A fairy tale where there is a fox, a cat and a rooster. Online reading books Russian folk tales cat, rooster and fox

Tatyana Kalashnikova
Synopsis of the GCD "Reading the Russian folk tale" Cat, Rooster and Fox "by A. N. Afanasiev" in the second junior group

Synopsis of GCD in the II junior group

Subject: Reading a Russian folk tale"Cat, rooster and fox» A. N. Afanasiev

TOE integration: socio-communicative, physical

Program content: Introduce fairy tale. Learn to answer content questions fairy tales. Develop auditory perception, Attention. Cultivate interest in fiction.

Planned results: Listening with interest Russian folk tales show interest in fiction, actively answer questions, participate in discussions fairy tales.

Material: Story"Cat, rooster and fox» A. N. Afanasiev, illustrations for fairy tale, tambourine.

Methodological techniques:

I Introduction

1.1 Riddles (about a cat, rooster, fox)

II main part

2.1 Target message

2.2 Reading artwork

2.3 Conversation by content

A) Questions for children

Who is this about story?

Who lived with whom?

Where did the cat go?

Who and why went to cockerel?

What did you want to do fox with cockerel when you brought it home?

How did the cat save cockerel?

B) Vocabulary work

C) Show illustrations for fairy tale

2.4 Re-reading excerpts of the work (What I wanted to do fox with cockerel how the cat saved cockerel)

2.5 Dramatization of the passage (who and why came to cockerel)

2.6 Physical education "One two three four five"

III Final part

3.1 Game "Zhmurki" with a tambourine

3.2 Reflection. Questions to children:

What fairy tale

What game did we play?

Did you like this story?

Lesson progress

AT: Guys, let's solve a couple of riddles with you?

D: Yes

AT: I got used to the poultry house, expect trouble. A red tail sweeps up traces.

D: A fox

AT: Right. At night he does not sleep at all, guarding the house from mice. He drinks milk from a bowl, well, of course it is -.

D: Cat

AT: Correctly. I'm not an alarm clock, but I wake up. I have a beard and spurs. I walk with great importance and I am quick-tempered like gunpowder.

D: Rooster

AT: That's right, guys. Today we will listen fairy tale, which is called "Cat, rooster and fox» A. N. Afanasiev. Now I will read it to you, listen carefully, do not distract each other.

Once upon a time there was an old man, he had a cat, yes rooster. The old man went to the forest to work, the cat took him food, and rooster left to guard the house. At that time came a fox.

Kikerekou- cockerel,

Golden comb!

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

So the fox sang sitting under the window. The rooster opened the window stuck his head out and looked: who sings here? The fox grabbed the rooster Rooster crowing: "carried me a fox, suffered rooster for dark woods rooster cock and brought home. - you, Petya- cockerel, - the cat tells him, - do not look out the window, do not trust the fox; she will eat you and leave no bones. "The old man again went to the forest to work, and the cat took him away to eat. The old man, leaving, ordered

rooster take care of the house and do not look out the window. But the fox guarded, she painfully wanted to eat cockerel; she came to the hut and sang:

Kikerekou- cockerel,

golden scallop,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas

Ladies and grains.

Rooster walked around the hut and was silent. A fox Rooster ate peas and He speaks: "Not, a foxcockerel sang:

Kikerekou- cockerel,

golden scallop,

Butter head!

Look out the window

I gave you peas

Ladies and grains.

Rooster just looked out the window fox him in claws. Rooster dashing obscenity shouted:

"carried me a fox, suffered rooster for dark woods, for dense forests, on steep

berezhka, on high mountains; wants a fox eat me and leave no bones! ". Cat

heard in the field, set off in pursuit, rooster hit and go home brought: "Didn't I say

you: don't open the window, don't look out the window, it will eat you fox and no bones

leave. Look, listen to me! We'll go further tomorrow." Here again the old man is at work, and the cat took away his bread. A fox crept under the window, sang the same song; sang three times, and the rooster was silent. fox says: "What is it, now Petya has become dumb!" - "Not, a fox Don't deceive me, I won't look out the window." A fox threw peas and wheat into the window and again sang:

Kikerekou- cockerel,

golden scallop,

Butter head!

