Direct foreign and indirect speech. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech

When the speaker produces a text in the process of speech activity, there may be a need to convey someone else's speech, to include its content in the information.

Alien speech is the speech of another person in relation to the speaker. Someone else's speech (as well as one's own) that took place earlier can be conveyed by the speaker in various ways. With the help of a deliberative object (complement) with verbs of speech-thought in a simple sentence, the theme of someone else's speech is conveyed: My father told me about his trip to Petersburg. Through the object infinitive in a complicated simple sentence, the general content of someone else's speech is expressed - the will: I asked him to be careful(AT.).

Direct speech is a literal transmission of someone else's speech: "Who is your mother?" Potapov asked the girl(Paust.).

The most complete transmission of the content of someone else's speech, but without preserving its form and style, is achieved using indirect speech: Potapov asked the girl who her mother was.

Direct and indirect speech

Straight speech is a special syntactic formation, a way of verbatim transmission of someone else's speech. It consists of the words of the author (input) and someone else's speech, which differ in function

and in style: Someone said: "Many are obsessed with the passion to write books, but rare are ashamed of them later"(M. G.).

The structure of direct speech is not complex sentence, does not have clear grammatical indicators. The fastening element is the introductory verbs of speech-thought, in which the position of the deliberative object is replaced by someone else's speech (cf.: told the truth, made a speech).

Structurally, direct speech differs in the mutual arrangement of input and someone else's speech: Having examined the cat, Reuben thoughtfully asked: "What are we to do with it?" "To tear it out," I said. "It won't help, - Lenka said. - He has such a character since childhood.(Paust.). Punctuation in direct speech reflects this difference in parts: they are separated by a colon or dash, someone else's speech is highlighted with quotation marks (or dashes).

Direct speech has complex punctuation. Its main task is to designate the words of the author and someone else's speech in different ways. Punctuation depends on relative position two parts:

  • 1) if the words of the author are in front, then a colon is put after them, someone else's speech is enclosed in quotation marks: Having examined the cat, Reuben thoughtfully asked, "What shall we do with him?"]
  • 2) if someone else's speech is in front, then it is enclosed in quotation marks, and a dash is placed after it; someone else's speech ends with one of the end-of-sentence signs (question / exclamation mark, ellipsis), and the declarative simple sentence of someone else's speech is separated from the following words of the author by a comma and a dash: "Where is your mother?" Potapov asked the girl(Paust.); "About the heifer, I made it up for you," said the boy after a long silence.(Paust.);
  • 3) if the words of the author are in the middle and interrupt someone else's speech, then they are distinguished on both sides by a comma and a dash, and the second part of someone else's speech is written with lower case: "My name is Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov, - said Arkady, And I don't do anything"(T.). If someone else's speech is not broken, then a question / exclamation mark or a comma is placed after it, the author's words are highlighted with a dash and a period is placed after them, and the second part of someone else's speech is written with a capital letter: "Ivan Andreevich!" someone called from the next room. "Are you at home?"(Ch.)

Indirect speech is a way of transmitting someone else's speech on behalf of the speaker, the author. Unlike direct speech, here someone else's speech changes, all words and forms that indicate the person - the author of this speech and the person-addressee (interlocutor) are eliminated from it. Wed: "Where is your mother?" Potapov asked the girl.(Paust.) -> Potapov asked the girl, where is her mom- in yarn

my speech pronoun yours indicates the addressee, in indirect speech it is replaced by a pronoun her.

Indirect speech has the form of a complex sentence, in which the words of the author are the main part, and someone else's speech is transmitted as a subordinate clause. These are explanatory sentences with additional clauses.

