Professional skill of the teacher improvement and self-improvement. Self-improvement of the teacher's personality

Reading time 10 minutes

Professional self-development is one of the significant parts of human existence. It contributes to the achievement of a certain status, prestige and standard of living. Each of us decides for himself whether to be a successful person or never reach career heights.

If you have long dreamed of becoming a professional in your field, catching the envious glances of colleagues or simply increasing your own income, then this article is written for you! Here are the most effective methods of professional self-development, which will surely help every newcomer to achieve career growth.

Professional self-development is an obligatory component of the life path of every successful person. It is foolish to argue that the work area is not an important part of our existence. Many people from adolescence strive to earn their first money on their own in order to satisfy their material needs. Already an adult, on average, spends half of his life at work. Such statistics show that professional development is necessary for further existence in society and for the development of the ability to survive.

Personal self-knowledge and professional self-development

No development will come if you do not know in advance about all the subtleties and unique features of your own personality. Self-knowledge is the most important source for the study of personality. Only the person himself is able to form the most accurate picture of himself, based on his experience, life choices and actions.

Without it, it is difficult to develop in absolutely any field, including professional, and all because each person has his own personal abilities that distinguish him from other people. If we were all the same, like people from a copier, then we would hardly be able to achieve success in any business. After all, then it would have quite strongly distinguished us from the rest of the inhabitants of the planet.

The fact is that thanks to the self-knowledge of the individual, people are able to achieve further independent development in any direction of life. The same applies to professional development. If a person knows his abilities, opportunities, he will be confident in them and will definitely find a useful application for them in his work. It is also important to identify personal preferences, tastes, in order to further improve in the area that will bring you not only prestige, earnings, but also pleasure.

From self-knowledge to professionalism

In fact, self-knowledge of personality and professionalism are strongly linked. After all, it is realistic to realize oneself on the chosen path only with the makings of a particular business identified in advance. If a person initially did not have a soul for something, then they will be able to lure him with this in the future. Or if he does not have predispositions for the chosen business, then it is useless to expect high achievements from him there.

For example, if a child was sedentary and not at all active from childhood, was more interested in natural sciences, then it is unlikely that he will become a great athlete and vice versa, if the child has good physical development, there are no inclinations for deep thought processes at all, then it is useless to accustom him to this. Yes, the sense of studying new subjects will give its positive result, but it will certainly not exceed the average indicator among his peers.

Another thing is when the baby is passionate about something, has the opportunity to develop in this direction without losing interest. Then, most likely, in the future he will be able not only to enjoy the chosen activity, but also to achieve great success, recognition in this field. Over time, any hobby can grow from a simple hobby into something more, for example, into a source of income or even a whole art. In any case, if you reveal individual abilities correctly and at the right time, they will soon be sharpened to obvious professionalism.

Development of professional skills

If already an adult person fully knows himself and his individual characteristics, then the time comes for their implementation in professional self-development. Everything can start with the banal development of one's own qualities and skills, which in the future can develop into talent or professionalism.

Without professional self-development, it will be quite difficult to achieve personal heights. Therefore, it is so important to accustom yourself to work from an early age. Each of the people, entering into adulthood, is obliged to support himself, as well as to provide everything necessary for his own children, family. And the higher the professional development, the higher your budget, respectively.

Self-development in psychology

Professional self-development depends not only on the talents and abilities inherent in us from birth. It is also important here: the motivation and desire of the person himself to grow in the world of work. Only in this way, having the proper incentive, it is realistic to achieve the highest professionalism in the chosen business.

If we take self-development as a term from scientific sections on psychology, then it carries a very interesting meaning. Personal self-development is the real, constant work on oneself, performed daily throughout the entire life path of a person. Based on this definition, one can draw a useful conclusion for everyone that only through continuous self-development is it possible to achieve heights and success on the road of life.

Self-development in psychology implies a lot of work on oneself, on thoughts, as well as on any actions performed by an individual in society.

Methodology of self-development

The process of self-development is in its own way complex and incomprehensible to those who have not thought about it before. Sometimes it happens automatically, not even noticeable to the person himself. But there are developed methods of self-development that help to achieve an effective result much easier and faster.

By choosing the right methods of self-realization, it is really easy to achieve your goals and improve your own “I” as much as possible. That is why it is so important sometimes to seek help from a specialist in your field, a psychologist or a competent coach.

Effective methods of self-development

Sometimes you really need to look at yourself from the outside. There is nothing complicated in this, it is enough to put a camera and capture your everyday actions on video. In the professional field, this will also help hone your skills, see your own shortcomings.

Quite often, many psychoanalysts call for "letting go of your past." But this is not a completely correct method. Yes, somewhere it is really needed, but not for those who decide to develop, it gets better. It is impossible to notice personal changes if there is nothing to compare them with. Therefore, it is sometimes useful to look at the past self in order to see changes for the better and personal growth.

The twenty-first century is oversaturated with information, sometimes our brain simply cannot cope with it, experiencing emotional and mental overload. Having noticed such an alarming state behind you, urgently arrange a rest for yourself! The main thing during relaxation is not to hang around in gadgets, the Internet, but to completely distract yourself from the unnecessary flow of information. And besides, much more interesting, profitable ideas come to a “fresh head”!

If the risk is justified, then it is quite appropriate. As for the senseless risk, then you should be more careful in order to avoid unnecessary losses and failures in the future. For professional self-development, excitement, risky actions are sometimes necessary, the main thing is not to get too carried away with this.

Society and self-development

For self-development, it is so important to invest in your own person, rather than in something else. Education, travel, proper nutrition, sports - all this is the key to good health + self-development.

When you have a lot of different tasks in front of you, it's hard not to forget everything. Keeping a planner or regular diary will make some of the work easier for you. As for professional self-development, there is nowhere without a notebook! After all, who knows when the next brilliant idea will come to your mind.

Using the above methods of self-development, you will definitely achieve effective results in all labor endeavors!

Goals and ideas

Set the right goals for the achievement of which you went on the path of self-development. If necessary, do not be afraid to ask questions of your own "I". Only in this way will you determine whether you are really moving in the right direction, or whether you are faced with severe self-deception.

Any correctly set goal has guidelines that help in achieving it. Take care of them, and you will definitely achieve the desired result!

