Modern educational technologies at the lessons of literature "creative workshop". Center for training teachers for certification Technology "Pedagogical workshop"

The educational process at the present time should develop and self-determine the student in the modern space in accordance with his interests, abilities and inclinations. In terms of teaching a foreign language, it is possible to carry out training through such components as: tolerance, adaptation in society, deep knowledge of the subject, creativity, critical thinking and communication. The technology of creative workshops helps to develop all these skills in students. The workshop is one of the main developing, teaching and educating forms. One of the most accurate definitions of a creative workshop was given by V.M. Monakhov "The pedagogical workshop is a model of joint pedagogical activity thought out in all details for designing, organizing and conducting the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers."

In recent years, the method of creative workshops (or, in other words, the method of French workshops) has been used in many countries, since its principles and ideas correspond to the value orientations of teachers today: interest in individuality, humanization of upbringing and education, the desire to grow a creative, free and independent personality.

In Russia, this technology first appeared in 1990. Employees of the St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical Excellence decided to try to adapt this technology to Russian school education. This technology, unusual for the Russian system, was developed by French teachers - representatives of ZFEN - the "French Group for New Education". The beginning of this movement was given by the following psychologists A. Vallon, P. Langevin, J. Piaget and others. This technology is aimed at addressing the personality of the child, his searches, interests and goals.

The essence of this technology is expressed in the following main provisions:

  1. A person with a new worldview is a socially responsible, independent, constructively armed person, capable of exerting a positive influence on the world around him and himself.
  2. Any child has the ability to practically any kind of human activity: to master music, fine arts, natural sciences and the humanities. The only difference is what methods will be used in the education process.
  3. Intensive methods of teaching and personal development.

The features of the technology of creative workshops are the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation in communication, the student’s interest in studying the topic, the “turning on” of the emotional sphere of the child, the joint search for truth by the teacher and students (they are equal in the search for this truth). All information is presented by the teacher in small doses, official evaluation of the student's work is excluded during the lesson, students must evaluate themselves and, if necessary, correct themselves. It is very important to note that the use of such technology helps to develop the skills of pair, group and individual work in the student, develops the creative side of the student's personality.

The purpose of creative workshops is to provide students with a psychological tool that allows them to personally develop themselves, realize themselves, their place in the world, understand other people, as well as the laws of the development of the world.

The workshops are based on the ideas of problem-based learning, developmental learning, critical thinking, a collective way of learning, the ideas of famous Russian teachers and methodologists P.Ya. Galperin, L.S. Vygotsky, Sh.A. Amonashvili, L.V. Zankova, S.N. Lysenkova, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov.

Creative groups can be organized according to the following principles:

  1. The class is divided into 3 groups: strong students; average students; weak students;
  2. The class is divided into groups in each of which there are strong, average and weak students.

The technology of pedagogical workshops is characterized by the following basic principles:

  • teamwork skills;
  • the attitude of the teacher to the student as an equal;
  • critical thinking;
  • independent collection of knowledge by the student with the help of critical thinking to the information being studied;
  • independence in solving creative problems;
  • acting as a leader;
  • respect for the opinions of others.

The implementation of this technology involves the following steps:

  • induction
  • self-construction
  • socioconstruction
  • Socialization
  • Advertising
  • Gap
  • reflection

Induction is a problematic situation - the beginning that motivates the creative activity of everyone.

Self-construction is the individual creation of a hypothesis.

Socioconstruction - group work related to solving the problem posed by the teacher.

Socialization is a group presentation with a report in which everyone must prove themselves.

Advertising - presentation of works.

The gap is the culmination, the internal awareness by the student of the incompleteness or inconsistency of the old knowledge with the new.

Reflection is a reflection of the sensations and feelings of the participants that arose during the process.

The following information technologies can be used in workshop technology:

  • Educational programs - contribute to the formation of learning motivation, stimulate creative thinking and initiative;
  • Interactive demonstration material (basic diagrams, tables, tasks);
  • Research work;
  • A slide film is an illustrative, visual material. This is a concrete-visual basis of the lesson, making it bright, informative and spectacular, memorable;
  • Creative contests;
  • Teaching control - computer tests, modeling and text transformation, designed to control the assimilation of knowledge by students, as well as to consolidate and repeat the material;
  • Participation in Internet festivals;
  • Independent search work on the Internet - the use of Internet resources, as well as the multimedia library of the educational institution;
  • Participation in telecommunication projects;
  • Electronic dictionary (explanatory, terminological, language).

When modeling a training session in the workshop technology mode, the level of the student's learning abilities is diagnosed. These technologies have their own law - do it based on your abilities, personal experience and interests, correct yourself, so there are no exact methods for conducting workshops.

Having studied and analyzed all the material, we can conclude that the technologies of creative workshops in foreign language lessons have a positive impact on the development of a child's cognitive abilities, his psychophysiological and personal characteristics, increase creative activity and broaden his horizons.


  1. Vygotsky L.S. Mental development of children in the learning process. - Digest of articles. - Moscow-Leningrad: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House, 1935. - 136 p.
  2. Lysenkova, S. N. The method of advanced learning: a book for teachers: from work experience. - Moscow: Education, 1988. - 192 p.
  3. Monakhov V. M. Pedagogical technology of professor V. M. Monakhov. – Spec. issue of the Pedagogical Bulletin. – Successful learning, 1997.
  4. Pedagogical workshops: theory and practice. - SPb., 1998. - 318 p.
  5. Pedagogical workshops France-Russia./Ed. E.S.Sokolova. - M .: New School, 1997 - 128s.
  6. Salnikova T.P. Pedagogical technologies: Textbook. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 128 p.
  7. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. - M.: People's education, 1998. - 256 p.


The debate about whether the subject "technology" is needed in the modern school does not subside. Moreover, in some schools it simply no longer exists or, at best, it has been replaced by information technology. Undoubtedly, changes in the field of education in connection with the new priorities of the social development of society have shifted the focus of education in general and labor education in particular. But regardless of the type of economy, labor was, is and will be the main condition for human life, the most important means of self-affirmation and self-expression of him as a person. To introduce students into the world of creative work, to prepare them for conscious professional self-determination and humane achievement of life goals - these are the main tasks of labor education at school. However, as in other subject areas, in the subject area "Technology" it is necessary to improve the learning process, due to the requirements of the time, to increase its developing and educating capabilities.

This work is an attempt to show that it is technology, like no other subject, that can become an experimental creative platform, where, through integration with other subjects, the use of non-traditional forms of lessons and extracurricular activities, the mandatory use of ICT, ideal conditions are created for the formation of intellectual competence and creativity of schoolchildren. It is only necessary to create an atmosphere of cooperation in the classroom, to captivate the children with the "search for truth", to stimulate their activity and creativity, equipping them with modern technologies.

If any of my colleagues are embarrassed by my place of work – a correctional school for visually impaired children – I will answer with the words of A.V. of the Russian Academy of Education, holder of the Leo Tolstoy Honorary Gold Medal, laureate of the All-Russian competition "Good Dozen", scientific director of the Children's Order of Mercy, Knight of the Sverdlovsk Regional Children's Order of Mercy and at the same time ... a sensory (blind and deaf) disabled person of group I: “But what really so allocate disabled people? They have the same difficulties as everyone else, only exacerbated by disability.”


There is enough light for those who want to see, and enough darkness for those who do not.


The school educational environment should provide conditions for the formation of an independent, responsible and socially mobile personality capable of successful socialization and active adaptation in the labor market. Therefore, one of the most important tasks facing the teacher of both mass and correctional schools is the development of cognitive activity and independence of students. In our school technology has become an experimental creative platform where, through integration with other subjects, the use of non-traditional forms of conducting lessons and extracurricular activities, the mandatory use of information and computer technologies, ideal conditions are created for this. Works successfully informal creative group of subject teachers, within which a favorable psychological climate has developed, in an atmosphere of creativity an exchange of experience has been established, mutual attendance of lessons. In creative mini-groups developed and carried out cycles of open integrated lessons: “Aspects of Culinary Entourage in Russian Classical Drama” (technology-literature) , "Balanced diet" (technology-biology) , “May the descendants of the Orthodox native land know the past fate” (technology-history); a range of extracurricular activities : “Evening of Russian romance”, literary and musical composition “Strokes to a portrait of a woman”, evening of memory “Letters from the war”, workshop game “Life is priceless”, patriotic evening “War has entered my boyhood”, “School Ecofest”, “ We are responsible for those we have tamed”, “Ecological Mosaic” and many others.

In modern conditions, the formation of positive motivation for learning among schoolchildren is of particular importance and relevance, because motivation is one of the most important conditions for the success or failure of a child's learning. It is no secret that a less capable student with a high level of motivation can (and does!) achieve better academic results than a very talented student with a low level of motivation. Success in studies directly depends on the desire and perseverance of the student, on his desire and ability to learn. As it is correctly sung in a popular children's song: "... If there is a desire, knowledge will come to you!" The formation of a positive motivation for learning in a disabled student contributes to the "switching on" of the compensatory functions of the body, the correction of developmental anomalies caused by the disease, allows you to overcome the physical barrier and successfully compete with normal-seeing peers. The use of the means of new information technologies makes it possible to strengthen the motivation of schoolchildren's learning, opens up the reserves of the educational process and the personality of its participants: the student and the teacher.

