Letter to Santa Claus translation. Santa Claus address in English

Level B. Documents, letters, resumes.

Letter to Father Frost

Flat 411
15 Grasis Street
Cheboksary 428000
December 12, 2013

Dear Father Frost,

Thanks for your presents that you brought me last year! This year my behavior was good and I studied well. And I "d like to ask you of unusual gifts this year. 1) I would like all children over the world to celebrate this Christmas and New Year in their own families. Let all the children from the orphanages have a family.
2) I want people to love each other and I wish all wars ended.
I need nothing else. I believe that you'll fulfill my two wishes!
How are you, Father Frost? Are you going to please children with your wonderful gifts this year, too? Are you sleigh ready?

best wishes,

Apartment 411
Grasis street, 15
Cheboksary 428000
December 12, 2013

Dear Santa Claus,

Thank you for your gifts that you gave me last year! This year I behaved well and got good grades. And I would like to ask you this year for unusual gifts.

1) I would like children all over the world to celebrate Christmas and New Year in families. Let all children from orphanages have a family.
2) I want people to love each other. And then the wars will stop.

I do not need anything else. I believe that you will fulfill my two wishes!
How are you, Santa Claus? Will you still please the children with your gifts? Are your sleds ready?

Best wishes,

Letter No. 1

Language: Italian

Caro Babbo Natale. Mi chiamo Anna. Per un anno intero mi sono comportata bene. Oggi ho scoperto che ho vinto Lego Duplo, fammi continuare così fortunata. Concedimi, nonno, un cane, vorrei un pastore di Berna!

Dear santa claus. My name is Anna. I've been good all year. today I found out that I won Lego Duplo, let me continue to be so lucky.)) Give me, grandfather, a dog, I really want a Bernese Shepherd Dog!

Letter No. 2

English language

Dear Father Frost!
My name is Olga. I live near Moscow in a small town Pushchino. I "m 12 years old. New Year is my favorite holiday. I like when Father Frost comes and gives us presents. I ask you to present me a book which teaches children to draw animals and birds.
best wishes,

Dear santa claus!
My name is Olga. I live near Moscow in the small town of Pushchino. I am 12 years old. New Year is my favorite holiday. I love when Santa Claus comes and brings gifts. I ask that you give me a book that teaches children to draw animals and birds.
All the best,

Letter No. 4

Language: Spanish

Querido Papa Noel,

Me llamo Ekaterina y tengo 16 años. Vivo en Rusia, pero estoy escribiendo para ti, porque no confio en el abuelo de los fríos (He visto como mis padres han puesto los regalos).
Este año ha sido muy dificil, pero muy interesante.
Muchas gracias, Porque has cumplido todos mis deseos. Ahora se que es necesario formular los deseos mejor)
He estudiado mucho en este año, por éso he ganado muchos concursos de flamenco, trabajo artesano y muchas otras cosas más. También, muchas gracias por la gente, que he conocido este año.
He viajado a Barcelona! Ha sido inolvidable!
Tengo muchos planes Para el año 2015, por eso tengo algunos deseos.
Primero, quiero, que tu me des más salud, por favor. Porque es muy importante para mi.
Segundo, me gustaría que mi hermana sea más independiente y estudie Inglés.
Tercero, me alegriria conocerme con las personas, con las cuales me han ayudado y con quienes me he entendido muy bien.

Saludos Cordiales,

Dear Papa Noel,
My name is Ekaterina and I am 16 years old. I live in Russia, but I am writing to you because I do not believe in our Santa Claus. (I saw my parents put presents under the tree)
This year has been very difficult, but also very interesting.
Thank you very much for making all my wishes come true. Now I know that they need to be more precise.)
I studied a lot this year, so I won a lot of competitions in flamenco, needlework, etc. Also a big thank you for the people I met this year.
I went to Barcelona! It was delicious!
I have many plans for 2015, so I have a few wishes.
First, I want you to give me more health, please. It is very important for me.
Secondly, I would like my sister to become independent and learn English.
Thirdly, I would like to meet new people who would help and understand me.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
Best wishes,

In the photo - dolls made by Katya.

