The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Vampires

If you're a fan of Voice magic, eager to learn new Words of Power, or simply follow the Path of Voice, then you should give this mod a try. It adds several atmospheric quests, during which new Shouts, useful bonuses in the form of equipment and permanent magical effects will become available to you.
Features: - 29 new shouts with multiple effects - 3 talents that increase the effectiveness of shouts - honoring Keen and tests of faith - High Hrothgar's library - 24 Greybeard robe variants - 23 Voice columns - unique items - buffs and fixes to game shouts - tweaking mod options for users SkyUI
How to start: You need to complete the story quest "Horn of Jurgen". The quest will start automatically.
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard and Dragonborn

I. New Shouts 1. Meditation After completing the Path of the Voice initiation, you will have access to High Hrothgar's library. Meditate in the library in front of the Keen statue to gain new knowledge. As you meditate, your stamina will drop until you enter a trance. Count your heartbeat and break your meditation as late as possible; haste will not bring any benefit, and delaying the process can harm you. You can meditate as often as you like. 2. Learning Each successful meditation allows you to discover a different meaning of the first Word of Power of the Shouts you have learned, as you learn the first word of a new Shout. But only the first of three words of the full Shout. Goddess Kin can help you learn the rest of the words. Shouting, meditating, and passing tests of faith will increase the effectiveness of your Shouts (which you can track under "Kin Knight" in the magic menu). At a certain point in your devotion, the goddess will deem you worthy of learning the second and third words, if any were unlocked in the original game Shouts. Hodir's notes will help you learn a lot about each new Shout and its components. By unlocking the second and third word, you gain +1% efficiency for every 50 commitment points. When gaining points, you can absorb a dragon soul with a probability of = (points gained / 2.5)%, however, the denominator will increase by 0.5 for each soul absorbed.

3. List

Alessia's Compassion - Havoc - Arcane Coil - Armageddon - Hex - Dance of Death - Earth Tremor - Energy Exchange - Summon Magic - Chill of the Mountains - Shadow of Jone - Slayer of Kings - Life Current - Static Shield - Magnetic Thrust - Oblivion - Spindle - Ice Ball - Fury Shora - Snow Cover - Tongue of the Stars - Twin Shadows - Stormstrike - Child of Kyne - True Shot - Howl of the Banshee - Cane of the Wayfarer - Fortitude of the Ancients - Illusion (shout becomes available when the quest starts)

4. Abilities- Crown of Storms- Thunder Echoes- Path of Harmony II. Miscellaneous1. Quality RobesTwenty sets of unenchanted Greybeard robes with texture mapping bug fixes can be found in the Temple Library. Additionally, an optional gag is available to keep your Voice from causing massive destruction. Four additional outfit sets can be obtained as rewards for completing the following quests:- Forgotten Legends: Knock up the victim twice for trying with the second word of the Dance of Death Shout.- Bright Stars: Hit 70 stars at once with the third word of the "Language of the Stars" Shout.- Witch Charm: Hit the same target with 6 monopoles with the third word of the "Magnetic Thrust" Shout.- White Snows: Explode 6 enemies at once with the third the words of the Cry "Cold of the mountains". 2. High Hrothgar's Library If you wish to settle in a monastery, in the library you can sleep, put your belongings and even find some useful items... And in no case do not settle with the whole family. 3. Pillars of VoiceScattered throughout Skyrim and Saltsheim, mystical pillars contain ancient dragon wisdom. Each of them relates to a specific Shout, and if you have fully studied it, you will be able to activate the column and receive a blessing. You can only get one Shout upgrade at a time. The first time you activate the column, you will receive a task that encourages the search for other columns. Getting a second such blessing will allow you to quickly locate the remaining columns. 4. Amulet of Holy WordsThis item's enchantment allows you to automatically equip Shouts in turn when using them in combat. To create a chain of Shouts (maximum 10), you need to put on an amulet, select the desired shout and pray in front of the statue of Talos in the library of High Hrothgar. To forget the mantra, simply remove the amulet.

III. Game Shout Changes
1. Improvements

Beast Friendship: Cooldown reduced to (45-60-75). - Battle Fury: Increased effectiveness (1.5-2.0-2.5) but reduced duration to (30-30-30) and increased cooldown to (40-45-50). - Ethereal: Cooldown increased to (10-15-20). - Bending Will: Cooldown reduced to (10-60-90). - Call of the Dragon: Cooldown reduced to (5-5-180). - Call of Valor: Cooldown reduced to (60-60-60). - Clear Sky: Increased cooldown to (10-15-20). - Disarmament: Restriction level raised (15-25-35). - Fright: cap level increased (10-20-30), cooldown reduced to (30-35-40). - Drain Vitality: Cooldown reduced to (30-50-70). - Elemental Rage: Increased attack speed to (1.5-2.0-2.5), reduced cooldown to (30-35-40). - Fire Breath: increased damage (60-80-100), reduced cooldown to (30-45-60). - Frost Breath: Increased damage (10 for 6-8-10), reduced cooldown to (30-45-60). - Soul Rip: Cooldown reduced to (5-5-75). - Storm Call: Cooldown reduced to (120-180-240). - Summon Durnevir: Cooldown reduced to (5-5-180). Word "Fime": While incorporeal, you regenerate health 250% faster. Dragonborn Ice: Frost Breath encases enemies in destructible ice.

2. Corrections

Main: Learning "Life Drain" before "Death Sentence" in the original game resulted in an incorrectly functioning shout in the player's magic list and the inability to learn the full "Death Sentence". The author of the mod corrected the erroneous use of Drain Vitality of the words "Death Sentence". Miscellaneous: - Beast Friendship: Now recognized as a shout, dispels the effects of other shouts. - Battle Fury: Now recognized as a scream. - Subjugation of Will: The third word is now recognized as a shout. - Dragon's Call: Now recognized as a scream. - Call of Valor: Cannot be canceled by an absorb spell. - Clear Sky: Now recognized as a scream. - Cyclone: ​​no longer applies to destruction spells; now recognized as a scream. - Dragonbreaker: Now recognized as a scream. - Elemental Fury: The scream shader is no longer associated with an infinitely repeating sound. - Fire Breath: No longer applies to recovery spells. - Frost Breath: No longer applies to destruction/restoration spells. - Ice Form: No longer applies to destruction spells and is not associated with the damage of this school. - Kin's Harmony: No longer applies to alteration spells. - Death Sentence: A game bug with an instant 25/50/75 armor rating reduction per minute has been fixed, now the penalty has been increased to 50/100/150. - Soul Rip: The player no longer gains enchantment experience; a failed resurrection no longer counts as a shout. - Thunder Call: No longer damages the player's allies. - Summon Durnevir: Summoning is now only possible outdoors due to the high chance of getting stuck; not countered by an absorbing spell. - Ruthless Force: The third word no longer applies to destruction spells. - Swift Charge: No longer applies to destruction spells.


