Where to study as a pilot in Belarus. Education

The conditions and procedure for admission of applicants for full-time and part-time forms of higher education to the educational institution "Minsk State Higher Aviation College" are determined by the Rules for Admission to Higher Educational Institutions, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.02.2006 No. 80 with appropriate amendments and additions (hereinafter - Rules for admission to higher educational institutions) and this Procedure.

The educational institution "Minsk State Higher Aviation College" has a special permit (license) for the right to carry out educational activities No. 02100/0533053 issued by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

The deadlines for accepting documents from applicants, conducting entrance examinations are established in accordance with the Rules for Admission to Higher Educational Institutions.


Level of higher education

On the daily form education:

which the competition is held



Technical operation of aircraft and engines ***

mathematics (CT),
physics (CT)

Technical operation of ground support facilities **

control engineer

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT),
physics (CT)

Technical operation of aviation equipment (instrument and electrical lighting equipment) ***

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT),
physics (CT)

Technical operation of aviation equipment (electronic equipment) ***

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT),
physics (CT)

Organization of traffic and provision of flights in air transport (organization of air traffic) *

software engineer
movement organization

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT),
English (CT)

Technical operation of unmanned aerial systems **

1-37 04 03-01 01

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT),
English (CT)


persons with a general secondary education, or a vocational education with a general secondary education, or a specialized secondary education, confirmed by an appropriate education document, are accepted.

* admission is carried out only at the Faculty of Civil Aviation.
** admission is carried out only at the military faculty.
***Admission is carried out at the Faculty of Civil Aviation and at the Military Faculty.

On the correspondence form education (abbreviated):

which the competition is held



Technical operation of aircraft and engines

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
design and strength of aircraft (intra-university test (oral)),
technical operation of aircraft and engines (intra-university test (oral))

Technical operation of aviation equipment (instrument and electrical lighting equipment)

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
theoretical foundations of electrical engineering (intra-university test (oral)),
technical operation of aviation electrical systems and flight and navigation systems (internal university test (oral))

Technical operation of aviation equipment (electronic equipment)

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
radio engineering circuits and signals (internal university test (oral)),
organization of technical operation of radio-electronic equipment of aircraft (intra-university test (oral))

Organization of traffic and provision of flights in air transport (organization of air traffic)

software engineer
movement organization

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
air traffic services radio equipment (oral),
organization and maintenance of air traffic (oral)


  • persons who have received secondary specialized education according to curricula and programs that are consistent with the curricula and programs of the relevant specialties of the higher education level of the college are accepted,
  • acceptance of documents for higher and secondary levels of education for correspondence courses for citizens of foreign countries will be held until October 1, 2012, entrance examinations will be held from October 1 to October 15, 2012.

Level of secondary specialized education

On the daily form education:

Subsystem of the system of specialties and qualifications, within
which the competition is held



1. Handling, construction, road machinery and equipment

mechanical technician

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT)

2. Maintenance of aircraft and engines*

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT)

3. Technical operation of aviation equipment (instrument and electrical lighting equipment) *

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT)

4. Maintenance of aviation equipment (electronic equipment)*

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT)


*- only males are accepted;
- persons studying at the expense of the budget are on full state support;
- persons who have passed the medical commission and, according to its conclusion, are suitable for work in civil aviation are allowed to participate in the competition.

On the correspondence form education:

Subsystem of the system of specialties and qualifications, within
which the competition is held


Entrance tests

1. Technical operation of aircraft and engines

competition of the average mark of the document on education

2. Technical operation of aviation equipment (instrument and electrical lighting equipment)

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT)

3. Technical operation of aviation equipment (electronic equipment)

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT)

4. Handling, construction, road machinery and equipment

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT)

5. Computers, systems and networks

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),
mathematics (CT)

Terms and conditions of enrollment established by the Rules for Admission to Higher Educational Institutions.

With an equal total number of points, enrollment is made in accordance with paragraph 24 of the Rules for Admission to Higher Educational Institutions.

Upon admission to daytime and part-time the form of obtaining education after the persons specified in paragraph 24 of the Rules for Admission to Higher Educational Institutions, applicants who have graduated from institutions that provide secondary specialized education in this specialty, as well as a related specialty, have the priority right to enroll.

