Development of communication skills in autistic children. “Game exercises as a way to correct communication skills in preschool children with ASD Features of communication skills in children with ASD

Pavlova Yu. B. Russia, Moscow, TsPMSSDiP MSUPU

Inclusive education: practice, research, methodology: Sat. Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference / Ed. ed. Alekhina S. V. M.: MGPPU, 2013

The search for effective forms of correctional assistance to children with disabilities is an urgent task of modern pedagogy. Federal state educational standards set the main goal of developing the student's personality. The education system is abandoning the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. The requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

One of the most important goals of primary education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education is the formation of learning skills.

A level of their formation sufficient for a junior schoolchild provides the possibility of developing mental and personal neoplasms as an essential result of education in elementary school. The special significance of educational activity in establishing a different type of interaction between the teacher and students: cooperation, joint work of the teacher and students, the active participation of the child in every step of learning. The psychological component of these results is formed by universal learning activities. Their diversity, specificity and share of participation in intellectual activity have a positive impact on the quality of the educational process.

Any educational skill of a schoolchild that is necessary for him to succeed in educational and cognitive activity is characterized by a set of interrelated specific universal educational actions (UUD).

At the first stages of learning, the learning action is formed as a subject, gradually generalized methods of performing operations become independent of the specific content and can be used by students in any situation.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the program presents 4 types of UUD: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

In the learning process, in addition to the usual subject learning activities, it is necessary to form personal, meta-subject, cognitive, communicative and regulatory UUD.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to form the following educational competencies in the child:

  • value-semantic, associated with the student's value orientations, his ability to see and understand the world around him, evaluate and navigate in it;
  • educational and cognitive, lying in the sphere of independent cognitive activity;
  • communicative, reflecting the ability to interact with other people;
  • regulatory, carrying out regulation and control with the help of internal speech.

Speech is the main communication tool of people in society. In children with ASD, speech suffers the most, which creates special difficulties for them in their inclusion and adaptation in the social environment. That is why the formation of communicative competencies is an integral part of the work of every speech therapist teacher.

The most common speech problems in children with ASD are:

Poor understanding of addressed and own speech;

  • difficulties in constructing an independent statement;
  • poor updating of vocabulary;
  • violation of sound pronunciation;
  • insufficiency of passive and active vocabulary;
  • distortion of the grammatical structure of speech.

This is due to a number of objective personality disorders in the structure of the main defect (RAS), as well as a decrease in the amount of communication in general: the disappearance of the culture of backyard games; replacing games that require communication with multimedia; the emergence of a large number of children from bilingual families experiencing significant difficulties in adapting to a new language environment.

The described programs were developed for the correction and development of the speech of children with ASD, for whom the violation of the communicative function of speech is one of the main problems. However, work on these programs in a general education school gives good results with all categories of children with severe speech understanding problems. The program is designed for 1 year of preparation for school and 4 years of education in elementary school.

The purpose of the group speech therapy program is to develop understanding of oral and written speech and the development of the communicative function of speech.

Features of building the program:

Clear horizontal - the gradual development of all components of speech;

Built-up vertical for all 5 years of study - repetition of the previous material with the "stringing" of more complex speech material;

Variability; the possibility of choosing individual routes for a child or a group of children;

The principle of creating situations that require the child to be included in the speech environment, provoking speech communication;

Joint - independent action - from the division of functions between the teacher and the student through a gradual reduction in the role of the teacher to independent action;

Externally mediated - internal from action involving external materialized supports, an external program through speech mediation to an internal action performed in the mind;

Expanded - collapsed action from expanded element-by-element execution and action control to their collapsed forms.

Consider such a task of the program as the development of the students' ability to understand addressed speech.

In the first year of study, the goal of the work of a speech therapist teacher in the framework of solving this problem is to develop in children the ability to:

Respond to the teacher's speech; establish a clear correspondence between the word and the subject, the word and the sign; the word and action of the object; replace nouns with the corresponding pronouns and use these pronouns in speech; answer simple questions "Who?" "What?" "Which?" "Which?" "What?", "Whose?"; ask simple questions "Who?" "What?" "Which?" "Which?" "Which?"; use in speech the prepositions on, under, in, from, over, with, with; carry out orders; distinguish between words - objects, words - signs, words - actions; to distinguish between words - objects of male, female and neuter gender; distinguish between words - signs of masculine, feminine and neuter.

