Battleship Victory. Battleship "Victoria" - the most famous military sailing ship Victory Ship 1765

Battleship "Victory"

The Victory, Lord Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar, became the fifth ship of the English Navy to bear this name. Its predecessor, a 100-gun battleship, was wrecked and lost with her entire crew in October 1744.

A new 100-gun ship of the line was ordered at the end of 1758, during the Seven Years' War. Its construction began the following summer in Chatham, the project was developed and the talented shipbuilder Thomas Slade supervised the work. Perhaps, in a different course of events, the ship would have been built much faster, but the victories of the British fleet made the rush unnecessary. By the way, the ship owes its name to the victories won in 1759, because the unfortunate fate of the previous battleship of the same name for some time dominated the people who chose the name for the new combat unit.

The main material for the construction of Victory was a fine, well-seasoned oak (about 10,000 m3 of wood was required in total) - the procurement of materials began long before the start of work. The keel was made of elm, pine and other conifers were also used in the construction. It is to high-quality wood that the ship owes its long and glorious career. It was launched in May 1765, but the Royal Navy did not feel the need for a three-deck giant at that time. As a result, until 1778, Victory stood in the Medway River without weapons and crew.

Everything changed after the rebellious North American colonies were supported by France, which had a strong battle fleet. Now the ships of the first rank were in demand, and by order of the commander of the Western Squadron (it was unofficially called the Channel Fleet from the English Channel - English Channel), Admiral Augustus Keppel "Victory" was manned by a crew (John Campbell became the first commander) and armed. The ship had the following characteristics: displacement - 3556 tons, maximum length - 69.3 m, along the main deck - 56.7 m, width - 15.8 m, draft - 8.8 m, distance from the waterline to the top of the main mast - 62.5 m, sail area - 5440 m3, normal wind speed - 9 knots, crew - 850 people. The design armament consisted of 30 42 pounder guns on the gondeck, 28 24 pounders on the mid-deck, 30 12 pounders on the front deck and 12 6 pounders on the quarterdeck and forcastle. But in preparation for the commissioning of the ship, instead of 42 pounder guns, 32 pounders were put on it. 42 pounds were replaced by 32 pounds guns.


Already on July 23, 1778, the Victory, on which Keppel kept his flag, participated in the battle of Ushant. At one of the moments of the battle, the flagships - the Victory and the 110-gun Brittany, on which the French Admiral Louis Gillouet, Comte d? The duel lasted only a few minutes, but each of the giants managed to inflict serious damage on the enemy. On the Vitori, which lost 35 people killed and wounded in just one battle, the mast was damaged (especially the foremast, which threatened to collapse at any moment), but the Brittany received many hits in the hull, some of the guns were knocked out on it. From the fire of the Victory cannons, the Ville de Paris, which was following the Brittany, also got 90 cannons.

At the beginning of 1780, Victory underwent repairs, to protect it from woodworms, its underwater part was sheathed with copper (3923 sheets were required), and the armament underwent changes. So, 42 pounds returned to the lower deck, and carronades appeared for the first time in the bow of the upper deck - relatively small, 24 pounds. In this form, the battleship, commanded by Captain Henry Cromwell, under the flag of Rear Admiral Richard Kempefelt, participated in an attack on a French convoy in December 1781 (Second Battle of Ouessant), when the British captured a dozen and a half merchant ships.

The end of the war led to the fact that in March 1783 the Victory in Portsmouth was put into reserve. In 1787-1788. it was thoroughly repaired, after which it was returned to the reserve. But the fleet soon began to increase its numbers, as relations with France, where the revolution had taken place, deteriorated rapidly. The ship of the first rank was first needed by the Canal Fleet, and then was sent to the Mediterranean Sea, where it ended up in the thick of things. Flying under the flag of Admiral Samuel Hood, he took part in the actions at Toulon and the Corsican campaign, during which the British took Bastia and Calvi. But the ship especially distinguished itself in January 1797 in the battle at Cape St. Vincent, where it was the flagship of Admiral John Jervis. Despite the numerical superiority of the Spaniards, the British commander decisively attacked the enemy and defeated him, earning the title of Count St. Vincent. Then Victory had a chance to meet in battle with the Spanish giant Santissima Trinidad.

However, this glorious biography of "Victory" almost ended. In October 1797, the ship, which was not in the best condition, was laid up in Chatham, and then turned into a floating hospital. And then changeable Fortune intervened in the matter: in October 1799, the battleship Impregnable was wrecked. They decided to find a replacement for him among the old ships, and the choice fell on the Victory. They decided to return the "Veteran" to service, and in February 1800, great work began on it. The battleship was overhauled, re-equipped, and from mid-April 1803 they again began to be considered a ship of the first rank. And on May 16, Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson raised the flag for the first time on Victory.

Until the autumn of 1805, the Victory successfully served, and even managed to distinguish itself in the capture of the French 32-gun frigate Embuscade. But the ship has really earned great fame off the coast of Spain. In September, Victory, under the flag of Nelson, arrived at Cadiz, where the British blocked the French-Spanish squadron of Admiral Villeneuve. The battleship carried the following weapons: 30 long-barreled 32-pound guns were on the gondeck, 28 long-barreled 24-pound guns were also on the middeck, 30 12 pounds on the operdeck, 12 of the same guns on the quarterdeck, two 12-pound guns and two formidable 68-pound guns on the foraxle. carronades. The ship was commanded by Nelson's friend, one of the members of the famous "brotherhood" Captain Thomas Hardy.

In the great battle that unfolded near Cape Trafalgar on October 21, the Victory led the bottom of two wake columns that cut through the Franco-Spanish system. To inspire his men, Nelson ordered the famous signal to be raised: "England Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty" ("England expects every man to do his duty"). Usually at that time the flagships were in the middle of the battle line, but at Trafalgar Nelson found it necessary to put forward the ships of the first rank (the second column was headed by the 100-gun Royal Sovereign under the flag of junior flagship Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood), which had the strongest hulls.

The intention of the English commander was fully justified. Having withstood the energetic, but not too accurate enemy fire at the approach (the most serious damage to the tiller during this period of the battle turned out to be, I had to steer from the lower deck), Victory, during the passage behind the stern of the French flagship Busantor, received a crushing longitudinal volley. Villeneuve's ship immediately turned out to be a lot of dead and wounded, and up to 20 guns failed. According to Hardy, the port side carronade loaded with buckshot made the most successful shot. The starboard guns, which successfully fired at the Redoutable, were not left idle. This ship soon turned out to be very badly damaged and put out of action, but before that, it was from her Mars that a French non-commissioned officer mortally wounded Nelson at 13:25 with an accurate shot. He was carried down, but this could no longer prevent the British from achieving an outstanding victory. The admiral died at 16:30, still having time to learn about the brilliant victory and the complete defeat of the enemy.

