Technical aviation English for android. Aviation Technical English for Pilots, Engineers and Technicians

Being a flight attendant is a profession in which it is almost impossible to do without knowing English, especially if you dream of flying on prestigious international flights. In this article, we have prepared a basic phrasebook with which to start learning English for flight attendants. You will learn how to greet passengers and resolve conflicts, as well as learn the basic English words that every crew member needs to know.

Basic concepts

Let's start with the airship's crew. The team, depending on the type of vessel, may consist of the captain of the aircraft (captain), co-pilot (co-pilot / first officer), flight mechanic (air mechanic / flight engineer), navigator (flight navigator), senior flight attendant (cabin service director / flight director ) and flight attendants (flight attendant / steward). Chief purser or purser is also used to refer to a senior flight attendant, usually on smaller flights.

There are various passengers on board. Flight attendants usually refer to them all as PAX. The word PAX is an abbreviation derived from the words Passengers Allowed in Expenses, that is, this word refers to the number of passengers who have purchased tickets for the flight. Among PAX there are categories of people whose names you need to know in English:

  • a VIP(very important person) - a very important person;
  • a CIP (commercially important person) - an influential first or business class passenger;
  • a UM (unaccompanied minors) - children who travel without adults;
  • a handicapped passenger - a passenger with a disability;
  • a standby - a passenger who redeems an unredeemed ticket right before the flight.

There are several classes of passenger service. Flight attendants must know the following names:

  • first class - first class, not available on all aircraft;
  • business class - business class, an alternative to the first class;
  • economy class (tourist class) - economy class (tourist class), the most affordable type of service.

It will also be useful to find out what types of flights are available. In English they are called like this:

  • Nonstop (non-stop) flight - non-stop flight. It is the most convenient, since the plane flies to the point of arrival without landing at other airports and passengers do not need to transfer.
  • Direct flight - direct flight. The plane makes stops to "pick up" passengers at other airports.
  • Connecting flight - a flight with transfers. Passengers will need to transfer from one flight to another.
  • Scheduled flight - regular flight.
  • Non-scheduled flight - an irregular flight.

In an airplane, passenger seats can also be classified. In English it will be called like this:

  • window seats - places at the windows;
  • aisle /aɪl/ seats - seats next to the aisle;
  • exit rows - rows of seats located near emergency exits. Usually they try to give these seats to physically strong and healthy passengers who, in case of an unforeseen situation, will be able to open the exit and help people evacuate.
  • bulkhead seats - seats next to the bulkhead between passenger classes. Usually such seats have more legroom, so it is advisable to occupy them with tall passengers.
  • standard seats - standard seats.

We have also compiled a mini English dictionary for the flight attendant, study it before learning phrases to communicate with passengers.

a baggage compartmentluggage compartment
a cabinsalon
a charter flightchartered flight
a chute /ʃuːt/emergency chute
a feeder lineauxiliary airline
a fire extinguisher /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃə(r)/fire extinguisher
a first aid kitfirst aid kit
a flightflight
a forced landingemergency landing
a galley /ˈɡali/kitchen on board
ground serviceground service
a jumbo jet (jumbo)large airbus (for example: Boeing 747)
a point of destinationdestination
a public address system (PA System)Speakerphone
a reclining seatreclining seat
a routeroute
a runwayrunway strip
a time tabletimetable
a traytray, cassette (aluminum container for dishes)
a tray table / meal trayfolding table in the back of the seat
a trunk airlinemain airline
air traffic controlair traffic control service
altitude /ˈæltɪˌtjuːd/flight altitude
an air bridgetelescopic ladder between the terminal building and the aircraft
an air traffic controllerdispatcher
an aircraftaircraft (plane, helicopter)
an airplaneairplane
an aisle /aɪl/aisle between rows of seats
an alternate /ˈɔːltə(r)neɪt/ airportalternate airport
an emergency exitemergency exit
an in-flight servicein-flight service
an overhead compartment / overhead lockerupper luggage rack in saloon
an oxygen maskoxygen mask
an upright positionvertical position (seats)
cabin pressureair pressure in the cabin
cockpit / flight deckcockpit
departure timeaircraft departure time
depressurization /ˌdiːˌprɛʃərʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/depressurization
freight (sometimes cargo /ˈkɑːɡəʊ/)the cargo carried by the aircraft
IFE (in-flight entertainment)video and audio entertainment on board
on scheduleon schedule
portthe left side of the aircraft (when viewed in the direction of the nose)
pre-packaged courseshot meals prepared before the flight and reheated on board
pre-set trayspre-flight meal kits
specialty mealsspecial meals for people on a diet
star boardstarboard side of the aircraft (when looking towards the nose)
veganvegan dishes
vegetarian (meal)dishes for vegetarians
to delaydetain
to ditchget on the water in case of an accident
to divertveer off course, change course
to take offtake off

