Zealot in EVE Online is a hit fanatic. Death of the Titans

Salvag is one of the most popular ways to make money in EVE Online, especially for beginners. The technique is in great demand due to several features: you do not need to buy an expensive ship for this, and the farming process itself is very exciting and interesting. It consists in dismantling various modules from ships, mining the wreckage of a space ship and selling the resulting materials on the in-game market.

As a rule, the study of the skills responsible for salvaging occurs immediately after the agent missions become available. Most players learn Salvaging abilities up to level 5, which not only allows you to use more advanced ships, but also greatly simplifies the process. Of course, it will take a lot of time to learn the skill, but you will definitely need it if you are actively fighting and don’t really like to fight NPC opponents.

The most suitable ship for salvag is Noctis - it has a lot of bonuses, and it's not too difficult to collect the optimal fit for it. To do this, you will need the following modules:

  • Cap Recharger;
  • Salvager Tackle III;
  • Salvager IV;
  • Small Tractor Beam IV;
  • Expanded Cargohold III.
  • These modules allow you to extract useful resources from ship wrecks, pulling them at a relatively safe distance. Of course, it is not necessary to have Noctis for this, if you are experiencing financial problems, then you can pay attention to less expensive options (for example, Coercer or Cormorant).

    Description of ninja salvaging for beginners

    It should be said right away that ninja salvaging is an activity with a certain risk, since stealing someone else's loot automatically makes you opponents. The owner of the loot can immediately attack you as soon as the container with the loot is in the hold of your ship. Accordingly, you need to soberly assess your capabilities and take resources only from the player who cannot shoot you in seconds.

    So, the main skills to learn here are scanning and, directly, the speed of salvaging. The faster you analyze the space around you, the more likely you are to stumble upon valuable loot. To increase the speed of learning abilities, you can insert implants for intelligence and memory into the character (at least by +3), but to save money, you can do without them.

    We are starting to work in systems inhabited by missionaries who perform tasks for NPC agents on ships no lower than a battleship. Such players leave behind a lot of loot, so this is where we will be able to fill the hold of our ship to failure in the shortest possible time. To detect prey, you should scatter traffic jams as closely as possible, then the scanning result will be more accurate and the process itself will be faster. Systems with at least 100 active players and the maximum number of NPCs destroyed in 24 hours are best suited for salvag (data can be configured in the search filters).

    For greater safety, it is recommended to create a bookmark in space (bookmark), where you can warp in case of unforeseen situations. It is best to choose an arbitrary place at a distance of up to 1000 km from the station as such a point. By the way, it is recommended to salvage not far from stations where there are especially profitable missions of agents and a repair dock is located - so you can quickly repair your ship if it has caused a certain amount of damage.

    Another danger on the part of a player on a mission can be the reaggression of NPCs on your ship. To do this, the enemy will warp from the mission without completing it, and all the remaining enemies will instantly take you at gunpoint. Therefore, you need to be ready for a fast warp to the station or your own beech, as one salvo from several powerful pirate ships will reduce your ship to dust in a split second.

    Each potential victim of your salvaging should be pre-evaluated after the scan. The more time a person has spent in EVE Online, the more difficult it will be to breed him for loot. Such opponents can use special modules that jam the warp engine (Warp Disruptor or Warp Scrambler). There are several ways to get out of this situation:

  • Fly away at speed from the opponent's ship to the distance of the "jammer" (usually, this is about 20 km);
  • Fly up to the enemy at a distance of 10 km - then he will not be able to "scrape" you again for 20 seconds;
  • Silence the action of the "skarbler" and "disruptor" with a special Warp Core Stabilizer module.
  • Warp jumping should be done in a completely empty space. That is, any objects that are near your ship during the salvag can prevent you from making a jump and act as a serious obstacle, allowing the enemy to take your ship into sight. Accordingly, after you have flown up to the enemy, inspect the surrounding space and assess the risks of such obstacles that can cost you your life and everything you have farmed.

