The little humpbacked horse read the whole tale. Explanation of obsolete words and expressions

Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov

The Little Humpbacked Horse

Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov (1815-1869) was born in Siberia.

As a child, he listened to the tales of the Siberian peasants, many he remembered for the rest of his life and he himself told them well.

Ershov was very fond of folk tales. In them, the people wittily ridiculed their enemies - the king, boyars, merchants, priests, condemned evil and stood for truth, justice, goodness.

Ershov was studying at Petersburg University when he first read Pushkin's wonderful fairy tales. They just showed up then.

And he immediately decided to write his "Humpbacked Horse" - a funny tale about the brave Ivanushka - a peasant son, about a stupid king and a magic humpbacked horse. Ershov took a lot for The Little Humpbacked Horse from old folk tales.

The story was published in 1834. A. S. Pushkin read and spoke with great praise about The Little Humpbacked Horse.

After graduating from the university, Ershov returned from St. Petersburg to Siberia, to his homeland, and lived there all his life. For many years he was a teacher at the city gymnasium

Tobolsk. Ershov passionately loved his harsh land, studied it and knew it well.

In addition to The Humpbacked Horse, he wrote several other works, but they are now forgotten. And The Little Humpbacked Horse, which appeared more than a hundred years ago, still remains one of the favorite fairy tales of our people.

V. Gakina

The fairy tale begins to tell

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Beyond the wide seas

Against the sky - on the ground

An old man lived in a village.

The old woman has three sons:

The older one was smart,

Middle son and so and so

The younger one was an idiot.

The brothers were sowing wheat

Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:

Know that the capital was

Not far from the village.

They sold wheat

Received money by account

And with a full bag

They were returning home.

In a long time al soon

Woe happened to them:

Someone began to walk in the field

And move the wheat.

The men are so sad

They did not see offspring;

They began to think and guess -

Finally realized to themselves

To stand guard

Save bread at night

Watch out for the evil thief.

That's how it became only dark,

The elder brother began to gather,

He took out the pitchfork and the ax

And went on patrol.

A stormy night has come;

Fear came upon him

And with fears our man

Buried under the canopy.

The night passes, the day comes;

The sentinel descends from the sennik

And dousing yourself with water

He began to knock under the hut:

“Hey you sleepy grouse!

Open the door brother

I got wet in the rain

From head to toe."

The brothers opened the door

The guard was let in

They began to ask him:

Didn't he see something?

The watchman prayed

Right, left bowed

And he cleared his throat and said:

“I didn’t sleep all night;

To my misfortune,

There was a terrible storm:

The rain poured and poured like this,

I wet my shirt all over.

How boring it was!

However, all is well."

His father praised him:

“You, Danilo, well done!

You are, so to speak, approximately,

Has served me faithfully

That is, being with everything,

He didn't hit his face in the dirt."

It began to get dark again

The middle brother went to get ready;

Took a pitchfork and an ax

And went on patrol.

The cold night has come

Trembling attacked the little one,

The teeth began to dance;

He hit to run -

And all night I went on patrol

At the neighbor's fence.

It was terrible for the young man!

But here's the morning. He to the porch:

"Hey, Sony! What are you sleeping!

Unlock the door for your brother;

There was a terrible frost at night -

Chilled to the stomach."

The brothers opened the door

The guard was let in

They began to ask him:

Didn't he see something?

The watchman prayed

Right, left bowed

And answered through gritted teeth:

"I didn't sleep all night,

Yes to my unfortunate fate

The night was terribly cold

To the hearts of me penetrated;

I rode all night;

It was too awkward...

However, all is well."

And his father said to him:

"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It became dark for the third time,

The younger one needs to get together;

He does not lead a mustache

Sings on the stove in the corner

From all the stupid urine:

"Beautiful eyes you are!"

They began to drive in the field,

But, no matter how long they shouted,

He's out of place. Finally

His father came up to him

Tells him: "Listen,

Run away on patrol, Vanyusha;

I'll give you peas and beans."

Here Ivan gets off the stove,

Drives the mare

The door of the matting closes,

And it just dawned

Goes to the village

Singing a song out loud

"A good fellow went to Presnya."

Here he comes up on the porch,

That's enough for the ring,

That there is strength knocking on the door,

Almost the roof is falling down

And shouts to the whole market,

It was like there was a fire.

The brothers jumped from the benches,

Stuttering, they shouted:

"Who knocks hard like that?" -

"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"

The brothers opened the door

The fool was let into the hut

And let's scold him, -

How dare he scare them like that!

And our Ivan, without taking off

Neither bast shoes, nor Malakhai,

Sent to the oven

And speaks from there

About the night adventure

Surprise to all ears:

"I didn't sleep all night,

I counted the stars in the sky;

Fought, fought my cunning

And finally pleaded:

"Do not destroy me from the world!

A whole year for you

I promise to live peacefully

Do not trouble the Orthodox."

I, listen, did not measure the words,

Yes, the devil believed it. ”

Here the narrator paused.

Yawned and dozed off.

Brothers, no matter how angry,

They couldn't - they laughed,

Grabbing by the sides

Over the fool's story.

The old man couldn't help himself.

To not laugh to tears,

Even laugh - so it is

Old people are wrong.

Too much time or too little

Since that night has passed, -

I'm nothing about it

Haven't heard from anyone.

Well, what's the matter with us,

Whether a year or two has flown by,

After all, do not run after them ...

Let's continue the story.

Well, so that's it! Raz Danilo

(On a holiday, I remember, it was),

Stretching green drunk

Got dragged into the booth.

What does he see? – Beautiful

Two golden-maned horses

Yes, a toy skate

Only three inches tall

On the back with two humps

Yes, with yardstick ears.

"Hm! now I know

Why did the fool sleep here! -

Danilo says to himself...

The miracle at once broke the hops;

Here Danilo runs into the house

And Gabriel says:

"Look how beautiful

Two golden-maned horses

Our fool got himself:

You didn't even hear it."

And Danilo da Gavrilo,

What was in the legs of their urine,

Straight through the nettle

So they blow barefoot.

Stumbling three times

Fixing both eyes

Rubbing here and there

Brothers enter to two horses.

The horses neighed and snored,

Eyes were burning like a yacht;

Rings curled into crayons,

The tail flowed golden,

And diamond hooves

Studded with large pearls.

It's worth watching!

Only the king would sit on them.

The brothers looked at them like that,

Which is a little off the mark.

“Where did he get them? -

The senior middle man said, -

But it's been talked about for a long time

That only fools are given a treasure,

At least break your forehead

So you won't knock out two rubles.

Let's take them to the capital;

We will sell the boyars there,

Let's split the money.

And with money, you know

And drink and walk

Just hit the bag.

And good fool

It won't take a guess

Where are his horses staying?

Let them look here and there.

Well, buddy, shake hands!

The brothers agreed

Embraced, crossed

And returned home

Talking among ourselves

About horses, and about the feast,

And about a wonderful animal.

Time rolls by,

Hour after hour, day after day,

And for the first week

The brothers are going to the city-capital,

To sell your goods there

And at the pier to find out

Did they come with ships

Germans in the city for canvases

And will Tsar Saltan come

Shame on Christians?

Here they prayed to the icons,

Father was blessed

They took two horses secretly

And they set off in silence.

Evening made its way to night;

Ivan got ready for the night;

Walking down the street

He eats a piece of bread and sings.

Here he reaches the field,

Hands propped up at the sides

And with a touch, like a pan,

Sideways enters the booth.

Everything was still standing

But the horses were gone;

Only a humpbacked toy

His legs were spinning

Clapped with joy ears

Yes, he danced with his feet.

How Ivan will howl here,

Leaning on the farce:

“Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,

Good golden-maned horses!

I did not caress you, friends.

What the hell stole you?

To the abyss to him, the dog!

So that he in the next world

Fall on the bridge!

Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,

Good golden-maned horses!

Here the horse neighed to him.

“Don’t grieve, Ivan,” he said, “

Great trouble, I do not argue;

But I can help, I'm burning

The horse brothers brought together.

Well, why talk empty,

Be, Ivanushka, in peace.

Hurry up and sit on me

Just know yourself hold on;

Even though I'm small,

Yes, I will change the horse of another:

How do I run and run

Here the skate lies before him;

Ivan sits on a skate,

What is the urine roars.

The little humpbacked horse shook himself,

He got up on his paws, startled,

He slammed his mane, snored

And flew like an arrow;

Only dusty clubs

Whirlwind twisted underfoot

And in two moments, if not in a moment,

Our Ivan overtook the thieves.

The brothers, that is, were afraid,

They combed and hesitated.

And Ivan began to shout to them:

“Shame on you, brothers, to steal!

Even though you are smarter Ivana,

Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:

He didn't steal your horses."

The elder, writhing, then said:

“Our dear brother Ivasha!

How much wheat we do not sow,

We have a little daily bread.

And if the harvest is bad,

So at least get into the loop!

Here in such great sadness

Gavrila and I were talking

All last night -

What would help the goryushku?

So and so we decided

Finally, this is how they did it

To sell your skates

At least a thousand rubles.

And thank you, say by the way,

Bring you back -

Red hat with a vertebra

Yes, heeled boots.

Can't work anymore

But it is necessary to close the century, -

You yourself are a smart person!” -

"Well, if that's the case, then go, -

Ivan says - sell

Golden-maned two horses,

Yes, take me too."

The brothers squinted painfully,

Yes, you can't! agreed.

It began to darken in the sky;

The air began to grow cold;

Here, so that they do not get lost,

Decided to stop.

Under canopies of branches

All horses tied

Buy nothing

Sell ​​nothing.

Here comes mass;

The mayor leaves

In shoes, in a fur hat,

With a hundred city guards.

