Dzhevitskaya E.S. The practice of assessing the formation of students' competencies in Russian higher educational institutions

Fokina L. D.

PhD student, senior lecturer

Baikal State University of Economics and Law,


e - mail : foxlydim @ mail . en



Annotation: This article discusses the main existing methods for assessing competencies, and identifies the problems of implementing a competency-based approach.

Key words: assessment of student competencies, level of competencies formation, federal state educational standard.

Fokina L.D.

Postgraduate, senior lecturer

Baikal national university of economics and law,




Abstract: This article describes the main existing methods for estimating skills, the problems implementing competence – based approach.

Keywords: assessment of student’s competencies, level to build skills, state educational and professional standards,

In connection with the transition to a two-level education system, federal state educational standards put forward new requirements for the student and graduate as a whole. If earlier assessment took place when testing knowledge, skills and abilities (KAS), now it is required to assess both general and professional competencies, i.e. in addition to theoretical knowledge, students must show the application of their skills in a given situation.

In the new educational standards of the third generation, the concept of competence comes to the fore as a concept of developing not only knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the development of abilities for their application. Competencies are understood as a set of professional, social, personal characteristics that determine the ability to effectively perform activities in a particular area, confidently using their knowledge and skills.

To determine the level of formation of the competencies of a student who has undergone appropriate training, the following methods and approaches have now been developed.

This method consists in the fact that all educational material is divided into logically completed modules (blocks), after studying each one, a certain number of points is set. The modular rating system allows you to assess the individual capabilities of students: activity, originality in the search for solutions, purposefulness, etc. and participation in olympiads, in conferences, in student research work, etc. When working on a module-rating system, it is allowed to evaluate students without exams and tests.

With the introduction of the competency-based approach, the modular-rating system is used to assess the educational competencies of students, carrying out continuous monitoring of the assimilation of educational material and increasing the objectivity of assessing the quality of students' educational work by teachers.

Case is a method.

Its name comes from the English word "case" - a folder, a portfolio, at the same time it can be translated as a method of specific situations, a method of situational analysis. The method consists in the use by the teacher of situations, problems, the purpose of which is the knowledge acquired as a result of active and creative work. Students independently find a solution to the problem by comparing factors (different points of view), put forward different hypotheses, draw conclusions and conclusions. For example: The distribution of trading firms by the size of the monthly turnover is characterized by the following data:

Trade turnover, million rubles

Up to5

5 – 10

10 – 15

15 – 20

20 – 25

25 or more


Number of firms


Determine: the average size of the monthly turnover per firm, the modal and median value of the monthly turnover, draw conclusions about the nature of this distribution.

Thus, students learn to solve situational problems that are close to reality.

portfolio method.

Portfolio is a complex of individual educational achievements of students. They may contain the results of control cuts, certificates of participation in olympiads, conferences, as well as the most significant works and feedback on them. At the same time, it is important that the student himself chooses and decides what exactly will be included in his portfolio, that is, he develops the skills to evaluate his own achievements.

Method of developing cooperation.

The purpose of this method is to combine efforts to solve the task, problem. If in the above methods, the emphasis is mainly on the individual qualities of the student, his achievements and the ability to behave in different situations, then with developing cooperation, the formulated tasks cannot be solved alone, therefore, collective thinking is necessary, with the distribution of internal roles in the group.

The main methods of this teaching method are:

    Individual, then pair, group, collective promotion of goals;

    Collective planning of educational work;

    Collective implementation of the plan;

    Designing models of educational material;

    Designing a plan of their own activities; independent selection of information, educational material;

    Game forms of organization of the learning process.

This method is also called - a collective way of learning or a democratic system of learning by ability, the author of which isV.K.Dyachenko. According to this method, students are divided into groups of 5-8 people. Creative groups can be permanent and temporary. After each group proposes their solution to the problem, a discussion begins with the whole group to identify the true solution. Using this method in practice, students learn to work in a team, learn the ability to listen, draw conclusions.

Standardized pedagogical tests.

A big step has been taken in this direction. Currently, testing is used not only as a test of the educational module of the program, but also at a more advanced level. With the introduction of a competency-based approach, testing is carried out in order to determine the quality of training and education in the whole university, an example is federal testing (FEPO).

The new test theory is based on mathematical models that give the most objective test results.

Basic mathematical models:

    Two-parameter Birnbaum model;

    Three-parameter Birnbaum model;

    Rush model

Wheres - the level of preparedness of the test participant

t - the level of difficulty of the test taskt

- Probability of completing the task correctly.

In practice, more often used

Since the Rasch model describes the probability of success of the subject as a function of one parameter, it is sometimes called a one-parameter model.

Currently, in the implementation of the competency-based approach and the creation of a system for assessing the competencies of HPE students, there are problems that are determined by the following factors:

    Most of the teaching staff do not want to change anything, they work, as they say, "the old fashioned way", do not seek to master innovative teaching technologies, accompanied by a modular organization of the educational process (rating system, loans);

    There is no unified system for assessing competencies;

    There is no general methodological support (programs, educational and methodological complexes, etc.);

    There is no interaction between universities and employers (there is no single model of a graduate).

Assessing the level of mastering the competencies of students and graduates requires the creation of a new innovative technology for assessing the totality of knowledge acquired by students and the social and personal characteristics that form their competencies. In the context of the development of innovative approaches to the design of assessment tools for quality control of the competences of university graduates, a number of researchers [4] proposes to formulate the methodological foundations of this design and build a general model for a comparative assessment of the quality of training. This model may include the following structural components: assessment objects and their subject areas; assessment bases (quality standards - systems of requirements); evaluation criteria (as signs of the degree of compliance with established requirements, norms, standards); subjects of assessment (students, teachers, experts of various commissions); means and technologies (procedures) of evaluation.


    Baidenko V.I. Competence approach to the design of state educational standards of higher professional education (methodological and methodological issues): Methodological guide. - M.: Research Center for Quality Problems in Training Specialists, 2005. - 114p.

    Projects of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:http://mon. gov. en/ pro/ fgos/ vpo/

    Karavaeva E. V., Bogoslovsky V. A.,KharitonovD.V.Principles for assessing the level of mastering competencies in HPE educational programs in accordance with the requirements of the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standards.Bulletin of Chelyabinskstate university. 2009. No. 18 (156) Philosophy. Sociology. Culturology. Issue. 12. pp. 155–162.

