Why do we live in three-dimensional space. What dimensions exist other than three-dimensional In what dimension are we

The standard scientific concept states that we live in a three-dimensional world that has length, width, and height. Sometimes a fourth dimension is added to three - time ... Meanwhile, there are a variety of theories that "add" dimensions to the universe. Only their authors are mostly not scientists, but the authors of science fiction books and films.

The term was coined by writer Samuel Delaney. He drew attention to the fact that in many fantastic works the heroes leave their "native" world and find themselves in another dimension.

Delaney suggested that paraspace could actually exist. In doing so, it affects our world. When we experience "otherworldly" sensations, see or hear something that does not exist in our reality, these may be echoes of "paraspace", in other words, a parallel world. Although, perhaps, it is also within our dimension ...


This is a world consisting of only two dimensions, described in 1884 by the minister and scientist Edwin Abbott in a book he wrote. Her main character is a square. In the world where he lives, the more facets and angles an individual has, the higher his social status.

In a flat world there is no sun and no stars. Once in a millennium, someone from the inhabitants of the three-dimensional world gets into Flatland. But the inhabitants of Flatland are not ready to believe in the existence of a third dimension ... However, Abbott's work is more of a satire on Victorian England than a science fiction novel.

"Super Sargasso Sea"

It is described by famous writer and paranormal researcher Charles Fort. He claims that there is a "special" dimension where all the things that disappear in our world end up. Sometimes they can "return" from there and then reappear... This is how the phenomenon of rains from animals and inanimate objects that take place in different parts of the globe can be explained. By the way, having studied their geography, Fort came to the conclusion that the "Super-Sargasso Sea" stretches from Great Britain to India.


This term was coined by writer Terry Pratchett. L-space is a special dimension that is a library. But not in the usual sense, but in the sense of the global information field. There you can find any books that have ever been written, that will be written, and, finally, those that were only conceived, but never written ... Some books can be dangerous, so certain rules must be observed in L-space ... Only senior librarians are privy to all rules.


The term is used in many works of science fiction. It means something like a tunnel through which you can travel to other dimensions faster than the speed of light.

For the first time, the idea, perhaps, was expressed as early as 1634 by Johannes Kepler in the book "Somnium". Her characters must get to the island, located 80 thousand kilometers above the ground. Only demons can open the way there, using opium to put travelers to sleep, and then transport them to their destination using their acceleration power.

Pockets of the Universe

MIT physicist Alan Gut put forward the hypothesis of cosmic inflation. One of its main ideas is that our universe is constantly expanding and, as it expands, gives rise to an increasing number of space-time "pockets" - autonomous universes, each of which has its own physical laws.

Theory of ten dimensions

This theory, also called superstring theory, does not have three or four dimensions, but many more. At least ten. All of them can affect our world, although we do not see and for the most part do not perceive them.

The fifth dimension exists, as it were, in parallel with ours, this is what we call a "parallel world". The sixth is the plane on which all universes like ours exist. The seventh is the worlds that arose under conditions essentially different from ours.

The eighth is the dimension where the endless histories of the worlds in the seventh dimension are "stored". In the ninth are worlds whose physical laws differ from ours. Finally, the tenth dimension contains all of this combined. So more than ten dimensions the human mind is simply not able to imagine ...

Personally, I classify such publications as fiction or esoteric nonsense. To be honest, as soon as such articles come across, I close them after reading the first line, for me this is tedious nonsense that does not bring any useful information.

There are different people around me and of course there are those who treat this as a real fact. Everyone has the right to their opinion and opinion. Read:

The world after the Quantum Shift: we live in another dimension!

They still remember the expectations of 2012, the fear of the unknown, the expectations of the cataclysm that scared us… The transition took place, but not where it was expected…

Nuclear scientists worked with the hydrogen atom (aka proton) and first recorded the pulsation of a proton particle, it then decreased, then again became of normal size. Scientists considered this a mistake, the influence of other components from the outside, but, in the end, the proton took on a new meaning. It was discovered that the proton particle decreased by 4%.

Everything has changed - its speed, rotation, direction, diameter. At first glance, you might think that the proton has changed, that's nonsense! But after him, all organics “went”, because. it is made up of hydrogen. The density of Matter has changed.

The rest of the particles followed the proton, and what was considered unshakable by nuclear physics appeared in a completely different form, in someone else's. It's like we're aliens and landed on another planet. Those laws that were established before 2013 suddenly stopped working, because the density of Matter became different.

This huge work of many laboratories of the scientific world forced the scientists of the whole world to unite, forgetting all strife. About 10 leading Institutes of Atomic Physics, Reactors, Laser Technology checked each other, but all the time they came to one new size of the hydrogen atom.

Judging by the Laws of the three-dimensional World, this is not possible, but, nevertheless, physics began to reveal its measurements. This is confirmed by astrophysicists by calculations of the multidimensionality of our Space. We live in another dimension!

A Quantum Transition took place, a particle moved from one energy level to another energy level, while behaving like a Neutron Star - it was big, but became small. Consider that we live on another Planet, therefore all the Laws begin to work differently. Scientists face this at every turn. Our Laws are the World of the past!

January - March 2013 was rich in radical scientific discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics, which fell like a cornucopia.

The German Spitzer telescope flies in orbit of the Earth, which is several orders of magnitude more accurate than the famous Hubble, it saw infrared (we know infrared radiation, and here, ultra is a new physical term, it means even deeper into Matter) Galaxies, they are 60 times brighter than ordinary ones. This discovery was made spontaneously. Judge for yourself, back in December 2012 they were not there, and in January 2013 they appeared, in a day. It doesn't happen! They either exist or they don't... so something happened during these days that made the world change?

The ordinary electromagnetic scale, which is presented in physics textbooks, reference books, has increased by three octaves in the infrared range and three octaves in the ultraviolet. We have become six octaves higher. It was the discovery of Matter, which did not exist until 2013, it was not manifested for various reasons, and now it has manifested itself and physical devices can detect it.

Another discovery - until 2013, scientists knew, and you and I were scared that our solar system was moving into a black hole. Novosibirsk scientists said that we are moving into a region of completely unexplored energies, which did not exist before, and it is not clear what will happen next. And now there is no hole!

And this is an astrophysical object and it is gone. There is no black hole at the center of our Galaxy now. Scientists were very scared, this discovery was classified and it disappeared from the Internet two months after the announcement. There was such a site "Membrane", where scientists published their findings, now this electronic journal does not exist. On the Black Hole, he ceased to exist)).

What happened? It turned out that the Black Hole is the door that we passed through, and the door closed.

But, instead of the Black Hole, another Object appeared, this is also a scientific discovery, already in 2014 - Magnitar. Pulsating Star, but not a Pulsar. This Star sprays a liquid magnetic field in all directions. This is a kind of substance that does not yet have a name (it is not plasma). It is intelligent, composed of granules. Its granules are small, at the level of elementary particles, and large, for example, the size of the Earth.

