Classical school of economics adam smith presentation. Presentation "Adam Smith" on social studies - project, report

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ANCIENT SPARTA LESSON PRESENTATION Riddles He wrote about Ilion and Odysseus, And the Greeks honor him with love, But they still wonder where, when He composed poems while living there. What was the name of such a power, When the people elected a position, And the one whom he elected He kept a report before the people For all free Athenians- And not only for the peasants- There is a lot in the state For solving important matters. We must all come together, Find a common solution. He earned the respect of everyone for being smart and honest. But he didn’t seek fame. In Athens, he served everyone honestly. In what year did Solon come to power in Athens? Solve the problem: How many years have passed since the reforms? In what century were Solon's reforms carried out? At the beginning, end or middle of the century were they carried out? Replace with one word: City - state ……… Power of the people ………. Free Athenians ……… The topic of the lesson is “Ancient Sparta” Find on the map where Ancient Sparta was located. A rebus will help you answer this question. Work on the map: Paint over the territory of Laconica in green. Mark the city of Sparta Sparta was located here in ancient times. POPULATION OF SPARTA The entire population of Sparta was divided into: SPARTANS PERIEKI HELOTS FREE POPULATION Craftsmen and TOR-GOTS, DID NOT HAVE CIVIL RIGHTS SLAVES ILOTOV. SPARTANS AND HELOTS ELECTS ELDERS, DECLARES WAR OR PEACE MAKES IMPORTANT DECISIONS AUTHORITIES COMMANDERS WAX, JOIN THE COUNCIL OF ELDERS 2 KINGS COUNCIL OF ELDERS PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY STATE ORGANIZATION oligarchy (from the Greek word "oligo" - few). the power of few. And now WARNING! MINUTE REST! Here's a challenge for your eyes! Are these circles moving? Does the drawing float? Does this drawing move? Working with a document: How was the younger generation brought up in Sparta? What did you like about education, and what did you not like and why? MILITARY IS THE MAIN BUSINESS, EVERYTHING ELSE WERE LITTLE ATTENTION Peculiarities of upbringing in Sparta REINFORCEMENT OF THE STUDYED MATERIAL: COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TASKS: № 1 1. Choose the correct answer: Spartans: a) were the original inhabitants of Laconica; b) at the invitation of the original inhabitants, they came to Lakonika; c) conquered Lakonika and subjugated its original inhabitants to their power. No. 22. Choose the wrong answer: In the Greek states, Sparta was famous as a country in which: a) arts and science flourished; b) all inhabitants were subject to almost military discipline and strict order; c) babies, recognized by the elders as not healthy enough, were thrown off a mountain cliff into the abyss. № 3 3.Find the mistake: In ancient Sparta: a) beautiful palaces and temples were built; b) the inhabitants kept their fellow tribesmen - the Greeks - in slavery; c) babies, recognized by the elders as not healthy enough, were thrown from a mountain cliff into an abyss. № 4 4. Name the concept that fits this definition: Slaves belonging to the Spartan state: a) helots; b) demos; c) citizens. No. 5 5. Guess the word: The political system in Ancient Sparta I and h r a g l o Thank you for your work in the lesson!

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The economic doctrine of Adam Smith Prepared by: student of the SS-202 group Alexey Korneev

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Adam Smith economist, ethical philosopher; one of the founders of modern economic theory.

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A. Smith was born on June 5, 1723 in Kirkcaldy (Scotland) in the family of a customs officer. At the age of 14 (1737), he entered the University of Glasgow, where he studied the ethical foundations of philosophy, logic, ancient languages, mathematics, and astronomy for two years. In 1740 - 1746. - studying at Baileyall College, Oxford (in these years he was not yet interested in economics) In the summer of 1746, after the uprising of supporters of the Stuarts, he left for Kirkcaldy, where he was engaged in self-education for two years. Biography

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In 1748 Smith began lecturing in Edinburgh on natural law (including jurisprudence, political doctrine, sociology and economics). It was then that Smith began to formulate his ideas about the problems of economics. The basis of Smith's scientific theory was the desire to look at a person from three sides: from the standpoint of morality and ethics, from civil and state positions, from economic positions.