Letter No. 6

Language: Spanglish (Spanish + English)

Buenos dias, mi confidento amigo, Papa Noel!
I heard that now possible to write to you at “V contacte” or on Tube, Facebook. But I shell to write simple letter.
Yo se tu preferies poner presente near chimney or Christmas tree, but I haven't they.
Por endo voy a depositar mi presente calcetin a nivel de el radiator de calefaccion.
Yo no voy a solicitar te muchos de golosimas. I have not like yet.
Yo no voy a solicitar te muchos de electronico cacharro. I hard adapt to them.
Yo no voy a solicitar te muchos de rebejo. I am too grown-up.
Yo quero demander te poco de memoria RAM y memoria ROM. I am leaning Spanish now and I would like to remember new words quickly, easily and for a long time.

And here is the translation:
Good afternoon, my mysterious friend, Santa Claus!
I heard that it is now possible to contact you on the Vkontakte network or on Tube or on Facebook. But I want to write you a regular letter.
I know you like to leave gifts by the fireplace or under the tree, but I don't have them. Therefore, put my gift in a sock on a radiator.
I won't ask you for a lot of sweets as I don't like them anymore.
I won't ask you for a lot of electronic gadgets as I'm having a hard time getting used to them.
I will not ask you for many toys, I am already too old.
But I want to ask you for some short-term and long-term memory. Now I am studying Spanish and I would really like to memorize new words quickly, easily and for a long time.

Letter No. 7

Language: Spanish

Spanish text - on the photo. Here is the translation:
Dear santa claus!

This year I learned a lot, I started learning Spanish.

Next year I will be vacationing in the village with my grandmother and I am going to learn how to cross-stitch.

I really want a big dog and my family to be healthy and happy.

Happy New Year! See you soon.

Letter No. 8

Language: Spanish

¡Querido Papa Noel!
No te he escrito ya hace mucho tiempo. Quizás, que no fuera digno para escribirte.
¡Gracias por todo del año, que fue muy difícil! Pasaron muchas buenas cosas aunque ocurrió algo malo tambien. Todos mís parientes y amigos están sanos. ¡Esto es más importante! He tratado ayudar a la gente y cumplir con mi palabra. Sinceramente, no he trabajado mucho en este año. Por eso, me sorprende de que tenga resultados perfectos. ¡Muchas gracias por suerte! Pero yo prometo que voy a trabajar más empeñadamente y abnegadamente en el año que viene.
En él año 2015 quiero que se realicen todos los bondadosos deseos de la gente. Que la gente sea más feliz y misericordiosa. Pido que yo no tenga mucha pereza. Y más, me gustaría que señor Putin no olvidara financiar la ciencia.
En cuanto a los regalos, Papá, dales a niños. Ellos van a ser realmente feliz.
Creo que tú trabajas muy duro estos días, decidío hacer un regalo para ti, y he escrito una pequeña y chancera poema en español. Espero que te sonrias leyendo.

A las cuatro de la noche.
Estoy mirando en la luna,
Escribiendo esta escritura.
¡Me gusto mucho que me achoche!

ha nevado y es tranquilo,
Admirable en la calle.
La luz de vela se encandila.
Como en fábula me hallo.

Quierido Santa, Ded Moroz, Papá Noel,
Comeremos pronto gustoso pastel.
¡Gracias por todo: por campanilleo de cascabel,
Por juguetes y regalos, navideño caramel!

Danos en el año próximo
Mucho salud y cosecha opima.
¡Que vengan felicidad amor y alegría!
¡Y ríete poco de esta poesia!
¡Feliz Navidad, querido Papá!

Dear Santa Claus!
I haven't written to you for a long time. Perhaps I was unworthy to write to you.
Thank you for everything that has been in this difficult year. A lot of good things happened and more. The most important thing is that all my relatives and friends are healthy. I tried to help people and keep my word. To be honest, I haven't worked very hard this year. So I am surprised that I have good results. Thanks a lot for the good luck. But I promise that next year I will work harder and more selflessly.
In 2015, I would like all the good wishes of people to come true and people to become happier and more merciful. I ask that I be less lazy. And I would also like Senor Putin not to forget to finance science.
As for gifts, Grandpa, give them to the children. They will be truly happy.
It seems to me that you get very tired during the holidays, so I decided to give you a gift and wrote a funny poem in Spanish. I hope you smile while reading it.
(Translated from Spanish by the author, free.)

