Eclipse make a wish. Astrological magic: the influence of eclipses and their use to your advantage

On January 21, we will observe the “Blood Moon”, when the Earth’s satellite will turn red due to the fact that it will be completely covered by the Earth and only part of the light will fall on its surface. In ancient times, it was considered a harbinger of famine and devastation, but in fact, the “blood moon” is not such a bad sign.

Astrologers site told about the eclipse, what you can do and what not.

What is a lunar eclipse

It occurs when the Moon in motion along its trajectory falls into the shadow of the Earth. At this moment, the Moon, the Earth and the Sun are, as it were, on the same line, and our planet blocks the Moon from the Sun. If the shadow covers completely, this is a total eclipse, partially - partial. The maximum number of lunar eclipses is four per year, as will be, for example, in 2020 and 2038, the minimum is two.

What do eclipses mean in astrology

January 21 at 5:16 (GMT) there will be a Lunar eclipse. This is an important astro-event, and not because any eclipses are serious, but because the January eclipses, as it were, open and close doors, important milestones in the year. There was a Solar Eclipse on January 6, which gave impetus to a new start, and now the Lunar Eclipse will sum up the results. It will be full, coincide with the first Supermoon of the year, and besides, it will be spectacular - due to the fact that the Moon is completely covered by the Earth, it will become “bloody”, bright red.

Eclipses affect a person in different ways. They come in pairs, two weeks apart. Solar ones provoke a crisis in consciousness, change internal attitudes and lead events that are completely dependent on external circumstances. But the Lunar ones are more connected with what a person thinks and feels. Solar ones open a new stage, focus on matters that require urgent attention, and bring something new to life; Lunar - complete some life stage, provoke a crisis, when you need to change something or give up something, this is a boiling point, a time of conflicts, revolutions, natural disasters.

How eclipses affect human life

Everything that happens on eclipse days is very important, even if it doesn't seem so at first. You should be attentive to situations, acquaintances and meetings, write down thoughts and observations that come to mind. Everything that enters our lives during the "eclipse corridor" will be a part of his life for a very long time. That is why it is so important at this time to set goals, plan, form your intentions in order to proceed with them as soon as the “corridor” is behind you. Even at this time, it is good to give up bad habits, burdensome relationships, obligations, people.

But plans are plans, and it’s not worth acting on the very days of eclipses and plus or minus a week. The person seems to be in the dark, he perceives too emotionally that “it’s not worth a damned egg”, but does not notice the important clues of Fate. Darkness, chaos, confusion, incomplete information, emotions - all this promises both a Solar and a Lunar eclipse. These days can unsettle anyone, so you can’t start anything new and destroy what you didn’t really plan to destroy before the eclipse - mistakes will come back to haunt you soon and painfully.

But on the days of eclipses and plus or minus a week, you can look at yourself and your life from the outside, from an unusual angle. It's like looking at yourself in a photo or video that someone took without your knowledge: and you don't talk like that, and you don't look like you used to in the mirror, and what kind of stupid antics are these... Eclipses are a time of breaking the pattern, when you need to catch new information, but do not rush to conclusions and deeds.

“The total lunar eclipse coincides with the first Supermoon of the year and will be in the sign of Leo. During this period, it is best to do introspection, summing up, making plans. In no case should you make important decisions, conclude deals, make large purchases. People usually begin to feel this phenomenon on themselves 3-4 days before and after the event. Suddenly, for no reason at all, you can feel strong irritation, apathy, sometimes aggression, or, conversely, deep longing.

The motto of this period is “World Peace!”. You can not quarrel, sort things out, even think badly about someone. You need to think about loved ones, about those with whom there are very difficult relationships, about enemies - rethink your own and their behavior and forgive everyone, let go of grievances, mentally ask for forgiveness. For those who during this period feel bright flashes of aggression or mood swings, it is better to be alone, relax or do what you love.

“It is very important that the eclipse will occur on the intense interaction of Venus and Neptune, as well as Mars and Saturn. On this day and in the 2-3 days preceding it, you need to beware of sorting out relationships with loved ones and with your soulmate. Do not lie, do not try to hide something, especially in love. At this time, unions are collapsing in which there are no feelings and mutual affection left - if so, then it is better to let the person go, since someone who suits you better will come in his place.