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Later he began to prepare lectures on the subject of “achieving wealth”, where he first detailed the economic philosophy of the “obvious and simple system of natural freedom”, which was reflected in his most famous work “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”. In 1759, he published the article "The Theory of Moral Sentiments", in which he discussed the standards of ethical behavior that maintain society in a state of stability (opposite to Christian morality, based on fear of punishment and promises of paradise), proposed the "principle of sympathy" (according to which it was worth putting himself in the place of another person in order to better understand him), and also expressed the ideas of equality, according to which the principles of morality should be applied equally to all.

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In the 1930s, sketches of the first chapters of Wealth were found; they date from 1763. These sketches contain ideas about the role of the division of labor, the concepts of productive and unproductive labor, and so on; mercantilism is criticized and justification for the principle of non-intervention is given.

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In 1763-66, Smith lived in France, where he personally became acquainted with the ideas of the Physiocrats. It was originally believed that the main ideas of The Wealth of Nations were borrowed by Smith from the Physiocrats; and so the discovery of the Glasgow student's lectures was extremely important as evidence that Smith's main ideas were already in place before the French trip.

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After returning from France, Smith lived in London for six months as an informal expert to the Minister of Finance, and from 1767 he lived in Kirkcaldy for six years, working on a book. Smith gained fame only after the publication of the book "A Study on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" in 1776. He died on July 17, 1790 in Edinburgh (Scotland, Great Britain).

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The main ideas of the economic doctrine of A. Smith The book describes in detail the consequences of economic freedom. Discussions of such concepts as the principle of non-intervention, the role of selfishness, the division of labor, the functions of the market, and the international significance of a free economy are included. The book opened economics as a science by launching the doctrine of free enterprise. "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"

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"An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" begins with an analysis of the problem of the division of labor. Smith saw the source of the division of labor in exchange. With the growth of the division of labor and the development of exchange, he also linked the origin of money, which Smith regarded as a technical means of exchange. He considered money to be a commodity, a product of the spontaneous objective process of the development of society, a universal instrument of trade.

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Smith gave a great deal of attention to questions of cost. He singled out random market prices depending on supply and demand. The basis of the price is a certain amount of labor embodied in the product - i.e. its exchange value. According to Smith, value is equal to the sum of three types of income: wages, profits and rents.

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Adam Smith () is a famous Scottish economist and philosopher, the founder of the classical school of political economy. His most famous works are: the scientific work The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and the book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776).

Biography of Adam Smith Adam Smith was born in the small town of Kirkcaldy on June 5, 1723 (Fife County, Scotland) in the family of a customs officer. Smith studied philosophy at the University of Glasgow from the age of 14, where he received a master's degree and a scholarship for further studies. Three years later he entered college at Oxford, graduating in 1746. From 1748 in Edinburgh, with the support of Lord Kames, Adam began to lecture to students on literature, economics, law and other subjects teaching in Glasgow 1778 - July 17, 1790 Life in Edinburgh

The subject and method of studying A. Smith The central problem of economic science is the economic development of society and increasing its well-being The essence and nature of wealth is exclusively labor To increase wealth, it is preferable to develop agriculture rather than industry

Features of the methodology The concept of economic liberalism "economic man" and "invisible hand" what he requires of them. Anyone who offers another a deal of any kind is offering to do just that. Give me what I need and you will get what you need, that is the meaning of any such offer. It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect to get our dinner, but from their self-interest. We appeal not to their humanity, but to their selfishness, and never tell them about our needs, but about their benefits.

Important State Responsibilities public works costs (to “build and maintain certain public works and public institutions”) military security costs justice costs, including the protection of property rights

Adam Smith's conclusion is for economic science about the same as Euclid is for geometry, and Newton is for physics. This is the "godfather" of science, who formulated the fundamental provisions and laid the foundation for the development of this science for many years.