Speech therapy exercises letter sh. Staging and automation of sound Sh: speech material, a complex of articulation gymnastics

Growing up, our children are increasingly replenishing their vocabulary. The need to talk is growing with each passing day. Unfortunately, most kids have problems with the pronunciation of individual sounds. Is it possible to teach a baby to pronounce sounds correctly at home, or will a speech therapist need help to eliminate speech defects?

What causes mispronunciation?

The most common mistake adults make when communicating with their child is imitating his speech. We lisp with a little man, often distorting the words. It turns out that our speech descends to the level of a baby. Instead of talking to young children as best as possible, pronouncing all the sounds and letters clearly, we deliberately make our speech obscure.

Since the child does not hear the correct speech from you, he will not be able to remember and repeat it. Therefore, in order for the baby to learn to speak correctly, your speech must be clear and legible.

The reason for the incorrect reproduction of individual sounds may be a feature of the structure of the speech apparatus

  • The ligament under the tongue is shorter than it should be, making it difficult for it to move.
  • Normal speech is hindered by the size of the tongue (too small or, on the contrary, large).
  • Very thin or, on the contrary, plump lips, which makes their articulation difficult.
  • Deviations in the structure of the teeth or jaw.
  • A defect in the hearing aid that does not allow you to hear some sounds, and, therefore, to pronounce them correctly.

Some speech defects can be easily corrected by parents. The baby experiences the main difficulties when pronouncing hissing sounds - Zh, Ch, Sh, Shch, the letters P, as well as Z, G, K, L, S and C.

How to help your child pronounce hissing sounds?

Teaching a baby to pronounce the letters Zh, Ch, Sh, and Sh is a little easier than, for example, the letter R. Most often, children have a problem with the pronunciation of hissing Zh and Sh. At the same time, the sound Ш still does not cut the ear as much as the incorrectly pronounced Zh .

Usually the problem with hissing occurs due to the fact that the baby is unable to relax the tongue and stretch it so that the edges touch the upper side teeth.

Therefore, the baby must be taught a few simple exercises.

  1. Let's relax the tongue . Put the tongue on the lower teeth, like a pancake, and tap on it with the upper ones, while saying “Ta-ta-ta”. After that, the tongue should lie down relaxed. Then you need to slap it with your upper lip and say "Pa-pa-pa."
  2. Lifting the tip of the tongue up . To complete the task, you need a chewing candy or gum (it will be a good motivation for the baby). It is necessary that he opens his mouth 2-3 cm, spread the tongue over the lower lip, sticking out its tip. Put a piece of candy on it and ask the child to stick it to the sky behind the upper teeth. Make sure that the baby only uses the tongue, and does not use the jaw.
  3. Blowing air through the middle of the tongue . Place a small piece of cotton on the table. Let the baby smile and position the tongue as in the previous task. The task of the baby is to blow off the fleece to the other end of the table without puffing out the cheeks. At the same time, he must pronounce a semblance of the letter F.
  4. Blowing cotton from the nose . The child opens his mouth, lays the tongue so that a groove is formed in the middle of it, and the edges almost converge. We put a piece of cotton wool on the nose, the Kid should take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale sharply through the mouth. At the same time, cotton wool should fly up.
  5. We pronounce the sounds Zh and Sh . Ask the baby to pronounce the syllable SA, the tongue should be behind the teeth at this time. Then you need to move the tongue deeper into the mouth. As we move towards the alveoli, the sound from C turns into Sh. To get the sound Zh, we repeat the exercises, first pronouncing the syllable ZA.
  6. More words with F and W . Remember or come up with rhymes or tongue twisters, where the letters Zh and Sh are often found in words. Repeat them with the baby several times.
  7. Pronounce the letter H . If the baby has an increased tone of the tongue, at first it will be more difficult for him to cope with the exercise. The sound CH consists of TH and SC. First, the tongue should hit the alveoli, pronouncing TH, and then relax, passing the sound SC through the crack. These two sounds, first slowly and then faster, should merge into one H. After several trainings, the baby will succeed !

Practice your pronunciation with different little rhymes. For example:

  • There were jackdaws visiting wolf cubs,
  • There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaws,
  • Now the cubs are clamoring like jackdaws,
  • And like wolf cubs, jackdaws are silent.

Learning to pronounce the letter R

The baby begins to pronounce the letter R well only by the age of 5-6 years. If your baby has not yet reached this age, do not panic ahead of time.

There are usually some problems associated with the letter R.

  • The little man does not pronounce the growling sound at all , he just falls out of his word. This happens when the letter R is located between vowels. For example, the garage sounds like "ha - already."
  • The kid replaces the sound P with L, S or Y . It turns out instead of a rose - "vine", red - "red", forty - "soyok".
  • The kid pronounces the sound R, but not the way it should sound in Russian . It either vibrates, like the English, or grasses, which is typical for the French.

You can correct the shortcomings in the pronunciation of the letter P by doing some exercises. And it is better to perform them while sitting and keeping your back straight. In this case, the child should see himself in the mirror.

So he can track how well he is doing the task.

  • Sail . The child needs to open his mouth wide, and lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth. The lower part of the tongue is slightly bent forward, and the edges are pressed up to the molars. Repeat this 3 times in a row for 10 seconds.
  • horse . It is necessary to firmly press the tongue to the palate, and then abruptly release it. This will produce a sound reminiscent of the clatter of hooves. Repeat the task at least 10-15 times.
  • Turkey . Depict an angry turkey with a crumb. The child should throw the tongue out of the mouth, sticking it between the teeth. In this case, you need to pronounce sounds similar to “bl-bl”. The task is performed at a slow pace, gradually accelerating it.
  • Let's bite the tongue . Stick the end of the tongue out, and stretch the mouth in a smile. Then slowly bite your tongue with your teeth.
  • We clean our teeth . The baby needs to smile broadly and move the tip of the tongue along the inner wall of the upper teeth, without moving the lower jaw.
  • Who is longer. Invite the baby to compare who has a longer tongue. Will he be able to reach his chin or the tip of his nose with it.
  • Woodpecker . You need to open your mouth wide and tap your tongue hard on the inside of the gums near the upper teeth. At this time, you need to say "d-d-d."

So that the child does not get tired of numerous exercises, take breaks by inviting him to roar like a lion. To consolidate the emerging successes, you can additionally learn tongue twisters and words with the baby that contain the letter R.

We pronounce the letters Z, C and C correctly

When a child does not pronounce the letter C, at the same time he cannot pronounce the other whistling letters and syllables - З, Ц, Зб, СЬ. The reason for this is an underdeveloped articulatory apparatus.

Special exercises will also help to correct the situation.

  1. Get the ball into the goal . The purpose of this task is to learn how to release a long directed stream of air. Make a gate out of cubes or other toys on the table. Roll up a loose cotton ball. The kid should, having folded his lips with a tube, blow on the ball and drive it into the gate. When performing the exercise, you can not puff out your cheeks, and the blown air should go in one long stream, without interruptions.
  2. Tongue song . Opening the mouth, it is necessary to place the tongue on the lower lip. Then you need to spank with sponges - "pya-pya-pya" (the tongue sings). At the same time, the air comes out in a smooth stream, without interruption. Then, with your mouth wide open, hold the soft tongue on the lower lip so that it does not tuck. It is necessary that the edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.
  3. pancake . It is important to teach the baby to relax the tongue. To do this, he must smile, put the front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. The smile should not be tense, and the tongue should only hang slightly from the sponge.
  4. We clean our teeth . The exercise is similar to the task for the letter P, only we will clean not the upper, but the lower teeth.

