Basic formulas of trigonometry. All trigonometry formulas General formulas

Trigonometry, trigonometric formulas

Relations between the main trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent - are given trigonometric formulas. And since there are quite a lot of connections between trigonometric functions, this also explains the abundance of trigonometric formulas. Some formulas connect the trigonometric functions of the same angle, others - the functions of a multiple angle, others - allow you to lower the degree, the fourth - to express all functions through the tangent of a half angle, etc.

In this article, we list in order all the basic trigonometric formulas, which are enough to solve the vast majority of trigonometry problems. For ease of memorization and use, we will group them according to their purpose, and enter them into tables.

Basic trigonometric identities set the relationship between the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of one angle. They follow from the definition of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, as well as the concept of a unit circle. They allow you to express one trigonometric function through any other.

For a detailed description of these trigonometry formulas, their derivation and examples of applications, see the article basic trigonometric identities.

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Cast formulas

Cast formulas follow from the properties of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, that is, they reflect the property of periodicity of trigonometric functions, the property of symmetry, and also the property of shift by a given angle. These trigonometric formulas allow you to move from working with arbitrary angles to working with angles ranging from zero to 90 degrees.

The rationale for these formulas, a mnemonic rule for memorizing them, and examples of their application can be found in the article on reduction formulas.

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Addition Formulas

Trigonometric addition formulas show how the trigonometric functions of the sum or difference of two angles are expressed in terms of the trigonometric functions of these angles. These formulas serve as the basis for the derivation of the following trigonometric formulas.

For more information, see Addition formulas.

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Formulas for double, triple, etc. angle

Formulas for double, triple, etc. angle (they are also called multiple angle formulas) show how the trigonometric functions of double, triple, etc. angles () are expressed in terms of trigonometric functions of a single angle. Their derivation is based on addition formulas.

More detailed information is collected in the article formulas for double, triple, etc. angle.

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Half Angle Formulas

Half Angle Formulas show how the trigonometric functions of a half angle are expressed in terms of the cosine of an integer angle. These trigonometric formulas follow from the double angle formulas.

Their derivation and examples of application can be found in the article half angle formulas.

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Reduction formulas

Trigonometric formulas for decreasing degrees are designed to facilitate the transition from natural powers of trigonometric functions to sines and cosines in the first degree, but multiple angles. In other words, they allow one to reduce the powers of trigonometric functions to the first.

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Formulas for the sum and difference of trigonometric functions

The main purpose sum and difference formulas for trigonometric functions consists in the transition to the product of functions, which is very useful when simplifying trigonometric expressions. These formulas are also widely used in solving trigonometric equations, as they allow factoring the sum and difference of sines and cosines.

For the derivation of formulas, as well as examples of their application, see the article formulas for the sum and difference of sine and cosine.

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Formulas for the product of sines, cosines and sine by cosine

The transition from the product of trigonometric functions to the sum or difference is carried out through the formulas for the product of sines, cosines and sine by cosine.

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Universal trigonometric substitution

We complete the review of the basic formulas of trigonometry with formulas expressing trigonometric functions in terms of the tangent of a half angle. This replacement is called universal trigonometric substitution. Its convenience lies in the fact that all trigonometric functions are expressed in terms of the tangent of a half angle rationally without roots.

For more information, see the article universal trigonometric substitution.

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  • Algebra: Proc. for 9 cells. avg. school / Yu. N. Makarychev, N. G. Mindyuk, K. I. Neshkov, S. B. Suvorova; Ed. S. A. Telyakovsky.- M.: Enlightenment, 1990.- 272 p.: Ill.- ISBN 5-09-002727-7
  • Bashmakov M.I. Algebra and the beginning of analysis: Proc. for 10-11 cells. avg. school - 3rd ed. — M.: Enlightenment, 1993. — 351 p.: ill. — ISBN 5-09-004617-4.
  • Algebra and the beginning of the analysis: Proc. for 10-11 cells. general education institutions / A. N. Kolmogorov, A. M. Abramov, Yu. P. Dudnitsyn and others; Ed. A. N. Kolmogorova.- 14th ed.- M.: Enlightenment, 2004.- 384 p.: ill.- ISBN 5-09-013651-3.
  • Gusev V. A., Mordkovich A. G. Mathematics (a manual for applicants to technical schools): Proc. allowance.- M.; Higher school, 1984.-351 p., ill.

Trigonometric formulas- these are the most necessary formulas in trigonometry, necessary for expressing trigonometric functions that are performed for any value of the argument.

Addition formulas.

sin (α + β) = sin α cos β + sin β cos α

sin (α - β) \u003d sin α cos β - sin β cos α

cos (α + β) = cos α cos β - sin α sin β

cos (α - β) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β

tg (α + β) = (tg α + tg β) ÷ (1 - tg α tg β)

tg (α - β) = (tg α - tg β) ÷ (1 + tg α tg β)

ctg (α + β) = (ctg α ctg β + 1) ÷ (ctg β - ctg α)

ctg (α - β) = (ctg α ctg β - 1) ÷ (ctg β + ctg α)

Double angle formulas.

cos 2α = cos²α — sin²α

cos 2α = 2cos²α — 1

cos 2α = 1 - 2sin²α

sin 2α = 2sinα cosα

tg 2α = (2tg α) ÷ (1 - tg² α)

ctg 2α = (ctg²α - 1) ÷ (2ctgα )

Triple angle formulas.

sin3α = 3sinα - 4sin³α

cos 3α = 4cos³α — 3cosα

tg 3α = (3tgα — tg³α ) ÷ (1 - 3tg²α )

ctg 3α = (3ctg α - ctg³ α) ÷ (1 - 3ctg² α)

Half Angle Formulas.