In addition, the computer, like no other learning tool, creates the conditions for the implementation of the principle of integrativity, which is new in didactics. In the system of technological training, integrative connections make it possible to more clearly present the characteristics of the subject of technology, to show the relationship between the content of its individual modules, between information and technological training. In order to create an adaptive system and solve the problem of social rehabilitation of students with visual impairments in the subject "technology", a system of lessons and extracurricular activities using information and computer technologies has been developed and introduced into the educational process, aimed at creating conditions for the development of positive learning motivation.

Weak vision, especially in the early stages of development, adversely affects the formation of sensory functions that provide a representation of the complete image of the object. This makes it difficult to perceive the shape and size of objects, their integrity, interconnections and relationships, complicating the implementation of educational tasks in technology. The use of presentation and multimedia technologies in the lessons makes it possible to visualize the processes being studied, ensure the dosage of the information received, give the learning process dynamism and expressiveness, increase the information content of the lesson, intensify the learning process and, as a result, increase its effectiveness.

On the lesson "Fundamentals of clothing composition" the explanation of the new material is accompanied by presentation slides, where the objects are shown in the established logical sequence, with the highlighting of the signal properties. Program "Effects of visual illusions" allows each visually impaired student to independently select the background screen, taking into account individual color perception, adjust the brightness and contrast of the image.

Cycle of integrated lessons "Aspects of Culinary Entourage in Russian Classical Drama" (technology - literature) - this is an opportunity to draw the attention of children to Russian literary classics, to illuminate everyday Russian culture from a somewhat unexpected side: from touches, particulars, minor details, move on to the main thing and interest them. Compiling the menu of "Chekhov", "Fonvizin", "Gogol dinners", using a computer, multimedia materials and the Internet, the children have the opportunity to find a recipe for a dish, see how it looks, and even observe the sacrament of its preparation.

Developed lessons on image modeling "Mystery of charm" , etiquette behavior "ABC of communication" . The study of the folk traditions of the region is devoted to the author's development of a lesson using ICT “Glorious Don Cossack wedding” .

When studying a number of modules of the "Man - Art Image" line and the "Man - Man" line, the "Food Processing Technology" module of the "Man - Nature" line, visually impaired students get acquainted with a number of operations, watching the actions of professionals on a computer screen. The use of information technology is not limited to the lessons of explaining new material, but also includes independent creative work of students with impaired functions of the visual analyzer.

When organizing a virtual trip "Time has chosen us!" (joint author's development with the teacher of the Russian language and literature of Lyceum No. 33 N.V. Rovchak) special attention was paid to the quality of questions and tasks for creative competitions, as well as the design of the virtual shell. It is important that the student feels the connection of times, the continuity of generations, perceives the information received not as a random set of disparate information, but as an integral system; learned to see and analyze the composition, connections, internal interaction; developed the skills to get access to the necessary information resources and assistance in time, make decisions independently in difficult situations, foresee the development of a game situation, correctly set tasks and see ways to implement them, find a non-standard solution and use it. The general emotional state experienced by a schoolchild with visual deprivation during the game, the “success situation”, his own discoveries, contribute to the formation of positive motivation for research and creative activity, for learning in general.

The implementation of special tasks to correct developmental deficiencies and compensate for impaired functions in the process of teaching on the subject of technology is carried out both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. This relationship creates optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of visually impaired students and ensures the effective assimilation of program material, the elimination of lags and unevenness in the development of various aspects of cognitive activity and personality traits of students with visual impairments in the course of training. Extracurricular activities "Theatrical Studio" I carry out according to the author's program of the same name, which introduces visually impaired children to a wide range of modern technological knowledge, ensures the formation of polytechnical and general labor knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of technology for manufacturing garments in students with visual impairments, equips them with experience of independent practical activity, promotes the development of technological thinking , creative attitude to work, striving for creation, manifestation of individuality in every visually impaired student. Using the idea of ​​a theatrical atelier makes it possible to give social significance to the results of child labor. There is a unique opportunity to combine labor training with aesthetic education, without which it is impossible to achieve a high work culture. The program is based on the method of projects, where the object of labor is a theatrical costume or scenery for a performance. This makes it possible to actually implement an activity approach in the labor education of visually impaired schoolchildren and integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired. At the All-Russian competition of teaching materials "One Hundred Friends", the program "Theatre Atelier" took 1st place in the nomination "Organization of extracurricular work on the subject."

The creative activity of schoolchildren with visual impairments is growing, the circle of using their creative potential is expanding. The creative search included visually impaired students of all grades of middle and senior level. The initial idea of ​​“revitalizing” the costume has grown at the initiative of the students into a system of work on creating a performance, where they themselves act as screenwriters, directors, graphic designers, decorators, costume designers, make-up artists, fashion designers, actors, cameramen, photo and film reporters. Reports on the results of the work of the “Theatre Atelier” are presented with photographs in school albums, as well as on CDs and video cassettes. Scenarios of events developed within the framework of the Theater Atelier program and photographs of participants were published in methodological newspapers and magazines: "Crystal Slipper" - an open competition-test on technology - "Teacher's Newspaper" No. 44 (2000), the magazine "Read, Learn, Play » No. 2 (2001); "Strokes to the portrait of a woman" - magazine "Read, study, play" No. 8 (2001), "Class teacher" No. 5 (2004); "Hussars - dashing knights" - the magazine "We read, study, play" No. 7 (2000); “Let me love you” - the magazine “We read, study, play” No. 6 (2001); "Wait for me and I'll be back" - the magazine "We read, study, play" No. 2 (2003); "Letters from the war" - magazine "Class teacher" No. 8 (2004), "Holiday at school", 2004; "In a certain kingdom" - the magazine "We read, study, play" No. 9 (2004); "New Year's Serpentine" - the journal "Education and Education of Children with Developmental Disabilities" No. 6 (2005); “The war has entered my boyhood” - the journal “Education and education of children with developmental disabilities” No. 3 (2005), “The practice of administrative work at school” No. 2 (2005)

One of the tasks that the subject "technology" solves in the curriculum of the school is the creation of optimal conditions for the development of the personality of each student in various types of work in accordance with his abilities and capabilities. Based on technology cabinet the circle “School publishing house” was organized , which has been publishing an independent school newspaper “Antirutin” for 3 years, including children with visual analyzer impairments in the technological process of producing a printed product.

Each release of "Antirutin" is an event for the school, they are waiting for it, preparing for it, warning their comrades: "There are my poems!" or “There will be about us!”. Getting publicity, becoming the center of everyone's attention, visually impaired students experience a situation of success, their personal self-esteem increases, faith in their own strength strengthens. The name of the newspaper was chosen on a competitive basis, as a result of long and heated debates of all age categories of students. "Antirutin" is a remedy for tedious boredom, feigned indifference, destructive idleness, it is a statement of an active position, a promise to be kind and sensitive, responsive and attentive to ourselves and the world around us. The subjects of headings and articles are suggested to the children by life itself. The newspaper reflects the brightest events and victories (“A Conversation with a Veteran”, “The Score of Victories is Open”, “If to be, then to be the first”, “In the footsteps of an intellectual marathon”); "pain points" of pedagogical interaction ("My phone rang", "Emergency of local scale", "Leave problems everyone entering here"); different opinions and views are published here both on personal problems and on a global scale (“Russia, which I choose”, “AIDS is serious”, “There is no other person's grief”) school poets declare themselves, and "Not for the sake of malice, but only for a joke" - a collection of funny stories and sayings of students and teachers. All material is carefully selected, edited, the design is selected for it: photographs, pictures, cartoons. The fact that "Antirutin" - independent the newspaper and the decision of what and when to print is made by a group of like-minded people independently, causes its creators a special pride.

Working on a newspaper is an exciting creative process, which includes various ways of communication and ensures the principle of freedom in practice, providing visually impaired students with real opportunities for independent choice of forms and types of activities, instills a sense of responsibility for its results. The successful implementation of the collective project stimulates attempts to create something of their own: cool newspapers and even individual ones appear. And for some, the frames of the school newspaper are already too small and we can see their publications on the sites Teenager.RU, Internet Education Issues, Poems.RU, Pisatel.RU, in the magazines School Bulletin, Parent Meeting ”, “OOPS!”, “Marusya”, “Ark of the Caucasus”, etc. When an individual with a visual impairment is involved in vigorous activity, according to A.G. Litvak, “... the ability to arbitrarily direct consciousness to objects of activity develops, which makes it possible to adequately reflect them in case of complete or partial blindness, largely compensating for the secondary deviations caused by the defect.” In the process of publishing with the use of information and computer technologies, optimal conditions are created for the formation of intellectual, communicative, social competence and creativity in visually impaired schoolchildren, a whole range of existential problems caused by an anomaly of development is solved. “Give a man a fish and you only feed him once. Teach him how to fish and he will feed on it all his life.” (Chinese proverb.) The presentation of the independent school newspaper “Antirutin” at the section “IT in teaching children with special needs” of the regional scientific and practical conference “Information technologies in education in the Rostov region” was awarded the Diploma of the Laureate of the 1st degree.