Without good motivation, the process of self-improvement may well drag on for many years. Find a worthy example for yourself that will serve as a real incentive for you. For example, your boss or senior management can serve as a great example.

If you move only in one direction, it will be very difficult for you to achieve full self-realization. Moderately engage in both the physical development of your body and the improvement of intelligence, gradually increasing the level of IQ.

Professional self-development

Over the years, people tend to improve their skills, improve themselves in any area of ​​life. The same applies to work activities. If at the beginning of the working path a person has little experience, then over time he seeks to improve it in order to achieve a certain professionalism in the chosen business and the recognition of colleagues.

Work plays a significant role in human existence. Indeed, in most cases, it takes half of his activities. The most dangerous thing is that work has a strong influence on the physical and emotional state of the individual.

In the absence of labor activity, as well as constant earnings, a person may experience severe depression, apathy. The fact is that any sharp difference between a person and other representatives of society can put unpleasant pressure on her. A person will worry that he cannot simply do a job like other people. And also another experience will be the problem of obtaining funds for food.

What does it take to be a professional?

To become a professional in your own chosen activity, you will have to make a lot of effort and work. But beyond that, there are other factors that play a role.

Internal inclinations: predisposition to learning, leadership qualities, sincere desire, continuous striving, undying motivation, organization, strong discipline, understanding of the basics of self-realization.

External circumstances: methodological support, equipped workplace, well-coordinated work of the team, competent leadership, availability of information sources.

7 stages of professional development

There are several stages on the way of professional self-development. These include:

Professional methods

The passage of all stages of professional self-development is inevitable. To achieve faster growth, some individuals follow specially designed professional techniques. They are aimed at increasing the level of professionalism of the employee and his motivation for further growth. These include:

  • Refresher courses. Large companies quite often care about the level of professional training of their employees. Therefore, it is not uncommon for such a workplace to take special advanced training courses. Such courses improve the skills of the employee, enriching his mind with new, valuable knowledge that is useful for his work.
  • federal standards. There are officially established federal standards for the quality of work and professionalism of employees. If a candidate for the position is not suitable for some points, then it is possible to take a retraining course or advanced training. It should be borne in mind that standards tend to change, so you will have to constantly adapt to them and improve existing skills.

Other professional methods:

  1. Self-control, adequate assessment of opportunities. For everyone who dreams of becoming a master of their craft, it is important to observe self-control in actions. Equally important will be an adequate assessment of individual capabilities. Remember that you can master everything your heart desires, the main thing is to soberly assess personal abilities for this. A hippo will never become a duck, and a duck will never become a hippo. The same rule applies to human lives.
  2. A fresh look at work. It happens that a “blurred look” at a situation interferes with productive work. If you've been working on a project for a long time, give yourself a little break. With a clean, renewed consciousness, brilliant ideas will surely come to your mind!
  3. Improving skills. There is a saying: “Live and learn”. It is not necessary to constantly be in the shell of a student, the main thing is not to stop improving yourself and improving the quality of life. Once you appreciate the benefits of a first-class existence, you will immediately find ways to achieve it.
  4. Existing list of desired goals. In every case, even at work, you need to keep a task plan. So it will be much easier for you to navigate them and go to your goals.
  5. Drawing up a portrait of the master. Each member of modern society has its own professional portrait, which determines the degree of value of a person as an employee. Create a personal picture of your talents and skills.
  6. Maintaining motivation. Implementation is not real without a strong incentive! Keep motivated, move only forward, achieve life's blessings!

Everything in this life depends on you. Whatever goal you set for yourself, this result will be achieved. Don't be afraid to dream, sometimes even ask for more. Do not stop moving in the given direction, grow as a person, as a professional, and then all your dreams will come true! Good luck!

Master Class

"Methods of professional

self-improvement of the teacher "

V.V. Argokova, educational psychologist

Regional State General Education

institutions "Kursk school for children

with restricted abilities

health "Steps"

Target: change in attitude towards oneself, attentive attitude to one's personal needs, development of positive thinking.

I. Organizational moment. Exercise: "I love."

I suggest you stand in a circle. Holding a ball (candle?)

Let's start our lesson by introducing ourselves to each other.

But let's do it differently. The one who has the ball will tell something about himself, starting with the words “My name is ...”, “My profession ...”, “I dream ...”, “I love ...”, etc.

Psychologist: Now sit comfortably in a chair.

Relax and close your eyes.

On your own command, try to turn your attention away from the external situation and focus on your breathing.

In this case, you should not specifically control breathing, you do not need to disturb the natural rhythm.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson. I report the topic.

Information block.


Researches of scientists have shown personal and professional problems typical for teachers: personal anxiety, instability, disorders. I - concepts, inadequate self-esteem, the level of claims, a tendency to an authoritarian style of communication, hypersocialization, etc.

Working with people, and especially with children, requires a lot of emotional costs.

Each specialist on the way to professionalism goes through a number of stages (the stage of adaptation, self-actualization and creative transformation). Each of these stages is associated with certain problems of the professional development of teachers.

Adaptation to his profession is associated with difficulties of a methodological, psychological or social nature.

Stages self-actualizationin the profession are associated with crises of competence, anxiety, fear of solving new problems, i.e. non-compliance with the professional level, the level of expectations of others.

Emotional Resourcesteachers can be gradually depleted, and then the body and psyche develop various defense mechanisms. Unfortunately, under the influence of heavy loads and the requirements of the profession, the teacher often does not use psychological knowledge in practice, therefore, in stressful situations, the teacher becomes both an executioner and a victim at the same time.

Children suffer, getting into a nervous environment, and the teacher also suffers, paying for everything with psychosomatic and neuropsychic diseases.

A new idea of ​​a professional is currently being developed.

In a professional, "Personality" and "Master" are organically combined.

A.S. Makarenko believed that only a happy person can interact effectively with others: “You can’t be unhappy. Our ethics require us to be happy people….”

There are people who have not yet found "their" ways. There is no way to help them calm down if they are nervous, to feel good when they are very tired.

The task of a psychologist is to help determine the choice of techniques and methods of self-regulation in order to fulfill their professional duties in a quality manner.

Receptions and techniques of pedagogical psychotherapy


* Breath control.

* Regulation of the psyche.

