Alumni Reunion Evening. Humorous greeting

The meeting is a memory of school days, friends, teachers. The hosts - high school students - conduct surveys, games, contests in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.


Developing students' interest in traditions, creating a sense of responsibility and duty in them.


The stage is decorated with balloons and flowers. On the walls you can hang school newspapers and photographs from different years dedicated to the issues that are being collected.

Required attributes for competitions:

  • Needle and thread, button, fabric;
  • Scissors, sheet of paper;
  • Boots and laces;
  • Sheets and pens for "Burime";
  • Costumes for the impromptu theatre.


  • Leading
  • presenter

Event progress

The school bell rings - the presenters come out.


A gentle call is ringing today
But only unexpectedly and strangely -
He calls us not at all to the lesson,
And it doesn't mean change.


Yes, our bell is ringing for you now,
Graduates, he calls you to get together.
Today, this day and this hour
He asks to stay for a moment.

Presenter: Dear graduates of past years, we welcome you to the evening of the meeting!

Leading: Thank you for coming to this evening and bringing the warmth of your hearts to this hall.

Together: Welcome!

Dance number to the song "School Waltz".

Presenter: We are delighted to welcome you to our hall tonight for the Alumni Reunion.

Leading: It's great that we're here today.

Presenter: Is that all?

Leading: This is what we will now check.


Dear graduates, do not be silent,
When you hear the year of your release - shout out loud!

A roll call is being made. The presenters name the years of graduation, the graduates stand up.

Leading: The most friendly we have today was the release of ___ years (those who were in the majority). Let's give them another round of applause! And for all graduates as a gift the following song.

Song school mates.

Presenter: I wonder why we gather graduates under the roof of our school every year?

Leading: Why - remember, so as not to forget about your native school.

Presenter: What will we remember?

Leading: School friends, first love, first teacher, long-awaited calls ...

Presenter: Surely, those calls that announced the end of the lesson were long-awaited.

Leading: Yes, everyone was waiting for the changes - both students and teachers!

Presenter: Let's remember how it was!

"Music Minute" is held. Students go on stage, show movements, and the audience repeats after them.

Leading: But not only the changes were fun. For some, the lessons were interesting, because at that time it was possible to learn so many new and unexpected things ...

Presenter: Where the river flows into the sea, or what is twice two, or how to find the hypotenuse, or...

Leading: Not only. Even during the lesson, you could find out how patient the classmate sitting in front of you is! Imagine pulling her braids, and she is silent, afraid that the teacher will scold ... Or determine how many buttons on the chair the neighbor at the desk can withstand ... Or ...

Presenter: But still, we gathered not only to remember the pranks, but also to find out who our graduates have become, where they work, how their fate has turned out.

Leading: Let's find out what the statistics tell us.

The student makes a report on the professions of the arrivals (at the entrance to the school, a survey of arriving graduates must be conducted in advance).

Presenter: Yes, we are not afraid today. After all, there are military men among you - they will protect us from dangerous people, doctors will provide first aid if necessary, teachers will teach love and patience, sellers will add an economic note to the nostalgic bouquet.

Leading: And now these heroes will be greeted by the face of our school, the leader of our pedagogical gang, the president of the school community - the director!

Speech by the principal of the school.


What is a school - these are children,
These are books and a bell trill,
These are the happiest days in the world
Seeing off winter, spring drops.


Who - in one, and someone in two studied shifts,
What could bring us all together?
That we were all waiting for a change
To be able to play!


The fact that we went to the same school
That we took care of her.
Yes, we have been students here for a long time,
Many years have passed since then and many days...

Leading: I wonder how much you remember from your school life?

The "Speak Frankly" survey is being conducted:

  • How often did you skip classes?
  • Did you put buttons on classmates or teachers?
  • Hiding with a cigarette around the school corner?
  • Did you write down your homework? And the controls?
  • Harassed girls?
  • The best day of school life.
  • Saddest day at school.
  • What was more - twos or fives?

Presenter: How many interesting teachers have now learned about their former students. Tell me, dear teachers, is this news to you?

Presentation by teachers. After that, students show scenes from school life.

Leading: You see, in fact, the teachers were so insightful that they could unravel the instigator of any prank.

Presenter: This is an important quality in the difficult profession of a teacher. Therefore, the next issue is dedicated to you, teachers!

The song "Affectionate bell is calling for the desks."

Leading: I wonder how many of you date your classmates? Who does not lose touch and still communicates - next contest for you.

The competition "Siamese twins" is held. Couples come out. They hug each other's shoulders with one hand so that one right and one left hand remain free in the pair. Without changing position, they need to sew on a button, cut out a star from paper and lace up their boots faster than their rivals. The winners are awarded medals.

Presenter: Many graduates have gathered here today. I wonder if they all think the same?

Leading: This is what we will now check. I suggest our graduates to move convolutions!

A creative competition "Burime" is being held. Each issue is given a piece of paper and a pen. Their task is to compose a poem, each line of which ends with the words: poppy - cuff - jokes - school. After 5 minutes, all poems are heard and the best one is selected.

Presenter: There are many people, but they all think differently.

Leading: And you doubted! You see what creative people studied at our school.

Presenter: Real talents! I think that even the actors they would be good.

Leading: I suggest you take a break - watch a small performance staged by your classmates.

Theater-impromptu "Kolobok". Roles: Old man, Old woman, Kolobok, Hare, Wolf, Fox.


There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived - did not grieve until they wanted to eat. Yes, yes, we didn’t eat so much, but suddenly - on you - I wanted to! Everything would be fine, but the house was empty - there were not even mice. The old man and the old woman searched everything, but nowhere could they find even a crumb of bread. They sat down on a bench, mourned. And suddenly the old man came up with an idea: they went to the barn, found an old chest, where once upon a time flour was stored. They swept it with a broom, scraped a little flour, put it in a pot. Water was added, the dough was kneaded, the bun was baked and placed on the window to cool. And they themselves went to bed, happy. Night. Gingerbread Man woke up, started up and galloped into the forest, only they saw him! Runs, and towards him a hare. The hare wanted to catch the bun, but the bun slipped out of his hands and rushed on. A bun runs, and a wolf meets him. He also wanted to catch the bun, but he also failed - the bun turned out to be more agile. The bun runs further, and towards the fox. She saw the kolobok, narrowed her eyes, twisted her tail, licked her lips and decided to deceive him. She grabbed her back, ducked sharply and groaned. Gingerbread man stopped, looked at the fox, took pity, took his hand, wanted to help. And the fox opened its mouth and swallowed the bun. And the gingerbread man was big, so the fox choked. No matter how she spun, no matter how she spun, she could not swallow the fried lump of dough and immediately died.

The moral of this tale is this: do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf!

Presenter: Our actors did a great job. Let's thank them for an interesting performance with applause.

Leading: Well, now it is time for our graduates to wish the school prosperity and success.

Open mic: willing graduates speak. After that, students of the school perform a dance number.

Presenter: But all good things come to an end...

Leading: Do not be sad, because today we all gathered together! This means that we are alive, that we still have everything ahead of us.

Presenter: And in everyone's life, the school bell will sound more than once, announcing that a change has come.


All black stripes turn to white
After the lesson there always comes a change,
And you always be brave and bold,
After all, these qualities are always modern.


We wish you success - by all means,
So that life is filled with happiness and fun,
As often as possible there were changes.
It's good that we are all here today!

The song "The bend of the yellow guitar."

