How do people get into the future? Is time travel possible from a scientific point of view? How to travel back in time without a time machine

Hundreds of thousands of people disappear without a trace every year. Of course, the main reasons for this are crime, bloody military conflicts and accidents. The rather fantastic idea that some missing people could simply be lost in time does not occur to anyone ...

Aliens from the past

In the 50s of the last century, an amazing case became known to the press. A man in 19th-century clothing suddenly found himself in the thick of cars on a busy New York street and was crushed by one of the cars. The driver swore that the deceased suddenly appeared in front of his car, as if he had fallen from the sky, there was simply no way to slow down.
Trying to identify the deceased, the police searched his pockets, they found an identity document issued 80 years ago ... It turned out that the man was a traveling salesman and lived on a street that was demolished 50 years ago. This story interested the police so much that they were not too lazy to dig into the archive and find lists of residents of the area indicated in the document for the end of the 19th century, in which they discovered the mysterious salesman.
Further searches led to an unexpected meeting. An elderly woman with the same last name as the deceased told the detectives that 70 years ago, under very mysterious circumstances, her father disappeared. He went outside to breathe before going to bed and seemed to have evaporated, all attempts to find him led to nothing. Digging through the box of photographs, the woman found a photograph of her father. The police simply gasped when, in a photograph dated April 1884, they saw exactly that unfortunate salesman who had fallen under the wheels of a car ...
An even stranger incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. On his street was an old-fashioned dressed, unknown to anyone, frightened old woman. She literally shied away from the passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted the curious: after all, in this town everyone knew each other and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed. When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around with despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.
In 1966, three brothers were walking down a street in Glasgow early on New Year's morning. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.
In the 90s of the last century, one of the Hong Kong newspapers told the world an amazing story about the boy Yun Li Chen. In 1987, scientists were approached by doctors from a psychiatric hospital in Hong Kong, the police brought to them a very strange boy who claimed to have come from the past. The doctors did not find any brain damage in him and came to the conclusion that he was quite healthy, but the boy's unusual stories baffled them and made them doubt his mental health.
Scientists became interested in the doctors' story and visited the boy. First of all, they were struck by his clothing, cut from a fabric that was obviously hand-crafted, it resembled exhibits from museums found in ancient burials. Yun Li Chen was fluent in one of the ancient Chinese dialects, and he told historians such details about the distant past that he simply brought them into a state of real shock.
They decided to check the boy's story with the help of temple books. In some of them, several centuries old, the historian Ying Shao unexpectedly discovered the names of places and even the names of people reported by a strange boy. The astonished scientist decided to seriously investigate this amazing case, but he was in for a bitter disappointment - Yun suddenly disappeared, as if he had evaporated from a closed chamber, which was under vigilant control.
Frustrated, Shao again turned to the ancient chronicles and suddenly found a mention of Yun Li Chen in them! It was reported that Chen disappeared for more than ten years, but then returned not matured at all and began to tell that he had been in the distant future, where he saw iron birds flying, carts moving without horses and houses resting on the clouds. Of course, no one believed the boy, he was considered crazy, and three weeks after his return he died unexpectedly.
“Year after year, with surprising regularity, unusual manipulations with time are repeated. We have a certain number of reports of missing people who seem to have been swallowed up by time, and not by any other force, ”John Kiel, a well-known foreign researcher of anomalous phenomena, expressed his opinion about the mysterious disappearances of people in one of the conversations.
Time trap for...submarine
It is possible that not only people, but also other living beings fall into the "traps" of time. This can explain the mysterious appearances of Bigfoot in the most unexpected corners of our planet, as well as the rather numerous sightings of prehistoric animals like Nessie.
Time plays a bad joke not only with individuals, it can also do very impressive objects. American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon classified a striking incident that happened to one of the submarines. The submarine was in the waters of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later, a signal from it was received already from ... the Indian Ocean.
However, this incident with the submarine was not limited only to its movement in space over a huge distance, there was also a rather significant time travel: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds! Information about this unique case was published in 1993 in the American weekly The News.
Researchers of anomalous phenomena have tried to collect statistical data regarding cases of time travel. They found that between 1976 and 2001, there were 274 such cases, and planes often became victims of "holes" in time. The most trivial case, the most frequently repeated, is when an aircraft suddenly disappears for a moment from the radar screen, and then it turns out that the clocks of the pilots, and indeed of all passengers, are a few minutes behind.
However, more terrible accidents sometimes happen to airplanes. In 1997, the W. W. News” told about the mysterious DC-4 aircraft that landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992. This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating a charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was due to land at 9:55 am on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: “Where are we?”
The dispatchers, stunned by the pilot's message, told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave permission to land. The pilot did not answer, but during landing, everyone heard his surprised exclamation: “Jimmy! What the hell is this!” The surprise of the American pilot was clearly caused by a jet plane taking off at that time ...
The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot breathing heavily, finally saying, "Something is wrong here." When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed, "Oh God!" They tried to calm him down, they said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, when he saw airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: “Do not approach! We're leaving here!"
The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers in the windows, and the DC-4 pilot opened the glass in his cockpit and waved some kind of magazine at them, demanding that they do not approach the aircraft. He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in time? Unfortunately, the further fate of the crew and passengers of the aircraft is unknown, since the magazine did not report on any historical investigation of this case. As evidence of this unusual incident at the Caracas airport, there was a recording of negotiations with a DC-4 and a calendar for 1955 that fell out of a magazine that the pilot was waving ...