Next to him rides herald,

Long mustache, bearded;

Here he entered the horse row.

Everybody fell on their knees

And "hooray!" they shouted at the king.

The king bowed and instantly

Jumping from the wagon as a young man ...

He does not take his eyes off his horses,

Right, left comes to them,

He calls with a gentle word,

Quietly beats them on the back,

He pats their neck,

Stroking the golden mane,

And, having seen enough,

He asked turning

To those around him: “Hey guys!

Whose foals are these?

Who is the owner? Ivan is here

Hands on the hips, like a pan,

Because of the brothers performs

And, pouting, he replies:

"This couple, the king, is mine,

And the owner is also me. -

“Well, I'm buying a couple;

Are you selling?" - "No, I'm changing." -

“What do you take good in exchange?” -

"Two to five caps of silver" -

"So that would be ten."

The king immediately ordered to weigh

And, by your grace,

He gave me an extra five roubles.

The king was generous!

Take the horses to the stables

Ten gray-haired grooms,

All in gold stripes,

All with colored sashes

And with morocco whips.

But dear, as if laughing,

The horses knocked them all off their feet,

All the bridles are torn

And they ran to Ivan.

The king went back

She tells him: "Well, brother,

A pair of ours is not given;

Nothing to do, have to

In the palace to serve you;

You will walk in gold

The royal word is a guarantee.

What do you agree? - "What a thing!

I will live in the palace

I will walk in gold

Dress up in a red dress

Like rolling cheese in butter

The whole stable factory

The king gives me an order;

That is, I'm from the garden

I will become a royal governor.

Wonderful thing! So be it

I will serve you, king.

Just, mind you, don't fight me

And let me sleep

Otherwise, I was like that!”

The two brothers meanwhile

Royally received money

They were sewn into belts,

And we went home.

Shared at home

They both got married at the same time

They began to live and live

Remember Ivan.

But now we'll leave them

Let's have fun with a fairy tale again

Orthodox Christians,

What did our Ivan do,

Being in the service of the king

At the state stable;

In a word: our speech is about

How did he become king?


Soon the fairy tale will tell

not soon the deed is done

The story begins

From Ivan's leprosy,

And from Sivka, and from Burka,

And from the prophetic kaurka.

The goats have gone to the sea;

The mountains are overgrown with forest;

The horse from the golden bridle broke,

Rising straight to the sun;

Forest standing under the foot

On the side are thunder clouds;

The cloud moves and sparkles

Thunder scatters across the sky.

This is a saying: wait,

The story is ahead.

Like on the ocean

And on the island of Buyan

A new coffin stands in the forest,

The girl lies in the coffin;

The nightingale whistles over the coffin;

The black beast roams in the oak forest.

This is a hint, but -

The story will follow.

Well, you see, laity,

Orthodox Christians,

Our daring fellow

Wandered into the palace;

Serves at the royal stable

And won't bother at all

It's about brothers, about father

In the royal palace.

And what does he care about his brothers?

Ivan has red dresses,

Red caps, boots

Almost ten boxes;

He eats sweetly, he sleeps so much,

What expanse, and only!

Here in five weeks

But for all that, two horses

As if only from under the crest:

Washed clean,

Manes are twisted into braids,

The bangs are gathered in a bun,

Wool - well, shines like silk;

In the stalls - fresh wheat,

As if it will be born right there,

It looks like it's just poured.

If only the fool would leave.

I will convey in the royal thought,

That the horseman of the state -

Start cleaning the horses

Washes, cleans

Weaves long manes,

Sings different songs.

Meanwhile, curled up in a club,

shaking the tooth,

Looks sleeping bag, a little alive,

What is the brownie doing here.

What a devil! Something on purpose

The rogue midnight dressed up:

No horns, no beard

Boots like al morocco, -

Well, definitely Ivan.

What a wonder? Looks again

The sleeping bag began to move

And, having heard that Ivan

He snores like Yeruslan

He slowly slides down

And creeps up to Ivan,

I put my fingers in my hat,

Grab a pen - and the trace caught a cold.

The king has just woken up

Our sleeping bag came to him,

He hit his forehead hard on the floor

And then he sang to the king:

"I'm with a guilty head,

The king appeared before you

They didn't order me to be executed

Tell me to speak." -

"Speak without adding, -

The king said to him, yawning,

If you're going to lie

That whip can not be avoided.

Our sleeping bag, gathered with strength,

He says to the king: “Have mercy!

These are the true Christ

Fair is mine, king, denunciation:

Our Ivan, then everyone knows

From you, father, hides,

But not gold, not silver -

Firebird feather ... "-

“Zharoptitsevo?.. Damned!

And he dared, so rich...

Wait, you villain!

You will not pass the lashes! .. "-

“And what else does he know! -

The sleeping bag continues quietly

Curved. - Good!

Let him have a pen;

Yes, and the Firebird

In your, father, light room,

If you wish to give an order,

Boasts of getting it."

And a scammer with this word,

Came up to the bed

Filed a treasure - and again on the floor.

And messengers of the nobles

Run along Ivan

But, facing everything in the corner,

Stretched out on the floor.

The king admired that much

And he laughed to the bone.

And the nobleman, seeing

What is funny for the king

Winked among themselves

Order now at least in sticks, -

“Answer me! I'll shut up!.. "-

“I really say to you:

No pen! Yes, hear where

Should I get such a miracle?

The king jumped out of bed

And the casket with the pen opened.

"What? Do you dare to move on?

No, don't turn away!

What's this? BUT?" Ivan is here

Trembling like a leaf in a blizzard,

He dropped his hat out of fear.

“What, buddy, is it tight? -

The king spoke. “Wait a minute, brother!”

"Oh, sorry, sorry!

I'm not going to lie ahead."

And wrapped in the floor

Stretched out on the floor.

"Well, for the first occasion

I forgive you the guilt -

The Tsar speaks to Ivan. -

God bless me, I'm angry!

And sometimes from hearts

I'll take off the forelock, and with the head.

So, you see, what I am!

But, to say without further words,

I found out that you are the Firebird

In our royal light,

If I wanted to order

You boast to get it.

Well, look, don't deny

And try to get it."

Here Ivan jumped up like a top.

“I didn't say that! -

He screamed, wiping himself. -

Oh, I don't lock myself up

But about the bird, whatever you like,

You are in vain.”

King, shake your beard:

But, as I saw tears,

I didn't cry a little myself.

“What, Ivanushka, sad?

What did you hang your head on? -

The horse told him

At his twirling legs, -

Don't hide before me

Tell me everything, what's behind the soul;

I'm ready to help you.

Al, my dear, is he unwell?

Al fell for the lihodey?

Ivan fell to the skate on the neck,

Hugged and kissed.

“Oh, trouble, horse! - said. -

The king orders to get the Firebird

In the state hall.

What should I do, hunchback?"

The horse tells him:

“The trouble is great, I do not argue;

But I can help, I'm burning.

That's why your trouble

That did not listen to me:

Do you remember, driving to the city-capital,

You found the Firebird's feather;

I told you then:

“Don’t take it, Ivan, it’s a disaster!

Many, many restless

He will bring it with him."

Now you know

Did I tell you the truth.

But, to tell you in friendship,

This is a service, not a service;

Service is ahead, brother.

You go to the king now

And tell him openly:

“It is necessary, king, I have two troughs

Beloyarova millet

Yes, overseas wine.

Let's hurry up:

Tomorrow, only shame,

We'll go on a hike."

Here Ivan goes to the king,

Tells him openly:

“We need a king, I have two troughs

Beloyarova millet

Yes, overseas wine.

Let's hurry up:

Tomorrow, only shame,

We'll go on a hike."

The king immediately gives the order,

So that the messengers of the nobles

Everything was found for Ivan,

Called him young

And "happy journey!" said.

Early the next morning,

Ivan's horse woke up:

“Hey! Master! full sleep!

Time to fix things!"

Here Ivanushka got up,

I was going on the path,

I took troughs and millet,

And overseas wine;

dressed warmer,

He sat on his horse,

Pulled out a slice of bread

And went east

Get that Firebird.

They go for a whole week.

Finally, on the eighth day,

They come to the dense forest,

Then the horse said to Ivan:

“You will see a clearing here;

In the glade of that mountain,

All of pure silver;

Here to the dawn

The firebirds are flying

Drink water from a stream;

This is where we'll catch them."

And, having finished the speech to Ivan,

Runs out into the field.

What a field! Greens are here

Like an emerald stone;

The wind blows over her

So it sows sparks;

And the flowers are green

Unspeakable beauty.

And on that glade,

Like a shaft on the ocean

The mountain rises

All pure silver.

Sun with summer rays

Paints all of it with dawns,

Runs in golden folds,

At the top, a candle burns.

Here is a horse on a slope

Climb this mountain

A verst, a friend ran

He stood up and said:

“Soon the night, Ivan, will begin,

And you will have to guard.

Well, pour wine into the trough

And mix millet with wine.

And to be closed to you,

You crawl under that trough,

Silently notice

Look, don't yawn.

Before sunrise, listen, lightning

Firebirds will fly here

And they will start pecking millet

Yes, scream in your own way.

You who are closer

And grab it, look!

And you catch a bird-fire -

And shout to the whole market;

I will come to you right away." -

“Well, what if I get burned? -

Ivan says to the horse,

Here at midnight sometimes

The light spilled over the mountain

As if noon is coming:

Firebirds swoop in;

They started running and screaming

And peck millet with wine.

Our Ivan, closed from them,

Watching birds from under the trough

And talks to himself

Spreading like this with your hand:

“Pah, you devilish power!

Ek them, rubbish, rolled!

Tea, there are dozens and five of them here.

That would be good!

Needless to say, fear is beautiful!

Everyone has red legs;

And the tails are a real laugh!

