Stomach disease Louise Hay. The Hidden Causes of Illness by Louise Hay

The famous author of 15 publications on psychology and psychosomatics is Louise Hay. Her books have helped a large number of people cope with serious illnesses. The table of illnesses of Louise Hay includes various diseases, the psychological causes of their appearance. It also includes affirmations (new approaches to the process of healing the soul and body). The books “Heal Your Body”, How to Heal Your Life by Louise Hay have become desktop books for a significant number of people.

Can you heal yourself

The famous table of illnesses of Louise Hay should be found in one of the writer's popular books. Her work in a matter of days became very popular all over the world. Louise Hay's Heal Yourself edition is not only available in print, it is easy to download for free in video and audio format. The American writer is called the “Queen of Affirmations” because her healing technique really works.

The motivational book consists of several sections:

  1. A bestseller begins with a theory. This part of the book discusses the causes of disease according to Louise Hay. The author of the book believes that the sources of health problems are the old stereotypes of the vision of life that have remained in the subconscious since childhood. Ms. Hay is convinced that the signs of any physical ailment are the outward expression of psychological difficulties hidden deep in the subconscious.
  2. The final part of Louise Hay's book tells about the powerful force that lives in every person. It can positively influence well-being and life in general.
  3. After studying the theory of the book "Heal Yourself", everyone will have a chance to get acquainted with the miraculous table of diseases of Louise Hay. Do not hesitate, start fighting the disease today.

Diseases and their root causes - Louise Hay's table

The table developed by Louise Hay will help to cure not only the body, but also the soul. Thanks to the competent use of tabular data, you will feel a surge of strength and energy, be able to defeat any disease, and start a new life full of positive emotions. Miss Hay's table shows only the most common ailments:


Likely source of the problem

Louise Hay's New Treatment (Affirmations)


Relinquish your power.

The world is not dangerous, he is my best friend. I agree with my life.

Uncertainty in expressing yourself. You try not to say harsh words.

I get rid of all self-restrictions, I become free.

Louise Hay believes that the disease is caused by a feeling of depression, holding back tears.

My choice is freedom. I will calmly take my life into my own hands.

Resentment, anger at a partner. Belief that a woman cannot influence a man.

I am filled with femininity. I create the situations I find myself in.


Feelings of guilt and fear. Lack of confidence in what is happening in life.

I give myself into the arms of a restful sleep and know that “tomorrow” will take care of itself.


According to Hay, this is a minor expression of hatred. Belief in physical and mental defects.

I am beauty, love, a full positive life.


Strong doubts about one's own worth.

I really love and appreciate myself.

Doom, long uncertainty in life - according to Louise Hay, lead to illness.

Nothing threatens me. I approve of my actions, I respect myself.

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Fear of being punished for any activity. Tired of struggling.

I enjoy being active. My spirit is strong.

How to work with the table and healing affirmation

How to use the Louise Hay affirmation chart correctly? We answer the question with detailed instructions:

  1. We select the disease that interests us from the first column of the Hay table.
  2. We study the likely emotional source of the appearance of the disease (second column).
  3. The affirmations invented by Ms. Hay are in the last column. We memorize the “mantra” we need, pronounce it at least 2 times a day.
  4. If you believe in the method of Louise Hay, take in the information for treatment as much as possible, practice daily, then the results will not be long in coming.

Video about the psychosomatics of diseases by Louise Hay

Diseases are often linked to our emotional state. No wonder they say that all ailments are from nerves. Louise Hay was able to prove that the human body and its internal problems are closely related. After watching the video, it will become clear what the psychology and psychosomatics of diseases are, the table of Louise Hay. A video with Miss Hay's seminar will allow you to learn more about the unique technique.

The books of the famous Louise Hay not only become world bestsellers, but also really help a large number of people to change themselves and their lives. Health Affirmation Table and the causes of diseases and illnesses, which the writer compiled and published, are an ideal instruction for those who want to harmonize themselves and the world around them, who want to be happy and healthy!

The famous writer turned the minds of many, showing by her own example that physical and mental health depend on the person himself. The Louise Hay Table of Diseases is now the number one book recommended by conventional medical practitioners for severe patients.

Even skeptics, who have always been biased towards various spiritual practices, began to read and study the Louise Hay Table of Diseases. The essence of bioenergetic theory is simple and known to many: by changing consciousness and thoughts, removing ossified stereotypes, you can get rid of many ailments.

The first was the word. Louise Hay was well aware of this when she created the famous health affirmations. The word both heals and can kill. In the Louise Hay health table, each person can find the right phrase that will help cure any ailment.

In addition to bodily health, such phrases have a great effect on the mental field of a person, improving all other factors of everyday life: study, work and personal life. If you want to open a new page in your life, full of happiness and health, positive emotions and love, Louise Hay's table will help you.

If you want to download the table, then click on the like button, click on the link and it will be downloaded to your device. If you do not need to download, just see the table below:

Click on this link to download the table:



A person who has felt loneliness since childhood is internal, constant and total. He is always alone with whomever I am.

At some point, he has a very close relationship (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, merging, and on the other hand, this is too good to be true. The feeling that all good things will come to an end. Too good to last forever.

Relationships are broken.

Since this object contained the meaning of life, a person does not see the further meaning of existence, if this is not there, then I do not need everything else. And the man chooses to die.

The theme of betrayal.

* Any “deadly disease”, in particular cancer, is a message from our inner self (soul, if you like, self, unconscious, God, Universe): “The way you were, you will not live. The old personality inevitably dies. You can die psychologically as an old person and be reborn as a new person. Or die with your principles and your old life.”

Key points, the mechanism of the onset of the disease:

1. A person who has felt inner loneliness since childhood (permanent and total). "I'm always alone with whoever I'm with."

2. At some point, he has a very close relationship (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, to the level of fusion, they become the meaning of his life. On the other hand, the thought gnaws at him - "this is too good to be true." The feeling that all good things will come to an end. "Too good to last forever."

