Mass riots in Kazakhstan. Many dead and wounded

In principle, on LiveJournal, the main thing that was in li-ru is, except for this article.
(only links not linked yet)
I will complete it with three posts.

BLOOD OF ZHANAOZEN. Waste "new world order". Why the world media is silent about the Kazakh execution. Part I

On December 16, an armed team, called "special forces", shot the workers in the town of Zhanaozen, then at the Shetpe station. 16 people died. That's how it was. A video that hit the net on December 20.

Earlier, a video filmed by a "special forces" got into the network (we will consider what kind of "special forces" this is separately). For the only time in the entire recording, the camera in the mobile phone was clearly fixed on the last frame, where the teenager threw something - it is clear that this frame was the goal of the shooter. Here is the video with the strange title:

We will return to the video, but first we will see how the information spread. This is no less informative side of the event than the videos themselves.

Before the video, there was a powerful throw-in of disinformation, after which the media and most bloggers fell silent. World news such as "Euronews" reported general phrases about the "riots", passing over all the details in silence. Which is still kept. We'll see why below.

How was disinformation made?

In Russia, they learned about the event on December 16 from a series of hysterical publications with the words "rebellion", "war", "coup", a hastily fabricated video and statements by Kazakh officials, also circulated in the news in the form of interviews and speeches. After that, the network was filled with "globalization" publications about "American snipers", "the hand of the West", "NATO intrigues", "color revolutions", "extremists shaking the situation", "terrorists undermining the world", "opposition politicians settled in London" .. in a word, oh external forces based on internal enemies. The Internet and the media discussed all this until December 20 - the date of the appearance of the real video, after which they suddenly got water in their mouths, and the topic almost disappeared from the information field.

Here is that initial video disinformation:

A few more videos followed, made on the same order and about the same, but in total they give an accurate picture. Here is a typical publication, from a St. Petersburg resource.

Let us cite several official statements by Kazakhstani officials, absolutely of the same type, made, no doubt, on the basis of a not very smart text brought to everyone, which people reproduce from paper or from memory. Here is President Nazarbayev, who is thoroughly lopsided, shaking his finger:

Since videos about the latest Kazakhstani events tend to disappear, we will quote the key passage verbatim:

The footage shows that the president, the prosecutor general and others call the building made of plastic and chipboard a Christmas tree. It is very difficult to set it on fire. Therefore, it was burned for a long time after the "outrages" and the suppression of "outrageous elements" by shooting citizens by "special forces".

The video, which was filmed after the execution, shows how they are trying to burn the Christmas tree once again.

In general, the only frame with a blazing Christmas tree was made using a flammable liquid, gasoline or diesel fuel. Take a look at the spot of fire on second photo with a Christmas tree - there is nothing more to burn here. This had to be done due to the fact that the screenwriter of the virtual "Zhanaozen events" got into his head: a shot with a burning Christmas tree would be very effective. As we see, yes. The result was a shot, albeit with the help of diesel fuel, and the plastic performers had to burn and burn after the arrival of the "special forces" on the square.

Another evidence of the use of a flammable liquid is this three-second shot with a poster of the Nur Otan party, where diesel fuel or gasoline is burning on the pavement. In the Kazakh "political" Matrix, "nur otan" is an analogue of our "ER". Neither eyewitnesses, nor authorities, nor people protesting in support of the workers of Zhanaozen in other cities say a word about any anti- and inter-party showdowns, there is no other symbolism of the Kazakhstani "ER" in any frame of any video anymore. Nevertheless, the cameraman takes a large picture of the poster, moreover, before sending it to the fire, the cameraman's partner spreads it and holds it in front of the lens so that the audience can clearly see the name of the ruling party.

The props did not even come up with the simple idea of ​​the absurdity of the appearance of this frame in a video about the "outrages of criminals." Who filmed this according to their script? A couple of "bandit criminals" who brought with them a wall poster, which here, on the square, even has nowhere to hang? And whose video camera then became a trophy for the police? And why should they bring it, burn it, carefully remove it? They, as we remember from the briefings of the president and others, beat, crush, attack with knives and shoot at law enforcement forces, which is why they receive return fire. There is something wrong with the poster. Maybe the police filmed it? Then a legitimate question: why are you standing here and filming instead of stopping the atrocities? This is probably the most fake shot of all the fake shots. And he is needed for the sole purpose - for the official Kazakhstani authorities and public leaders to prophesy something about the "opposition government politicians criminals" who are "subversive" and "behind these riots".

