Student's Day November 17th. When should student's day be celebrated? Traditions of International Student's Day

On the French side
On an alien planet
I have to learn
In university…
Students' Day is eagerly awaited by the students themselves, and adults with fear. “No matter what they did!” is the general opinion of mothers, fathers and teachers who have completely forgotten how they themselves celebrated this merry holiday.
The history of the International Students Day
International Students' Day is celebrated on November 17th. Probably, the students themselves are unlikely to know that their holiday does not have a happy story at all.
On October 28, 1939, in the country occupied by the Germans, which is no longer on the map - Czechoslovakia, students and teachers took to the streets to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of their state. The Germans took this initiative with hostility and dispersed the demonstrators. A student was killed in the brawl. The funeral turned from a funeral procession into a spontaneous protest. In response, on November 17 of the same year, the Nazis launched mass demonstrative arrests - most of the students were sent to concentration camps, and the instigators were executed.

In 1941, during an international meeting of students in London, it was decided to commemorate those terrible events every year on November 17 as Students' Day.

This holiday has another history of occurrence and another date of birth. Another Students' Day is celebrated on January 25 on Tatyana's Day. In 1755, Empress Elizabeth founded the Moscow State University by her decree and, since then, at the end of January, the day of the founding of this university and the beginning of the holidays are celebrated. So the religious holiday, in honor of the martyr Tatyana, acquired a new secular direction.

Traditions of celebrating International Students Day

On this day, even teachers are a little more condescending towards their students, and those who walk around with a sad look are universally reprimanded!
In the morning, according to the established tradition, official events begin: congratulations from teachers and awards to the most distinguished students. Toward evening - an informal part: drinking and partying from the heart!
Since this day is closest in spirit to students, one of the unusual traditions of the holiday was songs under the windows of the editorial office of the Moskovskie Vedomosti publication, since this periodical was founded by students of Moscow University.

Another of the pleasant customs of the holiday was the production of mead and drinking it by students and teachers at the same table.
Nowadays, Student's Day is celebrated by everyone in what they want: they hold music festivals, fairs, KVNs, skits, or just meetings in hostels with guitars and candles.
Since yesterday's students fly all over the world, the holiday is spreading everywhere: rallies are held in New York, Lithuania, Kyiv, Beirut ...
Students gather on social networks: throw a call on Facebook, give links to the event to their friends, and now - in a few hours the holiday is ready and passes easily: a session with traditional fun and student carelessness!

Interesting facts about the life of students
Some interesting facts about student life and student traditions:

1. In Russia of the 19th century, students who went on a spree were given an address on their backs so that the cabbies would know where to deliver the insensible bodies.

2. Students in Japan take a Kit Kat chocolate bar for an exam. The name of the delicacy is consonant with the expression "definitely win" in Japanese.

3. Did you know that the length of the bridge at Harvard is "364.4 smoots and one more ear." True, it reminds a cartoon about "38 parrots"? This unit of measurement appeared

By the name of a student, Oliver Smoot. With using 170 cm Oliver, students in 1958 determined the length of the bridge. It is also interesting that Oliver himself later became the director of the International Organization for Standards.

4. At Princeton University, they take written exams without teachers, one on one with their conscience! All because in the first year they took an oath - the "Code of Honesty". According to the rule, each student undertakes not to cheat or peep.

5. Yale has a tradition of leaving notes to freshmen. After that, newcomers become debtors - they have to circle their eyes with green paint so that they resemble headlights, and they are obliged to ride on the benefactor's back.

6. Do you know that the monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik is dedicated to students? Back in 1835, a law school was opened in the city on the Neva, the students of which wore a characteristic uniform: yellow-green uniforms and fawn hats. For this, the students received the nickname Chizhiki-Pyzhiki. And the counting rhyme arose after the cadets of the school arranged noisy feasts in taverns.

7. In Moscow in 2008, on the initiative of a group of students, a monument to student signs was designed and installed. It looks like a circle, along the perimeter of which the names of Moscow universities are written. In the center of it is a five kopeck coin from 1978, worn shoes and a record book.

By the way, about student signs: you don’t study for a long time if you don’t know that:
- if you want to pass the exam for "five", then, despite the fact that you are a guy or a girl, you must paint the nail on the little finger with dark varnish;
- if the window is closed in the auditorium where they take the exam, then do not expect good: they kicked out the freebie (ball)!
- it used to be put a nickel under the heel, today you need to put a piece of paper with a face value of 12 units, better not rubles or hryvnias;
- on the eve of the exam, exactly at midnight, it is necessary to open the window in the room where the student lives and shout loudly: “Shara, come!” or "Freebie!"
But, and if the teacher has a clear conviction that God knows "five", he knows "four", then you can forget about all the other signs.
And do not forget the main rule for writing a term paper or diploma: after each
smart quotes do not need to put a smiley ;-))

international student day

student day history

On October 28, 1939, on the day of the 21st anniversary of the declaration of independence of Czechoslovakia, a demonstration of students and teachers took place in Prague in protest against the occupation by Nazi Germany. The demonstrators were dispersed, and one of them, student Jan Opletal, was killed.

