Honore de Balzac - aphorisms, quotes, sayings. The most famous quotes by Honore de Balzac about love, women and men Balzac phrases

Marriage is a war between a man and a woman, the winner gets freedom.


Power, which is mocked with impunity, is close to death.


Stupidity is so impenetrable that it is impossible to explore it to the bottom, no echo is born in it, it absorbs everything without return.


Money is needed even in order to do without them.


A woman in love is like a harp: she conveys her secrets only to those who play it well.

A woman is a well-laid table, which a man looks at differently before and after eating.

A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore.

A life

Life is a complex, painstaking craft, and efforts must be made to learn it.

What is life but a machine driven by money? Remember that the means to action merge with its results: it will never be possible to distinguish between soul and carnal feelings, spirit and matter. Gold is the spiritual essence of the entire present society.


Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.


Slander is indifferent to nonentities.


Flattery never comes from great souls, it is the lot of small souls who can become even smaller in order to enter the life sphere of an important person to whom they gravitate.


Those who love either doubt nothing or doubt everything.

Talking about love is making love.


There are people who are like zeros: they always need to have numbers in front of them.


The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers.


A true scientist is a dreamer, and whoever is not one calls himself a practitioner.


A good husband is never the first to go to bed in the evening and never wakes up the last morning.


Civil courage and military courage stem from the same principle.


At fifty a man is more dangerous than at any other age, for he possesses costly experience and often a fortune.


Ignorance is the mother of all crimes. First of all, crime is foolishness.


All human skill is nothing but a mixture of patience and time.


The bureaucracy is a giant machine run by pygmies.


In prose we remain on solid ground, but in poetry we must rise to immeasurable heights.


When we read a book, the sense of the truth tells us, "That's a lie!" - for every wrong detail. If this feeling speaks often and speaks to everyone, then the book does not and will not have any value. The secret of worldwide eternal success is truthfulness.

The truth is like a bitter drink, unpleasant in taste, but restoring health.

A crime

The secret of large fortunes, which arose without knowing how, is hidden in a crime, but it is forgotten because it is purely done.


Jealousy in a man is made up of selfishness, brought to hell, from pride, taken by surprise, and irritated vanity.

The jealous man does not really doubt his wife, but himself.


To doubt is to lose power.


Respect is an outpost that guards the father and mother in the same way as the child: it saves the former from grief, the latter from remorse.


Selfishness is the poison of friendship.

on other topics

The more criminal the proceeds, the greater they are.

An overly strict judge often condemns someone whom the law itself would acquit if it could explain itself.

To reach the goal, you must first of all go.

Honoré de Balzac, (1799–1850), French writer

Adultery brings more evil than marriage brings good.

Architecture is the expression of morals.

Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners.

Pain, perhaps, is nothing but the ultimate pleasure.

Everything you do should be done well, even if you commit madness.

All power is a continuous conspiracy.

The highest degree of skill of the writer is to express the idea in the image.

Stupidity is of two kinds: silent and talkative.

Stupidity is so impenetrable that it is impossible to explore it to the bottom, no echo is born in it, it absorbs everything without return.

Grief is the most enduring of all our feelings.

Civil courage and military courage stem from the same principle.

Virtues can also bring harm if they are not illuminated by the light of reason.

Virtue is an indivisible thing: either it exists or it doesn't.

We spend a good part of our lives weeding out what we have grown in our hearts in our youth. This operation is called gaining experience.

The friendship of two saints does more evil than the open enmity of ten villains.

Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall.

If you speak alone all the time, you will always be right.

If your wife talks about saving, then your stock has started to fall.

If a woman loves you, she forgives everything, even a crime; if not, then he does not notice the virtues themselves.

If a man is witty, good-looking and sociable, women are not interested in where he came from, but in where he wants to go.

If you don't believe in yourself, you can't be a genius.

If talent is the development of natural inclinations, then a strong will is an every minute victory over instincts, over impulses that the will curbs and suppresses, over obstacles and obstacles that it overcomes, over all sorts of difficulties that it heroically overcomes. Will can and should be a matter of pride much more than talent.

There are poets who feel and poets who express; the first ones are the happiest.

To marry for convenience means to grovel before your wife, to lick her mother's heels, to commit such abominations that a pig is disgusted, ugh! In such a marriage, you will feel like a sewer pipe.

The feminine instinct is worth the clairvoyance of great men.

A woman in love is like a harp: she conveys her secrets only to those who play it well.

A woman who laughs at her husband no longer loves him.

