Principles of training intensification. Fundamental research What is the purpose of the intensification of the pedagogical process

Under the intensification of the pedagogical process is understood as an increase in its effectiveness in each unit of time.

The most important intensification factors that are of practical importance are:

Strengthening the purposefulness of the pedagogical process, increasing the intensity of the tasks put forward in educational and educational activities, to the highest possible level, while maintaining their accessibility for students;

Deepening the motivation of educational, labor activity, increasing interest in the upcoming activity, duty and responsibility for its successful implementation;

Increasing the information capacity of each lesson and educational event while maintaining the maximum necessary information, volume and complexity with accessibility for a given level of preparedness of students;

Accelerating the pace of educational and work activities of students, inspiring them to success, causing an upsurge of strength, which allows students to do much more at the same time without experiencing unwanted overloads;

The introduction of teaching and upbringing methods that activate the cognitive and socially useful activities of students;

The introduction of forms of organization of educational and educational activities that develop the initiative and initiative of each;

All-round development of skills and abilities of self-education and self-education of students.

Let us consider each of these factors of the intensification of the pedagogical process in more detail.

Intensifies the pedagogical process strengthening the purposefulness of each lesson and educational event . Correctly set goals are of decisive importance in the organization of successful activities. The goal, according to K. Marx, as the law determines the nature and mode of human action. A conscious goal is achieved faster - this is an immutable stage of psychology. The task of the teacher is to clearly think over the goals of education, upbringing and development of students, implemented in each specific training session. If the goal captivates the student, he himself puts forward tasks for himself, which can be both short-term and long-term. However, the main thing is that they are within his power. Much depends on how skillfully the teacher will help the student. Without pressure and pressure on the will of the student, the teacher, mobilizing his interest, focuses on how best to solve the problem.

For intensification, it is important not just to create tasks. It is necessary to make them sufficiently intense, although accessible, so as not to cause students to disconnect themselves from mastering the material or from extracurricular independent work. At the end of the lesson or activity, the results of the completed tasks should be summed up. Correctly set goals are of decisive importance in the organization of successful activities. The implementation of target tasks in activities is associated with the attitude of students to the final result. Deepening the motivation for educational and socially useful activities helps to form an interest in the case.

Revealing the actual content in the educational topic, examples illustrating the modern achievements of science and technology, comparison and analogy, showing students the connection of educational material with social development, increase the importance of learning and learning. The relationship between the educational material and the practice of its use must be illustrated.

The development of motivation for socially useful activities is influenced by the general state of educational work in an educational institution. . The most effective here are incentives specific to each student: encouragement, a sense of satisfaction with the results, the opportunity to more fully demonstrate their abilities, etc.

Increases the intensity of the pedagogical process increasing the informative capacity of each lesson and educational event. It is advisable to give theoretical material in the classroom in enlarged blocks, and then work it out more carefully.. To increase the capacity of the content does not overload students, it is necessary to constantly highlight the most important, essential content (basic concepts, leading ideas, the most important skills and abilities). This can be done by highlighting the main idea, which should be emphasized when explaining, when reinforcing and when questioning (when summing up).

As for the content of education, in order to intensify it, it must actively influence all spheres of the personality at the same time. - on intellect, will, emotions, as well as on the nature of participation in activities and communication. The content of the educational process should be informative, evidence-based, vivid, emotional, require willpower, focus on active actions and favorable communication.

Accelerating the pace of activity helps the student to become more active and faster to achieve success. Some researchers consider learning at a fast pace an important condition for enhancing its developmental influence. The most important methods of work in this direction are exercises to develop the pace of reading, writing, computing, memorization, memory, etc.

The intensification of training and education is carried out with the help of methods that activate the educational and socially useful activities of students. As such , conventionally called active methods, there are methods of problematic conversations, research experiments, active independent work of students with textbooks in the process of a lesson

Much more should be used in educational discussions that activate the thinking of students. In the course of discussions, different opinions collide, the most rational of them is revealed, and at the same time errors in reasoning are revealed.

In educational activities in the role methods that intensify it are methods that develop the initiative and independence of students. Many researchers believe that students should be involved in summing up the results of the training session, the formation of sound conclusions and recommendations, the choice of rational decisions in the presence of several, etc.

Application of computer technology opens up fundamentally new ways of activating the educational and cognitive activity of students. The personal computer transforms the student from a passive listener into an active subject in the process of mastering knowledge. The very position of the student makes this process more intense, sets the pace of learning, includes game and real-virtual situations in learning.

In order to intensify learning and extracurricular work, it is necessary to form in students general education skills that allow you to properly organize independent work, develop the skills of rational organization of work, the correct distribution of time to complete tasks, and the choice of the most convenient sequence for their implementation. To do this, it is necessary to develop recommendations for the rational organization of independent work, for drawing up plans, abstracts, abstracts, for working with new technical sources of educational information.

As a result of the intensification of education and upbringing, processes of self-education and self-education. When upbringing and training grow into self-upbringing and self-education, it is as if the forces of the educators and the educated are combined, and due to this, the intensity of educational influences increases significantly. In self-education and self-education, the student critically assesses his upbringing, his knowledge, identifies his shortcomings, sets himself the task of his own re-education, deepening knowledge. The use of methods of introspection, self-order, self-commitment, self-report increases the effectiveness of education and training.

The richness and variety of methods of intensifying training and education poses the problem for teachers to choose from them those methods that correspond to their capabilities, can be used in their specific situation and will most successfully solve the tasks set in the allotted time.

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Issues of intensification of training

Supervisor -

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

prof. cafe GiVA /Shokuev V.N./

Nalchik 2002


§one. Increasing focus

§2. Strengthening learning motivation

§3. Increasing the informative capacity of the content of lessons

§4. Activation of the learning process

§5. Improving the forms of education

§6. Computer use





The accelerated socio-economic development of our country makes new demands on the human factor, not only in the field of production, but also in the field of education, which should better prepare young people for life and work.

Renovation of all aspects of society, the need to reach the forefront of the scientific and technological process, ensure high production efficiency, and develop the creative potential of society to the fullest - all this poses completely new educational and educational tasks for the general education and vocational school. It is necessary that training form a new type of thinking, a new style of activity, focused on a more effective solution of industrial, social, cultural and many other problems.

Many facts speak about the still insufficient effectiveness of training. The problem of school overload has not been fully resolved. Simultaneously with the release of programs from complicated and secondary material, additions were made to them related to new production technologies and global problems of our time. This means that it is necessary to look for such methods of teaching that would allow acquiring an increasing amount of knowledge and skills over the same time. Thus, an active search for intensive methods, forms and means of teaching is necessary.

