Capital letter w. Pike - predatory fish


SUBJECT: Capital LetterSCH .

GOAL: - to teach children to write the capital letter Щ, to consolidate the ability to establish its sound composition, to compare the elements of letters and connect them;

To develop the speech of students;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

EQUIPMENT: alphabet of capital letters, subject drawing with the image of a puppy.

LESSON TYPE: complex.



    Repetition of learned letters.

Name the written lettersI, f, e, W, C, x, c, Y, d, g, i, h)

- Which of these represent vowel sounds?

- Which of them represent one consonant?d, h, w, w, c)

    Sound-letter analysis of the word.

What is the name of a baby dog?Puppy)

How many syllables are in this word?

What syllable is stressed? Describe the sounds of the wordshh, i, nok)

Sign the letters below the diagram. What letter does the word start with?


Today we will learn how to write a capital letterSCH , sentences with her, learn and write a short poem about a puppy, talk about these cute animals.


    Graphic analysis of a letterSCH.

What are the elements of a letter? Than capitalSCH different from lowercase? (The size and top rounding of the first element)

How to get a titleSCH from lettersI, Sh, C?

Compare printed and handwrittenSCH . What does a capital letter look likeSCH ?

U - playing puppy,

He lay down with his paws up.

    Capitalization ExplanationsSCH showing on the board.

    Finger gymnastics


Two puppies, cheek to cheek

Pinch the brush in the corner.

Palm on the edge, on yourself. Thumb up. Index, middle and nameless together. The little finger alternately goes down and up.

    Writing a preparatory exercise. (6 stroke, p.17, copy-book).

    Letter of capital letter elementsSCH (p.29).

The teacher warns that the beauty of a letter depends on the same number of all elements.

    Capital LetterSCH .

Before starting work, students, at the expense of the teacher, circle the sample in a frame several times, write the letter in the air, with chalk on the board.

    Offer letter.

Read the proverb. How do you understand it?

Whatfood? How to say otherwise?

Which word has a syllableshcha ? How should it be written?

What character is in the middle of a sentence? What word replaces a dash? (This)

8. Physical Minute.

9. Work on the development of students' speech.

Who is in the picture at the top of the copybook?

What is the girl doing? Make suggestions according to the scheme.

How does the girl feel about her pet?

Do any of you have pets? How do you take care of them? Tell me.

Pre-trained students recite an excerpt from S. Mikhalkov's poem "My Puppy"

(the second part is the return of the puppy)

10. Copying from printed text.

Read the tongue twister printed on the board.

Who is she talking about? Does the drawing on the page match?

Write down a poem, follow the correct connection of letters in words.


What letter did we write today? What sound does it represent?

What poems about a puppy do you remember?


  • Tutorial:
    to acquaint with writing a lowercase letter u;
    develop calligraphic vigilance.
  • Developing:
    develop the ability to recognize the elements of letters.
  • Nurturing:
    form literate speech,
    to instill love for the Russian language.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson objectives:

  • To develop students' skills in writing a lowercase letter u.
  • To consolidate skills and abilities in writing syllables, words, sentences.

At the end of the lesson, students should:

  • Know: the correct spelling of the elements of the letter sh.
  • Be able to: write the letter u and compounds with the letter u.

Methods of organizing educational activities used by the teacher in the classroom: a differentiated approach.

Forms of organization of educational activities used by the teacher in the classroom: individual, group.



Lesson stages (with indication of time for each stage):

  1. Creation of a learning situation. (Psychological mood) - 1 min.
  2. Updating knowledge - 1 min.
  3. Work on a new topic - 15 min.
  4. Repetition - 12 min.
  5. Physical education - 2 min.
  6. Independent individual work. (Cards with individual tasks of different levels) - 11 min.
  7. Lesson summary - 1 min.
  8. Reflection - 2 min.