    Afanas'eva T. P., Guidelines for the development and implementation of educational programs of higher education based on the activity-competence approach, focused on the third generation of the Federal State Educational Standards / T. P. Afanas'eva, E. V. Karavaeva, A. Sh. Kanukoeva, V. S. Lazarev, T. V. Nemova. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2007. 96 p..

    Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. - M.: Public education, 1998

    Neiman Yu.M., Khlebnikov V.A. Introduction to the theory of modeling and parameterization of pedagogical tests / Yu.M. Neiman, V.A. Khlebnikov - Moscow, 2000. - 168 p. from table. and ill.

Karmanova E.V. Technology for assessing the level of formation of competencies of students studying in the system of distance learning at a university // Concept. 22015.2 No. 12 (December). 2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. one

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Karmanova Ekaterina Vladimirovna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Informatics and Information Technologies, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education ©Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G. I. Nosova, Magnitogorsk [email protected]

Technology for assessing the level of formation of competencies of students studying in the distance learning system of the university

Annotation. The article deals with the problem of organizing the assessment of the level of competence formation of students studying using distance learning technologies. The author substantiates a mathematical model for assessing the level of formation of students' competencies, which takes into account the structure of existing electronic courses in the distance learning system of FSBEI HPE "Magnitogorsk State Technical University". The main provisions of the technology for assessing the level of formation of students' competencies are revealed. Key words: competency-based approach, competency assessment, mathematical model, technology, distance learning system. Section: (01) pedagogy; history of pedagogy and education; theory and methodology of training and education (by subject areas).

With the introduction of the competency-based approach to the system of Russian education by educational institutions, a number of tasks have become that cannot be solved by traditional methods, one of these tasks is the need to organize an assessment of the level of formation of students' competencies. To date, each university independently decides what will be the methodology for the formation and application of funds of evaluation tools to assess the level of formation of students' competencies. This problem also extends to the organization of the learning process using distance learning technologies, since this form of education is legitimized at the level of the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, and therefore must comply with other requirements of Russian legislation in the field of education. An analysis of the literature showed that universities do not have a generally accepted technology that allows tracking the process of forming a separate competency; in addition, the existing methods for assessing competencies are rather cumbersome and often do not take into account the specifics of the formation of competencies themselves within the framework of the university's distance learning system. The search for possible ways to resolve the identified problem determined the choice of the purpose of our study: the need to develop a technology for assessing the level of competence formation of students studying using a distance learning system (hereinafter LLS).

When developing the technology for assessing competencies, we relied on the following provisions: since disciplines are the main form of learning activity (not a single university has introduced changes), and it is the level of students’ mastery of academic disciplines that is assessed by teachers, it is obvious that by assessing the level of learning in disciplines, one can ultimately correctly to establish the level of formation of competencies, in addition, in this case it is more convenient to adapt the experience already accumulated and use adapted methods of diagnosing Karmanova E.V. 22015.2 No. 12 (December). 2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 2

within the competence approach. Also, within the framework of our study, the task was to develop a technology that would allow, based on the existing structure of electronic courses, "painlessly" for the LMS of the university to introduce an assessment of the level of formation of students' competencies. For a clear understanding of the technology proposed below, we will describe the existing structure of electronic courses in the LMS of the Magnitogorsk State Technical University. In LMS, an electronic course is a set of modules, each of which contains theoretical material, a practical task and a test for self-control. An electronic course necessarily ends with a final test for the entire discipline being studied (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Elements of an electronic course in LMS

Let us describe the estimation technique. When developing a mathematical model for assessing the levels of competence formation, we used the scores obtained by students based on the results of completing diagnostic materials for a particular competence, and the result of a control event (test or exam). Let us need to know the level of formation (௠) of competence. This competence is formed through the disciplines ௠=(1,2,…,௡), where the discipline that directly affects the formation of ௠competence. The influence of discipline on the formation of competence can be considered at the level of the number of modules (sections) that form a given competence and, accordingly, check the level of its development. As a rule, the number of such sections for an electronic course is determined by teachers (authors of the discipline), who, in turn, are guided by the complexity of the discipline. In accordance with the discipline, an electronic course is created in the LMS, which, based on the work program of the discipline, contains modules and necessarily ends with a final test. Since in the electronic course each discipline module contains a practical task and a test, these components will be diagnostic materials for assessing competence within a given discipline: (1≤≤2+1) (see Fig. 2). Let us explain this entry: at least in a separate electronic course, the selected competence should be formed by at least one module of the course and, therefore, be verified by at least one diagnostic material (either a test or a practical task), the maximum number of diagnostic materials can be all practical tasks and tests for each module plus a final test. However, the final test may not necessarily test this competence, and therefore, it is not necessary to be included in the block of diagnostic materials for this competence. The influence of the results obtained on tests and practical tasks is different, therefore, separately for each of them, we will introduce our own weight: Determination of weights for test materials and Karmanova E. V. Technology for assessing the level of formation of students' competencies studying in the distance learning system of the university // Concept. 22015.2 No. 12 (December). 2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 3

Fig. 2. An example of a set of diagnostic materials for a separate competency

The result is also influenced by the final score obtained according to the results of the final control (test or exam): Thus, the mathematical model for assessing the level of competence formation will be presented as follows: = ∑ (∑ ∙ = 1+), ௡ = 1 a separate rth diagnostic material (test or practical task) for the control result in the ith discipline; the score obtained by the student as a result of passing the rth DM in the ith discipline; the score obtained in the exam or test in the ith discipline , educational / industrial practice, final state certification). The result can be compared with the maximum number of points that a student can receive at the end of training, and presented as a percentage (70% of work during the semester in the ith discipline and 30% of the result of the examination test / test for the ith discipline). For example, let the ith discipline have ∑∙=550=1 points, this is 70% of the total score of the discipline, then the maximum value = 236 points. As a rule, assessment Karmanova E. V. Technology for assessing the level of formation of students' competencies studying in the system of distance learning at a university // Concept. 22015.2 No. 12 (December). 2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 4

on the exam is put on a five-point scale, therefore, to convert it into course points, you must either indicate in percent the rules for translating grades obtained in the exam to course points (for example, ©2ª 0%; ©3ª 55%; ©4ª 80%; ©5ª 100%), or for the teacher to also evaluate the results of the exam on the course scale, which is a more correct solution, but increases the complexity of the assessment. The procedure for calculating the level of competence formation gives the final result after studying all the disciplines that form the competence. However, in the process of competence formation, it is very important to monitor and predict its possible assessment at any stage of training with subsequent correction of the competence formation process. In addition, according to the requirements of federal state educational standards, the assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates should include current, intermediate and final state certification, which means that an assessment of the level of competence formation should be carried out. Therefore, a procedure for calculating the characteristics of the level of competence in the process of its formation is proposed. The contribution of discipline to competence: = ∑∙=1+. Accordingly, the maximum and minimum possible contribution of discipline to competence is calculated by the formulas: ೘=∑∙೘=1+೘,೘೙=∑∙೘೙=1+೘೙, where brmin is the minimum possible score for assessing the knowledge and skills of trainees. Then the maximum and minimum possible assessment of competence at the current time is calculated by the formulas: ೘=∑೘=1,


where k is the number of disciplines that form the competence and have been studied at a given point in time. This assessment will be calculated in terms of points given by teachers in the disciplines that form this competence. The current assessment of competence is calculated according to the formula (7) and is measured in points of the scoring system adopted at the university for assessing disciplines: = ∑.=1