Passenger boarding

Upon landing, the flight attendant greets passengers and helps them find their seats, as well as place hand luggage in the cabin. You can use these phrases to communicate.

We are glad to see you on board.We are pleased to welcome you on board our aircraft.
Can I help you madam/sir?May I help you, madam/sir?
Can I see your boarding pass, please?May I see your boarding pass?
I am sorry, but I need to see your boarding pass.Excuse me, I need your boarding pass.
Your seat is 77A by the window.Your seat is 77A near the window.
Your seat is over there - second row on the left.Your seat is over there, second row from the left.
May I place your bag in the overhead compartment?Can I put your bag in the luggage rack?
Could I ask you to put your bag beneath the seat?May I ask you to put your bag under the seat?

After that, the flight attendants must count the passengers (passenger head-count), and the flight attendants can also offer them newspapers. This can be done with the phrase May I offer you a newspaper? (May I offer you a newspaper?) Then you should give a short welcome speech and tell the passengers where the emergency equipment is located and how to use them.

The welcome speech of the flight attendant in English may differ on different airlines, so we will give the most common phrases that you can use when briefing passengers.

Please listen carefully to the following announcement for your own safety.Please listen carefully to the following safety rules.
Please stow your hand luggage in the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you.Please place your hand luggage on a shelf above you or under the seat in front of you.
Your phone has to be turned off for the whole flight.Your phone must be turned off during the entire flight.
Smoking is not allowed on the flight.You cannot smoke during the flight.
Your life vest is under your seat. This is how you should put it on.Your life jacket is under the seat. Here's how to put it on (show).
There are several emergency exits on this plane. They are being pointed out to you now.There are several emergency exits on this plane. Now they are showing you.
Your seat must be fully upright.Your seat must be in an upright position.
Our plane is taking off now, please fasten /ˈfɑːs(ə)n/ your safety belt.Our plane is taking off now, please fasten your seat belts.
When the seatbelt sign is on, you must fasten your seatbelt.When the "fasten seat belt" sign is on, you must fasten your seat belts.
Make sure your seat belt is fastened.Make sure your seat belt is fastened.
You can find a safety instruction card in the pocket in front of you.You can find the safety instructions in the pocket in front of you.
We wish you all an enjoyable flight.We wish you a pleasant flight.

After takeoff, flight attendants usually offer drinks, entertainment (movies, music), etc. to passengers. We suggest that you use the following phrases to communicate with aircraft passengers.

The seatbelt sign is off and you can leave your seats if you need.The seat belt sign is off and you can leave your seat if you need to.
If you press this button, it will light up at the end of the cabin and one of us will come to your assistance.If you press this button, the indicator at the end of the cabin will light up and one of the flight attendants will come to you.
Would you like headphones?Do you need headphones?
We will serve drinks and snacks as soon as possible.We will be serving drinks and snacks soon.
May I offer you a drink, madam/sir?May I offer you a drink, madam/sir?
The drinks are free-of-charge.Are the drinks complimentary.
Would you like a blanket?Would you like a blanket?
Please press the release button to feel comfortable.Please press the button to lower the back of the chair to feel comfortable.

Passenger Complaints

Perhaps the most difficult thing in the work of a flight attendant is not to learn all the phrases indicated in our article in English, but the ability to resolve various conflict situations and respond correctly to passengers' complaints.

When the passenger has called you, approach him, say hello and ask one of the following questions.

After the person explains the grievance to you, you should try to help the person by telling them how you can solve the problem. See what English phrases a flight attendant might use when responding to a passenger complaint.