    We hope that our salvag guide will help you farm the game currency in the most interesting way possible, and soon your alpha clone will turn into a full-fledged pilot, who can take the loot out from under the nose of even the most experienced player!

    salvaging (Salvaging) - a way to earn money in the game Eve Online, this is the removal of useful materials, boards, microcircuits, modules from the wreckage of Wreck ships (wrecks).
    All pilots use this method, because some NPCs (marked with a bold cross) can get good things, which are then profitable to sell.
    The salvaged items are used in production. Salvaging - helps to earn Isk in parallel with military operations.
    The salvaging skill is what you need to learn it.

    Description of the Salvaging skill, characteristics of the Salvaging skill.
    The skill must be learned at the very beginning, when agent missions become available. The more advanced Salvager II tool will be available if you level up Salvaging 5 (required minimum learning level for Salvaging 3). It has been studied for quite a long time, and if you firmly secured the role of a salvager and our reliable suppliers of Wreks, then you definitely need to download it at 5. The Salvager II skill increases the chance of getting very expensive Wrecks by about 40%.
    Having learned salvaging at the very beginning of the game, you can make good money if you find people who complete the missions of agents of the 4th level very quickly, in blitz mode they do not have time to collect the drop-down items, they earn more by completing a large number of missions.
    Beginning players and not only can earn money on Plex in this way for a month, some missions of the 4th level, salvaging reaches up to 50 million ISK per mission.
    The best ship in Eve for salvaging is Noctis. Salvaging ship Noctis, one of the best ships in Eve, has salvaging bonuses.

    Noctis ship fit: Salvager 4, Small Tractor Beam 4, Microwarpdrive 1, Expanded Cargohold 3, Cap Recharger (the more expensive the better), Salvage Tackle 3 (the more expensive the better).
    Ships of different races that you can fly at once. The cost of each is within 500 thousand Isk.

    Amarra - Coercer

    Caldari - Cormorant

    Galenta - Catalyst

    Minmatar - Thrasher

    In them, as well as in Noctis, you need to put 4 salvagers and 4 tractor bins.

    Salvager - a tool with which to extract things from the remains of ships.

    Tractor Bean - a necessary thing for salvaging, significantly speeds up the process - pulls things towards itself from a distance of 20-100 km.

    What should be put in ships for salvaging?

    Fit from top to bottom in order of importance of things:

    1. Salvager (mandatory, you can do without the rest)
    2. Small Tractor Beam
    3. Cap Recharger (adds a cap to make the Salvager and Small Tractor Beam work properly)
    4. Microwarpdrive, Afterburner (to speed up the ship, the wrecks are scattered over a long distance)
    5. Expanded Cargohold (hold expander)
    6. Salvage Tackle (rigs to increase the chance to remove a useful item)

    In the famous MMO, another epic event occurred with an extremely unexpected outcome.
    EVE Online players spent over a week destroying an incredibly powerful pirate base controlled by cunning AI, and should have received an extremely valuable reward for this. But in the end, no one received the award, because it would not be EVE: Online if everything went smoothly and no one intervened.

    About 10 days ago, the developers of EVE Online added to the game an AI-controlled giant pirate base with unique abilities, for the destruction of which an extremely valuable reward is given - a one-time blueprint for the most powerful Titan-class ship in the game - Moloch.

    The employees rewarded the new base with a rather cheating feature: the base AI adjusted the defense fleet to the composition of the attacking fleet, so that not a single alliance managed to crush the pirate base with power - it responded to dozens of Titans with the same powerful ships, and in response to myriads of nimble warships launched its own flotilla of small fighter ships.

    Add to this a powerful AI that was able to calculate multi-stage strategies and adjust its tactics to the actions of the players, and you will understand why not a single alliance could destroy the base with a swoop. And there were attempts: the alliances The Red Alliance and The Imperium tried separately from each other to destroy the pirate base with the help of a fleet of powerful and expensive ships, but both stumbled upon the same powerful retaliatory fleet and retreated, having suffered serious losses.