Chrononauts reluctantly

Time travelers are often referred to as chrononauts. However, there is no evidence of the invention of the time machine in the near or distant future yet. Many modern scientists generally deny the possibility of time travel, believing that it is irreversible.
True, not everyone thinks so, for example, a number of physicists put forward a hypothesis that there are zones of so-called time faults on the Earth, in such anomalous places the past and the future sometimes close together, while there is a transfer of information and energy, in which they can be captured and material bodies - people, animals, planes ...
There is also a hypothesis that with temporary violations of the structure of space and time, special tunnels are formed in them, connecting different eras.
Some researchers believe that unwitting time travelers only momentarily fall into the past or future and then are transported back to their own time. However, there is reason to believe that this is not always the case. The most deplorable option is quite possible - to get stuck in someone else's time forever.
In this case, travelers from the past to the future will most likely face the unenviable fate of a psychiatric patient… Imagine that a policeman thinks of a strangely dressed man claiming to be in Napoleon’s army…
Those who get from the future into the past, with a certain self-control and resourcefulness, can more or less get settled. Perhaps it was just such an unwitting time traveler who built the famous Baghdad battery, which gave current 4000 years ago ...
Some of the researchers of anomalous phenomena seriously suggest that Leonardo da Vinci was a chrononaut involuntarily ... He arrived in the 15th century from the future and was stuck in it forever. They consider the numerous diverse inventions of Leonardo, which were far ahead of their time, to be proof of such a hypothesis.

Probably, no one would refuse to visit ancient Babylon, to see the mysterious Atlantis and dinosaurs or mammoths with their own eyes. And how many of those who, having committed a rash act, wondered how to return to the past in order to fix everything. Yes, the ability to travel in time excites the minds of people from time immemorial.

There are many stories, the most fantastic and not so, about how people returned to the past or, on the contrary, moved to the future. Is time travel still possible?

Unfortunately, scientists, relying on the laws of logic and science, convince us that today this is unrealistic. In the modern world, there are no such technologies that would not be subject to the current laws of physics. In addition, time travel itself causes a bunch of paradoxes that violate one of the most important laws of the universe - the law of causality (that is, the idea that the effect follows directly from the cause). However, scientists put forward all sorts of theories that may well be implemented in the future.

Faster than the speed of light

This follows from Einstein's famous theory of relativity. So, if an object develops a speed higher than the speed of light, then time for it will slow down in relation to the outside world. Is it possible to return to the past in this way? From a theoretical point of view, yes. After all, if a speed exceeding the speed of light becomes available, then the slowdown of time relative to the outside world will allow the object to reach its destination even before the start. However, today the speed of light is the limiting value. And no one has yet been able to surpass it.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, in order to give an object a speed exceeding the speed of light, a colossal amount of energy is needed - the mass becomes larger with increasing speed, and therefore more and more energy is needed. At the moment, such a technology that could reproduce so much energy is simply not available to mankind. Alas. Although in the distant future, everything is possible.