In the second year of study, we develop children:

Active dictionary; understanding one's own speech; understanding of addressed speech; temporal and spatial representations; the prosodic side of speech; verbal communication; the ability to ask questions on the topic of the lesson; the ability to compose simple uncommon sentences; the ability to answer the question with simple non-common sentences; differentiate between animate and inanimate nouns; the ability to identify the word-object with the corresponding pronoun; the ability to correctly use pronouns in speech; ability to make proposals according to schemes; the ability to differentiate prepositions in speech; the ability to change words by case; the ability to use case prepositions in speech; the ability to form prefixed verbs and use them in speech; understanding the meaning of unions in speech (a, but, and, if, when, because) and the use of sentences with these unions in speech; the skill of answering the questions “Whose?”, “Whose?”, “Whose?”, “Whose?” and asking these questions; the ability to listen and hear the teacher.

Work under the program of the third year of study includes:

Building vocabulary, at the same time repetition and actualization of each lexical unit; the formation of the grammatical structure of speech: understanding and using case endings in speech for singular nouns, masculine, feminine and neuter; case endings of plural nouns; change of pronouns according to cases, use of case prepositions in active speech; differentiation of pronoun changes by cases; active use of pronouns in spontaneous speech; development of speech communication; dissemination of proposals; compiling descriptive texts; development of the ability to make a request, the ability to listen and hear the teacher and yourself.

The tasks of the program of the fourth year of study are the development of: a dictionary (and its updating); understanding of addressed and own speech; dialogue skills; monologue speech; verbal communication; connected speech; the grammatical side of speech - the change of verbs by persons in the present, future tense, in the past - by numbers and gender; the ability to differentiate verbs by numbers and tenses, the ability to compose one-part and two-part sentences, to coordinate verbs with nouns in gender (in the past tense); the ability to form prefixed verbs from non-prefixed ones; the skill of making sentences with conjunctions like, as if, too, but, also, if ... then, how ... so, or ... or; the skill of making sentences with particles let, come on, come on, really, is it, here, out, even, no, after all, after all, hardly, hardly, let; the skill of word formation - the formation of prefixed verbs from non-prefixed ones; understanding allied sentences (a, but, and, if, when, because) and the use of these sentences in active speech; ability to differentiate these pronouns; prosodic side of speech; the ability to listen and hear the teacher, themselves, other children.

Work on the program of the fifth year of study involves the development of the skill of teamwork:

Drawing up a story plan;

Analysis and editing of compositions;

Modeling problem-domestic situations, finding possible ways to solve the problem;

Drawing up and acting out dialogues on a given or selected topic.


Ability to choose the appropriate lexical material;

The ability to grammatically correctly formulate one's own statement;

The skill of drawing up allied sentences that include unions - and, yes (in the meaning of and), neither ... nor, how, and, but, but (in the meaning of but), however, but, the same, while, meanwhile how, then how, either, then ... then, then and ... either, not that ... not that, if, namely, which, which, whose, what, where, where, from where, etc.

At each lesson, not only acquaintance with new vocabulary and repetition of the studied lexical material takes place, but also the vocabulary is updated, as well as the development of auditory-visual and auditory-speech attention and memory.

In order to understand the effectiveness of their own work, at the end of each topic, monitoring of knowledge and skills is carried out.

This program was developed and tested from 2008 to 2013 at the TsPMSSDiP MSUPE school and proved its effectiveness in working with more than 25 students with ASD. Currently, over 100 people are enrolled in the program.

The result of the work on the program is the ability of children with ASD to use the means of language and speech to receive and transmit information; engage in productive dialogue; express themselves with the help of monologues of various types.

GBU RH "Sayanogorsk Rehabilitation Center for Children"

"Game exercises as a way to correct communication skills in preschool children with ASD"

For listeners of the GMO "Special Children"

Prepared by:

Social teacher

Sayanogorsk 2016-2017

Game exercises as a way to correct communication skills in preschool children with ASD.