During the classes

1. Creating a learning situation.

Long awaited call
The lesson starts.
Well, check it out buddy
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Everything is in place
Is it all right
Pen, book and notebook?
Is everyone seated correctly?
Is everyone watching closely?
Everyone wants to get
Only five ratings.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Guys, today in the lesson we will get acquainted with writing a new letter, learn how to write syllables and words with this letter.
What letter is in question, you yourself will say when you open the envelope with the elements of the letters and collect this letter. (The envelope contains the letter sh cut into elements.)
- What is the letter? (sch) ( Appendix)

3. Work on a new theme.

What is a letter? (This is what we can write and see.) What does it give? (Sound.) What is sound? (This is what we can pronounce and hear.) Sound (u) - what? Give a description: consonant, unpaired deaf, soft. Writing the letter u in a notebook with a comment.
In the program “Good night kids”, the presenter Oksana suggested that Khryusha and Stepasha play a game in which vowels come to visit consonants, then what happens? (Syllables.) (Education, reading and writing syllables shcha, shch.) ( Appendix).
Composing words from letters (pike, thicket, cloak, brush) - write them in a notebook. I am doing vocabulary work on these words.
I conduct a sound analysis of the word raincoat (the letter p gives the sound p - it is a paired consonant, deaf, hard; the letter l gives the sound l - it is an unpaired consonant, voiced, hard; the letter a gives the sound a - it is a vowel, stressed; the letter u gives the sound u - it is an unpaired consonant, deaf, soft).
What new letter did we learn about writing today?

4. Repetition. Work on the sentence "I brush my raincoat."

What is written on the next working line?
Prove that this is a proposal. What is an offer? (This is a complete thought.) What does it consist of? (From words.)
Read it and count how many words it contains.
Say the first word, second, third, fourth.
Write the sentence in your notebook and draw its diagram with the help of signs. (The signs are in envelopes. You can work in pairs if you have difficulty.)

5. Physical education:

Waves are splashing in the ocean. (Children wave their hands, depicting waves.)
What is there in the fog? (Children stretch their hands forward.)
These are ship masts. (Children stretch their hands up.)
Let them swim here quickly! (Children wave their hands in greeting.)
We walk along the coast
We are waiting for sailors (walking in place),
We are looking for shells in the sand (tilts)
And we squeeze in a fist (children clench their fists).
To collect more
Need to visit more often (squats).
Let's sit together on the sand.
The lesson started again. (Children sit at their desks.)

6. Independent individual work.

(Each student receives an individual card. I give cards of different levels.)
- Write sentences in capital letters, underline the vowels and syllables that you need to remember.

7. The result of the lesson.

- What did you meet new?
- What did you repeat?

8. Reflection. How did you feel at the lesson today?

  • Good
  • There were difficulties
  • Difficult

Sections: elementary School


  1. To promote the formation of reading skills, the ability to work with text.
  2. To develop phonemic hearing, students' speech, the desire and ability to take part in a conversation.
  3. Cultivate a sense of discipline.


  • letters
  • syllables,
  • cards with written letters Щ and Щ,
  • attention cards,
  • Cheburashka toy.
  • textbook "Russian alphabet", author V.G. Goretsky
  • writing on the board
  • cards with balls of different colors
  • notebooks

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Look out the window. How brightly the sun shines! It smiles at us! Let's smile at each other and wish good luck!

2. Phenominutka.

Who wants to continue the story of today?

3. Patter. On the desk.

The pike tickled the goldfinch with its brush,
The brush was ticklish with bristles.\\

Reading with the teacher. Printing in a notebook. Pause setting. Isolation of logical stress. Speaking in pairs.

4. Setting the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

What new letters did you learn? Tell all about them. What are the spellings? In what words? What will we do in class?

Read the words: Shchigrev, Schukin, Shcherbakov. What do they have in common? (capital letter). What is the capital letter for?

5. Actualization of knowledge.

I will now read to you a story written by a hero from a fairy tale by Eduard Uspensky. Guess who it is?