The night is already full.
Under the light of the lunar metamorphosis,
Like a little boy
I am writing a letter to Santa Claus!
Here the snow fell and everything in the area was quiet,
And even the flame of the candle died down.
And admiring the wonders outside the window
It's like I'm in a fairy tale.
Thank you Santa, Santa Claus, Papa Noel,
During these festive weeks
For merry bells trill
For a warm house, and a decorated spruce.
And give us Grandpa in the coming year
Health and that there was daily bread.
So that happiness, love and joy come to us,
And you laughed at my rhyme from the bottom of your heart!
Merry Christmas, Dear Santa Claus!

Letter No. 9

English language

Letter No. 10

Languages: English, Spanish, German

Dear Santa Claus,
I certainly haven't written any letters to you. I wrote them to the Father Frost. I do not know whether you are a one person or two different ones, but I hope you know me anyway. So this year was really great! Of course, as in any year, bad things happened, but it is better to forget them for this magic New Year time. If I would try to write all the happy moments of this year it would be a whole book! Despite this fact, I will try to retell you some.
So, firstly about travelling. This year I have been to Spain, of course, but also I have visited Estonia and Latvia for the first time. I liked Tallinn with its old fortified walls and wide towers, I liked Tartu with its huge science museum, I liked Gulf of Riga with its peaceful fishing villages and its sandy pine forests with lots of tasty bilberries, and I liked Riga with its majestic cathedrals . In the end of November I have visited Saint Petersburg for the first time and I want very much to go there back, as there is so long list of places, where I haven’t been there. I don't know what to say. It's just been so great year, so many happy moments I can remember!
iAhora yo voy a escribir para Papá Noel! Si tu no sabes Ingles, pide el Santa Claus relatar tu una primera parte de mi carta. En Año Nuevo quiero más inspiración y fortuna. iY, por favour, menos pereza! Quiero mucho tener tiempo para todos los cosas. Recordas este deseo, qué pido yo a cada instante? Quiero es va a contecer…
Jetzt schreibe ich para Nikolaus. Hallo! Ich habe gesagt alles was ich konnte sagen, aber bitte ich dir Materialwunsch. Ich möchte, wahrscheinlich, Comboverstärker zu konnte ich gehen an Proben normal. Und möchte ich, daß mein Bruder zog en Australia ohne Problems um.
P.S. Ich möchte beliebig Land, wo bin ich nicht, besuchen. Zum Beispiel, Norwegen, or besuchen noch einmal Deutchland.
Goodbye and thank you! Adios y gracias! Auf Wiedersehen und Danke!

Dear Santa Claus,
I certainly never wrote you letters. I wrote them to Santa Claus. I don't know if you are one person or two different people, but I hope you know me anyway. Well, this year has been really cool! Of course, as in any normal year, bad things happened, but it's better to forget about them for this fabulous New Year's time. If I try to write down all the happy moments of this year, it would be a whole book! Despite this, I will try to tell you something.
So, to start the journey. This year I was in Spain, of course, but I also visited Latvia and Estonia for the first time. I liked Tallinn with its old fortress walls, I liked Tartu with its gigantic science museum, I liked the Gulf of Riga (unfortunately, there was no “Riga Seaside” in English) with its peaceful fishing villages and sandy pine forests with many delicious berries, I liked Riga with its majestic cathedrals. At the end of November, I visited St. Petersburg for the first time, and I really want to go back there, as there is a list of places where I did not have time to visit. Well, I don't know what to say. It was just such a great year, so many happy moments are remembered!
Now I'll write to Papa Noel (?)! If you don't know English, ask Santa to tell you the first part of my letter. In the New Year, I would like more inspiration and good luck. And please be less lazy! I would like to be able to do everything. Do you remember that wish that I make on every occasion? Well, I would like it to happen...
Now I am writing to Nikolaus. Hello! I have already said everything I could, but I will make a material wish on you. I would like, perhaps, a combo, so that I can rehearse normally. And I also want my brother to move to Australia without any problems.
P.S. I want to visit some country where I have not been yet. For example, Norway, or visit Germany again.
Goodbye and thanks! Goodbye and thanks! Goodbye and thanks!