Through the wormhole

Wormholes, or black holes, are peculiar curvatures of reality that connect points of space and time. Moreover, such a distance between points is much shorter than in a normal medium. Black holes can connect entire universes, distant galaxies, and perhaps even completely different time periods.

However, just as in the situation with a speed exceeding the speed of light, all this remains only a theory that has not been fixed in practice. To date, there is no equipment, no technology, no knowledge in order to be able to go through a wormhole. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to return to the past through a black hole remains open.

Back to the Future

Since there are no practical possibilities to move into the past today, it would be logical to ask a question about the future. After all, it is likely that in tens to hundreds of years people will still be able to come up with a way to return to the past. And if you get into such a “future”, then from there you could go back several millennia.

Regarding travel to the future, scientists are not so categorical. At least, if you take into account the laws of physics, then moving into the future seems more real. So, more than once it has already been said about experiments on a temporary stop of the vital functions of a person. Of course, today the existing technologies are still far from ideal. However, it is likely that in a couple of years such a “time capsule” will still be created. Then, by freezing the human body, it will be possible to keep it completely unaged for a huge amount of time. Humans will be able to transcend existing life spans: fall asleep and then wake up in the distant future.

Revived memories

So, as it has already become clear, today there is no way to travel through time in the truest sense of the word. However, this does not mean that a return to the past is impossible. You don't even need FTL or a wormhole to travel down the alleys of your memory. Go back in time with your own memories.

Of course, you cannot be transported to Ancient Rome or see dinosaurs, but you will be able to relive those wonderful moments that you had in the past and which seemed to be impossible to return. Distant memories fade under a pile of recent events, but if you try, you can again feel those long-faded emotions. Thus, your body will exist in the present, and the brain will travel to the past.

But sometimes even evoking the right memories is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, below are the most effective ways to return to the past with the help of memories.

old pictures

Photos are a kind of window into the past. Looking at them, you can not only delve into memories, but also relive long-forgotten emotions. Whenever you feel like going back in time, take out your photo albums or family videos. Just while watching, you should not shed bitter tears and think that all the best things in your life have already happened. Try, looking at the pictures, to remember everyone who is depicted in them (including yourself): character, habits, beliefs, where he works, what is the goal in life, whether he is satisfied with himself, why he smiles or is sad, etc.

Instead of photographs, souvenirs or other memorabilia are also suitable. Examine them and remember those moments when you got them, why and from where.

Effect: Some people believe that after viewing old photographs, they should be burned, as they interfere with moving into the future. Burn or not - it's up to you. However, the very viewing of old pictures helps not only to immerse yourself in the past, but also to understand what does not suit you in the present.

Your own romance

Another great way to go back in time is to write about how things were. It doesn't matter how the text will look, because no one will read what you wrote, except for yourself. Just sit down and write about what happened, how you felt at that moment, what worried you, etc. In this way, you will be able to experience the emotions that you write about. Just do not need to describe in detail everything that happened according to the principle: “I took a cup - poured coffee - sat by the window ...” Write about the main thing - about what worried you then and does not let go even after so many years.

Effect: This method is called the method of therapy with the help of writing. It has been around for quite some time. Psychologists believe that describing past events is good for both mental and physical health. It's also a great way to look at yourself from the outside. Well, if you're lucky, then you get a real romance.

deja vu

If you can’t get out of your head what happened to you, you think that it was the best thing in your life, you want to repeat everything again and wonder how to return to the past - then live this happy day again!

To do this, allocate one free day in the present. In the smallest detail, remember those events that you regret, and bring them to life. Even if you don't have enough members, don't be discouraged. This is where your imagination comes in handy. Just imagine that they are nearby. On this day, do everything exactly the same as then. Live the day according to the scenario of "your golden age": go to that very place, cook those same pancakes and listen to the music that your most trembling memories are associated with.

