Exercises to overcome dysgraphia. Dysgraphia in younger students: correction, causes

Currently, among primary school students there is a large percentage of children suffering from various disorders of writing and reading. Many parents do not pay attention to the mistakes of their child and let the situation take its course, thinking that everything will get better with time, but such problems in a child may appear due to brain disorders that must be corrected. in younger schoolchildren, it lends itself well to correction if the exercises are performed correctly.

This disease usually manifests itself in younger students, the following signs of a writing disorder are observed: word distortion, incorrect insertion of sounds and their replacement by consonance, incorrect word order in a sentence with. Symptoms of the disease arise due to unformed mental functions of the brain, that is, a child can know and understand all the rules of the Russian language, but make ridiculous mistakes when writing.

This disease cannot be ignored, since the consequences are very serious and remain for life: complexes appear in front of peers, as a result of which a weak personality is formed with a bunch of psychological problems.

With an integrated approach to correction, the disease can be cured with a good pace and predictions for future learning. In some cases, exercises will have to be performed for a long time, several months, and in the worst case, even several years. The main thing is not to lose the mood, and to work with the child in a systematic way.

Everyone needs to take care of the problem together: parents, teacher, neuropsychiatrist and speech therapist. Only with this approach will it be possible to achieve good results.

The main objectives of the classes:

  • the development of auditory, visual, motor functions of the body, which will help restore phonemic perception in a child;
  • teaching a clear difference in hearing similar sounds, the difference between vowels and consonants;
  • the formation of skills for constructing correct sentences;
  • teaching sound-letter analysis of words;
  • determining the number of sounds in a word.

Breathing exercises improve blood flow to the brain, activate gas exchange, which greatly facilitates the process of correcting dysgraphia.

Exercise examples

It is important to understand that several specialists should be involved in the diagnosis and treatment, usually a speech therapist, psychologist, psychoneurologist are involved. Parents are also actively involved in conducting exercises at home, support the child all the way.

Some examples of effective exercises that are convenient to work with at home:

  1. memorizing the graphics of words - you need to ask the baby to compose words from syllables on paper. For younger students, it is better to use simple and familiar words for them, you need to highlight syllables with different colors of pencils, since visual memory is very well developed in children with dysgraphia;
  2. writing out loud - it is important to ask the child to write down words and sentences, while pronouncing the syllables aloud and highlighting with colored pencils on paper. An example of writing: important, table, milk, etc., it is important to highlight the correct spelling sounds, since we speak not at all the way we write. The main problem of such children is not understanding the difference between oral and written speech - they write the way they pronounce the word, so it is important to graphically fix the correct spelling;
  3. a game to increase the volume of sentences - put a sheet with several sentences in a numbered list in front of the child, at the end of each sentence you need to write how many words are used. For example:
    • Winter has come. Frost hit. Ice appeared. A lot of snow fell. The children enjoyed the snow. They played snowballs. (16 words).
    • Masha went to the country. Trees flashed through the car window. The girl was interested in watching. Dad was driving a car (18 words).
      Next, you need to ask the child to dilute these dry sentences with words that will color the speech. Then draw up graphic diagrams of these mini stories (draw a story on paper);
    • text correction - put a text from a book or a boring magazine in front of the child, invite him to find a certain letter in it and cross it out of all the words where it is present. After this skill has been mastered and consolidated, it is necessary to complicate the task, for example, cross out one vowel and one consonant sound in different colors (blue and red). After a week of such classes, you can gradually move on to crossing out syllables and similar-sounding letters: t / d, p / b, u / u, etc.

Special attention should be paid to writing dictations. This exercise will take a lot of time, the initial stage and texts from 150 characters are written for at least 60 minutes.

First, the text is read aloud by the parent clearly and slowly, with expression. Then the text is dictated in sentences, paying attention to the spelling of each. You can ask the child to count the number of commas in a sentence by ear, to pronounce complex words from it in syllables. Only after oral analysis can one begin to write sentences in parts, be sure to speak aloud.

Important! Dysgraphia in adolescents is difficult to correct, exercises are selected in this case more carefully, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. Some people remain with this disease all their lives because of lost time. It is better to start deprivation before the complete formation of the speech apparatus and the consolidation of the functions of writing.

At an early age, dysgraphia responds well to treatment, exercises can be found here and printed.

In elementary school, many children have difficulty writing well. It should be noted that some of them cannot write correctly not because they experience difficulties with grammar and punctuation, the problem is more complex, due to unformed higher mental activity. Of course, errors in the text are found in almost all elementary school students, but only in 12-20% of students the reason lies in dysgraphia. Dysgraphia is a serious disorder in the psyche of children that must be addressed at an early stage.

Children suffering from this disorder make serious mistakes while writing: they confuse words, repeat the same word and confuse letters. This disease is not a sign of intellectual retardation and can be corrected.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Frequent phonetic errors (word - owl, bear - mevet, etc.);
  • Mistakes in very simple words (eg in the word "how");
  • Missing syllables, incorrect endings, etc.

In order to write correctly and read normally, it is enough to have an average intelligence. However, do not sound the alarm ahead of time if one of the students is experiencing difficulty during training. It is important to understand that dysgraphia does not affect mental development in any way. Such a person adequately perceives oral information and is able to learn. Difficulties arise precisely with visual information. You can often find “mirrored” letters in the text written by a person suffering from this ailment.

Dysgraphia and dyslexia are similar in nature, so often people suffer from both disorders at the same time.

Which children are at risk:

  • left-handers;
  • former left-handers (parents or teachers retrained the child to the right hand);
  • children who started early schooling;
  • children growing up in a multilingual family;
  • children suffering from distracted attention;
  • children who began to study with a speech therapist early.

Correction of dysgraphia is the prerogative of speech therapists. The specialist will recommend the necessary exercises and teach the right approach to training. However, it would be useful to turn to psychologists, since the cause of the disease could be: a lack of communication, incorrect or fuzzy speech of others, a very early start in literacy, etc. The result is psychological trauma.

Types of dysgraphia

Experts divide dysgraphia into the following types:

  • Articulatory-acoustic.
  • Acoustic.
  • Problems of sound analysis.
  • Agrammatical.
  • Optical.

Correction of dysgraphia is a joint work of teachers, parents and a speech therapist. In order to fully understand the nature of this disorder, one should understand the subject in more depth.

  1. A person who indistinctly pronounces individual sounds and confuses the letter “r” and “l” in speech is subject to articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia. Failure to pronounce a letter correctly often results in deliberate omission. For example, the subject has difficulty pronouncing alternating consonants, which leads to incorrect pronunciation of the words: “inflow - drink”, “transformation - tansfomation”, “thirty - tick”, “cottage cheese - tolog”, etc.
  2. If a person confuses letters, then the reason for this may be acoustic dysgraphia. Voiced and hissing sounds in one word provoke a person to pronounce and write some words incorrectly.
  3. The summation of several words into one is the cause of the pathology characteristic of incorrect sound analysis. For example, a person instead of "beautiful interior" pronounces "crater". Often people suffering from this disorder tend to write prepositions separately from words, as they hear a pronounced boundary between them: “eternal - from eternal”, “pass - pass”, etc.
  4. An inability to coordinate words is a clear sign of an agrammatical disorder. The following phrases can be cited as an example: difficult decisions, difficult tasks, etc.
  5. Very often there is a disorder in which children write some letters, the shape of which is pronounced vice versa. The letters are as if mirrored (I, P, B, b, etc.). This disorder is due to optical dysgraphia.

