Geography test South America 7. Test "South America

Execution instructions

Duration of work: 45 minutes. The test consists of 10 tasks of different difficulty levels: with the choice of one correct answer (1,2,3,4,5), to establish sequence and correspondence (7,10) and to determine a geographical object (6). Tasks 7 and 8 require an additional detailed answer. Task 11 is aimed at testing the knowledge of the nomenclature.

Evaluation criteria:

18 - 20 points - "5"

14 - 17 points - "4"

10 - 13 points - "3"

less than 10 points - "2"

Good luck!!!

Test on the topic "South America"

Option 1

Which sea borders the coast of South America? (1 point)




Solve the puzzle. Determine the representative of the flora of South America.

The discoverer of America is ... (1 point)

Amerigo Vespucci

Ferdinand Magellan

Christopher Columbus

Francis Drake

What is llanos? (1 point)

temperate steppe zone

tropical steppes - savannah

area with insufficient moisture

humid equatorial forests

Descendants from marriages of Indians with Negroids (1 point)

Identify the geographic feature from the description and write the name. (1 point)

This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Consists of 275 waterfalls, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. In 2011, according to the results of the world competition, the waterfalls were recognized as one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

List the continents in order from largest to smallest. (1 point)



South America

Determine the representative of the animal world of South America from the drawing. (2 points)

Explain what is special about this animal?

Guess the crossword. (4 points)

The highest peak in South America.

On the tributary of this river is the highest waterfall in the world.

Liman lake in northern South America.

The highest waterfall in the world.

The most full-flowing river in the world.

The largest and highest lake in South America.

Select an extra geographic feature. Justify your answer.

Set the correspondence: the extreme points of the mainland - their coordinates - the side of the horizon. (4 points)

Cabo Branco

40S 810z.d.


530S 710 W

Gallinas 710w.d.



70S 340w.d.


Define numbered geographic features. (3 points)


island ______________

river _______________

lake ______________

river _______________


the mountains _______________

lake ______________

river _______________

Answers to the test "South America"


Option 1


B (balsa)

The largest rodent in the world





Aconcagua - object of orography

caribbean sea

Tierra del Fuego Island

San Francisco River

Lake Titicaca

Parana river

Guiana Plateau

Andes mountains

Lake Maracaibo

Ucayali River

Evaluation criteria:

18 - 20 points - "5"

14 - 17 points - "4"

10 - 13 points - "3"

less than 10 points - "2"

Part A.

1. What year was South America discovered?

a) in 1498 b) in 1698 c) in 1492 d) 1452

2. What strait separates South America from Antarctica?

a) Bassov b) Drake c) Magellan d) Bering

3. Which ocean has the greatest influence on the formation of the climate of South America?

a) Pacific b) Indian c) Atlantic d) Arctic

4. Which part of mainland South America is flat?

a) north b) south c) west d) east

5. What is the highest waterfall in the world on the mainland?

a) Angel b) Niagara c) Iguazu d) Victoria

6. Is the Andes the largest alpine lake in the world?

7. What is the largest plain?

a) Amazonian lowland b) Orinoco lowland c) La Plata lowland d) Brazilian Plateau

8. What is the deepest river in South America?

a) Orinoco b) Parana c) Amazon d) Rio Negro

9. In what natural area of ​​South America is the animal world best preserved?

10. Which statement correctly characterizes the climate of South America?

11. Is the highest point in South America?

a) Illampu b) Ruiz c) Acongagua d) Chimborazo

12. Which scientist during his expeditions to the mainland in 1923-1933. established the geographical centers of the ancient centers of agriculture and the origin of some cultivated plants?

a) M.P. Lazarev b) N.I. Vavilov c) A. Humboldt d) G.I. Langsdorf

13 . How many species of tiny hummingbirds are there on the mainland of South America?

a) 321 b) 258 c) 698 d) 500

14. What is the name of the descendants from the marriages of Europeans and Negroes?

a) mulattoes b) mestizos c) sambo d) creoles

a) Colombia b) Venezuela c) Peru d) Brasilia

16. Which city has been declared by the international organization UNESCO as an object of the cultural heritage of mankind?

a) Peru b) Chile c) Colombia d) Brasilia

Part B.

