An individual long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist with a child. Individual plan of logo-correction work

forward planning

individual and subgroup speech therapy classes in a group for children with phonetic and phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

An analysis of the real situation that has currently developed in the system of upbringing and education of preschool children has shown that the number of children with various deviations in speech development is steadily growing. These children constitute the main risk group in schooling. Therefore, the conduct of correctional and developmental classes in order to eliminate speech disorders in preschool age is so necessary.

The frequency of individual lessons during the week depends on the individual needs of each child, taking into account the dynamics of correcting speech disorders, and averages 2-3 times a week.

Speech therapy classes with a subgroup of children of 2-6 people for a similar speech disorder are held, on average, once a week. Depending on the stage of speech therapy work, the appropriate type of speech therapy session is selected.

The planning below contains 5 stages of work on the correction of sound pronunciation, such as:


Sound evoking stage;

Sound automation stage;

Stage of differentiation of sounds;

The stage of formation of communicative skills and abilities.

Long-term planning is a class option that can be used both for individual and subgroup work with children with phonetic and phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

Each lesson is a kind of template and, based on this, can be used repeatedly (for example: if a child has impaired pronunciation of more than one sound and work on their correction is not carried out at the same time). Or, for example, another option, when two classes can be combined into one (if, for example, corrective work is carried out simultaneously to eliminate the violation of the sound pronunciation of two sounds).

Stages of long-term planning, the required number of lessons is determined individually for each child.

Stage I (preparatory)

This section presents 15 developmental activities containing various games and exercises in the following areas:

formation of psychological readiness for classes, development of HMF (psychological base of speech);

development of strength and mobility of organs of articulation, formation of articulation structure;

development of a sense of tempo and rhythm;

acquaintance with the concepts of "speech", "word", "sound";

development of finger motor skills and graphomotor skills

development of basic motor skills;

preparation for the analysis of the sound composition of the word.

II stage. Setting the sound (calling the sound).

This section presents 8 options for correctional and developmental classes, in the following areas:

development of phonemic hearing and perception;

development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation;

calling (staging) sound;

assimilation of available rhythmic patterns;

formation of the skill of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis;

development of HMF (psychological base of speech).

III stage. Sound automation. This section contains 16 lessons , in the following areas:

reinforcing the skill of correct pronunciation;

normalization of intonational and tempo-rhythmic organization of speech;

formation of phonological competence;

extension of lexical and grammatical competence;

development of coherent speech;

development of finger motor skills and graphomotor skills;

development of the skill of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis

IV stage. Sound differentiation. The section contains 14 lessons.

At the stage of differentiation of sounds, the main directions of correctional and developmental work are:

fixing the correct pronunciation and discrimination of sounds;

normalization of intonational and tempo-rhythmic organization of speech

extension of lexical and grammatical competence;

development of coherent speech;

development of basic motor skills and coordination;

development of finger motor skills and graphomotor skills;

development of language analysis and synthesis skills;

development of HMF (psychological base of speech);

Stage V (final). Formation of communicative competence.

The number of classes is also individual for each child and the main areas of correctional and developmental work at this stage are:

formation of the child's persistent skills and abilities to use speech sounds accurately in all situations of communication;

development of coherent speech;

development of HMF (psychological base of speech);

Planning reflects in itself all the main directions of the correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist teacher, contributes to an increase in the efficiency of its organization and, ultimately, its effectiveness.

Used Books:

Gerasimova V. A., Zhukova O., Kuznetsova V. A unique methodology for the development of a preschooler. - S.-Pb. 2002

Yoshchenko V.O. Collection of exemplary forms of documents and methodological materials for the organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions

Lalaeva R.I., N.V. Serebryakova "Formation of correct colloquial speech among preschoolers" - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", St. Petersburg, "Soyuz" 2004

Lopatina L.V. Speech therapy work with preschool children - St. Petersburg, "Soyuz" 2004

Lopukhina I. Speech therapy / Speech, rhythm, movement. - S.Pb., 1997

Pozhelenko V.A. The magical world of sounds and words. - M., 1999

Tkachenko T.A. We learn to speak correctly. OHP correction system in children 6 years old - M., "GNOM and D" 2003

Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with FFN. Education and training - M., "Gnome-Press", 1999

Filicheva T.B., Chirkina V.G., Tumanova T.V., Mironova S.A., Lagutina A.V. Correction of speech disorders. Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders; Moscow "Enlightenment" 2008

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

Preparatory stage

Total number of classes:

FN (dyslalia)

dysarthria 8-14

1. Formation of psychological readiness for classes.

1. Installation on a joint activity with a speech therapist to eliminate speech shortcomings and regular classes in the office.

1. Formation of the concepts "Speech," Sounds of speech ".

2. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

3. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing, prolonged phonation exhalation and soft vocal attack.

1. A conversation about what “speech” is, how it is formed, what sounds are speech sounds and how they are pronounced (demonstration of a poster depicting the oral cavity, etc.).

2. Articulation gymnastics. Teaching techniques for performing exercises of the general complex (static and dynamic exercises).

3. Breathing exercises (with tactile control); games: "Funny spinner", "Drive the ball into the hole", "Whistle"; Fixed exhalation with sounds: x-x-x, fff.

4. "Singing" vowel sounds (with average voice power) U - U, AU - AU, AIU

5. Finger gymnastics, lacing, mosaic, games with rubber bands, beads, etc.

2. Development of tactile perception.

3. Development of hand-eye coordination.

4. Development of a sense of rhythm (perception and reproduction of the rhythm of claps).

1. Articulation gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises).

2. The game "Magic bag".

3. Trace templates, dotted patterns, hatching, etc.

4. Rhythmic claps “Show a card with a number - how many beats did you hear”, “1 11 111 1111”, “Listen to a series of claps”. Selection of a card for a given rhythmic pattern. (based on visibility)

1. Further acquaintance with the concept of "sound".

2. Development of auditory attention and auditory memory. Distinguishing non-speech sounds.

3. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

1. Conversation with children / child about what sounds are heard and produced (speech and non-speech), ways of their formation

2. The game "Guess which box sounded now", "Find a pair of sounding box" "Select two identical sounding boxes"; "Guess what it sounds like."

3. Articulatory gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises).

4. Finger gymnastics, games with beads.

1. Communication of knowledge about the methods of formation of speech sounds.

2. Development of auditory attention and auditory memory. Distinguishing speech sounds.

3. Development of articulatory motility.

4. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing, prolonged phonation exhalation.

5. Development of hand-eye coordination.

1. A conversation about how speech sounds are formed; demonstration of a poster depicting the oral cavity, putting the palm to the throat (tactile control during vibration of the vocal folds).

2. The game "Who called?".

3. Articulatory gymnastics (general complex (static and dynamic exercises)).

4. The game "Merry turntable", "Exhalation of air with three pushes."

5. Trace drawings along the contour, hatching.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

4. Preparatory stage

2. Development of a sense of pace, rhythm.

3. Development of coordination of movements.

1. Formation in children of ideas about the diversity of speech sounds.

2. Development of articulatory motility.

3. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing, prolonged phonation exhalation.

1. A conversation about sounds of different sounds and how they are formed.

2. Articulatory gymnastics (general developmental complex (static and dynamic exercises)).

3. "Autumn leaf fall", pronunciation of syllables on a long exhalation, breathing exercises with movements.

5;6. Speech-motor games and exercises.

1. Acquaintance with sound (articulation, acoustic features, the way this sound is formed).

5. Development of attention and visual. memory.

1. A conversation about how a given sound is formed; showing the articulation mode in front of the mirror, showing the profile of this sound, imitation of the position of the tongue with the hand; putting the palm to the throat (tactile sensations of vibration of the vocal folds). Acquaintance with the symbol denoting a given sound.

2. Articulatory gymnastics (learning a set of special exercises aimed at forming the correct articulation pattern of the sound being studied); simulation games.

