English topic test to be. This rebellious verb to be ... How to make him friends with a child? Interesting and useful exercises for children

Hello my dear.

Today I hasten to help you in the fight against a frequent guest of the English sentence: the verb to be. Don't be afraid, it's not as scary as it seems. Therefore, we arm ourselves with knowledge and practice ahead, because you have a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice ahead of you.

Then I officially start a lesson called: verb to be - exercises for children.

Few rules

Verb to be translated means "to be". And it is used in almost EVERY sentence of the English language. How? - you ask. - What about the sentences "I'm beautiful", "I'm a schoolboy", "Are you at home?", "I'm in class"? The answer is simple: in English, this verb is helped by 3 little friends, who, in Russian, simply remain invisible. These are verbs am, is, are.

The use of the verbs am, is, are can be remembered by the example of your family. If we are talking about ourselves, then we use the form am . If a sister, brother, or even a cat lives with you, then you can talk about each of them is . But we need to talk about parents together are .



Let's practice the verb forms. If your child has gone to grade 1, then the most important thing for him now is to remember which form is used with which pronoun.

Exercise 1:
Insert the correct form of the verb to be: am, is, are.

1. I _____ a girl.
2. He ____ my brother.
3. She ____ my sister.
4. I____ from London.
5. He____ 17 years old.
6. She ___ a student.
7. They____ our parents.
8. We____ a family.
9. It ____ our dog.
10. You____ our friend.

Once in the 2nd grade, his vocabulary will be much larger and he can already put the forms of verbs without the presence of explicit pronouns.

Exercise 2:

My name (1) ____ Kate Rusak. I (2) ___ 12 years old and I (3) ____a student. My family (4) ____ from Moscow. My address (5) ____ Pushkina str., 9. My telephone number (6) ____ 345 78 54. I have a sister and a brother. Their names (7) ____ Pasha and Valya. Pasha (8) ____ 17 years old. He (9) ____ a sportsman. His team (10) ____ the winner of the local championship. Valya (11) ____ 7 years old. Her school (12) ____ not far from our home.
Our parents (13) ____ busy. My mother (14) ____ a doctor and my father (15) ____ a lawyer. We (16) ___ a very happy family. We spend every weekend together.

If your child has already gone to grade 3, then he simply needs to understand how the negative form of verbs is formed. Here's how it goes:

Let's practice.

Exercise 3:
Write a sentence with abbreviated and negative forms of verbs.

1. We are a big family.
2. He is a good student.
3. He is a swimmer.
4. My parents are doctors, and my aunt is a teacher.
5. You are a nice person.
6. It is a beautiful picture. We are happy to have it.
7. I am good at writing, and my sister is good at drawing.
8. She is a singer. Her song is very beautiful.
9. It is cold today. We are going to school on the bus.
10. They are very happy. They have a big family.

Exercise 4:
Choose the correct option. Translate into Russian.

1. They aren't/aren't doctors. They are/is teachers.
2. I am/is a student. I go to school by bus. The bus stop is/are not far from our home.
3. I am/is sure that you are/are wrong. They are not/is not liars.
4. She are/is proud of you. You is/are a worker.
5. It is/am getting cold. You sweater are/is in your backpack.

Well, if your child is already quite an adult and went to the 4th grade, and even better to the 5th grade, then feel free to give it to him collection of English grammar exercises for children . I'm sure he'll be fine with it. And I have another exercise for you.

Exercise 5:

Translate the text into English.

My name is Kirill. I am 10 years old and I am a student. I'm in 4th grade. I have a big family. My mother is a doctor. She is in the hospital now. My dad is not a doctor. My dad is an athlete. He is in training now. I have 2 grandmothers and 2 grandfathers. They are in the village now. We live in Moscow. Our address: st. Kostroma, 18, apt. 76. Our phone number is 8 800 342 23 76. I have a sister. Her name is Marina. She is 15 years old. She is also a schoolgirl. She loves to read and draw. Her paintings are very beautiful.
We have many animals at home. This is our cat. Her name is Valya. This is our parrot. His name is Kesha. This is our dog. Her name is Barney.
We are all a big and friendly family.


Remember what is the key to successful learning? To have an interest. It doesn't matter if you are looking for exercises for beginners or already for professionals, or for adults - make it interesting. Practice, look for interesting exercises, look for interesting forms and methods of teaching, and then this process will become easy and fun.

