Interesting questions about nature. Gdz on natural history Large cities of Ukraine

Read the tasks. Choose from them the most interesting. Discuss it with the children. Who already has an answer?

Task 1.

The well-known boa constrictor was measured by parrots, monkeys and baby elephants. Why did the boa constrictor come to the conclusion that when they measure it with parrots, it is the longest?

Task 2.

The hare, running away from the fox, does not run straight, but evades, abruptly changes direction. Therefore, the fox most often remains "without dinner." Why can't a fox change direction just as fast?

Task 3.

Some animals prepare for the winter and make stocks, others (wolves, deer, hares, foxes) do not make stocks. How do they survive winter?

Task 4.

There are birds that stock up for the winter. I wonder how they "keep" themselves from not eating stocks right away? Here the bear cub Winnie the Pooh could not stop to make himself a supply of honey. He ate it right away.

Task 5.

Some birds are said to fly to warmer climes because they have nothing to eat. Why don't they stock up for the winter? Maybe they leave for other reasons?

Task 6.

Insects are known to be food for many birds.

It is also known that many birds feed on the fruits of various plants in winter. Is there a connection between birds, insects and winter food for birds?

Task 7.

Birds are kept on thin twigs and do not turn over. How do they manage to keep their balance? What is the center of gravity? How can it be found? How will the paws of a fly sitting "along" and "across" a stretched thread be placed?

Task 8.

How should the paws of an insect capable of running along vertical walls be arranged? What if these walls are too smooth?

Task 9.

The fly can climb with its paws up (upside down). It is believed that the paws do not come off the surface due to the fact that the fly sticks them to the surface, but then they still peel off. She runs very fast. And she has six legs! How does she do it?

Option 1

I . Choose the correct answer.

1. In models of the Universe according to Aristotle and Ptolemy in the center


a) the moon b) the sun; c) Earth.

2. The first to use a telescope to study celestial bodies:

a) N. Copernicus; b) J. Bruno; c) G. Galileo.

3. On the surface of the Earth is:

a) the source of the earthquake; b) the epicenter of an earthquake.

4. The driest continent:

a) Australia b) Africa; c) South America.

5. Huge reserves of water have:

a) all the planets solar system; b) Earth and Mercury; c) only the Earth.

6. Human ancestors were:

a) a chimpanzee b) gorilla; c) extinct monkeys driopithecus.

7. Where did the development of life on Earth begin:

a) in the ocean b) on land; c) in the waters of volcanoes; d) in soils.

8. Wings - a device for existence in:

a) water; b) ground-air; c) soil.

9. Asteroids are

a) the smallest solid particles;

b) fairly large bodies irregular shape circling around

the Sun, mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter;

c) large celestial bodies of the correct form, revolving around the sun.

10) Who discovered America?

a) Christopher Columbus b) James Cook; c) Marco Polo.


1. N. Copernicus created a new model of the Universe, in the center of which

placed the sun.

2. Discoveries made by J. Bruno with a telescope proved

the correctness of the world system of N. Copernicus.

3. Mars is a terrestrial planet.

4. The closest planet to the Sun is Venus.

5. The solar system is formed by 9 planets.

6. The sun is a star.

7. A planet is a relatively cold celestial body.

8. Stars are celestial bodies that shine by reflected light.

9. The closest star to Earth is the Sun.

10. A constellation is a section of the sky.

11. There are nine continents on Earth.

12. The largest continent is Africa.

13. The Amazon is the longest river on the planet.

14. The largest lake is Black.

15. The smallest continent is America.


1. List the bodies of wildlife.

1. White mushroom 4. Stream

2. Piece of chalk 5. Bacteria

3. Pine 6. Book

2. What sciences are natural?



3.Computer science

4. Biology

5. Visual arts

6. History

IV . Set a match.

1. They were afraid of fire

3. They knew how to make a fire themselves

Certification material for conducting intermediate certification in the 2012-2013 academic year in natural science in grade 5

Option 2

I . Choose the correct answer

1. One of the first thought about what's in the center The universe is

Sun, said:

a) Aristotle b) Aristarchus of Samos; c) Ptolemy.