    But a week after adding a new pirate base to the game, the command of the Imperium Fleet alliance came up with a cunning way to destroy such a constantly adapting enemy - the alliance staged an attack from a huge armada, consisting of the most basic and cheapest ships in the game - Punisher ships are issued even to owners of free accounts.

    The guns of the pirate base had a hard time hitting small and maneuverable ships, and Imperium Fleet easily replaced damaged ships with new ones, since Punishers are incredibly cheap. As a result, after two days of almost continuous shelling, the ships of the alliance managed to destroy the giant pirate base.

    True, they failed to pick up a reward - exactly at the moment of the explosion of the base, a ship of another alliance competing with Imperium Fleet called Test Alliance flew right into its wreckage at great speed, which picked up the drawing of Moloch. Of course, this ship was destroyed almost instantly, but the drawing of the most powerful Titan was also destroyed.

    As a result, the pilot of the Test Alliance ship instantly became the hero of his alliance, as he prevented competitors from getting the most powerful ship in the game, and Imperium Fleet remains content with the status of the alliance that first figured out how to destroy a giant pirate base with advanced AI. Only now their strategy can be used by any other alliance that decided to get the blueprint of Moloch after the base appears in the game again.

    Salvaging (Salvager)


    When you complete combat missions and destroy enemy ships, they are left with wrecks, the so-called wrecks. In them you can find the so-called loot, but what to do with it is up to you, you can sell it, you can throw it into processing. So about the skeletons, they can also be collected, but for this you need some skill and a specially equipped ship. So let's get started.


    All wrecks are divided into both weight and color categories. Colors are blue, white and yellow. Weight - small (Small), medium (Medium) and large (Large).

    Let's start with colors:
    • Whites are yours, members of your corporation, members of your fleet. True, there may be a hitch here, if the pilot whose mission you are performing is not in your corporation, but is in the same fleet as you, then when collecting the contents of the skeleton or salvaging it, you will collapse aggression. The truth here is how you get from time to time is not necessary.
    • Yellow - skeletons belonging to another player who is not part of the corporation in which you are a member (but may be in your alliance), as well as any other player who destroyed the NPC. If such a wreck is not empty, then the timer of aggression towards the pilot from whom you collect this skeleton is turned on. In this case, the pilot can hit you in the neck, unless of course you have enough strength. Well, if it's empty, then you won't get any aggression from the owner.
    • Blue - wrecks that have been abandoned or given to free use. Anyone can take them.
    And now about the weight categories:
    • Small (Small) are the skeletons of destroyed Frigates (Frigates), destroyers (Destroyers) or non-lethal drones (not to be confused with drones of a player such as hornets).
    • Medium (Medium) - these are ships of the cruiser (Cruser) and battle cruiser (BattleCruser) classes.
    • Large (Large) - these are the skeletons of ships of the BattleShip class and above.

    Also, each skeleton has its own name, for example - Guristas Despoiler Wreck, where the name of the wreck comes first, and in square brackets is the ticker of the corporation to which this skeleton belongs. Also, if you open the information about the skeleton, you will see the face of the pilot who leaves this or that vrek.


    Fat is such a derivative name for what you collect from wrecked ships. It drops out randomly and each faction has its own separate type of fat, and the rest of the types are repeated for everyone. Just like ships and modules, salo has tech categories t1 and t2. The difference between them is in color and price, although some lard is just cheap. Below is a plate of t1 fat.

    salvaged part Angel Cartel Blood Raiders< Guristas Sanshas Serpentis Rogue Drones
    Alloyed Tritanium Bar x x
    Armor Plates x x x x x
    Broken Drone Transceivers x x
    Burned Logic Circuit x x x x x x
    Charred Micro Circuit x x x x x x
    Conductive Polymer x x x
    Contaminated Lorentz Fluid x x
    Contaminated Nanite Compound x x x x x
    Damaged Artificial Neural Network x x
    Defective Current Pump x x x
    Fried Interface Circuit x x x x x x
    Malfunctioning Shield Emitter x x x
    Melted Capacitor Console x x x
    Scorched Telemetry Processor x x
    Smashed Trigger Unit x x
    Tangled Power Conduit x x x
    Thruster Console x x
    Tripped Power Circuit x x x x x x
    Ward Console x x


