Thematic tests in chemistry. Thematic tests in chemistry Test work on the topic signs of chemical elements

Municipal educational institution lyceum №1

urban district of Manturovo, Kostroma region

Competition "Pedagogical Initiatives"

Nomination "Best methodological development"

Quest system

as a means of forming methods of mental activity

when studying the topic "Chemical element"

in 8th grade

Work completed

Sokolova Olga Evgenievna,

chemistry teacher of the highest category

Manturovo, 2008

Quest system

as a means of forming methods of mental activity when studying the topic "Chemical element" in grade 8

The concept of "chemical element" begins to form from the first lessons of studying chemistry in the 8th grade and is a fundamental link in the success of studying the subject throughout the entire period of study.

Educational standard of basic general education in chemistry of one of goals study of chemistry determines mastering the most important knowledge about chemical symbolism, chemical concepts, facts, basic laws and theories. To achieve the goals, the Standard identifies issues that require careful study. So, for example, in the "Substance" block, the educational standard defines minimum content of education, which includes the concepts “Atoms and Molecules. Chemical element as a kind of atoms. Ilanguage chemistry . Signs of chemical elements, chemical formulas»

AT requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of the basic school written:

As a result of studying chemistry, the student should


    chemical symbolism : signs of chemical elements, formulas of chemicals and equations of chemical reactions;

    the most important chemical concepts : atom, molecule, chemical bond, substance and its states of aggregation, classification of substances, chemical reactions and their classification, electrolytic dissociation;

be able to

    call: signs of chemical elements, compounds of the studied classes, types of chemical reactions.

On the other hand, the school is obliged not only to equip students with a certain amount of knowledge, but also to develop in them the ability to acquire this knowledge on their own. The problem of developing and improving the thinking of students is one of the most important tasks of the teacher. In training, it is not enough to use only a problem statement, conversations, a search experiment, business and role-playing games. A system of tasks is needed that involves students in a variety of cognitive activities focused on the application of knowledge in new non-standard conditions.

The system of such tasks solves several important tasks:

    Formation of a high level of development of mental activity techniques: analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification

    Creation of conditions for creative self-expression of students, a high level of activity, expressed in the installation of a plurality of solutions, a way to put forward non-standard ideas.

When studying chemistry from the very first lessons in grade 8, it is necessary to consider:

    • Formation of general educational skills and abilities: 8th grade students should be able to generalize, highlight the main thing, classify objects, phenomena, events, on the other hand, improving this skill is one of the tasks of studying chemistry

      Psychological features of this age: students aged 12-13 have an increased desire for self-realization, they are happy to take part in games, perform creative tasks

      Emotional mood: the subject of chemistry has always aroused a certain interest among elementary school students, it has an element of novelty, some mystery, it is the task of the teacher to support this interest

Therefore, when studying this topic, teachers should have a variety of techniques and teaching methods in their arsenal that contribute to the realization of their goals.

The tasks I propose are tasks for generalization, classification, search for patterns, combination, development of memory and attention

Tasks for generalization and concretization allow you to form the ability to combine homogeneous objects, which is associated with the selection of features inherent in the object (analysis), clarifying the role of these features in a group of objects (synthesis) and establishing the similarities and differences of these objects with other objects. Performing such tasks, students search for verbal characteristics to designate a group of homogeneous objects, which is the basis for the formation and improvement of the classification technique.

Third wheel (slide 2)

Among the three symbols of chemical elements whose names are indicated in the task, leave only two that are similar in some way. Exclude one of the characters that does not have this feature.

a ) B, Be, Ba; c) Hg, Mn, Mg;

b ) Tl, Ta, Te; d) Li, P, Cl.

ten elements(slide 3)

A list of chemical elements is given: tin, phosphorus, hydrogen, ruthenium, mercury, selenium, oxygen, calcium, arsenic, chlorine

Read the following statements carefully and cross one item off the list after each statement. What will remain?