He has a friend who plays the harmonica

He lived in a box of oranges

He and his friend like to help friends,

He is the emblem of Russia at the Olympics in Turin.

Cheburashka also studied at school, but has recently been very busy at the Olympics, so he can make a mistake when talking about letters. Listen carefully and if you hear something wrong, correct it.

There were letters. They lived together, did not quarrel. 10 of them are vowels. Very interesting letters. Half are cunning. Why were they named like that? Well, probably because with the help of a magic wand they can turn a lion into a mouse, and a letter into a carriage.

And consonants are generally eccentrics! Some speak loudly, loudly, for example, P, T, X .. And others can only whisper, hiss, rustle. These are dull sounds. But I forgot what letters stand for deaf sounds. Tell!

The letters H, U are very friendly with the letters I, Yu. They just can’t part with them! But Zh and Sh are not found with the letter Y, but are friends only with Y, and it makes them soft, soft.

And there are two strange letters. They are always silent. Maybe dumb? You don't know them?

(Children correct mistakes as the story progresses.)

6. Warm-up for hands.

One, two, three, four, five -
Let's count fingers.
Strong, friendly, all so necessary,
On the other hand again one, two, three, four, five.

(children perform movements)

7. Letter in "Recipe" letters Щ and syllables.

Let's show Cheburashka how to write letters. (the teacher is on the blackboard, and the children feel the letters on the cards, then write in the air, on tracing paper.)

Read the syllables. What words are hidden here? (Come up with words with these syllables).

8. Physical education.

Cheburashka prepared exercises for you that helped him at the Olympics.

9. Working with text.

Read the words on the board, they will appear in the text.

(read the text in sentences, then reading the text by one student.)

Text analysis by questions.

Who lashed out at the kids?

How did they react to the danger?

How did the bear do?

Which boy was wrong? Why?

Can any of you tell me what this story is about?

10. Work in "Recipe".

Cheburashka asks to speak to him the tongue twister that we studied today.

Read the sentence in the "Recipe".

How did the puppy feel?

("The puppy squealed with joy")

What spelling did you hear? (sha).

Write down this sentence yourself.

11. Development of memory, attention, thinking.

Cheburashka has prepared a task for you. A card is posted on the board.

Use the numbers to guess the words.

What unites these words?

Find the extra word. Why is it redundant?

12. Independent work.

On the board are the words: LIVES, PIKE, IN, RIVER.

Make and write a proposal.

Remember the rules of the offer.

13. Opening the "house" of the letter Sh.

(Children tell what they learned about the letter: what sound does it mean, call words with it. The teacher makes riddles.

14. Reflection.

What did you like? What seemed difficult?

You have balls of different colors on your desks. If you liked the lesson, it was interesting for you, give Cheburashka a red balloon. If you don't like something - a ball of a different color. (Children gave red balloons)

15. Bottom line.

Cheburashka is very grateful to you for the lesson and the gift. He prepared a surprise. Words are hidden among the syllables, find them. One of them is thanks for the lesson.

A literacy lesson and the first task is already waiting for you.

(Syllables are on the desks)

Organizes audit work.

Asks a challenging question.

Look carefully at the received words, find the discrepancy.

Well done! I will ask you to determine the topic of the lesson.

Well done! SLIDE 2.

Attention to the screen, we have to read syllables with a confluence of consonants. Let's read together, in unison.

Add a vowel O before the confluence


Well done! Let's add the vowel U after the consonants.


Well done! What rule did you come across when reading syllables?

SLIDE 2 second column of words.

Read the words in the second column on your own.

Now let's read them in a chain, explaining the lexical meaning of each word.

