Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the subject of informatics of elementary school. Oral presentation and publication

The study of informatics in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

Levitskova L.A., methodologist of the Department of Information Technologies of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education UIPKPRO

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FSES LLC), the course of informatics is included in the subject area "Mathematics and Informatics". In the curriculum (educational) plan of the basic general education, 1 hour per week is allocated for studying the course of informatics in grades VII-IX with a total of 105 hours. school and teaching computer science in high school (at the basic or profile level). By the end of elementary school education (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education), students should have ICT - a competence sufficient for further education. In the basic school, starting from the 5th grade, they consolidate the acquired technical skills and develop them within the framework of application in the study of all subjects. An educational institution, based on specific conditions, can start studying a course of informatics from the 5th grade at the expense of the hours of the school curriculum, building a continuous course of informatics in grades 5–9, ensuring its continuity with the elementary school informatics course.

A general education course in informatics is one of the main subjects that can give students a methodology for acquiring knowledge about the world around them and about themselves, ensure the effective development of general educational skills and methods of intellectual activity based on informatics methods, the formation of skills and information-learning activities based on ICT tools to solve cognitive tasks and self-development. Together with mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, the informatics course lays the foundations for a natural-science worldview. Informatics has a very large and growing number of interdisciplinary connections, both at the level of the conceptual apparatus and at the level of tools. Many provisions developed by computer science are considered as the basis for the creation and use of information and communication technologies - one of the most significant technological achievements of modern civilization.

The transition to GEF LLC involves the development of a work program for the course of informatics. Starting work on the development of the work program for the course of informatics of the main school, it is necessary to study all the documents on the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC and the Sample Program on Informatics (2011). For each educational institution, a work program for the informatics course should be developed, which should contain:

1) an explanatory note, which specifies the general goals of basic general education, taking into account the specifics of the training course;

2) general characteristics of the training course;

3) description of the place of the training course in the curriculum of the educational institution;

4) personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course;

6) thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities;

7) description of the educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;

8) the planned results of studying the training course.

The content of the Exemplary Informatics Course Program is represented by the invariant and variable parts. The variable part is allocated 25% of the program time, the content of which is formed by the authors of the work programs. Hours for the variable part are used by the authors of work programs for a deeper study of the main content of the training. The systemic nature of the content of the informatics course is determined by the named three cross-cutting areas (presented in a somewhat generalized form):

— information and information processes;

— modeling, information models;

— areas of application of methods and means of informatics.

Within these areas, the following main content lines of the informatics course can be distinguished:

a) in the direction "Information, information processes":

  • information processes;
  • informational resources;

b) in the direction "Modeling, information models":

  • modeling and formalization;
  • presentation of information;
  • algorithmization and programming;

c) in the direction "Fields of application of methods and means of informatics":

  • information and communication technologies;
  • information bases of management;
  • information civilization.

The new requirements for the results of students established by the Federal State Educational Establishment make it necessary to change the content of education based on the principles of metasubjectivity as a condition for achieving a high quality of education. In computer science, many types of activities are formed that are of a meta-subject nature, the ability for them forms ICT competence. This is the modeling of objects and processes; collection, storage, transformation and transfer of information; informational aspect of process management, etc.

The specificity of the general educational course of computer science is that it actively uses elements of other disciplines: mathematics, philosophy, stylistics, psychology and engineering. Informatics operates with fundamental concepts that externally manifest themselves in different ways in different areas of knowledge.

A distinctive feature of GEF LLC is the established new requirements for the results of students: personal, meta-subject and subject educational results, which are formed by mastering the content of a general education course in computer science.

Personal results are aimed at forming within the framework of the informatics course, first of all, personal universal learning activities.

Meta-subject results are aimed mainly at the development of regulatory and sign-symbolic universal educational activities through the development of the concepts of algorithm and informational (sign-symbolic) model fundamental for informatics.

Subject results in the field of cognitive activity reflect the internal logic of the development of the subject: from information processes through the tool of their knowledge - modeling to algorithms and information technologies. In this sequence, in particular, a complex logical action is formed - a general method for solving a problem.

The computer science teacher should become a construct of new pedagogical situations, new tasks aimed at using generalized methods of activity and creating by students their own products in mastering knowledge.

To solve these problems, it is important for every teacher to understand What , why and how to change in their activities. Particular attention should be paid to changing the methodology of teaching informatics, focused on the formation of both subject and meta-subject and personal results.

No skill is formed without sustained interest. Cognitive interest is one of the significant factors in the activation of learning activities. Only in this case does the teaching become a personally significant activity in which the learner himself is interested.

How to design a computer science lesson with a meta-subject approach?

According to the initiators of the idea of ​​meta-objectivity, the teacher should not draw up a lesson plan, but stage it.

Regardless of the variety and specificity of types, any educational the lesson should carry the following functions and their corresponding stages.

First function— introduction of trainees into learning activities. , Introduction to learning activities involves:

a) creation of educational motivation among students (“motive” - an incentive to action, “motivation” - the process of inciting, stimulating motives);

b) awareness and acceptance by students of the educational goal.

Thus, at the beginning of the training session, two important things must be done: to interest the trainees and to make sure that they understand what they will learn.

Second function, which the teacher must foresee when creating a project of the lesson - creating a learning situation, i.e. such activities to achieve learning objectives.

To create a learning situation, the teacher needs special tasks that are aimed at obtaining the result contained in the condition of the task itself.

The peculiarity of learning tasks is that they are aimed at mastering the mode of action (how to solve?), during which the development of their thinking takes place, cognitive processes are formed. It is important to remember that solving a learning problem is not a product, but a means to achieve the goals of learning activities. It is in the process of solving problems that the implementation of fundamentality and metasubjectivity occurs. In this case, we are talking about mastering the full cycle of solving the problem, namely:

  • formulation of the problem;
  • construction, analysis and evaluation of the model;
  • development and execution of the algorithm within the framework of this model;
  • analysis and use of results.

It is the ability to independently set a task, find a method for solving it, build an algorithm, i.e., describe a sequence of steps leading to the desired result (or use ready-made software products), correctly evaluate and use the result obtained, make a person truly ready for life in today's rapidly changing world. In the process of solving problems, a language is formed that is common to many scientific fields.

Third function to be designed by the teacher providing educational reflection.

Sample questions for organizing educational reflection:

  • "What did you do?" (a question of the analytical genre, calling on the student to reproduce his actions in as much detail as possible to the point of difficulty);
  • "What can't you do?" (the question is aimed at finding the “place” of difficulty, error for students);
  • “What is the cause of your difficulty or error?” (critical question);
  • "How do you get out of trouble?" (a question focused on building a student's norm of action).

If the students cannot build their own version from the current situation, then the teacher must either repeat the demonstration again, but with new emphasis on those places that caused difficulty for the students, or give a lecture (a series of lectures) that provides the information necessary to solve problems of the type that were solved by the students. It is important to emphasize that in such a situation, the problem of "lack of interest among students in learning" disappears. The lecture is given not when the students do not yet know where to “place it in their head” (therefore they often lose interest), but “under the need” - having toiled with difficulties, having built their assumptions, they are ready and want to listen to the teacher. The place of the theoretical lecture is justified.

Fourth functionthe function of ensuring control over the activities of trainees . In teaching activities, the teacher must control changes in the student . It is these changes that are the real product of learning activity. For the trainee himself, control over the correctness of the task, means the focus of consciousness on their own activities. Control has value only when it gradually turns into self-control.

Thus, when designing the concept of a modern educational lesson in informatics, the teacher must stimulate the student's learning motives, intensify learning activities, provide reflection on learning activities and control over the process and results of the student's activities.

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Informatics and ICT Primary school What should informatics be like in primary school? educational standard

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What does the 2004 educational standard tell us about elementary school?

1. General educational skills and abilities The priority of primary general education is the formation of general educational skills and abilities, the level of development of which largely determines the success of all subsequent education. 2. Information Technology Within the framework of the subject Technology from grade III, if the necessary conditions are met, the module (section) "Practice of using information technology" is studied.

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What does the new GEF tell us about elementary school? Requirements for the results of students: Personal, meta-subject, including universal learning activities mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), subject. In the meta-subject results: mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts, using ICT to solve communicative and cognitive problems, search, collection, processing , analysis, organization, transmission and interpretation of information in accordance with the objectives and technologies of the subject.

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What does the new GEF tell us about elementary school? In the subject results: Mathematics and computer science mastering the basics of logical and algorithmic thinking, ... writing and executing algorithms; acquisition of initial ideas about computer literacy. Visual arts mastering elementary practical skills in various types of artistic activity (drawing, painting, sculpture, artistic design), as well as in specific forms of artistic activity based on ICT (digital photography, video recording, animation elements, etc.).

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What does the educational standard tell us about computer science?

In the federal BUP, informatics is introduced from grades 7-8 In the same class, there may be students who have already studied computer science and those who have not studied The teacher formally does not have the right to demand any basic knowledge from students this state

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How do we present the portrait of a student well prepared to study computer science?