First, this Magnitar was heard in March 2014 in the radio band and began to be observed, and in May they saw it. By cosmic standards, this is a colossal time. Usually they either hear or see, that is, the brain was ready to perceive this information.

Thus, we ended up on the first floors of the Subtle Plan, in fact, “in the other World”, with which we congratulate you!))

The frequencies are different and the organics are different, this should not frighten you in any way, our bodies open up on their own. And here, Magnitar lit up, in blue (until May 2014, it did not glow).

Back in 2005, neurophysiologists discovered a region in the human hippocampus called the Blue or Blue Spot. It has been known for a long time, but they did not pay much attention to it, well, you never know what a person has in the brain ... The human brain itself is a black box.

In the summer of 2014, this Blue spot in the brain also lit up, for everyone. The hippocampus is projected onto the point of Life and governs the life of a person on the Thin Plan and above. This blue color, if you squint, is sometimes visible as a silver halo above your head. This is a new organic Body and it pulsates in tune with the Magnetar. This is a single system, they have one basic rhythm - a waltz.

The basic rhythm of the Universe is also a waltz, in different performances, in different octaves. The octave on which the waltz is performed by the Blue Spot and Magnitar at the center of the Galaxy - it works on a new scale, including three new octaves.

It turns out that the energy spectrum of the new hydrogen is completely different from the spectrum of the old hydrogen. This is the spectrum of infrared color, deeper than infrared color. It was this range that became the leader. We live and do not know that we perceive completely different energy spectra. And it all goes back to human consciousness.

The time has come, about which we were told - now you will live in the Subtle World, and there - everything is controlled by thought, if you wanted - you moved the chair, if you wanted - it took off by itself ... But, until we reached such a concentration of thought and self-awareness.

In connection with this, various phenomena began ....

The first basic phenomenon is the glow of the halo, before the Transition it was Golden (the halos of the saints on the icons ...) and only the Masters possessed this, because there was a very hard magnetic field around the Earth, this field was hard, and it held back our genetic structure. And now this field, in fact, has ceased to be rigid, i.e., it exists, but it is completely different. It is very soft and tender, and yet very strong, like a cobweb, try to tear it, it is stronger than steel to tear. Here, about such a structure is a new magnetic field.

You have all heard the term Akash, this is the Golden Structure, which is called Proteus, Blavatsky also mentions it. So this Proteus went into incarnation. This has become our new nervous system, now we have it saturated with Proteus light.

We have a different nervous system, we have stopped seeing in three dimensions, we have different eyes.

During the last thousand years before the Shift, at least 26,000 years, we all had a so-called blind spot in our eye. This is the optic nerve, which goes deep into the skull, it was shut up by some kind of protein tissue, like a plug. This blind spot covered three quarters of our spherical vision. We do not see the Black Hole, and since the brain levels out various nuances, the illusion is created that we see everything. Nevertheless, the presence of a blind spot allowed us to live in a 3-dimensional Space, limited, rigid. This was the condition of the Experiment. We had to study the dense Plan and we completed this task.

Now we have passed to the “other Light”, our Experiment has been successfully completed and this blind spot has begun to dissolve and disappear in the eye, and now we are opening access to the vision of multidimensionality. This discovery is on a planetary scale, and scientists of all countries have noticed it.

The thymus, the thymus gland has changed, it is very sacred in itself. Helena Blavatsky mentioned her, and the Roerichs. Now the same Proteus lives in the Thymus. Here it is localized, and then it is sprayed through all our subtle nerve channels. The solar and lunar meridians, everything is involved here, they have also become different.

And the immune surveillance of Proteus has changed, if earlier this immunity system was formal, now it tracks every human thought and now it has become so important - to be able to think!

Think before you think. It all comes true right there and now, and the main thing is clear why ...

The next body change is the amygdala. This is also in the Hippocampus region, Mozhevichka.

She switches to conscious awareness. Before the Shift, it was a "house of fear" ruled by the limbic system. And the limbic system is “fight” or “run”, like in animals.

Now it is being rewritten at the level of the cellular machinery. Instead of "hit" and "run", a conscious perception of the current moment begins to appear. Ra-z-Smart. Do not sit and be afraid, think: how will it be there? Now everything is as it comes: I will come and figure it out. Live Here and Now.

We do not need to know how to do it, our new organics do it themselves.

You all know that there is cosmic humor, the Universe sometimes jokes kindly. And all new changes - this is cosmic humor, or - Divine freebie.

You don't sit in meditation, you don't eat only vegetarian food, you live as you used to live, and the organic matter changes itself. That is, your Higher Self gave permission to change this situation, permission to change your current consciousness. Don't you need to know how it goes? This is the Divine Freebie. Previously, we were responsible for our actions, but now we will learn to be responsible for our thoughts!

Old packets of neurons will dissolve in the brain. How does this manifest itself in everyday life?

The old packets of neurons are all materialized habits that entered our blood, flesh, everything that we do mechanically at the autopilot level (took a match, put the kettle on, lit the gas ....) Everything that we got used to from childhood and that we no longer is realized, but they are materialized, we often do actions and do not notice how.

Now comes pseudo memory loss, it comes when a person is not exposed to any external influence. For example, he sits on a bench or at home in a calm state and suddenly once - I don’t remember anything ... It lasts for a moment, 3-5 seconds and you again enter your current life. But at the same time, some old Packages, old knowledge are turned off.

For example: old childhood habits that you no longer need, you are an adult and the situation will not happen again. In terms of energy, they were in the structure of the brain, and so the brain got rid of these old habits. (We learned to walk, sit, talk.) Now you don’t need it anymore, but this is a large energy layer. Pseudo-forgetfulness - this makes room for the new. It fills up with this new and, at the right moment, I just start to know something new. Clarity is coming.

Before the Transition, we did not have this, we had to go through the School, gain experience, gain knowledge, and now the experience appears by itself, like a Gift!

Up to a certain point, you don’t know what else you have, but a situation arises and you begin to use the ready-made experience. Time is saved, strength is saved, and much more... And you see the situation not from one side, but from several sides at once, and you see it not with the aim of condemning, but simply as information.

Accept for yourself that when pseudo-forgetfulness or something like sclerosis sets in, you will accept it quite calmly and know that this is not a disease, but a Planetary Transition.

And this is only the first stage.

The striatum in the brain is the conscious coordination of muscular activity. Previously, you could sit and chat with your foot, and not think at all - chat and chat. And after the Transition, you begin to realize: why am I dangling my foot? It’s not comfortable for me ...)) Other connections in the brain have gone, axons have changed, other nerve impulses have changed. They are not bad - they are different!

Hydrogen and proton are one and the same. Hydrogen is found in all organic matter, there is an expression: oil is a hydrocarbon. If you pour a little oil into a jar and put it on the sunny side of the window, then after a while the oil ceases to be oil, but is converted into just pure water.

Water on the new Subtle level is a boiling substance, but not boiling water. It's just that the new hydrogen instantly rearranges the structure of the water. Her formula was H2O, and now it fluctuates.

