Basic rules for rapping. How to rap: useful tips for novice artists Can you rap

You don't need rap, you'll ruin your life!

But seriously, then, firstly, you need to write more poetry and read more of them. Experience is very important here. I don't know a single rapper yet who would become famous from his first verses.

Secondly, in addition to standard things: "Good meaningful text, beautiful rhymes, etc." There are some things that make a rapper successful. In more detail, it is important for you to pump three characteristics:

1) Punchlines. This is something like a shock line - a line, after reading which the listener's head lights up a light bulb "Yes, strong!". This is either a kick in the balls to the opponent, or a very strong argument in some topic that you touch on.

"Your dick is for an amateur. For an amateur dick"
(c) Uncle Zhenya.

2) Submission. That is, work specifically on your voice. Emotions matter in rap. The more the listener believes in what you read about, the more they like you. You must (should) know and understand your poems perfectly.

An example of a good serve: Scriptonite.
Trite, but I think a clear example.

3) Your style. You have to (should) be different from other rappers. Now (and even before) this was one of the most basic problems in Russian rap - everyone, as one, is alike. Usually, style is not invented, but developed over time.

Style example:
Krovostok, Smokey Mo, Vadyara Blues, Uncle Zhenya, Vitya Classic from VU TONN, etc.

Having finished, I must probably say about myself. I had been doing rap for some time and was kind of famous. He founded the group at one time 18-SVO of four people. And, in other matters, we did not reach the level of Caste, but we got our well-deserved buzz and hype.

P.S. Final tip: Don't post your work until you're 100% sure it's a decent release. It will take you about a few years to learn how to write beautiful folding poems and the same amount more to present them competently and interestingly.

Rap has long gained popularity in Russia and abroad. This is due to the frankness and emotionality of the rhythm, the texts that are remembered. That is why many people want to become rappers.

There are no universal techniques and methods that taught rap talent. And none of the famous rappers went to a music school where they taught him this. And this means that everyone can learn to write and read rap. It takes desire, effort and daily workouts. You need 2 components: lyrics and rhythm. Teach This will provide a couple of tips to help you master this kind of creativity on your own.

Work with text

To learn how to rap, you first need to write it. Every self respecting rapper knows that texts should be clear and sincere. Some rhyme their emotional experiences or write "banter". What to write is up to you. But remember that each line must reach the heart of the listener so that he understands everything. Lines for a new song can come anytime, anywhere, so keep a voice recorder or a pen and notepad with you.

Use rhymes that are not the most difficult, since rap is a type of improvisation. Here are some rhyming rules:

  • No need to rhyme a verb with another verb, for example, stick around - scream. Use different parts of speech. The best option would be a verb + adjective or noun.
  • In each line, use an approximately equal number of syllables. The test will sound more rhythmic and become smoother.
  • Every line has to have some meaning. And make the text itself connected and logical. Don't use "rhyme for the sake of rhyme", rather spend more time choosing words than use the ones that sound better.

After you write the text, show it to close people: relatives or friends. Because only they will express correct criticism of your work.

Once you have done all this, you need to move on to learning how to read the rap that you wrote.

Reading texts

Innings in this musical direction - this is the most difficult, but also the most important. Sometimes, despite the fact that the lyrics are excellent, the composition may not sound. Remember that rapping is primarily a game of rhythm and intonation. Here are some teaching tips:

  • Intonation This is the most important factor in a successful performance. Put emotion into every word you say. To do this, feel what you wrote. The combination of beautiful text and emotional reading is the key to success.
  • Reading technique- this is also not an unimportant parameter. It is determined by the speed and diction of pronunciation. Diction develops in different ways: regular articulatory gymnastics, you can talk with something in your mouth, for example, with nuts, try to say a lot of tongue twisters. Also important to most pronunciation speed. Note that at first you will not have high speed. Work on quality first, and then speed up the pace. Speed ​​will come with time.
  • Rhythm is the foundation of rap. Therefore, pay attention to developing the skill of mastering the rhythm. The reading is often the same rhythm, but this is only for beginners. Professionals in each new act change the rhythm. But do not forget that, in no case, do not deviate from the dimension of the text. To develop a sense of rhythm, you can buy a metronome and constantly read texts under it. For each new stroke of this device, a new line should begin. After a while, the beats of the metronome will remain in your head, and you will be able to work out the texts without it.