* Immersion in color.

* Circle "Parts of my Self"

* Aroma therapy.

Self-regulation of the teacher.Reception of self-action- breath control. Nowadays, many methods of healing breathing have been developed.

I will give one very simple and effective way to improve well-being.

Method called "Full Yogi Breathing"great massages the internal organs and has a positive effect on brain function.

An exercise: Having taken a sitting posture, slowly begin to inhale air first with the stomach, then with the middle part of the chest, and finally with the upper one.

Exhalation should be done in the reverse order, breathing should not be hasty. 5-10 minutes is enough to start, then you can increase.

Slow and deep breathing lowers the excitability of the nerve centers and promotes muscle relaxation.

Frequent breathing, on the contrary, provides a high level of activity of the body.

You can master two types of breathing: lower (abdominal) and upper (clavicular).

Abdominal breathing.

Abdominal breathing is carried out as follows: sitting or standing, it is necessary to relieve tension from the muscles and focus on breathing.

Then 4 stages of a single breathing cycle are performed, accompanied by an internal count. At the expense of 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, a slow breath is taken, while the stomach protrudes forward, the abdominal muscles are relaxed, and the chest is motionless.

Then, for the next 4 counts, the breath is held and a smooth exhalation for 6 counts, accompanied by pulling the abdominal muscles to the spine.

It should be remembered that you need to breathe only through your nose and as smoothly as if a fluff were hanging in front of your nose at a distance of 5 to 15 cm, then it should not sway. After 5 minutes of such breathing, you will notice that your state has become calmer and more balanced.

Upper (clavicular) breathingis used when you need to cheer up after monotonous work, throw off fatigue, prepare for vigorous activity.

How to do upper breathing?

It is carried out with an energetic deep breath through the nose with a rise in the shoulders and a sharp exhalation through the mouth.

There are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation.

After such breathing, a feeling of “goosebumps” appears on the back, a surge of vivacity.

Exercise: "Parts of my Self)».

Psychologist: our "I" - this is our body, our thoughts, feelings, sensations, relationships, our spirituality.

We exist in a certain space, we eat certain foods.

Every part of our"I" plays a role, but they all interact with each other, creating a logical pattern of this"I".

Are we living life to the fullest?

Are we listening to our body?

To your feelings?

Do we give free rein to our senses and intellect?

Are we satisfied with our relationships with others?

Think about these questions, listen to each "I", ask yourself about his well-being and draw a conditional pattern of your "I".

1. Draw the "I" pattern.

2. Listen to everyone.

3. Ask him about

well-being, roles and

place in this pattern.

4. Color in jello -

personal for you


5. Think about

with my "I"

feelings that

he calls.

6.Save the pattern and

Compare with others

patterns that you

draw later.

The psychological effect of flowers.

The teacher always influences with his personality, starting with how he speaks and ending with what he is wearing.

The color of clothing affects the mood of the teacher and his students.

Each color in itself has a certain "psychological" quality and has a certain effect on the psyche.

Color Dive Method.

1. Take a comfortable position, relax.

2. Choose one of the suggested colors:

* Red if you need strength and endurance.

* Orange, if you want to draw other people's attention to your business and personal life.

* Yellow, if you want to develop intuition, need new ideas and concepts.

* Green, if you want to feel more empathy, love for your neighbor.

* Blue if you are stressed and in need of relaxation.

* Blue if you want more creative ideas.

* Purple, if you are trying to find uniqueness, innovative ideas.

3. Imagine this color as a pyramid above your head. Calmly watch this pyramid, it slowly begins to descend. Feel how it penetrates you, It passes through your body, dissolving and clearing negative emotions.

Feel yourself in the center of this colored pyramid. Enjoy its properties and absorb them into yourself.

4. Now let your chosen color bathe you from head to toe. Imagine how the flow of this color passes through you and eventually flows out into the sewer pipe. Then check yourself.

If you still feel the remnants of negative feelings in any place of the body, direct the color flow there and wash this area.

5. Achieving the desired color quality. This can be done mentally, out loud, or in writing. Take five minutes to acknowledge the presence of red in you and its properties. Be confident in your words as you speak or write.

Psychologist. The presented exercises are designed to develop adequate self-esteem, relieve anxiety, create stable positive psycho-emotional states.

Method "Tree".

Participants are offered sheets with a ready-made image of the plot: a tree and little men located on it and under it.

Exercise. “Consider this tree. You see on it and next to it a lot of little men.

Each of them has a different mood and they occupy a different position.

Circle the person who reminds you of yourself, is similar to you, your mood at school and your position.

Please note that each branch of the tree can be equal to your achievements and successes.

Now underline the person you would like to be and in whose place you would like to be.

Interpretation results, the implementation of the projective technique "Tree" is carried out on the basis of what positions this person chooses, with the position of which little man he identifies his real and ideal position, whether there are differences between them.


№ 1, 3, 6, 7

Characterizes the installation to overcome obstacles

№ 2, 19, 18, 11, 12

Sociability, friendly support

№ 4

Stability of the position, (desire to achieve success without overcoming difficulties).

№ 5

Fatigue, shyness, weakness

№ 9

Motivation for entertainment

№ 13, 21

Detachment, withdrawal, anxiety

№ 8

Detachment from the educational process, withdrawal into oneself

№ 10, 15

Comfortable state, normal adaptation

№ 14

Crisis state

№ 20

As a prospect, they are chosen with high self-esteem and a leadership attitude


Low self-esteem and poor self-knowledge

1. Conduct individual and group conversations on the topics: “What kind of person am I?”, “What do I like? What do I not like?”, “My idol”, etc.

You can offer written answers to these and other questions. Sometimes such an essay becomes an occasion for a conversation with a pupil.

2. Special exercises and games are used to develop self-esteem and self-knowledge.

* "T-shirt with an inscription." Explain that sometimes there are sayings on T-shirts that characterize their owners, for example: “I don’t sleep, I think slowly”, “I love applause”, “I escaped from the zoo”, etc.

Invite the children to come up with their own slogan for an imaginary t-shirt.

It is important that the inscription speaks about the child now, his favorite activities.

Everyone reads their own inscription. It is important to give emotional support to this inscription on the T-shirt.