Calm thoughts - water of one formula, active consciousness - water takes on the properties of another formula. This can change within a second and the whole biochemistry changes immediately, a completely different cell metabolism. The Kreps cycle “went” in the other direction, the Kreps cycle is an energy mill, where hydrogen is released where it is necessary, it is absorbed where it is necessary. And if the hydrogen is different, then there is a different biochemistry.

Doctors, by the way, know this and pharmacologists sounded the alarm, because pharmacological drugs suddenly became poison. Since the proton is different, the symmetry inside the atom of the nucleus has changed, it has simply become different. Not mirrored, but different. If there is a different symmetry inside the atom of the nucleus, then, accordingly, is it a different molecular substance? And it all started in the spring of 2013.

At first there were timid statements - well, you never know what you imagined? At first it was isolated cases, and now - an avalanche! "Save yourself, who can!" A colossal wave is rushing.

Many pharmaceutical companies have sounded the alarm because they are forced to stop their lines in the full sense of the word. Do not produce your own products, but this is a business, this is money. The economy will change. Formally, the hydrogen atom changed, but dragged economic affairs along with it. No one thought about it, the Quantum Transition is to blame for everything.

Accordingly, uranium has also changed, it has other isotopes and is divided differently. There are different nuances at the expense of nuclear power plants. No explosions and horror stories, no increase in radiation levels, just uranium began to live less than it used to live. If earlier the decay period was 235 years, now it can disintegrate in two years. Either it will be loaded more often or the stations will switch to another type of fuel.

If intuition worked before the Transition, and we were advised to develop it, this is the line between the 3rd and 4th dimensional Worlds, and now it can give a range of solutions and, try to figure out which of them is correct, you can get confused. Now it is necessary to develop deep feeling.

This is a new relationship with the world. You express your Intention and the Universe begins to build events for you that lead to the fulfillment of your desires.

The question arises: how to do it?

Words... thought.

The brain starts to change. The two halves begin to grow together. The gyrus starts on one half and goes, passes to the other, and as a result the brain changes, another brain is formed. It gives a rainbow glow, someone sees it with their eyes, the aurocamera shows it very well. But, the brain does not just change the radiation, it becomes divergent (i.e. I act off the beaten track, I lead out of a dead end). It has become the brain of a typical insider (insider - insight). This insight comes in everyday life, right here and now.

This is from a series of Divine freebies, otherwise these things are difficult to explain, because it falls on us just like that, in a bunch. It's not out there... but right here with you.

Overnight, you begin to see the wrong side of the process, not as we are used to - to judge, but to understand the reasons for the participants that led to this situation. This calm state and knowledge - well, okay, it happens ... Questions about politics, economics become uninteresting, because the brain gives a completely new perspective on relations with oneself and with nature.

And this relationship is very exciting!

Sometimes you can get sick - high fever, chills or fever, a thermometer under your arm, and there 36.6 or in extreme cases 35.5. How so? I am, figuratively speaking, covered in snot, burning, no strength ...

A temperature of 36.6 is no longer an indicator that everything is in order with you. Such short-term increases in energy density in the body, in the cell are needed to move to another level. Such a jump from step to step will be in order not to knock your physics out of its usual state. This is rewritten organic! It is your body that is moving to another level.

If at some point the heart stops beating, there is no pulse, shallow breathing - this is a short-term transition of the brain to multidimensional work, what is called Fire Prana in esotericism. (Indian yogis, there are many testimonies when they are buried or immersed in a well in water for several days, and then they are taken out and they begin to live again).

Our body from a rigid, durable structure, thanks to reduced hydrogen, began to “liquefy”, as it were, to move to the level of light. This is called a biocrystalline base. But, the crystal is not hard, but like water - amorphous, which can take on any structure. We were with you water creatures and so far we have remained so.

There are two revolutionary discoveries of the last century - that all Matter is a condensed light, and it, Matter, is controlled by human consciousness, this is a confirmation of all esoteric doctrines. And now we will learn to control Matter through consciousness at the level of everyday life.

And these transitions of organics into a crystalline state or a manifested light state are now happening mostly painlessly. Not counting the stopped heart, not counting the feeling of high temperature… which do not affect the state of health, these are just new gradations of new organic matter, new hydrogen.

And of course, DNA is revealed from a completely different side, what was considered garbage, suddenly again revealed its multidimensional sides, when a person becomes receptive - he remembers his past incarnations as yesterday. Not because he is so cool, but, in a simple way, well, yes ..., well, it was ....

This information does not burden - well, it was and it was ....

March 2013, published the results obtained by the Planck - India telescope, it was launched on May 14, 2009, these are the results of the new reality. Scientists decided to measure - is the Universe multidimensional? The experiment was started in 2009 and completed in December 2012, on the eve of the Transition, in the spring of 2013 the telescope was turned off and dropped. But, already on the eve of the Transition, he showed that there was less Dark Matter than scientists thought. Already at that moment we began to loosen up. And Dark Matter is the very Golden Galaxies about which the Teachers spoke: “the time will come when you will see the Golden Galaxies”. These are really the Golden Galaxies that the telescope saw, and if the telescope saw it, then the operator saw it, and we are on the Internet.

The Hubble constant was refined, around which there are now numerous disputes, she spoke about the intensive expansion of the Universe. So, the statement about the intensity of the expansion of the Universe is not true ... It turns out that the Universe has become smaller, the Galaxies do not scatter anywhere, and the big question is - was this big bang by itself?

If we go into the discoveries of neurophysiology and quantum genetics, then a paradoxical situation arises that there was no big bang as such. There was a three-dimensional illusion, the world developed differently. This was our three-dimensional agreement with you. And since all our divine structures begin to unfold very quickly, we no longer need to play these Games.

Among all the Galaxies, there are two Golden Galaxies, the largest are our Milky Way and the Andromeda Nebula. So, scientists were able to photograph that these two galaxies, somehow, are connected ... the arm from the Milky Way and the Arm from the Adromeda Nebula Galaxy have united. Moreover, they began to touch after the Transition from the spring of 2013, and in the spring of 2014 they already touched each other. Now think for yourself - how could these two galaxies "shake hands" with each other in one year?

Time has changed, energy has changed, our perception has changed and we are becoming those multidimensional beings that were originally conceived by all the Higher Forces.

There are a lot of discoveries about our thoughts, for example, a connection has been established between depression and osteoporosis - this is the University of Jerusalem, a whole series of discoveries. The more a person sits in depression, the more his bones begin to soften.

The characteristic of our time is - you can make medicines for yourself, and what you need. For example: take a bottle, pour water from the tap into it, either holy or ionized, whatever. Take a piece of paper and write - this is my cure for depression, I recover quickly. They wrote and put it under the jar, and put the jar at the head of their bed. Remember that all this must be done with humor)), wake up in the morning and drink. At the same time, water changes its structure. Such experiments have already been carried out, a sample of the structure of water was carried out - it turned out to be different, it all depends on the depth of consciousness, on faith. Everything happens at the level of children's perception - the easier you relate to modern reality, the faster and better it will turn out.