The letter Z is a pair for the letter C, so they are staging it in the same way as the sound C.

The sound Ts consists of two sounds - T and C, which quickly move from one to the other. It is important to teach the baby to separate one sound from another. Ask the baby to say first a long sound “shhh”, and then short “shhh, shhh, shhh”. As a result, the baby will get the sound C.

What about K and G?

The sounds K, G and X are posterior lingual, which implies a high rise of the tongue during their pronunciation. When a child does not pronounce these letters, most often his tongue is simply lazy (with the exception of congenital pathologies that only doctors can correct). To make the tongue work, you need to do exercises.

Rolling down the hill . Place a cotton ball on your baby's palm. The kid should slightly open his mouth, and hold the root of the tongue in an elevated position, and lower its tip. Then you need to quickly exhale so as to blow off the cotton wool from the palm of your hand. Get a K sound.

spoon . Ask your child to slowly say “ta-ta-ta”. Take a teaspoon and carefully move your tongue away by pressing on the front of its back. Instead of “ta”, the crumbs will first get “cha”, and then “kya”. Continuing to put pressure on the tongue, catch the moment when the baby gets a clean “ka”. He needs to remember what position his tongue was in at that moment. Don't worry if it doesn't work right away.

Regardless of which letter pronunciation exercises you do with your baby, repeat with him as many words, rhymes or songs with this letter as possible after class.

Most often, complaining about the wrong pronunciation, parents talk about the inability of their child to pronounce this or that letter. In fact, we should talk about the pronunciation of a sound, because a letter is only a graphic representation of the sounds being pronounced. But in any case, there is a speech therapy problem that needs to be corrected. Quite often, children do not pronounce complex sounds, which include [w]. However, almost any parent can teach their child to pronounce the difficult letter Sh correctly.

Pronunciation defects

Incorrect reproduction of hissing sounds, including [w], can be caused by various deviations in articulation, so the sound may be distorted in one direction or another.

There are two types of speech defects: sigmatism and parasigmatism.

With sigmatism, [w] itself is pronounced with a defect, with parasigmatism, it is replaced by other sounds.

Sigmatism when pronouncing [w]:

  • with interdental pronunciation, the tongue is between the teeth, the sound is lisping;
  • with nasal sigmatism, [w] becomes similar to [x], since air is supplied by the “nose” during pronunciation;
  • with lateral asigmatism, the right or left lateral surface of the tongue “sinks”, [w] turns out to be “squishing”.

Parasigmatism when playing sound [w]:

  • labial-tooth parasigmatism is characterized by the replacement of [w] with [f];
  • tooth parasigmatism leads to the reproduction of sound [t] instead of [w];
  • whistling parasigmatism replaces [w] with [s].

In all these cases, there is a violation of articulation, when the tongue, lips and teeth take the wrong positions during pronunciation. Therefore, the task of parents during gaming sessions is to correct these mistakes of the child.

Sometimes the sound [w] is completely absent in the baby’s speech - it is simply skipped (hat - “apka”, pate - “patet”). At the same time, it is necessary to teach the child the correct articulation “from scratch”.

Causes of incorrect articulation

The main cause of problems with the letter Ш, as with the pronunciation of many other sounds, is the various physiological features of the organs of articulation:

  • malocclusion (including due to long and active sucking of the nipple);
  • high palate;
  • incorrect position of the teeth;
  • short or inelastic hyoid frenulum
  • too large tongue, etc.

However, there are cases when the distortion of pronunciation in children is caused by other factors.

  • "Sussyukanie" parents. Too exaggerated parental "tenderness" leads to the fact that the child hears and reproduces the same lisp.
  • Parental speech defects. If mom or dad themselves pronounce a sound with a defect, the baby takes an example from them.
  • Lag in psychoverbal development. It is often accompanied by physical retardation. There can be many reasons for this, and the correction is the most difficult, often requiring medical treatment.
  • Excessive requirements. It happens that parents pester their children with the demand “say - a fur coat”, while not explaining to them how to properly position their teeth or tongue. And they may not understand it themselves.
  • Violation of physiological or phonemic hearing. In the first case, children simply do not hear well; in the second, they find it difficult to differentiate hissing or other sounds in speech. This complicates their correct pronunciation. The correction here will also be quite complicated - first you need to teach the baby (of course, in a playful way) to recognize the problematic phoneme in speech. And only after that - engage in articulation.

Learning to "Hiss"

To teach a child to pronounce the letter Ш correctly, first you need to prepare his articulation apparatus - that is, to help master the desired position of the lips, tongue, teeth, to teach the correct air supply. The following exercise games that are successfully used in speech therapy will help with this:

  • "Pancake";
  • "Cup";
  • "Horse";
  • "Elephant";
  • "Smile";
  • alternation "Elephant" - "Smile";
  • "Sail";
  • "Delicious jam"

The details of these exercises are described in this article.

The sound [w] most of all resembles the hiss of a snake. Therefore, in the process of classes, do not focus the baby's attention on the pronunciation of the phoneme, but explain to him that he is learning to hiss like a snake. To visualize this exercise, use simple pictures of a snake. Let the child run his finger from the tail to the head of the snake in the picture and at this time hiss. Ask him to help the snake sing its hissing song: "Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh."

So you will relieve psychological stress: the child does not master something obligatory and difficult, but simply plays with you. He will not strain and "climb out of the skin" so that you like the result. As a result, he will learn to speak a stubborn letter much faster.

For the correct setting of exhalation, you can use the following game. A small, light piece of cotton wool is placed on the tip of the baby's nose. Smiling, the child puts his wide tongue so as to cover his upper lip. At the same time, its lateral edges are pressed from above to the molars, and a slit should remain in the middle of it. If the baby blows on the cotton wool in this position, it will rise up. Actually, this is how you need to exhale when pronouncing hissing ones, only the tongue will be located behind the teeth.

If a preschooler has impaired phonemic hearing, and, for example, he does not distinguish between [g] and [w] in speech, you need to develop the skill of differentiating these sounds. Speech games are suitable here, where the baby must signal that he heard the sound [w] or [g] (clapped, stomped, raised his hand). Words must be selected so that the desired sound occupies different positions: at the beginning, middle, end of the word. The child claps when he hears the sound [w], and, say, stomps when he hears [g].

You can ask the baby to name different objects that “containing” the letter Ш - these can be toys, clothes, tools, etc.

Let him name the diminutive forms of words in which the sound [w] appears. An adult calls a word - the kid transforms it ("sun - sun", "winter - winter", "hostess - hostess").

How to put sound?

After such games, you can start staging the sound [w]. In speech therapy, exercises for setting a hissing sound come down to “rearranging” the tongue into the desired position when pronouncing the sounds [t] or [s] (sometimes the sound [r], but this process is more difficult, since it will be necessary to stop the vibration of the tongue).

To do this, you can use an ordinary teaspoon:

  1. we ask your child to say a long [s];
  2. at this time, with the handle of a spoon, we gradually push the tongue behind the teeth and give it the shape of a cup;
  3. when he takes the right position, [s] will turn into [w];
  4. we ask the baby to remember where and how his tongue is located.

The same can be done when pronouncing the long sound "T-s-s-s."

Now have your child repeat the following exercises:

  • hiss like a snake;
  • like a tire or a balloon from which air escapes;
  • like the leaves of trees in the wind;
  • like an angry cat;
  • like autumn leaves underfoot;
  • like a mouse that scratches in a mink.

