Definition and formula of the oscillation period. Oscillation period: the nature of the phenomenon and measurement

But meaning by function the dependence of a physical quantity that oscillates on time.

This concept in this form is applicable to both harmonic and anharmonic strictly periodic oscillations (and approximately - with one success or another - and non-periodic oscillations, at least to those close to periodicity).

In the case when we are talking about oscillations of a harmonic oscillator with damping, the period is understood as the period of its oscillating component (ignoring damping), which coincides with twice the time interval between the nearest passages of the oscillating value through zero. In principle, this definition can be more or less accurately and usefully extended in some generalization to damped oscillations with other properties.

Designations: the usual standard notation for the period of oscillation is: (although others may be used, the most common is , sometimes, etc.).

The oscillation period is related by the reciprocal relationship with the frequency:

For wave processes, the period is also obviously related to the wavelength

where is the wave propagation velocity (more precisely, the phase velocity).

In quantum physics the period of oscillation is directly related to energy (since in quantum physics, the energy of an object - for example, a particle - is the frequency of oscillation of its wave function).

Theoretical finding the oscillation period of a particular physical system is reduced, as a rule, to finding a solution of dynamic equations (equation) that describes this system. For the category of linear systems (and approximately for linearizable systems in a linear approximation, which is often very good), there are standard relatively simple mathematical methods that allow this to be done (if the physical equations themselves that describe the system are known).

For experimental determination period, clocks, stopwatches, frequency meters, stroboscopes, strobe tachometers, oscilloscopes are used. Beats are also used, the method of heterodyning in different forms, the principle of resonance is used. For waves, you can measure the period indirectly - through the wavelength, for which interferometers, diffraction gratings, etc. are used. Sometimes sophisticated methods are also required, specially developed for a specific difficult case (difficulty can be both the measurement of time itself, especially when it comes to extremely short or vice versa very long times, and the difficulty of observing a fluctuating quantity).

Periods of oscillation in nature

An idea about the periods of oscillations of various physical processes is given in the article Frequency intervals (given that the period in seconds is the reciprocal of the frequency in hertz).

Some idea of ​​the magnitudes of the periods of various physical processes can also be given by the frequency scale of electromagnetic oscillations (see Electromagnetic spectrum).

The periods of oscillation of a sound audible to a person are in the range

From 5 10 -5 to 0.2

(its clear boundaries are somewhat arbitrary).

Periods of electromagnetic oscillations corresponding to different colors of visible light - in the range

From 1.1·10 -15 to 2.3·10 -15.

Since for extremely large and extremely small periods of oscillation, measurement methods tend to become more and more indirect (up to smoothly flowing into theoretical extrapolations), it is difficult to name a clear upper and lower bounds for the period of oscillation measured directly. Some estimate for the upper limit can be given by the time of existence of modern science (hundreds of years), and for the lower one - by the oscillation period of the wave function of the heaviest particle known now ().

Anyway bottom border can serve as the Planck time, which is so small that, according to modern concepts, not only can it hardly be physically measured at all, but it is unlikely that in the more or less foreseeable future it will be possible to approach the measurement of quantities even many orders of magnitude smaller. a top border- the time of existence of the Universe - more than ten billion years.

Periods of oscillations of the simplest physical systems

Spring pendulum

Mathematical pendulum

where is the length of the suspension (for example, a thread), is the acceleration of free fall.

The oscillation period (on Earth) of a mathematical pendulum 1 meter long is 2 seconds with good accuracy.

physical pendulum

where is the moment of inertia of the pendulum about the axis of rotation, is the mass of the pendulum, is the distance from the axis of rotation to the center of mass.

Torsional pendulum

where is the moment of inertia of the body, and is the rotational stiffness coefficient of the pendulum.

Electric oscillating (LC) circuit

Oscillation period of the electric oscillatory circuit:

where is the inductance of the coil, is the capacitance of the capacitor.

This formula was derived in 1853 by the English physicist W. Thomson.