These are the main forms of the disease, in practice there are often more complex options that summarize several forms. Despite the presence of so many forms, the treatment of dysgraphia largely follows the same methodology.

Dysgraphia in adults is no less common than in children. The cause of this disorder can be a tumor, traumatic brain injury, meningitis, asphyxia, birth trauma, etc.

Dysgraphia in adults manifests itself, as well as in children: mistakes during writing, which a person repeats from time to time, while knowing grammar and spelling well. Often people suffering from this disease confuse letters that are outwardly similar in spelling (b-b, v-b, sh-sh, g-r, etc.)

Tips for Parents Whose Children Need Speech and Writing Correction

In no case do not scold children with an illness and do not shout at them. This behavior will only make the situation worse. The subject must feel the care and attention from the parents. All work must take place in a comfortable environment. It should be understood that there is some kind of pressure on children, which can affect their psyche and form psychological barriers that can limit their future life.

If the teacher treats students rudely and constantly reproaches them for mistakes, then children can grow into amorphous people who will give up any undertaking at the first failure or mistake.

Those with dysgraphia are not at all incurable. In 70-80% of cases, if you correct the disease at preschool age, then the problem will be solved. You should be attentive to the child, in which case his problems will be visible at an early stage, which will significantly increase the likelihood of their elimination.

Seek help only from an experienced speech therapist. It is also necessary to show the child to a psychoneurologist who can identify auxiliary deviations. Do not neglect the services of a tutor. The tutor will deal with only one student in an environment convenient for him, knowing the characteristics of his ward and taking them into account during training.

Every case needs a system to achieve the best results, dysgraphia treatment is no exception. Classes should be carried out systematically, without violating the schedule.
It is also necessary to determine the causes of the pathology.

Diagnosis of dysgraphia in children

Diagnosis of dysgraphia involves examinations by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and speech therapist. As mentioned earlier, dysgraphia and dyslexia have similar characteristics, so the help of qualified professionals will help to identify both disorders and eliminate them.

First of all, it is necessary to accurately determine whether the illiterate speech of the subject is the result of a pathology, and not a banal ignorance of the rules of spelling.

The survey will take place in several stages:

  • First, written works will be examined and analyzed.
  • Next, you need to listen to oral speech and determine the presence of deviations. During the study, the gesticulation and manner of speaking are monitored, and the leading hand is also determined.
  • During the entire examination, specialists examine the vocabulary, pronunciation of various sounds, the perception of sounds and the syllabic structure that the subject makes up during a conversation.
  • After the study of speech is completed, the study of written speech begins. The subject first rewrites printed, handwritten text, then performs a dictation, makes descriptions from images, reads syllables, words and texts.

When all procedures are completed, the speech therapist analyzes the results and makes a conclusion. Dyslexia and dysgraphia in children, as a rule, are pronounced and their definition is often not difficult for a specialist.

It may seem to many that the above procedures can be carried out at home, without the help of a specialist, but this is absolutely not true. In order to perform the most accurate examination, you must have experience and the necessary knowledge. Otherwise, a number of mistakes can be made, which will lead to an incorrect conclusion and an incorrect understanding of how to treat pathology.

Correction of dysgraphia in children of school age

It is necessary to treat dysgraphia with joint efforts. Working together with teachers, parents and a speech therapist, the child can get rid of this deviation.

If a child experiences difficulties in speaking, then it is necessary to provide him with systematic practice. Such a special dictation should be different from the usual one. You should clearly pronounce words, indicate punctuation marks. Before starting the dictation, you should clearly read the entire text.

Negative emotions should be avoided. In a negative environment, children perceive any treatment as something imposed and will subconsciously seek to abstract.

Do not show excessive attention and extreme concern for this deviation. From increased attention to the problem, the child will decide that something is wrong with him and begin to perceive himself as inferior, which is fundamentally untrue.

It is necessary to instill in the child the mood to achieve a grandiose goal. The child should be praised (in moderation) and encouraged with pleasant surprises, so that he treats the treatment with special zeal and is aimed at achieving an excellent result.

Treatment by a speech therapist will take place according to a different system. Speech therapists base treatment on a special alphabet and a set of specific speech games. The exercise with the alphabet boils down to the fact that children are invited to put together a word and designate its grammatical elements. This exercise helps to remember the structure of words, the appearance of letters and teaches the correct pronunciation.

Next, the speech therapist gives the child an understanding of the differences between hard and soft and deaf sounds. The child repeats the words and selects his own, which correspond to the required sounds. During the work, the analysis of sounds, letters and syllables of which words are composed is carried out.

There is an excellent exercise that does not have to be done with a speech therapist. The child writes a text (not necessarily from dictation) and pronounces each word. It is very important that the child clearly pronounces weak beats.

Example: “how much does milk cost”. Indeed, in oral speech, this phrase is pronounced in a completely different way - “how much malako costs”.

Weak beats in this example are sounds that can change during fast speech without affecting the meaning of the word. It looks like a simple exercise, but with a systematic lesson, it is very effective.

Prevention of dysgraphia in a child

Having learned about dysgraphia and realizing that such a deviation may adversely affect the child in the future, automatically leads to the conclusion that the sooner it is detected, the better. It is advisable to determine whether a child has this ailment even before he begins to study literacy.

There are many exercises that are great for preventing dysgraphia in preschool children:

  • Definition of an object by a contour image.
  • Search for identical objects in the picture.
  • Maze game. A labyrinth is drawn on a piece of paper, the child needs to draw a line through the entire maze with a pen without touching the walls.
  • Define the subject by individual details.
  • Search for an extra item in pictures that does not match the rest (for example, among ovals and circles, a triangle or square will be superfluous and vice versa).
  • Correlation of objects with their silhouette. There are special educational toys, such as a cube with holes of different shapes, into which you need to insert figures of the same shape as the holes.

Correction of dysgraphia is not the easiest process, both for the child and for the parents. You will have to do a lot of work and show all your strengths in order to support the child and help him get rid of the disease. The most important professionals for a child are his parents. Work with the child, enlist the support of a speech therapist and everything will work out.

In the course of a statistical study conducted by the Psychological and Pedagogical Center "Health" in St. Petersburg in 2000, it turned out that about 37% of students in ordinary schools suffer from dysgraphia, and about 20% of children in gymnasiums. Director of Secondary School No. 2009 of Moscow D.M. Gessler, in his public report for the 2009/10 academic year, stated that dysgraphia was detected in 67% of students. The article will discuss how to identify and what methods can be used to correct dysgraphia in children.

Dysgraphia (from the Greek dis - a prefix meaning disorder, grapho - I write) - a violation of writing, accompanied by the replacement of letters, omissions, rearrangements of letters and syllables, merging of words, due to a violation of the speech system as a whole.