In continuation of the frame, we look at the next one - in it the character lights a strip of green matter in the same fire. Further, in another video, there is a frame where he tries to light the Christmas tree from the other side with the help of this strip. Why is this? In a country where Islam is practiced by everyone indigenous people(meaning the Kazakhs), the green flag can mean only one thing - the banner of the prophet. In the hands of one of the "bandit thugs" in the picture below, you just see this flag. Mocking him, which is done in front of the camera, tearing and burning is an insult to Islam. Neither Kazakhs nor Russians allow this in Kazakhstan, only a group of script performers does it, and when there are no people around, only on camera. The manipulation is completely conscious, designed to show that the "bandit elements of Zhanaozen" are the enemies of Islam. In fact, this group acts in concert with the "special forces" and the scriptwriters of this action, and we will see this below.

Now pay attention again to first frame with tree. The horizon is clear. There is no smoke. Public figures of Kazakhstan talk about 46 buildings burned by "bandit elements". In the first dezo video, there are shots with columns of smoke over the city, but they rose later than the events on the square. Look at least all the videos filmed before the execution, there are countless of them - nowhere is there a single column of smoke from a burning building.

The first two buildings light up very sharply directly on the shots of the execution. Take a look. In the first frame of the video taken from the column of "special forces" who started shooting at people as they approached the square (, you can see how smoke is coming from the basement and the main the entrance of the building closest to the "special forces".

This is the same building of "Ozenmunaigas", which in the news and speeches of the leaders of Kazakhstan allegedly broke into, allegedly committed a pogrom and allegedly burned the "elements". Because of what, supposedly, the "special forces" arrived. Pay attention to the following building in the "special forces" video. There is no smoke. Now let's look at the video from the window of an apartment building, where the convoy continued to move and shoot. Here is a shot of both buildings.

The smoke from the Ozenmunaigas building has noticeably thickened, and the densest clubs are pouring from the neighboring building. Only a few seconds passed between the two frames. It is clear that in principle there can be no arsonists from among the "outrageous". These are prepared fires. They begin suddenly, when a column of "special forces", shooting at people, moves to the square. Suddenly, but not for the column of murderers. They did not even slow down, "special forces", as evidenced by the video filmed by one of them from inside the column. Although the video briefly shows that from the main entrance of the building "Ozenmunaigas" thick clouds of smoke poured very sharply. They go to the square to kill, and what happens on the right along the way is not unexpected for them. Why? Yes, they just know what will happen there, other people are in charge of the houses - the executors of the script, and the script was brought to all participants. The next video shows that no one from the column moved towards the houses that were suddenly taken up, they go to the square to kill people, then they start running, they kill and finish off - you can see everything for yourself.

What exactly is involved - incendiary grenades, mines, some kind of charges - in this case it does not matter, the main thing is that the people on the square, whom the "special forces" came to kill, even the mythical "bandit elements", are not involved in these fires. No one will set fire to the foyer and especially the basement of the building with some powerful charge while inside. Just as it will not do it from the outside, being in the line of sight, less than a hundred meters away, on the line of fire, on an empty avenue, in front of a column of armed persons who opened fire. These two shots leave no doubt that the burning of buildings and the advancement of "special forces" are points of the same plan, part of the same scenario.

Remembering the first dezo video, we will find footage with smoke pillars just from this, the second building, blazed before the eyes of the "riot police".

Events on the square - "outrages", fake "attacks on law enforcement officers with cold and firearms"and not at all a fake execution - they went on as usual, arson - their own. It all started on one side of the square, with an ordinary crush (this video has almost disappeared from the Internet), ended on the other - by execution.