The restructuring of direct speech into indirect speech is done according to certain rules:

  • 1) the form of the 1st person of the verb is replaced by the form of the 3rd person;
  • 2) personal pronouns of the 1st-2nd person, as well as possessive my yours are replaced by a 3rd person pronoun (or a noun is used);
  • 3) if someone else's speech is an incentive sentence, then the form of the imperative mood is replaced by the form of the subjunctive mood (with the union to);
  • 4) if someone else's speech is an interrogative sentence, then the interrogative pronoun (or adverb) becomes relative, i.e. used as a conjunction: Potapov asked the girl where her mother was; and in the absence of interrogative pronouns or adverbs, indirect speech is introduced whether as a subordinating conjunction:

I asked my brother: "Did you bring the book?" -" I asked my brother, did he bring the book;

"I've been sitting here for six hours," Mamaev announced, glancing at his gold watch.(M.G.) -> Mamaev announced, that he has been sitting here for six hours;

"Where's the tackle?" Gavrila asked suddenly, looking uneasily at the boat.(M.G.) -> Gavrila suddenly asked where the tackle was.

When direct speech is replaced by indirect speech, the style of someone else's speech is "smoothed out": the word order changes, particles are omitted emotional significance(for example, or something), interjections, as well as appeals, introductory words. Wed:

"Good, - said the commandant, - so be it, we will send Masha."(P.) -> The commandant said she would send Masha;

"And how did you get into the forest at night, our savior?" Zuev asked jokingly.(Paust.) - " Zuev jokingly asked how she got into the forest at night(in indirect speech, the word is "unnecessary" playfully, which in the text is associated with a playful appeal your savior).

Replacing direct speech with indirect speech is impossible if someone else's speech is an emotional exclamatory sentence: The old man walked and, stumbling over the grass, repeated: "What a scent, citizens, what a delightful scent!"(Paust.) In addition, indirect speech is built only with verbs of speaking (from this meaning should be basic, direct): " Why are you grinning your teeth?" Zakhar wheezed furiously.(Gonch.) - the verb prevents the restructuring into indirect speech wheezed.

Improper direct speech

A special, expressive form of transferring someone else's speech is an improperly direct speech, which is a detailed retelling by the speaker of someone else's speech "in their own words", but with the preservation of some elements of the style of another person:

Here is the upcoming wedding and a bit of the reason why Alexander Vadimych grimaced. Where to find a suitable groom? The devil knows! Perhaps a prince is planned, but how to woo him when he goes to the house, even at night, they say, he sees Katya in the garden, and does not woo - impudent.(A.T.)

Dialogical Unity

The text of two or more participants in a speech is a dialogic unity, a structural and semantic community. It is provided by the presence of one topic, the agreement / disagreement of the interlocutors. In terms of structure, dialogic unity is a sequence of interrelated replicas. They are united not only by the accumulation of information on a given topic, but also by the motivation of forms, cohesion, reliance on the previous or subsequent remark:

  • - Have you put on a bag, are you going on the road?
  • - On a pilgrimage.
  • - Good hour! Where?
  • - To the deserts.
  • - One?
  • - No, there are many of us, and your goddaughter.(Sharp)

The connection of replicas is carried out either in the form of a chain of interrelated word forms, or through parallelism, the same type of structure:

  • - Who is here? I asked.
  • - A man... with a stick!...
  • - Stick and I have...
  • - Are there matches?
  • - And matches.
  • - That's good!(M. G.)

The statement of another person, included in the author's narration, forms someone else's speech. foreign speech, reproduced verbatim, while preserving not only its content, but also its form, is called direct speech. Alien speech reproduced not verbatim, but only with the preservation of its content, is called indirect.

Direct and indirect speech differ not only in verbatim or non-verbatim transmission of someone else's speech. The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech lies in the way in which both are included in the author's speech. Direct speech is an independent sentence (or a series of sentences), and indirect speech is formed as a subordinate part as part of a complex sentence, in which the main part is the words of the author. Wed, for example: The silence went on for a long time. Davydov turned his eyes to me and said muffledly: “I was not the only one who gave his life to the desert” (Paust.).-Davydov turned his eyes to me and said muffledly that he was not the only one who gave his life to the desert. When translating direct speech into indirect speech, if necessary, the forms of pronouns change (I - he).

The lexical distinction between direct and indirect speech is by no means necessary. For example, direct speech can reproduce someone else's speech not verbatim, but necessarily with the preservation of its form (in the form of an independent sentence). This is evidenced by the words with the meaning of the assumption introduced into the author's speech: He said something like the following ... At the same time, indirect speech can literally reproduce someone else's speech, but it is not formed independently, cf .: He asked: “Will father come soon?”(direct speech). - He asked if his father would come soon(indirect speech).