Dysgraphia is expressed in persistent and typical writing errors that the child constantly repeats.

How dysgraphia manifests itself in children: types of disorders and symptoms

Table number 1. Types of dysgraphia in children

Types of dysgraphia Features of children with this type of dysgraphia
acoustic Acoustic dysgraphia appears due to a violation of the development of phonemic hearing. With this disorder in a child, the auditory differentiation of close acoustic sounds of speech is not clear. Violation of the function of writing due to the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing is manifested in the replacement of sounds or letters that are similar articularly and acoustically. With acoustic dysgraphia, various phonemes are mixed: voiced consonants and paired deaf (b-p), hissing and whistling (z-zh, s-sh), labialized vowels (yo-y, o-y), vowels of 1 and 2 digits (o -yo, a-z, s-i), sonorants (r-l), affricates (h-c), back-lingual (g-k-x). The mixing of phonemes occurs both among themselves and with any of the components. Acoustic dysgraphia also affects the softness of consonants in written speech. For example: loves - loves, lies - licks.
Motor Motor dysgraphia is manifested in the difficulty of hand movements while writing. In addition, the connection of sounds and motor images of words with visual images is disrupted. As a result, writing spasm may occur, in which there is a change in the movements of the hand, which results in violations of the action of writing. At the same time, the hand retains the ability to perform other actions. If a complex correction of symptoms is carried out, it is possible to get rid of this problem.
Optical This type of dysgraphia is caused by unformed visual-spatial functions. The child has an incorrect spelling of letters, namely, mirror writing of letters, underwriting letters, writing unnecessary elements, mixing and replacing letters that are similar graphically. Most often there is a mixing of letters that are similar (t-p, u-sh) or letters that consist of the same elements, but are located differently in space (e-s). Mirror writing from left to right can also occur in left-handers with organic brain damage. Optical dysgraphia is divided into verbal and literal.

Verbal dysgraphia manifested by the distortion of letters when writing, mixing and distortion, replacement of letters that are similar graphically. There is also a contextual influence of neighboring letters on the reproduction of the letter. This preserves the reproduction of isolated letters.

At literal dysgraphia The child has there are difficulties in reproducing even isolated letters.

Why does dysgraphia occur in children?

  1. Heredity. Often, children with dysgraphia inherit from their parents a qualitative immaturity of the brain in certain areas, which can manifest itself in a delay in the development of some functions.
  2. When a problem such as dysgraphia occurs, they play a role functional reasons , due to which there is a delay in psychoverbal development, and dyslexia. These include long-term somatic illnesses.
  3. Another cause of dysgraphia may be damage or underdevelopment of the brain . Such a violation could develop even in the prenatal, post-natal and natal period as a result of the following problems:
    • pathologies during pregnancy;
    • asphyxia;
    • infections;
    • meningitis;
    • severe somatic diseases, as a result of which the child's nervous system is depleted.
  4. If speak about socio-psychological factors that can provoke the occurrence of dysgraphia, then they include:
    • incorrect or fuzzy speech of others;
    • bilingualism in the family;
    • speech contact deficit;
    • inattentive attitude of adults to the speech of the child;
    • early literacy in the absence of psychological preparation of the child.

Methods for diagnosing dysgraphia: examinations by doctors and home tests

If you suspect dysgraphia, you need to be examined by an ophthalmologist, neurologist and ENT doctor. And a speech therapist will help determine the level of formation of speech functions. It is important to find out whether the incorrect spelling of words and letters is dysgraphia or is it a simple ignorance of spelling rules.

During the examination of children for dysgraphia, they check:

  • Development of oral speech . When examining a child for dysgraphia, it is very important to pay attention to the following: their difference, phonemic synthesis and analysis, features of grammatical construction of speech, vocabulary.
  • Written speech. When oral speech is fully studied, you can proceed to the study of written speech. An analysis and study of the written work of the child is carried out. The child must complete the task, which consists of several stages: rewriting the text (printed and handwritten), writing from dictation, describing pictures, reading words by letters and syllables.
  • Hearing, vision, CNS. To find out the causes of dysgraphia in a child, they test hearing, vision and the state of the central nervous system.
  • The state of manual and speech motor skills, the structure of the articulatory apparatus.

Effective methods for working with children with dysgraphia

There are several effective methods for correcting dysgaphia in children of primary school age:

  1. Word schema. The child is given a picture that depicts an object and a word scheme. The student must name the object, and then, in order, all the sounds of the word. After that, each sound must be correlated with a letter and a word must be written.
  2. Sound-letter recognition. This technique consists of several variations:
  • Writing a large number of letters in a notebook.
  • Underline words with a certain sound and write them in a notebook.
  • Search for a specific letter in a word, sentence, text and strike through it.
  • Select the desired picture, the name of which has the sound being worked out.
  1. Ebbigause technique . The child is provided with already worked out words, but letters are missing in them. The task of the child is to insert the missing letters, read it and write it down.
  2. With relation of the initial letter with the picture and the word. The child himself chooses words (word) and pictures (picture) for a certain sound given to him, which he must designate with a letter.
  3. Sound-letter analysis . The child is given a picture. He must name the object depicted on it and write down the word, put stress in it, determine how many syllables there are in this word and name them. Each syllable in a word must be separated by a dash. After that, the child must name in order all the sounds of the word and mark them with the appropriate color. The consonants in the word must be emphasized - a thin sound with one line, a deaf sound with a double line. After that, the child must compare the number of letters and sounds in the word.
  4. Structural method . In the provided word, the student must determine the number of vowels and consonants. This must be done sequentially. After the child draws up a word scheme: vowels are indicated by contour circles, consonants are shaded. It is better to start with monosyllabic words without a confluence of consonants and gradually complicate the task.
  5. Error correction. The child is given a few misspelled words. Words must be related to the sounding pattern of the word. The task of the child is to find mistakes and correct them, to rewrite the words correctly.

Exercises to eliminate dysgraphia

There are exercises that parents can do at home with their child, in between classes with a specialist:

  • proofreading . For this exercise, you need a voluminous text from which you need to cross out a given letter. The next step in the task is to underline one letter and cross out the other. The exercise helps to develop attention and remember the visual image of the letter.
  • Missing letters . In large text, you need to insert missing letters. The exercise develops confidence in writing skills and attention.
  • Labyrinths. This exercise trains the gross motor skills of the hand. The child must draw a continuous long line. It is important to change hands in a timely manner.

It is also useful to explain to the child the arrangement of punctuation marks in the text and to pronounce the text aloud, in accordance with the rules of writing. Classes with a speech therapist can be conducted in the form of a game. You can use magnetic letters to create words, write dictations to improve the perception of sounds.

It is worth paying special attention when choosing pens for writing and pencils. It is better to give preference to handles with uneven surfaces. When writing with such a pen, the distal fingertips are simultaneously massaged and additional signals are sent to the brain. Pencils and felt-tip pens should be with a non-smooth surface, for example, triangular in cross section.

