Illustrated guide (2020). Equilateral triangle

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In the school geometry course, a huge amount of time is devoted to the study of triangles. Students calculate angles, build bisectors and heights, find out how shapes differ from each other, and the easiest way to find their area and perimeter. It seems that this is not useful in any way in life, but sometimes it is still useful to know, for example, how to determine that a triangle is equilateral or obtuse. How to do it?

Triangle types

Three points that do not lie on the same straight line, and the line segments that connect them. It seems that this figure is the simplest. What can triangles look like if they only have three sides? In fact, there are a fairly large number of options, and some of them are given special attention as part of the school geometry course. An equilateral triangle is an equilateral one, that is, all its angles and sides are equal. It has a number of remarkable properties, which will be discussed later.

The isosceles has only two equal sides, and it is also quite interesting. In a rectangular one, and as you might guess, one of the corners is straight or obtuse, respectively. However, they can also be isosceles.

There is also a special one called Egyptian. Its sides are 3, 4 and 5 units. However, it is rectangular. It is believed that it was actively used by Egyptian surveyors and architects to build right angles. It is believed that the famous pyramids were built with its help.

And yet all the vertices of a triangle can lie on one straight line. In this case, it will be called degenerate, while all the others are called non-degenerate. They are one of the subjects of study of geometry.

Triangle is equilateral

Of course, the correct figures are always of the greatest interest. They seem more perfect, more graceful. The formulas for calculating their characteristics are often simpler and shorter than for ordinary figures. This also applies to triangles. It is not surprising that a lot of attention is paid to them when studying geometry: schoolchildren are taught to distinguish regular figures from the rest, and they are also told about some of their interesting characteristics.

Features and properties

As the name suggests, each side of an equilateral triangle is equal to the other two. In addition, it has a number of features, thanks to which it is possible to determine whether the figure is correct or not.

If at least one of the above signs is observed, then the triangle is equilateral. For a regular figure, all the above statements are true.

All triangles have a number of remarkable properties. Firstly, the middle line, that is, the segment dividing the two sides in half and parallel to the third, is equal to half the base. Secondly, the sum of all the angles of this figure is always equal to 180 degrees. In addition, there is another interesting relationship in triangles. So, opposite the larger side lies a larger angle and vice versa. But this, of course, has nothing to do with an equilateral triangle, because all its angles are equal.

Inscribed and circumscribed circles

Often in a geometry course, students also learn how shapes can interact with each other. In particular, circles inscribed in polygons or described around them are studied. What is this about?

An inscribed circle is a circle for which all sides of the polygon are tangent. Described - the one that has points of contact with all corners. For each triangle, it is always possible to construct both the first and second circles, but only one of each type. The evidence for these two

theorems are given in the school course of geometry.

In addition to calculating the parameters of the triangles themselves, some tasks also involve calculating the radii of these circles. And the formulas for
equilateral triangle look like this:

where r is the radius of the inscribed circle, R is the radius of the circumscribed circle, a is the length of the side of the triangle.

Height, perimeter and area calculation

The main parameters that schoolchildren calculate during the study of geometry remain unchanged for almost any figure. These are the perimeter, area and height. For ease of calculation, there are various formulas.

So, the perimeter, that is, the length of all sides, is calculated in the following ways:

P = 3a = 3√ ̅3R = 6√ ̅3r, where a is the side of a regular triangle, R is the radius of the circumscribed circle, r is the inscribed one.

h = (√ ̅3/2)*a, where a is the length of the side.

Finally, the formula is derived from the standard, that is, the product of half the base and its height.

S = (√ ̅3/4)*a 2 , where a is the length of the side.

Also, this value can be calculated through the parameters of the circumscribed or inscribed circle. There are also special formulas for this:

S = 3√ ̅3r 2 = (3√ ̅3/4)*R 2 , where r and R are the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles, respectively.


Another interesting type of task, including triangles, is associated with the need to draw a particular shape using a minimal set

tools: a compass and a ruler without divisions.

In order to build a regular triangle with only these tools, you need to follow a few steps.

  1. It is necessary to draw a circle with any radius and with a center at an arbitrary point A. It must be noted.
  2. Next, you need to draw a straight line through this point.
  3. The intersections of a circle and a straight line must be designated as B and C. All constructions must be carried out with the greatest possible accuracy.
  4. Next, you need to build another circle with the same radius and center at point C or an arc with the appropriate parameters. Intersections will be marked D and F.
  5. Points B, F, D must be connected by segments. An equilateral triangle is built.

Solving such problems is usually a problem for schoolchildren, but this skill can be useful in everyday life.

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right- I right / wrong th, th; flax, flax, flax. see also correctness 1) a) Corresponding to the established rules, not deviating from the existing rules, norms, order. P o pronunciation, spelling. P oe physical development of the child. P th distribution ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

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  • Rapprochement, Christopher Priest. In the not-too-distant future, Tibor Tarent, a resident of the IRVB, Islamic Republic of Great Britain, comes to the attention of the security services after his wife falls victim to a strange weapon. It ... Buy for 686 rubles
  • Rapprochement, Priest K. In the not-too-distant future, Tibor Tarent, a resident of the IRVB, Islamic Republic of Great Britain, comes to the attention of the security services after his wife is the victim of a strange weapon. It…

right triangle, R - radius circumscribed circle , r- radius inscribed circle.

  • The radius of the inscribed circle of an equilateral triangle, expressed in terms of its side:
r = \frac(\sqrt 3)(6) a
  • The radius of the circumscribed circle of a regular triangle, expressed in terms of its side:
R = \frac(\sqrt 3)(3) a P = 3a = 3 \sqrt 3 R = 6 \sqrt 3 r h = m = l = \frac(\sqrt 3)(2) a
  • Square right triangle is calculated by the formulas:
S = \frac(\sqrt 3)(4) a^2 = \frac(3 \sqrt 3)(4) R^2 = 3 \sqrt 3 r^2 = \frac(\sqrt 3)(36) P ^2
  • The radius of the circumscribed circle is equal to twice the radius of the inscribed circle:
R = 2r
  • For an equilateral triangle T Group movements (self-combinations) of the plane, translating the triangle into itself, consists of 6 elements: three turns at angles 0, 2π ⁄ 3 and 4π ⁄ 3 around the point O , as well as three symmetries with respect to the three lines on which the bisectors triangle (the latter are also his heights and medians).
  • On the circumcircle of an arbitrary triangle ABC there are exactly three points such that Simson's line concerns Euler circles triangle ABC, and these points form right triangle. The sides of this triangle are parallel to the sides Morley's triangle.
  • An equilateral triangle is also an equiangular triangle, that is, all interior angles are equal.
  • An equilateral triangle is a special case of an isosceles triangle, namely: a doubly isosceles triangle.

see also

Theorems about or containing an equilateral triangle