With the convergence of the forms of transmission of someone else's speech, i.e. direct and indirect, a special form is formed - improperly direct speech.

For example: A gloomy day without sun, without frost. The snow on the ground had melted during the night, lying only on the roofs in a thin layer. Grey sky. Puddles. What kind of sled are there: it’s disgusting even to go out into the yard (Pan.). Here, someone else's speech is given verbatim, but there are no words introducing it, it is not formally singled out as part of the author's speech.

Direct speech

Direct speech conveys:

1) another person's statement, for example: Startled, he asked: “But why do you go to my lectures?” (M. G.);

3) unspoken thought, for example: It was only then that I straightened up and thought: “Why is my father walking around the garden at night?” (T.).

The author's speech usually contains direct speech words. This is first of all verbs of speech, thoughts: say, speak, ask, ask, answer, think, notice (in the meaning of “say”), speak, object, shout, turn, exclaim, whisper, interrupt, insert, etc. Direct speech can also be entered verbs characterizing the target orientation of the statement, for example: reproach, decide, confirm, agree, assent, advise, etc. In addition, sometimes used and verbs denoting actions and emotions accompanying the statement, for example: smile, be upset, be surprised, sigh, be offended, indignant, etc. In such cases, direct speech has a pronounced emotional coloring, for example: "Where are you?" - Startsev (Ch.) was horrified; "Also, please tell me!" - grinned Dymov (Ch.); “Yes, where are we going?” Spouses giggled (Pan.).

Some words are sometimes used as introductory words. nouns. Like verbs that introduce direct speech, they have the meaning of statements, thoughts: words, exclamation, question, exclamation, whisper and others, for example: "Did the boy lie down?" - Pantelei's whisper was heard a minute later (Ch.).

Direct speech can be located in relation to the author's in preposition, in postposition and in interposition, for example: “Tell me about the future,” she asked him (M. G.); And, when he held out his hand to her, she, kissing her with hot lips, said: “Forgive me, I am guilty before you” (M. G.); And only when he whispered: “Mom! Mother!" - he seemed to feel better ... (Ch.).

In addition, direct speech can be torn apart by the author's words, for example: “The signorina is my constant opponent,” he said, “doesn’t she think that it would be better in the interests of the case if we get to know each other better?” (M. G.).

Depending on the location of direct speech, the order of the main members of the sentence in the author's speech usually changes. The words that introduce direct speech are always next to it. So, in the author's speech preceding the direct, the verb-predicate is placed after the subject, for example: ... Kermani cheerfully said: "A mountain becomes a valley when you love!" (M. G.).

To be able to convey other people's words, including them in your text, is necessary not only for graduates, but also for schoolchildren in grades 5-8.

The most important thing for them is practical use in writing different ways of transmitting someone else's speech.

Alien speech is usually called words belonging either to the speaker himself or to another person.

Reading works of art, we meet the statements of the narrator and the character, separated from the moment of speech by some time distance.

Someone else's speech is speech in speech, it always contains someone else's word, which is easy to recognize by certain markers.

Among the ways of transmitting someone else's speech are direct, indirect, improperly direct speech, quoting. You can also use additions that convey the topic of speech, introductory constructions and special particles that express the meaning of reliability. Consider examples.

EXAMPLE ONE: direct speech

1) "Don't worry! 1 - their guide said 2 .- This is us in an instant, without witnesses 3 . Not the first time I climb here... 4 »

In the example with direct speech - sentence numbers are numbered at the end - you can select the words of the author (second sentence) and direct speech (1, 3, 4 sentences).

EXAMPLE TWO: indirect speech

2) He told 1 how he had to celebrate Easter in Moscow 2 as a boy.

Here is a sentence with indirect speech. The first part of the complex explanatory sentence (main) has the author's speech and the verb of speech "told", the second part (subordinate) contains a retelling of the speech of another person.