Effect: as a rule, this method helps to calm down and stop regretting what has passed. However, if immediately after the experiment it did not become easier, then you should not abuse it. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a faded shadow of your former self, talking to yourself and dejectedly wandering through the "places of military glory."

One Actor Theater

Another way to go back in time is to act out situations. Imagine that you are on the stage of the theater, and the play that you have to perform is a moment in your life that you would like to return to. It is best to play such a performance in the company of friends. Believe me, this is much more effective than talking on the phone for hours, retelling what happened in the manner of “and I told him ...., and he answered me ..., and then we ...”.

However, not everyone will decide on this, many will simply be ashamed. Therefore, you can arrange a "one-man theater". Anyone can become the heroes of the past days: from plasticine men to soft toys.

Effect: having played out your own life situations, you can, albeit temporarily, but feel yourself in the past, see from the side what happened to you and appreciate all this more deeply.

In order to briefly return to the past, you can walk through memorable places: the area from your childhood where you have not been for a long time, the school, the first place of work, the church where you got married, the lake shore where you first kissed, etc. Even if something has changed there in the past, memory will helpfully throw up images from the past. And together with them you will remember again how you felt then.

Call your old friends with whom you have long lost contact. It can be your friends from school, first colleagues at work and others. Believe me, remembering happy moments from the past is much better in the company of participants in those events.

Smells also play a big role. They are great for bringing back lost memories. After all, a person associates a lot with a certain smell. Buy the perfume you had during your summer travels and be transported back to those sunny and happy days.

Music also evokes memories. You may feel embarrassed that you once loved to listen so much as a child, but re-listening to old addictions years later can help create the impression that you are back in the past.

Time travel is an entertaining plot device in science fiction stories and films. In many stories, time travel is associated with a ship traveling at the speed of light. True, we have nothing to test the theory with, in the absence of such a ship.

In other stories, time travel involves circumstances such as coming close to a very massive object like a black hole. Unfortunately, the above methods are very limited, because the movement is allowed only in the future, due to local time dilation in relation to other objects.

The possibility of traveling through time is of great interest, awakening the imagination. It is easier and more convenient to go to another time with the help of an exotic apparatus (time machine), since you can move in both directions. But we don’t have a car either, at least nothing is known about it.

However, is it even possible to deceive the nature of time in order to travel into the future, even if it is hypothetically possible?

It is important to remember that every second we travel into the future. Such is the nature of space-time. This is why we remember the past (instead of "remembering" the future). The future is largely unpredictable, because it has not yet taken place, but we are constantly heading towards it.

If we want to influence the process, and look into the future ahead of the events taking place around us, then something can be done to realize the desire? This is a good question with no definitive answer.

Why no final? Because right now we don't have the opportunity, but we can't say about the technologies of the future. Perhaps it's enough just to sit down and wait for the device to be created in the future and go to the past.


It certainly sounds amazing, but the transition in time can be accelerated. Although this happens only in small periods of time. This has already been verified by astronauts who have gone beyond the Earth. That is, we have a precedent for traveling to the future!

Can this happen in longer periods of time? Theoretically yes, according to Einstein's theory of relativity. The bottom line is the speed of the object: the faster the object moves in space, the slower time passes compared to the slower moving observer.

The twin paradox is a classic demonstration of future travel. The example works like this: take a pair of twins who are 20 years old and live on Earth. The first takes off in a spaceship on a five-year journey at the speed of light.

This twin lives for five years on the journey and returns to Earth at the age of 25. Whereas the second twin left on earth celebrated its 95th anniversary! The twin on the ship, having lived only five years, returned to Earth in the future. It's all about speed and relativity. Although you can add words about the fair complexity of the mechanisms of relativity, which gives rise to paradoxes.

In much the same way as moving at near-light speeds, strong gravitational fields can slow down perceived time. The energy of the field can create the effect of time travel (if you remember, a black hole, for example, has an "event horizon", this is a wonderful area where even time disappears).

Gravity affects movement in space as well as the flow of time. Time passes more slowly for an observer located inside the gravity well of a massive object. The stronger gravity, the more it affects the flow of time, while an outside observer lives in normal time. But what is interesting is that both observers, relative to themselves, live in the usual time.