Letter No. 11

English language

Hello, my name is Ulyana. I "m eleven years old. My birthday is 8th of January. A few days later, this year will be ended. But this year was beautiful and fun, In this year i did a lot of good matters. I very successful finish last school year and good to began this. In exiting year i had got a lot of big adventures. In June i with my friengs went to camping expedition. It was amazing! We were in montains. It was the lowest montains in Russia - Hibiny. In this place i saw a lot of beautiful rivers, majestic forests.Somehow we climbed a mountain.Magnificently form opened to us.This photo must helped introduce this to you.But at the July i went to home.In July we went traveling to Spain We have been visit Malaga, Torremolinos, Fuenghirola, Tarifa and Tanger (Africa). And at the August i found a little cat. We nick her to our home. We called her Gusya. At the autumn i won town "s olympiad of astronomy. It "s all what happened in this year. I think, i earned a present of New Year. I want a graphic mapcase. Because i like animated. I will be happy, if i find it under New Year"s tree.

With best wishes

Letter No. 12

Language: Spanish

¡Hola, Papa Noel!
Como estas? Yo creo que todo es muy bien, pronto seremos celebrar el Año Nuevo.
Vamos a conocer. Me llamo Anya. Yo nací y vivo en Rusia. Yo trabajo en el instituto científico. Yo creo que conoce nuestro Abuelo de los frios. Para en este año he decidido escribir esta carta a Usted, porque empecé aprender Español. A mi me interesa el curso de Español. Muchas gracias nuestra profesora Margarita.
Yo entiendo Español regular, pero hablo muy mal. Por eso yo quiero escribas muchas cartas a mi, o puede ser hablemos por ordenador (Internet) :)
A mi me gusta aprender idiomas diferentes. Además yo quiero viajar por Español y Latinoamérica, conocer con la gente diferentes. Esta es una facilidad buena para practicar el idioma.
Este año ha sido muy interesante. Gracias por todo el año 2014. Tal vez yo no trabaje mucho para he escribido el artículo científico y es muy bien.
Yo deseo en año 2015 tenga mucho trabajo y muchos resultados buenos.
¡Ojalá todos sea muy bien!
Yo rogo dones nos nieves muchos y invierno bueno, porque queremos andar en esquis y patinar. Nos todos aguardamos nuestro invierno mágico.
Por favor, da toda la gente la felicidad, el amor, los milagros.

¡Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo!

Letter No. 13

English language

Dear Santa,

this year was very difficult for me. I "ve studied assiduously and passed 14 exams. I"ve worked hard and prepared my term paper. So, I was a good girl (I guess?) and I want to ask you some presents (please!).

Firstly, I wish my family and friends were healthy, wealthy and so on.
Secondly, I wish I defended my graduation thesis successfully.
And thirdly, I would like to take a journey to the Caribbean in order to see a huge spiny butterfly ray (8 meters length!) and a giant green turtle (I saw one in the Zoo - it was fantastic!).

Well, I would like to feel myself like Captain Cousteau, because I haven't scuba dove yet.
All in all, I promise that I "ll be better and better in new 2015. I hope 2015 will be happier for me and for all.

Take a break from everyday work and plunge into a fairy tale? Easily! Let's learn how to write a letter to Santa Claus in English: broaden our horizons, and at the same time practice our writing skills. We will not only help you write the text, but also decorate it with thematic drawings.

Letter to Santa Claus: what is it?

Children from Russia write a letter to Santa Claus, from the UK to a character named Father Frost, and from America to Santa Claus. All these fairy-tale heroes bring gifts and fulfill children's desires, for this, the children should behave well and obey adults all year long.

Letter plan

  1. Handling:

    Dear Santa! - Dear Santa!

    Dear Santa Claus! - Dear Santa Claus!

  2. Main part:
    • a few words about yourself, your achievements, etc.
    • a little about your dreams
  3. Conclusion:

    Sincerely yours - Sincerely yours / yours

    Yours - Yours / yours

An example of a letter to Santa Claus

To write to Santa in English, you can use a regular notebook or landscape sheet, or you can use a variety of colored “forms”, of which there are a great many on the Internet. There is no limit to fantasy here. The child will like not only to correctly compose the text of the message, but also to decorate it with his own New Year's or Christmas drawings.

Original New Year's envelopes

A letter to Santa

And now let's give an example of the letter itself.