Competences can be formed at different levels, as a rule, there are three levels of formation of a separate competence: threshold (initial), basic and advanced. In order to convert quantitative assessments of students into competency levels, it is enough to determine the intervals of each level. As a rule, Karmanova E.V. Technology for assessing the level of formation of competencies of students studying in the distance learning system of a university // Concept. 22015.2 No. 12 (December). 2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 5

in the provisions of the scoring system of the university, such intervals are presented as a percentage. Any assessment technology must first of all answer the following questions: 1. What will be assessed? 2. Who or what is evaluating? 3. When should an assessment be carried out? 4. Where and how should the results of an assessment be recorded? 5. By what criteria to evaluate (what is the assessment methodology)? Figure 3 shows the main provisions of the proposed technology for assessing the level of formation of students' competencies studying in the distance learning system of the university.

Rice. 3.Technology for assessing the level of formation of students' competencies in the LMS of a university

The proposed technology for assessing the level of competence formation of students studying in the LMS of a university can also be used for full-time students. However, it should be noted that the procedure for assessing students' competencies should be supported by the automated control system that currently exists in almost every university. Automation in this case is necessary, since it is required to track a fairly large number of competencies (on average 40) that need to be formed for each graduate, in addition, as a rule, the battery of diagnostic materials for assessing competencies is also large, and it is laborious to process it manually.

Links to sources1. Romanova E.P., Romanova M.V. On the concept of "open distance education" in modern conditions of training students of classical universities // VIII International Conference "Strategy of the quality of industry and education": Materials: in 3 vol. .BUT. Stupak. Dnipropetrovsk; Varna, 2012. S. 434436.Karmanova EV Technology for assessing the level of formation of students' competencies studying in the distance learning system of the university // Concept. 22015.2 No. 12 (December). 2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 6

2. Eliseev I.N. Mathematical models and software packages for automated evaluation of learning outcomes using latent variables: dis. … dra tech. Sciences: 05.13.18. Novocherkassk: YuRGTU, 2013. 371p.3. Zakirova E.I. Information support for decision-making in the selection of students for a master's program at a university based on a competency-based approach: dis. … cand. tech. Sciences: 05.13.10. PNRPU: Tchaikovsky, 2014. 198 p.4. Permyakov O.E., Menkova S.V. Diagnostics of the formation of professional competencies. M.: FIRO, 2010. 114 p. 5.Pirskaya A.S. Methodology for assessing graduate competencies // Scientific and technical bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. 2012. No. 1(77). WITH. 124132.6.Sibikina I.V. Models and algorithms for the formation and evaluation of university graduate competencies: Ph.D. Sciences: 05.13.10. Astrakhan, 2012. 200s.

Ekaterina Karmanova, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the chair of Business Informatics and Information Technologies, Nosov’sMagnitogorsk State Technical University, [email protected] for assessmentthe competenceslevel of students enrolled in university distance learning Abstract.The paper considers the problemofassessing the level of formationof students’organization competences using distance learning technologies. The author establishes themathematical model for evaluating the level of formation of competencies, takinginto account the structure of the existing elearning courses in distance learning system of Nosov’sMagnitogorsk State Technical University. The basic provisions technologiesassessing level of formation competences of students are revealed.Key words: competence approach, assessment of competence, mathematical model, technology, distance learning system.References1.Romanova,E. P. & Romanova,M. V. (2012). “O ponjatii ‘otkrytoe distancionnoe obrazovanie’v sovremennyh uslovijah podgotovki studentsov klassicheskih universitetov”, VIII Mizhnarodna konferencija “Strategija jakosti u promislovosti i osviti”: Materiali: u 3 t.T. II / uporjadniki: T. S. Hohlova, V. O. Hohlov, Ju. A. Stupak, Dnipropetrovs "k, Varna, pp. 434436 (in Ukrainian). 2. Eliseev, I. N. (2013). … dra tehn. nauk: 05.13.18, JuRGTU, Novocherkassk, 371 p.(in Russian).3.Zakirova, Je. I. (2014). ... kand. tehn. nauk: 05.13.10, Chajkovskij, PNIPU, 198 p. (in Russian). 4. Permjakov, O. E. & Men "kova, S. V. (2010). Diagnostika formirovanija professional "nyh kompetencij, FIRO, Moscow, 114p. (in Russian). 5. Pirskaja, A. S. (2012). “Metodika ocenivanija kompetencij vypusknika”, Nauchnotehnicheskij vestnik Sankt ), pp. 124132 (in Russian). 6. Sibikina, I. V. (2012). (in Russian).

GorevP. M., candidate of pedagogical sciences, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Concept"


In modern conditions, there is an acute problem of developing control and evaluation, measuring, monitoring tools that allow diagnosing the level of formation of students' competencies at a university. The traditional assessment system cannot diagnose a student's competencies, reflecting only their knowledge component. The authors present a methodology for diagnosing competencies based on the performance of students in the course of professional training at a university. The presented methodology, based on the competence-based paradigm, uses a qualimetric approach to assessing the professional and general cultural competencies of a student throughout the entire period of study. The article describes a cumulative system for assessing competencies, criteria, levels of maturity and methods for their assessment, which allow diagnosing educational activities. This article is intended for teachers of higher education, heads of departments of the university, methodological departments, researchers involved in the diagnostics of educational activities.

higher education


levels of competence formation


professional profile

1. Baidenko V.I. Competences in vocational education: (to mastering the competency-based approach): method. allowance. / IN AND. Baidenko. - M.: Research Center for Quality Problems in Training Specialists, 2005. - 114 p.