Many teachers are not yet sufficiently proficient in such methods and forms of teaching that develop the cognitive activity of students. As a result, the teacher still mostly speaks in the classroom, while the students are silent and, at best, passively memorize the material.

From the foregoing, it follows that the main directions of the restructuring of education in a modern school are the intensification and optimization of the educational process.

Under the intensification of learning, we mean an increase in the productivity of the educational work of the teacher and student in each unit of time.

In order for the intensity of the work of the teacher and students to remain at an acceptable level, not lead to overload, not negatively affect their health, and at the same time their work is highly effective, it is necessary to choose the best training options.

Therefore, the intensification and optimization of training should be carried out in conjunction as the most important principles of the scientific organization of pedagogical work. Their introduction into school practice contributes to overcoming formalism in teaching, the transition from dogmatic to creative construction of the educational process.

Under the influence of the growing volume of information, the content of school education was continuously replenished. Once upon a time, in the Middle Ages, the entire content of even university education was concentrated in just a few books. Now there are dozens and hundreds of them in each subject. In order to keep up with the growth of scientific and practical information, the school increased the terms of compulsory education. But this process cannot be endless. Society cannot delay the entry of the younger generation into an active active life.

Another trend in the education system's race for science and production technology, which was running ahead, was manifested in the continuous increase in the number of subjects. But after all, multi-subject complicates the educational process, breaks scientific ties, leads to duplication of material, and does not contribute to the creation of a holistic picture of the world for students. That is why it is impossible to go further in this way. Life requires looking for ways to rationally integrate existing subjects.

Summarizing the results of scientific research and the experience of creative teachers, teachers - innovators allows us to identify the following main factors for the intensification of learning:

1. Increasing the purposefulness of training;

2. Strengthening the motivation for learning;

3. Increasing the informative capacity of the content of education;

4. Application of active methods and forms of education;

5. Accelerating the pace of learning activities;

6. Development of skills of educational work;

7. Use of computers and other new technical means.

§one. Increasing focus

The pedagogical process begins with the design of its goals. The intensity of the educational activity of schoolchildren depends on how specific they are. Insufficient intensity of goals discourages teachers and students, makes learning loose, scattered. A correctly set goal is of decisive importance in the organization of successful activities. The goal as a law determines the way and nature of human actions. Awareness of the goal is a necessary condition for its achievement. Achieving challenging goals has a big impact on students; simplified tasks do not develop a person in the right way. All this is well known, but at the same time it is not sufficiently taken into account in practice.

For the intensification of learning, it is of great importance to increase the intensity of learning goals, which requires active work from students, influencing the development of thinking, volitional sphere and other abilities and personality traits. This is the specificity of the intensive approach to goal setting. When implementing it in practice, one must keep in mind the variety of goals allocated for various reasons.

In training, all these types of goals are used: the goals of the subject as a whole, the goals of the section, the goals of the topic. The teacher then decomposes the general goals of the program, refracting depending on the conditions of specific classes, where it is still necessary to set the task of filling in the gaps, eliminating shortcomings in the preparation of students.

Any goal is subdivided into more specific tasks. In practice, goals and objectives are often used as identical concepts.

The educational tasks of training include the formation of knowledge and practical skills; to educational - the formation of a worldview, ideological, moral, labor, aesthetic, physical qualities of a person; development tasks include the development of thinking, will, emotions, needs, abilities of the individual. All three groups of learning tasks are interrelated.

As for the tasks of education and upbringing, teachers are already accustomed to setting them. But the allocation of personal development tasks is still controversial. Some teachers believe that development occurs under the influence of education and upbringing, and therefore development tasks should not be singled out. But we must not forget that in didactics a type of training has long been singled out, which intensively develops a person, and not only gives him knowledge and skills. It is conditionally called developmental education. I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterverg, K.D. Ushinsky and others. The allocation of development tasks in the course of training and education will allow teachers to better orient the pedagogical process towards the development of the individual.

When planning the tasks of education, it is necessary to take into account not only the general requirements for the school, but also the actual goals that arise under the influence of modern socio-economic processes.

In the tasks of personality development, the emphasis should be placed on the formation of a new type of thinking - dialectical, creative, innovative, which allows you to choose from the possible solutions that are optimal for the relevant conditions.

The intensification of training suggests that its goals must meet the following requirements:

1. They should be quite tense, oriented to the maximum of the students' abilities and thus cause high activity.

2. At the same time, goals must be fundamentally achievable. Unrealistic, clearly inflated goals lead to self-disconnection of students from solving the tasks.

3. Learning objectives must be understood by students; otherwise they do not become a guide to action.

4. Goals must be specific, taking into account the real learning opportunities of the given children's team in the zone of its proximal development.

5. Goals must be flexible, changing with changing conditions, opportunities for achieving them.

§2. Strengthening learning motivation

The intensity of learning activity largely depends on the motives of schoolchildren's learning. Strengthening learning motivation should be considered as an important way to improve the effectiveness of learning.

Psychologists have established that a strong motive significantly affects the purpose of the activity, while the phenomenon of shifting the motive to the goal occurs. It follows from this that we need a deep motivation for learning, stable cognitive interests, the duty and responsibility of students for success in learning.

The time has come to actively take up the formation of learning motivation based on the use of the recommendations of psychological and pedagogical science and the achievements of best practices.

Interest in learning increases significantly if the teacher reveals in detail the practical significance of the topic, its connection with the current problems of our time.

Great opportunities for arousing interest lie in a variety of pedagogical techniques and forms of education.

A powerful means of stimulating cognitive interest is educational and cognitive games.

However, in the learning process, one cannot rely only on interest. It is very important to simultaneously form the will, duty and sense of responsibility of students. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is not lectures, instructions and intimidation that evoke the real motives of the teaching, but genuine conviction and intelligibility of arguments.

§3. Increasing the informative capacity of the content of lessons

To intensify learning, it is necessary not only to make the goals more intense and increase the motivation for learning. Certain changes need to be made to the content of education.

In recent times, in psychological and pedagogical research, great importance is attached to new approaches to the selection and structuring of the content of the foundations of science in order to make it more productive.

In the conditions of an avalanche-like accumulation of scientific information, it is advisable to tend to present the material not in small doses, but in large blocks, so that at first the students learn a certain general image of the content, and then more specifically consider its constituent parts.

Long-term studies have shown that a survey study of subjects for a short time - the presentation of a topic, immersion in it, and then two or three times studying the material with its constant concretization gives students a general idea of ​​​​the section, the connections between individual questions and then allows them to more consciously assimilate a specific material, to see its place in the whole subject. But these same experiments showed that such structuring of educational material is rational mainly in the subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle, and not in all topics, and only in high school.