Tea, chickens don't have those;

And how much, boy, light -

Like a father's oven!

And, having finished such a speech

By myself, under a loophole

Our Ivan is a snake and a snake

Crawled to millet with wine -

Grab one of the birds by the tail.

"Ouch! Little humpbacked horse!

Come quickly, my friend!

I've caught a bird!" -

So Ivan the Fool shouted.

The hunchback appeared at once.

“Ay, the owner, distinguished himself! -

The horse tells him. -

Well, hurry it into the bag!

Yes, tie tighter;

And put a bag around your neck

We need to go back." -

“No, let me scare the birds! -

Ivan says. - Check this out,

Vish, sat down from the scream!

And grab your bag

Whipping along and across.

sparkling with bright flames,

The whole flock started

Coiled around fiery

And rushed for the clouds.

And our Ivan after them

With your mittens

So he waves and shouts,

As if covered in lye.

The birds are lost in the clouds;

Our travelers have gathered

Laid the royal treasure

And they returned back.

Here we are in the capital.

"What, did you get the Firebird?" -

Tsar Ivanu says

He looks at the sleeping bag.

And that one, something out of boredom,

He bit his hands all over.

"Of course I got it,"

Our Ivan told the Tsar.

"Where is she?" - "Wait a little,

Command a window first

Three weeks later

In the evening we sat alone

In the royal kitchen of the cook

And the servants of the court,

Drinking honey from a jug

“Eh! one servant said,

How did I get today

From a neighbor a miracle book!

There are not so many pages in it,

Yes, and there are only five fairy tales,

And fairy tales - to tell you

So you can not be surprised;

You have to be smart about it!"

Tell me brother, tell me!" -

“Well, which one do you want?

Five after all fairy tales; look here:

The first story about a beaver

And the second is about the king,

The third ... God forbid, memory ... for sure!

About the eastern boyar;

Here in the fourth: Prince Bobyl;

In the fifth ... in the fifth ... oh, I forgot!

The fifth story says...

So in the mind it’s spinning ... "-

"Well, give it up!" - "Wait! .." -

“About the beauty, what is it, what?” -

“Exactly! The fifth says

About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.

Well, which one, friends,

Will I tell you today?" -

"King-maiden! – all shouted. -

We've heard of kings

We are beauties soon!

It's more fun to listen to them."

And the servant, seated importantly,

He began to speak at length:

There are guys okiyan

Is it by that okiyanu

Only infidels ride;

From the Orthodox land

Never been

Neither nobles nor laity

On a filthy slope.

There is a rumor from the guests

That the girl lives there;

But the girl is not simple,

Daughter, you see, dear to the Moon,

Yes, and the Sun is her brother.

That girl, they say

Rides in a red coat

In a golden, guys, boat

And a silver oar

He personally rules in it;

Singing different songs

And he plays on the gusels ... "

A sleeping bag here with a lope -

And from both feet

Went to the palace to the king

And just came to him

He hit his forehead hard on the floor

And then he sang to the king:

"I'm with a guilty head,

The king appeared before you

They didn't order me to be executed

Tell me to speak!" -

"Speak the truth, only

And do not lie, look, not at all! -

The king screamed from the bed.

The sly sleeping bag replied:

"We were in the kitchen today

Drinking for your health

And one of the court servants

He amused us with a fairy tale out loud;

This tale says

About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.

Here is your royal stirrup

I swore by my beard,

What does he know about this bird?

So he called the Tsar Maiden, -

And her, if you please know,

Boasts of getting it."

The sleeping bag hit the floor again.

"Hey, call me stremyannov!" -

The king shouted at the messengers.

The sleeping bag here became behind the stove;

And the messengers of the nobles

They ran along Ivan;

Found in a deep sleep

And they brought me in a shirt.

The king began his speech thus: “Listen,

You've been denounced, Vanyusha.

They say that right now

You boasted for us

Find another bird

Tent embroidered with gold

Yes dinnerware -

All overseas jam -

And sweets to cool off.

Here Ivan goes to the king

And he speaks like this:

"For the princess's capture

It is necessary, king, I have two fly,

Tent embroidered with gold

Yes dinnerware -

All overseas jam -

And sweets to cool down. ”-

"That would be so long ago than not," -

The king from the bed gave the answer

And ordered that the noble

Everything was found for Ivan,

Called him young

And "happy journey!" said.

The next day, early in the morning,

Ivan's horse woke up:

“Hey! Master! full sleep!

Time to fix things!"

Here Ivanushka got up,

I was going on the path,

Took fly and a tent

Yes dinnerware -

All overseas jam -

And sweets for cooling;

I put everything in a travel bag

And tied with a rope

dressed warmer,

He sat on his horse,

Pulled out a slice of bread

And drove east

Is it the Tsar Maiden?

They go for a whole week;

Finally, on the eighth day,

They come to the dense forest.

Then the horse said to Ivan:

“Here is the road to the ocean,

And on it all year round

That beauty lives;

Twice? she just leaves

With okiyana and leads

Long day on earth to us.

You'll see for yourself tomorrow."

And, having finished the speech to Ivan,

Runs out to the okiya,

On which the white shaft

Lonely walked.

Here Ivan gets off the skate,

And the horse tells him:

"Well, pitch your tent,

Set the device wide

From overseas jam

And sweets to cool off.

Lie down behind the tent

Yes, dare your mind.

You see, the boat flickers over there.

Then the princess swims.

Let her enter the tent,

Let him eat, drink;

Here's how to play the harp -

Know that the time is coming.

You immediately run into the tent,

Grab that princess

And hold her tight

Yes, call me soon.

I'm at your first command

I'll just run to you

And let's go ... Yes, look,

You take a closer look at her

If you sleep her

That way you can't avoid trouble."

Here the horse disappeared from the eyes,

Ivan huddled behind the tent

And let's turn the hole

To see the princess.

Clear noon is coming;

The king-maiden swims up,

Enters the tent with the harp

And sits down at the device.

"Hm! So here is the Tsar Maiden!

As the fairy tales say,

Argues stirrup, -

What is red

Tsar-maiden, so marvelous!

This one isn't pretty at all.

And pale and thin,

Tea, three inches in girth;

And the leg is a leg!

Pah you! Like a chicken!

Let someone love

I won't take it for free."

Here the princess played

And sang so sweetly

That Ivan, not knowing how,

Falls asleep peacefully.

The West was slowly burning down.

Suddenly the horse neighed over him

“Sleep, my dear, to the star!

Pour out your troubles!

It’s not me they’ll hang on a stake!”

Here Ivanushka cried

And, sobbing, begged

So that the horse forgives him.

"Release the guilt to Ivan,

I'm not going to sleep ahead." -

“Well, God forgive you! -

The hunchback screams at him. -

We'll fix it, maybe

Only, chur, do not fall asleep;

Tomorrow, early in the morning

To the gold-embroidered tent

The girl will sail again -

Drink sweet honey.

If you fall asleep again

You can't take your head off."

Here the horse disappeared again;

And Ivan set off to collect

Sharp stones and nails

From broken ships

In order to prick

If he takes a nap again.

The next day, in the morning,

To the gold-embroidered tent

The king-maiden swims up,

Throws the boat on the shore

Enters the tent with the harp

And sits down at the device ...

Here the princess played

And sang so sweetly

What is Ivanushka again

I wanted to sleep.

"No, wait, you bastard! -

Ivan says, getting up. -

You won't leave all of a sudden

And you won't fool me."

Here Ivan runs into the tent,

A long braid is enough ...

“Oh, run, horse, run!

My little hunchback, help!"

In an instant, a horse appeared to him.

“Oh, the owner, distinguished himself!

Well, sit down quickly!

Hold her tight!"

Here the capital reaches.

The king runs to the princess.

Takes by the white hands

Leads her to the palace

And sits down at the oak table

And under the silk curtain,

Looks into the eyes with tenderness,

Sweet speech says:

"Incomparable girl!

Agree to be a queen!

He boiled with strong passion.

Your falcon eyes

Won't let me sleep in the middle of the night

And in broad daylight

Oh, they torture me.

Say a kind word!

Everything is ready for the wedding;

Tomorrow morning, my light,

Let's marry you

And let's start to sing along."

And the young princess

Saying nothing

Turned away from the king.

The king was not at all angry,

But I fell in love even more;

On my knees before her,

Gently shook hands

And for what sins

Am I suffering misfortune?" -

"Okay, okay, Whale Fish!" -

Our Ivan shouts to him.

“Be a merciful father to me!

See how I suffer, poor thing!

I've been here for ten years...

I myself will serve you! .. "-

Kit Ivana begs

He sighs bitterly.

"Okay. Okay, Whale Fish!" -

Our Ivan shouts to him.

Then the skate under him huddled,

Jump ashore and set off:

You can only see how the sand

Curls in a swirl at the feet.

Whether they go close, far,

Are they going low or high

And did you see anyone

I know nothing.

Soon the tale is told

For me to ask you:

Will the pain end soon?

How to find forgiveness for him?

And what is he doing here?"

The clear moon says:

“He bears torment for that,

What is without God's command

Swallowed among the seas

Three dozen ships.

If he gives them freedom,

God will take away his misfortune.

In a moment all wounds will heal,

He will reward you with a long life."

Then Ivanushka got up,

I said goodbye to the bright moon,

He hugged his neck tightly

Three times kissed on the cheeks

“Well, Ivanushka Petrovich! -

Said Month Mesyatsovich. -

thank you

For my son and for myself.

Take the blessing

Our daughter in comfort

And tell my dear:

“Your mother is always with you;

Full of crying and crashing:

Soon your sadness will be solved, -

And not old, with a beard,

A handsome young man

Will lead you to hell."

Well, goodbye! God be with you!”