    In principle, any ship for the extraction of fat can be chosen. True, it depends on the situation in which it will be used. If it is a slow high-sec agent run (system status 0.5 - 1.0), then you can assemble a specialized ship, for example, a destroyer, which will have several salvagers, tractors, hold expanders, an engine and impromodules to improve the quality of salvaging. If you have time or an alt (second character) you can upgrade to the Noctis ship, which specializes in salvaging and has a tractor range bonus. I agree, you will have to spend money, but then you will not experience some inconvenience. If you like to scan and pass complexes, then here you should already be guided by the tank and the damage of your ship, as well as by the time of passage and the possibility of the appearance of non-script when opening containers with a salvager (yes, you were not mistaken with a salvager, there are such). And finally, emergency situations, for example, PVP in low-secs (system status 0.4 - 0.1), where you need to do everything quickly, then a free high-slot of the ship will come to your aid, in which nothing but a salvager can fit (if this work does not hang on more specialized people in the gang). About zeros (status of systems 0.0), I can’t tell you anything, because there is a system of problems in which you can also be a loser.


    The module for collecting skeletons is called Salvager I, there is also a more advanced version of it - Salvager II.

    Salvager I Salvage II
    Electronics-I Electronics-I
    Survey-III Survey-III
    Mechanic-III Mechanic-III
    Salvaging-I Salvaging-V

    Technical side Salvager I Salvage II
    OCU Requirements 20 TF 25 TF
    Grid Requirements 1 MW 1 MW
    Installation slot Upper Upper
    volume 5.0 m3 5.0 m3
    Capa consumption 20 GJ 20 GJ
    Hull Hits 40 HP 40 HP
    accessibility 5% 7%
    Work distance 5,000 m 6,000 m
    Cycle (seconds) 10 10

    ship booster

    Afterburner or Micro Warp Drive?!
    And here already be guided by the type of missions and the situation in general. Yes, this is an undeniably necessary thing, but what exactly to choose, a little testing of modules will help you, install both if you agent run in high-sec and see what works on the spot. If it’s low or zero, where speed is important, then MWD is undeniable (no matter how regrettable it may sound, but Evovtsi call him MIA).


    Small Tractor Beam I is a kind of magnet that can attract white and blue containers and wrecks floating in space. This is certainly a very useful little thing, but with a minus. Tractors have a threshold of 20 km (20,000 m), and there is no way to increase it, unless the ship on which the tractor is installed has bonuses for the beam range of this miracle magnet. A little earlier, I mentioned white and blue wrecks / wrecks, the problem with the tractor is that it will not attract yellow wrecks / comts due to the fact that they do not belong to you. And yes, several tractors cannot be used for one vrek / kont. Ships that give a range bonus: Orca and Noctis, and more about them a little later.


    Cargohold Extender is a very useful module for an agent runner that also collects loot from wrecks. Although this module is also useful for industrial ships (in our opinion, Indians), i.e. for cargo ships. In fact, it increases the volume of the ship's hold, and this module is divided into both meta and techno levels. Each of the levels has its own percentage of the bonus to the hold. I advise you to immediately download up to the t2 version of this module.

    Impromodules aka rigs

    Earlier it was mentioned about some impromodules, they are also called rigs. So these are the modules that are inserted into the ship and give bonuses, although they are disposable, i.e. when the ship is repacked or lost, these impromodules burn out. They, like wrecks, are divided into three types in size - small, medium and large. The salvaging rig is Small Salvage Tackle I, though you will have to learn again to put it on. Also, each rig has a t2 version and, more importantly, its need to calibrate the ship. Each ship has a certain amount of calibration, usually 400 units, for 3 t1 rigs, in fact, for the eyes, however, t2 rigs require more calibration and it happens that 3 t2 rigs will not fit in any way. By the way, all t1 ships have 3 rig slots, but t2 versions of ships only have 2 rig slots. As for the size, here, as in the case of wrecks, small (Small) - for frigates (Frigates) and destroyers (Destroyers; medium (Medium) - for ships of the cruiser (Cruiser), battle cruiser (BattleCruiser) and strategic cruiser classes (t3 Strategic Cruisers); large (Large) - for ships of the BattleShip class and above.