Addition. 12/30/2011 a video appeared on the network , where a freak from the "elements" team throws a bottle and lights a tree; therefore, the arsonists are a crowd, and the "police" correctly shot them - a conclusion is drawn. In fact, the building blazed from the INSIDE, powerfully and IMMEDIATELY, and the "police" video itself confirms this. We look at the porch of the main entrance: the 13th second - there is nothing, the 16th second - from the first floor, from the foyer, clubs powerfully burst out in one gulp (and the foyer is not small - photo in the materials of the "blog tour", about which below, confirms this). A powerful incendiary device, comparable to a gas cylinder, went off inside the building - that's what happened in those 3 seconds. No bottle of this can be obtained. The bottle is the same clowning that "outrages in the square", it only lit the tree.

By the way, not a single frame from the akimat (city hall), police station, court, bank, building of the Ozenmunaigas company, other state institutions, offices, offices, enterprises, where the thugs "outraged" before they were burned, is not on any video . Which is absolutely incredible, since among the thousands of officials, clerks and other office people, not to mention the police, security guards and video surveillance operators, at least one overwhelmed camera phone should have been found. And the frame with the "thugs" and "arsonists" was supposed to decorate all the videos about the "outrages of the elements." And since there is no such frame, then there were no "outrages" with arson.

More to the word. The first dezo video contains a huge number of plans. From the ground, from a height, in the city, outside the city ... It was made for more than one hour, more than one operator had a hand in it. 46 buildings allegedly "elements" were burned. And nothing. Complete zero about pogroms and arson.

Now let's see what the scriptwriters-falsifiers had in mind, allowing the "first persons" to voice nonsense about "burning the stage, and the police bus."

What virtual "riots" were made of, and then carefully created material evidence of "outrages" - in this video. Look - it's not even a fight, but just a crush and noise. The organizers of the "independence anniversary" led a costumed festive column of riders, dressed in national flags, right through the place where the workers who had been on strike for seven months usually stayed, the police parted the workers in a living chain, naturally, there was noise and crush, "hot" rushed at the column and the organizers opinions, wishes, apparently, cries of "shame!" (we will be grateful to people who speak Kazakh if ​​they translate what sounded in this video, and it would not hurt to go through others). And then, blocking all wishes, the speakers on the stage turned on powerfully and songs with the refrain "Astana-Astana ..." thundered out - this can not be translated, and it is so clear that these are songs of court musicians like our Gazmanov and Co., and sing the center of universal Kazakhstan welfare and prosperity. The workers ran onto the stage, overturned the speakers and left calmly, without touching anyone and without trying to additionally smash and burn something.

And then the most interesting. When the people went to the other end of the square and the surroundings of the stage were empty, a group of rats appeared, which began to burn the speakers, demonstrate poses, in a word, "outrage" on behalf of the masses.

Then "law enforcement forces" entered the square, shot people, or, according to disinformation, "took the situation under control." On the video, filmed after the shooting, dumbfounded people, the hysteria of an elderly woman, the dismantling of yurts ... And then the same characters returned and continued in front of the cameras prepare an "exposure of atrocities", climb and drop plywood elements of the stage design, drag burning objects to the fire. Now it's slow, businesslike (only one of the undersized prattled in front of the lens with a flag back and forth) and, unlike the first "outrages", without being afraid or ashamed of people - people have already realized that these "elements" are one team with the killers. .

This is how another "outrage" happened, suppressed, according to Kazakh VIPs, by "law enforcement forces" - "the burning of a police bus."

Immediately after dropping the speakers, a familiar group of undersized people (at least look for a white jacket with a hood, there are two of them all over the area) and several real workers broke the windows and the radiator and left. All the same first dezorolik.

But this part of the square is empty, the shots of the killers are already audible. You see two frames of the video "Zhanaozen atrocities" made with a two-second difference. On the first one, the “violent element” threw something incendiary into the passenger compartment, on the second, the bus stands on an empty square, the fire in the passenger compartment has just begun, the smoke is barely visible.

The bus began to burn after the murders and "restoring" order - here it is on the video after the execution.

What else is there? "Burned the yurts"? It couldn't have happened at all. Yurts are not a Christmas tree and not a stage, there was trade there, they have owners. They would have torn off the heads of these snotty "bandit elements" if they tried to burn the yurts. You can count the yurts in any "pre-shooting" video and compare it with the "after-shooting" video, in which people take apart yurts.