The inclusion of visually impaired schoolchildren in a real socially demanded and personally significant activity helps them in mastering the necessary social experience, forms civic readiness for creative, socially transformative activities, expands the spheres of communication and self-realization. Taking care of filling the living space of my pupils with activities, I involve them in the implementation of various projects so that each visually impaired child finds something to his liking and makes his own contribution to the collective life-creation. Our participation in a specialized charity exhibition "Overcoming" in the regional Festival of creativity of children with disabilities “I see the world through my heart” , city ​​charity event "Christmas Chime" , in the city exhibition of creativity of disabled children “Success” was marked by numerous Diplomas and gifts .

The longer I work at school, the more clearly I realize that only my constant and varied training can ensure success in my work. This year she became the winner of the competition of the Club "SamaYa" for a free educational grant in the specialty "Home Hairdresser". She was trained in Moscow, received a diploma and the opportunity to reveal to her pupils the basic secrets of hairdressing.

The teacher prepares for the lesson all his life. Obviously, in modern conditions, the information competence of a teacher determines his professional competence as a whole. Professional retraining (twice in the last 5 years she was trained at the Rostov Regional Center of the Federation of Internet Education under the programs "Internet technologies" and "Internet technologies and project activities", and in the Rostov IPK and PRO - courses on the educational program for advanced training of educators " Technology") allowed me to use modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process and extracurricular activities, including information and computer technologies, the use of which significantly increases the effectiveness of my teaching activities, contributes to the formation of complex spatial representations in visually impaired students, motivation for perception, deep assimilation of knowledge, expands outlook, provides new opportunities for the correction of anomalies and social rehabilitation of children with visual impairments, providing student-centered learning.

In our boarding school, research was conducted and the level of motivational activity of students was analyzed, as well as the level of teacher activity in the formation of positive motivation for students. Research data show stable growth of motivation to study in the subject "technology". This is facilitated by the creation of contradictions between the known and the unknown in technology lessons, the implementation of creative projects, the involvement of visually impaired students in establishing the causes of the phenomenon, the use of a system of rewards and censures, showing the significance of knowledge, creating a perspective, the position of the student in the system of interpersonal relations, organizing collective activities, etc. d. A survey conducted by the administration showed that 87.6% of the pupils of the boarding school had a high and stable cognitive interest in technology lessons.



Methodical development of a lesson on the technology "Fundamentals of clothing composition" with an electronic application.



It is difficult for visually impaired children to perceive the shape and size of objects, their integrity, mutual connections and relationships, and in order to create an image, it is necessary to master the basics of composition, link all elements into a single whole, take into account the "pluses" and "minuses" of their own structure. A significant role in modeling the face and figure is played by visual illusions: contrast, trimming, overestimation of the vertical, a filled gap, an open contour, etc. inaccessible use of the effects of visual illusions by this category of students.

Using a computer allows you to provide the necessary information depending on individual characteristics.

For this lesson, specially designed program "Effects of visual illusions", which allows each visually impaired student to independently select the background screen, taking into account individual color perception, adjust the brightness and contrast of the image. The explanation of the new material is accompanied by slides of the presentation “Fundamentals of clothing composition”, where objects are shown in a set logical sequence, highlighting signal properties. The background and colors of the presentation slides are chosen in accordance with medical recommendations.

In combination with traditional teaching aids (didactic material, tables), the use of ICT significantly increases the effectiveness of teaching schoolchildren with visual analyzer impairments the basics of clothing composition.

Lesson topic: Fundamentals of clothing composition.

Target: to introduce students to the basics of clothing composition, to show how to correct a figure using visual illusions.


Activate the cognitive activity of students,

develop creativity, aesthetic taste, sense of style,

Develop computer skills

Develop the ability to work independently, using the available arsenal of tools,

Correct visual and auditory perception.

Equipment: computers, projector, screen, program "Effects of visual illusions", presentation "Fundamentals of clothing composition", didactic material "Costumes of different eras", table "Proportions of the figure", workbooks.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

As an epigraph to the lesson “Fundamentals of clothing composition”, I would take the words of the English earl, writer and statesman Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield: “Caring for the beauty of clothes is a great stupidity, and at the same time it is no less stupid not to know how to dress well.” A well-mannered person should always think about how he is dressed, simply out of respect for society. As the hero of Bulwer-Lytton Pelham stated: “A person who is truly disposed to people will not offend the feelings of his neighbors either by excessive negligence in clothes or by excessive dapperness.” Therefore, our goal today is to get acquainted with the basics of costume composition and with ways to correct the figure so as not to “offend” those around us with our appearance.

II. Updating the necessary knowledge.

Review questions:

1. What is a suit? What is the reason for its historical development?

2. What is fashion? In what way does it manifest itself? When did it appear in Russia?

3. What is a style in clothes?

4. Determine the style of the suit. Describe this style. (To complete this task, students are offered a handout "Costumes of different eras")

III. Studying the topic of the lesson.

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: the soul, and clothes, and the face, and thoughts,” A.P. Chekhov claimed. Indeed, it is not a secret for anyone that clothing reveals a person's personality, his character, the level of general culture, interests, tastes. The ability to hide our flaws and emphasize our virtues with the help of clothes, make-up, accessories helps us to feel easy and at ease in society, which means it contributes to the achievement of our life goals.

The most important quality of clothing is its compositional solution. Translated from Latin, the word "composition" means "drawing up, binding." By linking all the elements of clothing into a single whole, we create a certain image, embodying our plan. The composition is closely related to such concepts as silhouette, style, cut.

"Silhouette" in French means "the external outline of an object." In clothes, it is determined by three lines: shoulder, waist and bottom. By the characteristic silhouette, we can easily distinguish the costumes of past centuries and past decades. Despite all the originality and uniqueness, they, like a modern costume, can be “fitted” into one of the geometric shapes: a rectangle (if the main lines of the silhouette are parallel), a trapezoid (if the main lines diverge in different directions), a triangle (if the lines intersect) , oval (if the lines are smooth and curved). Of course, only the most general impression is meant, and not a literal similarity.

Inside the silhouette are silhouette lines, which are divided into constructive and decorative.

Construction lines- these are the lines of the main seams.

decorative lines- lines of reliefs, folds, pockets, etc. Structural and decorative lines may match. Can you give an example of when they match? (For example, if the yoke line is trimmed with decorative stitching.)

The lines in the costume should not be arranged randomly, but in harmony with each other and with the natural structure of the human figure.

"Style" in French means "outer form". In garments, it is determined by the shape of the parts, lines and their relationships, various finishes. Changing the style does not change the whole design. And here cut, on the contrary, it determines a specific form of clothing, its changes are associated with a change in the constructive basis of the model.

Another very important compositional tool - proportions. From how correctly the proportions of the parts of clothing are maintained, it depends artistic expressiveness.

The model (canon) of harmony and proportionality of volumes and lines has long been considered the ideal human body. If we take the dimensions of the head (from the crown of the head to the chin) as a unit of its measurement (module), then in the growth of such a figure it will fit 7.5-8 times. The waist width in this case will be equal to 1 module, the shoulder width - 1.5 modules, the length of the lower part of the figure (from the waist) -5 modules, the upper - 3. Relationships 3:5 and 5:8 indicate the harmonious proportions of the figure and are called "golden section". This name was introduced by Leonardo da Vinci.

The principle of the "golden section" expressed in such proportions, when the upper part of the figure is related to the lower one, as the lower one is to the whole figure.

But ideal figures are not so common in life. You can hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure using visual illusion effects. Illusion - something apparent, a deception of the senses, an erroneous perception of objects, phenomena. Illusions arise for various reasons: due to optical imperfections of the human eye, due to the peculiarities of human psychology and physiology. Visual illusions are a distorted perception of reality by the eye. Look at the drawings. What do you see? ( Demonstration of examples of visual illusions)).

Knowing the laws of visual illusions, you can visually change the figure of a person: reduce or increase, expand or narrow, hide or emphasize. Illusions have been used for a long time, and with great success, to bring the real figure closer to the ideal one from the point of view of current fashion.

The first illusion we will be introduced to is called the illusion of trimming (assimilation). It lies in the fact that a line at the ends of which there are corners turned inward, seems much shorter than an equal line, in which the corners at the ends turn outward. In clothing, it manifests itself in the fact that the frills along the neck of the dress give the impression of wider shoulders.

Next illusion - illusion of contrast . It manifests itself when an object is in the neighborhood of another, which differs sharply from the first. In this case, the characteristic features of objects are perceived by us especially clearly, they seem more expressive. A typical example of such an illusion is on your screen: any corner surrounded by a large angle will appear smaller than it really is. In clothing, this illusion is manifested in the fact that in the wide neckline of the dress, a thin neck seems even thinner. The same neck with a small neckline will appear normal. The waist with a wide skirt seems thinner, etc.