* « My portrait in the sun

Exercise. “Draw the sun, write a name in its center, write your virtues along the rays.”

Self-regulation ( for the aggressive type of maladaptation).

"Temple of Silence"

Imagine yourself on the outskirts of a multi-million dollar, bustling city. Try to feel how your feet step on the pavement. Pay attention to other passers-by, the expressions on their faces. Notice that some look anxious, others calm and joyful.

Pay attention to shop windows, a bakery, a flower shop ... Maybe you saw a familiar face in the crowd?

Stop and think about how you feel on this noisy street?

Now turn the corner and walk down the quieter street. After walking a little, you noticed a large building. A large sign reads "Temple of Silence".

You understand that this temple is a place where no sounds are heard, not a single word has ever been spoken. You approach and touch the heavy carved doors… you open them, enter and immediately find yourself surrounded by complete and deep silence…

When you want to leave the building, push the wooden doors and go outside. How do you feel now?

Remember the road leading to the Temple of Silence...


My Master class is coming to an end.

A wise man once said:

- The knowledge that we acquire in childhood and youth is like the morning sun.

Knowledge acquired in adulthood is like the sun before sunset. It does not shine, but it shines, it does not burn, but it warms and protects us from the cold.

The knowledge gained in old age is like the light of a candle, its light is not great. But try to blow out the candle, and night falls on you.

- So is it not clear that it is better to live by the light of a candle than in complete darkness.

Dear colleagues!

Everything that we did, tasks, exercises, research, you can transfer to your pupils in order to study the personality, provide timely assistance in realizing your “I”.

And to you, teachers with a “big heart”, who can make decisions, build life tactics and strategies, I wish you a happy journey!

Goodbye! Thanks to all!

Valentina Vasilievna was with you.

After conducting diagnostics to assess the professional and personal qualities of a teacher, which is an example for elementary school students, we found that some teachers participating in the experiment have insufficiently developed professional and personal qualities, therefore, to solve the problems of professional growth, we selected special exercises to improve the professional and personal qualities of an elementary school teacher.

Exercise 1. Humanistic idea of ​​a person

Think about how every person is different, but every person is beautiful because they are unique; do not confuse a person and his behavior; everyone has the capacity to grow and change.

Exercise 2

In a state of calm and relaxation, try to give several answers to the question "Who am I?". Then, in a monologue for yourself and others, talk about your uniqueness. Begin by saying, “I am me. Everything that I have achieved today belongs to me: all my sorrows and joys, victories and defeats ... ”Say further everything that comes to your mind to declare your self-worth. Try to end the monologue with the words: “I am me. I just want to be myself." After the monologue, analyze what you felt, how your sense of self has changed.

Exercise 3. Counterarguments

Try to figure out a little about yourself, your strengths and limitations. Write them down on one piece of paper. Try to express what you feel "here and now", put the year, date, hour of filling out the sheet and save it. Think about what you accept in yourself, what you are personally unhappy with. Return to this exercise periodically. Analyze the change in your assessments and your feelings (self-acceptance - dissatisfaction with yourself).

Exercise 4. Parts of my "I"

Our "I" is our body, our thoughts, feelings, sensations, relationships, our spirituality. We exist in a certain space, we eat certain foods. Each part of our "I" plays a role, but they all interact with each other, creating a magical pattern of this "I". Are we living a fulfilling life? Are we listening to our body? To your feelings? Do we give free rein to our senses and intellect? Are we satisfied with our relationships with others?

After thinking about these questions, listening to each "I", ask yourself about his well-being and draw a conditional pattern of your "I":

draw a pattern "I";

listen to each of your "I";

ask him about his well-being, role and place in this conditional pattern;

paint in the color you want;

think about your "I", the feelings that it causes;

6) save the pattern and compare with other patterns you will draw later.

Now, here are some tips for you to consider. In order to be healthy and feel the fullness of life, we must:

Give attention to your body, love it, take care of it, develop it; develop your intellect, learn new things, surrounding yourself with what stimulates mental activity: books, work, communication, attending special courses;

learn to manage your feelings;

develop our sensations, learn how to take care of the senses, use them as a path of life, connecting our inner and outer world;

learn to harmoniously solve all sorts of problems;

to study our physical needs and learn how to satisfy them;

create a comfortable space for yourself from sounds, colors, heat, air in order to feel comfortable in it;

develop the ability to feel the pulse of life, fully open up and express yourself.

  • 1. List all your desires. Write them down (anything that comes to mind). Include in this list everything that you have and would like to have, but no more than 20 desires. For example: do not get sick ... etc.
  • 2. Read the list, focus on how you felt when you read the list. Choose from twenty 5-6 the most significant (do not include those that cause the question "What will people think?").

Draw two circles on the sheet and place 5-6 desires (subpersonalities).

Draw symbols for subpersonalities and give them names that make sense to you.

Color your "I".

Repeat this exercise periodically and compare your drawings, ideas and feelings.

Exercise 6. Meeting with the "saboteur".

Think of something you would like to do successfully. Imagine that your plan is implemented.

Think about what might get in the way of your plan. Imagine this picture.

Mentally draw the image of a "saboteur" - a force that opposes what was conceived. Name it (depression, anxiety, fear, insecurity, shyness, etc.).

Be in the role of a "saboteur" and deliberately interfere with the implementation of your project; tell us how you benefited from it.

From the point of view of "I" imagine a meeting with a "saboteur". Negotiate with him.

Exercise 7. Revival of pleasant memories.

Think back to a time in your life when you were happy. Pick an episode from this period and relive it (you were happy... you were creative... you were in love... you were on top...).

Now try to answer yourself, what are the most significant features of this experience?

What is stopping you from experiencing these feelings now?

Repeat this exercise whenever you feel like you need psychological support.

Exercise 8. Energy transfer.

Imagine a source of energy in front of you. It warms you, it gives you energy. Try to feel how the energy affects the front of your body.

Breathe it in. Imagine the same source of energy behind your back. Feel the waves of energy moving up and down your spine.

Place the energy on the right (left). Feel its effect on the left (right) side of the body.

Imagine a power source above your head. Feel how the energy affects the head.

Energy source under your feet. Feel the energy in the soles of your feet, then the energy rises higher and is distributed throughout your body.