3. Relationships break.

4. Since this object contained the meaning of life, a person does not see the further meaning of existence, - "if this is not there, then I do not need everything else." And internally, at an unconscious level, a person decides to die.

5. The theme of betrayal is always present. Or the feeling that he was betrayed. Or in case of loss (of an idea, a person, an organization), the main idea is “to live on means to betray this bright past / relationship. The loss is not always physical, often it is a psychological loss, a subjective feeling.

The self-destruct mechanism starts quite quickly. Cases of late diagnosis are frequent. Since these people are used to being alone - they are from the "strong and resilient" series, very heroic people, they never ask for help and do not share their experiences. It seems to them that being strong always adds bonuses to their lives, because they are so appreciated. They "do not want to ship anyone." Ignore their experiences - endure and remain silent. Servants. Mortality lies in the fact that a person cannot overcome this "loss". In order to live, he needs to become different, change his beliefs, start believing in something else.

The more a person follows "his rightness, his overvalued ideas, ideals, principles," the faster the tumor grows and he dies. Clear dynamics. This happens when an idea is more valuable than life.

1. It is extremely important for a sick person to know that he is terminally ill. But everyone pretends that everything is fine. This is very harmful. The very "mortality" of the disease is the door to recovery. The sooner a person finds out, the greater the chance to stay alive.

2. The diagnosis itself is therapeutic - it gives the right to change the rules of the game, the rules become not so important.

3. Old principles inevitably eat up (metastasizing). If a person chooses to live, everything can be fine. Sometimes "imaginary funerals" with a symbolic beginning of a new life help.

Therapy features:

1. Changing beliefs (working with values).

2. Separate study of the topic of the future, for which he should live, setting goals. Goal-setting (the meaning of life), for which you want to live. The goal in which he wants to invest entirely.

3. Work with the fear of death. Increasing the psychological resistance of the body. So that fear activates energy, and does not weaken it.

4. Legalization of emotional needs. To make it clear that despite "coolness" they, like all people, may need both support and intimacy - it is important to learn how to ask and receive them.

The Ecology of Health: These are Louise Hay's versions of the causes of illness. There can be no complete coincidence of the real situation of the disease of a particular person with this table, because each person is unique.

These are Louise Hay's versions of the causes of illness. There can be no complete coincidence of the real situation of the disease of a particular person with this table, because each person is unique. There are a number of other authors writing on similar topics (for example, Zhikarentsev, a little Lazarev). All these works can be used mainly to show one of the possible causes of the disease. If you want to get to the bottom of a more real reason for your discomfort, you will have to try to identify it yourself, based on your situations and the emotions that they cause.

  1. List of psychological equivalents of diseases
  2. The consequences of the displacement of the vertebrae and discs
  3. Curvature of the spine

1. List of psychological equivalents of diseases

Problem (disease) and probable cause:

Abscess (abscess) - disturbing thoughts of resentment, neglect and revenge.

Adenoids - friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted.

Alcoholism - "Who needs it?" Feelings of futility, inadequacy. Rejection of self.

Allergy, see also "Hay Fever" - who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power.

Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for 6 or more months). See also "Women's Diseases" and "Menstruation" -- not wanting to be a woman. Self-hatred.

Amnesia (loss of memory) - fear. Escapism. Inability to take care of oneself.

Angina, see also "Throat", "Tonsillitis" - you refrain from harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.

Anemia (anemia) - attitude like "Yes, but ...". Lack of joy. Fear of life. Poor health.

Sickle cell anemia - belief in one's own inferiority deprives the joy of life.

Anorectal bleeding (the presence of blood in the stool) - anger and frustration.

Anus (anus), see also "Hemorrhoids" - the inability to get rid of accumulated problems, resentment and emotions.

Anus: abscess (abscess) - anger at what you want to get rid of.

Anus: fistula - incomplete disposal of waste. Unwillingness to part with the garbage of the past.

Anus: itching - guilt for the past.

Anus: Pain is guilt. Desire for punishment.

Apathy is resistance to feelings. Suppression of emotions. Fear.

Appendicitis is fear. Fear of life. Blocking everything good.

Appetite (loss), see also "Lack of appetite" -- fear. Self-defense. distrust of life.

Appetite (excessive) - fear. The need for protection. Condemnation of emotions.

Arteries - the joy of life flows through the arteries. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life.

Arthritis of fingers - desire for punishment. Self condemnation. The feeling that you are a victim.

Arthritis, see also "Joints" -- Feeling unloved. Criticism, resentment.

Asthma is the inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling overwhelmed. Suppression of sobs.

Asthma in infants and older children is a fear of life. Reluctance to be here.

Atherosclerosis is resistance. Tension. Unwavering dullness. Refusal to see the good.

Hips (upper part) - a stable support for the body. The main mechanism for moving forward.

Hips, diseases - fear of moving forward in the implementation of major decisions. Lack of purpose.

Beli, see also "Women's Diseases", "Vaginitis" - the conviction that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger at a partner.

Whiteheads - the desire to hide an ugly appearance.

Infertility - fear and resistance to the life process, or lack of need to acquire parental experience.

Insomnia is fear. distrust of the life process. Guilt.

Rabies is malice. The certainty that the only experience is violence.

Aminotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gerng's disease, Russian term - Charcot's disease) - lack of desire to recognize one's own value. Failure to recognize success.

Addison's disease (chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortex), see also "Adrenals: diseases" - acute emotional hunger. Self-directed anger.

Alzheimer's disease (a type of senile dementia), see also "Dementia" and "Old Age" - an unwillingness to accept the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.

Huntington's disease is the frustration caused by the inability to change other people.

Cushing's disease, see also "Adrenals: diseases" - a mental disorder. An overabundance of destructive ideas. The feeling that you have been overpowered.

Parkinson's disease, see also "Paresis" - fear and a strong desire to control everything and everything.

Paget's disease (ostosis deformans) - it seems that there is no longer the foundation on which to build your life. "Nobody cares".