The casualties on the Victory amounted to 57 killed and 102 wounded, the ship was seriously damaged, having lost its mast. He was brought to Gibraltar in tow. But this was no longer important: dominance on the seas until the end of the war remained with Britain.

The active service of the ship continued until the autumn of 1812, after which it was turned into a blockship. As an auxiliary unit, "Victory" had a chance to serve until 1922, when work began on its restoration with the help of a special fund. The restoration was completed in 1928, and since then the Victory has been in dry dock in Portsmouth, being one of the main attractions of the city. By the way, contrary to popular belief, the ship is not only a museum, it is still listed in the Royal Navy today.

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  • 12-pounder light guns - 44 pieces;
  • 24-pound light guns - 28 pcs;
  • 32-pound linear guns - 30 pcs;
  • 64-pound carronades - 2 pcs.

HMS Victory (1765) (Russian "Victoria" or "Victory") - battleship of the first rank of the Royal Navy of the British Navy. He took part in many naval battles, including the Battle of Trafalgar. Currently, the ship has been turned into a museum, which is one of the main attractions of Portsmouth.

History of creation

On July 23, 1759, a solemn ceremony of laying the keel of a new ship, which was a 45-meter elm beam, took place at the shipyard of the city of Chatham. The year 1759 was the year of military victories for England (at Minden and Hesse, the French suffered especially heavy defeats), so the newly built ship was given the name HMS Victory, i.e. "Victory". By that time, four ships bearing this name had already visited the British Navy. Last HMS Victory was a 110-gun ship of the 1st rank, built in 1737. In the seventh year of service, he fell into a severe storm and died along with the entire crew.

The construction progressed slowly, because. there was a Seven Years' War and the shipyard was occupied mainly with the repair of ships damaged in battles. In this regard, the new ship did not have enough manpower or funds. When the Seven Years' War ended, only the wooden skeleton of the future large ship towered in the dock.

But this unhurried construction played a positive role and benefited. A significant part of the timber material has been stored in the shipyard since 1746, and over the years, while construction was underway, the material acquired excellent strength qualities.

Only six years later, after laying the keel, on May 7, 1765 HMS Victory was launched. It was the largest and most beautiful ship ever built.

Prerequisites for creation

In 1756, the well-known Seven Years' War began, in which many European countries, including Russia, participated. The war was started by Great Britain, which could not share the colonies in North America and the East Indies with France. In this war, both countries needed a strong navy.

At that time, the British Navy had only one large, 100-gun ship of the line. Royal James. The Admiralty ordered Chief Inspector Sir Thomas Slade to urgently build a new hundred-gun ship, taking as a prototype Royal James and making the necessary design improvements.

Design description

During the construction of the hull, the best wood species were used. The frames were made of English oak. The builders provided two hull skins: outer and inner. The outer cladding was made of Baltic oak specially delivered to England from Poland and East Prussia. In 1780, the underwater part of the hull was covered with copper sheets (3923 sheets in total), which were attached to the wooden sheathing with iron nails.

The bow of the ship was decorated with a huge figure of King George III wearing a laurel wreath, supported by allegorical figures of Britain, Victory and others. At the aft end were intricately carved balconies.

As was customary on ships of that time, no superstructures were provided on the deck. Near the mizzen mast was a platform for the helmsman. There was a steering wheel for shifting a huge rudder located behind the stern. In order to cope with it, great efforts were needed, and usually two or even four of the strongest sailors were put at the helm.

In the stern was the best admiral's cabin, and under it - the commander's cabin. There were no cabins for sailors; bunks were hung on one of the battery decks for the night. (As a rule, the berths were pieces of thick canvas measuring 1.8 X 1.2 m, from the narrow sides of which there were thin but strong ropes tied together and attached to a thicker one. Finally, the rope was tied to planks nailed to Early in the morning, the bunks were tied up and placed in special boxes located along the sides.

In the lower tween-deck of the ship there were pantries for provisions and a hook-chamber, where barrels of gunpowder were stored. In the bow of the tween deck was a bomb cellar. Of course, there were no mechanical means for lifting gunpowder and cores, and during the battle they lifted all the ammunition on their hands, shifting it from deck to deck with their hands (this was not so difficult on the ships of that time, since the distances between decks did not exceed 1,8 m ).

The big problem with any wooden ship is the inability to be completely watertight. Despite the most careful caulking and seaming, water invariably seeped in, accumulated and began to exude a putrid odor, and contributed to decay. Therefore, on HMS Victory, as on any other wooden ship, the sailors were forced to periodically go down into the hull and pump out the bilge water, for which hand pumps were provided in the midship frame area.

Above deck HMS Victory three masts towered, which carried the full sailing armament of the ship. The sail area was 260 square meters. m. Travel speed up to 11 knots. According to the custom of that time, the sides of the hull were painted black, and yellow stripes were drawn in the area of ​​the cannon ports.

Crew and life

The crew quarters traditionally housed the sailors, while the officers were provided with cabins. Kubrick was the lower deck, where the crew settled down to sleep, first directly on the deck, then in hanging bunks.

During the Battle of Trafalgar, the crew consisted of 821 men. A much smaller number of men could be dispensed with, but a large number is needed to maneuver and fire the guns.

Most of the crew, more than 500 people, are experienced sailors who sailed and fought on ships. Their salaries were judged according to their skill and experience.

Daily diet and food storage

It is important that food supplies remain in proper condition, as the team is on the high seas. The diet on the ship was limited: salted beef and pork, biscuits, peas and oatmeal, butter and cheese. Barrels and bags were used for storage. Food safety was carried out in the hold.

By the time of the Battle of Trafalgar, scurvy had begun to spread, which is caused by a lack of vitamin C in the diet. To overcome this disease, fresh vegetables were regularly taken with the addition of lemon juice and a small amount of rum. In general, the ration was sufficient and amounted to approximately 5000 calories per day, which was vital for keeping the crew in good condition, with heavy physical work.