Bowing as best he could

Ivan sat on a skate here,

He whistled like a noble knight,

And set off on the return journey.

Here he comes running to the village,

He calls the peasants to himself,

Black mane shakes

And he speaks like this:

"Hey, listen, laymen,

Orthodox Christians!

If none of you wants

To the waterman sit down in order,

Get the hell out of here.

This is where a miracle happens.

The sea boils strongly

The whale fish will turn ... "

Here the peasants and the laity,

Orthodox Christians,

They shouted: "Be in trouble!"

And they went home.

All carts were collected;

In them, without delay, they put

Everything that was belly

And left the whale.

Morning meets noon

And in the village there is no more

Not a single living soul

As if Mamai was going to war!

Here the horse runs on its tail,

Close to feathers

And that urine is screaming:

“Miracle Yudo Fish-whale!

That's why your suffering

What is without God's command

You swallowed in the middle of the seas

Three dozen ships.

If you give them freedom

God will take away your misfortune

In a moment all wounds will heal,

Will reward you with a long century.

And after finishing this speech,

Bitten a steel bridle,

Pushed - and in an instant

Jump to the distant shore.

The miracle whale moved

As if the hill turned

The sea began to stir

And from the jaws to throw

Ships after ships

With sails and rowers.

There was such a noise

That the king of the sea woke up:

They fired copper cannons,

They blew into forged pipes;

The white sail has risen

The flag on the mast has developed;

Pop with all the officials

He sang prayers on deck;

And the rowers are a cheerful row

Ran a song in the air:

"Like on the sea, on the sea,

Along the wide expanse

What is on the very edge of the earth,

Ships are leaving…”

The waves of the sea rolled

The ships disappeared from sight.

Mouth wide open,

Breaking the waves with a splash:

“What can I do for you guys?

What is the reward for service?

Do you need flowery shells?

Do you need golden fish?

Do you need large pearls?

Everything is ready for you!” -

“No, whale-fish, we are rewarded

You don't need anything -

Ivan tells him

Better get us a ring, -

Ring, you know. king girls,

Our future queen." -

"OK OK! For a friend

And an earring!

I will find until dawn

The ring of the red Tsar Maiden,

Keith replied to Ivan

And, like a key, fell to the bottom.

Sturgeon all the people

And he speaks like this:

"You reach for the lightning

Ring of the red Tsar Maiden,

Hidden in a drawer at the bottom.

Who will deliver it to me

I will reward him with the rank:

Will be a thoughtful nobleman.

If my smart order

Do not fulfill ... I will! .. "

Sturgeon bowed here

And they left in good order.

In a few hours

Two white sturgeons

To the whale slowly swam

And humbly said:

"Great King! Don't get angry!

We are all the sea, it seems

Came out and dug

But the sign was not opened.

Only Yorsh is one of us

I would do your order.

He walks all the seas

So, it’s true, the ring knows;

But, as if to spite him,

It's gone somewhere."

"Find it in a minute

And send to my cabin! -

Keith screamed angrily

And shook his mustache.

The sturgeons here bowed,

They started running to the Zemstvo court

And they ordered at the same time

From a whale to write a decree

To send messengers soon

And Ruff was caught.

Bream, heard this order,

Nominal wrote a decree;

Som (he was called an adviser)

Signed under the decree;

Black cancer decree folded

And attached the seal.

Two dolphins were called here

And, having given the decree, they said,

So that, on behalf of the king,

Ran all the seas

And that Ruff-reveler,

Screamer and bully

Wherever it was found

They brought him to the emperor.

Here the dolphins bowed

And Ersha set out to look.

They are looking for an hour in the seas,

They are looking for an hour in the rivers,

All the lakes came out

All the straits have crossed

Ruff could not be found

And returned back

listen to a fairy tale The Little Humpbacked Horse. Part 1. The fairy tale begins to affect ... online:

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests
Beyond the wide seas
Against the sky - on the ground
An old man lived in a village.
The old woman has three sons:
The older one was smart,
The average was this way and that,
The younger one was an idiot.

The brothers were sowing wheat
Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:
Know that the capital was
Not far from the village.
They sold wheat
Received money by account
And with a full bag
They were returning home.

In a long time al soon
Woe happened to them:
Someone began to walk in the field
And move the wheat.
The men are so sad
They did not see offspring;
They began to think and guess -
How would a thief peep;
Finally they realized
To stand guard
Save bread at night
Watch out for the evil thief.

That's how it became only dark,
The elder brother began to gather:
He took out the pitchfork and the ax
And went on patrol.

The night has come,
Fear came upon him
And with fears our man
Buried under the canopy.

The night passes, the day comes;
The sentinel descends from the sennik
And dousing yourself with water
He began to knock under the hut:
"Hey you sleepy grouse!
Open the door brother
I got wet in the rain
From head to toe."
The brothers opened the door
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see something?
The watchman prayed
Right, left bowed
And he cleared his throat and said:
"I didn't sleep all night;
To my misfortune,
There was a terrible storm:

The rain poured and poured like this,
I wet my shirt all over.
How boring it was!
However, all is well."
His father praised him:
"You, Danilo, well done!
You are, so to speak, approximately,
Has served me faithfully
That is, being with everything,
He didn't hit his face in the dirt."

It began to get dark again;
The middle brother went to get ready:
Took a pitchfork and an ax
And went on patrol.
The cold night has come
Trembling attacked the little one,
The teeth began to dance;
He hit to run -
And all night I went on patrol
At the neighbor's fence.
It was terrible for the young man!
But here's the morning. He to the porch:
"Hey you, sleepyheads! Why are you sleeping!
Open the door to your brother;
There was a terrible frost at night,
Chilled to the stomach."
The brothers opened the door
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see something?
The watchman prayed
Right, left bowed
And answered through gritted teeth:
"I didn't sleep all night,
Yes, to my unfortunate fate,
The night was terribly cold
To the hearts of me penetrated;
I rode all night;
It was too awkward...
However, all is well."
And his father said to him:
"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It became dark for the third time,
The younger one needs to get together;
He does not lead a mustache
Sings on the stove in the corner
From all the stupid urine:
"Beautiful eyes you are!"

Brothers, blame him
They began to drive in the field,
But no matter how long they screamed,
Just lost their voice
He's out of place. Finally
His father came up to him
Tells him: "Listen,
Run on patrol, Vanyusha.
I'll buy you luboks
I'll give you peas and beans."
Here Ivan gets off the stove,
Malachai puts on his

He puts bread in his bosom,
The guard is on its way.
Ivan goes around the field,
looking around,
And sits under a bush;
The stars in the sky are counting
Yes, he eats the edge.

Suddenly, about midnight, the horse neighed ...
Our guard stood up,
Looked under the mitten
And I saw a mare.
The mare was
All white as winter snow
Mane to the ground, golden,
Curled in crayons.
"Ehe-he! so that's what
Our thief! .. But, wait,
I don't know how to joke
Together I will sit on your neck.
Look, what a locust!"
And, a moment of improvement,
Runs up to the mare
Enough for a wavy tail
And jumped on her back -
Only backwards.
young mare,
Glittering furiously,
Serpent's head twisted
And went off like an arrow.
Curls around over the fields,
Hangs flat over the ditches,
Rushing over the mountains,
Walks on end through the woods,
Wants by force al deceit,
Just to deal with Ivan.
But Ivan himself is not simple -
Holds tightly to the tail.

Finally she got tired.
"Well, Ivan," she said to him, "
If you could sit
So you own me.
Give me a place to rest
Yes take care of me
How much do you understand. Yes, look:
Three morning dawns
Set me free
Walk across the open field.
At the end of three days
I give you two horses -
Yes, such as they are today
It never happened at all;
Yes, I also give birth to a horse
Only three inches tall
On the back with two humps
Yes, with yardstick ears.
Two horses, if you like, sell,
But don't give up the horse
Not for a belt, not for a hat,
Not for black, listen, grandma.
On the ground and underground
He will be your comrade:
It will keep you warm in winter
In summer it will blow cold
In hunger, he will treat you with bread,
Drink honey when thirsty.
I'll go out into the field again
Strength to try at will. "

"Okay," Ivan thinks.
And in the shepherd's booth
Drives the mare
Door matting closes
And as soon as it dawned
Goes to the village
Singing a song out loud:
"Well done went to Presnya."

Here he comes up on the porch,
That's enough for the ring,
That there is strength knocking on the door,
Almost the roof is falling down
And shouts to the whole market,
It was like there was a fire.
The brothers jumped from the benches,
They stuttered and shouted:
"Who knocks hard like that?" -
"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"
The brothers opened the door
The fool was let into the hut
And let's scold him, -
How dare he scare them like that!
And our Ivan, without taking off
Neither bast shoes, nor Malakhai,
Sent to the oven
And speaks from there
About the night adventure
Surprise to all ears:

"I didn't sleep all night,
I counted the stars in the sky;
The moon, exactly, also shone, -
I didn't really notice.
Suddenly the devil comes
With a beard and mustache;
Erysipelas like a cat
And the eyes, what are those bowls!
So the devil began to jump
And knock down the grain with a tail.
I can't joke,
And jump on his neck.

He was already dragging, dragging,
Almost broke my head
But I myself am not a mistake,
Hey, he kept him like a beetle.
Fought, fought my cunning
And finally pleaded:
"Do not destroy me from the world!
A whole year for you
I promise to live peacefully
Do not trouble the Orthodox."
I, listen, did not measure the words,
Yes, I believed the devil."
Here the narrator paused.
Yawned and dozed off.
Brothers, no matter how angry,
Could not - laughed,
Grabbing by the sides
Over the fool's story.
The old man himself could not restrain himself,
To not laugh to tears,
Even laugh - so it is
Old people are wrong.