    Arrange the landforms of South America in order of their occurrence from sulfur to south

A) Amazon lowland

B) Brazilian plateau

B) Guiana plateau

D) La Plascoya Lowland

2. Establish a correspondence between the natural area and the animal characteristic of this natural area.

A) humid evergreen equatorial forests 1) ostrich rhea

B) savannas 2) orangutan

B) steppes 3) pampas deer

D) semi-deserts 4) tapir

5) viscacha

3. What is selva, patagonia, pampas?

Part C.

    Determine the type of climate according to the climatogram and characterize this climate.

Final test on the topic "South America"


a) A. Humbold b) N. M. Albov c) Kh. Columbus d) N.I. Vavilov

2. What channel separates South America from North America?

a) Panama b)Erie c) Suez d) Royal

3. Which winds bring the most precipitation to South America?

a) trade winds b) westerlies c) monsoons d) breezes

4. Which part of mainland South America is mountainous?

a) north b) west c) east d) south

5. What is the widest waterfall in the world on the mainland?

a) Angel b) Victoria c) Iguazu d) Niagara

6. The highest lake in South America and the world?

a) Air North b) Patos c) Maracaibo d) Titicaca

7. Do the elevated sections of the South American Platform correspond in relief?

a) Amazonian lowland b) Orinoco lowland c) La Plata lowland d) Guiana Plateau

8. Which river in South America is longer than the Volga?

a) Orinoco b) Iguazu c) Parana d) Amazon

9. In what natural area of ​​South America is the animal world least preserved?

a) steppe b) savannah c) semi-desert d) equatorial forests

10. Which statement correctly characterizes the climate of South America?

a) the hottest b) the driest c) the wettest d) the coldest

11. When is the Amazon River full of water?

a) in winter b) in autumn c) in summer d) throughout the year

12. At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, one of the first scientists to explore South America made an expedition to study nature?

a) H. Columbus b) A. Humboldt c) A. Vespucci d) G. Langsdorf

13. What is the name of the savannas of the Brazilian plateau?

a) campos b) llanos c) pampas d) selva

14. What are the names of the descendants from the marriages of Indians and Negroes?

a) mulatto b) mestizo c) Quechua d) sambo

15. Is the largest country in South America by area?

a) Colombia b) Brasilia c) Peru d) Colombia

16. Which World Heritage Island belongs to Chile?

a) Madagascar b) Greenland c) Easter d) Wrangel

Part B.

1. Distribute the states of South America in ascending order of the area of ​​​​their territories.

A) Argentina

B) Brasilia

B) Peru

D) Surinami

2. Establish a correspondence between the natural area and the plant characteristic of this natural area.

A) humid evergreen equatorial forests 1) quebracho

B) savannas 2) velvichia

C) steppes 3wild millet

D) semi-deserts 4) ceiba

5) cactus

3. What is patagonia, ceiba, selva.

Part C.

1. Determine the type of climate according to the climatogram and characterize this climate.


option 1

Part A.

































Part B.


2. A-4, B-3, V-3, G-5

3. Selva - forests of South America

Patagonia - semi-deserts of South America

Pampa - the steppe of South America

Part C.

equatorial climate. The average annual rainfall is between 2000 and 3000 mm, and high temperatures throughout the year.

option 2

Part A.

































Part B.


2. A-4, B-1, C-3, G-5

3. Patagonia - the semi-deserts of South America

Selva - forests of South America

Ceiba - the cotton tree of South America

Part C.

Subequatorial climate. The annual rainfall exceeds 2000 mm.

The average monthly temperature rises to +28... +30°С.

Subject: South America.

I option.

1 Equator crosses South America:

a/. in the northern part;

b/. in the central part;

in/. does not cross the mainland.