2. Galaxy is:

a) the sun and the planets revolving around it;

b) several stars;

c) a giant cluster of stars, a star system.

3. In the depths of the volcano is:

a) volcanic character; b) magma chamber.

4. Groups of islands are called:

a) the continents b) continents; c) archipelagos.

5. The development of life on Earth began:

a) 300 million years ago; b) 3.5 billion years ago; c) 10 billion years ago.

6. The first to appear on Earth:

a) erect man b) a skilled person; c) a reasonable person.

7. The main organelles of the cell are:

a) cytoplasm, nucleus, membrane;

b) shell, cytoplasm, mitochondria;

c) nucleus, chloroplasts, lysosome.

8. Panda lives:

9. Comets, being near the Sun, consist of:

a) core and tail; b) core and gas shell; c) core, gaseous envelope and tail.

10) Who discovered Australia?

a) James Cook b) Willy Janson; c) Vasco de Gama.

II . Write down the numbers of statements that are true?

2. Giant planets are composed mainly of gases and are devoid of

hard surfaces.

3. Asteroids are distant stars at great distances.

4. A comet is a light phenomenon that occurs when the celestial

bodies into the atmosphere.

5. A meteor is a cosmic body that has fallen to Earth.

6. J. Buffon suggested that the solar system arose from

cold dust cloud.

7. Kant believed that the planets were formed from "splashes" that arose in

the result of a comet hitting the sun.

8. Rocks are made up of minerals.

9. The mantle covers the core.

10. Rocks always consist of several minerals.

11. Life has been discovered only on Earth.

12. Groundwater makes up 2% of all water on Earth.

13. Dinosaurs are one of the groups of ancient reptiles.

14. All bodies of inanimate nature and living beings consist of cells.

15. wildlife divided into two kingdoms - plants and cells.

III . Choose three correct answers.

1. Characteristics of the asteroid.

1.Hot gas ball

2. Revolves around the Sun

3. Glows in the dark.

4.Irregular shape.

5. Fragments of the building material of the planets.

3. From the proposed list, select the names of the constellations.

1. Cassiopeia

2. Sirius

3. Betelgeuse

4. Ursa Major

5. Helios

6. Polar

7. Libra

IV . Set a match.

1.Used natural tools

2. Made stone tools

3. Made tools from stone, horn and bone

A) Reasonable man b) Skillful man c) Australopithecus

Certification material for conducting intermediate certification in the 2012-2013 academic year in natural science in grade 5

Option 3

I . Choose the correct answer

1. First suggested that The earth is spherical:

a) Aristotle b) Pythagoras; c) Ptolemy.

2. The earth is made up of:

a) the core and the earth's crust; b) core, mantle and earth's crust;

c) the mantle and the earth's crust.

3. The highest mountains of our planet:

a) the Andes; b) the Himalayas; c) Cordillera.

4. Life Discovered:

a) on Earth and Mars; b) on Earth; c) on Earth and Venus.

5. The development of life has begun:

a) in the ocean b) dry.

6. When did the development of life on Earth begin:

a) 400 million years ago; b) 300 million years ago;

c) 200 million years ago; d) 3.5 billion years ago.

7. The Kingdom of Plants includes:

a) mosses, algae, ferns,

b) mosses, algae, bacteria,

c) Euglena green, bacteria, flowering plants.

8. Victoria regia grows in:

a) Eurasia; b) Africa; in Australia; d) South America.

9. Meteor is:

a) the smallest solid particles revolving around the sun;

b) a light flash resulting from the combustion of space

particles in the atmosphere;

c) the remains of a celestial body reaching the surface of the Earth.

10) Extinct species of plants and animals are listed in:

a) the Red Book; b) Black book; c) Green book.

II . Write down the numbers of statements that are true?