Did you know that laughter changes consciousness? Light as children's laughter goes to creation, these are the same vibrations that resonate with the blue Magnetar in the center of the Galaxy. To laugh means to resonate with the cosmos.

Have you noticed that many painted mimes have appeared on the street? They beat people out of their shells.

Smile at yourself in front of the mirror! Make friends with your reflection in the mirror. This smile produces a special hormone oxytocin. Your brain doesn't care if you do it on purpose or if it's really funny to you. This smile starts the sacred processes of rejuvenation of your tissues. There are six scientific discoveries on this topic. Previously, this oxytocin was an exclusively female hormone, it is the hormone of motherhood, the hormone of addiction to the baby, so that milk is in the breast, so that it does not stagnate ... we went through the Transition and this hormone began to appear in men. Don't worry, you don't need to give birth and you don't need to breastfeed either. This is the hormone of joy! It has already been tested on all sides in all laboratories and it is now called the hormone of high ethics and high morality. Hormone of morality.

So it turns out - they smiled in front of the mirror and received the highest ethics or living ethics that the Roerichs spoke about. This made it possible to make the same reduced hydrogen. One action - and EVERYTHING "went"!

Any other news?

The trend towards Planetary rejuvenation…when smiling, whole biochemical cascades are involved…, even bionuclear cascades, since the hydrogen atom belongs to elementary particles and when it combines with organic matter, nuclear-organic cascades are born, science calls them quarcomion fields. That Saami golden halo or silver halo is the light that is born from these fields, from their interaction.

Now you can combine everything - organic and spiritual meaning.

Previously, there was a protein under the nail, which was engaged in the reproduction of only the nail. Like a perpetual motion machine, no one studied why nails grow, and this was done by a squirrel. From November-December 13, he suddenly began to activate and they began to find him everywhere in the body - in the epitherium, in the hair, the neural network was marked by this protein, it suddenly crawled out in the stomach. Where did he come from, what does he do there?

It turned out that he belonged to a completely unique ancient code set - the self-healing of the human genetic structure. In short, a magic wand)). And this magic wand began to activate in those places that need to be restored. If it is the intestines, then in the right part it began to appear and restore the intestinal epiteria, if these are some capillaries of brain nuances, then it appears there. This is a very convenient thing from the series of the same Planetary rejuvenation. Reasonable!!! He knows where to come, but we do not know what nuances we have in the body. You just have to trust this new working structure, and it trusts us.

The nose, it can smell, it can feel the shape of the smell, and it can also feel the light. Not to see the light, but to feel. One day you will face it.

Radiation has changed, the light of the Sun has changed, and gamma radiation has changed accordingly. The news is that the brain can emit strong gamma radiation, but it has ceased to be destructive, since this reduced hydrogen - for it, gamma radiation is a natural spectrum. And we are made up of this hydrogen. Now think - before gamma radiation was deadly, but now we are made of it and even cured. In fact, each of us has our own small hadron collider. Cells, atoms produce their own light.

The brain of the heart began to work, do you know that the heart has its own brain? Esotericists talked about him, we treated him like this - it's somewhere out there ... far away ... And it has been recorded since 2012 that the brain of the heart began to work. And he is not alone, there are three of them. Like Roerich's sign - three circles in one circle. Very convenient - you can think with this brain.

And there is also a brain in the stomach, it works on internal processes. And doctors are already starting to use it when their medical situations do not help. There are advanced doctors, some use these discoveries for recovery.

The Codes of the brain that connects the brain of the heart and the brain of the abdomen are revealed. The brain itself is on a high vibration of the universe, which we call art. Art requires an altered state of consciousness, that is, inspiration. It is very important when a woman begins to engage in this art during a quantum transition. A woman reveals her deep hypostasis, which all the ancients called - the Goddess or the female deity. For a long time, a woman was dissected in a masculine way, it was an experience of three-dimensional matter, and now we are returning each to ourselves.

The synthesis of alignment of all our depths begins, and creativity helps this. It doesn't matter - knitting, drawing, laying bricks, cooking, reading, fantasizing, planting flowers, no matter what, fantastic processes immediately begin in you from basic recovery to insight into very deep plans. It is no secret that when men made discoveries, there was always a woman next to them, acting as a conductor or antenna. And now everyone comes to their own cosmic wire for synthesis.

And the cellular mechanism is different, and the cell has gone to a different form of work, and the cycle of the cell is different, in the cell, water performs the function of a neuron, we are required to have a completely calm perception of what is happening. It may not be standard, wild, but tell yourself: it happens!! And your brain will not collapse into a box of fear.

In the photo of the aurocamera, a white spot is visible, at the level of the heart, there is a kind of gap in colors, between yellow and green. Those. opens the multidimensionality of the brain, the multidimensionality of the subtle fields of man. The picture shows that there is a tendency to decompact matter.

If you take a picture and you have such a spot, it can appear at the level of the sexual chakra, or at the level of the throat, or the heart - this is completely normal. It's the way the brain works differently.

If earlier a person saw a multidimensional reality (Thin Plan), he was stuffed into a psychiatric hospital, but now the brain is opening up and many have begun to see a multidimensional world, a subtle reality, the world is decompressing. This is becoming the norm.

Now we need to think not before what to say, but to think before thinking, because materialization is immediately taking place. Someone may say that it is not we who materialize, but some kind of divine energy, and we just happened to be at the moment, in this situation ... BUT!! !

In any case, we are that same divine energy. We have much more energy chakras than 7, 12 or even 49, they go there - to the center of the Galaxy and beyond. This most instantaneous materialization is precisely what Space, the Universe, the Higher Mind has opened access to ourselves.

It is not someone who does it for us, but we ourselves do it with you. I, you... all who express the Intention. Therefore, you need to think! Think before you think...

And those who do not know about it… The world was actually divided during the Quantum Transition, into those who need material evolution - to live in matter, live in violence, in negativity (drink, smoke) - they left in another matter. They have gone to their level of consciousness. Now we are standing in a gateway – there are such and such among us… There are those who have chosen a different Path, another level of consciousness, the Path of evolution.

Those who leave, they remain in their thoughts, for them it’s all bullshit, they won’t think, it’s easier for them to throw a grenade than to think ... They have different actions and actions.

And we have other actions, a physical and mental moment occurs - we stop seeing each other. It has already begun that we can pass through each other without noticing and without any discomfort. This is the division of Reality - some to the left, others to the right.

Those who have chosen spiritual evolution - they will think before they think. At first we will step on a rake, gain experience.

How to use Divine Freebie? For starters, just know. Charge water instead of medicine. For example - from a sore on the heel or from a wart. For cleaning vessels. Write on a piece of paper, put a glass of water and put it at the head of the bed at night, and drink it in the morning.

Chumak did this, and now everyone can do it.

There is a magic phrase - in my reality everything turns out (saying your desire) easily and gracefully!