He already knows what they will only teach him Thinks well, quickly grasps new material, understands it well With a computer “for you” (for his age) he has already worked on projects and therefore knows how to: somehow search for the required information, somehow draw up the result of the work on the project speaking, somehow present this result to the audience

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Let's compare: for elementary school for informatics What conclusion can be drawn? The priority of primary general education is the formation of general educational skills and abilities It is desirable that the student thinks well, quickly grasps new material, understands it well It is desirable that the student be with a computer "on you" (for his age), be able to search for information, create and format texts , present the results of the work The study of technology in elementary school is aimed at ... mastering the ability to use computer technology to work with information in educational activities and everyday life

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Two directions of propaedeutic, preparatory education in computer science

Development of logical, algorithmic, systems thinking Mastering the computer as a tool and gaining experience in information activities (working with various information objects; searching and organizing information) What conclusion can be drawn?

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Compare by characteristics: Logic and algorithms Computer as a tool 1. Are computers needed? obligatory not obligatory 2. Is there a clock in the federal component of the BUP? 3. Who is teaching? primary school teacher computer science teacher or trained primary school teacher 4. What sections of the standard does it implement? formation of general educational skills practice of working on a computer ("Technology") no, only in the regional or school yes, in grades 3-4 at the lessons "Technology"

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How to connect such different requirements? Proposed solution: Divide the textbook into two components: technological logical-algorithmic (computer-based) (computer-free) Each school chooses a combination of components depending on the desire and possibilities. Determination of the place of these components in the educational process is carried out by methodologists, head teachers, teachers.

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Possible place of these components in the learning process modules in mathematics lessons At the elective "Informatics"

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Possible place of these components in the educational process Technological (computer) Standard 2004: in the lessons on the subject "Technology" in grades 3-4 New GEF: In the classroom in different disciplines (if there is a mobile computer class) in a computer class (in the presence of stationary computer classes) On the elective "Informatics and ICT"

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A lesson in a computer class a) a “floating” place in the class schedule (but a stable place in the parallel schedule): for example, 1-2 weeks in Technology hours, 3-6 weeks in art lessons, 7-8 weeks in Russian language lessons, ... etc. b) a stable place in the class schedule in the part formed by the participants in the educational process; Hours are not subtracted from lessons in subjects, but are added. Place in the schedule Approximate scheme of the lesson 1. Working with a keyboard simulator. 5-7 minutes.2. Computer-free, introductory part of the lesson. 20-25 minutes.3. Computer part of the lesson (development of operations, creative work, DER, diagnostics, etc.) 12-15 minutes.

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What textbooks and teaching aids are offered for the logical-algorithmic component? "Informatics in games and tasks" detailed methodological recommendations that allow elementary school teachers to teach computer science lessons, posters and cutting materials, digital educational resources ( An additional textbook for grades 3-4 "Logic and Algorithms" is not written in it, the list and order of educational topics coincides with "Informatics in games and tasks", explanations are given for topics that allow parents and students who missed lessons to understand the content and learn how to solve problems, tasks can be considered as additional ones, while working you need (very desirable) "Informatics in games and tasks".

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The textbook is intended for studying informatics within the subject area "Mathematics and Informatics" in a separate lesson in informatics or as a module in mathematics lessons. The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standards for elementary school, is aimed primarily at mastering universal logical actions by schoolchildren, while being effective in teaching regulative and communicative universal educational actions. Guidelines with detailed lesson developments allow primary school teachers to conduct this course without special training.

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What should be considered when creating a textbook on information technology? Lack of precise indication in the federal PMU of the number of hours devoted to the study of ICT Variation in the material and technical conditions of schools Attachment of teachers to specific programs Possible difficulties in providing legal software

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What should be the textbook that meets different requirements and is suitable for different conditions? Suggested solution: Run the tutorial as a set of modules, marking the required (standard) and desirable (program). Consider the basics of the technologies being studied, and give the teacher the opportunity to choose a program that allows you to implement the technology being studied. Describe in each module: General principles of the technology Examples of programs A list of typical operations of this technology (if possible, with exercises). Problem. The list of typical operations helps to create a general idea of ​​the technology and gives a certain outlook, but says nothing about the features of working in a particular program.

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Proposed solution: In addition to the textbook on information technology, publish detailed manuals for schoolchildren on working with specific programs. The manual should contain: Purpose of the program, accepted terminology, general principles of work List and detailed description of individual operations in the described program Exercises for mastering these operations. The manual should be completed with a disk with files for exercises and, if possible, with the program itself.

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What else does a separate children's manual for working with the program allow? Multi-level development of technologies In the classroom (7-8 hours) Creating animation On a home computer Creating animation (working on projects, creating creative works) In circles and electives Creating animation (deepening, mastering additional operations)

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The textbook allows you to master ICT both in a separate lesson and as modules in lessons in various disciplines (for example, Technology, Fine Arts). In the textbook for grade 3, the following modules are proposed for study: acquaintance with a computer, creating drawings, creating cartoons and live pictures, creating house designs and interior design, creating computer games. In addition to the textbook, CDs with some computer programs and guides for children on the use of these programs - practical guides - have been published. The textbook provides for the use of free software (FOS).

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The textbook allows you to master information and communication technologies both in a separate lesson and as modules in lessons in various disciplines (for example, Russian language, Technology). In the textbook for grade 4, the following modules are proposed for study: files and folders (directories), creating texts, creating printed publications, creating electronic publications, information search. The textbook provides for the use of free software (FOS).

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Textbooks and teaching aids In the federal list "Informatics" In the federal list "Informatics and ICT"

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Explanatory note

Explanatory note

The main goal of the informatics course is to develop students' abilities to adapt to the modern information world, educate them in an information culture and teach computer literacy.

The study of computer science and information technology in the implementation of this work program in elementary school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • the formation of general ideas of schoolchildren about the information picture of the world, about information and information processes as elements of reality;
  • familiarity with the basic theoretical concepts of computer science;
  • gaining experience in creating and converting simple information objects: texts, drawings, diagrams of various types, including with the help of a computer;
  • formation of the ability to build the simplest information models and use them in solving educational and practical problems, including the study of other school subjects;
  • formation of a system-information picture of the world (worldview) in the process of creating texts, drawings, diagrams;
  • formation and development of skills to use electronic manuals, designers, simulators, presentations in the educational process;
  • formation and development of skills to use a computer in testing, organizing educational games and relay races, searching for information in electronic reference books and encyclopedias, etc.

The main tasks of the work program:

  • the formation of general educational skills: logical and algorithmic thinking, the development of attention and memory, the inculcation of self-learning skills, communication skills and elements of information culture, the ability to work with information (transfer, store, transform and search);
  • formation of the ability to present information in various ways (in the form of numbers, text, figure, table, diagram), arrange information alphabetically and numerically (ascending and descending), build simple logical expressions;
  • formation of the concepts of "team", "performer", "algorithm" and the ability to compose algorithms for educational performers;
  • instilling in students the necessary skills to use modern computer and information technologies to solve educational and practical problems.

Normative legal documents on the basis of which the work program was developed:

  • Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" (with amendments and additions);
  • Law of the Tambov region dated December 29, 1999 No. 96-З "On education in the Tambov region" (with amendments and additions);
  • Law of the Tambov region dated 04.06.2007 No. 212-Z "On the regional component of the state educational standard of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education of the Tambov region";
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 373 dated 06.10.2009 "On Approval and Enactment of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education";
  • by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 26, 2010 No. 1241 "On amendments to the federal state educational standard of primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373";
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 22, 2011 No. 2357 "On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373";
  • an exemplary basic educational program for primary general education recommended by the Coordinating Council under the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the organization of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for use by educational institutions of the Russian Federation an exemplary basic educational program for primary general education;

The work program is based on:

  • the federal component of the state standard of primary general education, the Program of the informatics course for grades 2-4 of the primary general education school (Authors: N.V. Matveeva, E.N. Chelak, N.K. Konopatova, L.P. Pankratova, 2012).

Rationale for the choice of programs for the development of the work program:

Our time makes new demands on people. The volume of information that each of us has to process is growing day by day. The information and communication technology (ICT) tools we use (from directories, telephones, washing machines to computers) are becoming more complex and require more knowledge and skills to operate them. Therefore, information culture is of particular relevance today, many elements of which should be formed in elementary school.

Information culture is a system of general knowledge, ideas, attitudes, attitudes, behavioral stereotypes that allow a person to correctly build his behavior in the information field: look for information in the right place, perceive, collect, present and transmit it in the right way.

This concept is among such concepts as artistic culture, culture of behavior, etc. Information culture includes the ability to quickly receive and transmit information, use information sources - reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, train schedules, television programs, etc.

Of particular importance today is the possession of information and communication technologies for searching, transmitting, storing, processing various types of information (text, numerical, graphic, video and audio materials).

The program is aimed at the implementation of a qualitatively new student-oriented developmental model of a mass primary school and is designed to ensure the fulfillment of the following main goals:

  • development of the student's personality, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn;
  • education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and valuable positive attitude towards oneself and the world around;
  • mastering the system of knowledge, skills, experience in the implementation of various activities;
  • protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;
  • preservation and support of the individuality of the child.