Early childhood autism (RAA) is a special developmental disorder. Its most striking manifestation is a violation of the development of social interaction, communication with other people.

RDA manifests itself in different forms, at different levels of intellectual and speech development, so a child with autism can be found both in a special and in an ordinary kindergarten, in an auxiliary school and in a prestigious lyceum. And everywhere such children experience great difficulties in interacting with other people, in communication and social adaptation require special support.

One of the methods of correction is game exercises, they develop their moral qualities, intellectual abilities, perception, increase the level of physical development, and also correct communication skills.

2 slide. Through play, the personality of the child is improved:

    The motivational-required sphere develops (a hierarchy of motives arises, where social motives become more important for the child than personal ones); Cognitive and emotional egocentrism is overcome (the child, taking the role of a character, takes into account the peculiarities of his behavior, his position. The child needs to coordinate his actions with the actions of the character - a partner in the game. This helps to navigate between people, contributes to the development of self-awareness and self-esteem in a preschooler) ; The arbitrariness of behavior develops (when playing a role, the child seeks to bring it closer to the standard. This helps the child to comprehend and take into account the norms and rules of behavior); Mental actions develop (the abilities and creative possibilities of the child develop).

3 slide. Game exercises should be aimed at:

    development of the emotional sphere; development of speech skills; development of group work skills.

The purpose of game exercises: the development and correction of communication skills in children with early childhood autism syndrome.

Corrective work has two main areas:

1. Establishing contact with an autistic child.

2. Formation of purposeful activity.

4 slide. At the first stage, it is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to independently study rooms. Remove all bright, large, sounding toys and objects. As far as possible, soundproof the room. Strictly dose contacts with the child, because satiety can set in - when even a pleasant situation becomes uncomfortable for the child and can destroy what has already been achieved. Communication with the child should be in a low voice, in some cases, especially if the child is excited, even in a whisper. It is necessary to avoid a direct look at the child, sudden movements. Do not ask your child direct questions. Do not insist on the duration of the task in case of refusal. Such children cannot focus on anything for a long time and are often distracted, so it is important to conduct classes in silence, divide tasks into small segments.

5 slide. In the second stage, the child needs the constant support of an adult, his motivation and encouragement in order to move on to a more active and complex relationship. It is necessary to involve the child in joint activities, such as playing with a toy, which will enrich his emotional and intellectual experience.

In the process of work, stimuli are gradually revealed in the behavior of an autistic child, which must be relied upon in the course. For example, if your child enjoys tearing and crumpling paper, you can try reorienting him to the tearing method. It is also necessary to introduce finger games, relaxation exercises, sand and music therapy, games with water, plasticine or clay into classes. It is necessary to note an important point: each game or exercise must be carried out several times to consolidate the result, to bring any action, movement to automatism. It is important to understand here that the child is not trained, but trained - they teach skills by repeating them many times.

The result of the work is that children eventually begin to repeat movements after you, perform actions, hear the speech addressed to them. Of course, such results are not achieved immediately, but gradually, together with other specialists who have been working with the child for a long time: psychologists, rehabilitation specialists,. For example, in the first lessons, Lisa did not show interest in communicating with either adults or children, and did not respond to the addressed speech. At present, contact has been established with the child, there is a positive dynamics of development: she reacts to the speech of an adult (turns around or comes up when she is called); acts on the instructions and with the help of an adult; there is a stability of attention; there was an interest in playing with a doll; to participate in group classes (finger gymnastics,).

Of course, the interest of parents plays a big role in working with such children. Therefore, if parents show interest in how and what their children are taught, they take an active part in individual and group lessons.

6-7 slide. One of the group lessons is the “circle” game lesson - an effective technology for developing communication skills

The CIRCLE lesson is a rhythmically organized, short-term lesson, emotionally and sensory filled with games, aimed at stimulating the child's active participation in a common game, at developing his communication capabilities, emotional sphere and self-regulation capabilities.

The purpose of the "CIRCLE" lesson is to give each child the opportunity to gain experience of interaction with other children, to master different forms of such interaction and, thus, to feel part of the team.