Casting formulas.

Function / angle in rad.

π/2 - α

π/2 + α

3π/2 - α

3π/2 + α

2π - α

2π + α

Function / angle in °

90° - α

90° + α

180° - α

180° + α

270° - α

270° + α

360° - α

360° + α

Detailed description of the reduction formulas.

Basic trigonometric formulas.

Basic trigonometric identity:


This identity is the result of applying the Pythagorean theorem to a triangle in a unit trigonometric circle.

Relationship between cosine and tangent:

1/cos 2 α−tan 2 α=1 or sec 2 α−tan 2 α=1.

This formula is a consequence of the basic trigonometric identity and is obtained from it by dividing the left and right parts by cos2α. It is assumed that α≠π/2+πn,n∈Z.

Relationship between sine and cotangent:

1/sin 2 α−cot 2 α=1 or csc 2 α−cot 2 α=1.

This formula also follows from the basic trigonometric identity (obtained from it by dividing the left and right sides by sin2α. Here it is assumed that α≠πn,n∈Z.

Definition of tangent:


where α≠π/2+πn,n∈Z.

Definition of cotangent:


where α≠πn,n∈Z.

Consequence from the definitions of tangent and cotangent:


where α≠πn/2,n∈Z.

Definition of secant:


Cosecant definition:


Trigonometric inequalities.

The simplest trigonometric inequalities:

sinx > a, sinx ≥ a, sinx< a, sinx ≤ a,

cosx > a, cosx ≥ a, cosx< a, cosx ≤ a,

tanx > a, tanx ≥ a, tanx< a, tanx ≤ a,

cotx > a, cotx ≥ a, cotx< a, cotx ≤ a.

Squares of trigonometric functions.

Formulas of cubes of trigonometric functions.

Trigonometry Mathematics. Trigonometry. Formulas. Geometry. Theory

We have considered the most basic trigonometric functions (do not be fooled, in addition to sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, there are a whole lot of other functions, but more on them later), but for now we will consider some basic properties of the functions already studied.

Trigonometric functions of a numeric argument

Whatever real number t is taken, it can be assigned a uniquely defined number sin(t).

True, the correspondence rule is rather complicated and consists in the following.

To find the value of sin (t) by the number t, you need:

  1. position the number circle on the coordinate plane so that the center of the circle coincides with the origin, and the starting point A of the circle hits the point (1; 0);
  2. find a point on the circle corresponding to the number t;
  3. find the ordinate of this point.
  4. this ordinate is the desired sin(t).

In fact, we are talking about the function s = sin(t), where t is any real number. We know how to calculate some values ​​of this function (for example, sin(0) = 0, \(sin \frac (\pi)(6) = \frac(1)(2) \), etc.), we know some of its properties.

Connection of trigonometric functions

As you, I hope, guess all trigonometric functions are interconnected and even without knowing the value of one, it can be found through the other.

For example, the most important formula of all trigonometry is basic trigonometric identity:

\[ sin^(2) t + cos^(2) t = 1 \]

As you can see, knowing the value of the sine, you can find the value of the cosine, and vice versa.

Trigonometry formulas

Also very common formulas relating sine and cosine with tangent and cotangent:

\[ \boxed (\tan\; t=\frac(\sin\; t)(\cos\; t), \qquad t \neq \frac(\pi)(2)+ \pi k) \]

\[ \boxed (\cot\; t=\frac(\cos\; )(\sin\; ), \qquad t \neq \pi k) \]

From the last two formulas, one more trigometric identity can be deduced, connecting this time the tangent and cotangent:

\[ \boxed (\tan \; t \cdot \cot \; t = 1, \qquad t \neq \frac(\pi k)(2)) \]

Now let's see how these formulas work in practice.

EXAMPLE 1. Simplify the expression: a) \(1+ \tan^2 \; t \), b) \(1+ \cot^2 \; t \)

a) First of all, we write the tangent, keeping the square:

\[ 1+ \tan^2 \; t = 1 + \frac(\sin^2 \; t)(\cos^2 \; t) \]

\[ 1 + \frac(\sin^2 \; t)(\cos^2 \; t)= \sin^2\; t + \cos^2 \; t + \frac(\sin^2 \; t)(\cos^2 \; t) \]

Now we introduce everything under a common denominator, and we get:

\[ \sin^2\; t + \cos^2 \; t + \frac(\sin^2 \; t)(\cos^2 \; t) = \frac(\cos^2 \; t + \sin^2 \; t)(\cos^2 \; t )\]

And finally, as we see, the numerator can be reduced to one according to the basic trigonometric identity, as a result we get: \[ 1+ \tan^2 \; = \frac(1)(\cos^2 \; t) \]

b) With the cotangent, we perform all the same actions, only in the denominator there will no longer be a cosine, but a sine, and the answer will turn out like this:

\[ 1+ \cot^2 \; = \frac(1)(\sin^2 \; t) \]

Having completed this task, we derived two more very important formulas that connect our functions, which you also need to know like the back of your hand:

\[ \boxed (1+ \tan^2 \; = \frac(1)(\cos^2 \; t), \qquad t \neq \frac(\pi)(2)+ \pi k) \]

\[ \boxed (1+ \cot^2 \; = \frac(1)(\sin^2 \; t), \qquad t \neq \pi k) \]

You must know everything presented within the formula by heart, otherwise further study of trigonometry without them is simply impossible. In the future there will be more formulas and there will be a lot of them, and I assure you that you will definitely remember all of them for a long time, or maybe you won’t remember them, but EVERYONE should know these six pieces!

A complete table of all basic and rare trigonometric reduction formulas.

Here you can find trigonometric formulas in a convenient form. And the trigonometric reduction formulas can be viewed on another page.

