Ege history test internal politics of Nicholas 1. A7

A1. What was the main feature of the reign of Nicholas I?

    The weakening of the centralization of government

    Introduction of freedom of speech and press

    Reliance on the representatives of the third estate

    Expansion of the functions of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery

A2. The decree on the indivisibility of noble estates during inheritance testified to the desire of Nicholas I:

    Destroy serfdom

    Cancel the class division of society

    To ease the acuteness of the peasant question

    Strengthen the positions of the nobility

A3. What did the increase in the number of industrial enterprises and the number of hired workers testify to in the second quarter of the 19th century?

    About the beginning of the industrial crisis

A4. The first railway in Russia was built between St. Petersburg and ...:

    Tsarskoye Selo




A5. What was the result of the monetary reform of E.F. Cancrina?

    First banks open in Russia

    Free circulation of foreign currency is allowed

    It is forbidden to circulate paper banknotes

    The main means of payment is the silver ruble

A6. Which transition is called the industrial revolution?

    From factory to manufactory

    From manual labor to machine

    From industrial society to agrarian

    From small businesses to large

A7. What was the peculiarity of the industrial revolution in Russia?

    It started later than in the West

    It ended earlier than in England

    It took place only in agricultural

    He slowed down the economic development of Russia

A8. III from division (Secret Police) headed ...

    1. Nicholas I

      A.H. Benkendorf

      M.M. Speransky

      P.D. Kiselev

B1. Give a detailed answer.

1.What is codification?

2. Was it necessary?

3. Who led the work on codification?

4. Give an assessment of the codification of laws.

Test. 1 option. Domestic policy of Nicholas I

A1. What did the measures of Nicholas I in the field of education and the press lead to:

    To increase the number of newspapers and magazines in Russia?

    To strengthen the influence of the ideas of Western European thinkers

    To limit the opportunity to get an education for serfs

A2. What did the use of steam engines in the stationery and sugar beet industry testify to in the second quarter of the 19th century?

    About the beginning of the industrial revolution

    About the beginning of the economic crisis

    On the refusal of the state from the policy of protectionism

    On the transformation of Russia into a world industrial leader

A3. What prompted the financial reform in the second quarter of the 19th century?

    The presence of large amounts of money

    The ruin of the country as a result of the Patriotic War of 1812

    Change of head of state

    Decrease in the number of silver and gold deposits

A4. Where in the 19th century was the largest fair in Russia?

    in St. Petersburg

    In Arkhangelsk

    In Moscow

    In Nizhniy Novgorod

A5. What was the peculiarity of the industrial revolution in Russia?

    It started earlier than in the West

    It was accompanied by a sharp increase in the number of the bourgeoisie

    It took place in the conditions of the preservation of the feudal-serf system

    It started in agriculture

A6. The form of government in which the monarch has unlimited supreme power is called:

1) a republic;

2) absolute monarchy;

3) constitutional monarchy.

A7. The decree on obligated peasants was issued in ...

Did Emperor Nicholas succeed in "eradicating abuses"?

Test on the history of Russia Domestic policy of Nicholas I. Social and economic development in the 20-50s. 19th century 8th grade with answers. The test includes 2 options. Each option has 10 tasks.

Option 1

1. Mark one of the features of the domestic policy of Nicholas I.

1) development of projects for solving the peasant question
2) attracting foreign capital to the Russian economy
3) the creation of secret committees to discuss the draft Russian constitution
4) liberalization of public life

2. With the name P.D. Kiseleva tied up

1) development of the theory of official nationality
2) codification of the laws of the Russian Empire
3) reform of the management of state peasants
4) the activities of the Third Branch of the Imperial Chancellery

3. The state peasants of the Right-Bank Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus were transferred from corvée to quitrent in

1) 1837
2) 1845
3) 1850
4) 1853

4. The third branch of the imperial office was to deal with

1) codification of laws
2) charitable activities
3) political investigation
4) management of the Caucasian territories