In our country, in the updated curricula, certain measures have been taken to increase the informative capacity of the educational content.

one). A more rigorous selection of knowledge, skills and abilities was carried out according to the following criteria, scientific completeness, theoretical and practical significance, compliance with the age capabilities of students, compliance with the available time, international experience, educational and material base, and other learning conditions. The application of each of these criteria consistently compressed the educational material, made it more saturated.

2). Work has been carried out to identify the basic concepts, laws, theories, skills and abilities. The attention of teachers is focused on them. It depends on the methodological service and the teachers themselves that all these instructions do not remain on paper, that the educational material is presented with the highlighting of the main thing.

3). All programs have a separate section "International Relations". It is expected that teachers will rely more on what has been previously studied, on data from other subjects, which will contribute to a more conscious assimilation of the content of education. Strengthening the relationship of accounting material allows you to form interdisciplinary thinking, focused on the assimilation of a holistic picture of the world.

4) Much attention is paid to the formation of students' general educational skills and abilities. The presence of such skills allows you to assimilate a greater amount of educational information in less time.

5) the information content of the content of all academic subjects has been increased by introducing into them information about new socio-economic processes associated with the acceleration of the development of our country, with new technologies, information about the global problems of mankind (struggle for peace, economic, geographical, environmental problems). All this makes the content of education more intense and requires the intensification of the educational process.

6) the role of theoretical knowledge in the general system of the content of school education has been increased.

Summing up what has been said, we can briefly characterize the main directions for improving the structure of the content of education in the context of the intensification of the educational process:

a) strengthening the focus of the content on the integrated implementation of its three main functions - educational, upbringing and developing;

b) increasing the informative capacity of each lesson by maximizing the saturation of the content while maintaining its accessibility;

c) presentation of material in enlarged blocks, strengthening the role of generalization in the process of studying the material, conducting generalizing lessons;

d) increasing the importance of theory in the content of education;

e) expanding the use of the deductive approach where it is especially effective;

f) strengthening interdisciplinary connections;

g) improving the selection of exercises in order to solve a larger range of educational and developmental tasks with a minimum of exercises;

h) application of algorithmic instructions in the learning process;

i) use of computer devices;

j) formation of general educational skills and abilities;

k) focusing on mastering the leading concepts, skills and abilities identified in the updated curricula.

4. Activation learning process

Among the methods of intensifying learning, the use of methods, forms, means, and techniques that activate the educational and cognitive activity of students and stimulate their learning is of particular importance. An important role here is played by problem-search methods, educational conversations, discussions, research experiments, cognitive games, independent work of students, algorithmization, etc.

Problem-based learning methods are increasingly being used in school practice. Educational and methodological developments have been published, which show the ways of their use.

Intensive organization of the educational process involves prompt feedback, rapid receipt of information from the effectiveness of the measures taken, and equally prompt regulation and correction of training. Therefore, it is necessary to significantly improve the use of knowledge control and assessment methods in the educational process.

For the intensification of learning, not only the pace of control is important, but also its analyticity. The teacher needs to know not only gaps in knowledge, but also their causes. The most important thing is to implement a decisive improvement of the psychologist, the pedagogical study of schoolchildren, identifying the causes of lagging behind in school. Among such reasons may be health deficiencies, defects in the upbringing of the personality, poor home conditions, flaws in the learning process itself, including the lack of an individual approach, etc. Valuable information about the reasons for the lagging behind of students is provided by the "pedagogical consultations" that have already become part of the practice of the best schools, conducted by the class teacher with the participation of all class teachers, the school doctor, and an asset of parents.

Knowledge of the causes of poor progress will help to overcome formalism and percentage mania at school.

A deep analysis of the quality of the learning process is needed. To do this, it is important to know the real learning opportunities of schoolchildren, growth prospects, the "zone of proximal development" of each of them.

Correspondence of progress to the real possibilities of students will indicate the optimality of the results achieved.

§5. Improving the forms of education

A modern school uses a variety of forms of education - lessons, workshops, extracurricular activities, excursions, seminars, interviews, consultations, conferences, lectures, homework.

A characteristic feature of improving the forms of education at this stage is the desire of teachers to use various types of lessons in the general system of studying a particular section or topic. Moreover, the most experienced teachers develop their own methodological style, which allows them to maximize the strengths of their skills and, due to the variety of forms, activate the cognitive activity of students.

With the existing variety of forms of organization of education, it would be very reckless to try to impose on all the teachers of the country any one of them as a panacea for all ills. The fact is that in pedagogy it is naturally established that it is possible to solve the same educational task by different combinations of not only methods, but also forms of organizing the educational process. At the same time, modern didactics recommends continuously updating the arsenal of forms of organization of education, bringing more and more new approaches to working with students into the general store of experience. It is very important to use interviews, seminars, conferences, meetings with students as widely as possible. In such classes, the teacher's monologue is replaced by a dialogue with students.

Interviews are a form of classes in which a question is raised for discussion in a lesson or outside it and a casual conversation, an exchange of opinions, is started. Most often, interviews are devoted to summarizing and systematizing what has been previously studied, establishing a connection between knowledge and life facts.

§ 6. Use of computers

Technical teaching aids have always been used mainly to enhance the visibility of learning. The introduction of computers opens up fundamentally new opportunities for managing educational and cognitive activity, for its intensification.

Computers make it possible to significantly increase the amount of information assimilated by students, due to the fact that it is presented in a more generalized, systematized form, and not in static, but in dynamics. For example, in mathematics lessons, you can see the process of inscribing geometric shapes into each other. All this also transforms visualization, making it qualitatively different from that in conventional teaching.

With the help of computers programmed in a certain way. It is possible to speed up the process of educational knowledge using algorithms for solving certain problems in mathematics.

Computers open up rich possibilities for the use of programmed exercises. The display not only gives the questions of the assignment, but also provides answers to a particular question, from which the students choose the right one. The computer evaluates the correctness of the answer and gives a signal to continue the action or offers an additional task.

The computer speeds up the calculations carried out by students in mathematics lessons. Saving time by reducing computational operations allows you to study a large amount of information, expand the range of exercises, and more thoroughly consolidate what you have learned.

With the introduction of computers in the educational process, there is a unique opportunity for solving problems of a new type, called operations, allowing you to study a new type, called optimized. We are talking about tasks in which one, the most rational from a certain point of view, is selected from a number of possible options. These can be tasks: to choose the most economical solution; on optimal options for cargo transportation; to choose the best options for railway and other routes, etc. Moreover, the computer allows graphically, and not just mathematically, to find the optimal solution.