1. General - The plugin is compatible with mods that add new shouts, as long as they don't use the same words. - Changes game shouts. - "Storm Strike" and "Accurate Shot" - shouts that enchant weapons for one attack. Only one low priority effect can be active at a time. Many modders inadvertently prioritize perks or enchantments with high priority, which can cause these shouts to not work. This can be fixed by the creators of such mods. 2. Compatibility patch for SkyRe (Skyrm Redone) By default, SkyRe already has Speech XP for using shouts. The problem is that this only applies to in-game shouts, not those added by mods. This patch allows you to process the shouts of this plugin. If you had an old version of the patch installed, open the console and type: set xxxSPEShoutExpBase to 0 set TC_ExpMultiplier_Global to 4 If you want to remove the plugin and its patch, type to restore the SkyRe setting: set xxxSPEShoutExpBase to 350 other mods If you have SkyUI installed, open the mod settings menu and change the current value of this function. If you don't have SKSE, type in console: set TC_ExpMultiplier_Global to [value] Game default = 4, but you can decrease or increase it. 4. An optional plug-in is available that translates the Words of Power from Russian into Draconic. There are also compatibility patches for "Magic Duel - Reborn", "Wyrmstooth" and "Requiem" mods.

Troubleshooting: Q: Is the plugin compatible with "Dragon Shouts", "Shout Overlord" mods, etc.? A: No, because they have common changes, in addition, using such mods together can lead to game balance. Q: What about the "Dragon Soul Relinquishment" mod? A: This mod is fully compatible. Q: I can use the mod on my current game save. A: Yes, even if you have already completed the ceremony. Q: How do I update to the latest version of the mod? A: It's best to make a "clean" save and install the mod. Q: I see "dirty" edits in the mod. Should I remove them with TES5Edit? A: No, they are present in the plugin for a specific purpose. Just ignore them. Q: I start to meditate, but the supply of strength does not dry out. How to be? A: If you are under stamina effects, you should remove them if possible for the duration of your meditation. Q: What do I need to do to learn the second and third words of the new Shouts? A: You need to reach a certain level of favor with the Goddess Kyne by completing the following tasks: a) bring the Fire of Kyne to High Hrothgar = 150 points; b) jump off a ledge with a shout = 100 points; c) touch the sky while standing on the Throat of the World = 100 points; d) kill the animal spirit in the name of Kin = 50 points; e) get "Voice of heaven" = 75 points; e) shout to the sky = 25 points; g) meditate = 25 points; h) shouting = 4 points; i) defeat the spirit of the Voice = 10 pointsWhat's new in version 3.22:
Fixed meditation work and errors in the Papyrus log for those who updated the mod from earlier versions.


Why Words of Power are Needed

You can use the powerful power of shouts called Thu'um (Thu'um). These screams or cries are words of the ancient dragon language that have incredible magical power.
It is with their help that dragons breathe fire, and their fight is more like a verbal duel than a fierce fight. The shout consists of three words of power, each of which enhances the effect of the previous one. That is, a certain shout can be used with one word, but its power will be much less than a full shout of three words.
Words of power are written on special walls with dragon writing, which are scattered throughout Skyrim, one on each. To learn it, just walk up to this wall. It is difficult to miss it, because when the wall is close, the screen will begin to darken, voices will begin to be heard louder and louder, and the word itself will burn with magical fire.
This is what the wall of the Word of Power looks like

Location of all Words of Power

Continuing to study the guide to Skyrim , I suggest you familiarize yourself with the location of all Words of Power.

Location of all Words of Power walls except for the Words of Power from Dragonborn
Next, all the shouts and their properties will be described in detail.

List of famous screams

Ruthless Force - A dragon scream that knocks back objects and creatures. The weak version of the shout has a slight knockback effect, while the strong version allows both objects and creatures to be knocked back long distances, rendering them helpless for a short time. This effect is especially useful when fighting strong opponents at high levels. You can deal with enemies by dropping them from a height with a scream. Also, not very strong enemies from this cry can literally "kill themselves against the wall."
The shout can also be used to open draugr sarcophagi in Nordic ruins. Draugr Executioners and Draugr Warlords often use this very shout against the player (despite the fact that all three words are pronounced, the effect is tantamount to "fus", but some Draugr (more often Warlords) have full effect of the shout, so remember to dodge from the enemy that "mind and perceive the power of the Scream by ear.
This cry gives Dovahkiin an incorporeal form. While the shout effect is active, the player cannot damage enemies, but enemies cannot damage the player either. In addition, no energy is wasted running. Thinking about the word FeiM with Paarthurnax grants the ability to increase health recovery speed while screaming by 25%.

Harmony(peace) Keen
Harmony Kin is a dragon cry that calms animals. Animals affected by the scream will not fight or flee.
Just like the Aura Whisper shout or the Detect Life spell, this shout allows you to see nearby animals highlighted as peaceful creatures for the duration of the shout.
When using one word, the animals stop attacking or fleeing until they are attacked again. With a few words, animals become less sensitive to attacks, i.e. now you can get 3-4 hits before they start attacking. When using three words of shouting, animals practically do not react to attacks.
voice cast
A voice throw (the correct translation from English is "ventriloquism") is a dragon's cry that is heard from a point on the surface marked by the player. Hostile NPCs and other enemies often go to investigate the source of the sound, allowing this scream to be used as a distraction. The shout has a limited range and only fools those who haven't noticed you yet.
All three shout levels have the same effect. Using multiple words can reduce recovery time. While all three words are learned at the same time, each requires a separate dragon soul to unlock.
dragon slayer
Dragonbreaker is a dragon cry that weakens the dragon and causes it to sit on the ground.
As it turns out, this Shout is unknown to anyone for some reason: the Greybeards not only do not know it, but are even happy about it, considering the Dragon-heresy, because it is impossible to study it without hating the dragons (which include the leader of the Greybeards, Paarthurnax). This cry is also unknown to Paarthurnax, but the dragon admits that he could not teach Dragonboy even if he knew it - the essence of Dragonboy is incomprehensible to immortal dragons, because this cry weakens the dowa, making it impossible to hit the enemy with flames in flight and equating
friendship with animals
Friendship with animals is a cry that makes nearby animals fight on the side of Dovahkiin.
If you decide to hunt, you can use this shout to attract victims to you. Animals will not run away even when you start to beat them.
Can help in the battle with the giants. Using this shout in their camp area will force the mammoths to fight against their masters.
Shout does not affect spriggans.
Note: If a shout is used while an animal is already fighting your companion, the fight will not be stopped and the animal will continue to fight your companion.
Time slowdown
Slow Time - A dragon cry that allows you to slow down time around you. Too "mind itself is somewhat insidious, as it slows down both the enemy and the player himself (but to a lesser extent). However, if you get used to it enough, this cry can be considered one of the most worthwhile - you will leave the line of defeat and hit the enemy on the head give.