The changes made to the exemplary and author's programs are aimed at developing the skills to record information about the world around; search, analyze, critically evaluate, select information; organize information; give information; design objects and processes, plan their actions; create, implement and modify.

The construction of this working program is based on a natural-historical approach. It allows children to form a continuous chain of computer science concepts:

information - information processes - algorithm - executor.

Thus, these concepts are perceived not as separate, but as united by systemic connections.

The place and role of the training course in mastering by students the requirements for the level of training of students in accordance with federal state educational standards.

To prepare children for life in the modern information society, first of all, it is necessary to develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze. The technology of such training should be mass, publicly available.

In many ways, the role of teaching computer science in the development of thinking is due to modern developments in the field of modeling and design techniques, based on conceptual thinking inherent in man. The ability to identify a system of concepts for any subject area, present them as a set of attributes and actions, describe action algorithms and inference schemes (that is, what happens in information-logical modeling) improves a person’s orientation in this subject area and indicates his developed logical thinking.

Aspects of studying computer science:

­ Technological.

Informatics is considered as a means of forming an educational potential that allows developing the most advanced technologies for today - information.

­ General education.

Informatics is considered as a means of developing logical thinking, the ability to analyze, identify entities and relationships, describe action plans and draw logical conclusions.

The program is designed for 102 students. hours: 2-4 grade - 34 hours each (1 hour per week).

Forms of organization of the educational process:

The study of the course is carried out by conducting classes of various forms: storytelling, conversation, demonstrations, explanation, practical work on a computer, independent work, role-playing and business games. This program includes theoretical and practical parts. The practical part of the program provides for the implementation of short practical work at the computer (no more than 15 minutes)

Teaching technologies:

Training under this program is conducted using elements of individualized learning technology Inge Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, health-saving technologies, as well as the theory of meaningful generalization by V.V. Davydov, the theory of activation of cognitive activity of a schoolchild (T.I. Shamova, A.K. Markova), pedagogy of cooperation, technology of differentiated learning, the concept of the phased formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Galperin, works on student-centered learning by I. Yakimanskaya.

Formation of key competencies of students.

The program provides for the formation of students' general educational skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies.

An important component of information culture is ICT competence, which is understood as the ability to adequately apply massively distributed ICT tools and widely available information sources in solving basic problems related to information processing and communication.

ICT competence is not necessarily based on modern electronic technical means and digital technologies and devices. The search for information can go both in the encyclopedia and in the library, oral presentation does not necessarily use a microphone or a projector, etc. Mastering the technologies themselves - that is, the formation of a student's ICT qualification, is part of the educational goal of forming his ICT competence.

The developed knowledge, skills and abilities are monitored: The control of the assimilation of theoretical material is carried out by oral questioning, testing and analysis of completed practical tasks. Creativity is monitored according to the following criteria:

  • communication: the emotionality of children's communication, the ability to listen and understand each other, to think together and implement the idea;
  • creative activity: initiative, ability to make independent decisions.

Forms of control:

oral survey (UO), written survey (PO), testing (T), frontal survey (FO), self-control (SC), independent work (SR), control work (CR), practical work (PR), project defense (ZP) ) .

As a result of studying computer science and information technology, the student must


  • that depending on the sense organs with which a person perceives information, it is called sound, visual, tactile, olfactory and gustatory;
  • that, depending on the way information is presented on paper or other media, it is called textual, numerical, graphic, tabular;
  • that man, nature, books can be sources of information;
  • that a person can be both a source of information and a receiver of information;


  • that data is coded information;
  • that the same information can be presented in different ways: text, figure, table, numbers;
  • how to describe the objects of reality, i.e. how to present information about them in various ways (in the form of numbers, text, drawing, table);
  • rules for working with a computer and safety precautions;

Be able to:

  • name and describe various human assistants in counting and processing information (tally sticks, abacus, abacus, calculator and computer);
  • use information technology tools: radio, telephone, tape recorder, computer;
  • use a computer to solve educational and simple practical problems, for this: have basic skills in using computer technology, be able to perform simple operations with files (create, save, search, run a program); run the simplest widely used application programs: text and graphics editor, simulators and tests;

Training is conducted using educational and methodological kits:

  • Matveeva N.V. Chelak E.N., Konopatova N.K., L.P. Pankratova Informatics: textbook for grade 2. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2012
  • Matveeva N.V. Chelak E.N., Konopatova N.K., L.P. Pankratova Informatics: a textbook for grade 3. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2010
  • Matveeva N.V. Chelak E.N., Konopatova N.K., L.P. Pankratova Informatics: a textbook for grade 4. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2010

Grade 2 (34 hours)

Types of information. Man and computer (7 hours).

Ways of obtaining information by a person: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. Sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin). Ways of human transmission of information: sounds and speech, facial expressions, gestures, signs and signals. Types of information: sound, visual, gustatory, tactile (tactile), olfactory.

Information sources. natural sources of information. Artificial sources of information. information receivers. Receivers of various types of information. Devices for transmitting information. Radio. Telephone.

Tools. The computer as a tool. The main parts of a computer: system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Input devices. Information output devices. Information carriers.

  • ways of obtaining information by a person;
  • ways of transmitting information by a person;
  • main types of information;
  • artificial and natural sources of information;
  • information transmission devices;
  • personal computer device;
  • distinguish between computer software and hardware.
  • transfer information about the object in various ways;
  • use a computer to solve educational and simple practical problems, for this: run programs, simulators and tests.
  • be able to resize and move windows, respond to dialog boxes;
  • enter information into the computer using the keyboard and mouse.

Coding information (7 hours).

Information carriers. Information encoding. Information presentation forms: sound coding; picture writing, letter coding, hieroglyphs, etc. Alphabet and information coding: Greek and Latin alphabets as the basis of alphabetic writing. English alphabet and Slavic alphabet: origin and use.

Written sources of information: papyri, scrolls, books, archives.

natural language. Artificial (formal) languages. Computer alphabet. Data transfer. Data processing. Executor. Team. Algorithm.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • that information can be represented on a storage medium using various characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and others);
  • that information can be stored, processed and transmitted over long distances in coded form;
  • How can data be saved?
  • the concept of computer memory;
  • have an idea about algorithms, give examples of them;
  • have an idea about performers and systems of commands for performers.
  • encode information in various ways and decode it using the code matching table;
  • use a computer to solve educational and simple practical problems;
  • be able to compose an algorithm for an executor with a given set of executor command systems (SCI) and write it down in a given form.

Information and data (11 hours).

Data. Their types. Text data. Computer memory.

Text information. Text editor. Text editor tools.

Coding of graphic information. Types of graphic information. Computer and graphics. Graphic primitives. Graphics editor. Graphic editor tools.

Numeric information. Methods of counting objects in antiquity. Number as a way of representing information about time, date, calendar. Encoding of numerical information. Two character code. Binary coding of information. Human assistants in counting: abacus, abacus, arithmometer, calculator, computer.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • how to encode textual, graphical and numerical information;
  • types of graphic information;
  • purpose and basic operations of the graphic editor.
  • areas of use of numerical information;
  • the main devices used when working with numerical information.
  • use a computer to solve problems of processing textual, graphic, numerical information.

Document and how to create it (8 hours)

Written documents. Document.

Electronic computer. Devices and programs for data processing. Electronic documents. File. File name. Extension.

Document search. Archive. Libraries. Internet. Keyword. Search window. Search system. Server.

Creation of a text document. Editing. Formatting. Font. Devices for working with graphic information. Graphics tablet. Scanner. Digital camera. Mobile phone.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • the concept of a document;
  • types of data that an electronic document may contain;
  • concepts of text editing and formatting.
  • how information is searched.
  • create, store and process electronic documents;
  • use a computer to search for information, including on the Internet;
  • use various technical devices to work with graphic information.

Generalization and repetition of what has been studied over the year. (1 hour)

Grade 3 (34 hours)

Types of information. Man and computer (6 hours)

Rules for working on a computer and TV. Man and information. Sources and receivers of information. Artificial and natural sources of information. Information carriers. What do we know about the computer.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • that there are artificial and natural sources of information;
  • main sources of information;
  • rules for working with a computer and safety precautions;
  • present in the notebook and on the computer screen the same information about the object in different ways;
  • use a computer to solve educational and simple practical problems, for this: run simulators and tests.

Actions with information (8 hours)

A little history about actions with information. Collection of information. Representation of information. Information encoding. Information decoding. Data storage. Data processing.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • that information can be represented on a storage medium using various characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and others);
  • that information can be stored, processed and transmitted over long distances in coded form.
  • encode information in various ways and decode it using the code matching table;
  • receive the necessary information about the object of activity, using drawings, diagrams, sketches, drawings (on paper and electronic media);
  • use a computer to solve educational and simple practical problems.