Too much time or too little
Since that night has passed -
I'm nothing about it
Haven't heard from anyone.
Well, what's the matter with us,
Whether a year or two has flown by,

After all, do not run after them ...
Let's continue the story.

Well, so that's it! Raz Danilo
(On a holiday, I remember, it was),
Stretching green drunk
Got dragged into the booth.
What does he see? - Beautiful
Two golden-maned horses
Yes, a toy skate
Only three inches tall
On the back with two humps
Yes, with yardstick ears.
"Hmm! Now I know
Why did the fool sleep here!
Danilo says to himself...
The miracle at once broke the hops;
Here Danilo runs into the house
And Gabriel says:
"Look how beautiful
Two golden-maned horses
Our fool got himself:
You didn't even hear it."
And Danilo da Gavrilo,
What was in the legs of their urine,
Straight through the nettle
So they blow barefoot.

Stumbling three times
Fixing both eyes
Rubbing here and there
Brothers enter to two horses.
The horses neighed and snored,
Eyes were burning like a yacht;
Rings curled into crayons,
The tail flowed golden,
And diamond hooves
Studded with large pearls.
It's worth watching!
Only the king would sit on them!
The brothers looked at them like that,
Which is a little off the mark.
"Where did he get them?
Senior middle said. -
But it's been talked about for a long time
That only fools are given a treasure,
At least break your forehead
So you won't knock out two rubles.
Well, Gavrilo, that week
Let's take them to the capital;
We will sell the boyars there,
Let's split the money.
And with money, you know
And drink and walk
Just hit the bag.
And good fool
No guesswork,
Where are his horses staying?
Let them look here and there.
Well, buddy, shake hands!"
The brothers agreed
Embraced, crossed

And returned home
Talking among ourselves
About horses and about the feast
And about a wonderful animal.

Time rolls by,
Hour after hour, day after day.
And for the first week
The brothers are going to the city-capital,
To sell your goods there
And at the pier to find out
Did they come with ships
Germans in the city for canvases
And will Tsar Saltan come
Shame on Christians.
Here they prayed to the icons,
Father was blessed
They took two horses secretly
And they set off in silence.

Evening made its way to night;
Ivan got ready for the night;
Walking down the street
He eats a piece of bread and sings.
Here he reaches the field,
Hands propped up at the sides

And with a touch, like a pan,
Sideways enters the booth.

Everything was still standing
But the horses were gone;
Only a humpbacked toy
His legs were spinning
Clapped with joy ears
Yes, he danced with his feet.
How Ivan will howl here,
Leaning on the farce:
"Oh you, the horses of the bora-siwa,
Good golden-maned horses!
I did not caress you, friends,
What the hell stole you?
To the abyss to him, the dog!
To breathe in the gully!
So that he in the next world
Fall on the bridge!
Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,
Good golden-maned horses!"

Here the horse neighed to him.
"Don't grieve, Ivan," he said, "
Big trouble, I do not argue
But I can help, I'm burning.

You didn't screw up:
The horse brothers brought together.
Well, why talk empty,
Be, Ivanushka, in peace.
Hurry up and sit on me
Just know yourself hold on;
Even though I'm small,
Yes, I will change the horse of another:
How do I run and run
So I'll overtake the demon."

Here the skate lies before him;
Ivan sits on a skate,
Ears in zagreb takes
What is the lobes roars.
The little humpbacked horse shook himself,
He got up on his paws, startled,
He slammed his mane, snored
And flew like an arrow;
Only dusty clubs
The whirlwind curled underfoot.
And in two moments, if not in a moment,
Our Ivan overtook the thieves.

The brothers, that is, were afraid,
They combed and hesitated.

And Ivan began to shout to them:
"It's a shame, brothers, to steal!
Even though you are smarter Ivana,
Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:
He didn't steal your horses."
The elder, writhing, then said:
"Our dear brother Ivasha,
What to shove is our business!
But take into account
Our unselfish belly.

No matter how much wheat we sow,
We have a little daily bread.
And if the harvest is bad,
So at least get into the loop!
Here in such great sadness
Gavrila and I were talking
All last night -
What would help the goryushku?
So and so we did
Finally decided this:
To sell your skates
At least a thousand rubles.
And thank you, say by the way,
Bring you back -
Red hat with a vertebra
Yes, heeled boots.
Besides, the old man can't
Can no longer work;
But it is necessary to close the century, -
You are a smart person!"
"Well, if that's the case, then go, -
Ivan says - sell
Golden-maned two horses,
Yes, take me too."
The brothers squinted painfully,
Yes, you can't! agreed.

It began to darken in the sky;
The air began to grow cold;
Here, so that they do not get lost,
Decided to stop.

Under canopies of branches
All horses tied
Brought with a bast basket,
got a little drunk
And go, God willing
Who is into what of them.

Here Danilo suddenly noticed
That the fire lit up in the distance.
He looked at Gabriel
Left eye winked
And coughed lightly
Pointing the fire quietly;
Here he scratched his head,
"Oh, how dark! - he said. -
At least a month that way as a joke
Looked at us for a minute,
Everything would be easier. And now,
Right, we are worse than black grouse ...
Wait a minute... it seems to me
What light smoke curls there ...
You see, Avon! .. So it is! ..
That would be a smoke to breed!
It would be a miracle! .. And listen,
Run, brother Vanyusha!
And, to be honest, I have
No flint, no flint."
Danilo himself thinks:
"To crush you there!"
Gavrilo says:
"Who-sing knows what burns!

Kohl the stanitsa moored
Remember his name!"

All nonsense for a fool.
He sits on a skate
Beats in steep sides with legs,
Pulling his hands
Blows with all his might...
The horse soared, and the trail caught a cold.
"Be with us the power of the cross! -
Then Gavrilo shouted,
Protected by the holy cross. -
What kind of demon is under him!

The flame burns brighter
The hunchback runs faster.
Here he is in front of the fire.
The field shines like during the day;
Wonderful light streams around
But it does not heat, does not smoke.
Ivan was given a diva here.
“What,” he said, “for the devil!
There are five caps in the world,
And there is no heat and smoke;
Eco miracle light!"

The horse tells him:
"That's something to marvel at!
Here lies the feather of the Firebird,
But for your happiness
Don't take it.
Many, many restless
Bring it with you."
"Speak you! How not so!" -
The fool grumbles to himself;
And, lifting the feather of the Firebird,
Wrapped it up in rags
Put rags in a hat
And he turned his horse.
Here he comes to the brothers
And to their demand he answers:
"How did I get there?
I saw a burnt stump;
Already over him I fought, fought,
So I almost sat down;
I inflated it for an hour -
No, damn it, it's gone!"
The brothers did not sleep the whole night,
They laughed at Ivan;
And Ivan sat down under the cart,
He snored until morning.

Here they harnessed the horses
And they came to the capital
Became in a row of horses,
Opposite the big chambers.

In that capital there was a custom:
If the mayor does not say -
Buy nothing
Sell ​​nothing.
Here comes mass;
The mayor leaves
In shoes, in a fur hat,
With a hundred city guards.
Next to him rides herald,
Long mustache, bearded;
He blows a golden trumpet,
Cries out in a loud voice:
"Guests! Open the shops,
Buy, sell.
And the overseers sit
Near the shops and look
To avoid sodom
No dashing, no pogrom,
And to no freak
Do not deceive the people!"
The guests of the shop open,
Baptized people call out:
"Hey, honest gentlemen,
Please visit us here!
How are our containers-bars,
All sorts of goods!"
The buyers are coming
Goods are taken from guests;

Guests count money
Yes, the overseers are blinking.

Meanwhile, the city detachment
Comes to the equestrian row;
Looks - crush from the people.
There is neither exit nor entrance;
So teeming here and teeming,
And laugh and shout.
The mayor was surprised
that the people rejoiced,
And he gave the order to the detachment,
To clear the road.

"Hey! you damn barefoot!
Get out of my way! get out of my way!"
The barbels screamed
And they hit the whips.
Here the people moved
He took off his hats and stepped aside.

Before the eyes of the equestrian row;
Two horses stand in a row
young, crows,
Golden manes curl,
Rings curled into crayons,
The tail flows golden...

Our old man, no matter how ardent,
He rubbed the back of his head for a long time.
"Wonderful," he said, "God's light,
There are no miracles in it!"
The whole squad here bowed,
I marveled at the wise speech.
Meanwhile, the mayor
Punished severely to everyone
Not to buy horses
They didn't yawn, they didn't shout;
That he is going to the yard
Report everything to the king.
And, leaving part of the detachment,
He went to report.

Arrives at the palace.
"You have mercy, the king-father! -
The mayor exclaims
And the whole body falls. -
They didn't order me to be executed
Tell me to speak!"
The king deigned to say: "Okay,
Speak, but it's only complicated. "-
"As best I can, I'll tell you:
I serve as mayor;
Faithfully correct
This position..." - "I know, I know!" -
"Today, having taken a detachment,
I went to the horse range.
Come - the darkness of the people!
Well, no way out or in.

What to do here? .. Ordered
Drive the people so as not to interfere.
And so it happened, the king-hope!
And I went - and what?
In front of me is a row of horses;
Two horses stand in a row
young, crows,
Golden manes curl,
Rings curled into crayons,
The tail flows golden,
And diamond hooves
Studded with large pearls.

The king could not sit here.
"We need to look at the horses, -
He says, it's not bad
And make such a miracle.
Hey, give me a wagon!" And so
The wagon is at the gate.
The king washed, dressed up
And rolled into the market;
A detachment is behind the king of archers.

