Aphorisms about the railway. Quotes about trains Quotes about the railway are cool

Classics of the genre:

In all countries railroads are used for transportation, but in our country they are also used for theft.

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

In the struggle against her husband, Anna Karenina chose the surest path - the railway.

A train ticket excites even more hope than a lottery ticket.

In theory, a return ticket should cost more than a return ticket. You may not go “there”, but since you have already gone, you will have to return anyway ..

No obstacles were foreseen along the way - the railway turned out to be well-trodden.

The philosophy of the late train: "Better late than never!"

And when is the next train? The next train left ten minutes ago.

+ three anecdotes on the topic

A train leaves from point A to point B on a single-track railway. Towards him at the same time from point B to point A another train left. And they didn't meet!

Question: - Why?

Answer: - Not destiny!

Two old ladies are on a train. We got talking.

Where are you going?

in Ufa.

And I'm from Ufa.

A drunken man stands at the station near a pole with a loudspeaker:

The train to Vorkuta arrives at the third platform.

The man is indignant:

Well, fool, repeat.

I repeat...

and a couple of embarrassments with the Nikolaev Railway

On the opening day of the railway, there was an embarrassment. One tsarist official, wanting to curry favor with his superiors, ordered the rails to be painted with white oil paint. Once on the site with freshly painted rails, the wheels began to slip and the train stopped. The "culprits" had to run ahead of the locomotive and sprinkle sand on the rails.

The legend that the emperor personally outlined the route of the future road, drawing a straight line between the two capitals along the ruler. In the middle, the pencil stumbled upon the reigning finger, and such a squiggle turned out in the Bologoye area. No one dared to violate the monarch's will, and the road in this place had a strong bend

In fact, the road was originally built perfectly straight. In the place of the mentioned bend - in the area of ​​​​the Mstinsky bridge station - the line was also absolutely straight, which, given the profile drop in this place, made it difficult for trains driven by low-power steam locomotives to move. For the passage of the ascent, an additional locomotive had to be hitched. In order to overcome the inconvenience by reducing the profile difference, a “bend” was created - the Verebyinsky bypass from the station. Oksochi. Many decades after the need for such a "serpentine" disappeared, the Verebinsky bypass was dismantled, the Oksochi station was closed, and the line became straight again.

Kompilis Viktor Kudrjavcev

Don't leave mothers alone.
They grow old from loneliness.
Among worries, love and books
Remember to be kind to them.

Your tenderness is the whole world to them.
They value every little thing of yours.
Try to imagine for a moment
You are in your youth your own old age.

When no letters from children, no meetings.
And your closest friend is the TV.
To save my mother in this life, -
Do you really need requests or visas?

There are no borders or seas between you.
All you have to do is take a tram or a train.
Don't leave mothers behind
Take them to the future with you.

Don't be offended by children
That they didn’t come, they didn’t call,
Don't be offended by children
They forgot to give flowers.
They have their own earthly life,
We didn't know this pace.
Their high-speed train rushes
Into another life, into another distance.

Don't let the kids go
Don't hitch on their express
Don't let the kids go
They have other interests.
Your slow crew
Stop for a moment
Let your children fly into life
in the chosen direction.

Accept them as they are
And if you can, help
Take the fast train.
Get off the road in time.
Try your best to understand them
Wave after them at the stop
And don't try to catch up
Getting up early in the morning.

Love your own children
Resentment, anger - do not hold,
Love your own children
Cherish the place in their heart.
After all, we are much wiser than them
And every hour of communication is precious,
Don't be offended by children
And give happiness a box.

To find out the price of a year, ask a student who failed an exam.
To find out the price of a month, ask a mother who has given birth prematurely.
For weekly pricing, ask the weekly editor.
To know the price of an hour, ask a lover who is waiting for his beloved.
To find out the price of a minute, ask a latecomer to the train.
To find out the value of a second, ask someone who has lost a loved one in a car accident.
For the price of one thousandth of a second, ask an Olympic silver medalist.
The hands of the clock won't stop running. Therefore, cherish every moment of your life. And appreciate today as the greatest gift that you have been given.

To find out the price of a year, ask a student who failed an exam. To find out the price of a month, ask a mother who has given birth prematurely. For weekly pricing, ask the weekly editor. To know the price of an hour, ask a lover who is waiting for his beloved. To find out the price of a minute, ask a latecomer to the train. To find out the value of a second, ask someone who has lost a loved one in a car accident. For the price of one thousandth of a second, ask an Olympic silver medalist.