The daily diet included 6.5 pints of beer, on a long trip this rate was replaced by 0.5 liters of wine or half a pint of Rum. For work on the galley, 4-8 people were allocated under the guidance of the ship's cook.

discipline and punishment

Constant discipline was required for the effective and safe management of the ship, as well as for a successful victory.

Crew discipline was organized in several ways. Works for 1-2 hours were performed under supervision. For the more complex activities aboard the ship, each person was given a specific place to work. Control was exercised by officers.

When committing a crime or misdemeanor, the captain declared guilty of a penalty. Most often, the punishment was lashes from 12 to 36 lashes for crimes: drunkenness, insolence or neglect of one's duties. This type of punishment was carried out mainly by the boatswain, having previously tied the offender to a wooden lattice on the deck and stripped to the waist. A sailor convicted of stealing must run through a formation of crew members who beat him with a knotted rope at the ends.

Another form of punishment was correction by hunger. The offender was shackled in leg irons on the battery deck and fed only bread and water.

The most severe punishments for crimes like rebellion or desertion were flogging and hanging. The perpetrators could receive up to 300 lashes, which often ended in death.

Armament. Modernizations and conversions

Each gun was mounted on a carriage, with which it was rolled back to be loaded with a cannonball. In one gun crew there were 7 people who were responsible for a timely loaded cannon, and a shot fired strictly on command. A charge with gunpowder was placed in the barrel of the gun, followed by a wad, then a shot and another wad. A charge of gunpowder was pierced so that it could easily catch fire from a spark, after which more gunpowder was added. The commander of the gun took the bolt aside and pulled the cord, after which a spark appeared, thanks to which the core rushed to the intended target. The sailors loaded the guns with different shells, which were intended for different types of destruction. There was enough gunpowder on the ship to blow up the entire ship. Powder magazines were illuminated by lanterns standing behind the glass window of the adjacent room, and coal panels in the walls protected the cellar from moisture.

The composition of artillery weapons has changed several times during its many years of service.

The original project called for the installation of one hundred guns.

By the beginning of the 1778 campaign, Admiral Keppel ordered that 30 pieces be replaced. 42-pound guns on the gondek to lighter 32-pounders.

However, already in 1779, the composition of weapons became the same.

In July 1779, the Admiralty approved the state regulations for the supply of all ships of the fleet with carronades, according to which in 1780 six 18-pound carronades were additionally installed on the poop, and two 24-pound ones on the forcastel, which were replaced by 32-pound ones in 1782. At the same time, twelve 6-pounder guns were replaced by ten 12-pounder and two 32-pounder carronades, bringing the total number of carronades to ten. The total number as of 1782 was 108 guns.

In the first half of the 1790s, the ships of the British Navy began to re-arm with new cannons designed by Thomas Blomfeld (born Thomas Blomefield) with a vine ear and new carronades. In 1803 HMS Victory underwent a major overhaul, after which its artillery armament increased: in the quarterdeck by 2 pieces, on the forcastle they were replaced by 2 carronades 24-fn. There were 102 guns in total.

By the time of the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, two 12-pound cannons of medium length (English medium) were installed on the forcastel, and the 24-pound carronades were replaced by 64-pound ones, bringing the total number to 104 guns.

Service History


The ship was launched in Chatham two years after the end of the Seven Years' War, on May 7, 1765, but active service did not begin until 1778, when the Admiralty decided to arm the ship and prepare it for active service. The commissioning of the ship was a consequence of the events unfolding then. In March 1778, the French King Louis XVI announced the recognition of the North American states as independent from England and announced his intention to establish trade and economic relations with free America. If necessary, France was ready to defend this trade by force of arms. In response, George III withdrew his ambassador from Paris. The air smelled of war and the Admiralty began to gather forces.

Augustus Keppel was appointed commander of the fleet, who elected HMS Victory their flagship. The first commander was John Lindsay.

It took about two and a half months to prepare and arm, after which King George III visited Chatham. After the visit of the king, who was satisfied with the work of his shipyard, HMS Victory transferred to Portsmouth. While moored in the Spithead roadstead, Augustus Keppel ordered that thirty 42-pound guns on the gondeck be replaced with lighter 32-pound guns, which reduced the weight load and slightly increased the free space on the deck.

Battle of the Isle of Ouessant

The Battle of Ushant Island (eng. Battle of Ushant, French Bataille d "Ouessant) - a naval battle between the English fleet under the command of Admiral Augustus Keppel and the French fleet under the command of Count Gillouet d'Orvilliers, which took place on July 27, 1778 near the island of Ouessant during American Revolutionary War The result of the battle caused discord in the Royal Navy and throughout British society.

On the morning of July 27, 1778, with a wind from the SW, the fleets were 6-10 miles apart. Both sailed on port tack NW. Both were in some disarray, but the French held the column, and the British lined up to the left. Thus the latter could, after turning the tack, immediately draw up a line of battle steeply to the wind. Judging that it was unprofitable to build a line methodically, Keppel raised the "general chase" signal, again trying to get closer. His ships, each independently, made a turn towards the enemy, after which the division of Hugh Palliser (Eng. Hugh Palliser, flagship HMS Formidable) became the right wing, farthest from the enemy; Keppel with HMS Victory was in the center, and Harland (English sir Robert Harland, flagship HMS Queen) on the left flank. At 5:30 am, the seven best walkers from Palliser's division were ordered by signal to pursue the enemy downwind.

At 9 am, the French admiral ordered his fleet to gybe sequentially, which brought him somewhat closer to the British and doubled the line for a while. But the advantage of position had to be preserved. However, the two-point wind setting, from SW to SSW, slowed the maneuver and increased the French drift. Their order was even more upset. Leading the lead ships, which had already made a turn, were hindered by their own end ships, which were heading in the opposite direction. Only after passing the last ship in the line could they take a steeper turn to keep the British at bay.

When around 11:00 d "Orvilliers was already making a new turn on the reverse course. Realizing that the wind allows Keppel to catch up with the end ships and start a fight at will, he decided to act actively, since he could no longer avoid the battle.

Keppel did not raise the signal to build a line, correctly assessing that the immediate task remained to force the evading enemy into battle. In addition, 7 ships of the rear guard, after the morning signal, moved to the wind, and now almost his entire fleet could enter the battle, albeit in some disorder. The beginning of the battle was so sudden that the ships did not even have time to raise their battle flags. According to the testimonies of British captains, the formation was so uneven that Palliser's flagship, Formidable, almost all the time carried the cruise-marseille into the wind, so as not to run into the one in front Egmont. Wherein Ocean, which barely had enough space to shoot at the interval between them, kept to the left and from under the wind, but even then risked falling on Egmont, or hit one of them.