Prevention - how to teach a child to write correctly

  • An important condition is the recognition of signs of dysgraphia in a child. At the age of 3-4 years, check the auditory differentiation of speech sounds. In case of difficulties, it is necessary to start developing it.
  • Often parents start. With the wrong approach to teaching children English or another language, both dysgraphia and dyslexia can develop.
  • It is important that all family members pronounce sounds and words correctly. If adults repeat the pronunciation after the child (for example: ball - meat, love - lubla) and change syllables and sounds, this can lead to problems in the formation of correct speech and writing.

Prevention of dysgraphia in children attending mass kindergartens consists, first of all, in the timely diagnosis of a predisposition to writing disorders. Such diagnostics should be carried out no later than the beginning of the child's admission to the preparatory group. And if the child reveals any weak links in the totality of the prerequisites for the formation of writing, he should receive corrective and developmental assistance from a specialist. (E.A. Loginova "Disorders of writing. Features of their manifestation and correction in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation")

Speech therapist, deaf teacher, scientist Paramonova L.G.:

Acoustic dysgraphia, associated with the inability to distinguish certain sounds by ear, can be overcome only after the child has mastered the auditory differentiation of these sounds. In the same way, optical dysgraphia will not disappear until the child has developed visual-spatial representations and visual analysis and synthesis at the proper level. If this was not done at preschool age, then you will have to catch up at school. In other words, to eliminate any type of dysgraphia, it is necessary to remove the immediate and quite obvious reason that underlies it.

Teacher-defectologist I.S. Pshennikov:

In recent years, the number of children who make many specific mistakes in writing has been steadily growing. Usually "ridiculous" errors are associated with inattention. But the main reason for such errors is the underdevelopment of those brain processes that provide the complex process of writing. Mastering written speech is a complex mental activity that requires a certain degree of maturity of many mental functions and the interaction of various analyzers: speech-auditory, speech-motor, visual, motor. Lack of formation of one of the analyzers can lead to dysgraphia.

Adults, stop wasting your toddler's preschool on learning the junior high curriculum. At school, he will have enough time to learn how to write beautifully and correctly. Better pay attention to the development of his visual abilities. Educators and scientists have long noticed that a child with a high level of visual and graphic skills is much more likely to become a successful student than someone who can read but has poor pencil skills. Just 10-15 minutes a day of work with a coloring book - and many school problems will be solved even before entering the first grade! (co-founder of the NGO "Dyslexic +", teacher, teacher-defectologist, speech therapist of preschool, school and medical institutions T. Goguadze)

Dysgraphia in younger students: types, signs and what to do?

In elementary school, some parents are surprised to learn that their child has a specific problem - dysgraphia: the child cannot write almost a single word without errors, while it would seem that he is fully developed and there are no problems with intellectual development. What is dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia has definitely pronounced symptoms, but only a specialist, most often a speech therapist, can make an accurate diagnosis. Dysgraphia does not go away on its own and interferes with the further education of the child: without eliminating the problem, it will be very difficult to master the school curriculum even at a basic level.

What is dysgraphia? How do you know if a child has dysgraphia?

As a rule, parents and teachers learn that a child has problems with writing (dysgraphia) only when learning to write, that is, in elementary school. Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder when a child writes words with phonetic errors, errors in recording sounds. Instead of "p" he writes "b", instead of "t" - "d", forms syllables incorrectly, adds extra letters, skips the necessary ones, writes several words together.

Dysgraphia can be mistaken for simply not knowing the rules of grammar, but the problem goes deeper.

Compare: "offer" - "breathing" and "offer" - "application". In this example, the difference between simple ignorance of the correct spelling (rule) and dysgraphia is clearly visible.

Moreover, the handwriting of such children is often illegible, uneven. When writing, the child shows a lot of effort, but writes very slowly. If such a child studies in a class with ordinary children, then he may experience serious feelings due to his mistakes, slowness, and discontent of the teacher. In speech, a child with dysgraphia often cannot build long sentences and prefers to remain silent or speak briefly. Because of this, the "dysgraphic" does not have full communication with peers, and it seems to him that his classmates are opposed to him.

Unfortunately, this is a rather serious problem that "does not walk alone": most often, dysgraphia manifests itself along with dyslexia, a reading problem, and a child may also have speech problems and impairments to other physical functions.

Types of dysgraphia:

  • Articulatory-acoustic. It is connected with the fact that the child pronounces sounds incorrectly, which means that when pronouncing them to himself, he writes them down incorrectly. To correct this type of dysgraphia, you need to work on the correct pronunciation of sounds.
  • acoustic. In this case, the child pronounces sounds correctly, but confuses them with similar ones (voiced-voiced: b-p, d-t, s-s; hissing: s-sh, s-zh; and they also do not distinguish the softness of individual sounds) .
  • Optical. A child with optical dysgraphia finds it difficult to write and distinguish between letters: he adds unnecessary elements (sticks, dashes, circles), skips the necessary ones, even writes in a mirror image in the opposite direction).
  • Dysgraphia due to problems of language analysis and synthesis. A child with this problem in writing can skip or repeat whole words, rearrange syllables and letters in places, write different words together (prefixes and prepositions are confused with nouns - they write together or separately, attach part of the next word to one word, etc.)
  • Agrammatic dysgraphia. As a rule, it is detected after grades 1-2, as it requires great knowledge of the rules for writing words ("good cat", "beautiful sun", etc.). That is, this problem is connected with the fact that the child cannot correctly decline words by gender and case, cannot agree on an adjective and a noun. Such a problem can be observed in bilingual (bilingual) families, as well as when the child is taught in a non-native language.

Causes of dysgraphia.

The causes of this disorder can be very different: from birth trauma, infections and genetics, to neglect of education. With problems in the functioning of the brain, dysgraphia is most often accompanied by concomitant diseases, which may already be known to parents.

In fact, a child diagnosed with dysgraphia cannot write without errors, because his speech, auditory, visual and motor analyzers are disrupted, the child cannot process information (synthesis and analysis).

How to eliminate dysgraphia and is it possible?

In part, yes, with some effort on the part of both parents, specialists, and the child himself, dysgraphia can be corrected and cured. Of course, this is not a quick process: it may take months and years of systematic practice to completely overcome dysgraphia and related impairments in writing, speech, and reading.

Dysgraphia is not a sentence, you can live with it, but the task of parents and teachers should be to overcome this ailment. Fortunately, many techniques and exercises have been developed to eliminate dysgraphia.

Which doctor treats dysgraphia?

Usually, dysgraphia is reported by the teacher teaching the child. He may already have experience working with such children. Next, you should contact a speech therapist and a psychoneurologist. The main work is carried out by a speech therapist: he develops both hemispheres of the brain, teaches to distinguish, pronounce and record sounds. A neuropsychiatrist will help identify concomitant disorders (if any), understand the causes of dysgraphia and prescribe medication. In some cases, other specialists are involved in solving the problem, for example, if a child has hearing problems, he can neither hear sounds nor write them down.