    This element is named after the moon.

    It is the most abundant element on earth.

    The symbol of this element begins with the letter "S"

    Forms a simple substance - a poisonous gas of yellow-green color

    The name has an "a" in it.

    Its chemical sign is Ag

    This is an element of the 2nd group of the secondary subgroup

    Element 4 period

    Its name means "luminiferous"

    It is named after Russia

If you did everything right, then the answer will be the most common element in space, which forms the lightest gas - hydrogen












Tasks for classification and grouping create conditions for students to think through the connections that exist in the material being studied. When they are performed, a high level of analysis and synthesis is formed, a generalized versatile vision of objects and phenomena, the ability to compare, find similarities and differences

Tic-tac-toe(slide 4)

Task: find a series in which all elements are united by one sign, what?

A) non-metal elements










B) the pronunciation of the symbol and the name of the element are the same


C a








How many groups will there be?(slide 5)

Given a list

    names of chemical elements: hydrogen, mendelevium, plutonium, uranium, selenium, oxygen, tantalum, einsteinium, ruthenium, phosphorus, scandium, curium.

    Symbols of chemical elements: N , Al , H , Fe , K , Ca , O , Si , mg , Cu , Na , S , Ag , C , P , Cl , Zn

Make up groups from the names of elements or chemical symbols that are similar to each other in one or more characteristics and give them names.. How many groups did you get?

Knowledge Tree (slide 6)

Symbols and names of chemical elements are given. Task: propose a classification scheme using the categories "metal-non-metal", "Elements of the same group", "Elements of the same period"

Rb Li S Ca Te Br Zn Mg Cr Si K Cu O

Rb Li S Ca Te Br Zn Mg Cr Si K Cu O

Rb Li S Ca Te Br Zn Mg Cr Si K Cu O

Chemical sets











Adaniya: how can you name the chemical elements included in the pink circle? Into the blue circle? The area where they intersect?

The task of finding patterns , the solution of which is logically determined by the regularity of changing features. Among them, we can distinguish tasks for determining the sequence, which allow improving the operations "analysis" and "synthesis" and tasks for inference by analogy, in which students compare objects and concepts not only by external features, but also by meaning, their internal features.

Complete by analogy(slide 7)

    Continue with a series of chemical elements:

BUT) Be mg Ca … … … (elements of the same group)

B) H He In C … … … (elements - non-metals in order of increasing serial number)

AT) At Br C Dy … … … (elements according to the Latin alphabet of their signs)

G ) Pu Np Se U (elements named after astronomical objects)

D) Po Os co … … (elements whose chemical symbols contain the letter O)

Tasks for the development of memory and attention form the skills of remembering the names and symbols of chemical elements, develop all types of memory: auditory, mechanical, visual, logical, and, in addition, develop attention, the ability to navigate the Periodic Table of Elements as the main tool for studying the subject of chemistry. Most of the presented tasks can be used not only when studying the topic "Chemical elements", but also in lessons on other topics

Encryption (slide 8)

1. Complete the proposed entry (left or right) so that you get a symbol of a chemical element (there may be several correct answers).

Name this chemical element (these chemical elements) and read its (their) symbol.























Who is bigger ? (slide 9)

2. Write down the symbols of the elements that can be made up of the letters of the Latin name:

a) nitrogen - nitrogenium;

b) carbon - carbonium.

Note. Any letter that is part of the Latin name:

a) can be written as lowercase or uppercase;

b) can be used any number of times.

Chemical alphabet(slide 10)

    Arrange the symbols of chemical elements in alphabetical order of their Russian names:

N, C, Zn, Ba, Fe, Na, K, Cu, Ag, Ca, S

    Arrange the symbols of chemical elements in alphabetical order of their Latin names


    N, Ba, Fe, K, Ca, Cu, Na, S, Ag, C, Zn

    Ag, Ba, Fe, K, Ca, C, Cu, Na, N, S, Zn

Find a couple (slide 11)

Find pairs - signs of chemical elements and their names

Practice shows that these tasks become favorite for students, and even after passing the topic, they are happy to turn to them.

