Lesson-training presentation based on visual perception of the text “What are hollows? Synopsis "Educational presentation based on the visual perception of the text" What are the hollows? (According to N. Sladkov) "Setting the topic of the lesson.

Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks. There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt. There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve. There are hollow bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat or drink anything. How many hollows, so many mysteries.

(According to I. Sladkov)


  1. Define the idea of ​​the text.
  2. Make a plan.
  3. Write a detailed presentation and prove in writing that you have a reasoning text in front of you.


  1. How many hollows, so many mysteries.
  2. Plan.

    I. Introduction.
    II. Main part:

    1. Hollow-rooms.
    2. Hollow pantries.
    3. Hollow-bedrooms.
    III. Conclusion.
  3. Before us is a reasoning text, since it contains a thesis, arguments, and a consequence. The first sentence is the thesis. Then there are three arguments: there are hollow-bedrooms, hollow-storerooms, hollow-bedrooms. The last sentence is a corollary that corresponds to the idea of ​​the text: "How many hollows, so many riddles."

L.L. Strakhov "Statements for younger schoolchildren". Tips on the theory and practice of writing essays. Texts and plans of presentations with the fulfillment of creative tasks.

See also: Statement-description: "Not only joy, but also a duty ..."

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Slides captions:


He is dressed for work - Comfortable, simple, smart. He wears a crimson beret And a motley overall. This bird is just a treasure, Forest orderly. He is happy to select all pests under the bark.

WHAT ARE THE HOUSES? Every hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker can spot a hollow dweller by following the tracks.

There are hollows - rooming houses. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them.

The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt.

There are hollows - pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve.

There are hollows - bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat, does not drink.

How many hollows in the forest, so many mysteries.

WHAT ARE THE HOUSES? hollows - bunkhouses hollows - pantries hollows - bedrooms How many hollows in the forest, so many ... .

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Subject: Environment Class: 3 "A" Topic: "What kind of industry is" Objectives: to introduce industry as a branch of the economy; Planned results: Personal: Formation of the...











  • PORTRAIT N.I.Sladkov





1. Organization of the class.

Hello children.

Sit quietly.

We begin the lesson on the development of coherent speech.

2. Communication of the purpose of the lesson.

Today we will write a presentation based on the story of Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov, a wonderful Russian writer, a great connoisseur of nature. Nikolai Ivanovich learned a lot from Vitaly Bianchi, whose stories are well known to us. (portrait of N.I. Sladkov on the board)

Remember what stories of Nikolai Sladkov you read?

green savannah

Forest tales.

3. Primary perception of the text.

You have papers with texts on your desks. Read the text “What are hollows?”
Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks. There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt. There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve. There are hollow-bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat or drink anything. How many hollows, so many mysteries.

(according to N. Sladkov)

What was unclear?

I don't understand the word tracker.

Children who can explain this word.

A tracker is a hunter who knows animal tracks well.

Let's read the meaning of this word in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language"

Pathfinder is a masculine noun.

  1. A hunter following the tracks of an animal.
For example: Vigilant tracker.

2. The one who searches for historical values ​​obtains information about historical events. For example: The young pathfinders went on a hike.

Children, what do you think, what meaning is suitable for our text?

Our story is about nature, about how a hunter can recognize an animal that lives in a hollow by its tracks.

The text, children, speaks of many animals. See what an owl looks like - a night bird, and a marten - a predatory animal. (I post color photos on the board)

4. Definition of the topic, ideas of the text. Text type proof.

Read the text aloud. Determine the topic of the text.

This text is about different hollows.

What are hollows?

There are hollow-bedrooms, hollow-bedrooms, hollow-storerooms.

Guys, define the idea of ​​the text.

You need to be careful in the forest, observant.

Who will say otherwise?

Each hollow is a mystery.

Yes guys. How many hollows - so many mysteries.

What type of text do you think this story belongs to?

This is a discussion.

Prove it.

There is a question in the title. The text contains a thesis, evidence, conclusion.

Read the thesis.

Each hollow in the forest is a mystery.

We must prove this thesis or statement. Read the first proof.

There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels spend the night in them.