Look out the window

I have big mansions,

In every corner

Wheat by measure:

Eat - full, I do not want!

Then she added: “Yes, you should look, Petya, how many rarities I have! Yes, show yourself, Petya! That’s it, don’t believe the cat. If I wanted to eat you, I would have eaten you long ago; otherwise, you see, I love you, I want you show you the light, instruct your mind and reason and teach you how to live. - and hid closer to the wall. Rooster he jumped up on the bench and looked from afar; he wanted to know if he had gone a fox. Here he stuck his head out the window, and a fox him in the claws and was like that. The rooster sang the same song but the cat didn't hear him. The fox carried away the rooster and ate it behind a spruce tree, only the tail and feathers were blown away by the wind. The cat and the old man came home and no rooster found; no matter how much they grieve, and after said: "That's what it's like to disobey!"

Guys, what is this about? story?

D: About a fox, a cat and rooster.

AT: Right. Who lived with whom?

D: An old man with a cat and rooster

AT: Who and why came to cockerel?

D: Came fox to pick him up

AT: What did you want to do fox with cockerel when you brought it home?

D: Eat

AT: How the cat saved cockerel?

D: He heard rooster, ran after the fox and beat him off

AT: That's right, children. Do you know the word jumped up? It means jumped. Let's all get together repeat this word. jumped up.

D: jumped up

AT: Glory, repeat this word.

With: jumped up

AT: Zhenya, repeat this word

F: jumped up

AT: Well done boys. See what images are for this fairy tale I have.

(The plot of how the cat leaves, how the fox runs away with the rooster how a cat saves rooster)

Guys, what did you like the most?

D: How a cat saves rooster

AT: Let's listen to the passage again.

So the fox sang sitting under the window. The rooster opened the window stuck his head out and looked: who sings here? The fox grabbed the rooster in claws and carried him to visit. Rooster crowing: "carried me a fox, suffered rooster for dark woods, to distant countries, to foreign lands, to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom, to the thirtieth state. Cat Kotonaevich, take me away!" The cat in the field heard a voice rooster, gave chase, reached the fox, fought off cock and brought home.

AT: What else did you like?

D: How the fox tricked the rooster with grains

AT: Kikerekou- cockerel,

golden scallop,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas

Ladies and grains.

Rooster walked around the hut and was silent. A fox she sang the song again and threw peas out the window. Rooster ate peas and He speaks: "Not, a fox don't fool me! You want to eat me and you won't leave any bones." - "You are full, Petya- cockerel! Will I eat you! I wanted you to stay with me, look at my life and look at my goodness! ”- and again sang:

Kikerekou- cockerel,

golden scallop,

Butter head! Look out the window, I gave you peas, ladies and grains.

AT: And now, let's play one little story, who and why came to cock for the first time. We need rooster, fox and cat. You can speak in your own words, but only loudly and expressively, to the voice of your hero fairy tales. Misha will rooster, Sonya is a fox, and Pasha is a cat.

With: Kikerekou- cockerel,

Golden comb!

Look out the window

I'll give you peas. (enough rooster)

M: "carried me a fox, suffered rooster for dark woods, to distant countries, to foreign lands, to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom, to the thirtieth state. Cat Kotonaevich, take me away!"

P: (running for rooster) You, Petya cockerel, - the cat tells him, - do not look out the window, do not trust the fox; she will eat you and leave no bones"

AT: Well done, children. Now, let's do a physical exercise.

One, two, three, four, five - stomp our feet

One, two, three, four, five - clap your hands

One, two, three, four, five - doing it again.

And blueberries grow in the forest

And blueberries grow in the forest,

Strawberries, blueberries.

To pick a berry

You have to squat deeper.

I took a walk in the forest.

I carry a basket with berries.

AT: Let's play a game with you "Zhmurki". I close the eyes of one person, and give a tambourine to another, everyone must run so that you are not caught, and the tambourine must sound and be immediately transferred to another person.

Guys, you are great today, you were attentive and active. What fairy tale did we read today? What is it about?

D: We read fairy tale about a rooster, cat and fox. It's about listening

AT A: That's right, guys. What game did we play?

