Efsun is a magnificent age. Gulfem Khatun

The day of departure has come. Shehzade and Aybige were already standing in the courtyard opposite Mahidevran Sultan. She smiled. “Good luck to you,” she wished. “Amen,” said Aibige. The company of her mother-in-law weighed heavily on her, and the princess wanted to set off as soon as possible. But Mustafa was in no hurry. He had already said goodbye to Efsun, and now he simply looked at the balcony of her chambers. But the favorite did not come to him. The heir suppressed a sigh. Mustafa said goodbye to his mother and got into the carriage. Aibige followed him. Shehzade ordered the coachman to move off, and the carriage slowly rolled away from the palace. Fatma followed her with her eyes until the wagon disappeared around the next bend. - That's good, - said Mahidevran with relief. - Let them be alone. Fatma was silent. Mahidevran looked at the maid in surprise, but said nothing. Several days have passed. Nothing was heard of Shekhzad and Aibig. Efsun was terribly worried about separation. Once she complained to Melek: - Shehzade promised to write to me, but not a single line came from him. What should I do, Melek? - Don't worry, Efsun, - she tried to console her friend. – He is probably just busy with Aibige Khatun. Melek bit her tongue, but it was too late. Efsun shuddered. "Oh no," she whispered. Is he with her now? What if he loves the princess? I thought that our love would not allow him to get along with her, but what if I was wrong? Melek, what if he chooses me over her? - Efsun, it accidentally slipped out of my mouth, - Melek began to justify herself. - I'm not this at all ... - Of course, this! – there was a triumphant exclamation. Fatma Khatun appeared from around the corner. - What do you need here? Efsun hissed with hatred. - Go your own way! Fatma laughed and ran away. The soul of the favorite became quite disgusting. Fatma rejoiced. “Well, is Efsun already jealous of Shehzade for the princess? This is just the beginning." She smiled. Everything went according to her plan. Fatma wanted to push Aybige and Efsun with their foreheads so that nothing was left of the hated favorite. “Aibige Khatun will crush her if he wants to. You just need to push her to enmity with Efsun. There was only one problem. If the germs of hatred for the princess have already sprouted in Efsun's soul, then how to plant them in Aybig? It would be wonderful if the princess really fell in love with Shehzade. But this is hardly possible. Fatma was much closer to Mahidevran Sultan than Efsun, and therefore she knew the true state of the relationship of the spouses, unlike the Lady herself, who had bright hopes. No, the maid looked much more soberly and understood that there is no love and never will be. In addition, if the princess falls in love with Shehzade, then she will not let him go, and Fatma definitely does not need it. No, Aybige should hate Efsun, but not out of jealousy for Shehzade. “However,” Fatma thought, “Efsun can handle everything perfectly by herself. You just need to push her to action.” Aibige entered the room and saw Mustafa. He read the letter and frowned. - Shehzade. - Aybige, - Mustafa looked up at the princess. - What fates? “I heard you received a letter from the Lord,” she said and went up to the Heir. Apparently it didn't make you happy. Mustafa smiled tiredly. - The overlord wished me to stay in the capital. I will rule the state while he is on the march. - So it's wonderful! Aibige exclaimed. - Why are you so upset? - I would like to participate in the campaign, - said Mustafa. “And I told my father about it. - Yah you! He actually transfers the reins of government to you, albeit not for long! You will learn how to be a Padishah. - You are probably right, Aibige, - said Mustafa. “That is how the Master wanted it, and that is how it should be.” Aibige went up to him and took his hand. "So it's time for us to go back?" she asked. “Of course,” Mustafa sighed. “Since the Overlord summons me to the capital, we must again prepare for departure. You can't make him wait. But it is unlikely that mother was told ... - I will send her a letter now, - said Aibige, quickly bowed and left. Her heart jumped with joy. She will see Hurrem Sultan again, her only friend in this country. Not only her. And Balibei too. Aibige fought with herself as much as she could, but she could not forget the warrior. The upcoming meeting with Malkochaglu returned her good mood. “I won't betray Shehzade,” she told herself, “I'll just see him again. What's bad about it?" The conscience of the princess obsequiously remained silent.

Thanks to the Turkish series "The Magnificent Century", a wide audience became aware of the details of the personal life of one of the most formidable and great rulers of the Ottoman Empire - Sultan Suleiman. The vicissitudes of the life of this outstanding personality, especially the intrigues and intrigues that took place in his harem, are of great interest to modern viewers. The fate of one of the concubines of the great Sultan - Gulfem - will be discussed in this article.


Gulfem Hatun (1497-1562) - a real historical figure, a woman who lived in the 16th century in the harem of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman. She was the second concubine of the ruler and gave birth to his son - shehzade Murad. Information about its origin is very contradictory. According to one version, she has Sicilian or Polish roots, and her real name is Rosalina (Rosalina). In Ottoman sources, her father is called Abdurrakhan or Abdullah, which, according to the customs of those times, could mean a Christian converted to Islam. According to other sources, Gulfem was the daughter of an Albanian bey and bore the name Aishe. There is also a version about the Turkish origin of this woman. It is only known for certain that in 1562 she was suddenly killed on the orders of Suleiman, but then rehabilitated and buried with honors.