3. Breathing exercises; game "Drive the ball into the goal"; "Autumn leaf fall".

5. Games "Find 10 differences", "What is missing?".



1. Development of finger motor skills.

2. Development of a sense of rhythm.

1. Consolidation of knowledge about sound (articulation, acoustic features, the method of formation of this sound, a card-symbol of sound).

2. Formation of the correct articulation pattern of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation; the formation of kinesthetic sensations, kinesthetic analysis and representations.

1. The game "Clap your hands if I said it right"

2. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulation pattern of the studied sound); simulation games.

3.Games with beads; lacing; Cinderella game.

4. Rhythmic claps without visual control. "Listen to a series of accented beats, show the card according to the number of beats",

“Slap the rhythm” (without relying on visualization) - isolated blows, a series of simple blows.

2. Preparation for the analysis of the sound composition of the word. Isolation of the 1st stressed vowel in a word

4. Formation of intonational expressiveness of speech and logical stress.

2. Raise the desired card (sound symbol) when you hear a sound.

3. Voice exercises. Pronouncing a sentence with a change in the strength of the voice “Katya bought flowers” ​​(quietly, loudly, in a whisper, calmly; with different intonation (interrogative ( A uh?, a At Oh?, ay ABOUT?) narrative, exclamatory intonation.”;

4. Dialogue using different semantic intonation (affirmative answer to the question).

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs


telny stage

Total number of classes:



1. Formation of the correct articulation structure of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Development of the skill of distinguishing correctly pronounced sounds by ear.

1. Analysis and synthesis of a number of vowels (ay, aui).

2. The game "4th extra" (three words begin with the sound being studied, and one with the other).

3. Game "Live sounds".

4. Finger gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises); "Friendly family"; “Salting cabbage”, “Fingers say hello”, “Castle”, etc.

1 Formation of the correct articulation structure of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Isolation of sound from a number of syllables and words.

3. Analysis of the reverse syllable type AP. Isolation of the last consonant of words like MAK.

4. Development of finger motor skills.

1. Articulatory gymnastics (special exercises aimed at forming the correct articulation pattern of the sound being studied).

2. "Clap your hands if you hear a sound ..".

2. The game "4th extra" (3 words begin with the sound being studied, and one with the other).

3. The game "Live sounds", "Select only those pictures in the names of which the sound ___ is heard at the end of the word."

4. Finger gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises

1. Selection of the initial consonant and subsequent vowel from words like MAK.

2. Development of finger motor skills.

1. Articulatory gymnastics (special exercises aimed at forming the correct articulation pattern of the sound being studied); simulation games.

2. Breathing exercises (special exercises) "Focus"; "Blow into the bubble."

3. "Select only those pictures in the name of which the studied sound is heard at the beginning of the word" "Raise the card-symbol of the vowel sound that you hear in the middle of the word."

4. Finger gymnastics, lacing, mosaic, rubber band games, etc.

1. Formation of the correct articulation pattern of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

3. Formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills. Analysis of the direct syllable of the SU type.

4. Assimilation of available rhythmic patterns of words like : ta-ta, ta- that; ta- ta-ta, ta- that-ta.

1. Articulatory gymnastics (special exercises aimed at forming the correct articulation pattern of the sound being studied); simulation games.

3. Game "Live sounds". Creation of sound schemes.

4. Pronunciation of a series of syllables (from correctly pronounced sounds) with intonational emphasis on a certain syllable, given by a speech therapist teacher, selection of a card for a given rhythmic pattern.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs


telny stage

Total number of classes:

1. Formation of the correct articulation pattern of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

1. Formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills. Analysis of words like SUP.

2. Development of auditory attention and memory for a linear series consisting of 4, 5, 6 elements.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulation pattern of the studied sound); simulation games.

2. Breathing exercises (special exercises).

3. Determination of the position of the studied sound in words. “Divide the pictures into two groups according to the place where the sound sounds in the word”, drawing up sound schemes.

4. Pronouncing a series of syllables in a certain sequence (correctly pronounced), the speech therapist names the objects in a certain sequence, and the child lays them out in a given sequence (from memory).


dysarthria - 8-15

1. Formation of the correct articulation pattern of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

1. Formation of skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis of words like ZUBY.

2. Development of fine motor skills of hands and visual attention.

1. Articulatory gymnastics (special exercises aimed at forming the correct articulation pattern of the sound being studied); simulation games.

2. Breathing exercises (special exercises).

3. Dividing words into parts (syllables), drawing up a sound-syllabic scheme, selecting words for a sound or syllabic scheme.

4. Collecting beads (on a card with a certain pattern).

Carrying out an elementary manual massage of the collar and articulation zones, passive articulation exercises for the lips and tongue.


Evocation (staging)


Number of lessons:



1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Sound calling.

1. Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

2. Development of finger motor skills and grapho-motor skills.

3. Breathing exercises “Let's warm up the hands”, “Pump”, “Focus”, “Leaf fall”.

4. Finger gymnastics, tracing patterns, contour drawings, hatching, games with puzzles, mosaics, lacing, gymnastics, etc.

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Sound calling.

3. Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

4. Development of the HMF.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static/dynamic exercises performed actively/passively; simulation games.

2. Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (by imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Respiratory gymnastics "Let's warm up the hands", "Butterfly", "Focus", "Leaf fall", "Drive the ball into the goal."

4. Games "What's gone?", "Find the artist's mistake", etc.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Sound calling.

3. Formation of a long phonation exhalation

4. Development of grapho-motor skills

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static/dynamic exercises performed actively/passively; simulation games;

2. Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (by imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed)

3. Breathing exercises (special exercises aimed at forming the correct air stream)

4. Tracing templates, contour drawings, hatching

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

3. Sound calling

5. Development of finger motor skills.

1. Articulatory gymnastics (special exercises aimed at forming the correct articulation pattern of the sound being studied); static/dynamic exercises performed actively/passively; simulation games.

2. Respiratory gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct air stream).

3. Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (by imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and a mixed method).

5. Passive / active finger gymnastics, static exercises, dynamic exercises, hand massage.

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Sound calling.

3. Development of graphic-motor skills and finger motor skills.

4. Development of the HMF.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static/dynamic exercises performed actively/passively; simulation games.

2. Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (by imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Outlining patterns, contour drawings, hatching, games with puzzles, mosaics, lacing, finger gymnastics, etc.

4. Games "find 10 differences", "4th extra", etc.

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Sound calling.

4. Assimilation of available rhythmic patterns of words like : ta-ta, ta- that; ta- ta-ta, ta- that-ta.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static/dynamic exercises performed actively/passively; simulation games.

2 Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (by imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Game "Live sounds"; composing sound schemes for words.

4. Pronunciation of a series of syllables (only correctly pronounced sounds are used) with intonational emphasis on a certain syllable, given by a speech therapist teacher, selection of a card for a given rhythmic pattern.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs





Number of lessons:

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Sound calling.

1. Formation of skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

2. Development of HMF and finger motor skills.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static/dynamic exercises performed actively/passively; simulation games.

2. Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (by imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Dividing words into parts (syllables) Drawing up sound schemes, selection of words for the sound scheme.

4. Nikitin's cubes ("Collect the cubes so that you get



Dysarthria 5-8

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Sound calling.

1. Formation of skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static/dynamic exercises performed actively/passively; simulation games.

2. Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (by imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Drawing up sound-syllabic schemes, selection of words for the sound-syllabic scheme.

4. Speech-motor games and exercises.




Number of lessons:



Dysarthria -16

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in isolation in direct syllables, words.

2. Development of graphic-motor skills and finger motor skills.

1. Assimilation of available rhythmic patterns of words like : ta-ta, ta- that; ta- ta-ta, ta- that-ta.

2. Development of auditory memory for a linear series of words.

1,3,4. Repeated pronunciation of the delivered sound (exaggerated), onomatopoeia, reflected pronunciation of syllabic rows

(long, intermittent, quiet, loud, whisper, with intonational emphasis on a certain syllable, in a certain sequence), pronunciation of words (sound at the beginning of a word).

2. Outlining drawings along the contour, hatching, repeating the ornament.

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in direct syllables, words and tongue twisters containing these syllables.