Usually, such tasks were not solved at school, since it required a significant investment of time. Now it has become real.

The appearance of personal computers opens a new page in the development of schoolchildren's independence. Actually, the learning machine is intended for independent work on the educational material stored in the information bank. At the signal of the student, the first, second, third doses of information, control questions, new information are sequentially given on the screen of the machine. Information can be constructed in inductive or deductive form. The computer provides references and explanations in the course of work. The computer, as it were, combines a number of traditional technical teaching aids.

The computer allows students to differentiate tasks according to the degree of complexity or the nature of the assistance required. Advisory instructions are stored in the memory of the computer to help solve the problem, from the simplest to the most complex. At first, the computer indicates only the class of the problem, then it gives a picture, the answer to the problem. If the student continues to find it difficult, the computer shows a similar problem and the beginning of the solution, etc.

The most prepared students can solve problems in several ways, using computers to find the most rational solution. Until now, this has rarely been done due to the lack of time for calculations.


Concluding the characterization of the main factors of intensification of learning, we emphasize that all of them should be used in conjunction. It cannot be expected that only some of them can solve the problem of intensification. It is unacceptable to display this or that factor in the absolute; in each case, it is necessary to look for the optimal combinations of intensification factors for the specific conditions of the class, the age of the students, the specifics of the subject and the capabilities of the teacher. Only such an approach can bring real success in improving the efficiency and quality of schoolchildren's education.


1. On the reform of general education and vocational schools. Collection of documents and materials, M., 1984.

2. Babansky Yu.K. Methods of teaching in a modern comprehensive school. M., 1985.

3. Babansky Yu.K. Optimization of the educational process. M., 1982.

4. Veksler S.I. Modern requirements for the lesson. M., 1985.

5. Didactics of the secondary school. Ed. M.N. Skatkin. 2nd ed., M., 1982.

6. Markova A.K. Formation of learning motivation at school age. M., 1983.

7. Monakhov V.M., Belyaeva E.S., Krasner N.Ya. Optimization methods. M., 1978.

8. Psychological-pedagogical and psychophysiological problems of computer training. M., 1985.

9. Usova A.V. Formation of scientific concepts in schoolchildren in the learning process. M., 1986.

10. Yakovlev N.M., Sokhor A.M. Methods and technique of the lesson at school. M., 1985.


about the diploma work "Issues of intensification of learning" of the 6th year student of the specialty "mathematics" of the Faculty of Mathematics of the KBSU Lakunova Z.

The integration of best practices, all school practice and science contributes to the restructuring of the work style of the modern school, improving the quality of education and upbringing of the younger generations.

The accelerated growth of the flow of scientific and technical information makes ever new demands on the human factor in the field of education, which is designed to better prepare the younger generations for work and life. Education should form a new type of thinking, designed to more effectively solve important problems that arise in various areas of human life.

This paper provides a fairly in-depth analysis of the following main factors of intensification of learning: increasing the purposefulness of learning, strengthening the motivation of learning, increasing the informative capacity of the content of education, the use of active methods and forms of learning, accelerating the pace of learning activities, developing learning skills, using computers and other new technical funds.

I believe that the diploma work of the student Z. Lakunova meets the requirements for diploma papers, and can be admitted to the defense.

Preliminary estimate: " well» .


d.p.m.s. , prof. G and VA /V.N. Shokuev/

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The article deals with the issues of creating additional education programs - catalysts for the development of creativity of teachers of primary and secondary vocational education.

The article deals with the establishment of additional education programs - the catalysts of creativity of teachers in primary and secondary vocational education.

Our country has embarked on the path of innovative social, economic and technological development. One of the key tasks on this path is the rise of education "... as a system for the formation of the intellectual potential of the nation and as one of the main areas for the production (and distribution - ed.) of innovations ...". In order to actually perform these important functions for the country and the economy, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (vocational education institutions) need to develop continuously and effectively, resolutely overcoming the serious lag in the quality of training of their graduates from dynamically developing innovative processes, the needs of markets and industries. actively participate in the formation of a modern model of education.

In this specific situation, the need of educational institutions for creatively working teachers and leaders who are able to create and disseminate new models of mass pedagogical practice has increased and turned into a mass demand. This need cannot be satisfied by the spontaneous self-development of the creative potential of the most talented employees of educational institutions. The process of the appearance of such workers “at the right time and in the right place” remains in this case random, the pace of formation is slow, and the number and potential are insufficient for the sustainable development of pedagogical practice. In this regard, it became necessary to create special - creatively developing programs of additional professional and pedagogical education, providing effective mass training of "creators" from practicing teachers (hereinafter referred to as the Programs) and advancing the growth of the creative potential of vocational education institutions.

It is known that the emergence and formation of creative personalities are distinctly individual, largely spontaneous and lengthy processes. Therefore, the conditions of ordinary mass education are not suitable for them. What, then, should be based on when creating the Programs considered here, deciding who, what and how to teach? How to ensure the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in such programs.

In search of a solution to these problems, we turned to studies of creative activity and innovation in education (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, I.A. Kolesnikova, A.Ya. Nain, S.A. Novoselov, M.M. Potashnik, A.V. Khutorskaya, N.R. Yusufbekova, and others); works that examine the relationship and interdependence of personality development, individuality and the evolution of social systems (A.G. Asmolov, L.N. Gumilev, A.N. Severtsov, etc.), as well as research in the field of intensification of the pedagogical process (S. A. Arkhangelsky, V. I. Andreev, Y. K. Babansky, V. P. Bespalko, G. A. Kitaygorodskaya, G. A. Mamigonova, V. V. Petrusinsky and others). An important role in solving the key issues of creating the Programs was also played by studies devoted to the implementation of the principle of activity in education, studies of the relationship between educational and professional, including the creative activity of specialists (A.N. Leontiev, A.A. Verbitsky, etc.).

The integration of the ideas contained in these studies made it possible to design and successfully put into practice specific creative development programs with intensive pedagogical processes. In this regard, it seems possible, summarizing the results obtained, to identify and justify the conditions for the intensification of the pedagogical process in creatively developing programs of additional professional and pedagogical education. Let us briefly present the results of this generalization.

First of all, let's clarify the key concepts: "creatively developing programs of additional professional and pedagogical education" (Programs) and "intensification of the pedagogical process".

Creatively developing here are programs of additional education, in which the goal is to develop the creative abilities and experience of the creative activity of students in the context of innovative changes in pedagogical practice.

