Problems of health of modern student youth. The state of health of students studying in higher educational institutions



© O.V. Bobylev

Keywords: quality of life; healthy lifestyle; youth health; diseases among young people; health status of students.

A brief review of the state of health of Russian students over the past decade shows the most common diseases associated with the educational process. The problem of the prevalence of bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles among student youth is especially emphasized.

Human health is the most important indicator of the quality of life. The quality of life is an integral characteristic of the physical, psychological, emotional and social functioning of a person, based on his subjective perception. And the very concept of "health" or "level of individual health", being an internal quality of a person, at the same time serves as a central component of the characteristics of the quality of life and an objective criterion for its evaluation. Consequently, the integrative indicator "the health of the individual" depends on the quality of the natural, man-made environment, social, emotional factors, i.e., the quality of life.

The health of young people, especially students, determines the health of the nation as a whole, and therefore affects the potential of this nation in all areas of activity. However, doctors state that recently the general state of health of university students, as well as of all young people, has worsened.

According to the modern definition adopted by WHO, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is determined by many factors, including individual (heredity, habits, lifestyle, profession), natural (geographical zone and landscape of habitat, climate), anthropogenic (urban or rural areas, degree of environmental degradation, presence of industrial sources of pollution) and social ( level of education, degree of social stress). And if natural and even anthropogenic factors are beyond the control of an ordinary person, then individual habits, lifestyle, etc. are directly dependent on personal choice. As for social factors, the choice of the subject of his social circle, the desire for a certain level of education, which, ultimately, determines the quality of human life, plays an important role here.

Many students already come to universities with a whole range of diseases. Research conducted in one

Noah from the schools of the Tambov region, confirm this. A survey conducted among 250 first-year students of the Ivanovo State Medical Academy showed that more than half of the surveyed (64%) have functional abnormalities, 29% have chronic diseases in the compensation stage, and only 7% are healthy. Many students had symptoms of emotional stress: increased fatigue, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances. Identified at the beginning of the year, personal anxiety increased significantly by the end of the first year of study. Often junior students show signs of anemia, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, poor posture).

Unfortunately, towards the senior years there is a tendency of a further decline in the health of young students. So, according to the results of a survey of about 1,700 first-year students at the Stavropol State Medical Academy, only about 40% of boys and girls can be considered healthy. Senior students have statistically significantly more complaints about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (25.2% in senior students versus 6.6% in junior courses), the musculoskeletal system (20% versus 7.5% in junior courses), and the nervous system (34% versus 10 .2 %) .

The decline in the overall health of students is primarily due to the fact that few of them lead a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is a behavior, a style that contributes to the preservation, strengthening and restoration of the health of a given population. A healthy lifestyle is associated with a person's choice of a health-positive lifestyle, which implies a high level of hygienic culture of individual social groups and society as a whole. Hygienically rational forms of behavior include behavior that enhances the protective properties of the body, as well as behavior aimed at combating bad habits that affect health. Increase the protective properties of the body includes

includes the optimal mode of various activities and recreation, rational nutrition, optimal physical activity, physical culture, hardening, personal hygiene, medical activity and dynamic monitoring of one's own health, positive environmental behavior. A healthy lifestyle is incompatible with bad habits. The use of alcohol, other intoxicating and narcotic substances, tobacco smoking are among the most important risk factors for many diseases. Smoking, alcoholism, narcotization are currently widespread, threatening distribution among the youth. In particular, this applies to alcoholism - in terms of real alcohol consumption, Russia has again become one of the leaders.

Age of initiation to psychoactive substances for the period from 1993 to 2002 decreased from 16-18 years to 12-14 years. According to the Center for monitoring bad habits among children and adolescents (15-17 years old) in 2006-2007. the prevalence of alcohol consumption averaged over 80% in Russia (about 17,000 adolescents were examined). Smoking has acquired the same mass character among urban adolescents: about 65% of boys and about 45% of girls are smokers.

The prevalence of drug addiction and substance abuse among young people is influenced by a number of factors, such as: low resistance to mental overload, stress, reduced adaptability to new difficult situations, poor tolerance of conflicts, etc. The use of psychoactive substances is more likely when the degree of stress is high and when the resources of the individual exhausted. Excessive passion for gambling and computer games is also a sign that a young man is trying to get away from stress, artificially improve his mood, distracting from reality.

According to the information agency "Vzgyad-info" in Saratov (2011), almost 90% of freshmen and school graduates drink alcohol. 2,500 young people aged 15 to 19 took part in the anonymous survey. Monitoring showed that 38% of the surveyed adolescents smoke, 89% drink alcohol, 10% have tried or used drugs.

According to the data provided by the information agency KEOKiM for the city of Arkhangelsk (2011), smoking is widespread among students: 35 per 100 people smoke, and among young people - 31 per 100 people, among girls - 37.5 per 100 people. Average age of smoking initiation in girls

15.6 years, in young people - 14.9 years. On average, they smoke 12 cigarettes a day. At the same time, 38% of respondents noted the presence of smoking in the family, and fathers smoke more often (51.9%) than mothers (24.9%). The frequency of alcohol consumption among students in Arkhangelsk is even more significant: in general, 85 students drink alcohol per 100 students; among girls - 85.7 people per 100, among young people - 84 people per 100. The average age of onset of alcohol consumption is 14.7 for young people and 15.6 for girls. Among students per 100 people tried drugs 26.3. Among the popular drugs, hemp occupies the first place (72.3%). By the frequency of drug use: 44% tried 1-3 times a week, 32% - less than 1 time per month, 16% - 2-4 times a month, and only 8% - more than 4 times a week.

I share. The average age at which drugs were started was

17.6 years old. The minimum age is 14 years old. At the time of the study, 55.8% did not doubt the possibility of quitting drug use, 32.5% did not want to give up, and 11.7% did not think about it.

Pathologies associated with lifestyle also include a large number of diseases caused by various deviations and disorders of motor activity, nutrition, work and rest, physical and psycho-emotional overload, excessive social stress. These reasons are responsible for most mental, nervous and hormonal disorders, many cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, diseases of the blood, digestive organs, musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and other disorders.