The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt.
Determine the theme of this section.


How shall we title this part?


Read for whom hollows are rooming houses.

Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl is daydreaming in a hollow.

Read the second proof.

There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them.

The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve.

Determine the theme of this section.


How to title this section?


Whose pantries are in the hollow?

Squirrels and martens hide their stocks in hollows.

Read the third proof.

There are hollow-bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow.

She hibernates upside down. All winter

Doesn't eat or drink anything.

Decide on the theme of the part.

Hollow - bedrooms.

How shall we name the part?

Hollow - bedrooms.

What is the last sentence?

This is the conclusion.

Note that the output matches the topic, idea, and title of the text.

5. Drawing up a text plan.

Into how many main parts can we divide the text?

It is divided into 3 parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

Read the introduction.

Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks.

Read the last sentence.

How many hollows, so many mysteries.

What will it be in the presentation?


What will be the rest of the proposals?

This is the main part.

Read the plan we made.

  1. Introduction.

  2. Main part.

  1. Hollow-rooms.

  2. Hollow pantries.

  3. Hollow-bedrooms.

  1. Conclusion.
How many red lines will be in the text?

3 red lines.

Mark them on your papers.


  1. Imagine that we are in the forest. Stretch your arms to the sides and take 5 deep breaths in and out.

  2. Now reach out with your hands to the hollow in the tree. Stand on your toes and stretch 5 times.
Sit down.

6. Language analysis of the text.

We proceed to the language analysis of the text. What is it for?

That's right guys. Language analysis helps us to accurately select the words to create our text and not deviate from the topic, idea and type of text.

Read 1 sentence.

Every hollow in the forest is a mystery.

Can the word "each" be omitted?

No, because it shows that all hollows are mysterious.

What word can be replaced?

You can write "any, any".

And which word is better?

Better "each"

This word affirms.

" in the forest". What do these words indicate?

The place where the event takes place.

The riddle must be solved.

When we guess a riddle, we need to prove the riddle.

Read sentence 2.

A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks.

Can the word "skillful" be omitted?

It is impossible, because not every person can unravel the traces of animals.

What word can be replaced?

You can say "skilled".

Which word is better and why?

Better "skilled". The word "skillful" is often used with the word "master, artist."

Is it possible to replace the word "tracker"?

What words?

He follows the tracks.

What does the word "hollow" refer to?
It indicates that the forest inhabitants live in a hollow.

Because animals live in a hollow.

Read sentence 3.

There are hollow-bedrooms.

The sentence begins with the word "are." How can you start differently?

You can write "meet".

Yes, these words are synonyms.

In these hollows, the inhabitants only spend the night.

Read sentence 4.

Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them.

Why does a sentence begin with "in them"?

To avoid repetition.

The word "conduct". Can you say "live"?

No, squirrels and woodpeckers are in hollows only for a certain time. They don't live there.

What does the word "night" refer to?

It indicates the time.

Read sentence 5.

The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt.

"daytime". What does this word show?

He sleeps there during the day.

Can it be replaced by the word "lives"?

No. Because "day" indicates the exact time.

They store stocks, like in pantries.

Read sentence 7.

The squirrel hides nuts in them.

Why not "in the hollows" but "in them"?

To avoid repetition.

What word can replace the word "hide"?

You can say "cleans, puts, stores."

And which word is better?

Better word "hides". The squirrel does this so that other animals do not find it.

Read the next sentence.

The marten put a forest mouse in reserve.

What word can replace the word "put"?

You can use the word "hidden, removed." But she did not hide, namely put.

What does "in reserve" mean?

Now she will not eat, and then she will eat.

He specified where the mouse lives.

Read sentence 9.

There are hollow bedrooms.

Why does N.I. Sladkov call hollows “bedrooms”?

So they sleep in these hollows.

Read sentence 10.

All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow.

"all". What does this word indicate?

Indicates that the bat sleeps there for the whole winter, and not just for a short time.

What word can be replaced?

You can write "always, always, all the time."

This word is short and clear.

If there was a word "lives", then the mouse could fly out of the hollow in winter, but it does not fly. The mouse sleeps there, and does not sit and wait out the winter.