"Build Shapes"

Chemical dictation is carried out in order to test the knowledge of chemical signs and their images. Each student is given a sheet of paper with randomly spaced dots, each of which corresponds to the sign of a chemical element (Fig. 1, 2).

The teacher names the chemical elements in a certain sequence (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, fluorine, oxygen, magnesium, calcium, sodium, hydrogen, mercury, iron, phosphorus ),

and schoolchildren connect the signs of these elements with straight lines in the same sequence.

The correctness of the assignment is checked by the students themselves: they should get such animal figures

Of great interest to students are tasks in the form of crosswords, chainwords, rebuses, which they themselves make with pleasure, contributing to the memorization of symbols and names of elements and better orientation in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements:

Omnipresent "O"

Fill in the empty cells with the Russian names of the chemical elements:

Ag, Br, Fe, H, I, O, Sn

Note: (The omnipresent "O". xls )

A dark horse

Solve the crossword puzzle by filling it with Russian names of chemical elements. The key word is the name of the great Russian scientist, one of the founders of the atomic and molecular theory.

1. C 2.O 3.Al 4.N 5.Zn

6. I 7.P 8.H 9.Pb

Note: if there are individual computers for students to work, you can offer a crossword puzzle solution on a computer (A dark horse. xls )


R th

attributes. Cards with the names of chemical elements and their symbols.

Exercise. As quickly as possible, connect the rectangles with the name of the element and the image of the corresponding chemical symbol with a line. To ensure multiple use of cards, lines can be drawn on sheets of polyethylene film of the appropriate size..

Define an element

Task: determine which chemical elements are hidden here



attributes. Cards with the names of chemical elements and their symbols Task: this game is similar to the game "Chemical cryptography", it can be played on a magnetic board using a "placer" of names and symbols of chemical elements. Task: to collect pairs "name + symbol"

Attentive chemist

Attributes: cards with signs of chemical elements on a magnetic basis.

On the magnetic board, the cards are arranged in a scatter. The teacher names the signs of chemical elements, the student must find and show them with a pointer as soon as possible. The number of cards and their arrangement on the board may vary depending on the level of development of children in this class.

Tasks to test the level of mastery of knowledge on the topic "Chemical element" can be the following:

    . It allows the teacher to quickly check the level of mastering the topic, assess the degree of formation of general educational skills and abilities.

    Students are of great interest "reverse control" when students are asked to write their own test paper. The teacher can take into account the variety of tasks, their level, creative and cognitive activity.

Problems of the modern lesson

On the organization of the control of knowledge in chemistry of students of the 8th grade.

Zaitseva L.V.

MOU "Bakchar secondary school"

With. Bakchar

Forms of organization of learning are an external expression of the interaction between the teacher and students, regulated by the relevant rules and laws. The main organizational form of mass teaching of chemistry in the modern school is the lesson, which has many well-known pedagogical advantages.

The expediency of using one form or another is determined by the specific didactic purpose, content and methods of educational work.

Each of the forms of education is included in the general system of the educational process as an integral part, carrying a certain didactic load, having its own strengths and weaknesses, specific features and areas of best application.

Control and correction of knowledge and skills is carried out at each lesson.

But after studying one or more topics, the teacher conducts special lessons of control and correction in order to identify the level of mastery of the complex of knowledge and skills by students and, on its basis, make certain decisions to improve the educational process.

Determining the structure of the lesson of control and correction, it is advisable to proceed from the principle of a gradual increase in the level of knowledge and skills, i.e. from the level of awareness to the reproductive and productive (constructive) levels.

Knowledge control is an important part of the educational process. It performs three functions inherent in the educational process:




Its main goal is to test the knowledge, skills and abilities that students should master.

