Form for calculating other values:


Table of square roots of integers from 0 to 99 rounded to the fifth decimal place.

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 1 1,41421 1,73205 2 2,23607 2,44949 2,64575 2,82843 3
1 3,16228 3,31662 3,4641 3,60555 3,74166 3,87298 4 4,12311 4,24264 4,3589
2 4,47214 4,58258 4,69042 4,79583 4,89898 5 5,09902 5,19615 5,2915 5,38516
3 5,47723 5,56776 5,65685 5,74456 5,83095 5,91608 6 6,08276 6,16441 6,245
4 6,32456 6,40312 6,48074 6,55744 6,63325 6,7082 6,78233 6,85565 6,9282 7
5 7,07107 7,14143 7,2111 7,28011 7,34847 7,4162 7,48331 7,54983 7,61577 7,68115
6 7,74597 7,81025 7,87401 7,93725 8 8,06226 8,12404 8,18535 8,24621 8,30662
7 8,3666 8,42615 8,48528 8,544 8,60233 8,66025 8,7178 8,77496 8,83176 8,88819
8 8,94427 9 9,05539 9,11043 9,16515 9,21954 9,27362 9,32738 9,38083 9,43398
9 9,48683 9,53939 9,59166 9,64365 9,69536 9,74679 9,79796 9,84886 9,89949 9,94987

To use the table, select the number of tens vertically, the number of units horizontally and you will see the result at the intersection. For example, √ 1 0 ≈ 3,16228 .

Form for calculating other values:

Table of cube roots of integers from 0 to 99 rounded to the fifth decimal place.

3 √ x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 1 1,25992 1,44225 1,5874 1,70998 1,81712 1,91293 2 2,08008
1 2,15443 2,22398 2,28943 2,35133 2,41014 2,46621 2,51984 2,57128 2,62074 2,6684
2 2,71442 2,75892 2,80204 2,84387 2,8845 2,92402 2,9625 3 3,03659 3,07232
3 3,10723 3,14138 3,1748 3,20753 3,23961 3,27107 3,30193 3,33222 3,36198 3,39121
4 3,41995 3,44822 3,47603 3,5034 3,53035 3,55689 3,58305 3,60883 3,63424 3,65931
5 3,68403 3,70843 3,73251 3,75629 3,77976 3,80295 3,82586 3,8485 3,87088 3,893
6 3,91487 3,9365 3,95789 3,97906 4 4,02073 4,04124 4,06155 4,08166 4,10157
7 4,12129 4,14082 4,16017 4,17934 4,19834 4,21716 4,23582 4,25432 4,27266 4,29084
8 4,30887 4,32675 4,34448 4,36207 4,37952 4,39683 4,414 4,43105 4,44796 4,46475
9 4,4814 4,49794 4,51436 4,53065 4,54684 4,5629 4,57886 4,5947 4,61044 4,62607

To use the table, select the number of tens vertically, the number of units horizontally and you will see the result at the intersection. For example, 3 √ 2 8 ≈ 3,03659 .

Form for calculating other values:

3 √

Table of values ​​of trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent) of standard arguments.

2π sin( x) 0 1 / 2 √ 2 / 2 √ 3 / 2 1 √ 3 / 2 0 -1 0 cos( x) 1 √ 3 / 2 √ 2 / 2 1 / 2 0 - 1 / 2 -1 0 1 tg( x) 0 1 / √ 3 1 √ 3 - -√ 3 0 - 0 ctg( x) - √ 3 1 1 / √ 3 0 - 1 / √ 3 - 0 -

To use the table, select the function vertically, the value of the argument horizontally and at the intersection you will see the result. For example, sin 90° = 1 .

Form for calculating other values:

sin cos tg ctg °

Table of reciprocals of trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, arccotangent) of standard arguments in radians.

arcf(x) 0 1 -1 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 √ 2 / 2 - √ 2 / 2 √ 3 / 2 - √ 3 / 2 √ 3 -√ 3 1 / √ 3 - 1 / √ 3
arcsin( x) 0 π / 2- π / 2π / 6- π / 6π / 4- π / 4π / 3- π / 3- - 0.6155 -0.6155
arccos( x) π / 20 π π / 32π / 3π / 43π / 4π / 65π / 6- - 0,9553 2,1863
arctg( x) 0 π / 4- π / 40.4636 -0.4636 0.6155 -0.6155 0.7137 -0.7137 π / 3- π / 3π / 6- π / 6
arcctg( x) π / 2π / 43π / 41.1071 2.0344 0.9553 2.1863 0.8571 2.2845 π / 65π / 6π / 32π / 3

To use the table, select the function vertically, the value of the argument horizontally and at the intersection you will see the result. For example, arccos -1 = π.

Form for calculating other values ​​(result in degrees):

arcsin arccos arctg °

Table of natural logarithms of integers from 0 to 99 rounded to the fifth decimal place.

ln( x) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 -INF0 0,69315 1,09861 1,38629 1,60944 1,79176 1,94591 2,07944 2,19722
1 2,30259 2,3979 2,48491 2,56495 2,63906 2,70805 2,77259 2,83321 2,89037 2,94444
2 2,99573 3,04452 3,09104 3,13549 3,17805 3,21888 3,2581 3,29584 3,3322 3,3673
3 3,4012 3,43399 3,46574 3,49651 3,52636 3,55535 3,58352 3,61092 3,63759 3,66356
4 3,68888 3,71357 3,73767 3,7612 3,78419 3,80666 3,82864 3,85015 3,8712 3,89182
5 3,91202 3,93183 3,95124 3,97029 3,98898 4,00733 4,02535 4,04305 4,06044 4,07754
6 4,09434 4,11087 4,12713 4,14313 4,15888 4,17439 4,18965 4,20469 4,21951 4,23411
7 4,2485 4,26268 4,27667 4,29046 4,30407 4,31749 4,33073 4,34381 4,35671 4,36945
8 4,38203 4,39445 4,40672 4,41884 4,43082 4,44265 4,45435 4,46591 4,47734 4,48864
9 4,49981 4,51086 4,52179 4,5326 4,54329 4,55388 4,56435 4,57471 4,58497 4,59512

To use the table, select the number of tens vertically, the number of units horizontally and you will see the result at the intersection. For example, ln 4 2 = 3.73767 .