A woman guided by reason and not by heart is a real social infection: she has the shortcomings of a passionate and loving woman, but none of her virtues; she is without pity, without love, without virtue, without sex.

A wise woman will never abuse her advantages; you have to be insignificant and stupid to take possession of a man.

Women, due to some special turn of their minds, usually see in a talented person only his shortcomings, and in a fool only his virtues.

Women who want to love feel an unconscious hatred for men who are completely absorbed in their work; such women, despite their high dignity, always remain women in the sense of prevailing.

Women look to their lovers as a means to satisfy their vanity. Themselves - that's what they love in us!

Women know how to give their words a special significance, they put into them some kind of inexpressible awe that expands their meaning and gives them depth.

Cruelty and fear shake hands.

Life is an alternation of all sorts of combinations, they need to be studied, monitored in order to remain in an advantageous position everywhere.

Envious and stupid people can never understand the motives behind which outstanding minds act; therefore, as soon as they notice a few superficial contradictions, they immediately seize on them.

Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.

Envy loosens tongues, while admiration binds them.

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness.

Seriousness is the basis of character.

Strong life shocks heal from small fears.

Sorrow is boundless, joy has limits.

Avarice begins where poverty ends.

Glory is the sun of the dead.

Fame is a bad commodity. It's expensive and doesn't last well.

Fame is a poison that should be taken in small doses.

The tears of old people are as terrible as the tears of children are natural.

Tears are as contagious as laughter.

Over time, the soul, continuously defiled by deals with conscience, becomes smaller, the springs of noble thoughts rust, the hinged hooks of vulgarity loosen and begin to rotate by themselves.

Perfect beauty is almost always marked by coldness or stupidity.

To doubt God is to believe in him.

The condition of a bachelor is an antisocial condition.

Among every nation there are not more than fifty and sixty dangerous heads, whose mind corresponds to ambition. The ability to rule lies in knowing these heads, chopping them or buying them.

Passion speaks badly.

Passion is a universal human nature. Without it, religion, history, love and art would be useless.

Severity when warranted strong character educator, his impeccable behavior, and when it is skillfully combined with kindness, is unlikely to arouse malice in us.

Marriage must constantly fight against the all-devouring monster: habit.

Marriage consists not only of pleasures, which are just as transient in family life, as in life in general - it presupposes common inclinations, mutual passionate attraction, similarity of characters - this is what turns this institution, necessary for society, into an eternal problem.

Talent in a man is the same as beauty in a woman - just a promise. To be truly great, his heart and character must be equal to his talent.

Talent is the development of natural inclinations.

Where everyone is hunchbacked, a beautiful figure becomes ugly.

Where ambition is involved, there is no place for sincerity.

A firm will is a victory over instincts, over inclinations, which is gained every minute.

Those who love either doubt nothing or doubt everything.

The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil side by side in it.

Only narrow-minded women, in whom beauty overshadows the mind, heart and soul, can inspire selfless passion, for a smart woman never abuses her advantages; you have to be insignificant and stupid to take possession of a man.

Only the last love of a woman can compare with the first love of a man.

A woman has something in common with an angel that she wants to console all those who suffer.

The mind, like a country road, has its own beaten track.

Respect is an outpost that guards as much as a father and mother, as much as a brainchild; it saves the former from grief, the latter from pangs of conscience.

Passion for fishing reminds officials of work in the office.

Persistence in opinions, as well as ardor, is the surest sign of stupidity.

To doubt is to lose strength.

The success of one brave man always inspires a whole generation to zeal and courage.

To argue that it is impossible to always love the same woman is as meaningless as to believe that a famous musician will need different violins to play different tunes.

When caring for women, many, so to speak, dry firewood that will not burn for them.

Courtesy and modesty testify to the true enlightenment of a person.

A good husband is never the first to go to bed in the evening and never wakes up the last morning.

well written historical novels cost more than history courses.

A person spends most of his life in uprooting from his heart everything that sprouts there in his youth. This operation is called gaining life experience.

A person who has not followed his calling is unhappy, he becomes gloomy and sad; he suffers, and suffering breeds bitterness.

A person needs to experience strong feelings in order to develop noble qualities that would expand the circle of his life.

Too easy success, exclamations of surprise - a sign of the fragility of fame; you cannot pay with the same coin for a rope dancer and a poet.

To reach the goal, you must first of all go.

To appreciate beautiful literary works... you need a vast, developed intellect, peace, leisure and a certain tension of the mind.

In order to judge a person, at least one must enter into the secret of his thoughts, his misfortunes, his unrest.