A survey conducted among 750 students of the Shuya State Pedagogical University showed that, although almost all of the students surveyed (96.9%) are aware of the leading role of a healthy lifestyle in shaping health, only 60% of them assess their lifestyle as healthy. Among the factors that do not allow calling their lifestyle healthy, the respondents indicated: irrational nutrition, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta (dated December 2, 2011) reports that every second student in Voronezh has one or another functional health disorder. They often have violations of bronchial conduction and heart function. Among the most common diseases of young people are gastroenterological, diseases of the respiratory organs, organs of vision; chronic diseases predominate.

Most students do not have the opportunity to spend enough time outdoors, walk, move, engage in active sports. Hence - diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as the appearance of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Violation of the diet leads to gastroenterological diseases. Often, too little time is allotted for sleep, which leads to a decrease in mental performance, and later on, neuropsychiatric disorders.

When comparing the mental health of different groups of the population, it turned out that this problem is very relevant for students. The intense pace of life and study makes high demands on the compensatory mechanisms of the psyche, the failure of which leads to stress, psychological and social conflicts. According to generalized literature data, the main number of disorders of the neuropsychic level is represented by neurotic fluctuations (about 19%), which are detected in first-year students. The highest risk of these diseases occurs in junior courses, reaching a maximum by the 3rd course. This is due to the difficulties of adapting to new professional and domestic conditions. The educational process itself, which creates increased neuropsychic stress, causes a deterioration in the health of young people, because it includes many stressful situations, the most significant of which are the periods of the session and passing exams. Freshmen lack various skills and abilities that are needed at the university

for successful completion of the program. Attempts to compensate for this by perseverance do not always lead to success. The problem of students' adaptation to the conditions of study in higher education is one of the important general theoretical problems currently being studied at the psycho-physiological, individual-psychological, socio-psychological levels.

Summing up, we can say that there is a decrease in the quality of life of students against the background of increasing requirements for the level of training, strengthening the intensification of the educational process. This, of course, causes anxiety and concern among doctors and educators. A full-fledged educational process in an educational institution is impossible without creating a health-saving environment for the student. It should provide the trainee with adequate conditions for the development of his psychophysiological properties, satisfy his need for motor and intellectual activity. It is necessary to develop programs aimed at the formation of personal attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, maintaining and strengthening one's own health. Such programs should teach elementary health control skills, form a desire to improve the quality of life, and teach ways to optimize the psychophysiological state. Only in this case can one count on the student's socio-psychological health, which is understood as social activity, adequate behavior in society, personal attitude to the world, the formation of personal qualities that contribute to harmony between a person and society and determine the success of an individual in society. In turn, the health of each individual is the most important component of the health of society as a whole, which determines the success and prosperity of the entire nation in the future.


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The article represents a brief review of the state of health of the students in the last decade. The most frequent diseases connected with the educational process are highlighted. The problem of prevalence of harmful habits and unhealthy lifestyles among students is emphasized.

Key words: quality of life; healthy way of life; youth health; diseases among young people; health status of students.


A study of dental health was carried out in 100 students of Samara University aged 19-22 years. The results of the study showed the presence of a high percentage of teeth affected by a carious process, a low level of students' awareness of personal oral hygiene and the effect of carbohydrates on the condition of teeth. In the process of studying at the Department of Life Safety and Physical Education, students become aware of the need to change the nature of nutrition and a responsible attitude to hygiene measures in the oral cavity.


oral hygiene

dental caries

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9. Chigarina S.E. Prevention of dental diseases of the oral cavity / Guidelines. - Samara, 2008 - 20 p.

The prevalence of diseases, including dental diseases, among students during their studies at the university tends to increase. This is due to the lack of adaptation to intense information loads, stress and, first of all, changes in diet, rest and sleep (mainly chronic lack of sleep), and if we talk about dental health, then this is probably insufficient motivation for caring for the oral cavity. In general, human health depends on the coherence of the work of all organs of the body and a significant role in this belongs to the teeth. Carious teeth are the cause of bad breath and the focus of infection in the body. In this regard, the condition of the teeth determines the possibility of adequate nutrition and the implementation of the function of labor and communication activities of students. Healthy teeth and a beautiful smile are important indicators of a person's social success. Professor V.K. Leontiev was the first to point out the functional purpose of teeth in ensuring the quality of life based on 3 positions:

Healthy teeth are the main factor that ensures the quality of human nutrition;

Healthy teeth as a factor that has a significant impact on the aesthetics of the face;

Healthy teeth as a symbol of the well-being of the population.

It should also be noted that teeth are an integral part of full-fledged speech, which contributes to the desire to communicate with people.

The factors that pose a risk of developing dental caries in the first place include an unbalanced diet, i.e. insufficient intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy teeth and the body as a whole. Nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

A person is healthy as long as his teeth are healthy, the ancient healers said, and therefore it is necessary to take care of the teeth in order to maintain the health of the whole organism. Teeth love when they are loved!

The purpose of the study was to identify students' self-assessment data on dental health to motivate them to limit the use of sweets and proper oral hygiene.

Materials and methods of research

A survey and questioning of 100 respondents (65 - girls, 35 - boys) aged 19-22 years was conducted about the presence of filled teeth and teeth affected by caries, determining the motivation for proper oral hygiene and assessing the amount of chocolate / chocolate sweets consumed by the student. The study consisted of two stages: the first stage was carried out before the start of practical classes, the second stage - after the classes on the topics "Oral hygiene" and "Nutrition of a modern person" in the discipline of life safety. The questionnaire of the first stage consisted of 13 questions, the second stage consisted of 6 questions. Statistical data processing was carried out using the Open Office Calc program.