Leading: Good luck and happiness to you, dear graduates!

Presenter: We are waiting for you in a year in the same place, at the same hour!

The graduates have bows tied: A-class - green, B-class - red.

It seems that just recently the last bell rang at our school, and your class scattered through life in different directions. It's only been 10 years since you all gathered at this table to see each other and remember those unforgettable moments of school life.
Opening toast:

You haven't seen each other for many years, friends,
Everyone has their own destiny:
Work, hobbies, family
There are many worries in life!

But despite this, together you
And the evening of the meeting again unites you,
And your eyes are full of joy
And the road to the past has opened again!

Let's remember the school years
And let's have a great evening
But for starters, I, like a toastmaster,
I propose a toast to you!

In order for our glasses to be in order tonight, let's appoint a "duty officer". We will determine it according to the results of the competition. Let's remember each teacher of our school - we call the name and patronymic, and the subject. Who will be the last, he won this competition.

Who is the last - that Duty.

You are lucky, you are "On duty"! Get the props (whistles) for today's feast, your task is to keep order and whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order, and also if I suddenly talk and your throat is dry - you can whistle !!! I ask questions. Competition "I came because .."

It would be time to see each other more often -
there would be occasions to drink a hundred times.
No time! For real friends
There is only one way out - to catch up now.
Glasses - higher! Closer appetizers!
Let's drink to your best deeds.
And we wish habitually, in Russian,
so that your life is carefree. For you! Whistle!

Well, as folk wisdom says between the first and second (let them say options) ... pour, otherwise I'll leave!
So the second toast arrived, I propose to pronounce it all together.
You just have to repeat the words: the left side is “You need to drink for this”, the right side is “And we don’t mind”
Today classmates
We gladly welcome
For this you have to drink!
And we don't mind!
The years go by fast
But we don't count them.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
We didn't see each other for a long time
But we all remember, we know
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
Many heights have been reached
But don't forget the class.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
For our strong friendship
Let's pour!
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!

I want to note that the attention of the guests may be somewhat scattered, so we will help each other so that not a single toast goes unnoticed. As soon as you need to drain your glasses, I will certainly say: “You need to drink for this!”
You unanimously answer me: “But we don’t mind!”
And on my command "let's go" you can safely drink your drinks.

And now I ask you to play along a little more with me. Let's raise both hands up ... and behind me together, loudly, in chorus, repeat: "Goodbye" -guests, respectively: "Goodbye!" …… “More”……”Sober”….. “You won’t see me!” For this you have to drink!

color competition
Of course, you all came here today to see each other, remember your school years, and have a good rest. But deep down in everyone's heart is hidden the real intention with which you came here. So, guys, I put colored candy wrappers under your plates in advance.
Raise your hands, please, those of the guys who have a blue candy wrapper - these gentlemen will eat and drink the most today. Applause for their healthy appetite.
Now raise your hands, who has a green wrapper. Look at them carefully. These comrades will shout “Hurrah, we met!” for the whole evening.
Raise your hands, who has a yellow wrapper. These comrades will stay at dawn to clean the dishes. Applaud them!
So, who has a white wrapper? These gentlemen will take everyone home after the end of the evening!
And finally, please raise your hand, those who have a red wrapper. These guests came here to come off in full! They applauded each other!
Tovarischi! For this you have to drink!

Presentation of teachers.
I go up to a couple of _________, I ask my wife:
Are you the spouse of ________? Introduce youreself! How many years of marriage? Are you happy with your choice? Is Dima well-mannered and attentive? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."
I go up to a couple of _________, I ask my husband:
- You are the spouse of _____! What is your name? ___ - good wife? Is she economic, kind to children, affectionate to you? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Friends, I am sure everyone in this hall can be proud of their soul mate, brought up within the walls of our school. And who is to blame for all this? Of course, teachers! And the dearest of them are present at our party tonight. I think they should be introduced for those who are not yet familiar with them.
How inexorable time is fleeting
Suddenly they realized when they came to the evening of the meeting.
Teachers, once, in your childhood, young,
We met you again at the entrance, but already gray-haired.
All the same sparkle in the eyes, all the same tone, -
It's like you're back in class, gaining knowledge.
Teachers! From all students bow to the ground!
Let belatedly, we express our recognition to you!
For this you have to drink! Go! Toast to teachers
The school bell sounds!
Oh, what does that mean? Call to class! Are you bored?

Asking teachers:
Can you tell me, please, where does each lesson begin? (from roll call)
Tell me, were there any record holders in this class for the number of n-ok in the class magazine?
Who was first on the list? Who is the last? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Let's not change the traditions today and will carry out a roll call of those who are present at the holiday today.


Now those who recognize themselves raise their hands together and shout "It's me, it's me, it's my whole family!"

I start the roll call
And I firmly assure you:
I'll try to name everyone
Let me start...

Who does not change the roots,
native village glorifies,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here? (This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!)

Hello for now
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds
From near, far abroad?

Who built himself a house
hosted a housewarming party
and now he lives in it,
survive this fun?

There is nothing more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner of that?
Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?

Are you an experienced parent?
Someone with a big one, shall we say?
Who mom and dad became a little light,
Whose children are older, 7 years old?

We will continue about children
heroic families
Who, mind you,
The large family? (who has 3 or more)

Who is still single
Who holds his tail with a pipe?
who wish happiness
To create a family quickly.

Live and learn
who has such a life?
Are there students among you?
Who is this, stand up now?

Who's on the site, on the famous
Lovely classmates
Everyone is trying to find?
Hangs who in a network?

Who, despite the burden of life,
Found an opportunity, means, time
And today I'm very happy
10 years back?

And let's not forget about those who are absent today - for them a penalty in the magazine, and for you - an occasion to drink! A toast to you, to your desire and opportunity to be here! For this you have to drink!

The school bell sounds!

And the first lesson today is Russian. We will write an essay. Let's remember once again the school days and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote compositions best of all? ... .. (invite) I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

The Russian language has not yet been forgotten, what is an adjective remember? Name adjectives and funnier, and you write it down and in 5 minutes we will have an essay “we are graduates!”
When September 1 came 21 years ago, it was the most……………………………. day in our life.
We put on …………………….. a uniform, ……………………………… satchels and with……………………….. a bouquet of flowers went to the first class for the first time. Hello ……………………………… school!
What are the ………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ………………………………. teachers with ………………………smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and…………………………………….
Time flew by imperceptibly. We got a lot of ……………………………friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily hurried to school. And then came…………………………………. the day of graduation. Everyone’s faces would be………………….., and the gait………………………………. But when we picked up this …………………… document, we immediately became…………………………..!
And now, 10 years later, we are sitting at………………… a table, with……………………… snacks and ………………………… drinks and celebrating our………………… …… meeting! Let's raise our glasses and drink for us, such………………………. AND…………………………….! Long live we, the most………………………..graduates of 2003!!

For this you have to drink!
We drink to the compositions of each of you - let them end with a happy ending in many, many years!!!