In a career, news is also possible, but not necessarily with a minus sign. There may be an echo of the events that were relevant in the second half of the summer of 2018. There may be a recognition of your merits, the signing of important documents with a view to the future. But it’s better not to start looking for work at this time, not to quit and not to conflict with colleagues, even if the truth is on your side. But if you yourself are offered to think about changing jobs or an interesting option falls into your field of vision, it’s better not to hesitate with the decision.”

“The combination of the Supermoon and the Lunar Eclipse on January 21 means a double, heightened effect on your psyche. You will be emotional, confused and irritable, and you will face situations where all your past experience is useless. The situations themselves will be small, insignificant, but your emotional reaction to them will be very strong! You will feel that you need to change something in yourself, and that only internal changes separate you from a new, better life.

Do not be afraid to change, do not act as you are used to, but as the situation requires. It may be unusual for you to behave in a new way, but the reward will not be long in coming. Within a week you will see the benefits of the new behavior, in July 2019 you will be able to say with confidence that your life and you yourself have changed for the better, and you will see the global effect of internal work on yourself in 19 years!”

“This eclipse will occur on the Leo-Aquarius axis in tense aspect with Uranus. And there will be a lunar perigee, when the moon comes very close to the earth. By itself, the lunar perigee makes people very irritable, impatient with each other. In the lunar perigee, the number of accidents on the roads increases. The full moon can give uncontrollable outbursts of emotions, destructive actions and rash words that can ruin relationships very much. A tendency to rash acts, which you can later regret very much, and there will be no chance to correct them.

Events during this period can gain unexpected momentum, the most unpredictable consequences are possible. Pluto, participating in this configuration, will require drastic changes, the end of something. Therefore, during this period, an unexpected end to something is possible, whether it be a relationship, friendship or business partnership.

This period is characterized by increased injury risk, accidents, air crashes. Therefore, it is advisable to maintain maximum caution on the roads, when driving a car, it is advisable not to go on trips and travels.

“Any full moon, and on January 21 there will be a full moon, is most favorable for appealing to higher authorities or people in authority. In all other matters, this time is rather unfavorable for undertakings. It, at best, helps to realize something, sort out your feelings, sort out relationships and bring to light some problems both in relationships and in other areas of life. If there is no complete clarity and you cannot sort out what you feel and what you want, this is a good moment to understand yourself.

A total solar eclipse will take place on August 21, 2017 at 21:21 Moscow time. It can be observed in the USA and Canada, Central and South America, Western Europe, West Africa. In Russia, partial phases are visible in the northeast of the country (Chukotka).

The eclipse will take place under the influence of Mars and the sign of Leo. People during the eclipse will feel a huge surge of strength, which is due to an incredible energy upsurge. The desire for power, determination, the desire to get what you want no matter what is aggravated. It is important not to succumb to the influence of the ego and direct energy into a creative channel.

If you feel that the business you have started will benefit not only you, but also everyone around you, feel free to use the active energy of the eclipse. The eclipse gives a huge boost that will last for another whole week after and you will be able to bring your plan to the end.

  • Take a bath or shower
  • Fast
  • Be at peace
  • Do charity work
  • Think positive, forgive, show love and compassion
  • Write a wish list for 18.5 years
  • Engage in meaningful creativity

Before the eclipse, it is also good to take a shower and mentally wash away everything that you would like to leave in the past.

This is the time for creative creativity. It's time to create what you have long dreamed of. Write a book, start painting, learn to sing or take dance classes. It’s good to do protective needlework, create masterpieces filling it with magical meaning.

Write a list of your desires, how you would like to see your life and yourself in the next 18.5 years. After all, this eclipse will have an impact on this period.

  • Leave the house 4 hours before and after the eclipse
  • Cooking (directly at the very moment of the eclipse)
  • sign contracts
  • Operate, interact with sharp objects
  • Get married, have children
  • Sleep
  • Conflict and quarrel
  • think about the bad
  • Drink alcohol and load the body

How to make a wish for the solar eclipse August 21, 2017

The total solar eclipse will be on August 21 at 21:26 (Moscow time), but it is advisable to spend the whole evening in a calm atmosphere, away from crowds.

Of course, after a shower, you need to wear fresh, light, comfortable clothes. Preferably a light color.

Now we lie down (better head to the north or east) and relax. We try to stop the word stirrer in our head and focus on one of our desires: what we would like to attract into our lives or what to get rid of. The desire must really be ours. You can’t plot something for a husband, children, neighbor. But it seems to me that peace is possible for everyone and all over the world! Formulate in the affirmative form. Examples: “I strive towards my goal of having a happy personal life. I aspire to the energies of motherhood and lead the new human soul into incarnation through myself. I strive to effectively solve the problems of improving my financial condition. I quit smoking and distanced myself from all other types of intoxication. I am healthy and filled with renewing energy.” Etc.