EXAMPLE THREE: improperly direct speech

3) And Berlioz shuddered again. How does a madman know about the existence of the Kyiv uncle? Ege-ge, isn't Homeless right? Well, how are these fake documents?

This is an improperly direct speech, since these sentences represent the inner speech of the character, his mental monologue with himself. In this speech, the original phrases and word order of the speaker, his emotions and intonations, characteristic of direct speech, are preserved. But such a statement is transmitted on behalf of the author, not the hero.


4) I involuntarily want to repeat the words of A.P. Chekhov: "... on the Yenisei, life began with a groan, and it will end with prowess, which we never even dreamed of..."

This method involves the literal transmission of other people's words without any distortion, being in fact one of the forms of expressing direct speech.

EXAMPLE FIVE: quotation element

5) Then she turned to Azazello, wanting to get an explanation for this ridiculous “ba!” ...

One foreign word is introduced into this sentence as an element of a quotation.

EXAMPLE SIX: addition

6) The teacher talked to the children about happiness.

In the sentence, with the help of an object expressed by a noun in the Prepositional case with the preposition O, the main topic of the conversation is briefly conveyed.

EXAMPLE SEVEN: introductory construction

7) According to the children, happiness is world peace.

The introductory phrase replaces the words of the author.


8) He, they say, did not want to offend him. Nikanor Ivanovich, in some bewilderment, objected that, they say, foreigners are supposed to live in the Metropol, and not at all in private apartments ...

Particles SAY, MOL help to express someone else's speech indirectly.

EXAMPLE NINE: non-union complex sentence

9) The great French sculptor Rodin said that a sculpture is created like this: a stone is taken and everything superfluous is removed.

In this example, a non-union complex sentence is used instead of direct speech.

So, other people's words are accurately reproduced in direct speech and when quoting, their main content is conveyed in indirect speech and with the help of introductory constructions and particles, and additions name only the topic of the statement.

When direct and indirect speech are mixed, there are grammatical errors. Let's find out what changes direct speech undergoes when translating it into indirect speech. First, the use of pronouns and word order change. Secondly, the mood forms of verbs change and different explanatory conjunctions are used. Thirdly, the appeal is eliminated or used as a member of the sentence.

Converting direct speech to indirect

1) He told me: I leaving tomorrow Yu to the village". He told me that tomorrow he leaving no to the village.

In indirect speech, the pronoun 3 person is used instead of 1 person.

2) I asked him: " You leaving eat to the village tomorrow? I asked him as I left. no whether he to the village tomorrow.

The 3rd person pronoun is used instead of the 2nd person. To express a question in indirect speech, we use the conjunction LI.

3) He asked me: “Come and to to me tomorrow". - He asked me to I come l to him tomorrow.

The pronoun of the 1st person is used instead of the 2nd person and the indicative mood of the verb is used instead of the imperative. Motivation in indirect speech is expressed with the help of the union TO.

4) The brother asked his sister: “ Masha, wait and me!" The brother asked his sister Masha, to she is wait la his.

The appeal "Masha" becomes a member of the sentence, the pronoun 3rd person is used instead of 1st person.

Task: translate direct speech into indirect speech

"It looks like it's going to rain," Mom suggested.

Pasha said: "Probably the weather will change."

"Is it really that far away?" - asked the grandfather.

Ivan thought and asked the boy: “What is your name?”

"Seryozha, did you like the movie?" Misha asked.

"Open the window, please!" - asked Light.


Mom suggested that it would rain.

Pasha said that the weather would change.

Grandpa asked if it was a long way.

Ivan thought and asked the boy about his name.

Misha asked Seryozha if he liked the film.

Sveta asked to open the window.

Task: and now translate back: indirect speech into direct speech.

I was told that the book had already been published.

And then I remembered that they forgot the gun ...

The grandmother sternly asked her grandson when he had holidays.

Inka asked Ivan where he used to study.

He asked me to bring him a book.

I was told to go to the director.


They told me: "The book has already been published."

And then I remembered: “The gun was forgotten ...”

"When do you have holidays?" Grandma asked sternly.

“Ivan, where did you study before?” - asked Inka.

He asked me: "Bring me a book, please."

"Come to the director!" - told me.