This is not an affirmation, it does not need to be repeated for a long time - everything is done easily and quickly, he said and went to do business ... The main thing is to feel what you say, learn to trust the Space. And start with everyday life ... say hello to cockroaches! In my reality, there are no cockroaches. This can be applied to the relationship with children, to well-being, in relation to a state institution, to transport, to obtaining information, to buying what you need ... Experiment!

You are holding a book in your hands that will help you change your life. It will help to correctly assess all the circumstances and events that led to the result of today. It will help to understand the intricacies of fate. It will help to understand the cause of the disease and eliminate it. It will help to understand how thoughts are realized in this world and what needs to be done to make desires come true.

A series: Popular psychology

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by the LitRes company.

The multidimensionality of our life, or how many dimensions do we live in?

Have you ever seen holographic pictures? Small particles of one strange mosaic, seemingly consisting of the same parts, as a whole give a big picture, which exactly repeats its smallest part. In our life, everything is very similar: one big world consists of small worlds, exactly repeating the largest one.

Small worlds are you and me, and we have everything that is in the big world, only millions of times less.

First of all, it is necessary to explain what it is – “multidimensional consciousness”. Indeed, the entire volume of literature on the structure of the World and the structure of human consciousness is now so diverse that instead of clarifying the situation, it is becoming more and more confusing.

The law, also known as Okama's Razor, says: "Do not multiply things unnecessarily." The more literature appears on a given topic, the more authors show you their point of view, the more likely it is that you will simply lose the line of reasoning and this will lead you further and further away from understanding yourself.

Let's try to separate the "wheat from the chaff" and first try to identify a common system in all these arguments.

It should be noted that all researchers of the multidimensionality of being build their conclusions from the point of view of one theory or another. As you know, there are two (main) of them: the materialistic theory of the world and theological - in other words, divine.

Materialists (physicists) hope that there is nothing but material in the world. All human life is subject to the strict laws of physics and chemistry, is regulated by medicine and depends only on the biochemical processes occurring in the human body. And in everything. And that only man himself creates his own life.

Idealists (lyricists) adhere to a strictly opposite point of view, believing that everything in the world is ruled by the spirit, soul and world or divine mind. And that nothing depends on the person. Generally.

Their dispute lasts for centuries, and so far 1:1.

But all theories, as you know, stand one another.

Not wanting to go down a dead-end branch of research, we will try to go from the other side and, for a start, just think about the meaning of the word “multidimensionality”.

Focusing on this particular term immediately enables us to see that the key in this word is "measure". A measure is an estimate. Comparison. Standard, if you will.

Accordingly, measurement is a comparison of something with something. In the context of this understanding, we can see the word “measurement” in a completely different way.

A dimension is not a place in space or time.

Measurement is a process. Evaluation process and comparison process.

When we say that the human consciousness lives in different dimensions, then, as you understand, this does not mean that it lives in different places. This means that human consciousness can and does exist in different processes. evaluation processes. With the help of measure.

Remember this firmly, because in our further work we need an understanding of the BASIC LAW OF THE UNIVERSE like air.

What are these processes, we will tell a little later, but for now let's talk about the very measure that we will use when measurements.

So, when we talk about the multidimensionality of human consciousness, we mean that the processes taking place in it, we can evaluate only using different measurement systems.

And just as it is impossible to evaluate time in kilometers, and space in kilograms, so it is impossible to approach the consciousness of a person himself with a single measure. Precisely because it is multidimensional.

As a starting point, we will take two measures, which, in various combinations, will give us a third - a unique measure for evaluating the processes (or measurements) of Human consciousness.

The first component of this “measurement” is energy.

Energy - the concept is currently already worn out further than ever. We use it in different ways and, unfortunately, we do not always think about what we mean.

Let's find the most general definition of the concept "energy". Looking into the encyclopedia, we read:

Energy is a physical quantity, which is a single measure of various forms of matter movement and a measure of the transition of matter movement from one form to another.

Smart, no words - smart. But for some reason I want to scratch.

Let's try to reveal the concept of "energy" so that later no one would have misunderstanding when using this word.

When we say about a person that he is energetic, then, obviously, we mean his activity, activity and ability to act. When we apply the same concept of "energy" to ourselves, then also in the context of "there is energy" or "there is no energy." By lack of energy, we mean impotence, apathy, lethargy and inability to act. By the presence of such, obviously, we mean the opposite state: we say “energy is overflowing,” and this means that there are a lot of forces and you want to act.

Therefore, energy is primarily force. Strength for action, for movement, for deed.

In order for the “form of the motion of matter” to take place, such a motion must be made. And this requires strength.

Power itself is mindless. Force is realized only when it is applied to something.

What is the application of this force? Elementary - desire, intention, goal, task. That is, knowing where to direct this energy. Knowledge is information.

Thus, information is the second component measurements.

Water flows along the riverbed, and water is energy, and the riverbed is information.

Water can flow along a channel, maybe from the sky, or maybe from a tap. In all cases, the water remained unchanged (water itself and water). But the form, the type of this water will be determined by the information in which it is clothed: river water, rain water and tap water. We perceive and use all three types of water in different ways.

The process of perception and use of energy-information is measurement. Measurement of unchanging strength at different levels of perception.

The simplest example, but nevertheless it illustrates well to us that information is for us the measure that we use to evaluate various phenomena, objects and events in our lives.

The combination of energy and information, power and knowledge gives us the opportunity to evaluate and, as a result, use the various forces of this world according to our understanding.

As our water example suggests, power (water) can be measured and measured in a variety of ways.

Through the sensation of water: it is wet, cold (hot), bitter (sweet), smells (does not smell), it is fluid, it makes noise, etc.

We tried it, saw it, touched it, and on this basis drew our conclusions. We measured it in terms of our Feel.

Through our attitude to water: whether we like it or not, whether water is dangerous or safe, whether we like it or not.

In this way, we evaluated power in terms of our subjective attitude towards it (“I love water!” or “I hate water!”). And this method is based on emotions.

Through a description in the system of our own knowledge: we give it a name (water), give a definition (rain, river, plumbing), describe relationships and sensations (hot - be careful, cold - not dangerous, etc.), as a natural phenomenon, N 2 0, and other, other, other.

In this way, we pull out everything we know about water from our memory, and rely only on these described knowledge and nothing more.

By use cases: swim, get drunk, hide from the rain, jump in puddles, get your feet wet, water the garden, mop the floor, etc.

In this way, we have identified the applied value of water in terms of real life applications. That is an experience.

By significance in life: needed (not important), is a symbol of life (death), one of the four main elements from which the world is woven ...

In this way, we determined the symbolic or religious meaning of water and the attitude towards it, but not personal (subjective), but within the framework of all people, all of humanity. This method is based on sense.

These five ways are the five basic dimensions in which man lives. Five main processes. Five views of the world. You can measure strength in any way, and the way you choose determines your life—depends on the world you live in.

Instead of the concept of “water”, you can substitute anything you like: love, life, death, man, woman, I, World, money, fear, mother, house, earth, game, music - open the dictionary and evaluate any word from the point of view these five ways.

Choose the most suitable for yourself and look at the test results.