The second frame shows that water is poured everywhere, and there is a cistern.

This explains the most obscure of the "outrages" in the very first disinformation video. Where people for some reason roll this tank.

They do this in order to deliver water to the square and prevent the freaks from burning something. Moreover, they spill water so that it stands in a continuous puddle - freaks, accomplices of the killer squad, have already lit the Christmas tree structure, spilling gasoline next to it. And the speakers started firing. They probably also used liquid - the speakers are not easy to light, they are covered with non-combustible plastic. It is from this gasoline that people protect property.

"Burned Police Cars" is featured on three commercials. This one is on the very first video disinformation. It is clear that it did not burn - where you saw the white body and whole wheels of the burned-out cars - it's just rusty junk from a landfill. The car is overturned, garbage is thrown under the trunk, this case is filmed on a mobile phone, since better shooting will immediately reveal a forgery.

We see the same car in the pictures in the deso-publications of the "first wave" with "globalization" names "Export of the "Arab spring to Kazakhstan"? still roll and roll) and "Kazakhstan - not a new scenario of revolution, collapse and occupation" (here this scrap metal from a landfill with two of the same depicts "piles of burned police cars"). Ozenmunaigaz". So they dragged this rusty props around the city.

Continued here -

Zhanaozen (formerly Novy Uzen) is a city of regional subordination in the Mangistau region in western Kazakhstan. The population is about 90.000. Founded in 1968, has an airport. Monotown - economy: oil and gas production, gas processing plant. The city-forming enterprise Ozenmunaigas is a joint Chinese-Kazakh subsidiary of KazMunayGas, the largest oil corporation in the republic. In June 1989, in the then New Uzen, there were major riots on ethnic grounds (against the dominance of Caucasians). Since 2006, Zhanaozen has been the scene of regular strikes by oil workers making economic demands.

The current peaceful strike began on May 17, 2011. According to the trade unions, in June the number of strikers reached 18,000. The workers demanded raise wages - bringing it into line with international standards, equations with the amounts they receive involved Chinese specialists, improvement of working conditions, the creation of an independent trade union. As a result, about 2,000 workers were laid off; more than 30 activists were arrested and convicted. Some of those arrested tried to commit suicide. Due to the protests, Ozenmunaigas was unable to meet its annual oil production plan.

Two murders shocked Zhanaozen in summer. On August 2, trade union activist Zhaksylyk Turbaev was found murdered at the Munaifilterservice enterprise. The murder took place after a meeting where Turbaev initiated the re-election of the chairman of the trade union organization, who, in the opinion of the workers, was pursuing the policy of the employer. So far, the police have no suspects. And on August 24, the body of the missing 18-year-old Zhansaule Karabalaeva, the daughter of Kudaibergen Karabalaev, the chairman of the trade union committee of workers of the Ozenmunaigas company, was discovered. Oil workers believe that these events are directly related to the strike and that these crimes are an attempt to intimidate the strikers.

On December 16, the Independence Day of the Republic, the workers went to a pre-announced rally to the central square of Zhanaozen, where the city authorities, in turn, were going to hold a festive event. It is reported that the action involved more than 5 thousand people.

According to non-state media, in the midst of the rally, a police UAZ deliberately crashed into the crowd, which provoked the protesters - an angry crowd overturned the police car, after which they set fire to the police bus, began to smash everything around.

Some of the protesters managed to report in in social networks, What the riots were started by an organized group of 30 people, dressed in black jackets and hats (the striking oil workers took to the square in the working uniform of Ozenmunaigas - blue and burgundy). The same circumstance is confirmed by a video from a mobile phone posted on YouTube. After the excess, the police left the rally, but after a while, internal troops were drawn to the square, which opened fire on the demonstrators. According to the International Workers' Committee, the execution of the protesters began at 11.40 am (9.20 Moscow time). At 12.30, oil production in the area was stopped.

Human rights activists learned about the situation only after they were in the Aktau hospital (nearest major city) began an urgent collection of donated blood. All non-state media and websites of human rights organizations were blocked, roads to Zhanaozen were blocked, cellular communications, telephone lines and the Internet were cut off in the region. Twitter was also blocked in Kazakhstan.