We all have 24 hours a day!

And someone manages to do a lot in a meek life. And someone is nothing, and moreover, is still in a state of a deflated balloon - there is no other way to say it.

Why is that?

How is it happening draining life energy from a person?

I hope it is already clear that the reason is not in the family, not in politics and not in the country in which you live, but in yourself?

For if you think naively that by changing something outside (and it is desirable that it change itself) everything will work out, then the article is not for you.

You need to take a few steps back first.

Who already knows in his own skin how internal changes can change everything around - then read on.

Consider the most - the top breakthroughs where energy merges and what to do with it.

The first is the ability to organize work and leisure. Or rather NOT the ability to do it.

We often just fall out of the rhythm, not being able to tune our brain to work and rest.

For example, how often after a trip somewhere or stormy holidays it is then difficult to get into a working rut and tune in to work, and the longer you rest, the harder it is to get involved. It turns out that you need more rest after the main rest.

And vice versa (especially true for workaholics) - the body is supposedly moved to a place to relax (it doesn’t matter if it’s a resort, bowling or a bathhouse) - and the brains are all in work, projects, meetings.

It is not surprising that efficiency decreases and there are fewer and fewer forces.

You need to be able to negotiate with your brain and be able to distribute your activity. Read the material on this topic carefully.

The second reason where the energy goes is “Need”.

When you act or work, because you have a sense of duty, when you need it, but do not want it, then all energy is merged to overcome the “need” by willpower.

And you get weaker and weaker every day.

Therefore, wherever you say to yourself “I need to”, turn it over to “I want!”

For example:

I need to quit smoking, otherwise my health is not to hell

Flip to:

I want to quit smoking because I like being healthy!

Regarding smoking, a little secret - do not treat yourself as if you are quitting smoking, but treat yourself like a former smoker - that is, you have already quit.

But that's not what this article is about.

In order for the energy to be at the right level, remove all debts from life.

Psychological (like - it is necessary) and financial too.

king in draining life energy it's a doubt!

While your brain is rushing about what and how, you lose energy.

In order to adjust this, learn to accept and the top of the field is to master the data.

Add to all this the unfinished business that you, figuratively speaking, carry with your backpack behind your back and often this load becomes prohibitively heavy, and there is still garbage from household to mental - and now, waking up, you don’t have the strength to do anything.

How to fix it?

That's right - starting with cleaning your elementary place and ending with putting things in order in life.

The business of putting things in order in life is delicate and subtle, it is best to start with.

Many of us have brought ourselves to the point where even our favorite work has been turned into a routine and the spark of creativity is lost in all this.

You need to figure out what is really yours, and what only you can do in your work, and delegate the rest as much as possible.

This will always keep you in good shape. How to do this, was recently devoted to - read.

And few pay attention

That is, we are talking about the fact that we cycle on trifles, eating away our brains with nonsense. And the most important thing is that what usually brings discomfort, even starting from thinking about the main thing, remains untouched.

So the little things and energy merges.

As one of the now fashionable gurus said, “a desire is always given to us with the opportunity to realize it.”

Only we merge this opportunity, the vital energy that desire releases in the body, into computer games, unimportant actions, and so on.

And less and less power.

Think about it.

Well, what almost all experts insist on is the environment.

As they say, “tell me what 5 people are like with whom you communicate the most - that one is himself,” that is, you yourself are a fusion of all this.

And if in your environment there are whiners, complainers, bores, those who like to hang up problems and tell how everything sucks, you willy-nilly and not willfully spend all your attention and strength on this.

Therefore, create a worthy environment for yourself.

But there is a catch here.

First of all, it is necessary to correspond to this environment YOURSELF, otherwise you will already be for them, like a splinter in the well ... from which you will have to get rid of, just as you are trying to get rid of people “vampires” now who are draining strength from you now.

Do you understand the subtlety of the moment?

That so do not look from all sides - you have to work on yourself in any case.

If the energy level is not at all seams, master at least for a start.

There are more subtle points in terms of energy - this is physical activity and nutrition, but we will not talk about it all now, because until you put all of the above in order, this will not give you the desired result.

Cries of the word of power- new unique character ability in the game The_Elder_Scrolls_V:_Skyrim

The first mention of thu'um is found in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, in the book "Children of Heaven" by an unknown author. There they are called ki-ay(similar to the battle cry of the Akaviri swordsmen). The book describes both much of what was embodied in Skyrim (the use of voice in battles, during the storming of cities, to move in space), and some omitted aspects - for example, the ability to sharpen weapons with the help of voice is mentioned. From the text, the then “dampness” of the concept of thu’ums is visible: for example, it is indicated that the power of the Shout is stored in the language of the Nord and can be used after his death by cutting out the tongue (hence the original version of the origin of the name “Tongues”). On the other hand, this may also be a trivial manifestation of the ignorance of the author who wrote the book, which is called “by hearsay”. Paarthurnax taught humans how to use thu'um. All creatures scream differently.

As a Dragonborn, or Dovahkiin, you have the innate ability to absorb the souls of dragons you kill and speak their language. Shortly after starting the main quest, you will unlock the gift of the Voice - the ability to direct life energy into the thu'um, or Shout.

Each Shout consists of three Words of Power. The more words of the Shout you utter, the more effective it is, but also the longer it takes you to restore your vocal cords before using the gift again.

You will learn the Words of Power both during the main quest and in your travels, finding the so-called Walls of Words. Get close enough to the Wall to learn the Word of Power. However, in order to take advantage of the new knowledge, you need to "unlock" the word by investing the soul of a slain dragon. Yes, it makes sense to periodically visit Arngeir, the most talkative of the Greybeards, and ask if they know anything about the whereabouts of the Walls.

The game mechanics are as follows: for most Shouts, there are three Walls each containing Words that make up one thu'um. If you don't know a single word of the Shout, then when you come to any of these three Walls, you will recognize the first Word. Having reached the second Wall from this trio, you will learn the second Word, to the third - the third Word and master this thu'um perfectly.

Using Shout Words of Power

Press key Z for PC by default, R2 for PS3 by default, RB for XBox 360 by default to use the preselected Scream. The longer you hold the key, the more Shout words you will speak and the more powerful the Shout itself. Each shout can contain from one to three words.