2. Development of a sense of pace, rhythm, coordination of movements.

3. Development of attention and visual memory.

1, 3,4. Reflected pronunciation of syllables, words and tongue twisters

(sound at the beginning of a word) containing these syllables, independent naming of words from the picture, games “Tell me a word!”, “What is missing?”, “What has appeared?”.

2. Speech-motor games and exercises (pronunciation of tongue twisters in the rhythm of the march).

1. Strengthening the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in direct syllables, GHA-type sound complexes, words (sound in the middle of a word).

2. Development of the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

4. Development of fine motor skills.

1, 3. Reflected pronunciation of various sound complexes, words (sound in the middle of a word), tongue twisters; game "Who or what did the artist draw?".

2. The game "Add the given syllable to the beginning / end of the word and name the whole word" (ball game).

4. Finger gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises),

The game "Hedgehog" (attaching clothespins to the "hedgehog" template with pronunciation of syllables, words).

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in reverse syllables, in words and pure phrases containing these syllables.

2. Development of a sense of pace, rhythm, coordination of movements.

3. Development of visual attention and visual memory for a linear series.

4. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1,3, 4. Reflected pronunciation of syllabic rows, words (sound at the end of a word) and pure phrases containing these syllables; independent naming of objects shown in the picture, and naming objects / pictures from memory in a certain sequence (simultaneous presentation of 3,4,5 pictures) of the game “One-many” “Say kindly” (you can use the ball).

2. Speech-motor games and exercises (pronunciation of tongue twisters, conducting).

5 1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants, in words.

2. Assimilation of available rhythmic patterns of words.

3. Development of auditory memory for a linear series of words.

4. Development of graphic-motor skills and finger motor skills.

1,2, 3. Reflected pronunciation of syllabic rows with intonation selection of a certain syllable, in a certain sequence specified by a speech therapist); pronunciation of words with a confluence of consonants.

4.1 Tracing the "Sun" template;

4.2. Cutting out this template with scissors.

4.3; 1. Game " Sunbeams" (attaching clothespins to the template " Sun", Accompanied by pronunciation of syllables).

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants, in words of various syllabic composition and pure speech,

2. Development of auditory attention and auditory memory for a linear series.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

2. Pronunciation of words of various sound-syllabic composition, called by the teacher-speech therapist in a certain sequence.

3. Games "Who lives where?" "Who is doing what?" "What is the object made of?" "Say the other way around", "Zhadina" (mine, mine, mine, mine), guessing riddles; (you can use a ball).

2. Development of the phonological aspect of speech.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

4. Development of graphic-motor skills and finger motor skills

1. Reflected pronunciation of syllables, words containing these syllables, and tongue twisters; independent naming of objects depicted in the picture.

2. The game "4th extra" (3 words begin with one sound, and the 4th with another).

3. Games “Who moves how”, “Who gives a voice?” "Who knows what?"

4. Tracing the drawings along the contour, laying out various figures with the help of sticks or rubber bands, finger gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises.), "Repeat the pattern" on a sheet of paper.

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants, in words of various syllabic composition and pure phrases containing these syllables.

2. Formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

4. Development of visual-spatial perception.

2. Working with sound schemes.

3. “Listen to the words and say which of them means transport (fruit, shoes, etc.)” “What sounds does it make?”.

4. “Name the picture that is in the upper left

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants, in words of various syllabic composition, pure speech, nursery rhymes.

2. Formation of skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

3 Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1. Reflected pronunciation of syllables, words with the studied sound, tongue twisters; independent naming of words from the picture.

2. Pick up a word for a given sound, syllable; pick up pictures in the name of which there is a studied sound; game "Add a syllable / sound and name the resulting word as a whole."

3. Games "Tell me a word", "Tell me what the object / soup / juice, etc. will be ... if it is made / prepared from ...".

1. Strengthening the skill of the correct pronunciation of sound in syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants), in words of various syllabic composition, pure speech.

2. Development of the phonological aspect of speech.

3. Formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

4. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1. Reflected pronunciation of syllables, words with a studied sound, tongue twisters; independent naming of words from the picture,

2. Naming only those pictures in the name of which there is a studied sound;

determining the position of sound in given words.

3. Work with sound patterns (selection of words with the studied sound for sound patterns, compilation of sound patterns). Games: "Add Sound", "Insert Missing Sound"; solving puzzles, charade.

4. Games "Tell me a word", "What Pinocchio dreams about."

2. Formation of lexical and grammatical competence.

4. Development of visual-spatial perception.

1.2. Learning and pronunciation of tongue twisters, tongue twisters and nursery rhymes.

2. Drawing up a proposal for a plot picture and its distribution; work with a deformed phrase; Correct me game.

3. Reflected repetition of sentences of various composition while maintaining the sequence and number of words in them.

4. "Name the picture that is to the right of ..., to the left of ...".

1. Fixing the correct pronunciation of the studied sound in phrases and sentences.

2. Formation of language analysis skills

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1.1. Conjugated and reflected pronunciation of phrases, sentences containing words with the studied sound.

1.2. Learning and pronunciation of tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

2. Isolation of a word containing the studied sound from the composition of the sentence, determining the position of this word in the sentence, drawing up a sound-syllabic scheme of this word.

3. The game “finish the sentence”, “correct the sentence”, “listen to the sentence and answer the question to it”, etc.

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of the studied sound in verses, texts.

2. Development of a sense of pace, rhythm, coordination of movements.

3. Development of coherent speech skills.

1. Pronunciation of tongue twisters, poems, to the sound being studied.

2. Speech-motor games and exercises, logo-rhythmic exercises.

3. Compilation of stories based on plot pictures and a series of plot pictures.

1. Pronunciation of tongue twisters, poems saturated with the studied sound

2. Drawing up a story based on key words or with a creative ending.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs


AutomationsoundNumber of lessons

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of the studied sound in poems, texts, coherent speech.

2 Development of language analysis skills

1. Development of coherent speech skills.

2. Development of attention, thinking.

1. Pronunciation of tongue twisters, poems with the studied sound

3. “Remember all the words with sound__ that you heard in the story”; work on the compilation of sound-syllabic schemes.

4. Game "Find the artist's mistake" (with explanation).

(dyslalia) 10


dysarthria 16

1. Expanding phonetic-phonological competence

2. Development of coherent speech skills

1. Development of verbal-logical thinking.

1. Memorization and pronunciation of tongue twisters, poems, saturated with the studied sound.

1.2. Compilation of sound schemes of words used in these games.

2. Drawing up a descriptive story (using diagrams and symbols)

3. The game "Explain the word", "4th extra" (with explanation).


Sound differentiation

Number of lessons:



dysarthria 14

1. Fixing the correct pronunciation and discrimination of sounds in syllables, words.

1. Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

2. Development of visual-spatial perception.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1. Alternate pronunciation of syllables, words (in pairs); pronunciation of words containing both sounds, naming pictures, the game “Tell me a word”, “4th extra”.

2. The game "Divide the pictures into two groups" (the principle of division is the presence of one or another sound being studied in the composition of the word).

3. The game "Add the desired sound to the beginning / end of the word and name the whole word" Compilation of sound schemes.

4, 5. "Tell me where the picture is (relative to another / others between, under, etc. ...".

2. Development of phonological competence.

3. Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

4. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1; 4. Alternate pronunciation of syllables, words (in pairs); naming pictures, Games "Say the opposite" (syllables), "What Pinocchio dreams of."

2. “Divide the pictures into three / four) groups” (with pronunciation of words) (the principle of separation is the presence of one or another sound being studied in the composition of the word; both sounds in the word at the same time, or the absence of the studied sounds in the word).

3. "Add the desired sound / syllable to the beginning / end of the word and name the whole word" "Make a sound-syllabic scheme of the resulting word").

"Pick up a subject picture for the sound-syllabic scheme."

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in syllables, words.