Protesters armed with batons, broken pipes and bottles of gasoline took over several buildings. Fighting between the forces of law and order and the rioters continued until the evening. The buildings of the city akimat (mayor's office), the office of Ozenmunaigaz, a hotel, branches of two banks, 20 shops, 46 buildings in total, were burned down; more than 20 cars were burned and damaged. 1,500 marines were brought into the city by the authorities, tanks were brought in, helicopters were lifted into the air. The local city hospital could not cope with the influx of the wounded, it is reported that some of the victims were taken 150 km away to the regional center of Aktau.

From a social media post: 70 people were killed, more than 500 injured(an eyewitness informant of Zhanna Baisalova, an independent journalist from Alma-Ata, reported that she personally saw 25 bodies of the dead). Prosecutor General's Office Kazakhstan has confirmed 14 dead, over 90 injured(of which - 9 policemen). A criminal case was initiated under the article "Organization of mass riots", more than 70 people were detained.

Around 6 pm in Aktau, 300 workers went to the central square to rally in support of the protesters in Zhanaozen and were detained by the police. They were held "preventive conversations".

On Saturday morning, 17.12, an investigative-operational group headed by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic, Kalmukhanbet Kasymov, left for Zhanaozen. A few hours later, Kasymov reported that the riots had been suppressed. The Ozenmunaigas enterprise issued an official statement that their workers did not take part in the riots (and who then accepted?).

On the evening of 17.12 near Shetpe station near Zhanaozen several hundred people blocked railroad tracks and stopped a passenger train in protest against the actions of law enforcement forces in Zhanaozen. rioters set fire to the locomotive, a New Year tree, cars and shop windows were smashed, Molotov cocktails were thrown at police officers. According to the authorities, the police opened fire in Shetpe "under compulsion" in response to the actions of the protesters. Total loss: one person died, 19 were injured(including 8 police officers).

On the same day, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev made a televised address to the people of Kazakhstan, calling the rioters "hooligans". Nazarbayev announced the introduction of a state of emergency in the city of Zhanaozen for a period of 20 days(until January 5). A curfew would be introduced in the city, movement would be limited, rallies would be prohibited, photo and video filming and the use of copiers would be limited, schools would begin ahead of schedule the winter vacation. A government commission was set up under the leadership of First Deputy Prime Minister Umirzak Shukeyev to address the socio-economic, humanitarian and other problems that arose in connection with the riots in Zhanaozen.

Events in Zhanaozen came at the beginning of the election race. Elections Majilis (lower house of parliament)) extraordinary: in mid-November, President Nazarbayev dissolved this body of representative power, declaring "the need to develop pluralism and democratic processes in the country." Opposition unregistered coalition"Halyk Maidana - People's Front" demanded from the authorities postpone elections to the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan because of the unrest in Zhanaozen.

On 17.12 in Alma-Ata, Karaganda and Astana, the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan planned to hold actions of solidarity with the workers of Zhanaozen. But the police stopped the demonstrations, detaining the activists of the movement. In Aktau, peaceful rallies of solidarity were held daily on December 17, 18 and 19, gathering from 200 to 500 participants. On Sunday 18.12 in Zhanaozen, three Russian journalists representing Kommersant and were detained for several hours without explanation.

On Monday 19.12 a peaceful protest was also held in Zhanaozen. About 3,000 local residents took to the streets demanding the withdrawal of troops from Zhanaozen and an open investigation into the riots and deaths. In Zhanaozen, power supply and telephone communications are being restored, preparatory work is underway to clean the streets from the consequences of the riots, and garbage is being removed.

The investigative-operational group is actively carrying out operational-search activities and investigative actions, identifying and taking measures to detain the organizers and the most active participants in the riots and looting. Households are being searched for weapons and ammunition, explosives and stolen property. On December 20, more than 90 houses were checked, in the attics and in the basements of some of them, canisters with an incendiary mixture of gasoline and diesel fuel ("Molotov cocktail") were found. Looted property was also found - mainly furniture and office equipment from looted and burned shops.