  • Oscillation period- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Princely Duma
  • MTB-82

See what the "Period of oscillation" is in other dictionaries:

    oscillation period- period The smallest period of time after which the state of a mechanical system is repeated, characterized by the values ​​of generalized coordinates and their derivatives. [Collection of recommended terms. Issue 106. Mechanical vibrations. Academy of Sciences ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Period (oscillations)- PERIOD of oscillations, the smallest period of time after which the oscillating system returns to the same state in which it was at the initial moment, chosen arbitrarily. The period is the reciprocal of the oscillation frequency. Concept ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PERIOD OF OSCILLATIONS- the smallest period of time, through which the system, oscillating, again returns to the same state, in which it was at the beginning. moment chosen arbitrarily. Strictly speaking, the concept of "P. to." applicable only when the values ​​of k.l. ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

    PERIOD OF OSCILLATIONS- the smallest period of time after which the oscillating system returns to its original state. The oscillation period is the reciprocal of the oscillation frequency ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    oscillation period- oscillation period; period The smallest period of time after which the state of a mechanical system is repeated, characterized by the values ​​of generalized coordinates and their derivatives ... Polytechnic terminological explanatory dictionary

    Oscillation period- 16. Period of fluctuations The smallest interval of time through which each value of the fluctuating quantity repeats during periodic fluctuations Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    oscillation period- the smallest period of time after which the oscillating system returns to its original state. The oscillation period is the reciprocal of the oscillation frequency. * * * PERIOD OF OSCILLATION PERIOD OF OSCILLATION, the smallest period of time through which ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    oscillation period- virpesių periodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. oscillation period; period of oscillations; period of vibrations vok. Schwingungsdauer, m; Schwingungsperiode, f; Schwingungszeit, f rus. oscillation period, m pranc. period d… … Automatikos terminų žodynas

    oscillation period- virpesių periodas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Mažiausias laiko tarpas, po kurio pasikartoja periodiškai kintančių dydžių vertės. atitikmenys: engl. vibration period vok. Schwingungsdauer, f; Schwingungsperiode, f… … Penkiakalbis aiskinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

But meaning by function the dependence of a physical quantity that oscillates on time.

This concept in this form is applicable to both harmonic and anharmonic strictly periodic oscillations (and approximately - with one success or another - and non-periodic oscillations, at least to those close to periodicity).

In the case when we are talking about oscillations of a harmonic oscillator with damping, the period is understood as the period of its oscillating component (ignoring damping), which coincides with twice the time interval between the nearest passages of the oscillating value through zero. In principle, this definition can be more or less accurately and usefully extended in some generalization to damped oscillations with other properties.

Designations: the usual standard notation for the period of oscillation is: (although others may be used, the most common is , sometimes, etc.).

The oscillation period is related by the reciprocal relationship with the frequency:

For wave processes, the period is also obviously related to the wavelength

where is the wave propagation velocity (more precisely, the phase velocity).

In quantum physics the period of oscillation is directly related to energy (since in quantum physics, the energy of an object - for example, a particle - is the frequency of oscillation of its wave function).

Theoretical finding the oscillation period of a particular physical system is reduced, as a rule, to finding a solution of dynamic equations (equation) that describes this system. For the category of linear systems (and approximately for linearizable systems in a linear approximation, which is often very good), there are standard relatively simple mathematical methods that allow this to be done (if the physical equations themselves that describe the system are known).

For experimental determination period, clocks, stopwatches, frequency meters, stroboscopes, strobe tachometers, oscilloscopes are used. Beats are also used, the method of heterodyning in different forms, the principle of resonance is used. For waves, you can measure the period indirectly - through the wavelength, for which interferometers, diffraction gratings, etc. are used. Sometimes sophisticated methods are also required, specially developed for a specific difficult case (difficulty can be both the measurement of time itself, especially when it comes to extremely short or vice versa very long times, and the difficulty of observing a fluctuating quantity).

Periods of oscillation in nature

An idea about the periods of oscillations of various physical processes is given in the article Frequency intervals (given that the period in seconds is the reciprocal of the frequency in hertz).

Some idea of ​​the magnitudes of the periods of various physical processes can also be given by the frequency scale of electromagnetic oscillations (see Electromagnetic spectrum).

The periods of oscillation of a sound audible to a person are in the range

From 5 10 -5 to 0.2

(its clear boundaries are somewhat arbitrary).

Periods of electromagnetic oscillations corresponding to different colors of visible light - in the range

From 1.1·10 -15 to 2.3·10 -15.

Since for extremely large and extremely small periods of oscillation, measurement methods tend to become more and more indirect (up to smoothly flowing into theoretical extrapolations), it is difficult to name a clear upper and lower bounds for the period of oscillation measured directly. Some estimate for the upper limit can be given by the time of existence of modern science (hundreds of years), and for the lower one - by the oscillation period of the wave function of the heaviest particle known now ().