Open loop illusion is that the middle square, bounded only on two sides (see graphic), appears taller and narrower than the two side squares that are not closed on the sides. In clothes, it manifests itself with a neckline with a sharp end, which visually lengthens the short neck.

filled gap illusion is that the filled space always seems to be larger than the empty space equal to it. In clothes, it comes down to the use of plain and printed fabrics. It is better to avoid piling up details in that part of the figure, the size of which is undesirable to increase.

Illusion of vertical overestimation : The vertical distance appears to be greater than the horizontal distance equal to it. In clothes, a bright vertical strip lengthens the figure, makes it slimmer. A vivid historical example is the Russian sundress, which makes the figure stately and majestic.

Illusion of striped fabric: a frequent transverse strip lengthens (!) the figure, and a rare one - vice versa. Uniformly wide vertical stripes give the impression of expanding the figure, while uniformly narrow ones lengthen it.

Choosing the location of the stripes on the striped fabric (vertical or horizontal), you can, for example, give the full figure harmony, taking into account the width, frequency and rhythm of the stripes.

With a complex arrangement of stripes (for example, at an angle), it is important to take into account that the angles formed by opposite stripes, pointing upwards, reduce the width of the hips of a full figure. The angles pointing downwards, on the contrary, visually expand the hips, even if you make a vertical insert in the middle.

IV. Practical work.

And now I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the effects of visual illusions. Using the possibilities of the program "effects of visual illusions", choose for yourself the optimal color and contrast of the screen. Make sketches of models of modern clothes in a notebook using the effects of visual illusions.

V. Consolidation of the studied material.

Fashion is not only a person's eternal desire for change, but also a constant pursuit of the ideal. Whatever new role model is offered to us, we are ready for any tricks and tricks to prove that we fully correspond to him, that we undoubtedly have the “ideal figure”. And here it is absolutely impossible to do without the laws of visual illusions.

Knowledge and proper use of visual illusions allows you to emphasize the beauty and perfection of the correct figure, successfully place fashionable accents on one or another part of the body, and also give a certain visual effect to a non-standard or full figure. In this case, two completely different methods can be used:

Emphasizing the dignity of the figure

Hiding imperfections.

The first method is sometimes called "French", and the second - "Russian". What do you think is better?


1. What does the composition of the costume include?

2.. What is the difference between a silhouette and a style?

3. How can you "correct" figure flaws?

4. How to visually expand the shoulder line?

5. How to hide the asymmetry of the figure?

6. How can you visually increase (decrease) height?

7. How to “hide” a stooped back?

8. How to balance broad shoulders?

VI. Lesson results. Homework.


1. V. Brown, M. Tilke "History of the costume".

2. D. Salaria, series "Strokes of time", "Clothes"

3. Kh.I. Makhmutov “We ​​design, model, sew”.

4. L. Orlova "The ABC of Fashion"

5. R.I. Egorova, V.P. Monastyrskaya "Learn to sew."

Bobrova Larisa Vitalievna, teacher of technology of the highest category, boarding school No. 38 for visually impaired children in Rostov-on-Don.


Technology "Creative Workshop"

One of the priority areas for modernizing school education is changing attitudes towards learning. Geopolitical, communication and technological transformations in society have involved both in direct and indirect communication a fairly large number of people of various professions, ages and interests. Accordingly, the need for the use of a foreign language has also increased. There was a need to pay attention to the student as a subject of intercultural communication as a subject of the educational process. The main learning strategy is proclaimed a personal-activity approach, when the student's personality is at the center, his abilities, capabilities, inclinations and interests are taken into account.

In this regard, certain problems arise:

1. Insufficiently effective use of students' abilities to master a foreign language and speech development in general.

2. Conditions have not been fully created for secondary school graduates to achieve the minimum necessary and sufficient level of functional literacy, which can ensure their successful continuation of education, as well as facilitate their adaptation to constantly changing living conditions.

Z. The low activity component of education does not contribute to the formation of speaking, reading, listening, writing and translation skills, the development of creative thinking.

4. Insufficiency of socio-cultural knowledge both about the countries of the language being studied and about their own country does not allow students to enter into a dialogue of cultures.

These problems can be solved. What is required for this?

A major role in the formation of interest in learning, according to E.I. Passova plays the creation of a problem situation. With the "density of communication" the internal and external activity of students increases tremendously. The more active the teaching methods, the easier it is to interest students in them. Naibol her productivity and the technology of the Knowledge Building Workshop, a creative workshop, a pedagogical workshop developed by psychologists P. Langevin, A. Vallon, J. Piaget and others. In which the main thing is not to communicate and master information, but to teach how to work. Main ideas: in the independent "discovery" of knowledge by studying its genesis and the structure of the "construction" of knowledge by the student using the method of critical attitude to existing information, information and independent solution of creative problems; pluralism of opinions, approaches, respect for the opinion, variant of the other, etc.; within each task, students are free to choose ways to perform; the mission of the teacher-master is to unlock the abilities of the child, to create conditions for the disclosure and realization of his creative potential

The workshop is one of the main teaching, developing and educating forms. There are many definitions of workshop technology, but most of all I agree with the definition of V.M. Monakhova: "a pedagogical workshop is a model of joint pedagogical activity thought out in all details to design, organize and conduct the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers."

Workshop technology is characterized by the following basic principles:

1. the attitude of the teacher to the student as an equal

2. not a simple communication of knowledge as undeniable truths, but an independent "construction" of knowledge by the student with the help of critical thinking to the information being studied

3. independence in solving creative problems

4. pluralism of opinions, approaches, respect for the opinions of others

5. ability to work in a team

6. critical thinking

7. acting as a leader

The law of the workshop - do it your way, based on abilities, interests and personal experience,

correct yourself. That is why there are no "exact methods" for conducting workshops, does each teacher have the right to design and create his own workshops?

Origin history:

In the 1920s, the scientific and pedagogical community showed a desire to get rid of everything that prevents a person from being free and happy. The personality was placed in the center of attention of the pedagogical community. Teachers, doctors, psychologists actively studied the personality of the child, looking for ways to develop it.

In the mid-1920s, the "French Group for the New Education" (GFEN) emerged in France. It included the then famous psychologists and educators - Paul Langevin, Henri Wallon, Jean Piaget. They sought to oppose the conservatism of the traditional school with new intensive teaching methods and put these methods into practice.

In its manifesto, the "French New Education Group" stated that its goal was to educate a free and critical thinker. It was noted that the New Education movement stands for "the intellectual emancipation of everyone as a condition for the emancipation of all." At the same time, it was emphasized that GFEN does not completely reject the ideas of teachers who worked before them. Representatives of this movement argued that the basis of their philosophy is “the thoughts of brilliant predecessors, representatives of humanity: Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Montessori, Decrol, Makarenko, Korczak, Baccle, Frenet, Piaget, Neil, Battelheim - all those for whom a change in the methods of education and teaching is the most important task of civilization. The founders of GFEN denied the traditional attributes of the educational process: they allowed the student to listen not to the teacher, but to a classmate, allowed to make mistakes, sing out of tune, not be afraid to write badly, put forward the most seemingly reckless hypotheses and defend them, reject them and put forward new ones. They proposed the thesis that "knowledge is creation and search in opposition to previously acquired knowledge, with a critical assessment of what can be accepted by all for a long time." At the same time, GFEN teachers insisted on the natural ability of all people to be creative. At the end of the 20th century, in 1989, a creative group of 350 educators from France and other European countries gathered in Marseille - representatives "French groups of new education". At this meeting, the main provisions of the new technology proposed by the group - "Workshop" were formulated:

1. Challenge of traditional pedagogy. The student must be in an active position, reveal the inner potential, build his own knowledge.

2. Personality with a new mentality. The student must develop as an independent, creative,

responsible, constructively armed person.

    "Everyone is capable." Each child is capable of almost all types of activities, the only question is what methods will be used in the process of his education and development. It is necessary to move from equality in law to equality in deed.

    Intensive methods of training and development. Not a simple communication of knowledge as undeniable truths, but the independent construction of knowledge using the method of critical thinking.

    A new type of teacher. The teacher is not an authoritarian mentor, but a talented sculptor. The teacher should treat the student as an equal.

    Accurate calculation of psychological effects. The system of influencing the personality is developed so carefully that everyone who joins it is surprised at what is happening to him: he was able to compose, draw, express his own thought.

Thus, at the turn of the 1980-1990s, representatives of GFEN proposed a technology that implements the pedagogical approach of this group, which was called "Workshop".