In the elementary grades, you had just mastered the basics of writing, but even then, notes of a love nature were flying around the class with might and main, with tips on the control, etc. Guess who wrote? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."
Or maybe someone was in love with someone? Today I think this can be recognized.
It was not in vain that I remembered the notes, so a small parcel came to me, let's find out to whom it is intended:

Competition-game "Parcel"

A parcel came from the messenger
Only without a signature, that's how insulting,
She must go around the hall in a circle,
To find owners for yourself!
What is in this parcel?
Beauty dear, let her look, that
What sits closest to the leader of all! (I pass the parcel)

You can hold the parcel
But then you have to give it away
Not sisters, not brothers,
And the girl in the most elegant dress! (We transmit)

Bridget Bordeaux would weep with envy,
How would I see your outfit
But waiting for another parcel
The man with the biggest baldness. (transfer)

Your bald head is a sign of a great mind,
But again the parcel came to the wrong place,
You will receive your prize later!
Give the parcel to a man with a big belly,

This is a tummy, this is a miracle!
It will fit a keg of beer,
But the prize is not for you, run down the road
To the girl who has the longest legs! (We transmit)

The legs are beautiful, what can I say,
And you will have to give the parcel,
That in it do not suffer the question,
And give it to the man with the Greek nose!

Your nose is not so big, and in general,
You are a great man
Turn the parcel in your hands a little,
And find a woman with magnificent breasts. (We transmit)

Yes, it's nature
But you will flirt with her later, my friend!
It's a pity, but you will also have to give the parcel,
You have to run to the tallest guy! (We transmit)

Growth though you are great
But strength is not in height, really, man!
You better look around
And give the parcel to the best dancer

Yes, this beauty is amazing!
And she dances beautifully.
You hold the bag in your hands
And find a guy with big ears.

Your ears - wow!
And again, the bag fell into the wrong place.
There is a surprise in the parcel, it's all clear.
Give it to the lady with the most beautiful hairdo. (We transmit)

This is art, indeed beauty,
But again the recipient is not the same
It's far from over
The strongest fighter will receive the parcel! (We transmit)

And the truth is an athlete, strength, mind, beauty,
Only the gift is not there again.
Although the hearts of the girls you terribly torment,
But you still won't get a gift.

For a long time the parcel walked around the hall,
Just couldn't find the owner.
Since the owner is not alone.
I'll see for myself what's inside.
Inside is a mind reading hat.
Wow hat!!! Yes, not simple, but magical!
mind reading
1. For example, I would like to start with _________. I am very interested in the question - why is he still not married? And he has a good girlfriend, and they have been dating for a long time! Here is a hat that will reveal all the cards to us!
1. How good it is that there is no wife
2. What does ________ think about this?
2. And I won’t get married at all!
- Ahhh, well, it's mutual for you !!! ______, don't forbid ________ to eat candy anymore!
3. And you, young man, why are you smiling? Probably remembered something very cheerful, pleasant? Sit all evening so satisfied! Share!
3. Erotic evening
4. Your neighbor is clearly not happy with this idea!
4. Well, the men went, Lord
5. You weren't watching this girl by any chance? Now we find out what she did yesterday?
5. I got up on the wrong foot yesterday
6. But ¬¬¬ __________ (married) is sitting angry, did he also get up on the wrong foot today?
6. I'm hungry
- Well, actually, before leaving for a party, all decent people have dinner at home.
7. Darling (to his wife), what did you feed your betrothed today?
7. I-I-I-cooked eggs
- You're lucky, you got off with only eggs. I wonder if your husband always falls asleep full? (to husband again)
8. I noticed at night I was going to the refrigerator
Well, someone likes to eat well, someone likes to drink .... Here you _______ I see you decide today to come off to the fullest, and tomorrow morning look at yourself in the mirror and think ...
9. What a disgusting face
We have at the holiday and those who are planning to pick up someone today. Here sits ___________ and thinks:
10. Sexy
And in front of him, all such a beautiful _________________, shoots with her eyes, but thinks to herself ....
11. I'm so beautiful
And so ____________ decides to seduce her, his eyes are fixed on a charming lady. Do not be shy! Tell her what you want to say...
12. Let's go there-court
____________ quickly raises her eyes, heard the tempting offer of the gentleman and said ...
13. What are you stroking me
You know, __________ with such an approach, few will bite! Here is ______________ master of love affairs, he will tell you how to take care of a lady ...
14. Leave me old woman, I'm sad
And what are you, on such a beautiful evening, sad. Problems at work?
15. I live only on a salary
Well, I found the problem! And who in this hall does not live on one salary ??? Or maybe someone else has other sources of income? Let's find out from ___________
16. Where is the toilet
Oh, got out! That's right! And who will admit to you how much he actually earns. Toilet, outside, behind the gym.
Here come the men today! They just think how good it would be to eat and drink well, and then go out and smoke! Not like girls - their heads are always filled with the same thoughts ...
17. Oh my God what a man
It is clear that this lady wants both a son and a daughter, but this married couple? Whom does he want? (to the lady)
18. I want 5 children from you
Nothing so condition! I wonder what your husband thinks about this?
14. Can't you see we're eating
Well then, at least say a toast! (to him)
15. Toast without wine
- Wow, how witty! Pour wine for this comrade, please! Toast from you!!!
16. Zhirinovsky - for the men
Did you like the toast?
17. Well, the men went, Lord

Slide show!
Today the occasion is just class!
You have a good meeting.
10 years have gone by
How did you leave school?
Divorced you all roads:
Some are seamstresses, some are teachers.
Someone in business
Who where!
Well, let's go, gentlemen!
For this warm evening
For this wonderful meeting!
I guess you need a drink
for all for you: for your friendly class!
For this you have to drink! Go!

Massage at the table
Here we have been sitting for more than an hour, we are all eating and sitting, eating and sitting! And at school, they would have had a warm-up long ago. Who remembers the easiest warm-up?

We wrote, we wrote
Our fingers are tired
And now we'll rest
And let's start writing again.
We read, we read
Our eyes are tired.
And now we'll rest
And let's start reading again.
We drew today
Our fingers are tired.
Shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again. etc.

The dance break is approaching, so first we need to thoroughly warm up and prepare, and for this, take napkins in your hands, dry your hands and put the napkins on the table (all this must be pronounced with a mysterious intonation, the guests are perplexed why all this). And now turn around half a turn to the right and put these very clean hands on the shoulders of your neighbor (that is, the whole feast turns in one direction) and we begin to give the neighbor a relaxing massage ... to peppy music ...
And then we turn to the left side and win back on our neighbor))))))

Competition "He + She"
Select pairs for the competition through a quiz.
1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. About the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Tere-mok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)
6. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
7. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then still found her prince (Thumbelina)
8. Kikimora under a watermelon. (Princess on the Pea)
9. Dog in mittens. (Puss in Boots)
10. Dressed beggar. (Naked king)
11. Rubik's Cube. (Kolobok)
12. Peasant monkey. (Princess Frog)
13. Vasily Stupid. (Vasilisa the Wise)
14. Green boot. (Red Riding Hood)
15. Rusty padlock. (Golden Key)
16. Gray shrub. (The Scarlet Flower)
17. Beautiful drake. (Ugly duck)

Who guesses, chooses a couple and goes to the center of the hall

Words for Women

1. I, Malvina, have blue hair.
And with almost model legs.
Pinocchio is my heart friend,
Took away my sleep, took my peace.

2. And I'm Cinderella with a crystal slipper,
Do you happen to know my prince?
He promised to marry me soon
Good people, find the prince!

3. I, Thumbelina, daughter of summer.
I expect sweet greetings from the Elf.
My winged friend, fly in
Take your girl!

4. I am secretly in love with Owl,
I give the teddy bear the words:
Winnie the Pooh, I'm looking forward to seeing you again
And I'm ready for anything with you!