If a person chooses the 1st method for himself as the most convenient, then this is a person of feelings and sensations. He evaluates everything around only through the prism of his own feeling, only through the pleasure or displeasure of the body he realizes himself and his life, perceives other people and the whole world.

He often uses in his speech turns "I feel", "I feel", "I see", "I hear".

He loves physical labor, loves to "dig in the ground." Such a person in the city (and even more so in the metropolis) does not feel quite comfortable, misses the earth and even tries to grow flowers and medicinal herbs in a city apartment.

Such people prefer spiritual literature, are often very religious, faithful to traditions.

They are very fond of food and often cook well, are thrifty, very economic and homely. Not fools to drink, but never become alcoholics - life is more expensive.

They are not interested in the global problems of the universe, they do not think about the future, but always try to live "here and now." It is in this dimension of their life that they feel most comfortable: tomorrow frightens them, and yesterday is quickly forgotten. Especially if it did not have enough sensations.

Such people get sick quite often, and the reason for their illness is only that physical ailment, oddly enough, gives them a large number of sensations. It is the sensations that are for these people evidence of life, its fullness and richness.

On the other hand, only such people are able to become outstanding healers and healers in alternative medicine. They know how to feel like no one else. And not only himself, but also another person.

They have a fairly well-developed intuition from birth, and they rely on it more often than on experience and knowledge.

People who chose the 1st assessment method live in First Dimension- the physical, manifested world, real sensations, real physical result.

If a person chooses 2nd way from the proposed system of measurements, then with a greater degree of probability he is a person of emotions. He will evaluate everything and everything only on the principle of “like it or dislike it”.

The life of such a person is filled with meaning only when there are enough emotions that he experiences. And it doesn’t matter if these emotions are positive or negative, the main thing is that they exist.

Extremes haunt them all their lives: they experience amazing happiness or the most terrible misfortune; in their understanding of the world from love to hate is one step, and they are happy to put this principle into practice.

In the speech of these people there are often exclamations, which can also be assessed as extreme degrees of experience: “Excellent!”, “Terrible!”, “Incredible!”, “Terrible!” (for example, “terribly beautiful!”), etc.

These people are like children and even often speak in childish voices and capricious intonations (especially women). They are very erotic, but they rarely use it consciously.

People who measure life in the 2nd way love changing places and traveling, but prefer not to go to different places, but to the same place - in which they are guaranteed to receive habitually bright emotions.

The reason for this "permanence" is that their life is filled with fears and fears, sometimes completely unaware of them. It is quite difficult for them to decide on something for the first time, but having done it “under the pressure of circumstances”, they walk the beaten path all their lives.

Women Second Dimension they will never agree to a divorce from an unloved husband and will prefer to suffer all their lives, if only not to change anything. Men are windy, they love adventures, but they hide them from their half for the same reason only - out of fear of change.

Yes, these people do not like change. Sometimes they live in a world of dreams and fantasies, see vivid dreams, suffer and suffer from a lack of experiences, but are very afraid to do something that can change their lives. They can decide on an act only under the pressure of circumstances, having got into an external situation. But they will never influence the circumstances themselves, the determination in their minds is sometimes extinguished by the fear of change.

But if fate favorably looked at a person of the Second Dimension and allowed him to show his emotionality as he wants, built favorable circumstances for him, he flourishes. It is from such people that brilliant artists are obtained. But never directors. In any company - this is the soul, in any society - your boyfriend.

Subtly and emotionally feeling creative people, people with naked nerves, touchy and capricious, adored and loved by everyone else - these are they, the people of the Second Dimension.

These people love novels and sublime literature, music and poetry - in a word, everything that stimulates them to experience emotions.

Their World is a world of experiences and vivid feelings. This is the criterion for evaluation, the cause of action and inaction, love and hate, life and death.

People of the Second Dimension are prone to drinking and even alcoholism. Stimulants help them experience emotions and remove unnecessary ones from consciousness, allow them to cope with fear and awaken crushed determination.

These people are ideal conductors of emotions, they create an atmosphere around them, a special energy field, including everyone they can reach. Their most important commandment is not to keep emotion in oneself, but to use it as a mechanism for receiving another experience, even if it is diametrically opposed.

When does one choose 3rd way assessment of the phenomena and events of this world - in front of you is a man of thought, reason, logic and common sense.

His knowledge is extensive, he can speak without preparation on any topic, and he does it quite confidently and with reason.

As a rule, these are really quite self-confident people. They rarely “slide” into emotions, they know how to keep their temperament in check, they do not raise their voice and are known as “cultured” people, they do not allow themselves to violate rules and laws.

Common sense is their king, god and military leader. People of the Third Dimension by their nature are ardent materialists: science and knowledge are the basis of everything for them, the Word is their magic wand, Thought is their tool for changing this world.

People living in the Third Dimension know the laws and regulations, will not break the rules and will always try to strive for order in everything. They tend to be perfectionists and strive to be the best in their field.

Unsurpassed careerists and scientists, they love popular science literature, from fiction - detective stories "with subtext", read newspapers and know what the Internet is.

People Third Dimension- the personification of order. It is on them that any system is built and kept. They are the conductors of thoughts and ideas.

Their dismissive attitude towards people of the Second Dimension often makes their life lonely, and even in a crowd they can feel like in a desert. Their sensory experiences are somewhere deep inside, and this allows them to cultivate in themselves that extreme complexity of the mind, which is their hallmark. Their conceit is the other side of longing and loneliness, the presence of which they either do not recognize at all, or consider them an integral part of their complexity.

It is this deep loneliness that sometimes leads them to heavy addictions. Moreover, the range of these addictions can be huge - from alcoholism to a fanatical commitment to sports and a healthy lifestyle. But the cause of psychological illness is different from the motives of people of the Second Dimension: they do not need to splash out and give away emotion, but on the contrary, they try to crush it as much as possible. Take it out of sight, because emotion makes them suffer even more, even more acutely experience their loneliness and doom to be never understood. "Out of sight - out of mind" - this slogan was invented by them, the people of the Third Dimension.

It is this feature that makes such people strictly adhere to the framework and unwritten rules, monitor their behavior and personify "public opinion".

They are capable of an act, but they perform actions only if it is allowed, allowed. With difficulty changing their picture of the world, they try to fit everything that happens around them into the framework of their worldview and desperately argue with those who have a different view of the world. But at the same time, they absolutely on faith perceive the point of view of the one whom they consider to be an indisputable authority.

As a rule, these people travel little, preferring to take impressions and personal experience from "authoritative sources": literature, encyclopedias, lectures and seminars.

They sometimes believe that they know this world better than others: it is clear to them, like a map, and described as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. The appearance of something new in this world can cause dull irritation in people of the Third Dimension. Especially if this is something new is not accompanied by instructions and descriptions.

They may have a good sense of humor, but at the same time their distinguishing feature is that they are completely incapable of laughing at themselves, putting themselves in an "unseemly" light and at the same time laughing properly.

At the end of their lives, people of the Third Dimension often face unimaginable boredom, which ends their life.