Why is it indicated that the mouse is "bat"?

Other types of mice do not sleep in the hollow in winter.

She hibernates upside down.

Why use the word "she"?

Otherwise, the word "mouse" will be repeated.

What does the word "winter" refer to?

This word indicates a specific time when a bat sleeps in a hollow. The mouse does not just sleep there, but hibernates, she sleeps in the summer, but only during the day.

Well done. You clarified well and immediately explained that you need to write the word "hibernation", and not "the mouse is sleeping."

Read the next sentence.

All winter he does not eat or drink anything.

How have we already explained the meaning of the word "all"?

It shows persistence.

Why is it used in this sentence?

The word "all" indicates that the bat does not eat anything at all in winter because it sleeps.

Read the last sentence.

How many hollows, so many mysteries.

What do the words "how much" indicate?

They indicate the number of hollows—there are many riddles.

You guys and I did a language analysis of the text, and I hope that when writing a summary, you will pay attention to the exact use of words.

7. Spelling preparation.

In the text you will come across words whose spelling needs to be explained.

Read the word on the board. Night.

Explain its spelling.

Name more words from the text for this rule.

Mouse, owl.

Explain the spelling of the words "hollow" and "mystery".

Explain the spelling of verbs.

In the text, guys, there are a lot of words with a checked unstressed vowel, be careful. Choose test words.

8. The result of the lesson.

You did a good job today in the lesson, and I hope that you will write the presentation of the text in the second lesson just as well.

Comprehensive verification work

Grade 2

What are hollows?

Every hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks.

There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt.

There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve.

During the day, the squirrel eats 36 nuts, the woodpecker extracts and eats up to 600 pieces of larvae. A marten eats seven rodents a day, and an owl catches and eats two mice a day.

There are hollow bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat or drink anything.

How many hollows, so many mysteries.

1st option


Task number 1.

Who is the third paragraph of the text talking about?

Answer. It talks about _____________________________.

Task number 2.

Find in the text the answer to the question: “How does the squirrel hollow?” Write this sentence.

Check your entry and correct if necessary.

Task number 3.

    Find in the sentence you wrote out a word denoting the action of the object.Write it out. ___________________________

    Find in the sentence you wrote out the word denoting the subject.Write it out. _______________________________________________

Task number 4.

    Find and write out the names of birds from the text.

________________________________________________________ ________

    Underline the letters of soft consonants in the written words.

Task number 5.

The squirrel stocked up 65 nuts and 28 mushrooms for the winter.

    Write down the question of the problem if it is solved like this: 65 + 28 = ...

Count and write down the answer: ____________________________________________________________


    How many fewer mushrooms than nuts did the squirrel stock? Write the expression and calculate its value: ________________________________________________________________


Task number 6.

Mark with an icon which animal has a life expectancy greater than that of a bat, but less than that of an owl.


Task number 7.


Amount of food

per day

What are the other places?





Task number 8.

Which of the animals listed in the text is stocking up for the winter? ________________________________________________________________


Task number 9.

There are no small deeds in nature conservation. What are you doing to save nature?

Task number 10.

Write what the word "hollow" means?


2nd option

Surname, name _______________________________________________

School __________________________ Class _____________________


Try to complete all the tasks in this part. Do them in order. Read the text.

Task number 1.

Who is referred to in the fifth paragraph of the text?


Task number 2.

Find in the text the answer to the question: “How does the marten use the hollow?” Write this sentence._________________________________________________

Check your entry and correct if necessary.

Task number 3.

1. Find in the sentence you wrote out a word denoting the action of the object. Write it out. ___________________________

2. Find in the sentence you wrote out a word denoting an object. Write it out. _______________________________________________

Task number 4.

1. Find and write out the names of animals from the text.


Task number 5.

The squirrel stocked up 48 nuts and 26 mushrooms.

1. Write down the question of the problem, if it is solved like this: 48 - 26 = ...


Count and write down the answer: _______________________________________________________________

2. How many mushrooms and nuts did the squirrel have in total? Write the expression and calculate its value: ________________________________________________________________


Task number 6.