Tact (bar ) contains 4 beats (beats ).

This is not an entirely accurate definition, because rappers and musicians put different meanings into the word “bar” (measure, stanza, verse). For many rappers, a verse is two lines of lyrics (one complete rhyme). For other rappers, it's one line of text. For a musician, the word bar (measure) has nothing to do with the text at all, but is associated with beats. This is the definition we will use.

A measure is the time it takes to count to 4 in the rhythm of the music. This is only true for music written in 4/4 time, but all rap music is written that way. As a rule, drum beats fall on the 2nd and 4th beats in each measure. Most rap verses are between 8 and 16 bars long. A line is a text spoken by a rapper for one measure.

Basic rules for rapping

Each rapper has their own unique style of rapping, but there are a few general rules that help improve rapping.

1. Count the syllables

Counting syllables is the easiest way to make rapping continuous without spaces. The number of syllables in a line depends on the speed of reading, but usually one line contains 10-16 syllables. You need to try to have the same number of syllables in the lines. For example, what happens if the number of syllables does not match. There are some good elements in the lines below, but in the end - a complete disaster, the rap lyrics do not work.

plus you know I got more bars than the candy aisle
in 7/11

The problem is that there are too many syllables in the second line. The breakdown is as follows - in the first line - 14 syllables, in the second - 18 syllables. In general, such a scheme is not suitable for writing a normal rap text.

But this is easy to fix. You just need to remove some 4 syllables from the second line, so as not to distort its meaning. To begin with, we will remove the words “plus you know” from the second line. This phrase is not needed at all, it's just a filler to fill in the space, it just gets in the way. So, 3 syllables down, now you need to remove one more syllable. Let me change "the candy aisle" to "candy aisles," the second phrase is one syllable shorter, so we got rid of one more syllable. Now this is what happened:

My lyrics so good, God's reading them in heaven,
I got more bars then candy aisles in 7/11

That's already much better. The first line has 14 syllables. The second line also has 14 syllables. Reading is much smoother. Most advanced rappers, consciously or not, put in lines equal number syllables. Look at an example from "Riding Dirty" by Chamillionaire, the big single from 2006. Chamillionaire, a talented Houston rapper who was friends with Paul Wall as a teenager, rose to national celebrity when Houston rose to the top of the hip-hop world in late 2005. By dubbing "Mixtape Messiah" Chamillionaire made a name for himself with his deep, versatile voice and lively lyrics.

Strings number of syllables
Houston Texas, you can check my tags 9
pull me over try to check my slab 9
glove compartment gotta get my cash 9
cause the crooked cops try to come up fast 10

In these lines, Chamillionaire uses the same number of syllables, except for the last line, where he uses twice the time on the opening words of the line cause the. If you, like Chamillionaire, put an equal number of syllables in the lines of your text, then they will no longer be jerky and awkward. However, sometimes rappers put a different number of syllables in a line to mix them up, but they do it deliberately.

This article: "How to rap correctly?" will bring you with everything a little closer to the best ms. But everything is in practice, this is literature for learning how to rap correctly and not the fact that after reading it, you will rap correctly.

This question worries many fans of this style of music. If you have ears, brains, voice and eyes, then you can become a full-fledged rapper

To practice fast reading, you should read tongue twisters. This trains the ability to quickly and clearly pronounce complex words well. Here, for example, read quickly the phrase: “Lilac tooth picker” or “Sasha hit a bump with a hat.” Yes, phrases! Sometimes there are even words so dark. Here's an example: Under-qualified. How do you like the word? Like? In short, read tongue twisters and such tricks will not become an obstacle for you.