1. Only the Earth has a satellite.

2. Uranus belongs to the terrestrial planets.

3. Among the giant planets, only Saturn has a ring.

6. Earth's crust It is the solid upper shell of the Earth.

7. The mantle is located in the center of the Earth.

8. The place where the shift of rocks occurs is called the focus


9. When a volcano erupts, magma pours out onto the surface of the Earth.

10. The land of the planet is formed only by continents.

11. The World Ocean consists of 4 oceans.

12. The largest ocean is the Pacific.

13. Glaciers are formed by fresh ice.

14. Protozoa have been discovered on Mars.

15. The ozone layer keeps the planet warm.

III . Choose three correct answers

1. Characteristics of the star:

1.Shine by reflected light

2. Shines with its own light

3.Hot gas ball

4. A huge block of ice

5.Revolves around own axis

2. The sun is:

1. The center of the solar system

2.Center of the Universe

3.Hot planet

4.Hot gas ball

5. The closest star to Earth

IV . Set a match.

1. They were afraid of fire

2. Able to sustain the fire

3. They knew how to make a fire themselves

a) Reasonable man b) Skillful man c) Australopithecus

The key to the test (Natural science -5kl)

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Exercise 1











Exercise 1





5 B






Exercise 1











Task 2


Task 2


Task 2


Task 3

    1, 3,5


Task 3



Task 3



Task 4




Task 4




Task 4




Evaluation criteria

Tasks 1, 2,4 - are estimated at 1 point

Task 3 - 2 points

The maximum number of points is 24

Minimum points - 8

Grading scale:

24 - 17 points - rating "5" (excellent)

16-12 points - score "4" (good)

11 - 8 points - grade "3" (satisfactory)

below 8 points - score "2" (unsatisfactory)

Olympiad work in natural history Grade 5

Part 1. When completing this section (1-10) Choose one correct answer, circle it in the field of the answer sheet.

1. How many days are in February in a leap year?

2. Specify a fossil fuel.

1) coal 3) clay

2) iron ore 4) limestone

3. What animal can be found in the steppe zone?

1) brown bear 3) gopher

2) arctic fox 4) snowy owl

4. List natural areas in order from north to south.

A. forest B. desert

B. tundra G. steppe


5. Which ocean is the coldest?

1) Pacific Ocean

2) Atlantic Ocean

3) Indian Ocean

4) Arctic Ocean

6. Which trees don't shed their leaves in winter?
A. spruce B. pine

B. larch G. cedar

7. Specify signs of summer.

A. There is a lot of food for birds - insects.

B. The sun rises higher above the horizon than in spring.

B. It is hot sunny weather.

G. Leaf fall.

8. At what temperature does water begin to boil?

1)+ 50°С3)0°С

2) + 100 °С 4) -20 °С

9.What is a natural phenomenon?

1) sun 3) cloud

2) moon 4) rain

10. What is a globe?

1) model of the Sun 3) model of the ball

2) earth model 4) ball model

Part 2. When completing the tasks of this part (11-15), write down the answer.

11. Complete to make a true statement.

Earth's satellite is ….

12. Identify a group of animals.

They have six legs, a head and a body. They are excellent food for most birds. With the onset of autumn cooling, they hide under the bark of trees, in fallen leaves and withered grass. Answer:

13. Write down the name of this natural phenomenon., When a very strong wind blows, tearing tiles from the roofs of houses, uprooting large trees, causing great damage to agriculture. Answer:

14. Which of the living beings On Earth, upright posture, speech and consciousness are inherent? Answer:..

15. In what groups of animals is the cub called: a) caterpillar, b) tadpole c) bloodworm, d) white pup, e) maggot, f) puppy? Answers: a) ... b) ... c) ... d) ... e) ... f) ...

The key to the Olympiad in natural history for students in grade 5 2011-2012 ac. of the year.

Part 1 tasks (1-10) Scored with a maximum of 10 points 1b. per point).

Tasks of part 2 (11-15) - Maximum of 12 points:

11-14 - 1.5 points for each correct answer,

15 task - 1b each. per point (total - 6b.),


Part 1.

job number

Possible answer

Part 2


Seals (harp)

Wolves/jackals/foxes, etc.