Basic trigonometric identities

are mathematical expressions for trigonometric functions that are executed for each value of the argument.

  • sin² α + cos² α = 1
  • tgα ctgα = 1
  • tan α = sin α ÷ cos α
  • ctg α = cos α ÷ sin α
  • 1 + tan² α = 1 ÷ cos² α
  • 1 + ctg² α = 1 ÷ sin² α

Addition Formulas

  • sin (α + β) = sin α cos β + sin β cos α
  • sin (α - β) \u003d sin α cos β - sin β cos α
  • cos (α + β) = cos α cos β - sin α sin β
  • cos (α - β) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β
  • tg (α + β) = (tg α + tg β) ÷ (1 - tg α tg β)
  • tg (α - β) = (tg α - tg β) ÷ (1 + tg α tg β)
  • ctg (α + β) = (ctg α ctg β + 1) ÷ (ctg β - ctg α)
  • ctg (α - β) = (ctg α ctg β - 1) ÷ (ctg β + ctg α)

Double angle formulas

  • cos 2α = cos² α - sin² α
  • cos2α = 2cos²α - 1
  • cos 2α = 1 - 2sin² α
  • sin2α = 2sinα cosα
  • tg 2α = (2tg α) ÷ (1 - tg² α)
  • ctg 2α = (ctg² α - 1) ÷ (2ctg α)

Triple Angle Formulas

  • sin3α = 3sinα - 4sin³α
  • cos 3α = 4cos³ α - 3cos α
  • tg 3α = (3tg α - tg³ α) ÷ (1 - 3tg² α)
  • ctg 3α = (3ctg α - ctg³ α) ÷ (1 - 3ctg² α)

Reduction formulas

  • sin² α = (1 - cos 2α) ÷ 2
  • sin³ α = (3sin α - sin 3α) ÷ 4
  • cos² α = (1 + cos 2α) ÷ 2
  • cos³ α = (3cos α + cos 3α) ÷ 4
  • sin² α cos² α = (1 - cos 4α) ÷ 8
  • sin³ α cos³ α = (3sin 2α - sin 6α) ÷ 32

Transition from product to sum

  • sin α cos β = ½ (sin (α + β) + sin (α - β))
  • sin α sin β \u003d ½ (cos (α - β) - cos (α + β))
  • cos α cos β = ½ (cos (α - β) + cos (α + β))

We have listed quite a few trigonometric formulas, but if something is missing, write.

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the transformation of groups of general solutions of trigonometric equations is considered in detail. The third section deals with non-standard trigonometric equations, the solutions of which are based on the functional approach.

All trigonometry formulas (equations): sin(x) cos(x) tg(x) ctg(x)

The fourth section deals with trigonometric inequalities. Methods for solving elementary trigonometric inequalities are considered in detail, both on the unit circle and ...

… angle 1800-α= along hypotenuse and acute angle: => OB1=OB; A1B1=AB => x = -x1,y = y1=> So, in the school geometry course, the concept of a trigonometric function is introduced by geometric means due to their greater availability. The traditional methodological scheme for studying trigonometric functions is as follows: 1) first, trigonometric functions are determined for an acute angle of a rectangular ...

... Homework 19(3,6), 20(2,4) Goal setting Updating of basic knowledge Properties of trigonometric functions Reduction formulas New material Values ​​of trigonometric functions Solving simple trigonometric equations Consolidation Solving problems Purpose of the lesson: today we will calculate the values ​​of trigonometric functions and solve …

... the formulated hypothesis had to solve the following tasks: 1. To identify the role of trigonometric equations and inequalities in teaching mathematics; 2. To develop a methodology for the formation of skills to solve trigonometric equations and inequalities, aimed at the development of trigonometric representations; 3. Experimentally verify the effectiveness of the developed methodology. For solutions …

Trigonometric formulas

Trigonometric formulas

We present to your attention various formulas related to trigonometry.

(8) Double angle cotangent
ctg(2α) = ctg 2 (α) - 1 2ctg(α)
(9) Sine of a triple angle sin(3α) = 3sin(α)cos 2 (α) - sin 3 (α) (10) Cosine of a triple angle cos(3α) = cos 3 (α) - 3cos(α)sin 2 (α) (11) Cosine of sum/difference cos(α±β) = cos(α)cos(β) ∓ sin(α)sin(β) (12) Sine of sum/difference sin(α±β) = sin(α)cos(β) ± cos(α)sin(β) (13) Sum/difference tangent (14) Sum/difference cotangent (15) Product of sines sin(α)sin(β) = ½(cos(α-β) - cos(α+β)) (16) Product of cosines cos(α)cos(β) = ½(cos(α+β) + cos(α-β)) (17) Product of sine and cosine sin(α)cos(β) = ½(sin(α+β) + sin(α-β)) (18) Sum/difference of sines sin(α) ± sin(β) = 2sin(½(α±β))cos(½(α∓β)) (19) Sum of cosines cos(α) + cos(β) = 2cos(½(α+β))cos(½(α-β)) (20) cosine difference cos(α) - cos(β) = -2sin(½(α+β))sin(½(α-β)) (21) Sum/difference of tangents (22) Sine Reduction Formula sin 2 (α) = ½(1 - cos(2α)) (23) Cosine reduction formula cos 2 (α) = ½(1 + cos(2α)) (24) Sum/difference of sine and cosine (25) Sum/difference of sine and cosine with coefficients (26) Basic ratio of arcsine and arccosine arcsin(x) + arccos(x) = π/2 (27) Basic relationship between arctangent and arccotangent arctan(x) + arcctg(x) = π/2