Figuratively and vividly imagine RESULT. And how the radiance of the Sun flares up around the object of your desire. Be filled with joy. It is your inner sun that shines.

An eclipse as a unique moment contributes by resonance to a unique leap into the new.

After the eclipse (somewhere in forty minutes or an hour), you again need to take a contrast shower. And where it's already late in the evening - go to bed.

Try not to rush into conversations and stories about your desires. Your silence does not bring any other people's energies and opinions into the desired result, and you fix it in real life.

Given that Mercury has not yet completed its retrograde movement, which affects new business, transactions, major purchases, travel, you should not make clear, specific desires that you doubt on the day of the eclipse. That is, if you want to move abroad, you should not think about it right now. Suddenly there will be a war, and you made a wish, which means that the wish will come true and you can regret it.

Better think about how you want to feel in the future.

    ☝️ Eclipses provide an opportunity to change your life and realize what we want. But, with our desires, we can worsen the situation.

    There are rules that must be followed when making a wish in #eclipse. .
    🌟 Desire in an eclipse for a ritual, these are not affirmations. #Affirmations (these are phrases like "I'm getting younger, healthier and richer every day") are suitable for the entire period of the eclipse corridor (from September 1 to September 16) and if you do not do the #ritual. ☝️ They are not suitable for the ritual! .
    The wish must be in the present tense. For example, “I have been the head of such and such a branch since the fall of 2016.” .
    🌟 Do not use the particle NOT. For example, “I don’t want to get sick” we replace NOT with “ I am healthy"- this is an affirmation, but we specifically indicate that we are great. For example, "My liver is functioning well, my uterus is fertile." .
    🌟 No "I want ...", you need "I have!" .
    🌟 No “happiness and joy”, these are ephemeral concepts that you cannot visualize, from here they cannot come true. Desires must be specific and you must present them in detail. .
    🌟Reflect on the phrase. Are you happy when: you have such and such a salary, such and such a car or such and such a house ..? Everything should be clear and understandable. .
    The meaning of the phrase must be unambiguous and unambiguous. No "I have a stable income." It can be stable 10 thousand rubles a month. Better "My income is 300 thousand (million) rubles a month!" Don't forget about the adequacy of desires. The amount should be within your reach. Once again, NOT “I am the owner of a car”, but specifically which one, otherwise you can also have an old broken car. .
    🌟 Do not pile up a lot of words in a phrase, highlight the key concept. You should not sort out the ways of fulfilling a desire, you can make a mistake in them and reduce the choice of fate itself. .
    🌟If you want to get married, then you can’t indicate the name of the candidate, maybe you will marry someone else.


  • astrolog_anisimova 🌟Again, about other people, desires should not be associated with anyone. You can only ask for yourself! Nothing from “I want Pasha to marry me. Let Vanya love me. I want my daughter to go there... I want to get an inheritance! "This is all violence against someone else's will and an attempt to interfere in someone else's fate. Everything can turn around. 🌟Google the meanings of words, analyze them at the root, prefix. For example, we replace “I'm thin” (the root is “bad”) with “I'm slim”, and even better “My everything is so-and-so” ... 🌟 Sadness. You can’t have a complete list of everything at once (car, apartment, husband, travel, #money, health). Choose the most important. If you don't know how to concentrate, then nothing will work out. 🌞 On the solar eclipse (01.09) we make wishes for the correction of our own personal qualities of character, habits, relationships. 🌛 On the lunar eclipse (16.09) we make material desires and health.

    I wish you all the realization of your plans!!! Yours Natalia Anisimova😘. #eclipse_aa #eclipse #fate correction #fate #karma #astrologer

This year will take place against the background of retrograde, that is, the reverse movement of Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune, so it is not surprising that everything is going wrong now.

But do not worry, because on August 11 everything will change and the Sun will help you fulfill your cherished desire.

And it will be possible to watch it in North America, Greenland, Northern Europe (Iceland, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia) and Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and China). At sunset, a partial eclipse of the sun can be seen in South Korea and North Korea. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to admire the solar eclipse in Ukraine, but all the inhabitants of the planet will feel the impact.