Mark with an icon which animal has a longer lifespan than a marten, but less than a woodpecker.

60 months 96 months 80 months 92 months 72 months


Tasks 7-10 can be completed in any order. Try to complete at least three of any tasks.

Task number 7.

Complete the table using the text data.


Amount of food

per day

Who is in first place in terms of the amount of food eaten per day? What are the other places?





Task number 8.

Answer the question and briefly explain your answer.

Which of the animals listed in the text does not stock up for the winter? Give me an example. ________________________________________________________________


Task number 9.


Task number 10.

Write what the word "den" means? __________________________________________

3rd option

Surname, name _______________________________________________

School __________________________ Class _____________________


Do them in order.

Read the text.

Task number 1.

Who is referred to in the second paragraph of the text?

Answer. It talks about ___________________________________________

Task number 2.

Find in the text the answer to the question: "How does a bat spend the winter?" Write this sentence._________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Check your entry and correct if necessary.

Task number 3.

1. Find in the sentence you wrote out a word denoting the action of the object. Write it out. _______________________________ .

2. Find in the sentence you wrote out a word denoting an object. Write it out. _______________________________ .

Task number 4.

1. Find and write out two names of animals from the text.

Beasts: _______________________________________________________________

Birds: _______________________________________________________________

2. Underline the letters of soft consonants in the written words.

Task number 5.

The squirrel stocked up 57 nuts and 14 mushrooms.

1. Write down the question of the problem, if it is solved like this: 57 + 14 = ...


Count and write down the answer: ______________________________________________

2. How many more nuts than mushrooms did the squirrel store? Write down the expression and calculate its value: _______________________________________________________________

Task number 6.

Mark with an icon which animal has a body length greater than that of a bat, but less than that of an owl.

28 cm 24 cm 46 cm 25 cm 13 cm


Tasks 7-10 can be completed in any order.

Try to complete at least three of any tasks.

Task number 7.

Complete the table using the text data.


Amount of food

per day

Who is in first place in terms of the amount of food eaten per day? What are the other places?





Task number 8.

Answer the question and briefly explain your answer.

Write which of the animals in the text does not eat or drink anything all winter?

Give me an example. ___________________________________________


Task number 9.

There are no small deeds in nature conservation. What are you doing to save nature? _________________________________________________________________


Task number 10.

What does the word "nora" mean? _________________________________________________________________


4th option

Surname, name _______________________________________________

School __________________________ Class _____________________


Try to complete all the tasks in this part.

Synopsis of the lesson of the Russian language in grade 3.

Lesson topic : Educational presentation based on the visual perception of the text "What are the hollows?" (According to N. Sladkov) Lesson Objectives: 1. To form the ability to work with the text, determine its main idea, idea, structure, divide the text into parts and title them in accordance with the type of reasoning text. UUD: To form the ability to build a text in accordance with the structural and compositional features of a reasoning text, the ability to construct a thesis and a conclusion as structural components of a reasoning text, to connect sentences using lexical and grammatical means of communication.

Lesson objectives : 1. Contribute to the development of the ability to more accurately select words, expressions, phrases for writing a text. 2. Work on the development of students' speech. 3. Develop the ability to prove your point by giving arguments and facts. 4. Develop students' spelling vigilance. 5. Instill love for native nature. 6. Instill a love of reading, develop curiosity.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Who is called the orderly of the forest? (Wolf. Woodpecker) Guess the riddle: He is dressed in a working way - conveniently, simply, deftly. He wears a crimson beret and a motley overall. (Woodpecker) What do you know about woodpeckers? (A woodpecker can be seen on tree trunks in a forest and a park. The woodpecker is all motley - white and black, and there is a red “cap” on its head. The woodpecker is small in stature - just larger than a starling.) What is often found in a tree trunk after a woodpecker's work? (Hollow.) Woodpeckers build their nests in the hollows of dry trees, and usually they hollow out these hollows themselves. And their "apartments" change every year. And the old is occupied by new tenants, but not woodpeckers. Who? (Squirrels. Other birds.) You will learn about the rest of the inhabitants of the "apartments" today in the lesson.