D: "Zhmurki"

AT: Did you like this story?

D: Well no

First tale

Once upon a time there was an old man, he had a cat and a rooster. The old man went to the forest to work, the cat took him food, and the rooster was left to guard the house. At that time, the fox came.

cockerel kikereku,
Golden comb!
Look out the window
I'll give you peas.

So the fox sang, sitting under the window. The rooster opened the window, stuck his head out and looked: who is singing here? The fox grabbed the rooster in its claws and carried it to visit. The rooster shouted: “The fox carried me, the rooster carried me beyond the dark forests, to distant lands, to foreign lands, to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom, to the thirtieth state. Cat Kotonaevich, take me away!” The cat in the field heard the voice of a rooster, rushed in pursuit, reached the fox, beat off the rooster and brought it home. “Look, Petya the cockerel,” the cat tells him, “do not look out the window, do not trust the fox; she will eat you and leave no bones.”

The old man again went to the forest to work, and the cat took him food. The old man, leaving, ordered the rooster to take care of the house and not look out the window. But the fox guarded, she painfully wanted to eat the cockerel; she came to the hut and sang:

cockerel kikereku,
golden scallop,
Look out the window
I'll give you peas
Ladies and grains.

The rooster walked around the hut and was silent. The fox sang the song again and threw peas out the window. The rooster ate the peas and said: “No, fox, don’t deceive me! You want to eat me and leave no bones.” - “Completely you, Petya-cockerel! Will I eat you! I wanted you to stay with me, look at my life and look at my goodness! - and sang again:

cockerel kikereku,
golden scallop,
Butter head!
Look out the window
I gave you peas
Ladies and grains.

The rooster only looked out the window, like a fox in its claws. The rooster shouted with a dashing obscenity: “The fox carried me, carried the rooster for dark forests, for dense forests, along steep banks, along high mountains; the fox wants to bring me down and leave no bones! The cat heard in the field, started chasing, beat off the rooster and brought it home: “Didn’t I tell you: don’t open the window, don’t look out the window, the fox will eat you and leave no bones. Look, listen to me! We'll move on tomorrow."

Here again the old man is at work, and the cat took away his bread. The fox crept under the window, sang the same song; she sang three times, but the rooster was still silent. The fox says: “What is this, now Petya has become mute!” - “No, fox, you won’t deceive me, I won’t look out the window.” The fox threw peas and wheat into the window and sang again:

cockerel kikereku,
golden scallop,
Butter head!
Look out the window
I have big mansions,
In each corner of Wheat by measure:
Eat - full, I do not want!

Then she added: “Yes, you should see, Petya, how many rarities I have! Show yourself, Petya! All right, don't trust the cat. If I wanted to bring you together, I would have eaten you long ago; otherwise, you see, I love you, I want to show you the light, instruct you in your mind and teach you how to live. Yes, show yourself, Petya, so I’ll go around the corner! - and hid closer to the wall. The rooster jumped onto the bench and looked from afar; he wanted to know if the fox had left. So he stuck his head out the window, and his fox in his claws was like that.

The rooster sang the same song; but the cat did not hear him. The fox carried away the rooster and ate it behind the spruce tree, only the tail and feathers were blown away by the wind. The cat and the old man came home and did not find the rooster; no matter how much they grieved, and then they said: “This is what it’s like to disobey!”

Second tale

Once upon a time there was a cat and a ram, they had a cockerel. So they went to tear basts; the fox came under the window to the cockerel and said:

Cockerel, cockerel,
Golden comb.
Oil head!
Here's a cake for you with a seed.
At Karpov's yard there is a mountain Prikatana.
There are scooter sleds;
They roll themselves
They want to go!

The cockerel looked out; she took him away. He is expensive and shouts: “Cat and ram! The fox carries me over high mountains, over dark forests. They heard, returned and took away the cockerel.