Maximum: 20 points

Final examination in natural history, grade 5

Option number 1

1. The science that studies celestial bodies: A) astronomy B) biology C) physics D) geology2. Chemistry is the science of A) the form and structure of the Earth B) substances and their transformations C) natural phenomena D) living nature3. The method of studying nature is: A) addition B) multiplication C) division D) observation4. A magnifying instrument is: A) a flask B) a scale C) a telescope D) a ruler5. Who imagined that the Earth was flat, leaning on the backs of whales? A) ancient Indians B) Babylons C) Egyptians D) Mesopotamians6. Terrestrial planet A) Saturn B) Jupiter C) Mars D) Uranus7. How many parts of the world are on Earth? A) 6 B) 7 C) 4 D) 88. The coldest continent: A) Europe B) Asia C) Antarctica D) Arctic9. Long-term weather regime: A) climate B) weather C) wind D) thunderstorm10. Which organisms appeared first and where? A) unicellular on land B) multicellular in water; C) unicellular in water. D) unicellular both in water and on land11. Who are called dinosaurs? A) reptiles that lived on land B) reptiles that lived in the air C) reptiles that lived in water D) reptiles that lived everywhere12. Each cell consists of A) shell and nucleus B) shell, cytoplasm and nucleus C) shell, chloroplasts and nucleus D) shell, mitochondria and nucleus13. In the ground-air environment lives: A) wolf B) earthworm; C) shark D) mole14. The first creature that learned to speak: A) Australopithecus B) skillful man C) Neanderthal D) Cro-Magnon man

15.Choose the correct statements (1 point for a correct statement)

a) The body of protozoa consists of one cell.

b) Fish - inhabitants of the ground - air environment.

c) Atmosphere- air envelope Earth

G). Eucalyptus trees and kangaroos are representatives of the wildlife of Australia.

e) The legs of the cheetah are adapted for movement in the soil environment.

Part B. 16. Which picture shows the surface of the Earth? (2 points) 1 2 3 4Multiple choice test (2 points) 17. List the bodies of wildlife. 1. White mushroom 2. Piece of chalk 3. Pine tree 4. Stream 5. Bacteria 6. Book Find a pair and match 18. They made an assumption about the structure of the Universe (2 points)


Option 2

Part A. Choose one correct answer (1 point)1 . The science that studies electricity: A) chemistry B) geography C) physics D) biology 2. For experiments in chemistry, they use: A) a flask B) a magnifying glass C) a ruler D) binoculars 3 . Who imagined that the Earth is a mountain, which is surrounded on all sides by the sea? Above is the starry sky in the form of an overturned bowl. A) ancient Indians B) Babylons C) Egyptians D) Mesopotamians 4. The first to use a telescope was observing celestial bodies A) N. Copernicus B) K, Ptolemy C) D. Bruno D) G. Galileo 5. celestial bodies having a nucleus and a tail, moving in elongated orbits A) asteroids B) meteors C) comets D) meteorites 6. How many continents on Earth: A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7 7. The largest continent: A) Eurasia B) Africa C) America D) Australia 8. The state of the lower layer of the atmosphere at a given place and at a given moment is: A) climate B) weather C) wind D) thunderstorm 9. The part of the ocean that juts out into the land is called: A) the sea B) the lake C) the river D) the pond 10. The development of life on Earth began: A) 300 million years ago B) 3.5 billion years ago C) 10 billion years ago D) 3.5 million years ago 11. Dinosaurs are: A) ancient amphibians B) one of the groups of ancient reptiles C) ancient mammals D) modern reptiles 12. Green color is given to plant cells by: A) mitochondria B) lysosomes C) chloroplasts D) nucleus 13. Animals living in the aquatic environment are characterized by the presence of A) wings B) long limbs C) fins, webbing between fingers D) wings and fins

14. In the soil environment lives: a) wolf; b) a bat; c) a mole; d) woodpecker


15. Choose the correct statements (1 point)

a) Bacteria are unicellular organisms.

b) Mushrooms, plants, animals - multicellular organisms.

c) Mushrooms are plants.

d) Living nature is divided into two kingdoms: Plants and Animals.

Part B.