A: It's really hot here.BUT: It's very hot here.
B: Please, use this button to control the direction and amount of air conditioning.AT: Please use this button to control the ventilation direction and power.
A: It is very dark here. I can't read.BUT: It's very dark in here. I can not read.
B: This button controls your individual reading light.AT: This button adjusts the individual reading light.
A: This steak is too cold.BUT: This steak is too cold.
B: I am terribly sorry. It should have been heated. Would you like another?AT: My apologies. He had to be warm. Would you like another?
A: My neighbor is awful. Can you help me?BUT: My neighbor is terrible. Can you help me?
B: What exactly is he doing that bothers you?AT: Which of his actions bothers you?
A: It is cold. Can I have a blanket?BUT: Cold. May I have a blanket?
B: I"ll bring you one straightaway.AT: I'll bring it to you right now.
A: I need to make a phone call.BUT: I need to make a phone call.
B: I "m sorry, sir, but it" s a matter of safety. It interferes with the aircraft's electronic systems.AT: Sorry sir, but this is a security issue. It (the phone) interferes with the electronic system of the aircraft.

It happens that several situations arise on board at once, requiring the intervention of a flight attendant. In this case, you can ask one of the passengers to wait, the main thing is to do it politely using the following phrases.

I am afraid I am busy now. Can you wait a moment?I'm afraid I'm busy right now. Can you wait a minute?
Can you wait until I have finished the service? I will get back to you.Can you wait while I finish the service? I will return to you.
I will ask the purser to come and speak with you, sir.I'll have the chief flight attendant come and talk to you, sir.

Medical assistance to passengers

We hope that passengers will always feel great on your flights. Still, it does not hurt to play it safe and learn useful phrases with which you can find out what happened to a person.

What happened?What happened?
How are you feeling?How are you feeling?
What exactly are the symptoms?What are the exact symptoms?
Do you have any pain?Do you have any pain?
Would you like a glass of water or some more air?Would you like a glass of water or a little more air?
Would you like me to get you an aspirin?Maybe I'll bring you an aspirin?
Do you feel well enough to sit up?Are you feeling well enough to get up and sit down?
Do you need medical attention?Do you need medical help?
Are you ill or injured?Are you sick or damaged something?
Do you need a prescribed medication?Do you need your prescribed medicines?

If the situation is serious and you understand that a person needs specialist help, try to find a doctor among the passengers. You can make the following declaration:

ladies and gentlemen. Your attention, please! If there is a doctor on the board, please contact a member of the cabin crew. thank you!

Ladies and Gentlemen. I ask for a moment of attention, please! If there is a doctor on board, please contact a crew member. Thank you!

Unexpected situations

We hope you will never need to use the phrases in this section in practice. And yet it is better to know them by heart, in order to be able to calm passengers in case of danger and prepare them for a hard landing or other unplanned situation.

We are approaching an area in which air turbulence may be experienced.We are approaching an area where there may be turbulence.
Stay in your seats and remain calm.Stay where you are and stay calm.
Pull down the oxygen mask and place them over your nose and mouth.Take out the oxygen masks and put them on.
Parents should adjust their own masks first, then help their children.Parents should first put on their masks and then help their children.
We are making a controlled descent to a safer altitude.We are performing a controlled descent to a safer altitude.
Breathe through the mask until we advise to remove it.Breathe through the mask until we tell you to take it off.


So, your flight was successful, and you are preparing for landing. This should be announced to the passengers, as well as what to do before boarding. Use the following phrases.

We'll be landing in 30 minutes.We will land in half an hour.
Please, return to your seats and ensure your baggage is safely secured in the overhead compartment.Please return to your seats and make sure your luggage is securely secured on the top bunk.
Put your seat back upright.Bring the chair back to an upright position.
Please, fold up your meal trays before landing.Please fold down the folding tables before boarding.
Thank you for flying Alfa Airlines! We hope to see you again.Thank you for using the services of Alpha Airlines! We hope to see you again.