Words of Power Card


Unrelenting Force

You will learn the first word of the shout after visiting Windy Peak, the other two will be taught to you by the Greybeards during the main quest.

Words: FUS (Strength), RO (Balance), DAH (Push).


Become Ethereal

Base ID EditorID Name
00032917 wordfeim fime
00032918 WordZii Zee
00032919 WordGron gron

Thu'um reaches the Void, changing your form so that you can't be harmed, but you can't deal any damage either. Cooldown: 20/30/40.

One of the words is located in the Ustengrav location. In any case, we will get there by the Greybeards quest. Another one is located in the Iron Mound. The third word is in Lost Vale Hold south of Rorikstead.

P.S. If you run in Incorporeal mode, then the stamina does not end. Also, if you say this shout and jump from a great height, then you will not die (tested in the College of Winterhold).

Words: FEIM (Disappearance), ZII (Soul), GRON (Communication).

Harmony Keene

Kyne's Peace

Base ID EditorID Name
Keene World
0006029D WordKaan kin
0006029E WordDrem Dream
0006029F WordOv Ov

Locations: Funeral Fire Mound (near Ivarsted), Rannveig Keep, Ragnvald.

Words: KAAN (Kin), DREN (Peace), OV (Trust).

voice cast

Throw Voice

Thu'um is heard, but its source is unknown, and those who hear it begin to look for it. Cooldown: 30/15/5.

You will learn all three words by visiting the Two-Headed Peak north of the Valtheim Towers, in the mountains.

P.S. While shouting, funny expressions are heard, such as "Hey, troll food!", "Hey, skeet face!" (if you can't hear them, turn on the subtitles: some races don't play the sounds of this scream for some reason).

thunder call

Storm Call

Base ID EditorID Name
thunder call
0006029A word string Strings
0006029B WordBah Ba
0006029C WordQo Quo

The scream shakes the skies and awakens the destructive power of Skyrim's lightning. Cooldown: 180/240/300

Summons a thunderstorm that hits all objects around the hero (ideal against dragons).

One of the words is in the Forelhost location. You will learn one more word during the passage of the main quest in the location of Skuldafn - Temple. The third word is hidden in the High Gate Ruins west of Dawnstar.

Words: STRUN (Storm), BAH (Lightning), QO (Anger).

Pin-icon Note: If you or your companion is wearing Daedric armor, lightning will strike the wearer of the armor. If a companion is wearing dragon armor, lightning will strike him (if dragon armor is worn on you, then you will not be hit).

Note: If you use this shout in Sovngarde during the Dragonslayer quest, the effect of it will be rather negative, because lightning will constantly strike at three Nord heroes who will go to fight Alduin with you, causing them to writhe in agony and not letting them fight. Lightning won't hurt Alduin at all.

Note: Also, do not use this shout when Shadowmere is nearby: lightning will strike him mercilessly.

dragon slayer


Base ID EditorID Name
dragon slayer
00044251 WordJoor Jor
00044252 WordZah Per
00044253 WordFrul Frul

You will learn all three words during the main quest.

Words: JOOR (Mortal), ZAH (Limited), FRUL (Temporary).

friendship with animals

Animal Allegiance

Base ID EditorID Name
friendship with animals
00060291 wordraan Ran
00060292 word world World
00060293 wordtah Ta

A cry for help to wild creatures and they come to fight by your side. Cooldown: 50/60/70.

Look for the first word in the Walk of the Ancients. Second word: available when completing the Companions quest “The Last Duty”. After passing the Tomb of Ysgramor, an exit to the upper plateau of the island will open - the Word of Power there. The third word is found in Angarwund.

Words: RAAN (Animal), MIR (Devotion), TAH (Flock).

Time slowdown

slow time

Base ID EditorID Name
Time slowdown
00048ACA Word Tiid Theed
00048ACB WordKlo clo
00048ACC WordUl ul

The scream makes time obey the order, and everything around freezes. Cooldown: 30/45/60.

The first word is in the Korvanjund cave, where you will be sent on a quest from the Imperials / Stormcloaks. The second word awaits you in the Witch's Nest, west of the Dragon Bridge. The third is in the Labyrinthian (quest of the College of Winterhold for the staff of Magnus).

Words: TIID (Time), KLO (Sand), UL (Eternity).

Call of Valor

Call of Valor

Base ID EditorID Name
Call of Valor
00051960 wordhun Hong
00051961 Word Kaal Kal
00051962 WordZoor Zor

You will learn this shout after completing the main quest.

Words: HUN (Hero), KAAL (Defender), ZOOR (Legend).

The call of the dragon

call dragon

Base ID EditorID Name
The call of the dragon
00046B89 WordOd od
00046B8A WordAh BUT
00046B8B word viing Wing

Words: OD (Snow), AH (Hunter), VIING (Wing).



Base ID EditorID Name
0003291A Word Faas face
0003291B WordRu RU
0003291C WordMaar Mar

And the weak of this thu'um will be afraid, and will rush to flee, seized with horror. Cooldown: 40/45/50.

Places of words: Bitten Tongue Height, Old Woman's Rock, Shalidor's Labyrinth.

Words: FAAS (Fear), RU (Escape), MAAR (Horror).

ice form

ice form

Base ID EditorID Name
ice form
000602A3 WordIiz From
000602A4 WordSlen Slen
000602A5 Word Nus Nus

Your thu'um turns the enemy into a block of ice. Cooldown: 60/90/120.

The first word you will find in the Frostmere barrow, the second you will find on Mount Anthor south in the mountains from the city of Winterhold. Another word can be found in Saarthal.

Words: IIZ (Ice), SLEN (Flesh), NUS (Statue).

frosty breath

frost breath

Base ID EditorID Name
frosty breath
0005D16C wordfo Fo
0005D16D WordKrah Kra
0005D16E word diin Dean

Your breath is winter, your thu'um is a snowstorm. Cooldown: 30/50/100.

Look for the first word in the Altar of the Skyborn, which is in the mountains east of the city of Morthal. The second word is located in the cave of Folguntur in the southeast of the city of Solitude. The third word is on Skeleton Ridge, south of Windhelm.

Words: FO (Frost), KRAH (Cold), DIIN (Freeze).

fire breath

fire breath

Inhale the air and exhale the fire - this thu'um is the flame itself. Cooldown: 30/50/100.

You will find the first word of the shout in the Ancient Cairn, where you will be sent on the Companions quest. Look for the second word of the shout in the Divided Gorge. One more word will be taught to us by Paarthurnax at the Throat of the World during the main quest.

Words: YOL (Fire), TOOR (Flame), SHUL (Sun).