Which picture shows a comet? (2 points)

1 2 3 4

Multiple Choice Test

17. The sun- This: 1. Center of the solar system 2. Center of the Universe 3. Hot planet 4. Hot gas ball 5. Star closest to Earth Match 18. Match a couple. Find a match between the planet and its characteristics (2 points)
  1. The closest planet to the sun

Explanatory note

This control work is developed in accordance with the main content units of the federal state standard. In order to conduct the final certification in natural science.

In compiling this test, the following literature was used:

1. Textbook: Natural history. Grade 5 Pleshakov A.A., Sonin N.I. - M: Bustard, 2009

2. Work program on natural history.

40 minutes are allotted for this work. The work consists of two parts and includes 19 tasks.

Part A includes 15 tasks. Each question has 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct. Also included are tasks for choosing the correct statement.

Part B (16-18) consists of three tasks for which you need to answer in the form of a number, there are also tasks for establishing correspondence.

For completing tasks of various complexity, one (part A), two (part B) points are given, which are then summed up.

Evaluation criteria

"2" - from 0 to 8 points

"3" - from 9 to 14 points

"4" - from 15 to 18 points

"5" - from 19 to 22 points

Keys to answers

1 option

Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

GKOU SO "Butkinskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school"

Control work (test tasks)

in natural history

for 5th grade students

for the 1st quarter of the 2014-2015 academic year

teachers Mokrinskaya Marina Mikhailovna

Target: determination of the degree of assimilation by the class and each student of the material of the sections “The world around. The world in which we live”, “Nature that surrounds us. Seasonal changes in nature.", revealing common mistakes and their reasons.

Number of test options- two.

The number of tasks in the test version – 10.

Pedagogical differentiation of students:

1 group

2 group

3 group

4 group

Training on individual program

oral interview

Criteria for evaluation test tasks:

correct completion of 90 - 100% of the test tasks mark "5"

correct performance of 70 - 89% of the test tasks mark "4"

correct performance of 40 - 69% of the test tasks mark "3"

correct completion of less than 39% of the test items mark "2"




Student groups

1, 2



0 - 1 error

0 - 1 error


2 - 4 errors

2 - 3 errors


5 - 7 mistakes

4 - 6 errors


8 errors or more

7 errors or more

1 option. Key to the test

a, g

b, d

a, g

Option 2. Key to the test

1 option

Instructions: Read the question carefully and choose one or more correct answers.

a) plants c) mountains

b) furniture d) animals

    Which of the following items was made by a person?

a) spruce d) moon

b) car e) dam

c) deer e) birch

a) a cave c) a house

b) hut d) dugout

    What is the change of day and night?

a) the movement of the earth around the sun

b) with the rotation of the Earth around its own axis

    Days are equal:

a) 12 hours c) 24 hours

b) 22 hours d) 20 hours

    The year is:

a) 30 days c) 325 days

b) about 365 days d) 120 days

a) snow c) rain

b) fog d) hail

a) winter b) spring

b) summer d) autumn

    Name the summer months:

a) May, June, August c) June, July, August

b) March, May, June d) July, August, September

a) the sun c) the moon

b) Earth d) Mars

Option 2

Instructions: Read the question carefully and choose only one correct answer.

    From the listed objects, select objects of wildlife

a) plants b) mountains c) furniture

    Which of the following items was made by a person?

a) spruce b) moon c) car

    Which dwelling is the oldest?

a) cave b) hut c) dugout

    What lights and warms the earth?

a) sun b) moon c) stars

    Days are equal:

a) 12 hours b) 24 hours c) 22 hours

    The year is:

a) 30 days b) 325 days c) about 365 days

    Solid atmospheric precipitation is:

a) snow b) rain c) fog

    At what time of the year does the leaf fall occur?

a) spring b) summer c) autumn

    Name the summer months:

a) March, April, May

b) June, July, August

c) December, January, February

    What is the name of the closest star to us?

a) Sun b) Moon c) Earth

Questions for oral interview

        1. State your home address

          In which village is the school located?

          Name the seasons.

          What season is it now?

          What precipitation falls in winter? In the summer?