Hodgkin's disease (a disease of the lymphatic system) - guilt and a terrible fear that you are not up to par. Feverish attempts to prove their own worth until the supply of substances it needs is exhausted in the blood. In the race for self-affirmation, you forget about the joys of life.

Pain is guilt. Guilt is always looking for punishment.

Pain is the desire for love. Hugs desire.

Pain from gas in the intestines (flatulence) - tightness. Fear. Unrealized ideas.

Warts are a petty expression of hatred. Belief in ugliness.

Plantar wart (horny) - the future disappoints you more and more.

Bright's disease (glomerulo-nephritis), see also "Jade" - feeling like a worthless child doing everything wrong. Jonah. Razin.

Bronchitis, see also "Respiratory diseases" - nervous atmosphere in the family. Arguments and screams. A rare calm.

Bulimia (an acute feeling of hunger) is fear and hopelessness. Feverish overflow and getting rid of feelings of self-hatred.

Bursitis (inflammation of the synovial bag) - symbolizes anger. Desire to hit someone.

Bunion of the big toe - lack of joy in looking at life.

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal membrane), see also "Women's diseases", "White" - anger at a partner. Feelings of sexual guilt. Self punishment.

Varicose veins - being in a situation you hate. Disapproval. Feeling irregular and overwhelmed by work.

Venereal diseases, see also "AIDS", "Gonorrhea", "Syphilis" - sexual guilt. The need for punishment. Confidence that the genitals are sinful or unclean.

Chicken pox is a languid expectation of an event. Fear and tension. Increased sensitivity.

Viral infections, see also "Infections" - lack of joy in life. Bitterness.

Epstein-Barr virus - the desire to go beyond your capabilities. Fear of not being up to par. Depletion of internal resources. stress virus.

Vitiligo (piebald skin) - a feeling of complete alienation from everything. You are not in your circle. Not a member of the group.

The blisters are resistance. Lack of emotional protection.

Lupus erythematosus - hands down. You'd rather die than stand up for yourself. Anger and punishment.

Inflammation, see also "Inflammatory processes" - fear. Rage. Inflamed consciousness.

Inflammatory processes - conditions that you have to see in life, cause anger and frustration.

An ingrown toenail is anxiety and guilt about your right to move forward.

The vulva (external female genital organs) is a symbol of vulnerability.

Discharge of pus (periodontitis) - anger at inability to make decisions. People with an uncertain attitude to life.

Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) - fear. Fear of the future. "Not now - after." Wrong timing.

Gangrene is a painful sensitivity of the psyche. Joy drowns in unkind thoughts.

Gastritis, see also "Gastrointestinal Diseases" -- protracted uncertainty. Feeling of doom.

Hemorrhoids, see also "Anus" - fear of not meeting the allotted time. Anger in the past. Fear of separation. Heavier feelings.

Genitals - symbolize male or female principles.

Genitals - problems - fear of not being up to par.

Hepatitis, see also "Liver disease" -- resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the seat of anger and rage.

Genital herpes, see also "Venereal Diseases" -- belief in the sinfulness of sex and the need for punishment. Feeling of shame. Faith in a punishing God. Dislike of the genitals.

Herpes simplex, see also lichen lichen - a strong desire to do everything badly. Unspoken bitterness.

Hyperventilation of the lungs, see also "Attacks of suffocation", "Respiration: diseases" - fear. Resistance to change. Distrust in the process of change.

Hyperthyroidism (a syndrome caused by an overactive thyroid gland), see also "Thyroid" - anger at ignoring your personality.

Hyperfunction (increased activity) - fear. Great pressure and feverish state.

Hypoglycemia (decrease in blood glucose) - depression by the hardships of life. "Who needs it?"

Hypothyroidism (a syndrome caused by a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland), see also "Thyroid gland" - hands down. Feelings of hopelessness, stagnation.

The pituitary gland symbolizes the control center.

Hirsutism (excessive body hair in women) - hidden anger. A commonly used cover is fear. The desire to blame Often unwillingness to engage in self-education.

Eyes - symbolize the ability to clearly see the past, present, future.

Eye diseases, see also Barley - don't like what you see in your own life.

Eye diseases: astigmatism - rejection of one's own "I". Fear of seeing yourself in the true light.

Eye diseases: myopia - fear of the future.

Eye diseases: glaucoma - the most stubborn unwillingness to forgive. They press old grievances. Crushed by all this.

Eye diseases: farsightedness - a feeling of being out of this world.

Eye diseases: children's - unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.

Eye diseases: cataract - inability to look ahead with joy. Foggy future.

Eye diseases: strabismus, see also "Keratitis" - unwillingness to see "what it is there." Action on the contrary.

Eye diseases: exotropia (divergent squint) - fear of looking at reality - right here.

Glands - symbolize "containment". Something can start without your participation and desire.

Deafness - rejection, stubbornness, isolation.

The lower leg is the collapse of ideals. The shins symbolize the principles of life.

Ankle joint - lack of flexibility and guilt. Ankles are a symbol of the ability to enjoy.

Vertigo - fleeting, incoherent thoughts. Unwillingness to see.

Headaches, see also "Migraine" - underestimation of oneself. Self-criticism. Fear.

Gonorrhea, see also Veneric. bol." the need for punishment.

The throat is a channel for expressiveness and creativity.

Throat: diseases, see also "Angina" - inability to stand up for oneself. Swallowed anger. Crisis of creativity. Unwillingness to change.

Fungus - backward beliefs. Unwillingness to part with the past. Your past dominates your present.

Influenza (epidemic), see also "Respiratory diseases" - a reaction to the negative mood of the environment, generally accepted negative attitudes. Fear. Faith in statistics.

Breasts - symbolize maternal care, bearing, feeding.

Breasts: diseases - denial of "nutrition" to oneself. Put yourself last.

Breasts: Cyst, induration, soreness (mastitis) - excess care. Excessive protection. Suppression of personality.