During the workshops, the traditional question of knowledge, skills and abilities arises. It seems that in didactic terms there is not enough oral presentation by the teacher of the content of the issues being studied. The main action is that the workshop participants build their understanding of the problem, then put forward hypotheses, discuss them, reject them, formulate new ones, and after presenting them to the audience, they discover their miscalculations and build new hypotheses. At the same time, there is no traditional transfer of a huge amount of knowledge from the teachers present to the students. One of the leading domestic scientists in the field of educational psychology, Nina Fedorovna Talyzina, believes that this is justified, because “knowledge cannot be acquired or stored outside the actions of the student ... To know is to always perform some kind of activity or actions related to given knowledge... The quality of knowledge assimilation is determined by the variety and nature of the activities in which knowledge can function. The very activity of completing tasks during the workshop requires the tension of all cognitive forces, imagination, memory, and thinking. An important feature of workshop technology is that tasks are formulated broadly, with some understatement and uncertainty. But it gives scope to imagination, creative search. Students themselves formulate the goal of their activity, traditionally the educational process was focused on the assimilation of knowledge, the technology of the workshop offers such a structure of the lesson that allows each student not to acquire knowledge, but to build it.

At the workshops, the proposed tasks become the problems of the students themselves, they are less rigidly tied to school problems, they are more closely in touch with the being of the child. This approach, better than traditional teaching technologies, corresponds to modern views on the need to develop competence in graduates of educational institutions. Consequently, the main task of the teacher is to help the student to realize the presence of creative, intellectual capabilities, abilities, as well as the potential for personal development. During the workshops, development takes place. spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support, that is, components of the competence of personal self-improvement. As a result, the personal qualities necessary for a modern person, the culture of thinking and behavior, develop.

The technology got its name from the fact that it has a MASTER. The master only creates an algorithm of actions that unfolds the creative process. And everyone takes part in it, including the master. In the technology of workshops, the main thing is not communicate and master information, and convey ways of working.

In the technology of workshops, individual, pair, as well as group methods of learning are used. However, they differ in many ways from the methods that have the same names and are included in other educational technologies.

Individual spo Sob with the traditional approach is based on the initial activity of the teacher, on his word, initiative and on the subsequent independent work of the student. Application of individual learning method in workshop technology brings the personality to the fore- a student who himself, without the intervention of a teacher, comes into contact with the problem, concretizes it himself, formulates questions that require priority research. The child independently scoops out the first meaning from the new text, highlights the incomprehensible, worthy of subsequent discussion in a pair or group. He is responsible not only for his knowledge, but also for the organization of the process of cognition.

Doubles the way of learning in workshop technology is tantamount to working in a dialogue. In this case, pairs can be both permanent and replaceable composition. During the dialogue, a comparison of new, replenished knowledge with existing ideas takes place.

The group way of teaching occupies an important place in the technology of workshops. Its application begins after an individual entry into the problem has already taken place, a primary understanding of the problem has been formed, some ways of solving it have been clarified, that is, individual and paired developments have been presented. At the second stage, they are analyzed, the search for the most effective way of research is carried out, and finally, usually after the presentation by other groups of their findings, plans, corrections, the implementation of one of the planned ways begins.

The workshop is an unusual form of conducting training sessions. It consists of a sequence of interrelated steps. On each of them, the educational task directs the cognitive activity of students. Pupils have the opportunity to choose the path of research means.

Thus, the workshop as a pedagogical technology is aimed at revealing the individuality of a person, realizing his right to develop all abilities. With a pronounced emphasis on the formation of ways of mental actions, priority in the pedagogical technology of workshops is given to the development of creative abilities. So, the goal of the pedagogical technology of workshops is not the direct transfer of information, but the joint search for knowledge. The workshop often starts with update is known each on the subject, which are then enriched with knowledge niyami comrades in gr uppe. At the next stage, knowledge is corrected in talking with dgg oh group, and only after that point of view declares_class/.In this moment knowledge point is correct again as a result of matching 1 Appearance_of your position from poses initiations of other groups. The class organizes self-examination, self-assessment, reflection of work and the process of cognition itself. Educational

the activity of schoolchildren in the process of completing assignments is an alternative to the simple transfer of information.

The workshop is an original way of organizing the activities of students in a small group (7-15) with the participation of a master teacher who initiates the search, creative nature of the students' activities.

Workshop types can be:

1) according to the composition of participants: for students, for teachers, mixed.

2) by goals and methods of activity: workshops of creative writing, knowledge building, opinion on self-knowledge, mixed.

3) by time: one-act (2-4 hours), long-term (weekly courses of immersion in the problem).

The teacher, who in the terminology of the workshops is called a master, has to abandon the usual functions of a lecturer, an authoritarian leader. The task of the teacher (master) during the workshop is, first of all, to create an atmosphere of openness, goodwill, to appeal to the feelings of the students, to call them to revelation, to work together with them, not to grade, not to scold or praise, but at the same time to give to feel the student's own achievement, even a small one. Based on the analysis of scientific literature in the course of the study, the main elements of the technology were identified.

The main elements of technology: induction, self-construction, socio-construction, socialization, advertising, reflection.


The system-forming element of the workshops is a problematic situation-beginning, motivating the creative activity of everyone. This may be a task around a word, object, picture. French teachers call the beginning of the workshop an inductor. With the inductor, the teacher begins thinking through his workshop. The inductor is an individual task that requires each child to make an independent decision, his own vision of the problem.

Self-construction- this is the individual creation of a hypothesis, solution, text, drawing. At this stage, students perform tasks: or related to studied educational material(educational objects, known methods for solving problems, etc.), or heuristic(to create their own educational products, to develop well-known provisions, to confirm the ideas expressed and

proposals), or related to the organization of the educational process, planning goals, determining the stages of work, etc.)

Socioconstruction. The most important element of the technology is group work (small groups are allocated in the classroom, formed from students of different classes, often appear spontaneously, at the initiative of students). The master can adjust the composition of the groups; the master breaks the task into partial tasks. The groups will have to come up with a way to solve them, and the students are free to choose the search, method, pace. At this stage, the same tasks can be applied as for individual work. Interaction with others provides an expansion of the source of experience, ideas by increasing the number of participants reflecting on the problem. The product of work in a pair (group) is a general solution, project, abstract, drawing, diagram, etc.

Socialization: general discussion of what has been done individually, in pairs, in a group; consideration of all hypotheses, opinions. The discussion can be organized based on publicity-views works of students and the master (texts, diagrams, drawings, etc.) to the whole class (oral presentation or hanging posters in the class) and familiarization with them to all participants in the workshop. Everyone is walking, reading, discussing or reading aloud.

Gap-comparison by all students of their work with the work of classmates. This is an internal awareness by a workshop participant of the incompleteness of their knowledge, which leads to an emotional conflict and a need for new knowledge. It also organizes the implementation of relevant tasks by students.

Reflection- it is a reflection of the feelings that arose among the students during the workshop, leading to the improvement of the further work of the master and students; it is an analysis of success and failure at each stage of the workshop.

Workshop algorithms (according to A.A. Okunev):

Algorithm 1. Induction-self-construction->socioconstruction-Socialization-advertising-gap-reflection.
Algorithm 2. Induction - panel - work with literature - discussion in pairs and then in groups - posing questions - group selection of a question for research work - understanding of the problem

(each) - socialization in the group - search for a hypothesis (each) - choice of the most probable hypothesis (in the group) - socialization - planning and conducting an experiment to test the hypothesis - presentation of conclusions and justification by the neighboring group - correction (in the group) - drawing up a problem to be solved on the basis of the conclusion made (in the group) - exchange of problems and conclusions drawn between groups - evaluation by each group

the conclusions presented by him and the possibilities of their use in solving the problem posed (socialization).

Algorithm 3. The word of the master - individual work with the information received - work with literature (replenishment, clarification of information) - presentation (verbal, schematic, written, oral) of objects, concepts, ideas presented in the word of the master (socialization) - compilation and collection of questions on the topic studied - choice of a question by each group - work with literature - chanel - word of the master - work of groups with documents - setting up an experiment to test a hypothesis - collecting and discussing new information - formulating conclusions - proving conclusions - critical analysis of conclusions - socialization.

Algorithm 4. Inductor - creating an object model, concepts, actions, schemes,
drawing - description of product properties - exchange of descriptions - reproduction of the model according to the description - exchange of built models - clarification of the description of the model - word of the master (the master offers his own algorithm of action) - use of the model in practice by each of the group members - exchange of tasks in the group - analysis of all completed tasks in the group - highlighting the conditions for the correct execution of tasks in the group - highlighting the correct execution of the task - exchange of tasks and models for them between groups - correction of models.

Algorithm 5. The master offers 2-3 topics - choice - everyone looks through the literature on the chosen topic, formulates a research problem - disclosure of the problem - everyone finds out everything he knows about this problem - creating groups on similar problems, formulating a common topic
research - creation of a data bank - research plan - work according to the plan: individual, pair,

group-discussion in the group-formulation of the first result-presentation-each group, after getting acquainted with the results of the study of other groups, makes up a task for them (the master too) - work on tasks-formulation and presentation of the second result
research - individual reflection on the problem - preparation and presentation of individual results give an example of a new concept - groups exchange examples, give their rationale, offer solutions to problems associated with new concepts - groups receive their examples with the justification that their neighbors offered - correction - groups present their own examples on the board - questions from other groups - correction - groups at the blackboard talk about the points that they corrected - everyone writes down all the necessary information in their notebook - everyone at the blackboard performs the task of the master on new material. Analyzing the features of the workshops as

pedagogical technology, it is important to note that the following approach is actively used in their construction and implementation: the educational process should be built from the standpoint of self-knowledge of the individual, helping her independent spiritual efforts, stimulating, awakening the activity and creativity inherent in her from birth.