6. Imagine that you are sending energy to someone close to you. Do this exercise when you feel a loss of strength and energy.

  • 1. Imagine a small rocky island away from the continent. There is a lighthouse on top of the island.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as this lighthouse, standing on a rock.

Your walls are thick, strong, even the strong winds that constantly blow on the island cannot shake you. From the windows of the upper floor, you send out a powerful beam of light that serves as a guide for ships. Remember the energy system that keeps your light constant, which is a symbol of security.

Now try to feel the inner light in you, the light that never goes out.

This exercise helps a lot when you feel defenseless and abandoned.

Exercise 10. The level of happiness.

Sit comfortably. Take several full breaths in and out.

Ask yourself, what is your level of happiness right now? As usual - 100%? If so, please accept my congratulations.

3. If not, tell me what prevents you from having it?

Are you worried about the future?

Are you worried about something in the past?

Are you comparing yourself to someone?

Do you feel that someone hurt you?

Do you want to take revenge on someone?

Do you feel that everything is useless, hopeless?

4. If you answered yes to any of the questions, make a list of what you are grateful for at the moment (everything that is worth gratitude). What is your level of happiness now?

Do this exercise if you want to increase your sense of happiness, especially when you feel unhappy.

The presented series of ten exercises is designed to develop adequate self-esteem, relieve anxiety, and create stable positive psycho-emotional states. Exercises can be performed both independently and in a group. More details about the self-help system can be found in the works of M. Argyle “Psychology of happiness”, R. Burns “Self-concept and education”, D. Rainwater “How to become your own psychotherapist”, A.S. Prutchenkov "Training for personal growth" and many others.

The second series of exercises contributes to the formation of the teacher's communicative competence, a democratic style of communication based on the development of social reflection. The system of exercises aimed at mastering the basics of professional and pedagogical communication includes two cycles:

I. Exercises aimed at mastering the elements of pedagogical communication, contributing to the development of communication skills, the acquisition of communication management skills.

II. Exercises to master the entire system of communication in a given pedagogical situation.

Developing the ability to act organically and consistently in a public setting (playing any stage, element of the lesson at a different pace with different introductory tasks: a late student, an unfulfilled task, a conflict with a student, etc.).

Formation of muscle freedom in the process of pedagogical activity (exercises to release and tighten muscles, retain and relieve tension in the process of rest, walking and performing pedagogical activities).

Achieving the emotional well-being of the teacher in the classroom (trials to choose the optimal pace, rhythm, posture, movement).

Development of skills of voluntary attention, observation, concentration (selection and expansion of circles of attention - small, medium, large).

Development of the simplest communication skills (appeal and demonstration of attention to the interlocutor, attracting the attention of others by means of facial expressions and pantomime, non-verbal expression of requirements, transmission of emotional states).

Mastering the technique of intonation, facial expressions and pantomimics: a) say with different intonations in the voice the words: “Hello”, “Let's get to work”, “Goodbye” - loudly, quietly; briefly, stretched; stammering, persuasively, affirmatively; enthusiastically, thoughtfully; defiantly, mournfully; gently, rudely; ironically, playfully, viciously; the tone of a responsible worker; disappointed, solemn, triumphant, etc.; b) enter as an inexperienced teacher in an unfamiliar class; self-confident master teacher; deep old man; ballet dancer; Hamlet; soldier; c) smile like a winner; defeated; toady; subordinate to his superiors; boss to his subordinate; mother to baby; d) frown, as a student frowns, who was undeservedly given a deuce; a teacher demanding student advice; angry teacher, father (mother), friend, etc.

Overcoming suggested characteristics according to the presented photographs (selection and characteristics of the people depicted in the photographs, of which only one is a positive person, cheerful, affectionate, smart, angry, etc.).

The study of the emotional reactions of children from photographs and the emotional identification of oneself with them.

Verbal pedagogical influence (logic, expressiveness, emotionality of speech, figurative transmission of information in a pedagogical monologue) and forecasting its effectiveness.

  • 1. Identification of the emotional and psychological state of the teacher in the lesson and the ability to self-regulate (self-analysis of the lessons of colleagues based on observation, reflection of one's own state at various stages of the lesson based on self-observation and studying the video).
  • 2. Identification and solution of the pedagogical task (the ability to highlight moments during the lesson that require the intervention of the teacher, evaluate their actions, correlate their methods with specific tasks, predict actions in the expected circumstances and with the input requirements - trust, approval, advice, game, hint , condition, distrust, condemnation).
  • 3. Development of pedagogical imagination, intuition, skills of improvisation in communication (analysis of the pedagogical situation - prediction of interpersonal relationships, development of pedagogical invariants for solving the same problem).

In a generalized form, the methods of self-improvement of the teacher can be presented in the table, highlighting in it the main problems of primary school teachers and the pedagogical and psychological methods intended to solve them.

Methods of personal and professional self-improvement of a teacher

Teacher problem

Methods of self-education, self-education and pedagogical correction

Methods of psychocorrection

Imbalance of cultural and social development



Self cleaning




Undifferentiated image of "I", inadequate self-esteem







Expansion of the means of self-expression

Personal tre-

importance and super-

the control

self control


Pedagogical analysis

activities and relationships with children

Expansion educators-


Empathic Listening

social reflection

Behavior Modeling


coldness, for-

malism in relation to

niah to the child

Pedagogical etudes

Pedagogical improvisation



Development of a positive

children's perceptions

Stimulation of personal growth in the conditions of training



Pedagogical analysis

specific situations

Communication training*-

active skills

Emotional immersion



competence in

individual aspects

max activities

Psychological and pedagogical

logical council

Analysis of psychological

pedagogical information



I-statement in pe-

dagogic situations

Reflexive training


Self-diagnosis of personal-professional

advantages and limitations

It is much more difficult for a teacher to understand his personal problems and cope with them than to improve his training in a particular professional area. However, everything that a teacher owns as a professional is realized and projected onto children through his personality. Only by coping with personal problems, the teacher will be able to adequately reflect on any situation, all his activities and change it in the right direction.

So, it is not the isolated qualities of the teacher that matter, but their complex, an integral system. The systemic nature of teaching skills is reflected in a new integrated concept - the teacher's professional potential (PPP), the advantage of which is that it combines many diverse and multi-level aspects of teacher training and activities.