The person who chooses 4th way,– practitioner, rationalist, man of action and man of action.

In everything and always he will see only the result, a specific goal. He has little interest in experiences and emotions. He can change and supplement his knowledge, adjusting it to his goal.

Of people fourth dimension only interested in cause and effect. Beginning and the end. Benefit. Result.

They are born businessmen, enterprising in everything and always. Their education may be minimal, and sometimes they are self-taught geniuses who do not stick their minds to any theory or discipline. Knowing "a little of everything". Able to do everything within the framework of need. And what they don’t know how to do is learn incredibly quickly and achieve the effect at minimal cost. They easily go for an experiment, explore new and unfamiliar areas of science, art, travel the world ... But not to enrich themselves with sensations and experiences, but solely to gain new experience, which will certainly contribute to the fastest results.

As a rule, they are very capable in many areas of human life, but rarely are they truly talented. They have a very good memory for information, but they do not remember emotional experiences at all.

They are called minions of fate, favorites of luck, envying them and not understanding them. To the people of the Third Dimension, they seem to be "superficial nouveau riches", and to the people of the Second Dimension they are sometimes considered soulless careerists. Although career growth as a process does not interest them at all - only the result. They are fierce workaholics, but not out of fear of being alone, like people of the Third Dimension, but simply in their essence.

People of the Fourth Dimension, unlike the previous three described types, are not at all interested in the emotional assessment of their actions and are sincerely perplexed when they are accused of inattention to their loved ones, callousness, callousness and even meanness. They argue their position with real results, money, wealth, material goods, published scientific papers and everything else that is significant in this material world. And they do not understand at all what could be more important than all this.

They are great politicians, businessmen, officials and diplomats. They move the gears of this world, make it spin and fuss, adjusting to the rhythm of the movement of these restless figures.

Without focusing their attention on emotions, people of the Fourth Dimension are very dependent on the moral and ethical side of their actions. They have their own code of honor, concepts of conscience and love, they are very dependent on respect and public opinion. All this is and is very important for these people, the only trouble is that these concepts can be fundamentally different from the "generally accepted" for people living in other dimensions. Sometimes they stand out from the crowd so much with their decisions and achievements that they give reason to others to hate them, despise them and, as already mentioned, secretly envy them.

They are very susceptible to the Idea and for the sake of it they are able to perform the most dizzying somersaults, changing the lives of everyone around them to a new reality created by them.

The appearance of the people of the Fourth Dimension is striking in its abrupt change: from inconspicuousness and inconspicuousness to unique brightness. They are capable of changing everything in themselves, including their appearance, under the idea that they are passionate about. Considering themselves capable of such dashing turns, they demand the same from others, sometimes sincerely not understanding their inability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

The whirlpool of life is their element, in which the emotions of others are the necessary driving force, which they carry out, directing them directly into the idea.

People of the Fourth Dimension never do anything for nothing. They see meaning and purpose in everything.

Love is for family, sex is for relaxation, drinking is for networking, money is for business, food is for the body, food in a restaurant is for a future deal, and people are for an idea. There are no “relax”, “just talk”, “take your soul away” for them. The concept of "killing time" is a crime.

Time, by the way, is the Goddess that people of the Fourth Dimension worship entirely. They condense their lives with events so much that they live ten in a year - but not according to their feelings. According to the results.

That is why they rarely get sick, and when they get sick, they quickly cope with illness - they do not need it, bodily experiences and self-pity are so alien to the people of the Fourth Dimension that they are not used at all to stop the flow of time, which they value very much.

If a person chooses 5th way assessments and Fifth Dimension events and phenomena - in front of you is a person who tries to fill everything and everything with meaning, to understand and realize those ideas that rule this world, and to create and influence these ideas himself.

People of the Fifth Dimension create human values, fill them with meaning and make these ideas the meaning of life for everyone else. These are the ones who create fashion (and not only in clothes). These are the ones who form new and destroy old religions. These are those who make a revolution in science and change the lives of not only loved ones, but entire nations, peoples, generations. They do not depend on public opinion. They themselves are public opinion.

People of the Fifth Dimension are geniuses. In the area of ​​life in which they express themselves, they produce radical changes, upheavals of thoughts and destinies, change the course of history.

They, like the avatars of the ancient gods, bring radical changes to the life of “mere mortals” in everything - from the way of life and thinking to the series of events, involving people in a whirlpool of passions, deaths, events, wars, politics, scientific discoveries ...

They - scientists and politicians, despots and tyrants, religious figures and prophets, commanders and emperors, brilliant or terrible historical figures - change the fate of peoples, entire peoples, not even individual people.

The concept of personality, Man, for them exists only in the application to the idea. They do not care about moral and ethical standards precisely because they themselves make them and remake them to please the idea.

These people are worshiped and deified, hated with fierce hatred and conspired against them. But all this is useless, because they appear in history again and again only to give all other people a new way of moving through life, to lay the foundations for new destinies, new states, new religions.

What they say becomes the thoughts of entire generations. What they write becomes the new Bible of entire nations. They form values ​​in society, substantiating them with Laws. They plant new beliefs, new morality in the heads of their descendants. And whole nations for decades, and even centuries, then live according to these principles, perceiving them on faith.

It is unlikely that you will meet a person of the Fifth Dimension just like that on the street. And not because they don't walk on them. It's just that there are very few such geniuses in this world, and only when they are needed.

This world strives for balance, and the shake-up that the people of the Fifth Dimension produce is allowed here only when it is necessary to balance all forces and balance all fundamental principles.

Outwardly, these people are very similar to people of the Second Dimension, with the exception that ugliness and even ugliness prevail there over beauty and eroticism. But, oddly enough, they are beautiful in their ugliness, charming in their ugliness. Possessing great charisma from birth, they conquer those around them, forcing them to unconditionally trust their idols. They cause both anger and delight, hatred and unaccountable love, rage and worship.

The life of the people of the Fifth Dimension, as a rule, is short, and they know about it, sometimes purely intuitively. Therefore, in their short life, they manage to do so much the thing is, that descendants and for centuries can not rake.

Their motto in everything and always is "The end justifies the means." They do not seek to realize what the costs of implementing their idea will be. For them, time has no value, high human feelings are used as a tool for implementing an idea. They substitute concepts and manipulate human values ​​at their own discretion. They can carry both Evil and Good at the same time, rearranging these concepts and forcing everyone else to just as easily rearrange them in their minds too.

Deeply unhappy from a human point of view, they do not notice their unhappiness - such a concept is not applied by them to themselves. They perform the task and, vaguely understanding this themselves, sometimes deprive themselves of everything human: home, family, love, children, and even life.

All these five dimensions, as shown, are nothing but the process of evaluating and looking at the World. But thinking is the mother of action, and from action comes experience. How a person thinks also depends on the dimension in which he lives.

That is why people living in this world, in this era, with all their similarity, can exist as if on different planets.

A person of the First Dimension will never understand a person from the Third - too different view of the world. And rejection and misunderstanding will separate these people in space and time - the likelihood that they will meet and have joint events becomes extremely small.