It should not be forgotten that the "dysgraphic" very often acutely feels his problem and is afraid to show it again: he misses lessons, loses his notebooks in the Russian language, and communicates little. The task of adults, in addition to treatment, is to provide psychological support to the child: do not scold, show interest in success, help.

Dysgraphia is a disorder that you can and should work with: do exercises, correct related problems (for example, dyslexia, communication problems with peers). The features of this violation and its significance for the future life of the child cannot allow non-professional intervention - it is necessary to contact specialists, first of all, a speech therapist.

Dyslexia. What it is? Types and signs.

A child with dyslexia, up to 6-7 years old, usually does not differ much from his peers: he plays, dreams of going to school and studying well, perhaps he is a little more active and clumsy. But in elementary school, parents and teachers notice that the child has difficulty reading: he makes mistakes, does not understand what he read, and avoids books. This may be a sign of dyslexia. What is dyslexia and how do you know if a child is dyslexic?

Dyslexia- this is a specific violation of the ability to read, when a child makes the same type of mistakes when reading. In this case, the child can be fully intellectually developed and not experience other learning difficulties.

It is not easy for ordinary people to understand what dyslexia is. According to dyslexic, dyslexia researcher Ronald Davis, the difference between dyslexics and ordinary people is that ordinary people think in words, while dyslexics think in images. Therefore, when a dyslexic child is faced with a verbal description of an object or phenomenon, he experiences difficulties. It is especially difficult for such a child to perceive words whose meaning he does not know, that is, he does not have an image in his memory, such words can be, in particular, prepositions: "through", "above", "under".

When reading, a dyslexic child constantly encounters difficulties: even one word that he does not know (does not have his image) destroys the general image of what he read, that is, the text becomes completely incomprehensible to the child. Very often people have impairments not only in the ability to read (dyslexia), but also in the ability to write correctly (dysgraphia).

Dictation of a child with dysgraphia. Dyslexia and dysgraphia are disorders that often go together.

What is dyslexia?

As a rule, a violation of the ability to read is associated with problems in composing words from syllables (syllable formation), reading in whole words, and fluent reading. Children read slowly, letter by letter or syllable, try to guess words rather than read them, rearrange letters and syllables. All this leads to the fact that the text often remains incomprehensible to the child. Some children, having perfected their reading technique, may not understand what they read and answer questions on the text.

Diagnosis of dyslexia

Diagnosing dyslexia is not easy, because a variety of children can experience reading problems for various reasons: poor mental development, pedagogical neglect, poor hearing and a child’s eyesight, which does not allow him to see letters, work with text, etc. Dyslexia is distinguished by the repetition of mistakes, their identity and persistence, that is, even after training (when corrective work is not yet carried out), problems remain.

Dyslexia is not a mental illness and is diagnosed by several specialists through various tests, including testing the child's health (hearing, vision), intelligence level, reading and text comprehension skills, and the ability to complete speech.

Types of dyslexia

  • Phonemic dyslexia . It is most often found in younger schoolchildren, and is associated with the fact that the child mixes similar sounds (voiced-voiced, hard-soft, voiced-deaf, for example, b-p, d-t, ts-s, w-sh). This type of dyslexia is expressed in letter-by-letter reading, in the fact that a child, when reading, can skip letters and syllables, rearrange them).
  • Mechanical reading (semantic dyslexia) . The child owns the technique of reading, but cannot understand partially or completely the meaning of what is read. One of the reasons for semantic dyslexia is that the words in the child's sentence are not connected, the child cannot get a big picture of the semantic content.
  • Agrammatical dyslexia , like agrammatic dysgraphia, is associated with problems of agreement, in particular, nouns and adjectives, nouns and verbs, when the endings of words do not agree: "beautiful cat", "high poplar", etc.
  • Optical dyslexia . All letters consist of approximately the same elements: dashes, sticks, circles. Optical dyslexia is expressed in the fact that children confuse letters that are similar in spelling, letters that differ in one or two elements or are differently located in space.
  • mnestic dyslexia . It is connected with the fact that the child cannot remember the connection between the designation of the letter and the sound that it "gives" when reading.

consequences of dyslexia.

A child with dyslexia may experience significant difficulties associated with the inability to understand the text, spending a lot of time reading, which leads to further difficulties in learning at school. Since dyslexics do not read much, they may have a small vocabulary. Dyslexics are also characterized by poor orientation in space, disorganization, problems with coordination, and low self-esteem.

What to do if a child has dyslexia?

A speech therapist deals with the correction of dyslexia in children and adults. Depending on the type of violation, their own methods of correcting dyslexia are used.

Despite all the possible negative consequences, dyslexia, like dysgraphia, is not a sentence: children can be very gifted in other areas of activity, they often show the ability to think outside the box, in images, creatively. It would seem that such a problem can put an end to the development of the child and his future, but history knows many prominent people suffering from dyslexia and dysgraphia: Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Hans Christian Andersen, Henry Ford, as well as artists Sher, Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise, Keira Knightley, Dustin Hoffman and others. The main thing is to accept the dyslexic as he is, to provide comprehensive assistance and support both in the development of his other talents and in the correction of dyslexia.

How to choose the right technique for correcting dyslexia?

Dyslexia as a selective impairment of the ability to read can be corrected. It is not entirely accurate to talk about the treatment of dyslexia, because in the strict sense, dyslexia is not a disease. A speech therapist should work with children with dyslexia, but you need to accurately diagnose the problem, determine its type, and only then choose the methods of work.

As a rule, parents learn about dyslexia only after the child has got to school and began to learn to read. And to determine whether a child has dyslexia is almost impossible right away: many children experience difficulties in learning to read. Why, if some children confuse letters and read slowly, they are "normal", while others are dyslexic?

Children with dyslexia read slowly, confuse syllables and letters, and often cannot answer questions on the text - they do not fully understand the content of what they read. This can have serious consequences on school performance. Dyslexics have the same type of reading problems for a long time, they persist with normal reading training, while the rest of the problems disappear and they master the reading technique.

depending on the type of problem.

There are several types of dyslexia (mechanical, phonemic, optical, etc.) and, depending on the type of dyslexia, a child has different reading problems. With one type of impairment, the child can read the text without errors, but not understand what they read, with another type of dyslexia, the child rearranges letters and syllables when reading. Accordingly, different types of dyslexia require different methods of correction.

Also, methods for correcting dyslexia depend on its causes. So, for example, problems with reading may be associated with poor eyesight of the child, and he cannot read the text; also problems can be caused by mental retardation of the child (although many dyslexias do not have any developmental abnormalities). When correcting dyslexia in these cases, the elimination and correction of the root cause is required, and only then - the solution of problems with reading texts.

Researchers have found that dyslexia is mainly associated with impaired functioning of certain parts of the brain. We can say that dyslexia is often a hereditary disorder: if the child's family already had problems with reading or writing, as well as other neuro- and psycho-physiological problems, then there is a likelihood of problems in children.

Diagnosis of dyslexia in a child.