5. I am Panther Bagheera.
My soul is torn to Mowgli.
His eyes are always on fire
He is a real male

6. Let Baba - Yaga be called!
I'm not ashamed of the name.
I love the kitty.
I'm dry and just skinny.

7. They gave me a red hat,
They gave me a strange name.
Wolf, my friend in a fairy tale,
Makes me predatory eyes.

8. Good to see you. I am Cheburashka.
With big ears muzzle.
Gene, where are you?
Show up here with an accordion.

Words for Men

You are my sweet doll!
Nice blue dress!
Hug Pinocchio faster.
There is no point in living without you, Malvina!
Pinocchio - a couple hug in 5 different ways

Cinderella! My love is big!
For me, you are a dear girl!
Hooked on love
Let me try on a shoe for you
Prince - put on your ladies shoes and walk around
Elf fast-winged is heading towards you.
To a little baby, to a super beauty.
Thumbelina, sit on my knee.
I will sing a lullaby

Elf - sing a lullaby with a lady on her lap

I don't call myself Winnie the Pooh for nothing,
I meet Owl like a spy.
I'll write her a letter carefully.
It will be pleasant for both of us
Winnie the Pooh - tell a funny story in class, the lady writes down
Yagulka, babistaya berry.
Let it be impure, but it is eloquent.
I'll tell you a poem by Pushkin
After all, I am Koschey, the immortal grandfather.
Koschei - to tell the verse "At the seaside there is an oak ..." as a toothless grandfather

I am shaggy, tongued,
The wolf is a little shaggy.
Give Little Red Riding Hood a comb,
Let her do my hair!
Wolf - comb a man, tie a lot of ponytails

"Let run clumsily
Pedestrians in the puddles, -
I lose my peace from the song,
Cheburashka, come sing with me!
Crocodile Gena - couples sing a verse of the song

In a pack of wolves was not in vain.
My soul has become attached to Bagheera, my friends.
Mowgli dreams with this cat
Play a fun song on the harmonica
Mowgli - play something fun on the button accordion

At the end, everyone is spinning in general well and the musical break begins !!!

2 table
A toast to women
Who got married when
Fairy tale "Turnip"
Turnip - "Both-on!"
Dedka - “I would have killed!”
Grandma - "Who's here?"
Granddaughter - "But I'm not ready yet!"
Bug - "Fuck you!"
Cat - "Pour it up!"
Mouse - "Well, finally!"
Another person from the audience at the words “pull-pull” says a drawn-out “Ah-ah!”
Believe me, explosions of laughter are guaranteed.

Beauty contest!!!
4 men, they are given lipstick, they turn away and have to make up their lips, put handkerchiefs on their heads. They turn to the audience, they are given a mirror and looking into it, they must say 5 times without laughing:
Whoever doesn't laugh wins.

Contest "Poured, drank, ate"

Competition "In my pants"
The next lesson is physical education. Why is everyone out of shape? So you will now explain why you didn’t bring such (I show pants, there are notes in them) sports pants. And you will begin with the words: “In my pants ...”
(game in progress)

Competition "Where have you been?"
The host stands behind one of the guests, in his hands is a sheet of paper with the name of a particular institution: “Maternity hospital”, “Tavern”, “Sobering-up station” and so on. It is important that the guest does not know what is written there.
Imagine yourself in your favorite place. Where you feel good and can relax and just answer my questions.
(put the chairs with their backs to the audience. I glue the signs on them with adhesive tape, seat the players so that they do not see what is written there and ask them questions)

Do you like this place?
Do you visit there often?
How much time do you spend there?
Should everyone have a place like this?
Have you brought your soulmate there?
Do you prefer it alone or with friends?
Do you remember this place when you haven't been there for a long time?
Do you agree that the time spent there is the best thing in your life?

Now see for yourself where this wonderful place is located.

- I, perhaps, will finish my program in my own words:
Time, unfortunately, is fleeting.
And year after year many years have flown by.
You can't get school back, of course,
But a good memory remains.
See you again for sure!
Meet the sunrise every time!
Meet - it's so priceless!
Meet every 5 years!!!

Competition "Cribs".
This game requires two or more players. They are offered a nostalgic activity - to hide the "cribs" in their clothes. As cheat sheets, each is given a roll of toilet paper. The task of the participants is to hide the roll as quickly as possible, tearing it into small pieces, into pockets, by the collar, etc. The winner is the one who hid the paper most quickly and reliably.

Fir-trees - thick forest sticks! Get fined for downtime!
You quite rightly guessed that now the toast will sound again! For this reason, I suggest that everyone pour into their drinking containers the drink that you are going to consume during the evening.

Raise your hand who would like to have a lot of money (guests raise their hands).
Now raise your hands those who would like to have more money than your boss.
Now raise your hands, those who would like to have as much money as the president.
And now I will tell you the magic recipe. Rub your palms to make them hot. Ruined? And now rub your chest with these hot palms... (pause)... You feel... how the toad lets go!!! And now let's drink to everyone having as much money as they want!!! For this you have to drink!

The happiest time
The children rejoiced
How much laughter
Fun for friends.
I suggest you remember the funniest incident from school life.

Each of us already has a life,
Paths diverged around the world - paths,
And it's great that we're here today
To return to youth at least a little.

Let's not say solemn speeches,
May it be a good and sincere evening,
In the circle of familiar faces, teachers, friends,
I want to raise a glass - FOR YOUR MEETING!

There is a popular sign: If you don’t remember anything in the morning, and your wife doesn’t talk to you, then the evening was a success. So let's drink to the fact that the main thing is a party, and in the morning we'll figure it out.

Page 1

Class hour "School is my world",

dedicated to the traditional school-wide event "Evening of the meeting of school friends"
Girkina Victoria Yuryevna, class teacher of the UVR MBOU secondary school No. 30, [email protected]
Class: 6

Target: creation of conditions for the formation and manifestation of the objectivity and subjectivity of the student, his creative abilities.


  • enrichment of the student's consciousness about the person and his relations in the team;

  • the formation of the emotional-sensory sphere and value relations of the student's personality;

  • development of a conscious attitude to learning, fostering self-respect, confidence that knowledge will always be useful in life, to promote the development of thinking and creative activity of students;

  • development of skills of constructive interaction with each other, mutual understanding, social susceptibility, trust,

  • formation of a tolerant attitude towards others;

  • use topics for discussion that are of interest to children of this age.
Registration: classroom theme on the blackboard, multimedia projector, screen, poster, musical accompaniment, computer presentations.

On the desk:

Let's laugh

Let's be friends,

Let's learn

And have fun!

Remember: knowledge is the expanse of the sea,

Which has no end or end.

Don't think, no matter how great you are,

That you have achieved everything and comprehended everything.

Y. Balasagunsky

Information sources:

  1. Vasilyeva E.V., Souls are beautiful impulses. Cool hours on moral and patriotic themes. 5 - 7 classes. – Volgograd.2008.

  2. Savchenko E.V., Zhirenko O.V., Cool hours. 5 - 9 grades. - M.2008.

  3. Perepelitsyna L.V., Literature grades 5-9. Dialogue forms of education. – Volgograd.2008.

  4. Dick N.F., Fun class hours in grades 7-9. - Rostov n.D. 2008.

  5. Petrovsky A.V., Developmental and pedagogical psychology. - M.1979.

  6. Dal V.M., Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - m.2002.s104, p.361.

  7. Vuchkov Yu., The art of living. Section "Friendship". – Sofia.1989.p.238.

  8. Gnatyuk N.P., There is no limit to perfection. Chapter 5

  9. Internet resources.

  10. Archival materials of the school.

  11. Links from the school site.

Class hour progress
Teacher: Today, February 2, we have a joyful holiday at our school - the traditional school-wide event "An evening of meeting school friends." We have gathered with the whole class for this wonderful holiday. We gathered to talk about the school, about that mysterious and at the same time intellectual and creative atmosphere that reigns within its walls.