The main work of the greatest Frenchman is The Human Comedy, this is a huge work, a “picture of morals”. Creation Honore de Balzac constantly revolved around the relationship of a man and a woman. The marriage of parents played a significant role, the mother was 30 years younger than her father, she, according to rumors, gave birth to her youngest son from a wealthy neighbor. His first lover Laura de Berni, a married woman 22 years older than him, also helped to penetrate the psychology of women. But his greatest love is a Russian subject E Velina Hanskaya, whose hand he sought for 16 years. Later, this dramatic story was filmed by Solage in the film Balzac's Big Love.

Evelina is the wife of a wealthy Polish nobleman. She fell in love with the novels and stories of Balzac. In 1832, she wrote him a letter, signing it Outlander. After 10 years, Hanskaya became a widow, but for a long time Emperor Nicholas I did not give permission for remarriage. In 1847, Balzac comes to Russia to ask for her hand, but she refuses him. In 1848, he stormed it again, and Ganskaya agreed. March 14, 1850 Balzac married Evelina. He wrote to his close friend Madame Carro: “Only you must learn from me about the happy ending of the great and beautiful drama of the heart, which lasted sixteen years. Three days ago I married the only woman whom I loved, whom I love even more than before, and I will love until my death. They went to Paris, where Evelina devotedly looked after him, he died five months later, leaving his wife as his only heiress. Today we remember the most famous sayings Balzac about love.

A woman knows the face of the man she loves as well as a sailor knows the open sea.

He who can manage a woman will also manage the state.

My further advice on relationships with women is based on the knightly motto: "Serve all - love one."

The jealous man does not really doubt his wife, but himself.

True love is known to be ruthless.

A woman should belong to the man who will save her from problems.

Only the last love of a woman can compare with the first love of a man.

This is how men are arranged: they can resist the most intelligent arguments and not resist one single look.

Love is the only passion that cannot endure either the past or the future.

Marriage is a war between a man and a woman, the winner gets freedom.

To be honest, inaccessible to the world and a courtesan for her husband means to be a woman of genius.

A man loses if he doesn't win anything. A woman wins if she doesn't lose anything.

A woman loves victory over a man who belongs to another!

The inability to make a mistress out of his wife proves only the failure of the husband. One must be able to find all women in one woman.

Women tend to prove the possible on the basis of the impossible and object to the obvious, referring to premonitions.

Marriage must fight the all-devouring monster - habit.

No one becomes a woman's friend if he can be her lover.

TOP 10 best quotes Balzac on other topics:

He who seeks millions very rarely finds them, but he who does not seek them never finds them!

Never provide services that are not asked for.

A terrible, unceasing struggle is waged by mediocrity with those who surpass it.

Glory is a bad commodity. It's expensive and doesn't last well.

Until the age of thirty, some people can still be trusted; but after thirty you can no longer trust anyone.

By confessing his weakness, a person becomes stronger.

Where all hunchbacks, harmony becomes ugliness.

Money is needed even in order to do without them.

Noble people more easily forgive an offense inflicted on themselves than injustice in general.

Nothing helps us to prolong our life like the certainty that our death will make someone happy.

Honoré de Balzac, born May 20, 1799 in Tours. French novelist. Author of such works as "Albert Savaryus", "Shine and Poverty of the Courtesans", "The Marriage Contract", "The Duchess de Lange", "Gobsek", "The Custody Case", "Eve's Daughter", "Drama on the Seashore", " Eugenia Grande", "Golden Eyed Girl", "Red Hotel", "Imaginary Lover", "Maitre Cornelius", "Unknown Masterpiece", "The Atheist's Mass", "Honorina", "First Steps in Life", "Search for the Absolute", "Abandoned Woman", "Instruction", "Provincial Muse", "Forgiveness Melmoth", "Pierrette", "Lost Illusions", "Ferragus, Leader of the Devorants", "Shagreen Skin", "Elixir of Longevity", "Study of Bale" . Died in Paris, August 18, 1850.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Balzac Honore de