5. Establish a correspondence between the event and the date: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) the creation of a corps of gendarmes
B) the introduction of the silver ruble into circulation
C) construction of the Tsarskoye Selo railway

the date

1) 1826
2) 1837
3) 1839
4) 1829

6. The property qualification for participants in elections to noble self-government bodies was increased in order to

1) restrictions on noble self-government
2) property strengthening of the social support of the autocracy
3) political pressure on the nobles in resolving the peasant issue
4) expansion of landownership at the expense of state lands

7. The 3rd branch of the Imperial Chancellery under the leadership of

1) E.F. Kancrina
2) M.M. Speransky
3) A.Kh. Benckendorff
4) S.S. Uvarova

8. Mark one of the consequences of the industrial revolution in Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

1) the formation of a layer of "capitalist peasants"
2) strengthening the financial system of the state
3) the appearance of the first metallurgical plants
4) a steady increase in the export of industrial products from Russia to Europe

9. Celebrate the largest fair of the Russian Empire.

1) Irbitskaya
2) Nizhny Novgorod
3) Kyiv
4) Moscow

10. Mark a feature of the socio-economic development of Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

1) increase in the marketability of agriculture
2) increase in the number of urban population
3) strengthening the property status of the estates
4) mass transfer of peasants to a three-day corvee

Option 2

1. For the domestic policy of Emperor Nicholas I, it was characteristic

1) the creation of an Indispensable Council of the closest like-minded people to develop reforms
2) reducing the cost of maintaining the army
3) increased censorship
4) strengthening the army by creating regiments of a new system

2. MM. Speransky took part in

1) developing financial reform
2) codification of the laws of the Russian Empire
3) construction of the first railway in Russia
4) organizing the fight against political freethinking

3. The decree on "obliged" peasants was issued in

1) 1826
2) 1836
3) 1842
4) 1848

4. The silver ruble was put into circulation as a result of

1) reforms of I.F. Kancrina
2) the reforms of P.D. Kiseleva
3) activities of the Third Branch of the Imperial Chancellery
4) "inventory" reform

5. Establish a correspondence between concepts and definitions: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) paper money
B) obligatory work of peasants on landowners' lands
C) a group of people that differs from others in its place in the production and distribution of its results


1) corvee
2) class
3) month
4) banknotes

Write the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

6. The Secret Committee, chaired by V. Kochubey, was created with the aim of

1) development of a project for the abolition of serfdom
2) development of the Constitution of the Russian Empire
3) development of a public administration reform project
4) reform in the field of public education

7. The introduction of peasant self-government, the opening of schools and hospitals were carried out as part of the reform under the leadership

1) I.F. Kancrina
2) N.S. Mordvinova
3) P.D. Kiseleva
4) S.S. Uvarova

8. Mark one of the features of the industrial revolution in Russia in the 30s and 40s. nineteenth century

1) high rates of development of heavy industry
2) transition to industrial production in the absence of a wide wage labor market
3) broad state support for private industrial enterprises
4) attracting foreign workers to work in factories and factories

9. Railway construction began in Russia in

1) 20s 19th century
2) 30s. 19th century
3) 40s. 19th century
4) 50s. 19th century

10. Mark one of the features of the socio-economic development of Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

1) mass transfer of peasants to dues
2) increase in the marketability of the fishery
3) expansion of sown areas
4) an increase in the marketability of landlord farms

Answers to the test on the history of Russia Domestic policy of Nicholas I. Socio-economic development in the 20-50s. 19th century 8th grade
Option 1
Option 2

GBOU RO Shakhty Cossack Cadet Corps named after Ya.P. Baklanov.

History and social studies teacher.