When choosing one or another method of correcting a reading disorder, you need to know exactly its causes and type of dyslexia, therefore, before starting work with a speech therapist, a detailed and professional diagnosis by several specialists is required. The child should be tested for vision and hearing, the ability to learn (mental development). Diagnosis is carried out by specialists: otolaryngologist, neuropsychiatrist, speech therapist, psychologist. You may need to contact other specialists.

Dyslexia correction.

Dysgraphia and dyslexia, despite their prevalence, should only be corrected by a qualified speech therapist. Correction can take several months or even years.The speech therapist will be able to diagnose the child and start classes. They must be regular. The work of a speech therapist often goes in collaboration with parents, who can do some exercises with their children as homework.

A child with dyslexia is not a naughty child who does not want to read, nor is he mentally retarded, but a normal child who has some reading difficulties. However, getting into an unhealthy team, where his shortcomings can be ridiculed, and the teacher cannot always give individual tasks to the child, make explanations when studying the material, falls into depression, withdraws into himself, his self-esteem and interest in learning and life decrease. Such a child, first of all, needs the support of adults (parents, relatives and teachers) who will love him, appreciate him and accept him for who he is.

At the same time, such a child should not be overly pampered and allowed to "take off" from classes and reading, there is no need to provoke poor academic performance - such children are often not only able and able to learn (they are fully developed), but also capable of extraordinary problem solving, they have a highly developed imagination, imaginative thinking, such children are able to play sports, dance, have a penchant for creative professions.

Dysgraphia: concept, types, causes, exercises for correction.

In elementary school, some parents are surprised to learn that their child has a specific problem - dysgraphia: the child cannot write almost a single word without errors, while it would seem that he is fully developed and there are no problems with intellectual development. What is dysgraphia and how is it treated?

As a rule, parents and teachers learn that a child has problems with writing (dysgraphia) only when learning to write, that is, in elementary school.Dysgraphia - this is a specific violation of writing, when a child writes words with phonetic errors, errors in recording sounds. Instead of "p" he writes "b", instead of "t" - "d", forms syllables incorrectly, adds extra letters, skips the necessary ones, writes several words together.

Dysgraphia can be mistaken for simply not knowing the rules of grammar, but the problem goes deeper.

Dysgraphia is a violation of the writing process, manifested in repetitive, persistent errors, which are due to unformed higher mental activity involved in the writing process. This violation is an obstacle for students to master the literacy and grammar of the language.

Moreover, the handwriting of such children is often illegible, uneven. When writing, the child shows a lot of effort, but writes very slowly. If such a child studies in a class with ordinary children, then he may experience serious feelings due to his mistakes, slowness, and discontent of the teacher. In speech, a child with dysgraphia often cannot build long sentences and prefers to remain silent or speak briefly. Because of this, the "dysgraphic" does not have full communication with peers, and it seems to him that his classmates are opposed to him.

Unfortunately, this is a rather serious problem that "does not go alone": most often, dysgraphia manifests itself along withdyslexia, a reading problem, and the child may also have speech problems and impairments to other physical functions.

Types of dysgraphia

Articulatory-acoustic . It is connected with the fact that the child pronounces sounds incorrectly, which means that when pronouncing them to himself, he writes them down incorrectly. To treat this type of dysgraphia, you need to work on the correct pronunciation of sounds.

acoustic . In this case, the child pronounces sounds correctly, but confuses them with similar ones (voiced-voiced: b-p, d-t, s-s; hissing: s-sh, s-zh; and they also do not distinguish the softness of individual sounds) .

Optical . A child with optical dysgraphia finds it difficult to write and distinguish between letters: he adds unnecessary elements (sticks, dashes, circles), skips the necessary ones, even writes in a mirror image in the opposite direction).

Dysgraphia due to problems of language analysis and synthesis . A child with this problem in writing can skip or repeat whole words, rearrange syllables and letters in places, write different words together (prefixes and prepositions are confused with nouns - they write together or separately, attach part of the next word to one word, etc.)

Agrammatic dysgraphia. As a rule, it is detected after grades 1-2, as it requires great knowledge of the rules for writing words ("good cat", "beautiful sun", etc.). That is, this problem is connected with the fact that the child cannot correctly decline words by gender and case, cannot agree on an adjective and a noun. Such a problem can be observed in bilingual (bilingual) families, as well as when the child is taught in a non-native language.

Signs of dysgraphia

Errors in dysgraphia have the following features:

Errors associated with a violation of the formation of mental functions that take part in the writing process. For example, the ability to distinguish phonemes by ear and during pronunciation, the ability to analyze a sentence into words, the ability to understand the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
-There are also errors that occur when elementary functions are violated. But they do not lead to dysgraphia.

Errors in dysgraphia are similar to physiological errors, but in dysgraphia there are more of them, they are repeated and persist for a long time.
Mistakes in children can occur with pedagogical neglect, with a violation of attention and control. At the same time, errors are in no way connected with a violation of the formation of higher mental functions, which does not lead to the occurrence of dysgraphia.

With dysgraphia, errors are observed in a strong phonetic position. Children write "korofa" instead of "cow", "dm" instead of "smoke". Ordinary spelling errors are observed only in a weak position ("sprout" instead of "sprout").

Dysgraphic errors are typical only for schoolchildren (for preschoolers they are still physiological).

Dysgraphia is not treated as an independent disorder. It often accompanies various neurological dysfunctions and disorders, pathologies of auditory, motor, speech, visual analyzers.

Eliminating such a problem is impossible alone: ​​parents, teachers and doctors must unite and agree on their actions. Prescribe treatment, perform certain exercises. Perhaps the child should be transferred to another school (specialized) or hire a tutor who can professionally perform the exercises with the child at home.

It should not be forgotten that the "dysgraphic" very often acutely feels his problem and is afraid to show it again: he misses lessons, loses his notebooks in the Russian language, and communicates little. The task of adults, in addition to treatment, is to provide psychological support to the child: do not scold, show interest in success, help.

E. V. Mazanova in her book “Correction of optical dysgraphia” for the treatment of the disease suggests carrying out correctional and speech therapy work in these main areas: Expanding the volume of the child’s visual memory; Mastering graphic symbolization; Development of visual perception, analysis and synthesis; Development of auditory analysis and synthesis; Development of visual gnosis (recognition of color, size and shape); Formation of temporal and spatial representations; Formation of graphomotor skills; Differentiation of letters that have kinetic and optical similarity. Correction of optical dysgraphia includes many different exercises that contribute to the above directions. For example, for the development of visual gnosis, experts recommend naming contour, crossed out and superimposed images of objects, as well as their drawing. To improve color perception, exercises such as naming colors in pictures, grouping them according to a color background or shades, painting various geometric shapes in specific colors are practiced. Dysgraphia correction, according to Mazanova, also includes letter recognition exercises. So, you can offer the child to find a certain letter among a number of others, identify letters that are located incorrectly, identify letters superimposed on each other, etc. The next step is the development of visual memory and spatial perception. In this case, when correcting dysgraphia, according to Mazanova, exercises such as memorizing pictures or objects, their location and reproduction after a certain time are carried out. Spatial orientation, on the other hand, requires several types of orientation: In one's own body (including the differentiation of left and right parts); In the surrounding world; On a piece of paper.