Upon admission to correspondence abbreviated the form of education after the persons specified in paragraph 24 of the Rules for Admission to Higher Educational Institutions, the preferential right to enroll has:

  • applicants with a higher score (on a ten-point scale) of entrance examinations in the subjects of the curriculum of the specialty of secondary specialized education.
  • applicants with at least six months of practical work experience in the relevant or related specialty.

Restriction on admission for training in the specialty "Organization of traffic and ensuring flights in air transport (organization of air traffic)" there may be medical indications established by the Aviation Rules for the Medical Examination of Aviation Personnel of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus (Resolution of the State Committee for Aviation of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2005 No. 5). Before the entrance examinations, persons entering the college in this specialty are subject to a mandatory medical examination by the Medical Flight Expert Commission (VLEK).

The Belarusian State Aviation Academy is a large educational institution of the highest level of the republican scale. During its rich history, leading experts in this field have been educated within its walls. The Academy is widely known and prestigious not only in Belarus, but also abroad. To date, the number of graduates of the educational organization has reached 12 thousand.

At the beginning of its activity, the educational institution had the status of a college. The year of its foundation is 1974, and in 1975 the first enrollment of cadets in the available specialties is already being made. At that time there were two of them, and both of them were associated with the maintenance of aircraft. Eleven years later, the list of areas was replenished with the operation of ground vehicles and equipment. In the following years, in addition to technicians, future specialists in electronics and mechanics of both ships and ground equipment, managers in the field of air transport began to study at the college.

With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the college changed its name, becoming the Minsk Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation, and a year later it was transferred under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. In 1995, the civil aviation flight school in Minsk received the status of the highest, and retraining courses for professional personnel were also opened here. In tandem with the leading technical universities of Belarus, the college trains their best students in a shortened program.

During this period, there is an active development and formation of the educational institution. Departments are opened in specialized areas of study, the list of specialties is replenished with new options. Thus, such specializations as the repair and operation of ships, equipment, instruments, etc. appear. In addition to the full-time department, a correspondence form of education is also being launched.

With the transition to the 21st century, the college is still developing rapidly. Modern directions, departments in the structure of the educational institution constantly replenished the composition of the educational institution. In 2015, the college naturally takes another step in its development, becoming an academy. New laboratories are opening, it becomes possible to get a master's degree in an educational institution. Today it is subordinate to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus.

Carrying out the banner of the educational institution "Belarusian State Aviation Academy" by a banner group

Education at the Belarusian State Aviation Academy

The Belarusian Aviation Academy is a modern large-scale educational institution. Here you can get education in many areas on a different basis. Consider the main divisions of the university.

Department of Secondary Special Education

You can study at the secondary level of education at the academy full-time or in absentia. In total, this division offers 15 specialties. The main areas of education are:

  1. Work with machines of hoisting-transport, road, building types.
  2. Mechanization of transport and airfields.
  3. Operation of ships and equipment of various types.
  4. Systems of aviation instruments of various types.
  5. Computing technology for flight support.
  6. Air traffic control.

Specialties vary in narrow varieties of activity, since each of them requires an intensive study of the curriculum. Teaching is conducted by 60 qualified specialists. Departments of the department - cyclic commissions control the assimilation of knowledge. There are laboratories and classrooms for training cadets. Upon graduation, graduates can continue their studies as engineers in the department of higher education, while the terms of study will be reduced. Former students of the academy division are successful heads of enterprises, management structures and specialists in demand in their field.

Simulator training

Faculty of Civil Aviation

The Aviation Academy in Minsk includes a large structural unit, within which future personnel in the field of civil aviation are trained. The activity of the faculty begins in 2007. The department has seven departments, and the department is managed by the dean's office.

The faculty has about 1000 students, 150 teachers who are highly qualified and experienced. Not only citizens of Belarus and the CIS, but also students from far abroad study here. Future graduates of the faculty will be able to build a career at the largest domestic enterprises, factories, border committees, airlines and airports.