A hernia is an interrupted relationship. Tension, burdenedness, incorrect creative self-expression.

Herniated discs - the feeling that life has completely deprived you of support.

Depression is anger that you don't think you have the right to feel. Hopelessness.

Gums: diseases - inability to carry out decisions. Lack of a clear attitude towards life.

Childhood illnesses - belief in calendars, social concepts and contrived rules. Adults around behave like children.

Diabetes - longing for the unfulfilled. Strong need for control. Deep grief. There is nothing pleasant left.

Dysentery - fear and concentration of anger.

Amoebic dysentery - the belief that "they" want to get to you.

Bacterial dysentery - pressure and hopelessness.

Dysmenorrhea (disturbance of menstruation), see also "Women's diseases", "Menstruation" - anger directed at oneself. Hatred of the female body or women.

Yeast infection, see also: "Candidiasis", "Thrush" - denial of one's own needs. Denial of support.

Breath - symbolizes the ability to inhale life.

Respiration: diseases, see also "Attacks of suffocation", "Hyperventilation of the lungs" - refusal to breathe in life to the fullest. You do not recognize your right to occupy space, or to exist at all.

Jaundice, see also "Liver: Diseases" -- intrinsic and extrinsic bias. Unilateral findings.

Gallstone disease - bitterness. Heavy thoughts. Curses. Pride.

The stomach is a container for food. It is also responsible for the "assimilation of thoughts."

Gastric diseases, see also "Gastritis", "Heartburn", "Stomach ulcer or 12 PC" - horror. Fear of the new. Inability to learn new things.

Women's diseases, see also: "Amenorrhea", "Dysmenorrhea", "Fibroma", "White", "Menstruation", "Vaginitis" - rejection of oneself. Rejection of femininity. Rejection of the principle of femininity.

Rigidity (slow-thinking) - rigid, inflexible thinking.

Stuttering is unreliability. There is no possibility of self-expression. Forbidden to cry.

The wrist symbolizes movement and lightness.

Fluid retention. see also Edema, Swelling - what are you afraid of losing?

Bad breath, see also "Bad breath" -- angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. Interferes with the past.

Body odor is fear. Self-dislike. Fear of others.

Constipation is an unwillingness to part with outdated thoughts. Getting bogged down in the past, sometimes in causticity.

Carpal syndrome, see also "Wrist" - anger and frustration associated with the imaginary injustice of life.

Goiter, see also "Thyroid gland" - hatred of the imposed in life. Victim. Feeling a twisted life. A failed personality.

Teeth - symbolize decisions.

Dental disease, see also "Root Canal" -- continued indecisiveness. Inability to recognize ideas for their subsequent analysis and decision making.

Wisdom tooth (with difficult cutting - impacted) - you do not allocate space in your mind to lay a solid foundation for later life.

Itching - desires that run counter to the character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.

Heartburn, see also "Stomach ulcer or 12pk", "Gastric diseases", "Ulcer" - fear, fear, fear. The grip of fear.

Overweight, see also "Obesity" -- fear. The need for protection. Unwillingness to feel. Defenselessness, self-denial. Suppressed desire to achieve what you want.

Ileitis (inflammation of the ileum), Crohn's disease, regional enteritis - fear. Anxiety. Malaise.

Impotence -- sexual pressure, tension, guilt. social beliefs. Anger at a partner. Mother's fear.

Infection, see also "Viral infections" - irritation, anger, annoyance. Curvature of the spine, see also "Sloping shoulders" - the inability to go with the flow of life. Fear and attempts to hold on to outdated thoughts. distrust of life. Lack of integrity of nature. No boldness of conviction.

Candidiasis, see also "Thrush", "Yeast Infection" -- Feeling scattered. Strong disappointments and warming. Claims and distrust of people.

Carbuncle, see also "Furuncle" - venomous anger over one's own unjust actions.

A cataract is an inability to look ahead with joy. The future is in the dark.

Cough, see also "Respiratory Diseases" -- desire to bark at the world. "Look at me! Listen to me!"

Keratitis, see also "Eye Diseases" -- intense anger. The desire to hit who you see and what you see.

A cyst is a constant "scrolling in the head" of previous grievances. Wrong development.

The intestines - symbolizes getting rid of the unnecessary. Assimilation. Suction. Easy cleaning.

Intestine: problems - fear of getting rid of everything obsolete and unnecessary.

Skin - protects our individuality. Sense organ.

Skin: diseases, see also Urticaria, Psoriasis, Rash - anxiety, fear. Old sediment in the soul. They threaten me.

The knee, see also Joints, is a symbol of pride. Feeling the exclusivity of one's own "I".

Knees: diseases - stubbornness and pride. Inability to be a malleable person. Fear. Inflexibility. Unwillingness to give in.

Colic - irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.

Colitis, see also "Intestines", "Colon Mucous", "Spastic colitis" - uncertainty. Symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past.

Coma is fear. Avoidance of someone or something.

The lump in my throat is fear. Lack of confidence in the process of life.

Conjunctivitis, see also "Acute epidemic conjunctivitis" - anger and frustration at the sight of something.

Conjunctivitis, acute epidemic, see also "Conjunctivitis" - anger and frustration. Unwillingness to see.

Cortical palsy, see also "Paralysis" - the need to unite the family with an expression of love.

Coronary thrombosis, see also "Heart, attacks" - feeling of loneliness and fear. “I have flaws. I don't do much. I will never achieve it."

Root canal (tooth), see also "Teeth" - loss of ability to confidently plunge into life. Destruction of the main (root) beliefs.

Bone (bones), see also "Skeleton" - symbolizes the structure of the Universe.

Bone marrow - symbolizes the deepest beliefs about yourself, and how you support yourself and take care of yourself.

Bone diseases: fractures or cracks - rebellion against foreign power.

Bone diseases: deformity, see also "Osteomyelitis", "Osteoporosis" - depressed psyche and tension. Muscles are not elastic. Slow-thinking.