I use various types of knowledge control: tests, chemical dictations, digital dictations, verification and control work. Tasks can be reproductive, creative and developmental.

Systematic testing of knowledge is of great importance: it disciplines students, educates their will, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal, encourages them to regularly prepare for lessons.

For the teacher, knowledge control makes it possible to get to know his students better, correct their knowledge in a timely manner and, if necessary, provide effective assistance.

For each topic (or even paragraph) I have developed sets of didactic material in 4-10 versions. The tasks are compiled in accordance with the mandatory minimum content of basic general education. If this is a test work, then it takes a maximum of 7-10 minutes to complete it, it can be carried out at various stages of the lesson: if this is a lesson in presenting new material, then at the stage of reflection, after working out new concepts, if this is a regular lesson, then at the stage checking homework, but its results immediately indicate the assimilation of knowledge of this issue by the entire class team.

Control of knowledge in the section "Introduction or initial chemical concepts"

All the theoretical material of the chemistry course for the basic school is considered in the first year of study in the 8th grade, therefore, important information about the chemical element, about the forms of its existence, chemical formulas, about the structure of the periodic system, which are studied in topic 1, must be worked out and controlled. Therefore, I devote a little more hours to studying this topic than the author suggests (with a load of 2.5 hours per week).

Verification work No. 1 The structure of the periodic system.

GOAL: To reveal students' knowledge of the concepts: atom, molecule, chemical element, simple and complex substance, as well as the ability of students to work with signs of chemical elements, formulas and with the structure of the periodic system.

1 option

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) 4 N b) 4N 2 c) 3CuO d) 3Cu e) 2C 2 H 4 O 2 f) 5O 2

Task number 2

a) phosphorus b) scandium c) niobium d) potassium e) chlorine

Option 2

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) 4 Cl b) 4Cl 2 c) 3P 2 O 5 d) 3P e) 2ZnS f) 5Zn

Task number 2 Write a chemical sign and indicate the position of the element in the periodic system (serial number, period, group, subgroup)

a) fluorine b) nickel c) tungsten d) zinc e) uranium

3 option

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) 4 K b) 4K 2 O c) 8O d) 8O 2 e) 3SO 2 f) 2H 2 O

Task number 2 Write a chemical sign and indicate the position of the element in the periodic system (serial number, period, group, subgroup)

a) magnesium b) indium c) barium d) neon e) nobelium

4 option

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) 4 O 2 b) 4O c) 3Fe d) 3FeS e) 5N 2 f) 2CO 2

Task number 2 Write a chemical sign and indicate the position of the element in the periodic system (serial number, period, group, subgroup)

a) boron b) calcium c) titanium d) tin e) terbium

5 option

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) H b) H 2 c) 7H 2 d) 7H e) 3H 2 O f) 5FeS

Task number 2 Write a chemical sign and indicate the position of the element in the periodic system (serial number, period, group, subgroup)

a) sodium b) copper c) krypton d) ruthenium e) samarium

6 option

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) 3 Fe b) 3FeO c) 4F d) 4F 2 e) 5CO 2 f) 2H 2 O

Task number 2 Write a chemical sign and indicate the position of the element in the periodic system (serial number, period, group, subgroup)

a) beryllium b) chlorine c) vanadium d) xenon e) curium

Digital dictation. Signs of chemical elements

GOAL: Testing knowledge of signs of chemical elements.