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7. Subetto A.I. Ontology and epistemology of the competency-based approach, classification and qualimetry of competencies. / A.I. Subetto. SPb. – M.: Research. Center for Problems in the Quality of Subspecialties, 2006. - 72 p.

8. Khrapal L.R. Diagnostic tools for identifying the level of modernization of the ethno-cultural identity of the future specialist / L.R. Khrapal // Higher education today. - 2010. - No. 9. - P. 88–90.

9. Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies. Design technology // National education. - 2003. - No. 5. - P. 55–61.

10. Shadrikov V.D. New model of a specialist: innovative training and competence-based approach / V.D. Shadrikov // Higher education today. - 2004. - No. 8. - S. 26-31.

The main goal of modern higher education is to train a qualified specialist (bachelor, master, postgraduate) who is ready for work and professional growth, has social and professional mobility, and is able to adapt to changing external conditions. Competence characterizes the specifics of professional activity and the quality of professional training of a modern university graduate. A significant element of competence is experience - the integration into a single whole of individual actions achieved by a person, methods and techniques for solving problems. The expression of professional competencies involves the constant updating and growth of professional knowledge, the development of new information for the successful solution of professional problems for university students. For the first time in education, the question of the continuity of the development of competencies by stages of education is raised, it is required to take into account specific competencies for each area of ​​professional training.

In the current conditions of the competence-based paradigm, the forms of education are significantly changing, there is a shift towards the use of active and problem-based learning methods, where the student can fully demonstrate his abilities, that is, the task of evaluating the active characteristics of learning and the student's personal qualities comes to the fore. Accordingly, there is a need for such an assessment system that could integrate all methods, methods, forms of assessment and be cumulative throughout the entire period of study. It is required to change the system for monitoring students' knowledge at the university, to develop such an assessment system that would adequately reflect the process of forming professional and general cultural competencies as a result of higher education, determined by the ability and readiness of the graduate to perform professional and social actions in the chosen subject area.

Despite a significant amount of pedagogical research in the field of the formation of professional competencies and in the field of standardization and assessment of the quality of education based on a competency-based approach, the qualification requirements for a modern specialist from employers are still at the stage of formation, while the learning process is already built on the formation of professional and general cultural competencies established by the educational standard. In addition, there are currently no developments on a universal assessment system for the professional and general cultural competencies of a student at the university.

Competences, which describe learning outcomes, are a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal qualities that a graduate will be able to demonstrate by obtaining a bachelor's or master's degree. The general concept of professional competence is considered from the point of view of the competitiveness of a specialist in the labor market, the response to the employer's requests, and the readiness to perform certain actions in a quality manner.

The peculiarity of competence, as a result of education, is that it: is an integrated result of learning, manifests itself and exists in the form of activity, and not information about it; associated with a significant number of objects of action, is built up together with other competencies, forming professional competence; competence, as an action, does not appear automatically, but consciously and repeatedly manifested, forms a professional experience. The competence-based approach is more aimed at achieving the quality of training that meets the economic and social social needs, creating a balance between the demand in the labor market and the interests and professional realization of the individual.

To assess professional and general cultural competencies, we propose to use a qualimetric approach that provides measurements in numerical form or in conditional indicators; including a combination of research methods aimed at obtaining versatile information about the object, tracking the dynamics of changes in its indicators and analyzing possible deviations and providing a transition from a qualitative, one-sided description of phenomena to objective, accurate methods of checking and generalizing the results of students' learning.

1 step. Definition of professional and general cultural competencies and their structure in the field of study;

2 step. Determination of methods for the formation of professional and general cultural competencies for each academic discipline;

3 step. Formation of a base of control and evaluation tools for diagnosing professional and general cultural competencies for each academic discipline;

4 step. Formation of a professional profile of a university student, including an integrated assessment of all professional and general cultural competencies.

5 step. Analysis of the results of diagnostics of professional and general cultural competencies from the standpoint of a student, teacher, university administration, and employer.

This algorithm implements a structuring function (taking into account the requirements of the standard, employer, university administration) to the goals and content of training, a control function (development of control evaluation tools, their information support and continuous monitoring) and a control function (based on adjusting the process of mastering the educational material of the discipline based on the results competency diagnostics).

The measure of competence is the practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities in the conditions of a time limit, supplemented by personal qualities - motivation, discipline, organization, purposefulness, etc.

At the initial stage of developing diagnostic tools, it is necessary to analyze the Federal State Educational Standards for each area of ​​study and identify the types of activities and a set of professional and general cultural competencies necessary for their development. We offer as a structural component of professional competencies: cognitive (completeness and generalization of professional knowledge), activity (development and formation of professional skills), communicative (ability to work in a team, make managerial decisions), axiological (moral and value positions) components, which can be formed at three evaluation levels - low (reproductive activity), medium (independent productive activity), high (independent creative activity).

The second stage of the competency diagnostics algorithm is to determine the content of training in each discipline and the totality of pedagogical forms, methods and technologies that contribute to the formation of professional and general cultural competencies. The graduate's competencies should allow him to work successfully in his chosen professional field, acquire social, personal and general cultural qualities that contribute to his social mobility and stability in the labor market. In the preparation of modern graduates, the leading forms are active teaching methods that recreate not only the subject, but also the social content of future professional activity. During the training, the student must necessarily perform precise actions in a quasi-professional environment, similar to those that will take place in his professional activity. The use of active methods as pedagogical technologies, from our point of view, can be especially successful after industrial practices, where students receive specific knowledge on the state of enterprises, territories of the region, have the opportunity to work with regulatory documentation, master jobs.

Of course, the level of competence formation in traditional education (lectures, practice, laboratory work, seminars), personal development of the student, external factors, etc., also contribute to this assessment. However, empirical observations of students in the course of professional training demonstrate an increase in interest and professional orientation, mastery of professional terms, ways of communication and interaction, namely within the framework of active learning methods.

For each type of training developed within the framework of the curriculum and the program of the discipline, the formed set of pedagogical technologies, it is necessary to determine the method of assessing competencies.

Competences, as such, have a cognitive (knowledge and understanding of professionally significant information), activity (knowledge of how to act) and personal (knowledge of how to be) basis. Achievements of bachelors are quantitative and qualitative indicators of the development of imitative professional activity and reflect the development process and movement towards the goal of professional training - a high level of competencies. Therefore, the results of the formation of professional and general cultural competencies should include mastered competencies, value relations, and formed personal qualities.