Dear Santa Claus,

Let me introduce myself. I am Kate. I am 11. My family is small. We are three: my mother, my father and me. I live in Moscow and study in the 5th form. We have 2 pets, a cat and a dog. I help my parents to take care of them. Our family is very friendly.

New Year is coming and I've decided to write a letter to you. How are you? How did you spend last holidays? I hope everything is ok with you. As for me, at school I was getting good and excellent marks the whole year. Best of all I like English, Nature Studies and Literature. It is so interesting to learn new things about our planet. Besides, I help my mother about the house, do some shopping and walk with our dog. So, as you see, I am quite a good child.

I’d like to ask you to present me with a new creativity-set, containing multicolored beads, some wool for felting and shreds for patchwork. I will be very glad to get an mp3-player or some other interesting gadget. I'm looking forward to the holiday night. It is the time of miracles and fairy tales. And I hope my desires will come to life. Wish you to be healthy and wealthy enough to fulfill the children's dreams all over the world.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Santa Claus!

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Katya, I am 11 years old. I have a small family. There are three of us: mom, dad and me. I live in Moscow, I study in the 5th grade. We have 2 pets: a cat and a dog. I help parents take care of animals. I have a very friendly family.

Approaching New Year and I decided to write you a letter. How are you doing? How did you spend your last holidays? I hope you're doing well. As for me, I got "good" and "excellent" at school for a whole year. Most of all I love English, natural history and literature. It's so interesting to learn new things about our planet. In addition, I help my mother around the house, do shopping and walk our dog. That is, as you can see, I am quite an obedient child.

I'd like to ask you to give me a new craft kit with colorful beads, some felting wool and patchwork patchwork. I'll be glad to get an mp3 player or some other interesting gadget. I look forward to the festive night, because this is the time of miracles and fairy tales. And I hope my wishes come true. I wish you to be healthy and rich so that you can fulfill the dreams of all the children in the world.

Sincerely yours,

And finally, a few useful expressions that will come in handy when writing letters and not only:

Now you are fully equipped to bring the fairy tale to life. Fantasy, play, draw, be children! And you will definitely succeed, including writing a letter to Santa Claus in English.

Stamps for letters to Santa Claus: what kind of stamp will you draw?

NB! And this is how the address of Santa Claus is written in English:

And this is what a letter to Santa from Canada might look like

And remember, Santa Claus brings gifts only to obedient children!

Some children's songs about Santa:

You can congratulate your foreign colleagues and friends in English on the holiday "A letter from a child to Santa Claus and an answer." Christmas is coming and it's time to think about the gifts your child wants to receive on the most magical night of the year! He can tell Santa Claus about his cherished desires! Write a letter to Veliky Ustyug together with your child, and most importantly, you can send a letter back to your child from Father Frost! Description of the holiday in English: New Year's Day is coming, and it is the right time to think about gifts that your child wishes for himself at this most magical night of the year! He can tell his dearest wishes to Grandfather Frost! Just write a letter together with your child and send it to Great Ustyug, and – what`s best – you can prepare a reply for you child from Grandfather Frost!

Letter to Santa Claus

Dear Santa Claus!

Happy holidays to you!

My name is Vanya]. I'm old. I live in Moscow]. This year I studied well, obeyed my mother and grandmother. I really want to receive [prefix] as a gift. And make sure that there is a lot of snow on New Year's Eve.

Waiting for an answer!

Letter from Santa Claus

Hello [Vanya]!

Happy New Year to you! I wish health and happiness to you and your family! Well done, you have been an exemplary boy all year, and I will try to fulfill your desire!

We have a lot of snow in Veliky Ustyug, I will send it to you in [Moscow] soon!

With best wishes, Santa Claus.

A Letter to Grandfather Frost

Dear Grandfather Frost!

Happy upcoming holidays to you!

My name is . I am years old. I live in. This year I was doing well in studies, listened to my mom and grandmother. I desire to get a gift. And please, make New Year`s Day be rich in snow.

I`m looking forward to hear from you!

A Letter from Grandfather Frost

My congratulations on upcoming New Year! I wish you and your family to be healthy and happy! Well done, my dear, you`ve been a very good boy this year, and I will try to fulfill your wish!

We have so much snow here in Great Ustyug , so I will send it to you to soon!

With best wishes, Grandfather Frost.