Let it always be light in our class from the desire to multiply our knowledge and skills, warmth from a good attitude towards each other.

Teacher question: Tell me guys, why do you go to school?
Students: learn, communicate, expand your horizons, etc.
teacher question: Tell me, why do we need knowledge if it is sometimes so difficult to obtain it?
Students: The knowledge gained at school will help us choose a profession, become respected people, and benefit our country.

After all, all famous, great people received an excellent education, studying at institutes, universities or even academies.

Teacher: I invite you to listen and then discuss the parable of Solomon.
Long ago, in the east, lived one of the wisest people - King Solomon. One day, a cunning man planned to deceive the king. Catching a butterfly in his hands and holding it in his palm, the sly one decided to turn to Solomon, asking: “What is in my hands? Alive or dead? If the king answers "live", then I will squeeze my palms. If the king answers “dead”, then I will open my hands and the butterfly will fly away. So thought the sly one. The sly one came to Solomon and asked his question. Solomon looked up and replied: "Everything is in your hands."
teacher question: What does the meaning of Solomon’s saying “Everything is in your hands” mean to you?

(Discussion of Solomon's statement).

Teacher: And now I also want to answer the question: "What does a person study for?".
A person learns, first of all, because he is tormented by curiosity, an instinctive craving for knowledge. These are internal motives. By nature, everyone has them, but in some people they develop, in others they are drowned out by circumstances. A person can learn also because worldly sanity compels him to study: without learning, he will not be able to take the position in life that he would like to take.
All this creates external motives. They are as strong as the inner ones. When external impulses develop natural curiosity, these two engines work wonders, make a person incredibly capable.
Now we will travel through some continents of the Planet of Knowledge, the names of which are encrypted in riddles. Let's unravel them.
Riddles about school subjects:
1. Necessary science, gymnastics for the mind,

We will be taught to think .... (mathematics)

2. Any student will be literate,

If he knows ... (Russian)

3. Do you want to travel to different countries,

You need to know the language ... (foreign)

4. Love books, improve culture

We are in the classroom ... (literature)

5. Strengthen the muscles for all the kids ... (physical education)
6. To find vocal talents in children,

They need lessons ... (musical)

7. Pictures, colors, high feelings -

It teaches ... (fine art)

8. Craft, work with passion -

To do this, you need ... (labor training - technology)

9. Distant past, ancient territories -

Science is studying it ... (history)

10. To know and love nature will teach ... (natural history)
Teacher: I suggest listening to the comic song “If there were no schools” and prepare an answer to the question: “Is there any truth in this joke?”

Teacher: School life is like a ladder of knowledge. You rise higher and higher - from one step to another, more difficult.

On September 1, 2006, you, small, smart, with huge bouquets, stood at the solemn line dedicated to the First Bell. And now, today is February 2, 2012 - you are already sixth graders.

Presentation #1
Now school life has flown by in a few seconds. You are students of school number 30. Exactly the same amount of time will pass, and the last school bell will ring for you. You will enter adulthood, but the school will remain in your heart for life.
And today there are guests at our solemn evening - these are graduates of 2003, 2010 of school No. 30.

Before giving them the floor, I would like to tell you a little about school No. 30 (according to the school website

In 2012, our beloved school turns 100 years old. Over the years, the school has produced more than 3,000 graduates, among whom there were 86 medalists (every third was a medalist). Now the school has 8 teachers - graduates of our school in different years.

Our school today is a school where they teach to respect and preserve the traditions of their people, to love the history of their great country.

Our school is a place where 280 new citizens of Russia study, educate, develop, live and prepare themselves for a good future, and 20 of the most talented teachers teach.
For every student, his school is the best. And it's natural. Over the years of study, the school becomes our second, and sometimes the first home.
And today's class hour is dedicated to school number 30 and this is a declaration of love to the school.
I propose to repeat our motto:
Congratulations on the holiday from current students to graduates:

A couple of minutes - and again the call

You will be called back to class.

The school doors will open again.

Well, today is the holiday hour!

Congratulations on the holiday to all of us!

Met again friends and girlfriends,

Probably they will tell each other a lot:

About how they've grown up.

About what they saw, where they were.

And what happened to someone after school.
Response to graduates.

One hundred years since the last call.

Well, less than a little, but it seems - recently.

And memory is a thread: it does not break, even though it is thin.

And remember and sad, and funny.

I remember everyone with whom my life has brought,

But for some reason every day more expensive

Those first, those school friends.

Will we see you sometime? May be.

Perhaps the time has come

When, waving a hand at all worries,

It will be possible to bring us all together,

Designating our main Saturday?

Burn all life on slow fire!

Without you, friends, is this life?

I'm waiting to be able to say:

"It's great that we all got together!"
The teacher asks the same questions to current students and graduates:

  • How did you feel when you were going to school today?

  • How did you feel then, many years ago? Remember?

  • Do you remember your first teacher?

  • And what about your first roommate?

  • What was your first grade, do you remember?

Teacher: School is the life brick where you can always find the answer to any question. So I decided to offer you a quiz dedicated to the school.
2 teams participate: Students and Graduates
1 round. How well do you know your teachers?
What is the last name, first name, patronymic of your first teacher?

Do you remember your class teacher's birthday?

How many teachers work (worked in your class)?
Round 2 Are you familiar with our school?
How many doors are there in our school?

Which office is the largest in area?

How many tables are in the history room?

How many steps does our staircase have?

3 round. Do you remember?
What phrase did the teacher always end the English lesson with?

What was your first grade?

What was your favorite subject?

At what age did you go to school?

In continuation of the quiz, I would like to know how each of the teams can characterize their school. On the sheets, write in one word the answer to the question “School is ...” and glue it to your houses. After that, each team will present their project.

Teacher: we all prepared for today very seriously and responsibly, and each of the generations would like to say and remember all the most wonderful things about the school years.
Today's sixth graders are more like change. They prepared sketches for the graduates "FUN CHANGE".
1 sketch. Guys, when the teacher calls me in the lesson, I trudge ...
- What are you running from?
- I trudge from the desk to the board, trudge, trudge ... and then back - from the board to the desk I trudge ...
2 sketch. A first-grader stubbornly refers to "you" to the teacher. To wean him from this, she gives him a task - to write a sentence 20 times: "The elders should say" you ".
The next day, the student shows the teacher a notebook where this sentence is written 40 times.
- Why so many? she wonders.
- I wanted to please you.
3 sketch. Exam
High School Student (with a sigh of relief): "Finally passed!"
Teacher: "I gave up."
4 sketch. Tell me frankly, where does it hurt you?
- I'm bad at math, doctor.
Teacher: Well, familiar stories?