Anyway bottom border can serve as the Planck time, which is so small that, according to modern concepts, not only can it hardly be physically measured at all, but it is unlikely that in the more or less foreseeable future it will be possible to approach the measurement of quantities even many orders of magnitude smaller. a top border- the time of existence of the Universe - more than ten billion years.

Periods of oscillations of the simplest physical systems

Spring pendulum

Mathematical pendulum

where is the length of the suspension (for example, a thread), is the acceleration of free fall.

The oscillation period (on Earth) of a mathematical pendulum 1 meter long is 2 seconds with good accuracy.

physical pendulum

where is the moment of inertia of the pendulum about the axis of rotation, is the mass of the pendulum, is the distance from the axis of rotation to the center of mass.

Torsional pendulum

where is the moment of inertia of the body, and is the rotational stiffness coefficient of the pendulum.

Electric oscillating (LC) circuit

Oscillation period of the electric oscillatory circuit:

where is the inductance of the coil, is the capacitance of the capacitor.

This formula was derived in 1853 by the English physicist W. Thomson.



  • Oscillation period- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Princely Duma
  • MTB-82

See what the "Period of oscillation" is in other dictionaries:

    oscillation period- period The smallest period of time after which the state of a mechanical system is repeated, characterized by the values ​​of generalized coordinates and their derivatives. [Collection of recommended terms. Issue 106. Mechanical vibrations. Academy of Sciences ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Period (oscillations)- PERIOD of oscillations, the smallest period of time after which the oscillating system returns to the same state in which it was at the initial moment, chosen arbitrarily. The period is the reciprocal of the oscillation frequency. Concept ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PERIOD OF OSCILLATIONS- the smallest period of time, through which the system, oscillating, again returns to the same state, in which it was at the beginning. moment chosen arbitrarily. Strictly speaking, the concept of "P. to." applicable only when the values ​​of k.l. ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

    PERIOD OF OSCILLATIONS- the smallest period of time after which the oscillating system returns to its original state. The oscillation period is the reciprocal of the oscillation frequency ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    oscillation period- oscillation period; period The smallest period of time after which the state of a mechanical system is repeated, characterized by the values ​​of generalized coordinates and their derivatives ... Polytechnic terminological explanatory dictionary

    Oscillation period- 16. Period of fluctuations The smallest interval of time through which each value of the fluctuating quantity repeats during periodic fluctuations Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    oscillation period- the smallest period of time after which the oscillating system returns to its original state. The oscillation period is the reciprocal of the oscillation frequency. * * * PERIOD OF OSCILLATION PERIOD OF OSCILLATION, the smallest period of time through which ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    oscillation period- virpesių periodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. oscillation period; period of oscillations; period of vibrations vok. Schwingungsdauer, m; Schwingungsperiode, f; Schwingungszeit, f rus. oscillation period, m pranc. period d… … Automatikos terminų žodynas

    oscillation period- virpesių periodas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Mažiausias laiko tarpas, po kurio pasikartoja periodiškai kintančių dydžių vertės. atitikmenys: engl. vibration period vok. Schwingungsdauer, f; Schwingungsperiode, f… … Penkiakalbis aiskinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

Harmonic oscillations - oscillations performed according to the laws of sine and cosine. The following figure shows a graph of the change in the coordinate of a point over time according to the law of cosine.


Oscillation amplitude

The amplitude of a harmonic oscillation is the largest value of the displacement of the body from the equilibrium position. The amplitude can take on different values. It will depend on how much we displace the body at the initial moment of time from the equilibrium position.

The amplitude is determined by the initial conditions, that is, the energy imparted to the body at the initial moment of time. Since the sine and cosine can take values ​​in the range from -1 to 1, the equation must contain the factor Xm, which expresses the amplitude of the oscillations. Equation of motion for harmonic vibrations:

x = Xm*cos(ω0*t).

Oscillation period

The period of oscillation is the time it takes for one complete oscillation. The period of oscillation is denoted by the letter T. The units of the period correspond to the units of time. That is, in SI it is seconds.

Oscillation frequency - the number of oscillations per unit time. The oscillation frequency is denoted by the letter ν. The oscillation frequency can be expressed in terms of the oscillation period.

v = 1/T.

Frequency units in SI 1/sec. This unit of measurement is called Hertz. The number of oscillations in a time of 2 * pi seconds will be equal to:

ω0 = 2*pi* ν = 2*pi/T.