A person of the Fourth Dimension is bored and uninterested with a person of the Second - he does not understand why these explosions of emotions are needed if they do not lead to any visible result.

A person of the Third Dimension is contemptuous of people from the Second, but is afraid and dependent on a person from the Fourth, limiting himself in contacts even more.

This situation is typical for our world. Loneliness, misunderstanding, disappointment, pain and boredom, resentment and grief that people experience are the result of the fact that their consciousness is simply stuck on one level or another.

The tyrant and despot might have chosen other means to introduce new ideas if he could shift his consciousness to the Second Dimension and feel the emotions and sensations of a person who loses loved ones and relatives.

End of introductory segment.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book The intricacies of fate, or what dimension do you live in? Methods for transforming consciousness (K. E. Menshikova, 2013) provided by our book partner -

The presence of protective grounding is one of the main electrical safety requirements. The reliability of the grounding elements is controlled by the specialists of the electrical laboratory by measuring the metal bond. According to the current rules and regulations, such a check is mandatory if the facility has carried out repairs to electrical equipment, retrofits or installation work. What is hidden under the term "metal bond" and why it is measured, we will describe in detail in this publication.

What is a "metal bond"?

Under this term, it is customary to understand the connection (electrical circuit) formed by the electrical installation and the ground electrode. The main requirement for metal communication is the continuity of the ground circuit. Violation of this condition threatens the formation of a high potential difference in the circuits of the electrical installation, which is a threat to life and may lead to equipment failure.

Reliable contact between the grounding conductor and the grounding object provides a low transient resistance

Over time, there may be an increase in transient resistances in the ground circuit, which leads to the formation of metal bond defects, let's look at the nature of this phenomenon.

What caused the increase in transient resistance?

By transitional contacts are meant contacting metal elements. It is impossible to achieve their perfect polishing; all the same, there will be tubercles and microscopic dents on the surface. The area of ​​the contacted surfaces changes under the influence of various external factors (temperature, pressing force, surface contamination, etc.), which leads to an increase in contact resistance. The photographs of the copper contact below, taken using an electron microscope, show the formation of a copper oxide film on the surface.

Such an oxide film has dielectric properties, although they are not great, but this may be enough to break the metal bond. As a result, the connection will heat up and sooner or later lead to burnout of the contact, which will immediately affect the quality of the metal bond. An equally common reason is the human factor, which is why after installation work it is required to measure the metal bond.

Why check the metal connection?

Taking into account the above information, the following reasons for checking the metal bond can be indicated:

  1. Monitoring the continuity of the ground circuit. It includes both electrical measurements and inspection of protective conductors and other grounding elements for their integrity.
  2. Measurement of the resistance of transitional contacts (performed between the electrical installation and the ground electrode), as well as the general parameters of the circuit.
  3. The potential difference between the body of a grounded electrical installation and the ground electrode is checked. The test is carried out in operating mode and off.

As you can see, the main purpose of the test is to measure the parameters of the grounding circuits, since they characterize the quality of the metal connection, and, accordingly, the electrical safety of the installation.

Metal bond measurement technique

In accordance with the requirements of the PUE, metal elements of electrical installations are subject to grounding. Measurements of the metal connection are made between the main and the element to be checked. According to the norms, the contact resistance in one transition should be 0.01 Ohm ± 20%.

If the meter confirms a good connection, the next node is tested. When there are several transitions between the ground electrode and the grounded electrical installation, their total resistance should not exceed 0.05 Ohm.

If the resistance exceeds the allowable limits, you should check the condition of the contacts, clean them, connect and re-measure.

Most electrical laboratories measure metal bonding according to the following algorithm:

  1. A visual inspection of the contacts of the grounding conductors is carried out. Effective in the search for a "bad" contact, special devices - thermal imagers, they quickly allow you to detect a problematic connection.
  2. Welded joints are tested for strength by applying a mechanical load.
  3. All grounded structural elements are tested for metal bonding.
  4. Checking the presence of electric current on grounded elements.
  5. The results obtained are recorded in a special protocol.

The above measurement technique has proved its effectiveness.

Norms and rules

According to the PUE standards, grounding conductors, as well as those used for potential equalization, must be securely connected in order to ensure continuity of the ground circuit. At the same time, a welding connection is prescribed for steel conductors, other methods of contact are allowed only if there is protection against the destructive effects of the air. When bolted connections are used, appropriate measures must be taken to prevent loosening of the contact connection.

All connections of the earthing circuit and the earthed device must be located in such a way that they have free access, since inspection must be carried out in order to check the continuity of the electrical connection. An exception to this rule is sealed contacts.

The Rules also state that for contact with grounding devices, bolted or welded connections can be made. If the devices of electrical installations are subject to strong vibration or they are often moved to another place, then a flexible protective wire is used.

More detailed information about the rules and regulations can be obtained from the PUE (p. 1.7.).


According to the norms of PTEEP and PUE, metal bond testing is carried out according to the schedule determined by the technical department of the facility. As a rule, in this case, Table. 37 p. 3.1 PTEEP, where the following frequency of metal bond measurement is established:

  • In premises and facilities belonging to a higher hazard category, measurements of transient resistances in grounding circuits should be carried out annually, under other circumstances - at least once every three years.
  • For lift and lifting equipment - 1 year.
  • Stationary electric stoves - 1 year.

As a rule, metal bond testing is carried out in conjunction with other types of electrical measurements (insulation resistance, checking the integrity of electrical wiring, etc.).

In addition, mandatory measurements of metal bonding are carried out in the following cases:

  1. If repairs or re-equipment of electrical equipment was carried out.
  2. When testing new electrical installations.
  3. After the installation work.

Instruments for measuring

Considering that metal bond measurements are carried out at the level of hundredths of an ohm, conventional measuring instruments, for example, multimeters, are not suitable for this purpose. When making ground resistance measurements, more accurate instruments are used, sensitive enough to measure low level resistances.

Most of these devices are equipped with additional functions, for example, the Metrel MI3123 shown in the figure can also measure soil conductivity and leakage current.

Fixing the results in the measurement protocol

All measurement results are recorded in a special test report. The data are recorded in a table, indicating the name of each inspected compound. The report also provides information on the number of nodes inspected, their location, and displays the maximum value of the total resistance of the protection circuit contacts.

If the absence of a metal bond is detected during the test, information about this must be recorded in the document and at the same time in the annex to the protocol (defective statement).

Briefly about prevention.

Regularly measuring metal grounding does not mean abandoning prevention. To ensure the continuity of the protective circuits, it is necessary to regularly check the state of the contact connections and, if necessary, tighten them. It is equally important to clean the contacts of dust, oxide film and dirt.

When detecting the presence of electrical voltage on one of the structural elements, it is necessary to take care of its high-quality grounding. Otherwise, the risk of an emergency situation increases.

It is not worth skimping on checking the quality of the protective earthing device, since the losses can become more costly than paying for a call to the electrical laboratory.