3. Development of the skill of determining the rhythmic patterns of words.

4. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1.4. Alternating pronunciation of syllable series, pronunciation of words containing both sounds, naming pictures, the game “4th extra” (3 words with one sound, and 4th with the 2nd sound being studied

2. "Add the desired sound / syllable to the beginning / end of the word", work with sound-syllabic schemes.

3. Definition of the rhythmic pattern of words: wa ta- that that.

4. “Divide the pictures into two (three / four) groups” (the principle of separation is the presence of one or another sound being studied in the composition of the word; both sounds in the word at the same time, or the absence of the studied sounds in the word); the game “Hide and Seek (For whom / for what was the gnome hiding?)

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in syllables, words, tongue twisters.

2. Development of sound/syllabic analysis and synthesis skills.

3. Development of visual attention, memory.

4. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1, 4. Alternate pronunciation of syllabic rows, pronunciation of words containing both sounds, naming pictures, the game “What, who made Petya happy”; learning speeches.

2. "Add the desired sound / syllable to the beginning / end of the word", work with sound schemes.

3. Look at the picture (plot picture) find on it and name only those objects in the name of which there is a sound ... / both sounds. "Name all these words from memory without looking at the picture."

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

5 1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in phrases, sentences and tongue twisters.

2. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

3. Development of memory for a linear series of words in a sentence ..

1. Conjugated and reflected pronunciation of phrases, sentences, tongue twisters containing words with studied sounds.

2. Compilation of a sentence based on a plot picture and its distribution, work with a deformed phrase.

1. Fixing the correct pronunciation and discrimination of sounds in phrases and sentences.

2. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

3. Development of memory for a linear series of words in a sentence.

1.1. Conjugated and reflected pronunciation of syllables, words, phrases, sentences, tongue twisters containing words with studied sounds

1.2. Learning phrases.

2. The game “finish the sentence”, “correct the sentence”, “listen to the sentence and answer the question to it”, etc.

3. Reflected repetition of sentences of various composition while maintaining the sequence and number of words in it.

1. Fixing the correct pronunciation and discrimination of sounds in phrases, sentences, tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

2. Development of language analysis skills.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence

4. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

1. Conjugated and reflected pronunciation of phrases, sentences, tongue twisters and tongue twisters containing words with studied sounds

2. Isolation of words containing the studied sounds from the composition of the sentence, determining the position of these words in the sentence, compiling a sound scheme of one of the words.

3. Drawing up proposals for key words.

4. Finger gymnastics, the game "Cinderella".

2. Development of coherent speech skills.

3. Development of verbal-logical thinking.

4. Development of attention and visual memory.

1. Memorizing poetry, and pronouncing tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2. Drawing up a story based on a plot picture.

3. 4. The game "5th extra" (with an explanation), (there are 5 objects in the picture; the child must remember them, name them, highlight the extra one and explain why it is extra).

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in poems, texts, coherent speech.

3. Development of verbal-logical thinking.

4. Development of coherent speech

1. Pronunciation of poems and tongue twisters saturated with studied sounds

2. “Make a word from the first sounds of the following words…….”.

3. The game "Explain the word" (with explanation).

4. Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures.

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in poems, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of coherent speech skills.

3. Development of verbal-logical thinking.

4. Development of auditory memory and attention.

2. Inventing a story based on key words.

3. The game "4th / 5th extra" (with explanation), (after listening to 4-5 words, the child must remember them, name them in a certain sequence, highlight the extra one and explain why it is extra).

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in poems, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of language analysis and synthesis skills.

3. Development of verbal-logical thinking, attention.

4. Development of coherent speech skills.

5. Development of graph-motor skills.

1. Pronunciation of poems, tongue twisters and tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2; 5. Connect all the points with a line and name the object that turned out; make a sound-syllabic scheme for this word.

3. Game "Find the artist's mistake" (with explanation).

4. Creative ending of the story.

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in poems, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of coherent speech.

3. Development of verbal - logical thinking.

1. Pronunciation of poems, tongue twisters and tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2. Working with deformed text.

3. The game "Explain the proverb / saying."

4. "Trace around the contour and shade"; "Repeat ornament."

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in poems, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of coherent speech.

3. Development of memory for a linear series.

4. Development of language analysis and synthesis skills.

1. Pronunciation of poems, tongue twisters and tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2. Retelling a short story.

3, 4. Repeat the 2nd sentence from the story you listened to; name the 2nd word from this sentence and make a sound scheme for it.

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in poems, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of coherent speech.

3. Development of verbal-logical thinking.

4. Development of graph-motor skills.

1. Pronunciation of poems, tongue twisters and tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2. Compilation of a descriptive story.

3. The game "Explain the word."

4. Graphic dictation.

Stage V

Formation of communicative competence

Number of lessons

individually for each child

1. Formation of skills and abilities for the correct use of speech sounds in all situations of communication.

2. Development of coherent speech.

1, 2. Conversation on a given topic; compiling stories based on plot pictures and a series of plot pictures; compilation of descriptive stories, stories based on key words, creative ending of the story, retelling of short stories, dramatization of fairy tales.

Game "Explain the word" "4th extra"

(with explanation), etc.

A long-term plan for individual speech therapy work from _____________________________________________ for the 20____-20____ academic year.

Goals and objectives

The main directions of corrective work

Careful and comprehensive preparation of the child forcorrective work.

1. Arouse interest in speech therapy classes, eventhe need for them.

2. Rdevelopment of auditory attention, memory, phonemicwhom perception in games and special exercises.

3. Formation and development of articulatory motor skillsto the level of minimum sufficiency for settingsounds.

4. In the process of systematic training, mastering thecomplex of finger gymnastics.

5. Dostrengthening of physical health (consultations of a doctorwhose - narrow specialists, if necessary, a physicianmental treatment).

Formation and development of articulatory motility, speech breathing, voice.

1. Muscle massage:

  • chest, neck and arms;




2. Development of speech breathing.

4. Development of kinetic and kinesthetic sensations from articulation patterns.

5. Articulation gymnastics.

Development of phonemic hearing.

1. Development of auditory perception, attention, memory.

  • Exercises to differentiate sounds that differ in tone, pitch, duration.

    Playing a rhythmic pattern by ear.

2. Development of phonemic perception.

    Exercises in recognizing a given sound among other phonemes and isolating it from a word in various positions.

    Exercises to differentiate sounds that are similar in articulatory or acoustic properties.

3. Formation of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and word synthesis.

4. Sequential calculation and combination of sounds in words of different syllabic structure.

    Designation of vowels and consonants (hard and soft) sounds with chips of the corresponding colors.

    Drawing up conditionally graphic schemes.

Elimination of defects in sound pronunciation

1. Setting sounds:

whistling C, 3, C, C", 3";

hissing Sh, Zh;hissing H, W;

Sonora R, R", L, L".

Preparatory exercises (except articulationgymnastics):

for whistling : "Smile", "Fence", "Shovel", "Jelloside", "Brush", "Football", "Focus";

for the sizzling : "Tubule", "Delicious jam", "Cup","Fungus", "Let's warm our hands";

For R, R" : "Chatterbox", "Malyar", "Turkey", "Horse","Mushroom", "Drummer", "Accordion", "Machine gun";for L: "Smile", "Shovel", "Punish tongue".

2. Automation of each corrected sound in syllables bystaging measure:

a) C, 3, W, F, C", 3", L" are automated first indirect syllables, then in reverse and last- in syllables with a confluence of consonants;

b)C, H, W,L - vice versa: first in reverse syllables,then in direct and with a confluence of consonants;

V)R, R" canstart automating from a protoranalog and parallelgenerate vibration.

3. Sound AutomationVwordsis carried out according totraces of avtomatization in syllables.

As he mastered the pronunciation of each syllable, heslowly injectedAndis fixedVwordsWithgiven syllable.

4. Automation of sounds in sentences.

Eachworked out inpronunciationwordimmediatelyturns onVseparate offers,thenin small racesfairy tales, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, rhymes with danny word.