The cognitive and partly activity basis of competencies formed in the framework of lectures, practical and laboratory classes can be checked using traditional assessment tools: oral and written surveys, independent and control work, a system of test items for input, current and final types of control, taking into account the goals of diagnostics . Test tasks are built taking into account the taxonomy of goals using problematic and situational tasks.

As part of active teaching methods (business games, project methods, etc.), we recommend using an expert assessment of professional and general cultural competencies as a way to diagnose students' actions (manifestations of competence). Each competence shown by a student is associated with an action or event recorded by an expert, in addition, the final result of the task is also evaluated (the goal of the active method is a developed project or an achieved level, a solved problem). Accordingly, each student's action should be recorded in a special competency map, which takes into account, in addition to the level shown (low, medium high), also a personal contribution, that is, whether this competency is manifested in independent or group activities.

To determine the level of professional and general cultural competencies in the course of active learning methods, an average of 5 precedents are needed to make a diagnosis. The overall result of the theoretical and practical mastering of the discipline is accumulated in a specially organized automated database, which makes it possible to analyze learning gaps for their timely correction (for both the student and the teacher).

We propose to build a student's professional profile for each area of ​​training on the basis of professional and general cultural competencies established by the standard. The ideal state is the achievement of a high level (independent creative activity) for all components of the identified competencies to be considered as a professional profile, for example, if professional the profile can be represented as a 100% match (figure).

Correspondence of the level of professional and general cultural competencies of the student to the profile of the profession for the student

Based on the results of mastering each discipline, after each control procedure, the database is filled. The cumulative assessment of a student is an additive assessment of all his actions within the same discipline. Each discipline and its control stages have a certain specific weight (percentage of participation) in the formation of certain professional and general cultural competencies. The total result for all disciplines during the entire training is accumulated in the student's personal database, where, based on the results of the semester, the student's compliance with the profession profile is determined.

At the final stage of the proposed algorithm for diagnosing professional and general cultural competencies, the effectiveness of training is analyzed at the level of each student, student group, discipline studied during the selected time periods (a week of study, a semester, an academic year, the entire period of study) for an objective analysis and possible adjustment of the learning process .

Pilot-experimental implementation of the proposed diagnostic tools in the teaching practice of the Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev (for the graduating department (industrial and environmental safety) and the general education department (computational mathematics)) demonstrated its effectiveness, determined by:

Updating the content of disciplines, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and employers in modern conditions, which enhances the professional orientation of education;

Selection of productive pedagogical technologies using active and interactive teaching methods for the formation of dedicated professional competencies;

Improving the control evaluation tools of the discipline;

Automation of the system for collecting, storing and analyzing information;

Transparency of the educational process for the administration of the university;

Strengthening motivation and improving the performance of students participating in the experiment, on average by 28%.

Using this scoring system allows you to:

Get an assessment of the achievement of competencies individually by each student for each discipline, topic and type of study;

Determine the individual qualities of each student, their professional suitability, personal qualities, such as: work in a group, behavior and ability to work in a team, leadership qualities, etc.;

Diagnose gaps in students' assimilation of knowledge, skills during traditional learning and competencies in the course of active teaching methods and carry out their timely correction;

Get complete information about the professional skills of the student administration of the university and potential employers.

Modern conditions of educational activity suggest that its result will not be the amount of knowledge gained by the student, but his ability and willingness to work in the chosen professional field, competitiveness in the labor market.

Determining the methodology for diagnosing the competencies of a university graduate, the necessary criteria and characteristics using automated information tools allows the teacher to monitor their own activities and the activities of the student, determining the aspects necessary for correction.

For a student in the course of diagnosing professional competencies, the process of modeling their own professional activity takes place, and a strategy for professional training at the university is developed depending on the chosen profile of future activity. And also in the course of diagnostics, students form a system of values ​​that characterizes the integrity of the individual, perseverance in achieving their goals, attitude towards themselves, towards knowledge, towards their future profession.

Russia's entry into the Bologna process and the change in the model of higher education imply a shift in emphasis from the content of education to its results, which should become transparent for the graduate himself, teachers and university administration, and for the employer. The employer must be aware of the success of a bachelor or master in education, his ability to apply his professional knowledge, skills in practice to determine the workplace and type of professional activity. The proposed method is a universal diagnostic tool, has the ability to adapt to any field of study in the higher education system, is easy to use, and can be integrated into the university information system.


Gryaznov A.N., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education, Russian Academy of Education, Kazan;

Gilmeeva R.Kh., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Humanitarian Training in Vocational Education, Institute of Pedagogics and Psychology of Vocational Education, Russian Academy of Education, Kazan.

The work was received by the editors on February 19, 2015.

Bibliographic link

Prokofieva E.N., Levina E.Yu., Zagrebina E.I. DIAGNOSIS OF FORMATION OF COMPETENCES OF STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION // Fundamental Research. - 2015. - No. 2-4. - S. 797-801;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" 1

The article describes an approach to assessing and presenting the results of mastering the main professional educational programs within the framework of the competency-based paradigm. The proposed method for assessing the final generalized result of the formation of competencies meets the interests of the participants in the educational process. The method is based on the "model and profile of competencies" accepted in the professional environment and adapted to educational practice; disciplinary foundation for the formation of competencies at the university; scientific qualimetric formalization of educational results. The method is quite simple and versatile. The form of presentation of intermediate results allows, at the stage of development of the university competence model of a graduate (model and profile of competencies), with the participation of the employer, to balance the volumes, list and sequence of disciplines and practices that develop both individual and group competencies. It allows you to change the balance of competencies in the interests of the professional community of the industry, is not limited by the number of competencies. The visibility of the presentation of the final results will allow the third-party employer to see the level of formation of competencies that are most significant for a graduate - a potential employee of the organization. The system-activity approach assumes the participation of students in the process of self-formation and application of the rating cumulative results of the development of competencies and their presentation in the portfolio.

learning outcome

competency model

competency profile


academic discipline


educational institution


1. ECTS Users’ Guide Brussels: Directorate – General for Education and Culture. – 2005. [Electronic resource]. - URL: (accessed 08.10.2017).

2. Saveliev B.A. Model of assessment tools of the Federal State Educational Standard of VPO [Electronic resource]. - URL: (date of access: 02.10.2017).

3. Kartushina E.N. Features of building a competency model in an organization // Socio-economic processes and phenomena. - 2012. - No. 7-8. - S. 60-64.

