Russian folk tale is the most expensive description of the old man. Children's fairy tales online

Behind the forest behind the spruce. under the sun under the cheerful in a small village there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man was cutting willow twigs. he wove baskets, the old woman spun wool, she knitted stockings and mittens.

Once a misfortune happened: the old woman's spinning wheel broke, and the handle of the knife, with which the old man cut the rods, cracked. This is what the old woman says:
- Go, grandfather, into the forest, cut down a tree. Let's make a new spinning wheel and a handle for the knife.

Okay, grandma, I'll go, - the old man answered.
I got up and went to the forest.
An old man comes to the forest. Choose the right tree. But as soon as he swung his ax - he froze on the spot: fathers, but who is this ?!

Lesnoy Grandfather comes out of the thicket. It was Grandfather dressed in shaggy branches, spruce cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, gray mustache hanging to the ground, eyes burning with green lights.
- Do not touch, old man, my trees, - says the Forest Grandfather, - after all, they are all alive, they also want to live. Better ask me what you need, I'll give you everything.

Our old man was surprised. Doesn't know what to say. but did not argue. thought and said:
- Well, just wait, I have to go home and consult with the old woman.
- All right, - answers the Forest Grandfather, - go, consult, and tomorrow come back to this place.

- What are you, old, why did you go to the forest? Didn't even cut down the trees?
And the old man laughs:
- Do not be angry, grandma! I'm going to the hut. Listen to what happened to me!

They entered the hut, sat down on a bench, the old man began to tell how the Forest Grandfather came out of the thicket to him and what happened afterwards.
“Now let’s think about what we will ask the Forest Grandfather,” the old man says. - Do you want, grandma, ask him for a lot of money? He will. After all, he is a forest owner, he knows all the treasures buried in the forest.

What are you, old! What do we need a lot of money for? We have nowhere to hide them. Yes, and we will be afraid that thieves will drag them away at night. No, grandfather, we do not need other people's money. We have enough of our own.
- Well, do you want, - the old man says, - let's ask for a big, big herd of cows and sheep? Let's graze them in the meadow.

Come to your senses, grandfather! What do we need a big, big herd for? We won't be able to deal with it. After all, we have a cow Burenushka, she gives milk, there are six lambs - they give wool. What is big for us?

Or maybe ask the Forest Grandfather for a thousand chickens? the old man asks.
- Nu where us with you a thousand hens? What are we going to feed them? What will we do with them? We have three corydalis hens, there is Petya the cockerel, and that's enough for us.

Behind the forest behind the spruce. under the sun under the cheerful in a small village there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man was cutting willow twigs. he wove baskets, the old woman spun wool, she knitted stockings and mittens.

Once a misfortune happened: the old woman's spinning wheel broke, and the handle of the knife, with which the old man cut the rods, cracked. This is what the old woman says:
- Go, grandfather, into the forest, cut down a tree. Let's make a new spinning wheel and a handle for the knife.

Okay, grandma, I'll go, - the old man answered.
I got up and went to the forest.
An old man comes to the forest. Choose the right tree. But as soon as he swung his ax - he froze on the spot: fathers, but who is this ?!

Lesnoy Grandfather comes out of the thicket. It was Grandfather dressed in shaggy branches, spruce cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, gray mustache hanging to the ground, eyes burning with green lights.

Do not touch, old man, my trees, - says the Forest Grandfather, - after all, they are all alive, they also want to live. Better ask me what you need, I'll give you everything.

Our old man was surprised. Doesn't know what to say. but did not argue. thought and said:

Well, just wait, I have to go home and consult with the old woman.

All right, - answers the Forest Grandfather, - go, consult, and tomorrow come back to this place.

The old man comes running home. The old woman meets him:

What are you, old, why did you go to the forest? Didn't even cut down the trees?
And the old man laughs:

Don't be angry, grandma! I'm going to the hut. Listen to what happened to me!

They entered the hut, sat down on a bench, the old man began to tell how the Forest Grandfather came out of the thicket to him and what happened afterwards.

Now let's think about what we will ask the Forest Grandfather, - the old man says. - Do you want, grandma, ask him for a lot of money? He will. After all, he is a forest owner, he knows all the treasures buried in the forest.