Passing a counter-course along the enemy formation, under reefed sails, both fleets tried to inflict as much damage as possible. As is usually the case on such courses, the shooting was unorganized, each ship choosing the moment of the salvo itself. The British fired mainly at the hull, the French tried to hit the rigging and spars. The British were sharply close-hauled, the French four points looser. Their leading ships could have brought in and cut the distance, but doing their duty, they supported the rest. In general, according to the order of d "Orvilliers, they built a line steeper, which gradually took them further from the British guns. It was an unprepared skirmish at a great distance, but still better than nothing. Against the usual, the British rearguard suffered the most - its losses are almost equal to the losses of the other two divisions - basically he was closer to the enemy.

As soon as 10 avant-garde ships dispersed from the French, Harland, anticipating the admiral's signal, ordered them to turn and follow the enemy. Around 1 pm when HMS Victory left the firing zone, the center received the same signal - Keppel commanded a jib: the cut rigging did not allow turning into the wind. But that is why the maneuver required caution. Only by 2 o'clock HMS Victory lay down on a new tack, following the French. The rest turned as best they could. Formidable Palliser at that time was passing towards the flagship from the wind. Four or five ships, uncontrollable due to damage to the rigging, remained to the right and to leeward. Around that time, the signal "to engage in battle" was lowered and raised "to build a battle line."

In turn, d "Orvilliers, seeing the confusion in which the British had come after all the maneuvers, decided to use the moment. His fleet was moving in a rather orderly column, and at 1 o'clock in the afternoon he ordered the turn sequentially, with the intention of passing the British from under the wind. At the same time, the French could bring into battle all the guns of the windward, i.e. high side. On the other side, the lower ports had to be kept closed. But the lead ship did not see the signal, and only de Chartres, fourth from the start, rehearsed and began to turn. Passing by the flagship, he voice clarified his intention, but due to the error of the lead ship, the opportunity was lost.

It was not until 2:30 that the maneuver became apparent to the British. Keppel with HMS Victory immediately gybeed again and began to descend downwind towards the unruled ships, still holding the signal to form a line. He probably intended to save them from impending annihilation. Harland and his division turned at once and aimed astern. By 4 o'clock he had lined up. Palliser's ships, repairing damage, occupied places in front and behind Formidable. Later, their captains stated that they considered the ship of the vice admiral, and not the commander in chief, to be the equalizer. Thus, from the windward, 1-2 miles aft of the flagship, a second line of five ships was formed. At 5 o'clock Keppel with a frigate sent them an order to join as soon as possible. But the French, having already completed their maneuver, did not attack, although they could.

Harland with his division was ordered to take a place in the forefront, which he did. The Palliser did not approach. By 7:00 p.m., Keppel finally began to raise individual signals to his ships, ordering them to leave. Formidable and join the line. Everyone obeyed, but by this time it was almost dark. Keppel felt that it was too late to resume the fight. The next morning, only 3 French ships remained in sight of the British. The French avoided further combat.

Battle at Cape Spartel

The Battle of Cape Spartel is a battle between the British fleet of Lord Howe and the combined Spanish-French fleet of Luis de Cordoba, which took place on October 20, 1782 on the approaches to Gibraltar, during the American War of Independence. At dawn on October 20, both fleets crossed 18 miles from Cape Spartel on the Barbary coast. This time, Howe was to leeward and almost brought his fleet to a halt. He thus gave the Spaniards the choice to engage or evade at will.

Cordoba commanded a general pursuit, regardless of order. For the Spaniards, among whom were especially slow ones, such as the flagship Santisima Trinidad it was the only way to get close. By about one o'clock in the afternoon the distance between the fleets was reduced to 2 miles - twice the maximum range of fire. The Franco-Spanish ships were to windward and to the right. Santisima Trinidad by this time he had reached the center of the line, which the Spaniards had to build again.

During this time, Howe closed the line, concentrating his 34 ships against 31 of the enemy. The standard counter-move in such cases is to grab the short line from the ends. But the advantage of the British move did not allow the enemy such a maneuver. Instead, part of his ships, including two three-deckers, were actually out of combat.

At 5:45 pm, the leading Spaniards opened fire. An exchange of salvos followed, with both fleets moving on; the British gradually pulled forward without engaging in close combat. The shooting stopped with the advent of night. Losses in people were approximately equal on both sides.

On the morning of October 21, the fleet was separated by approximately 12 miles. Cordova repaired the damage and was ready to continue the fight, but this did not happen. Taking advantage of the breakaway, Howe led the fleet to England. On 14 November he returned to Spithead.

HMS Victory was in the 1st Central Division under the command of Captain John Livingston, being the flagship of Admiral Lord Richard Howe.

The battle did not bring a decisive victory to anyone. But the British completed an important operation without losing a single ship. The fleet averted the threat of a new assault on Gibraltar. In fact, the siege was lifted. All this lifted the spirits of the British after recent losses (the extent of the victory at the All Saints Islands was not yet fully known) and improved the position of their diplomacy in the peace negotiations that began soon.

Battle of Cape San Vicente

Having entered the naval service at the age of 12, Horatio Nelson reached the rank of lieutenant by the age of 18, and at 26 he became the captain of a warship, on board of which he took part in the battle of February 14, 1797 at Cape San Vicente in Portugal, which happened between the English fleet under the command of Admiral John Jervis and the Spanish squadron. Having reached Cape San Vicente, the English fleet of 15 ships was in sight of the Spanish fleet of 26-27 ships, 8 of which were at a remote distance, insufficient for a quick approach to the rest of the forces. In addition, the wind rose on the sea, which also contributed to the natural division of the Spanish fleet, commanded by José de Córdoba.

Realizing how important it was for the English fleet to win this particular battle, John Jervis decided at dawn on February 14 to attack most of the Spanish ships, in the hope that the rest would not have time to get close enough for shots. The English warships lined up and prepared for the attack, the Spaniards, who had not noticed the fleet for a long time due to heavy fog, were not ready for it, and the experienced admiral actually hoped to play on this, deciding to go through the formation of enemy ships. It was planned that the ships of the English fleet, having come into contact with the Spanish ships, would tack and thus take most of the enemy into the ring. But the maneuver failed, as one of the ships lost the foresail and mars yard during the turn, and, accordingly, was forced to use the jib, which gave the Spaniards some advantage.