In groups, words are made up of syllables:GROW SHA SHA VEL SCHE NOK TO VA RISCH HANDLE PLIERS The students read the words they have made up and check their answers. Students response:The extra word PEN, because it does not contain the letter Щ.Answer: Today we will continue to work with sound and the letter u.- We will learn to read and write words and sentences with a new letter. Choral reading of syllables from the screen:

Answer: SCHU - I write U Read and explain the lexical meaning of words.Point to the spellings ЩУ, ЩА

SLIDE - Well done! Evaluate your work on the assessment sheets.( assessment criteria are voiced by the teacher and are on each slide) - I ask you to arrange all your knowledge about sound and the letter u in a cluster."APP CLUSTER" Organizes a video physics minuteKara Zhorga" - Organize homework checks. - Organizes work with the text by the "Big Wash" technique.(questions are attached to the rope with clothespins - the student answers the question he got) - Organizes work in writing:1. preparation of the hand for writing SLIDE 4 - Attention to the screen! Let's name the objects shown on the slide. - Circle in green the objects whose names contain the sound[ sch] comes first, blue - sound[ sch] is in the middle of the word, brown - at the end. Look at the work of your neighbors, do their answers differ from yours? (In the course of the students' answers, open the color scheme on the slide). - Organizes independent work on writing the words PIKE, SORREL, BOX, CLOAK. Controls spelling, the connection of letters, evaluates the work. - Well done! Our lesson has come to an end and I ask you to remember everything that we did today.- And now I ask you to think whether everything was clear to you and you could easily cope with all the tasks in the lesson, or somewhere you needed the help of your comrades, or maybe you were simply not interested and you wanted to leave the lesson?- Find your cloud and stick your badge next to it.(Appendix "Clouds") Organizes job analysis.Organize summative assessment. - Raise your hands, who worked today for "5", for "4", for "3", guys, maybe someone would like to wish something to their friends? The bell will ring soon and the lesson will end.- Did we think in class? Or maybe someone slept?- Did we talk? Did you fly in the clouds?Did they help each other? Did you deserve a rest?- The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Learning vocabulary. They work on compiling a CLUSTER with the help of resources prepared in advance by the teacher.(1. sound[ sch"] consonant, always soft, deaf.2. The letter Щ can be at the beginning, middle and end of a word. For example: ...3. First and last names of people, names of animals, names of cities are written with a capital letter Щ.4. You need to remember: SCHU - U, SCHA - A) Protection of clusters at the board. Repeat dance movements for the screen hero. Read the text "Pike" individually, in pairs, in a group. Alternately go to the board and answer questions on the text "Pike"- Where did the pike live?- How did you chalk the water?- What did you cook?- Whom did you serve?- Is the pike a predatory fish?What fish live in the river?- Could the minnows get away from the pike alive?- Do fish visit?Why were you expecting guests? ( Application "FISH") Carry out the task on the sheets (game app) - PIKE, SORREL, CLOAK, DUCK, BOX. Conduct work analysis.- I circled SORREL AND PIKE in green, since these words begin with a sound[ sch] . - In blue, I took the DRAWER, because in this word there is a sound[ sch] is in the middle of a word.- I circled the CLOAK in brown, in this word the studied sound is at the end of the word.- DUCKING remained unpainted, as there is no sound in this word[ sch] . Write down words on your own. List the activities in the lesson. They work with clouds. Work with "success sheets"1. all the suns are blue - for the lesson grade "5"2. if there are green - score "4"3. if there are brown suns - "3"

Purpose: to teach the spelling of the capital letter Щ, to consolidate the spelling skills of words with the studied letters.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Repetition of what has been learned.

1. Clap your hands if you hear [u "] in the words: silk, whisper, tickle, honest, nutcracker, heron, chocolate, pinch, sliver, hat, tongs.

2. Writing words in an additional notebook:

grove, pike, sorrel, I clean.

What syllables should you memorize? (Shcha, shu.)

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. The teacher shows on the board how to write the capital letter Щ, compare it with the printed one.

2. Work according to prescription.

Outlining letter and pattern elements in a wide line.

3. Analysis of syllables, recording them.

4. Writing off sentences after spelling analysis:

I brush my puppy. The puppy squealed with joy.

4. Physical education.

The sun lifts us up to recharge.

We raise our hands on the command "One!".

