Boundless Sargasso Sea. Boundless sea Like a boundless sea

Retrieve the Silver Dawn Lockbox and the Mist Veil Lockbox for Gorbold Steelhand in Auberdine. Both items can be found in the remains of wrecked ships north of the village.


Off the coast of Darkshore, to the north of us, there are the remains of two wrecked ships - the Silver Dawn and the Mist Veil. Some time ago, the sailors of both ships did not get along with the disgusting murlocs when they sailed through the endless sea towards Auberdine. Now the ships lie at the bottom of the ocean, becoming the prey of murlocs

Both captains died that night, and their logbooks and valuables are still there in the safes. I would like you to get them for us; it would mean a lot to the team members.


You can choose one of the rewards: Also, you will receive: 18


The captains of those ships were good night elves, and they deserve a better fate than they were given. Perhaps tending to their personal effects will be the best way to put their spirits to rest.


You have done us a great service<юноша/девушка>. We will ensure that these personal items are properly cared for.

As for you, please accept this. This is the least I can thank for the courage shown for the sake of restoring justice.

Wonder of the Atlantic

Many reservoirs are sung in various novels, poems and songs. It usually happens when the sea (or even the ocean) is called shoreless, they mean that it is so wide that it is impossible to see its earthly outlines. Many, perhaps, do not even realize that such a miracle, not outlined by the shores, still exists in nature. This is the Sargasso Sea. How, you ask, can this be?

The fact is that its shores outline different temperatures and directions of flow, and its water does not move anywhere. The sea is located in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, covers an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to seven thousand square kilometers (depending on the time of year). Therefore, it would be better to call it like this: the boundless and wide Sargasso Sea.

Green sargasso

The shores of the sea are also delineated by the border of a large green cap of algae. They are called Sargasso. There are a huge number of them there (scientists estimate that more than ten million tons). Because of them, the waters got their name - the Sargasso Sea. These algae grow and multiply here, inhabiting masses of organisms - insects, worms, small fish. Some believe that green swimmers grow at the bottom of the sea, and only then, unable to stay in the silt, float up. However, this is difficult to imagine, since the depth here is six to seven kilometers.

About crazy fish

The fact is that our boundless Sargasso Sea is the only eel spawning place on Earth. The life cycle of this fish lasts up to about nine years, it ends right here. Eels live in fresh water and are often found here. It is amazing that, having felt their readiness and maturity, they, driven by incredible inner strength, selflessly swim along the rivers, overcome great distances (sometimes they crawl entire meadows) and swim into the Sargasso Sea. Only having reached it (and this can take up to three months), the eels go to the depths, spawn there, and then die there. The fry that come out of the eggs are picked up by the waters of the currents, and then fall back into our rivers and lakes, where they grow and gain strength.

Stories about the Sargasso Sea

Christopher Columbus himself at the time of the Great Geographical Discoveries described these places as dangerous and mysterious. Vessels disappeared at sea, people died. Perhaps there is some truth in this.

The ship could get entangled in algae and stop dead due to the lack of any current. Local worms could gradually destroy the wooden board, and salt water could deprive them of hopes of quenching their thirst. As an eerie place, this sea is told true and fictional stories by sailors and writers from all over the world.

Ecological situation

Previously, the waters of the Sargasso Sea were the cleanest in the world. Due to the absence of pollution and plankton, it was possible to see an object that was at a depth of up to sixty meters. However, now the situation has changed somewhat. At present, there is a significant amount of fuel oil, oil and waste in the sea, sailing here from all over the Atlantic Ocean under the influence of currents. All this gives food for thought about the purification of a natural miracle or about reducing the harmful effects on it.

In the section on the question Is there a "borderless sea", that is, a sea that has no shores, given by the author ~ Rybka ~ the best answer is Exists. This is the Sargasso Sea, located in the Atlantic Ocean. It is remarkable in that it is almost entirely covered with thickets of algae and its shores are the waters of the ocean.
The Sargasso Sea is an area of ​​anticyclonic water circulation in the Atlantic Ocean, limited by currents: in the west - by the Gulf Stream, in the north - by the North Atlantic, in the east - by the Canary, in the south - by the North Trade Wind.
Located between 23-35° N. sh. and 30-68° W. e. The area of ​​the sea is 6-7 million km² (depending on the position of the currents). In the northwestern part - volcanic Bermuda. The water temperature on the surface is 18-23 °C in winter, 26-28 °C in summer. Salinity 36.5-37 ‰. Most of the bottom is located in the North American Basin with depths of more than 6000 meters; maximum depth - 6995 m.
Large accumulations of floating brown algae - Sargasso, within the sea, its stock is estimated at 4-11 million tons. Their abundance is associated with the presence of a zone of convergence of surface currents in the Sargasso Sea.
Numerous and diverse animals live, partly free-swimming (mackerel, flying fish, pipefish, crabs, sea turtles, etc.), partly attached to algae (anemones, bryozoans, etc.). The water of the Sargasso Sea, once exceptionally clear (transparency up to 60 m), is now heavily polluted with fuel oil.
The name comes from the Portuguese word Sargaso - "bunch of grapes". Due to the peculiarities of the circulation, the surface of the sea is almost 1 meter above the ocean level.
Although the Sargasso Sea is widely known as a sea without shores, it is even more interesting as the start and end point of the unusual journey taken by the European eel. The Sargasso Sea is the spawning ground for the eel, whose life cycle is so amazing that it was not truly understood until the early 20th century. The adult eel usually lives in the fresh waters of Europe, where it can remain for years, feeding, growing and building up a fat reserve.