The structure and content of the CIRCLE lesson:

      Greeting - helps children pay attention to each other, experience the joy of meeting friends. sensory games - create a favorable emotional background in the group, stimulate the activity of the child, expand his sensory experience. rhythmic games - their goal is emotional charging and emotional unity. Rhythm plays an important role in regulating a child's behavior. games by the rules - aimed at developing children's voluntary attention and voluntary activity, the ability to enter the game on time and observe the conditions of the game; the end of the CIRCLE - should be marked with a common poem or song.

8-9 slide. Of great interest are such games that adults also play with pleasure. Mozartika is such a game. Mozartika is popular with children because it is simple and easy to use. It evokes a pleasant impression and a feeling of childhood, a fairy tale, relieves tension, a negative emotional state, there is a desire to talk about a fictional plot, about yourself. And also each of the mosaic games has its own special language, special inspiration, its own unique figurative range.

Benefits of gaming interaction based on Mozartika:
- There are no winners and losers, correctly or incorrectly laid out compositions in the game;

Adult and child in the game are equally successful;
- a child and an adult open their inner world for each other, which makes them easier;

Since this rehabilitation technology is a powerful communication tool, during the game, withdrawal into oneself, into one's problems is gradually replaced by the process of constructive communication.

A child playing Mozartika games plays freely and spontaneously, he lays out with figures what he wants and how he wants - there are no rules in Mozartika games. Mozartika is implemented at a very early stage of creating a game - when building its imagery, the range and direction of associations that a child may have are taken into account.

10 slide. Dear Colleagues, Your attention is given to:

Methodological guide "Adaptation of the child in the group and the development of communication in the game lesson" Circle ",

"Mozartika" set of 6 games,

"Games for the formation of speech and communication skills in preschoolers with autism",

summary of an individual lesson with an autistic child 5 years old

Lesson notes for children with ASD 5 years

Game exercises aimed at the correction and development of communication skills in children of primary school age with autism.


1. Ikhsanova of diagnostic and correctional work with autistic preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2011

2. Kagan in children. - L .: Medicine, 1981

3. Krupenchuk games for children 4-7 years old. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2008.

4. thunder therapy. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003

5. Liebling child. Help paths. – M.: Terevinf, 2005

6. playing with an autistic child. – M.: Terevinf, 2004

Primary general education

Preschool education

Development of communication skills in children with autism

ICU psychologist and coach Larisa Novitskaya talks about the approach to teaching children with autism spectrum disorder and gives advice on their emotional and social development. All the proposed recommendations help to effectively and correctly organize the processes of learning and overcoming communication disorders in autistic children.

Features of teaching autistic children are associated with a mental disorder. It is characterized by a break in the connection between the inner world of a person and the outside world, as a result of which difficulties arise in interaction and communication with people. If there is a child with an autism spectrum disorder in the class, the teacher needs to constantly conduct individual work on his psycho-emotional and social development, cooperate with parents and tutors. In addition, showing an example of sensitivity and correctness, it is necessary to carry out explanatory work with the class.

“A child with ASD should acquire not only knowledge but also social skills at school.”

Larisa Novitskaya psychologist, ICU coach

When teaching children with autism, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their perception:

  • Detachment from the outside world, inability to form social contacts, strong attachment to parents.

  • Violation of social adaptation, avoidance of contact with strangers.

  • Delay or regression of speech development, speech disorders, lack of personal pronouns in speech.

  • Motility disorder.

  • Fear of bright external stimuli.

  • Avoidance of visual and tactile contact, preference for lateral vision.

  • Low learning ability, lack of interest in what is happening around.

  • Lack of ability to imitate and adherence to stereotyped activities.

  • Unpredictable reactions to events.

  • Tendency to aggression and self-aggression.

Basic requirements for teaching children with autism spectrum disorder

Children with ASD, depending on the level of intelligence and the choice of their parents, are educated inclusively, in correctional classes and schools, at home and must have an individual curriculum with a clear daily routine. With full inclusion, the teacher additionally conducts correctional and developmental classes in one of the systems: ABA, TEACSN, ​​sensory integration, and others.