Here are some common phrases for you:

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field

Borya has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.

Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf
The baker baked the dough early in the morning.

I met a hedgehog in the thicket,
- How's the weather, hedgehog?
- Fresh.
And went home trembling
Hunched over, huddled, two hedgehogs.

Their pesticides won't outdo ours in terms of pesticide.

Coconut cooks cook coconut juice in a short cooker.

They took off Nadezhda's colored clothes,
Without clothes, Hope does not beckon as before.

The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is frisky.

Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!

Beavers wander into the cheeses of the forests. Beavers are brave, but kind to beavers.

In seven sledges, seven Semyonovs with mustaches sat in the sleigh themselves.

Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black ink.
Get in the shower soon. Rinse mascara off your ears under the shower.
Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower. Dry off after shower.
Dry neck, dry ears, and do not dirty your ears anymore.

The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed out, hollowed out, but did not hollow out and did not hollow out.

Rhymes. Rhyme styles

You can rhyme in many different ways.

The simplest way is called adjacent.

In this way, a clear sequence of rhymes is visible. The rhyme “opens”, then “closes”, then “opens” again, and so on.

For example:

Boys and girls - check out the topic (opened)

I sum up the year in a fat problem (closed)

Grandmas, chicks, shmal, study (open)

Can bring to the grave (closed)

Life is like a doormat (open)

Everyone lives only erasing dust (closed)

Texts of this type are distinguished by a fast pace of reading and high dynamics.

The second way is called "cross rhyme"

In this way, rhymes go through one. That is, two rhymes are immediately introduced and alternate one by one. This method is not easy and requires brainwashing to write such a text. But then the listener noticeably sees the technicality of the MS. These rhymes sound graceful.

For example:

I am MC Ant - (open 1)

That's my name! (open 2)

Pour me some vodka (closed 1)

Then everything will be good! (closed 2)

You can call me "dude" (open 1)

Can you call a kid (open 2)

I don't care how (closed 1)

As long as you don't scream! (closed 2)

All other rhyming methods are called "woven rhyme". These definitions include a variety of complex rhymes in which not 2 rhymes are used, but 3 or more. You can experiment, even I would say you need to, but only after you have mastered the simpler rhyming methods well .

Finally, I want to tell you about one tricky rhyming technique called ASSONANCE.

Assonance - this is not an exact rhyme based on the repetition of vowel sounds, mainly percussive. It can be used when you cannot think of a rhyme for some important word that cannot be replaced by another word.

For example:

You read articles from the rap workshop

At this time, in the closet, the jacket is eating moths.

Workshop and Mol. Is there a rhyme? There is not! And when reading it will not be noticeable!

How to write text?

How to write text?

This question is often asked by new rappers.

The chorus plays a very important role in the writing of the lyrics. If there is a knocking chorus, then the text of the verses will no longer play a big role. But this rule cannot be attributed to lyrical themes. The chorus should be simple and original. Then it is well remembered by the listener and after a couple of listenings it will systematically scroll in the brain.

Style selection

Choosing your own style should be taken seriously. Then, when you have fans, it will not be realistic to change him. The best thing to do, of course, is not what is popular, but what you like to listen to.

Style is determined by:

Just because you love listening to POP Rap, for example, doesn't mean you can't become a gangsta rap star. It's one thing to listen, it's another to do.

Do not mix gangsta rap with lyrical rap!!! You get something like:
“The last time you are with me, the last time I am yours, the last time tears from my eyes! I put you in the toilet”

There is also such a thing as a transitional return. This is around 14-16 years old. Until that time, the boy's voice is stupidly childish. Therefore, it is unnecessary to determine the style before the transitional age.

Rap plagiarism

I already wrote that every rapper has his own style. Style is easier to stir up rewriting. Recently, many CIS rap stars have been "converting" foreign hits into Russian ones =))
For example:

KAPA - Method Man

Nogano aka Basta - "Half Bucks"

And everyone knows them! Many do not hide, others mask the styles of different rappers, mix a little of their own and a new style is ready! In Karoche, the one who wants to remake the styles of nigers, you need to listen to a dozen Niger hit albums and you can get such a thing that Tupak will smile in the coffin =)

How to write text?