Research results and discussion

Studies have shown that only 13 people have healthy teeth. Sick, untreated teeth were found in 1 student, but he does not seek dental care, as he experiences an overwhelming fear of dental treatment. 86 students have 217 carious teeth (chewing group) and 296 filled teeth, including 273 teeth of the chewing group (the main group of teeth that is involved in chewing food and is responsible for the quality of digestion) and 23 teeth of the frontal group (teeth that are involved in biting food and determine a person's smile). A total of 513 teeth were affected by the carious process. There were 206 sealed teeth due to caries, 90 teeth due to complications of caries (pulpitis and periodontitis), 31 teeth removed, 124 “wisdom” teeth that did not erupt (figure).

According to the survey, 51% of students turn to a dentist in case of toothache, 43% in case of discomfort in the tooth, and only 6% of the students surveyed for prophylactic oral sanitation (these are students who take care of their health). . The statistical analysis carried out indicates a high level of dental caries: in one student, carious teeth account for 21.58% of healthy teeth. On average, each student has approximately 5 - 6 teeth affected by caries, and with fillings, 3 - 4 teeth each.

It should be noted that all students showed insufficient motivation for oral hygiene and the lack of skills to perform proper brushing. Although all students believe that they brush their teeth correctly. To the question of the questionnaire: "Were you taught how to properly brush your teeth" - 99 students answered "no". After a practical lesson on the topic "Safety of dental health", all respondents came to the conclusion that they brush their teeth incorrectly. This indicates an overestimated self-esteem of students in compliance with the rules of oral hygiene.

Quantitative ratio of healthy and caries-affected teeth in students

Of particular interest are data on the assessment of the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates consumed by students. The results of the study showed that 97 students a week eat 184 chocolates or chocolate sweets, weighing 100 grams, i.e. 1 student eats an average of 1.9 chocolate bars (190 g) per week and only 3 people do not eat chocolate/chocolate sweets at all. During their time at the university, students try to satisfy their hunger for the whole day with sweet foods, preference is given to chocolates and chocolate sweets. It is known that the use of these products in the intervals between meals, especially in case of insufficient oral care, is accompanied by intensive reproduction of microorganisms in the oral cavity and dental caries (Borovsky V.E., 2003). In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the amount of carbohydrates consumed by a person, but also to the frequency and duration of their stay in the oral cavity.

At the same time, the correlation analysis performed did not reveal a significant relationship between the consumption of chocolates/chocolate sweets and the number of carious teeth: the correlation coefficient for boys is 0.27, for girls 0.24.

Thus, we can conclude that the amount of chocolates / chocolate sweets consumed does not directly affect the condition of the teeth, therefore, there are more significant factors in this regard, such as the correctness and systematic measures for oral hygiene, and of course, first of all, a balanced and balanced diet.

In the process of learning on the topics "Nutrition of a modern person", "Oral hygiene", students consciously decided to change their attitude to the use of chocolates / chocolate sweets and a responsible attitude to proper brushing of teeth and oral hygiene in general.


The conducted studies indicate a low level of students' awareness of proper personal oral hygiene, the effect of carbohydrates on the condition of the teeth, and compliance with the requirements of a balanced, rational diet, which is the result of a lack of motivation for safe dental health.

The knowledge gained by students during training on the above topics increased their dental literacy not only for dental health, but also for the health of the body as a whole.

Thus, we can conclude that the educational process at the university is designed to solve various problems of prevention to preserve and improve the health of students, including dental health.

Bibliographic link

Chigarina S.E. DENTAL HEALTH OF STUDENTS // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2016. - No. 10-2. – S. 243-245;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


Keywords: Health, healthy lifestyle, student youth

keywords:Health, healthy lifestyle, students

The health of student youth is increasingly recognized as a paramount task of the state, society and all its social institutions. Student youth is not only the vanguard of youth, it is also a highly educated and highly cultured part of society, which acts as an innovative reserve and potential elite of society as a whole, which concentrates in its views and ideas the potential for future political, cultural and economic transformations in society.

Health students are increasingly recognized as a primary task of the state, society and all its social institutions. College students - is not only the vanguard of the youth, it is also a highly educated and highly cultured part of society, which acts as a reserve and innovative potential elite of society as a whole, which concentrates in their views and ideas of the potency of future political, cultural and economic change in the society.

A person's lifestyle is the main factor that determines his health. The lifestyle of a modern person is characterized by physical inactivity and hypokinesia, overeating, information overload, psycho-emotional overstrain, drug abuse, etc., which ultimately leads to the development of the so-called diseases of civilization. Diseases of modern man are primarily due to his lifestyle and everyday behavior. The increase in life expectancy by 85% is associated not with the success of medicine, but with the improvement of living and working conditions, rationalization of the population's lifestyle. In our country, 78% of men and 52% of women lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

In the way of life of a person, the struggle between the biological (the desire to have fun) and the social (reason, morality) is manifested. Depending on the predominance of certain tendencies, a person organizes his individual way of life.

Therefore, an important place in the process of forming a healthy lifestyle is occupied by the personal and motivational qualities of a given person, his life guidelines. The personal-motivational setting of a person to embody their social, physical, intellectual and mental abilities and capabilities underlies the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at maintaining and improving people's health as a condition and prerequisite for the existence and development of other aspects of the lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is all that in the behavior and activities of a person has a beneficial effect on his health. A healthy lifestyle contributes to the preservation and promotion of health and is the basis for the prevention of most diseases. According to a number of domestic and foreign researchers, the health of the population is more than 50% dependent on lifestyle.

The health status of students is mainly determined by their lifestyle. The lifestyle and activities of students have changed so much in recent years that compensatory mechanisms can hardly cope with the increased load.

Economic difficulties, reduced funding for preventive health care, passive forms of recreation, increased workload in the learning process lead to an increase in morbidity, social maladaptation of young students.

The health of student youth is a necessary condition for studying at a university. High mental and psycho-emotional stress, forced frequent violations of the regime of work, rest and nutrition, a crisis of moral values, uncertainty about their future, a change of residence and many other factors require students to mobilize forces to adapt to new conditions of living and learning, the formation of interpersonal relationships outside families and overcoming difficult life situations .