The next day they say to him: “Look, if a fox comes, don’t look out!” The fox came and sang the same song; the cockerel looked out, and she carried it away. The cat and the ram were taken away again. On the third day they say to him: “Look, do not look out the window; we will now go far, we will not hear how you scream. The fox came, sang in such a sweet voice that the cockerel could not stand it - he looked out; She grabbed him and carried him home. He shouted, shouted dear; No, you haven't heard a cat or a ram. They come home, no cockerel! They made sheep's strings for the goose and went to the fox to rescue the cockerel.

The fox had seven daughters. A cat and a ram came under the window and began to play: “Tyk-tuk, goose ram strings! Once upon a time there was a red fox in his golden nest; she had seven daughters: the first daughter Chuchelka, another Podchuchelka, the third Lodai-shuttle, the fourth Meti-sixth, the fifth Shut the Trumpet, the sixth Blow Fire, and the seventh Peki-pies! The fox says: “Come, Scarecrow, look - who sings such a good song?” The scarecrow came out, they knocked her in the pubis and in the box.
So all the fox daughters were taken one by one.

Then the fox came out. They and her knock on the pubis and in the boxes; they went up to the hut, took the cockerel still alive, returned home and began to live and be.

Third tale

There lived a cat with a kochetka. The cat follows the bast into the forest and beats the kochetka: “If the fox comes to invite you and starts calling, do not stick your head out to her, otherwise he will carry you away.”

Here the fox came to call for a visit, began to click: “Kochetunyushka, kochetunyushka! Let's go to the Gumenians to roll golden apples. He looked, and she took him away. So he began to click: “Kitty, kitty! The fox carries me over steep mountains, over fast waters. The cat heard, came, saved the coquette from the fox.

The cat again follows the basts and again orders: “If the fox comes to invite you, do not stick your head out, otherwise it will carry it away again.” Here the fox came and still began to click. Kochetok looked, and she took him away. So he began to shout: “Kotunyushka, kitty! The fox carries me over steep mountains, over fast waters! The cat heard, ran, again saved the coquette.

The cat again curled up to follow the basts and said: “Well, now I will go far. If the fox comes again to call for a visit, do not stick your head out, otherwise it will carry away, and I will not hear how you scream. The cat is gone; the fox came again and began to call again as before. Kochetok looked, the fox took him away again. Kochetok began to scream; shouted, shouted - no, the cat is not coming. The fox brought the kochetka home and spun around to fry it. Then the cat came running, began to knock his tail against the window and call: “Fox! Live well in your farmstead: one son is Dimesha, the other is Remesha, one daughter is Chuchilka, the other is Pachuchilka, the third is Sweep-six, the fourth is Give-shuttle!

The fox children began to come out to the cat, one after another; he beat them all; after the fox herself came out, he killed her too and saved the coquette from death.

They both came home, began to live and live and make money.

The fox is also a craftswoman to invent and sing songs. And these songs are so foldable, okay. In the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, the fox composed a painfully sweet song for the rooster. And she enumerated all the virtues of a loud-voiced one: he has a golden comb, and an oil head, and a silk beard. And the fox sang a song in such an insinuating voice that the cockerel bought himself and went out to the fox-singer.

"Cat, Rooster and Fox"
Russian folk tale

Once upon a time there was a cat and a rooster, they lived together. The cat went to the forest to hunt, and ordered the rooster to sit at home, not to unlock the doors and not to look out the window: the thief-fox would not have carried away. The cat went into the forest, and the fox was right there: he ran up to the window and sings:

“Kukureku, cockerel!
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
Look out the window:
I'll give you peas."

I wanted to see the cockerel who sings so sweetly: he looked out the window, and his fox was a scratch-scratch! - and dragged. The fox carries the rooster, and the rooster cries:

"The fox carries me
For dark forests
For high mountains
To distant countries!
brother cat,
Take me away!

“Look, Petya,” says the cat, “tomorrow I’ll go further, don’t listen to the fox, don’t look out the window: otherwise, the fox will eat you, it won’t leave bones.”

The cat left, and the fox again under the window and sings:

“Kukureku, cockerel!
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
Look out the window:
I'll give you peas
Ladies and grains.

The cockerel was fastened for a long time, did not look out, although he really wanted to see what kind of grains the fox had there. The fox sees that the rooster is not peeping out, and began to sing again:

“Kukureku, cockerel!
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
Here the boyars rode,
Sprinkled millet,
Someone to pick."