The faculty has three main specialties, each of which involves a wide range of acquired skills and abilities of cadets. Depending on the chosen direction, specialists in each of the areas should:

  • work with aircraft and their components;
  • understand all life cycle processes of aviation equipment and be able to participate in them;
  • know the instruments in the cockpit and their operation;
  • lighting complexes at airfields;
  • understand radio engineering in aviation and a set of measures for its smooth functioning;
  • know the documents and regulations for ensuring the repair and maintenance of equipment in aviation.

The places of work for graduates can be factories for the manufacture of aircraft and its components, subjects of the Ministry of Transport, airports in Minsk and other cities of the republic, airlines. The faculty actively cooperates with large enterprises that train students as part of their internship.

Open Day at the Academy

Military Faculty

This unit has existed in the academy since its foundation in the status of a college. Today, the faculty provides a versatile training for future specialists who can subsequently build a brilliant military or civilian career.

The first direction of study is the specialty of an engineer and a specialist in the field of management. Within the framework of this qualification, there are several specializations: ground support for flights, technical and technological support for the operation of unmanned systems and complexes. The training lasts five years.

The second direction includes the training of future officers-technicians. Among the specialties there are those related to the maintenance and use of ships and engines, amphibious transport and radio equipment, as well as automated electronic devices for flight. At the faculty, you can get both secondary and higher education, or both in turn. In the latter case, cadets receive higher education in a shorter time frame.

The last direction of study at the military faculty is the training of reserve officers and junior military positions in military aviation. To ensure a full-fledged learning process, the faculty has classrooms, training complexes, models of aircraft and its real samples, as well as specialized computer programs.

Courses and retraining

On the basis of the academy, there are English language courses designed for both aviation workers and ordinary students. Students are divided into groups depending on their preferences and level of language proficiency. In addition, one of the structural elements of the educational institution is the institute for retraining and advanced training, where students can receive a comprehensive set of knowledge in accordance with the latest training system approved by ICAO.

The course of lectures includes classes on simulators, technical English, safety classes and much more. This institute is the only one of its kind in Belarus.

The academy trains personnel for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

How to enter the Belarusian State Aviation Academy

Entrance examinations are determined by the department of the academy to which the applicant plans to apply, and the type of specialty.

Department of Secondary Education

For secondary specialized education, you need to finish 11 classes of school. When applying, you must have a certificate with you. In some specialties, only it is enough, while the mark in mathematics must be at least 4 points. Belarus has a ten-point marking system, so "four" - the minimum satisfactory score - is equivalent to a "three plus" mark.

Most specializations require not only a certificate, but also certificates of passing the CT - centralized testing. This is an analogue of the Russian USE; testing is carried out after graduation. In total, graduates can take three or four CTs in selected subjects. At the Aviation Academy, as part of secondary education, you will need a certificate in Russian or Belarusian language and mathematics. In 2016, the passing scores were quite high, and the competition in the vast majority of cases reached from 1.2 to 3.6 people per place, including paid education.

Admission to the Faculty of Civil Aviation

As mentioned earlier, this is where higher education takes place. For admission to the faculty, in addition to an application for admission, a photo and a medical certificate (certain specialties require passing VLEK), you need to pass three CTs: Russian or Belarusian, mathematics and physics. VLEK in Belarus are held free of charge at the Medical Service of Civil Aviation, which is located in the city of Minsk. For distance learning, applicants take exams at the academy in specialized subjects. Cadets who do not live in Minsk can apply for accommodation in a hostel, where there are enough places for all students.

How to get to the military faculty of the academy

Only boys are allowed to study at this faculty. In addition to centralized testing in language, mathematics and physics, applicants will have to pass a selection on the level of physical fitness, as well as be fit for study for health reasons. The passing scores for the budget for the current year are quite high, however, not exorbitant. Paid education is usually even easier to get through.

Admission for foreigners

The Academy of Civil Aviation in Minsk trains not only citizens of Belarus, but also foreign guests. At the same time, foreign citizens can study both for a fee and for free, it depends on the state and the agreement between it and the educational institution.

Applicants provide the necessary education documents with their translation, if necessary, as well as a health certificate, which is issued to them already on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. In addition, it is mandatory to provide a certificate of the absence of HIV in the applicant, as well as a birth certificate.