In his work, A.V. Popova and O.S. Schneider note that the desire to achieve health at the expense of any one means is fundamentally wrong, since it does not cover the whole variety of interrelations of the functional systems that form the human body, and the connections of the person himself with nature - all that ultimately determines the harmony of his life and health. Based on these prerequisites, the structure of a student's healthy lifestyle should include the following components: psychological comfort; optimal driving mode; balanced diet; rational mode of life; sexual and parental culture; preventive actions; safe behaviour.

A healthy lifestyle creates such a sociocultural microenvironment for students, in which real prerequisites arise for high efficiency, labor and social, activity, psychological comfort, the potential of students is most fully revealed, and the process of their self-improvement is actualized.

Educational institutions are called upon to form a strong attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle at various stages of development. This setting is the leading one in the system of educating students at the university.

A healthy lifestyle largely depends on the student's value orientations, worldview, social and moral experience. Social norms, values ​​of a healthy lifestyle are accepted by students as personally significant, but do not always coincide with the values. developed by the public mind. So, in the process of accumulation of social experience by a person, disharmony of cognitive (scientific and worldly knowledge), psychological (formation of intellectual, emotional, volitional structures), socio-psychological (social orientations, system of values), functional (skills, abilities, habits, norms of behavior) is possible. , activity, relations) processes. Such disharmony can cause the formation of asocial qualities of a person. Therefore, in the university it is necessary to ensure the conscious choice of the social values ​​of a healthy lifestyle by the individual and to form on their basis a stable, individual system of value orientations that can ensure the self-regulation of the individual, the motivation of her behavior and activities.

The main aspects of a healthy lifestyle of student youth are the regime of work and rest, physical activity, personal hygiene, rejection of bad habits, rational nutrition, environmentally competent behavior, preventive thinking, etc.

A healthy lifestyle creates such a social microenvironment for the individual, in which real prerequisites arise for high creative dedication, working capacity, labor, educational and social activity, psychological comfort, the psychophysiological potential of the individual is most fully revealed, and the process of its self-improvement is actualized. Under the conditions of a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for health is formed in the student as part of the general cultural development, manifested in the unity of stylistic features of behavior, the ability to build oneself as a person in accordance with one's own ideas about a spiritually, morally and physically complete life.

A healthy lifestyle of student youth as a determining factor in protecting and strengthening the health of students - the conditions and prerequisites for the social activity of a young person, the completeness of the expression of his spiritual and physical strength - implies, along with ensuring the socio-economic conditions for a full-fledged life, the purposeful formation of his consciousness and behavior, appropriate health requirements.

Introducing a student to a healthy lifestyle should begin with the formation of his motivation for health. Caring for health, its strengthening should become a value motive (the meaning of life at the moment in this matter), which forms, regulates and controls the student's lifestyle. The lifestyle of each person determines his ideas about the meaning of life, attitude to the world around him, to himself, to his health.

According to the forecasts of a number of researchers, the number of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons, i.e. categories of students with health problems can reach 50% of the total. Unfortunately, this trend will continue in the next 10-15 years, when the total loss of the labor force for 2006-2015. will be more than 10 million people. (an average of 1 million people annually).

In the factorial model of health of the new generation, lifestyle accounts for 50-55%, the ecological state of the environment - 18-20%, the role of heredity is estimated at 15-20%, health care - at 10-15%. Therefore, there is a need to study the way of life, suggesting that it is the differences in the life activity and life manifestations of people, and not their belonging to one or another formal, legitimate socio-status group, that are the main criterion for differentiation and typology of the way of life. First of all, it is necessary to have information about the attitude of young people to the surrounding reality and ongoing events, about life goals and guidelines, about pressing problems and, most importantly, about ways to solve them.
A healthy lifestyle at the student stage is the most important social factor that goes through all levels of modern society, influencing the main spheres of society's life. I would like to note that today it is the main social factor that protects against negative consequences during the transition from the stage of youth to adulthood.


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Samarin Artyom Viktorovich,Institute of Physical Culture, Tyumen State University, s [email protected], 89199258882

Samarin A.V.,Institute of Physical Culture, Tyumen State University, [email protected], 89199258882

Conclusion An effective way to solve the problem of satisfying the functions of the wages of employees of municipal institutions could be to raise the minimum wage to the federal level. A motivated, motivated employee, with a powerful potential for professional skills, knowledge, skills, who knows how and wants to work, is the basic foundation for the success of any organization. Therefore, the ability of a manager to manage the motivation of his employees, i.e. creating an optimal labor motivational background for the employee to do his job efficiently and efficiently is one of the most important skills of a talented manager.

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UDC 614.39/378.17]-084(045) Overview

health problems of modern student youth and UNRESOLVED ISSUES of the organization of medical and preventive care

G.N. Shemetova - GOU VPO Saratov State Medical University. IN AND. Razumovsky Roszdrav, Head of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences; E.V. Dudrova - GOU VPO Saratov State Medical University. IN AND. Razumovsky of Roszdrav, postgraduate student of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy.



G.N. Shemetova - Saratov State Medical University n. a. V. I. Razumovskiy, Head of Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Doctor of Medical Science; E.V. Dudrova - Saratov State Medical University n. a. V. I. Razumovskiy, Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Postgraduate.

Date of receipt - 02.06.09 Date of acceptance for publication - 27.10.09

G.N. Shemetova, E.V. Dudrova. Problems of health of modern student youth and unresolved issues of organization of medical and preventive care. Saratov Scientific Medical Journal, 2009, Volume 5, No. 4, p. 526-530.

The article presents data on the state of health of modern youth and organizational forms of providing medical and preventive care to students of higher educational institutions. The main shortcomings in the provision of medical care to this contingent of people have been identified. The key points in the optimization of preventive and rehabilitation assistance to students of higher educational institutions are highlighted.

Key words: morbidity, students, youth, medical and preventive care.

G.N. Shemetova, E.V. Dudrova. Health Matters Of Modern Students And Unsolved Problems Of Curative And Prophylactic Aid. Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, 2009, vol. 5, no. 4, p. 526-530.

The health state of modern youth and the level of curative and prophylactic aid have been analyzed in the article. Basic disadvantages of rendering medical aid have been revealed. The main points of optimization of prophylactic and rehabilitation aid for students are presented in the study.