We analyze and correct grammatical errors in sentences with indirect and direct speech.


P.I. Bagration said about himself that I would donate the last drop of blood to Russia.

Correctly: P.I. Bagration said about himself that he would donate the last drop of blood to Russia.


I didn't notice if he was in the room.

Correctly: I didn't notice if he was in the room. I didn't notice that he was in the room.


We asked him if he had the right to count on state assistance.

Correctly: We asked if he had the right to count on state assistance.


Peter felt how tired his eyes were sticking together and his body was aching terribly.

Correctly: Peter felt his eyes stick together from fatigue and his body ached terribly.


He said that he would not have time to complete the work on time.

Correctly: He said that he would not be able to complete the work on time.


Clara asked if she could buy milk from you?

Correctly: Clara asked if she could buy some milk.


In the poem "Monument" Pushkin wrote that "I aroused good feelings with my lyre."

Correctly: In the poem "Monument" Pushkin wrote that he "awakened good feelings with a lyre."


Nastya asked that they would come to us.

Correctly: Nastya asked if they would come to us.


Sergei said that I would be back next week.

Correctly: Sergei said that he would be back next week.


The message said that I apologize.

Correctly: It was written in the message that he was asking for forgiveness.


With a shy smile on his face, he said that he wanted to see you often.

Correctly: With a shy smile on his face, he said that he wanted to see her often.


As P.I. Tchaikovsky that "inspiration is born only from labor and during labor."

Correctly: As P.I. Tchaikovsky, "inspiration is born only from labor and during labor."


Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that "I look sadly at our generation ..."

Correctly: Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes: “I look sadly at our generation ...”


As A.P. Chekhov said: “Everything should be beautiful in a person.”

Correctly: A.P. Chekhov said: “Everything should be beautiful in a person.”


Mom said "come home early".

Correctly: Mom said, "Come home early."


In an effort to cheer up Chaadaev, A.S. Pushkin writes that "comrade, believe: she will rise, the star of captivating happiness."

Correctly: In an effort to cheer up Chaadaev, A.S. Pushkin writes: "Comrade, believe: she will rise, the star of captivating happiness."


Thanks to the viewers for interesting questions and sincere interest, the host announced that "a new meeting with a new hero awaits you."

Correctly: Thanks to the audience for interesting questions and sincere interest, the host announced: "A new meeting with a new hero awaits you."


1. Akhmetova G.D. Direct speech as a verbal device of subjectivation / Russian language at school. - 2004. - No. 2. - P.64-67.

2. Vinogradova E.M. Alien speech in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" / Russian language at school. - 2016. - No. 5. - S. 44-51.

3. Molodtsova S.N. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech. Direct and indirect speech / Russian language at school. - 1988. - No. 2. - S. 40-44.

Ways of transmitting someone else's speech

1. The concept of someone else's speech and ways of its transmission.

2. The concept of direct and indirect speech.

3. Improperly direct speech.

4. Replacing direct speech with indirect.

5. Punctuation marks in indirect speech.

6. Dialogue. Quote.

7. Punctuation. Functions of punctuation marks.


1. Valgina N.S. Rosenthal D.E. Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language: Proc. manual for university students - M .: Logos, 2002.

2. E.A., Kitaygorodskaya M.V., Shiryaev E.N. Russian colloquial speech. - M., 1981.

3. Dialogue interaction and knowledge representation / Ed. A.S. Narinyani. - Novosibirsk, 1985.

4. Yakubinsky L.P. On Dialogic Speech // Yakubinsky L.P. Selected works. Language and its functioning. - M., 1986.

Alien speech is the statements of other persons included by the speaker (writer) in his own (author's) speech. Someone else's speech can also be the statements of the author himself, which he uttered in the past or intends to utter in the future, as well as thoughts that are not spoken aloud (“inner speech”): “Do you think? - Berlioz whispered anxiously, and he himself thought: “But he is right!” (M. Bulgakov).

In some cases, it is important for us to convey not only the content, but also the form of someone else's speech (its exact lexical composition and grammatical organization), while in others - only the content.