Object and its characteristics (9 hours)

An object. The name of the object. Object properties. General and distinctive properties. Essential properties and decision making. Elemental composition of the object.

Object actions. Relations between objects.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • that texts and images are information objects;
  • how to describe the objects of reality, i.e. how to present information about them in different ways;
  • present in the notebook and on the computer screen the same information about the object in different ways;
  • work with texts and images (information objects) on a computer screen.

Information object and computer (10 hours)

Information object and meaning. Document as an information object.

Electronic document and file. Text and text editor. Image and graphics editor. Scheme and map. Number and spreadsheets. Spreadsheet and spreadsheets.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • that a document is an information object;
  • present in a notebook and on a computer screen the same information about an object in various ways: in the form of text, drawing, table, numbers;
  • work with texts and images (information objects) on a computer screen;
  • use a computer to solve educational and simple practical problems, for this: have basic skills in using computer technology, be able to perform simple operations with files (create, save, search, launch);
  • run the simplest widely used application programs: text and graphics editor; spreadsheets.

Repetition of the studied for the year (1 hour)

4th grade (34 hours)

Repetition (7 hours)

Rules for working on a computer and TV. Man and information. action with information. Object and its properties. Relationship between objects. Computer.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • that texts and images are information objects;
  • appointment of the main computer devices for input, output and processing of information;
  • rules for working with a computer and safety precautions.
  • present in a notebook and on a computer screen the same information about an object in various ways: in the form of text, drawing, table, numbers.

Concept, judgment, conclusion (9 hours)

Concept. Division and generalization of concepts. Relations between concepts. Compatible and incompatible concepts. The concepts of "true" and "false". Judgment. Inference.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • the meaning of the terms "concept", "judgment", "inference".
  • give examples of compatible and incompatible concepts;
  • make judgments based on a comparison of their functional and aesthetic qualities, design features;
  • give examples of relationships between concepts.

Model and Simulation (11 hours)

Object model. Model of relations between concepts. Algorithm. Algorithm executor. Computer program.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • that object models can be large or small;
  • descriptions of algorithms in the language of block diagrams;
  • that the executor of the algorithm can be a person and a computer;
  • a way to write algorithms using a flowchart;
  • basic structures of algorithms;
  • how to describe the objects of reality, i.e. how to present information about them in various ways (in the form of numbers, text, drawing, table).
  • give examples of algorithms;
  • follow instructions, simple algorithms when solving educational problems;
  • work with simple computer programs.

Information management (6 hours)

Managing yourself and other people. Management of inanimate objects.

Control scheme. Computer management.

Requirements for the level of training:

  • that a person can control himself with other living and inanimate objects.
  • search, simple transformations, storage, use and transfer of information and data, using the table of contents, indexes, catalogs, directories, notebooks, the Internet;
  • create elementary projects and presentations using a computer.

Repetition of the studied for the year. (1h)

Educational and thematic plan

Grade 2

Section name

Total hours

Number of hours

Forms of control

Types of information, man and computer

Rules of conduct in the computer class. Man and information.

What is the information.

Information sources.

information receivers.

Computer and its parts

Generalization on the topic "Types of information, man and computer"

Information encoding

Information carriers.

Information encoding.

Written sources of information.

Human languages ​​and programming languages.

Generalization on the topic "Coding information"

Information and data

Text data.

Graphic data

Numeric Information

Decimal encoding

Binary coding

Numeric data

Generalization on the topic "Information and data"

Document and how to create it

Document and its creation

Electronic document and file

Document search

Create a text document

Creating a graphic document

Repetition of the studied for the year

Educational and thematic plan

3rd grade

Section name

Total hours

Number of hours

Forms of control

Types of information. Man and computer

Rules for working on a computer and TV. Man and Information

Sources and receivers of information

Artificial and natural sources of information

Information carriers.

What do we know about computers?

Generalization on the topic: “Types of information. Man and computer"

Actions with information

A bit of history about actions with information

Collection of information

Presentation of information

Information encoding

Information decoding

Data storage

Data processing

Generalization on the topic: "Actions with information"

Object and its characteristics

Object name

Object properties

General and distinctive properties

Essential Properties and Decision Making

Elemental composition of the object

Object Actions

Relationships between objects

Generalization on the topic: "Object and its characteristics"

Information object and computer

Information object and meaning

Document as an information object

Electronic document and file

Text and text editor

Image and graphics editor

Scheme and map

Number and Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet and Spreadsheets

Repetition of the studied for the year.

Educational and thematic plan

4th grade

Section name

Total hours

Number of hours

Forms of control


Rules for working on a computer and TV. Man and information.

Action with information

Object and its properties

Relationship between objects


Computer workshop

Concept, judgment, conclusion

Division and generalization of concepts

Relationships between concepts

Compatible and incompatible concepts

The concepts of "true" and "false"



Logic tasks


Explanatory note

The work program was compiled on the basis of the author's program on "Informatics" for grades 2-4 of elementary school N. V. Matveeva, E. I. Chelak, N. K. Konopatova L. P. Pankratova, N. A. Nurova. Moscow, BINOM, Knowledge Lab, 2013. Corresponds to the federal state educational standard of elementary general education.

The objectives of studying the course of computer science in elementary school

The most important goal of primary education is to create a solid foundation for post-secondary education: development of skills to independently manage their educational activities. This involves not only the development of basic knowledge and skills, but also the development of the ability to cooperate and reflect.

Informatics is considered in a general education school in general and in elementary school in particular in two aspects.

Firstconsists in the formation of a holistic and systematic view of the world of information, of the generality of information processes in wildlife, society, and technology. From this point of view, at the propaedeutic stage of education, schoolchildren should receive the necessary primary ideas about the information activity of a person.

Secondaspect of the propaedeutic course of informatics - the development of methods and means of obtaining, processing, transmitting, storing and using information, solving problems using a computer and other means of information and communication technologies. This aspect is connected, first of all, with the preparation of elementary school students for continuing education, for the active use of educational information resources: music libraries, video libraries, multimedia educational programs, electronic directories and encyclopedias on other academic subjects, when performing creative and other design work.

The course of informatics in elementary school has a complex character. In accordance with the first aspect of informatics, theoretical And practical computer-free training, which includes the formation of primary concepts about human information activity, about the organization of socially significant information resources (libraries, archives, etc.), about moral and ethical standards for working with information. In accordance with the second aspect of informatics, practical user training - the formation of primary ideas about the computer, including the preparation of students for educational activities related to the use of information and communication technologies in other subjects.

Thus, the most important result of studying computer science at school is the development of such personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society, in particular, the acquisition by students of information and communication competence (ICT competence).

The work program of the informatics course for elementary school is developed in accordance with the requirements. GEF of primary general education and aims to ensure the implementation of three groups of educational outcomes: personal, metasubject And subject.

General characteristics of the subject "Informatics" in elementary school

Since the experimental introduction of informatics in elementary school, significant experience has been accumulated in teaching informatics to younger students. Training infor Mathematics in elementary school is aimed at the formation of primary schoolchildren's ideas about the properties of information, how to work with it, in particular, using a computer. It should be noted that the course of computer science in elementary school makes a significant contribution to the formation And development of the information component of UUD (universal educational activities), the formation of which is one of the priorities of primary general education. Moreover, informatics as a subject, on which the skills and abilities of working with information are purposefully formed, can be one of the leading subjects in the formation of UUD.

An important problem in the implementation of a continuous informatics course is the continuity of its teaching at different educational levels. Any training course should have internal unity, which is manifested in the content and teaching methods at all levels of education. The structure of the course, its main content lines should ensure this integrity.

Therefore, it is assumed that the content lines of teaching informatics in elementary school correspond to the content lines of studying the subject in basic school, but are implemented at the propaedeutic level. At the end of the training, students should demonstrate the formed skills and abilities of working with information and apply them in practical activities and everyday life.

The authors of the teaching materials make an attempt to build a multi-level structure of the subject "Informatics", which would be considered as a systematic course that continuously develops the knowledge of schoolchildren in the field of informatics and information and communication technologies. The authors emphasize the need for schoolchildren to get ideas about the essence of information processes at the earliest stages of education. Information processes are considered on the examples of transmission, storage and processing of information in human information activity, wildlife, technology.

In the process of studying informatics in elementary school, the ability to classify information, highlight the general and the special, establish connections, compare, draw analogies, etc. is formed. This helps the child to meaningfully see the world around him, navigate it more successfully, and form the foundations of a scientific worldview.

The proposed informatics course is based on the fundamental principles of general didactics: integrity and continuity, scientific character combined with accessibility, practice-orientation combined with developmental education. In terms of solving the priority task of primary education - the formation of UUD - the skills are formed to build models of the problem being solved, to solve non-standard problems. The development of the creative potential of each child occurs in the formation of planning skills in the course of solving various problems.

In the 2nd grade, children learn to see the surrounding reality from the point of view of the informational approach. In the process of learning, computer science terms (source / receiver of information, communication channel, data, etc.) are gradually introduced into the thinking and speech of students. Schoolchildren study the device of a computer, learn to work with electronic documents.