I am school graduates, as adults and experienced people have already prepared for current students wishes:

- Do everything at school to please yourself.
- May heart attacks of love for classmates meet with you more often.
- While you will think about the answer 7 times, others will already raise their hand and answer. Be more decisive.
- Don't skimp on your health. Don't skip physical education classes.
- Learn once all the lessons and live at least one day a year in peace.
- Be more wasteful on compliments for classmates and mom.
- Falling asleep, often think that everything will be wonderful tomorrow.
- Don't go to school on an empty stomach, it may have a bad effect on your mood.
- Fewer mistakes in notebooks and more smiles on the face.
- And a few more serious wishes: good health, patience, perseverance, endurance, responsibility. I wish to study at "4" and "5", successfully complete the academic year.
Teacher: since teachers are also full participants in the educational process and a teacher teaches children all his life, regardless of their age, today I want to spend with the teams "Students" and "Graduates" sacred rituals which will definitely help both of them to study, work, and do the right thing.
Ritual #1. "Clearing the head of bad thoughts." Scratch your head with both hands, then drop what is stuck to your fingers on the ground, and so on 3 times!
Ritual #2. The ritual of addressing the Lord of Fives. Now you must utter the sacred phrase in chorus: "Ikretyap an yastichu uchoh!". Then throw up your hands with spread fingers, which, as you know, are five on each hand, and which also symbolize the mark "5".
Ritual #3. Ritual of renunciation of hostile intentions. Please, everyone sitting at their desks in pairs, step on each other's feet at the same time. As a result of this sacrament, you are guaranteed to avoid quarrels and conflicts with each other.

Teacher: So our class hour has come to an end. We remembered a lot and, most importantly, we are all very happy to see each other. Just like true friends should.

May every new generation also love and appreciate our school, as we love and appreciate our school today!

And we will only repeat: Be proud and remember holy that we are all from the thirtieth!
And I invite everyone to sing a song.
The years are running, we are older every year.

But how long will I live

Just find myself under the bright school vault,

I remember everything at once: childhood, youth and spring.

So many different people talking

How much more will be online

Someone is already dating

Someone wants to find me

That school bell from the past

Touched my soul to tears

We had a good time

And I can't believe it's serious

Waiting at the desks for kids

And now we are friends

Odnoklassniki dot ru…

All met expectations

Surprise has no limits

My friend lives in Germany

Recognizable from hundreds of faces

And the girl from the next street

With a golden braid to toe

In the stands now flaunts -

State Deputy

I remember the school bell from the past

It's like I'm watching a movie

All good things are remembered

What was not so long ago

This school bell was yesterday

Waiting at the desks for kids

And now we are friends

Odnoklassniki dot ru

Thank you for your creativity. Good luck. See you soon!

Page 1

Homecoming Scenario "Fun lessons 20 years later" written for classmates who graduated from school twenty years ago, but easilyo rescheduled for any other date. Theme - "Fun lessons".

The scenario is designed for a cheerful friendly communication of old friends - classmates, is not particularly saturated with various formalities and solemn moments, but games, entertainment and memories of a carefree youth occupy a central place in it. To make this program more intense and varied, most likely, will help -

Solemn part of the evening of meetings of graduates.


Where to start your active holiday,
So that he does not look like a jumble? ...
And we will start without a doubt
From a small announcement.
It's forbidden to be sad here
Here you need to smile
There is plenty to eat and drink here.
And even get drunk!

Here you can dance and sing
Play like kids
You can become an artist
Or maybe a slut.
Listen to songs and poems
Marvel at the dancers.
Don't be like the fish are quiet
And sing along, of course.
I want to spend time
Unforgettable and that's it!
And come back a year later
Not so, perishing, this often!

concert number


Entertainment program starts
And I firmly assure you:
I'll try not to let it down
Let me start...
Let's get to know you first
Have we met you somewhere?

Table chant "It's me, it's me, it's my whole family!"

(Game running)

Toast - chants for the evening of the meeting "And we do not mind."

Presenter: And now the toast. And we will pronounce it together, each time I say the first two lines, the men present the third: “You need to drink for this!” and immediately ladies: “And we don’t mind”

Today classmates

We welcome you with joy!
Men: For this you have to drink!
Women: And we don't mind!

The years go by fast
But we don't count them!
Men: For this you have to drink!
Women: And we don't mind!

We didn't see each other for a long time
But we remember everyone, we know!
Men: For this you have to drink!
Women: And we don't mind!

Many heights have been reached
But don't forget the class!

Men: For this you have to drink!
Women: And we don't mind!

Favorite teachers
We often remember.
Men: For this you have to drink!
Women: And we don't mind!

For our strong friendship
Let's pour!
Men: For this you have to drink!
Women: And we don't mind!

(Short banquet break)

The bell is ringing

Lesson Three- Geometry.

Leading. Do not relax, we have the next lesson. And the theme of the lesson is the construction of pyramids. They will go to the board ...... (ask the teacher who is better to call, you need the best two in geometry)
(2 applicants are awarded on a sheet of a3, they must place on it as many of their friends as possible, but so as not to go beyond the edges.)

(In this selection you can choose - )

It's been twenty years now
From graduation party
And lucky, and not lucky -
In a word, life shook.

Who is immersed in a career
Someone writes books
Someone happily in love
Who has kids.

I'll raise a glass to you
Let everything be - the highest class!


Presenter: And now recess is the coolest time in the school schedule. Let's have fun with it. I invite you to play and dance.
(dances and competitions)

The bell is ringing


presenter: And now you will do independent work. . I need four people (m and f). Sit down. Imagine yourself in your favorite place. Where you feel good and can relax and just answer my questions. Sincere interview game is being played (link to the article Prank games for a friendly company)

(game in progress)

Presenter: Now see for yourself where this wonderful place is located. It can be seen that they did not skip classes and coped with independent work "excellently"!

The bell is ringing

Fifth lesson- Story

Presenter: In this lesson we will be the most famous sculptures of Europe.

The essence of the competition: call several couples (M-F), distribute cards of world-famous sculptures, which depict two heroes: “A Russian soldier with a German girl in her arms”, etc. and to the appropriate music, each couple depicts their composition.

(competition in progress)


Let's drink with joy a stack for a meeting,
Let it be repeated over and over
For a wonderful, beautiful evening,
What gives us fun now!

The bell is ringing

Sixth lesson- Literature.

Presenter: Let's read by role. They will go to the board ... (if there is a teacher of literature in the hall, then invite him to name 15 candidates, if not, then conduct a survey who was the best in this subject or who considers himself to be such)

Tale-impromptu "About Ivan Tsarevich"




Vasilisa the Beautiful,

Ramon's maid

The sun,


Trees - 2,

Birds - 2,




Ivan Tsarevich,



Distribute the roles among the participants, for example, using a card with the name of the characters, then the leader reads, and everyone impromptu plays their role, if the hero has words, you can repeat them after the leader.

Text and comments of the presenter

They lived in the Kingdom of Far Far Away, a beautiful state - there were a King and a Queen, who is our king and queen? (go out)

The Tsar and Tsarina were very fond of their daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful ( Who is Vasilisa the Beautiful? Show how much they loved their daughter!
Vasilisa had a maid Ramon ( Who is Ramon's maid?
And Ramona loved Vasilisa (Show, how she loved her!
One day, Vasilisa the Beautiful and her maid Ramona went for a walk, they are walking, and the sun is shining ( who is our sun, how does it shine?)
The grass is turning green who is Grass and how does it turn green?)
The trees are rustling (Rustle, shake branches.)
Birds are singing ( How do our birds sing?
And Vasilisa and her maid Ramona are walking (how do they walk?),
Here in the clearing they saw Stump ( who is Penyok?), next to which a cheerful brook murmured (who is the brook and how does he scold?)
Vasilisa felt that she was tired and sat down on Stump, and the Sun was shining, the grass was turning green, the trees were rustling, the birds were singing.