An important aspect of pedagogical technology is the education of workshop participants. The process of upbringing consists in the constant adjustment of subjective experience, comparing it with the experience of others, as a result of which there is a choice of one's own path, self-actualization.


Mukhina I. A. "What is a pedagogical workshop." Literature workshops: integration of innovative and traditional experience: A book for the teacher. SPB, 2002

Pedagogical workshops: integration of domestic and foreign experience / Comp. I.A. Mukhina. - SPb., 1995.

Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. - M .: Pedagogy, 1986. Pedagogical workshops "France - Russia" / Ed. E. S. Sokolova .- M .: New school. 1997.

Hesse G. Fav. works.- M.: Panorama, 1995.

Talyzina N. F. Formation of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. - M .: Education, 1988.

Valerie P. About Art. - M.: Art, 1993.

Dewey J. Psychology and pedagogy of thinking. - M .: Labyrinth, 1999.

Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Pedagogy, 1986.

Danilov M. A., Skatkin M. N. Didactics.- M.: Enlightenment, 1975.

Zagashev I.O., Zair-Bek SI. Critical thinking: development technology. - St. Petersburg: Alliance delta, 2003.

Petrova G.B. Modern technologies in teaching literature - Magnitogorsk, 2006

Petrova G.B. "Modern technologies in teaching literature" Mgnitogorsk 2006

Tatyana Alyokhina
Technology "Creative workshops". Consultation for teachers

Technology« Creative workshops»

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education pedagogical The process has become even more intense and exciting, including for us, educators. The basic values ​​of the Standard are the preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood, as an important stage in the overall development of a person. What is behind these words? Now I am constantly looking for new methods and technologies, allowing to save for the child and help him realize his right to determine his own path of development; contributing to the formation of an active, versatile personality of pupils, the identification and implementation of children's abilities in the course of the main activity of preschoolers - in the game. The result of my work is a happy, harmoniously developing child. And since the main means of forming each small personality, the source of knowledge and social experience of children is the reality surrounding them, such forms of organizing children's activities have become popular for me, such as "work in creative workshops» .

First, this technology allows you to create in a group a constantly updated subject-spatial environment that works for the development of children creativity.

Secondly, work in creative workshops carries a sense of freedom creativity and fulfilling life experienced and remembered by its participants.

Thirdly, the subject-subject relations of an adult and a child are best provided here, and in the cognitive process freedom of choice is provided, the manifestation of individual aspirations and personality development, the opportunity to come to new knowledge and actively use it through individual or collective work.

For clearance creative workshops, I actively use my Creative skills, I make toys and decorative items with my own hands, they make my pupils desire create yourself, according to the model or with changes, additions, while developing their own idea and initiative. We share our thoughts, assumptions with each other, and each child is distinguished by his activity in studying and transforming the world around him, high self-esteem, openness, freedom in judgments and actions.

The subject of my workshops maybe the most varied:

-"Theatrical workshop» , where the children and I make attributes for the performance or heroes of the table theater, for example, from vegetables and fruits.

-« Layout Workshop» , in which we built models of rooms for the soul, a model of our city, models of ships, a gym, models "Seasons".

- « repair workshop» , allowed children to learn how to repair books spoiled by the dirty tricks of the old woman Shapoklyak demonstration posters, maps.

-« Good Deeds Workshop» , taught children to do things that come from the depths of their hearts, such as gifts for participants in the events of the Great Patriotic War or toys for orphans, postcards for the elderly.

-« Holiday Workshop» always the most exciting thing, because we arrange a group for any event or holiday. Not only children, but also their parents always take part in this work. In anticipation of the pre-holiday atmosphere, we are always learning something new: how to make Christmas trees, snowflakes for the New Year from various materials and in all sorts of ways, how to decorate windows by March 8 using stained glass paints, what kind of garlands, posters, etc.

- « Workshop of small talkers» , one of my favorite workshop children, because here children have the opportunity not only to make a product of their own creativity, but also digest it. We sculpted a wide variety of pies and pies, and then tried to guess who turned out or what happened, tasted and determined the filling, experimented with milkshakes and all this brought joy and the opportunity for children to learn the unknown and be inspired by new incarnations.

- « Workshop of young artists» . Here, children have the opportunity to draw in all sorts of non-traditional ways and materials that they only know or have seen, or have ever been interested in. Thus, we create informative posters, posters, invitation cards, congratulatory and holiday signs, etc.

- "Cognitive workshops» give us the opportunity to first learn information from various sources, and then apply our knowledge in the design of, for example, lepbooks.

Technology« workshops» became close to me and I am happy to work on it. She allows me and the children to decide such questions: take part in the manufacture of a particular product creativity or not, or maybe today, I will observe, and next time I will decide what is best to do. Or I will help this child, and I will let him look at the blank folders, perhaps he will find interesting information for himself. Each participant in the activity can settle down where he wants, with whom he wants, perhaps in a pair or three to do one job, to move freely around the group. Creation cannot exist under pressure and violence, it must come from the heart, be free, bright and unique. Without parting with paints and pencils, the child imperceptibly learns to observe, compare, think, fantasize.

Recently, I began to often think about the fact that all my work with children is continuous creation, and also - this is real happiness, because it is children, and only they, who know how to selflessly love, inspire with their love, inspire and inspire confidence.

Related publications:

Consultation for teachers "Quest technology in work with preschoolers" Let the kids play. Plenty, satiety, not in short, Let the rain wash, Give how the flower opens. Let the kids play.

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Panova Zhanna Viktorovna
Position: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MOU "VSOSH №2"
Locality: Volosovo city, Leningrad region
Material name: Methodical development
Subject: Pedagogical technology of creative workshops.
Publication date: 13.11.2016
Chapter: additional education

Technology of creative workshops at the lessons of the Russian language and literature. (Speech at a school methodological association of teachers of philology) 2016 The idea of ​​workshops came to us from France. "Atelie" - so the French teachers from the public organization "New Education" call the master's letters. In parallel, the word "demarche" ("la demarche") is used. But for the Russian ear, neither one nor the other is good! Therefore, we use a direct translation of the word "atelie" - a workshop. Pedagogical workshops appeared in our country in the early 1990s and immediately attracted the attention of methodologists and language teachers. Specialists from St. Petersburg (I.A. Mukhina, L.D. Furaeva, N.I. Khlebovich, Zh.O. Andreeva, etc.) were especially interested in them. Teachers who repeatedly came from different cities to take courses at the St. Petersburg University of Pedagogical Excellence started talking about "Petersburg Pedagogical Workshops". Petersburg Methodists have published many articles, several author's collections and books, devoted to workshops as a new pedagogical technology. However, the workshop genre is sometimes interpreted broadly. It is worthwhile to figure out what are the "laws of the genre" and why pedagogical workshops are needed for a teacher of literature and his students.

- a special pedagogical technology based on humanistic ideas about the value of each human person, about the value-semantic equality of a teacher and a student. The technology of pedagogical workshops is called dialogue, polycentric, reflexive - it is associated with the humanistic nature of the goals, relationships, and activities of workshop participants. Here is one of the first definitions given in Russian to this concept:

pedagogical is a form of education for children and adults that creates conditions









independent or collective discovery." The definition emphasizes the discovery

new and independent way.