In the 3rd grade, students study the presentation and coding of information, its storage on information media. The concept of an object, its properties and actions with it is introduced. The idea of ​​a computer as a system is given. Children master information technologies: the technology of creating an electronic document, the technology of editing it, receiving / transmitting, searching for information on the Internet. Students get acquainted with modern tools for working with information (mobile phone, e-book, camera, computer, etc.), and at the same time learn to use them in their educational activities. Concepts are introduced as necessary so that the child can talk about his informational activities, talk about what he does, distinguishing and calling elementary technological operations by their proper names.

In grade 4, the topics "World of Concepts" and "World of Models" are considered, students' representations of work with various scientific concepts are formed, and the concept of an information model, including a computer one, is also introduced. The concepts of the executor and the algorithm of actions, the form of writing algorithms are considered. Children master the concept of managing themselves, other people, technical devices (tools for working with information), associating themselves with the control object and realizing that there is an object of control, realizing the purpose and means of control. Students learn to understand that controls affect the expected result, and that sometimes the result obtained does not meet the goal and expectations.

In the process of conscious control of their educational activities and the computer, schoolchildren master the appropriate terminology, competently build their speech. They learn to recognize management processes in the surrounding reality, describe them in terms of computer science, and give examples from their lives.

Schoolchildren learn to see and understand in the surrounding reality not only its individual objects, but also their connections and relationships with each other, to understand that management is a special, active way of relations between objects. Seeing the relationships between the objects of the system is the first active step towards a systemic view of the world. And this, in turn, contributes to the development of systemic thinking in elementary school students, which is so necessary in modern life along with logical and algorithmic thinking. Logical and algorithmic thinking are also the subject of purposeful formation and development in grade 4 with the help of appropriate tasks and exercises.

Description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum

The work program in informatics is designed for 34 academic hours (1 hour per week) for grades 2, 3, 4. Total 102 hours.

You can learn more about the program on the subject by downloading the file attached below.

MOU Komsomolskaya secondary school


"Computer science in elementary school according to the new GEF"

(for a four-year elementary school)

With. Komsomolsk. 2011

I. Explanatory note.

As a rule, information and communication technologies (ICT) are associated with the cutting edge of scientific and technological progress, with highly skilled creative activity, with modern professions that require advanced thinking, with a knowledge-intensive economy. The pace of qualitative development of computer technology and ICT has no precedent in history. The basis for the creation and use of information and communication technologies - one of the most significant technological achievements of modern civilization - is laid by informatics. Informatics, information and communication technologies have a significant impact on the worldview and lifestyle of a modern person. A society in which information processes, properties of information, information and communication technologies play a decisive role is the reality of the present.

The ability to use information and communication technologies as a tool in professional activities, training and everyday life largely determines the success of a modern person. Of particular relevance to the school is the information technology competence of students in relation to the educational process. On the other hand, the development of information and communication technologies and the desire to use ICT for the maximum possible automation of their professional activities are inextricably linked with information modeling of objects and processes. In the process of creating information models, one must be able, by analyzing the objects of the simulated area of ​​reality, to highlight their features, choose the basis for classification and group objects by classes, establish relationships between classes (inheritance, inclusion, use), identify the actions of objects of each class and describe these actions with using algorithms, linking the execution of algorithms with changes in the values ​​of previously identified features, describe the logic of reasoning in the modeled area for its subsequent implementation in the algorithms of the artificial intelligence system built into the model. After the analysis is completed, the design and synthesis of the model is carried out by means of information and communication technologies. All of these skills require a developed logical and algorithmic thinking. But if the skills of working with specific equipment, in principle, can be acquired directly at the workplace, then thinking that is not developed within the time frame determined by nature will remain undeveloped. Delay in the development of thinking is a delay forever.

Each academic subject makes its own specific contribution to obtaining the result of education in primary school, including the personal qualities of students, mastered universal learning activities, experience in subject areas and a system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlies the modern picture of the world. The subject "Informatics and ICT" makes special demands on the development of logical universal actions in elementary school and the development of information and communication technologies as a tool for educational and daily activities of students. In accordance with its needs, computer science also offers means for the purposeful development of skills to perform universal logical actions and for the development of computer and communication technology as a tool in educational and everyday activities. The development of information and communication technologies as an educational tool presupposes the personal development of schoolchildren, gives meaning to the study of ICT, and contributes to the formation of ethical and legal norms when working with information.

II. General characteristics of the educational process

The main results of studying informatics and ICT in a secondary school include:

Mastering the system of basic knowledge by students, reflecting the contribution of informatics to the formation of a modern scientific picture of the world, the role of information processes in society, biological and technical systems;

Mastering the skills to apply, analyze, transform information models of real objects and processes, using information and communication technologies (ICT), including when studying other school disciplines;

Development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities through the development and use of computer science methods and ICT tools in the study of various academic subjects;

Raising a responsible attitude to the observance of ethical and legal norms of information activities;

Acquisition of experience in the use of information technologies in individual and collective educational and cognitive, including project, activities.

The special significance of the propaedeutic study of informatics in elementary school is associated with the presence of logically complex sections in the content of informatics, requiring developed logical and algorithmic thinking for successful mastering. On the other hand, the use of information and communication technologies in primary education is an important element in the formation of universal educational activities of students at the stage of primary general education, ensuring its effectiveness.

Given these circumstances of studying the preparatory course of informatics, we believe that in In the course of informatics and ICT for elementary school, it is most expedient to focus on the development of logical and algorithmic thinking of schoolchildren and on their mastering the practice of working on a computer .

Considering two directions of the propaedeutic study of computer science - the development of logical and algorithmic, on the one hand, and the development of the practice of working on a computer, on the other, one can notice their discrepancy in several characteristics related to the organization of the educational process.

Lessons aimed at mastering the work on the computer:

Requires mandatory availability of computers;

May be taught by an elementary school teacher, a technology teacher, or a computer science teacher.

Lessons aimed at developing the logical and algorithmic thinking of schoolchildren:

Do not require the mandatory presence of computers;

They are carried out mainly by an elementary school teacher, which creates the prerequisites for the transfer of mastered mental actions to the study of other subjects.

Such different characteristics of the classroom equipment and the personality of the teacher suggest that different forms of combining these two areas of preparatory study of computer science may be optimal for different schools. That is why the proposed program considers two separate components: technological and logical-algorithmic. It is assumed that the optimal combination of these components and the determination of their place in the educational process will be carried out by methodologists and teachers.

1. Technological component

The development of information and communication technologies is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Mastering labor skills and abilities when working on a computer, practical experience in creating information objects that are useful for a person and society, methods of planning and organizing creative activities on a computer, the ability to use computer technology to work with information;

Development of fine motor skills of hands;

Development of spatial imagination, logical and visual thinking;

Mastering knowledge about the role of human information activity in the transformation of the surrounding world;

Formation of initial ideas about professions in which information technology plays a leading role;

Raising interest in information and communication activities;

Practical application of cooperation in collective information activity.

As main tasks when studying information and communication technologies, it is put:

Initial development of instrumental computer environments for working with various types of information (texts, images, animated images, object diagrams, combinations of various types of information in one information object);

Creation of completed projects using mastered instrumental computer environments;

Familiarization with methods of organizing and searching for information;

Creation of completed projects involving the organization (including cataloging) of a significant amount of disordered information;

Creation of completed projects involving the search for the necessary information.

The internal structure of the tasks of mastering information and communication technologies allows for a modular organization of the program.

The following set of training modules:

Introduction to computers. Creation of drawings. Creation of cartoons and "live" pictures. Creation of projects of houses and apartments. Creation of computer games. Acquaintance with the computer: files and folders (directories). Creation of texts. Creation of printed publications. Creation of electronic publications. Search for information.

It should be noted that if there is not enough hours allocated in a particular school for the study of information technology, the methodologist or teacher decides on the choice of the studied modules.

The learning modules are not tied to specific software. In each module, it is possible to use one of several computer programs that allow you to implement the technology under study. The choice of the program is made by the teacher. This approach not only gives the teacher freedom of choice in choosing an instrumental program, but also allows students to create a certain outlook.

The study of each module (except for the "Computer Acquaintance" module) involves the implementation of small project tasks implemented using the technologies being studied. The student's choice of the task occurs at the beginning of the study of the module after the students get acquainted with the proposed set of situations that require the completion of the project task.

This component of the informatics and ICT course in elementary school is designed to develop logical, algorithmic and systemic thinking, to create the preconditions for students to successfully master invariant fundamental knowledge and skills in areas related to informatics, which, due to continuous updating and changes in hardware and software, come to the fore. place in the formation of the scientific information and technological potential of society.