Key words: morbidity, students, youth, curative and prophylactic aid.

The state of students' health is one of the predispositions for diseases. In addition, economic labor

representative groups of the country's youth, the numbers experienced by the country, the widespread deterioration

over 3 million people, is the change of the ecological situation, the collapse of many urgent problems of modern society. Non-social foundations cannot but be reflected in the image by chance. The year 2009 was declared in Russia the Year of Youth and Health of Students. bowl. Successful training of highly qualified

sustainable workforce to use the terms “young people”, “teenagers”,

the economic development of the state, is closely related to "youth" to denote the age period

preservation and strengthening of health, increase from 10 to 20 years. At the same time, WHO experts highlight

performance of student youth. early adolescence - 10-14 years old and late

However, ever-increasing requirements for - 15-19 years. The largest number of students at the highest level of training of medical specialists of higher educational institutions belongs to the age group from the link, due to the increase in the flow of scientific 16 to 25 years. By this age, young people have information, the introduction of innovative education-certain health status, which is already advanced technology, lead to an overload of students in previous years, especially during the years of comrade. Their psycho-emotional stress increases while studying at school.

nust ^ adaptive reserves nyur ^ nu^ are depleted According to the results of a comprehensive survey of more

endocrine and immune systems, increases probably more than 10 thousand high school students. It was found that in the Responsible

410004, Saratov, st. 1st Stationny pr., 7, gastrointestinal tract disorders were detected in 65-90%

Road Clinical Hospital, Department of Polyclinic Therapy, l-r-glt

tel (845-2) 41-2z-4z- adolescents, pathology of ENT organs - in 47-71%, on-

Email: [email protected] posture disorders, scoliosis - in 38-65%, functional

nye cardiopathy - in 33-48%, diseases of the urinary system - in 25-40%, allergic pathology - in 11-31%. At the same time, the analysis of the results of a comprehensive examination of schoolchildren showed that the incidence of diseases among adolescents exceeds official statistics: for diseases of the digestive system - 6 times, for the organs of the urinary system - 4.5 times, for the musculoskeletal system - 8 times. Studies have shown that in 1997-2007 the frequency of both functional disorders and chronic diseases among adolescents aged 15-17 increased by more than one and a half times. Accordingly, with this level of health, adolescents continue their education after school. Only 40% of applicants who entered higher educational institutions could be considered (according to medical documents) healthy.

Of course, the state of health of student youth is largely determined by "school pathology". However, during the period of study at the university, the level of physical health of students decreases even more, and the number of chronic patients increases from year to year. When receiving vocational education, there is a significantly higher prevalence of functional abnormalities and chronic diseases (985.9% versus 632.72%) in senior courses compared to first courses; at the same time, a faster increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases was revealed compared to functional deviations (the growth rate of chronic pathology - 73.2%, functional disorders - 19.5%); There are 1.5-3 diagnoses per student on average. More than 60% of students of secondary and higher educational institutions suffer from various chronic diseases, among which diseases of the respiratory organs and the nervous system take the first place. By the time they graduate from high school, only 20% of graduates can be considered healthy. Consequently, during the time of study at the university, the health of students objectively deteriorates.

The incidence rate in various universities of the country ranges from 650.1 to 750.8 per 1000 students per year. The structure of morbidity is dominated by respiratory diseases (57.8-72%), mainly acute viral infections of the upper respiratory tract; the proportion of diseases of the digestive system, the eye and its appendages, the musculoskeletal and genitourinary systems, injuries and poisonings is increasing. Despite the fact that the cost of preparing each student is constantly increasing, from 5 to 9% of students annually interrupt their studies due to academic failure due to illness.

The first attempts to assess the health status of students were carried out in the 20s of the XX century. Then the most common diseases were pulmonary tuberculosis (up to 18%), rheumatic heart disease (30%), anemia (10-65%), neurasthenia (10-28%), malaria. 30% of students had significant deviations in physical development. among modern students, the largest share in prevalence is occupied by functional diseases of the nervous system, dental caries, chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, myopia, arterial hypertension, diseases of the digestive system.

The issues of organizing and improving medical care for students have been considered and are being considered in a number of studies both in our country and abroad. So, in Finland, since 1946, servicemen have been formed.

would health, which were an offshoot of the National Council of Students. Beginning in 1963, a psychological assistance service was organized for students at the University of Brussels, and later, in Italy and France, student mental health centers were established. A number of foreign authors who have studied the issues of medical care for students note that health services should take care of students at least at the age of 17-19.

For many years in our country, health-improving work among students was carried out in the conditions of primary health care, and subsequently in the conditions of a student polyclinic. According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated September 17, 1984 No. 653 “On measures to further improve the health care of university students and students of secondary specialized educational institutions”, the “Temporary regulation on the city polyclinic (department) for servicing students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions” was adopted institutions”, as well as the “Temporary regulation on the medical health center of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions”. Doctors of the student polyclinic carried out regular monitoring of the health status of students, carried out preventive and curative measures, dispensary observation and registration of patients, annual medical examinations by medical specialists.

The organization of a student polyclinic for many years was considered the optimal and promising form of medical care for students. The average annual doctor attendance at the student polyclinic was 163.2 per 100 students. At the same time, the researchers noted sufficient effectiveness of dispensary observation and, as a result, a decrease in the frequency of relapses of chronic pathology in those students who were systematically observed by doctors and received medical and recreational activities.

Currently, Russian universities have different approaches to the formation of student health services, due to regional characteristics. Providing medical care to university students in different cities of the Russian Federation is carried out by student departments of city territorial polyclinics, advisory polyclinics, medical units, as well as independent university and interuniversity health centers (paramedical and medical), hospital and polyclinic associations (including departmental ones). Back in the 1970s, attention was paid to the possibility of organizing recreational activities and rehabilitation treatment of students in sanatoriums.