Useful English Learning Resources for Flight Attendants

And now we want to bring you useful resources that will help you teach English to flight attendants and stewards. We recommend using the following:

  1. English textbooks for flight attendants:
    • “English for Aviation for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers” by Sue Ellis and Terence Gerighty.
    • “English for Cabin Crew” by Terence Gerighty and Shon Davis.
    • “Thank you for flying with us” by John G. Beech.
  2. MiMi is an English-English dictionary for flight attendants. There you will find a transcript of the terms and abbreviations you need.
  3. Air Odyssey - examples of ready-made announcements for passengers on board the aircraft. The site also has various tests and interesting articles in English about aviation.
  4. - This page has self-tests. Choose the exercises called English for flight attendants and practice your knowledge with tests.

We hope our article will make it easier for you to learn English for flight attendants and get your dream job on good airlines. And if you want to learn professional English faster and more in-depth, we invite you to. Our teachers will help you to speak fluently and easily understand the speech of any passenger. We wish you pleasant flights!

We have compiled a document for you, which contains all the words and expressions on this topic. You can download it from the link below.

The collection contains more than 50 thousand terms and terminological expressions, 158 illustrations on the design, equipment, flight operation, ground handling of aircraft and helicopters.
The structure of the Collection is made according to the following nested scheme:
1) Main term, for example: "Chassis".
2) Basic term with definition, for example: "Chassis, non-retractable".
3) The most common phrases containing this term, for example: "chassis extension".
4) Expressions with a verb containing the main term, for example: "release the chassis."

auxiliary units and assemblies that perform a common specific function, for example, motors, gearboxes, actuators.
accessories and components that collectively perform a specific functional operation. Examples: engines, control packages, actuators and equipment.

- (device to work in conjunction with other main unit or as an additional unit)
A part, sub-assembly or assembly designed for use in conjunction with or to supplement another assembly or a unit.

- (part, assembly, block, installation) e.g. pipeline, tap, switchgear, switch, switch, etc.)
A self-contained unit of a sub-assembly of relatively simple design which is replaceable as a unit. Examples: tubing, valves, junction boxes, switches, etc. ground power unit (GPU).

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Russian-English collection of aviation technical terms, Afanasiev G.I., 1995 -, fast and free download.

  • The course of effective grammar of the English language, Afanasiev A.V., 2015 - The task of this textbook is to make the assimilation and understanding of the language step-by-step and as clear as possible, and therefore effective. For this you will need… English language books
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Level 1, Carroll L., 2017 - Alice runs after the White Rabbit and falls down the rabbit hole! This is where her amazing adventure begins. Now read about them... English language books
  • Complex Object, Complex Subject, Gurikova Yu.S., 2019 - This manual presents the basic rules for using infinitive constructions in English. Each lesson contains an explanation, followed by examples of use, and ... English language books
  • Project 5, Workbook, Fourth edition, Hutchinson T. - Project fourth edition uses the proven methodology of Project in a new engaging format. This new refreshed edition of the … English language books

The following tutorials and books:

  • English words that we know from Russian, Litvinov P.P., 2006 - There are many words in English that seem familiar and similar to Russian words to a Russian-speaking student. These words are easy to recognize...
  • English, Schoolchildren's Handbook, Shalaeva G.P., Khaskin V.P., 1997 - This educational publication has been compiled in accordance with the new program for teaching foreign languages ​​to schoolchildren recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It represents… English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • English, Grammar guide with exercises, Grade 2, Kuzovlev V.P., Pastukhova S.A., 2012 - Grammar guide with exercises is a component of the English language teaching kit for students in grade 2 of educational institutions. It contains grammar rules... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • English, Practical guide, grades 1-4, Vakulenko N.L., 2012 - A unique practical guide has been prepared in full accordance with the modern requirements of the program for elementary school. Each spread of the publication is dedicated to one of ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
- The grammar guide is intended for students of ESHKO who are studying (or have completed their studies) at the second (intermediate) level. This guide will help you organize your grammar... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • English, Grammar Reference, For Beginners, 1992 - The purpose of this manual is to systematize the studied grammatical material in the scope of the course for beginners offered by ESHKO. In addition, the Grammar Reference, ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • For some foreign languages ​​are given easily, for others not so much. But the global trend of popularization of the English language has been observed for quite a long time. The English are supposed to be proud that their language is chosen as the main foreign language that is learned by default.