Hear the heart...
Sometimes the blind can see better than the sighted...
He looks with his heart - it means a lot ...
And we do not see those miracles that surround ...
Empty values ​​narrow our horizons ...

We appreciate what is paid for with money,
And what is important is what they prayed for with tears ...
We keep jewelry in our boxes,
Without even respect for each other...

We, freezing, dress warmer,
Not realizing that batteries are powerless ...
We want to receive and bask ... bask ... bask ...
But our heart does not want to radiate warmth...

We confuse love with insidious need,
But there is no return for the soul ... elementary ...
Love is not to take, but to give, because happiness is in this !!!
We appreciate the candy wrapper, but the taste of the candy is more important ...

Without kindness and compassion for each other,
Our train of life rushes in a vicious circle ...
A deaf person is able to hear what you are silent about ...
Hear your heart, believe in God, appreciate life...

Once, while boarding a train, Gandhi dropped a shoe from his foot, which fell on the railway track. He could not lift it, because the train had already started. To the amazement of his companions, Gandhi calmly took off the second shoe and threw it on the sleepers closer to the first. When asked why he did this, Gandhi smiled: "The poor man who found a shoe on the rails will have a pair for it."

Quotes about trains can give an amazing feeling. They can remind you of some travels, memories from a distant childhood or the past, maybe they will evoke memories of a train, quotes can do a lot!

Trains are amazing; I love them still. Traveling by train means seeing nature, people, cities and churches, rivers - in essence, this is a journey through life.
Agatha Christie. Autobiography

... I often have to travel by train, and traveling on trains is very annoying. For example, have you noticed that if you are the last to enter a compartment, then you have the feeling that you are visiting?
Show "Stand Up"

There is a well-known theory, proven many times by practice, that no matter how many people are already in the car, one more person can always enter. First with one foot, then with two feet, with a jacket sandwiched between the doors, but he will come in. That is, the method of mathematical induction inexorably proves that an infinite number of people can enter the car.
Kitty Carlson. Samurai Cookbook

A train is a type of transport where people open up their souls. On the train, an extremely frank conversation begins a minute after the start of the conversation. By the way, do you know why trains have such an outrageous revelation? Because you ride in beds. Have you thought about it? You are traveling in beds to another city. What could be the secrets?
Show "Stand Up"

This is not all aphorisms about trains.

Please, Lord, no neighbors, be a man, I beg you.
Max Fry. Yellow metal key

Make yourself some tea, sit down at the table and imagine the sound of wheels. You are going on a long journey, and I am not a psychologist at all, but your random companion. Talk to me, easily and openly, as if my station will be soon and we will never see each other again. Ready? If yes, then just answer the question: are you happy?
Nadia Yasminska

Look - around us are people of all classes, all nationalities, all ages. For three days, these completely alien people are inseparable - they sleep, eat under the same roof. Three days pass, they part, never to meet again, and each goes his own way.
Agatha Christie. Murder on the Orient Express

Black trains thundered, shaking the windows of the house; agitated mountains of smoke, with the movement of ghostly shoulders, dropping the burden, rose in a big way, hiding the blue-blue night sky; the rooftops burned like a smooth metal fire under the moonlight; and a resounding black shadow awoke under the iron bridge when a black train thundered across it, lengthwise through a palisade of light. A roaring rumble, a wide smoke seemed to pass through the house, trembling between the abyss, where the rails, drawn by the moonnail, gleamed, and that city street, which was crossed low by a flat bridge, waiting again for the next thunder of cars. The house was like a ghost through which you could stick your hand, move your fingers.
Vladimir Nabokov. Masha

I realized that I was no longer annoyed by the noise of the night train, I even began to like it. Besides, now I can't sleep until another midnight train rushes past the window.
Alexandra Bulgakova

Passengers do not sleep, but there is silence around,
Outside the window, the sound of wheels, in the lights of the city.
Performer "7B"

Life is like a train, mademoiselle. She goes. And you know, it's good.
- Why?
Because trains always arrive at their destination.
Agatha Christie. Mystery of the Blue Train

Trains, they leave and come back again, and I believe that my once-leaving train will definitely return.
Nver Simonyan

In all countries railroads are used for transportation, but in our country they are also used for theft.

Mikhail Saltykov Shchedrin

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A train ticket excites more hope than a lottery ticket.