After the solar eclipse, the so-called "eclipse corridor" will close, which pestered us with a headache, and sometimes with unexpected life troubles.

So, how to take advantage of the future "magical" solar eclipse:

1. Since we have the influence of retrograde planets moving in the opposite direction, the influence of the past on your life is not excluded. You suddenly want to read a diary, look at old photos, unblock an ex on social media, see a friend you haven't seen in 100 years, and the like. But during this period, you should share the bright sadness of the past and the desire for the past to return to your life. You should not be subjected to the last impulse, because it can bring significant negative changes in your life.

2. Try to work with your past. Now this is the last period in this summer cycle to analyze your mistakes and draw the right conclusions. Also remember which you are, for example, what books you read in childhood and adolescence and they made a great impression on you. You will be surprised what a huge impact this exercise will have on you. If you feel like crying while you work, don't be surprised - it's a catharsis.

3. A partial solar eclipse also occurs during the New and Black Moon periods. The Black Moon is the period before the new moon, during which the luminaries are not visible in the sky. Behind him comes the time of the New Moon. Usually this happens within one day, and tomorrow - just such a day. From an esoteric point of view, this is a good time to get rid of something and plant ideas for a new one.

Therefore, on the night before the eclipse, you should practice getting rid of all the negativity in your life - problems, painful relationships, toxic work, bad habits, poverty, and the like.

Do it! Write on scraps of paper what you want to get rid of, put them on the window and ask the Black Moon to take the negativity out of your life. In the morning, these shreds should be burned. Best of all - in a refractory cauldron, which will symbolize the womb in which your new life is born.

But do not forget that in order for problems to disappear from your life, you must make efforts yourself, and not rely only on the magic of celestial bodies.

4. The next thing to do is update your wishlists for the future. Get a good notepad or notebook. Eclipse and young will enhance each other's magic, so - do not limit your imagination. This practice can be repeated by every young Moon, because his magic is always with him, although it will not be enhanced by the eclipse.

Further, we also leave a notebook on the windowsill and imagine that the way the moon will grow, so will your dreams come true. During the day, you can also leave a notebook on the windowsill to "strengthen" the desire with the power of a solar eclipse. Next, the notebook should be hidden for 28 days, until the next new moon. Since the energy of the eclipse is powerful, your desires can quickly come true, but your fears can also come true, so it is advisable not to attract them during this practice.

5. Also, do not forget about these tips for the period of the eclipse - eat light food or stick to a diet. Heavy meals, bread and foods containing a lot of sugar can be replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables and honey. The implementation of procedures related to cleaning, for example, in the field of cosmetology, will be positive. Traditionally, the peak period will be three days before and after the eclipse, the risk of injuries, fractures, sprains may increase, so be careful. And good luck with your solar eclipse.

Solar (Lunar) ECLIPSE, TIME TO MAKE A WISH (What do you want to get rid of)

Many of us have noticed growing tension near eclipse dates. Information summaries of these periods are overflowing with reports of natural disasters, catastrophes or escalation of conflicts. Dramatic changes may be taking place in our immediate environment. Knowing the “seasons” and dates of eclipses, we can more consciously relate to the events of our lives and the lives of our loved ones, understanding their significance in time.

During these periods, you should carefully monitor all the situations that occur, meetings and new ideas.

It must be remembered that any event that falls on an eclipse is more important than we may at first imagine. The eclipse emphasizes the significance of the events and the seriousness of their consequences. Ideas, proposals, projects and people that enter our lives during the "season" of eclipses become part of our lives for a long period.

Everything that happens a week before an eclipse is endowed with a completely different quality than what happens a week later.

Events that take place a week before an eclipse very rarely manage to reconcile with how they were planned. They get out of control, acquiring b about more reach and more speed.

Everything that happens on the day of the eclipse itself is endowed with a fateful meaning. and is almost beyond human control. During an eclipse, we find ourselves aware of information that could have been put at our disposal before, but for one reason or another did not reach our consciousness. Therefore, important decisions should be made in the week after the eclipse.

solar eclipses stimulate a crisis in consciousness, change our internal attitudes.

Bringing events that we did not consciously cause, dictated by external circumstances.

Here, situations due to karmic predestination are realized.

Lunar eclipses that occur two weeks earlier or later are more related to events caused by our thoughts and feelings.

They indicate the area of ​​daily life where the changes brought about by the solar eclipse will take place.