    Despite the fact that the official languages ​​of ICAO are, among other things, German, French and even Russian and others..., the phraseology of radio traffic according to ICAO standards when performing international flights must be carried out in English.


    Phraseology of radio communication is usually conducted between the controller and the pilot, sometimes between pilots of different aircraft. Radio phraseology is a set of standard words, expressions and commands that should be used in radio communication; colloquial speech should not be used in radio communications, because. in conditions of increased noise level in the cabin and the frequent presence of radio interference on the air, intelligibility of phrases can be very poor.

    The use of only standard expressions in radio traffic phraseology significantly eliminates the misunderstanding of the meaning of commands. Radio phraseology often omits grammar to further simplify communication between controller and pilot. Standardization in phraseology begins with the aviation alphabet. Having learned it once, you begin to use it always and everywhere when you need to spell something.

    ICAO Annex 1 states that all pilots on international flights must have at least a Working (Fourth) level of English, a requirement that has been in place since summer 2011.

    A similar requirement applies to air traffic controllers.

    Thus, it turns out that English should be taught in any way. There are many face-to-face courses available for this, as well as textbooks with audio kits, such as Robertson's Air Speak.

    But there are also unique comrades! They not only learn English themselves, but help their comrades to master the phraseology of the radio exchange, creating truly masterpieces of didactic materials. In this case, easily accessible means such as pencils, pens and felt-tip pens and their own knowledge and skills are used.


    After all, you must admit that it is much easier to learn a foreign language using associative illustrations. For example, an almost complete vocabulary related to the design of an aircraft can be fit in one picture:


    If a certain pilot daily (daily) comes home "on the eyebrows" and this happens constantly (permanently) - here is one of the plots that can be depicted as a funny picture with elements of learning a foreign language.

    on the maintenance of foreign-made aircraft - a program that allows you to quickly prepare for a retraining course for a type, master the skills of reading and understanding documentation for the maintenance and operation of foreign-made aircraft. Aviation technical documentation has its own characteristics of providing information, knowledge of which greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of learning aviation technical English. After all, it is no secret that only the use of dictionaries of aviation technical terminology is not enough to operate foreign aircraft without accidents; strong practical knowledge of the English language is required.

    As a result of studying in the aviation technical English courses for pilots and engineers, students:

      study the technical terminology used in the operation and maintenance of aircraft;

      will be able to describe situations related to the functioning of various aircraft systems, indicating a cause-and-effect relationship;

      learn to ask general and clarifying questions, give detailed answers in various situations related to the operation and maintenance of the aircraft.


      Adaptation of the course depending on the operated aircraft and categories of aviation personnel when ordering a program for the needs of the airline company as a gift!

      Only we have a specialization in aviation technical documentation helicopters!

      Vast experience in training aviation personnel in Russia and the CIS countries! Over the 13 years of our work, the vast majority of technical specialists and pilots of Russian aviation enterprises have been trained in aviation technical English at Comp Lang Training Center!

      Training is conducted with the active use of technical documentation, aircraft operation and maintenance manuals, including aircraft CBT.

      The main teaching aid of the course is ENGLISH FOR AIRCRAFT - the most comprehensive aviation technical English course in the world, written by the famous aviation technical English guru Philip Shawcross

      Aviation and technical language teachers of Comp Lang ATC were trained directly by the author of the textbook.


    Responsibilities of staff. The work of aircraft technical personnel
    Tool equipment.
    The main parts of the aircraft / helicopter.
    Aircraft / helicopter device.
    Flight control equipment.
    Air navigation system.
    Equipment failures. Causes and effects. Difficulties encountered when working with equipment.
    Aircraft maintenance (Means of operation).
    Maintenance and repair of military equipment.
    Checking the external state of the a/c.

    The duration of the program is 120 academic hours
    To enroll in the program, you must pass an entrance test.

    The schedule of classroom studies during off-duty - 6 academic hours a day 5 times a week, on-the-job - no more than 3 hours a day 2/3 times a week.

    Classes are held in groups and individually (at the request of customers), including via Skype.
    Place of training: AEC "Comp Lang" (Molodezhnaya metro station), or at the Customer's location.