Oscillation frequency

This value is called the cyclic oscillation frequency. In some literature, the name circular frequency is found. The natural frequency of an oscillatory system is the frequency of free oscillations.

The frequency of natural oscillations is calculated by the formula:

The frequency of natural oscillations depends on the properties of the material and the mass of the load. The greater the stiffness of the spring, the greater the frequency of natural oscillations. The greater the mass of the load, the lower the frequency of natural oscillations.

These two conclusions are obvious. The stiffer the spring, the greater the acceleration it will impart to the body when the system is unbalanced. The greater the mass of the body, the slower this speed of this body will change.

Period of free oscillations:

T = 2*pi/ ω0 = 2*pi*√(m/k)

It is noteworthy that at small deflection angles, the period of oscillation of the body on the spring and the period of oscillation of the pendulum will not depend on the amplitude of the oscillations.

Let's write down the formulas for the period and frequency of free oscillations for a mathematical pendulum.

then the period will be

T = 2*pi*√(l/g).

This formula will be valid only for small deflection angles. From the formula we see that the period of oscillation increases with the length of the pendulum thread. The longer the length, the slower the body will oscillate.

The period of oscillation does not depend on the mass of the load. But it depends on the free fall acceleration. As g decreases, the oscillation period will increase. This property is widely used in practice. For example, to measure the exact value of free acceleration.

So it is with anharmonic strictly periodic oscillations (and approximately - with one success or another - and non-periodic oscillations, at least close to periodicity).

When it comes to oscillations of a harmonic oscillator with damping, the period is understood as the period of its oscillating component (ignoring damping), which coincides with twice the time interval between the nearest passages of the oscillating quantity through zero. In principle, this definition can be more or less accurately and usefully extended in some generalization to damped oscillations with other properties.

Designations: the usual standard notation for the period of oscillation is: T (\displaystyle T)(although others may apply, the most common is τ (\displaystyle \tau ), sometimes Θ (\displaystyle \Theta ) etc.).

T = 1 ν , ν = 1 T . (\displaystyle T=(\frac (1)(\nu )),\ \ \ \nu =(\frac (1)(T)).)

For wave processes, the period is also obviously related to the wavelength λ (\displaystyle \lambda )

v = λ ν , T = λ v , (\displaystyle v=\lambda \nu ,\ \ \ T=(\frac (\lambda )(v)),)

where v (\displaystyle v)- wave propagation velocity (more precisely, phase velocity).

In quantum physics the period of oscillation is directly related to energy (since in quantum physics, the energy of an object - for example, a particle - is the frequency of oscillation of its wave function).

Theoretical finding the oscillation period of a particular physical system is reduced, as a rule, to finding a solution of dynamic equations (equation) that describes this system. For the category of linear systems (and approximately for linearizable systems in a linear approximation, which is often very good), there are standard relatively simple mathematical methods that allow this to be done (if the physical equations themselves that describe the system are known).

For experimental determination period, clocks, stopwatches, frequency meters, stroboscopes, strobe tachometers, oscilloscopes are used. Beats are also used, the method of heterodyning in different forms, the principle of resonance is used. For waves, you can measure the period indirectly - through the wavelength, for which interferometers, diffraction gratings, etc. are used. Sometimes sophisticated methods are also required, specially developed for a specific difficult case (difficulty can be both the measurement of time itself, especially when it comes to extremely short or vice versa very long times, and the difficulty of observing a fluctuating quantity).

Encyclopedic YouTube

  • 1 / 5

    An idea about the periods of oscillations of various physical processes is given in the article Frequency Intervals (given that the period in seconds is the reciprocal of the frequency in hertz).

    Some idea of ​​the magnitudes of the periods of various physical processes can also be given by the frequency scale of electromagnetic oscillations (see Electromagnetic spectrum).

    The periods of oscillation of a sound audible to a person are in the range

    From 5 10 −5 to 0.2

    (its clear boundaries are somewhat arbitrary).

    Periods of electromagnetic oscillations corresponding to different colors of visible light - in the range

    From 1.1 10 −15 to 2.3 10 −15 .

    Since, for extremely large and extremely small oscillation periods, measurement methods tend to become more and more indirect (up to a smooth flow into theoretical extrapolations), it is difficult to name a clear upper and lower bounds for the oscillation period measured directly. Some estimate for the upper limit can be given by the time of existence of modern science (hundreds of years), and for the lower one - by the oscillation period of the wave function of the heaviest particle known now ().