And Ramona sat next to me, in the shade under the crown of the Trees, The Trees rustled in unison.

Here, out of nowhere Koschey, (who is Koschey?)
He grabbed Vasilisa the Beautiful and took it with him.
The maid Ramon, in tears, runs to the Tsar and the Tsaritsa falls to her knees and says: “Forgive the king, father, I didn’t finish watching!” (repeat words after leader)
The Tsar and Tsarina were sad, they loved their daughter so much,
The king thought, thought and said: “Whoever frees Vasilisa the beautiful will receive half the kingdom, half a tractor and half a liter!” (repeat words after leader)
Ivan Tsarevich was just passing by ( who...), on your horse (who...) heard and challenged Koshchei.
Koschei swooped in, and Ivan Tsarevich attacked him with his Saber ( who...)
Defeated Ivan Tsarevich Koshchei,
The Tsar and Tsaritsa cheered up, hugged their daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful, they drank half a liter with Ivan Tsarevich, drank half of the kingdom and began to ride the tractor on the floor.
That's the end of the tale, and who listened well done!
(fairy tale passes)


You graduated from high school a long time ago
Let's count twenty years...
The people are still cheerful
At least someone is bald, and someone is gray.
Still laughing out loud
Hope is still full
And charming "girls"
And the boys are ready to fight.
We drink for victories, for accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
We drink for desires embodiment,
For friendship - it is not more important!

(games, dancing)

During the change you can spend extracurricular geography lesson- for this you need to prepare cuts of incendiary dances from different countries and conduct a dance marathon or a dance dance.

Classroom hour

Presenter: and we also have a class hour on the schedule today on the topic: “Relationships between boys and girls” (as an eyeliner, you can say something about how love begins or about precautions and play any spicy game (look ).

(Then dancing and free communication).

Winter proms have long become a pleasant tradition, a meeting of memories for a large number of school friends. Such events are especially pleasant, as they are a specific sightseeing trip during school time - the brightest side of childhood. Every adult in the depths of his soul dreams of seeing his school class again, which has become the first step on the ladder to life, to meet classmates - an important group of people with whom they share common school years, memories and dreams. Hosting a reunion 40 years later is definitely a good idea, but the event requires preparation.

Alumni reunion tradition

This solemn tradition is practiced in many world powers. In order for the celebration to really give rise to many emotional memories, and the offensive inevitability of the past does not come to the fore, of course, the meeting of graduates must be planned in advance. Further recommendations for holding such an evening will be outlined and examples of scenarios for a meeting of graduates 40 years later will be given.

Prom Planning

This stage will be considered preparatory to the evening of graduates. It is worthwhile in advance (2-3 months in advance) to start calling old acquaintances, prompting their interest in such a significant evening of meeting classmates, highlighting the most enterprising old comrades who will help organize the planned event in the future.

At the first stage, it is necessary to immediately think over possible scenarios for the meeting of graduates 40 years later, offering your classmates, for example, the following options:

  • The meeting will be held in the classroom of the native school in the circle of classmates and teachers.
  • The graduation party can be carried out within the framework of the entire parallel released 40 years ago.
  • Perhaps a cozy cafe or a rented hall in a restaurant will become a place of memories of school.
  • Will there be an unofficial holiday ceremony, and where should it be held.

If the organizers of the holiday managed to agree on the option of holding the event, then it is necessary to proceed to the next stage of preparing the script for the meeting of graduates 40 years later - inviting classmates.

An invitation to the evening

It should be noted that this stage is the most important in organizational terms and at the same time the most difficult. What happened to old friends after school? Finding many of them is now not so easy. Someone left to go to university in another city and settled there safely, with someone the connection has long been lost and you won’t even be able to find out where this person is now, someone is all at work and will not find time to meet classmates for 40 years later due to their business trips.

Forty years of release is not such a short period, so the audience will be already under sixty. Among them, unfortunately, there are those who will not be able to attend the event for health reasons. However, as life practice shows, many willingly agree to invitations and try to attend such a gala evening.

It would be nice to organize a group of initiative people who will search for their classmates, contact them and invite school friends to the event. The scenario of the meeting of graduates 40 years later should be disclosed only in vague characteristics, it is not necessary to describe this event in detail. In communication with school friends, it is important to initiate the next step of communication. Perhaps a former classmate knows some information about others and can help to establish a connection with them.

It should be understood that with the search for school friends, the number of the active group of the evening event increases. It is better to hold a meeting of this initiative group about a month before the day of the event, that is, immediately after the Christmas holidays. At this meeting, you will need to discuss the scenario, plan the venue for the event, select the menu, and so on. The majority of those who agreed and approved this evening again choose the option of its implementation. As a rule, the participants insist on the simplest organization - to spend an evening of classmates in a cafe.

The first steps in developing a scenario for the meeting of graduates

Planning a graduation party at the beginning includes the following questions:

  • scheduling a meeting with your teaching staff;
  • inviting your favorite school staff to the official holiday ceremony;
  • greeting and seating classmates 20-25 minutes before the start of the evening.

How will the invitees communicate at the event?

It is very important to make a plan for the accommodation of the participants of the evening in advance. It is advisable to group your classmates by occupation, interests, think about how communication will move from one table to another. For example, if a high school reunion is held 40 years later, during the initial stages, you can start talking about your future life after school, about a new job, or your own children and grandchildren. Those invited, as a rule, willingly share information about themselves.

The informal part of the 40 Years Later Homecoming scenario can be implemented in the trends of your favorite graduation music, i.e. disco, for example, from the seventies. Many will support this idea. Only dances for the reunion of graduates 40 years after graduation are better to choose not fast ones.

Appointment of the leading event

The very form of organization of the event implies the presence of a leader. Only friends of school years can know who exactly to appoint for this role. If old comrades are present, it is wise to choose one of them. Specifically, the host will implement the scenario of the reunion of 40 years later. In the event that a classmate is chosen as the host of the event, then the response of the audience and support from the invited guests is provided to him, and the evening will definitely be a success.

Conversations to Avoid

It is worth realizing that the scenario of planning such a solemn event casts doubt on many topics for discussion with classmates. In this case, the taboo should be imposed on talking about the death of loved ones, serious illnesses, the sorrows of life, the loss of a job and other difficulties. Such briefing should be carried out even during the invitation of classmates to the gala evening. Why should such questions be tabooed? The theme of the meeting implies only bright and joyful memories and feelings, so it is worth discarding any opportunity to upset a person in any way this evening.

Event Budget Planning

One of the main points, of course, will be financial costs. It is essential to correctly calculate the estimate of the event. For any version of the celebration scenario, there will be a designated cost group. The scenario of the evening of graduates certainly implies the purchase of balloons and bouquets of flowers as a sign of respect for the teaching staff. The cost will include the rent of the selected premises, unless, of course, the school office was chosen as such.

Additional costs will be more significant if the chosen prom option goes beyond the usual and includes contests, live music, a joint photo shoot, and so on. Of course, the resulting amount of expenses should be immediately discussed with the participants of the evening and the group of people who volunteered to help with the organization of the event. As a rule, such an evening involves the optimization of funds at the expense of classmate volunteers.

As a result, the scenario of the meeting of graduates in a cafe will involve the appointment of those responsible for:

  • search for a photographer;
  • planning and organizing entertainment events;
  • collection of photos of school years for joint viewing;
  • fundraising for renting an institution;
  • preparation and decoration of the premises.