5. Sound differentiation:

S-3, S-S", S-C, S-Sh;F 3, F W;Ch-S", Ch-T", Ch-Sch;

Shch-S", Shch-T", Shch-H, Shch-Sh;R-L, R-R", R "-L", R "-Y, L"-L;

6 . Automation of sounds in spontaneous speech (in dialogic speech, in games, entertainment, sensitive moments, excursions, work...).

Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of the word.

  1. Formation of space-time representations and optical-spatial orientation.

    Formation of the concept of the sequence of the sound-syllabic series.

    Formation of the concept of the sequence of sound-filling of words of a simple and complex syllabic structure.

5. Development of comparative analysis skills: comparison of words in which consonants and vowels are in different positions.

Development of fine motor skills of hands and improvement of graphic and calligraphic skills.

  1. Development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers:

    • Finger gymnastics;

Exercises to develop free hand movements

    Various types of work with scissors, plasticine, paper;

    Working with the constructor;

    Work with patterns and stencils.

Hatching in different directions, coloring.

    Development of visual-motor trajectories:

    work on visual-motor trajectories;

    graphic dictations;

    exercises designed for visual-motor memorization;

    drawing by dots, dotted line;

    drawing ornaments.

    Development of auditory-motor coordination:

    auditory dictations;

    encrypted dictations;

    work on verbal instructions.

Development of visual perception.

  1. Formation of the integrity of visual perception:

    • work with silhouette, contour, noisy, superimposed images of objects, letters and numbers;

      recognition of familiar objects, images of letters and numbers that are in an unusual perspective;

      restoration from incomplete images of the whole, drawing and coloring according to the model;

      construction of figures, letters and numbers from sticks and individual elements.

  2. Development of the ability to concentrate and distribute attention.


    Ornament drawing.

    Visual and encrypted dictations.

Work on enrichment, clarification and systematization of the dictionary.

  1. Clarification of the meanings of existing words.

    Accumulation of ideas and knowledge about objects, phenomena of the immediate environment.

    Expansion of the verb dictionary.

    Feature Dictionary Extension:

    • adjectives;



  2. Extension of the vocabulary of adverbs.

    Expansion of the dictionary of numerals.

    Pronoun Dictionary Extensionand service parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

    Clarification of the lexical meaning of various prepositions.

    Enrichment of the dictionary on lexical topics.

    Teaching generalization and classification.

    Training in the selection of related words.

The development of the grammatical structure of speech.

1. Teaching the prefix method of word formation.

2. Teaching the suffix method of word formation.

  1. Coordination exercise:

    • noun and adjective;

      noun and verb.

  2. Formation of the genitive plural of a noun.

    Formation of relative and possessive adjectives.

    Clarification of the meaning of the used syntactic constructions.

The development of connected speech.

  1. Development of skills for constructing a coherent statement.

    Program shaping the meaning and semantic culture of the utterance.

    Establishment of logic (connectivity, sequence).

    Toch new and clear formulation of thought in the process of preparationconnected statement.

    Selection of language means, adequatesemantic concept, for constructing statements for various purposes of communication (proof, reasoning,transmission of the content of the text, plot picture).

    Mastering complex syntactic constructions that reflect cause-and-effect and spatio-temporal relationships.

Activation of vocabulary, filling in the gaps in the field of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

  1. Clarify the meaning of the words the students have.

    Continue enriching your vocabulary by accumulating new words related to different parts of speech.

    Clarify (fix) knowledge of the composition of the word. To form the ability to select related words.

    Specify the meaning of prefixes. Develop (fix) the ability to form new words with the help of prefixes.

    Specify the meaning of suffixes. Develop (fix) the ability to form new words with the help of suffixes.

    Clarify the lexical meaning of words formed with the help of various groups of suffixes.

    Generalize (fix) knowledge about the morphological composition of the word.

    To form the skill of using various methods of word formation.

    Clarify the lexical meanings of various prepositions.

    To form (fix) the ability to coordinate words in phrases, sentences, models of various syntactic constructions.

    To form skills: programming the meaning and semantic structure of the statement; establishing the logic (connectivity, sequence) of the presentation.

    Select language means that are adequate to the semantic concept for constructing an utterance for various purposes of communication (transmission of the content of the text, plot picture, reasoning, proof)

Work to prevent and overcome dyslexia.

  1. Sound differentiation:

    by hardness - softness;

    by sonority - deafness;

    whistling - hissing.

  1. Differentiation of sounds mixed (or defectively pronounced) in one's own speech.

    Sound differentiation:

    by hardness - softness;

    by sonority - deafness;

    whistling - hissing.

    Improvement of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.

    Development of comparative analysis skills: comparing words in which consonants and vowels are in different positions.

    Consolidation of knowledge on the designation of softness of consonants in vowels in writing.

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

    Exercises designed for visual-motor memorization, prevention of kinetic dysgraphia.

    Work to overcome agrammatic dysgraphia.

    An exercise in distinguishing optical similar letters.

    Work to overcome optical dysgraphia.

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Work to prevent and overcome dysgraphia.

  1. Development of speech analysis and synthesis at the level of text, sentence, word.

    Development of phonemic perception, ideas, differentiation.

    Development of phonemic representations, sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words.

    Development of phonemic differentiations on the material of hard and soft consonants.

    Development of visual differentiation on the material of letters. (First do the workby phonemic differentiation of sounds).

    Development of phonemic differentiations on the basis of voiced and voiceless consonants.

    Development of phonemic differentiations in the group:

    whistling - hissing;

    affricates and the sounds that make up them.

Development and improvement of psychologicalpackages for learning:

  • stability of attention;

    observation (especially to linguistic phenomena);

    memorization abilities;

    ability to switch;

    skills and techniques of self-control;

    cognitive activity;

    arbitrariness of communication and behavior.

Formation of full-fledged learning skills:

  • planning for future activities: (acceptance of studiesnoah task; active comprehension of the material; selectionthe main, essential in the educational material; definenie ways and means to achieve the educational goal);

    control over the course of their activities (from the ability to workwork with samples to the ability to use specialmethods of self-control);

    work at a certain pace (the ability to quickly and efficientlybut write, count; analyze, compare, comparepressure, etc.);

    application of knowledge in new situations;

    analysis, evaluation of the productivity of their own activities.

Development and improvement of communicative readinesslearning habits:

  • the ability to listen carefully and hear the teacher-speech therapist, notswitching to extraneous influences; subordinate theiracting on his instructions (i.e. taking the position of a student);

    the ability to understand and accept the learning task set in verbal form;

    ability to fluently use verbal means ofin order to clearly perceive, retain and focusaccurate performance of the educational task in accordance with the instructions received;

    skills purposefully and consistently (according towith the task, instructions) to perform educational activities and adrespond to the control and assessment of a speech therapist teacher.

Formation of communication skills, adekwadded situations of educational activity:

  • answers to questions exactly as instructed,task;

    answers to questions in the course of educational work with adequateusing learned terminology;

    answers in two or three phrases in the course and results of educational work (the beginning of the formation of a coherent statement);

    application of instructions (diagrams) in the preparation of deploymentutterance in the course and results of educational work;

    the use of learned educational terminology in connection withnyh statements;

    contacting a speech pathologist or group matefor clarification;

    explanation of instructions, learning task usingnew terminology;

    detailed progress reporteducational work, summing up the results of the lesson;

    formulation of the task in the performance of collective types of educational work;

    conducting a differentiated survey and assessment fromvets of their comrades (in the role of leader of varioustypes of educational work);

    compliance with speech etiquette when communicating (address,request, dialogue: “Please tell me”, “Thank you”, “Bekind", etc.);

    composing oral connected statements from an elementmi creativity (fantasy).

Prevention and overcoming of difficulties in mastering the general education program.

This plan was drawn up in accordance with the program of Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. "Correctional education and upbringing of 5-year-old children with general underdevelopment of speech." and “Preparing for school children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten: At 2 o’clock. Part I. The first year of study (senior group). Frontal classes are conducted taking into account the methodological recommendations of Smirnova L.N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 5-6 years old with OHP.



Municipal preschool institution, kindergarten of a general developmental type of the second category No.