    Anyway bottom border can serve as the Planck time, which is so small that, according to modern concepts, it is not only unlikely that it can be physically measured in any way at all, but it is unlikely that in the more or less foreseeable future it will be possible to approach the measurement of even much larger orders of magnitude, and top border- the time of existence of the Universe - more than ten billion years.

    Periods of oscillations of the simplest physical systems

    Spring pendulum

    Mathematical pendulum

    T = 2 π l g (\displaystyle T=2\pi (\sqrt (\frac (l)(g))))

    where l (\displaystyle l)- the length of the suspension (for example, threads), g (\displaystyle g)- acceleration of gravity .

    The period of small oscillations (on Earth) of a mathematical pendulum 1 meter long is equal to 2 seconds with good accuracy.

    physical pendulum

    T = 2 π J m g l (\displaystyle T=2\pi (\sqrt (\frac (J)(mgl))))

    where J (\displaystyle J)- the moment of inertia of the pendulum about the axis of rotation, m (\displaystyle m) -

    In which he was at the initial moment, chosen arbitrarily).

    In principle, it coincides with the mathematical concept of the period of the function, but meaning by the function the dependence of the physical quantity that oscillates on time.

    This concept in this form is applicable to both harmonic and anharmonic strictly periodic oscillations (and approximately - with one success or another - and non-periodic oscillations, at least to those close to periodicity).

    In the case when we are talking about vibrations of a harmonic oscillator with damping, the period is understood as the period of its oscillating component (ignoring damping), which coincides with twice the time interval between the nearest passages of the oscillating value through zero. In principle, this definition can be more or less accurately and usefully extended in some generalization to damped oscillations with other properties.

    Designations: the usual standard notation for the period of oscillation is: T(although others may apply, the most common is \tau, sometimes \Theta etc.).

    T = \frac(1)(\nu),\ \ \ \nu = \frac(1)(T).

    For wave processes, the period is also obviously related to the wavelength \lambda

    v = \lambda \nu, \ \ \ T = \frac(\lambda)(v),

    where v is the wave propagation velocity (more precisely, the phase velocity).

    In quantum physics the period of oscillation is directly related to energy (since in quantum physics, the energy of an object - for example, a particle - is the frequency of oscillation of its wave function).

    Theoretical finding the oscillation period of a particular physical system is reduced, as a rule, to finding a solution of dynamic equations (equation) that describes this system. For the category of linear systems (and approximately for linearizable systems in a linear approximation, which is often very good), there are standard relatively simple mathematical methods that allow this to be done (if the physical equations themselves that describe the system are known).

    For experimental determination period, clocks, stopwatches, frequency meters, stroboscopes, strobe tachometers, oscilloscopes are used. Beats are also used, a method of heterodyning in different forms, the principle of resonance is used. For waves, you can measure the period indirectly - through the wavelength, for which interferometers, diffraction gratings, etc. are used. Sometimes sophisticated methods are also required, specially developed for a specific difficult case (difficulty can be both the measurement of time itself, especially when it comes to extremely short or vice versa very long times, and the difficulty of observing a fluctuating quantity).

    Periods of oscillation in nature

    An idea about the periods of oscillations of various physical processes is given in the article Frequency intervals (given that the period in seconds is the reciprocal of the frequency in hertz).

    Some idea of ​​the magnitudes of the periods of various physical processes can also be given by the frequency scale of electromagnetic oscillations (see Electromagnetic spectrum).

    The periods of oscillation of a sound audible to a person are in the range

    From 5 10 −5 to 0.2

    (its clear boundaries are somewhat arbitrary).

    Periods of electromagnetic oscillations corresponding to different colors of visible light - in the range

    From 1.1 10 −15 to 2.3 10 −15 .

    Since, for extremely large and extremely small oscillation periods, measurement methods tend to become more and more indirect (up to a smooth flow into theoretical extrapolations), it is difficult to name a clear upper and lower bounds for the oscillation period measured directly. Some estimate for the upper limit can be given by the time of existence of modern science (hundreds of years), and for the lower one - by the oscillation period of the wave function of the heaviest particle known now ().

    Anyway bottom border can serve as the Planck time, which is so small that, according to modern concepts, it is not only unlikely that it can be physically measured in any way at all, but it is also unlikely that in the more or less foreseeable future it will be possible to approach the measurement of even much larger orders of magnitude, and top border- the time of existence of the Universe - more than ten billion years.