Seeing that the English ships could lose all the advantage they had gained, and the initiative passed to the Spaniards, Captain Nelson made the fateful decision to violate the admiral's order and turn the ship, engaging in battle with one of the enemy's best equipped warships. Recognizing his maneuver, Admiral Jervis ordered the rest of the ships that were nearby to help Nelson, this order became decisive in the subsequent defeat of the Spanish flotilla.

Nelson's trick violated the even linear formation of the ships, but saved the fleet from inevitable defeat, therefore, instead of the gallows, which threatened the captain for violating the order of a superior person, he was promoted to Rear Admiral under the patronage of Jervis, received a lifetime noble charter, became a baron and was honored with the Order of the Bath.

The team of the ship Captain, captained by Nelson, thanks to his maneuver, captured two Spanish ships and also did not remain without awards, in fact, like the admiral himself, who became a lord. Unfortunately, most of the brave captain's crew was wounded or killed, as the ship was in the midst of a skirmish between the British and the Spaniards.

Participation in the Battle of Trafalgar

The historical events in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries were mainly influenced by Napoleon Bonaparte. The French already had the upper hand in 1803, but the Emperor's intentions extended across the English Channel to the British Isles. Napoleon had no doubt that someday he would have the opportunity to defeat his sworn enemy. He also realized that the subjugation of Great Britain is impossible without the subjugation of the British fleet. His attempt to achieve his intended goal resulted in a bloody naval battle near the Spanish city of Cadiz. This naval battle became one of the most famous in the world history of the navy, and today it is called the Trafalgar naval battle.

On October 21, 1805, Villeneuve, near Cape Trafalgar, led his crews of ships to a naval battle. A few months before the battle, back in Toulon, the French admiral outlined to the commanders of the ships the plan of the conservative British. The British will not be satisfied with a single line of ships parallel to the French formation, they will put two columns at right angles to them and try to break through the French ship formation in several places, in order to then finish off the scattered forces. In addition, 33 French ships, against 27 English ships, was considered an advantage. However, the guns of Admiral Villeneuve's ships were not entirely accurate and did little damage, and the reload time was excessively long.

The British plan was deliberately simple. They divided the fleet into two squadrons. One was commanded by Admiral Horatio Nelson, who intended to break the enemy's chain and destroy the ships in the forefront and in the center, and the second squadron, under the command of Rear Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood, was to attack the enemy from the rear.

At 06:00 on October 21, 1805, the British fleet lined up in two lines. The flagship of the first line, consisting of 15 ships, was the battleship Royal Sovereign, on which Rear Admiral Collingwood was sailing. The second line under the command of Admiral Nelson consisted of 12 ships, and the battleship was the flagship HMS Victory. The wooden decks were sprinkled with sand, which protected from fire and soaked up blood. Having removed everything superfluous that could interfere, the sailors prepared for battle.

At 08:00, Admiral Villeneuve gave the order to change course and return to Cadiz. Such a maneuver before the start of a naval battle upset the battle order. The French-Spanish fleet, which is a crescent-shaped formation, curved to the right towards the mainland, began to turn around chaotically. Dangerous distance gaps appeared in the formation of ships, and some ships, in order not to collide with a neighbor, were forced to “fall out” of action. Admiral Nelson, meanwhile, was approaching. He intended to break the line before the French sailboats approached Cadiz. And he succeeded. A great naval battle began. Cannonballs flew, masts began to break and fall, people died, the wounded screamed. It was complete hell.

In a number of battles in which the British won, the French took up a defensive position. They sought to limit damage and increase the chances of retreat. This position of the French resulted in flawed military tactics. For example, gun crews were ordered to aim at masts and rigging to make it impossible for the enemy to pursue French ships if they retreated. The British always aimed at the hull of the ship in order to kill or maim the enemy crew. In the tactics of naval combat, longitudinal shelling of enemy ships was considered the most effective, while shelling was carried out in the stern. In this case, with an accurate hit, the cores swept from stern to bow, causing incredible damage to the vessel along its entire length. During the Battle of Trafalgar, a French flagship was hit by such shelling. Bucentaure, who lowered the flag, and Villeneuve surrendered. During the battle, it was not always possible to perform the complex maneuver necessary for the longitudinal attack of the ship. Sometimes the ships became sides of each other and opened fire from a short distance. If the ship's crew, which survived the terrible shelling, survived, then hand-to-hand combat awaited them. Opponents often sought to capture each other's ships.

Nelson chose to hit the most vulnerable ship redoutable. Approaching back to back, a boarding battle began. For 15 minutes the sailors mowed down each other. shooter on mars redoutable spotted Nelson on deck and fired at him with a musket. The bullet passed through the epaulette, pierced the shoulder and got stuck in the spine. The admiral gave the order to cover his face so as not to demoralize the sailors.

Admiral Villeneuve signaled the flag to all ships to attack, but there were no reinforcements. Nelson carried out his plan, and led the French into complete chaos. The line of naval battle was broken. The French ships lost contact with the Spanish. The balance of power changed not in favor of the French, the defeat was inevitable. The heavy English artillery fired non-stop, the cannonballs falling into a heap of corpses that were not dumped into the sea in time. The surgeons were completely exhausted, it took only 15 seconds to amputate the limbs, otherwise the wounded simply could not stand the pain.

At 17:30, the naval battle ended. By this time, 18 sailing French and Spanish ships could not continue the battle, and were captured.

The Battle of Trafalgar is considered the most epic naval battle in the history of the British Navy. The British lost 448 sailors, including the commander of the English fleet, Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, and 1,200 wounded. The united Franco-Spanish fleet lost 4,400 men killed and 2,500 wounded, over 5,000 were captured, hundreds of survivors became deaf, and many ships were wrecked beyond repair.

The result of the Battle of Trafalgar was reflected in the fate of both the winner and the loser. France and Spain lost their naval power forever. Napoleon abandoned his plans to land troops in England and invade the Kingdom of Neopolitan. Great Britain finally acquired the status of mistress of the seas.

Ships of the same name

In total, six ships of the Royal Navy of Great Britain were built, which were called HMS Victory:

HMS Victory (1569)- 42-gun ship. First called Great Christopher. Purchased by the English Royal Navy in 1569. Dismantled in 1608.

HMS Victory (1620)- 42-gun "big ship". Launched at the Royal Shipyard at Deptford in 1620. Rebuilt as an 82-gun 2nd rank in 1666. Dismantled in 1691.