    The Noctis-class ships are Outer Ring Excavations' debut in the highly attractive mass demolition market. Based on the successful experience of using grapples designed for raiders on Orca-class ships, as well as the latest advances in automation of dismantling, she has released a compact and inexpensive ship for removing valuable equipment from hulks.

    An upgraded version of the successful Primae ship, produced in a small series, served as an ideal platform for accommodating new equipment. The most efficient use of on-board systems created by the corporation is facilitated by the fact that the ship was originally created as a dismantling ship and was equipped with modern sensors. The increased visibility of the ships of the Noctis project is more than offset by the amazing performance when dismantling the hulks.

    Bonus for mastering the ORE Industrial skill: reduction in the duration of the work cycle of gravity grabs (Tractor Beam) and dismantling modules (Salvager) - 5% per skill level; increase in the range and speed of tractors - 60% per skill level.

    Skill requirements:
    • Electronics-I
    • Survey-III
    • Mechanic-III
    • Salvaging-V
    • Spaceship Command-III
    • ORE Industrial-I
    The Orca ship also has a bonus to the range of tractors, as well as some capitals.

    This article has been written to introduce beginners to salvaging.

    You can discuss this tutorial with us

    They are a demonstration of military power. They are capable of destroying an entire fleet with one salvo. To manage them, the pilot must be trained for years. Their price is so great that they are available only to the richest industrial corporations and the strongest military alliances. They are titans, the largest and most destructive ships in EVE Online. But even such giants are vulnerable, and the death of each such ship is a real tragedy for thousands of players.

    space kings

    Titans didn't always exist in EVE. For a long time after the release, pilots explored space on small frigates and cruisers, and the most powerful warship was the battleship, which cost incredible money at that time. There was no talk of any mass battles and global division of territories. Players flew in small groups, fought only with neighbors and slowly learned the art of war. But the further EVE developed, the larger and more perfect the ships became.

    First, the developers added ordinary cruisers of the second techno-level, then fighters and battle cruisers, then dreadnoughts - giants capable of destroying heavy equipment and bases. A free update was released in December 2005 Red Moon Rising, which introduced three new types of flagships: aircraft carriers, motherships, and titans.

    Although the first two giants gave little shivers to any pilot, nothing could compare to a titan. A huge hold, where a whole fleet was placed, XL-class cannons and torpedoes, a respawn device, a mechanism for creating jump gates for quickly transferring ships over long distances, a Doomsday weapon of mass destruction, useful bonuses for allied ships - one could only dream of. But not everyone could manage such a ship. It took a year of real time to master the necessary skills, and the same amount more to fly it effectively. The construction of the ship lasted several months, required special docks and an incredible amount of resources. At that time, titanium was worth about 90 billion ISK (Interstellar Kredits - interstellar credits) in game currency, or almost $10,000 in real money, and that's without the cost of installed modules! The world of EVE Online is frozen in anticipation.

    ASCN and the birth of titanium

    By the time the Red Moon Rising addon came out, the game's universe had changed a lot. The players managed not only to scout the “nulls” (territories outside the Empire), but also to divide them among themselves.

    The main argument in EVE has always been strength. Key sectors went to alliances that had the most powerful ships and experienced pilots; small corporations succumbed to rent pressure.

    One of the largest and most influential alliances over time has become Ascendant Frontier (ASCN) under the control of a charismatic leader CYVOK. ASCN was not a purely military organization: ore miners, merchants, builders and diplomats united in the union. Turning billions, the alliance could afford to maintain a fleet of warships. Every month ASCN only expanded, capturing more and more systems, and many had no doubt that this alliance would be the first to build a titan. And so it happened.