Here he entered the horse row.
Everybody fell on their knees
And "Hurray" to the king shouted.
The king bowed and instantly

A young man jumping from a wagon ...
He does not take his eyes off his horses,
Right, left comes to them,
He calls with a word of affection,
Softly hits them on the back,
pats their necks,
Stroking the golden mane,
And looking pretty
He asked turning
To those around him: "Hey guys!
Whose foals are these?
Who is the boss?" Ivan is here,
Hands on the hips, like a pan,
Because of the brothers performs
And, pouting, he replies:
"This couple, the king, is mine,
And the owner is also me.
"Well, I'm buying a couple!
Are you selling?" - "No, I'm changing." -
"What do you take good in exchange?" -
"Two to five caps of silver." -
"I mean, it'll be ten."
The king immediately ordered to weigh
And, by your grace,
He gave me an extra five roubles.
The king was generous!

Take the horses to the stables
Ten gray-haired grooms,
All in gold stripes,

All with colored sashes
And with morocco whips.
But dear, as if laughing,
The horses knocked them all off their feet,
All the bridles are torn
And they ran to Ivan.

The king went back
She tells him: "Well, brother,
A pair of ours is not given;
Nothing to do, have to
To serve you in the palace.
You will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress
Like rolling cheese in butter
All my stable
I give you an order
The royal word is a guarantee.
What, do you agree?" - "Eka thing!
I will live in the palace
I will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress
Like rolling cheese in butter
The whole stable factory
The king gives me an order;
That is, I'm from the garden
I will become a royal governor.
Wonderful thing! So be it
I will, king, serve you.

Just, mind you, don't fight me
And let me sleep
Or else I was like that!"

Then he called the horses
And went along the capital,
Waving my own mitten
And to the song of the fool
Horses dance trepak;
And his skate is humpbacked -
And so it breaks down,
To the surprise of all people.

The two brothers meanwhile
Royally received money
They were sewn into belts,
They knocked on the valley
And we went home.
Shared at home
They both got married at the same time
They began to live and live
Remember Ivan.

But now we'll leave them
Let's have fun with a fairy tale again
Orthodox Christians,
What did our Ivan do,

Being in the service of the king,
At the state stable;
How did he get into the neighbors,
How he slept his pen,
How cunningly caught the Firebird,
How he kidnapped the Tsar-maiden,
How he went for the ring
As he was an ambassador in heaven,
How is he in the sunny village
Kitu begged for forgiveness;
How, among other things,
He saved thirty ships;
As in the boilers he did not boil,
How handsome he became;
In a word: our speech is about
How did he become king?


The Little Humpbacked Horse is a fairy tale by Pyotr Ershov in verse. The popular fairy tale The Little Humpbacked Horse is full of magical characters: the Firebird, a huge fish and others. In the fairy tale there are obsolete words, intuitively understandable, giving a special flavor to the work. The story of the Little Humpbacked Horse is a pleasure to read! It has humor, philosophy, and, of course, miracles...

The Little Humpbacked Horse summary

Once upon a time there was a peasant who had 3 sons, Danilo - smart, Gavrilo - "this way and that", the youngest - Ivan the Fool. The brothers noticed that crops were disappearing in the field where they grow millet. They decided to take turns on duty at night. During his shift, Ivan saw a white mare with a golden mane in the field, jumped on her and galloped. The mare promises Ivan to give birth to three horses, two handsome men and one with a humpback on her back, in exchange for her freedom. Ivan agrees, but the mare warns him that he can sell two horses, and he must keep the third one, he will help out in difficult times. Three days later, the mare fulfilled her promise.

One day the older brothers saw two horses, took them away and sold them. The little humpbacked horse told the owner about what had happened, Ivan was sad, jumped on the horse and caught up with the brothers, but Ivan had mercy on them and, deciding to sell the horses, went with them to the city.
At night, they saw a light and sent Ivan to reconnaissance. Ivan sees - a wonderful light flows around, but does not warm, does not smoke. Horse says that this is the feather of the Firebird, which brings misfortune. But Ivan does not listen to the skate, and hides the feather under his hat.

At the fair, the mayor immediately noticed the horses and persuaded the king to buy handsome men. However, on the way to the palace, the horses turn around and run back to Ivan. Seeing this, the tsar arranges for Ivan to work in the palace - the manager of the stables.
The evil sleeping bag wants to get rid of Ivan at all costs, but sees that the horses are groomed and fed. At night, he secretly sneaks into the stable and sees: Ivan takes out the feather of the Firebird, and illuminating the room with it, cleans and cleans the horses and goes to bed. The sleeping bag steals the pen and reports everything to the king. In the morning, the tsar calls Ivan to him and demands to catch the Firebird for him. Ivan, not knowing what to do, returns to the horse and cries, but the hunchback promises to help him.

Ivan takes millet and overseas wine and rides on a hunchback for a miracle bird. They travel for a long time, and finally they come to a forest, in the middle of which is a mountain of silver. Firebirds fly to the stream near the mountain. Ivan poured grain and poured wine into one trough, and hid himself in the second. As soon as the Firebird flew up, Ivan immediately grabbed it. Joyful, Ivan returns to the palace and delivers his order to the king, for which the king promotes Ivan to the royal stirrup.

The sleeping bag is jealous of Ivan and finds a new way to drive him out of the palace: he tells the king that he saw the Tsar Maiden on a golden boat on the ocean shore. The Tsar immediately sends Ivan in search of the daughter of the Month. And again the skate is taken to help the owner.
Upon arrival, Ivan lays out the tent, covers the tablecloth with sweets, waits for the princess to come to the covered meadow, grabs her and brings the king. The king immediately falls in love with the beauty and invites her to marry him. However, the Tsar Maiden says that first he must get her ring from the bottom of the ocean. And again, Ivan and the Humpbacked Horse set off on their journey to fulfill the king's command.

They see - a whale fish lies in the ocean, a boron rustles on its tail, the village is not on its back. Ivan recalls that the girl asked him to bow to the Month on her behalf and goes to the mansions of the beauty. Also, the Month, having learned from Ivan about the suffering of the whale, tells him a terrible secret: many years ago he swallowed as many as three dozen ships, if he releases them, he will receive forgiveness and be able to return to the sea.

A grateful whale helps to get the ring, and Ivan brings it to the tsar.

The girl says that the king is too old for her, but she knows how to rejuvenate him: the king must bathe in three cauldrons - with hot milk, boiled water and cold water. The tsar is afraid and sends Ivan to be the first to pass this test.
Ivan, realizing that he is in danger of death, closes his eyes and jumps into the cauldron and suddenly realizes that here, too, the Little Humpbacked Horse helped him out - he blew into the cauldron of milk, dipped his muzzle in boiling water, waved his tail over the icy water - and Ivan came out whole and unscathed. The tsar, looking at Ivan, jumped into the cauldron and scalded himself in the first one. The people choose the brave Ivan as king, and the maiden as queen, and arrange a wedding feast for them.

The Little Humpbacked Horse Petr Ershov

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Title: The Little Humpbacked Horse

About the book "The Little Humpbacked Horse" Pyotr Ershov

Pyotr Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", although written in verse, is the closest to the folklore primary sources. According to the author himself, the tale almost exactly repeats folk tales, and he only gave it an exquisite literary form. In this he was inspired by Alexander Pushkin, who also took stories from folk art for his fairy tales.

Oddly enough, Pyotr Ershov's book, intended for children, was repeatedly censored and banned. After all, in it, in a satirical context, the image of a tyrant king, greedy officials of various levels and cowardly nobles is presented. All this is contrasted with a lot of folk apt expressions and social satire. Thanks to its original style, catchy humor, vivid artistic pictures and recognizable plots, the fairy tale gained wide popularity among readers and became a classic of children's literature in the 19th century.

The fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" demonstrates a close connection with European folklore. We find an almost identical plot among the Slavs from the coast of the Baltic Sea and the Scandinavians. There are similar motifs in Slovak, Belarusian and Ukrainian folklore. Everywhere the main character is the youngest of three sons, whom everyone calls a fool. Carrying out the task of his father, he and his older brothers must guard the wheat field, but everyone except the younger Ivan always falls asleep. Only he manages to catch a wonderful mare, which rewards the hero for mercy with two handsome horses and one unsightly Humpbacked Horse. It is he who becomes Ivan's magical assistant in his adventures.

This is followed by the twists and turns characteristic of fairy tales with the service of the king, getting the Firebird, the Tsar Maiden, her ring and gaining beauty and youth. All this is supplemented by the details characteristic of fairy tales in the form of triple repetitions, conditional numbers, persistent epithets and popular motifs. Among them are wonderful donors and wonderful helpers, villains in the form of envious people and a nearby king, the Tsar Maiden, who turned out to be the daughter of the Moon and the Whale Fish, who once swallowed three dozen ships and is now punished for it. All these elements are present in folklore in one form or another, but Pavel Ershov makes them aesthetically attractive and collects them in one story.

These features, as well as the images presented by the author in an unusually bright way, made the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" very popular with illustrators, theater directors and animators.

On our site about books, you can download for free or read online the book "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by Peter Ershov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "The Little Humpbacked Horse" Pyotr Ershov

The moon cried out: “Ah, the villain!
I decided to marry at seventy
On a young girl!
Yes, I stand strong in that -
He will sit as a groom!
You see what the old horse-radish started:
He wants to reap where he did not sow!

Guests! Open the benches
Buy, sell;
And the overseers sit
Near the shops and look
To avoid sodom
No pressure, no pogrom,
And to no freak
Do not deceive the people!

Seeing this, a cunning sleeping bag,
The former head of the stables,
He says under his breath:
“No, wait, sucker!
It won't always happen to you
So canal to excel,
I'll let you down again
My friend, in trouble!

Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,
Good golden-maned horses!
I did not caress you, friends.
What the hell stole you?
To the abyss to him, the dog!
To breathe in the gully!
So that he in the next world
Fall on the bridge!