The concept of "intensification of the pedagogical process" requires more detailed consideration. This concept and its almost synonymous with "intensive development path" have long been used in various fields of science and practice. Despite this, the process of forming these concepts has not yet been completed. An analysis of their application to consider the development of the economy, science, scientific and technological progress and other social systems showed that they are used in dramatic situations. If the task is set for the transition of a particular system to an intensive path of development, then the former type of its existence (functioning and development) has ceased to satisfy modern tasks, and this cannot be compensated for by additional investments.

Focusing on the latter circumstance, in a number of studies, the reasons for the transition to intensification are often reduced to the depletion of resources for the opposite - an extensive path of development (or extensification), carried out by increasing the use of resources. And the transition to a more economical use of resources is considered as a factor and the most important essential characteristic of intensification.

There is also an opposite point of view, according to which the aggravation of the problem of resources is only a condition that actualizes the need for intensification. It is based on well-known situations when the economical use of declining resources is achieved by “putting things in order” and does not require fundamental changes at all either in the type of existence or in the nature of the development of the changing system. Consequently, the solution of the problems of interest to us requires the identification of new tasks and mechanisms that are specific specifically for the intensification of tasks and mechanisms that, in principle, cannot be realized by an extensive increase in efforts.

To identify these fundamental characteristics of intensification, one should turn to the concepts of intensity and extensiveness, consider the relationship of these concepts with the concept of development.

The concept of "development" means the process and results of directed, irreversible and regular changes in an object. As a result of development, a new state of it arises. Obviously, the new state of the object as a whole has new integral or systemic characteristics. These primarily include characteristics of quality and quantity.

In addition, an important integral characteristic is the intensity or degree of intensity - the inseparable unity of quality and quantity, due to the very essence of the qualitative certainty of the object. Apparently, close in content to such an understanding of intensity is the concept of measure - the ratio of "quality / resources". This ratio is a characteristic of the resource endowment of the existence of the qualitative certainty of an object.

From this understanding of intensity follows the existence of a range of changes, that is, a minimum and maximum intensity, due to the very essence of the qualities of the object. If development is aimed at achieving a new state of the object, characterized by approaching this hypothetical minimum (perfect measure), then this, in our opinion, is intensification or an intensive path of development. The closer to perfection the ratio "quality / its resource provision", the higher the intensity. The more effectively the object develops and functions.

If the development is accompanied by an increase in the resource provision of a new quality of the object, then this is an extensive way of developing the object.

Any factor, means or condition that increases the intensity of the process can be called an intensifier. A similar concept is used in linguistics and can be usefully used in pedagogical science and practice. Depending on the specific features of intensification, one or another complex or system of intensifiers is used. This is the mechanism of intensification or intensive development of the object.

Our understanding of intensification allows us to distinguish two types of intensification. One of them is an increase in intensity with a constant qualitative certainty of the object. Another more complex one is the simultaneous transition to a new quality and intensity. All this allows us to identify the features of the intensification of the pedagogical process that interests us and the mechanism for its implementation - a set of necessary intensifiers.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that the intensification of the pedagogical process in creatively developing programs of additional professional and pedagogical education belongs to the second of the listed types, since it is associated with the need to effectively achieve a qualitatively new goal of advanced training - the development of teachers' creativity in the context of the formation of an innovation-oriented education.

Obviously, under these conditions, such programs should take on the function of one of the leading intensifiers for the development of pedagogical practice. Only under this condition does it become possible to intensify the pedagogical process under consideration. The main ways of implementing this function are determined by the peculiarities of the intensive development of educational institutions. At present, it is quite clear that this process is unfolding along the following interrelated directions:

Formation of the methodological basis for the development of additional pedagogical education, the transition to a new system of functions, intensive forms and pedagogical technologies;

The emergence of creatively developing programs - moderators and catalysts for the development of creativity of teachers and educational institutions;

Expansion of opportunities for self-education and continuous education, integration of these programs with creative self-realization of pedagogical and executive employees of educational institutions;

Implementation of creative development programs that initiate the development of communities and the joint activities of creatively working teachers;

Integration of these programs with the development, innovation, methodological work and developing intra-institutional systems of additional education of educational institutions. This direction has already been identified in a number of advanced educational institutions of our region and some educational programs of our department;

Integration of self-education, advanced training and retraining into the system of multivariate creatively developing additional education programs that intensify the development of the creative potential of the most active pedagogical and managerial employees;

The implementation by the Programs of the function of an intensifier of the development of pedagogical practice in these areas determines the mechanism of intensification - a complex of intensifiers of the pedagogical process in creatively developing educational programs. The main components of this complex are the main approaches, pedagogical goals that form the content of programs and backbone pedagogical technologies.

To intensify the pedagogical process, it is necessary to use a set of complementary approaches. It includes personal-activity, cultural, acmeological, complementary and synergistic. Each of them plays a very specific role. The personal-activity approach focuses on the search for integral personal qualities necessary for a creative person in order to take the place of a “creator” in the system of relations regarding the creation

research and dissemination of pedagogical innovations. It is also the basis for creating formative content and pedagogical technology, since "a personality is formed and manifested in activity." The rest of the approaches make it possible to find means of effective implementation of the personal-activity approach, intensifying the pedagogical process.

To implement the intensification of the pedagogical process in a creative development program, the highest possible goal is required, the achievement of which requires strenuous efforts and ensures the accelerated movement of students of the Programs to the highest levels of creativity. In accordance with the acmeological approach, such a goal is to develop the creative versatility of program students as subjects of the transformation of pedagogical practice. We mean by this the development of creative potential, which allows the teacher to independently set himself and successfully solve the creative tasks of creating a new pedagogical practice in real conditions.

The synergetic approach makes it possible to create in the pedagogical process the conditions for the intensive achievement of this goal by integrating the processes of self-development of students, the development of their educational institutions with the educational impact of the Programs. In accordance with this approach, it is not effective to impose a path of development on the listener and his educational institution by external influences, ignoring the processes of self-development. Small but correctly targeted resonant influences on the bifurcation points are needed, accurately taking into account the limits of what is possible under given conditions. It should be noted that these resonant influences intensify the development of creativity and individuality of the most active workers - carriers of the educational institution's potential. At the same time, the process of achieving the highest levels of self-development, self-organization and mastery by students is intensified.

The culturological approach makes it possible to create conditions for the development of the listener as a carrier and creator of not only a subjectively new, but culturally appropriate pedagogical experience that contributes to the development of other teachers and educational institutions.