At the same time, show the child pictures that will help the child tune in to the exercise.

To consolidate the received sound, it is important to provoke children as often as possible to pronounce the words that contain it. Tongue twisters or tongue twisters are best suited for these purposes. In them, the necessary sounds are in different positions, children will have to pronounce the sound [w] at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.

So with the help of the game the acquired skill is fixed. If by chance the pronunciation of the phoneme is distorted again, you need to return to the exercises with the sounds [s] or [ts].

To automate the sound, the simplest exercise is to pronounce the child in turn the syllables "Sh" and different vowels. Let the child "Jump" with his finger over the bumps and pronounce the syllables.

Hissing sounds are some of the most stubborn to master. Therefore, if at the age of 5 the child has not mastered them even with the help of all the above exercises, you need to consult a speech therapist. Otherwise, the problem can grow to a psychological complex and cause poor academic performance.

Clear and understandable speech is one of the indicators of successful child development. Children who know how to speak correctly always stand out from their peers. But preschoolers are not always able to correctly pronounce some letters. The letters P, L, Zh, W, S are especially difficult to pronounce.

By what age should children be able to pronounce them correctly? How do you know if you should see a speech therapist? Is it possible to teach a child to pronounce complex letters on his own? These questions can be answered in this article.

Also here are articulation exercises, games and tongue twisters that are sure to come in handy for home workouts. They will help to consolidate the child's skill in correctly pronouncing such complex letters as R, L, Zh, Sh, S.

A small digression. Sound or letter?

Sound and letter are inseparable from each other. But often even adults confuse these concepts, not understanding the difference between them.

In fact, everything is very simple. What we say and hear is the sounds of the Russian language. And what we see in a book, notebook, computer monitor and read are letters.

Children first learn to reproduce sounds (to speak) and only then they begin to write letters (to indicate what is said graphically).

But due to the fact that we are almost always asked the question: “How to teach a child to say the letter P or the letter Sh?”, We believe that the difference between the letter and the sound in this case is not fundamental. For ease of understanding and reading the article, we have chosen a single and familiar to most readers the term "letter".

What causes mispronunciation

There are several reasons for incorrect pronunciation.

These include:

  1. Defects of the organs of the articulatory apparatus
  • incorrect structure of the dentition,
  • wrong bite,
  • palate too high or too low
  • short hyoid ligament
  • stiff upper lip
  • too big or too small narrow tongue.
  1. Physiological
  • insufficient mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (for example, the inability to keep the tongue in a certain position when pronouncing sounds),
  • general physical weakness during the period of active development of speech,
  • hearing loss,
  • inability to distinguish sounds similar in sound ((s) - (sh), (b) - (p), etc.)
  1. Pedagogical

Children tend to imitate, so authoritative adults and peers should, if possible, have clear speech. You can’t set a wrong example: lisp, be like a child’s pronunciation. It is important to pronounce all the sounds in the word and articulate clearly.

At what age should a child pronounce the letters R, L, F, W, S

Speech therapists say that the formation of sounds occurs in children at about the same time. The letters C, W, F guys should be able to pronounce at 4 years old.

The most difficult ones in pronouncing R and L appear later in the speech of children. But normally, a child should master R by the age of 6. A little earlier, he should pronounce the solid letter L.

How to conduct speech therapy classes with a child at home. Tips

Classes should be held in the form of a game. So the child will not be wary of them, nervous and complex.

  • You can not overly insist on the exercises and force the child. Classes should bring him pleasure. Only in this case, pronunciation will quickly begin to improve.
  • The lesson should not exceed 15 minutes, and articulation gymnastics (warm-up) should last at least 5 minutes. This is how exercise will help you the most.
  • Do not repeat breathing and voice exercises more than 4-5 times. Children tire quickly, use up more oxygen than usual, and may feel dizzy.
  • The child should not have a cold (stuffy nose, sore throat), otherwise the breathing exercises will be performed incorrectly and will not bring benefits.
  • To enhance the effect of classes, it is necessary to consolidate skills throughout the day. It will be interesting for children to play and pronounce tongue twisters with adults. You can do this both at home and on a walk.
  • You can invite the child to be in the role of a teacher. Let him "teach" his favorite toy to pronounce the letter.
  • Games and exercises for fine motor skills will help develop speech - modeling, coloring, designing letters.
  • Be sure to praise your baby. It is important for him to feel his achievements.

Letter P

Wrong pronunciation of the letter R is quite common. If you do not work on pronunciation, this defect can remain for life.

There are several options for incorrect pronunciation of the letter R:

  • children may not pronounce this sound at all (cow - koova),
  • there may be a replacement of the hard letter P with a soft one (hand - ryuk),
  • sometimes the letter P is replaced by other letters (hand-bow, duka, hatch, yuka, etc.).

How to deal with a child in order to teach him the correct pronunciation of the letter R?

  1. Articulation exercises prepare the muscles of the lips and tongue for classes. They need to be done daily.
  • "Jam". The child should open his mouth slightly and move his tongue to the right and left along the upper lip. To interest the baby, you can smear something sweet in your mouth.
  • "Painter". It is necessary to drive the tongue back and forth across the palate, as a painter does with his brush.
  • "Mushroom". The child needs to open his mouth, smile and press his tongue completely to the palate, holding it from 3 to 10 counts.
  1. Breathing exercises help with the desired intensity to direct the stream of air to get the right sound. Inhalation should be strictly through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth. It is not necessary to repeat the exercise more than 4 times.
  • "Candle". You need to blow out a burning candle. This can be done with a short, strong stream of air, or, on the contrary, with a weak one. Or blow out at close range, each time increasing the distance.
  • "Snowflake". The child should stretch the lips in a smile and place the tongue on the lower lip. It is necessary to blow off a piece of paper (“snowflake”) on the tip of the tongue.
  • "Storm". You will need a glass of water and a straw. The child needs to exhale into a tube lowered into a glass. So in the water you get a real "storm".
  1. Vibration of the tongue- learn to feel and reproduce.

You need to sit with your child in front of a mirror. He must see the position of the tongue and lips of an adult. This will make it easier to repeat the correct sound. It is worth trying to pronounce the letter R, growling like a tiger, or purring like a cat. Exercises will be more effective if the child is interested in completing tasks.

You can learn to pronounce the letter R using other letters. For example, a child can draw out the sound Z, holding the tongue up. Then you need to quickly run your tongue along the tubercles behind the upper jaw. Get the sound of SR.

You can also work with other letters. For example, learn to pronounce R through well-developed D, F, S. Gradually, it will be possible to get away from unnecessary letters by automating the pronunciation of the letter R. To do this, you need to often use words containing the problematic letter R in speech.

Games with the letter P

To consolidate the effect of the exercises, it is important to return to practicing skills during the day.

  1. "Magic Bag" Children take out objects or pictures with images of objects from the bag. It is necessary to pronounce the name of the subject, clearly pronouncing the letter R.
  2. Grain games. They stimulate fine motor skills well, and, therefore, speech. You can depict objects that have the letter P in their name. For example, koRRRrona from grRrrRechki.
  3. Repeat the syllable in reverse. Ar-ra, ur-ru, etc.
  4. Finish the phrase. You will need pictures with hints. For example, ro-ro-ro is a feather.
  5. Short songs or poems. For example:

lamb, lamb,
Show me the horns.
I'll give you sugar
Piece of pie!