"Agreed" "I approve"

Senior educator Head of MDOU

Prospective plan of speech therapy work with children of the older group with general underdevelopment of speech

2010 - 2011 academic year

Speech therapist: Cherkashina I.V.

List of children:

FULL NAME. child

Date of Birth


Speech conclusion

Explanatory note

This plan was drawn up in accordance with the program of Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. "Correctional education and upbringing of 5-year-old children with general underdevelopment of speech." and “Preparing for school children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten: At 2 hours, Part I. The first year of study (senior group). Frontal classes are conducted taking into account the methodological recommendations of Smirnova L.N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 5-6 years old with OHP.

Corrective work, designed for 30 weeks, can be conditionally divided into 3 periods:

First period of study: September, October, November

Frontal classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech are held 2 times a week. The content of remedial education includes:

* development of understanding of oral speech: the ability to listen to addressed speech, highlight the names of objects, actions, signs, understanding the generalizing meaning of words;

* preparation for mastering the dialogic form of communication;

* practical assimilation of some ways of word formation - using nouns with diminutive suffixes and verbs with different prefixes (on-, on-, you-);

* mastering the possessive pronouns "my - mine" in combination with masculine and feminine nouns, some forms of inflection through the practical mastery of singular and plural nouns, singular and plural verbs of the present and past tenses, nouns in the accusative, dative and instrumental cases;

* transformation of verbs of the imperative mood of the 2nd person singular into verbs of the indicative mood of the 3rd person singular of the present tense (“sleep” - “sleeps”, “drink” - “drinks”);

* mastering the skills of making simple sentences on questions, demonstrating actions, using a picture

* mastering the skill of writing a short story.

Sounds are worked out in such a way that by the time each sound is studied in the frontal lesson (II and III periods), all children are able to articulate it correctly. Lexical material is saturated with the studied sound.

Second period of study - December, January, February, March

Frontal classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language are held 2 times a week: on the formation of sound pronunciation - 1 time per week.

* clarification of children's ideas about the primary colors and their shades, mastering the appropriate designations;

* practical formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation to food (“apple”), plants (“oak”), various materials (“brick”, “stone”, etc.);

* Distinguishing and highlighting in phrases the names of signs according to their purpose and questions “which-which-what?”; formation of an orientation towards the coincidence of the end of the interrogative word and the adjective; mastering the skill of agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender, number;

* exercises in composing first two and then three forms of the same verbs (“lie down” - “lie down” - “lying down”), changing the form of verbs of the 3rd person singular to the form of the 1st person singular (and plural) numbers: “going” - “going” - “going” - “going”;

* the use of prepositions "on, under, in, from", denoting the spatial arrangement of objects, in combination with the corresponding case forms of nouns; improving the skill of conducting a prepared dialogue (request, conversation, elements of dramatization);

* strengthening the skill of building sentences; distribution of proposals by introducing homogeneous members; initial assimilation of the most accessible constructions of complex and complex sentences;

* compiling short stories based on the picture, a series of pictures, stories-descriptions, retellings.

At the frontal lessons on the formation of the sound side of speech, the following are carried out:

* fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds specified in individual lessons of the first period;

* staging and automation of missing and correction of distorted sounds;

* further assimilation of syllabic structures and words of an accessible sound-syllabic composition;

* the formation of phonemic perception on the basis of a clear distinction between sounds according to the signs: deafness - sonority; hardness - softness;

* perception of readiness for the initial skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

Third period - April, May, June

Frontal classes on the formation of lexico-grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech are held 2 times a week.

* strengthening the skills of using everyday verbs with a new lexical meaning formed by means of prefixes that convey various shades of actions (“left” - “drove up” - “driven in” - “moved out”, etc.);

* strengthening the skill of forming relative adjectives using productive suffixes (ov, in, ev, an, yan);

* the formation of the most common possessive adjectives ("wolf", "fox");

* the formation of adjectives that have a pet meaning, using suffixes: enk - onk;

* assimilation of the most accessible antonymic relations between words "(" kind "-" evil ", etc.);

* clarification of the meanings of generalizing words;

* the formation of the practical skill of coordinating adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case:

* expansion of the meaning of prepositions: "to" use with the dative, "from" - with the genitive case, "with - with" - with the accusative and instrumental case;

* working out phrases with the named prepositions in the corresponding cases;

* drafting different types of proposals:

a) simple common ones of 5-7 words with preliminary working out of the elements of the sentence structure (individual phrases);

b) sentences with the adversative union "a" in a light version ("first you need to draw a house, and then paint it"), with the adversative union "or";

c) complex sentences with subordinate clauses of reason (because), with additional clauses expressing the desirability or undesirability of the action (I. want to ..);

* transformation of sentences by changing the main member of the sentence, the time of action at the time of speech, pledge (“met brother” - “met brother”); a change in the form of the verb (“the boy wrote a letter” - “the boy wrote a letter”);

* the ability to determine the number of words in a sentence in one's own and someone else's speech ("two" - "three" - "four");

* the ability to highlight the preposition as a separate function word;

* strengthening the skill of compiling stories based on a picture and a series of pictures with elements of complication (addition of episodes, changing the beginning, end of the story, etc.).

frontal classes on the formation of the sound side of speech are held 1 time per week:

1. assimilation of sounds, l, s., sh, s-z, r-l, s-i in hard and soft sound in a direct syllable;

2. differentiation of sounds according to the participation of the voice (s-z), according to hardness-softness (l-l,), (t-t,), according to the place of formation (s-sh);

3. mastering the skill of sound analysis and synthesis of direct and reverse words (as - sa), monosyllabic words like "soup".





phonetic side of speech

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Connected speech



Compiling simple sentences, determining the order of words in a sentence. Development of attention and hand-eye coordination

Retelling of the story "In the locker room", compiled according to the actions demonstrated


Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes; formation of relative adjectives from nouns

Rhyming story "Basket of harvest"



Drawing up a descriptive story about fruits based on a diagram. Story-description "Lemon"

Garden Garden

Development of auditory attention and perception on non-speech sounds

Coordination of nouns with verbs, fixing the use of simple prepositions in speech: in, on ; working out case endings of plural nouns

Composing a story - a description with elements of comparison "Tomato and Apple"


Assimilation of syllabic structures and words of accessible sound-syllabic composition

Converting nouns in the nominative singular to plural; exercise in using the plural form of nouns in the genitive case

Reading, retelling along the chain and dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”


Formation of phonemic perception

Development of case endings for singular nouns; reinforcing the use of generalizing words in speech: autumn, harvest, garden, vegetable garden, vegetables, fruits

Retelling of N. Sladkov's story "Autumn on the Threshold" using a flannelgraph or a magnetic board


Migratory birds

Development of auditory attention and perception on non-speech sounds

Formation of concepts about living organisms; differentiation of questions: “What is it? - Who is this?"; mastering the category of the genitive case; mastering verbs with different prefixes

Drawing up a story about a bird that flew out of the nest in search of food according to the actions demonstrated


Formation of phonemic perception

Learn how to form relative adjectives. Mastering the use of nouns in the category of the genitive singular with a preposition near . Learn to choose words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms)

Compilation of a descriptive story "What can be seen in the forest?" based on a series of plot pictures


Assimilation of syllabic structures and words of accessible sound-syllabic composition

Learn to form relative adjectives from nouns; mastering verbs of the 3rd person, singular, past tense

Compilation of a short story-description "Doll"

Clothing and footwear

Development of auditory attention and perception on non-speech sounds

Develop the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives, learn to select adjectives for nouns. Compilation of complex-subordinate sentences on two pictures. Continued assimilation of antonyms

Compilation of the story “How the sun found the shoes” based on a series of plot pictures



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [a]

Assimilation of the use of a noun in the category of the genitive case with a preposition from . Mastering the use of nouns in the instrumental category with a preposition With . Mastering the formation of adjectives. Strengthen the ability to use prepositions from, with

Retelling of the story by E. Permyak "How Masha became big"


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [y]

Compilation of the story "Guests" according to reference subject pictures


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [and]

Assimilation of the category of the prepositional case with a preposition on . Learn to match verbs to nouns on the topic. Development of voluntary attention, analytical and synthetic activity

The story is based on the plot picture "Peter and the snowman." Mastering the skill of writing a short story.