And above us the leaves rustle cheerfully.

We lower our hands on the command "Two!".

Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. Drawing up a proposal and writing it down.

The pike lives in the river.

2. Give answers to questions. Write your answers in an additional notebook.

Where do mice live? ( Mice live in a closet.)

Where do ruffs live? (Ruffs live in the river.)

Underline the letters after w, w, h.

3. Vocabulary work. The children write down the answers. Dense dense forest. (Thicket.)

Hole punching tool. (Awl.) Wild rose with bright red berries. ( Rose hip.) Predatory fish with sharp teeth. (Pike.)

A vessel with a handle and spout for boiling water. (Teapot.)

Repeat again how the combinations are written zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu.

Summary of the lesson.


Subject: Lowercase f.

Purpose: to introduce the writing of the lowercase letter f, improving the calligraphic skills of students.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Introduction to a new letter.

1. Find the same sound in words:

apron, camera, jacket, flashlight, flag, fruits.

2. Think of as many words as possible starting with: fa ( factory, apron, pheasant, facts)

fi (physicist, owl, ficus, firm).

Who is in front of us? ( Footballer.)

3. Children outline the elements of the letter and pattern in a wide line.

Letter elements and letters in working lines.

4. Analysis of syllables, compounds and recording them.

Analysis of schemes and words, writing them.

5. Writing off the offer.

Every ship has a flag.


We walk, we walk

We raise our hands higher.

(Walking in place with arms raised).

Suddenly we see: by the bush

The chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take a chick

And put it back in the nest.

(Tilts forward, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up, raise your hands).

Consolidation of the studied

1. Make a word from letters : ground meat.

2. - Say a word.

From me thin dishes

Pale white and loud

Burning since ancient times

I am called ... porcelain.

Holiday, holiday at the gate.

Who will meet him?

Me and my faithful friend

Red, small... flag.

Writing the words "porcelain", "flag" in an additional notebook.

The teacher dictates the words.

If the sound [f] in the word is solid, the boys get up,

[f"] soft - girls.

Focus, ficus, driver, football, factory, traffic light, Fedya, eagle owl, company, farm, window, poster, asphalt.

Well done! You are very attentive!

Summary of the lesson.


Subject: Capital letter F.

Purpose: to learn to write a capital letter F, words and sentences with this letter.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Repetition of what has been learned.

1. Clap your hands if you hear the sound [f] or [f"] in the word: jacket, vase, scarf, Vasya, screen, farm, wagon, pheasant, fork, asphalt, fantasy.

2. The letter is lost.

Abrika, co. that, sho. er, .u. aika, .hands.

Introduction to a new letter.

1. - Guess the name of the boy by the first sounds of the names.

The teacher demonstrates drawings: an owl, a spruce, a house, an apple. Answer: Fedya

How do we write the boy's name?

That's right, with a capital letter, but first you need to learn how to write capital F.

The teacher gives an example of writing a capital F on the blackboard.

2. Work in copybook.

Children outline the elements of the letters and the pattern in a wide line.

What is the person's profession? (Fakir.).

The teacher explains the meaning of this word.

What other professions do you know in f? (football player, photographer, fencer.)

3. The letter of the elements and the letter f in cursive in the working lines.

Analysis of syllables, schemes and words. Their letter.

Particular attention is paid to connections


The cuckoos flew through three huts.

They were in such a hurry, they were in such a hurry.

They turned their heads, flapped their wings.

And where they flew, they did not say!

5. Consolidation of the studied.

1. Writing off sentences in writing:

Faina is knitting a jacket.

Fedya has a warm scarf.

2. Copying from printed text.

Traffic lights have three colors.

Remember what each color of the traffic light means.

Listen to the rhyme:

Traffic lights.

- Where have you been so far?

- Stopped the traffic light.

Red - clear: the path is dangerous.

Yellow is the same as red

And the green is ahead - come on in!

3. Writing words with the letter f.

Summary of the lesson.


Theme: Dividing b.