What are you, old! What do we need a lot of money for? We have nowhere to hide them. Yes, and we will be afraid that thieves will drag them away at night. No, grandfather, we do not need other people's money. We have enough of our own.

Well, do you want, - the old man says, - let's ask for a large, very large herd of cows and sheep? Let's graze them in the meadow.

Come to your senses, grandfather! What do we need a big, big herd for? We won't be able to deal with it. After all, we have a cow Burenushka, she gives milk, there are six lambs - they give wool. What is big for us?

Or maybe ask the Forest Grandfather for a thousand chickens? the old man asks.

Well, where are we with you a thousand chickens? What are we going to feed them? What will we do with them? We have three corydalis hens, there is Petya the cockerel, and that's enough for us.

Do you want, grandma, I will ask you five hundred new sundresses from the Forest Grandfather? the old man says.

Remember, grandfather! When will I wear them? How can I wash them? And it's scary to think! I don’t need new sundresses, my three old ones are enough for me.

The old man sighed.

Oh, woman, I'm in trouble with you! You don't want anything.

Oh, grandfather, yes, and I'm with you something miserable. what did you not think of!

Well, okay, - the old man says, - The morning is wiser than the evening. Let's think of something.

They went to bed, and in the morning the cheerful old man gets up:

I, - says, - grandmother, I know what to ask for from the Forest Grandfather!
I got dressed and went into the forest.

He comes to a familiar clearing - and towards him the Forest Grandfather, dressed in shaggy branches, spruce cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, gray mustache hanging to the ground, eyes burning with green lights.

Well, - he says, - you thought up, old man, what do you ask me for?

Thought up. - the old man answers, - we don’t need wealth. no livestock, no other unnecessary good. It's not the most expensive thing in the world!

So what do you want? - Forest Grandfather asks. And the old man replies:

Here you do it so that our knife and spinning wheel never break, and so that our hands are always healthy; then, everything we need, we will earn with the grandmother ourselves.

Well, you, old man, came up with, - Forest Grandfather says, - let it be your way. They agreed, said goodbye, and our old man went home.

And they lived with the old woman as before: the old man weaves baskets, the old woman spins wool, knits stockings and a mitten ... Both work. That is what they feed on. Everything you need, they have. And they live well, happily!

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Russian folk tale"Most expensive" Grade 3

Behind the forest behind the spruce, under the sun under the cheerful in a small village lived an old man and an old woman. The old man was cutting willow twigs. he wove baskets, the old woman spun wool, she knitted stockings and mittens.

Once a misfortune happened: the old woman's spinning wheel broke, and the handle of the knife, with which the old man cut the rods, cracked. So the old woman says: - Go, grandfather, into the forest, cut down a tree. Let's make a new spinning wheel and a handle for the knife.

Okay, grandma, I'll go, - the old man answered. I got up and went to the forest. An old man comes to the forest. Choose the right tree. But as soon as he swung his ax - he froze on the spot: fathers, but who is this ?!

Lesnoy Grandfather comes out of the thicket. It was Grandfather dressed in shaggy branches, spruce cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, gray mustache hanging to the ground, eyes burning with green lights. - Do not touch, old man, my trees, - says the Forest Grandfather, - after all, they are all alive, they also want to live. Better ask me what you need, I'll give you everything.

Our old man was surprised. Doesn't know what to say. but did not argue. He thought and said: - Well, just wait, I have to go home, consult with the old woman. - All right, - answers the Forest Grandfather, - go, consult, and tomorrow come back to this place.

The old man comes running home. An old woman meets him: - What are you, old, why did you go to the forest? Didn't even cut down the trees? And the old man laughs: - Do not be angry, grandma! I'm going to the hut. Listen to what happened to me!

They entered the hut, sat down on a bench, the old man began to tell how the Forest Grandfather came out of the thicket to him and what happened afterwards. “Now let’s think about what we will ask the Forest Grandfather,” the old man says. - Do you want, grandma, ask him for a lot of money? He will. After all, he is a forest owner, he knows all the treasures buried in the forest.

What are you, old! What do we need a lot of money for? We have nowhere to hide them. Yes, and we will be afraid that thieves will drag them away at night. No, grandfather, we do not need other people's money. We have enough of our own. - Well, do you want, - the old man says, - let's ask for a big, big herd of cows and sheep? Let's graze them in the meadow.