On November 15, protests began in Prague. On November 17, the occupying authorities arrested more than a thousand students and sent them to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 9 of the arrested students were executed. By order of Hitler, all universities in Czechoslovakia were closed.

In 1942, an international meeting of students participating in the resistance movement took place in London. A member of the Czechoslovak communist party, Otto Schling, proposed that this date should be celebrated as Student's Day in honor of the dead.

In 1946, the World Students' Congress in Prague decided to celebrate the International Students' Day on 17 November every year.

In the minds of Russians, this day is pushed into the background in connection with Tatyana's day on January 25th. It is on January 25 that Russian students celebrate on a grand scale. On the day of the martyr Tatiana of Rome in 1755 (on the initiative of Count Shuvalov and Lomonosov), the first Moscow University in Russia, now Lomonosov Moscow State University, was opened. Since 2005, Tatiana's Day has been considered the Day of Russian Students.

Guadeamus - students' anthem

The song appeared in the 13th century, and belongs to the drinking genre. The hymn is a kind of allusion to the famous aphorism of Hippocrates -
"Life is short, art is eternal, science is vast, chance is shaky, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult." Students love songs, on the day of the student they sing this particular song.

I recall the lines from “Scenes from Faust” by A. S. Pushkin:

What to do, Faust?
That's your limit
Nobody transgresses him.
All rational creature is bored:
One from laziness, one from deeds;
Who believes, who has lost faith;
He did not enjoy
He enjoyed beyond measure,
And everyone yawns and lives -
And the coffin, yawning, is waiting for all of you.
Yawn and you.

Life is mortal! So, let's have fun!

So let's have some fun
while we are young!
After a pleasant youth
after a painful old age
the earth will take us.
Where are the ones before us
lived in the world?
Go to heaven
go to hell
if you want to see them.
Our life is short
soon it will be over.
Death comes quickly
takes us ruthlessly
no one will be spared.
Long live the university
hello professors!
Long live every member of the community,
long live all its members,
May they flourish forever!
Long live all the girls
graceful and beautiful!
Long live the women
gentle, worthy of love,
kind and hardworking!
Long live the Republic
and the one who rules it!
Long live our city
mercy of patrons,
who takes care of us here.
Let sadness disappear
Let our sorrows disappear
Let the devil disappear
All enemies of students
And laughing at them! Latin text
Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus!
Post jucundam juventutem,
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus!
Ubi sunt, qui ante nos
In mundo fuere?
Transeas ad superos,
Transeas ad inferos,
Hos si vis videre!!
Vita nostra brevis est,
Brevi finetur.
Venit mors velociter,
Rapit nos atrociter,
Nemini parcetur!
Vivat Academy!
Vivant professors!
Vivat membrum quodlibet!
Vivant membra quaelibet!
Semper sint in flora!
Vivant omnes virgines
Graciles, formosae!
Vivant et mulieres
Tenerae, amabiles,
Bonae, laboriosae!
Vivat et res publica
Et qui illam regunt!
Vivat nostra civitas,
Maecenatum caritas,
Qui nos hic protegunt!
pereat tristitia,
Pereant dolores!
Pereat Diabolus,
Quivis antiburschius
Atque irrisores!

Many students are looking forward to their holiday - Student's Day.

It is worth saying that International Student Day is celebrated on November 17th. This date is fixed on a certain day and is celebrated annually on November 17th. Therefore, in 2017, International Student Day will be celebrated on Friday, November 17th.

It is worth saying that the International Student Day on November 17 is, alas, connected with the very tragic events that took place during the Second World War.

On October 28, far back in 1939, a demonstration was held in Prague dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the formation of Czechoslovakia. Most of the university students took part in this demonstration.

However, by this time the state had already been occupied by German troops, who decided to disperse the demonstration. As a result of the dispersal, student Jan Opletal was shot dead.

On the day of Jan's funeral, which was attended by students and teachers from Prague universities, there was a mass protest against the brutal murder of a student.

Later, early in the morning of November 17 of the same year, many participants in the protest action organized on the day of the funeral of Jan Opletal were detained, many of the detainees were shot. The exact number of victims of the shooting is unknown.

In addition, Hitler ordered the closure of all higher educational institutions in Prague. They resumed their work only after the end of World War II.

A few years later, in 1942, in London, students gathered the first anti-Nazi congress in history, at which it was decided to designate November 17 as International Students' Day. On this day, it is customary to honor the memory of students who died in 1939 in Prague.

It is worth saying that the student's day on November 17 is somewhat different from the student's day on January 25 on Tatyana's day, which is more popular in Russia.

On November 17, International Student Day, it is customary to honor the memory of the fallen students. In many countries around the world, various student organizations hold memorial services. Representatives of various international organizations also take part in memorial services.

Of course, solemn events take place at the burial place of the Prague student Jan Opletala in the village of Nakla. For example, in 1989, on the 50th anniversary of the tragic events in Prague, about seventy-five thousand students, who arrived from many countries of the world, took part in a memorial rally at the grave of Jan.