Card #1

1 2 3

1) Al a) boron 1) calcium

2) N b) cuprum 2) potassium

3) Cu c) ash 3) iron

4) N d) aluminum 4) nitrogen

5) B e) bromine 5) bromine

6) Si e) calcium 6) silicon

7) Br g) ferrum 7) hydrogen

8) K h) silicon 8) boron

9) Fe and) en 9) aluminum

10) Ca k) potassium 10) copper

Card #2

Look at the sign of a chemical element in the 1st column and match it from the 2nd and 3rd columns with the pronunciation and name of this chemical element (for example: 1, c, 3)

1 2 3

1) Ag a) boron 1) magnesium

2) H g b) hydrargyrum 2) sulfur

3) C c) es 3) fluorine

4) Na d) magnesium 4) barium

5) Ba e) barium 5) sodium

6) S e) chlorine 6) silver

7) B g) fluorine 7) mercury

8) Cl h) silver 8) boron

9) F i) ce 9) chlorine

10) Mg to) sodium 10) mercury

Card #3

Look at the sign of a chemical element in the 1st column and match it from the 2nd and 3rd columns with the pronunciation and name of this chemical element (for example: 1, c, 3)

1 2 3

1)N a) boron 1) oxygen

2) N b) iodine 2) iodine

3)Al c) ash 3) lead

4) Ni d) aluminum 4) nitrogen

5) B e) bromine 5) bromine

6) I e) calcium 6) nickel

7) Br g) plumbum 7) hydrogen

8) O h) nickel 8) boron

9) Ca and) nitrogen 9) aluminum

10) Pb k) o 10) calcium

Card number 4

Look at the sign of the chemical element in the 1st column and match it from the 2nd and 3rd columns with the name and pronunciation of this chemical element (for example: 1, c, 3)

1 2 3

1) Au a) es 1) phosphorus

2) N b) manganese 2) potassium

3) S c) ash 3) zinc

4) Na d) zinc 4) manganese

5) Pt e) aurum 5) sodium

6) P e) platinum 6) gold

7) Zn g) sodium 7) platinum

8) K h) ne 8) hydrogen

9) Mn i) potassium 9) calcium

10) Ca to) calcium 10) sulfur

Verification work No. 2. Relative molecular weight.

GOAL: To reveal the ability of students to work with chemical formulas, to know the qualitative and quantitative composition, and also to calculate the relative molecular weight.

1 option

BUT) CaSO 4 b) K 3 PO 4 c) Cl 2 O 7 d) ZnSiO 3 e) KMnO 4

Option 2. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT ) Br 2 O 5 b) Na 2 SiO 3 c) FeSO 4 d) AgNO 3 e) Na 2 CO 3

3 option. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT) Ag 2 O b) PbCO 3 c) C 2 H 4 Cl 2 d) HPO 3 e) MgSO 4

4 option. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT ) CuSO 3 b) C 3 H 6 O 2 c) BaSiO 3 d) I 2 O 3 e) KNO 3

5 option. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT ) K 2 CO 3 b) Fe 3 O 4 c) C 2 H 5 O 2 Na d) K 2 SO 3 e) CuCl 2

6 option. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT) CaSiO 3 b) B 2 O 3 c) HgSO 4 d) AlPO 4 e) K 2 Cr 2 O 7

7 option. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT ) BaSO 4 b) Al 2 S 3 c) Ag 2 SO 4 d) C 4 H 8 Br 2 e) I 2 O 5

8 option. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT) CuCO 3 b) CaC 2 c) CuH 2 O 2 d) FePO 4 e) HBrO 4

9 option. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT) H 2 SiO 3 b) Ca 3 N 2 c) C 3 H 3 F 3 d) Ag 3 PO 4 e) KBrO 3

10 option. Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

BUT) HPO 3 b) Mn 2 O 3 c) BaSO 3 d) Al 4 C 3 e) C 5 H 8 I 2

Verification work No. 3 Mass fractions of elements in the compound.

GOAL: It reveals the level of skills to work with a chemical formula, compare, compare and identify which of the proposed compounds is richer in one or another element.

1 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in silver nitrate - AgNO 3.

Task number 2 Which compound - Al 2 S 3 or A 2 O 3 contains more aluminum?

Option 2

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in copper silicate - CuSiO 3.

Task number 2 Which of the MnF 2 or CuF 2 compounds contains more fluorine?