Base ID EditorID Name
0005FB95 WordZun Zoon
0005FB96 Word Haal hal
0005FB97 WordViik Vic

Steel is subject to this cry - you snatch weapons from the hands of the enemy. Cooldown: 30/35/40.

You will learn the first word by visiting the Peak of the Ancients, which is located in the mountains south of the city of Morthal. There is one more word in the Snow Veil, where we get on the Thieves Guild quest. The third word is in the Silver Lair.

Words: ZUN (Weapon), HAAL (Hand), VIIK (Defeat).

death sentence

Marked for Death

Base ID EditorID Name
death sentence
00060297 WordKrii Cree
00060298 wordlun Lun
00060299 WordAus aus

You will learn the first word by visiting the Autumn Watchtower in the south of the village of Ivarsted. The second word of the shout in the Forgotten Cave. The third word you can find in the Dark Brotherhood hideout. (If your partner is accidentally hit by this shout, they will die like your enemies. Does not work on immortal characters such as jarls and their retinue.)

Words: KRII (Murder), LUN (Drain), AUS (Suffering).

Rapid dash

Whirlwind Sprint

The Thu'um rushes forward, taking you with it at the speed of a whirlwind. Cooldown 20/25/35.

You will learn the first word of the shout from the Greybeards during the main quest. You will learn the other two words in the Dead Place and in Volskigg.

Words: WULD (Whirlwind), NAH (Rage), KEST (Storm).

Note: sometimes the shout can be duplicated when passing through Ustengrav in the place where three stones open the bars. If you run without Rush even to the last stone, then a single Wuld will still not make it to the end and you will have to sprint, but in the case of dubbing, this lack of range disappears.

Clear sky

Clear Skies

Base ID EditorID Name
Clear sky
0003CD31 WordLok Lok
0003CD32 WordVah Wa
0003CD33 WordKoor Cor

Skyrim itself is subject to this thu'um - the fog clears and the weather becomes clear. Cooldown: 5/10/15.

You will learn this cry during the main quest.

Words: LOK (Sky), VAH (Spring), KOOR (Summer).

Aura whisper

Aura Whisper

Base ID EditorID Name
Aura whisper
00060294 word laas Las
00060295 WordYah Ya
00060296 Word Nir Nier

Locations: Volundrud, North Wind Summit, Valtum.

Words: LAAS (Life), YAH (Search), NIR (Hunter).

Elemental Fury

Elemental Fury

Base ID EditorID Name
Elemental Fury
0003291D wordsu Su
0003291E wordgrah gra
0003291F WordDun dun

Thu'um imbues your hands with wind speed, allowing you to strike faster with your weapons. Cooldown: 30/40/50.

You will learn the first word by visiting the Northern Bastion Screaming Wind, north of the city of Falkreath. The second is next to the statue of Meridia on Mount Kilkreath. Another word is in the Dragon Tooth Crater location.

Words: SU (Air), GRAH (Battle), DUN (Grace).
Shouts of Dawnguard

Soul tear

Soul Tear

Base ID EditorID Name
Soul tear
xx007cb7 Essence fime
xx007cb8 Tear Zee
xx007cb9 Zombie gron

Allows you to capture the soul of a defeated enemy and resurrect them as an undead companion.

Locations: All three words are taught by Durnevir during his call to Tamriel.

Words: RII (essence), VAAZ (tear), ZOL (zombie).

Challenge of Durnevir

Summon Durnehviir

Base ID EditorID Name
Challenge of Durnevir

Summons the Souls of an undead dragon named Durnevir from Cairn.

Locations: All three words are taught by Durnevir in the Cairn of Souls.

Words: DUR (curse), NEH (never), VIIR (dying).

Life drain

Drain Vitality

Base ID EditorID Name

Draining life energy

xx008a65 Stamina
xx008a64 Magicka
xx008a63 Health

Drains magic and vitality from the enemy.

Locations: Crypt of the Grim Void, Forgotten Vale, Wind Arc.

Words: GAAN (endurance), LAH (magic), HAAS (health).

Dragonborn screams

Battle Fury

An analogue of "Elemental Fury", but in relation to non-player characters.

It is learned during the passage of the mission of the scientist in the village of the Skaal.

Words: MIR (Faithful), VUR (Valour), SHaaN (Inspire).
Dragon Incarnation

Summons a ghostly armor that increases armor class. In addition, melee damage is increased, Shouts are increased, defense level is increased, and when health is low, an Ancient Dragonborn is summoned to fight on the side of the player. This shout can only be used once per day.

Words: MUL (power), Qah (armor), DiiV (serpent).

Submission of the will

Allows you to subdue any creature, from an animal to a dragon. The more words Dovakin says, the longer the control time will be.

Words: GOL (earth), Hah (mind), DOV (dragon).


Summons a small whirlwind that lifts enemies into the sky and then slams them to the ground, killing or stunning them.

Words: VEN (Ven), GaaR (Gar), NOS (Nose).

Unplayable screams


Meteor Storm

In the game, this Shout can only be used by Alduin. It is similar to Thunder Call, but instead of lightning, burning meteorites fall to the ground. Found at the beginning of the game in Helgen; after reading the Elder Scroll at the Throat of the World and watching the scene of Alduin's exile into the future; at the end of the main storyline in Sovngarde.

Words: KEST (storm), DOH (rain), KIRL (stone).

Gate Opening

Used by Master Einart to open the gate and enable Dovakin to try a new cry.

Words: BEX (Open).

Mist of Alduin

Summon Fog

In fact, this cry is not a cry in the gameplay part. It's actually a script. When using this shout, the entire area becomes enveloped in impenetrable fog.

Words: VEN (Wind), MUL (Strong), RIIK (Storm).

Calling a copy

Summon Spectral Clone

This Shout summons a copy of the shouter. The Greybeards used him to train Dovahkiin during his first visit to High Hrothgar.

Also, the developers initially gave Dovakin the same shout (judging by the presence of sound files for each race) and even a decoding of the words of this shout (the shout can be obtained using the console), but this shout was not added in the final version of the game.

Words: FIIK (Mirror), LO (deceive), SAH (Phantom).

Dragon Revive

Resurrect Dead Dragon

With this Shout, Alduin revives his long-fallen brethren by using this shout on him (first "digging up" the skeleton with the Merciless Force).

Words: SLEN (Flesh), TIID (Time), VO (Life).

Return to Nirn

Return to Nirn

With this Cry, Tsun returns Dovahkiin from Sovngarde to Tamriel, after defeating Alduin.

Words: NAHL (Alive), DAAL (Return), VUS (Nirn).