Goals studying the logical and algorithmic foundations of computer science in elementary school:

1) the development of schoolchildren's skills in solving problems using such approaches to solving that are most typical and common in areas of activity traditionally related to computer science:

The use of formal logic in solving problems is the construction of conclusions by applying to known statements the logical operations “if ..., then ...”, “and”, “or”, “not” and their combinations - “if ... and ..., then ...";

Algorithmic approach to problem solving - the ability to plan a sequence of actions to achieve a goal, as well as solve a wide class of problems for which the answer is not a number or a statement, but a description of the sequence of actions;

System approach - consideration of complex objects and phenomena in the form of a set of simpler components, each of which performs its role for the functioning of the object as a whole; consideration of the impact of a change in one component on the behavior of the entire system;

Object-oriented approach - putting objects at the forefront, not actions, the ability to combine individual objects into a group with a common name, highlight common features of objects in this group and actions performed on these objects; the ability to describe an object according to the principle “what it consists of and what it does (you can do it with it)”;

2) expanding horizons in areas of knowledge closely related to computer science: familiarity with graphs, combinatorial problems, logic games with a winning strategy (“start and win”) and some others. Despite the fact-finding approach to these concepts and methods, in relation to each of them, training is expected to solve the simplest typical tasks included in the control material, i.e., the emphasis is on developing the ability to apply even the most modest knowledge;

3) the development of students' skills in solving logical problems and familiarization with general methods of solving problems - "how to solve a problem that has not been solved before" - with a focus on the problems of formalization and creating models (search for patterns, reasoning by analogy, by induction, plausible guesses, development of creative imagination, etc.).

Speaking about the general educational value of a computer science course, we believe that the ability of any person to single out a system of concepts in their subject area, present them as a set of attributes and actions, describe action algorithms and inference schemes not only helps to automate actions (everything that is formalized can be computerized), but also serves the person himself to increase the clarity of thinking in his subject area.

The course has the following sections:

Description of objects - attributes, structures, classes;

Description of the behavior of objects - processes and algorithms;

Description of logical reasoning - statements and schemes of logical inference;

Application of models (structural and functional schemes) for solving various kinds of problems.

The material in these sections is studied concentrically throughout the course, so that the scope of the relevant concepts increases from class to class.

When studying computer science outside of elementary school, it is supposed to systematically develop the concept of structure (set, class, hierarchical classification), develop skills in using various means (graphs, tables, diagrams) to describe the static structure of objects and the structure of their behavior; develop the concept of an algorithm (cycles, branches) and its generalization based on the concept of structure; to achieve the assimilation of the basic apparatus of formal logic (operations “and”, “or”, “not”, “if ..., then ...”), develop the skills of using this apparatus to describe the reasoning model.

III. Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum

1. Technological component

The study of the technological component is possible at the lessons of "Computer Science and ICT" at hours determined by the participants in the educational process (regional or school component), or at lessons in the main subjects of elementary school, conducted using computer technology. With the most common option for organizing the placement of computer equipment - in computer classes - the development of information and communication technologies can take place during computer lessons. A computer lesson may have a permanent place in the schedule, but in terms of content, different computer lessons can be attributed to different academic subjects. For example, studying the modules "Creating drawings" or "Creating cartoons" can be attributed to computer lessons in fine arts, studying the module "Creating texts" - to computer lessons in the Russian language, working with digital educational resources (DER) in mathematics - to computer lessons in mathematics and so on. In-depth mastering of information and communication technologies can take place in circles and electives.

2. Logical-algorithmic component

The logical-algorithmic component belongs to the subject area "Mathematics and Informatics" and is intended to be studied during the hours determined by the participants in the educational process (regional or school component), or in mathematics lessons (for example, see the version "Mathematics and Informatics" of the mathematics course in the Educational system "School 2100").

You can start teaching in 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade. It depends on the possibilities of the school. At the same time, many years of experience in teaching the course (since 1994) showed that children who started studying the course from the 1st grade take informatics lessons with great pleasure, begin to do better in other subjects and master the course material more easily in the next years of study. .

IV. Description of the value orientations of the content of the subject

1. Technological component

Teaching the creative application of mastered information and communication technologies allows developing broad cognitive interests and initiative of students, the desire for creativity, attitude to work and creativity as a state of normal human existence, a sense of the availability of updating one's competencies.

The choice from the proposed life situations, which is the basis for the study of new technologies, or the opportunity to come up with your own theme of life situations, culminating in the creation of creative works using the technology being studied, allows students to focus on the formation of:

The foundations of civic identity based on a sense of ownership and pride in their homeland, people and history,

Family and community values ​​and their respect,

Feelings of beauty and aesthetic feelings,

Ability to organize their own learning activities,

Self-esteem and emotionally positive attitude towards oneself,

Purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals,

Willingness to cooperate and help those who need it.

2. Logical-algorithmic component

The development of logical, algorithmic and systemic thinking, the creation of prerequisites for the successful development by students of invariant fundamental knowledge and skills in areas related to computer science, contributes to the orientation of students towards the formation of self-esteem and an emotionally positive attitude towards themselves, towards the perception of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of mankind.

The orientation of the course on the awareness of the plurality of models of the surrounding reality allows one to form not only a willingness to openly express and defend one's position, but also respect for others, the ability to listen and hear a partner, and recognize the right of everyone to their own opinion.

V. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the subject

Personal Outcomes

The personal results of mastering information and communication technologies as a tool in study and everyday life include:

Critical attitude to information and selectivity of its perception;

Respect for privacy information and information outcomes of other people;

Understanding the motives of their actions when performing tasks with life situations;

The beginning of professional self-determination, acquaintance with the world of professions related to information and communication technologies.

Metasubject Results

1. Technological component


Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative nature in life situations;

Formation of skills to set a goal - the creation of creative work, plan the achievement of this goal, create auxiliary sketches in the process of work;

Evaluation of the resulting creative product and its correlation with the original intent, performing, if necessary, correction of either the product or the intent.

cognitive universal learning activities:

Search for information in the individual information archives of the student, the information environment of the educational institution, in federal repositories of educational information resources;

The use of information and communication technologies for solving communicative, cognitive and creative tasks.

Communicative universal learning activities:

Creation of hypermedia messages, including text typed on the keyboard, digital data, still and moving, recorded and created images and sounds, links between message elements;

Preparing a presentation with audiovisual support.

2. Logical-algorithmic component

Regulatory universal learning activities:

Planning the sequence of steps of the algorithm to achieve the goal;

Finding errors in the action plan and making changes to it.

cognitive universal learning activities:

Modeling - the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic) are highlighted;

Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

Synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of the missing components;

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

Submission under the concept;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Construction of a logical chain of reasoning.

Communicative universal learning activities:

Arguing your point of view on the choice of grounds and criteria when highlighting features, comparing and classifying objects;

Listening to the interlocutor and conducting a dialogue;

Recognition of the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own.

Subject Results

1. Technological component



How to behave correctly and safely in a computer class;

What are the main devices of a computer for?

be able to

Use the mouse and keyboard;

Run computer programs and finish working with them.

Module "Creating drawings".

As a result of studying this module, students should be able

Perform basic drawing operations using one of the computer programs;

Save the created drawings and make changes to them.

students will learn to think of a drawing for a purpose and create it using a computer.

As a result of studying this module, students should be able

Perform basic operations when creating moving images using one of the programs;

Save created motion pictures and make changes to them.

When performing design tasks students will learn to design moving images for a purpose and create them using a computer.

As a result of studying this module, students should be able

Perform basic operations in the design of houses and apartments using one of the computer programs;

Save the created project and make changes to it.

When performing design tasks schoolchildren will learn to come up with a project for a house or apartment and create it using a computer.

As a result of studying this module, students should be able

Perform basic operations when creating computer games using one of the programs;

Save created games and make changes to them.

When performing design tasks schoolchildren will learn to invent a computer game and create it using a computer.

As a result of studying this module, students must:


What is the full name of the file;

be able to

Create folders (directories);

Delete files and folders (directories);

Copy files and folders (directories);

Move files and folders (directories).

Module "Creation of texts".

As a result of studying this module, students should be able:

Type text on the keyboard;

Save typed texts, open previously saved text documents and edit them;

Copy, paste and delete text fragments;

Set the text font, color, size and style of letters.

When performing design tasks students will learn:

Select the appropriate font design for different parts of a text document;

Compose texts intended for any purpose and create them using a computer using different fonts.

As a result of studying this module, students should be able:

Embed images in a printed publication;

Create diagrams and include them in a printed publication;

Create tables and include them in a printed publication.

When performing design tasks students will learn:

Beautifully design printed publications using drawings, photographs, diagrams and tables;

Compose printed publications intended for any purpose and create them using a computer.

As a result of studying this module, students should be able:

Create thumbnails of electronic publications and use these thumbnails to create publications using hyperlinks;

Include sound, video and animation elements in the electronic publication.

When performing design tasks students will learn how to create electronic publications intended for any purpose and design them using texts, images, sounds, videos and animations.

Information search module.

As a result of studying this module, students should be able:

Search, find and save texts found using search engines;

Search, find and save images found using search engines.

When performing design tasks students will learn how to search for and find the information they need and use it, for example, when creating printed or electronic publications.