General formulas

- print version

Definitions Sine of angle α (designation sin(α)) is the ratio of the leg opposite the angle α to the hypotenuse. Cosine of angle α (designation cos(α)) is the ratio of the leg adjacent to the angle α to the hypotenuse. Tangent of angle α (designation tg(α)) is the ratio of the leg opposite to the angle α to the adjacent leg. An equivalent definition is the ratio of the sine of an angle α to the cosine of the same angle, sin(α)/cos(α). Cotangent of angle α (designation ctg(α)) is the ratio of the side adjacent to the angle α to the opposite side. An equivalent definition is the ratio of the cosine of the angle α to the sine of the same angle - cos(α)/sin(α). Other trigonometric functions: secant — sec(α) = 1/cos(α); cosecant cosec(α) = 1/sin(α). Note We specifically do not write the sign * (multiply), - where two functions are written in a row, without a space, it is implied. Clue To derive formulas for the cosine, sine, tangent or cotangent of multiple (4+) angles, it is enough to write them according to the formulas respectively. cosine, sine, tangent or cotangent of the sum, or reduce to the previous cases, reducing to the formulas of triple and double angles. Addition Derivative table

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The ratios between the main trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent - are given trigonometric formulas. And since there are quite a lot of connections between trigonometric functions, this also explains the abundance of trigonometric formulas. Some formulas connect the trigonometric functions of the same angle, others - the functions of a multiple angle, others - allow you to lower the degree, the fourth - to express all functions through the tangent of a half angle, etc.

In this article, we list in order all the basic trigonometric formulas, which are enough to solve the vast majority of trigonometry problems. For ease of memorization and use, we will group them according to their purpose, and enter them into tables.

Page navigation.

Basic trigonometric identities

Basic trigonometric identities set the relationship between the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of one angle. They follow from the definition of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, as well as the concept of the unit circle. They allow you to express one trigonometric function through any other.

For a detailed description of these trigonometry formulas, their derivation and application examples, see the article.

Cast formulas

Cast formulas follow from the properties of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, that is, they reflect the property of periodicity of trigonometric functions, the property of symmetry, and also the property of shift by a given angle. These trigonometric formulas allow you to move from working with arbitrary angles to working with angles ranging from zero to 90 degrees.

The rationale for these formulas, a mnemonic rule for memorizing them, and examples of their application can be studied in the article.

Addition Formulas

Trigonometric addition formulas show how the trigonometric functions of the sum or difference of two angles are expressed in terms of the trigonometric functions of these angles. These formulas serve as the basis for the derivation of the following trigonometric formulas.

Formulas for double, triple, etc. angle

Formulas for double, triple, etc. angle (they are also called multiple angle formulas) show how the trigonometric functions of double, triple, etc. angles () are expressed in terms of trigonometric functions of a single angle. Their derivation is based on addition formulas.

More detailed information is collected in the article formulas for double, triple, etc. angle .

Half Angle Formulas

Half Angle Formulas show how the trigonometric functions of a half angle are expressed in terms of the cosine of an integer angle. These trigonometric formulas follow from the double angle formulas.

Their conclusion and examples of application can be found in the article.

Reduction Formulas

Trigonometric formulas for decreasing degrees are designed to facilitate the transition from natural powers of trigonometric functions to sines and cosines in the first degree, but multiple angles. In other words, they allow one to reduce the powers of trigonometric functions to the first.

Formulas for the sum and difference of trigonometric functions

The main purpose sum and difference formulas for trigonometric functions consists in the transition to the product of functions, which is very useful when simplifying trigonometric expressions. These formulas are also widely used in solving trigonometric equations, as they allow factoring the sum and difference of sines and cosines.

Formulas for the product of sines, cosines and sine by cosine

The transition from the product of trigonometric functions to the sum or difference is carried out through the formulas for the product of sines, cosines and sine by cosine.

Universal trigonometric substitution

We complete the review of the basic formulas of trigonometry with formulas expressing trigonometric functions in terms of the tangent of a half angle. This replacement is called universal trigonometric substitution. Its convenience lies in the fact that all trigonometric functions are expressed in terms of the tangent of a half angle rationally without roots.


  • Algebra: Proc. for 9 cells. avg. school / Yu. N. Makarychev, N. G. Mindyuk, K. I. Neshkov, S. B. Suvorova; Ed. S. A. Telyakovsky.- M.: Enlightenment, 1990.- 272 p.: Ill.- ISBN 5-09-002727-7
  • Bashmakov M.I. Algebra and the beginning of analysis: Proc. for 10-11 cells. avg. school - 3rd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993. - 351 p.: ill. - ISBN 5-09-004617-4.
  • Algebra and the beginning of the analysis: Proc. for 10-11 cells. general education institutions / A. N. Kolmogorov, A. M. Abramov, Yu. P. Dudnitsyn and others; Ed. A. N. Kolmogorova.- 14th ed.- M.: Enlightenment, 2004.- 384 p.: ill.- ISBN 5-09-013651-3.
  • Gusev V. A., Mordkovich A. G. Mathematics (a manual for applicants to technical schools): Proc. allowance.- M.; Higher school, 1984.-351 p., ill.

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On this page you will find all the basic trigonometric formulas that will help you solve many exercises, greatly simplifying the expression itself.

Trigonometric formulas are mathematical equalities for trigonometric functions that are valid for all valid argument values.

The formulas set the relationship between the main trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent.

The sine of an angle is the y-coordinate of a point (the ordinate) on the unit circle. The cosine of an angle is the x-coordinate of a point (abscissa).

