Project on the theme of the Indian Ocean. The flora and fauna of the Indian Ocean is rich and diverse.

Developed and conducted by Shvetsova V.A. teacher of geography and ecology of MOBU Novobureyskaya secondary school No. 3, Amur region. Developed on the basis of the author's program edited by I. V. Dushina.

Geographic position of the ocean. Discovery history. The structure of the oceanic basin. Interaction of ocean, atmosphere and land. Economic use. Interesting Facts.
Lesson plan

PLAN How is the ocean located relative to the equator, the prime meridian, the lines of the tropics and the polar circles? What continents is it washed by? Indented coastline.

The voyages of the Egyptians and Arabs
The first to swim on the ocean were the inhabitants of ancient India, the Arabs. Information about the ocean began to accumulate from the time of the voyage of Vasco da Gama (1497 - 1499). The first measurements of the depths of this ocean were made by the English navigator J. Cook. A comprehensive study of the ocean began at the end of the 19th century.
Research vessel "Challenger"
Swimming J. Cook

What lithospheric plates form the bottom of the Indian Ocean? What ridges are included in the MOR system?

Identify what pattern exists in the distribution of surface water temperatures?
Surface water temperature map of the Indian Ocean

Which areas of the ocean have low salinity? What is the reason? In what areas of the ocean is salinity higher than the average for the oceans? What is the reason?

Coastal areas of the ocean abound with coral reefs
bearded shark
Black manta ray or sea devil
Napoleon fish

Mantis shrimp
Shy micro pipit Hippocampus denise in coral thicket
crocodile fish

Pufferfish (at the moment of danger it turns into a ball with thorns)
Flock of Kashmiri Snappers
hawksbill turtle
Amphiprion hiding in the tentacles of an anemone

Humpback whale
Dolphins on the hunt
Gannet bird and mackerel
Sailfish (one of the fastest fish, can reach speeds of 100 km / h)

In the waters of the Indian Ocean, the largest bivalve mollusk, Tridacna giant, is found. Reaches a length of almost 1.5 m and a mass of 250 kg; moreover, the mass of the actual body of such giants does not exceed 30 kg, the rest falls on the shell. The age of such patriarchs, according to various estimates, is 100, 200 and even 300 years.

Presentation on the theme "Indian Ocean" in geography for schoolchildren. Consists of nine slides. In the presentation, the Indian Ocean is considered according to the lesson plan: geographical location, history of ocean exploration, features of the nature of the ocean, types of economic activities in the ocean. The project was completed by Evgenia Yagodorova and Daria Malyutkina.

Fragments from the presentation:

Lesson plan:

  • Geographical position.
  • From the history of ocean exploration.
  • Features of the nature of the ocean.
  • Types of economic activity in the ocean.

Map of the Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean has a peculiar position on the planet: most of it lies in the southern hemisphere. In the north, it is bounded by Eurasia and has no connection with the Arctic Ocean.

Who discovered and explored the Indian Ocean?

The description of sailing routes on the ocean was the first to be made by the Arabs. Information about the Indian Ocean began to accumulate from the time of the voyages of Vasco da Gama (1497-1499). At the end of the 18th century The first measurements of the depth of this ocean were made by the English navigator J. Cook.

Features of the nature of the ocean

The structure of the bottom topography is complex. Mid-ocean ridges divide the ocean floor into three parts. In the western part, a ridge stretches, connecting south of Africa with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The center of the ridge is characterized by deep faults, areas of earthquakes and volcanism at the bottom of the ocean. Faults in the earth's crust continue in the Red Sea and come out on land. A feature of the climate is the seasonal monsoon winds in the northern part of the ocean, which is located in the subequatorial belt and is significantly influenced by land. Monsoons have a huge impact on weather conditions in the northern part of the ocean.

In the south, the ocean experiences the cooling influence of Antarctica; here lie the most severe regions of the ocean. The properties of water masses are associated with the characteristics of the climate. The northern part of the ocean warms up well, is deprived of the influx of cold waters and is therefore the warmest. The water temperature here is higher (up to +30) than at the same latitudes in other oceans. To the south, the water temperature drops. The salinity of ocean waters on the surface is generally higher than the salinity of the World Ocean, and in the Red Sea it is especially high (up to 42%). In the northern part of the ocean, the formation of currents is influenced by the seasonal change of winds. Monsoons change the direction of water movement, causing their vertical mixing. Rebuild the flow system. In the south, currents are an integral part of the general scheme of currents of the World Ocean.