The organization of a real solemn event will require considerable costs, both in material and physical terms. It is worth noting the moment that the organization of a holiday in a cafe will differ significantly from the school version. In our time of technological progress, it is possible to see those people who, due to life circumstances, could not make a visit to the reunion of graduates. It is enough to get the Wi-Fi password in the institution and, using the Skype program, bring the interlocutor to the interactive whiteboard. This is just an illusion of being at the party, but how pleasant even it will be both for those present at the party and for the person on the other side of the screen. Of course, the issues of a person's access to the Network and the implementation of the connection should be discussed in advance.

How to choose the right cafe for the evening?

One of the main criteria when choosing an institution of this type will be: an affordable and varied menu, reasonable prices, a cozy and festive atmosphere, good reviews from people who have previously visited it. Under the scenario of the meeting of graduates in a cafe, you should look at the hall corresponding to the festive occasion. There must be excellent sound insulation so that the music from the main hall does not interfere with either the scenario of the event or the memories of school friends. But the opportunity to dance in the chosen room should be present.

Script start examples. Introduction

How to start such a gala evening? In its most general form, this can be represented as follows. The host thanks those present for the preserved team spirit of the graduating class. Briefly provides information about absentees (those who could not be notified and who have good reasons for being absent). He greets those present and begins the reunion 40 years later (poems or just an introductory word will do).

An example of an opening speech as part of organizing a reunion evening 40 years later:

Hello my dear 11 (letter) class! Why are you taking so long? Do not crowd at the door of the office, let's go ahead, sit down at your desks! I really hope that you still remember where and with whom you sat at school lessons. So everyone take your seats? Are these your places?

At this time, prepared school diaries should lie on the tables, in which surnames will be written and school photographs pasted.

Please check your diaries. During our evening you will be able to write a few words to each other in these diaries, so to speak, small wishes and hopes for new meetings. It will be a very pleasant memory of this day.

You can start the evening of the meeting of graduates 40 years later with congratulations-poems. For example:

Forty years ago we said goodbye

Celebrated graduation

And today we are all together

Today is not an easy day

Our meeting is a miracle

We have changed in appearance.

Only our souls remain

Like children, mischievous.

I wish you to forget now all the insults of past years,

I want this evening

He took us back to school.

First toast

This event, of course, includes a feast and toasts at the meeting of graduates, slow dances (school waltz). But in fact, such an evening involves the first toast to the meeting. This confirms virtually any scenario of meeting classmates: 20, 30, 40 years old. In this regard, age does not play a special role. It is very important to present a toast at the meeting of graduates majestically, solemnly, to find the words that are necessary for everyone now, warm, friendly, touching all corners of the soul.

The second toast at the winter graduation party, as a rule, is addressed to the memory of their teaching staff. In this role, of course, everyone faces a class teacher or a favorite teacher. In this case, the speech at the meeting of graduates 40 years later will be addressed to teachers, warm memories of them. As part of this evening, you can also hold the following interactive: display a poster on the projector, on which there will be an image of a teacher of school years and medals addressed to them for:

  • sense of humor;
  • help in the classroom;
  • life example of virtue;
  • the ability to empathize;
  • the ability to organize a lesson;
  • motivation to study.

By the unanimous decision of the people gathered today, we decide to award a diploma to the highly qualified teaching staff. We undertake to invite you to all further graduation events and allow you to educate the younger generation! Let's raise a toast to our school teachers!

In parallel, during the entire event, it is very good to run a slide show of photos of school years so that these pictures accompany the meeting and be in the attention of the whole festive evening. The music for the reunion of graduates 40 years later "School time" will go well with the slide show. Other accompaniment will do. Homecoming songs can be selected related to school or graduation time (popular music of the sixties, seventies, nineties, and so on).

Entertainment part of the event

After the official part, a series of exciting games can be included in the script that will help those present remember the school time and feel like a real school class again. Example: the game "Don't spill a drop." Guests sitting at the same table pass a glass in a circle. Everyone should pour a small amount of some drink into it. The last one, whose glass overflows so that the liquid overflows, is forced to announce a toast and drink the resulting “cocktail”.

You can also cite the game "Get to know a comrade" as an example. It is necessary to blindfold the called "student". He must feel and by voice find out who is standing in front of him. The one who is recognized becomes the next player to be blindfolded.

There is a suitable game "Chocolate". For this game you need a plate of chocolate, a hat, mittens and a scarf, a knife, a fork, a dice-dice. All participants stand one after another and throw a game die on the table. The first person to come up with the number six needs to sit down on a chair, put on a hat, quickly tie a scarf, put on mittens and start removing the wrapper from the chocolate bar. Then he takes a fork and knife and carefully cuts off a piece of chocolate and eats it in small pieces. If at this time another player rolls a six, then he undresses the previous participant and bites off a small piece himself. The person who finishes the last piece of the chocolate bar wins.

At this time, it is already possible to include songs at the reunion of graduates. As already mentioned, it is better to choose calm music, and leave more dance tunes to accompany slide shows or congratulations. Perhaps those present will want to dance the school waltz again. For this, for example, a sensual melody from the cartoon "Anastasia" is suitable.

impromptu interview

In order not to lose the festive atmosphere of the evening, it is advisable that the organizer, imitating journalists, take a comic interview with a group of classmates on the topic of what pranks they remember during their time at school. In this case, the main question can be veiled by a number of hidden ones, for example:

  • Do you think it is possible to return childhood?
  • How many times have you skipped class?
  • Have you corrected your grades in your diary?
  • What was the most difficult subject from the school course?
  • Who cheated in class?
  • Did you have any ideas to break into the staff room?
  • Did you have a plan to hide the class magazine from the teacher?

Such questions will set those present in a more cheerful mood, liberate, stimulate further communication between classmates. You can remember together the most significant moments, tricks and pranks.

Features of the event

It is worth noting separately that the scenario of the meeting of graduates after 40 years gathers classmates of pre-retirement age in an institution. In accordance with the age category of the guests, the ideal task for the host of the festive event will be to enliven the audience and present this evening in the theme of school everyday life.

In the company of older people, on the informal part of the prom, one should concentrate on competitions and events of a logical, intellectual orientation, memories of school time. There should not be so many dance parts, a couple of slow dances will suffice. At the end of the evening, you can hold a contest of brief characteristics of those present. Characteristics should be humorous. It should be immediately indicated to the participants that it is necessary to draw up a characteristic for a certain classmate, taking into account his school merits.

Of course, alumni evening events 40 years from now will be different from the rest. The emphasis in such evenings should be on communication and memories of school life. Therefore, a good example would be to organize an evening of remembrance, during which classmates present have quiet conversations about their school past, sometimes exchanging toasts and remembering classmates who could not come today. As a result of such an event - a huge canvas of school destinies.

At this age, of course, it happens that the reason for not appearing at such a gala evening is an unimportant state of health. That is why it is worth connecting all the available opportunities for interactive communication in order to please a person with at least an indirect presence at the alumni meeting. The evening, therefore, in its organizational basis will have to assume the presence of a laptop computer, a mobile Wi-Fi router (or you need to find out the password for the Internet in the cafe where the meeting is held), a preliminary test connection with the addressee. We also need clear time synchronization (especially if a classmate lives in a different time zone) and an additional communication channel. Given all the recommendations, the evening of graduates 40 years later will be held at the highest level.