3 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in copper sulfite - CuSO 3.

Task number 2 Which oxide MnO or FeO contains more oxygen?

4 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in zinc sulfate - ZnSO 4.

Task number 2 Which compound C 2 H 4 O 2 or C 2 H 6 O contains more carbon?

5 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in calcium sulfite - CaSO 3.

Task number 2 Which CuS or CuO compound contains more copper?

6 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in magnesium sulfite - MgSO 3.

Task number 2 Which compound has more MgF 2 or CaF 2 fluorine?

7 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in aluminum orthophosphate - AlPO 4.

Task number 2 Which sulfide Cr 2 S 3 or Na 2 S contains more sulfur?

8 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in potassium carbonate - K 2 CO 3.

Task number 2 Which compound methane CH 4 or propane C 3 H 8 contains more carbon?

9 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in iron carbonate - FeCO 3.

Task number 2 Which compound C 2 H 4 O 2 or C 2 H 6 O contains more carbon?

10 option

Task number 1 Calculate the mass fractions of elements in potassium silicate - K 2 SiO 3.

Task number 2 Which compound Mg 3 N 2 or N 2 O 5 contains more nitrogen?

Test No. 1 Information on the chemical formula.

PURPOSE: Checking the level of mastering the knowledge of students in the section

1 option

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) 3 F b) 5F 2 c) 2HF d) H 2 O e) Zn

Task number 2 Indicate the position in the periodic system of the following chemical elements. a) aluminum b) germanium c) rhodium d) argon e) neodymium

Task number 3 Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances:

a) H 3 PO 4 b) Al 2 S 3 c) SiH 4 d) ZnSO 3 e) AlPO 4

Task number 4

CuSO 4 (copper sulfate)?

Option 2

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) 3 Br b) 3Br 2 c) 2K 2 O d) 2O e) 4CuO

Task number 2 Indicate the position in the periodic system of the following chemical elements: a) fluorine b) vanadium c) strontium d) cadmium e) americium.

Task number 3

a) O 2 b) KClO 3 c) H 2 SO 3 d) Cl 2 O 3 e) FeSiO 3

Task number 4 What information about a substance carries its chemical formula

MgSiO 3 (magnesium silicate)?

3 option

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) 3 K b) 3F 2 c) 2CO 2 d) 4H e) 4H 2

Task number 2 Indicate the position in the periodic system of the following chemical elements: a) nitrogen b) tellurium c) platinum d) copper e) thorium

Task number 3 Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances

a ) FeCO 3 b) AlBr 3 c) K 2 CO 3 d) Li 3 PO 4 e) H 2 SiO 3

Task number 4 What information about a substance carries its chemical formula

FeCO 3 (iron carbonate)?

4 option

Task number 1 What do the entries mean:

a) O 3 b) 3O c) Si d) 4Si e) 3SiO 2

Task number 2 Indicate the position in the periodic system of the following chemical elements: a) iodine b) tantalum c) palladium d) strontium e) erbium

Task number 3 Calculate the relative molecular weight of the following substances

a) K 2 SiO 3 b) CuCO 3 c) AgNO 3 d) CaCl 2 e) C 2 H 6

Task number 4 What information about a substance carries its chemical formula

CuCO 3 (copper carbonate)?

Regular testing of students' knowledge is a necessary condition for the successful assimilation of educational material. In the structure of lessons of various types, knowledge testing is given a different amount of time. The set of tasks meets the requirements of the mandatory minimum content of education, therefore, it can be used regardless of the program chosen by the teacher. This does not exclude the possibility of level differentiation, an individual approach to teaching individual students or groups.

Working with cards, students get an additional opportunity to develop their abilities: by reading the proposed task, completing it, they develop attention, memory, skills in working with printed material, and the ability to correctly understand the text.


    O.S. Gabrielyan "Chemistry" Grade 8 Bustard., Moscow 2007.