Paul Moran

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Place some very last little thing at the sale of some lousy railroad tickets, and this little thing will immediately consider itself entitled to look at you as Jupiter when you go to get a ticket.

Fedor Dostoevsky

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Children and dogs are as necessary to the welfare of our country as Wall Street and railroads.

Harry Truman

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A return ticket should cost more: you can, in the end, not go, but you need to return.

Alphonse Alle

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Our slogan must be one - to study military science in a real way, to introduce order on the railways.

Vladimir Lenin

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"The railway hisses, carries people and is made of iron and materials."

Anton Chekhov

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Twelve years later I returned to Petersburg and learned from Glumov that Polosatov had become a scientist, that he served in three ministries, not as a draft worker, but as an expert in science. It was the time of our renaissance, the time of the emergence of joint-stock companies and the unheard-of development of the railways. Polosatov first of all drew attention to himself with his essay “The Fertilizing Power of Railways”, in which he very subtly mocked the horse-drawn method of transporting goods and people and proved, as twice two makes four, that with the development of railways, capital will receive such a speed of circulation that the interest which until now have been obtained from him once, will henceforth be obtained ten, fifteen, twenty times. Everyone then thought it was simple and amazing. Simple, because it really is ... It's so simple! Surprising, because in fact it is somehow strange that before Polosatov no one had even guessed to think about it. To me, too, when I read Polosatov's work, it seemed to me some kind of Scheherazade. Capital rolls and rolls along the railroad with the speed of lightning, receives interest, then rolls back and again receives interest, rolls again and again ...

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

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More than two hundred years ago, after another Russian-Swedish war, Finland passed to the Russian Empire. At the same time, it turned from a provincial outskirts of Sweden into the Grand Duchy of Finland with the broadest autonomy: with its own laws, its own currency, and even its own parliament. We got our own institutions, railways, bank, post office, telegraph... We were a very loyal part of the Russian Empire until the end of the 19th century, until the policy of forced Russification and the fight against dissent began. And when it became possible, after the October Revolution, the majority of Finns voted for independence...

Matti Anttonen

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In recent days, I had to make a small and utter (I almost said, around the world) trip - by rail.

Alphonse Alle

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"Engineers", having come to despair, They shout: "Crashes are an accident! We have criminal gangs Always unscrew the screws! And you look: the sleepers are all rotten, And they forgot to close the semaphore! And hundreds of souls perish so absurdly: - Thank you humbly!

Mikhail Savoyarov

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In all countries railroads are used for transportation, but in our country they are also used for theft.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

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If you ask if it is difficult to rob a train, the majority of respondents will answer: yes. It's not true, nothing is easier. I caused a lot of trouble for the railroads and sleepless nights for the Pullman Company, but my profession as a raider did not bring me any trouble, except for the fact that shameless people, when I released the loot, skinned me like sticky.


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Why, for example, to place train stations and stations always and exactly at the railroad tracks? At the very least, this is not sharply clever, and is it proper for us gold francs to scare passengers away with our dull pedantry? - only Swabians and Prussians can do this. You go, then the train stops, you go down: you can bet a hundred to one that right in front of you again and every time you see the station. - What a terrible vulgarity! And how can you drive without lively and unexpected turns?

Alphonse Alle

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A great multitude of people work in the sweat of their faces, the network of railways becomes denser, cities rise up into the sky and spread far and wide, mines open, factories rustle, flames roar in foundries, steamboats plow the ocean, new lands are settled - and for this Wealthy proprietors roam the active, creative world, everything is subject to them, everything is at their service, self-confident, they make us believe in them, gather us, unite us, and involuntarily, without knowing it ourselves, we become members of one brotherhood.

H. G. Wells

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I thought that the railway was like this: it is like a street, only below it is not earth or stone, but such iron as on a slab, smooth and smooth. And if you fall out of the car, then you will hurt yourself very painfully on the iron. That's why they say not to fly out. And I never saw the station.

Boris Zhitkov

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I saw these abandoned but still tenacious fortresses on the railroad from Buenos Aires to Mendoza. A group of ranches were planted with a dense wall of these living poles, which, growing, intertwined with each other, interlocking with their curved rough and prickly branches, and formed an impenetrable wall - a sure defense against the Indians, who usually attack on horseback with long pikes in their hands ... These original walls from cacti are far visible on the flat expanse of the steppe and indicate the place of habitation.