Mazanova for the correction of dysgraphia also recommends paying great attention to the differentiation of letters, which includes their isolated spelling:

In syllables;

In words;

In phrases;

In offers;

In the text.

Correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia, as a rule, is divided into 4 main stages:





The first stage of correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia involves the identification of these disorders in children with the help of dictations, examination of the state of the lexical and grammatical side of speech and analysis of its results. The second stage is aimed at the general development of manual motor skills, space-time representations, memory and thinking. The third stage of correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia is characterized by overcoming dysgraphic disorders. The work in this case is implemented mainly at the syntactic, lexical and phonetic levels and is often aimed at eliminating problems with coherent speech, reading and sound pronunciation. The last stage of the methodology is designed to evaluate the results of the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia, so it usually re-tests writing and reading skills, as well as an analysis of all kinds of written work of children.

Exercises for the development of phonemic processes

1. Differentiation of oppositional sounds (voiced and voiceless consonants) .

Target: development of phonemic perception; inclusion in the work of the auditory, visual, tactile, motor, speech-motor analyzer.

When differentiating consonants, it is better to work in this order:

heard, pronounced, distinguished, recorded.

When pronouncing syllables, hand movement is connected: voiced sounds are at the top, and deaf sounds are at the bottom. At first, it is very difficult for a child to repeat by ear correctly after the teacher. However, the coordinated work of speech with the movement of the hand gives amazing results.

Teacher's instruction

Child involvement

The teacher says BA and points up with his hand, says PA - points down with his hand

Visual and auditory perception

The teacher speaks and shows together with the children BA - PA

Speech and hand movement in the air are connected to visual and auditory perception.

The teacher speaks, shows with his hand and asks the child to repeat

Attention concentration, auditory and motor memory.

The teacher shows only with his hand and asks the child to repeat

Attention, motor memory, visual perception

The teacher shows with his hand and asks to voice and confirm with his hand

Attention, motor memory, visual perception, speech

The teacher speaks, and asks the children to show the hand drawing of the statement

Auditory perception, motor memory

The teacher asks, based on hearing, to repeat oppositional syllables after him.

auditory perception, speech

2. Find a word by sound.

After the child understood the difference in the pronunciation of voiced and deaf sounds, we prepare two cards. On one we draw a "+" sign, respectively, this card, denoting a sonorous sound; on the second card we draw the sign "-", which means a deaf sound. We pronounce words with initial voiced and deaf consonants and invite the child to raise a card with a plus or a minus.











Fur coat




cotton wool









After oral work, offer to write down the words that you remember in the left column with deaf sounds, and in the right column words with voiced sounds.

3. Name a word that is different from the rest.

Target: distinguish oppositional sounds by ear; pronounce word chains correctly.


4. Ball games.

Ball games are aimed not only at the development of phonemic processes, but also: at the development of general and fine motor skills; on orientation in space; on the regulation of strength and accuracy of movements; on the development of the eye, dexterity; to activate involuntary attention; to normalize the emotional sphere.

4.1. "I know five words."

Target: develop coordination of movements; Expand words knowledge; find the right words.

Game progress: the child pronounces a series of words, simultaneously hitting the ball on the floor with each word.

right hand

left hand

two hands

hands alternately

I know five words with the sound "S"

I know five words with a Z sound

I know four words with "S" and "Z" sounds

Sledge - one

Teeth - times


Owl - times

Owl - two

Umbrella - two

teeth - two

teeth - two

Salad - three

Winter - three

Catfish - three

Snow - three

Aircraft - four

Hare - four

Star - four

Hare - four

Snow - five

Hall - five

4.2 . Curious.

Target: development of phonemic representations and imagination, development of sentence structuring skills.

Game progress: the teacher explains the essence of the game and shows an example. Select the sound with which the words in the sentence will begin. The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child. Students must answer so that the words of the answer begin with a given sound.










tied up







4.3. Be careful .

Target: - development of the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Game progress: the teacher, throwing the ball, says the word. The child who caught the ball determines the number of sounds in the word.

At the initial stages, name words consisting of no more than 4 sounds.T What a game in a fun way allows you to quickly develop in children the ability to present a graphic expression of a word, the switching mechanism is being worked out.

5. Games with words.

Practice shows that one of the favorite activities of children are exercises with letters and words. Similar tasks with words and letters are productive for the prevention of dysgraphia. Children actively compose and make up words. This is a work-play from which they get pleasure and an emotional charge.

Purpose: to activate all analyzers participating in written speech; consolidate the sound-letter analysis of words; distinguish between vowels and consonants.


Encrypt the word : puts dashes instead of consonants, and writes vowels (poppy, book). Used when working with vocabulary words

A-, - - and- a.


guess the word . * The teacher on the board writes only consonants s-p-g-, m-l-k-.

*Then it is proposed to independently write down the words, sentences only in consonants.

School, street, bag. The wind is blowing across the sea.

(The mechanism of selectivity in writing is being worked out).

Boots, milk

(Used when working with vocabulary words.)

Shk:l:, :l:c:, s:mk:

V:t:r p: m:r: g:l::t.


Pick up the words to given patterns.


Poppy, varnish, garden, tank, ball, hall, ball.

Porridge, Masha, dad, toad, llama.


Make up words from these letters. ((l, k, w, y, a)


Puddle, beetle, onion, already, varnish.

Fish, bull, cancer, tank, crab, marriage, fisherman


come up with from each letter of the given word other words CAT

Number-book, window-lake, ball-fur coat, cat-kefir, stork-watermelon


write down words with 3,4,5,6 letters

Cat, porridge, bun, car


Compose as many words as possible from the letters of the given word. BUILDER

Salt, dough, role, rice, hotel, forest, elk, liter, leaf, :..


Unscramble the words and name in one word.

a ) p, i, k, a, t, t, f, i, y, l, b, i, i, t, n, o, k, g, a, o, p, i, s

b) b, o, h, n, h, e, e, p, c, y, o, p, t, n, e, e, b

a) slippers, shoes, boots, boots - shoes

b) night, morning, evening, day - day


"Arabic letter". Write the words starting from the right side of the line and vice versa, that is, backwards, in normal reading (from left to right), the words should be read in their natural form. Start with short words.

(pencil, window, book, house)

children go to school

(Children go to school)


"Confusion". In compound words, when reading and writing, children often skip or swap letters and syllables, shorten the word. Performing this exercise, pronouncing meaningless words, we develop the skill of correct reading, because. this is more difficult than reading a familiar word that children can read by guesswork.

5.10.1. Divide the word TURTLE into syllables


5.10.2. Read the word syllable by syllable, starting from the end.


5.10.3. Read the word, skipping the first or several given syllables


5.10.4. Read the word according to the given sequence 2,4,1,3; 4,1,3,2



Work on the development of the speech apparatus and voice

Insufficient articulatory mobility of the speech apparatus (blurred slurred speech), improper breathing can lead to learning problems. Work on the development of the speech apparatus includes articulation and proper breathing. It must be remembered that constant inhalation through the mouth can impair hearing.