HMS Victory- 100-gun ship of the 1st rank. Launched in 1675 as Royal James, renamed March 7, 1691. Rebuilt in 1694-1695. Burned down in February 1721.

HMS Victory (1737)- 100-gun ship of the 1st rank. Launched in 1737. Crashed in 1744. Found in 2008.

HMS Victory (1764)- 8-gun schooner. Served in Canada, burned down in 1768.

HMS Victory (1765)- 104-gun ship of the 1st rank. Launched in 1765. Admiral Nelson's flagship during the Battle of Trafalgar.

This ship in art

In memory of the victory at Trafalgar and the remarkable naval commander, Trafalgar Square was created in the center of London, on which a monument to Nelson was erected. During the Battle of Trafalgar, a mizzen mast was shot down by a cannonball, two other masts were knocked out of the steps, most of the yards were damaged. The ship was sent for repairs, during which the most serious damage was repaired.

After renovation HMS Victory He took part in several operations in the Baltic and ended his military career as a transport in 1811. On December 18, 1812, the ship was excluded from the lists of the British Navy, and, according to the inspector of the Admiralty, HMS Victory was in "dry and good condition", but the ship was already 53 years old! Soon after the decommissioning, the British began to treat it like a monument ship, and no one dared to destroy it.

In 1815, the ship was put in for a major overhaul. The hull and other equipment were carefully examined, repair work was carried out, the figurehead was replaced again, the hull was repainted again (wide white stripes were drawn in the area of ​​the cannon ports). After repairs for a whole hundred years, the ship was in the port of Gosport, near Portsmouth. From 1824 to HMS Victory a gala dinner was held annually in memory of the Battle of Trafalgar and Admiral Nelson, and in 1847 HMS Victory was declared the permanent flagship of the commander of the Home Fleet of England, that is, the fleet directly responsible for the inviolability of the territory of Great Britain. However, the veteran ship was not looked after as it should have been. The hull was gradually destroyed, its bend in the bow reached almost 500 mm, and by the beginning of the 20th century the hull was in very poor condition.

There were rumors that the ship needed to be flooded, and, most likely, it would have happened if Admiral D. Sturdy and Professor J. Callender, the author of a number of famous books about Admiral Nelson and his wonderful ship, had not come to the defense of the famous ship. Thanks to their active intervention in England, fundraising began under the motto "Save HMS Victory". It is characteristic that the Admiralty limited itself to providing a dry dock for restoration work, which was carried out in 1922. It is interesting that the restorers considered it possible not to replace half of the logs and boards from which the ship was once built, but to limit themselves to impregnating them with a special solution, protecting the tree from destruction.

During the Second World War, when German planes made frequent raids on England, a 250-kilogram bomb fell between the wall of the dock and the side of the ship. A hole with a diameter of 4.5 m appeared in the hull. Specialists responsible for the preservation of the historic ship found that with the appearance of this hole, the ventilation of the interior has improved markedly.

After the Second World War, the ship was repaired again. To ensure water resistance, about 25 km of joints were caulked, the spars and rigging were updated, and the hull was repaired, for which English oak and Burmese teak were used. To reduce the load on the old hull, the guns were removed from the ship, and now all the guns of the ship are on the shore, surrounding the dry dock in which it stands HMS Victory.

The struggle for the life of the monument ship does not stop. Its worst enemies are wood-boring beetles and dry rot. This is one of the most common weaknesses in the use of wood. Unexpectedly, another danger was discovered: guy lines, with the help of which masts, stays and shrouds are unfastened, stretch in rainy weather, and sag in dry weather, which over time could lead to the destruction of the masts. In 1963, I had to spend 10 thousand pounds sterling in order to replace the guys with Italian hemp cables.

HMS Victory has been permanently moored in the oldest sea dock in Portsmouth since January 12, 1922, it is one of the most popular museums in England. On some days, up to 2 thousand people visit the ship, and 300-400 thousand people visit here every year. All income from visitors to this unusual museum goes to the maintenance of the ship.

see also

Literature and sources of information

1. Grebenshchikova G. A. Battleships of the 1st rank "Victory" 1765, "Royal Sovereign" 1786. - St. Petersburg: Ostrov, 2010. - 176 p. - 300 copies.
2. John McKay The 100-gun ship Victory. - London: Conway Maritime Press, 2002.

Before the Admiralty could authorize the construction of a new ship, its members had to know what it would look like. It was a common practice for shipbuilders of the time to submit a model of a future ship for approval. The models created for this purpose did not have masts and rigging. You can now build the HMS Victory as a complete warship that defended English honor during the Battle of Trafalham in 1805.

Description of the Victory ship set

Housing with double skinned from linden and excellent walnut, the deck is covered with tanganika slats. Coincidentally or not, but walnut slats for fine sheathing are given both light and dark. This allows you to create light stripes, which were painted with yellow ocher on the prototype, without resorting to coloring. To help with the assembly, all the wooden parts are already cut out. As expected, the velvets are made with thicker slats. The rudder blade, which is very rare in models, is a compound one, consisting of five separate vertical elements. This is truly amazing!

The cannons on the upper deck are mounted on walnut mounts and have trousers and a waist. Lanterns, handrails, railings and other parts made of brass, cast or walnut. About a hundred fine metal cannons and carronades"under bronze" polished to give them a natural appearance. Cannon ports open and close on their hinges. The set includes calves on salings, all mars platforms are sheathed.

In general, according to the spars, the model is made in some detail, like all Corel models. Provided stand, rigging threads of five diameters, flags. Drawings and instructions on 14 sheets include both full-size and scale diagrams. Since 2011, due to a change in technology, the printing on flags has been blurred.

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The Victoria is a legendary ship in the British Navy. It was launched in 1765. This is a hundred-gun ship of the line that participated in the Battle of Trafalgar, on board Admiral Nelson was wounded. The most interesting thing is that this ship, which did not take part in the battles after 1812, has survived to this day. It has stood in Portsmouth's oldest dock since 1922, is an excellent example of the navy of its day, has now been converted into a museum and is the oldest complete ship of a bygone era of English dominion at sea.

"Victoria" - the flagship of the English fleet

"Victoria" is a first class ship, ships of this class carried a minimum of three masts. Ancient ships carried weapons only along the sides, so the most effective battle tactic was to line up several ships in a line and salvo. The guns of a large sixty-meter ship, when simultaneously fired from one side, fired almost half a ton of cores! Such large ships were called battleships.