Patter with the letter R

  • The red crab yells "Hurrah!" It's time to cut the cake.
  • The raven raven crowed.
  • Carl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl.
  • There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
  • Three chattering magpies chattered on the hill.
  • An angry crocodile is irritated and unsociable.
  • Thunder rumbled - the storm was in full swing.
  • Borya gave Iriska to Ira. Ira Bore - barberry.
  • Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.

Letter W

In order for the letter Ш to be pronounced correctly, the speech apparatus must be well trained.

With the correct pronunciation of the letter Ш, the tongue is strictly symmetrical. The lips are always rounded, and the teeth are as close to each other as possible. In the middle of a wide tongue there is a warm stream of air, which is easy to feel with the palm of your hand at your mouth. The vocal cords are open.

It is often difficult for children to perform such actions with their tongue and lips. Therefore, there are various ways of pronouncing the letter Sh.

Attention! None of the following pronunciations are correct. All of them require adjustments.

  • interdental pronunciation (the sound in this case is lisping, and the tongue is stuck between the teeth),
  • pronunciation "on the nose"
  • a way in which the tongue rests on the teeth, and the sound becomes like a T,
  • in case of malocclusion, the sound is similar to F,
  • sound like S.

The letter W can be learned to pronounce at home. To do this, you need to perform daily exercises for setting the breath and training the muscles of the tongue and lips.

In addition, it is necessary to perform game tasks to consolidate the learned skills.

Articulation gymnastics performed daily, at the beginning of the lesson. It is important to stretch not only the tongue, but also the lips.

  1. Language exercises:
  • "Hide the candy." The child should keep a wide tongue on the lower lip. An adult puts a small piece of marshmallow or marshmallow on its edge. The kid needs to hide a piece of sweetness, holding it with his tongue behind his upper teeth and sticking it on the palate. The exercise is performed at a slow pace. The mouth should not open wider than 2 cm.
  • "Football". You need to smile and put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Before this, you need to prepare a piece of cotton wool. The child should blow on the cotton wool, pronouncing the sound F. You need to roll it to the opposite end of the table. It is important to ensure that the sound is pronounced as F, and not X - this will affect the width of the air stream. Cheeks should not puff out.
  • "Harmonic". You need to smile, stick your tongue to the palate, and, without releasing your tongue, open and close your mouth. It's worth imagining. that it is accordion fur. Each time, you need to open your mouth wider and longer, and hold your tongue in position at the palate for longer (from 3 to 10 accounts). The sides of the tongue should not sag. The mouth and lips are always motionless.
  1. Lip exercises:
  • "Tube". The child should extend his lips with a tube and silently pronounce the letter U.
  • "Bunny". It is necessary to smile, opening the upper and lower teeth. The upper and lower lips rise in turn. It is important to ensure that the teeth are closed and the lips return to their original position.

Games with the letter Sh

  1. Finish the phrase (or repeat it). It is worth preparing pictures in advance to help. For example:

Shu-shu-shu - Masha eats noodles. Shi-shi-shi - eat porridge, kids. Sho-sho-sho - Pasha writes well.

  1. Game "Change the word". It is necessary to change the word so that the sound "sh" appears in it. Adult assistance may be required at first. But soon the child will be able to change the words according to the model on their own.

Peas - peas, nut - nut, sparrow - sparrow, bread - bread, etc.

  1. Hiss like a snake, like a deflated balloon, etc.
  2. Songs, rhymes, poems.

The letter Sh - Hissing,
Sometimes - Rustling,
Often - Rustling,
Occasionally - Squashing.

The snake hisses, hisses, hisses,
Six months learning the alphabet,
Tired poor thing already
And knows only the letter -

Shu-shu-shu - the mouse rustled,
Shu-shu-shu - the reeds rustled,
Woodpecker nimble, naughty,
Peeled the sixth bump.
What's the rustle? ears hear,
Someone breathes more muffled, more muffled
Someone is waving higher, higher
Someone whispers: "Hush, hush."

Patter with the letter Sh

A good way to reinforce the learned skill of pronouncing the letter Sh in a fun way is to learn funny tongue twisters.

  • The mouse sewed boots for the cat, the cat sewed panties for the mouse.
  • Shura sewed boots with an awl for a chinchilla in a hut.
  • Our sail is sewn to the conscience, and the storm will not frighten us.
  • The sperm whale does not like porridge - he has a cough from porridge.
  • Piggy Nyusha invited Masha to eat porridge. Mouse Masha brought a piece of pear to pig Nyusha.
  • Pasha Sasha sews boots, and Sasha Pasha bakes pies.
  • They sewed a shirt with pockets;

Letter Zh

Learning to pronounce the letter Zh will be easy if the child already knows how to say the letter Sh. The fact is that the movements of the tongue and lips during their pronunciation are almost the same. Only when the letter Zh is pronounced, the vocal cords are still actively turned on.

This difference is easy to notice even for a child. Let him put his hand on the throat of an adult who pronounces the letters Sh and Zh in turn. The child will feel how the vocal cords vibrate when they say the letter Zh. When pronouncing the letter Sh, they will remain motionless.

Pay attention to how to pronounce the letter Z correctly. The lips should be rounded and the teeth should be close together. The wide tip of the tongue is close to the alveoli (depressions in the bone of the upper jaw), the edges of the tongue are pressed against the lateral teeth, and the back of the tongue is raised and tends back. A warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The vocal folds are tense and give voice.

Suitable for practice articulation and breathing exercises for the letter Sh. They develop and prepare the lips, tongue and breath in the same way for pronouncing the letter Zh.

Games with the letter Z

  1. Buzzing like a bug, a bee or a fly.
  2. "Bees collect honey." Participants imagine themselves as bees and buzz, circling and moving around the room. On a signal, you need to “fly away” to the “house” as soon as possible.
  3. "Flies in the Web". The game is suitable for a group of children. Some of them depict a web, forming a circle. The other part of the children are “flies”, they run in and out of the circle, buzzing at the same time. At a signal, the “spider web” children join hands, and those “flies” that did not have time to get out of the circle also become webbed. The game continues until all "flies" are caught.
  4. "Who needs it?" An adult shows the child plot pictures in which there are not enough objects. Then you need to get a subject picture and ask what is shown on it (objects in the name of which the letter Zh is found). For example, a picture on which scissors are drawn. The child says the name aloud and decides which plot picture is missing the scissors. For example, grandmother needs them to sew.

Tongue twisters with the letter J

  • Zhenya and Vika are chewing blackberries.
  • Hedgehogs and snakes lived in a living corner.
  • It's hot for a toad in a warm puddle. The toad is waiting for the rain and is grieving.
  • What's for dinner with hedgehogs? Acorn peel.
  • Uzha - uzhat, hedgehog - hedgehogs.
  • Little Matryoshka lost her earrings. Earrings Earring found on the path.
  • A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles.
  • On the roof of Shura lived the crane Zhura. The crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura.

Letter L

This is one of the most difficult letters to pronounce. Children learn to pronounce it one of the last. However, it is important to start working on correct pronunciation as early as possible.

What is the correct way to pronounce the letter L?

The lips are stretched in a smile, and the teeth are clenched. The tongue may rest against the teeth, the gap between the upper and lower teeth, or against the alveoli. The sides of the tongue do not interfere with the free passage of the air stream.

There are several options for incorrect pronunciation of the letter L.

  • the complete absence of this sound (spoon-burner)
  • replacing with a simpler sound, for example, Y
  • distorted pronunciation (similar to S, Y or R)
  • inability to distinguish between hard and soft L.