All the cries of the word of power together

Base ID EditorID Name
00032917 wordfeim fime
00032918 WordZii Zee
00032919 WordGron gron
dragon slayer
00044251 WordJoor Jor
00044252 WordZah Per
00044253 WordFrul Frul
Call of Valor
00051960 wordhun Hong
00051961 Word Kaal Kal
00051962 WordZoor Zor
friendship with animals
00060291 wordraan Ran
00060292 word world World
00060293 wordtah Ta
Aura whisper
00060294 word laas Las
00060295 WordYah Ya
00060296 Word Nir Nier
death sentence
00060297 WordKrii Cree
00060298 wordlun Lun
00060299 WordAus aus
fire breath
00020E17 WordYol Yol
00020E18 WordToor Thor
00020E19 WordShul Shul
00013E22 wordfus Fus
00013E23 WordRo Ro
00013E24 WordDah Yes
Rapid dash
0002F7BB WordWuld Wuld
0002F7BC Word Nah On the
0002F7BD WordKest Kest
0003291A Word Faas face
0003291B WordRu RU
0003291C WordMaar Mar
Elemental Fury
0003291D wordsu Su
0003291E wordgrah gra
0003291F WordDun dun
Clear sky
0003CD31 WordLok Lok
0003CD32 WordVah Wa
0003CD33 WordKoor Cor
The call of the dragon
00046B89 WordOd od
00046B8A WordAh BUT
00046B8B word viing Wing
Time slowdown
00048ACA Word Tiid Theed
00048ACB WordKlo clo
00048ACC WordUl ul
frosty breath
0005D16C wordfo Fo
0005D16D WordKrah Kra
0005D16E word diin Dean
0005FB95 WordZun Zoon
0005FB96 Word Haal hal
0005FB97 WordViik Vic
thunder call
0006029A word string Strings
0006029B WordBah Ba
0006029C WordQo Quo
Keene World
0006029D WordKaan kin
0006029E WordDrem Dream
0006029F WordOv Ov
voice cast
000602A0 WordZul Suhl
000602A1 wordmey May
000602A2 wordgut Gut
ice form
000602A3 WordIiz From
000602A4 WordSlen Slen
000602A5 Word Nus Nus

Words of Power in TES5 are powerful dragon-language spells that make up Shouts. The first dragon teacher to share knowledge with humans was Paarthurnax, who rebelled against Alduin, the Eater of the World, gifted, greedy and erratic, as is often the case with the firstborn. Each Shout in TES5 consists of three Words of Power, most of which are written on huge black obelisks, or walls, scattered throughout Skyrim, the rest are learned with the help of teachers during the main story. Huge black obelisks attract attention not only by size, but also by sound. If a characteristic ringing hum is heard during the journey, then there is a Word of Power nearby, which can be learned by standing close to it for 10 seconds. Words of Power by themselves are worth nothing, they are just a set of symbols. But to turn them into weapons, you need dragon soul, which activates Shout. Without activation, the learned Words of Power cannot be used.

Activating Words of Power in TES5 happens automatically if they are related to the main plot, or manually. To do this, press the [P] key, go to the “Screams” tab, select the desired Shout, marked in gray, and press the [R] key. If there is a dragon soul in stock (their number is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen), then the Word of Power will be learned and will become available for use. They can be used individually or all together. The longer the [Z] key is held down, the more powerful the effect will be. After each Shout, some time must pass before the voice rests. When the compass bar at the top of the screen turns gray, Shout will be available for use again. Harvest dragon souls needed in battles with them. Dragons in TES5 are divided into several types: ordinary, ancient, noble and legendary; souls do not differ from each other. The latter are dangerous because in battle they are able to immediately drain health, magic, and strength from the enemy. They very often appear over large cities and towns, and as the story progresses, they will come across at almost every turn. As a result, there will be enough souls to study all the Screams.

Information about the location of the new Words of Power in TES5 will come from various sources: from tavern owners, from messengers who will transmit letters from "friends" who personally heard Dovahkiin's thu'um (just go to the jarl's house or shout on the street among passers-by), or from the Greybeards of High Hrothgar (Skyrim's highest mountain). You can collect them throughout the game, except for the battle, they do not affect anything. The coordinates of the received places are logged in the "Miscellaneous" section, from where you can instantly go to them by hovering over the task with the mouse cursor and pressing the [M] key, but the fast transition, if the place is new, will not be available, so you should choose the nearest studied place, and from it already to move to the Word of Power. If the obelisks with the Words of Power are high in the mountains, the roads to them most likely run through caves or catacombs located somewhere nearby. No need to try to climb steep slopes, it is wiser to find an entrance (although some places, with proper skill, can even be reached in such an extravagant way).

All dragons are extremely dangerous, but some are more powerful than others: brown and green ones are usually weaker than their white and bronze counterparts. Attacking the enemy with fire or ice breath, the dragon speaks words in an ancient powerful language. The battle of two dragons is essentially a deadly verbal duel.