One of these auxiliary, exciting and at the same time very effective teaching methods is online service lingualeo(read more about it in) . I can say that everything is thought out there so that the child himself will be drawn to knowledge of English. Try it and see for yourself. Registration and a huge amount of materials are free.

And if you do not understand something, then ask your questions in the comments! I will gladly help you on this path of learning English.


Exercise 1:
1. I am a girl.
2. He is my brother.
3. She is my sister.
4. I am from London.
5. He is 17 years old.
6. She is a student.
7. They are our parents.
8. We are a family.
9. It is our dog.
10. You are our friend.

Exercise 2:
My name (1) is Kate Rusak. I (2) am 12 years old and I (3) am a student. My family (4) is from Moscow. My address (5) is Pushkina str., 9. My telephone number (6) is 345 78 54. I have a sister and a brother. Their names (7) are Pasha and Valya. Pasha (8) is 17 years old. He (9) is a sportsman. His team (10) is the winner of the local championship. Valya (11) is 7 years old. Her school (12) is not far from our home.
Our parents (13) are busy. My mother (14) is a doctor and my father (15) is a lawyer. We (16) are a very happy family. We spend every weekend together.

Exercise 3:
1. We are a big family. - We're a big family. - We are not (aren't) a big family.
2. He is a good student. - He's a good student. - He is not (isn't) a good student.
3. He is a swimmer. - He's a good swimmer. - He is nor (isn't) a swimmer.
4. My parents are doctors, and my aunt is a teacher. - My parents are doctors, and my aunt's a teacher. - My parents are not (aren't) doctors, and my aunt is not (isn't) a teacher.
5. You are a nice person. - You're a very nice person. - You are not (aren't) a very nice person.
6. It is a beautiful picture. We are happy to have it. - It's a beautiful picture. We're happy to have it. - It is not (isn't) a beautiful picture. We are not (aren't) happy to have it.
7. I am good at writing, and my sister is good at drawing. - I'm good at writing, and my sister's good at drawing. - I am not good at writing, and my sister is not (isn't) good at drawing
8. She is a singer. Her song is very beautiful. - She's a singer. Her song's very beautiful. - She is not (isn't) a singer. Her song is not (isn't) very beautiful.
9. It is cold today. We are going to school on the bus. - It's cold today. We're going to school on the bus. - It is not (isn't) cold today. We are not (aren't) going to school on the bus.
10. They are very happy. They have a big family. - They're very happy. They have a big family. - They are not (aren't) very happy. They don't have a big family.

Exercise 4:
1. They aren't doctors. They are teachers.
2. I am a student. I go to school by bus. The bus stop is not far from our home.
3. I am sure that you are wrong. They are not liars.
4. She is proud of you. You are a worker.
5. It is getting cold. You sweater is in your backpack.

Exercise 5:
My name is Kirill. I am 10 years old and I am a pupil. I am in the 4th form. I have a big family. My mother is a doctor. She is at the hospital now. My father is not a doctor. My father is a sportsman. He is at the training now. I have 2 grandmothers and 2 grandfathers. They are in the village. We live in Moscow. Our address is: Kostromskaya str, 18, ap. 76. Our telephone number is 8 800 342 23 76.
I have a sister. Her name is Marina. She is 15. She is a pupil too. She likes to read and to draw. Her pictures are very beautiful.
We have a lot of animals at home. It is our cat. Her name is Valya, It is our parrot. His name is Kesha. It is our dog. His name is Barni.
We are a big and friendly family.

Additional exercises for students in grade 3

Verb be

Ex.1 Paste am, is, are. Translate the proposals.