Worth trying the following articulatory and breathing exercises:

  • « Smile". Keep your lips stretched in a smile, counting to 10 .. The mouth should be closed.
  • « Locomotive". The lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are clenched, the tongue presses on the teeth, like a whistle of a locomotive and adds a voice. Sounds like L.
  • « Dog". The child stretches his lips in a smile, shows his teeth and bites the tip of his tongue. Then you need to start breathing like a dog that is hot. It is important to ensure that the air passes through the mouth and not through the nose. Then you need to connect the vocal cords and pronounce YYY or AAA. You don't need to puff out your cheeks.
  • « Horse. Smiling broadly and showing teeth, you have to click your tongue (as if a horse is galloping). The lower jaw must remain motionless.
  • Move the tongue in the mouth alternately to the right and left.
  • « The wind is blowing." The lips are stretched in a smile, the mouth is slightly opened and the tongue is bitten. The child begins to blow on the cotton wool in the palm of an adult.
  • « Pencil". It is necessary to take a deep breath through the nose and exhale the air stream through the mouth so as to roll a pencil across the table.

Games with the letter L

  1. "Say the phrase." These can be rhyming sentences that you need to come up with yourself (for example, lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside). The child can also continue the lines of poems known to him (for example, A. Barto "The Frogs").
  2. "Picture Box" Let the baby name the objects shown in the pictures (the name of which has the letter L). Then you need to make a sentence out of these few words. For example: a bowl of raspberries and a lamp are on the table.
  3. "What's gone?" On the table are objects with the letter L in their name (spoon, boat, frog, etc.). For a few seconds, the child turns away from the table, and the adult hides the object. It is necessary to name the "missing" thing.
  4. Poems and songs.

Run away, run away
The milk has run out.
I had a hard time catching it
Being a hostess is not easy!

Grandfather planted onions
Grow a forelock.
The grandson saw the bow,
Chopped off the forelock.
Amazing thing:
Tears are dripping - at the grandson!

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk.

Patter with the letter L

  • Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.
  • On the shallows of the river, we came across burbot.
  • There is no ring near the well.
  • The queen gave the cavalier a caravel.
  • Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Lakal, lapped, but not shallow Baikal.
  • Mom washed Mila with soap.
  • Antipas grew one linden, and Philip planted seven lindens.
  • Crucian, do not climb into the hole! Stuck in the hole carp.
  • Karl put the bow on the chest. Clara was stealing an onion from the chest.

Letter C

Incorrect pronunciation of the letter C in children is quite common. Variants of incorrect pronunciation with such:

  • there is no sound at all (juice - ok),
  • it is replaced by a simpler pronunciation (dog - shabaka, etc.)
  • the child confuses hard and soft C (dog - syabaka).

Pronouncing the letter C requires trained muscles of the tongue and lips, as well as proper breathing.

The lips smile slightly, the upper and lower incisors are visible. The teeth are almost closed. The wide tip of the tongue touches the lower front teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue merge with the lateral teeth of the upper jaw. The back of the tongue and the alveoli form a narrow gap for the exit of a strong and cold air stream. The vocal cords are open and do not form a vocal vibration.

To train the speech apparatus of the child will help articulation and breathing exercises.

Exercises must be alternated with each other and performed under a measured score.

  • "Whistling" - with clenched teeth, you need to stretch your lips with a tube, as during a whistle.
  • "Smile" - the lips are stretched in a smile, and the teeth remain open.
  • “We brush our teeth” - the lips need to be opened, and the tip of the tongue should be drawn over the teeth (from right to left and back, on the upper and lower jaws).
  • "Watch" - lips smile, and the tip of the tongue moves alternately to the right and left corners of the mouth. The lower jaw must be immobile.
  • "Swing" - the child should try with his tongue to get to the tip of the nose, to the chin, to the upper and lower lips, to the space between the teeth and lips of the upper and lower jaws. The tongue always remains wide, and the lips do not fit the teeth.

Games with the letter C

  1. Continue tongue twisters (or even come up with your own using pictures). Sa-sa-sa - a wasp flies around the yard. Su-su-su - it's good now in the forest.
  2. Songs, rhymes, rhymes.

Cute uncle - Elephant,
He loves to listen to stories.
tales are mischievous,
The funniest.

The sun shines clear
Everything is great with us!
The sun hid behind the forest
The moon shines .. with the letter C.

Magpie at magpie
Urgently doing lessons:
One hundred and forty forty
The lines are jolly.

  1. Lotto (pictures and cards with images of objects with the letter C in their name). We take out a picture, pronounce a word, put it on a card with its image. Whoever collects the full set of pictures the fastest wins.
  2. Make up sentences with words. Adults need to prepare pictures in advance (they can show a clock, drying, icicle, sausage, braid, etc.)
  3. Puzzles. Of course, the answer-guess must contain the letter C.

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain -
Two deep holes.
Air roams in these burrows:
It comes in, it goes out.

We have a white nail growing under the very roof,
But as the sun rises
The nail will melt, fall.

A white blanket lay on the ground,
Summer has come - it's all gone.

  1. Remember the words with the letter C. You need to pronounce them in turn. Whoever knows more words wins.
  2. Finger games, nursery rhymes (Finger Boy, White-sided Magpie, etc.)

Tongue twisters with the letter C

  • Senya wears hay in the canopy. Senya will sleep in the hay.
  • A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.
  • Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.
  • Mow, spit, while dew. Dew down - and we are home.
  • Sunflowers look at the sun, and the sun looks at sunflowers.
  • The cream in the bowl of the pussy turned sour.
  • Eating pussy soup from a bowl. Empty bowl, full pussy.
  • Millet flying in Frosya's field. Frosya takes out the weeds.
  • Sasha is perfection itself, and she is also improving herself.

When to Seek the Help of a Speech Pathologist

With a trip to an appointment with a speech therapist, you should not delay. The sooner work begins on the speech of the baby, the faster he will learn to speak beautifully and clearly. It is necessary to consult a specialist in the following cases:

  • At 3-4 years old, a child cannot stretch his lips with a tube, puff out his cheeks, stick out his tongue, touch his palate, and also reproduce the simplest rhythm.
  • After 3.5 years, the baby skips syllables in words, confuses them in places.
  • At 4.5 - 5 years old, a preschooler does not speak in coherent phrases, confuses gender, number and case in a sentence.
  • The child speaks through the nose.
  • He chokes on words, unable to keep up with his thoughts.
  • The kid swallows syllables.
  • He does not have enough breath to pronounce the phrase.
  • The child speaks in a monotone.
  • The preschooler does not seek to communicate and discuss what he saw, heard, etc.
  • Homework on the wrong pronunciation of letters does not bring the expected effect.
  • The child has congenital anomalies - a cleft lip, a short ligament in the tongue, hearing loss, etc.

The correct speech of the child is not formed immediately. There are age norms that determine at what age the baby should be able to pronounce this or that letter.

If a child cannot pronounce a certain letter correctly, parents can work with him at home.

Correct pronunciation requires trained muscles of the lips and tongue, as well as proper breathing. Articulation and breathing exercises, as well as games and tongue twisters to consolidate the acquired skill, will help teach a child to pronounce letters correctly.

Be sure to encourage and praise the child for success. Seeing the support of adults and the effect of the work done by him, the child will like the classes. And this is the key to a good result. So the baby will learn to pronounce correctly even such complex letters as R, Sh, Zh, L, S.