Confidant of the Sultan

The death of Gulfem Khatun still raises numerous questions. It is known that she became the favorite concubine of the Sultan after the death of the famous Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. Only Gulfem Suleiman, in his declining years, trusted his anxieties and doubts, he liked to talk with her about bygone days, to recall past youth. The fact that the second concubine of the Sultan enjoyed his exclusive trust and often spent time with him is evidenced by historical sources. The Venetians wrote that they often saw Suleiman in the garden with a woman whose face was covered, but the guards told them that she was Gulfem Hatun. Why was this outstanding and, probably, a woman of great influence at court executed?


Gulfem was very pious, distinguished by a friendly and accommodating character, for which everyone in the harem loved her very much. She was actively involved in charity, at the end of her life she decided to build a luxurious mosque in Uskudar with adjacent institutions (madrasah, hammam, etc.). This required a lot of money. Gulfem Khatun was a wealthy woman - in addition to the funds that were allocated to each concubine in the harem for personal needs, she constantly received expensive gifts from Suleiman. Therefore, the construction of the mosque progressed very quickly. However, soon the construction of this grandiose structure had to be suspended - the money ran out. It is difficult to say why Gulfem did not tell the Sultan about her project. Maybe she wanted to surprise him. One way or another, but the concubine began to look for a source of income secretly from Suleiman. And soon found it.

"Exit" to the Sultan

Gulfem Khatun (a photo of the actress who played her in the TV series "The Magnificent Century" can be seen in this article) was a smart, determined and, one might say, desperate woman. How else to characterize her behavior? In order to get money for the further construction of the mosque, she decided to sell her "exit" to the Sultan. There were plenty of girls in the harem who wanted to get on a date with the ruler out of turn. One of them, Kinata's concubine, offered Gulfem money in exchange for the opportunity to meet face to face with the Sultan. When Suleiman again invited his beloved concubine to his chambers, she said she was sick and sent another slave instead of herself. Apparently, this turn of events did not suit the Sultan at all, therefore, when Gulfem Khatun did not come again, he became furious and forced Kinata to tell the whole truth. The slave decided to denigrate Gulfem and said that she simply preferred a large amount of money to Suleiman's society. The indignation of the padishah knew no bounds.


For us, the sudden death of Gulfem Khatun serves as an example of quick and speedy reprisal against objectionable courtiers. Why was she executed without trial or investigation, without understanding the situation, without even allowing the unfortunate woman to speak out in her defense? Historical sources testify that during the sultan's service there were "mute", executioners-dilzis, ready, on the orders of the sovereign, at any moment to destroy anyone who dared to arouse his indignation. For each execution, they received a special reward, the amount of which was recorded in a special book of expenses. Therefore, the reprisal against women who dared to make the attention and love of themselves the subject of bargaining was instantaneous. The fact that Suleiman then repented of his deed is known from the same account book. Faithful to the order, the dilzis not only did not receive a reward for the work performed, but were also expelled from the palace.


Drowning in insane luxury, full of great events and sophisticated intrigues, we see the reign of Sultan Suleiman according to the series "Magnificent Age". Gulfem Khatun is just one of many who won the heart of a suspicious and fickle padishah, and then suddenly died at his command. However, it is known that Suleiman greatly regretted his hasty decision. Soon he became aware of what his beloved concubine spent the money received. The Sultan ordered to immediately complete the construction of the mosque, which was carried out unquestioningly. Gulfem Khatun was buried in the city of Uskudar, in the mosque that began to bear her name. According to legend, the grave of the righteous one shone with its own light for several nights after the burial. The official order of the Sultan to complete the construction of a mosque in memory of Gulfem has been preserved in the archives

Another version

According to other sources, Gulfem Hatun was Suleiman's favorite concubine even before Hürrem appeared in the harem. She even gave birth to an heir to the Sultan, Shehzade Murad, who died in 1521 from smallpox. Padishah never forgot about Gulfem and always sent her generous gifts, which offended the jealous Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. It was this red-haired beast who persuaded the gullible concubine to change lines with another slave in order to get money for the construction of the mosque. We are aware of further developments. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska got rid of her rival: Gulfem was strangled with a silk cord on the orders of the Sultan. The cruel and bloody "magnificent" age was quick to be punished. Gulfem Khatun remained from the memory of her contemporaries a victim of insidious intrigues at the court of the formidable Suleiman.

Today we will talk about the film "The Magnificent Age": how many seasons are in this picture, what are its features and what main characters appear in the plot - these are the main questions that we will answer below. This is a Turkish historical television series, which belongs to the genre of action drama. He was on the screens from 2011 to 2014. In 2015, the continuation of the project started.


First, let's say a few words about the plot of the "Magnificent Age" tape. The characters will be named below. According to Meral Okay, the author of the script, he was inspired by the real events that took place during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. The latter was the greatest commander and reformer of the Ottoman Empire.