Urticaria, see also "Rash" - small, hidden fears. The desire to make an elephant out of a fly.

Blood is an expression of joy circulating freely in the body.

Blood: diseases, see also "Leukemia", "Anemia" -- lack of joy. No movement of thought.

Blood, high blood pressure - unresolved chronic emotional problems.

Blood: low blood pressure - lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood. "What's the difference?! Still, nothing will work.

Blood: clotting - you block the flow of joy.

Bleeding - the joy is gone. Anger. But where?

Bleeding gums - lack of joy over the decisions made in life.

Laryngitis - anger makes it difficult to speak. Fear makes it difficult to speak. They dominate me.

The left side of the body - symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, women, mother.

Lungs - symbolize the ability to inhale life.

Pulmonary diseases, see also "Pneumonia" - depression. Sadness. Fear of accepting life. You think that you are not worthy to live life to the fullest.

Leukemia, see also "Blood: Diseases" -- inspiration is brutally suppressed. "Who needs it?"

A tapeworm is a strong conviction that you are a victim and that you are sinful. You are helpless in front of what you take to be the attitude of other people towards you.

Lymph: diseases - a warning that you should reorient yourself to the most important thing in life: love and joy.

Fever is anger. Boiling.

The face symbolizes what we show to the world.

Pubic bone - symbolizes the protection of the genitals.

Elbow - symbolizes the change of direction and the perception of new experience.

Malaria is an unbalanced relationship with nature and life.

Mastoiditis - anger and frustration. Unwillingness to see what is happening. Usually happens in children. Fear interferes with understanding.

The uterus symbolizes the temple of creativity.

Spinal meningitis - inflamed thoughts and anger at life.

Menopause: problems - fear that they lose interest in you. Fear of aging. Self-dislike. Feeling unwell.

Menstruation, see also "Amenorrhoea", "Dysm.", "Women's Problems" - rejection of one's femininity. Guilt, fear. The belief that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean.

Migraine, see also "Headaches" -- hatred of coercion. Resistance to the course of life. Sexual fears (masturbation usually relieves these fears).

Myopia, see also "Eye diseases" - fear of the future. Distrust of what lies ahead of you.

Brain - symbolizes a computer, a control panel.

Brain: tumor -- miscalculated beliefs. Stubbornness. Refusal to revisit outdated stereotypes.

Calluses are hardened areas of thought. Stubborn desire to keep in mind the pain of the past. Hardened concepts and thoughts. Solidified fear.

Thrush, see also "Candidiasis", "Mouth", "Yeast Infection" - anger at making wrong decisions.

Mononucleosis (Pfeiffer's disease, lymphoid cell angina) is anger generated by a lack of love and underestimation of oneself. Indifference towards oneself.

Seasickness, see also Motion sickness - fear. Fear of death. Lack of control.

Urethra: inflammation (urethritis) - embittered. You are being pestered. Accusation.

Urinary tract, infection - irritation. Anger, usually at the opposite sex or sexual partner. You place the blame on others.

Muscles - resistance to new experience. Muscles symbolize the ability to move through life.

Muscular dystrophy - growing up does not make sense. Adrenal glands: diseases, see also "Addison's disease", "Cushing's disease" - defeatist mood, disregard for oneself. Sense of anxiety.

Narcolepsy - unable to cope with something. Terrible fear. The desire to get away from everyone and everything. Reluctance to be here.

Runny nose - a request for help. Internal crying.

Neuralgia is a punishment for sinfulness. Accusations. Incontinence is an overflow of emotions. Years of containment of feelings.

"Incurable diseases" - at the moment it is incurable by external means. You have to go inside to get healed. Appearing out of nowhere, the disease will go nowhere.

Nerves - symbolize connection. organ of perception. Nervous breakdown - self-centeredness. "Clogging" of communication channels.

Nervousness is fear. Anxiety. Fight, hustle. distrust of the life process.

Indigestion is an animal fear, horror, restlessness. Grunts and complaints.

Accidents are the inability to stand up for oneself. Rebellion against authority. Belief in violence.

Jade, see also "Bright's disease" - too strong a reaction to disappointment and failure.

New formations - retention in the soul of old grievances. Increasing feelings of resentment.

Feet - carry us forward through life.

Legs (diseases in the lower part) - fear of the future. Reluctance to move.

Nail (nails) - a symbol of protection.

Nails (bite) - hopelessness. Samoyedism. Hatred for one of the parents.

Nose - symbolizes self-recognition.

Stuffy nose - non-recognition of one's own value.

Nasopharyngeal discharge - internal crying. Children's tears. You are a victim.

Nose: bleeding -- need for recognition. The feeling that you are not recognized and not noticed. Strong desire for love.

Sagging facial features, sagging facial features are the result of “sagging” thoughts in the head. Resentment for life.

Baldness is fear. Voltage. The desire to control everything. Distrust in the process of life.

Fainting (vasovagal crisis, Gopers syndrome) - fear. I can't cope. Memory failure.

Obesity, see also "Overweight" -- hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

Obesity: thighs (upper part) - lumps of stubbornness and anger at parents.

Obesity: hips (lower part) - reserves of children's anger. Often angry at the father.

Obesity: belly - anger in response to the denial of spiritual food and emotional care.

Obesity: hands - anger because of rejected love.

Burns - anger. Internal boil. Inflammation.

Chills - internal contraction, retreat and withdrawal into oneself. The desire to retreat. "Leave me alone".

Numbness (spontaneously occurring unpleasant sensation of numbness, tingling, burning) Restraint of feelings, respect and love. The death of emotions.

Swelling, see also "Edematous", "Fluid Retention" - you are stuck in thoughts. Intrusive, painful ideas.

Tumors - you cherish old grievances and upheavals. The pangs of conscience intensify.

Osteomyelitis, see also "Bone Diseases" -- Anger and disappointment in life itself. It feels like no one is supporting you.

Osteoporosis, see also "Bone Disease" - the feeling that there is nothing to grab onto in life. There is no support.