In the modern world, the number of children with speech disorders is increasing. Problems in the development of speech can occur in any child. But the neglect of at least one sound pronunciation entails the risk of major speech therapy problems.

Therefore, the production of all sounds for the child is performed, starting with the initial identification of the causes of the violation of the pronunciation of "R", "S", "Sh", "Z" and others.

The formation of sound pronunciation begins from the first months of life. The first sounds arise involuntarily, they are usually the easiest to pronounce ("a", "o", "y"). Up to 3 years, the replacement of sounds, distortions in their pronunciation is considered the age norm. By the age of 5, a full-fledged phonemic range is actively formed.

If by the age of 5 the child cannot pronounce “sh” correctly, it is necessary to help him with the pronunciation of the sound by articulatory gymnastics and other methods.

The production of the “Sh” sound occurs between the third and fifth years of life. At first, the child's pronunciation suffers, the sound is fuzzy. Sometimes children use whistling C instead of hissing.

The most common reasons for the delay in the stages of speech pronunciation are: improper development of the speech apparatus (problems with bite or frenulum of the tongue); immobile lower jaw.

To begin the correct formation of sound pronunciation, you first need to understand the sounds that are difficult for the child to pronounce, what is the difficulty. The group of hissing, whistling and sonorous is checked first without fail. For a correct check, you need to ask the child to tell a poem, story, fairy tale.

You can use special cards with images for the letter that needs to be checked.

Violation of a hard consonant is most often accompanied by an incorrect pronunciation of a soft one. In this case, the pronunciation of the sound is checked separately from the word. If in this form the child pronounces the sound correctly, then you need to practice by repeating phrases and words. When it is clear that the sound is distorted, it is necessary to begin work on its formulation.

Reasons for the lack of the correct "Sh"

If we are talking about a healthy child with normal hearing and intact intelligence, The following causes of distorted sound pronunciation are distinguished:

  • Incorrect speech breathing. With breathing problems, the child's speech remains quiet, stutters at every word, the end of the sentence is swallowed due to lack of air. The same process is observed in sound pronunciation, many sounds are distorted due to the difficulty of speech breathing. Difficulties can be noticed when the exit during a conversation is sharp, through the nose. Also, the child can get air to complete the sentence with small breaths. You can practice at home. With daily practice, which will last no more than five minutes, the results will appear within a month, which will greatly speed up the process of setting the sound.
  • Problem with speech. Thanks to phonemic hearing, it becomes possible to distinguish consonant words. A deviation occurs when the child does not notice the difference in his pronunciation from other people. Speech hearing impairment leads to difficulties in learning to read and write. In some cases, dyslexia develops. The formation of speech hearing should be dealt with from the moment of pregnancy, when auditory receptors begin to form in the fetus. Phonemic hearing develops by the age of four, so if after this age period the child still pronounces sounds incorrectly, does not agree on the endings in words, this is an occasion to contact a specialist. A comprehensive examination, a picture of the anamnesis will help to more accurately determine the direction of correcting the violation.
  • Poor development of the articulatory apparatus. The quality of sound pronunciation depends on the functioning of the speech apparatus and the separate work of the organs of the oral cavity. Sounds are formed in the oral cavity, so the correct location of the organs that are responsible for speech plays an important role in sound pronunciation. The wrong structure may be in the wrong bite, the structure of the sky, the formation of teeth. All this leads to the formation of blurred speech, fuzzy pronunciation of words, sounds. For accurate sound pronunciation, it is necessary to develop the motor activity of the tongue, the mobility of the lips (smile, rounding), and the fixation of the lower jaw.
  • Individual structure of the bridle. All people have a different length of the hyoid frenulum. Problems with the correct setting of sounds can arise if parents notice that the child does not reach the upper palate with his tongue, the tip of the tongue does not protrude, the child cannot make a clacking sound. A short frenulum prevents the occurrence of a sucking reflex, forms an incorrect bite. You can fix the problem with the help of a speech therapist, dentist. Frenulum surgery is required for children who develop thickening or attachment to the actual tip of the tongue. In cases where structural problems have not been identified, it is suggested to develop the ligament with special exercises, massage. Usually, problems are identified during examinations of newborns, who can immediately cut the frenulum in the hospital.

Articulation gymnastics

The consonant sound "Sh" does not have a paired soft, by its nature it is deaf, hard. When pronouncing, the speech apparatus is built in a special way:

  • lips move forward a little;
  • the tip of the tongue does not touch the palate when lifting;
  • the tongue itself is shaped like a ladle, without releasing exhaled air on the sides;
  • there is space between the ligaments, a stream of air is felt warm when the hand is substituted.

Setting the sound Ш to a child in stages consists in the formation of the correct articulatory apparatus.

Articulatory gymnastics is used to develop the correct arrangement of organs, followed by the sound pronunciation of hissing. The technique is carried out several times every day, lasting five to six minutes. The selection of exercises should start from simple to more complicated.

It is better to spend with preschoolers, younger students in a playful way, which is the main activity at this age. So the child will not lose interest, motivation. Strengthening exercises should be diluted with new ones after the implementation of the first ones is improved.

They begin to train using a mirror so that the child sees not only the adult and his articulation, but also his mistakes and successes. When conducting special exercises, a parent or specialist only tries to control the execution process.

It is important to reinforce the results with a positive assessment of any actions. Improving the emotional background leads to the diligence of doing gymnastics.

Staging exercises from sound C

The most common way of setting the sound is Sh from S. This method is used when there are no violations of the mobility of the speech apparatus. For staging hissing, even a not loud whistling sound will be useful. The child needs to raise his tongue to the sky, voice C without tension. After that, it is necessary to release air during pronunciation. Thus, a sizzling Sh is obtained.

The air should come out without any extra effort, the child should not strain the muscles of the face, excessive facial expressions. The production of the sound “Sh” for the child is performed in stages in order to visually explain the differences in the accepted position of the tongue. Children often confuse the upper position with the sound C with the lower sound Sh, which causes a mixture of whistling and hissing.

Staging exercises from the sound T

In the presence of interdental sigmatism, the child is gradually put hissing from the sound of T. Previously, they are taught to touch the upper teeth with the tip of the tongue, slightly going beyond them. Thus begins the development of the sound T.

The child is invited to pronounce a soft T several times in a slow rhythm, touching the roots of the upper teeth with the tip of the tongue. Then, by lengthening the exhaled air, without touching the teeth, the sound Sh is produced.

Staging exercises from the sound R

In cases where the child has a normal pronunciation of the sound P, the sound “Sh” is produced from him. Exercise is performed together with the child in front of a mirror. It is necessary to pronounce the sound P in a whisper, gradually removing the air pressure during exhalation until the vibration stops. After the appearance of a slight hiss, the sound Sh will become without pronouncing R.

Staging exercises from the sound A, E, S

When the problem arises of setting the sound Ш from consonants, it is recommended to use vowels. This technique is difficult to use at home because it requires the ability to operate a speech probe. The child pronounces vowel sounds, with a special instrument they raise the tongue to the palate.

Setting the sound "SH"

The sound "Щ" is deaf, soft in pronunciation, is described in some cases as SH.

Articulation of the sound "Sch": the tip of the tongue must be raised to the alveoli while pressing the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper teeth. Muscles should be in tension. When exhaling, press the tip of the tongue against the palate. The lips take on a rounded shape. The distance between the teeth should be no more than five millimeters.