Location of Words of Power to learn Shouts in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  1. juggernaut(Unrelenting Force): Stuns and knocks back with a sonic wave.
    • Strength(Fus): At the exit of the Bleak Falls Barrow Shrine, in the mountains northwest of Riverwood. Shout is associated with the Golden Claw side quest, given by Lucan Valery of the Riverwood Merchant in Riverwood or Farengar, the court mage, after talking with the Jarl of Whiterun in Dragonreach.
    • Equilibrium(Ro): Teaches Einart at the Temple of the Greybeards atop Mount High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun, during the story quest The Path of the Voice.
    • Push(Dah): Trains Wulfgar at the Temple of the Greybeards atop High Hrothgar, after delivering the Horn of Jurgen in the quest of the same name.
  2. incorporeality(Become Ethereal): Transforms into a spirit and grants immunity to damage.
    • disappearance(Feim): In the depths of Ustengrav during the Horn of Jurgen quest given by the Greybeards of High Hrothgar.
    • Soul(Zii): On top of the outcast stronghold in Lost Valley Redoubt, south of the village of Rorikstead between Markarth and Falkreath.
    • Connection(Gron): in the hall with Warlord Gathrik in the Ironbind Barrow, in the mountains between Dawnstar and Windhelm.
  3. Dragon Incarnation(Dragon Aspect): Huge weapon damage, thick armor and increased Shouts (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Strength(Mul): In the hall with Zachrysosh in Raven Rock Mine, which is connected by a spiral staircase to Bloodskal Barrow, north of Solstheim Wharf. Associated with the Word of Power is the quest "The Last Descent", which is given by Crescius Karellius at the entrance to the mine (you can get to him by taking the quest to return the pick from the blacksmith Glovir Mallory in the port).
    • Armor(Qah): In the hall with the Gatekeeper in the Shrine of the Temple of Miraak, off the northeastern tip of Solstheim Island. The story quest "Temple of Miraak" is associated with the Word of Power.
    • Serpent(Diiv): From the Black Book of Waking Dreams in the realm of Hermaeus Mora. The book can be found on the counter in front of the exit from the Temple of Miraak in the story mission of the same name.
  4. Challenge of Durnevir(Summon Durnehviir): Summons the dragon Durnehviir from Soul Cairn (Dawnguard DLC).
    • Curse(dur) Never(neh) fading away(Viir): Trains the ghost dragon Durnevir on his way back from the Cairn of Souls, which can be accessed through Castle Volkihar in the northwestern part of Skyrim, in the quest "Beyond Death". To call Durnevir, the Shout must be directed to the ground, not into the air, while there must be enough space for the call, otherwise the massive body of the dragon simply will not fit, and the Shout will not work, breaking off in mid-sentence.
  5. Draining life energy(Drain Vitality): Drains magic and vitality from enemies (Dawnguard DLC).
    • Power reserve(Gaan): On the plateau at Arcwind Point, south of Ivarstead on the southeast slope of the Throat of the World, Skyrim's highest point.
    • Magic(Lah): In the hall with the chief warlord in the Crypt of the Nighthollow, at the foot of the mountains southwest of Dawnstar. The quest to free the vampire Serana "Bloodline" is associated with the Word of Power.
    • Health(Haas): In the middle of an icy lake where two Voslarum water dragons appear in the Forgotten Vale while searching for Auriel's bow and filling the jugs of initiates in Touching the Sky.
  6. Harmony Keene(Kyne's Peace): Calms wild beasts.
    • kin(Kaan): in the depths of the Shroud Hearth Barrow, east of the village of Ivarstead at the foot of the Throat of the World, in the direction from Whiterun to Riften. The task can be started in the tavern by talking to the caretaker at the counter.
    • World(Drem): In the first great hall in Rannveig's Fast, in the mountains south of Morthal.
    • Confidence(Ov): Behind the sarcophagus of dragon priest Otar the Mad in the temple of Ragnvald, in the hills north of Markarth.
  7. voice cast(Throw Voice): Draws the attention of opponents to the specified location.
    • Voice(Zul) Fool(Mey) Long away(Gut): On the plateau of Mount Shearpoint, near the entrance to the Dwemer city of Irkngthand, west of Windhelm. The obelisk is guarded by the dragon priest Krosis, from whom you can take one of the magical masks, along with the dragon. You can learn about the location of the location from the guards in the cities.
  8. thunder call(Storm Call): Shakes the skies and awakens the destructive power of lightning.
    • Storm(Strun): behind the throne room of the dragon priest Vokun, from whom you can take one of the magical masks, in the ruins of the High Gate (High Gate Ruins), on the coast between Dawnstar (Dawnstar) and Solitude (Solitude). The side quest "A Scroll for Anska" is associated with the Word of Power, which is activated after talking with Anska at the entrance to the ruins.
    • Anger(Bah): On the balcony after the fight with the dragon priest Ragot, from whom you can take one of the magical masks, in Forelhost (Forelhost), in the mountains south of Riften (Riften). Related to the Word of Power is the Dragon Cult Hunt, a side quest given by Captain Valmir before entering the ruins.
    • Lightning(Qo): In the hall behind the diamond claw door in the second half of Skuldafn. The Word of Power can only be obtained once during the "House of the World Eater" story mission, where the dragon Odahviing delivers Dovahkiin astride himself. You cannot return to the location.
  9. dragon slayer(Dragonrend): Causes the dragon to descend to the ground.
    • Mortal(joor) Limited(Zah) Temporary(Frul): After using the Temporal Rift at the top of the Throat of the World, which will open after reading the Elder Scroll found in the story quest Alduin's Curse.
  10. friendship with animals(Animal Allegiance): Turn wild beasts into allies.
    • Animal(Raan): On Mount Ancient's Ascent, east of Falkreath. You can get to the top through the Boncehill Passage. The side quest is given by Nenya in Falkreath at the jarl's longhouse.
    • Devotion(Mir): On top of Ysgramor's Tomb, northwest of Winterhold. Related to the Word of Power is the "Last Duty" quest given by the Companions in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • flock(Tah): in the ancient temple of Angarvunde, near the entrance to the Dwemer city of Avanchnzel, in the mountains west of Riften. Related to the Word of Power is a secondary quest to clear the dungeons of draugrs, which is given by the Dren Madrasi at the entrance to the ruins.
  11. Time slowdown(Slow Time): Causes enemies to freeze for a short time.
    • Time(Tiid): At the exit of the Witch's Nest (Hag's End), in the mountains west of Solitude.
    • Sand(Klo): in the lower level of the Labyrinthian, in the mountains between Morthal and Whiterun. The Word of Power is associated with the plot quest of the College of Mages of Winterhold "The Staff of Magnus".
    • Eternity(Ul): in the crypt of Korvanjund, west of Windhelm. The story quest "The Jagged Crown" is associated with the Word of Power.
  12. Call of Valor(Call of Valor): Summons the legendary warriors of Sovngarde to aid you.
    • Hero(hun) Defender(kaal) Legend(Zoor): Trains Tsun in Sovngarde after defeating Alduin. The story quest "Dragon Slayer" is associated with the Words of Power.
  13. The call of the dragon(Call Dragon): Summons the dragon Odahviing for help.
    • Snow(Od) Hunter(ah) Wing(Viing): Teaches Esbern at the end of the peace negotiations in High Hrothgar. The story quest "Endless Time" is connected with the Words of Power.
  14. fright(Dismay): Instills fear into enemies and makes them flee.
    • Fear(Faas): At the top of Dead Crone Rock, behind the outcast settlement, in the mountains south of Markarth. The Word of Power is associated with the side quest "Shards of Past Glory", which begins after talking with the Force in the Dawnstar Museum.