No, whale-fish, we are rewarded
You don't need anything -
Ivan tells him
Better get us a ring -
Ring, you know, Tsar-girls,
Our future queen." -
"OK OK! For a friend
And an earring!
I will find until dawn
Ring of the Red Tsar Maiden

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Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov

The Little Humpbacked Horse

Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov (1815-1869) was born in Siberia.

As a child, he listened to the tales of the Siberian peasants, many he remembered for the rest of his life and he himself told them well.

Ershov was very fond of folk tales. In them, the people wittily ridiculed their enemies - the king, boyars, merchants, priests, condemned evil and stood for truth, justice, goodness.

Ershov was studying at Petersburg University when he first read Pushkin's wonderful fairy tales. They just showed up then.

And he immediately decided to write his "Humpbacked Horse" - a funny tale about the brave Ivanushka - a peasant son, about a stupid king and a magic humpbacked horse. Ershov took a lot for The Little Humpbacked Horse from old folk tales.

The story was published in 1834. A. S. Pushkin read and spoke with great praise about The Little Humpbacked Horse.

After graduating from the university, Ershov returned from St. Petersburg to Siberia, to his homeland, and lived there all his life. For many years he was a teacher at the city gymnasium

Tobolsk. Ershov passionately loved his harsh land, studied it and knew it well.

In addition to The Humpbacked Horse, he wrote several other works, but they are now forgotten. And The Little Humpbacked Horse, which appeared more than a hundred years ago, still remains one of the favorite fairy tales of our people.

V. Gakina

The fairy tale begins to tell

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests
Beyond the wide seas
Against the sky - on the ground
An old man lived in a village.
The old woman has three sons:
The older one was smart,
Middle son and so and so
The younger one was an idiot.
The brothers were sowing wheat
Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:
Know that the capital was
Not far from the village.
They sold wheat
Received money by account
And with a full bag
They were returning home.

In a long time al soon
Woe happened to them:
Someone began to walk in the field
And move the wheat.
The men are so sad
They did not see offspring;
They began to think and guess -
How would a thief peep;
Finally realized to themselves
To stand guard
Save bread at night
Watch out for the evil thief.

That's how it became only dark,
The elder brother began to gather,
He took out the pitchfork and the ax
And went on patrol.
A stormy night has come;
Fear came upon him
And with fears our man
Buried under the canopy.
The night passes, the day comes;
The sentinel descends from the sennik
And dousing yourself with water
He began to knock under the hut:
“Hey you sleepy grouse!
Open the door brother
I got wet in the rain
From head to toe."
The brothers opened the door
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see something?
The watchman prayed
Right, left bowed
And he cleared his throat and said:
“I didn’t sleep all night;
To my misfortune,
There was a terrible storm:
The rain poured and poured like this,
I wet my shirt all over.
How boring it was!
However, all is well."
His father praised him:
“You, Danilo, well done!
You are, so to speak, approximately,
Has served me faithfully
That is, being with everything,
He didn't hit his face in the dirt."

It began to get dark again
The middle brother went to get ready;
Took a pitchfork and an ax
And went on patrol.
The cold night has come
Trembling attacked the little one,
The teeth began to dance;
He hit to run -
And all night I went on patrol
At the neighbor's fence.
It was terrible for the young man!
But here's the morning. He to the porch:
"Hey, Sony! What are you sleeping!
Unlock the door for your brother;
There was a terrible frost at night -
Chilled to the stomach."

The brothers opened the door
The guard was let in
They began to ask him:
Didn't he see something?
The watchman prayed
Right, left bowed
And answered through gritted teeth:
"I didn't sleep all night,
Yes to my unfortunate fate
The night was terribly cold
To the hearts of me penetrated;
I rode all night;
It was too awkward...
However, all is well."
And his father said to him:
"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It became dark for the third time,
The younger one needs to get together;
He does not lead a mustache
Sings on the stove in the corner
From all the stupid urine:
"Beautiful eyes you are!"
Brothers, blame him
They began to drive in the field,
But, no matter how long they shouted,
Only the voice was lost;
He's out of place. Finally
His father came up to him
Tells him: "Listen,
Run away on patrol, Vanyusha;
I'll buy you luboks
I'll give you peas and beans."
Here Ivan gets off the stove,
Malachai puts on his
He puts bread in his bosom,
The guard is going to keep.

The night has come; the month rises;
Ivan goes around the field,
looking around,
And sits under a bush;
Counts the stars in the sky
Yes, he eats the edge.
Suddenly, about midnight, the horse neighed ...
Our guard stood up,
Looked under the mitten
And I saw a mare.
The mare was
All white as winter snow
Mane to the ground, golden,
Curled in crayons.
“Ehehe! so that's what
Our thief! .. But, wait,
I can't joke
Together I will sit on your neck.
Look, what a locust!”
And, a moment of improvement,
Runs up to the mare
Enough for a wavy tail
And jump? L to her on the ridge -
Only back to front.
young mare,
Glittering furiously,
Serpent's head twisted
And it went off like an arrow.
Winds around? Gom over the fields,
Hangs flat over the ditches,
Rushing over the mountains,
Walks on end through the woods,
Wants by force al deceit,
If only to cope with Ivan;
But Ivan himself is not simple -
Holds tightly to the tail.

Finally she got tired.
“Well, Ivan,” she said to him, “
If you could sit
So you own me.
Give me a place to rest
Yes, take care of me
How much do you understand. Yes, look:
Three morning dawns
Set me free
Walk across the open field.
At the end of three days
I give you two horses -
Yes, such as they are today
It never happened at all;
Yes, I also give birth to a horse
Only three inches tall
On the back with two humps
Yes, with yardstick ears.
Two horses, if you like, sell,
But don't give up the horse
Not for a belt, not for a hat,
Not for black, listen, grandma.
On the ground and underground
He will be your comrade:
It will keep you warm in winter
In summer it will blow cold;
In hunger, he will treat you with bread,
Drink honey when thirsty.
I'll go out into the field again
Strength to try at will.

“Okay,” Ivan thinks.
And in the shepherd's booth
Drives the mare
The door of the matting closes,
And it just dawned
Goes to the village
Singing a song out loud
"A good fellow went to Presnya."

Here he comes up on the porch,
That's enough for the ring,
That there is strength knocking on the door,
Almost the roof is falling down
And shouts to the whole market,
It was like there was a fire.
The brothers jumped from the benches,
Stuttering, they shouted:
"Who knocks hard like that?" -
"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"
The brothers opened the door
The fool was let into the hut
And let's scold him, -
How dare he scare them like that!

And our Ivan, without taking off
Neither bast shoes, nor Malakhai,
Sent to the oven
And speaks from there
About the night adventure
Surprise to all ears:
"I didn't sleep all night,
I counted the stars in the sky;
A month, exactly, also shone, -
I didn't really notice.
Suddenly the devil comes
With a beard and mustache;
Erysipelas like a cat
And the eyes - what are those bowls!
So the devil began to jump
And knock down the grain with a tail.
I can't joke,
And jumped on his neck.
He was already dragging, dragging,
Nearly broke my head.
But I myself am not a mistake,
Hey, he held him like a beetle.
Fought, fought my cunning
And finally pleaded:
"Do not destroy me from the world!
A whole year for you
I promise to live peacefully
Do not trouble the Orthodox."
I, listen, did not measure the words,
Yes, the devil believed it. ”
Here the narrator paused.
Yawned and dozed off.
Brothers, no matter how angry,
They couldn't - they laughed,
Grabbing by the sides
Over the fool's story.
The old man couldn't help himself.
To not laugh to tears,
Even laugh - so it is
Old people are wrong.

Too much time or too little
Since that night has passed, -
I'm nothing about it
Haven't heard from anyone.
Well, what's the matter with us,
Whether a year or two has flown by,
After all, do not run after them ...
Let's continue the story.

Well, so that's it! Raz Danilo
(On a holiday, I remember, it was),
Stretching green drunk
Got dragged into the booth.
What does he see? – Beautiful
Two golden-maned horses
Yes, a toy skate
Only three inches tall
On the back with two humps
Yes, with yardstick ears.
"Hm! now I know
Why did the fool sleep here! -
Danilo says to himself...
The miracle at once broke the hops;
Here Danilo runs into the house
And Gabriel says:
"Look how beautiful
Two golden-maned horses
Our fool got himself:
You didn't even hear it."
And Danilo da Gavrilo,
What was in the legs of their urine,
Straight through the nettle
So they blow barefoot.

Stumbling three times
Fixing both eyes
Rubbing here and there
Brothers enter to two horses.
The horses neighed and snored,
Eyes were burning like a yacht;
Rings curled into crayons,
The tail flowed golden,
And diamond hooves
Studded with large pearls.
It's worth watching!
Only the king would sit on them.
The brothers looked at them like that,
Which is a little off the mark.
“Where did he get them? -
The senior middle man said, -
But it's been talked about for a long time
That only fools are given a treasure,
At least break your forehead
So you won't knock out two rubles.
Well, Gavrilo, that week
Let's take them to the capital;
We will sell the boyars there,
Let's split the money.
And with money, you know
And drink and walk
Just hit the bag.
And good fool
It won't take a guess
Where are his horses staying?
Let them look here and there.
Well, buddy, shake hands!
The brothers agreed
Embraced, crossed
And returned home
Talking among ourselves
About horses, and about the feast,
And about a wonderful animal.

Time rolls by,
Hour after hour, day after day,
And for the first week
The brothers are going to the city-capital,
To sell your goods there
And at the pier to find out
Did they come with ships
Germans in the city for canvases
And will Tsar Saltan come
Shame on Christians?
Here they prayed to the icons,
Father was blessed
They took two horses secretly
And they set off in silence.