Professional potential - a generalized ability, opportunity, strength) - the main characteristic of a teacher. This is a set of natural and acquired qualities combined into a system that determine the ability of a teacher to fulfill his duties at a given level. The professional potential of a teacher can also be defined as the ability of a teacher to realize it, designed for a goal: in this case, respectively, we are talking about the ratio of intentions and achievements. Professional potential can also be defined as a base of professional knowledge, skills, in unity with the developed ability of a teacher to actively think, create, act, bring their intentions to life, and achieve the planned results.

The purpose of the experimental work is: self-diagnosis of professional and personal qualities of a primary school teacher

In the experimental work, we carried out diagnostic techniques, such as: the technique "Assessment of the professional orientation of the teacher's personality", the technique "Style of pedagogical communication".

These diagnostic techniques were carried out in order to identify the assessment of the professional and personal qualities of a teacher, which is an example for elementary school students.

Thus, we have found that the nature of communication between a teacher and pupils largely depends on the style of pedagogical leadership. Various features of the teacher's leadership style have a different impact on the nature of the emotional experiences of students, on their behavior in the classroom and at school. The teachers in this school are dominated by a democratic style of communication.

Taking into account the identified features, we carried out the selection of forms and methods of work to improve the professional self-improvement of the teacher

Common structural components of pedagogical professional potential are intellectual, motivational, communicative, operational or professional, creative. Cultural, humanistic, activity and other components, usually singled out in pedagogical manuals, should be considered as general conditions in which the professional activity of a teacher takes place.


The problem of professional self-development of a university teacher is considered. It is substantiated that the professional self-development of a university teacher involves taking into account a number of professionally important qualities and personality traits, which include personal qualities, value orientations, professional knowledge and professional abilities. The main directions of professional self-development of a university teacher are presented: self-development in methodological activity, self-development in scientific activity and self-development in innovative activity. Based on the identified professionally important qualities, personality traits and areas of professional self-development of a university teacher, a system of methods has been developed, including: methods for developing professional self-awareness; methods of development of professional skills; methods of stimulating professional activity; methods of monitoring the process of professional self-development of a university teacher.

the control


professional skills

professional identity

professional self-development

University professor

1. Kalninsh L.M. Theoretical model of self-development of a teacher in a professional-dynamic system // World of science, culture, education. - 2010. - No. 3 (22). – S. 248–251.

2. Minyurova S.A. Self-development of a person in the profession: monograph. - Yekaterinburg: Ros. state prof.-ped. un-t, 2006. - 290 p.

3. Panfilova A.P. Game modeling in the activity of a teacher. - M .: Academy, 2006.

4. Podpovetnaya Yu.V. The concept of development of scientific and methodological culture of a university teacher: monograph / Yu.V. Podpovetnaya, I.V. Rezanovich. - M. : VLADOS, 2012. - 258 p.

5. Podpovetnaya Yu.V. Methods for the development of scientific and methodological culture of a teacher of higher education // Modern studies of social problems. - 2011. - No. 4 (08). – URL. – [date of access: 11/14/2012].

6. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology: in 2 vols. - M .: Pedagogy, 1989. - Vol. 2. - 328 p.

7. Sitnikova M.I. Formation of a culture of professional and pedagogical self-realization of a teacher of higher education: Ph.D. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08. - Belgorod, 2008. - 42 p.

The modern strategy for the development of higher professional education dictates the need to search for reserves to improve the professional activities of a university teacher. The conducted practical and theoretical analysis showed that the vector of searching for such reserves is shifting towards the development of the activity and initiative of teachers, the creation of conditions for self-realization and professional self-development. These tendencies actualize the problem of choosing methods of professional self-development of a university teacher and methods of self-improvement, planning and evaluation of this process.

The professional self-development of a university teacher, who is able to make innovative decisions, transform pedagogical reality in the realities of pedagogical activity, becomes the dominant feature and determines the content of the teacher's professional activity. Taking into account the types of professional activities of a university teacher (methodological, scientific and innovative activities), we have identified the main areas of professional self-development of a university teacher: self-development in methodological activities, self-development in scientific activities and self-development in innovative activities.

Self-development of a university teacher in methodological activities is aimed at managing the developing system of continuous professional development of teaching staff, initiating pedagogical creativity and mastering modern educational technologies; didactic and methodological support for the introduction of a new content of education and training, i.e. associated with the methodological support of the professional activities of teachers. In addition, the self-development of a university teacher in methodological activities is associated, as a rule, with the development and adaptation of ready-made pedagogical innovations (ideas, developments, projects, etc.), their implementation and generalization, however, without analyzing the patterns of existence and mechanisms of occurrence.

Self-development of a university teacher in scientific activity is based on the peculiarities of the development of modern science; scientific creativity of a university teacher; the predominance of a scientific orientation in the professional activities of a teacher; design activities of the teacher, which is aimed at organizing not only their own scientific work, but also the scientific activities of students and graduate students, which helps the teacher to plan collective research in the future, to anticipate their results [ibid.].

Self-development of a university teacher in innovative activities is a complex process of creating, distributing and using a new practical tool (innovation) for a new (or better satisfaction of an already known) social need and is understood by us as an activity to transform the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities into innovations and effective their use in the scientific and educational process of the university [ibid.].

However, the self-development of a university teacher in these areas is carried out in practice in isolation from each other, there is no close connection between them. There are no mechanisms that ensure the integration of self-development in the scientific and methodological, scientific and innovative activities of the teacher. This circumstance indicates that, for example, many results of a teacher's self-development in scientific activities do not receive an appropriate methodological interpretation and interpretation and, as a result, are not used in the actual practice of professional training of university students. The results of our research have shown that, in particular, the methods of professional self-development of a university teacher help to ensure appropriate integration.

We also note that the professional self-development of a university teacher involves taking into account a number of professionally important qualities and personality traits, which include personal qualities, value orientations, professional knowledge and professional abilities.

Personal qualities are one of the essential factors that determine the professional self-development of a university teacher and include his business qualities and personality traits that are not directly related to his professional activities: purposefulness, performance, level of subjective control (self-perception and self-reflection), responsibility, activity, etc. .