2. Logical-algorithmic component

1st class

should be able:

Find an extra object in a group of homogeneous;

Give a name to a group of homogeneous objects;

Find objects with the same attribute value (color, shape, size, number of elements, etc.);

Find patterns in the arrangement of figures by the value of one attribute;

Name a sequence of simple familiar actions;

Find the missing action in a familiar sequence;

Distinguish deliberately false phrases;

Name words that are opposite in meaning.

2nd grade

As a result of studying the material, students should be able:

Offer several options for an extra item in a group of homogeneous ones;

Identify groups of homogeneous objects among heterogeneous ones and give names to these groups;

Divide the proposed set of figures (drawings) into two subsets according to the values ​​of different features;

Find patterns in the arrangement of figures by the value of two signs;

Give examples of the sequence of actions in everyday life, in fairy tales;

Accurately perform actions under the dictation of the teacher;

Distinguish give examples of statements, identify

3rd grade

As a result of studying the material, students should be able:

Find common parts and actions in all objects from the same class (group of homogeneous objects);

Name the common features of objects from the same class (groups of homogeneous objects) and the values ​​of features for different objects from this class;

Understand line-by-line notation of algorithms and notation using flowcharts;

Perform simple algorithms and compose your own by analogy;

Draw graphs;

Choose a graph that correctly depicts the proposed situation;

Find the area of ​​intersection of two sets in the figure and name the elements from this area.

4th grade

As a result of studying the material, students should be able:

Determine the constituent parts of objects, as well as the composition of these constituent parts;

Describe the location of the item, listing the objects in which it is included (similar to a postal address);

Fill in the table of features for items from the same class (each cell of the table contains the value of one of several features for one of several items);

Execute branching algorithms; with repetitions; with parameters; inverse given;

Depict sets with different mutual arrangement;

Write conclusions in the form of “if …, then …” rules; for a given situation, compose short chains of rules “if ..., then ...”.

1. Technological component

Module "Introduction to the computer".

Module "Creating drawings".

Module "Creation of cartoons and "live" pictures".

Module "Creating projects of houses and apartments". Design. Computer design. Interior. Design. Architecture. Examples of programs for the design of buildings. Basic operations in the design of buildings: review and inspection of the project, creating walls, creating windows and doors, installing plumbing and household appliances, placing furniture, choosing colors and types of surfaces.

Module "Creation of computer games".

Module "Acquaintance with the computer: files and folders (directories)".

Module "Creation of texts". Computer writing. Keyboard trainers. Text editors. Examples of keyboard simulators and text editors. Keyboard rules. Basic operations when creating texts: typing, moving the cursor, entering capital letters, entering Latin letters, saving a text document, opening a document, creating a new document, selecting text, cutting, copying and pasting text. Text formatting. Select font, size, color and character style. Text organization. Title, subtitle, body text. Paragraph alignment.

Module "Creation of printed publications". Print publications. Types of printed publications. Text editors. Desktop publishing systems. Examples of text editors and desktop publishing systems. illustrations in publications. Schemes in publications. Some types of schemas: relationship schemas; schemes reflecting the location and connection of objects; schemes reflecting the ongoing changes, the procedure. Tables in publications. Columns and rows.

Module "Creation of electronic publications".

Information search module.

2. Logical-algorithmic component

1st class


Logical reasoning.

2nd grade

Action plan and its description.

Distinctive features and components of objects.

Logical reasoning.

3rd grade


Groups (classes) of objects.

Logical reasoning. Statements with the words "all", "not all", "none". Relations between sets (union, intersection, nesting). Graphs and their tabular description. Paths in graphs. Trees.

4th grade



Logical reasoning. Connection of operations on sets and logical operations. Paths in graphs that meet the given criteria. Rules for inferring "if...then...". Chains of inference rules. The simplest graphs "and - or".

Application of models (schemes) for solving problems.

VII. Thematic planning and main activities of students

1. Technological component

A modular thematic planning is given with the condition of using specific computer programs. The list of operations mastered by schoolchildren in other computer programs may differ from that set out in this planning.


Number of hours

Module "Introduction to the computer"

Computers are all around us. New professions. Computers at school. Rules of conduct in the computer class. Basic computer devices. Computer programs. Operating system. Desktop. Computer mouse. Keyboard. Turning the computer on and off. Program launch. Termination of program execution.

Search similarities and differences in material and information technologies. reason about the change in people's lives and about new professions that have appeared with the invention of the computer. Mix in the device table for input and output of various types of information. Fulfill specified mouse and keyboard actions. run programs, perform actions in them and complete work of programs.

Module "Creating drawings"

Computer graphics. Examples of graphic editors. Graphic editor toolbar. Basic drawing operations: drawing and erasing points, lines, shapes. Color fill. Other operations.

Choose invent my.


Fulfill computer operations related to the technology being studied (for example, drawing points, straight and curved lines, shapes, erasing, filling with color, saving and editing drawings).


Module "Creating cartoons and live pictures"

Animation. Computer animation. The main ways of creating computer animation: frame-by-frame hand-drawn animation, animation design, animation programming. Examples of programs for creating animation. Basic operations for creating animation. Stages of creating a cartoon.

Choose life situation to perform the final creative work or invent my.

Fulfill computer operations related to the technology being studied (for example, choosing a background, objects, characters, animating characters, creating titles, saving and editing cartoons).

Fulfill final creative work, using mastered operations.

Module "Creating projects of houses and apartments"

Design. Computer design. Interior. Design. Architecture. Examples of programs for the design of buildings. Basic operations in the design of buildings: review and inspection of the project, creating walls, creating windows and doors, installing plumbing and household appliances, placing furniture, choosing colors and types of surfaces.

Choose life situation to perform the final creative work or invent my.

Compare program toolbar on a computer with the toolbar example in the tutorial.

Fulfill computer operations related to the technology being studied (for example, reviewing and inspecting projects, creating walls, windows and doors, installing household appliances, placing furniture, choosing colors and types of surfaces, saving and editing projects of houses or apartments).


Fulfill final creative work, using mastered operations.

Module "Creation of computer games"

Computer games. Types of computer games. Procedure for creating games. Examples of programs for creating computer games. Basic operations in game design: creating or selecting a background, map or field, selecting and placing objects and characters. Other operations.

Choose life situation to complete the final creative work or invent your own.

Fulfill computer operations related to the technology being studied (for example, choosing a background, starting and finishing places for the main character, choosing a set of opponents, obstacles and bonuses and their locations, saving and editing games).

Create project (sketch or plan) of the final creative work.

Fulfill final creative work, using mastered operations.

Module "Acquaintance with the computer: files and folders (directories)"

Files. Folders (directories). File name. File size. Removable media. The full name of the file. Operations on files and folders (directories): creating folders (directories), copying files and folders (directories), moving files and folders (directories), deleting files and folders (directories). Examples of programs for performing actions with files and folders (directories).

Create folders (directories). Delete, copy And move files and folders (directories).

Module "Creation of texts"

Computer writing. Keyboard trainers. Text editors. Examples of keyboard trainers and text editors. Keyboard rules. Basic operations when creating texts: typing, moving the cursor, entering capital letters, entering Latin letters, saving a text document, opening a document, creating a new document, selecting text, cutting, copying and pasting text. Text formatting. Select font, size, color and character style. Text organization. Title, subtitle, body text. Paragraph alignment.

Choose life situation to perform the final creative work or invent my.

Fulfill computer operations related to the technology being studied (for example, typing, moving the cursor, cutting, copying and pasting text, choosing a font, size and style of characters, organizing text, saving and editing text documents).

Create project (sketch or plan) of the final creative work.

Fulfill final creative work, using mastered operations.

Module "Creation of printed publications"

Print publications. Types of printed publications. Text editors. Desktop publishing systems. Examples of text editors and desktop publishing systems. illustrations in publications. Schemes in publications. Some types of schemas: relationship schemas; schemes reflecting the location and connection of objects; schemes reflecting the ongoing changes, the procedure. Tables in publications. Columns and rows.

Choose life situation to perform the final creative work or invent my.

Fulfill computer operations related to the technology being studied (for example, supplementing texts with illustrations, diagrams, tables, saving and editing printed publications).

Create project (sketch or plan) of the final creative work.

Fulfill final creative work, using mastered operations.

Module "Creation of electronic publications"

Electronic Publications. Types of electronic publications: presentations, electronic textbooks and encyclopedias, reference systems, Internet pages. Examples of programs for creating electronic publications. Hyperlinks in publications. Create an electronic publication with hyperlinks. Sound, video and animation in electronic publications. Embedding sounds and music in electronic publications. Embedding animations and videos in electronic publications. Procedure for creating an electronic publication. Preparing presentations.

Choose life situation to perform the final creative work or invent my.

Fulfill computer operations related to the technology being studied (for example, adding hyperlinks, sounds, music, animation, video to texts with illustrations, diagrams and tables, saving and editing electronic publications).

Create project (sketch or plan) of the final creative work.

Fulfill final creative work, using mastered operations.