The Academy trains foreign citizens

The cost of studying at the Aviation Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Tuition fees vary depending on the department and form of education. The full-time form of secondary education will be 157 Belarusian rubles per month of study, which is equal to 4569 Russian rubles. Correspondence education is cheaper, only 70 rubles, or 2077 rubles in Russia. Higher education will cost 192 and 90 Belarusian rubles per month for full-time and correspondence courses, respectively. Foreign citizens pay tuition in US dollars. The amounts are 230 and 115 dollars for the average special unit and 295 and 190 for the higher one. These numbers are equal to the monthly cost of studying at the academy.

How to become a pilot? If you have asked this question, you will be interested to know the answer from an amateur pilot. TodaySergei Vardomatski shares his experience of training and obtaining a pilot's license.

How to become a pilot in Belarus. It's simple... Well... Almost:

1. First of all, you need to pass VLEK. This is the "Medical-Flight Examination". This is the most difficult stage. Really. Unfortunately, medical permits in the Republic of Belarus come from the depths of the USSR. Requirements for amateur pilots, to put it mildly, are overstated. And the organization is disappointing. But there is no need to be sour or angry. We systematically solve the problem - and everything will be good. Doctors are normal, they live in what they live in. The main thing is not to leave any medical documents anywhere, because. they are more important than reality.

If "not fit for boots" - they will refuse. Ask for extra survey. Medicine is an imprecise science. Next, think with your head.

The study will consist of a theoretical and practical part. You will most likely "pass" the theory at the Aviation Academy. It is located in Chizhovka. It is not worth expecting that you will really be taught there. It's just a piece of paper. You must learn on your own and only on your own. Bad, but as it is. Then catch up with the instructors. So don't worry about these "100+ hours".

The practical part is at least 40 flight hours, of which 10 are on your own. Realistically "independently" there will be no one. There is a conflict in aviation regulations, where independent watches must be "under the guidance of an instructor." This is interpreted by the regulator as "the instructor must be nearby." This is bad, because You need to fly out yourself in 16-18 hours. The real learning begins when you fly yourself. But as is. You will have your first solo flight AFTER receiving your pilot's license.

Don't tell anyone. This is really a bug. But either we eat, or see the contact of the school in the USA above.

About prices. "Diamond" now "for the pilot" - about 7,500 euros on the Viper SD4. It is still not clear to us, because didn't count everything.

Regarding the price, I really think that the "price for the pilot" does not matter. There is no point in getting it for the sake of getting it. What is important is to decide WHY you need it. Further, based on the goal, understand your, let's say, monthly budget. Plus, everyone learns at their own pace. In normal countries and schools, there is NO fixed number of hours. You learn (and pay) until you learn. It is best to take it the same way always. The paper is not the target. It doesn't really matter at all.

On the other hand, the instructor will not breed you for "superfluous", because. you will come to him in the same way with the pilot's. And you will come again. And you will come again. This is life-long learning. So everything is like in the outsourcing of teams. Understand your target monthly budget and control deadlines and goals.

Something like that. Questions - wellcome. But everything I say will be a non-authoritative answer

And the BookYourStudy team reminds you that on our website you can choose and book a place on and get advice from our managers on registration for training

The Aviation Technical School of Civil Aviation was opened in Minsk in 1974. It provided training for technical personnel under programs of secondary special education.

In 1991, the school was transformed into the Minsk Aviation Technical College, and after the collapse of the USSR, the college was transferred to the system of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and received the name "Minsk State Aviation College".

In 1995, the college came under the jurisdiction of the State Aviation Committee of the Republic of Belarus and was reorganized into the Minsk State Higher Flight Technical College. From that moment, the training of specialists with both secondary special and higher engineering education began.

In 2001 the college was renamed into Minsk State Higher Aviation College.

In 2003, a military department was opened at the college, which in 2007 was reorganized into a military faculty. In the same year, the Faculty of Civil Aviation was organized, which began to train aviation specialists with higher education. And for the training of aviation specialists with secondary specialized education, a department of secondary specialized education and a department of practical training appeared.

In 2010, the faculty of advanced training and retraining of personnel was formed, which later became an institute.

On April 1, 2015, the college was transformed into an educational institution "Belarusian State Aviation Academy". Since 2016, the Academy has been subordinate to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus.