At the beginning of a rap career, it’s quite difficult to blow all the chips yourself, and it’s boring. If you decide to stir up rap, then gather a team of 2-3 people and create a group.

When creating a group, great attention should be paid to the name of the group, since then you will not be able to change it. The name is like a brand on the ass! When you come up with it, go to Google and look: is there a band with the same name? I once heard a poppy rapper in the car of one Kent and asked who was reading. He poked a cassette player at me. After reading it, I went nuts - the group, the name of which was my group. It's a shame…. Annoying….

The same applies to your aliases. They should be unique and simple. Like Vladi, Jeep, Noganno, Syava, MS Young, Serpent, Abdurakhman, etc.

In a group, all members should have equal rights. But if the text of the song was written by one person, then he can force the participants to reread their verses as he likes. Ideally, everyone should write their own text. Then it will be easier for him to read it.

How to come up with your reading style?

When reading into the microphone, the MC is a little shy of his head and reads in a low tone. As a result, the reading is not expressive and, naturally, one does not like oneself. When you read, you hear yourself one at a time, but when you listen to a recording, it's not at all like that. It's all about the volume of the voice, not the microphone.

After reading more than a dozen texts in this way, your voice will begin to form its own style naturally. Don't try to invent your own reading style! It will show itself in time!

If you have any questions - write on the forum beginners MS.

And finally, I’ll write you my short warm-up text, which I read on the way home and in general when I want to stretch my ligaments and lungs (read in one breath).

Baren is not in the bar, baren is already in the market!

Breshit rams, recklessly takes the gate,

A couple of bananas!

Ineptly badyazhit, nipple like women,

No delirium, no pain, no marriage,

Throws cancer, shameless balaboy throws a woman!

And a woman is like a woman, she would have wine and chocolate!

No chocolate! Called the baren a bastard!

I wish you to learn and accomplish a feat, perhaps you and the future hip hop star,

Thanks to the Breakwater, for the fact that I can carry it to you just to help you.

First way

Learning to sing, or rather rapping, is not so easy: firstly, you need very good lungs, secondly, you need to be able to read very quickly without stammering, and thirdly, you need a voice that breaks very often during recitative (I myself checked ). The basics of rapping are about impressing people with how fast you can rap without panting (of course, it's not just about being fast).
Therefore, I advise you to do more running and compose something more often, and then maybe you will rise to the top.

Third way:
It is known that African Americans have an unsurpassed sense of rhythm, which is what allowed them to come up with rock and roll, jazz, and eventually rap and hip-hop. Therefore, a rapper must have at least a small share of their talent in order to be able to bring the drawing to his text, to impose it on the beat.

Only rare talents come up with nuggets, something from scratch, all the rest draw skills from existing examples. In recent years, Russia has developed its own school of rap, where there are strong musicians with their own bright style. By repeating their ‘carts’, you can learn a lot, for example, develop diction. After all, it is very important that the language is not bony, so that everyone can understand what they want to convey to him. If the performer will 'live' and 'swallow' the words, then they simply will not listen to him.

What to write about is a personal matter for everyone. It can be "banter" or texts about experienced emotions. Many rappers have a hard life, and it is the emotional upheavals that become the trigger of their talent, when the painful results in songs that then become hits. Wherever the line comes, it must be written down. In a notebook or a piece of paper - it does not matter. He recommends using a voice recorder for this - you can immediately read rap into it, and then rewrite the words on paper.

After the text has been written, it is worth reading it to your friends in order to hear constructive criticism, because from the side the shortcomings are always more visible. And it doesn’t matter if at first something doesn’t work out, if the words get stuck somewhere in the throat. You can rub a corn on your tongue, but in the end you get a great rap. After all, it's worth it.