4. Guidelines for the development of basic professional educational programs and additional professional programs, taking into account the relevant professional standards [Electronic resource]. - URL: (date of access: 02.10.2017).

5. Kozlova T.V. How to assess the competence of an employee? [Electronic resource]. - URL: (Accessed 9/10/2017).

6. Tatur Yu.G. Competence approach in describing the results and designing standards of higher professional education. - M.: Research Center for Quality Problems in Training Specialists, 2004. - P. 18.

7. Azgaldov G.G., Raikhman E.P. About qualimetry.  M.: Publishing house of standards, 1973.  172 p.

The concept of "learning outcomes" (learning outcomes) as an essential component of the ultimate goal of higher professional education was introduced into educational terminology in 2005 when developing the European Qualifications Framework. It is this phenomenon in the education system that is assigned the central system-forming role. The result of education expresses the interests of the individual and the state, ensuring their consistency; reflects the priorities of the socio-economic state and development of society, aims at the formation of adequate mechanisms for assessing, recognizing education and transparency for all participants in the educational process, improving its elements.

The ECTS User Guide interprets learning outcomes as “a statement of what the learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate (do) after the completion of the learning period” .

The modern model of education, adapted to the needs of a post-industrial society, a digital and information economy with dynamically changing technologies, is meaningfully, and since the adoption of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 and formally, is interpreted as a "competence-based paradigm". Within the framework of this approach, when choosing and planning the results of education of graduates of the HPE system, not the volume, universality and depth of “ready-made”, acquired knowledge and algorithms for their reproduction by samples (knowledge-oriented approach), but competencies are brought to the fore. The emphasis in characterizing the results has shifted to the graduate's ability to adapt in the professional community, the willingness to creatively solve educational and life problems, the ability to independently acquire and update knowledge and apply it in situations close to future professional activities, etc.

The strategic result of the competence-based paradigm is the formation of a graduate model as an organic unity of a set of competencies based on the conscious knowledge, skills, methods of activity acquired by him and constantly striving for self-realization, ready for self-education and improvement, implementing the principle of "lifelong learning".

With regard to Russian educational practice, since the transition to the FSES HPE, and then the FSES HE, FSES HE 3+ and FSES 3++, the requirements for the results of a graduate's education, that is, the development of a bachelor's (master's) program, are established by the educational organization in the form of formed competencies.

The complexity, versatility of the phenomenon of "learning outcome" - competencies, have led to a variety of directions for its study. A significant number of pedagogical studies have been noted in relation to the triad: "competencies as a result of education ↔ educational technologies as a way of their formation ↔ assessment tools as a tool to prove the achievement of the stated educational results" . In this list, in our opinion, the logically final point is missing - "measurement (assessment) and fixation of the personal result of education achieved by the graduate."

A review of Russian sources on the development of models for measuring the integral educational results of university graduates revealed: 1) their limited number. Of greatest interest are the works of N.E. Bestuzheva, M.V. Bedilo, E.S. Dzhevitskaya, T.P. Kategorskaya, V.I. Nikolaeva, A.S. Platonova, M.N. Ryzhkova, I.V. Sibikina, Z.V. Yakimova and others, in some moments close to the problem under study; 2) the lack of a unified approach and universal criteria for the achievability of results, the difference in the units of measurement of the result; 3) incompleteness of methods that give a visual representation and a quantitative indicator of the level of formation of a university graduate's competencies. At the same time, the FSES HE 3++ requires “to record the results of mastering the undergraduate program”, and the learning outcomes are determined and evaluated by the university itself. Employers, on the other hand, are interested in the availability of objective data for the selection of employees from among young specialists in terms of competencies, and not in the academic assessment of a particular discipline. In our opinion, it is appropriate to recall the practice of the period of the industrial, planned Russian economy and the knowledge paradigm of education, when the criterion for ranking a graduate in the distribution of work after graduation was the “arithmetic mean of the diploma” as a final, formal, but objective result.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the approach and methodology for calculating the indicator of the result of mastering the main professional educational program, based on the competency model adopted in the professional field and adapted for the field of education.

The scientific and methodological essence of the discussed method consists in presenting a qualitative target result in the form of a cognitive model of competencies and deriving a formalized educational result based on it, guided by the principles of qualimetry.

The method is considered in the form of an algorithm that consistently fixes the objective scientific and pedagogical grounds, correlated with the content elements and provisions of the calculation methodology.

I. Orientation of educational results to the interests of the professional community; convergence of the practice of designing and assessing the competencies of university graduates with the tools of HR management used by recruitment agencies and organizations. Reasonable borrowing of the best practices, methods and concepts from this area is quite natural and expedient within the framework of a single educational and professional space.

The starting point, the key concept is the "competency model" - a complete set of competencies necessary for the company's employees to successfully achieve the strategic goals of the organization. In vocational education, it is transformed into a “graduate competency model” or a complex of universal (UK), general professional (OPK) competencies of the direction of training, approved by the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, and professional (PC), it is legitimate to say “profile”, selected by the university from the relevant professional standards (PS ) .

II. A holistic understanding of both the employee’s competence model and the “competence model” of the graduate is that it is an integrated result in which no competence can be excluded, all competencies are interconnected, since one discipline forms several competencies. Developers of competency models of the HR area note its multi-level structure. It should be clarified that “multilevelness” should not be understood “in the concept of a physical model, which, according to Yu.G. Tatura, V.I. Baidenko, represents a "layer cake" (education of a specialist), in which there is a "layer of dough" (knowledge), a "layer of jam" (skills), a "glaze layer" (value orientations), etc. If it is cut into pieces (competencies), then each of them will repeat the structure of the "cake" in miniature. In our opinion, this is a hierarchical structure that decomposes competence into basic elements - certain knowledge, abilities, skills, experience and other characteristics, which is absolutely consistent with the structure of professional standards (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Hierarchical decomposition of achieving the main goal of professional activity within the framework of a professional standard (fragment)

On the other hand, levels can also be viewed as different degrees of development of the fundamental elements and, accordingly, the competencies formed by them.

III. Competency-based performance in education is built and implemented on the basis of the traditional (knowledge-based) approach. It is possible to assess only what is measured, and therefore not the competence itself, but the actual learning outcomes that contribute to its formation. From the “competency model” of a graduate (Fig. 2) it follows that the results of mastering independent academic disciplines, subject areas and practices, interdisciplinary modules are fundamental, primary knowledge, skills, which are integrated into individual competencies at a higher level of the hierarchy, then into blocks and a comprehensive indicator of competencies.