Tangent and cotangent are, respectively, the ratio of sine to cosine and vice versa.
`tg \ \alpha=\frac(sin\ \alpha)(cos \ \alpha),` ` \alpha\ne\frac\pi2+\pi n, \ n \in Z`
`ctg \ \alpha=\frac(cos\ \alpha)(sin\ \alpha),` ` \alpha\ne\pi+\pi n, \ n \in Z`

And two that are used less often - secant, cosecant. They denote ratios of 1 to cosine and sine.

`sec \ \alpha=\frac(1)(cos\ \alpha),` ` \alpha\ne\frac\pi2+\pi n,\ n \in Z`
`cosec \ \alpha=\frac(1)(sin \ \alpha),` ` \alpha\ne\pi+\pi n,\ n \in Z`

From the definitions of trigonometric functions, you can see what signs they have in each quarter. The sign of the function depends only on which quadrant the argument is in.

When changing the sign of the argument from "+" to "-", only the cosine function does not change its value. It's called even. Its graph is symmetrical about the y-axis.

The remaining functions (sine, tangent, cotangent) are odd. When the sign of the argument is changed from "+" to "-", their value also changes to negative. Their graphs are symmetrical about the origin.

`sin(-\alpha)=-sin \ \alpha`
`cos(-\alpha)=cos \ \alpha`
`tg(-\alpha)=-tg \ \alpha`
`ctg(-\alpha)=-ctg \ \alpha`

Basic trigonometric identities

The basic trigonometric identities are formulas that establish a relationship between the trigonometric functions of one angle (`sin \ \alpha, \ cos \ \alpha, \ tg \ \alpha, \ ctg \ \alpha`) and which allow you to find the value of each of these functions through any known other.
`sin^2 \alpha+cos^2 \alpha=1`
`tg \ \alpha \cdot ctg \ \alpha=1, \ \alpha\ne\frac(\pi n) 2, \ n \in Z`
`1+tg^2 \alpha=\frac 1(cos^2 \alpha)=sec^2 \alpha,` ` \alpha\ne\frac\pi2+\pi n, \ n \in Z`
`1+ctg^2 \alpha=\frac 1(sin^2 \alpha)=cosec^2 \alpha,` ` \alpha\ne\pi n, \ n \in Z`

Formulas for the sum and difference of angles of trigonometric functions

The formulas for adding and subtracting arguments express the trigonometric functions of the sum or difference of two angles in terms of the trigonometric functions of these angles.
`sin(\alpha+\beta)=` `sin \ \alpha\ cos \ \beta+cos \ \alpha\ sin \ \beta`
`sin(\alpha-\beta)=` `sin \ \alpha\ cos \ \beta-cos \ \alpha\ sin \ \beta`
`cos(\alpha+\beta)=` `cos \ \alpha\ cos \ \beta-sin \ \alpha\ sin \ \beta`
`cos(\alpha-\beta)=` `cos \ \alpha\ cos \ \beta+sin \ \alpha\ sin \ \beta`
`tg(\alpha+\beta)=\frac(tg \ \alpha+tg \ \beta)(1-tg \ \alpha\ tg \ \beta)`
`tg(\alpha-\beta)=\frac(tg \ \alpha-tg \ \beta)(1+tg \ \alpha \ tg \ \beta)`
`ctg(\alpha+\beta)=\frac(ctg \ \alpha \ ctg \ \beta-1)(ctg \ \beta+ctg \ \alpha)`
`ctg(\alpha-\beta)=\frac(ctg \ \alpha\ ctg \ \beta+1)(ctg \ \beta-ctg \ \alpha)`

Double angle formulas

`sin \ 2\alpha=2 \ sin \ \alpha \ cos \ \alpha=` `\frac (2 \ tg \ \alpha)(1+tg^2 \alpha)=\frac (2 \ ctg \ \alpha )(1+ctg^2 \alpha)=` `\frac 2(tg \ \alpha+ctg \ \alpha)`
`cos \ 2\alpha=cos^2 \alpha-sin^2 \alpha=` `1-2 \ sin^2 \alpha=2 \ cos^2 \alpha-1=` `\frac(1-tg^ 2\alpha)(1+tg^2\alpha)=\frac(ctg^2\alpha-1)(ctg^2\alpha+1)=` `\frac(ctg \ \alpha-tg \ \alpha) (ctg\\alpha+tg\\alpha)`
`tg \ 2\alpha=\frac(2 \ tg \ \alpha)(1-tg^2 \alpha)=` `\frac(2 \ ctg \ \alpha)(ctg^2 \alpha-1)=` `\frac 2( \ ctg \ \alpha-tg \ \alpha)`
`ctg \ 2\alpha=\frac(ctg^2 \alpha-1)(2 \ ctg \ \alpha)=` `\frac ( \ ctg \ \alpha-tg \ \alpha)2`

Triple Angle Formulas

`sin \ 3\alpha=3 \ sin \ \alpha-4sin^3 \alpha`
`cos \ 3\alpha=4cos^3 \alpha-3 \ cos \ \alpha`
`tg \ 3\alpha=\frac(3 \ tg \ \alpha-tg^3 \alpha)(1-3 \ tg^2 \alpha)`
`ctg \ 3\alpha=\frac(ctg^3 \alpha-3 \ ctg \ \alpha)(3 \ ctg^2 \alpha-1)`

Half Angle Formulas

`sin \ \frac \alpha 2=\pm \sqrt(\frac (1-cos \ \alpha)2)`
`cos \ \frac \alpha 2=\pm \sqrt(\frac (1+cos \ \alpha)2)`
`tg \ \frac \alpha 2=\pm \sqrt(\frac (1-cos \ \alpha)(1+cos \ \alpha))=` `\frac (sin \ \alpha)(1+cos \ \ alpha)=\frac (1-cos \ \alpha)(sin \ \alpha)`
`ctg \ \frac \alpha 2=\pm \sqrt(\frac (1+cos \ \alpha)(1-cos \ \alpha))=` `\frac (sin \ \alpha)(1-cos \ \ alpha)=\frac (1+cos \ \alpha)(sin \ \alpha)`

Half, double, and triple argument formulas express the functions `sin, \cos, \tg, \ctg` of these arguments (`\frac(\alpha)2, \ 2\alpha, \ 3\alpha,… `) in terms of these same functions argument `\alpha`.