To date, training is carried out at the department of secondary specialized education, as well as the faculty of civil aviation and the military faculty. There is an opportunity to continue education in the magistracy and postgraduate studies. The Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel operates. The cadets do practical training at Aircraft Repair Plant No. 407, Minsk National Airport and other enterprises of the aviation industry.

In their free time, cadets can visit the gym and various sections (volleyball, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, arm wrestling, table tennis, athletics, all-around, kettlebell lifting, sambo wrestling, judo, football). There is also a studio of pop vocals, a studio of modern plasticity and choreography, a theater studio. Youth and public associations work.

Passing scores in BSAA for the budget in 2019

Faculty of Civil Aviation

Passing score
1-37 04 01 278
1-37 04 02 (instrument and electrical lighting equipment) 259
1-37 04 02 Maintenance of aviation equipment (electronic equipment) 283
1-44 01 05 Organization of traffic and provision of flights in air transport (organization of air traffic) 314
Technical operation of unmanned aerial systems 274

Military Faculty

Specialties (directions of specialties) Passing score
1-95 02 11 Technical operation of ground support facilities *
1-37 04 03 (technological operation of unmanned aerial systems of state aviation) *
1-37 04 03 Unmanned aerial systems (technical operation of unmanned aerial systems of state aviation) *

* For information on passing scores, check with official representatives of universities

Specialties on basis of general secondary education ( you can doafter grade 11). Daytime education

Speciality Form of study Qualification Training period Type of exams
Technical operation of aircraft and engines budget, fee Technician 2 years 10 months 1. Bel./Russian. (TsT)
2. Mathematics (CT)
3. Certificate
Technical operation of aviation equipment
(instrument and electrical lighting equipment)
budget, fee Technician 2 years 10 months 1. Bel./Russian. (TsT)
2. Mathematics (CT)
3. Certificate
Technical operation of aviation equipment
(electronic equipment)
budget, fee Technician 2 years 10 months 1. Bel./Russian. (TsT)
2. Mathematics (CT)
3. Certificate


Educational Institution "Belarusian State Aviation Academy"
Postal address: 220096, Minsk, st. Uborevicha, 77

Agree, it is not often, when you go shopping in one of the shopping centers of the city, you find in the parking lot next to your own car ... a helicopter. The real, four-seater, of the famous American company Robinson. This handsome man is for rent: for a million and a tail, you can admire the beauties of Belarusian nature from a bird's eye view for an hour. However, if this colossus has always been the object of your dreams, and 600 thousand dollars will not hit your wallet hard - you can even buy it!

What then, you ask? Hire a personal pilot, or can a mere mortal who has seen the helm only in the movies learn to operate this unit completely independently, like the rich in Western films? The EN correspondent found out that nothing is impossible. Only three things are needed: desire, money and health.


To help people who dream of the sky, both in Belarus and abroad, the Republican Public Association of Aviation Lovers, Aircraft Owners and Pilots (ROOLAVVS) was created a year and a half ago. Created in addition to the Belarusian Federation of Ultralight Aviation, whose activities cover aircraft weighing up to 750 kg. ROOLAVVS, on the other hand, has the right to unite under its wing the interests of people operating aircraft up to 5.700 kg. And they are the most common in the world: as a rule, these are amateur private planes, helicopters. Moreover, the organization works under the patronage and with the active participation of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The novice, as they say here, will be helped to acquire "legitimate wings", that is, an international amateur pilot's certificate. But one desire and money to fly into the sky, of course, is not enough. To pass the medical-flight expert commission, it is necessary to meet the second class of pilot health requirements (first class - for civil aviation pilots carrying passengers, third - for paratroopers, air traffic controllers, technical personnel). All these requirements are set out in aviation regulations and approximately correspond to the requirements for driving a car, maybe a little tougher. For example, good eyesight is very important. If you have -0.5 and below, you are unfit. It is understandable: rising into the air, you expose not only yourself, but also many people on earth to a certain risk.