Edema, see also "Fluid Retention", "Swelling" - who or what do you not want to part with?

Otitis (inflammation of the external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear) - anger. Unwillingness to listen. Noise in the house. The parents are arguing.

Belching is fear. Too greedy attitude to life.

Lack of appetite, see also "Appetite (loss)" - denial of personal life. Strong feelings of fear, self-hatred and self-denial.

Fingers - symbolize the little things in life.

Fingers: big - a symbol of intelligence and anxiety.

Fingers: forefinger - a symbol of "ego" and fear.

Fingers: middle - symbolizes anger and sexuality.

Fingers: ring fingers - a symbol of friendly and loving unions and the sadness associated with them.

Fingers: little finger - symbolizes the family and the pretense associated with it.

Toes - symbolize minor details of the future.

Pancreatitis - rejection. Anger and hopelessness; life seems to have lost its charm.

Paralysis, see also "Paresis" - fear, horror. Avoidance of a situation or person. Resistance.

Bell's palsy (damage to the facial nerve), see also "Paresis", "Paralysis" -- strenuous effort to contain anger. Reluctance to express feelings.

Paralysis (cortical paralysis) is a concession. Resistance. "Better to die than to change." Rejection of life.

Paresis, see also "Bell's Palsy", "Paralysis", "Parkinson's Disease" -- paralyzing thoughts. Dead end.

Peritonsillar abscess, see also "Angina", "Tonsillitis" - the conviction of one's inability to speak for oneself and independently achieve the satisfaction of one's needs.

The liver is the seat of anger and primitive emotions.

Liver: diseases, see also "Hepatitis", "Jaundice" Constant complaints. Justifying one's own pickiness and thereby deceiving oneself. Feeling unwell.

Food poisoning - let others take control.

Crying - tears are the river of life, they flow from joy, as well as from grief and fear.

Shoulders, see also "Joints", "Sloping Shoulders" - symbolize the ability to endure the vicissitudes of life. Only our attitude to life turns it into a burden.

Bad breath -- dirty attitudes, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.

Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), see also "Pulmonary diseases" -- desperation. Tired of life. Emotional wounds that are not allowed to heal.

Gout is the need to dominate. Impatience, anger.

The pancreas symbolizes the "sweetness" of life.

The spine is the flexible support of life.

Sloping shoulders, see also "Shoulders", "Curvature of the spine" - the transfer of life's hardships. Helplessness and hopelessness.

Polio is a paralyzing jealousy. The desire to stop someone.

Diarrhea is fear. Refusal. Runaway. Cuts, see also "Injuries", "Wounds" - punishment for deviating from one's own rules.

Vices are an escape from oneself. Fear. Failure to love yourself.

Loss of stability - scattered thoughts. Lack of concentration.

Kidneys, diseases - criticism, disappointment, failure. A shame. Reaction like a small child.

Kidney stones are clots of undissolved anger.

The right side of the body is concession, refusal, male energy, men, father.

Premenstrual syndrome -- let the mess reign. Strengthen the external influence. Reject female processes.

Seizures (seizures) - running away from the family, from oneself, from life.

Asphyxia, see also "Breathing", "Hyperventilation of the lungs" - fear. distrust of life. You got stuck as a child.

Problems of aging - public opinion. Outdated thoughts. Fear of being yourself. Rejection of today's reality.

Leprosy is a complete inability to control one's life. A long-standing belief in one's own worthlessness.

The prostate is a symbol of the male principle.

Prostate: diseases - internal fears weaken masculinity. You start to give up. Sexual tension and guilt. Faith in aging.

Colds (upper respiratory disease), see also Respiratory Diseases -- too many events at once. Confusion, disorder. Small grievances. Beliefs like "I get three colds every winter."

Psoriasis, see also "Skin" - fear of being offended. Loss of self-awareness. Refusing to take responsibility for one's own feelings.

Psychosis (mental illness) - flight from the family. Self care. Desperate avoidance of life.

Bubble lichen, see also "Herpes simplex" - tormented by angry words and fear of uttering them.

Sciatica (sciatica) - hypocrisy. Fear for money and for the future.

Cancer is a deep wound. An old grudge. Great mystery or grief do not give rest, devour. Persistence of hatred. "Who needs it?"

Wounds, see also Cuts, Injuries -- Guilt and self-directed anger.

Wounds (on the lips or in the oral cavity) are poisonous words held back by the lips. Accusations.

Wounds (on the body) - unexpressed anger fades. Multiple sclerosis - cruelty of thinking, hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility. Fear.

Stretching - anger and resistance. Reluctance to follow any particular path in life.

Rickets is emotional hunger. The need for love and protection.

Vomiting is the persistent rejection of ideas. Fear of the new.

Rheumatism is a feeling of being vulnerable. The need for love. Chronic upset. Resentment.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an extremely critical attitude towards the exercise of power. The feeling that you are being burdened with too much.

Respiratory diseases, see also "Bronchitis", "Cold", "Cough", "Influenza" - fear of breathing life to the fullest.

Stiff neck, see also "Neck" - inexorable stubbornness.

Childbirth (birth) - symbolize the beginning of the life process.

Childbirth: deviations - karmic. You have chosen to come this way. We choose our parents and children.

Mouth - symbolizes the perception of new ideas.

Mouth: diseases - bias. Closed mind. Inability to perceive new thoughts.

Hand (hands) - expresses the ability to save life experience.

Hands (hands) - to hold and manage. Grab and hold. Squeeze and release. Caress. Tweak. All kinds of dealing with the past.

Suicide -- you only see life in black and white. Unwillingness to see another way out.

Gray hair is stress. Belief in the need for pressure and tension.

The spleen is an obsession. Intrusive ideas.

Hay fever, see also "Allergy" -- emotional overkill. Calendar anxiety. The belief that you are being followed. Guilt.

Heart, see also "Blood" - symbolizes the center of love and security.