New forms of medical and preventive care for students have also appeared. I.A. Kamaev and co-authors propose the creation of a consultative and methodological center on the issues of medical and professional orientation of applicants on the basis of a student polyclinic. In Tula, the program "Health of students in the XXI century" was created with the aim of developing and implementing specific packages of effective measures for the improvement and rehabilitation of students.

At the same time, in the situation that has developed in the system of protecting the health of students, a number of unresolved problems are determined, mainly related to

together, organization and practical implementation of disease prevention and rehabilitation.

One of the most important and serious shortcomings contributing to the deterioration of the health of students is the lack of a unified methodological approach to the organization of medical care for this category of the population. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 653 dated September 17, 1984 “On measures to further improve the health care of university students and students of secondary specialized institutions” and “Regulations on the city polyclinic providing medical care to students of higher and secondary specialized institutions” dated 1985 are outdated and do not meet modern technologies for organizing medical care for young students. The Unified Nomenclature of State and Municipal Health Institutions approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and currently in force does not provide for the existence of a "Polyclinic for Students" at all.

In many higher educational institutions of the country, the already existing student polyclinics have been reorganized into territorial polyclinics. For example, in Astrakhan, since September 2005, students began to be served in city polyclinics at the place of residence or at the place of temporary registration. Dispensary examinations of students are carried out in polyclinics at the location of the educational institution. Foreign students, purchasing a policy of voluntary medical insurance, can be served in any medical institution they choose.

In some universities in Russia, primary health care for students is provided by therapists in the premises of a health center located in a hostel. Lack of space, lack of specialized receptions, clinical diagnostic laboratory, functional diagnostic services significantly reduce the quality of medical care for students.

Often, high-quality medical care for a significant part of young people is inaccessible due to the high cost of care, since consultations of qualified specialists, methods of modern diagnostics and treatment are expensive.

When analyzing the system of medical supervision of students, other shortcomings can be identified - from the lack of computer monitoring technologies to insufficient attention to the issues of disease prevention and health improvement of university students at all levels. Despite the existence of specialized services - departments of prevention and departments of rehabilitation treatment / rehabilitation, the main conductors of preventive work should be outpatient specialists. However, polyclinic therapists, general practitioners working with students, pay little attention to primary prevention, in particular, respiratory diseases, timely identification of risk factors for this pathology and risk groups. Despite the fact that a number of studies have demonstrated the feasibility of using the screening method as a tool for the timely organization of primary prevention and rehabilitation measures for various pathologies, screening technologies are still at the stage of primary care.

shchi are used extremely rarely. Practically no methods of prenosological (preclinical) diagnostics have been developed, there are no trained specialists capable of carrying it out at the outpatient polyclinic stage. At the same time, in some European countries, patients with bronchial asthma, for example, are identified by telephone screening. The method is based on the American Thoracic Society questionnaire with additional questions regarding work and work restrictions. In order to identify risk factors for respiratory diseases, a questionnaire survey was conducted among Finnish students. As a result of the study, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis were diagnosed.

There is clearly insufficient work to ensure control over manageable risk factors, although the significance of these measures has been stated by a number of authors. In particular, there are more than modest results in the fight against active and passive smoking. Methods for the primary prevention of allergic diseases, including complexes of non-drug, training effects, have not been developed.

Little attention is paid to such important aspects as dispensary monitoring of students' health and their timely registration with dispensaries; providing medical care to students in the clinic and at home; questions about the timing of the appeal of students from the onset of the disease have not been studied; the timeliness of the appointment and the amount of treatment, the presence of complications in acute diseases. There was no analysis of temporary disability in chronic diseases among students; data on the effectiveness of certain programs of recreational and health-improving and rehabilitation measures are not presented.

According to Yu.P. Lisitsyn, an important component of disease prevention is the medical activity of students, which has declined sharply in recent years, which could be due to the destruction of the once orderly medical examination system, the poor quality of annual medical examinations of students, and often their profanation. According to the survey (289 people in 4 cities of the country), despite the high prevalence of pathology, only 17% of young people say that they are registered with a dispensary in a medical institution, that is, there is no regular, tangible medical supervision for a teenager, although it is obvious that it is at this age that effective correction of pathological deviations is possible.

With regard to young people, both medical reports are important, since this contingent should be observed in medical institutions with sufficient regularity, as well as students' self-assessment of their health, self-awareness. Studies conducted by N.I. Kosyakova showed that less than 20% of students who consider themselves healthy turned out to be healthy in reality. Almost all the surveyed lacked the skills of rational organization of work, mental hygiene, leisure, there was an extremely low medical activity. According to young people, their own role in maintaining health is reduced to a minimum: only 6% of the respondents constantly monitored and strengthened their health, 11.8% took care of their health to the extent possible and necessary. Thus,

Preventive work should be combined with educational programs, but there are serious shortcomings in this direction. Often, preventive measures carried out by medical workers among young people are formal and ineffective, do not motivate them to a healthy lifestyle, change their behavior towards safety, and acquire life skills. In addition, the success of preventive measures at various levels largely depends on the qualifications of medical personnel involved in improving the health of young students.

Deserves special attention to work with a contingent of people who often suffer from respiratory viral infections (the frequency of SARS during the year is more than 3 times). Patients after suffering severe forms of acute respiratory viral infections, with concomitant diseases, often note residual effects in the form of bronchopulmonary changes, asthenia, pathology in the hemogram and immunogram. A group of such patients needs full-fledged rehabilitation measures and immunoprophylaxis. However, these activities are often not carried out properly.

According to a number of authors, from 20 to 30% of therapeutic patients treated in hospitals could receive much less expensive rehabilitation treatment in day hospitals. The creation of day hospitals on the basis of outpatient clinics is one of the ways to intensify the diagnostic and treatment and rehabilitation process. However, these opportunities in relation to students are used extremely rarely.