Rice. 2. Hierarchical decomposition of the competency model as a result of mastering the main professional educational program (fragment)

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3++, which stipulate that “indicators of the achievement of competencies and learning outcomes in disciplines and practices, formed by the university, must be correlated with each other”, are maintained in the funds of assessment funds for the discipline. Knowing the intermediate assessments of the student's achievement of the planned results in individual subjects included in the competence, we form an assessment of the development of competencies.

The multi-level nature of the model is also included in the multi-stage algorithm for assessing the level of competency development. Based on it, qualitative indicators of the result are consistently formed, and then, according to the same principle, quantitative ones. A quantitative assessment of the mastery of the discipline, that is, knowledge, skills, is carried out in absolute points () on a 100-point scale. Its application eliminates the uncertainty of academic grades "passed" and "failed". The resulting complex indicator of the formation of the entire set of competencies is also expressed in points with the maximum possible value - 100, which also corresponds to the logic of qualimetry.

IV. The significance of each competency and a block of homogeneous competencies in the structure of the model is not equal. In the professional sphere, this is determined by the position of the organization, in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education - by the profile (specialization), the characteristics of the requirements for the graduate of the region's professional communities. The indicated property of competencies is expressed by an indicator - the weighting coefficient (), which allows using the concept of “competence profile” in the method, having previously specified it.

Competence profile - the structure of the competency model, taking into account the coefficients of weight (importance) of a single competency or a group of homogeneous competencies (for example, UK, OPK and PC). The sum of all weighting coefficients characterizes the integrity and, based on paragraph II, is 1.0 or 100. For the same competency model, the profiles will be different. The profile of competencies is most often drawn up in the form of a diagram that allows you to clearly illustrate the role of each of them.

Determining the weighting factor is essentially a ranking of competencies in terms of importance. Knowledge is necessary for subsequent calculations: the level of competence formation (), competence profile () and a complex indicator () of graduate training. Ranking can be carried out by an expert method by involving experts from among teachers, employers, etc. according to the method of pairwise comparison, sequential arrangements, etc. It is more rational to carry out this procedure without the personal participation of specialists, on the basis of the information presented in the educational and methodological documents (sections "Competencies" and "Competencies (2)" of the curriculum).

According to the conclusions of experts - developers of educational programs, the importance of competence in the pedagogical process is determined by: the number of disciplines and practices ( and ), their volume ( and ) in credits or hours required for its formation. The form of control, the position of the discipline by semester, the number of didactic units, and others (A.V. Onoprienko, I.V. Sibikina) turn out to be much less significant. Then the competence weighting coefficient is calculated by the formula (1):

, (1)

where is the number of academic disciplines and practices that provide a single competence;

All academic disciplines and practices included in the main professional educational program.

If a discipline provides several competencies, we assume that the amount of discipline hours for a single competency is proportional to the number of competencies formed by it.

The consistency of the ranks and numerical values ​​of the significance coefficients of competencies of a particular profile, obtained by the heuristic method and calculated by the formula, was verified by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient and comparing it with the critical value of the coefficient for the condition (31 variables in terms of the number of competencies and statistical significance of 0.01). The calculated value of the Pearson criterion 0.892 significantly exceeds the critical tabular value (52.19), which confirms the reliability of the calculations and the admissibility of the approach we have chosen to determine .

Figure 3 shows the profile of competencies for a "real" core professional education program.

Rice. 3. Competency profile

Developing a profile is a good way to make a decision about adjusting a graduate's preparation towards a specific competency or unit. Thus, in the profile of competencies of a bachelor of trade, the coefficient of weight of general cultural competencies is 26.83, clearly inferior to the blocks of the OPK and PC, which have indicators of 18.72 and 44.45. Taking into account the recommendations that have been tested by time, practice, confirmed by science, in the competency profile of a bachelor of trade, the priority should be soft skills (flexible competencies): the willingness to implement a set of communication skills, manifestations of social responsibility, prompt decision-making, which are mainly positioned in the OK and are formed by social and humanitarian disciplines. It can be concluded that the profile of competencies needs to be clarified.

The task of the stage is to determine the list and number of disciplines () and practices (), the development of which forms a single competence and their contribution (and) to this result. The logic and content of the formation of competencies reflects the section of the curriculum "Competencies", in which the horizontal line is the competency, and the vertical column is the list of subjects (practices), as well as the number of credits for mastering the discipline (practice).

The qualimetric assessment of a student's educational results involves the calculation of several indicators focused primarily on the employer, their comparison and decision-making.

1. The degree of formation of a single competence is calculated as an arithmetic mean weighted score, taking into account the number of subjects and practices and the amount of hours in the structure of competence. This indicator is important for the student during the intermediate control during the educational process.

According to the proposed assessment model, the degree of development of individual competence is calculated by the formula (2):

, (2)

Calculation of the weighting coefficients of a discipline or practice in the competence structure is carried out according to the formulas (3, 4), and the sum of the weighting coefficients of disciplines is equal to 1.0 or 100%:

, (3, 4)

2. Professionally oriented level of individual competence (). The value of the indicator lies in the fact that it more accurately reflects the aggregate result of the competence-oriented educational process that is significant for the professional community. The level of competence formation ( - educational educational result) is adjusted for the significance of competence for the profile (specialization) or potential position in a particular organization (- coefficient of competence weighting).

The indicator is calculated using previously calculated indicators and their values ​​according to the formula (5):


A visual representation of the level of formation of individual competencies as a learning outcome and the possibility of comparing them for, for example, two graduates is provided by a petal diagram (Fig. 4a).

Rice. 4. The result of the formation of competencies: a - educational (arithmetic mean weighted score); b - professionally oriented (score based on competency profile)

Comparison of diagrams illustrates the contribution of the competency profile (Fig. 4b), the transformation of the learning outcome into a professionally oriented indicator. A high academic score (PC-5, PC-14) is not always relevant for a specific position, and vice versa (OPK-3). The employer can easily orient himself and, when distributing job responsibilities, take into account that graduates are more inclined to work with regulatory and technical documentation (OPK-2), are able to participate in the development of innovative methods, tools and technologies in the field of professional activity (PC-11, 13), rather than manage the organization's personnel (PC-5). The employer can take into account the individual professionally oriented achievements of graduates. A bachelor with a higher value (the ability to self-organize and self-educate) can be considered as a candidate for the position of a line manager.