How is a workshop different from other types of learning activities?
In an ordinary school lesson, the teacher, like a pioneer, leads the whole class, while the children follow him along the already beaten path. Even if the teacher begins with a discussion of a problematic issue, the answer to it is predetermined by him in advance. The role of the followers in this case is inevitably passive.
In the teacher's workshop
- a mentor, by right of an older and more knowledgeable person, giving into the hands of a younger student - a map and a compass, with the help of which he must come to the discovery on his own. Thanks to the mentor, the student gains knowledge by combining his efforts with the efforts of classmates to achieve the goal. Therefore, competition is unlikely here, and one of the most important conditions for work is a trusting, friendly atmosphere. A discovery made independently helps, on the one hand, to believe in one's own creative possibilities, on the other hand, to feel the need for co-creation, since the "workshop" always involves a dialogue between its participants. (The teacher thinks over the forms of interaction when planning tasks.) The peculiarity of this joint creative work is not the direct transfer of knowledge, but the collective search for new information, which the student perceives as a necessity, and the mentor only helps him get out of the chaos of disparate ideas to harmony
acquired knowledge. A well-thought-out system of tasks, supporting supporting (controversial) information, and minimal verbal intervention by the facilitator (the monologue is kept to a minimum) determine the maximum independence in promoting all participants in the pedagogical workshop to the result. I will note
the main advantages of the work of pedagogical workshops
. The student is able to quickly master a new topic for him, because he independently obtains knowledge or discovers hidden creative resources in himself. The leader of the lesson creates a working environment so that the workshop participants themselves, in the conditions of collective work, can find their own way to solve the problem. The result of the work justifies the time and effort spent on preparing workshops. The techniques used in their conduct do not contradict the methodology of the traditional lesson, but complement the best that has been and is preserved in our domestic pedagogy. Such classes should not be seen as an alternative to the traditional lesson. Firstly, the preparation of a real author's workshop requires a lot of time. Secondly, as you know, the monotonous type of tasks usually reduces the level of interest and efficiency of students.
Workshop types
 knowledge building workshop,  creative writing workshop (or simply writing),  relationship building workshop,  value orientations workshop,  self-knowledge workshop, design workshop, etc. A student who has worked in a knowledge building workshop will no longer talk about literary theory that she is dead. It is able to really come to life, and contact with it will be life-giving, since the student is given the right to master “living knowledge”. Self-acquired knowledge by a teenager is perceived by a workshop participant as a personal discovery, “assigned” to them. The workshop of creative writing allows a young person to apply his own deep life - emotional, moral, aesthetic - experience in the performance of a specific task. Knowledge acquired in the process of working on a particular topic is organically combined with intuitive feeling. Feelings and thoughts materialize: they become judgments or are embodied in artistic images. The main task of the leading workshop of creative writing is to help children gain a sense of inner freedom, a harmonious state of mind, to find an individually unique form of self-expression in a creative act, the impulse to which can serve as a vivid aesthetic impression. The workshop, which is important, helps the participant to some extent understand the state of spiritual uplift of the poet, writer, artist, composer, sculptor at the moment of creative insight. The experience of self-knowledge and world knowledge acquired here often becomes an unforgettable life event, a fact of spiritual biography. And, perhaps, retreating before new impressions, it goes into the depths of memory, but remains a fulcrum for gaining new knowledge. The created creative works are evaluated by the master encouragingly and inspire students for further searches and success. Secret reflections entrusted to each other and to the teacher should not be disclosed without
the knowledge of the author himself. Keeping the information received secret is a matter of honor for the one to whom it is entrusted. They always talk about the algorithm of the workshop. It, with possible correction, must be maintained if a successful lesson is to be held. One of the most important conditions when creating a workshop is that its material must be truly problematic, even paradoxical. Then, at any stage of the lesson, the participants will be able to experience a kind of "breakthrough" - discovery, shock, acute bewilderment with insight - that is what makes the workshop a unique form of the lesson.
Knowledge Building Workshop Algorithm


is an inductor. It motivates further activity. There are two necessary conditions for such an assignment: it is always based on the student's personal experience and - sometimes paradoxically - is associated with the meaning of further activity. A word, image, phrase, object, sound, melody, text, drawing, etc. can act as an inductor. - everything that can awaken a feeling, cause a stream of associations, memories, sensations, questions. Children formulate a problem, while showing a personal attitude to the subject of discussion.
Second phase
associated with the creation, individually or in a group, of a creative product. There are two stages here: deconstruction and reconstruction. In other words, we will analyze something (text?) into details, and then we will use them as the initial building material - it is possible with our own "additives". For example, students have long been invited to restore a "scattered" poem. Why not try to write your own on the basis of these, as well as additionally necessary words? ..
The third

- this is "socialization", that is, the presentation of the created product to all participants (posting and reading texts, exhibition of drawings, etc.). At this time, everyone compares to himself, correlates his results with others' and masters all possible discoveries.


intermediate reflection is needed. It is very important if, for example, it is time for us to finish the lesson, but the workshop has not yet been completed. Here, the participants of the work often have a need for new or additional knowledge - an information request. (The workshop can fit in 30-45 minutes. But the stages of deconstruction and reconstruction can be repeated, and if continued in a day or two, then an intermediate inductor will also be needed. The results of someone else's activities, creative works can also inspire the continuation of the workshop. can be given at home.)
Fifth stage
- access to new information and its processing. What will it be? Dictionary entries, works of critics? Fragments of works, statements? ..
Sixth stage
- Correction or update created by the student. He himself will continue or improve what is written. Or maybe create a new work - this is an individual or group work.
seventh stage
- final socialization. All written compositions are read, all drawings are demonstrated, all invented pantomimes are played out... It is important here that all participants in the workshop are listened to.
Final stage
- reflection. What did I discover today - in myself, in the text, in those around me? What questions did you come up with? What didn't you understand? Reflection can be emotional and logical. The outburst of impressions, according to the laws of psychology, is relief and even healing (this is especially evident in workshops for adults).
A logical "self-report" is needed for self-development: here I discovered something, but here it was difficult, because ... Questions for reflection are proposed by the teacher, thinking through them for each workshop. Well, if you manage to conduct a reflection orally - everyone speaks out. But often there is no time - you can do it in writing in 5-8 minutes. Then we will read the results later or post them for everyone to see. "Other variants of the work algorithm are possible, subject to the general principles and rules of the workshop."
Workshop Laws
Value-semantic equality of all participants. (The teacher can participate in the work on an equal basis with the students.) Everyone has the right to make a mistake: it can be corrected by the student himself or become a window into the opening. Non-judgmental activity, lack of critical remarks. This has to be learned. (It's especially hard not to praise!) Evaluation is replaced by self-evaluation and self-correction. Providing freedom within the accepted rules. This means the opportunity to choose your topic and behavior within the framework of common tasks and subject to mutual respect of the participants. (Those who do not want to disclose their opinion now will definitely want to later - we know from experience.) A significant element of uncertainty, even mystery in the tasks. Only under this condition does creativity arise. Dialogue is the main principle of cooperation. Dialogue creates an atmosphere of comprehension of any phenomenon in different colors, which together give a sense of the "rainbow" of the world. Organization and restructuring of the real space in which the workshop takes place, depending on the task of each stage. This may be a circle of all participants, separate places for individual or group work, a place for dramatizations, pantomime, etc. In the real practice of the school, this restructuring is possible in full or in elements. For example, if a student goes to compose in the corner of the class, he has the right. Decisive restriction of the practical activity of the master leader as an authority at all stages of the workshop. Ideally, the master formulates the task and does not answer questions.
From observations: what is constant in the workshops.
Friendly relations that allow for dialogue, including in the teacher-student system. Workshop rules. The combination of three components: teaching, communication, creativity. Emotional and aesthetic experiences in the process of working with works, when interacting with comrades, with different opinions and reactions to what is happening. The educational component of the lesson is related and not related to the content of the educational material (the result of communication). Freedom of choice - within the stated rules - behavior, associations, interlocutors, topics. The non-obviousness of the results, their uncertainty, and sometimes unpredictability. Psychological saturation of each stage of the workshop, increased readiness leading to psychological analysis, conclusions and immediate decision making. Constant motivation for activity from outside and inside the student. A constant change of types of activity: from induction to deduction, from personal to other people's observations, hypotheses and knowledge, from a fragment to a whole...
The trend towards integrated activity and integrated knowledge. Almost always, philosophical, ethical, cultural, psychological problems and knowledge from different sciences and from life are connected. The workshop itself (by the laws of construction) leads to a wide field of cognitive activity, because it does not limit, but encourages imagination, associations, memory, and creativity. Why are pedagogical workshops relevant and in demand at literature lessons in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards? Interest in literature arises in everyone who becomes a participant in the workshop, even in subjects that are far from art. Working with the word in the workshop becomes paramount. Workshops are a great way to develop your own "writing" and therefore prepare for composing. Workshops "launch" associative thinking. This is the way for the manifestation of one's own ideas, feelings and thoughts and for the understanding of artistic creativity, especially poetry. Being a reflective technology, the workshop evokes, trains, develops the ability for analytical activity in practice: to analyze the works and situations of communication, to compare one's own and others' thoughts, feelings, perceptions, attitudes, interpretations; to introspection and self-control. These skills and abilities are necessary for the education of a competent reader. The developing influence of the workshops is obvious, which was repeatedly recorded at the stage of reflection in different workshops by the high school students themselves. These classes encourage analytical and creative activity, develop trusting relationships in the team, respectful and joyful attitude towards the teacher and teaching as work and creativity.
Application 1 Grade 7 Russian language. Theme of the lesson: “The word gives rise to a thought” Lesson type: a lesson of a general methodological orientation (a lesson in building a knowledge system) Lesson form: a lesson-workshop of creative writing. Activity goal: the formation of students' activity abilities and abilities to structure and systematize the studied subject content, the formation of students' ability to a new mode of action associated with the construction of the structure of the studied concepts I t and y and a l o r and t m o v. Substantive goal: the construction of generalized activity norms and the identification of the theoretical foundations for the development of content-methodological lines of courses, the identification of the theoretical foundations for the construction of content-methodological lines. Didactic goal: to create an emotional atmosphere conducive to the inclusion of each student in the process of their own personal development, personal motivation; improve the ability to independently build your own path of knowledge. Educational aspect: it is assumed that by the end of the lesson, students will be able to create a discourse text on a given topic (OGE-15.3) , intellectual skills, associative thinking. Educational aspect: the formation of value orientations (respectful attitude of students to the teaching profession, his work); culture of mental work, Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, presentation, music, handouts (essays, newspapers, projects of students of different classes about the teacher). Technology: Technologies for the development of critical thinking with access to creative work. Methods: analytical conversation, selection of cultural and linguistic material, work in pairs, posing problematic questions. Lesson form: Pedagogical workshop. During the lesson, students go through a three-phase model of critical thinking technology: Challenge stage: a) preparing the material (identifying known information and impressions, updating existing knowledge); b) the activation of students in the lesson (the use of techniques that motivate the activities of students in the lesson). Stage of comprehension: a) immersion in the world of the word; b) obtaining new information, its processing and systematization (creation of text -
reasoning). Stage of reflection: a) detailed answers (oral / written) to the teacher's questions b) participation in the dialogue child (student) - adult (guests of the workshop) Course of the lesson “Do it your own way, based on your abilities, interests and personal experience. And correct yourself.” Organizational moment. Teacher: Good morning, hello. I'm glad to see you in our impromptu creative writing workshop. Today we are all masters, creators, sculptors, creators. To begin with, I propose to decide on the place of your activity. All those present (and guests) can sit in pairs, you can - in groups. With whom - choose for yourself. Jobs have been determined, now I ask everyone to stand up, push their chairs (so as not to interfere) and “stretch” the parts of the body that you plan to use in the work to the music. (Music sounds, rhythmic movements are performed). Thank you. Take your seats. Sit comfortably so that nothing and no one bothers you. Today we will act as a jeweler who creates, crafts, creates. All the tools necessary for this are in front of you (if someone doesn’t have something, we share it). - a creative notebook where you will write down everything you hear today. And we will all listen, speak, observe. And what is especially important is to formulate your observations, create your own artistic image, in order to create your own creation later. Our creative material today will be the WORD ... ... "Inductor" - inclusion in the work. Look around carefully. What has changed in your usual environment? (material about teachers). Describe the theme of visibility in one word (teacher). Why do you think? (this is a topic, a holiday is coming soon, a teacher, a student, a school are one whole). So, the word TEACHER. Self-construction. Write down the word TEACHER (sheets of A-4 size. You can put it in any way you like and write where you want). Let's work together with this word, look at it from different angles. Work with the word "teacher" in microgroups. After each stage, those who wish to read out the words. At this point, you can supplement your ranks. Choose associations (support, labor, love for children, books, notebooks, pointer, Motherland, art, etc.). Pick up single words. (teacher, student, learn, teacher's, teach, retrain, instructive, memorize, etc.) Choose synonyms (teacher, master, mentor, teacher, educator, leader, tutor, mentor, tutor, etc.). Compose and write down phrases, small phrases that characterize the essence, the inner content of the word TEACHER (do not neglect figurative and expressive means). Continue the sentence: "A teacher is...". Write the name of the person next to which you can safely write the word "teacher". We create a "portrait" of the teacher.
U - mind, H - honor, I - truth, T - patience - E - daily, hourly L - love b - gentleness. Working with cultural analogue. We find the meaning of the word TEACHER in the dictionary (read out). The article is on the slide. Ozhegov's dictionary gives the following meaning of this word. A teacher is a person who teaches something, a teacher. School teacher. Mathematic teacher. Home teacher. Honored Teacher (honorary title). 2. Head of teaching, a person who teaches (taught) something (high). Great Philosophers. The symbol of the Teacher in Russia is the Pelican bird. According to legend, this bird is an example of selfless parental love: tearing its own chest with its beak, it feeds the hungry brood with its blood. The winners of the competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" are awarded with crystal figurines of a pelican, made at the Dyatkovo crystal factory in the Bryansk region. Fizminutka. Relaxation (to the music - a warm-up for the eyes, neck, shoulders - you can stand). Socioconstruction and socialization. Guys, you have on your desks the statements of famous people about teachers, read them, exchange thoughts with your desk mate. Check the ones that you may find useful in your work. Those who wish can express their thoughts to everyone. Work in pairs with statements about teachers. Creative work. Composing a text - reasoning "Who is a teacher" What style of speech is preferable for such a text? Why? (journalistic - contains emotionality, appeal). What type of speech is preferable for such a text? Why? (reasoning with elements of description - a thesis is put forward, arguments are given, a conclusion is drawn; figurative and expressive means of the language are used). Using the accumulated material, write the text - reasoning, on creative worksheets. Remember the structure of the text - reasoning. Working time is limited (7, 8 minutes). Optionally - read out, discuss (if there is time) Reflection. Answer each of your questions, and those who wish - aloud: - What did I discover new today? -What questions did I get answered? -What feelings, emotions, thoughts arose while working, discussing and creating your own creation? -What questions remain?
Now those who wish can exchange their creative works and communicate with each other. I will comment on the homework at the literature lesson, since the form of work will be similar to this one, and the basis is a literary text on literature. I wish you all creative success, good luck and victories in the hard work on personal development, development of individual abilities, talents and interests. Appendix 2
Russian language lesson. Grade 6 Topic: Parts of speech and sentence members Lesson type: knowledge generalization lesson