    Periods of oscillations of the simplest physical systems

    Spring pendulum

    Mathematical pendulum

    T=2\pi \sqrt(\frac(l)(g))

    where l- the length of the suspension (for example, threads), g- acceleration of gravity .

    The period of small oscillations (on Earth) of a mathematical pendulum 1 meter long is equal to 2 seconds with good accuracy.

    physical pendulum

    T=2\pi \sqrt(\frac(J)(mgl))

    Torsional pendulum

    T = 2 \pi \sqrt(\frac(I)(K))

    This formula was derived in 1853 by the English physicist W. Thomson.

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    • - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    An excerpt characterizing the period of oscillation

    Rostov was silent.
    - What about you? have breakfast too? They are decently fed,” continued Telyanin. - Come on.
    He reached out and took hold of the wallet. Rostov released him. Telyanin took the purse and began to put it into the pocket of his breeches, and his eyebrows casually rose, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he were saying: “Yes, yes, I put my purse in my pocket, and it’s very simple, and no one cares about this” .
    - Well, what, young man? he said, sighing and looking into Rostov's eyes from under his raised eyebrows. Some kind of light from the eyes, with the speed of an electric spark, ran from Telyanin's eyes to Rostov's eyes and back, back and back, all in an instant.
    “Come here,” said Rostov, grabbing Telyanin by the hand. He almost dragged him to the window. - This is Denisov's money, you took it ... - he whispered in his ear.
    “What?… What?… How dare you?” What? ... - said Telyanin.
    But these words sounded a plaintive, desperate cry and a plea for forgiveness. As soon as Rostov heard this sound of a voice, a huge stone of doubt fell from his soul. He felt joy, and at the same moment he felt sorry for the unfortunate man who stood before him; but it was necessary to complete the work begun.
    “The people here, God knows what they might think,” muttered Telyanin, grabbing his cap and heading into a small empty room, “we need to explain ourselves ...
    “I know it, and I will prove it,” said Rostov.
    - I…
    Telyanin's frightened, pale face began to tremble with all its muscles; his eyes still ran, but somewhere below, not rising to Rostov's face, and sobs were heard.
    - Count! ... do not ruin the young man ... here is this unfortunate money, take it ... - He threw it on the table. - My father is an old man, my mother! ...
    Rostov took the money, avoiding Telyanin's gaze, and, without saying a word, left the room. But at the door he stopped and turned back. “My God,” he said with tears in his eyes, “how could you do this?
    “Count,” said Telyanin, approaching the cadet.
    “Don’t touch me,” Rostov said, pulling away. If you need it, take this money. He threw his wallet at him and ran out of the inn.