Raising your hand to your mouth, you can feel a stream of warm air as you exhale. There is no vibration because the sound is muffled. The setting of the sound SH occurs after the normalization of the pronunciation of SH. The sound SH, in contrast to SH, is pronounced more drawn out, tense. The tongue presses against the palate during pronunciation.

"Sch" can independently occur after setting all hissing sounds. If this does not happen, special speech therapy techniques are used. You should start with imitation exercises. In this case, the child is offered playing tricks (imagine a hissing snake, a small engine).

Be sure to use tactile techniques to check for correct articulation.

When the correct sound pronunciation of Sh appears, the child is offered for a long time, stretching a smile and pushing the tongue forward, pronounces a sound until Sh appears.

Sound automation [w] in syllables

Consolidation of sound in syllables, words, sentences must be carried out in the form of a full-fledged lesson or homework. In order for the child to be actively involved in the process of the lesson, it must take place in a playful way.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the equipment to be used. These can be toys, drawings to the sound, methodological developments, speech therapy tools.

Mimic gymnastics

Classes begin with special articulatory gymnastics, which will prepare the speech apparatus for exercise, relax the muscles of the face.

Mimic gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  1. Move your lips to the right and left, kneading the facial muscles. Run five times in one direction and the other, rest, repeat four more times.
  2. Alternately inflate your cheeks, repeating the exercise five times with a short rest.
  3. Furrow your eyebrows, pout your lips making an offended, capricious face. Practice an angry expression by pursing your lips. Make a surprised expression by raising your eyebrows. Repeat each exercise four to five times.
  4. Alternate rapid blinking with a calm, relaxed opening and closing of the eyes.
  5. Circle the contour of the lips with the tongue, as if licking the remains of jam, ice cream on the face.
  6. Make faces, make a funny expression, fold your lips "duck".

Each exercise can be accompanied by a poetic rhyme, an entertaining story. Thus, the child will not only develop facial expressions, but also train speech and memory.

Breathing exercises. Setting the sound Sh on inspiration

Setting the sound Ш to a child can be done in stages with the help of breathing exercises.

The sound pronunciation through T turns out to be the most successful. First, you need to ask the child to pronounce the sound T for a long time, touching the inner side of the upper teeth with the tip of the tongue. The sound should give out a stream of air, which is palpable when bringing the palm to the mouth. Then you need to exhale the air, and pronounce the sound T with a short breath.

The child should draw in air without using the larynx. It is necessary to draw in air until the tongue lies tightly on the alveoli. The sound should turn out to be similar to a rustle, which at the same time puts a chill on the cavity of the upper teeth.

After the rustle is heard, it is important to push the air back with sound after drawing in. At this stage, you should get a soft Sh.

Setting must be performed carefully with short rests to avoid hyperventilation which can lead to dizziness.

Setting with mechanical assistance

For the production of some sounds, special speech therapy tools are used to help control the movement of the tongue and lips.

Mechanical setting can be performed from the sound C. With prolonged pronunciation, a special probe in the form of a spatula raises the child's tongue to the upper teeth, pushing it back a little. After receiving the sound Sh, you should try to pronounce it without the help of instruments.

Possible impact when pronouncing the sound R. To do this, the child must, without a voice, stretching, pronounce the sound R. With the tip of the instrument, it is necessary to stop the vibration under the tongue until a hiss appears. After a certain number of repetitions, hissing will occur involuntarily.

We fix the pronunciation

Exercises to automate the sound "Sh"

Exercise for adding endings with the sound "Sh":

Doll Yes ... (sha). Masha cleans at ... (shi). In the library you have to be ty ... (SH).
Girl Nata ... (sha). We squeak ... (shi). Mom gave Ma candy ... (SHE).
Son of Ale ... (sha). Lands are collected in the forest ... (shi).
Parrot Kiryu ... (sha). Little ones don't go to school... (shih).

Replace the first sound with Sh: slippers - hats, lips - fur coats, soap - awl, steam - ball.

Form a diminutive word: winter - winter, aunt - aunt, hostess - hostess, bread - bread, spot - speck.

Exercises to improve speech hearing:

  1. Guess the animal. You need a tape recorder with recordings of the sounds of various animals. The child needs to differentiate and name the animal.
  1. Finger game "Weather phenomena". The one who conducts the game must name one of the phenomena, the child must knock on the table. For example, depicting thunder, a child needs to bang on the table with his fists. Lightning is depicted with light strokes of the fingers, while pronouncing a long sound Sh.

How to promote speech development in children

Setting the correct pronunciation of all sounds, including the sound “Sh”, is done in stages for the child to develop correct speech. Not only a speech therapist can help with this, but also daily self-study, which can be turned into a game so that the baby makes contact more actively.

Video about staging the sound "Sh" to a child

How to put the sound Sh on a child in 1 minute:

Sound [w]

Preparatory stage

Lesson 1

Spatial orientation

cross orientation.

Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Place your left hand on your right knee. Touch your left ear with your right hand. Touch your right cheek with your left hand.

"We go up the mountain, we go down the mountain." Pronunciation of syllables in combination with the movements of the index finger.

"Let's warm up the hands." Take a deep breath through your nose. Round your lips and forcefully exhale the air through your mouth. A warm air stream should be felt. Repeat 3-4 times.

Lip exercise

"Astonishment". Round the lips and pull them forward. Pronounce the sound [o].

Language exercises

"The tongue is looking for a crack in the fence." Stick a wide tongue into the gap between the teeth.

"Spatula". Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. Hold in this position for a count of up to 10.

Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation

Game tasks

"The boat is rocking on the waves." Drawing wavy lines in a box with millet groats.

Isolation of the sound [w] from a number of sounds distant in terms of acoustic and articulatory features. Sounds: [c], [w], [l], [w], [p], [b], [f], [w], [m], [n], [w]. syllables: la, sha, fu, wu, po, ko, would, gee. The words hat, ball, fur coat, jar, shirt, raspberry.

Lesson 2

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

"Football". Take a breath. Smile, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. With an exhaled air stream, drive a cotton ball into the "gate".

"Let's put out the candle." Exhale evenly and slowly into the candle flame.

Pronunciation of vowels ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah on one exhalation with exaggerated articulation.

Lip exercises

"Wide tube" Close your teeth. Round out protruding lips. The corners of the lips do not touch. The lips do not cover the teeth. Hold the lips in this position for a count of up to 6.

Language exercises

"Delicious jam" Slightly open your mouth. Lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom. Repeat 5-6 times.

"The tongue goes to visit the spout." Open your mouth, lift the wide front edge of the tongue to the nose. Hold it in this position for a count of up to 5-6.

"The teeth with the tongue play hide and seek." Open your mouth, close your upper teeth with your tongue.

"Conversation of Cuckoo and Owl". Pronunciation of syllables and sounds ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku; uh, uh, uh with a change in tone.

Development of phonemic perception

Isolation of the sound [w] among sounds similar in acoustic and articulatory features, against the background of syllables and words. Sounds: [s], [w], [h], [s], [w], [c], [g], [s]. syllables: sa, for, zha, so, sha, tso, su, shu, zy, shi, sy. The words cuckoo, owl, sparrow, fox, beetle, bumblebee etc. The child raises his hand or claps his hands if he hears the sound [w].

Lesson 3

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

Close with a wide tongue on the upper lip, bring a strip of paper (just above the nose). Blowing on a paper sultan (the air jet should go obliquely upwards).

"The plane is buzzing." Pronunciation of the sound [y] with a change in pitch and strength of voice.