  • Laughter corrects morals.
  • The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers.
  • Architecture is an expression of morals.
  • The universe is diversity in unity.
  • The mocker is always a superficial being.
  • A happy person is an unbearably boring topic.
  • Time is the capital of the knowledge worker.
  • To have taste is more than to have intelligence.
  • She put everything into circulation, even the death of her father.
  • Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.
  • The key to all science is the question mark.
  • Our conscience is an infallible judge until we have killed it.
  • If you talk alone all the time, you will always be right.
  • Our heart is a treasure: waste it at once, and you are a beggar.
  • The bureaucracy is a giant machine run by pygmies.
  • A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore.
  • Making a husband out of a lover is just as difficult as making a lover out of a husband.
  • Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners.
  • No one becomes a woman's friend if he can be her lover.
  • Virtues can be harmful if they are not illuminated by the light of reason.
  • When someone wants to be destroyed, he is accused of immorality.
  • Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future.
  • A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness.
  • Lack of taste is one of those flaws that are inseparable from bigotry.
  • The only machine the pygmies can set in motion is the bureaucracy.
  • Drinking the cup of pleasure to the bottom, we find there more gravel than pearls.
  • There are people who are like zeros: they always need to have numbers in front of them.
  • There are joys that only poet with poet, heart with heart can enjoy.
  • Art is a religion that has its priests and must have its martyrs.
  • A true scientist is a dreamer, and whoever is not one calls himself a practitioner.
  • A good husband is never the first to go to bed in the evening and never wakes up the last morning.
  • Everyone helps to dig a deep hole, of course, so that everyone can fit in it.
  • In prose we remain on solid ground, but in poetry we must rise to immeasurable heights.
  • A woman is a well-laid table, which a man looks at differently before and after eating.
  • Ideal beauty, the most delightful appearance, is worth nothing if no one admires them.
  • An overly strict judge often condemns someone whom the law itself would acquit if it could explain itself.
  • He who seeks millions very rarely finds them, but he who does not seek them never finds them!
  • In the end, freedom breeds anarchy, anarchy leads to despotism, and despotism leads to freedom again.
  • Loneliness is a beautiful thing; but you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a beautiful thing.
  • The secret of great fortunes, which arose without knowing how, is hidden in a crime, but it is forgotten because it is purely done.
  • Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only coppers into gold, but often gold into coppers.
  • At fifty a man is more dangerous than at any other age, for he possesses costly experience and often a fortune.
  • Flattery never comes from great souls, it is the lot of small souls who can become even smaller in order to enter the life sphere of an important person to whom they gravitate.
  • Talent in a man is the same as beauty in a woman - just a promise. To be truly great, his heart and character must be equal to his talent.
  • Respect is an outpost that guards the father and mother in the same way as the child: it saves the former from grief, the latter from remorse.
  • It is not enough to show that the present is higher than the past: it is also necessary to evoke a presentiment of the future, which is higher than our present.
  • In the old days the sophists appealed to a small number of people, now the periodical press allows them to mislead a whole nation, while sane organs do not find a response.
  • To be jealous of a woman who loves you would be at least illogical. One of two things: you are loved or not loved. In both of these extreme cases, jealousy is completely aimless.
  • A woman guided by reason, not by heart, is a real social infection: she has all the shortcomings of a passionate and loving woman, but none of her virtues; she is without pity, without love, without virtue, without sex.
  • Will can and should be a matter of pride much more than talent. If talent is the development of natural inclinations, then a strong will is an every minute victory over instincts, over impulses that the will curbs and suppresses, over obstacles and barriers that it overcomes, over all sorts of difficulties that it heroically overcomes.

The study of stupidity is greatly hampered because of its impassability and bottomlessness, where the complete absorption of any sounds completely excludes their reflection.

Male talent is akin to female beauty, it means a promise or an attempt to act. Truly great people have talent multiplied by character and an ardent heart in their chest.

The bit field of the mind cannot be seen with the eye, much less cultivated or plowed. The battlefield of battle where people die is easier to understand or bring to a common denominator. - Honore de Balzac

All people hide flaws with an attractive shell, sweet skin or beautiful forms.

Beauty, attractiveness requires a subtle connoisseur or a grateful observer, otherwise pretentious forms are worth nothing. Then the chic and brilliance fades in lack of demand and oblivion.

The bureaucracy is a gigantic grinding machine without principles and purpose, which is led by pygmies.

Depravity from birth is always social, coloring itself in the color of its habitat, evolution and reproduction. - O. Balzac

With those who transcend mediocrity, it wages an uncompromising and constant battle for total annihilation.

Heaps, sometimes chaotic, of all kinds of stupid circumstances, including great fiery passions, are called life in which we are only subjects of vassals.

Read the continuation of Honore de Balzac's quotes on the pages:

Together, sometimes you can overcome such difficulties that you would never have been able to overcome alone.

The battlefield where the mind fights is more terrible than the battlefield where people die, it is more difficult to cultivate it than arable land.

Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.

An ideal marriage is possible only if the spouses lived with each other before the wedding ...

Passion speaks badly.