The series tells about notable events in the reign of the Sultan. The theme of his relationship with Alexandra, a concubine of Slavic origin, is revealed. She converts to Islam and receives the name Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska.

main characters

The main characters will be named first. The Magnificent Age is a film about Suleiman I. It is about the tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Halit Ergench played this role. The character passed away in episode 139. Participating in the film "The Magnificent Century" Halit Ergench is a Turkish actor. He was born in Istanbul. Comes from the family of Sait Ergench.

He studied at the Lyceum of Ataturk. Became a student of Istanbul Technical University. I studied there for a year. Transferred to Mimar Sinan University. In addition to studying, he worked as a marketer and operator.

In the film "The Magnificent Century" Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan is also a central character. Her first name is Alexandra. She is the wife of the Sultan. The daughter of a priest who was captured by the Tatars. She gave birth to the Sultan 1 daughter and 4 sons. Passed away in episode 134. In the film "The Magnificent Century", Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan is the role played by Vahide Perchin and Meryem Uzerli.

Gurbey Ileri appeared in the series as sehzade Mehmed. We are talking about the first son of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and Suleiman. Was infected with smallpox, passed away in episode 103.

Pelin Karahan appears in the story as Mihrimah Sultan. We are talking about the daughter of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and Suleiman. Rustem Pasha's wife. Leaves Istanbul in episode 139.

Engin Ozturk played the role of Shehzade Selim, the second son of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and Suleiman. He becomes the eleventh sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

Aras Bulut İynemli appears in the plot as shehzade Bayazid, the third son of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and Suleiman. In episode 138, he was executed. Tolga Sarytash played the role of shehzade Cihangir, the fourth son of Hurrem and Suleiman. In episode 125 he dies of longing for Mustafa. Nur Fettahoglu appears in the plot as Mahidevran Sultan - Suleiman's concubine. She is the mother of Shehzade Mustafa.

Embodies the image of Shehzade Mustafa. We are talking about the son of Mahidevran and Suleiman. He was executed in episode 123. Nebahat Chehre played Valide Sultan. We are talking about the mother of Suleiman. Selma Ergech played Hatice. This is the first sister of the Sultan. She was married to Ibrahim Pasha. She gave birth to three children from him. In episode 102, she committed suicide in her brother's arms.

Selen Ozturk played - the Sultan's concubine. Her death becomes known in episode 139. Selim Bayraktar appears in the plot as the eunuch of the Syumbyul-aga harem. Faithful assistant Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. Leaves the palace in episode 139. Okan Yalabik appears in the plot as Pargaly Ibrahim Pasha. We are talking about a friend of the Sultan, the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. In the 82nd series, on the orders of Sultan Ibrahim Pasha, they were executed.


In the series "Magnificent Age", the characters related to will be named below. Sema Kechik Karabel embodies the image of Daye-Khatun, the Khaznedar of the harem and Valide's personal maid. In episode 62, he commits suicide.

Appears in the plot as Nigar, Kalfa of the harem. She is the ex-wife of Matrakchi Nasuh Efendi and the mistress of Ibrahim Pasha. Has a daughter. Jumping off a cliff in episode 100. Merve Oflaz plays the role of Aishe Khatun. Was killed in episode 13. embodies the image of Gul-aga. We are talking about the eunuch of the harem and the faithful servant Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. In episode 60, on the orders of Mahidevran, he was expelled.

Esra Demirji Choban appears in the series as Arife Khatun's midwife. Killed in episode 57. Selim Bayraktar played the Eunuch of the Syumbyul-aga harem. He later becomes Hurrem's assistant. The owner of the first coffee shop in Istanbul. Yuksel Unal played the role of the chief cook of the Sheker-aga harem. Nihan Buyukagach played Gulshah-khatun, the maid of Mahidevran. In episode 69 she was killed.

Other heroes

The secondary characters will be named next. "The Magnificent Age" is a film in which Mustafa's concubine, Elif Khatun, appears. Burned herself alive in episode 47. Gozde Chigadzhi performed this role. Melisa Sozen played Efsun-Khatun. Due to an unsuccessful abortion, he dies in episode 57. Gonja Saryyyldyz appears in the story as Fatma. We are talking about Mustafa's concubine and Mahidevran's maid.


In the TV series "The Magnificent Century" dubbing has its own characteristics. In the Russian and Turkish versions of the series, the central character is named Alexandra. In Ukrainian dubbing, the girl received the name Anastasia.

In part, the choice of the authors of the translations can be explained by the lack of documentary sources and reliable written evidence that would shed light on the life of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska before she entered the harem. According to Polish tradition, her name is Aleksandra. She was the daughter of the priest Gavrila Lisovsky. In the literature of the nineteenth century, the girl is called Anastasia.

Next, we give some interesting information about the TV series "The Magnificent Age". "How many seasons are in the project?" - a question that interests many viewers. There are only 4 of them, and the total number of episodes is 139. The team of the series created a large pavilion, where many different scenery for filming was placed. The project was broadcast in more than fifty countries around the world.