The additional approach ensures the effective creation of an important intensifier of the pedagogical process under consideration - the minimum necessary and sufficient structural completeness of all its components: social relations reproduced in it, target, content, technological, etc. In accordance with this approach, the structural completeness and integrity of the pedagogical process and all its components is provided by the unity of qualities that are opposite and not manifested simultaneously in specific pedagogical acts. So, for example, the pedagogical goals of the creatively developing program "Technological Culture of the Teacher" consist of two traditionally incompatible goals for the development of students and the community of teachers operating in a particular territory.

Based on the integration of these approaches, the ways of creating the main pedagogical intensifiers are revealed: the content of education and intensive pedagogical technology.

Bibliographic list

1. Russian education - 2020: An education model for a knowledge-based economy. - M., Publishing house. GU HSE house, 2008.

2. Kara-Murza S. G. Problems of science intensification: Technologies of scientific research. - M., Nauka, 1989.

3. Abalkin L. N. Transfer of the economy to an intensive development path // Questions of Economics, 1982, No. 2.

4. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M., Sov. Encyclopedia, 1983.

5. Asmolov A. A. Psychology of personality: Principles of general psychological analysis. - M., "Meaning", Information Center "Academy", 2002.- 416 p.

6. Derkach A. A. Acmeological foundations for the development of a professional. - M., Publishing House of the Psychological and Social Institute, 2004.

7. Isaev I.F. Professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher. - M., Ed. center "Academy", 2002.

Key words: intensification, teacher's creative activity, creatively developing educational programs, personal-activity, culturological, acmeological, complementary and synergetic approaches, teacher's technological culture.

Learning intensification is the transfer of a larger amount of educational information to students with the same duration of training without reducing the requirements for the quality of knowledge.
For the successful intensification of the educational process, it is necessary to develop and implement scientifically based methods of managing the cognitive process that mobilize the creative potential of the individual.
Increasing the pace of learning can be achieved by improving:
— content of educational material;
— teaching methods.
Let us briefly consider the parameters that contribute to the optimization of the content of the academic discipline.
Content improvement involves at least:
- rational selection of educational material with a clear allocation in it of the main basic part and additional, secondary information; main and additional literature should be highlighted accordingly;
- redistribution of educational material in time with a tendency to present new educational material at the beginning of the lesson, when the perception of students is more active;
- the concentration of classroom studies at the initial stage of mastering the course in order to develop a backlog of knowledge necessary for fruitful independent work;
- rational dosage of educational material for multi-level study of new information, taking into account the fact that the process of cognition develops not according to a linear, but according to a spiral principle;
- ensuring the logical continuity of new and already learned information, the active use of new material for repetition and deeper assimilation of the past;
- economical and optimal use of every minute of study time.
Improvement of teaching methods is provided by:
- wide use of collective forms of cognitive activity (pair and group work, role-playing business games, etc.);
- development of the teacher's appropriate skills in organizing the management of the collective educational activities of students;
- the use of various forms and elements of problem-based learning;
- improving the skills of pedagogical communication, mobilizing the creative thinking of students;
- individualization of training when working in a student group and taking into account personal characteristics in the development of individual tasks and the choice of forms of communication;
- striving for the effectiveness of training and uniform advancement of all students in the process of learning, regardless of the initial level of their knowledge and individual abilities;
– knowledge and use of the latest scientific data in the field of social and educational psychology;
- the use of modern audiovisual means of TSO, and, if necessary, information means of training.
The intensification of learning can be considered one of the promising directions for enhancing learning activities. The processes of intensification are based on the interaction of individual psychological and collective psychological factors in learning activities.

Lecture, abstract. Intensification of learning - concept and types. Classification, essence and features. 2018-2019.

10/13/2010/term paper

10/13/2010/term paper

Studying the technology of intensifying learning based on the lesson using schematic and symbolic models of educational material in physics lessons. Analysis of the experiment on the method of intensifying the learning process by means of "support schemes".

02/08/2005 / test

School illnesses. Intensification of the educational process. How much does the backpack weigh? How does a student eat? Sanitary and hygienic conditions of training. Methods of dealing with school diseases. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.


Existing types of methodical training systems and the formulation of the understanding of "intensive learning technologies". The concept and objectives of learning technology. Essence and content of the learning intensification process. Types of methodological systems and problem-based learning.


The main directions of the restructuring of education in the modern school: the intensification and optimization of the educational process. Intensification of learning as an increase in the productivity of the teacher and student per unit of time. Pedagogical communication, learning functions.



Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of primary school age. Subject-practical activity: concept, role in the development of children of primary school age. Subject-practical activity as a means of intensifying thinking.

Department of Education of the Mayor's Office of Magadan

Municipal educational institution

"Gymnasium (English)"


to the pedagogical council on the topic "Intensification of the educational process in order to improve the quality of education"

Lepeshkina L.E., h deputy director for OIA supervising subjects

humanitarian cycle

Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the goal of the welfare state policy: a person must receive an education that will allow him to ensure a decent life and free development. Creating conditions that ensure the development of children, the realization of their potential is one of the priority tasks of education. Its main strategy is to enable all students, without exception, to show their talents, their creative potential, which implies the possibility of realizing their personal plans. The school should prepare its students for changes, changes, developing in them such personal qualities as mobility, dynamism, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation. Without modern approaches to learning, the implementation of these tasks is impossible. The main directions of modernization of education in the modern school are the intensification and optimization of the educational process.

Intensification of learning is the transfer of a large amount of information with the same duration of training without reducing the requirements for the quality of knowledge. Intensification of learning is an increase in the productivity of the teacher and student in each unit of time. The main parameters contributing to the intensification and optimization of the content of educational activities

1. rational selection of educational material with a clear separation of its main and secondary parts;

2. redistribution in time of educational material in order to present the most complex material at the beginning of the lesson, when the perception of students is most active;

3. economical and optimal use of every minute of study time;

4.individualization and differentiation of learning;

5. improving the skills of pedagogical communication, activating the forms and methods of teaching;

6. development of work skills of students;

7. equipping the educational process with modern technical means, including computers and multimedia equipment.

Any lesson, whether it is a lesson to consolidate the acquired knowledge or a lesson in learning new material, we always begin with the design of its goals. The intensity of the students' learning activities depends, first of all, on how thoughtful they are. The intensification of training suggests that its goals must meet the following requirements:

    They should be focused on the maximum possibilities of students and thus cause their high activity;

    Goals must be fundamentally achievable. Unrealistic, clearly unattainable goals lead to self-disconnection of students from solving the tasks;

    achievement goals must be understood by students, otherwise they do not become a guide to action;

    the goals should be specific, taking into account the real learning opportunities of a given student group in the zone of its proximal development.