New Year's celebration

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [o]

Making sentences on two key words. Working with a deformed proposal. Development of visual-motor skills. Develop word-formation and inflection skills

Drawing up a story based on reference subject pictures on a winter theme


wintering birds

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [e]

Consolidation of the concepts of "animate / inanimate". Assimilation of the category of the genitive plural. Assimilation of the category of the genitive case of the singular. Vocabulary formation and activation

Drawing up a descriptive story about winter birds using a diagram

House and its parts

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [m], [m ']

Strengthening the ability to make sentences based on subject pictures. Exercise in the formation of adjectives from nouns

Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Home Alone" with inventing the beginning of the story



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [n], [n ']

Fixing the use of prepositions on, for, under Converting nouns in the nominative case of the singular to the plural. The ability to compare objects by their different or similar qualities(chair-chair).

Story - description "Chair". Drawing up a story on a topic using previously worked out syntactic constructions.


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [b], [b ']

Verb Assimilation"drive ' with different attachments. Strengthen the ability to coordinate nouns with verbs. Learn to choose antonyms that are opposite in meaning(fast - slow, far - close)

The story of the boat. Learning how to write a short story.

Body parts

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [t], [t ']

Converting nouns in the nominative case of the singular to the plural. Transformation of the 3rd person singular verb form into the 1st person form

Drawing up a story on a topic using previously worked out syntactic constructions.


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [d], [d ']

An exercise in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes-chik, - points, - points.Vocabulary formation and activation

The story "Nida". Formation of the skill of compiling a short story based on reference subject pictures


Wild animals

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [k], [k ']

An exercise in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes. Learn to match adjectives to nouns on the topic

The story on the reference subject pictures "Who spends the winter like"

Wild and domestic animals

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [g], [g ']

Learn to form complex words, develop word-formation and inflection skills. Development of visual memory and voluntary attention, analytical and synthetic activity. Practical use of possessive adjectives(fox tail, wolf teeth)

Formation of the skill of writing a short story. Story - comparison "Horse and squirrel"

Wild animals of cold countries

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [s]

Drawing up a story - comparisons of "walrus and hedgehog" according to pictures and questions of a speech therapist

Wild animals of hot countries

Continued refinement of articulation and pronunciation of sound [s]

Allocation of the fourth superfluous. Develop word-formation and inflection skills. Development of attention, memory, hand-eye coordination. To consolidate basic knowledge of the names of animals and their cubs, where they live, what they eat, how they move

The story is a description of the "Elephant". Formation of the skill of writing a short story.



Differentiation of sounds [s] and [h]

Classification of pictures according to thematic features in order to master the category of the dative case. Develop word-formation and inflection skills. Learn to name professions by place of work or occupation

Making descriptive stories about professions using a diagram

Our town

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [w]

Development of cognitive interest, voluntary attention, analytical and synthetic activity

The story on the reference subject pictures "Children on a walk"


Differentiation of sounds [s] and [w]

Learn how to make sentences with conjunction because. Develop word-formation and inflection skills

Drawing up a story about spring on the questions of a speech therapist


Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [l]

The fourth is redundant. Learn to use preposition under , development of cognitive interest, voluntary attention, analytical and synthetic activity

Drawing up a story based on reference subject pictures. The story "Centipede"



Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [r]

Exercise in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes–echk, -ochk, -ik, -ek.Formation of the skill of making sentences on two key words

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok". Puppet show


Differentiation of sounds [r] and [l]

Learn to form and use comparative adjectives. Strengthen the ability to form verbs in the past tense

Drawing up the story "Red Summer Has Come" according to the plot picture


1. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. "Correctional education and upbringing of 5-year-old children with general underdevelopment of speech." (M.: Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1991.)

2. Smirnova L.N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children with general underdevelopment of speech: a manual for speech therapists, defectologists and educators. (M.: "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2005.)

3. Volkova L.S. etc. "Speech therapy." (M.: Enlightenment, Vlados, 1995.)

4. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. “Preparing for school children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten: At 2 hours, Part I. The first year of study (senior group). A manual for students of defectological faculties, practitioners of special institutions, kindergarten teachers, parents. (M.: Alfa, 1993.)

5. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. and others. « Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders. (M.: Enlightenment, 2008)

6. Agranovich Z.E. "A collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents to overcome lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers with ONR" (St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2001.)

The plan of logo-correctional work is drawn up by a speech therapist for the academic year based on the analysis of the child's speech map.

On an individual basis, the directions of correctional work are presented, which allow to eliminate the violations of speech activity identified during the speech therapy examination and gaps in the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the child.

Such a plan will make it possible to systematize classes, increase their effectiveness and strengthen the correctional focus, as well as implement a student-centered approach to training and education.

Plan of individual logo-correction work for 200_ / 00__ account. Year

Surname, name of the child - Ivanov S. Logopedic conclusion: FFN, minimal manifestations of dysarthria.

The main directions of logo-correction work

Types of occupations


Development of articulatory motor skills:

Articulation exercises;

Logopedic massage;

Self-massage of the tongue, lips


Formation of the correct sound pronunciation:

Development of phonemic processes

Individual, group

Clarification, enrichment of the dictionary on the topics: mushrooms;

Animal babies; Food;



Work on the syllabic structure of unfamiliar and difficult to pronounce words


Improving the grammatical structure of speech:

The use of nouns in the genitive plural;

Coordination of numerals with nouns;

The use of indeclinable nouns in speech

Individual, group

Improving the psychological base of speech:

expansion of visual and auditory memory;

Development of verbal thinking

The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the child in individual speech therapy classes are reinforced by educators, specialized specialists and parents.

Plans for individual lessons with a child

The main task of individual speech therapy classes is the formation of the sound side of speech: the normalization of articulatory motility, the setting of missing sounds, the correction of the pronunciation of distorted and the differentiation of mixed sounds. If necessary, in individual lessons, work is carried out to form the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, a coherent statement, as well as to develop the psychological basis of speech and fine motor skills.

The speech therapist draws up plans for individual lessons on the basis of an individual plan for logo-correctional work. When planning individual lessons, the structure of the speech defect, the age of the child, his individual and personal characteristics are taken into account.

Approximate record of the plan of individual speech therapy classes

Surname, name of the child - Ivanov S.

Speech therapy conclusion: FFN, minimal manifestations of dysarthria.


Performing articulation exercises for staging whistling sounds: “Fence”, “Lonaiochka”, “Let's brush the lower teeth”.

Self-massage of the tongue, lips:

- “We will punish the naughty tongue”;

- “Bite the upper and lower lips”;

Articulation exercise "Comb".

Setting the sound [e] (mixed way).

Game "What has changed?" (Theme "Mushrooms")

Performing articulation exercises for staging whistling sounds: “Fence”, “Shovel”, “Let's brush the lower teeth”, “Pussy is angry”.

Carrying out a speech therapist massage of the tongue, lips.

Setting the sound [s] (mixed method).

Classification of picture material (Theme "Mushrooms") on the basis of: edible, inedible

In the “Results” column, the speech therapist evaluates the child’s activity after completing each type of task with symbols (“+”, “--”) or a short phrase (it doesn’t work, it’s difficult).

Olga Berdnikova
A long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist teacher with children of the middle speech therapy group

The tasks and content of remedial education for children of the 5th life with OHP are determined taking into account the potential of children identified during a speech therapy examination, and correlate with the general educational requirements presented in the Exemplary General Education Program of Preschool Education "From Birth to School" / edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, / GEF

Organization of correctional and educational work of a speech therapist.

The main directions of remedial education in the middle group:

1. Development of speech understanding;

2. Formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech;

3. Formation of the correct sound pronunciation.

These directions are implemented in individual and subgroup classes.