Test work on the history of Russia for grade 8 on the topic: "Russia during the reign of Nicholas 1"

1) Indicate the years of the reign of Nicholas 1:

a) 1801 - 1825 b) 1825 - 1855 c) 1855 - 1881 d) 1881 - 1917

2) With the Crimean War of 1853-1856. connected:

a) the Battle of Sinop, the defense of Sevastopol;

b) Battle of Borodino, Tarutinsky march maneuver;

c) the battle of Austerlitz, the Battle of Leipzig;

d) the battle near Narva, the battle near the village of Lesnaya.

3) Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters of the events in the correct order.

a) Signing of the Peace of Adrianople;

b) the campaign of the Russian army under the command of V.A. Perovsky to Khiva;

c) the battle of Balaklava;

d) Russia's acquisition of the right to have a navy in the Caspian.

4) The circle of M. Butashevich-Petrashevsky was defeated in:

a) 1831; b) 1827; c) 1849; d) 1855.

5) The direction of Russian social thought, whose supporters defended the idea of ​​the identity of the Russian people:

a) conservatism; b) Slavophilism; c) communal socialism; d) westernization.

6) A variety of classicism in architecture, which was characterized by monumentality, majesty, is:

a) Empire: b) romanticism; c) Byzantine style; d) Russian style.

7) Establish a correspondence between the names of writers and their works: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Names: Works:

1) N.V. Gogol a) "Notes of a hunter";

2) I.S. Turgenev b) "The Captain's Daughter", "Dubrovsky";

3) A.S. Pushkin c) "Overcoat", "Dead Souls";

d) "Mtsyri".

8) Which of the following events is associated with the name of I.F. Kruzenshtern?

a) the creation of the Russian Geographical Society;

b) foundation of the port of Ross;

c) the first round-the-world expedition;

d) founded the Nikolaevsky post (Nikolaevsk-on-Amur).

9) What applies to the internal policy of Nicholas 1:

a) development of projects for solving the peasant question;

b) the desire to expand the territory of Russia in Europe;

c) attraction of foreign capital into the Russian economy;

d) strengthening positions in the Far East.

10) The sisters of mercy were called:

a) nuns b) medical workers of hospitals;

c) relatives of soldiers and sailors who defended Sevastopol;

d) local residents.

11) The name of P.D. Kiselev is associated with:

a) development of theories of official nationality;

b) reform of the management of state peasants;

c) codification of the laws of the Russian Empire;

d) the activities of the Third Branch of the Imperial Chancellery.

12) The decree on "obligated" peasants was issued in:

a) 1836; b) 1826; c) 1842; d) 1849

13) The silver ruble was put into circulation as a result of:

a) the reforms of I.F. Kankrin; b) the reforms of P.D. Kiselyov; c) the reforms of M.M. Speransky;

d) the activities of the Third Branch of the Imperial Chancellery.

14) Railway construction started in:

a) the 20s of the 19th century; b) 30s of the 19th century; c) 40s of the 19th century; d) 50s of the 19th century.

15) Establish a correspondence between the names of military leaders and events: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Events: Names:

1) Defense of Sevastopol a) I. Paskevich

2) Battle of Sinop b) P. Karnilov

3) battle on the Alma c) V. Kornilov

d) A. Menshikov.

Write in the table the selected letters under the corresponding numbers.

Test Keys:

1) b; 2) a; 3) gabw; 4) in; 5 B; 6) a; 7) wab; 8) a; 9) a; 10) b; 11)b; 12) in; 13) a; 14) b; 15) vbg.

History test Domestic policy of Nicholas I, Socio-economic development in the 20-50s. 19th century for 8th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each option has 6 tasks.

1 option

1. In the reign of Nicholas I, A.Kh. Benckendorff was at the head

1) State Council
2) III Branch of the Imperial Chancellery
3) Supreme Administrative Commission
4) Holy Synod

2. What was the name of the one created as a result of the work carried out under the leadership of M.M. Speransky in the 1820-1830s. codification activity is a compilation of the current Russian legislation?