Organic world of the Indian Ocean

Tropical water masses are rich in plankton, which is especially rich in single-celled algae. Among the plankton, there are many organisms that glow at night. Diversity of fish species: sardinella, mackerel, sharks. Shelf areas and shallow waters near coral reefs are especially rich in life. Turtles and sea snakes live in warm waters. Of the mollusks, there are many cuttlefish and squid, and near Antarctica - whales and seals.

Types of economic activity

The ocean shelf is rich in minerals. In the strata of sedimentary rocks at the bottom of the Persian Gulf, huge deposits of oil create the danger of water pollution. Fishing is also developed. Numerous shipping routes pass through the Indian Ocean. There are especially many sea roads in the northern part of the ocean, where small sailing ships are still used. The direction of their movement is associated with the monsoons.

The project was completed by Evgenia Yagodorova and Daria Malyutkina.

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Problems The main environmental problems of the Indian Ocean, as well as other parts of the World Ocean, are primarily related to anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems and serious damage to the stability of these natural systems. Among the various types of water pollution in the Indian Ocean, oil pollution occupies a special place. The region of the Near and Middle East plays the role of the main "oil crane" in the foreign world economy. It accounts for more than 2/3 of all reserves and 1/3 of oil production in the foreign world. The Persian Gulf basin stands out in particular. Export of oil from the countries of this basin is more than 500 million tons annually. The main sea cargo flows of oil start from the largest ports of the Persian Gulf and go to Western Europe, North America and Japan. The largest tankers go through the western part of the Indian Ocean along the coast of Africa and its northern part off the coast of South and Southeast Asia, smaller oil tankers go through the Suez Canal. Therefore, it is the northern, northeastern and western areas of the ocean that are most of all covered with an oil slick.

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"Flora and fauna"- Tundra. The placement of animals is subject to the law of latitudinal zonality and altitudinal zonality. Steppe animals. Herbivorous animals. Predators of the Tundra. Find on the vegetation map areas occupied by deserts, tundras, forests and steppes. Deer is an inhabitant of the forest. Flora and fauna of Russia.

"Animals of the Ocean"- Rays are sometimes jokingly called flattened sharks. Common dolphins live in the temperate and warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. Life in the ocean. Parrot fish. Sea stars. Stingrays. The largest animal. The length of an ordinary harbor porpoise is about 180 cm, and the average weight is 50 kg. In total, 40 species of dolphins live in the World Ocean.

"The flora and fauna of Africa"- Okapi. Cheetah. Savannahs and light forests OCCUR THE BIGGEST AREA OF THE MATERIN. African tortoises are good migrants. Date palm. Camels. Hippopotamus. In any point of the mainland you can meet reptile representatives. Buffaloes. A lion. The tallest animal in the world, the giraffe, lives in Africa. A bright representative of the flora of the savannas is the baobab.

"Geography of the Indian Ocean"- Islands of the Indian Ocean. Skat. Sea turtles. In the Indian Ocean live - ... Flying fish. Mauritius is the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Coral. Minerals. Dorado. Ocean research. Mainland. Tuna. Bartolomeu Dias. Lobster. Marine industry. Starfish. Animal world.

"Development of the plant world"- Exit of plants to land Terrestrial-water 350-400 million years. The main stages in the development of the plant world. lower plants. Mosses. The development of the plant world on Earth. Lesson topic. Eukaryotes. Lesson objectives: Chlamydomonas Laminaria Kukushkin flax Pine. The emergence and dominance of the Terrestrial Over 200 million years ago Gymnosperms.

"Animal world"- Rookeries of sea lions, seals and seals are arranged on the shore. One of the oldest in Russia (1919) - Astrakhan Reserve. Red is the color of danger. Wryneck. Sable. The Caucasian brown bear, lynx, forest cat have become a rarity. Cranes. Forest-steppe. In the reed thickets of river valleys, wild boar is found here and there.