Subgroup speech therapy classes in the first period of study are held 3 times a week:

(October, November, December)

2 classes: the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech;

The purpose of subgroup speech therapy classes in the first period of study:

Development of speech understanding;

Expanding the vocabulary of children; work on the syllabic structure of the word;

Work on the structure of the phrase, its grammatical and intonational design;

To teach children to listen and understand short stories, to be able to answer questions on the content (you can use monosyllables or short sentences).

The purpose of individual lessons in the first period of study:

Development of articulatory and finger motor skills;

Development of thinking, memory, attention;

Phonetic exercises to clarify the correct pronunciation of preserved sounds; for staging missing sounds

Subgroup speech therapy classes in the second and third periods of study are held 3 times a week:

(January February March April May)

2 lessons: the formation of lexical and gamma means of the language and the development of coherent speech;

Lesson 1: integrated with educators or specialists to consolidate the correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic hearing, the formation of the syllabic structure of the word.

The purpose of subgroup speech therapy classes in the second and third periods of study:

Activation of speech activity and development of lexical and grammatical means of the language;

Development of independent phrasal speech;

Development of the pronunciation side of speech;

Work on the syllabic structure of the word;

The purpose of individual lessons in the second and third periods of study:

Development of articulatory and finger motor skills;

Cause missing sounds (early and middle ontogeny);

Form the syllabic structure of the word.

Working with educators

1. Work in a group should be carried out in close cooperation with educators. To this end:

Together with educators, conduct a comprehensive examination of the skills and abilities of children;

Conduct an open speech therapy session for educators;

Tell educators about the speech defect of each child;

To acquaint educators with different requirements for the speech of children at different stages of work;

Attend classes of educators in order to develop uniform requirements for the speech of children.

2. Conduct consultations with the educators of the group on the following topics:

"Survey Results"

"Correction of secondary defects"

"The use of visual aids in the classroom on the instructions of a speech therapist"

3. Conduct a consultation “Massage and self-massage for children” with the teachers of the preschool educational institution.

Working with parents

1. Regularly promote speech therapy work among parents.

2. Conduct five minutes, consultations at the request of parents.

3. Visual propaganda. Design a stand "For you, parents." Regularly post advisory material, according to the plan of work with parents.

4. Hold parent meetings on the following topics:

"Characteristics of the speech and general development of children"

"Results of speech therapy work for the year of study"

Methodical work. Training.

1. Regularly attend methodical associations.

2. For the teachers' council, prepare a presentation on the topic: "Formation of the speech of preschoolers through didactic games"

3. Systematically study the methodological literature.

4. Preparation for certification.



1. Examination of the state of speech of children (September)

2. Teaching children.

I period of study

(October, November, December)

1. Start work on the formation of correct physiological and speech breathing.

4. Develop the correct pace of speech.

5. Work on the clarity of diction.

6. Start working on the intonational expressiveness of speech. Develop a reaction to intonation, facial expressions, corresponding intonations.


1. Clarification of the pronunciation of vowels: [a], [y], [o], [i], [e] (sound combinations [ay], [ua], [ia]).

2. Clarification of the pronunciation of the lightest consonants:

[m], [p], [b].

3. Preparation of the articulatory apparatus for the production of sounds

(articulatory gymnastics).


1. Development of auditory attention on the material of non-speech sounds

2. Distinguishing identical sound complexes in height, strength, timbre.

3. To teach children to distinguish vowels [a], [y] from a number of sounds.

4. Start exercising children in listening analysis of confluences of vowels [ay], [wa]

5. Learn to listen to a poetic text, select words that are similar in sound and suitable in meaning (Game "Tell me a word"


Lexical topics: "Toys". "Vegetables". "Fruits". "Trees". "Autumn". "Human". "Cloth". "Shoes". "Dishes".


1. Practical development of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

2. Practical mastery of singular and plural nouns in the nominative case (game "One - many").

3. Assimilation of possessive pronouns my, mine in combination with masculine and feminine nouns (my, my fur coat).

4. The use of nouns in the accusative, dative, genitive, instrumental, prepositional cases in the singular (with prepositions y, with and without prepositions)

5. Transformation of 3rd person singular verbs into 3rd person plural present tense verbs. (The girl is walking. - The girls are walking. The plane is flying. - Airplanes are flying.).


1. Development of the ability to listen to the addressed speech, answer the speech therapist's questions with sentences of 2-3 words.

2. Mastering the skill of drawing up simple sentences on questions, to demonstrate actions.

3. Making simple sentences based on the picture.


(January February March)


1. Continue work on cultivating a long exhalation (exercises “Blow out a stubborn candle”, “Snowflakes fly”, etc.). The duration of the exhalation is counted to 4.

2. Working out the unity of 2-3 vowels (exercise "Let's pull the rubber bands": a-o, a-y, w-y).

3. Work on the strength of exhalation (exercises: "Mill" (to blow on a spinner, "Kick the ball into the goal" (rolling the ball along the groove).


2. Clarification of the pronunciation of consonants: [f], [c], [t], [d], [n], [k], [g], [x], [s].


1. Exercise children in distinguishing between words similar in sound composition.

2. To teach children to highlight the initial stressed vowels [a], [y] in words (Anna, stork, poppy, etc.).


Lexical topics: "Pets". "Domestic Animals and Their Cubs". "Poultry". "Wild Birds (Wintering)". "Professions". "Defender of the Fatherland Day". "Transport". "March 8". "Family". "House". "Furniture".


1. Practical assimilation of the endings of masculine and feminine verbs of the past tense (Tanya blinded. Vova blinded).

2. Formation of singular and plural nouns with the help of suffixes -onok, -enok, -at, yat. (topic "Wild and domestic animals and their cubs") in the nominative and genitive cases (fox - fox, foxes - foxes).

3. The genitive case of nouns with the preposition y (A fox has a fox cub, cubs.).

4. The instrumental case of nouns with the preposition c (Fox with a fox).

5. Fixing and using nouns in the accusative case in speech on the topic “Professions” (the game “Who needs what for work?”).

6. Practical use of simple prepositions in speech: on, in, under, from, for.


1. Strengthening the skills of building a sentence of 3-4 words.

2. Drawing up a description of objects according to the model, based on the diagram.

3. Verbatim retelling of short stories and fairy tales (with the help of a speech therapist).

4. Memorizing simple poems.


(April May June)


1. Continue working on a strong and long exhalation

(duration of exhalation at the expense of 4-5).

Exercises "Beetle" (w-w-w, "Cuckoo" (ku-ku-ku).

3. Work on bringing up the correct tempo and rhythm (using bibabo hand puppets, counting rhymes, etc.).

4. Education of intonational expressiveness of speech (using nursery rhymes, poems, dramatization games).


1. Continue preparing the articulation apparatus for the formation of the correct articulation of the sounds of all groups in the process of performing general articulation gymnastics and speech games.

2. Clarification of the pronunciation of sounds:, [c], [h '], [h] [c]


1. Strengthen the ability to distinguish by ear words with initial shock sounds [a], [y]

2. Fixing the selection of vowels from a number of sounds [ay], [iam], [both]

3. Learn to determine the presence of sound in a word. Exercise "Clap your hands if there is this sound in the word" (cat, mom, porridge, smoke)

4. Reproduction of syllable rows


Lexical topics: "Spring", "Migratory birds", "Our city", "Flowers", "Insects", "Summer".


1. Mastering the skill of matching adjectives with nouns in gender and number

(What is the sky like? - Blue.

What is spring? Warm.

What air? - Clean).

2. Practical use of prefixed verbs of motion

(The bird flew in, flew in, flew out, flew away).

3. Expansion of knowledge of the meanings of prepositions in - from, under - on, behind - before.

4. Assimilation of the most accessible antonymic relations between words

(high - low, thick - thin, long - short, wide - narrow,

good - evil, cheerful - sad).


1. Work on dialogic speech (dialogue with peers)

2. Learn to ask questions and answer them.

3. Retelling of small texts.

4. Drawing up a short story based on samples (about a toy, object, picture - first subject, then plot).