Read also:

Let's get acquainted in more detail with the neuropsychological method of O.S. Nikolskaya and E.R. Baenskaya. The purpose of the method is to redesign disturbed brain systems and create compensatory means. This is done by relying on stored links. As a result, the child begins self-learn and build their own behavior. The method follows an integrative-modular approach: working out increasingly complex subject-manipulative tasks with speech accompaniment, changing role behavior and integrating them into a single whole.

Reception "Development of generalization of qualities"

The goal is to develop associative thinking.

  1. The teacher lays out sticks of different lengths in front of the child.

  2. Asks the child to choose long sticks from the general pile.

  3. Offers to arrange all the sticks into two piles, depending on their length.

  4. Asks the child to take a certain number of sticks and accompany the action by counting aloud.

  5. He asks the child to choose the right number of sticks according to a certain sign of length and lay them out on the numbers written in advance on the paper.

The result of the reception is the development of the association of signs of length, quantity and symbol.

Methods of formation of communication skills have the following directions:

  1. Formation of basic communicative functions.

  2. Formation of socio-emotional skills.

  3. Formation of dialogue skills.

Technique options for each of them:

Determining the ownership of one's own things and the use of personal pronouns

The goal is to form the ability to determine the belonging of their things and use their own pronouns.

  1. The teacher lays out in front of the child a few of his personal belongings and a backpack. Then he asks to put things in a backpack.

  2. Hands each item to the child in turn.

  3. When a child takes a thing, the teacher speaks on his behalf: “My T-shirt”, “My socks”. Then he asks the child to repeat the phrase, and only after the child repeats it, the teacher gives him a thing.

  4. The teacher asks the child to continue the phrase himself.
    Teacher: My...

  5. The teacher asks the child to answer whose item it is.
    Teacher: Whose machine?
    Child: My machine.

If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher prompts him: "My machine." As a result, the child becomes aware of his things and uses personal pronouns.

Ability to Express Joy

The goal is to develop the ability to express joy and communicate it.

  1. The teacher takes the subject, the game with which pleases the child. For example, it can be a toy helicopter, and, standing at a distance of about three steps from the child, launches the helicopter.
  2. Smiling, the teacher shouts "Hurrah!" and claps his hands.
  3. When the helicopter lands, the teacher continues to express joy and asks the child to repeat his actions.
  4. Looking at the child, the teacher says: "Fun!", "Great!" and asks the child to repeat the words.
  5. The teacher repeats the situation, pronouncing the phrases: “I have fun!”. "I am pleased to!" and asks the child to say these phrases.
  6. In front of the mirror, he imitates emotions with the child using facial expressions and gestures and comments on them: “I have fun!”.

As a result, the child begins to adequately express emotions and report them.

Formation of the dialogue skill "Rules of Conversation"

The goal is to form the ability to follow the rules of social behavior during a conversation.

  1. The teacher makes a list of "Conversation Rules":

  • I call by name the person I am talking to.

  • I turn to face the person I'm talking to.

  • I look at the person I'm talking to.

  • I stand next to the person I'm talking to.

  • I listen to what they tell me.

  • Puts the list on the table in front of the child and reads it out.

  • If the child is reading, then the teacher asks the child to read, if not, he asks him to repeat after him.

  • The teacher memorizes the rules with the child and repeats them periodically.
  • As a result, the child adapts to independently conduct a dialogue.

    Familiarization of preschool pupils with inanimate nature in the process of experiment in the conditions of the modern preschool educational organization

    There is considered the experiment and its implementation in the conditions of preschool educational institution in the process of familiarization of preschool pupils with inanimate nature, the advantages of this method, in particular the fact that preschool pupils get real notions of various sides of the object, its influence on other objects and the habitat.

    Key words: experiment, preschool pupil, inanimate nature, research work.

    (The article was received by the editors on 10/18/2015)

    t.A. Bondarenko, E.S. Fedoseeva



    Disturbances in the formation of the communicative side of speech in children with autism spectrum disorders are described. The groups of communication skills are presented, the characteristic features of their manifestation in the speech of children with autism are described. The data of an empirical study aimed at studying the level of formation of each group of communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorders are presented. A step-by-step process is revealed, aimed at the formation of the presented groups of communication skills in the conditions of the rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities.