Heart: attack (myocardial infarction), see also "Coronary thrombosis" - exile and hearts of all joy for the sake of money, career, or something.

Heart: diseases are long-standing emotional problems. Lack of joy. callousness. Belief in the need for tension, stress.

Sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses) is an irritation caused by a loved one.

Bruises (bruises) - small injections of life. Self-punishment.

Syphilis, see also “Ven. Bol." - wasting one's power and efficiency.

Skeleton, see also "Bones" - the destruction of the structure. Bones symbolize the building of our life.

Scleroderma - fencing yourself off from life. Do not dare to be in her midst and take care of yourself.

Scoliosis (slant-sided), see also "Sloping shoulders" and "Curvature of the spine" - weakness. The mind's need for rest.

Dementia, see also "Alzheimer's disease" and "Old age" - unwillingness to accept the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.

Colon mucosa, see also "Colitis", "Intestine", "Spastic colitis" -- the buildup of obsolete tangled thoughts clog the excretion channels. You are trampling in the viscous quagmire of the past.

Death - symbolizes the exit from the spectacle of life.

The solar plexus is an involuntary reaction. Center of intuition.

Spasms are the inflating of thoughts generated by fear.

Abdominal cramps - fear. Stopping a process.

Spastic colitis, see also Colitis, Colon mucosa - fear of letting go of something. Unreliability.

AIDS is a feeling of defenselessness and hopelessness. Nobody cares. Strong belief in one's own worthlessness. Self-dislike. Feelings of sexual guilt.

The back is a symbol of the support of life.

Back: diseases, see also: "Displacement of the vertebrae" (special section)

Back: Diseases of the lower part - fear of money. Lack of financial support.

Back: diseases of the middle part - guilt. Attention is riveted to "all that" in the past. "Leave me alone".

Back: diseases of the upper part - lack of moral support. The feeling that you are not loved. Holding back feelings of love.

Old age, see also "Alzheimer's disease" - a return to the so-called "childhood safety". Requirements for care and attention. It is a form of control over others. Avoidance (escapism).

Tetanus, see also "Trismus" - the need to get rid of anger and corrupting thoughts.

Ringworm (ringworm) - letting others get on your nerves. Poor health or a sense of lack of virtue.

Feet are a symbol of our understanding of ourselves, of other people.

Feet: diseases - fear of the future and fear that you will not take a step forward in life.

Convulsions are tension. Fear. Strive to grab hold of.

Joints, see also "Arthritis", "Elbow", "Knee", "Shoulders" - symbolize the change of direction in life and the ease of these movements.

Dryness in the eyes - evil eyes. Unwillingness to look with love. I'd rather die than forgive. Sometimes a manifestation of malice.

A rash is a feeling of insecurity, openness to attack.

Rash, see also "Urticaria" -- irritation over procrastination. Childish way to get attention.

Tic, convulsions - fear. The feeling that others are watching you.

Tonsillitis, see also "Angina" - fear. Suppressed emotions. Silent creativity.

Nausea is fear. Rejection of an idea or experience.

Trauma is anger directed at oneself. Guilt.

Anxiety is disbelief in the course of life and its natural process.

Trismus (spasm of masticatory muscles), see also "Tetanus" - anger. The desire to command. Refusal to express your feelings.

Tuberculosis is a waste of selfishness. Ownership. Cruel thoughts. Revenge.

Blackheads, see also "Whiteheads" - weak outbursts of anger.

Acne (pimples) - disagreement with oneself. Lack of self love.

Nodular thickenings - resentment, hopelessness and self-esteem wounded because of a career.

Motion sickness, see also "Sickness when riding in a car or train", "Sea sickness" - fear. Fear that you have already lost control of yourself.

Motion sickness (when riding in a car or train) - fear. Addiction. Feeling stuck in a dead end.

Bites are fear. Open to all sorts of neglect.

Animal bites are inward anger. The need for punishment.

Insect bites - guilt over trifles.

Fatigue is resistance, boredom. Doing something you don't like.

Ears are an expression of the ability to hear.

Fibrocystic degeneration is a complete certainty that life will not bring anything good. "Poor me."

Fibroma and cyst, see also "Women's pain." - remember the insult inflicted by the partner. A blow to women's pride.

Phlebitis (inflammation) - anger and frustration. Blaming others for having little or no joy in one's own life.

Frigidity is fear. Rejection of pleasure. The belief that sex is bad. Insensitive partners. Father's fear.

Furuncle, see also "Carbuncle" - anger. Boiling. Confusion.

Cholesterol (high content) - clogging the channels of joy. Fear of accepting joy.

Snoring is a stubborn unwillingness to part with outdated stereotypes.

Chronic diseases - unwillingness to change. Fear of the future. Feeling of danger.

Scratches (abrasions) - a feeling that life is tormenting you, that life is a robber, that you are being robbed.

Cellulite (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue) is the accumulated heat and self-punishment.

Circulation - symbolizes the ability to feel and express emotions positively.

Cystitis (bladder disease) is an alarming condition. Clinging to old ideas. Be afraid to give yourself freedom. Anger.

Jaw (musculofacial syndrome) - anger. Resentment. Desire to take revenge.

Scabies is an infected mind. Letting others get on your nerves.

Neck (cervical spine) - symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening behind your back.

Neck: diseases, see also "Curvature of the spine", "Rigidity of the muscles of the back of the head." Unwillingness to see other sides of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.

Tinnitus - unwillingness to hear the inner voice. Stubbornness.

The thyroid gland is the most important gland of the immune system. The feeling that life is attacking you. They are trying to get to me.

Thyroid: disease, see also "Goiter", "Hyperthyroidism", "Hypothyroidism" -- humiliation, "I never manage to do what I want. When will my turn come?"

Epilepsy is a persecution mania. Rejection of life. Feeling of intense struggle. Self abuse.

Eczema is an irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.

Emphysema - you are afraid to breathe life to the fullest. Unworthy of life.