Hello! My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps to make a Word Map. I can count very well, but so far I have a poor understanding of how your world works. Help me figure it out!

Thank you! I will definitely learn to distinguish widely used words from highly specialized ones.

How clear and common is the word long (adverb):

And the travelers did not know what would happen to them: whether they would be smashed against a stone, whether they would be carried away into the open boundless sea, will bring to an unknown country to wild people.

Imagine yourself sitting in a boat that is being tossed by the waves. boundless sea.

The veil of thickened clouds swirled and swayed in waves, as if boundless sea, a sharp wind tore shreds from the surface and scattered with small sprays.

Loneliness, abandonment, endless boundless sea, on which sails were not visible for decades - are there few of our contemporaries living in such conditions?

So it is so - but in boundless sea all sorts of information, you need to be able to navigate in order to find exactly what you need and weed out what is not needed.

When I am deprived of the contemplation of your face, my weak heart knows neither rest nor rest, and my work becomes an endless torment in boundless sea torment.

A warm sea breeze blows on my face. Blue spread all around boundless sea. Not a single cloud in the sky. Complete idyll, complete delight.

They sang the praises of thousands of Soviet and German hacks treated kindly by the authorities, and the lines from these poems are a grain of sand in boundless sea literary creativity of totalitarian states.

And only after almost five days, when the hurricane began to gradually subside and the sky cleared up, they saw boundless sea under a balloon, which the wind carried with it at a terrifying speed.

For another two miles, the travelers made their way through a dense forest, and finally, through a green curtain, a plateau appeared in the distance, covered with thick grass, and behind it one could see boundless sea.

Having worked to our heart’s content both in the clouds, and in the grass, and in the leaves that we refresh so much, having drunk the plants, animals and people, we hasten to the stream, and on the way we turn the mill wheels and carry boats, from the stream we run into the river, from the rivers into wide boundless sea; here, it seems, we could rest and calm down, but the rays of the sun will warm us up and turn us into a light fog.

The team favorably reacted to her intentions to break out of the walls of the reception room and go on a big voyage through stormy waves. boundless sea communications.

I suspect that the Polish original itself was created somewhere on the island boundless sea Far Eastern taiga, in one of those tracts where I retired this summer to immerse myself in reading.

View of the boulevard and elegant port with dozens of ships and steamers, with hundreds of white-winged yachts and colorful skiffs, gliding through the sparkling reflection of the blue sky, boundless sea, finally led V?ra into delight.

And it boundless sea, freely and calmly spread out into the open space ?; freely sang out its own, now quiet, now terrible song; without borders, without restraint, waved foamy shafts and spread far and wide, sparkling and huddling in the sunshine, under the bright vault of the sky, dark and illuminating in the place? with him...

flickering below boundless sea greenery disappeared, replaced first by multi-colored squares of fields, and then by gray rectangles of squat buildings near the port facilities.

Democracy was concentrated in the hands of a small handful of citizens who had the right to vote, as if on an island in boundless sea slaves, metecs, and unnaturalized residents of foreign origin.

Wherever you look: to the right, to the left, to the south or to the north, before your eyes you are worried boundless sea green, scarlet and blue hills, pointed, jagged and rounded rock tops, the most fantastic and capricious forms: like blue-green, doused with the radiance of a tropical sun, a turbulent ocean during a cyclone, covered with masts of drowning and sunken ships.

For the second hour they had been driving in a police car with barred windows, and inside the car there was a stuffy twilight, and outside, on boundless sea the midday June sun generously poured out its heat on the golden wheat.


“There is a time to scatter stones, there is a time to collect them in a heap.
There is one small thing left - to guess how to distinguish the first from the second?