Their output can be obtained from the previous group (addition and subtraction of arguments). For example, double angle identities are easily obtained by replacing `\beta` with `\alpha`.

Reduction formulas

Formulas of squares (cubes, etc.) of trigonometric functions allow you to go from 2,3, ... degrees to trigonometric functions of the first degree, but multiple angles (`\alpha, \ 3\alpha, \ ...` or `2\alpha, \ 4\alpha, \...`).
`sin^2 \alpha=\frac(1-cos \ 2\alpha)2,` ` (sin^2 \frac \alpha 2=\frac(1-cos \ \alpha)2)`
`cos^2 \alpha=\frac(1+cos \ 2\alpha)2,` ` (cos^2 \frac \alpha 2=\frac(1+cos \ \alpha)2)`
`sin^3 \alpha=\frac(3sin \ \alpha-sin \ 3\alpha)4`
`cos^3 \alpha=\frac(3cos \ \alpha+cos \ 3\alpha)4`
`sin^4 \alpha=\frac(3-4cos \ 2\alpha+cos \ 4\alpha)8`
`cos^4 \alpha=\frac(3+4cos \ 2\alpha+cos \ 4\alpha)8`

Formulas for the sum and difference of trigonometric functions

Formulas are transformations of the sum and difference of trigonometric functions of different arguments into a product.

`sin \ \alpha+sin \ \beta=` `2 \ sin \frac(\alpha+\beta)2 \ cos \frac(\alpha-\beta)2`
`sin \ \alpha-sin \ \beta=` `2 \ cos \frac(\alpha+\beta)2 \ sin \frac(\alpha-\beta)2`
`cos \ \alpha+cos \ \beta=` `2 \ cos \frac(\alpha+\beta)2 \ cos \frac(\alpha-\beta)2`
`cos \ \alpha-cos \ \beta=` `-2 \ sin \frac(\alpha+\beta)2 \ sin \frac(\alpha-\beta)2=` `2 \ sin \frac(\alpha+\ beta)2\sin\frac(\beta-\alpha)2`
`tg \ \alpha \pm tg \ \beta=\frac(sin(\alpha \pm \beta))(cos \ \alpha \ cos \ \beta)`
`ctg \ \alpha \pm ctg \ \beta=\frac(sin(\beta \pm \alpha))(sin \ \alpha \ sin \ \beta)`
`tg \ \alpha \pm ctg \ \beta=` `\pm \frac(cos(\alpha \mp \beta))(cos \ \alpha \ sin \ \beta)`

Here, the addition and subtraction of functions of one argument are converted into a product.

`cos \ \alpha+sin \ \alpha=\sqrt(2) \ cos (\frac(\pi)4-\alpha)`
`cos \ \alpha-sin \ \alpha=\sqrt(2) \sin (\frac(\pi)4-\alpha)`
`tg \ \alpha+ctg \ \alpha=2 \cosec \2\alpha;` `tg \ \alpha-ctg \ \alpha=-2 \ctg \2\alpha`

The following formulas convert the sum and difference of a unit and a trigonometric function to a product.

`1+cos \ \alpha=2 \ cos^2 \frac(\alpha)2`
`1-cos \ \alpha=2 \ sin^2 \frac(\alpha)2`
`1+sin \ \alpha=2 \ cos^2 (\frac (\pi) 4-\frac(\alpha)2)`
`1-sin \ \alpha=2 \ sin^2 (\frac (\pi) 4-\frac(\alpha)2)`
`1 \pm tg \ \alpha=\frac(sin(\frac(\pi)4 \pm \alpha))(cos \frac(\pi)4 \ cos \ \alpha)=` `\frac(\sqrt (2) sin(\frac(\pi)4 \pm \alpha))(cos \ \alpha)`
`1 \pm tg \ \alpha \ tg \ \beta=\frac(cos(\alpha \mp \beta))(cos \ \alpha \ cos \ \beta);` ` \ctg \ \alpha \ ctg \ \ beta \pm 1=\frac(cos(\alpha \mp \beta))(sin \ \alpha \ sin \ \beta)`

Function conversion formulas

Formulas for converting the product of trigonometric functions with `\alpha` and `\beta` arguments into the sum (difference) of these arguments.
`sin \ \alpha \ sin \ \beta =` `\frac(cos(\alpha - \beta)-cos(\alpha + \beta))(2)`
`sin\alpha \ cos\beta =` `\frac(sin(\alpha - \beta)+sin(\alpha + \beta))(2)`
`cos \ \alpha \ cos \ \beta =` `\frac(cos(\alpha - \beta)+cos(\alpha + \beta))(2)`
`tg \ \alpha \ tg \ \beta =` `\frac(cos(\alpha - \beta)-cos(\alpha + \beta))(cos(\alpha - \beta)+cos(\alpha + \ beta)) =` `\frac(tg \ \alpha + tg \ \beta)(ctg \ \alpha + ctg \ \beta)`
`ctg \ \alpha \ ctg \ \beta =` `\frac(cos(\alpha - \beta)+cos(\alpha + \beta))(cos(\alpha - \beta)-cos(\alpha + \ beta)) =` `\frac(ctg \ \alpha + ctg \ \beta)(tg \ \alpha + tg \ \beta)`
`tg \ \alpha \ ctg \ \beta =` `\frac(sin(\alpha - \beta)+sin(\alpha + \beta))(sin(\alpha + \beta)-sin(\alpha - \ beta))`