2. Setting the topic of the lesson.

Now we will prepare and write the presentation. Why do we learn to write essays? (To be able to convey in writing the content of what was read. To learn something new.)

We will write the presentation based on the story of Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov. What works by this writer have you read? (“Forest Secrets.” “Bear Hill.” “Night Hunters.” “Purr.” “Desperate Hare”) /At the blackboard there is an exhibition of books by N. Sladkov./

Nikolai Sladkov was born in Moscow, but grew up and lived all his life in St. Petersburg. As a boy, he was engaged in a circle of young naturalists at the Zoological Institute, which was patronized by Vitaly Bianchi. Vitaly Valentinovich became a mentor, teacher and friend of Sladkov. A topographer by profession, Sladkov walked along the roads of the Great Patriotic War and served in the army after the war. His first book, The Silver Tail, appeared in 1953. Since then, many of his fairy tales and stories about nature have been published. Many of N. Sladkov's books contain his photographic works - photographs of extraordinary beauty of his heroes: snakes, butterflies, bears, tigers, ants ... Each inhabitant of the natural world is beautiful in his own way: Sladkov knows how to see it.

Our text is called “What are the hollows?”

3. Acquaintance with the text. /Printed texts lie on the desks./ The text is read by the teacher.

What are hollows?

N. Sladkov.

What words were not clear? (Dayet, owl) Who knows or can explain the meaning of these words? (The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey similar to an owl.) Sleeps - spends the night, and day - spends the day.

/The teacher shows illustrations of an owl, woodpecker, squirrel, marten, bat./

4. Re-reading the text aloud by students. Content conversation.

What does this text say? (About hollows.) What is the topic of the text? (There are different hollows in the forest.) What type of text would you classify this story as? (Text-reasoning.) Prove it. (This text contains a thesis, a proof, a conclusion.) What does the word "thesis" mean? (This is a thought that needs to be proven.) Read the thesis of this text. (Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker can distinguish a hollow inhabitant by following the tracks.) It is this thesis that we must prove. Read the proof. (There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night flies to hunt. There are hollow pantries. A squirrel hides nuts in them. A marten will put a forest mouse in reserve. There are hollow bedrooms. All winter A bat sleeps in a hollow, spends its winter hibernation upside down, and does not eat or drink all winter.)

What types of hollows are mentioned? (Hollow-rooms, hollow-storerooms, hollow-bedrooms.)Read the conclusion to this text. (How many hollows, so many mysteries.) Pay attention - the conclusion corresponds to the topic, title, main idea. In what genre do you think the text is written? (This is a story.)

5. Dividing the text into parts and drawing up a plan. Is this text divided into parts? (Not.)

Into how many parts can the entire text be divided? (Into three parts.) Reasoning texts often consist of three paragraphs. How will you write each part? (From the red line.) What is the first part about? (Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker can distinguish a hollow inhabitant by the tracks. This is a thesis. Introduction.)

/ The teacher records the answers of the children on the board. /

What is the second part about? (This is the main part. Proof.)Read the first proof. (There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in the hollow, and flies to hunt at night.) Define a topic. (Hollow-rooms.) Who spends the night in dosshouses? (Squirrels and woodpeckers.) How shall we name the first proof? (Hollow-rooms.) Read the second proof. (There are hollow pantries. A squirrel hides nuts in them. A marten will put a forest mouse in reserve.) Determine its theme. (Hollow pantries.) Who arranges pantries in hollows? (Squirrel and marten.) What shall we name the second proof? (Hollow pantries.) Read the third proof. (There are hollow bedrooms. A bat sleeps in a hollow all winter. She spends hibernation upside down. She doesn’t eat or drink all winter.) What is the topic of this part? (Hollow-rooms.) Who sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat.) What shall we name the third proof? (Hollow-rooms.) What is the third part about? (This is the conclusion. The conclusion.) The presence of an output indicates that the text is complete. What part is the largest? (The second part is the proof.)

/ A presentation plan appeared on the board. /

Plan: 1. Introduction. 2. Main body: 1) Hollow-rooms. 2) Hollow pantries. 3) Hollow-bedrooms. 3. Conclusion.