2 South America stretches farther south than Africa and Australia. Only a narrow strip of water separates it from Antarctica:

a/. Bass Strait;

b/. the Drake Passage;

in/. Strait of Magellan.

3 At the base of the structure of the plain East lie mainly:

a/. areas of ancient platform and ancient folding;

b/. areas of new folding.

5 South America stretches farther south than Africa and Australia. Its end is:

a/. in the subtropical zone;

b/. in the temperate zone;

in/. in the Antarctic climate zone.

6 Transit river of South America:

a/. Amazon;

b/. Orinoco;

in/. Parana.

7 The highest waterfall in South America is:

a/. Iguazu Falls;

b/. Angel Falls;

in/. Victoria Falls.

8 The tree whose juice has long been used by the Indians in the manufacture of natural rubber is called:

in/. quebraccio.

9 Tropical deserts occupy a smaller area in South America than in Africa and Australia. This is explained by:

a/. a significant part of the mainland is occupied by humid equatorial forests;

b/. mainland South America has a smaller extent from west to east in the tropical zone.

10 The savannas of the Brazilian Plateau are called:

a/. llanos;

b/. pampas;

in/. selvas.

ANSWERS: 1a; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5 B; 6a; 7b; 8b; 9b; 10a.

Subject: South America.

II option.

F.I. student _________________________________________________ class 7 _____

1 The prime meridian crosses South America:

a/. in the western part;

b/. in the central part;

in/. does not cross the mainland.

2 The Caribbean Sea washes the mainland of South America:

a/. from the west;

b/ from the north;

in/. from the east.

3 The Andes Mountains stretch:

a/. along the east coast;

b/. along the west coast;

in/. from west to east of South America.

4. The most important minerals of the Andes mountains are:

a/. copper ores;

b/. coal;

in/. oil and natural gas.

5. In the temperate climate zone lies:

a/. Central part of South America;

b/. Southern and Central parts;

in/. narrowed southern part of the mainland.

6 The largest alpine lake in the Andes:

a/. Cotopaxi;

b/. Titicaca;

in/. Chimborazo.

7 Moist equatorial forests of South America are called:

a/. hylaea;

b/. llanos;

in/. selva.

8 The Amazon forests are a real home for snakes. A giant water boa lives here:

a/. anaconda;

b/. mamba;

in/. gyurza.

9 The main sources of moisture in the Atacama Desert are:

a/. precipitation;

b/ fogs;

in/. The groundwater.

10 Descendants from marriages of Indians with blacks are:

a/. sambo;

b/. mulattoes;

in/. mestizos.

ANSWERS: 1c; 2b; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9b; 10a.


Option I

1. What is the place in terms of the size of the territory and what is the average height of the mainland of South America?

a) third;

b) fourth;

c) fifth;

d) the sixth.

2. The first Europeans who set foot on the coast of the mainland South America were members of an expedition led by

a) A. Vespucci;

b) x. Columbus;

c) F. Magellan;

d) E. Cortes.

3. The Andes were formed as a result of ... the South American lithosphere plate and the Nazca oceanic plate.

a) collisions

b) extensions;

c) sliding relative to each other.

4. For the temperate continental climate in South America (Patagonia), the following indicators are typical

January temperature (°C)





July temperature






precipitation (mm)


over 2000



5. Of all the rivers on Earth, the Amazon is the most

a) long

b) high-water;

c) wide;

d) fast.

6. Rubber, orchids, ceiba, melon and chocolate trees grow in a natural area of ​​South America called

a) selva;

b) llanos;

c) campos;

d) pampas.