    On September 25, 2006, the EVE Online community spread the news about the appearance in the AZN-D2 system, owned by ASCN, of the first titan - the "Avatar" of the Amarr race. The construction went on for eight months, and all this time the location of the docks was kept in the strictest confidence, and only three pilots knew about the real purpose of collecting resources. Such a large organization had many enemies, and if they found out the plans of ASCN, all forces would be thrown into the destruction of the shipyard.

    The pilot was the leader of the CYVOK alliance, who promised that the advent of the titan "will forever change wars as we knew them before." Then he himself did not know that only a few weeks remained to fly the first titan.

    First blood

    Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, another major alliance was developing - Band of Brothers. Here, unlike ASCN, fierce battles were preferred to peaceful gathering. Following the lead of their exorbitant ambitions, WoW fought with everyone, and one day the pilots of the alliance found that none of the neighbors wanted to quarrel with them. But a military alliance without war is like a fish without water, and BoB attacked the only organization capable of competing with it in military power - ASCN.

    Never before has the world of EVE Online seen such a massive war. On the side of the ASCN were unlimited financial opportunities and numerical superiority. And BoB, in turn, had a well-equipped battle fleet and the best pilots in the game. The forums constantly published reports from the fronts and the ratio of murders. It is not known how long the war would have lasted if on December 11, 2006 an event had not occurred that changed the course of EVE history.

    It all started with a simple military operation in which ASCN assembled a flotilla of ten dreadnoughts and laid siege to a BoB base in the C9N-CC system. The battles went on around the clock, and the number of ships in this sector exceeded two hundred. To turn the tide of the battle, the leaders of both alliances brought titans into the game. The CYVOK Avatar was confronted by a newly built BoB titan under the control of a pilot Shrike. Here, for the first time, the Doomsday weapon was used, capable of destroying all life within a radius of several kilometers. It can only be activated once per hour and costs millions of ISK per shot, but it has an amazing effect if you hit it right.

    Firing a volley at the battleships of WoW, CYVOK took his ship out of the fire and put it away from the battlefield. And then one of the enemy pilots on the “carpet” (a Covert Op class ship specializing in searching for objects in space) accidentally stumbled upon a hidden titan. He flew up to the CYVOK Avatar and was surprised to find that the owner of the titan had gone offline, despite the aggression timer hanging (so that cunning pilots did not flee when someone attacked them, the developers came up with an “aggression timer”: the time in during which the ship remains on the map, even if the player is offline). Astonishing news reached BoB command and all capital ships immediately set course for the lifeless giant. Under heavy fire, it was reduced to rubble in five minutes.

    Having learned a little later about the death of his priceless ship, CYVOK sent a petition to the developers, in which he complained about technical problems and demanded that the titanium be restored. But CCP withstood the onslaught and refused to return the ship.

    This undermined the spirit of CYVOK and all of ASCN. Within a few weeks, the BoB fleet had captured all enemy systems, and the largest industrial alliance fell apart. CYVOK himself has announced his departure from EVE Online, although it is rumored that he still plays and runs a small corporation somewhere in the depths of the Empire.

    Death in battle

    Despite the absurd death of the first Titan, these ships were still considered almost immortal. Complete immunity to electronic traps allowed the titan to leave the battlefield at any moment, and the opponents could not do anything about it. To bring the game back to its former glory, in early 2007 CCP installed an update Tranquility, which made the Titans as vulnerable to capture as any other ship. It was only necessary to throw a special Warp Disrupt Probe device next to it (in the game they are called “traffic jams”), which blocked the operation of the warp engine (a mechanism that allows you to make a hyperjump within the star system), and the clumsy giant found himself in a trap. Now the Titan pilots have become more cautious and have ceased to meddle in battle without a huge fleet of support. But the death of the second titan was still a matter of time.