    Key words: autism spectrum disorders, communication skills, communicative act, self-centeredness, autonomy, echolalia, agrammatisms, mutism, stereotypes, vocal autostimulation, visual aids, alternative methods of communication.

    Currently, 1.6 million children in the Russian Federation are classified as persons with disabilities. the frequency of childhood disability in the last decade

    decade has doubled. This fact applies to children with autism spectrum disorders. in an interview with RIA Novosti, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, pediatric neurologist A.S. Petrukhin said that currently there are frightening statistics on autism in the Russian Federation: it is one of the four most common childhood diseases, second only to diabetes, bronchial asthma and epilepsy.

    our society, in the current conditions of its development, was not ready to accept children with autism spectrum disorders in the educational environment, to provide high-quality specialized assistance at different stages of the ontogenetic development of the child. In Russia, at present, there is no system of long-term support for children of this group, aimed at the gradual introduction to an educational institution, to a children's team. The situation is complicated by the fact that the leading symptom of autism spectrum disorders is the lack of formation of communication skills, in particular, the lack of need to communicate with other people. Research by S.A. Morozova, E.M. Mastyukova, Yu. Erts indicate that children with autism spectrum disorders have no motivation for communicative interaction with people, the formation of the preverbal and verbal stages in the development of speech is disrupted. in general, the speech of such children is characterized by autonomy, self-centeredness and detachment from the real situation.

    Among the characteristic pathological forms of speech, first of all, attention is drawn to echolalia, pretentious, often chanted pronunciation, peculiar intonation, characteristic phonetic disorders and voice disorders with a predominance of a special high tone at the end of a phrase or word, prolonged naming of oneself in the second or third person , the absence in the active dictionary of words denoting people close to the child. a large proportion of children with autism spectrum disorders do not use speech at all as a means of communication. instead of speech, the child uses vocalizations that signal comfort or discomfort, which parents often call “singing” or “mooing”. characteristic in such cases is the appearance in the stream of vocalizations of sounds copied from the non-speech environment of the child, and sometimes the outlines of words, which are able to distinguish

    © Bondarenko T.A., Fedoseeva E.S., 2015

    childhood pedagogy

    sobny only observant relatives. More than 50-70% of children with autism spectrum disorders have insufficient use of gestures and intonation in the process of communication. Children with this disorder are unable to adequately interpret the social cues of other people or demonstrate joint attention (for example, the child looks at the hand of an adult, and not at the object pointed to).

    According to the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (dated November 14, 2013 No. 30384), one of the leading strategies in the educational process is the child's speech development, which includes: mastering speech as a means of communication and culture; the formation of communicatively appropriate speech, the ability to use communication skills in order to build relationships with other people, exchange information and cooperate.

    Our study was conducted on the basis of the Volzhsky Center for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Children and Adolescents "Nadezhda", Volzhsky, with the direct participation of eight children aged 6-8 years with autism spectrum disorders. In order to determine the level of formation of communication skills and the features of their manifestation in the process of a speech act, we selected the following research methods: Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS); "Scale for assessing the parameters of non-verbal communication of a child with peers" L.N. Galiguzova; "Determination of the level of speech development of children with RDA" T.I. Morozova, O.S. Nikolskaya. As a basis, we took groups of communication skills that most fully reflect the specific features of the development of the children under study:

    Showing interest in a partner (the skills of following visual or verbal instructions, simple instructions, pronouncing words or phrases in response to a partner’s speech, responding to one’s own name were studied);

    Possession of non-verbal communication skills (the skills of establishing visual contact, exchanging glances, prolonged eye contact, using gestures, facial complexes, pantomime, expressing emotions in the process of a communicative act were studied);

    Possession of verbal communication skills (we studied the skills of constructing a phrase, exchanging remarks, appeals, the ability to ask a question and answer a question, you

    strike the request with words, use the pronoun "I", grammatically correct the statement).

    The first group of communication skills reflects the motivational component of the process of verbal communication, interest in the partner and the desire to interact with him. The main criteria for the study were the skills to perform: 1) visual or verbal instructions; 2) simple instructions; 3) pronouncing words or phrases in response to the partner's speech; 4) response to own name.