: Practicing the ability to find parts of speech in exercises, members of a sentence and independent work on this topic.
Tasks: Metasubject
the ability to freely, correctly express thoughts orally, to comply with the norms of text construction (logicality, consistency, coherence, relevance to the topic, etc.)
formation of goal-setting skills;
development of cognitive activity of students, development of the ability to transform information in accordance with the task, be able to analyze;
formation of the desire to master the model of benevolent communication; mastering the skills to work in a group;
development of independence, personal responsibility when working in a group, the skills of mutual control, the formation of skills of cooperation, personal self-esteem. Stages of the lesson: 1. Organizational moment (3 minutes) Greeting. Emotional message. - And now I would like to touch the hands of some guys and ask a question about some of the subjects studied (suitable for those who wish) - Mathematics: how to find the unknown reduced? (it is necessary to add the difference to the subtracted) - Biology: name 4 kingdoms of wildlife. (kingdom of fungi, kingdom of plants, kingdom of animals, kingdom of bacteria) - Geography: who discovered America? (Columbus) - Literature: who is the author of the "Fly" fable? (I.I. Dmitriev) - The last question: what day of the week is it today? (Friday) Number? (10/07/2016) Write the number in a notebook. (1 minute) 2. Actualization of knowledge - In the past lessons, we summarized knowledge of style. They remembered what the text, the main idea, the theme, the idea, the styles of speech are. Let's consolidate our knowledge. Every person has such moments when the soul is heavy and a load of resentment, disappointment, dissatisfaction with oneself and others has accumulated. At such moments I like to reread the parables of different peoples. Here is one of my favorites. Parable of a wise teacher and student (read). Select and write down in a notebook a proverb that reveals the theme of the parable and a proverb that reveals the idea of ​​the parable. Justify (verbally).  They judge the student and the teacher (Russian proverb)  There are no easy ways to science (Japanese proverb) - topic  Teach others and you will learn yourself (Russian proverb)  It is better to be offended than offenders.  It's easy to offend, but how does your soul feel? - idea  Everyone can offend, but there is no one to regret. 3. Organization of activities for the "exit" on the topic, the purpose of the lesson.
Setting educational tasks, problems - we will work in groups. There is a table on your tables. Arrows show the correspondence between the name and the characteristic. - what words should be inserted in the "cap" of the table? They work in pairs. The first pair to complete the task comments on their work (5 minutes). Based on the results of the check, they fill out a self-assessment sheet (Work in pairs - check - assessment in DD). - Formulate and write down the topic of the lesson (Parts of speech and members of the sentence) Determine for yourself the purpose, learning objectives of the lesson (distinguish parts of speech and members of the sentence; find parts of speech, members of the sentence in the exercises yourself) 4. Actualization of basic knowledge, consolidation of the material. The text "The work of the teacher." Tasks for the text: In the upper right corner, write your last name and first name. 1) Determine the main idea, topic, idea, style of speech (briefly justify). Check yourself and your friend (Individual work - mutual check - assessment in DD) 2) Write out the sentence, after parsing it, give a description, draw up a diagram. Three are at the blackboard, the rest are working in notebooks. (5 minutes) (Teamwork - Self-examination - assessment in DD) 5. Work with the textbook - open the textbook on p.37 (new), p.41 (old). Complete task number 1: carefully read the text about the Russian scientist Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov. Write down the name of this major linguist, list his achievements in the field of linguistics. Read the text about the scientist, analyze, write down the last name in a notebook (4 minutes) Talk about the achievements of the scientist (1 minute) 6. Lesson summary Final task: Compose and write down a syncwine on the topic of the text. The syncwine scheme is presented in the form of a graphic designation of the members of the sentence and parts of speech (slide). Read their work. For an independent assessment, you can transfer the work to guests. 7. Reflection. (5 minutes) On a sheet of paper - a seven-color flower. Each petal is some kind of position on which you need to express your opinion. - Violet - it was interesting for me ... - Blue - I learned .... - Blue - it was difficult for me (I didn't like it). - Green - I learned something new that……… - Yellow - my assessment of the psychological atmosphere… - Orange - I would like to know… - Red - the word-association of this lesson……………….. The core is your full name. 8. Homework D / z Paragraph, rules, exercise No. _______ Thank you for the lesson! Write down homework in a diary (1 minute), hand over DD for verification.
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