Universal trigonometric substitution

These formulas express trigonometric functions in terms of the tangent of a half angle.
`sin \ \alpha= \frac(2tg\frac(\alpha)(2))(1 + tg^(2)\frac(\alpha)(2)),` ` \alpha\ne \pi +2\ pi n, n \in Z`
`cos \ \alpha= \frac(1 - tg^(2)\frac(\alpha)(2))(1 + tg^(2)\frac(\alpha)(2)),` ` \alpha \ ne \pi +2\pi n, n \in Z`
`tg \ \alpha= \frac(2tg\frac(\alpha)(2))(1 - tg^(2)\frac(\alpha)(2)),` ` \alpha \ne \pi +2\ pi n, n \in Z,` ` \alpha \ne \frac(\pi)(2)+ \pi n, n \in Z`
`ctg \ \alpha = \frac(1 - tg^(2)\frac(\alpha)(2))(2tg\frac(\alpha)(2)),` ` \alpha \ne \pi n, n \in Z,` `\alpha \ne \pi + 2\pi n, n \in Z`

Cast formulas

Reduction formulas can be obtained using such properties of trigonometric functions as periodicity, symmetry, the shift property by a given angle. They allow arbitrary angle functions to be converted to functions whose angle is between 0 and 90 degrees.

For angle (`\frac (\pi)2 \pm \alpha`) or (`90^\circ \pm \alpha`):
`sin(\frac (\pi)2 - \alpha)=cos \ \alpha;` ` sin(\frac (\pi)2 + \alpha)=cos \ \alpha`
`cos(\frac (\pi)2 - \alpha)=sin \ \alpha;` ` cos(\frac (\pi)2 + \alpha)=-sin \ \alpha`
`tg(\frac (\pi)2 - \alpha)=ctg \ \alpha;` ` tg(\frac (\pi)2 + \alpha)=-ctg \ \alpha`
`ctg(\frac (\pi)2 - \alpha)=tg \ \alpha;` ` ctg(\frac (\pi)2 + \alpha)=-tg \ \alpha`
For angle (`\pi \pm \alpha`) or (`180^\circ \pm \alpha`):
`sin(\pi - \alpha)=sin \ \alpha;` ` sin(\pi + \alpha)=-sin \ \alpha`
`cos(\pi - \alpha)=-cos \ \alpha;` ` cos(\pi + \alpha)=-cos \ \alpha`
`tg(\pi - \alpha)=-tg \ \alpha;` ` tg(\pi + \alpha)=tg \ \alpha`
`ctg(\pi - \alpha)=-ctg \ \alpha;` ` ctg(\pi + \alpha)=ctg \ \alpha`
For angle (`\frac (3\pi)2 \pm \alpha`) or (`270^\circ \pm \alpha`):
`sin(\frac (3\pi)2 - \alpha)=-cos \ \alpha;` ` sin(\frac (3\pi)2 + \alpha)=-cos \ \alpha`
`cos(\frac (3\pi)2 - \alpha)=-sin \ \alpha;` ` cos(\frac (3\pi)2 + \alpha)=sin \ \alpha`
`tg(\frac (3\pi)2 - \alpha)=ctg \ \alpha;` ` tg(\frac (3\pi)2 + \alpha)=-ctg \ \alpha`
`ctg(\frac (3\pi)2 - \alpha)=tg \ \alpha;` ` ctg(\frac (3\pi)2 + \alpha)=-tg \ \alpha`
For angle (`2\pi \pm \alpha`) or (`360^\circ \pm \alpha`):
`sin(2\pi - \alpha)=-sin \ \alpha;` ` sin(2\pi + \alpha)=sin \ \alpha`
`cos(2\pi - \alpha)=cos \ \alpha;` ` cos(2\pi + \alpha)=cos \ \alpha`
`tg(2\pi - \alpha)=-tg \ \alpha;` ` tg(2\pi + \alpha)=tg \ \alpha`
`ctg(2\pi - \alpha)=-ctg \ \alpha;` ` ctg(2\pi + \alpha)=ctg \ \alpha`

Expression of some trigonometric functions in terms of others

`sin \ \alpha=\pm \sqrt(1-cos^2 \alpha)=` `\frac(tg \ \alpha)(\pm \sqrt(1+tg^2 \alpha))=\frac 1( \pm \sqrt(1+ctg^2 \alpha))`
`cos \ \alpha=\pm \sqrt(1-sin^2 \alpha)=` `\frac 1(\pm \sqrt(1+tg^2 \alpha))=\frac (ctg \ \alpha)( \pm \sqrt(1+ctg^2 \alpha))`
`tg \ \alpha=\frac (sin \ \alpha)(\pm \sqrt(1-sin^2 \alpha))=` `\frac (\pm \sqrt(1-cos^2 \alpha))( cos \ \alpha)=\frac 1(ctg \ \alpha)`
`ctg \ \alpha=\frac (\pm \sqrt(1-sin^2 \alpha))(sin \ \alpha)=` `\frac (cos \ \alpha)(\pm \sqrt(1-cos^ 2 \alpha))=\frac 1(tg \ \alpha)`

Trigonometry literally translates as "measurement of triangles". It begins to be studied at school, and continues in more detail at universities. Therefore, the basic formulas for trigonometry are needed, starting from the 10th grade, as well as for passing the exam. They denote connections between functions, and since there are many of these connections, there are quite a few formulas themselves. Remembering them all is not easy, and it is not necessary - if necessary, they can all be deduced.