Ernest Hemingway once gave this advice to young writers. "Write as much as you can so you can understand how it's done." It's the same with rap.

Because how to write a rap text, you can scribble a whole job! In principle, it is roughly possible to divide the text into 2 components: rhyme and meaning, i.e. what the text is about. Both that, and another, are important approximately equally, it is impossible to neglect a rhyme in the name of sense and vice versa. But in principle, if you go to extremes, you can make really strong texts, but weakly (from the point of view of the method described by me below) rhymed. An example of this is Pencil. Weak in rhyme of the text, but great plots, good presentation - it listens excellently! But still, a text for 10 points without a 10-point rhyme will not work. If we take the minimum (and this is the most basic), then the rhymes themselves, rhymed words, must meet some requirements. Still, the rap text is a kind of verse, and the center of the verse is a rhyme. Those. it is on her emphasis, as a rule, the author rhymes exactly the most important word in the line. I am not a journalist, so I can’t explain it on my fingers, I can only give a link to V.V. Mayakovsky - read his article "How to make poetry" - I have not yet read something that more accurately describes this moment. In the same article, I will try to briefly retell Mayakovsky, supplementing it with some illustrative examples.

So let's go! I'll start with how you can't rhyme. In one fell swoop, we remove all the “identical” words: single-rooted (thoughts - meaning, briefly - in a timely manner, went - found, etc.), verbs (take - give, was - bought, said - showed), nouns of the same form (idiot - garden - whirlpool, attitude - opinion, couplets - newspapers - toilets, answer - nonsense, etc. I think the idea is clear), the same adjectives (original - vaginal - regional, gold - mine - blue) - in short, all the words that rhyme too obviously + a huge list of zadrochennyh rhymes that have been used more than once and everyone is already tired. There are a bunch of such rhymes, you can’t sort through all of them, only through the experience of reading other people’s texts can you outline this circle for yourself. I bring a couple of the most fucked up rows, these rhymes should never be used

    news - flattery - climb - revenge - six - wool, etc.

    blood - love - carrots - again, etc. (in principle, these words are the same feminine nouns, i.e. I have already written about such words)

    meeting - evening - nothing

    prose - rose - rods - air

    autumn - eight

    legs - many - miserable - God - lair - anxiety

That means they cut it all off and now we rhyme "according to the rules" We take the word that must be rhymed. Let's say "lime". And we begin mentally (or aloud, as it is more convenient for anyone) to say this word “lime”, to say words similar to it, there, for example, baseness, from the outside, a ghost, recognized, Lisa, etc. — i.e. immediately a series of words pops up. Choose what suits you and go! The main idea is to surprise the listener with a rhyme; for example, at the end of the line is the word “dummy” and the listener expects to hear something like “cormorant”, “glass”, “trap”, etc. at the end of the second line, and you put the word “rumor”. Or the word "dimensions". We find the stressed syllable - "-rits" - and let's go, we rhyme it: sugary, soaked. In short, I explained as best I could, but it’s better to find Mayakovsky’s article - the same thing is painted there, but better

Everyone, with what exactly to rhyme, figured out. Let's move on to the structure of the text, how these rhymes should be arranged. Of course, you can rhyme to yourself 2 adjacent lines on the last word and not to sweat (the so-called “square” construction of the text. BUT for this you need to read like Kool G Rap or Big Daddy Kane, so that this shortcoming is not evident. Therefore, it is necessary that the text sound varied: from a simple rhyming of two lines to the last word

a serious type, because he himself earned money for sneakers,
although no, rather he stole it somewhere in the supermarket ...
what I list is just a miserable minimum,
in the repertoire of the native city, the anthem is golimy

rhyme through a word

as in the soup, the chef puts a bay leaf on top of a bit of talk,
and while you sweat-blood for the day concocted a decent text ...

rhyme a few words in a row

…by incorporating grand speakers for the benefit of the rap underground, we poison you with drugs… (Leoni)

Dead in the middle of Little Italy little did we know
that we riddled some middleman who didn't do diddily (Big Pun 'Twins')

double rhyme (i.e. 2-word rhyme)

Stay away from such rubbish, stay away until you lose your pulse, and while I read, let the door bend from the pressure ...