According to the official representative, from December 16 to December 20, 38 people were brought to justice. On suspicion of committing a crime, 10 people remain detained, eight of them were arrested on suspicion of committing crimes on the facts "Mass riots" and "Looting" with the sanction of the court.

Today, December 20, everything is calm in Zhanaozen.

Today marks exactly four years since the Zhanaozen crime of the Nazarbayev regime.

On December 16, 2011, the months-long strike campaign of workers in the oil sector of the Magistau region of Kazakhstan revealed to the world the massacre of protesters by the Nazarbayev police over protesters in the city of Zhanaozen (Novy Uzen). According to official data, as a result of the events of December 16-17, 15 people died, but according to eyewitnesses, at least 60 people died, about 400 were injured. As a result of the Jesuit trial of the leaders of the oil movement, 13 activists were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 3 to 7 years. Any attempts by oil workers to hold actions in support of the convicts were nipped in the bud.

Kazakh oil workers demanded a salary adequate to their work and responsibility. They demanded, scary to say, respect themselves.

The Kazakh authorities delayed the inevitable negative consequences of their policy until the very presidential elections of 2011 - a total cut in social guarantees, rising prices and tariffs. And immediately after the elections, the pent-up spring of unpopular measures was released, hitting the citizens of the country with all its force. And already in April 2011, Kazakh workers responded with their own counteroffensive - on April 17, a thousand Kazakhmys transport workers went on strike, on April 21 - at the Donskoy GOK in the Aktobe region, at the end of April fermentation began at the Karaganda enterprises of Arcelor Mittal Temirtau. In May, the struggle of the Mangyshlak oilmen began.

Kazakh oil workers demanded a salary adequate to their work and responsibility. They demanded, scary to say, respect themselves. And demanded from whom? From precious foreign investors (half of the shares of Karazhanbasmunai is owned by the Chinese company CITTIC). From akims and police. From the Nazarbayev clan, after all.

Any bourgeois regime, faced with a real threat to its position, the omnipotence of capital and the established social hierarchy, is ready to use all means available for self-defense, including direct state terrorism. The protest campaign of Kazakh oil workers, which aimed to increase wage rates, lasted more than six months and became bloody long before the Zhanaozen massacre. There were attacks on activists, and the killings of leaders of oil workers, and even suicides of workers driven to an extreme state of despair. Faced again and again with the inability to act within the limits outlined by the bourgeois state, the oil workers were ready for extreme measures, to fight not only with their employers, but also with the Nazrbaev regime itself. Namely, in December 2011 in Zhanaozen, oilmen for the first time began to use not only economic, but also political slogans. The answer was an order: shoot to kill. The police and internal troops unleashed a real civil war in Zhanaozen.

In the three years that have passed since the tragedy, the government has done a lot to actually destroy the Kazakh labor movement, passed anti-union laws, judged, persecuted and tortured. But the movement lives on, and the future belongs to it. The very logic of predatory capitalism, characteristic of modern Kazakhstan, inevitably kindles new class contradictions. And extinguishing the hatred of the disadvantaged is not as easy as Nazarbayev and his henchmen think.

Any bourgeois regime, faced with a real threat to its position, the omnipotence of capital and the established social hierarchy, is ready to use all means available for self-defense, including direct state terrorism.

It is symbolic that on December 15, 2014, in the center of Astana, the police again dispersed a rally of workers demanding to pay off wage arrears. The class war will continue in Kazakhstan, in Russia - wherever class inequality takes away the future from some, converting it into endless opportunities for the minority, stupefied by its own omnipotence and impunity.

All these years the labor movement of Russia actively helped its Kazakh brothers, together we sought the release of the Zhanaozen prisoners. Trade unions that are part of the Confederation of Labor of Russia collected money for prisoners and their families. They organized an international campaign of solidarity, which had a great influence on the positions of the Kazakh regime in the world community. The joint efforts were not in vain - many "prisoners of Zhanaozen" are already free. On November 20 of this year, the leader of the oil movement, Roza Tuletaeva, was released.