Astronauts on the International Space Station experience a combination of these effects, albeit on a much smaller scale. Since they are moving quite fast and revolving around the Earth (a massive body with gravity), time for them slows down relative to people on Earth. And while the difference is in seconds over their time in space, it's measurable.


Until we develop a way to approach the speed of light, and test the theory of time distortion, this can only be speculated. We also cannot travel near black holes and experience time travel a significant distance into the future - again, there is no technology.

Here, too, another problem arises. Let's say going into the future at a speed close to light, or with the help of the monstrous forces of gravity, how to calculate the time of the jump? The ship will require acceleration to the speed of light - this is already a local time warp. Immersion in the gravitational field - and actually by what amount?

Well, let's arrange an experimental test, say a time jump by a day. However, even a single second of error will (in both cases) cause the sent object to “pop out” in the future in hundreds or tens of hundreds of years! Well, who will come to us to tell us about a successful experiment, a traveler into the past? - then you have to wait for the invention of the time machine.


Based on existing technology, traveling to the past is not feasible. Point on that… But we will continue.

The possibility of going to the past is denied, citing the well-known paradox "go back in time and kill your grandfather." This is how the impossibility of the transition is expressed: the grandson will not be able to kill the grandfather, because he already killed him, therefore the grandson does not exist and cannot return to the past to perform a mean act towards the grandfather and himself ... that is, there may be some effects that destroy the sequence of events.

I don’t know what annoyed the creator of the “paradox” with his own grandfather, but it seems that the dubious argument says one thing: since you were born, then everything is in order with your grandfather. Yes, in fact, there is no paradox here, since all conclusions about the evolution of the chain time-space-consequences do not have a pronounced uncertainty - the past has already taken place.

Moving along the path of "already held events" of the past, the conditionality of paradoxes can be discarded - these are hypothetical restrictions in the time-event, not confirmed experimentally. In general, there is an abundant amount of hypotheses in this topic, which expands with the advent of a new film or book.

In fact, most likely there are no restrictions on time travel to the past. Paradoxes are as absent as time loops, entropy is unlikely to explode if you occasionally shake hands with your second self or try to make changes in the past - everything that happened is already written on the fabric of reality, so no one can destroy the sequence of events.

Thus, we choose one, with no restrictions on travel to the past. And if you haven't met time travelers yet, then this can only speak of a couple of things;
a) the time machine has not yet been invented, remaining an exotic installation;
b) travelers to the past are people like us, so it is difficult to identify them as coming from the future.

In contact with


The story of John Titor and other cases of time travel.

1. · In 1912, during the movement of the train from London to Glasgow, a man appeared out of nowhere in his hands who had a long whip and a bitten piece of bread.

In the first minutes he was in shock, the passengers of the train could not calm him down. Recovering, the man said: “I am Pimp Drake, a coachman from Chetnam. Where I am? Where am I?".

Drake claimed to be from the 18th century. A few minutes later he disappeared back. Specialists from the National Museum confidently asserted that the objects that remained after the arrival of an alien from the past belong to the end of the 18th century.

As a result, it turned out that such a village really exists, and moreover, that the coachman Pimp Drake, who was born in the middle of the 18th century, worked in it.

2. NYPD Files: In November 1956, an unidentified man was run over on Broadway. The driver and witnesses claimed that he appeared out of nowhere.

In his pocket, they found an identity card and business cards, on which it was written where he lives, that he works as a traveling salesman, and so on.

The police found such a person in the archive and interviewed relatives and people who lived nearby. An old woman was found who claimed that her father disappeared about 60 years ago in unknown circumstances: he went for a walk along Broadway and did not return.

A picture taken in 1884 of her father fully confirmed that this was the man who was hit by a car.

3. A few years ago, a certain Andrew Carl-sin was arrested in New York on charges of fraud.

Having invested less than a thousand dollars in shares, after 2 weeks he earned 350 million dollars on the stock exchange.

It is noteworthy that the trading operations performed by him initially did not promise a win at all. The state authorities accused Karlsin of illegally obtaining information profitable for himself, since they did not find other arguments for such a startling result.