1) Sudebnik
2) Charter of the Russian Empire
3) Russian truth
4) Code of Laws of the Russian Empire

3. What concept arose during the reign of Nicholas I?

1) free cultivators
2) sessional peasants
3) obligated peasants
4) economic peasants

4. Which of the following was characteristic of the reign of Nicholas I?

1) the existence of legal opposition
2) development of the independence of the national outskirts of the Russian Empire
3) freedom of speech and religion
4) the irreconcilable struggle of the autocracy with the revolutionary movement

5. What was one of the main consequences of the under the leadership of General P.D. Kiseleva in 1837-1841. reforms in the management of state peasants?

1) some improvement in the life of state peasants
2) mass migration of peasants to Siberia and Central Asia
3) the transfer of land plots to the property of peasants
4) liquidation of communal peasant self-government

6. What provisions relate to the characteristic features of the socio-economic development of Russia in the first half of the 19th century? Find two lines in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the growing role of bread in Russian exports
2) the constant excess of revenues over expenditures in the state budget
3) growth in the number of "capitalist" peasants
4) the predominance of free labor in the countryside
5) declining urban population

Option 2

1. Which of the listed statesmen played a key role in the codification of Russian legislation and the creation of the Complete Collection and the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire during the reign of Nicholas I?

1) D.A. Milyutin
2) E.F. Kankrin
3) P.A. Stroganov
4) M.M. Speransky

2. Organ, which was engaged in Russia in the 1820-1870s. political investigation, called

1) Supreme Administrative Commission
2) III Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery
3) Supreme Privy Council
4) Secret office

3. The position of Emperor Nicholas I regarding the problem of serfdom was characterized by

1) gradual improvement in the situation of the peasants and measures to mitigate serfdom
2) the opinion that there is no need to change something in the existing serf system
3) expansion of the rights of landowners in relation to serfs
4) bringing the problem of serfdom to wide public discussion

4. What was one of the provisions carried out in 1837-1841. under the direction of P.D. Kiselyov's reforms?

1) transfer of part of the landowner's land to the ownership of peasants
2) creation of the Ministry of State Property for the management of state peasants and lands
3) the loss of power by the landowners over the personality of the serfs
4) the creation of the estate of "free cultivators"

5. What was one of the reasons for the conservative course of Nicholas I?

1) the king's conviction in the favor of serfdom
2) fear of the possibility of a revolutionary speech
3) the conservative influence of England and France
4) influence on the king of the ideas of philosophers-enlighteners

6. What provisions relate to the characteristic features of the socio-economic development of Russia in the first half of the 19th century? Find two lines in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Russia's leading position in the world in terms of industrial production
2) the predominance of cars in Russian exports
3) the great role of the labor of serfs in agriculture
4) completion of the industrial revolution in Russia
5) the emergence of factory villages

Answers to the history test Domestic policy of Nicholas I, Socio-economic development in the 20-59s. 19th century
1 option
Option 2

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1 of the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

GDZ control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of Russia Grade 8 Volkova (History of Russia) Wako

  • The history of Russia, according to the plan of the Ministry of Education, will be included in the number of disciplines required for passing the final test. Preparing for the subject is desirable to start well in advance, given the significant number of dates, names, events and place names. Experienced teachers start working on testing materials from the 8th grade. The main thing to achieve a high result is to choose the right training program and a set of teaching aids. Both for the formation of a baggage of knowledge, and for control.
  • In the latter, balanced KIMs by discipline will help. Among the quality ones, there are control and measuring materials on the history of Russia for the 8th grade, compiled by Volkova K.V.
  • The collection features:
    - well-defined structure;
    - compliance of tasks with the methodological base recommended for conducting control, verification work, current and final, VPR, OGE and OGE in national history;
    - gradual complication of tasks, taking into account age characteristics and the level of knowledge of eighth graders;
    - the presence of several options for different topics and sections of the discipline.
  • Handbook training can be done at school or at home. For those who have chosen the collection for self-study purposes, a systematic study is recommended. GDZ to him. This will allow you to understand the essence and logic of the correct answers, their correct recording.