It is also worth saying that many on the International Student Day on November 17 also honor the memory of all the people who died from the fascist regime. On this day, people pray for peace throughout the planet.

Student's Day in Russia

Russia also honors the memory of the students who died on November 17. In our country, this holiday has not quite taken root yet, and some students do not even know about its existence, while others arrange wild fun. For only a few Russian students, November 17 is a symbol of the unification and importance of students in public and political life.

However, another student's day is more popular in the Russian Federation, which is celebrated on Tatyana's Day on January 25th. If on November 17 fun is not entirely welcome, then on January 25 students arrange a real holiday.

In addition, on January 25, the church honors the memory of the holy martyr Tatiana, who was considered the patroness of students. In addition, student day in Russia is closely connected with the history of the founding of Moscow University.

The day of November 17 was chosen as the day of all students not by chance. Back in 1946, immediately after the end of the last hostilities of the Second World War, which brought a lot of grief and suffering to mankind and at the same time revealed real heroes worthy of eternal memory and reverence, a student congress was held in Prague. This meeting was of truly global significance; among other things, it voiced the events that took place in Czechoslovakia, occupied at the very beginning of the war by Nazi Germany, as a result of which Opletailo died.

For six years, students in Czechoslovakia ceased to exist as a class, Hitler made sure that all the higher institutions of the country were closed and ceased their social and educational activities.

The name of Jan Opletalo, a simple student who instantly became a national hero, is associated with youth demonstrations that took place at the end of October 1939. The demonstrators decided to adequately celebrate the anniversary of the formation of their state - Czechoslovakia. The unauthorized action was not only interrupted by the invaders, but also sprinkled with the blood of medical student Opletalo, whose funeral took place on November 15 and was not without riots and numerous protests by outraged students of universities and academies and their teachers. A few days later, as a result of a brutal attack on rebellious student dormitories, many students were sent to concentration camps or executed.


It was this brave act, which became a real symbol of courage, determination and insubordination of young students, that became the basis for the establishment of an international holiday celebrated annually by all students of the world on November 17th.

On the day of Tatiana of Rome, the great Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the creation of Moscow University, this day became the starting point for the birth of the holiday.

Initially, the decision to honor the names of the students who died as a result of the action was announced in 1941 in the city of London at the first international meeting of students who devoted their lives to the fight against fascism; in the post-war period, the date became official and took on an international scale.

Today, regardless of belonging to the faculty and university, students are united in a single impulse that connects them with the spirit of celebration and fun. Especially for this date, performances, KVN competitions and other events are being prepared to emphasize the spirit of the holiday and at least for a day make you forget about all the problems associated with your studies.

In our country, the day of all students can be considered two dates at once, one of which is of an official international character, the other is associated with the name of St. Tatiana, the patroness of education, it is celebrated in the middle of the academic year and falls on January 25th.

On January 25, the church honors the memory of St. Tatiana, who patronizes students. But not everyone knows why Student's Day and Tatyana's Day are celebrated on the same day.

Today, students and those who celebrate Tatyana's name day do not fully know why January 25 coincided with Student's Day and Tatyana's Day. After all, these two events, Student's Day and Tatyana's Day, have a different basis.

On January 25, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy martyr Tatyana, who was canonized in 235 after her tragic death.

It is believed that from that moment on, Student's Day and Tatyana's Day became inseparable holidays. However, here too there is a clarification hidden in other historical events.

So, Nicholas I issued a decree stating that on January 25, not the establishment of the first Moscow University should be celebrated, but the very fact of signing the act on its foundation. It was by the will of the sovereign that the student holiday appeared. From this order, Student's Day and Tatyana's Day, celebrated on January 25, have become indivisible holidays. The youth celebrated Student's Day and Tatyana's Day with noisy and cheerful festivities.

However, in the history of modern and independent Ukraine, it is believed that it is not entirely correct to combine Student's Day and Tatyana's Day on January 25th. Ukrainians honor Tatyana's Day and congratulate all the heroes of the occasion on the day of the angel. That Student's Day, according to the history and events that took place all over the world, Ukrainian students should celebrate not on January 25, but on November 17. However, some students recognize only the November date.

The events taking place on November 17, 1939 in Prague explain why one should distinguish between Student's Day and Tatyana's Day.

At the end of the 39th year, on October 28, a demonstration was held in Prague dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia. Then the state was under German occupation. The demonstration was attended by students from almost all universities in the country. During the confrontation, a student named Jan Opletal was shot dead. Everyone who knew the guy then organized a crowded protest against cold-blooded murder. And on the morning of November 17, a hundred Protestants were arrested. Some of them were immediately shot, the rest were sent to concentration camps.

In 1941, at the International Anti-Nazi Congress, they decided to make November 17 a day of remembrance for students who died during the tragic events in Prague. In this regard, it is on November 17 that almost all students of the world, regardless of skin color, nation and faith, celebrate Student's Day. And they don’t connect Student’s Day and Tatyana’s Day in any way