The development of proper breathing optimizes gas exchange and blood circulation, contributes to overall health. Proper breathing calms and promotes concentration. The rhythm of breathing is the only one of all bodily rhythms subject to spontaneous, conscious and active regulation by a person."Breathing through the mouth is the same as eating through the nose" (oriental wisdom).

Breathing exercises can be done at the beginning of a lesson, during a physical education minute, or at the end of a lesson. To concentrate the child's attention on completing a particular task, you can use a breathing exercise: the hand goes up - inhale through the nose, the hand drops to the level of the diaphragm - exhale through the mouth (repeat 3-5 times).

Whistling, playing wind instruments, "talking" through holes in the paper, through the fringe of a paper mustache, imitation of sucking, yawning are useful for developing proper breathing. The child can retain air in the mouth by puffing out the cheeks, closing the nostrils, and alternately blowing air out of the mouth and nose.

1. Breathing exercises.

Target: development of proper nasal breathing.

1.1. Stroking the nose from the tip up - inhale, while exhaling, pat your nostrils with your fingers with the sound MMM.

1.2. Expand the nostrils - inhale, relax - exhale.

1.3. Open your mouth wide and breathe through your nose.

1.4. Four-phase breathing exercise. Inhale - hold - exhale - hold.

(Exercises for breathing exercises are given in the methodological literature).

2. Silently pronounce A - E - Oh, with a turn of the head.

Target: activate the soft palate and pharynx.

3. Reproduction of a syllable series with a change in the stressed syllable .

Purpose: practicing breathing, speech rhythm, strengthening the muscles of the lips and tongue.













La laLA -LA


4. Spelling reading aloud.

Spelling is the reading of a word as it is written. This is simply necessary, because children help themselves by pronouncing, correctly articulating words when reading exactly the way they are written, Not toa slave, not a shipabout l, namely toO raBL b.

5. Reading tongue twisters

Purpose: to work out a clear articulation; develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme; develop the creativity of children (inventing pure phrases)



6. Tongue twisters .

A very important stage of work on the speech apparatus is work with tongue twisters, working with which, the teacher solves many problems:

develops phonemic hearing of each child; clarifies the articulation of sounds, develops the clarity of articulation; develops memory; helps to remove the fear of pronouncing difficult words; works on memory; provides a favorable emotional mood for the student; develops proper breathing; helps to feel the melody, rhythm, tempo of speech; increases the speed of not only speaking, but also reading.

Patter is an intellectual and articulatory game. The rules of the tongue twister require strict, accurate reproduction of what was said. Before you quickly say a tongue twister, you need to learn it. Each tongue twister has its own play of sounds, words. The secret of memorizing them is that each one solves a new problem: linguistic, articulatory, semantic, offers its own pattern in the permutation of sounds and consonances, presents its own melody and rhythm. For example: “We stomped, stomped, stomped to the poplar”, “I went to weed the fields in the field”, “Mom soaped Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap”, “They don’t scare the parrot, they don’t bathe the parrot, they buy the parrot”, “Skinny weak Kashchei , drags a box of vegetables", "Vlad has a brother, Vlad is happy with his brother."

Work on fine motor skills

1. Flourish .

A certain role in the development of the child is played by fine motor skills, which are in direct connection with the development of speech and are formed by the age of 7-8. When working with a stroke, the following conditions must be observed: the pace of speech, when pronouncing a verse, must match the pace of the work of the hand. Each movement of the hand has its own syllable or word. At the same time, the child must control himself: whether the movement of the hand coincides with what he says. First, the child after the teacher repeats these movements in the air, accustoming the hand to move smoothly, and then transfers these movements to paper. The flourish allows you to solve such problems: the development of fine motor skills; synchronization of the visual, motor, speech analyzer.

Petal, petal turns into a flower

Here is a horse at the gate, ears, mane, eyes, mouth.

2. Finger gymnastics

2.1. Games - nursery rhymes with fingers.

A) The fingers went out for a walk, and the second to catch up (two fingers). Fingers move across the table.

The third fingers are on foot (three fingers), and the fourth are running (four fingers).

The fifth finger jumped and fell at the end of the path (thumb).

B) The thumb alternately touches with pressure the index, middle, ring, little fingers.

2.2 Magic wand.

Fold a magic wand from a sheet of paper (you can change the instructions: whoever is thinner, longer, neater, will make a magic wand faster). From this stick, make a letter (O, P, B, C, R, Z)

2.3. Massage .

Take a pen or pencil, preferably with ribbed edges, put it between your palms and roll along the entire length of your palm.

3. Hatching. Hatching any geometric shapes with thin lines from left to right, from top to bottom.

Work on visual perception

1 . For the development of visual attention, with mirror writing of letters, proofreading tests are a good exercise.


Suggested material


Cross out the incorrect letters or circle the correct letters.


Write the letters that contain the given element (showing the lowercase letter element)

for example: O - this element when writing is in lowercase letters: B, C, O, A, F, Z, Yu


Underline those syllables and words that are written to the line. CE









Find the hidden word



Enter instead of the letter D the arrow down, B - the arrow up


Rewrite the following lines without errors


2. "Fly". This exercise helps to develop children's orientation in space, on themselves and on a sheet of paper, and to distinguish between a letter and its mirror counterpart.

The beginning of the report is always conducted from the center of the square. First, the children must move the chip (pen) around the square, then mentally imagine its movement. In the next step, the children, with their eyes closed, must determine the path of the fly and answer where it stopped.

Further drawing of letters is offered. 5 cells - down, 1 - right, 4 - up, 2 right, 1 - up, 3 - left. You should get the letter "G", which can be shaded.

3. "Inverted text". The plain text page is rotated 90,180, 270 degrees. The student must, moving his eyes from right to left, read the text.

4 . "Reading words half-letter". Reading lines with coverthe bottom half of the string (with the top half of the string covered).

Target: the formation of a visual representation of the letter. Formation of the ability to quickly grasp one or even several words.

5 . "Warped text ". Purpose: to develop the ability to see words written in different fonts.

The children had a chance to go first to the fluffy snow school. The guys they went out in the hands of briefcases street.

Work algorithm: Read the offer. Find out what the offer is about. Note the features of the text you have read. Read what is written in block type, and then in italics. Write sentences in block type. Read text.

So, these exercises are aimed not only at the correction of written speech, but also at the development of higher mental functions: memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech, at the development of fine motor skills, the normalization of the emotional sphere. Didactic exercises expand the arsenal of pedagogical tools. In children, in a playful way, the necessary prerequisites are formed for the successful development of written speech, increasing speech culture, expanding vocabulary, and developing linguistic flair.


1. Anufriev, A.F., Kostromina, S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. Psychodiagnostic tables. Corrective exercises. [Text] / A.F. Anufriev, S.N. Kostromina, 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing house "Os-89", 2001.

2. Kozlyanikova, I.P., Chareli, E.M. Secrets of our voice. Yekaterinburg, 1992.

3. Repina, Z. A. Writing disorders in schoolchildren with rhinolalia. [Text]/Z.A. Repin. - Yekaterinburg, 1999.