In general, according to the function of learning, there are three types of goals:

1. educational (formation of knowledge and practical skills);

2. educational (formation of the worldview, moral, labor, aesthetic qualities of the individual);

3. developing (development of thinking, will, emotions, needs, abilities of the individual).

Probably, far from every lesson (or maybe even extremely rarely) we plan all 3 types of goals. But after all, the effectiveness of the lesson depends not only on how clearly we think over its content, select the necessary material, but to a greater extent on how specifically the goals and objectives that must be implemented in the lesson are formulated. All this is well known, but, unfortunately, is not always taken into account in practice. As a rule, a student performs this or that task only because it needs to be done according to the plan, not fully realizing what knowledge and skills he can or should master as a result of his work.

We, unfortunately, do not always remember that the effectiveness of educational activities directly depends on the motivation of students, on the teacher's desire to form interest in the subject, and students' responsibility for success in learning. We sometimes helplessly shrug our shoulders and say that we don’t know how to make a child study well, that we have already tried all the methods and forms of influence, but that this does not give any results, that things are getting worse with studies. And then we use the last “weapon”: we punish the guilty student by giving him a large number of twos, while we believe that this will force him to change his attitude to teaching. We do not realize that by our actions we evoke negative emotions in the student, we form in him indifference to the results of our work, we destroy confidence in ourselves. A thoughtful, sincerely interested teacher always deeply comprehends the causes of failures, analyzes the current situation and plans those actions that will contribute to the speedy overcoming of the difficulties that have arisen.

The motivation of a student to achieve specific learning goals is, of course, a powerful tool that allows us to achieve serious results in teaching students, but no less important in intensifying the educational process is to increase the informative capacity of the content of the lessons. In order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of training with an ever-increasing volume of program requirements, with a decrease in the number of hours for studying specific topics, it is necessary to improve the structure of the content of education, taking into account the following factors:

1. the practical significance of the educational material, its compliance with the age capabilities of the student;

2. the relationship of specific educational material with the previously studied;

3. the level of formation of general educational skills and abilities;

Sometimes we have to sacrifice a lot in order not to fall behind, to meet the allotted hours, to fulfill the requirements of the program: to fluently (and, most likely, rather superficially) study voluminous educational material in the lesson or offer it to students for independent study at home. The current overload of programs with information is causing students to experience serious overload, and we cannot ignore this. For the minimum number of allotted hours, we must study a huge program material, equip students with the necessary baggage of knowledge, and develop basic practical skills. Today, for example, for 2 hours a week, allotted by the program for studying literature in grades 5-8, when the basic base is laid, basic practical skills are formed, you need to study 60 works in grades 5, 6, about 70 works in grade 7 ( with a simple calculation, it turns out 1 work per lesson) or for 5 hours a week 154 works in the 10th humanitarian class (including such works as "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot" F M. Dostoevsky, "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov, "Fathers and Sons" by I. S. Turgenev and a fairly large number of works by A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol) Famous modern philologist Evgeny Sidorov, a writer, critic, author of books and articles on the problems of literature, said: “Judging by the curricula and textbooks, literature is taught at school terribly, in some abbreviated, beggarly form. I teach students. Today's young people do not know either Blok or Mandelstam, and all Russian classics pass them by" (end of quote). According to another patriarch of the national methodology, G.I. Belenky, the study of literature at school remains an “information run”, when the teacher must give out a lot of material in one lesson regarding the biography of the writer, the content of the work, and its artistic features. It is sad, but these conclusions are not unfounded. The teacher-linguist in the modern school is placed in a difficult position: he must "sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal" in conditions that can hardly be called optimal. And these problems concern not only teachers of the Russian language and literature. Other teachers of the humanities cycle also face similar difficulties - teachers of history and geography, when a new topic (or even two) is studied at almost every lesson, and there is simply no time to carefully work out each of them, when, for example, to study a voluminous, most difficult in terms of the content of the general history course in the 7th grade, only about 30 hours are allotted (the same is the case with general history in the 8th - 11th grades). And this despite the fact that in the tasks of the unified state exam in the subject, there are a fairly large number of questions specifically on general history.

How can a teacher work in such a situation, how to ensure that knowledge of the subject, his understanding is not replaced by information about the subject, which has neither significant educational value nor personal meaning for the student? What measures need to be taken in order not to turn the learning process into a process of “putting” a mass of various facts, sets of rules, definitions into the student’s head? What needs to be done to maintain interest in the subject, to intensify the student's mental activity, prompting him not to senseless "absorption" of information, but to comprehend the knowledge gained, to creativity, to the desire to show individuality?

There is only one answer to this question. We need to rethink the way we teach students. The degree of activation of the student's educational and cognitive activity, his interest in obtaining deep knowledge of the subject depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses in the classroom to achieve a certain goal. In other words, the initial result directly depends on the choice of ways to intensify the educational process (when in a short time period we must effectively and efficiently study voluminous educational material). A large, invaluable role in this is played by problem-search forms of work: educational discussions, lessons - interviews, lessons - conferences, problem seminars. Modern didactics strongly recommends continuously updating the arsenal of forms of organization of education, introducing new approaches in working with students into the common treasury of experience. This requires the teacher to constantly improve, work on the methodology of their lessons, and carefully analyze their activities. Without new forms of teaching, it is impossible to work with children; training sessions in the traditional mode, focused on learning, and not on learning, seem boring and uninteresting to them. But we, unfortunately, do not always remember this (this, for example, is evidenced by the analysis of the lessons attended in the humanitarian cycle). It is more convenient for us to work with students along a well-trodden path, already covered many times, to plan our lessons in such a way that they often resemble each other like twins: consolidating what has been learned, explaining new material, completing a certain set of tasks and exercises. But after all, one of the conditions for the development of students' creative abilities is the personality of the teacher himself, it is he who is the generator and conductor of new ideas. To be interesting to children, one must constantly strive for self-improvement. A creative person is born in a creative atmosphere. The saying of the ancients says: "A horse can be led to water, but it is impossible to make him drink." It is impossible to force a student to love physics or literature, chemistry or history, the aspiration of schoolchildren to knowledge, his interest in the subject must be awakened, brought up at every lesson. The work of a teacher should be creative, research in nature. As the famous German teacher A. Disterverg said, without striving for this, the teacher falls into the power of three demons: mechanicalness, routine, banality.