Lies degrade a person.

Two people can save each other where one perishes.

Selfishness is the poison of friendship.

The mocker is always a superficial being.

Slander is indifferent to nonentities.

Circumstances change, principles never.

An addiction to collecting is the first stage of a mental disorder.

Love becomes one of the vices - old age makes it so.

Ideas can only be rendered harmless by ideas.

Cruelty and fear shake hands.

When saints unite, it becomes really scary! And I am one of those who are not even afraid of criminals ...

Everything is destined by fate, but only available to those who were patient and took when they should.

Grief is the most enduring of all our feelings.

Idea over fact.

The mind, like a country road, has its own beaten track.

All human skill is nothing but a mixture of patience and time.

The key to all science is the question mark.

Stupidity is of two kinds: silent and talkative.

A pure soul will always show only the right path.

Love for a highly moral nature is the same as the Sun for the Earth.

Idea over fact.

There is nothing inside people who always put everything out.

The most stable feeling is not love, not at all. The first place is rightfully occupied by grief ...

Seeking variety in love is a sign of powerlessness.

He revolves around her. She gives him light. This is what love is.

A terrible, unceasing struggle is waged by mediocrity with those who surpass it.

A true scientist is a dreamer, and whoever is not one calls himself a practitioner.

Strong life shocks heal from small fears.

Insolent hypocrisy inspires respect for people who are used to serving.

Selfishness is the poison of friendship.

Love endures domestic squabbles so badly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other.

Virtues can also bring harm if they are not illuminated by the light of reason.

Ideal beauty, the most delightful appearance, is worth nothing if no one admires them.

There is always a crook next to a fool.

Laughter corrects morals.

Attempts to explore the depth of stupidity lead to drowning in it.

Stepping back out of cowardice and fear is still considered a skillful maneuver.

Life is a heap of petty circumstances, and even the greatest passions are only their miserable subjects.

The condition of a bachelor is antisocial.

The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers.

Gratitude is proven by deeds.

He who is everywhere finds no interest in his person anywhere.

Loneliness is a beautiful thing; but you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a beautiful thing.

Laughter corrects morals.

The friendship of two saints does more evil than the open enmity of ten villains.

Nothing binds us like our vices.

Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.

Lies degrade a person.

Our mothers are the ones who are responsible for the future.

Talent in a man is the same as beauty in a woman - just a promise. To be truly great, his heart and character must be equal to his talent.

Where ambition is involved, there is no place for sincerity.

If you speak alone all the time, you will always be right.

Social depravity takes on the color of the social environment in which it develops.

If a person wants to have numbers in front of him, he is a real zero!

Civil courage and military courage stem from the same principle.

To doubt is to lose strength.

Public opinion does not tolerate drastic changes.

If you don't believe in yourself, you can't be a genius.

Jealousy in a man is made up of selfishness, brought to hell, from pride, taken by surprise, and irritated false vanity.

The truth is like a bitter drink, unpleasant in taste, but restoring health.

Talkative stupidity is still worse than silent!

Society lives by recognized truths.

There is only one gigantic machine run by the pygmies, and that is the bureaucracy.

Constant labor is the law of both art and life.

How sweet are criticisms from friendly lips; you believe in them; they make you sad, because there is no doubt that they are correct, but they do not hurt.

You need to see something especially good in each other, otherwise trifles will kill love.

Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only coppers into gold, but often gold into coppers.

No one will look for hidden virtues.

Never provide services that are not asked for.

Passion speaks badly.

People are afraid of cholera, but wine is much more dangerous than it.

Indifference to the fair sex in old age is a punishment for being too able to please in youth.

People rarely flaunt their flaws - most try to cover them up with an attractive shell.

We recognize as a person only the one whose soul dreams in love as much about spiritual pleasure as about bodily pleasure.

Our conscience is an infallible judge until we kill her.

A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore.

Misfortune is the touchstone of character.

Drinking the cup of pleasure to the bottom, we find there more gravel than pearls.

Morals are people, laws are the mind of the country. Mores are often more cruel than laws. Mores, often unreasonable, take precedence over laws.

To doubt God is to believe in him.

We know nothing so badly as something that everyone should know: the law.

Will can and should be a matter of pride much more than talent. If talent is the development of natural inclinations, then a strong will is an every minute victory over instincts, over impulses that the will curbs and suppresses, over obstacles and barriers that it overcomes, over all sorts of difficulties that it heroically overcomes.

They don't hang their beliefs on the wall.

Fame is a poison, useful only in small doses.

A noble heart cannot be unfaithful.