How many times will you start writing from the red line in the text? (Three times.)

6. Fizkultminutka.

7. Linguistic analysis of the text. (Text analysis)

Read the first sentence. (Each hollow in the forest is a mystery.)

Choose a synonym for the word "each". (any, any.)

Why is this word needed in the sentence? (There were many hollows in the forest, but they are all different.)

Which word refers to the place where the event takes place? (In the woods.)

What role does the word "mystery" play in the sentence? (To keep us interested.)

Read the second sentence. (A skilled tracker can distinguish a hollow inhabitant by following the tracks.)

Find a synonym for the word "skillful". (Experienced.)

What word can replace the word "tracker"? (Nature lover.)

What does the word "hollow" refer to? (Inhabitant of some hollow.)

Read the third sentence. (There are hollow-bedrooms.)

Choose a synonym for the word "are." (There is.)

And who spends the day in them? (Owl.)

Why does N. Sladkov call other hollows pantries? (Animals store food in them.)

Choose a synonym for the word hide. (Folds. Covers from prying eyes.)

And why are hollows called bedrooms? (The bedroom is a place to sleep. Some animals hibernate for the winter.)

What verb can replace the phrase "hibernates"? (Hibernates.)

Read the last sentence. (How many hollows, so many mysteries.)

Which word is repeated in the first and last sentences? ("Mystery".)

Why do you think? (Usually a thesis is the same as a conclusion. A conclusion is a proven thesis.)

Determine the type of connection of sentences in the text: chain or parallel? (Chain connection.)

Name the means of communication. (Repetition of the word "hollows", pronoun (in) them, she.)

Quite right. In texts with a chain connection, linking words can be synonyms, pronouns, repetitions of words.

Are there special linking words in the text after the thesis and after the proof: “we will prove it”, “undoubtedly”, “because”, “in this way”, “firstly” and others? (Not.)

Right. Here the parts of the argument are connected in meaning and with the help of intonation.

8. Spelling preparation.

In order to write the text of the presentation without errors, we recall the spelling of some spellings.

/Words from the text are written on the board, divided into groups./

By what principle are words with missing spellings combined in the first column? (Words with an unstressed vowel that can be checked by stress.)

Let's name the test words and insert the missing letters, and where necessary, open the brackets. We work "along the chain" at the blackboard.

/ Pupils take turns going to the blackboard, inserting the missing spelling with red chalk, explaining it. /

What is the rule for the words in the second column? (Paired consonants.)

Name the test words and fill in the missing letters. We continue to work along the chain.

What rule met the words in the third column? (Spelling words with hissing consonants.)

Insert the missing letters where needed.

/Children continue to work "along the chain" at the blackboard./

What rule unites the words of the fourth column? (Spelling verbs.)

Explain how these verbs are written.

/Children "along the chain" go to the board./

What other questions do you have?

/At the end of the work, the words are closed./

9. Write the text of the presentation.

Read the text again to yourself.

Close up the sheets of text. Write it down.

/Students write the text on their own, without a draft.

10. Homework.

At home, you will need to write an essay-reasoning on the topic "If I were a teacher ..."

11. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did you learn at the Russian lesson today? (Learn to write a summary.)

What type of text did you work with? (We worked with reasoning text.)

(c) l ... su zaga ... well ... tel (pro) drive

(according to) next ... I will give you an overnight stay ... ki owl ... (once) guesses

l ... clouds ... I look ... mouse ... (on) lays down

g ... l ... howl (about) zapa ... night ... yu (does not) eat

cool ... hibernation ... ku (not) drinking

What are hollows?

Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks. There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt. There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve. There are hollow bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat or drink anything. How many hollows, so many mysteries.

N. Sladkov.

What are hollows?

Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks. There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt. There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve. There are hollow bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat or drink anything. How many hollows, so many mysteries.

N. Sladkov.


What are hollows?

Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks. There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt. There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve. There are hollow bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat or drink anything. How many hollows, so many mysteries.

N. Sladkov.


What are hollows?

Each hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks. There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt. There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve. There are hollow bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat or drink anything. How many hollows, so many mysteries.

N. Sladkov.