The health of young people is of significant medical and social importance, which is determined by the pronounced trends towards an increase in the incidence of this contingent in almost all classes of diseases, including chronic diseases, as well as the magnitude of economic losses. From our point of view, the concept of optimizing preventive and rehabilitative care for students of higher educational institutions should include:

Improving the regulatory framework, resource, personnel and methodological support for medical care for students of higher educational institutions; ensuring the quality and availability of health improvement and medical and rehabilitation care;

Implementation in the practice of working with students of screening technologies to actively identify the most significant factors and risk groups for the most common pathology among young people and take measures to reduce the impact of controllable factors; conducting annual preventive examinations;

Carrying out standard preventive procedures and recreational and recreational activities for students - vitamin therapy, anti-influenza vaccination and other vaccinations, control of the sanitary and epidemiological regime, control of the canteen (especially for the preparation of dietary meals);

Establishment of an optimal schedule of training sessions with sufficient time for rest, physical culture breaks, proper nutrition;

Consultation of students by a psychologist and psychotherapist on negotiability;

Organization of physical education classes in the training mode and exercise therapy, as well as the allocation of time in the curriculum of the Department of Physical Education for outdoor activities;

Development and implementation of effective technologies and methods of restorative treatment and rehabilitation;

Development of information and educational direction, overcoming the passive attitude of students to programs to improve and correct their health with an increase in individual motivations for maintaining health (introduction of health passports);

Raising the level of training of medical personnel working with students, primarily on issues of valeology, preventive and rehabilitation medicine.

The success of rehabilitation and rehabilitation treatment of students largely depends on the organizational forms of work, methods of rehabilitation and medical rehabilitation, the level and quality of training of personnel involved in medical and preventive activities among the youth.

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An assessment of the health of students was carried out. The study was conducted on the basis of the Institute of Biology of the Tyumen State University within the framework of the University of Healthy Lifestyle program. The study involved 250 full-time students with an average age of 19.88 ± 1.44 years. In modern conditions, the main indicators characterizing the health of the examined students are unfavorable. We observed an annual increase in the overall incidence among students for five years from 2007 to 2011. 51% of students have low physical activity. The majority of students (59%) had eating disorders. Overweight in students is more common than underweight. The number of students, both boys and girls, with overweight by the end of training is increasing. The presence of unbalanced nutrition among the examined students was noted. Nutrient deficiency in the diet was found in 20% of students and in 28% - their excess.


risk factors

physical development


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3. Kozhevnikova N.G., Kataeva V.A. Hygienic aspects of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students // Hygiene and Sanitation. - 2011. - No. 6. - P. 48–51.

4. Lystsova N.L. Comprehensive assessment of the health status of students of higher education // Scientific and cultural and educational journal "Northern region: science, education and culture". - 2014. - No. 1 (29). - S. 166-172.

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6. Pavlov V.I. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth. Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgaft. - 2011. - No. 3 (73). – S. 154–158.

7. Pantsiorkovsky V. V., Pantsiorkovsky V. V. SPSS for sociologists. Tutorial. - M.: ISEPN RAN, 2005. - 434 p.

8. Ushakova Ya.V. Students' health and factors of its formation // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. N.I. Lobachevsky. - 2007. - No. 4. - S. 197-202.

9. Shemetova G.N., Dudrova E.V. Health problems of modern student youth and unresolved issues of organization of medical and preventive care Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research. - 2009. - V. 5. - No. 4. - S. 526–530.

Preserving the health of students is one of the priorities of any educational institution. After graduation, young professionals not only serve as a base and reserve for work in society, but are also an integral part of the country's intellectual potential. Despite the importance of the problem of maintaining and strengthening health, increasing the efficiency of student youth and a significant amount of ongoing research, many issues remain unresolved and require a detailed assessment of the state of health, expanding the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the fight against bad habits, and improving health and sports work.

The purpose of the work is to assess the health of junior and senior students.

Materials and methods of research

This study was conducted on the basis of the Institute of Biology of the Tyumen State University (Tyumen State University) within the framework of the University of Healthy Lifestyle program. A total of 250 students were examined, the average age of which was 19.88 ± 1.44 years. Education in the specialty "Biology" has a humanitarian and social orientation, among the students there were 188 (75%) girls and 62 (25%) boys. We studied the medical records of students. The subjective self-assessment of the students' lifestyle was determined by the method of direct questioning. According to anthropometry, the body mass index, the basal metabolic rate and the daily calorie requirement were calculated. Statistical processing of the material was carried out using the statistical application package Statistica (SPSS Inc., ver. 11.5) using general variation and correlation analysis. The indicators are presented as M ± SD, where M is the mean value, SD is the standard (root mean square) deviation. The significance level was considered significant at р< 0,005 .

Research results and discussion

In Tyumen State University, constant monitoring of the health of students is carried out on the basis of the medical and sanitary part of the university. The study of medical records of students with the results of examinations conducted by medical specialists revealed a high incidence of various diseases that have a chronic form. An annual increase in the overall incidence among students was observed over five years (from 2007 to 2011). The structure is dominated by colds and viral diseases, diseases of the organs of vision and the musculoskeletal system (Table 1).

Table 1

table 2

The incidence of students of Tyumen State University (per 1000 people)

The analysis of the structure of morbidity revealed their highest incidence among students of the 1st and 2nd courses due to diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs (the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dysfunctions prevails) (Table 2). For older students, the increase in the number of visits is due to diseases of the digestive system, which is most likely due to malnutrition, overstrain and disruption of adaptation systems due to longer studies at the university.

These data indicate serious deviations in the state of health of students that occur in the learning process. Many monitoring studies confirm that students experience a decrease in their health during the period of study at a university. The author of a scientific work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth V.I. Pavlov (2011) notes that by the second year of study, the number of cases of diseases increases by 23%, and by the fourth - by 43%.

The deterioration of health in the process of studying at a university can be caused by many factors, which are divided into two main groups. The first group - objective factors directly related to the educational process; the second group - subjective, personal factors, such as physical activity, overweight, the presence or absence of bad habits, diet. According to a number of authors - Ya.V. Ushakova (2007), N.G. Kozhevnikova and V.A. Kataeva (2011), it is the second group of factors that characterizes the lifestyle of students that affects health to a greater extent.

We decided to analyze a group of personal factors that affect the health of students. To do this, students were offered questionnaires in which they noted their own physical activity, the presence or absence of bad habits, and dietary features.