Here the cockerel could not stand it, he wanted to see what kind of millet the boyars scattered there, - he looked out: and the fox is a cock-scratch! - and dragged. The cockerel cries again:

"The fox carries me
For dark forests
For high mountains
To distant countries!
brother cat,
Help me out of trouble!

The cat left, and the fox under the window and sang:

“Kukureku, cockerel!
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
Look out the window
Look a little:
Like at Karpov's yard
rocked mountain,
There are sled scooters
They roll themselves
They want to go."

The cockerel wants to take a look at the scooter sled at least with one eye, but he thinks to himself: “No, I won’t look out; the fox will leave, then I'll have a look! The fox was about to sing his song again, and the cockerel said to her:

“No, don’t deceive me anymore, fox, I won’t look out!”

“And why should I deceive you? the fox answers. - If you want - look, if you want - no. Goodbye! It's time for me to go home."

The fox ran away and hid around the corner. The cockerel of the fox does not hear; he wanted to see if she had really left, - he looked out: and the fox was his tsap-scratch! - and dragged.

The cat came home, but the cockerel didn’t. He understood who had taken the cockerel and went to the fox hut in the forest, and began to call the fox. The fox hears that someone is calling her, but she cannot move away from the oven - she bakes pancakes. Here the fox says to the cockerel:

- Go, look who is calling me there, but come back. The cockerel jumped out onto the porch, the cat grabbed him and rushed home, which was urine.

Since then, again, the cat and the rooster live together, and the fox no longer shows up to them.

I would like to tell the rooster that since the cat was punishing him not to open the door and not look out the window, then his conditions must be met. And then you can get hurt. And we have a lesson: if someone outside the window (or behind the door ...) sings in an affectionate voice, or speaks sweet words, or praises in every way, it’s worth considering: did such a person come with good intentions?

It is necessary that it does not turn out the way it did in the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”: the cat is in the forest - and the uninvited guest (the fox) has already come to visit. Why didn't the red-tailed one come while the cat was at home? To know, with bad intentions at an inopportune hour, she appeared.

Fairy tales teach us caution and attentiveness.

In the forest in a small hut there lived a cat and a rooster. The cat got up early in the morning, went hunting, and Petya the cockerel remained to guard the house. He cleans everything in the hut, sweeps the floor cleanly, jumps on the perch, sings songs and waits for the cat.

A fox ran past, heard a rooster sing songs, she wanted to try rooster meat. So she sat down under the window and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

The cockerel looked out the window, and she grabbed him - the scratch-scratch - and carried him. The cockerel was frightened, shouted:

The cat was not far away, heard, rushed after the fox with all his strength, took the cockerel and carried him home.

The next day, the cat is going to hunt and says to the cockerel:

Look, Petya, don’t look out the window, don’t listen to the fox, otherwise she will carry you away, eat you and leave no bones.

The cat left, and Petya the cockerel cleaned up everything in the hut, swept the floor cleanly, jumped on the perch - he sits, sings songs, waits for the cat. And the fox is right there. Again she sat down under the window and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

The cockerel listens and does not look out. The fox threw a handful of peas into the window. The cockerel pecked at the peas, but does not look out the window. Lisa and says:

What is it, Petya, how proud have you become? Look how many peas I have.

Petya looked out, and his fox - the scratch-scratch - grabbed and carried him away. The cockerel was frightened, shouted:

The fox carries me through the dark forests, over the high mountains. Brother cat, help me out.

The cat was far away, but the cockerel heard. He chased the fox with all his heart, caught up with her, took the cockerel and brought him home.

On the third day, the cat is going to hunt and says:

Today I will go hunting far away, and if you scream, I won't hear it. Don't listen to the fox, don't look out the window.

The cat went hunting, and Petya the cockerel cleaned up everything in the hut, swept the floor cleanly, jumped on the perch - he sits, sings songs, waits for the cat.

And the fox is right there again. Sits under the window, sings a song. But Petya the cockerel doesn't peek out. Lisa and says:

I ran along the road and saw: the peasants were driving, they were carrying millet, one bag was thin, all the millet was scattered along the road, and there was no one to pick it up. Look out the window, take a look.