    In the process of observing children and talking with specialists from the social center, using the research method "Autism Rating Scale in Children" (CARS), we found that 25% of the children in the group demonstrate a low level of these skills. in 75% of children, ignoring contact or a manifestation of negativism, turning into aggressive reactions or motor stereotypes, was observed. Weak response to adult speech, rare attempts to follow a simple instruction were noted in 12.5% ​​of children. Interest in objects, bright things was more pronounced than in people. The children ignored the provided instructions, took the objects they liked, and performed stereotypical movements with them. One child episodically uttered words or phrases in response to the speech of an adult, but they were not of a communicative nature and indicated the presence of echolalic speech. in 87% of children there was no reaction to their own name.

    Establishing visual contact, exchanging glances, prolonged eye contact;

    The use of gestures, mimic complexes, pantomime;

    Expressions of emotions in the process of a communicative act.

    In 87.5% of cases, there was a complete absence of gaze fixation on the person’s face, eyes (look up, “past”, “through”), active avoidance of gaze and a persistent desire to contemplate bright objects, their movements. The facial expressions of the children often changed, there were sharp transitions to emotions opposite in sign. When an adult addressed them, the children covered their ears with their palms and began to show motor stereotypes with a demonstration of complete emotional isolation. One child (12.5%) used gestures to express requests. He pointed to an object, accompanied the gesture with vivid emotions.

    onal manifestations and established a short eye contact with a partner in a communicative act.

    In the third group of communication skills (verbal component), in particular, the following skills were studied: 1) constructing a phrase, exchanging remarks, appeals; 2) formulating a question and answering a question; 3) expressing the request in words; use of the pronoun "I"; 4) grammatically correct formulation of the statement.

    In the course of the study, we found that 87.5% of children uttered phrases without communicative load and, for the most part, delayed echolalia. Against the background of high affective tension, incoherent words and screams appeared in children.

    One child (12.5%) used speech stamps, there were a large number of agrammatisms, incoherence, illegibility of speech. To express a request, he used a gesture without verbal accompaniment, sometimes made separate sounds. The pronoun "I" was not used in speech.

    The results of a study of three groups of communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorders showed an extremely low level of their development. The absence of the need for communication was accompanied by a sharply reduced mental tone, marked underdevelopment of voluntary activity, and affective disorders. Characteristic features: delayed speech development, delayed echo-lalia, agrammatisms, incoherent speech, the presence of speech stamps, mutism.

    At the second stage of our practical work, we, on the basis of the identified components of speech, began to implement a phased process that includes the activities of all the specialists of the center involved in the comprehensive support of the development of a child with autism spectrum disorders.

    The first stage was aimed at the formation of the first group of communication skills - interest in a partner and a desire to interact with him. The main task of the center's specialists was to determine the motivational stimuli for each child. Specialists recorded which games, objects, toys the child was most interested in.

    it was necessary to exclude their own interests, the requirements of the program and see what was interesting to the child himself. To establish contact, defectologists used soap bubbles, rolling balls, throwing them into a basket, spinning top or spinning top. In some

    In some cases, the child was seated at the table and unobtrusively offered him puzzle inserts (if possible, with a theme in accordance with the interests of the child), Seguin boards, a “mailbox”, etc. At first, the teacher showed things interesting to the child “for free”, but over time he began to create conditions that implied the fulfillment of the adult’s instructions, and then only the provision of encouragement. Thus, at the first stage, in order for the child to want to study with a teacher, i.e. there was a motivation for communicative interaction, it was necessary to find encouragement or motivational incentives.

    Then we proceeded to the second stage - the formation of non-verbal communication skills. To achieve the goal, we recommended that specialists in the process of activity enrich their own speech, facial expressions with emotional means of expression. At this stage, we chose Russian folklore as the main means of work: ditties, nursery rhymes, jokes, songs. They are close to the emotional world of the child, contain understandable, simple words, emotional images and stimulate the communicative and emotional functions of speech in the unity of their manifestation.