History of "Victoria"

The ship "Victoria" was laid down on July 23, 1759 in Chatham according to the project of Thomas Slade. According to the report, it was a sunny and bright day. Initially, 250 people were hired for the construction, but the seven-year war confused plans, and the ship went afloat only in 1765. The dimensions of the "Victoria" approached the maximum possible for a wooden ship, without the use of metal in the main structures. The length of the Victoria is 227 feet or 69 meters, the width is 51 feet and 10 inches - almost 16 meters. The cladding was reinforced with a layer of copper. A steering wheel was used on the ship, it was an innovation, earlier on ships a mechanical lifting horde system was used to control the massive rudder. Sailing armament has also become much more efficient. On sharp courses, oblique staysails and mizzen were used, on full courses - foxes.

Construction of "Victoria"

A special commission of the Admiralty accepted the ship in 1776. On Friday, May 8, 1778, the Victoria set sail for the first time, fired a salute of guns, and put to sea under the command of Sir John Lindsey.

Design features of the ship

The ship has four decks that stretch the entire length of the hull. Supplies, provisions, gunpowder and water were stored on the lowest deck. Cabins for medical personnel and midshipmen were located immediately behind the cockpit, also on the lower deck. Kubrick during the fighting became the headquarters. The lower, middle and upper decks contained 30 guns of various calibers. The Victoria's broadside could send nearly half a ton of cannonballs over a mile. In the middle artillery deck there was an infirmary and a galley. The crew members spent the night in hanging bunks on the middle and lower artillery decks. The admiral's cabin was in the stern, on the upper artillery deck. On the upper open artillery deck, there was mainly rigging and winches, with which the ship was steered.

The interior of the ship

"Victoria" inside - model

artillery deck

The office of the famous Admiral Nelson, who led the British fleet to victory on the Victoria, was small in size, and the personal cabin was generally modest, the admiral slept on a hanging bunk. Nelson received guests and officers in the dining room. This contrasted strikingly with the opulent decoration of the galleons of the previous century. Although the exterior of the Victoria looks like a huge three-story palace, it does not have as many decorations and carved sculptures as on earlier ships. Everything is given to military expediency.

At Portsmouth Dock

The ship is like a floating fortress, designed to ensure the superiority of England at sea. This is the "wooden gate of England" that cannot be crossed.

Trafalgar battle

In 1778, France recognized America's independence and swore to defend by arms its trade relations with the young state. England began to prepare for war.

"Victoria" is preparing for battle

When Napoleon came to power, relations not only escalated, war broke out. Great Britain participated in it in alliance with Austria, Russia, Sweden, the Kingdom of Naples. Napoleon's army was the strongest on land, it blocked communication with Great Britain, but in turn England set up a naval blockade of Napoleon, preventing the supply of troops and Napoleon's communication with the colonies. Bonaparte decided to gather all naval forces, clear the English Channel from English ships and land troops in England. For these purposes, Napoleon assembled a large combined fleet of France and Spain. However, in France by this time there was a shortage of competent and skillful naval officers, they were destroyed by the revolution. The British sailors were experienced warriors, they participated in many battles. The clash of these fleets led to the largest and most extensive naval battle of the 19th century - the Battle of Trafalgar. The battle began on October 21, 1805 on the Atlantic coast of Spain near the city of Cadiz. The outcome of this battle was to show who now owns the sea and, ultimately, the whole world. Against 33 British ships under the leadership of Admiral Nelson on the flagship "Victoria" were 40 ships of the combined fleet under the command of Pierre-Charles Villeneuve.

Beginning of the battle

"Victoria" in the Battle of Trafalgar

By the beginning of the Battle of Trafalgar, the Victoria had 104 guns, including two 64-pounder carronades and 30 32-pounder guns. Nelson, in preparation for the battle, took into account all the factors: swell, wind, waves. He built ships in two columns and stood at the head of the left. He put on his dress uniform and went out on the upper deck so that he could be seen. To all persuasions to go down, he answered - the sailors should see their commander. At eleven o'clock the first shots of the escalating battle were fired.

Two columns plunged into the center of the formations of the combined French-Spanish fleet. This fleet stood in a crescent, it did not have time to line up in columns, the wind interfered. The historic battle has begun. The lead ships of the British broke through the formation, firing from all their guns. The Victoria entered between the two largest enemy ships: the Spanish hulking giant "Santisima Trinidad", which was equipped with 144 guns, and the French flagship "Bucentaure".

"Victoria" is boarding a battle with a French ship

The formation of ships mixed up, each ship was looking for an enemy and fought with him. Nelson was seen by a gunner on the French ship Redontable, with which the Victoria entered into a boarding battle, and inflicted a mortal wound on him. Horatio Nelson was taken to the infirmary of the Victoria, from the infirmary Nelson kept asking about the progress of the battle. “This day is yours,” they answered him, although by that time it was not clear whether the British had won or not.

Nelson was in the thick of the fight

Nelson passed away. The British continued to fight, they were far superior in training to the French and Spaniards, for every volley of the French-Spanish fleet, the British answered with three volleys. The English gunners were also distinguished by their accuracy - firing at cannon ports, they disabled the enemy's artillery. Three hours after the start of the battle, most of the ships of the combined squadron were defeated or captured. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the "Bucentaure" surrendered with the head of the French-Spanish fleet, Villeneuve. The ships of the combined fleet began to leave the battle. The outcome of the battle became clear. The Allies lost 17 ships ("Santisima Trinidad" sank while being transported during a storm) and over 7,000 men. The British lost 2,000 sailors, but kept all the ships, although some were so battered and broken that they had to be taken in tow. The Victoria with Nelson's body was towed to Gibraltar for repairs.

The further fate of the ship

After repairs, the ship patrolled the coast of the Baltic and Spain until 1812. Then returned to Portsmouth. In 1889, the Victoria became the flagship of the Commander-in-Chief and remains so to this day. In 1922, they decided to give the ship the look that the battleship had during the Battle of Trafalgar. Currently, the ship has been turned into a museum.

gun deck


The Victoria is a legendary ship in the British Navy. It was launched in 1765. This is a hundred-gun ship of the line that participated in the Battle of Trafalgar, on board Admiral Nelson was wounded. The most interesting thing is that this ship, which did not take part in the battles after 1812, has survived to this day. It has stood in Portsmouth's oldest dock since 1922, is an excellent example of the navy of its day, has now been converted into a museum and is the oldest complete ship of a bygone era of English dominion at sea.