Evening made its way to night;
Ivan got ready for the night;
Walking down the street
He eats a piece of bread and sings.
Here he reaches the field,
Hands propped up at the sides
And with a touch, like a pan,
Sideways enters the booth.

Everything was still standing
But the horses were gone;
Only a humpbacked toy
His legs were spinning
Clapped with joy ears
Yes, he danced with his feet.
How Ivan will howl here,
Leaning on the farce:
“Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,
Good golden-maned horses!
I did not caress you, friends.
What the hell stole you?
To the abyss to him, the dog!
To breathe in the gully!
So that he in the next world
Fall on the bridge!
Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,
Good golden-maned horses!
Here the horse neighed to him.
“Don’t grieve, Ivan,” he said, “
Great trouble, I do not argue;
But I can help, I'm burning
You do not rivet on the devil:
The horse brothers brought together.
Well, why talk empty,
Be, Ivanushka, in peace.
Hurry up and sit on me
Just know yourself hold on;
Even though I'm small,
Yes, I will change the horse of another:
How do I run and run
So I will overtake the demon.

Here the skate lies before him;
Ivan sits on a skate,
Ears in zagreb takes
What is the urine roars.
The little humpbacked horse shook himself,
He got up on his paws, startled,
He slammed his mane, snored
And flew like an arrow;
Only dusty clubs
Whirlwind twisted underfoot
And in two moments, if not in a moment,
Our Ivan overtook the thieves.

The brothers, that is, were afraid,
They combed and hesitated.
And Ivan began to shout to them:
“Shame on you, brothers, to steal!
Even though you are smarter Ivana,
Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:
He didn't steal your horses."
The elder, writhing, then said:
“Our dear brother Ivasha!
What to shove is our business!
But take into account
Our unselfish belly.
How much wheat we do not sow,
We have a little daily bread.
And if the harvest is bad,
So at least get into the loop!
Here in such great sadness
Gavrila and I were talking
All last night -
What would help the goryushku?
So and so we decided
Finally, this is how they did it
To sell your skates
At least a thousand rubles.
And thank you, say by the way,
Bring you back -
Red hat with a vertebra
Yes, heeled boots.
Besides, the old man can't
Can't work anymore
But it is necessary to close the century, -
You yourself are a smart person!” -
"Well, if that's the case, then go, -
Ivan says - sell
Golden-maned two horses,
Yes, take me too."
The brothers squinted painfully,
Yes, you can't! agreed.

It began to darken in the sky;
The air began to grow cold;
Here, so that they do not get lost,
Decided to stop.
Under canopies of branches
All horses tied
Brought with a bast basket,
got a little drunk
And go, God willing
Who is into what of them.
Here Danilo suddenly noticed
That the fire lit up in the distance.
He looked at Gabriel
Left eye winked
And, coughing lightly,
Pointing the fire quietly;
Here he scratched his head,
“Oh, how dark! - he said.-
At least a month that way as a joke
Looked at us for a minute,
Everything would be easier. And now,
Right, we are worse than black grouse ...
Wait a minute... It seems to me
What light smoke curls there ...
You see, Avon! .. So it is! ..
That would be a smoke to breed!
It would be a miracle! .. And listen,
Run, brother Vanyusha.
And, to be honest, I have
No flint, no flint."
Danilo himself thinks:
"To crush you there!"
Gavrilo says:
“Who-sing knows what burns!
Kohl villagers stuck -
Remember him, what was his name!
Everything is a waste for a fool
He sits on a skate
Beats in steep sides with legs,
Pulling his hands
Bawling with all his might...
The horse soared, and the trail caught a cold.
“Be with us the power of the cross! -
Then Gavrilo shouted,
Protected by the holy cross. -
What kind of demon is under him!

The fire burns brighter
The hunchback runs faster.
Here he is in front of the fire.
The field shines like during the day;
Wonderful light streams around
But it does not heat, does not smoke,
Ivan was given a diva here:
“What,” he said, “for the devil!
There are five hats in the world,
And there is no heat and smoke;

Eco miracle light!”
The horse tells him:
“There is something to marvel at!
Here lies the feather of the Firebird,
But for your happiness
Don't take it.
Many, many restless
He will bring it with him." -
"You speak! how not so!” -
The fool grumbles to himself;
And, lifting the feather of the Firebird,
Wrapped it up in rags
Put rags in a hat
And he turned his horse.
Here he comes to the brothers
And to their demand he answers:
"How did I get there?
I saw a burnt stump;
Already over him I fought, fought,
So I almost sat down;
I inflated it for an hour,
No, damn it, it's gone!"
The brothers did not sleep the whole night,
They laughed at Ivan;
And Ivan sat down under the cart,
He snored until morning.

Here they harnessed the horses
And they came to the capital
Became in a row of horses,
Opposite the big chambers.
In that capital there was a custom:
If the mayor does not say -
Buy nothing
Sell ​​nothing.
Here comes mass;
The mayor leaves
In shoes, in a fur hat,
With a hundred city guards.
Next to him rides herald,
Long mustache, bearded;
He blows a golden trumpet,
Cries out in a loud voice:
"Guests! Open the benches
Buy, sell;
And the overseers sit
Near the shops and look
To avoid sodom
No pressure, no pogrom,
And to no freak
Do not deceive the people!
The guests of the shop open,
Baptized people call out:
"Hey, honest gentlemen,
Please visit us here!
How are our containers-bars,
All kinds of goods!
The buyers are coming
Goods are taken from guests;
Guests count money
Yes, the overseers are blinking.

Meanwhile, the city detachment
Comes to the equestrian row;
They look - a crush from the people,
There is no way out, no way in;
So the kishma is teeming,
And laugh and shout.
The mayor was surprised
that the people rejoiced,
And he gave the order to the detachment,
To clear the road.
"Hey, you goddamn barefoot!
Get out of my way! Get out of my way!"
The barbels screamed
And they hit the whips.
Here the people moved
He took off his hats and stepped aside.

Before the eyes of the equestrian row:
Two horses stand in a row
young, crows,
Golden manes curl,
Rings curled into crayons,
The tail flows golden ...
Our old man, no matter how ardent,
He rubbed the back of his head for a long time.
“Wonderful,” he said, “God’s light,
There are no miracles in it!”
The whole squad here bowed,
I marveled at the wise speech.
Meanwhile, the mayor
Punished severely to everyone
Not to buy horses
They didn't yawn, they didn't shout;
That he is going to the yard
Report everything to the king.
And, leaving part of the detachment,
He went to report.

Arrives at the palace
“Have mercy, king-father! -
The mayor exclaims
And the whole body falls. -
They didn't order me to be executed
Tell me to speak!"
The king deigned to say: “Okay,
Speak, but it’s only complicated. ” -
"As best I can, I'll tell you:
I serve as mayor;
Faithfully correct
This position ... "-" I know, I know! -
“Today, having taken a detachment,
I went to the horse range.
Come - the darkness of the people!
Well, no way out, no way in.
What to do here? .. Ordered
Drive the people, so as not to interfere,
And so it happened, the king-hope!
And I went - and what? ..
In front of me is a row of horses:
Two horses stand in a row
young, crows,
Golden manes curl,
Rings curled into crayons,
The tail flows golden,
And diamond hooves
Studded with large pearls.

The king could not sit here.
"We need to look at the horses, -
He says - yes, it's not bad
And make such a miracle.
Hey, give me a wagon!" And so
The wagon is at the gate.
The king washed, dressed up
And rolled into the market;
Behind the king of archers is a detachment.
Here he entered the horse row.
Everybody fell on their knees
And "hooray!" they shouted at the king.
The king bowed and instantly
Jumping from the wagon as a young man ...
He does not take his eyes off his horses,
Right, left comes to them,
He calls with a gentle word,
Quietly beats them on the back,
He pats their neck,
Stroking the golden mane,
And, having seen enough,
He asked turning
To those around him: “Hey guys!
Whose foals are these?
Who is the owner? Ivan is here
Hands on the hips, like a pan,
Because of the brothers performs
And, pouting, he replies:
"This couple, the king, is mine,
And the owner is also me. -
“Well, I'm buying a couple;
Are you selling?" - "No, I'm changing." -
“What do you take good in exchange?” -
"Two to five caps of silver" -
"So that would be ten."
The king immediately ordered to weigh
And, by your grace,
He gave me an extra five roubles.
The king was generous!

Take the horses to the stables
Ten gray-haired grooms,
All in gold stripes,
All with colored sashes
And with morocco whips.
But dear, as if laughing,
The horses knocked them all off their feet,
All the bridles are torn
And they ran to Ivan.
The king went back
She tells him: "Well, brother,
A pair of ours is not given;
Nothing to do, have to
In the palace to serve you;
You will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress
Like rolling cheese in butter
All my stable
I give you an order
The royal word is a guarantee.
What do you agree? - "What a thing!
I will live in the palace
I will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress
Like rolling cheese in butter
The whole stable factory
The king gives me an order;
That is, I'm from the garden
I will become a royal governor.
Wonderful thing! So be it
I will serve you, king.
Just, mind you, don't fight me
And let me sleep
Otherwise, I was like that!”

The two brothers meanwhile
Royally received money
They were sewn into belts,
They knocked on the valley
And we went home.
Shared at home
They both got married at the same time
They began to live and live
Remember Ivan.
But now we'll leave them
Let's have fun with a fairy tale again
Orthodox Christians,
What did our Ivan do,
Being in the service of the king
At the state stable;
How did he get into the neighbors,
How his pen slept,
How cunningly caught the Firebird,
How he kidnapped the Tsar-maiden,
How he went for the ring
As he was an ambassador in heaven,
How is he in Sunshine Village
Kitu begged for forgiveness;
How, among other things,
He saved thirty ships;
As in the boilers he did not boil,
How handsome he became;
In a word: our speech is about
How did he become king?