    In the evening of the same day, a lively conversation was going on at Denisov's apartment among the officers of the squadron.
    “And I’m telling you, Rostov, that you need to apologize to the regimental commander,” said the tall staff captain, with graying hair, huge mustaches and large features of a wrinkled face, addressing the crimson red, agitated Rostov.
    The staff captain Kirsten was twice demoted to the soldiers for deeds of honor and twice cured.
    "I won't let anyone tell you I'm lying!" cried Rostov. He told me that I was lying, and I told him that he was lying. And so it will remain. They can put me on duty even every day and put me under arrest, but no one will make me apologize, because if he, as a regimental commander, considers himself unworthy of giving me satisfaction, then ...
    - Yes, you wait, father; you listen to me, - the captain interrupted the staff in his bass voice, calmly smoothing his long mustache. - You tell the regimental commander in front of other officers that the officer stole ...
    - It's not my fault that the conversation started in front of other officers. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken in front of them, but I'm not a diplomat. I then joined the hussars and went, thinking that subtleties are not needed here, but he tells me that I am lying ... so let him give me satisfaction ...
    - That's all right, no one thinks that you are a coward, but that's not the point. Ask Denisov, does it look like something for a cadet to demand satisfaction from a regimental commander?
    Denisov, biting his mustache, listened to the conversation with a gloomy look, apparently not wanting to intervene in it. When asked by the captain's staff, he shook his head negatively.
    “You are talking to the regimental commander about this dirty trick in front of the officers,” the headquarters captain continued. - Bogdanich (Bogdanich was called the regimental commander) laid siege to you.
    - He didn’t siege, but said that I was telling a lie.
    - Well, yes, and you said something stupid to him, and you need to apologize.
    - Never! shouted Rostov.
    “I didn’t think it was from you,” the headquarters captain said seriously and sternly. - You do not want to apologize, and you, father, not only before him, but before the whole regiment, before all of us, you are to blame all around. And here's how: if only you thought and consulted how to deal with this matter, otherwise you directly, but in front of the officers, and thumped. What should the regimental commander do now? Should we put the officer on trial and mess up the entire regiment? Shame the entire regiment because of one villain? So, what do you think? But in our opinion, it is not. And well done Bogdanich, he told you that you are not telling the truth. It’s unpleasant, but what to do, father, they themselves ran into it. And now, as they want to hush up the matter, so you, because of some kind of fanabery, do not want to apologize, but want to tell everything. You are offended that you are on duty, but why should you apologize to an old and honest officer! Whatever Bogdanich may be, but all honest and brave, old colonel, you are so offended; and messing up the regiment is okay for you? - The voice of the captain's staff began to tremble. - You, father, are in the regiment for a week without a year; today here, tomorrow they moved to adjutants somewhere; you don’t give a damn what they will say: “Thieves are among the Pavlograd officers!” And we don't care. So, what, Denisov? Not all the same?
    Denisov remained silent and did not move, occasionally glancing with his shining black eyes at Rostov.
    “Your fanabery is dear to you, you don’t want to apologize,” continued the headquarters captain, “but we old people, how we grew up, and God willing, will die in the regiment, so the honor of the regiment is dear to us, and Bogdanich knows it. Oh, how dear, father! And this is not good, not good! Take offense there or not, but I will always tell the truth to the uterus. Not good!
    And the captain's staff stood up and turned away from Rostov.
    - Pg "avda, chog" take it! shouted Denisov, jumping up. - Well, G "skeleton! Well!
    Rostov, blushing and turning pale, looked first at one officer, then at another.
    - No, gentlemen, no ... don’t think ... I understand very well, you shouldn’t think so about me ... I ... for me ... I am for the honor of the regiment. but what? I’ll show it in practice, and for me the honor of the banner ... well, it’s all the same, really, it’s my fault! .. - Tears stood in his eyes. - I'm to blame, all around to blame! ... Well, what else do you want? ...
    “That’s it, count,” the captain shouted, turning around, hitting him on the shoulder with his big hand.
    “I’m telling you,” Denisov shouted, “he’s a nice little one.
    “That’s better, Count,” repeated the captain of the staff, as if for his recognition he was beginning to call him a title. - Go and apologize, your excellency, yes s.
    “Gentlemen, I’ll do everything, no one will hear a word from me,” Rostov said in an imploring voice, “but I can’t apologize, by God, I can’t, as you wish!” How will I apologize, like a little one, to ask for forgiveness?
    Denisov laughed.
    - It's worse for you. Bogdanych is vindictive, pay for your stubbornness, - said Kirsten.
    - By God, not stubbornness! I can't describe to you the feeling, I can't...
    - Well, your will, - said the headquarters captain. - Well, where did this bastard go? he asked Denisov.
    - He said he was sick, zavtg "and ordered pg" and by order to exclude, - Denisov said.
    “This is a disease, otherwise it cannot be explained,” said the captain of the staff.
    - Already there, the disease is not a disease, and if he doesn’t catch my eye, I’ll kill you! Denisov shouted bloodthirstyly.
    Zherkov entered the room.
    - How are you? the officers suddenly turned to the newcomer.
    - Walk, gentlemen. Mack surrendered as a prisoner and with the army, absolutely.
    - You're lying!
    - I saw it myself.
    - How? Have you seen Mac alive? with arms or legs?
    - Hike! Campaign! Give him a bottle for such news. How did you get here?
    “They sent him back to the regiment, for the devil, for Mack. The Austrian general complained. I congratulated him on the arrival of Mack ... Are you, Rostov, just from the bathhouse?
    - Here, brother, we have such a mess for the second day.
    The regimental adjutant entered and confirmed the news brought by Zherkov. Tomorrow they were ordered to speak.
    - Go, gentlemen!
    - Well, thank God, we stayed too long.

    Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, destroying the bridges on the rivers Inn (in Braunau) and Traun (in Linz). On October 23, Russian troops crossed the Enns River. Russian carts, artillery and columns of troops in the middle of the day stretched through the city of Enns, along this and that side of the bridge.