Come to your senses, grandfather! What do we need a big, big herd for? We won't be able to deal with it. After all, we have a cow Burenushka, she gives milk, there are six lambs - they give wool. What is big for us?

Or maybe ask the Forest Grandfather for a thousand chickens? the old man asks. - Nu where us with you a thousand hens? What are we going to feed them? What will we do with them? We have three corydalis hens, there is Petya the cockerel, and that's enough for us.

Do you want, grandma, I will ask you five hundred new sundresses from the Forest Grandfather? the old man says. - Come to your senses, grandfather! When will I wear them? How can I wash them? And it's scary to think! I don’t need new sundresses, my three old ones are enough for me.

The old man sighed: - Oh, woman, I'm in trouble with you! You don't want anything. - Oh, grandfather, and I'm with you something bitter. what did you not think of! -Well, okay, - the old man says, - Morning is wiser than evening. Let's think of something.

They went to bed, and in the morning the cheerful old man gets up: - I, - says, - grandmother, I know what to ask the Forest Grandfather! I got dressed and went into the forest.

He comes to a familiar clearing - and towards him the Forest Grandfather, dressed in shaggy branches, spruce cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, gray mustache hanging to the ground, eyes burning with green lights.

Well, - he says, - you thought up, old man, what do you ask me for? - I thought. - the old man answers, - we don’t need wealth. no livestock, no other unnecessary good. It's not the most expensive thing in the world!

So what do you want? - Forest Grandfather asks. And the old man answers: - Here you do it so that our knife and spinning wheel never break, and so that our hands are always healthy; then, everything we need, we will earn with the grandmother ourselves.

Well, you, old man, came up with, - Forest Grandfather says, - let it be your way. They agreed, said goodbye, and our old man went home

And they lived with the old woman as before: the old man weaves baskets, the old woman spins wool, knits stockings and a mitten ... Both work. That is what they feed on. Everything you need, they have. And they live well, happily!

Russian folk tale "The most expensive" read the text online:

Once upon a time there lived an old man with his old woman in an old hut. The old man cuts willow twigs, weaves baskets, and the old woman weaves flax. That is what they feed on.

Here they sit and work:

Oh, grandfather, it became difficult for us to work: my spinning wheel broke!
- Yes, yes, but look at me, the handle of the knife is cracked, it barely holds on.
- Go to the forest, old man, cut down a tree, make a new spinning wheel and a handle for a knife.
- That's right, I'll go.

The old man went into the forest. He looked at a good tree. As soon as he swung his ax, the Forest Grandfather came out of the thicket. He is dressed in shaggy branches, fir cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, gray mustaches hang to the ground, eyes burn with green lights.

Do not touch, - he says, - my trees: after all, they are all alive, they also want to live. Better ask me what you need, I'll give you everything.

The old man was surprised and delighted. Went home with the old woman to consult. They sat down in a row in front of the hut on a bench. The old man asks:

Well, old woman, what are we going to ask the Forest Grandfather? Do you want to ask for a lot of money? He will.
- And what do we need, old man? We have nowhere to hide them. No, old man, we don't need money!
- Well, do you want us to ask for a large, very large herd of cows and sheep?
- And what do we need, old man? We will not be able to deal with him. We have a cow - it gives milk, there are six sheep - they give wool. What do we need more? No need!
- Or maybe, old woman, we will ask the Forest Grandfather for a thousand hens?
- What are you, old man, what did you think? What are we going to feed them? What will we do with them? We have three corydalis hens, there is Petya the cockerel - that's enough for us.

They thought, the old man and the old woman thought - they can’t think of anything: they have everything they need, and what they don’t, they can always earn with their labors. The old man got up from the bench and said:

I, an old woman, figured out what to ask the Forest Grandfather!

He went to the forest. And to meet him, the Forest Grandfather, dressed in shaggy branches, spruce cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, gray mustache hanging to the ground, eyes burning with green lights.

Well, man, have you thought about what you need?
“I thought,” the old man says. - Make sure that our spinning wheel and knife never break and that our hands are always healthy. Then we will earn everything we need for ourselves.
- Be your way, - the Forest Grandfather answers.

And the old man and the old woman live and live ever since. The old man cuts willow twigs, weaves baskets, the old woman spins wool, knits mittens.