A.S. Ionin

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You look how the railway destroys the Siberian taiga! The Abakansky plant has not yet brought the edge of benefit even for a broken penny, but it has devastated the taiga Palestinians - they will not be resurrected in two hundred years! This can be taken as a rule: if you set up a factory or plant in the dense taiga in Siberia, then ten years later your factory will find itself in the middle of a barren steppe, and perhaps somewhere far away on the horizon a forest edge will remain blue.

Alexander Amfiteatrov

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Hollywood is the world's largest toy railroad.

Orson Welles

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And why should they touch the opposition? Let her make noise, no one listens to her anyway. Ours only laugh to themselves. The power is in their hands - the sea is knee-deep. And now, when so many railways will be built, so many joint-stock companies will be started, so many marinas will be built, you just found the time to rivet me as if I were in opposition.

Aleko Konstantinov

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Chekhov arrived in Perm at two in the morning and waited until six in the evening for a train to Yekaterinburg. The road through the Ural Range took all night. Anton spent three days in Yekaterinburg, deciding how to go further. The railway ended three hundred miles away, in Tyumen. From there, Tomsk could be reached either by land - one and a half thousand miles through autumn bad weather and mudslides - or by steamboat down the Tobol and Irtysh ...

Donald Rayfield

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What is to be done with the new courts, with the zemstvo institutions, with the railroads, banks, etc.? Railroads should not be built at all, and banks should not be allowed either. Then there would be a real palladium. But since the roads have already been built and the banks have been established, nothing can be done about it. How much hustle and bustle arose in Russia because of the railways alone! how many Kukuev catastrophes! They rush, run, crush each other, shout guard, spit curses ... let's go! And suddenly ... the locomotive on its hind legs! Towards another ... right in the forehead! Fathers! Yes, no way, death! But meanwhile, what reserve of diligence, intelligence and muscular strength do you need to have in order to direct all this, to see behind everything? And yet, nothing can be directed and nothing can be seen behind ... How much flour must be taken just to seat everyone in the wagons, and then who should, for ignorance, be dropped out of the wagons, and to the station, and to the world?

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

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As long as a person was in direct interaction with the spirits of nature, as long as he built his life on a mythological worldview, he could not rise above nature in the act of cognition through the natural sciences and technology. You can't build railways, you can't build telegraphs and telephones, fearing the demons of nature.

Nikolai Berdyaev

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Peter the Great brought us closer to Western Europe, from which we received "railways", "telegraphs", "steamboats", etc. In the field of literature, Russia was a natural consumer of literary works from Western Europe.

Anatoly Bakhtiarov

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See also "Travel"

A train ticket excites more hope than a lottery ticket.

Paul Moran

First, a pole with a train delay sign is driven in, then a railway station is attached to it.

Vlada Bulatovich-Vib

In all countries railroads are used for transportation, but in our country they are also used for theft.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

The next train left ten minutes ago.

Punch magazine, 1871

Missed the train: "Better late than never!"


A return ticket should cost more: you can, in the end, not go, but you need to return.

Alphonse Alle

Trains whistle at night so plaintively, as if lost on the way.

Ramon Gomez de la Serna

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Court of Russian Emperors. Encyclopedia of life and life. In 2 vols. Volume 1 author Zimin Igor Viktorovich

Railway In the second quarter of the XIX century. fundamental changes have taken place in the development of means of transport. First, in October 1837, the Tsarskoye Selo railway was opened. On the opening day, Nicholas I personally rode in the first train, consisting of

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer of the author

Railway RAILWAY - the main state unitary enterprise of railway transport, providing, under centralized management and in cooperation with other similar enterprises and other types of transport, the needs of the economy and

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AZ) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BA) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BE) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CE) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KA) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GO) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DO) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PO) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (YES) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SAME) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (South) of the author TSB

From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Railroad See also "Traveling" A railroad ticket raises more hopes than a lottery ticket. Paul Moran First, they drive in a pole with a sign that trains are late, then a railway station is attached to it. Vlada Bulatovich-Vib In all countries, iron

From the book Siberia. Guide author Yudin Alexander Vasilievich

Railroad The main railroad coming from Europe and crossing Siberia is the Trans-Siberian Railway Moscow - Vladivostok (late 19th - early 20th century, www.transsib.ru). A significant part of it - 5100 km - passes through Siberia. On it, like on a string of beads, almost all regional