The path to a new quality of education lies through the active introduction of the latest technologies, including information and communication technologies, only a developed information environment will allow organizing the educational process at a modern methodological level. The school runs the risk of becoming hopelessly outdated and losing authority in the eyes of the younger generation if it does not master a new social function - the function of a coordinator, a guide in the world of modern culture. We all understand why informatization is needed, how much it facilitates, systematizes and organizes our activities. We understand that our children are different, they are not like those we taught 5, 10 years ago. Modern children, representatives of the "digital reality", perceive the world differently, think differently, learn differently and communicate differently, they have long gone ahead. But understanding alone is not enough here, it is necessary for the teacher himself to realize that if he continues to think in the old categories, then he cannot meet the requirements of a modern teacher. Teachers use familiar, long-traditional forms and teaching methods. Of course, there are objective reasons for such passivity: this is the lack of the necessary amount of knowledge, experience with computer equipment, the lack of the required number of installations of multimedia equipment and computer classes in the classrooms, this is the constant workload of the classrooms, when it is impossible to prepare materials for the lesson during a short break , set up equipment. It is worth taking a more active part in learning at distance advanced training courses organized, for example, by the educational institution Pedagogical University "First of September", especially since there is already a similar experience in the gymnasium. Each methodological association needs to plan and carry out work to generalize the experience of teachers accumulated in this direction, to study the experience of colleagues from other schools, to systematize existing ones and create their own software products: presentations, programs, collections of multi-level tasks, exercises. As part of this work, it is necessary to conduct open lessons, in which to acquaint colleagues with the already acquired work experience.

But, striving to actively use technical teaching aids in our work, we should not forget that their main purpose is to assist the student and teacher in achieving certain educational goals, to solve the problem of developing cognitive activity and independence of students. We must remember that no computer can replace live communication with a teacher, that computer technologies develop logical thinking well, enriching students with new knowledge, forming their competencies, but do not fully develop, for example, their dialogical and monologue speech. Only a teacher can do this.

We must remember that the success of a child's education at school is determined not only by the level of his computer skills, the number of excellent marks he received, the places he took in olympiads, intellectual marathons, at various scientific conferences, but no less important indicator is his level of health. .

The modern science of valeology (from the Latin "valeo" - to be healthy) strongly recommends paying special attention to the level of psycho-physical stress experienced by the student while in the classroom. Scientists - valeologists offer to plan training sessions taking into account the following requirements in order to make the child's stay in the lesson the most comfortable:

1. the implementation of a strict selection of only the necessary program material intended for study and repetition in a particular lesson;

2. selection of various, most optimal (bringing the greatest benefit) types of activities, their alternation with breaks for rest;

3. providing the necessary conditions for productive cognitive activity, taking into account the state of health, the developmental characteristics of the student, his needs and inclinations;

4. the formation of each student's ability to learn, taking care of their health;

The same scientists propose to conduct self-analysis of training sessions with quantitative and qualitative assessments according to special criteria, in order, in addition to learning issues, to solve issues related to the preservation of the mental and physical health of children in the system. Here are the criteria:

1. the volume of new material, its distribution at the stages of the lesson, the number of new concepts, rules, theorems, laws;

2. the saturation of the lesson with educational activities, the number of activities: listening, writing, analyzing, observing, performing various tasks, exercises, etc.;

3. the nature of the work performed: reproduction without changes, logical operations, inferences;

4. the level of emotionality of students and their educational interest: active or passive participation in the discussion of the material being studied;

5. forms of maintaining contact with students and communicating with them, methods of monitoring and evaluation (how correct and objective the latter are), the attitude of students to assessments and comments;

6. manifestation of anxiety and fatigue, signs of anxiety, fear, the reasons for such a nervous state of students;

The problems of preserving the health of children are not far-fetched problems, their relevance is being discussed today at all levels. Probably, it is far from accidental that a new magazine “Health for All” (healthy lifestyle methodology) appeared, it is dedicated to the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children, its headings “Health and the educational process”, “Health from an early age”, “Children about health” contain many practical tips that can be introduced to students, for example, at an hour of communication, parents at a parent-teacher meeting.

And another problem, also directly related to the health of the student, affecting the overall level of his education, is the inability to work productively and efficiently at home. As practice and experience of communication with parents shows, there are a large number of children who are not taught how to do homework correctly, they experience great difficulties when working on a paragraph of a textbook, solving problems, memorizing rules, theorems, poems. Parents complain that their child sits for several hours doing assignments in one subject, gets overtired, gets tired, but as a result does not have time to complete everything that was asked, therefore, he gets poor grades at school. By the senior classes, these problems are exacerbated due to an increase in the total number of subjects, and, accordingly, the amount of homework. What are the causes of the problem?

1. Thoughtless, thoughtless, mechanical reading of the text of the studied material, inability to distinguish the main and secondary, lack of self-control (or inability to do it) for the assimilation of the acquired knowledge;

2. inability to organize one's working time, lack of a firmly established regime, control over this regime (especially in the middle and lower grades) by parents;

3. The performance of written assignments is often carried out without prior assimilation, repetition of theoretical material, in connection with this, students not only make mistakes when completing assignments, but also do not comprehend the connection that exists between theoretical material and practical exercises.

To help the student, and, probably, his parents, specially designed memos could. Here, for example, is one of them for elementary and middle school students:


How to do oral tasks

1. Remember the material that was studied in the lesson.

2. Read the text of the paragraph carefully, if necessary, use dictionaries, maps, diagrams, additional teaching aids.

3. Read carefully, trying to remember the main thing.

4. For better memorization, write down dates, names, names in a notebook.

5. Close the book and mentally imagine part of what you read, retell the material.

6. Read a second time, paying attention to those places that are forgotten.

7.Reproduce what you read to yourself;

8. If the educational material is poorly remembered, write down its plan briefly and retell it.

9. After a while, repeat what caused the difficulty.

You can make up examples and samples of such memos yourself, or you can use already created, ready-made ones. And this material, in my opinion, would be of great interest to parents.

Summing up, we can say that such multilateral, purposeful work not only with students, but also with their parents will help achieve the solution of the tasks set, and generally improve the quality of student learning. The words of the famous teacher Yu.K. Babansky, who argued that the educational process at school can be compared with the heart of school life. As the rhythm of the heartbeat and the fullness of the pulse speak of human health, so the quality of the pedagogical process ultimately determines all the successes of the school (end of quote).

The job of a teacher has always been difficult. How to save strength in yourself, how not to lose, but to increase your creative potential? Where to draw energy? Of course, in love with children. A real teacher has always been a source of love, radiated light and warmth. The teacher's faith in the strength of his students helps them to spread their wings and create, each to take his height, to strive for self-improvement. This, probably, is the meaning of the hard work of a teacher: to be needed by children, to live their life, their interests. Ultimately, this is what helps us overcome all emerging problems and difficulties and look forward to the future with optimism.