The cockerel believed, looked out, and she grabbed him - the scratch-scratch - and carried him. No matter how the cockerel cried, no matter how he screamed, the cat did not hear him, and the fox took the cockerel to his home.

The cat comes home, but the cockerel does not. The cat grieved, the cat grieved - there was nothing to do. We must go to the rescue of a friend, probably the fox dragged him away.

The cat went to the market, where he bought himself boots, a blue caftan, a hat with a feather, and music - a psaltery. A real musician has become.

Walking through the forest, he saw a hut, and there the fox was heating the stove. Here the cat-cat stood on the porch, struck his strings and sang:

Drift, nonsense, guselki,

Golden strings.

Is the fox at home?

Come out, fox!

The fox herself cannot leave the furnace, but there is no one to send. So she says to the cockerel:

- Go, Petya, look who is calling me, but come back soon!

Petya the cockerel jumped out the window, and the cat grabbed him and ran home as fast as he could.

Since then, again, the cat and the rooster live together, and the fox no longer appears to them.

Once upon a time there was an old man, he had a cat and a rooster. The old man went to the forest to work, the cat took him food, and the rooster was left to guard the house. At that time, the fox came.

cockerel kikereku,

Golden comb!

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

So the fox sang, sitting under the window. The rooster opened the window, stuck his head out and looked: who is singing here? The fox grabbed the rooster in its claws and carried it to visit. The rooster crowed:

The fox carried me, the rooster carried me beyond the dark forests, to distant lands, to foreign lands, to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom, to the thirtieth state. Cat Kotonaevich, take me away!

Look at you, Petya the cockerel, - the cat tells him, - do not look out the window, do not believe the fox; she will eat you and leave no bones.

The old man again went to the forest to work, and the cat took him food. The old man, leaving, ordered the rooster to take care of the house and not look out the window. But the fox guarded, she painfully wanted to eat the cockerel; she came to the hut and sang:

cockerel kikereku,

golden scallop,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas

Ladies and grains.

The rooster walked around the hut and was silent. The fox sang the song again and threw peas out the window. The rooster ate the peas and says:

No, fox, don't fool me! You want to eat me and leave no bones.

Enough of you, Petya-cockerel! Will I eat you! I wanted you to stay with me, look at my life and look at my goodness! - and sang again:

cockerel kikereku,

golden scallop,

Butter head!

Look out the window

I gave you peas

Ladies and grains.

The rooster only looked out the window, like a fox in its claws. The rooster shouted with a dashing obscenity:

The fox carried me, the rooster carried me beyond dark forests, beyond dense forests, along steep banks, along high mountains; the fox wants to eat me and leave no bones!

The cat heard in the field, set off in pursuit, beat off the rooster and brought it home:

Didn't I tell you: don't open the window, don't look out the window, the fox will eat you and leave no bones. Look, listen to me! We will move on tomorrow.

Here again the old man is at work, and the cat took away his bread. The fox crept under the window, sang the same song; she sang three times, but the rooster was still silent. Lisa says:

What is it, now Petya has become mute!

No, fox, don't deceive me, I won't look out the window.

The fox threw peas and wheat into the window and sang again:

cockerel kikereku,

golden scallop,

Butter head!

Look out the window

I have big mansions,

In every corner

Wheat by measure:

Eat - full, I do not want!

Then she added:

Yes, you should have seen, Petya, how many rarities I have! Show yourself, Petya! All right, don't trust the cat. If I wanted to eat you, I would have eaten you long ago; otherwise, you see, I love you, I want to show you the light, instruct you in your mind and teach you how to live. Yes, show yourself, Petya, so I'll go around the corner! - and hid closer to the wall. The rooster jumped onto the bench and looked from afar; he wanted to know if the fox had left. So he stuck his head out the window, and his fox in his claws was like that.

The rooster sang the same song; but the cat did not hear him. The fox carried away the rooster and ate it behind the spruce tree, only the tail and feathers were blown away by the wind. The cat and the old man came home and did not find the rooster; no matter how much they grieved, and then they said:

That's what it's like to disobey!