Analysis of self-assessment of physical activity of the surveyed students based on the results of the survey showed that 49% of students, in addition to compulsory physical education, additionally attend sports sections (health gymnastics, aerobics, swimming, football, table tennis) as part of the educational process. Accordingly, 51% of students have low physical activity.

The next subjective factor that we assessed in the surveyed students is the presence or absence of bad habits. In our study, smoking one cigarette per day or more was found in 31% (78 people) of students, a loyal attitude to the use of alcoholic beverages was noted in 27% (68 people) of students. It is important to note that 38 people (15%) did not try alcohol at all.

Another important factor that we assessed in students is the analysis of food diaries. An important factor in the formation of students' health and a characteristic of their lifestyle is catering, the nature of which depends on the students themselves and is a reflection of their social attitudes. According to the results of our study, the majority of students (59% - 147 people) had violations in the diet: no breakfast - 88 people (35%), a full lunch - 25 students (10%), do not have dinner - 55 people (22%), 75 students (30%) eat twice a day. In addition, there was a rare use of hot dishes, including the first course, a monotonous menu, eating "on the go", dry food, in the evening and unbalanced food. According to a survey of students, the main factors hindering proper and rational eating are: irregular and malnutrition - 21.3%, financial difficulties - 17.3% and laziness - 15.2%.

Low physical activity, nutritional habits of modern youth often lead not only to the development of chronic systemic diseases, but directly affect morphometric parameters.

Evaluation of the anthropometric data of the students examined by us showed that boys have higher rates of height and weight than girls, which corresponds to physiological processes and age norms. It was revealed that the body length of the examined students did not increase by the last year of study, which indicates the completion of growth processes. At the same time, body weight in both boys and girls, starting from the third year, significantly increases (p< 0,05) по сравнению с первоначальными данными (табл. 3). Зарегистрированное увеличение массы тела у студентов в зависимости от курса обучения, по нашему мнению, связано с низкой физической активностью и неправильным питанием студентов к концу обучения.

Another morphometric parameter that we evaluated in our study is the body mass index (BMI). Our research showed that the majority of students (67% - 151 people) had a normal body weight; 10% of students (25 people) registered a body mass deficit, which allows us to speak about the presence of chronic energy deficiency; and 26% (59 people) of students were overweight and 6% (15 people) were obese I degree. Thus, students are more likely to be overweight than underweight. We also noted that the number of students, both boys and girls, with overweight by the end of training increases (Table 4).

Similar data are given by Yu.V. Kleshcheeva and Yu.Yu. Eliseev (2011), as well as N.G. Kozhevnikov and V.A. Kataev (2011), who registered a high prevalence of overweight and obesity among senior students, and a deficiency among junior students. The researchers noted that an increase in BMI leads to the formation of metabolic disorders in young people, such as diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance, dystrophic changes in the myocardium, etc. .

Table 3

Anthropometric indicators of students of different courses of study (M ± SD)

Notes: M - mean value, SD - standard deviation, n - number of students, *** - significance of differences depending on gender p< 0,001, ^ - достоверность различий в зависимости от курса обучения р < 0,05.

Table 4

Distribution of students of different courses of study depending on body mass index

18 < ИМТ, кг/м2

18 > BMI< 25, кг/м2

BMI > 25, kg/m2

Excess body weight can be caused not only by low physical activity, but also to a greater extent by malnutrition, due to increased calorie content and unbalanced food. In this regard, when assessing health, it is very important to take into account the value of the basal metabolic rate and the daily need for calories.

The basal metabolic rate (BRO) is one of the most important factors determining the intensity of metabolism in general. Taking into account that the average value of the body weight of the boys examined by us is 71.3 ± 11.2 kg, and for girls - 58.4 ± 10.3 kg, the intensity of metabolism and energy, determined by the value of the basal metabolism, is 1796.15 ± 220.2 and 1416.03 ± 199.3 kcal / day, respectively, and meets the recommended standards for students. This allows us to speak about an equal ratio of the processes of anabolism and catabolism in the body of the examined students. This integral indicator of the intensity of redox processes in boys is significantly higher than in girls (p< 0,001), что соответствует физиологическим процессам и связано с большими антропометрическими величинами мужчин и меньшими энергетическими затратами у женщин. Корреляционный анализ показал наличие тесной связи между ВОО и индексом массы тела, как у студентов с дефицитом (r = 0,88, р < 0,05), так и у студентов с избыточной массой тела (r = 0,86, р < 0,01).

Based on the basal metabolic rate data, the daily calorie requirement (DCR) was calculated. This indicator should correspond to the energy needs of the body and maintain a normal body weight. According to our study, SPC in young men is significantly higher (p< 0,001), чем у девушек (3060,84 ± 216,8 и 2492,65 ± 210,3 ккал/сут соответственно), что соответствует физиологическим особенностям. Согласно нормам физиологических потребностей для студентов высших учебных заведений суточная потребность в калориях составляет: юноши - 3000 ккал, девушки - 2550 ккал. Несмотря на соответствие средних значений индивидуальных суточных энерготрат рекомендуемым нормам, мы отмечаем наличие несбалансированного питания у обследованных студентов. Так, у 20 % обследованных нами студентов был выявлен дефицит питательных веществ в рационе питания и у 28 % - их избыток.

Thus, in modern conditions, the main indicators characterizing the health of the students examined by us have unfavorable trends that can lead to the development of various diseases. Therefore, the state of health of students must be assessed in a complex, taking into account the levels of morbidity, self-assessment of lifestyle and indicators of physical development.


Solovyov V.S., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Anatomy and Physiology of Humans and Animals, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University, Tyumen;

Pak I.V., d.b.s., head. Department of Ecology and Genetics, Institute of Biology, Tyumen State University, Tyumen.

The work was received by the editors on March 10, 2015.

Bibliographic link

Lystsova N.L. ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH OF STUDENT YOUTH // Fundamental research. - 2015. - No. 2-8. - S. 1699-1702;
URL: (Accessed 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"