And every year I gain clout and my name sprouts
Some brothers'd still be large if the crack never came out (Big L 'Put It On')

In general, I should note that among US rappers, double rhyme is generally the most common: it is quite simple to make it, but it sounds beautiful.

triple rhyme

sleep in the train, Emelya, you
and in prose I had loving (these are the lines of Majahid - a guy from

The top of skill and chic is a full-line rhyme, i.e. all (or almost all) words in a line respectively rhyme with another line:

the principle of complete inertia, the puppets are in the wrong hands, there are no princes here, I understand, I shoot accurately and into dust (Sergi)

I sweep away from my path, those who are clearly
how China in Buddhism is melting in clumsy texts

I'm searching for the impostor to pat down
I'm urgin to put the glock up and clap rounds
It's curtains like Jimmy Hoffa, he not found (Redman ‘Soopaman Luva 5 (Part I)’)

My sound wave liftin' your chin up like uppercuts
New found ways of rippin' shit up, I de-ve-lop (Black Thought, Big Pun album 'Capital Punishment', track 'Super Lyrycal')

also a super-rhyme is a rhyme when a word rhymes not with one, but with two or even several:

Goustride rapid firer,
Arrows at the ready soon… (Ghostrida, Moscow)

This contract is unique, no matter how many verses you forge at night, my rhymes act like Kadochnikov's tricks

endure - you have not subsided (Peace Keeper)

There is also such a thing as consonance. This is not a rhyme, these are just consonant words, usually with many of the same consonants, but with different stressed vowels.

For example:

“Squads of battle to fight’ with guys’ mi ala barbie, fans of ‘tami a’renbi”

- as you can see, half of the words do not rhyme, they are simply consonant in the general flow of syllables. Sounds nice to me.
They also make tautological consonances, when, in addition to rhyming words, cognate ones are obviously stuffed:

the whole world is full of bass and beat,
I am saturated with rhythm and rhymes, every atom of mine is saturated with them

KRS-One does this kind of thing a lot, for example from the track 'When The Moon':

Your lightweight, I devisate on the equal races
No I'm not a racist, but no race could really face this

That's basically it. You can write forever on this topic, as I said, but there is not much point - I showed the main points, the rest is learned in the process. Read other people's texts (no matter Russian or American - the principle is the same). Of the Americans, IMHO, Eminem, Inspector Deck (Wu-Tang), Big-L (RIP), Big Pun (RIP) and many others rhyme best of all. Of the Russians - no doubt, Vladi (and the whole Caste + Serpent from the Faces), then G Vilks (Big Black Boots), Drago, Steam, Sevzkvad, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it with rhyme for the sake of rhyme. The more complex and twisted the rhyme is, the more difficult the text is for perception, so you need to look for a middle ground, and not tear your ass in the selection of words for the sake of a full-line rhyme. When I listen to, for example, Sevzkvad, I don't like it - a bunch of identical words, generally a continuous rhyme, but the meaning is not clear. Some people like it, I don’t argue, but I don’t perceive it.

Also, I would advise only in the most extreme cases to adjust the phrase "to rhyme", i.e. it is somehow unnatural to change the order of words, to force a sentence. Such techniques cut the ears very much, make it difficult to perceive the meaning and generally look unprofessional. Try to build the phrase as close as possible to colloquial speech (but not quite, do not shove all sorts of obscenities and all sorts of household phrases all the time. Although storytelling in this style is just fat) - it looks simple, but brilliant

Another such moment - I would advise sacrificing rhyme for the sake of diction! Quite often it turns out beautifully to twirl on paper, but then it’s incredible to play it out loud to the beat, here preference should not be given in favor of rhyme, because people hear the tech, and do not read the text from the paper, so it’s better to simplify and say clearly than just screw it up.