Lip exercise

Alternating exercises "Smile" and "Tube".

Language exercises

"The tongue swings on a swing." Open your mouth wide, raise your wide tongue to your nose, then lower it to your chin.

"Let's hide our teeth." Close the upper teeth with a wide tongue, then the lower ones.

"Get a candy." Put a piece of candy on the edge of the tongue protruding from the mouth. Offer to glue it to the sky behind the upper teeth.

Development of the switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and the development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue

"We play drums." Pronunciation of syllable combinations ta-da, ta-da, ta-da, ta-da, you-da, you-da, you-da with the movement of the index fingers of both hands.

Development of phonemic perception

Definition of sound [w] in words. Find toys that have the [w] sound in their names. ( Matryoshka, rattle, Cheburashka, bear, car, ball.)

ball, bear, baby.

Lesson 4

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

"Focus". Place a piece of cotton on the tip of your nose. Smile, open your mouth. Put the wide front edge of the tongue on the upper lip so that its lateral edges are pressed, and there is a “groove” in the middle. Blow off the cotton. At the same time, the air should go through the middle of the tongue, then the cotton wool will fly up.

Lip exercise

"Elephant's trunk". Round the lips and pull them forward. Hold the lips in this position for a count of up to 6.

Language exercises

"Swing". Raise and lower the wide tongue behind the teeth, touching it with the tip of the upper gum, then the lower one.

Bring the tip of the tongue under the upper lip, then tear it off with a click.


Prepare a "cup", I will treat you with juice. What juice will you drink?

Open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, then lift the tip and side edges of the tongue up, a depression should form in the middle part of the tongue.

"The conversation of piglets Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf". Pronunciation of syllables na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, well-well-well, but-but-but with a change in stress and intonation (fearful, confident, angry, calm).

Development of phonemic perception

Find pictures on the topic "Clothes", in the name of which there is a sound [w]. Determining the position of the sound [w] in words hat, scarf, shirt, pants, shower.

Arrange the pictures on the typesetting canvas. Objects in the name of which the sound is heard at the beginning of the word, put on the top strip, on the middle - those in whose names the sound is in the middle, on the bottom - those in the names of which the sound is at the end.

Lesson 5

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

"A strong wind drives the leaves." Put a wide tongue ("shovel") on the lower lip. Blowing with the formation of a "groove" along the midline.

Lip exercise

"The trunk of a large elephant and a small elephant." Alternation of wide and narrow "tube".

Language exercises

"We're riding a horse." Clicking tongue. The wide tip of the tongue sticks to the sky and with a click comes off it.

"Rose petal". Tongue "cup" outside, then inside the mouth. Make sure that the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars.

Development of the switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and the development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue

"Hippo Talk". Pronunciation of syllable combinations bda-bda, bdo-bdo, bdu-bdu, bdy-bdy; bda-bdo-bdy, bda-bda-bdu-bdy with a change in tone.

Development of phonemic perception

Determining the position of the sound [w] in words Shura, Masha, Natasha, strong man, short man, silly, naked.

Lesson 6

Exercise to develop a long exhalation

"The wind is blowing." Set the vial upside down at the level of the nose. Raise the wide tongue to the upper lip and blow hard on the tongue. There is noise in the bubble.

"Elephant is drinking water." Make a "proboscis". Inhale and exhale air through your mouth.

Lip exercises

Repetition of previous exercises.

Development of coordinated movements of the lips and tongue. Extend the lips with a “tube”, and the tongue with a “cup” (outside the mouth).

Language exercises

Repetition of previous exercises.

"Harmonic". Smile, open your mouth. Glue the tongue to the sky, then, without lowering the tongue, close and open the mouth. As you repeat the exercise, open your mouth wider and hold your tongue longer.

Development of the switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and the development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue

Hippo Booby learns to pronounce syllables bdi-bdi-bdi, bdi-bde, bdy-bde, bde-bde-bde.

Development of phonemic perception

Selection of pictures, in the names of which there is a sound [w], from other pictures, in the names of which - [s] and [g]. The teacher pronounces the words, and the child chooses pictures whose names contain the sound [w].

Sound setting [w]

The position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the correct pronunciation of the sound [w]

The lips are slightly rounded and extended forward in a "tube". The teeth are brought together at a distance of 1-2 mm. The tip of the tongue is raised "cup", but does not touch the sky. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars, and the middle of the anterior part of the tongue forms a semilunar fissure with the palate just behind the alveoli. The soft palate is raised, the vocal cords are open. The exhaled stream of air is strong. If the back of the hand is applied to the mouth, then heat is felt.

Techniques for setting sound [w]

Auditory perception of sound. Creating an auditory image of the sound "Noise Maker". Onomatopoeia

Wind noise in the forest; rustle of leaves on trees; rustling of dry leaves; rustling of dry hay or straw, paper; the hiss of a gander, a snake; the rustling of mice in a mink, tires on the pavement; the noise of escaping air from a punctured balloon, a locomotive letting off steam.

Formation of a visual image of sound [w]

Articulation profile display. Clarification of the position of the lips, teeth and tongue. Description of the position of the organs of articulation.

Formation of a sense of the position of the organs of articulation with the help of toys. Look how the monkey raises the tongue with a “cup” by the upper teeth.

ёёё129 Drawings for tasks used at the stage of sound automation [s]

Showing the correct articulation of the sound [w]. Draw the child's attention to the position of the lips, teeth and tongue.

Plastic image of the shape of the tongue with the hands

With the right hand, depict the shape of the tongue with a "cup", and with the left - the sky.

Setting the sound [w] according to R.I. Levina (1965)

Setting the sound [w] by imitation

Raise the tongue to the upper lip and exhale evenly, forcefully, controlling the air stream with the back of the hand.

Having achieved the release of a warm stream of air from the position of the tongue at the upper lip, move the tongue behind the upper teeth to the sky with the mouth open. Round the lips and stretch forward, bring the teeth together at a distance of 1-2 mm and exhale. It should sound like [w].

Setting the sound [w] based on the sound [t]

Pronounce the sound [t] several times with an interval of 2-3 seconds. Then the installation is given: the tongue “knocks” not on the teeth, but on the tubercles (alveoli). The sound [t] is pronounced at first with a breath, while a weak and short hissing sound is mixed with the sound of the explosion.

Round the lips and stretch forward, raise the tongue to the front of the palate. Press the lateral edges of the tongue to the molars. Transition from sound [t] to sound [w]: t-t-tshshshsh. In the future, the noise lengthens and is released from the previous sound [t].

Setting the sound [w] based on the sound [p]

Pronounce a long sound [r] without a voice or in a whisper, gradually reducing the force of exhalation until the vibration stops and a slight hiss appears. With repeated exercises, the sound [w] is obtained without the previous pronunciation of a deaf sound [p].

Hissing can be obtained by touching the underside of the tongue with a spatula, slowing down the vibration of the tongue.

Setting the sound [w] based on the sound [s]

Set the tongue behind the lower teeth. Invite the child to pronounce the sound [s]. At the same time, use a spatula or probe to lift the tongue up. With the fingers of the right hand, lightly press on the cheeks and push the lips forward. Instead of a whistle, you should get a hiss. You can invite the child to repeat syllables sa, so, sy, asa, aces, as, os with simultaneous lifting of the tongue with a probe or spatula.

Setting the sound [w] based on the sound [h]

Pronounce the sound [h] followed by a long exhalation. A warm stream of air should be felt on the hand raised to the mouth.