    2007 marked the beginning of a new large-scale war. This time BoB and their allies were confronted by Russian Red Alliance and the largest alliance in the game GoonSwarm. GoonSwarm served as excellent cannon fodder, while Russian pilots were engaged in risky sorties and thoughtful tactical castling. The war was fought on several fronts, and almost all major alliances were involved in it.

    On June 22, BoB drove more than 70 battleships into the 77S8 system, where the enemy bases were located. At the head of this flotilla was the titan pilot Shrike. The Doomsday shot rang out, covering dozens of cheap frigates, and the titan went into camouflage mode to hide from scanners and prying eyes. But a second before that, a Russian intelligence officer spotted the coordinates of Shrike and handed them over to his command. The rest was a matter of technique. Red Alliance and GoonSwarm amassed a fleet of dreadnoughts and took up position next to the enemy titan, while the smaller ships bravely threw themselves into the fire, blocking their escape route with their remains. Due to the accumulation of debris, Shrike was unable to get the titanium out of the range of traffic jams and was doomed.

    BoB Leader Sir Molle did not write petitions, recognizing that the titan died in a fair fight. He later commented: " For some, the loss of such a valuable ship could be the end. She will only strengthen us.».

    Weeks and months passed, and the war between the most powerful powers in EVE Online continued. Feeling that the enemy could not be defeated on his own, Sir Molle signed a contract with the largest mercenary alliance Mercenary Coalition. This organization enjoyed great prestige, as it had experienced pilots and its own fleet of dreadnoughts and aircraft carriers.

    With the support of new allies, BoB decided to strike at the strategically important FAT sector. The alliances based in the area could not withstand the onslaught, so they turned to Red Alliance for help. New ships quickly began to arrive in the FAT-6P system. A furious skirmish was unavoidable. At that moment, the server was preparing for maintenance (it happens daily and lasts exactly an hour), and literally a minute before the shutdown, the Russian pilot broke through to his commander: “ I scanned the titanium!» The ship Thulsa Doom belonged to the leader of the MC Seleene and hid in the darkest depths of space. Thanks to the upgraded scanning skill, the excellent equipment of the ship, and many years of experience as a pilot, the exact location of the titan was found out in less than a minute.

    While preventive maintenance was going on, the leaders of the Russian alliances were excitedly drawing up a plan for further action. It was not so easy to catch this particular titan: he could activate the Doomsday weapon at any moment and demolish all the obstacles that prevented him from hyperjumping, and a set of expensive implants made him quite nimble, despite his gigantic size. The Titan could well fly out of the range of traffic jams before his armor burst.

    A key role in this battle was played by the special equipment of the interdictor (a special type of ship designed to launch traffic jams and hold targets), never before practiced in EVE. The ship was designed so that the fragile vessel could withstand the volley of the Doomsday. When the explosion thundered, destroying all life within a radius of tens of kilometers, the unique interdictor managed to put a new plug in time and close the trap.

    Seleene later recalled: " Until the last moment, I was not afraid for my ship. Even as the screen in front of me filled with red dots of enemy ships, I was confident that I could get away. The sight of the surviving interdictor simply shocked me. Comrades were already rushing to help, but I knew my ship too well to understand that it would not be possible to save it. Our enemies brilliantly planned the operation and deserved this victory, even if luck played an important role in it.».

    * * *

    Gone are the days when the titans in EVE seemed like a miracle, and only a few could boast of such a ship. Now these giants are actively used on the battlefield and are indispensable when you need to quickly transfer the fleet over vast distances. In the BoB alliance alone, there are already thirteen titans in service!

    Many players believe that CCP should limit the power of the giants, as victory is less dependent on the skill of the participants, and wars turn into an arms race: whoever has more titans is right. Not only military blocks are trying to acquire a ship, but also small corporations that do not need it at all.

    The developers have not yet responded to the requests of the players to stop the titanium fever. But the hour is not far off when even more powerful ships will appear in EVE - the Death Stars (yes, hello to Star Wars), capable of destroying entire planets and star systems.