Although all experts agree that even having full information about the companies where he invested money, it is impossible to earn so much and for such a period
However, during interrogation, Karlsin unexpectedly stated that he allegedly appeared from the year 2256 and, having information about all banking operations over the past years, decided to enrich himself.

He categorically refused to show his time machine, but made a tempting offer for the authorities - to announce several upcoming important events that will happen soon in the world, including the whereabouts of Bin Laden and the invention of a cure for AIDS ...

According to unverified reports, someone posted a million dollar bail for him to get him out of prison, after which Karlsin disappeared and, apparently, forever ...

4. A strange incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. On his street was an old-fashioned dressed, unknown to anyone, frightened old woman.

She literally shied away from the passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted the curious: after all, in this town everyone knew each other, and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed.

When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around with despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.

5. Time jokes badly not only with individuals, it can also do very impressive objects.

American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon classified a striking incident that happened to one of the submarines.

The submarine was in the waters of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later, a signal from it was received already from ... the Indian Ocean.

However, this incident with the submarine was not limited only to its movement in space over a huge distance, there was also a rather significant time travel: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds.

6. Even more terrible accidents sometimes happen to airplanes.

In 1997, the W. W. News” told about the mysterious DC-4 aircraft that landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992.

This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating a charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was due to land at 9:55 am on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: "Where are we?"

The dispatchers, stunned by the pilot's message, told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave permission to land.

The pilot did not answer, but during the landing everyone heard his surprised exclamation: "Jimmy! What the hell is this!” The surprise of the American pilot was clearly caused by a jet plane taking off at that time ...

The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot was breathing heavily, finally he said: "Something is wrong here". When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

They tried to calm him down, they said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, seeing airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: "Don't come near! We're leaving here!"

The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers in the windows, and the DC-4 pilot opened the glass in his cockpit and waved some kind of magazine at them, demanding that they do not approach the aircraft.

He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in time? Unfortunately, the further fate of the crew and passengers of the aircraft is unknown, since the magazine did not report on any historical investigation of this case.

As evidence of this unusual incident at the Caracas airport, there was a recording of negotiations with a DC-4 and a calendar for 1955 that fell out of a magazine that the pilot was waving ...

7. Resident of Sevastopol, retired military sailor Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin has been studying the problem of time travel for the last fifteen years.

The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after a very curious and mysterious incident that happened to him in the late 80s of the last century in the Pacific Ocean, while serving as deputy commander of a diesel submarine.

During one of the training trips in the area of ​​the La Perouse Strait, the boat got into a severe thunderstorm. The submarine commander decided to take a surface position.

As soon as the ship surfaced, the sailor on duty reported that he saw an unidentified floating craft right on the course.

It soon becomes clear that a Soviet submarine stumbled upon a lifeboat in neutral waters, in which the submariners found a half-dead frostbitten man in ... the uniform of a Japanese military sailor during the Second World War.

When examining personal belongings of the rescued, a premium parabellum was found, as well as documents issued on September 14, 1940.

After the report to the base command, the boat was ordered to go to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was already waiting for the Japanese military sailor.

GRU officers took a non-disclosure agreement from the team members for the next ten years.

8. In 1966, three brothers were walking in the early New Year's morning along one of the streets of Glasgow. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.

9. A photo in the virtual Bralorne Pioneer Museum called the rather boring title “Reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood in Nov. 1940. 1941 (?)” was a minor sensation.

The public claims that it depicts a time traveler. The reason for this was some features of his clothes and a portable camera in his hands: he is wearing sunglasses, which were not worn in the 40s, a T-shirt with an advertising logo, a sweater in the fashion of the 21st century, a hairstyle that was not done in those days and portable camera.

10 John Titor - The Time Traveler Who Predicted War

John Titor is a man from the future who has been appearing on the Internet since 2000 on forums, blogs and various sites. John claimed to be a time traveler and arrived here from the year 2036.

He was originally sent in 1975 to collect information about the IBM-5100 computer, as his grandfather worked on the creation of this computer and programmed on it, but he stopped in 2000 for personal reasons. On the forums, he talked about future events. Some of them have already happened: the war in Iraq, the conflict in the US in the presidential elections of 2004 and 2008. He also talked about the third world war.