    Nursery rhymes, rhymes, chants are the richest material for the development of the sound culture of speech, develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme, prepare the child for further perception of speech and its intonational expressiveness. Due to their simplicity and ease of reproduction, they stimulate the child to speech activity, increase the brightness, colorfulness of speech, create a favorable emotional background for communication. work on "whipping" the children's speech initiative was carried out simultaneously in three directions:

    1) provoking a child to involuntarily imitate the actions, facial expressions, intonations of an adult;

    2) provoking the child to echolalia and involuntary verbal reactions; the main means of work were: tapping rhythms, stimulation with the help of poetic rhythms, with the help of rhyme and melody. a necessary aspect of the work was the stimulation of vocalization, verbal reactions of an autistic child by including emotional commentary, the introduction of replicas, speech situations, short dialogues in those stories, fairy tales that the child listens to;

    3) repetition after the child and playing up his sound reactions, including vocal

    childhood pedagogy

    autostimulation. This form of speech work is most specific for children with autism and is necessary for non-speaking children. Its content is that both in the game and in the classroom, and, if possible, during the day, specialists working with the child pick up his vocalizations, repeat them after the child with his intonation, and then beat them and turn them into real words relating to the situation. work on the disinhibition of speech was of a cross-cutting nature and was carried out throughout the day the children were in the center.

    at the third stage, we started to form the verbal component of speech. Children with autism spectrum disorders have difficulties with understanding speech, disturbances in working with symbols. This circumstance in many cases ruled out learning with the help of words. the child, perhaps, wanted to understand the speech of an adult, but did not have such an opportunity due to a violation of the symbolic function of speech. Taking into account this feature, we recommended that all specialists of the center build the learning process as follows: 1) give short and clear instructions; 2) use hints (allow you to correctly follow the instructions); 3) gradually form the required reactions; 4) decompose a complex action into simple ones; 5) use visual aids; 6) use alternative methods of communication.

    we proposed to carry out the development of speech actions on the basis of the leading activity of preschoolers - games: to use various types of games: mobile, didactic, folk. during the game, create situations in which the child needed to continue to repeat words or sounds after an adult, to follow the simplest instructions. all specialists of the center participated in the selection of games, the development of their target orientation and the selection of didactic material. When compiling a list of games for remedial activities with an autistic child, we took into account that the child will play only those games that most closely match his interests. Therefore, when planning classes, the specialists were ready for flexible changes in their actions and had several games in reserve.

    In conclusion, we note that the positive changes achieved in the classroom were consolidated in the family environment. the work was carried out in close cooperation with parents, who were provided with detailed recommendations on organizing communicative interaction with the child. Special attention

    Mania was proposed to be directed to the emotional side of the child's speech, in particular to words, exclamations or phrases that cause a positive reaction in an autistic child. During the game, parents were recommended to stimulate speech in various ways (make eye contact, smile, repeat the child’s phrases, copy his actions), take the initiative, unobtrusively and dosed complicate the speech design of the game, support any manifestation of communicative activity.


    1. Osipova A.A. General psychocorrection: textbook. allowance. M.: Sfera, 2002.

    2. Sukhorokova I.V. Peculiarities of communicative development in children with autism // Siberian Bulletin of Special Education. 2012. Issue. 2.

    3. URL: URL: М1р://Ministry of Education.

    4. URL:

    5. URL:


    1. Osipova A.A. Obshhaja psychokorrekcija: ucheb. posobie. M.: Sfera, 2002.

    2. Suhorokova I.V. Osobennosti kommunika-tivnogo razvitija u detej s autizmom // Sibirskij vestnik special "nogo obrazovanija. 2012. Vyp. 2.

    Development of communicative skills of children with autism spectrum disorders

    There are described the disorders in development of the communicative aspect of speech of children with autism spectrum disorders. There are represented the groups of communicative skills, described their peculiarities in speech of children suffering from autism. There are given the results of the empiric research directed at studying the level of development of each group of communicative skills of children with autism spectrum disorders. There is revealed the stage-by-stage process directed at the formation of the represented groups of communicative skills in the conditions of rehabilitation center for disabled children and teenagers.

    Key words: egocentrism, autism spectrum disorders, communicative skills, communicative act, autonomy, echolalia, agrammatism, mutism, stereotypy, vocal autostimulation, visual auxiliary aids, alternative communication methods.