    • The escape(En): in the dragon lair at Lost Tongue Overlook, in the mountains south of Riften.
    • Horror(Maar): in the central hall of Shalidor's Maze in Labyrinthian, in the mountains between Morthal and Whiterun.
  15. ice form(Ice Form): Turns enemies into ice.
    • Ice(Iliz): Outside Saarthal, southwest of Winterhold. The Word of Power is associated with the story quest "In the Depths of Saarthal", which begins in the College of Mages of Winterhold after a conversation with Tolfdir.
    • Flesh(Slen): In the dragon's lair at the top of Mount Anthor, south of Winterhold.
    • A statue(Nus): In the depths of the ancient Frostmere Crypt, at the foot of the mountains southwest of Dawnstar, towards Whiterun.
  16. frosty breath(Frost Breath): Allows you to breathe cold.
    • Freezing(Fo): In the crypt of Folgunthur, in the swamps southeast of Solitude. The side quest "Forbidden Legend" is associated with the Word of Power, which appears after reading the book of the same name.
    • Cold(Krah): In the dragon lair on Bonestrewn Crest, in the hills south of Windhelm.
    • Freeze(Diin): On the Skyborn Altar near the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon and Labyrinthian, in the mountains east of Morthal.
  17. fire breath(Fire Breath): Allows you to breathe fire.
    • Fire(Yol): Trains Paarthurnax at the top of the Throat of the World, southeast of Whiterun. The story quest "The Throat of the World" is connected with the Word of Power.
    • Flame(Toor): At the exit of the ancient crypt in Dustman's Cairn, in the valley between Morthal and Whiterun. Related to the Word of Power is the Trial of Valor quest given by the Companions in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • Sun(Shul): At the exit of the Sunderstone Gorge, northwest of Falkreath.
  18. Submission of the will(Bend Will): Turns animals, humans, and dragons into allies (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Earth(Gol): In the dragon's lair at Syring's Outpost, off the northern tip of Solstheim Island. The Word of Power is associated with the story quest "The Fate of the Skaal", which is given in the Skaal Village by Storn the Mountain Wanderer after returning from the Temple of Miraak with Freya.
    • Intelligence(Hah): Teaches Hermaeus Mora before returning to reality after reading the Black Book "Sharp Feather", obtained in Nchardak with Neloth from Tel Mithryn, located in the southeastern part of the island of Solstheim, in the mission "The Path of Knowledge".
    • The Dragon(Dov): Trained by Hermaeus Mora after learning the mysteries of the Skaal in the story quest Gardener of Men.
  19. Disarmament(Disarm): Disarms opponents.
    • Weapon(Zun): at the Snow Veil Sanctum, on the plateau southeast of Winterhold. Related to the Word of Power is the Riften Thieves Guild quest "Speak with Silence".
    • Hand(Haal): In the dragon's lair at the top of Eldersblood Peak, south of Morthal.
    • Defeat(Viik): in the ruins of the Silverdrift Lair, on the south side of the mountain range between Dawnstar and Windhelm.
  20. Soul tear(Soul Tear): enslaves the souls of opponents and turns them into allies (DLC "Dawnguard").
    • Essence(Rii), Tear(vaaz) Zombie(Zol): Trains the ghost dragon Durnevir from the Cairn of Souls, which can be accessed through Castle Volkihar in northwestern Skyrim by learning the three Words of Power from the Call Durnevir Shout and summoning it three times during a battle in Skyrim.
  21. death sentence(Marked for Death): Decreases the enemy's health, magicka, stamina, and armor.
    • Murder(Krii): In the hall above Kuralmil's tomb in the Forsaken Cave, northwest of Windhelm. The side quest "White Flask" is associated with the Word of Power, which is given by an alchemist from the shop of the same name in the Windhelm market.
    • Exhaustion(Lun): In the dragon's lair atop the Autumnwatch Tower, south of Ivarstead on the southeast slope of the Throat of the World, Skyrim's highest point. The task to destroy the dragon is given by the tavern manager in Riften.
    • Suffering(Aus): in the common room of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, west of Falkreath (you need to become the main guild of thieves in Riften, kill Grelod the Good from the orphanage and go to sleep for 24 hours).
  22. Rapid dash(Whirlwind Sprint): Moves a short distance instantly.
    • Vortex(Wuld): Teaches Borri in the courtyard of the Greybeard Temple atop High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun. The story quest "The Way of the Voice" is associated with the Word of Power.
    • Rage(Nah): At the top of Mount Volskygge, home to the dragon priest Volsung with a magical mask, near Deepwood Redoubt and Hag's End, west of Solitude.
    • Storm(Kest): In the throne room of the Dead Men's Respite, southwest of Morthal, where the Solitude Bards College sends for The Song of King Olaf in the quest Set it on Fire!
  23. Cyclone(Cyclone): Creates a powerful blast of wind and wreaks havoc (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Wind(Ven): In the chamber with the Dukan guarding the Black Book, in the Shrine of the White Ridge Mound, in the mountains in the northern part of Solstheim.
    • let go(Gaar): In the final stages of excavation at Kolbjorn Barrow, southeast of Raven Rock on Solstheim. The excavations are carried out by Ralis Sedaris.
    • Hit(Nos): In the great hall of Benkongerik, in the mountains on the north coast of Solstheim.
  24. Clear sky(Clear Skies): Disperses bad weather and improves visibility.
    • Sky(lok) Spring(Wah) Summer(Koor): Trains Arngeir at the Temple of the Greybeards on High Hrothgar, southeast of Whiterun, before ascending the Throat of the World to Paarthurnax in the Throat of the World quest.
  25. Aura whisper(Aura Whisper): Shows the life currents of anyone and everyone at a great distance.
    • Life(Laas): In the dragon's lair at Northwind Summit, in the mountains northwest of Riften (behind the village of Shore Stone). You can get to the top of the mountain through the North Wind Mine.
    • Search(Yah): In the Elder's Cairn in Volunruud, northwest of Whiterun. The quest "Silence of Tongues" is associated with the Word of Power, which begins after reading the book at the entrance to the ruins.
    • Hunting(Nir): in the southwestern part of the catacombs in Valthume, southeast of Markarth, towards Falkreath. The side quest "Evil Slumbers" is associated with the Word of Power to destroy the dragon priest Hevnorak, which becomes active after talking with the spirit at the entrance to the ruins.
  26. Elemental Fury(Elemental Fury): Increases the speed of melee attacks.
    • Air(Su): In the dragon's lair on top of Dragontooth Crater, northeast of Markarth.
    • Battle(Grah): At the exit of the Northern Shriekwind Bastion, north of Falkreath. Related to the Word of Power is the quest "Totems of Hircine" given by Aela the Hochinitz from Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • Grace(Dun): on the hill next to the Statue of Meridia, west of Solitude. The statue of Meridia can be reached in the "Dawn of Dawn" quest, which is activated after finding Meridia's Guiding Star in the Rimerock Burrow on the northwest coast of Skyrim.
  27. Battle Fury(Battle Fury): Improves allies' weapons and increases attack speed (DLC "Dragonborn").
    • Loyal(Mir), Valor(Vuur) Inspire(Shaan): in the tomb of Valok, where the historian Tarstan from the Skaal Village, in the east of the island of Solstheim, proposes to go for research, after the return of the map from the Thalmor from the northern coast and the extraction of stalhrim for the blacksmith Baldor Ironcut. The blacksmith disappears during the course of the main story, and is held captive by the Thalmor in an abandoned inn in the center of the island.