This is what the bleak future of our planet looks like: a second civil war will split America into 5 factions with a new capital in Omaha. In 2017, the third world war will break out, the result of which will be the loss of three billion people.

Then, to top it all off, there will be a computer glitch that will destroy the world we are used to. That is, it will be so if a brave time traveler does not overcome the space-time continuum to change the course of history.

It was at the end of 2000. A poster on various forums took on the web aliases "TimeTravel_0" and "John Titor", and claimed to be a soldier sent from 2036, the year a computer virus destroyed the world. His mission was to return to 1975 to find and capture an IBM 5100 computer that had everything needed to fight the virus (and he went to 2000 to meet his 3-year-old self, ignoring the paradox of the very fabric of time from stories about time travel).

For the next four months, Titor answered all the questions the other participants had, describing future events in the spirit of poetic phrases, and always pointing out that other realities exist, and our reality may not be his own.

Between grim exhortations to learn how to give first aid and not eat beef - in his reality, mad cow disease was a serious threat - Titor, using extremely difficult algorithms, uncovered some of the technical aspects of how time travel works and provided grainy photos of his time machine.

On March 24, 2001, Titor gave his last piece of advice ("Take a gas can with you when you leave your car on the side of the road"), logged out for good, and drove back. Since then, he has not appeared again.

Titor's story from a time when we were all so innocent, less than 15 years ago, just before everything started to change. And the legend of Tithor persists in part because no one has ever claimed to be its creator.

Since the mystery is not solved, the legend continues. "The John Titor story is popular because some of the stories just get popular," says writer and producer Brian Denning, who specializes in Titor.

With all the ghost stories, demonic voices, scams, or rumors floating around the internet, something is getting popular. Why shouldn't stories about Titor become so popular. Although there is (tiny, almost scientifically impossible) and one more possibility.

"One of the clues to Titor," writes Temporal Recon in an email, "is to admit the possibility that time travel might be true."

The great thing about time travel is that history cannot be refuted. If events don't happen the way the time traveler said, it's because he changed the course of history.

And one more thing... if this man John Titor wanted to be promoted, then why did he disappear forever?! Whether the special services took him away or whether he went back is a mystery.

Every person would dream of getting into the past for a moment and correcting some mistake in it, or moving into the future to find out how life turned out. Time travel is a favorite technique of many directors and science fiction writers. There are scientists who claim that this is possible in reality.

What is time travel?

This is the transition of a person or any objects from a given moment to a segment of the future or in the past. A little time has passed since the discovery of black holes, and if at first they seemed unreal to the discoverer Einstein himself, then later astrophysicists of the whole world began to study them. The philosophy of time travel excited the minds of many scientists - K. Thorne, M. Morris, Van Stokum, S. Hawking and others. They complement and refute each other's theories and cannot reach a consensus on this issue.

Time travel paradox

Against travel to the distant or near past, the following arguments are given:

  1. Breakdown of the relationship between cause and effect.
  2. "The paradox of the murdered grandfather." If, having committed, the grandson kills his own grandfather, then he will not be able to be born. And if his birth does not happen, then someone will kill his grandfather in the future?
  3. The possibility of time travel remains a dream, as the time machine has yet to be created. If it were, then aliens from the future would be present today.

Time travel - esoteric

Time is considered as a process of movement of consciousness in three-dimensional space. The human senses are capable of perceiving only four-dimensional space, but it is part of multidimensionality, where there is no connection between cause and effect. The generally accepted concepts of distance, time and mass do not work there. In the Field of Events the moments of the past, present and future are mixed and any material, astral and metal masses undergo changes instantly.

Through the astral, time travel is real. Consciousness can go beyond the physical shell, moving and overcoming the laws of the universe. S. Grof suggests that a person can be guided by his consciousness and mentally travel through space and time. At the same time, violating the laws of physics and acting as a kind of natural time machine.

Time travel - fact or fiction?

In the "Newtonian universe" with its uniform and rectilinear time, this would be unrealistic, but Einstein proved that time is different in different places in the universe, and can accelerate and decelerate. When time reaches a speed close to the speed of light, it slows down. From a scientific point of view, time travel is real, but only into the future. Moreover, there are several ways to move.