3. A comprehensive generalized indicator of the final educational result at a university () is presented in a formalized form by analogy with the “average mark of a diploma”, but from the standpoint of a competency-based approach. The calculation is carried out according to the formula (6):


However, the information content of the indicator is limited, since it does not allow identifying the development of individual competencies among graduates, in a situation where the values ​​are equal. This requires decomposition, that is, a return to the indicator and its visual representation in the form of a competency profile.

Despite the apparent multiplicity and complexity of calculations, the method is quite simple and efficient, since it is enough to use the standard Microsoft Excel program with an approved algorithm that is available not only to the teacher, but also to the student as a tool. The electronic program allows, after the introduction of semester points for disciplines and practices, to accumulate an integral quantitative result and track the dynamics of competence development.

Among the positive aspects of the proposed method, we note the main ones.

The universality of the method and its independence from dynamic changes in the professional field, reflected in the educational sphere in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. The method is not limited by the number or name of competencies. It can be: corporate, managerial and functional (technical). Separately, it is possible to position competence in the field of digital communication - digital competence. The method and methodology are acceptable as an assessment mechanism at all levels of vocational education.

Scientific, pedagogical validity of the method, validity of the obtained calculated data, reliability (use of uniform standards or criteria within the university); fairness (all students should have equal opportunities to achieve, learn the result and build a trajectory for its improvement); timeliness, efficiency.

The professional community is provided with an accessible and understandable information base, since the result is displayed in the personal online portfolio of a graduate student. The formation of a portfolio by the student personally, with the display of the results of intermediate control in the context of disciplines and competencies, it is advisable to start by students from the 1st year of study within the discipline "Introduction to the profile of the direction" or similar in content.

Pedagogical value of the approach. When using it in methodological work and the educational process, the student becomes involved not only in the process of independent calculation of the result (with subsequent monitoring by the teacher), but becomes an active observer of the gradual development of success as the knowledge, skills, and abilities are gradually mastered from discipline to discipline, from practice to practice courses. A student can build a personal trajectory of education from the final result planned by “yesterday's entrant”. The student accumulates the experience of his own personal self-organization, associated with the performance of self-evaluative, life-planning, reflective and other functions. The intermediate results reflected in the portfolio and the orientation of industry (enterprises) organizations to them are useful in selecting students for internships, for completing final papers on real problems of the enterprise, and an invitation to work depending on the learning outcomes. It also increases the motivation for study work.

Conclusion. The method and methodology for assessing educational results in a competency-based format presented for discussion and the calculations based on them for a specific basic professional educational program confirm the didactic validity of this approach, its usefulness for the professional community, strengthening the relationship between labor and vocational education, as well as the need to develop this applied area in didactics of higher education.

Bibliographic link

Vasilyeva N.O. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS' EDUCATIONAL RESULTS ON THE BASIS OF THE COMPETENCE MODEL // Modern problems of science and education. - 2017. - No. 6.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

First level : The results of students' training testify to the assimilation by them of some elementary knowledge of the main issues in the discipline. The mistakes and inaccuracies made show that students have not mastered the necessary system of knowledge in the discipline.

Second level : The achieved level of evaluation of learning outcomes shows that students have the necessary system of knowledge and possess some skills in the discipline. Students are able to understand and interpret the acquired information, which is the basis for the successful formation of skills and abilities for solving practice-oriented problems.

Third level : Students demonstrated results at the level of conscious possession of educational material and educational skills, skills and methods of activity in the discipline. Students are able to analyze, compare and justify the choice of methods for solving tasks in practice-oriented situations.

Fourth level : The achieved level of evaluation of students' learning outcomes in the discipline is the basis for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Students are able to use information from various sources for successful research and finding solutions in non-standard practice-oriented situations.

Evaluation scale

Characteristics of the levels of development of competence




The student has the necessary system of knowledge and owns some skills

The student is able to understand and interpret the acquired information, which is the basis for the successful formation of skills and abilities for solving practice-oriented tasks.


The student demonstrates the results at the level of conscious possession of educational material and educational skills, skills and methods of activity

The student is able to analyze, compare and justify the choice of methods for solving tasks in practice-oriented situations


The achieved level is the basis for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The student is able to use information from various sources for successful research and finding solutions in non-standard practice-oriented situations.

The level of mastering the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities

The level of mastering the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the discipline is assessed in the form of a point mark:

"Fine" deserves a student who has found a comprehensive, systematic and deep knowledge of the educational program material, the ability to freely perform the tasks provided for by the program, who has mastered the basic and familiar with additional literature recommended by the program. As a rule, an "excellent" mark is given to students who have mastered the relationship between the basic concepts of the discipline in their meaning for the profession they are acquiring, who have shown creative abilities in understanding, presenting and using the educational program material.

"Good" deserves a student who has discovered full knowledge of the educational and program material, successfully fulfills the tasks provided for in the program, and has mastered the basic literature recommended in the program. As a rule, the grade "good" is assigned to students who have shown the systematic nature of knowledge in the discipline and are capable of their independent replenishment and updating in the course of further educational work and professional activities.

"Satisfactorily" deserves a student who has discovered knowledge of the basic educational and program material in the amount necessary for further study and future work in the specialty, copes with the tasks provided for by the program, is familiar with the basic literature recommended by the program. As a rule, the grade "satisfactory" is given to students who made errors in the answer to the exam and when performing examination tasks, but who have the necessary knowledge to eliminate them under the guidance of a teacher.

"Unsatisfactory" is given to a student who has discovered gaps in the knowledge of the main educational and program material, who has made fundamental mistakes in the fulfillment of the tasks provided for by the program. As a rule, the mark "unsatisfactory" is given to students who cannot continue their studies or start professional activities after graduation without additional classes in the relevant discipline.

Grade "passed" exhibited to a student who has firmly mastered the provided program material; correctly, reasonably answered all questions, with examples; showed deep systematized knowledge, owns reasoning techniques and compares material from different sources: he connects theory with practice, other topics of this course, other subjects studied; performed the task without errors.

A prerequisite for the assessment is the correct speech at a fast or moderate pace. An additional condition for obtaining a "passed" mark may be good progress in the performance of independent and control work, systematic active work in seminars.

Rating "not passed" It is issued to a student who did not cope with 50% of the questions and tasks of the ticket, made significant mistakes in answering other questions. Unable to answer additional questions proposed by the teacher. The student does not have a holistic view of the relationships, components, stages of cultural development. The quality of oral and written speech is assessed, as in the case of a positive assessment.