Mass riots broke out in the square of the Kazakh city of Zhanaozen in the south-west of the country on Friday. Oil workers from the Ozenmunaigas company have been on strike there for several months: their conflict with managers over their refusal to raise wages began back in January. They have been on strike since May. “As far as I know, they were on the square, there were a certain number of sympathizers, those who somehow helped and supported them,” Anara Ibrayeva, an employee of the Kazakh International Bureau for Human Rights, told Gazeta.Ru.

At the same time, the installation of the stage and preparations for the celebration of the anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan began on the square, so in the center of Zhanaozen, in addition to hundreds of strikers, there were also ordinary citizens.

According to representatives of the Kazakh authorities referred to, at some point, the striking oil workers, armed with sticks and taking out Molotov cocktails, dispersed the festive procession and moved to the city akimat (administration. - Gazeta.Ru). As a result, the administration was burned down, hotels and the administrative building of the Ozenmunaigaz company also flared up.

The police officers who arrived at the scene tried to neutralize the protesters.

The video, which was filmed by the Kazakh channel K+, shows several dozen oil workers in uniforms breaking through barriers and climbing onto the stage. Employees at this time retreat. The strikers themselves do not behave too aggressively: they simply push away the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who come under the arm, and, having climbed onto the stage, they drop the speakers from it. After that, police sirens begin to howl in the square, and then one of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs shoots into the air and moves towards the strikers.

To know exact number detainees, as well as those injured in the course of a brawl with the police, is not yet possible: the Internet and mobile communications are blocked in Zhanaozen. According to Ibrayeva, human rights activists working on the spot, citing eyewitnesses, spoke of 70 dead and several hundred injured, including policemen. According to other sources, four people were killed.

Later, Kazakh Prosecutor General Askhat Daulbayev said that, according to him, ten people became victims of the riots.

“There are injured, including police officers,” he said.

There are also rumors around the city that a convoy of armored vehicles and special forces are coming towards them.

Human rights activist Alexander Mukha, who was on the square during the riots, told that the picture of the riots looked somewhat different. “According to unofficial sources, there was a call today to come and support the oilmen. This information was also on opposition sites, it was also distributed by mail. I do not know how and who responded, but there were not very many people on the square. A little more than a hundred oilmen and several dozen policemen,” Mukha said. According to him, at some point, someone threw an explosive package into the crowd, after which the riots began.

The human rights activist does not rule out that this could have been done by order of the local authorities in order to provoke the strikers to illegal actions, and then detain them.

“As for information about special forces and armored vehicles, I didn’t see anything like that there. There weren’t very many police,” Mukha said.

The opinion of the human rights activist regarding possible provocations is not unfounded. The fact is that the oilmen have complained before that they Cell phones threatening messages come in, and in August two murders took place in Zhanaozen at once. On August 2, trade union activist Zhaksylyk Turbaev was killed, and three weeks later, the body of the 18-year-old daughter of the chairman of the Uzenmunaigas workers' committee, who also supported the strikers, was found on the outskirts of the city.

In the evening, the chief prosecutor of Kazakhstan, Askhat Daulbaev, announced the opinion of the authorities on what had happened in the city, calling the riots "criminal actions of a group of people."

“Peaceful citizens who had gathered in the central square to celebrate the 20th anniversary of independence were attacked by a group of hooligans,” Daulbaev was quoted as saying on the official website of the Kazakh Prosecutor General’s Office. — Grossly violating public order, the offenders attacked the police, overturned the Christmas tree, destroyed the yurts and the stage placed on the occasion of the holiday, and set fire to the police bus. A group of hooligans began to beat the civilian population and smash cars parked near the square.” He noted that the attackers used firearms and bladed weapons.

“Cars were burned, ATMs were looted,” the prosecutor general added.

He stated that criminal cases had been opened on the facts of mass riots. On behalf of the head of state, an investigative-operational group headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan flew to Zhanaozen. They plan to "identify and punish the organizers of the riots, restore public safety in the city."