7. What part of South America is characterized by the next change of altitude zones in the Andes?

    dry steppes (cereals, cacti) - 0-900 m;

    mixed forests (beech, podocarpus) - 900-1500 m;

    mountain crooked forest (shrubs) - 1500-2000 m;

    snow, glaciers - 2000-4000 m.

a) eastern slope, pampas;

b) eastern slope, humid equatorial forests;

8. Name the indigenous people of South America and determine what race they belong to.

a) Indians

b) mestizos;

c) mulattoes;

d) sambo;

e) Caucasian;

f) Mongoloid;

g) equatorial.

a) Isthmus of Panama b) Andes mountains; c) the Parana River; d) the country of Brazil; e) the city of Buenos Aires?

Option II

1. South America is located in the hemispheres

a) North, South and West;

b) South, East and West;

c) North, South and East;

d) North, East and West.

2. The ancient centers of agriculture in South America were studied by an expedition led by a scientist

a) A. Humboldt;

b) N. Vavilov;

c) P. Valdivia;

d) G. Langsdorf.

3. In the relief of South America, plains stand out on ... (1) and mountains on ... (2) of the mainland.

a) north

b) south;

c) east;

d) west.

a) Atacama;

b) the Brazilian plateau;

c) Patagonia;

d) La Plata lowland.

5. For the rivers of the Brazilian and Guiana plateaus,

a) uniform flow;

b) the period of shallowing in the dry season;

c) the absence of rapids and waterfalls;

d) the presence of rapids and waterfalls.

6. Cereals and legumes, various types of palms grow in the natural area of ​​​​South America, which is called

a) selva;

b) llanos;

c) campos;

d) pampas.

7. What part of South America is characterized by the following
blowing change of altitude zones in the Andes?

    humid equatorial forests (palms, bananas, ficuses, hevea) -

0-1100 m;

    mountain forests (bamboo, cinchona, tree ferns) - 1100-2500 m;

    mountain crooked forest (shrubs) - 2500-3900 m;

    alpine meadows (cereal, composite) - 3900-4800 m;

    snow, glaciers - 4800-6000 m. a) eastern slope, pampas;

    eastern slope, moist equatorial forests;

c) western slope, semi-deserts and deserts;

d) western slope, mixed forests.

8. State language and language of communication in Bra
Ziliya serves

what about English;

b) Spanish;

c) Portuguese;

d) French.

9. What numbers on the outline map of "South America" ​​(see p. 85) indicate: a) about. Tierra del Fuego; b) Brazilian plateau;

c) La Plata lowland; d) the Orinoco River; e) the country of Argentina?

Option III

1.South America is separated from North America and Antarctica

a) Isthmus of Panama

b) Northern Tropic

And by the strait

c) Davisov;

d) Drake.

2. The German scientist A. Humboldt traveled and studied the nature of the tropical regions of the New World in

a) 1541-1542;

b) 1799-1804;

4. This climatogram characterizes the annual course of temperature and precipitation in (at)

a) the Amazon

b) the Brazilian plateau;

c) Patagonia;

d) La Plata lowland.

5. The Andes is home to the largest high mountain lake in the world.

a) Athabasca

b) Nyasa;

c) Maracaibo;

d) Titicaca.

6. Drought-resistant grasses and thorny shrubs grow in a natural area of ​​​​South America, which is called

a) selva;

b) llanos;

c) campos;

d) pampas.

7. Land is used for growing cereals (wheat and corn) and pasture for livestock in the zone

a) pampas;

b) subtropics;

c) tropical agriculture;

d) Andean highlands.

8. This country is the largest on the mainland. The nature of the country is very diverse. The population is complex. Most of the country's population lives in cities. The industry is well developed here. On the plantations of large landowners

coffee, cocoa beans, cotton, sugarcane, rice are grown. The capital of the country was built relatively recently according to a special project of famous architects. What country in South America are we talking about?

a) Argentina;

b) Brazil;

c) Venezuela;

d) Chile.

9. What numbers on the contour map of "South America" ​​indicate: a) Orinok lowland; b) the Amazon River; c) Lake Maracaibo;

d) the state of Peru; e) the city of Caracas?