Trigonometric formulas are used in integral calculus, as well as in trigonometric simplifications, calculations, and transformations.

When performing trigonometric transformations, follow these tips:

  1. Do not try to immediately come up with a scheme for solving an example from start to finish.
  2. Don't try to convert the whole example at once. Move forward in small steps.
  3. Remember that in addition to trigonometric formulas in trigonometry, you can still apply all the fair algebraic transformations (bracketing, reducing fractions, abbreviated multiplication formulas, and so on).
  4. Believe that everything will be fine.

Basic trigonometric formulas

Most formulas in trigonometry are often applied both from right to left and from left to right, so you need to learn these formulas so well that you can easily apply some formula in both directions. To begin with, we write down the definitions of trigonometric functions. Let there be a right triangle:

Then, the definition of sine is:

Definition of cosine:

Definition of tangent:

Definition of cotangent:

Basic trigonometric identity:

The simplest corollaries from the basic trigonometric identity:

Double angle formulas. Sine of a double angle:

Cosine of a double angle:

Double angle tangent:

Double angle cotangent:

Additional trigonometric formulas

Trigonometric addition formulas. Sine of sum:

Sine of difference:

Cosine of the sum:

Cosine of difference:

Tangent of the sum:

Difference tangent:

Cotangent of the sum:

Difference cotangent:

Trigonometric formulas for converting a sum to a product. The sum of the sines:

Sine Difference:

Sum of cosines:

Cosine difference:

sum of tangents:

Tangent difference:

Sum of cotangents:

Cotangent difference:

Trigonometric formulas for converting a product into a sum. The product of sines:

The product of sine and cosine:

Product of cosines:

Degree reduction formulas.

Half Angle Formulas.

Trigonometric reduction formulas

The cosine function is called cofunction sine function and vice versa. Similarly, the functions tangent and cotangent are cofunctions. The reduction formulas can be formulated as the following rule:

  • If in the reduction formula the angle is subtracted (added) from 90 degrees or 270 degrees, then the reducible function changes to a cofunction;
  • If in the reduction formula the angle is subtracted (added) from 180 degrees or 360 degrees, then the name of the reduced function is preserved;
  • In this case, the reduced function is preceded by the sign that the reduced (i.e., original) function has in the corresponding quarter, if we consider the subtracted (added) angle to be acute.

Cast formulas are given in the form of a table:

By trigonometric circle it is easy to determine tabular values ​​of trigonometric functions:

Trigonometric equations

To solve a certain trigonometric equation, it must be reduced to one of the simplest trigonometric equations, which will be discussed below. For this:

  • You can apply the trigonometric formulas above. In this case, you do not need to try to convert the entire example at once, but you need to move forward in small steps.
  • We must not forget about the possibility of transforming some expression with the help of algebraic methods, i.e. for example, put something out of the bracket or, conversely, open the brackets, reduce the fraction, apply the abbreviated multiplication formula, reduce fractions to a common denominator, and so on.
  • When solving trigonometric equations, you can apply grouping method. It must be remembered that in order for the product of several factors to be equal to zero, it is enough that any of them be equal to zero, and the rest existed.
  • Applying variable replacement method, as usual, the equation after the introduction of the replacement should become simpler and not contain the original variable. You also need to remember to do the reverse substitution.
  • Remember that homogeneous equations often occur in trigonometry as well.
  • When opening modules or solving irrational equations with trigonometric functions, one must remember and take into account all the subtleties of solving the corresponding equations with ordinary functions.
  • Remember about the ODZ (in trigonometric equations, the restrictions on the ODZ basically boil down to the fact that you cannot divide by zero, but do not forget about other restrictions, especially about the positivity of expressions in rational powers and under roots of even degrees). Also remember that sine and cosine values ​​can only lie between minus one and plus one, inclusive.

The main thing is, if you don’t know what to do, do at least something, while the main thing is to use trigonometric formulas correctly. If what you get is getting better and better, then continue with the solution, and if it gets worse, then go back to the beginning and try applying other formulas, so do until you stumble upon the correct solution.

Formulas for solving the simplest trigonometric equations. For the sine, there are two equivalent forms of writing the solution:

For other trigonometric functions, the notation is unique. For cosine:

For tangent:

For cotangent:

Solution of trigonometric equations in some special cases:

  • Learn all formulas and laws in physics, and formulas and methods in mathematics. In fact, it is also very simple to do this, there are only about 200 necessary formulas in physics, and even a little less in mathematics. In each of these subjects there are about a dozen standard methods for solving problems of a basic level of complexity, which can also be learned, and thus, completely automatically and without difficulty, solve most of the digital transformation at the right time. After that, you will only have to think about the most difficult tasks.
  • Attend all three stages of rehearsal testing in physics and mathematics. Each RT can be visited twice to solve both options. Again, on the DT, in addition to the ability to quickly and efficiently solve problems, and knowledge of formulas and methods, it is also necessary to be able to properly plan time, distribute forces, and most importantly fill out the answer form correctly, without confusing either the numbers of answers and problems, or your own name. Also, during the RT, it is important to get used to the style of posing questions in tasks, which may seem very unusual to an unprepared person on the DT.
  • Successful, diligent and responsible implementation of these three points, as well as responsible study of the final training tests, will allow you to show an excellent result on the CT, the maximum of what you are capable of.

    Found an error?

    If you, as it seems to you, have found an error in the training materials, then please write about it by e-mail (). In the letter, indicate the subject (physics or mathematics), the name or number of the topic or test, the number of the task, or the place in the text (page) where, in your opinion, there is an error. Also describe what the alleged error is. Your letter will not go unnoticed, the error will either be corrected, or you will be explained why it is not a mistake.