Is time travel possible?

If you follow the theory of relativity, then moving at a speed close to the speed of light, you can bypass the natural flow of time and move into the future. It accelerates significantly compared to someone who does not travel and remains motionless. This confirms the "twin paradox". It consists in the difference in the speed of the passage of time for the brother who went on a space flight and the brother who remained on Earth. The movement in time will consist in the fact that the traveler's clock will lag behind.

According to scientists, black holes act as time tunnels and being near their event horizon, that is, in an area of ​​extremely high gravity, makes it possible to reach the speed of light and move in time. But there is a simpler and easier way - to stop the metabolism of the body, that is, to conserve at sub-zero temperatures, and subsequently wake up and recover.

Time travel - how to do it?

1. Through wormholes. "Wormholes", as they are also called, are some tunnels that are part of the General Theory of Relativity. They link two places in space. They are a consequence of the "work" of exotic matter, which has a negative energy density. It is able to twist space and time and create the prerequisites for the emergence of these same wormholes, a warp drive that allows you to travel at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and.

2. Through the Tipler cylinder. This is a hypothetical object that is the result of solving the Einstein equation. If this cylinder has an infinite length, then by rotating around it, it is possible to move in time and space - into the past. Later, the scientist S. Hawking suggested that this would require exotic matter.

3. Methods of time travel include traveling with the help of gigantic cosmic strings formed during the Big Bang. If they rush very close to each other, then the spatial and temporal indicators are distorted. As a result, a nearby spaceship can fall into segments of the past or future.

time travel technique

You can travel physically or astrally. The first way to move is available to the elite, who own the knowledge of druids, ferrilths, etc. With the help of ancient spells that invoke the Mists of Kalen, which modern scientists have called the "Cloud of Time", you can get into the moments of the past or future, but this requires a lot of training, tempering the spirit and body, do not disturb the harmony with nature.

Moving in time with the help of magic is subject to clairvoyants, psychics. They use the method of astral travel - viewing by a beam. Through special techniques and rituals, they move into the past in a dream, changing events in the way they need. When they wake up, they find real changes in the present that are the result of the travel time. This can be achieved if you develop imaginative thinking, be able to influence objects with the power of thought, for example, move objects, heal people, accelerate the growth of plants, etc.

Evidence of time travel

Unfortunately, there is no real evidence of such movements yet, and all the stories told by contemporaries or those who lived earlier cannot be confirmed. The only thing that is somehow related to the topic is the Large Hadron Collider. There is an opinion that there, at a depth of 175 meters underground, a time machine is being built. In the "ring" of the accelerator, a speed is generated that is close to the speed of light, and this creates the prerequisites for the formation of black holes and movement to the moments of the past or future.

With the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, real time travel is no longer a fairy tale. In the future, it is planned to isolate such a particle as the Higgs singlet, which will be able to neutralize the links between cause and effect and move in any direction - both in the moments of the past and the future. This is the task of the LHC, and it is not opposed to the laws of physics.

Time travel facts

There are many photographs, historical notes and other data confirming the reality of such episodes. Cases of time travel include one story evidenced by a 1955 calendar found on an airstrip in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992. Eyewitnesses of those events claim that a DC-4 plane then landed at the airport, which disappeared in 1955. When the pilot of the ill-fated flight heard on the radio what year they were in, he decided to take off, leaving a small calendar "as a keepsake".

Many of the photographs that are considered evidence of temporary movements have long been debunked. Some of the most widely known photographs actually have nothing to do with the fact of time travel. We will look at a photo that shows a man dressed, supposedly not in the fashion of that time (1941), in stylish sunglasses and a camera in his hands, reminiscent of the famous Polaroid.

In fact:

The best movies about time travel

At one time, such films as Kin-Dza-Dza, We are from the Future, and The Butterfly Effect produced a boom in domestic cinematography. Time Travel Syndrome is the genetic disorder of the protagonist in The Time Traveler's Wife. Of the foreign paintings, one can note "Groundhog Day", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". Time travel movies include Lost, The Terminator, Kate & Leo.