After successfully passing the medical examination, the future pilot will have theoretical and practical classes. Theoretical training takes place on the basis of the training center for training, retraining and advanced training of aviation personnel of civil aviation (Aerodromnaya st., 4). The volume for beginners is 23-25 ​​days, the cost is about 600 thousand rubles. For practical training, the organization has various types of aircraft - aircraft such as "Ikarus", "Bekas", "Sesna", motorized hang gliders, paragliders, motorized paragliders, hot air balloons - and qualified instructors. How much does this pleasure cost? Approximately 120-150 US dollars for 1 hour flight by plane. Moreover, the pilot is required to fly at least 40 hours (of which 10 hours - independently). The norm for a hot-air balloon pilot is at least 16 hours, for a glider pilot - at least 8.


– Currently, the organization consists of more than 200 people. Branches have been opened in Vitebsk, Grodno, in those regional centers where the necessary infrastructure has been created - Pruzhany, Nesvizh, - says the chairman of the ROOLAVVS Alexander DOROZHINSKY.– The amateur pilot license issued by us is valid anywhere in the world with possible amendments to the local air code.

- Owners of aircraft, helicopters, paragliders receive a certificate of a single sample?
- Yes. These are the international rules. Although, it would probably be logical to soften the rules for obtaining certificates for pilots of paragliders, paramotors.

How long does it take to validate a certificate after receiving it?
– Flight checks and offsets are carried out annually. Once every three years - refresher courses. People under 40 need to undergo a medical examination once every two years, from 40 to 50 years - once a year, after 50 years - once every six months.

- If a person decides to buy a personal plane, a helicopter ...
- The acquisition procedure is stipulated in the resolution of the State Aviation Committee dated May 3, 2002 No. 4, which also determines the procedure for importing aircraft into the territory of Belarus, including for individual use. The rules are the same as when buying a car. Of course, documents must be available confirming the legality of its import into the territory of Belarus and the legality of its acquisition. It is best to have an aircraft type certificate on hand, otherwise a number of difficulties will arise. Then you need to register it with the Department of Aviation, where you will be issued with an airworthiness certificate. By the way, our organization has a technical commission that carries out a preliminary expert assessment and helps the owner to eliminate possible inconsistencies. In addition, in many cities we have temporary airfields for the storage of aircraft.

– Assume that the registration procedure has been successfully completed. How to get permission to fly?
- Firstly, you must have an airworthiness certificate for an aircraft and an amateur pilot's license. Secondly, an application is submitted to the appropriate air traffic control authority, which will review and issue permission to use the airspace. Having received this permission, the pilot can fly even outside of Belarus. The only difference is that in order to conduct a radio exchange, he must know English. There is a proverb: one kilometer of the road leads to nowhere, one kilometer of the runway leads to anywhere in the world.

– And how long does the procedure for admission to flights take?
– As a rule, the application must be submitted before 17.00 on the eve of the day of the flight. According to the urgent plan, the application can be processed in three hours. True, attempts are being made to introduce a notification procedure for obtaining permits in Belarus. It's even easier. 20-30 minutes before departure, a person must inform about the departure. But such an order also requires the highest discipline. There is less control in the sky, but the degree of responsibility is greater than on earth.

– Are flights over big cities allowed? For example, over Minsk?
- There are areas where flying is prohibited. Minsk belongs to the restricted zone. That is, for this you need to obtain special permission from the authorities.

– How many light and ultralight aircraft are there in private use in Belarus today?
– More than 100, but their number can increase every day.

- What sanctions threaten violators flying on an unregistered aircraft without an amateur pilot's license or without an application for departure?
- In connection with amendments to the Administrative Code, fines for violating the airspace can reach 1,000 basic units. Therefore, people who can afford to buy, for example, a Sesna plane for 30-40 thousand dollars or an Ikarus for 12-15 thousand dollars, will prefer to spend a couple of thousand more to get an official certificate. Otherwise, the violator may face a fine in the amount of the cost of the entire aircraft. Although violators still occur.

– Are there many owners of large planes and helicopters in Belarus?
- We have owners of both four-seat and two-seat aircraft. There is even a seaplane owner. In principle, the process of acquiring "individual wings" in Belarus is underway. Let not by such leaps and bounds as in Russia or in the West. Today, the main way to acquire aircraft is to buy them abroad. Belarus is not an aircraft-building republic, but we still have amateur creativity. This is also an important element that cannot be discounted. In our country, there are homemade aircraft that fly without accident for five or six years.