Mysteries of world philosophy

“When a person has time to solve crossword puzzles,
he becomes a happy man"

Passenger's thoughts in the waiting room

It was an early morning. Another fresh morning on a sandy shore near the sea. The newborn dawn barely dawned. The morning breeze carried the characteristic smells of the deep sea and mud. The roar of the surf lulled the shattered nerves. The wave ran on the wave and with the roar of a courier train crashed against the coastal boulders. The crest of another yellow-green wave rose from the surface of the water and proudly arched its swan neck, growing and turning into a giant boat that completely covered the horizon line. The first rays of the dawn sun shone through the slippery neck of the water swan. The rays, as if with a painter's brush, covered the mirror surface of the crest with a golden sheen, reflected from it and refracted, crumbling into many small iridescent rings. The golden boat of the Sun approached the shore and, rattling with the power of the deeps, rolled onto the boulders polished for centuries, broke and with a quiet hiss slid down the gentle sides of the stone giants. A second one hurried after the oncoming wave-rook, and a new one was catching up with it. The dawn flotilla of the morning advanced victoriously and drove away the enemy squadron of the night. The dawn surf gave birth to a unique victorious symphony of the morning.

The sun crawled out of the watery cradle and greeted the sublunar world. In this world, the sea was shoreless, bottomless and boundless. The stars were melting in the dawn sky, dissolving somewhere up there, in the sky behind the gentle blueness of the dawn. Dawn was gaining strength and power. I had to screw up my eyes from the unbearable brilliance. The music of the sea woke up the world and its inhabitants. Albatrosses fluttered their white wings, landing on the crests of the waves. A short moment, and now the bird is already screwing into the water surface at the very base of the wave, from where it immediately soars up with fatty prey for breakfast. The fish flutters in the beak of a predator, its scales sparkling in the rays of dawn. The albatross leaves the place of hunting and rushes to the sandy slope to the north-east of the coast, where its relatives have been nesting for centuries.

The man sat down on the sand, exposed his tanned back to the sea spray. In half an hour the sun will warm with might and main, and the raging sea will subdue its passions. Fine-grained white sand was scattered under the toes of bare feet. He was still cold from the nightly serenade of the sea band. The sea receded and left shells, mud, many jellyfish and small turtles on the sand. Spirals of pink and white shells were the most diverse: elongated shells, like a long horn of a tour, flattened, like a bread pretzel, and ornately curved, reminiscent of dancing seahorses. The green slime quickly dried in the sun and looked like freshly cut hay after rain. Yellow-footed tortoises with brown shells still not ossified, obeying the ancient call of instinct, crawled towards the sea.

One turtle climbed onto the man's foot, bravely clinging to the smooth skin with sharp claws. He took her in his arms and stroked her muzzle. The muzzle immediately hid inside under the shell. Then the man swung wide and threw her far into the sea, so that the first wave would carry her away from the shore. He sat for a while, half-turned looking at the waves, then got up and went to collect seafood for soup, where other turtles, unfamiliar to him, fell - the only decent delicacy at this time of the year. When the net was filled with a simple catch, the gatherer took another look at the dawn sea and went towards the tent to prepare his breakfast.

The sea calmed down a little and splashed quite gently and peacefully. Salt spray scattered from the boulders in a small fan and barely fell on the coastal sand. The surf changed its sounds from thunderous notes to the confidential whisper of friendly conversation. The sea splashed and sang its usual daytime song. The waves were talking behind his back and, like close girlfriends, flirty gossip. They giggled maliciously and sighed languidly, hugging boulder stones. But when the man turned around and looked at them, the waves of the sea behaved decently and sedately. The luminary rose above the sea. The horizon cleared, and out of habit he raised a hand to his narrowed eyes, shielding himself from the bright glare of light on the water ripples. Sunny bunnies danced a joyful and incendiary dance on the water - a tarantella.

As far as the eye could see, only the boundless sea and boundless sky could be seen. The transparent water surface stretched to the very horizon, and from it to the very blue sky. An ultramarine blue, always deep blue and azure here, the sky rose from the skyline in the south to the skyline in the north, and from the skyline in the west to the skyline in the east. Everything was clean and serene. The sea, like a close friend, sighed, as if agreeing with his thoughts. No haze, no sail, no rolling waves from the propeller. The man did not see even a single accidentally lost yacht for many miles around. World, infinity and nature. The air trembled over the sea, warmed by the rays of the rising sun.