The value orientations of a university teacher are a system of characteristics, in which both objective-personal elements are manifested, expressing his internal attitude to professional activity and its results as values, as well as objective-practical actions. Value orientations are a necessary condition for the successful professional activity of a teacher and the basis for professional self-development.

Professional knowledge influences the comprehension of the information received by the teacher in professional activities, provides effective search and decision-making. Professional knowledge affects the development of relevant skills; with their help, the value-oriented attitude of the teacher to methodological, innovative, scientific and other types of professional activity is formed.

Professional abilities have an impact on the implementation of professional functions by a teacher, as: a) they are an important factor in the professional self-development of a teacher; b) determine the speed, degree of assimilation and quality of operations and actions in the process of professional activity; c) determine the style of performing professional tasks and the behavior of the teacher in the relevant activity.

As a result of the analysis of the selected personality characteristics, we came to the conclusion that considering the unity of personal qualities, value orientations, professional knowledge and professional abilities allows us to detect the components of professional self-development of a university teacher. In particular, such as professional self-awareness and professional skills of a university teacher.

For example, professional self-awareness as a component of professional self-development of a university teacher is the result of a dialectical interaction of personal qualities, value orientations and professional knowledge of a teacher. Professional self-awareness is manifested in the teacher's attitude to professional and pedagogical activity and is expressed in goals, in understanding, introspection and self-assessment of one's own professional activity and its results.

Professional skills are a personal education obtained with the help of professional knowledge and professional abilities of a teacher based on his value orientations. Professional skills are necessary for a teacher to carry out professional and pedagogical activities and make it possible, from a scientifically based point of view, to determine and implement meaningful, organizational, pedagogical and procedurally effective means of teaching and educating students.

Based on the identified professionally important qualities, personality traits and areas of professional self-development of a university teacher, we have developed a system of methods, including: methods for developing professional self-awareness; methods of development of professional skills; methods of stimulating professional activity; methods of control of the process of professional self-development of a university teacher.

Let us give a brief description of each of the listed groups of methods of professional self-development of a university teacher.

Methods for the development of professional self-awareness. Having studied effective methods to stimulate the expansion and growth of professional self-awareness, we came to the conclusion that the most acceptable in the aspect under study are: the method of mutual observation and the method of mutual reflection.

The method of mutual observation is based on the observation that is carried out over the entire pedagogical process, over its individual components. In the aspect of our study, a special role is played by monitoring the professional self-development of university teachers, which can be carried out at different levels: at the level of the department, faculty, university, as well as other universities. It should be noted that in order to carry out effective observation, it must be carried out in accordance with a previously developed program, which includes the purpose and objectives of observation, an indication of the object, methods of fixation and the total duration of observations.

To stimulate the development of professional self-awareness of university teachers, the method of mutual reflection also has a positive effect. Depending on the object of mutual reflection, two levels can be distinguished. The first level is associated with the "image of the teacher", i.e. understanding by the teacher, as he is seen and perceived by colleagues. The second level is associated with the awareness of those essential influences that the teacher has as a person and which can be defined as the influence of the spiritual world on the personality of the teacher. This level characterizes deeper reflections about oneself as a person and, accordingly, the most successful stimulation of the development of professional self-awareness of university teachers.

Methods for the development of professional skills. The modern practice of education requires from university teachers the operational and rational use in the educational process of new achievements in science and technology, new methods, techniques, forms of education and upbringing. Under these conditions, the role of professional skills significantly increases, which enable the teacher, from a scientifically based point of view, to determine and implement meaningful, organizational, pedagogical and procedurally effective means of teaching and educating students and are the most important indicator of the teacher's pedagogical skills. Considering the practice of higher professional education, we consider the following as the main methods for developing the professional skills of teachers: game design and the method of mutual compromise agreement.

Game design is based on the creation or improvement of objects of professional activity (research developments, guidelines, teaching aids, practical and laboratory classes, etc.). Game design not only contributes to the development of professional skills of teachers, but also demonstrates a completely different view of the object (or process) being studied from an unfamiliar point of view for the participant in the training, which allows them to see much more, which is the cognitive effect.

The forms of game design can be different (presentation, “immersion”, flip chat, brainstorming, trainings, etc.), but they should be based on three points that contribute to the development of professional skills of teachers: a clear mechanism for determining functional role-playing the interests of the participants; project development algorithm; mechanism for peer review or game testing of the project, etc.

The method of mutual compromise in form can be implemented in the form of a meeting, conversation, specially organized negotiations, work with opinions expressed in writing, etc. Its essence lies in the fact that two or more participants in the course of joint work come to a consensus, reach a consensus. The main installation during the coordination is aimed at reaching a compromise, resolving the business issue through the efforts of all parties.

Methods for stimulating professional activity are aimed at enhancing the professional activity of university teachers on the basis of psychological methods of influence. Among the most effective methods of this group, we have chosen: the feedback method and the rating method.

The feedback method is based on an integral element of any control system - this is communication. Direct connection is the impact of the subject of management on the object in the form of management commands, decisions, recommendations, etc. Feedback is information coming from the control object to the control subject. The existence of feedback means that the result of the functioning of the control object in a certain way affects the impacts that come to it. In our study, this type of connection is preferable when, in the process of the teacher's professional self-development, changes occur in the system under consideration, leading to the strengthening of the initial state. In addition, there is an increase in the professional activity of teachers and their desire to achieve new professional heights.

The rating method is based on the use of a generally accepted tool for a comprehensive assessment of specialists (including teachers of higher education). Building a rating of the teaching staff is a system of actions of the subjects of assessment, aimed at achieving the goals of the assessment, which is algorithmic, reproducible, highly economical, provides the possibility of adjustment (correction) and improvement, and also contributes to a systematic improvement in the quality of the professional activities of teachers. Public recognition of merits (rating) or "assessment" of misses (reverse rating) is a powerful socio-psychological incentive for teachers, which has a great activating effect on their professional activities and, as a result, on their professional self-development.

Methods for monitoring the process of professional self-development of a university teacher. Control is a necessary component of the process of professional self-development of a university teacher. Control methods are aimed at obtaining data on the success of the teacher's professional self-development and provide systematic and operational information about the progress of this process. This group of methods consists of methods of self-control and methods of collective control.