1. He … an elephant. 2. Fred… not angry. 3. My friend… kind. 4. Her name … Mary. 5. She… a nice girl. 6. We...pupils. 7. His name … Tom. 8. I... seven. 9. Rex...brave and kind. 10. They … friends. 11. You…happy. 12. Her name … Bess. 13. She…nice and merry. 14. Kate…not lazy. 15. Her name … Jill. 16. She … seven. 17. He… a nice boy. 18. His shirt … nice. 19. Tim … slim and sad. 20. He…happy. 21. I and Tom … friends. 22. Nick … strong. 23. Tom...smart. 24. Mr Greenwood …nice. 25. His pet…funny. 26. Bob … strong. 27. It… black. 28. I ... a pupil. 29. My friend…brave. 30. You … sad. 31. They … strong. 32. Pete…nine. 33. Our cat … five. 34. She … seven. 35. They … ten. 36. My name … Kate. 37. I…six. 38. I … not a pupil. 39. My dog… grey. 40. His cat … black and white. 41. My pets…funny. 42.I... Dino. 43. My friend … strong and healthy. 44. Billy …fat. 45. We … in the park. 46. ​​Crocodiles…green. 47. Her shirt…not dirty. 48. I…not big. 49. Dino … not a teacher. 50. Pupils…lazy. 51. Tiny… kind and funny. 52. I… seven. 53. You … a pupil. 54. Tom’s birthday … on the 8th of July. 55. Tom … from Great Britain. 56. Mypetsfunny. 57. The girlsflowersnice.

Ex .2 Fill in the gaps and form negative sentences. Translate the sentences.

1. He … an elephant. 2. My friend… kind. 3. Her name … Mary. 4. She … a nice girl. 5. We...pupils. 6. His name … Tom. 7. I... seven. 8. Rex...brave and kind. 9. They … friends. 10. You…happy. 11. Her name … Bess. one 2 . She…nice and merry. one 3 . Her name … Jill. one 4 . She… seven. one 5 . He… a nice boy. one 6 . His shirt … nice. 17. Tim … slim and sad. 18. He…happy. one 9 . I and Tom … friends. 2 0 . Nick 2 1 . Tom...smart. 2 2 . Mr Greenwood nice.23. His pet … funny. 24. Bob … strong. 25. It… black. 26. I ... a pupil. 27. My friend…brave. 28. You…sad. 2 9 . They … strong. 3 0 . Pete…nine. 3 1 . Our cat … five. 3 2 . She… seven. 3 3 . They … ten. 3 4 . My name is Kate. 35.I…six.36. My dog ​​…grey. 37. His cat … black and white. 38. My pets…funny. 3 9 . I... Dino. four 0 . My friend … strong and healthy. four 1 . Billy...fat. four 2 . We … in the park. 43. Crocodiles…green.44. Pupils…lazy. 45. Tiny… kind and funny. 46. ​​I… seven. 47. You … a pupil. 48. Tom’s birthday … on the 8th of July. 49. Tom … from Great Britain. 5 0 . My pets…funny. 5 1 . The girl's flowers … nice.

Ex . 3 Fill in the gaps and ask general questions. Translate the sentences.

1. He … an elephant. 2. My friend… kind. 3. Her name … Mary. 4. She … a nice girl. 5. We...pupils. 6. His name … Tom. 7. I... seven. 8. Rex...brave and kind. 9. They … friends. 10. You…happy. 11. Her name … Bess. 12. She…nice and merry. 13. Her name … Jill. 14. She … seven. 15. He… a nice boy. 16. His shirt … nice. 17. Tim … slim and sad. 18. He…happy. 19. I and Tom … friends. 20. Nick … strong. 21. Tom...smart. 22. Mr Greenwood …nice. 23. His pet…funny. 24. Bob … strong. 25. It… black. 26. I ... a pupil. 27. My friend…brave. 28. You…sad. 29. They … strong. 30. Pete…nine. 31. Our cat … five. 32. She … seven. 33. They … ten. 34. My name … Kate. 35. I … six. 36. My dog… grey. 37. His cat … black and white. 38. My pets…funny. 39.I... Dino. 40. My friend … strong and healthy. 41. Billy …fat. 42. We … in the park. 43. Crocodiles... green. 44. Pupils…lazy. 45. Tiny… kind and funny. 46. ​​I… seven. 47. You … a pupil. 48. Tom’s birthday … on the 8th of July. 49. Tom … from Great Britain. 50. My pets…funny. 51. The girl's flowers … nice.

Ex .4 Fill in the blanks and ask specific questions. Translate the proposals.

1. My name … Tom. – What….? 2. I…nine. – How old….? 3. I … from Russia. – Where...? 4. Nikita … from America. – Where….? 5. My favorite season … summer. – What…? 6. Summer … bright and nice. – Why…? 7. His birthday … in January. – When…? 8. It… August. – What month…? 9. The children … in the street. – Where….?