Information search module

Sources of information for computer search: compact discs CD ("CD") or DVD ("Di-Vi-Di"), the Internet, permanent memory of a computer. Ways of computer search for information: viewing selected information on the topic, searching for files using file managers, using search tools in electronic publications, using special search engines. Search engines. Examples of programs for local search. Search engines on the Internet. Search queries. Clarification of requests for information search. Saving search results. Image search. Saving found images.

Choose life situation to perform the final creative work or invent my.

Fulfill operations on the computer related to the technology being studied (for example, performing keyword queries, selecting relevant information from search results, saving found and selected texts and images).

Create project (sketch or plan) of the final creative work.

Fulfill final creative work, using mastered operations.

2. Logical-algorithmic component

1st class


Number of hours

The main types of educational activities of students

Action plan and description

Sequencing. The sequence of states in nature. Performing a sequence of actions. Drawing up linear action plans. Search for errors in the sequence of actions.

Define sequence of events.

Call a sequence of simple familiar actions; find missed action in a familiar sequence.

Distinctive features and components of objects

Isolation of signs of objects, recognition of objects by given signs. Comparison of two or more items. The division of objects into groups according to given characteristics.

Define feature value (color, shape, size, number of elements, etc.); find objects with the same attribute value; reveal regularities in the arrangement of figures according to the value of one attribute.

Define And call component parts of objects, group objects by component parts. Define And call actions of objects, group objects by actions.


giving the name of a group of homogeneous objects; find an extra item in a group of homogeneous; call distinctive features of objects in a group with a common name; compare groups of items by quantity; put

Logical reasoning

Truth and falsity of statements. Logical reasoning and conclusions. Finding paths on the simplest graphs, counting options. Statements and sets. Construction of the negation of simple statements.

Differ deliberately false phrases; call words that are opposite in meaning.

Evaluate simple statements as true or false.

Find on the diagram in the form of a tree, objects by several properties. portray simple situations on the scheme in the form of graphs.


2nd grade


Number of hours

The main types of educational activities of students

Action plan and description

Sequencing. The sequence of states in nature. Performing a sequence of actions. Drawing up linear action plans. Search for errors in the sequence of actions. Familiarity with ways of writing algorithms. Introduction to branching in algorithms.

Define action result, determine action that led to this result. Define the opposite action.

Drive examples of the sequence of events and actions in everyday life, in fairy tales.

Compose algorithm, fulfill algorithm actions. Compose branching algorithms.

Distinctive features and components of objects

Isolation of signs of objects, recognition of objects by given signs. Comparison of two or more items. The division of objects into groups according to given characteristics. Components of objects.

Describe signs of objects; compare objects according to their characteristics, group objects on different grounds; find patterns in the arrangement of figures according to the value of two signs.

Describe objects through their signs, components, actions.

Suggest several options for an extra item in a group of homogeneous ones;

allocate groups of homogeneous objects among heterogeneous for various reasons and give the names of these groups put matching items from one group to items from another group.

Find union and intersection of sets of objects.

Logical reasoning

Truth and falsity of statements. Logical reasoning and conclusions. Finding paths on the simplest graphs, counting options. Statements and sets. nested sets. Construction of the negation of statements.

Differ statements from other proposals, drive examples of statements determine true and false statements.

Build utterances that negate the given ones. Build statements using the connectives "AND", "OR".

Display the proposed situation using graphs.

Define number of combinations of a small number of items.

Find winning strategy in some games.

3rd grade


Number of hours

The main types of educational activities of students


Algorithm as a plan of actions leading to a given goal. Forms of writing algorithms: block diagram, line-by-line notation. Execution of the algorithm. Drawing up an algorithm. Finding errors in the algorithm. Linear, branching, cyclic algorithms.

Define stages (steps) of action. Define correct order of steps. Fulfill simple algorithms and compose your own by analogy. Find And correct errors in the algorithms. Fulfill, make up And write down in the form of schemes, algorithms with branching and loops. Formulate branch conditions and loop exit conditions.

Groups (classes) of objects

Common names and individual objects. Different objects with a common name. Different common names for one single object. Composition and actions of objects with one common name. Features. Values ​​of distinguishing features (attributes) of different objects in the group. Object names.

Describe an object (being, phenomenon), naming its constituent parts and actions.

Find common in the constituent parts and actions of all objects from one class (a group of homogeneous objects).

name groups of homogeneous objects and individual objects from such groups.

Define common features of items from the same class (groups of homogeneous items) and the values ​​of features for different items from this class, write down the values ​​of these features in the form of a table.

Describe special properties of objects from a subgroup.

Logical reasoning

Statements with the words "all", "not all", "none". Relations between collections (sets): union, intersection, nesting. Graphs and their tabular description. Paths in graphs. Trees.

Define membership of elements of a given set (set) and a part of the set (subset). Define belonging of elements to the intersection and union of collections (sets).

Differ statements from other proposals, drive examples of statements determine true and false statements. Build statements using the connectives "AND", "OR", "NOT". Define the truth of compound statements.

Choose a graph that correctly depicts the proposed situation; make up graph by verbal description of the relationship between objects or creatures.

Games. Game analysis with a winning strategy. Solving problems by analogy. Solving problems on patterns. Similar patterns.

Find pairs of objects with similar composition, actions, features.

Find regularity and restore missing elements of a chain or table.

dispose items in a chain or table, following a pattern similar to the given one.

Find regularity during the game, formulate and apply winning strategy.

4th grade


Number of hours

The main types of educational activities of students


nested algorithms. Algorithms with parameters. Loops: repeat a specified number of times; until the specified condition is met; for the listed options.

Compose And write down nested algorithms. Fulfill, make up branching and looping algorithms and write down them in the form of schemes and in line-by-line notation with indents.

Fulfill And make up algorithms with parameters.

Groups (classes) of objects

Composite objects. The relation "consists of". Scheme (tree) of the composition. Object addresses. Addresses of components of compound objects. Relationship between the composition of a complex object and the addresses of its components. Relative addresses in compound objects.

Define components of objects, as well as the composition of these components, draw up a composition scheme (including a multi-level one).

Describe the location of the item, listing the objects in which it is included (similar to a postal address).

Write down signs and actions of the whole object or creature and its parts on the scheme of composition.

Fill a table of features for items from the same class (each cell of the table contains the value of one of several features for one of several items).

Logical reasoning

Connection of operations on collections (sets) and logical operations. Paths in graphs that meet the given criteria. Rules for inferring "if...then...". Chains of inference rules. The simplest graphs "and - or".

portray on the scheme of an aggregate (set) with different mutual arrangement: nesting, union, intersection.

Define the truth of statements with the words "NOT", "AND", "OR".

Build graphs for the verbal description of the relationship between objects or creatures.

Build And describe paths in graphs.

Highlight part of the edges of the graph according to the statement with the words "NOT", "AND", "OR".

Write down conclusions in the form of rules “if ..., then ...”; for a given situation, make short chains of rules “if ..., then ...”; draw up reasoning schemes from the rules “if ..., then ...” and draw conclusions with their help.

Application of models (schemes) for solving problems

Techniques of fantasizing (reception "on the contrary", "unusual values ​​of signs", "unusual composition of the object"). Communication of change of objects and their functional purpose. Application of the studied techniques of fantasizing to the materials of sections 1–3 (to algorithms, objects, etc.).

invent And describe objects with unusual composition and possibilities. Find actions with the same name for different objects. invent and describe objects with unusual features. Describe with the help of the algorithm, the action is the opposite of the given one. correlate actions of objects and creatures with a change in the values ​​of their attributes.

VIII. Logistics of the educational process

1. Technological component

Each elementary school teacher should have access to a modern personal computer that provides the ability to record and broadcast video and sound over the network.

From this computer, it should be possible to access the local network (information space) of the educational institution and through the local network of the institution to the Internet. The computer must be equipped with a (built-in or external) webcam, noise-canceling headphones, and a sound amplification kit.

The computer must have pre-installed licensed software that allows you to: practice typing skills, edit and format texts, graphics, presentations, enter, save and edit video images and sound, create animations, interactive animations (games), building projects (depending on the selected for mastering the modules of the technological component).

An educational institution must have a local area network that forms the information space of the educational institution and has access to the Internet. The local network must include a server that provides storage of educational materials and the formation of a portfolio of students in the information environment of the school. Each classroom in which computer lessons will be held at an elementary school must have a network access point that provides simultaneous connection to the network of all students' computers and the teacher's computer.

Each classroom where computer lessons will be held in elementary school should be provided with modern personal computers, with Internet access and school information environment, providing the ability to record and broadcast video and sound over the network, equipped with a built-in or externally connected webcam, noise-absorbing headphones, microphone. The office must have at least one printer and a flatbed scanner installed.

2. Logical-algorithmic component

To implement the principle of visibility in the office, pictorial visual aids should be available: posters with examples of diagrams and cutting material with images of objects and figures.

Another means of visualization is the equipment for multimedia demonstrations (computer and media projector). Thanks to the Internet and a single collection of digital educational resources (for example, http://school-collection.*****/), it allows the teacher to use a set of additional tasks for most topics of the Computer Science course.