Self-control of professional self-development of a university teacher can be carried out in the form of a portfolio, which allows you to evaluate not just the result, but also the way to achieve it. Various criteria or guidelines may be developed to select materials for a portfolio. It is also possible to use a variable approach, allowing each teacher to independently choose the type of portfolio and justify it.

For the implementation of collective control and evaluation, the methods of creative reports, open classes (lectures or workshops), the protection of the results of scientific research, etc., are widely used, which are cooperative activities, the essence of which is to combine the efforts of subjects of education to achieve a common goal while simultaneously dividing between them functions, roles and responsibilities. These methods allow in a discussion form to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of demonstration events or presented scientific and methodological works.

In conclusion, we note that the methods of professional self-development of a university teacher include a large set of methods covering the entire process under consideration: from systematizing the professional knowledge that teachers have to monitoring the effectiveness of the process of professional self-development of a university teacher. Practice has shown that the presented methods make it possible to involve teachers in the process of professional self-development, help to identify and successfully solve their problems, open up new opportunities and prospects for professional self-development.


Ilyasov D.F., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Educators, Chelyabinsk.

Sizova E.R., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social-Humanitarian and Psychological-Pedagogical Disciplines of the South Ural State Institute of Arts. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Chelyabinsk.

Bibliographic link

Vekovtseva T.A., Rezanovich I.V. METHODS OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF A UNIVERSITY TEACHER // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 6.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" Professional self-improvement of a teacher is a conscious purposeful process of increasing the level of one's professional competence and developing professionally significant qualities in accordance with external social requirements, conditions of professional activity and personal development program.
The demands made should be somewhat higher than the available capabilities of a particular person. Only in this case, prerequisites for self-improvement arise in the form of internal contradictions in the process of the leading activity of the teacher, the result of which is the process of purposeful development of one's own personality.
The main requirements of society for the professional characteristics of a teacher can be formulated as follows:
general broad education, awareness in various fields of knowledge;
deep knowledge of age, pedagogical and social psychology, pedagogy, age physiology, school hygiene;
fundamental knowledge of the taught subject, new achievements and trends in the relevant science;
possession of the methodology of training and education;
love for work, the ability to convey their passion to children;
creative attitude to work;
knowledge of children, the ability to understand their inner world, pedagogical optimism;
possession of pedagogical technique and pedagogical tact;
continuous improvement of knowledge and pedagogical skills.
A necessary personal and professional trait of a teacher should be considered love for children, without which effective pedagogical activity is impossible.
An important prerequisite for the beginning of the process of self-improvement is the attitude of the teacher himself to these requirements. It is quite clear that with an indifferent (indifferent) attitude towards them, there can be no talk of developing one's own personality. Only with conscious acceptance of the requirements will the teacher feel the need for self-improvement. The need finds its object in the image of "I am an ideal professional" and becomes a motive in working on oneself. (“I am a real professional” and some imaginary (modulated) state of his “I am an ideal professional”). The more the teacher identifies himself with the ultimate goal of his specific activity, the stronger his motivation, the more efficient the work, the higher the quality.
Professional self-improvement of teachers is carried out in two interrelated forms - self-education and self-education, mutually complementing each other, having a mutual influence on the nature of a person's work on himself. At the same time, these are two relatively independent processes that involve both general and special conditions for their organization.
Self-education acts as an active, purposeful human activity for the systematic formation and development of positive and elimination of negative personality traits.
The main directions of self-improvement of the teacher:
- continuous replenishment of pedagogical knowledge;
- improvement of pedagogical skills;
- broadening the general outlook;
- moral and physical perfection;
- Ability to effectively organize your working day.
The starting point of self-improvement is self-knowledge, direct and indirect.
The main methods of direct self-knowledge are self-observation,
introspection, self-assessment.
Methods of mediated self-knowledge:
- comparing the results of self-observation with the attitude towards oneself with
- comparison of oneself with others;
- analysis of reserves of own activity.
Methods and techniques of self-influence:
- self-persuasion;
- self-encouragement;
- self-order;
- self-control;
- self-instruction: consciously given to oneself an installation how to build
their behavior in a particular situation;
- self-hypnosis.

Improvement of pedagogical skills.
Teaching skills include:
- ability to pedagogical activity;
- broad professional knowledge;
- the culture of mastering pedagogical equipment.
All these components are manifested in professional and pedagogical skills:
- cognitive;
- constructive;
- organizational;
- communicative.
Cognitive skills include:
- the ability to navigate the content of training and education;
- ability to analyze own activity;
- observe children, understand their internal state, assess the level of development, the conditions of family education;
- the ability to control their physical and technical condition.

The main state of self-educational work is the constant replenishment and expansion of knowledge in pedagogy and psychology.
A necessary condition for successful self-education
- the ability to navigate the flow of scientific information. Sources
such information - reference and bibliographic publications
Improving constructive skills.

The constructive activity of the teacher includes the ability to:
- to form the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process;
- plan work systems and the sequence of actions of students;
- select the optimal content of future activities (lessons,
educational activities);
- make plans for specific cases.
To develop these skills you need:
- knowledge of the subject and methods of its teaching;
- knowledge of pedagogical theory and psychology;
- broad scientific and cultural outlook;
- pedagogical imagination, the ability to foresee the consequences
and the results of their activities.
Organizational skills are manifested in the ability to:
- set goals for yourself and your children;
- plan activities;
- divide the goal into smaller tasks, and then into differentiated tasks for group and individual work;
- create a positive mindset for future activities;
- monitor and evaluate performance.
The development of organizational skills is facilitated by exercises in practical actions, self-instruction, self-control, self-order.
Communication skills are necessary for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships with students and their parents, with colleagues.
For the development of communication skills, it is recommended:
- learn to understand another person, "read" in the face, tone, gestures, facial expressions;
- improve ways of expressing your thoughts, improve your speech culture;
- study special psychological literature on communication problems.

The goal of professional self-improvement is to achieve a conscious and learned image (ideal) of a highly qualified teacher. The goal of self-improvement, in essence, is unattainable, since there is no limit to the development of the individual, but the very process of approaching this goal is important, as to a constantly elusive horizon line.

(The article was prepared by the teacher of geography and biology of the MOU secondary school No. 20 Brazhnik O.P.)