South America

Job number

Option I

Option II

Option III


Test on the topic "South America"

  1. option
  1. Which oceans wash the territory of South America:

A) Arctic Ocean B) Pacific Ocean C) Atlantic D) Indian

2. Mainland South America crosses:

A) prime meridian B) equator C) northern tropic

3. The first European to reach the shores of South America was:

A) Columbus B) Vasco da Gama C) Amerigo Vespucci D) Marco Polo

A) about. Tierra del Fuego B) Mediterranean Sea C) Great Barrier Reef D) Angel

5. In which part of South America do earthquakes occur most often:

A) in the west B) in the east C) in the north D) on the coast

6. In the east of the mainland there are vast plains. This is due to the fact that:

7. In what part of the mainland are the main reserves of metals:

A) in the Andes B) on the Amazonian lowland C) on the shore of the lake. Maracaibo

8. Which of the mainland plains is the largest on Earth:

A) Orinoco B) Laplat C) Amazon D) Central

9. Which of the climatic zones in South America occurs twice:

A) Subtropical B) Moderate C) Tropical D) Subequatorial

10. Set the correspondence "object - its influence":

A) Atlantic Ocean A) Delays precipitation

B) Andes B) Lowers the temperature in the south
C) Antarctica C) Supplies precipitation

D) Peruvian current (cold) D) Forms a dry climate

A) All the rivers of the mainland belong to the Atlantic Ocean

B) Iguazu Falls - the highest on Earth

C) The water level in the Amazon varies greatly with the seasons of the year.

D) The highest mountain lake in the world - Titicaca

12. What animals live in South America:

A) rhinos, elephants, leopards B) llamas, sloths, ostriches C) koalas, anteaters, echidnas

13. Make pairs:

A) Patagonia A) humid equatorial forest

B) Pampas B) semi-deserts in the south of the mainland

C) Selva C) Subtropical steppe
D) Campos D) dry shrub savannah

14. Match:

A) Mestizos A) descendants from marriages of Europeans and Indians

B) Mulattos B) descendants from marriages of Indians and blacks
C) Sambo C) descendants from marriages of blacks and Europeans

15. The largest state of the mainland:

A) Argentina B) Peru C) Brazil D) Paraguay

Test on the topic "South America"

  1. option

1. Which two continents are closest to South America:

A) North America B) Africa C) Antarctica D) Australia

2. Mainland South America cross:

A) southern tropic B) equator C) northern tropic

3. First compiled a description of South America:

A) H. Columbus B) James Cook C) A. Humboldt D) Amerigo Vespucci

4. What geographical objects are located on the territory of South America or near it:

A) Red Sea B) Drake Passage C) Aconcagua D) Cordillera

5. Which part of South America has the most volcanoes:

A) in the Andes B) on the Brazilian plateau C) in the south D) on the coasts

6. In the west of the mainland are the Andes mountains. This is due to the fact that:

A) Here is the zone of interaction of lithospheric plates

B) Part of the lithospheric plate is located

7. Where the most fuel minerals are mined:

A) in the Andes B) on the Brazilian plateau C) on the shore of the lake. maracaibo

8. Which of the mountain peaks is the highest on the mainland:

A) Aconcagua B) Chimborazo C) Cotopaxi D) Angel

9. The climate of South America among other continents:

A) the hottest B) the driest C) the wettest

10. Match:

A) frosts reach - 35 A) north of the mainland

B) the driest regions B) the south of the mainland
C) the wettest areas C) the Amazonian lowland

D) wet and dry seasons change D) west of the mainland

11. Choose the correct statements:

A) The Amazon is home to many plants and animals.

B) Maracaibo - the largest lake on the mainland

C) Parana and Orinoco are full of water all year round

D) Oil is produced on Lake Titicaca.

12. What plants grow in South America:

A) eucalyptus, baobab B) cocoa, rubber C) coffee, velvichia

13. Make pairs:

A) Atacama A) tree

B) Llanos B) a kind of crocodile

B) Cayman B) savannah in the north of the mainland
D) rubber plant D) desert