Translation into other languages

The project of the Flarus translation agency is a universal list of congratulations in English on both international and national holidays with translation from different languages ​​of the world. You can also find out which major holidays are celebrated in a particular state. For congratulations on the holiday "A letter from a child to Santa Claus and an answer" in English, you can use the text created by a professional translator and native English speaker. You can see the translation of congratulations into other languages.

Letter to Santa Claus: what is it? Children from Russia write a letter to Santa Claus, from the UK to a character named Father Frost, and from America to Santa Claus. All these fairy-tale heroes bring gifts and fulfill children's desires, for this, the children should behave well and obey adults all year long. Letter plan

  1. Title: Dear Santa! - Dear Santa! Dear Santa Claus! - Dear Santa Claus!
  2. Main part:
    • a few words about yourself, your achievements, etc.
    • a little about your dreams
  3. Conclusion: Sincerely yours - Sincerely yours / yours Yours - Yours / yours

An example of a letter form to Santa Claus To write to Santa in English, you can use a regular notebook or landscape sheet, or you can use a variety of colored “forms”, of which there are a great many on the Internet. There is no limit to fantasy here.

Congratulations on the holiday "a child's letter to Santa Claus and the answer"

This year I have been a very good boy. My mom said I was so good that she thought I should write you a letter and ask for this toy. I would also like to thank you for all the amazing gifts you have given me in the past. I still cycle all over the area. My dad taught me how to ride it and I'm so happy you put it under your tree.
Please say hello to everyone at the North Pole. I'll be very happy to see what you put under the tree this year. Thank you Jimmy Names of all Santa's Reindeer in English with translation *Santa's Reindeer are an important part of his residence.

There are 9 of them in total. The most important and most famous of them is a deer named Rudolph. American children often mention him in their letters to Santa. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.


one more step

My brother Tim says that Legos are for boys, but I already have a TIE fighter and would like more sets to start my collection. Thank you for all of the great gifts that you gave me last year. Please say hello to the reindeer. I love to watch the Christmas movies that have all of them flying around.


Sincerely,Cindyxoxo Dear Santa Claus, My name is Cindy and I am 8 years old. I hope you all took a break from last year's giveaways. I want you to know that I was very good this year and I obeyed my parents.

I would love to get a Lego X-wing Starfighter this year. My brother Tim says Lego is for boys, but I already have one TIE fighter and I wish I had more sets in my collection. Thank you for the great gifts you gave me last year. Please say hello to your reindeer.

Letter to Santa Claus in English: tell santa about your dreams

Sincerely,David Santa ClausNorth PoleUSA Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? When Christmas comes, I want a red Nintendo with a charger, plus a carrying case. That's what I want for Christmas. Thank you very much! Sincerely, David Dear Santa, I am Ivan, I'm 7 years old and I live in Moscow, which is a very long away from the North Pole.I have tried to be good all year and hope that you and your reindeers will be able to deliver me a nice present.At the moment my special toy is a … but I would really like a … or a … to play with next year. I know that you and your helpers must be very busy at the moment and hope that you will also have time to deliver some nice gifts for my family.

letter to santa claus in english

I have a small family. There are three of us: mom, dad and me. I live in Moscow, I study in the 5th grade. We have 2 pets: a cat and a dog. I help parents take care of animals. I have a very friendly family. The New Year is approaching, and I decided to write you a letter.


How are you doing? How did you spend your last holidays? I hope you're doing well. As for me, I got "good" and "excellent" at school for a whole year. Most of all I love English, natural history and literature.

It's so interesting to learn new things about our planet. In addition, I help my mother around the house, do shopping and walk our dog. That is, as you can see, I am quite an obedient child. I'd like to ask you to give me a new craft kit with colorful beads, some felting wool and patchwork patchwork. I'll be glad to get an mp3 player or some other interesting gadget.

Postcard to Santa Claus in English please help

    Translation into German

  • Translation into Chinese
  • Spanish translation
  • Translation into Czech
  • Serbian translation
  • English translation
  • French translation

The text of the congratulations was translated by the translators of the translation agency Flarus. The "Congratulations on Translation" project is a universal list of congratulations on both international and national holidays with translation into foreign languages ​​of the world. Congratulate your employees, colleagues and business partners on the holiday "A letter from a child to Santa Claus and an answer" in their native language.