Endometriosis is a feeling of insecurity, chagrin and disappointment. Replacing self-love with sugar. Reproaches.

Enuresis is the fear of parents, usually the father.

Epidermophytosis of the foot - hopelessness from the fact that you are not recognized. Inability to move forward easily.

Buttocks - symbolize strength. Flabby buttocks - loss of strength.

Ulcer, see also "Heartburn", "Ulcer 12 pc", "Stomach diseases" - fear. Firm belief that you are defective. What is bothering you?

Peptic ulcer (stomach or 12 PCs) - fear. Belief in one's inferiority. Eager to please.

Tongue - symbolizes the ability to enjoy the pleasures of life with joy.

The testicles are the male principle. Masculinity.

The ovaries symbolize the creative centers.

Barley - you look at life with evil eyes. Anger at someone.

2. Consequences of displacement of the vertebrae and discs

Vertebral number, connection with other parts and organs of the body and consequences of displacement:

1sh - blood supply to the head, pituitary gland, scalp, facial bones, brain, inner middle ear, sympathetic nervous system. Headaches, nervousness, insomnia, runny nose, high blood pressure, migraine, nervous breakdowns, amnesia, chronic fatigue, dizziness.

2sh - eyes, ophthalmic nerves, auditory nerves, cavities, mastoid processes, tongue, forehead. Diseases of the cavities, allergies, strabismus, deafness, eye diseases, ear pain, fainting, some types of blindness.

3sh - cheeks, outer ear, bones of the face, teeth, trigeminal nerve Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema.

4sh - nose, lips, mouth, Eustachian tube. Hay fever, catarrh, hearing loss, adenoids.

6sh - neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils. Neck stiffness, upper arm pain, tonsillitis, whooping cough, croup.

7sh - thyroid gland, shoulder synovial bags, elbows. Bursitis, colds, thyroid disease.

1g - hands (elbow - fingertips), esophagus and trachea. Asthma, cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, pain in the arms (from the elbow to the fingers).

2d - heart (including valves), coronary arteries. Functional heart diseases and certain breast diseases.

3d - lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, chest, breasts. Bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, hyperemia, influenza.

4g - gallbladder, common bile duct. Gallbladder disease, jaundice, shingles.

5g -- liver, solar plexus. Liver disease, fever, low blood pressure, anemia, poor circulation, arthritis.

6g - stomach. Gastric ailments including stomach cramps, indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia.

7g - pancreas, 12 pc. Ulcer, gastritis.

8g - spleen. Reduced resistance.

9d - adrenal and adrenal glands. Allergy, hives.

10g - kidneys. Kidney disease, hardening of the arteries, chronic fatigue, nephritis, pyelitis (inflammation of the renal pelvis).

11g - kidneys, ureters. Skin diseases, such as acne, pimples, eczema, boils.

12g -- small intestines, lymphatic system. Rheumatism, abdominal pain (with flatulence), some types of infertility.

1p - large intestine, inguinal rings. Constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, some types of perforation or hernia.

2p - appendix, lower abdomen, upper leg. Convulsions, shortness of breath, acidosis (violation of the acid-base balance in the body).

3p - genitals, uterus, bladder, knees. Diseases of the urinary tract, menstrual disorders. (painful or irregular), miscarriages, urination in bed, impotence, changes in vital symptoms, severe pain in the knees.

4p - prostate, lumbar muscles, sciatic nerve. Sciatica, lumbago. Difficult, painful or too frequent urination. Pain in the lower back.

5p - lower leg, ankles, feet. Poor circulation in the legs, swollen ankles, weak ankles and insteps, cold feet, weakness in the legs, cramps in the leg muscles. Sacrum - pelvic bones, buttocks. Diseases of the sacroiliac joint, curvature of the spine. Coccyx - rectum, anus. Hemorrhoids, itching, pain in the coccyx in a sitting position.

3. Curvature of the spine

Likely cause:

1sh - fear. Confusion. Escapism. Self dissatisfaction. "What will the neighbors say?"

2sh - negation of wisdom. Refusal to know and understand. Indecision. Resentment and accusation. Unbalanced relationship with life, denial of spirituality.

3sh - accepting the guilt of others. Guilt. Martyrdom. Indecision. Self-exhaustion. You bite off more than you can chew.

4sh - feeling of guilt. Suppressed anger. Bitterness. Repressed feelings. Barely held back tears.

5sh - fear of ridicule and humiliation. Fear of expressing yourself. Rejection of one's own good. Overload.

6sh - gravity. Overloads. The desire to correct others. Resistance. Lack of flexibility.

7sh - confusion. Anger. Feeling of helplessness. Inability to reach.

1d - fear of life. Too many things to do and worries. I can't cope. Fencing off life.

2d - fear, pain and resentment. Unwillingness to sympathize. Soul locked.

3d - internal chaos. Old deep grievances. Inability to communicate.

4g - bitterness. The need to harm. Damn.

5d - refusal to process emotions. Restraint of feelings, heat.

6g - anger, accumulation of negative emotions. Fear of the future. Constant worry.

7g - accumulation of pain. Refusal to rejoice.

8d - obsessive thoughts about defeat. Rejection of one's own good.

9d - the feeling that life has betrayed you. You blame others. You are a victim.

10g - Refusal to accept responsibility. The need to be a victim. "I think it was your fault".

11g - low opinion of yourself. Fear of relationships.

12d - do not recognize the right to life. Unsure and afraid of love. You don't have the ability to digest.

1p - persistent desire for love and the need for loneliness. Uncertainty.

2p - you are firmly bogged down in the grievances of childhood. You don't see a way out.

3p - sexual seduction. Guilt. Self-hatred.

4p - reject sexuality. You are financially unstable. Fear for your career. Feeling of helplessness.

5p - unreliability. Difficulties in communication. Anger. Inability to enjoy.

The sacrum is a loss of strength. Old evil stubbornness.

Coccyx - you are not in harmony with yourself. You continue to persevere. Blame yourself. Don't let go of old pain. published