If a lunar eclipse precedes a solar eclipse, the situation in a certain area of ​​life reaches a critical point, requiring reorganization and pushing for rethinking and searching for a new approach to the time of a solar eclipse. If a solar eclipse is followed by a lunar eclipse, what will be laid down at the beginning of the cycle will inevitably manifest itself during the next lunar eclipse- new conscious attitudes will receive implementation or denial in situations that will determine the next life stage.

The solar eclipse opens a new life cycle:

It highlights matters requiring urgent attention and brings the beginning of something new.

A new perspective may dawn on the horizon, and something important will begin to lose its former significance and move away.

The solar eclipse gives events a momentum that can be felt in our personal affairs for several years. "Absorption of light" makes this period unpredictable, causing a sense of uncertainty, which will be revealed later. At this time, the luminaries are in conjunction, their influences are mixed, and the potencies of the new cycle are not fully manifested.

Therefore, you need to be on the alert and not rush into new projects, no matter how promising they may seem.

Don't make the final choice and don't make the final commitment.

If the eclipse leaves the choice up to you, it is better to postpone all important decisions for a week after it. At this time, you do not have all the information, and haste now will have to pay later.

Unlike a solar eclipse, lunarit is the end of some stage in our life. The luminaries have reached opposition, - after passing this point, the Moon begins its return journey to the Sun.

A lunar eclipse is a time of maximum illumination, manifestation of questions and problems.

This is a crisis, as a result of which something will be drastically changed or discarded. One way or another, but the circumstances will not remain the same.

This is a time when relationship issues, legal disputes and open conflicts come to the fore. It is the most public and public time of the year, revealing information that could remain hidden for a long time. Information spreads instantly, becoming public knowledge. The secret can become clear.

If you've been busy looking for someone or something, you might find it during a lunar eclipse.

It carries out long-term projects and tasks. It can bring a long-awaited meeting or put an end to a long-awaited break. This is the time of public scandals, termination of contracts, or, on the contrary, mergers and unifications of the parties. Although the conflict, clarifying the positions of the parties, is often a way to solve the problem, nevertheless, it should be remembered that at this time the emotional intensity is too strong, so beware of making spontaneous decisions. What will be destroyed during this period is difficult to restore. Elena Zimovets

November 14, 2012 - new moon and solar eclipse. Significant day. Don't forget to make a wish:

If you or your relatives are sick, wish you health and recovery.

On this day, it will be especially effective to start a diet, cleansing the body.

Wish yourself a good job or career. Only not at the expense of others, but with your own efforts, achieve what you have planned.

Growth of money and good earnings - feasible if you really want and On November 14th, wish yourself good luck.

Solar eclipse - time to correct fate:

You can get rid of negative programs, or you can, on the contrary, introduce a negative program into your life.

So watch the words you say

Thoughts on this day.

Prepare affirmations for this day ahead of time. What you lay down will come true.
If you need to solve a financial issue, forget about the phrase: "There is no money." Otherwise, they definitely won't.

If there are debts, then the period of a solar eclipse is the best time to get rid of them: pay them back on that day. To repay a debt at this time means to get rid of what interferes with material well-being.

A solar eclipse is a great time for self-improvement: you can get rid of negative habits, negative character traits.

Secondly, these days are for reflection. Think about what you want to get rid of. Your thoughts should be put on paper.

Light a candle half an hour before the eclipse,walk with her around the apartment, reading a prayer. Bypassing the apartment is done clockwise. Stand in the middle of the room. Looking at the flame of a candle, say everything that you want to get rid of.

Take a contrast shower 15 minutes before the eclipse. After showering, sit comfortably on the floor with your head to the north.

Having closed your eyes, relaxed, imagine negative programs in the form of mental images (symbols): complexes, habits, fears, phobias ... Listen to yourself.

Heaviness in the abdomen - fear, in the throat - resentment. If you managed to see, feel the clamps in your body, send them love and gratitude.

Send until they begin to change - become bright, clean. Once again, thank the Universe for helping us.

The first lunar day after a solar eclipse is a time for making wishes. Sit in front of a candle. Make a wish list.

There should be few desires - the most important for you, and specifics are important in this period: how do you plan to fulfill the desire, the timing of its fulfillment.

You should end up with something that looks like a business plan. Choose such desires that can come true within a year. By making such a plan, you declare your intentions.

A solar eclipse brings into our life situations from the outside that practically do not depend on us - all we can do is respond correctly to them, choosing this or that segment of the life Road with our response.