A popular revolt matured in the Mangistau region, where the city of Zhanaozen is located, in early 2011. The country's largest oil companies are located there. The workers asked through the unions for an increase in wages, were indignant at the too high wages of colleagues from China working with them, and also proposed to reduce the workload and introduce coefficients for harmfulness. However, negotiations between the management of the company and the trade union ended with the signing of documents in which the oil workers allegedly refused preferences. The workers were outraged by this moment, and they decided to change the head of the union, but the company's management refused to recognize the legitimacy of the new one. Another spark was the persecution of a union lawyer who was sentenced to 6 years, according to law enforcement agencies, for organizing unsanctioned rallies. The workers' strike began on May 17, 2011. In June, the number of strikers in Kazakhstan reached 18,000, unions say, adding that people now demanded the return of oil production enterprises to state control.

The strike on the main square of Zhanaozen has been going on since July 8. On peak days, seven to eight thousand people gathered there. The union claimed that the city was surrounded by police posts. In response, people burned party cards. Local residents helped the strikers, including food and money.

I think that those people (including those who consider themselves leftists) who put forward conspiracy theories of external forces regarding the current conflict in Kazakhstan, it will be useful to get acquainted with the history of the conflict, which has been going on for more than three years.

"The city-forming enterprise of the 120,000-strong city of oil workers Zhanaozen (until 1992 - Novy Uzen) in Kazakhstan is Ozenmunaigas, a subsidiary of JSC Exploration Production Kazmunaigas (part of the state oil and gas company Kazmunaigas). Ozenmunaigas works at the field Uzen (annual production volume - 6.3 million tons). Another field in the basin - Karazhanbas - is operated by Karazhanbasmunai (50% each belongs to Exploration Production KazMunayGas JSC and Chinese CITIC). For more than three years, the conflict between oilmen in the Mangistau region has continued " Ozenmunaigaz and Karazhanbasmunai, on the one hand, and their employers, on the other.

On March 1, 2010, Ozenmunaigas employees went on strike to protest against the switch to new system wages. Until March 18, according to official data, from 1.5 to 3.8 thousand people out of 9.1 thousand did not go to work. As a result of the negotiations, most of the demands of the protesters were satisfied, the head of the company, Bagytkali Bisekenov, resigned.

On October 21, part of the workers of Ozenmunaigas did not come to work, protesting against the detention on charges of drug possession of one of the active participants in the strike movement. On October 26, the strike was called off.

In early May 2011, 10 Ozenmunaigas workers went on a hunger strike.

On May 27, 1,500 employees of the company went on strike in support of the hungry. The protesters demanded an increase in wages from the average at the enterprise 250-300 thousand tenge per month to 500-600 thousand tenge. Workers of Karazhanbasmunai joined the protests.

On June 2, about 450 oil workers gathered in Aktau near the regional administration building, demanding a meeting with the governor of the Mangistau region, Krymbek Kusherbayev, in order to convey to him an appeal to Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

On June 28, Exploration Production Kazmunaigas JSC announced a possible reduction in the consolidated volume of oil production in 2011 by 4% from the previously planned level of 13.5 million tons. main reason were called protests.

On July 3, British singer Sting, having received information about pressure on oil workers and trade union leaders in Zhanaozen from Amnesty International, canceled a concert in Astana in solidarity with them.

On August 2, in Zhanaozen, trade union activist Zhaksylyk Turbaev was found murdered at the oilfield service enterprise of Munayfieldservice LLP, a contractor of Exploration Production Kazmunaigas JSC.

On August 9, the Aktau city court sentenced Karazhanbasmunai trade union lawyer Natalya Sokolova to six years in prison for "inciting social hatred" and "violating the rules for organizing and holding meetings, rallies, pickets, street marches and demonstrations."

On August 24, near Zhanaozen, the body of 18-year-old Zhansaule Karabalaeva, the daughter of the chairman of the trade union committee of one of the departments of Ozenmunaigas, Kurdaibergen Karabalaev, was discovered.

As of September 1, 2011, 991 employees of the Ozenmunaigas branch and 993 employees of Karazhanbasmunai JSC were fired due to participation in illegal protests.(Source - Kommersant)

External and internal forces may try to take advantage of this conflict. But this does not mean that you need to put the cart before the horse, falling into conspiracy theories, which have nothing to do with either leftist ideology or materialism.
I also hope that our employers and government officials will take into account the bitter experience of their Kazakh colleagues and will not bring the people to such a state. Otherwise, you will have to pay too dearly for your policy of saving on people.