In accordance with these tasks, special ways of transmitting someone else's speech have been developed in the language: 1) forms of direct transmission (direct speech), 2) forms of indirect transmission (indirect speech). Sentences with direct speech are specially designed for the exact (literal) reproduction of someone else's speech (its content and form), and sentences with indirect speech are only for conveying the content of someone else's speech. Wed:

Then he [the commander of the Zakabluka regiment] said that the command forbade leaving the airfield dugouts and there would be no jokes with violators. (Indirect speech) - Sob I didn’t sleep in the air, but had a good night’s sleep in flight, - he explained (V. Grossman). (Direct speech)

These forms of transmission of someone else's speech are the most common.

In addition to these two main methods, there are other forms designed to convey only the topic, the subject of someone else's speech, to include elements of someone else's speech in the author's speech.

The theme of someone else's speech is conveyed with the help of an indirect object, expressed by a noun in the prepositional case with the preposition about, for example: 1) And Rudin spoke about pride, and spoke very efficiently (I. Turgenev). 2) The guests talked about many pleasant and understandable things, such as: about nature, about dogs, about wheat, about caps, about stallions (N. Gogol).

Someone else's speech can be transmitted using introductory constructions indicating the source of the message: in the opinion (according to words, from the point of view, etc.) of such and such, as said (thought, noted, etc.) by such and such and under . For example: 1) The fire, according to Leontiev, went sideways (K. Paustovsky). 2) I, an inexperienced person and not “living” in the village (as we say in Orel), have heard enough of such stories (I. Turgenev). 3) In general, the Crimea for historical science is a gold mine, as local lovers of archeology say (M. Gorky).

AT fiction a special form of transmission of someone else's speech is used - improperly direct speech.

someone else's speech are the statements of other persons included in the author's narrative.

There are three main ways to transmit someone else's speech:

  • sentences with direct speech;
  • sentences with indirect speech;
  • quotes.

Direct speech sentences

Direct speech- this is a way of transmitting someone else's speech with the preservation of all its features: intonation, vocabulary, incompleteness of sentences, word order; the use of interjections, addresses, exclamations, particles, introductory words ...


Kazbich interrupted him impatiently: “Go away, mad boy! Where can you ride my horse! (M. Lermontov)

Sentences with direct speech include the words of the author (the commentary part, which indicates to whom this speech belongs, how, under what conditions it was said, to whom it is addressed ...) (A, a) and direct speech (P, p).

Options for writing direct speech in writing

1. If direct speech is in front of the words of the author, then it is enclosed in quotation marks, written with a capital letter, followed by a comma (after quotation marks) or an exclamation point, question mark or ellipsis (before quotation marks) and a dash.


"P" - a.

“We once lived here,” Ivan sighed.

"P!" - a.

“Why, this is our school!” Ilya exclaimed.

"P?" - a.

“What do you hear about Sidorov?” Oleg asked.

2. If direct speech is in a sentence after the words of the author, then it is enclosed in quotation marks and begins with a capital letter, and a colon is placed after the words of the author.


A: "P".

Looking up at the sky, Igor thoughtfully said: “The birds have already flown away.”

A: "P!"

Andrei exclaimed: “I have seen many such people!”

A: "P?"

The doctor asked: “What was your temperature?”

3. If direct speech is broken by the words of the author, then quotation marks are placed at the beginning and end of the sentence, and the words of the author are separated from direct speech by dashes on both sides.


"P, - a, - p (?!)".

“Still, it’s better, Maxim Maksimych,” he answered, “to have a clear conscience” (M. Lermontov).

“P(?!), - a. - P(?!)".

"What are you thinking about? Ira asked. “Maybe about the future?”


Dialog- This is a type of direct speech, which is a conversation of two or more persons.


“Maybe we can leave today? the father asked.

Arkhip thought for a moment, then answered confidently:

“It’s early today, better tomorrow morning.”

Each replica is written from a new line, and a dash is placed before the replica. Quotation marks are not put. An important difference between dialogue and direct and indirect speech is that the dialogue may not contain the words of the author at all.


“Are you going to the skating rink?

- I can not today.

- And when?

- I don't know yet".

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