"Victoria" - the flagship of the English fleet

"Victoria" is a first class ship, ships of this class carried a minimum of three masts. Ancient ships carried weapons only along the sides, so the most effective battle tactic was to line up several ships in a line and salvo. The guns of a large sixty-meter ship, when simultaneously fired from one side, fired almost half a ton of cores! Such large ships were called battleships.

History of "Victoria"

The ship "Victoria" was laid down on July 23, 1759 in Chatham according to the project of Thomas Slade. According to the report, it was a sunny and bright day. Initially, 250 people were hired for the construction, but the seven-year war confused plans, and the ship went afloat only in 1765. The dimensions of the "Victoria" approached the maximum possible for a wooden ship, without the use of metal in the main structures. The length of the Victoria is 227 feet or 69 meters, the width is 51 feet and 10 inches - almost 16 meters. The cladding was reinforced with a layer of copper. A steering wheel was used on the ship, it was an innovation, earlier on ships a mechanical lifting horde system was used to control the massive rudder. Sailing armament has also become much more efficient. On sharp courses, oblique staysails and mizzen were used, on full courses - foxes.

Construction of "Victoria"

A special commission of the Admiralty accepted the ship in 1776. On Friday, May 8, 1778, the Victoria set sail for the first time, fired a salute of guns, and put to sea under the command of Sir John Lindsey.

Design features of the ship

The ship has four decks that stretch the entire length of the hull. Supplies, provisions, gunpowder and water were stored on the lowest deck. Cabins for medical personnel and midshipmen were located immediately behind the cockpit, also on the lower deck. Kubrick during the fighting became the headquarters. The lower, middle and upper decks contained 30 guns of various calibers. The Victoria's broadside could send nearly half a ton of cannonballs over a mile. In the middle artillery deck there was an infirmary and a galley. The crew members spent the night in hanging bunks on the middle and lower artillery decks. The admiral's cabin was in the stern, on the upper artillery deck. On the upper open artillery deck, there was mainly rigging and winches, with which the ship was steered.

The interior of the ship

"Victoria" inside - model

artillery deck

The office of the famous Admiral Nelson, who led the British fleet to victory on the Victoria, was small in size, and the personal cabin was generally modest, the admiral slept on a hanging bunk. Nelson received guests and officers in the dining room. This contrasted strikingly with the opulent decoration of the galleons of the previous century. Although the exterior of the Victoria looks like a huge three-story palace, it does not have as many decorations and carved sculptures as on earlier ships. Everything is given to military expediency.

At Portsmouth Dock

The ship is like a floating fortress, designed to ensure the superiority of England at sea. This is the "wooden gate of England" that cannot be crossed.

Trafalgar battle

In 1778, France recognized America's independence and swore to defend by arms its trade relations with the young state. England began to prepare for war.

"Victoria" is preparing for battle

When Napoleon came to power, relations not only escalated, war broke out. Great Britain participated in it in alliance with Austria, Russia, Sweden, the Kingdom of Naples. Napoleon's army was the strongest on land, it blocked communication with Great Britain, but in turn England set up a naval blockade of Napoleon, preventing the supply of troops and Napoleon's communication with the colonies. Bonaparte decided to gather all naval forces, clear the English Channel from English ships and land troops in England. For these purposes, Napoleon assembled a large combined fleet of France and Spain. However, in France by this time there was a shortage of competent and skillful naval officers, they were destroyed by the revolution. The British sailors were experienced warriors, they participated in many battles. The clash of these fleets led to the largest and most extensive naval battle of the 19th century - the Battle of Trafalgar. The battle began on October 21, 1805 on the Atlantic coast of Spain near the city of Cadiz. The outcome of this battle was to show who now owns the sea and, ultimately, the whole world. Against 33 British ships under the leadership of Admiral Nelson on the flagship "Victoria" were 40 ships of the combined fleet under the command of Pierre-Charles Villeneuve.

"Victoria" in the Battle of Trafalgar

By the beginning of the Battle of Trafalgar, the Victoria had 104 guns, including two 64-pounder carronades and 30 32-pounder guns. Nelson, in preparation for the battle, took into account all the factors: swell, wind, waves. He built ships in two columns and stood at the head of the left. He put on his dress uniform and went out on the upper deck so that he could be seen. To all persuasions to go down, he answered - the sailors should see their commander. At eleven o'clock the first shots of the escalating battle were fired.

Beginning of the battle

Two columns plunged into the center of the formations of the combined French-Spanish fleet. This fleet stood in a crescent, it did not have time to line up in columns, the wind interfered. The historic battle has begun. The lead ships of the British broke through the formation, firing from all their guns. The Victoria entered between the two largest enemy ships: the Spanish hulking giant "Santisima Trinidad", which was equipped with 144 guns, and the French flagship "Bucentaure".

"Victoria" is boarding a battle with a French ship

The formation of ships mixed up, each ship was looking for an enemy and fought with him. Nelson was seen by a gunner on the French ship Redontable, with which the Victoria entered into a boarding battle, and inflicted a mortal wound on him. Horatio Nelson was taken to the infirmary of the Victoria, from the infirmary Nelson kept asking about the progress of the battle. “This day is yours,” they answered him, although by that time it was not clear whether the British had won or not.

Nelson was in the thick of the fight

Nelson passed away. The British continued to fight, they were far superior in training to the French and Spaniards, for every volley of the French-Spanish fleet, the British answered with three volleys. The English gunners were also distinguished by their accuracy - firing at cannon ports, they disabled the enemy's artillery. Three hours after the start of the battle, most of the ships of the combined squadron were defeated or captured. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the "Bucentaure" surrendered with the head of the French-Spanish fleet, Villeneuve. The ships of the combined fleet began to leave the battle. The outcome of the battle became clear. The Allies lost 17 ships ("Santisima Trinidad" sank while being transported during a storm) and over 7,000 men. The British lost 2,000 sailors, but kept all the ships, although some were so battered and broken that they had to be taken in tow. The Victoria with Nelson's body was towed to Gibraltar for repairs.

The further fate of the ship

After repairs, the ship patrolled the coast of the Baltic and Spain until 1812. Then returned to Portsmouth. In 1889, the Victoria became the flagship of the Commander-in-Chief and remains so to this day. In 1922, they decided to give the ship the look that the battleship had during the Battle of Trafalgar. Currently, the ship has been turned into a museum.

gun deck