The most philosophical time has come. Everything in this world has its time, its season. He remembered the ancient Japanese wisdom: "There is a time to scatter stones, there is a time to collect them in a heap." It remains one small thing - to guess how to distinguish the first from the second? The man lit a fire and put the pot on the fire. Turtle soup will be great. He carefully brushed the sand from the prey, removed the soft shell and threw the sea game into the pot. Then a bunch of dark green mud went there - a source of sea salt and iodine. He stirred the brew with a wooden spoon when the water boiled. The philosopher scooped up the broth and tasted it, thinking about what season to assign him here and now. Thoughts were carried away to distant Japan. Now sakura blossoms there with a delicate color of white openwork, exuding a sweet smell. Without further ado, he decided to call this time of the year - the Cherry Blossom Season - which means that it was the very Beginning. The beginning of everything! And if so, it means that the period has come for him, prescribing to scatter stones.

The soup cooked quickly. The cook put the pot on the sand and covered it with a lid, let it brew, it will be tastier. He himself sat down on the hot sand, cross-legged, turned to the sea. He skillfully wove the “lotus” mudra from thin graceful fingers. There was no hurry, he closed his eyes and sang the ancient mantra with feeling, revealing the fiery heart of the wisdom of the world. The soup is ready! The man began to slowly eat turtle soup, smacking his chapped lips with pleasure. He ate his breakfast and looked at the boundless sea.

The calm sea agreed with its viewer and created a trembling mirage in the distance with a low branchy tree - an image of cherry blossoms. The philosopher ate his soup and daydreamed. Tears of joy and tenderness flowed down her cheeks. A full stomach attracted slumber and peace. Mirage melted away. The man sighed and burped. He got up, tidied up the tent, and went for his daily walk along the seashore. The waves lapped at my feet, caressing and tugging at my toes, the way skillful geishas do in a tea house.

The expression of the picture of a stormy morning was replaced by dreams of a midday nap. He walked and walked, talking to the sea mentally or arguing aloud, depending on the mood, which changed quickly and swiftly, following the changeable seascape. He walked around his property and, with a master's eye, figured out where to arrange water slides, carousels and other Disney attractions in order to attract visitors to his amazing marine park. He even gave him a name. Park "Boundless Sea". There should be many, many visitors to his park: families with children, mischievous schoolchildren with teachers, young couples and single guys, and always unmarried girls, among whom there is one of his dreams. The one and only girl with long hair blowing in the salty wind, whom he would definitely meet during the Cherry Blossom Season.

He returned to the tent with another booty - the gifts of a sympathetic sea. The resourceful philosopher folded all sea gifts behind a tent under a canopy. He firmly believed that one day he would gather together these gifts of Neptune and light a big victory fire. The fire will flare up brightly, the flame will shoot up high, high into the sky. Fiery tongues will illuminate his sandy world, and his island of philosophy will be seen far, far away by all ships passing by. This will! It will definitely be when it's time to collect the stones. A big white ship will appear on the horizon, where there are many, many people: smiling and gloomy, strict and cheerful, thoughtful and romantic.

The man raised another gift from the sea - a plastic fragment of a lifeboat, washed ashore by the surf after a long-standing shipwreck, which was before the Beginning of Everything, before the Cherry Blossom Season. The philosopher looked around his world - a lost island somewhere beyond the outskirts of shipping lanes in a boundless sea. Thoughts are confused. The depths of the sea again gave birth to a wave. A wave of naked Venus was born from bubble foam and, invitingly erotically arching female forms, rolled towards the shore only to scold the unlucky philosopher with a grumpy hiss for the confusion of thoughts once again. After the Cherry Blossom, there will certainly be a Season of the Gathering of Stones!

It will happen! It will definitely be! May be!?! In ten or twenty years. Who knows? He is an optimist. Perhaps tomorrow he will wake up and realize that it has already come, it has come - the newest time of the year. Everything can be! The only visitor every day came to see the exciting attraction in the world's only marine park "Boundless Sea".

The man was looking at the sea. The sun was shining. The noise and whisper of the sea evoked their philosophical tales. The earth was a flat plate. The land was reclining on a large sea turtle. The turtle swam in the vast ocean. Over the ocean the bowl of heaven overturned. Time has broken into grains of sand. The sea counted endlessly, washed the grains of sand and fell into a drowsy oblivion. The man looked at the noisy waves and tried to remember something very important.

He waited. I always waited - before the time of the Beginning of everything and after the time. Man knew how to do this because he learned to wait. The philosopher realized that every tomorrow becomes today. He looked and looked at the wise sea, tirelessly driving the foamy waves to the shore in succession. The sea beat against the stones, day after day, doing its usual job. He knew that one day at dawn, when the last star melts in the pre-dawn sky, a new season may come, the arrival of which will joyfully announce to him the sound of the surf.

The man patiently, but hopefully looks at the sea. A new tomorrow is born and it's coming today. The heart is calm. He sighs and realizes, Cherry Blossom Season continues. In his endless and boundless world, as far as the eye can see, only one Boundless Sea stretches around.